1926 09 28 The Tan and Cardinal

Page 1

Chew Up the Bearcats at Cincy


l\1iss Mildred K. Moore Injured In Auto Wreck WF/r STREET IS CAUSE

All Occupants Pinned Beneath Car As It Strikes Bridge Abutement. Miss M'i ldred K . Moore, a fre shman in the college, lies in a serious condi­ tion in Mercy Hospital in Columbu as the re-suit of an auto wreck which o:cur ed Saturday afternoon at the Alum Creek bridge on the 3 C's high­ way. Miss Moore wa s on her way to Cchimbus w ibh her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs., W . E. Coler, o f Mari o n wJ1en the accident occured. Miss Moore suffered a double frac ­ ture of the pelvis bone, a broken rib , and numerous laceration and 'b rui es o f th e face. Mr. oler may hav e con ­ cussion o f the brain , ho pital auth or­ tate. Mrs. Coler ha only minor Moore, who wa· driving the edan, upon approaching the brid"e noticed another ca r abo ut to enter. She suddenly applied bhe brake caus­ in g the car to skid on the wet pave­ ment and strlike the abutment of the bridge. The car turned over on its ide, pinning all of the occupants beneath it. Dr. Andrew Timberman, of olum­ bu , and Mr. E. F. rite , of Barber­ to n, memb ers of the Exec utive Com­ m ittee of the college. who were in t-h e ca r imm ediately fol lowin g the Moore ( ontinued on Page Three.)


GRIDIRON BATTLES Oct. 2- Cincinnati at .Cincy. Oct. 28--Heidelberg (Wester­ vi lle Day) at Westerville. Oct. 16-Baldwin -Wallace Berea.

Oct. 23-Open. Oct. 30-Muskingum (Home­ coming) at Westerville. ov. 6-Marietta at Marietta. Nov. 16- Hiram at Hiram.

It never rain but what it pours on the Otterbein faculty o with the mo t prop r procedure pos ible we will pro­ ceed to introduce to you Prof. L. Raines (a he commonly igas himelf to bulletin board notice .) Prof. Raine s is bead of the department of I ublic peaking, the po ition vacated by I r of. Leon McCarty £or a Univerity of Cincinnati chair. P rof. Raines come to Otte r bein from the niver ity of Minne ota. H e ha also taught at the Univer ity of Pi tt burgh and at Iowa tate Uni­ ver ity . Afte r having received his . B. and A. M. degree from the Uni­ ver ity of Illinois P rof. Raine took hi graduate work at the Carnegie In-

No. 2.


Dan H arris Is Now Singing

In Philadelphia Operetta Da n H a rr is, '23, is no w singing in the oper et ta "T he \Vild Ro se" which


·s no w r unn :ng fo r a several weeks

en gag ement at the F o rest Theat r e, Otterbein Score Made By Unlucky Philad elphia. In addition he has been Move By Foe Who Cause ac co mpanying for some of the prin ci­ Safety. TWELVE MEN ENROLLED ple s in the produ cti o n. AS VARSITY DEBATERS Last year Mr. Harris studied voice Otterbein's Tan and Cardinal eleven m New York City with William Stick- opened her 1926 football season last Twelve men are enrolled in Prof. le , well kn o wn American composer. Saturday afternoon with a 2 to 0 vic­ Raines·· varsity debate class. The old - -- - 0 C---­ tory over Findlay College, a non-con­ m en of the squad are: F letcher, COLLEGE ASKS JUBILEE ference opponent. Th ursday and Fri­ Kni -; ht, Kuml er, Hud ock , and Har­ PLEDGE-S BE PAID NOW day rain with a continual drizzl at­ rold. The new men are Charle , Durst Hamp hire, La Porte, Martin, Fear of Loss of Rockefeller Donation urday did not impr ove the condition of the home gr id iron. Open football Mayer and orri . Increases Impettts of Collec­ was out of the q uestion. The que tion for debate for the com­ tion Officials. Otter bein attempted fiv e pa es, one ing year is the one debated by the Uni­ of which was :mccessfu l for a gain of ve r-S:ity of alifornia and Weslyan A meeting o f the Executive Com- even yards. Captain Burrell, Find­ U niversi ty in '25 and '26. The qu e m ittee of the c ol lege was held laS t lay cente r, intercepted one and the ti on is "Res olved: That the Pre ent a turday aftern oo n in the o ffices of othe r three were incomplete. Find­ Gov rnmental Tendencies in Pre iclen-t W. G. Clippinger to form- lay attempted the aerial game twice. Uni ted tates to Restrict Per onal ulate plan s fo r the collection of the un- Both passe were incomplete. Libert y is to be Condemned." Th paid Jubile e pled 1es. Over $164,000 Early in the second quarter Find­ que tion s hows much opportunity for in pledges st ill remain unpaid which lay carr ied the ball to Otterbein' 25discu ing prohibition, ,i ncome tax and further mean that the re i $75,000 yard line from mid-field but lost the o ther restrictions cla ed a per onal awa hting Otterbein in the office of the pigskin 011 down . J' berties. Gen eral Educa•tio n Board to be paid Findlay's Chance Cut Off. Debate so far have been arranged o rrl y aft er all Ju bilee pledge have Findlay's best chance to score wa wibh Heidelberg, Hiram and Ohio been paid to the college. cut off by time at the end of the fir t or-them. ince the contract with the General half. After B urrell intercepted Weav­ Educa-tion Board expires J anua ry 1, er's pas he car ried it twelve yard to 1927 it i' very nece ary that the col- Otterbein s 34-yard lin e. triple I lege colle'cit all of the Jubilee money pass with Copeland finally carrying t,he to get the money from the Board. A ball took the ball to Otterbein' 22number of men will be employed to yard line. Two plays between guard rganize the territory and promote the and tackle took the ball to the IO-yard collection of the fund s. The labor re- line. A line play was foiled. Martin stitute of Technology. The ational qu ir ed to collect money is almo t (Continued on page th r ee.) ----0 C---Collegiate P layer as ociation claim eq ui valent to that expended in the hi1n a vice-pre ident. origina l campaign. WILL REQUIRE MONTH If the col lege doe not sec ure enough TO GRADE NUT TESTS P rof. Paul E. Pendleton ha been a1 pointed to succeed Mi s Elva Lyon (o cla im the Rockefell er gift, a '!lumber who r esigned two years ago to pursue of new donation will have to be o­ Member of the facu lty a(e hard at work at Columbia University. Prof. licited. The oll egc i now appea lin g work grading the paper of the int 11 ( Continued On P age Two ). Pendleton come to Otterbein from igence test which wa taken la t - - - - 0 C---­ We tmin ter College, Penn y lvania. week by 170 Fre hmen and 72 up p r ­ Cap and Dagger E1ec s. He received hi Ph. B. from Denison c.lassmen in the department of cluca ~ The recent elec~on held by Cap and tion. It ,is hoped that the gradi.n U niversity in 1919 and hi A. M. fr om th e niver ity of eb ra ka in 1922, the Da.q-ger. local dramatic society re- may 1be completed within a month . faculty of w h'ich chool he wa later ul ed in the following per on being The te t, which i the ame given in a memb r . P r of. Pendleton is a mem­ elected for the en uing year: Pre i­ obher college of Ohio, will erve a a,, Bechtolt; Vice-Pre i­ aid in diagno ing tudent difficul t ie_. ber of the Modern Language A ocia­ dent, Franci d nt, Duane Harr old ; ecretar y, B tty By it the more brilliant tudent may ation. hite ; and Tr a urer, Edward Ham­ be elected and the particular bent of During a one year's leave of ab euce mon. Continued on Page Five.) cacb one determin d.

r - New Professors Secure Educations ln Many Schools Throughout Country



SEPTEMBER 28, 1926.



-~~a:g~e;;;T ~w~o~= ===========F ==========~~~~~~=~TH E TAN AN D '--C.:_A~ R:..'.:lJ:..'.I:._::~A:_:L : . : : = = = = = ~ = == == = = = = = = ~

Rain Interferes With Annual Frosh Bonfire WOOD COLLECTION IMPEDED Football Squad Introduced Amid Cheering at F irst Pep Rally Of Year. Last Thursday evening th e co llege chapel was th e sce ne of the year's first football rally. Lusty cheers and rousing college songs showed that Ot­ terbein' s team ha s a crowd of enthu­ siasti c rooters behind it this year. Last year's yell lea der , Lawrence Marsh, directed the cheering assisted by Clarence Shank leton and Walter K . S helley . Mr. Marsh also announ­ ced that a position is ope n for a feminine yell leader, if any. Amid frenzied chee r s the squad st ragg led bashfully to the platform, where its members were th e embar­ ra ssed objects of univer sal scrutiny. Coach Ditmer in a short speech paid sincer e tribute to thi s yea r 's squad, empha izing the fact that our team, while not large physically, is composed of fight er s, and that "football is the glo ry of the thinker and the fighter." Prexy appeared next upon "the ros­ tum" and seconded "Dit's" speech with a few remarks. After the si nging of the "Love ong" the crowd adjourned to the a thletic fie ld. The old gravel pit there made a natural amphitheater fo r the imposing bonfire erected by the Fresbman .men, in accordance with ancient tradition. As the flames leap­ ed high the fir st year men joined in a snake dance and proved by their cheers that they are al ready loyal Ot-

~===========, , I NEW MAY GROUP REGULATIONS KAMPUS KALENDAR SOON BE REALIZED Tuesday, September 28Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. Meet at 6:30 p. 111. Thursday, September 30Philalethea at 6: 15 p. m. leiorhetea at 6:20 p. m. Frida y, O ctober 1Philophronea at 6: I 5 p. 111. Phi lomat hea at 6:30 p. m. Saturday, October 2Football at Cincinnati with Un iver ity of Cincinnati . Sunday, October 3Sunday School at 9 :30 a. m. hurch at 10 :45 a. 111. Chri stian Endeavor at 6:30.

As a new feat ure of t he Y t his year Reorganized System Will Soon Be a club has been formed composed of Under Way If Administration those men who went to Lake Gene~a Gives Approval. las t year. It is pla nned t hat th ,s group s hall meet every for tn ig ht at Complete details were not availabl e· least, to talk ove r th e id eas a nd sug­ last night as the Tan and Cardinal gestions rece ived whi le at Geneva, at1 d went to press concern ing the faculty to try to form some plan of applymg action on the constitutions and by­ them to the loca l camp us. At th e firS t laws of th e new Men's and W ome n's meeting which was held on Thursday, Inter-Social Group Councils which September 16, \ Valdo K ec k was elect­ h;,.ve just been organized o n the cam­ ed president. pus for the improvement of social It is felt that thi s club will se rve as \ group life. a source of s ustaining enthusia sm for At a meetmg of th e Women's Coun­ the group when it is placed in direct cil Monday evening in Coch ran Hall contact with th e r ea l ca mp us probseve ral of the by- laws were amended. lerns. As new men go to G eneva eac h Bessie J. Lincoln is the new pr esident ye ar they will be taken into the club. of this Council.

CAMPUS COUNCIL MEETS By-laws were also amended at a TO DISCUSS PROPOSALS meeting of the Men 's Co uncil held 1 ~ edne sday evening in th e Association On Tuesday and Friday eve nings of building. No other business of im ­ the past week the new ly-organized portance except for the discussion of Campus Council met and considered th e ru sh party schedule occupied the various important campus problems. attention of thi s Council. Robert The Inte r-Social Group Council by­ Snavely is the new presiding officer. law s to the council were considered The by-laws of both Councils were very ca r efully with the re sult t hat the approved by th e Student Council by-law s of the Men 's Inter-Social Wednesday evening and steps were Council were approved with the excep­ taken to place the matter before the tion of A rticl e 3, section 3, which deals Faculty with the Camp us Counc il act­ with social group initiation. The by­ .in g as an intermediar y. laws of th e Woman ' s Inter-Social A detailed account of the faculty ac­ Group Counci l we re then approved tion will appear in the next issue of the with the exception of Section I. The next important problem brought Tan and Cardinal if such mate r ial is available. The constitutions and by­ before th e Council was the propo ed laws of both Inter-Socia l Gr oup Coun­ Student Chest plan. ci ls will be published in fu ll in the In each case the actions taken by the Campu Counci l mu t go to the Tan and Cardinal when administrat ion approval is definitely effected. facu lt y for final approval.

terb ein rooters. ---- O C----

- - - - 0 C---~

Two Frosh Did This. It might be advisable for th e two Freshmen, o ne of whom was seen smoking a cigaret te on the at hl etic field, and the other of whom refu sed to sta nd a nd take off hi s cap during the si nging of the Love Son ~. not to repeat the occ urr ences.

■ll'l■llll■llll■lll l■ll ; l■ll' l■ll 1 1■1i'l■llll■llll■ll'l■lll~

Come and Try Our


- - - - 0 C----

R ain Coats, men 's and women 's. meeti·ngs in the Southea t Ohio on - J. Norris & Son. URGE JUBILEE COLLECTION ference to aid in the collection of tht fund s. Other men will attend meet(Continued from page one.) ings in the ·o ther Ohio divisronal con - , to the people ·to help clean up thr ferences.

campaign . I As s,oon as all of the Jubilee funds . Pre ide nt Clippinger is planning thi ·: are co llected plans for a ne w gymna­ week to attend a number of group sium will be placed under way.




lllll l■l''l■ll l■ ll:l■ll'l■ll l■ll'l■ll l■ l~ 1■ 1: llt!il' l&lll Jjri

ANNOUNCEMENT Suit Demonstration

You can say -it

Wednesday and Thursday of this week, we will be assisted

better with a photograph

by V. G. Rogers of the American Art Tailors, an expert in Men's Wear.

0. C. men are

invited to come 1n and look this line over.


I e sure and drop in if for only

101 N. High

a minute.



T A • A N D


Page Three

·= ================~==

Heavy Line Will Feature Bearcat Gridders Saturday Cincinnati U . Team Averages 185 Pounds TAN TEAM IS LIGHT Home Squad Boasts of Only F ive Letter Men in First Con­ ference Game. An exceptionally heavy li ne w ill be a featur e Qf the Un iversi.ty of Cincin­ ati Bear catk team when the Ta n and Card in al eleven meets it o n the Cincy grid iron next Saturday afternoon. Th e U. of C. lin e wiH have an average of 185 pound . Captain "Tiny'' Her­ man and " R ed" Bo lton, a two hundred pound end, promise to be -th e outstand­ ing tar for the Bearcats. The back­ field w ill be r ather light according to advance publicity. The Unive rsity of Cincinnati will have nine letter men and fo ur men , who just missed lette rs last yea r, a a nu cleu s aro un d which th e .team may be built. The Bearcat s' pro bable lineup will be: l. e., Grasfe lder o r H erzi g; l. t., Hallerman or Single; I. g ., Mayer or Nimmo; c., Borneman o r Barr ett; r. ,g., Dost o r terrick ; r. t., Herman ; r. e., Bolton o r Thornbury ; q. b. , William ; I. h., William ; r. h., Quinn; f. b., Fi scher o r Gerv er . Wh ere two men are listed the ma n who wi ll tart ,th e game will be decid­ ed by a t o -up. George W . McClar­ Gn, Pit•t sb urgh , is the h ead eoach of the Bearcats. Otte rbein will on ly be ·able to pre­ . ent five letter men in the first confer ­ ence ga me of th e sea on next Saturday. T he letter men are Captain Snavely w ho wi ll play one of the half back posi tions; Crawford, quarter ; Pinney, end ; Lambert, g uard : and chea r, ce nter. The Tan team will be lig h te r th an it wa la t year. The line will hardl y average o ne hundred and sixt y- five pounds. The back field w ill average close to a hundred a nd fift y- five pounds. The probable starting line-up i as follow : Pinney; I. e. ; R eck, I. t.; Yochum or Cline, I. g.; chear, c.; Lambert, r. g.; aul, r. t.; Minnich, r. e.; Crawford, q.; W av er, l. h .; navely ( C ), r. h.; Wurm, f. b.

SEVEN MEN REPORT FOR VARSITY CROSS COUNTRY even me n r eported to Coach M . A. Ditmer last wee k in answer t o his call mor Cross Co untry men. A ll of th em a r e new to the cross co un try game but five of them hav e had var sity track expe r ience. The five with varsity ex­ per ience are Chee k, E r isman, Hicks, Martin and Keck. Those who have been taking r egular work-out s in ad ­ dition to those mentioned above are Hatton and Young. T here i~ prospect of a dual cross­ co untr y meet with o ne of the larger O hio Con fer ence schools before th e Big Six meet. Arrangements have not been completed however .

- -- - 0 C - - -­ TAN TEAM DEFEATS FINDLAY BY 2-0 SCORE (Con tinu ed fr om page o ne.) made 3 vard s off tackl e. A do uble pas nett~d fo ur ya rd s and the half ended with the ball in Fi nd lay's posses­ sion o n Otterbein 's 3-yard line with fourth down and touchdown to go. Otte r bein failed to get within scor ­ ing di tance in th e fir t half. The Tan team 's fir t chance to scor e came early in the th ird quarte r. P inney kicked off and the ball was downed on Findlay's 23-yard lin e. Two line plays gained two yard s. Cope land punted 25 yards to the SO­ yard line. Weaver lost fou r yar d around encl. Snavely punted fifty -five ya rd to the ten-yard line. Castor ran the ball back eigh t yard s. Two lin e p lay gained three yard s and a bad punt gave Otterbein the ball on Find­ lay' 17-yard line. F indlay held for downs. Tan Misses First Down. Find lay gained twenty-seven ya rd on three plays, o ne a twenty-yard run by Martin but Butler fumbl ed and Lambe rt recover ed. Wurm mad e three yard t hrough left center. nav ely lo t a ya rd off tackle. A pas nave ly to Pinney gained even ya rd s. navely neaked thirty-five inches but lacked o ne inch of making fir st down. F ind­ day' ball on Findlay' 23-yard lin e. An exchange of punt and one first down left the ball in Ott r bein' po e sion on her own 27-yard [n t he fo urt h quarter two play

---- 0 C--­ MILDRED MOORE INJURED (Continued from page one.) edan brought the victim to Dr. C. W. to ugh ton , ho later sent them to Mercy Ho pita! in amb ulances after rend ering fir t aid. A few moment afte r the accident a Mr. Merriott, of Galena, driving a touring car, ran into the wrecked ·Moore ca r. ne other car went in the ditch a th re ult of being unab le to pa th e wreck. Late t informatio n from the ho pita! indica te t hat the vi cti m s are p rog re ing nicely.



3¾ ................................

fo urt een yard s. Snavely punted to mid-field but the F ind lay safety man fumbl ed and Otterbein r ecover ed on her own 45- yard line. Two plays gained seven ya rd . Snavely punted forty - ix ya r ds against a strong wind to F indlay's 12-ya rd lin e. Burrell made a bad pa s to Copeland who downed back of his own goal line. F r om then on the p lay was in mid­ field . Captain Snavely' punt ing fea­ tured the game. Wurm gained con­ sis tentl y two or three yard s to an at­ tempt through the lin e. A slippery fi eld hampered Weaver's runni ng. H e ra n t he only two punts h e attempted to catch a t otal of eigh teen yard s. The line played head up recoverin g several Findlay fumbl es. Castor, H yte a nd Copeland played best fo r F indlay. Line up and summary: O t terbein 2 F indlay 0 P inney L . E. Copeland Reck L. T. Reese Y oc hum Hyle L. G. Schear Bur rell (C) C. Lambe rt Abbott R. G. Saul R. T. Beach Minnich R. E. Taylor •c rawford Q. Ma r tin Weaver L. H . Huston navely (C) R.H . Butler Wurm F. Castor Substitutions: Findlay, Williams for

TWENTY-THREE FRESHMEN ANSWER EDLER'S SUMMONS The fir t call for Freshmen footba ll was is ued last Tue day by Co a oh " Deke'· Edler, and was answered by twenty-three fir st yea r men. Very little has been done during the past week, becau e of the failure of equip­ ment ,to arrive. However, all eq uip­ ment is now on hand and the Frosh are "rarin' to go". This year' Fro h squad may aver­ age higher than is customa ry in we igh t, but li tt le ca n yet be said abo ut the expe r ience t hey have had. One thing is vt!ty evident and that i that m ore fir s t year men are needed for practice. A I least fifty men should be on the quad fro m this years' class, twice a many as there are now out. C'mon, Fre hmen , let s gol Castor, B renne r for Abbott, Smith for Williams, \ .Y hi stner for Beach, W ill­ iams fo r Ca tor, Smith for Huston , Brenner fo r Hyte. Otte rbein made no substi tution . corin g: afety by Copeland. Referee: Well (0. S. U.); Umpire: Pfeiffer (Denison) ; Headline man : Ros (0. . U.). Patronize O ur Ad vertisers!

Charter House Suits For College Men Ready-Made a1nd Cut-to-Order



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6 .................................... $2,30

Rexall Drug Store I E. College and State \.l;;== = == =========~

THE UNION "The Home of Quality"


Page Four




th t this move Board of Control an d a te the . . nse abroga does not m any se . ecretarY• · a lumm sd f Con· idea of a f u 11 tune Published W e.ekly in the Interest of the Boar d0 everY t d I At a very ear Y a e Otterbein College by the Editor of the Tan and Cardinal: T o the Editor of the Tan and Cardinal : trol w ill go into the matter aih1 office OTTERBEIN LITERARY · t put t e At the very clo e of the last school In the last is ue of the Tan and CarSOCIETIES effort w ill be made O h Gen· Westerville, Ohio year, a new organization, The Cam pus di nal, attent ion wa called to the fact on th e basi con tem?l~ted of ; ; ideal Member of the Ohio . C.ollege News­ Council , was created and a comp'ete that Mr. H . W . T roop had taken up 0 era! Alumni Association f cretarY, paper Association. change was made ii n the method of \ the work of the department of Eco­ pe rfo rmance of the office ~ .se greater STAFF control of the Tan and Cardinal. Innom ic and Bu iness administration in EDITOR-IN-CHIEF financial support of alumni 111 WAYNE V . HARSHA, '27 a much as the tudent body at large the college. Some account of the measure will be necessary. d 88 Plum Street Phone 455-W. knows little or nothing abou t the c I condition occa ioning thi move i due L A. Weinlan , , . . Alumni Ass u. NEWS EDf~?i~E w. NORRIS, '28 tw o matters, I am wri tiir~ thi letter al umni, especially those who upported Secretary Otterbem financially the wo rk of the alum i CONTRIBUTING REP.ORTERS- of explanation. ---o c ­ The Campus Council, established on offi ce la t year. Claude Zimmerman, Elizabeth .Les­ CLEIORHETEA her Mary Thomas, Lillian Shively, the recommendation of the Student The colle e department above nan1ed Gl;dy Dickey, Raymond Gates, Council , is composed of four Faculty ,·a left vacant by the last minute . hetea Thurs· John Hudock, Philip ~harl~s, Ken ­ At a meeting of Cleior membe r , chosen by the Faculty, and re ignation of Professor Raymond . ogra111 was neth Echard, Clyde B1elstem . four membe r of the tudcnt Council. Phelan . A vigorou attempt wa day nigh t the followmg pr ATHLETIC E1?J?t~IDDOES," ,27 Its function is to examine and report 1nade by Pre ident Clippinger to fill Dorms Editor .... Margaret Kumler, '26 on either favorably or unfavorably, .Olive H. oli the po itioo, but the lateness of th e olo ····· ··············· Alice B!uu1e Local Editor ············ Karl Kumler, ;28 all matter going from Faculty to hou r and other circumstan·ces made it Exch. Editor .... ltrnestine Nichols, 27 Farce ······-························ Coruetet tudent Co uncil and vice ver a. tmpo ible to accornp li h this. The Special Features .............. Verda Evans ,. , d Dicit) P 1.ano S o Io .................... Grace BUSINESS MANAGER, Futher more, it may propo e to th ese Board of Control of lum.ni Relations Satire ································~:au:rite Blott ROBERT E . MUMMA 27 two bodies, on it own initiative, any held three meetings workin g over the Piano olo ................. ,M g Hinds A si tants ................ Ros~ C. Miller, :2 8 Lon n Surface, 29 matter pertaining to the intere t of the matter, becau e it ecmed that the only Histor ical ketch •······· F rance whole campus. Hence the name, olution of the difficulty was to replace CIRCULATION MANAGERPiano Duet. Banner RUTH HURSH, '27 " Campus Council." The aim for it Mr. Troop in the P rofessorship va­ Mildred Wilson, Marguerite Mildred Wil on , '28 mem'bel'S i to forget that they are cated by Pro[e r P helan, inasmuch Katharine Myer , '29 - - - 0 c - . g for Faculty members and student and to a thi had been his line of work be­ Cleanin Margaret Duerr, '29 . & SonGive us y0ur D ry Margaret Edgington, '29 h,ink of themselve a repre entative fore hi lecti n as Al umoi Secretary. prompt service. E . J. Norris Address all communica~ions to the /Contin ued On Page Six) lt wa - finally decid d that if it be­ Adv. O tterbein Tan and Cardinal, Lambert Hall 103 West College Avenue, Wes­ came ab olutely 11ece ary for Mr. ridiculou when compared to tho e of Tr P to carry on the work of thi te rvihe, Ohio. Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year, Otterbein. profe or hip, he hould do so provid­ Payable in Advance. hat is needed , however. i a var­ ed uflici nt help were given hi~ so Entered as second class matter Sep­ tember 25 1917 , at the post-office at 'ati on 111 the typ e of enforcement. t~at h cou ld at the ame time super­ Westervill~, Ohio, under act of March Th e ar i y "O" ociation might vi e the work f the al umni office, to 3, 1879. . l ·pow r, provided the th end that th ~ ork be done. as efficiAcceptance for mailing at s.pecia r~te wi lling. to inflict ntly as it was la t year. Thi plan of postage provided for in Sec~1on 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917 , authorized p ·111i hm cnt on vi lator : but su b nied in v ry ·way to be atisfactory April 7, 1919. puni hment h uld b m ted out for Mr. Tro P, and h ha entered eco nd offe n es only. Fir t offen es into his dual relationship with hi EDITORIALS hould I e r p rted to the Men' characteristic vigor and cheerfulne s. -:enate and the alleg d violator be THE. FROSH REGULATIONS It seemed wi e, considering the fact made to appear before a court com­ that the alumni program is still in the po e9 of member of the Men' Se11ate experimental tage, to avoid all un­ eeting of the tudent Too many ti'11 inn-OC nt Fre hmen y evening the nec sary exp nditure of money to the have been wrongfull accu ed and nd th Fre M n' rule ~ at our budget did not involve u pun i hed. nt ch which mig · 111 debt. WE ALSO DYE SHOES op a e re a u (We are willing to venture that not It hou ld be known po itively .that the ini , wa enior could ing the college th~ college authorities were not the tly to the M nate. udden.ly jerked ngs aft-er being 27 WEST MAIN. ST. pn me mover in thi matter, that the Westerville, Ohio tbe 1)a t f Irom hi bed and threatened by a· men­ whole plan wa wo rked over by th e om for ' (n '"( pac\dl or a ducking in the chilly to the •a er of \um ; and don't get the idea 1 wer we are tryinq; to protect the Fro h­ we are nly trying to b fair. l • H ' ,·i e 1 riat ion may he ted privil om •the ar i t th i plan appea th ndition of our e onciliatory tob m r ccur. ward the admini tration. 111 re fair to of certain men in th the and a better mean o! , itv " •· A ociation in puni effe tainin t!1 \rue oal of Fr-rshme n for alleged violation last the uncil. spring arou sed th ir f the college ac l,ninist ration. ln an attempt to .1111 Ii rate conditi n colleg fficial ha,•c sugges ted that the ~~ula:io n be revi ed . . 'o rlif!icultie:s hav b n t I by th(' \\ om.en' w•th iolation among th women o \I c may well relinqui h our attention from hat pha e of the matter. The Men· ena e 1 now con idering the matter of better enforcement or r vi i As far a revi ion may be cone h are 11ece The largest, finest, and ·h d llerY in wit out doubt the best equippe ga in en Reg America for produc1·ng h b h ·c Art. t e est known to the Photograp i a lf ly and n for in fa1 olum p itiv THE OTTERBEIN COLLEGE ·

Timely Topics of To-day



New Shoes for Men


11"/zere You Have Always Been Pleased


Your Photo if The Old Reli


HOME COOKING Plate Lunch-25c


Will Be Best.

Rich and High Sts.





Page F ive

JESS HAWLEY TELLS H a wl ey. " Wi thout co urag e, in te llecPROFS GET EDUCATIONS FOOTBALL SECRETS t ua l capacity, bra wn, skill-all sink inIN MANY SCHOOLS I to nothin g less. (Continued from Page One) No ted Dartmouth Coach Reveal'> "Two years ago Larry Leav itt , P ro f. E. W. E . Schear's place will be . How a Light Team Can Win Dartmouth fullback, gave a strikin g 1 taken by Prof. F . A. Hanawalt who By Rhythm. illu stratio n of what sheer co urage will do. We had gone up against a is to be the head of the Biology de - I ---partment. Prof. Hanawalt's place wi ll I J ess 8. Hawley, famous Dar tm outh team that di splayed unexpected abilbe temporarily filled by P rof. Albert football coach whose team last year it y. Leavitt wa s not in the best H. Wil son . P rof. Wil son received his smashed time and again through ph ys ical shape, and we were holding B. S. at Earlh am College and his M S heavier opposing lines, winning every him back for what we con sidered a fr om th e Univ ersity of Chicago; he has game played, says that 'the secret of m ore impo rtant gam e. Toward th e a lso ser ved as the head of the depart- th e spectacular Green successes lies end of the last half ,however, the ment of biology in both Geneva and in rh ythm. score was a no thin g-to-nothin g tie, a nd T rans ylvania Colleges. He is a mem" Rhythm , mo re than anything el se, the ba ll was in our possession in th e her of Sigma P i. is the facto r responsible fo r such sue- middle of th e fi eld. '' L eav itt begged to be sent in . He Both Don R. Clippinger and How- cess as I have had as a footba ll ard Menke are now full time profes- coach,'' he writes in the October is- was. With him the team found just sors in the departments of chemistry sue of Popular Science Monthly, re - one weak spot in the opponent's line and mathematics, respectively. vea ling ho w he has appli ed science - just one. Again and again L eavitt to fo otba ll to obtain his spectacu lar plu nged through that spot. Hurt, 0 C Chapel Choir Established. res ult . " Tim ed unison in thinkin g tired , .a nd battered, he wo uldn 't quit. and acting gives eleven eager men Every time he hit he gain ed fr om The chapel ch oir composed of J ohn on a football team an a lmost irresist- th ree to four yard ; nev er m ore; Hudock, L a wrence Miller, Mary Mills, ible advantage over another eleven never less. With tear s in his eyes, Mae E ubanks, Lewis Frees, Viola that has not learned to co-ordinafe but with joy and trem endo us courage Peden, Betty Gre ss and Prof. A. R. pes,sard mad e its in•rtial appearance th e a ctio ns of indi vid ua ls into team in hi heart, he fought on until he had rh ythm. I t is one of the most essen- smashed his way across th e g oal lin e yes terday. tial quali t ies of a successfu l football - winnin g th e gam e for Dartmo uth ." team, both a s an offensive and as a - - - - O C - -- defen ive measure. I have proved PLANS BEING MADE FOR '. hi s, tim e and again, during m y years FROSH-SOPH DEBATE o f coaching at Iowa and at Dart1 Jans a re now b ein g made for the mo uth." It is a n engineering fact, he points Fres hman -Sop hom ore debat e whi ch out, that eleven men, timing their mo- will be held sometime befor e Chri t­ ny tion s with an exact ness · that enables mas, by Profe so r L e ter R a.ines. the eleven to hit the opposing li ne as one wishing to ent er should leav e hi one man , can smash throu gh much name and ubje ct, whi ch can be sec ur ­ hcav ier op ponents with an ea se that ed fr om t-he P ubli c pea k ing Bull etin wo uld be utte rly impossible if the Board outs·i de Room 9, with P rof. hock of attack were untimed, un yn- Raines. ch r nized, with o ut rh y thm . Try-out will begin next Mo nd ay ''Po ibly th e best example of the afternoon at any time convenient to value of ry thJn in football I can cite the entrant. The try-o ut will con · t G. R. Kershaw, Mgr. i a play made by Dartmouth in the of a four minute a rgumentative peech 1 '

Student Lamps Book Ends Club Room Furniture JOHNSON FURNITURE CO.




EAT AT Hitt's Restaurant Cleaning and Pressing Pre~sed by Hand or Steam.

Fall Samples on Display.

WELLS, The Tailor Cor. of State and Main


Chicago game last year. Dartm outh kicked off to Chicago. Ou r end , of cour e, we,nt down with the ball. A Ch icago player tried for. it, but mi sed. T he ball str uck his headgear a1~d bounded toward age, of Dar tmouth , " 1 ow remember, every Dartmouth playe r was acting in timed unison . age saw the break, knew that if be broke rhythm and tried for it, he probably would recover the ball fo r Dartmouth, but he al o kn ew that the Dartmouth lin e wa three or fo ur trid es behind him and that Captain 1 arker was in unison and moveme nt wit h him. He would th row Pa rker' s playing off if he broken unison . By count, age contin ued hi p lay, whi ch was to get b_i man o ut of the way for j Pa rker, o the latter could get the ball an d get away with it. '· age did just that. Rather than break the perfect team r ythm, Sage pa ed up tbe opportunity to gr a nd tand. He undoubted ly could have recovere_d tb e ball, and ju st po ibly mig ht not have been downed in his 1 track . But he kn ew, without once ' t urning hi head to ee, that Parker wa in rhythm and tb_at Pa rker wou ld be o n the ball at the exact in tan t a e wa blocking the Chicago play­ er, whi le the Da rtmouth line was get­ ting into act io11. "The r e ult was t hat Parker ran th ir ty yard for a touchdown." " Courage, the great self-effacing I h art - f a man , that is vital," declares




Patronize Our Advertisers!

of any of th e P i Kappa D elta propos itions li sted on the bull etin · board. Membe rs of th e va rsity deba te squad are not eligible. ---- 0 C---PHILALETHEA - --umerous gue ts we re presen t a t the electi on sessio n of P hil a let hea last Thu rs day ni ..,h t. M us ica l selec:ioll'; c0113 isted o f a p:a no solo by Be ie L incoln, a voca l solo by Ethel Kep ler, a nd a n in strum enta l tr io com posed of Ma rga ret H a ney, Ru th H a ney, a nd Helen May, Isab ell e Ru ehrmund. Martha ha wen. a nd Mab le P low ma n spoke extempora neo usly. Th e followin g office rs we re elected : V ice Pre i­ de nt, Mary M c K enzie; R ecording ec retar y, Ru th Hayes; Cri tic, Bessie Linco ln ; Ce nso r, R unh Mu elman ; haplain, I sabell e R uehn:nund ; Cor­ res pondin g Sec retary, Mary Thoma ; T reas urer, Ma r ia n H o llen ; Librarian, Audr e K eiser ; Chori ster, Ethel K ep­ !er ; P ia nri t, Y.i ra Du n mire. - - -- 0 C - - - CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR "T he Mina tur e Otterb ein W a tchword ' ' magazin e o f Chris tian Endeav­ or, Section A, went o ver big on Sun ­ day nig ht, reachin g the millionth ma rk in a les. The tabl e of co nt ent read a s fo llo w : Cove r pag e, E th el E uv ara rd ; S tor y, "Valu es", Marcella H enry; " Rambl e J ourn eys", Katherine Mcye ; Mu ical reading , Alice Propst; vocal du et J ohn Hudock and " Larr y" Miller ; in stru me nta l duet, George Ro hrer and Jack Zimmerm an ; violin olo, La ere Breden ; joke Ruth ea­ man ; ed itoria l, Mab le Eubank . Th r ading f the ma azin e wa enjoy cl inten ely by every ub scriber pre ent, fo r it wa well organized and p cd all the qualities that mad e for its well de erv ed popularity.

Parker and Sheaffer PENS and PENCILS There is one made for you. We would be pleased to show it you. They have that LIFE-TIME SERVICE We have a 30-Day Trial Service. Come 1n, let us have a Pen and Pencil Talk.

"NATIONAL LOOSE-LEAF NOTE-BOOK" Made in Black Texhide, with

Ball-Bearing Lever Ring Booster.


.. ,.


Page Six

Kurtz, Pascal, Rosewood, 0 . W eav: er, Lois, Dayton, 0. Bromeley, Robert, Indianapolis, Ind. ½ ' illiams, Wendell, Canton, 0. S te imer, William H ., Anderson, Ind. Barnhard, No la, Westerville, 0 .

New Students (Continued fr.om ilast week)

Jones Richard W ., Westervi lle, 0 . Long, Alice R., Lebanon, 0 . NEW JUNIORS Long, Kathryn M ., Dayton, 0. McC lain, Ronald, Warsaw, 0 . Bauer, Allen H ., Batavia, 0 . McClary, Martha, Dayton, 0. Blackburn, Harold, Rarden, 0 . McCowen, Edward R ., W h eelersBright, James A ., Van lue, 0 . burg, 0 . Hatton, Ellis, Grand Rapids, Mich. McMullin, Whitmore, Dayton, 0 . Hay s, B. Vivian, Dorset, 0 . Martin, Lydia Jane, Cleveland, 0 . Hook, Thelma, Topeka, Kans. Matz, Catherine Elizabeth, MansMcCowen, Clara F ., Whee lersburg . field, 0 . Moore, George M., Lima, 0 . Mi ller, Ev~lyn June, Peru, Ind. Shufelt, Grace, Albion, Pa. Mi ller, Jesse, Westerville, 0. Wa lker, Gladys, Nova, 0 . Mi ller, Sarah E ., Coshocton, 0. Wolcott, Helen Marie, Homer, 0 . Miller, William F ., Dayton, 0. Wysong, Myrtle, Eaton, 0 . Moody, Carl, Westerville, 0 . Moore, Mildred K., Marion, 0 . NEW SENIORS Moore, Sarah L., Lima, 0. Moorehead, Raymond, Reynoldsburg Burkhart, Roy, Dayton, 0 . Moreland, Helen, Jamestown, Pa. Kirts, Freda, Etna, 0. Mildred 0 . Morri s, Columbus Grove, Ralston, Stella M., Mt. Solon, Va. Ohio. Smith, Grover E ., Westerville, 0 . Murphy , Mildred E., Burgoon, 0. Teff, Helen L., Bucyrus, 0. NEW SPECIAL STUDENTS Neff, Kenneth H ., Port Washing­ ---B urkhart, Mrs. Hazel, Dayton. ton, 0. . Nichols, Esther, Dayton, 0. Hoskinson, Wm. E., Westerville. Ormsby, Clara, Bradford, Pa. Nease, G. S., Westerville, 0 . ____ 0 C _ _ __ Payne, Fred, Jackson, 0. Puderbaugh, Franklin E., Dayton. PHOTO TAKING FOR 1927 • Reck, Hilbert W., Middletown, 0 . YEARBOOK B EGINS TODA y R ennison, Boyd, Cleveland 0. Ritchey, William J., Altoona, Pa. Both th e business and editorial Robin o n, Joseph, Bristol, W . Va. sta ffs of the 1927 Sibyl are rapid ly Rup e, Caryl H., Dayton, 0. gettin g plans for thi s year' s annual Scheidegger, Helen, Cortland, 0 . und er way. The indiv,idual pho to­ call, Lucy Y., Circleville, 0. graph for th e organization and clas Seitz, Emerson, Columbus Grove, 0 . group s are 'being taken thi s week, Senff, Grace E ., Canton, 0. beginning today. Time of sittings m ay Shaffer, Arlie M., Willard, 0 . be ascerta ined from rhe li st o f ap point­ Shaffer, George E ., Fostoria,O. ment s on th e bulletin board. hawen, Charles E., Dayton, 0 . Th e co ntra,c t for t,he eng ravin g work S heesley, Anna C., Harrisburg, Pa. ha a lready been let, a nd bid s ar e bein g hela, Geneva M ., Sciotoville, 0. received for t-h e printing a nd bindi ng.· S hell ey, Walter K ., Westerville, 0 . The theme o f thi s year's book may not S him er, L eona M ., L ebanon, 0 . be d ivulged until th e vo lum e i•s off th e S immernacher , Harty A., Willard. ·press. Smith, Eileen , Greensburg, Pa. - - - - 0 C- - - ­ S nyder, E verett G., Lebanon, 0 . P H ILOMAT HEANS H OLD STAG Somm ers, Charles R., Chillicothe. S pahr, E vangeline M., Decatur, Ind. ~veryone ~ ,ho at! end ed_ Phil oi:i a th ­ Spangler, Oliver K. , Harrisburg, Pa. ea s stag sess ron Fnda y ni g ht enJoy ed S proull, Lola z., Tunnel Hill, O . th e proJ ra m a nd eats to th e g rea tes t Sproull, Wilma R ., Tunnel Hill, 0. ~xtent. K .,. F . Echard g~ve an " OrigS teckman Hugh Altoona Pa. ma l St ory ; L. E . Hi ck s read an ' ' ' "E- ssay " ; an d C· P • Kohr gave a S ton er , Josephine , Dayton ' 0 . 1 J · · Boyer conducted I oquy." S witzer, Zoe E ., E. Palestine, 0. r ' O 1·1 T own se nd, Raymond Irwin, Waterford , 0 . Trout, Mary, North Baltimore, 0. Vance, John E., Greenville, 0 . Van Gundy, Mildred, Lancaster, 0 . VanKirk, Herman C., Greenville. Vernon , Daisy S., Westerville, 0 . Wainwright, Anna M., Zanesville. Wainwright, Dorothy K ., Marietta. W h itehead, Charles C., Middletown. \¥ iddoes, Emmor G., Westerville. Wise, Charlotte Fay, Willard, 0 . \,V ycoff, Catherine E., Buffalo, 0 . Zinn, Arley Troy, Parkersburg, W . a.


Order Your


@,tattnuery From


I a n interes t,ing peri od of parliam entary ALUMNI ASSOCIATION cL·ill. Prof. R. F . M a rtin a cted a s toa s t­ maste r, and Professors J. S. Engle, A . H . Wil so n, P. E . Pendleton, and F. A . H a na wa lt spoke extempo raneou sly. Fred Miller favored socie ty with a cor­ ne t solo, J . W . Hudo ck sang a solo, .whil e W . J . Ritc hey played a piano solo. On e ·new m emb er, . Eve rett Boye r, o f J ohn s town , Pa., was received into society. Singing of the " Love S o ng" con e! ud ed the gathering.

- - - - 0 C- -- TIMELY TOPI CS ( Continued from Page Four.) o f ·the big Otterbein fami ly. vVith s u ch a spirit animating it and the two bodies which created it, I believe this Ca mpus Co.unci l will do wonders -in pro moting a spirit of harmony among us. A s for t~ e co ntrol of the Tan and Cardinal a very little explanation wi ll suffice, Thi s paper was formerly co ntrolled by the four Literary Socie ties. Last y ear, the se Societies re linquished their control and •turned t he Tan and Cardinal over to the Student Council with the s tipulation t hat it, in turn, s hould commit the di rect management to a Publication Board of Control , the members of w hich are to be chosen by the Council. The membership of this Board con ­ sis·ts of two Faculty members and eight s tudents, one from each Litera ry Socie ty and th e o th er four, two men and two women, from the s chool at la rge. This arrangement will I think . prove f airer and more satisfactory to' a ll concernecj than the old way, once good, but now outgrown. Sincerely yours, Perry Laukhuff,


- -·-

Otterbein has a new publication in th e form of a quarte rly a lum na) bulletin. Thi s ne w magazine is intended for members of the Alumni Associa­ tion . Th e fir st is ue, which ha been out only a s hort time, is 16 pages, and gives some idea a to what future i . s ues will be like. It i primarily de­ vo ted to alumni intere ts. However, a small section is reser ved for col­ lege ne w s. College athl ete , of cour c have their place in it. It i p lanned in each iss ue to have some feature article con erning the college. The article in the current i . su e has to do with th d velopment of science in Otterbein a nd wa written by Prof. L. A . Wein la1_1d. The editoria l staff is composed of t he Alumni Council and i headed by Prof. Horace Troop.

- - - - 0 C- - - P atronize our advertisers I ma ke t h is p aper possible.

The Up-to-Date Pharmacy RITTER & UTLEY Headquarters for Fin e Pipes, Tobaccos and Cigars. F ountain Pens and Pencils. E astman Kodaks and Supplies, and everything usually found in fi rst clas s Drug Stores.

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SWEET CIDER Pure Fr-esh Cider, made from sound ripe apples, a nd placed in our coolers t he same day it is m ad e, containin g NO preser vativ es. W e can supply you w ith Fresh Cider in any q uantit y at any t ime.

½ Gallon, 30c

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CAMPFIRE MARSHMALLOWS Direct Shipment from Factory Just Arrived. Best for Salads and Toasting. O ne Pound Tins, 5-P ound Cans, 10c Packages a nd B ulk.


NEW SOPHOMORES Spring, Viola, Marysville, 0 . Bright, Mildred, Vanlue, 0 . Moore, Alice, Lima, 0.

iBurkryr Jrinting Qtompany






My Roommate Says:

T ha t one sur e way to recogni ze Ca rl Eschbach , '26, Ralph T in sley. fr es hm en is by th e at hl etic vigo r they '26, and Ra lph Roye r, '25, we r e here display in get ti ng t o chapel. visiting Lakota friends. Ca rl is in That sh e nev er qu ite r ea li zed th e Y. M . C. A. wor k in North Canton. t ru e va lue of a '' two spot" until Sat­ ''P ickle'' Pha lo r and F r ed Steven. urday afternoon .



Ca rl Stai r, "Doc" Stoughton, and Virgil Willets vis ited Cook House friends. Ffenry O l~o n and "Tiny " L eite r were back as guests of J o nda friend s. Lakota en tertain ed a numbe r of frcli men and new men lait Saturda y eve ning at the C lu b H o use on West Pa rk St. Coun tr y Club he ld a stag party fo r fre sh men last night.

---0 C---

Prnf. West To Address Rotarians. T h at ne xt to a footba ll game the vi site d Sphin x friends. Professor Jam es P. West, treas ur er of th e coll ege, wi il address th e Rotary most exciting thing she can think of is Ma ri o n Drury, '26, from Dayton, a mo use in the dormitory. spent the week-end with Country Club Cl ub of Cirdevi ll e Thursday eve nin g o n " Financing the Ame ri can Coll ege". That her one f!Xc u se for legali zed men . m urd er is r eading another 's diary. Harold Molter has r et urn ed to Mary B e.le Loomis spe nt the week­ That she wishes she were a frosh school after a seve r e operati on and end at her home in L ogan. pro!onged illness. agai n so she might rate a little. Kath erin e Pollock, Ladybird Sipe That if she find s a little extra time Kent Sprinkl e, now a stud ent at and \,Va nd a Ga llagher were the week­ t hi s year she_ has h alf a notion to Ohio ta te, visited fri ends here. end g uest s of th e Owl Club. st ud y some. Meredith Osbourn e, '20, visited Mable Bordn er spent W edn esday That one way to pop ulari ze a co ur se P hil otas last week. and T hur sday wi th the Gr eenwich is to assign librar y work to a class of Club. C larence Nicho l , '26, now teac her forty-th ree w ith two books o n r ese rve of science at F rey Junior High of Miss Mildred Lee, of Dayton , was in th e librar y. · Sp r ingfield, 0., r eturn ed fo r th e Otth e g uest of t h e Owl C lub over the That she's trying to get her Chapel te rb ein-Findlay game as the g ues t of week-end. seat changed as she can' t stand the the Philotas. Henry Davidso n, '25, Miss Mi ldred Mayer, of Dayton, was necktie her Cha pel teller wea rs. was also a g ues t after the game. the g ues t of Marga r et Duerr over Sat­ That ome frosh catch on easyT he P hil ota s ente rtained a numb er urday and Sunday. and oth ers don't. of first yea r men with a stag feed at K a th eri ne S tein me tz spent Saturday T hat th e g reenest frosh she's heard t hei r rooms and th e "Tea fo r Two" and Sunday at her home in Greenville of yet is the one who asked the Head pado rs 'Nednesday even in g . Joseph Edna Heller motored fr om Canal of th e Ed ucati on Departm ent if he Ma y ne, '25, was among the g ues ts Winchester, where she spe nt the week- had any " hay" courses. pr esent. en d. She ·was accompanie d by her That if you a k her we've had ome Dwight B lauser, now teac hin g in mother an,d the Misses Seymor~_.. and migh ty good C. E. meetings late ly. Gr a ndv iew, Columbu , was back to see Caslow. , ! That the Freshman Bonfire this An n ex men. "Jake" Wh ite, " Red " The list of g uests of th e Gr een­ yea r was about th e hott est yet. Camp, 1elson Ca rpen ter, and Walter wich Club over th e week-end includes - - - - 0 C---­ Ca r pe nter a l o visited Annex fri ends Betty McCabe, Ruth treick and P r esident Appoints New S ecrelast week. Ma ry Va nce. ta ries To Succeed Miss Bowma n. Mrs. Sch ea r entertained the Owl Announcement was made la·s•t wee k Clu b and th eir little sisters, with a by P r eside nt W. G. Clippinger of the dinner party, Sunday evening. appointment of Mrs. Roy Burkhart, Ma r ian S navely was h ostess at a Dayton, and Mi s Ve rda Evans, Ca n­ part y given Wedne day evening in ton, a sec retarie to succeed Miss honor of her cousin, Miss Margaret Ma ri e Bowma n who recent ly resigned Lesh, fr om Oregon. to accept the po ition of as,s istant reg­ Miss Lucille Von M eter was the istrar of the Cleveland Extensio n of g ues t of Helen Gib on over Saturday Western Reserve l niversity. and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. ichols vis ited A pus h was given fo r Marjo rie E rn es tin e and Ma rjorie and brought a Copela nd Saturday night by her sis­ ter. delicious birthday box to Marjor ie.


See ':Them Jl.c





Mr A lt man entertained th e ArMr. St. J o hn , Lea h St. J oh n, Etta Shreiner and Ma ry McKenzie spent cady C lu b S unday night with fried unday in Delaware at Mary's hom e. ch icken a nd home-grown melons. Ruth Snyder Wi llet visited the Talisman Club ove r the wee k-end. 1•

When You Want

T he Lotus Club gave a birthday pa r ty, Thur day eve ning for Ruth Seaman .

Quality and

F lorence Rauch was th e gue t o f th e Arb ut u Club over the week-end.

Fair Prices

Charl otte Owen's moth er, father , broth er and sister -in-law vi ited her unday.

go to

T he T. D. Club gave a waffle push, Sat urday n ight, for "Shor ty" Wid­ doe s, who was their guest ove r the week-end.

The ·State St. Bakery 39 N · State St.

"Bobby' ' Cruit gave a dinner party Friday night, fo r the Onyx Club.

A Good Selection of Place Cards, Candles, and Favors.


Phone 493- J.

18 N. State St.

~===============:i '~==============================d

i l.!..

Page Eigh t THE TAN




STUDENT CHEST PLANS I President Clippinger DeDISCUSSED BY COUNCIL livers Sermon At Columbus. P res ident Clippinger de liver ed a Entire Budget Will Total Only $2,000. se rm o n to the co ng regation of th e Individual Assessments May I G 'enwood M . E . Ch ur ch of Columbu s, Be About $4. Ohio las t Sunday morning. H e em­ phasised the fact that t he Sunday Discussion of a Student Chest Fund Sohool shou ld not be expected to do Campaign to supplant the man y finan - a ll th e in st ructing of th e yo ung people cial drive s put o n by the various o r- in R eli.:;-ious Edu cation but that th e old ganizations on the campus occupi e? fo rm of family bi'ble st udy should •be the attention of th e Student Council revived. _ _ _ O C _ __ in its regular meeting last W ednesda:-· evening in Cochran Hall. STUDENT COUNCIL CONThe entire Council looked upon th e DUCTS FROSH ELECTIONS Student Chest with favorabl e eyes and voted to present th e matter to the Cam- Will Hold Office for Six Weeks pus Council which in turn would preWhen Permanent Officers Will se nt it to the Faculty. . The org.aniza- J Take Charge. ti o ns which would be 111cluded 111 th e __ _



y · TO CONDUCT MEMBER­ a la rger program than t hat of last SHIP CAMPAIGN TONIGHT ye~r. . . b t he Y. M. fh1 s budge_t is to e hest. as Budget Which May Be Included In C. A.'s sha re in th e Student ~ ·r it is Student Chest Listed By dev ised by th e St udent Co unct ' 1 Treasurer. passed by the facu lty. - - - OC A m emb ers hip campaign will be co n­ Cheer Leaders Wanted. br du cted by Geo rge Gr iggs at th e r eg u­ . I1 es t 0 try ,out·i1ter Any o ne w ho w1s, lar Y . M . C. A. m eet ing which will be held at 6:30 tonight in the Assoc iat io n the position of c h eer I e ader eistcd bui lding. · · ue a• re req Marsh m asc ul ine or fem 1mne, The budget for the Y. M . C. A. as to get in to uch with Lawrence adopted at th e cabinet meeting after at o nce. the r egular Y m ee ting, Tuesday night incl ude s th e fo llowing items: State wor k .................................... $ 125.00 Make National wo rk ............................ 80.00 s·o 1 I Y .............................................. 15.00 WOLF'S Handbook ...................................... 50.00 Note (At Bank of W estervi lle) 100.00 Your Headquarters Books ............................................ 10.00 Publicity ......................................:. 10.00 for W orld Fellowship .... .......... .... 10.00

Student Chest wou ld be the Y. M. 1 T h e Freshmen elections he ld a week c. A., the Y. W. C. A., the Varsity 1 2.go last night in Lambert Hall r eveal­ " O " Association, Christian Endeavor . ed t he following r esults: F r ed Mi ller, and the Student Council with provi s- : pr esident; Cathe r ine Long, vice-p r esi­ io n made in th e Student Council bud- : dent ; Vi rginia Brewbaker, secr etary; get for the band. The e.ntire bu~get : Morris Hicks, treasu r er. for the dr ive wou ld total 111 the neighThe class offices are only tempor­ .. ·:::::::::::::::::..................... 1 borhocid of $2,000, thus making th e I arily fill ed fo r a period of six week s; Inciden tals ....................................

~~~~~e r~ •

average individual subscription about $4.00. Individual subscription s to each organization conducting a separate dd,e would bdng the tot,! compan-

. s Meats and Grocene


Party and Pic.nic

pe rm a nent officers wi ll be elected at Total ...................... . ............ 700.00 , t hat time. Even th o ug h thi s total is less th an ' John Vance was selected as the la t year the cabin et feel s that with th e I F«shma" <epce,en,,ti,e to the Men's Pcopec m•n•sen,en, it can put on m "

tivel y high. Senate and Sarah Baltzelle was apA. O. Barnes - is the ch•im,a" •"d poi,.ted as the councilo, on the WoVerda Evans and W ayne V. Harsha m en's Senate. are members of a commi t tee to make : The elections wer e cond ucted under preliminary plans for the drive. J the superv isio n of the membe rs of the

l!•"• i












There ar e now 90 Semo rs, 104 Jun - 1 ·- ior , 118 Sophomores and 178 Fresh- I T he Y. W. a!l d Y. M . meetings were II d . the college j both largely attended last Tuesday "" men are now enro e 111 . . . . Thece " ' SJ speci,1 students m,king ,ug h_,. _The Y. OP<•ed ,,, meetmg 1 5 th ayear grand total of 543. At thi s time by Smgtng Ol.lle of t-here were 548 students reg,i last ter- !' learned, at S~ltS a e eneva. Aftere gir~s th1s It ed. Seni~ r women outnumb er S enio r a \ Vho s Wh.o program was conducted. i


Special Attention





Orders Given

•ii.iitt.iiiii;.~~;;~~~~~'.::_:~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~~ ·i ■ I I I ~ 1 • • •••• 1 ....•. . •1 1 •"•••••"•1 1 ■ 1 • 1 • ,■n•, i , •m 1 • •• .. ••• ■• j■ T 4 2 TEA ROOM

Enfor cement of the F r e:hmen Men's II S tudent Council with President Perry ,_· regulations was r eferred directl y to th e Laukhuff presiding. -¥en' s Senate. --- 0 C---

0 C -Enrollment In~r~ases.

~ ~~:~~


Try Our T~ 4-2 spec1a •l


I i I 11"" !!!

We ar ff. · e O enng to t he students a $5. so Mea i Ticket for $5. 0O. See "Al" Mayer. •_ !!!I 77 W M 1 I


IAplamed ll. the ca.bmet . m emb ers in t ~rn ex- I est ain St. Phone 39 .. . ' th eir duti es. The meeting was TAN NEW AND BOARD CARDINAL HAS closed by singin g sp OF CONTROL songs. _ ir itual negro ■l • l l ■ l !l■ l l ■!l'. l ■ IHl ■ l :! ■Jl'l ■ l 'l8Ji'l ■ m■11 ■ 1 1 ■ 1 : 1 ■ 1 :1 ■ 1 '.l ■ l 'l ■ l!' l ■ l .l ■ ! l '. l ■ l l ■ I U ■ l l ■ l .l ■ IJ ~

men two to one.


.. ,


Waldo Keck was the leader of Following a plan conceived by th e I Y . M . The Y . M. program was s imPublication Board and l.uer pa sed by ila;· to that of the Y. W . After a cor­ the faculty fast year, the Tan a nd net solo by Fred Miller t he officer 1 Cardinal has been included in th e and chair:men of' committees were in - 1 matriculation fee for this year. Here- 1 trod uced. The meeting wa th en tofore no one has been allowed to work thrown open for s uggest ion and dis­ on the taff unle s he or he were a cussion of topi cs for th e meetings of memb er o.£ one of the Literary Soci- the year. etie but as the plan now -s·tands any Q C---





one may be on the staff if .he h~s pro- , S team Pressing and Dry Cleaning ved his a bility to the sa•tisfa~tto n of •, prom p tly cared for. E . J. Norris & the Publication Board. A htrd pro- S v1 1011 tates that the ed itor-in-ch ief : on. an d the busine -ma nager a re each to '.-~ = ~= == = == = = = = =:=:; r ceive t hree hour credit for thei r 1j work. The manager m ust have taken the o ur e in general or fir t year Eco­ no mic , and the ed itor mu s t have taken Advanced Compo ition. With thi a rrangemen t it i felt •that th e 1 paper will be more o f a tudent enter­ pri e. At t he am e time it will be maintained on the same high plane that it held before. While each student is requ ired to subscribe, it 1 hoped that this •new featu re w ill tend 7 N. STATE ST. to make the enti r e student body feel a keener interest in the publication and more cager to give voice to its opin­ ion th ro ugh its columns.


GARDEN THEATRE -~~~~~;;-;;:;-;;-;-W ~ E;:-S:::.--: T E:-::R _V _:_::::, IL.:L =.:::_ E , _:O:_::_I H :_:O :___ _ _ _ _ TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER28-


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W sterville Bakery



NORMA SHEARER Lew Cody, Renee Adoree, Sally O'Neill__. SATURDAY, OCT.


M et r o-Goldw yn pr esent

BUSTER KEATON in his latest big . feature comedy

Phone 45

"BATTLING BUTLER" with :=;---


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