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V OL. 10.
No. 4.
Student Chest Campaign Opens Tomorrow 'o)
KAMPUS KALENDAR Tuesday, O ctober 12Candle Light Ser vice at Y. W. 111 Association Hall at 6:30 p. m .
Eight Campus Organizations To Attempt To Secure Budget Funds For Entire Year. Final Drive Friday.
Y. M. C. A. at- 6:30 p. m. 111 Associat ion H a ll. T h ursday, October 14Phi lalethea at 6: I 5 p. m. Cleio rh etea at 6 :20 p. m . P hil op hronea at 8:10 p. 111. Friday, O ctober 15Philomathea at 6:30 p. m . Saturday, O ctober 16-Tan Team plays Baldwin V,'allace on Berea gr idiron .
Pre liminary campaig ns for · the Student Chest Drive will be placed und er way tomorrow morning when th e budgets of the ear East R elief, Ch ri stian Endeavor, Vars ity 0. Miscellaneous and Co mmu ni ty Fund wi ll be exp la ined by representat ives of these organizat io ns. Th ur sday morn ing the Y. M. C. A., th e Y. Vv. C. A.-, Student F ri end sh ip and Student Co un cil budgets will be pre se nted. E ight organizations hope to ob ta in a total oi $2,500 in the fina l drive wh ich will be held F rid ay morning at the regul ar chape l hour; th e campaign will la t until th e q uota is secured. Perr y La1.Jkhuff, preside nt of the Student Co unc il will preside during the prese ntation of these budgets. Subscription blanks ~"ill be used to secure pledges from st ud ents. An attempt will be made to secure a ll the cash possible. Durin,g the fina l drive Friday morn- • ~- _ ,. _ ing, over which Louie orri w~ ll Sbawen Appointed A ssistant. pi:obabily pre ide, Prof. G. G. Grabi ll Charle ' E. ba-wen, of Day.ton was at the organ in company with a num- appointed Freshman assi tant b usiness. ber of cheer and song leaders will at- manager of the Tan and Ca rdin al, at a tempt to enlive n the campa ign. meeting of the Pub lic•a t ion Board BUSINESS M E N TURN OUT A numb er of blackboards will be Thursday. H eidelberg P ass, Kramer to Mahaf placed on t he chapel platform to keep a record of the contributions as fast as fey, N ets 34 Yards and they appear. Each of the classes and YOU DON'T KN OW WHAT Touchdown. the Facu lty will be placed on a comSOBS AND MOANS CAN DO Otterbein last her second conference petetive basis. The sum tota l which foot bail! game of the season last Fri each class and the Faculty must con- ===============;;, da y aft ernoon to Heidelbe rg on the tribute in orde r to make the drive a Sob s shook the dorm itory. Room loca l g ri d iron by a 7 to O core. H eid success wiM be dete rmined by mul ti mates wat ched each other narrowly. plying the avera ge individ1, 1 al gift by el berg scored in the third quarter Sudden ly an insane laug h fl oated down when a pass Krame r to Mahaffey was the nu mber in each class and Faculty the co r ridor. The pathetic ending of 'Jody. g ood for •hir ty- fo ur yards and '.l to t· ch a wai l blended ee ril y wit h a obbin p This combi ned Student Chest Drive do wn. Kram er dropki cked for the demoniac s cream. Roommates clutch is ,being ins titut ed as a n in novation ex tra point. ed each other in a deadly emb ra ce and Following a precedent set a few th.is yea r and i particularly designed moved the st udy tabl e in front of the years ago, t he busi ness men of the to eliminate t-h.e. exce s nttmber of door. ' community closed their sto res between small er drives fo r finances by the An inten e s ilence pervaded thi rd the hours of 2 :30 and 4 :30 F rid ay va rious orga nizations on th e campus . fl oor. The roommates, clad in negli 2.ftern oon. Every yea r the officia ls of If each ~f the eigh t orga ni zat.io-ns in g ees aud noi seless sli ppe rs ca utiou ly (Continued on Page Eigh t.) the town coope rate with the college in felt their way to the hall stai r way. putting on a day, known as Wester - - - - 0 C---The Dea n should be notified . Wa vill e Day. pecial rates were mad e to New Bell-Tolling Apparatus Cochra n Hall haunted? Had the un Will Be Installed T his Week. bu siness men for adm ission to th e easy . pirit of the girls of othe r tim es game. All pa rts for the electr.ic bell tolling ta ken pos e sion a nd were they mourn The coope rati on on the part of the appa ratus, which is the gift of Mr. ing the pre ent state of th e dorm itor y? town people helped to swell the at George Walters, of the clas o-f 1902, Did the returned inqum ng pirits tendance figures of F riday' s game. ha ve arrived a nd will be in tailed as notice that the broken light witch T he American flag , representing the 0011 a ex pert arrive from the facto ry had beeu fixed or did th ey re ent the town, and the Tan and Cardinal flag s, to supervise the work. fa ct that the ink pot be'h ind the door represe nting the college gave the town Mr. Walters i an attorn ey with had been retouched? At any rate the Continued On P a ge Three.) offi ces in Buffa lo. H e ga ve th e appa tale hou ld reach the ears of tho e in
Tari Gridders .L ose I n Westerville Day Tilt
0 C
ra tu to the coll ege duri11g Commence ment week la t summ er. Western Quiz and Quill Club held its first nio n officials have already removed regul a r mee tin g las t ni g ht in Prof. C. their ti.mepiece from the we t wa,l l of 0 . Altman' s cla s room. A varied the down s ta ir hall of th e A,clmini tra program was given. ti on bui lding. Quiz and Q uill Holds Meet
' I}
highe r autho r ity. It m ight prove to be a matter for the attention of tu dent Council. Who kn ow ? h, th e top stel,) in a fety. Room m ate a ga in clutch eac h o th er. (Continued on Page Eight.)
TAN AND CARDINAL TRY OUTS TH U RSDAY Try outs fo r the editorial staff of the Tan and Ca rdinal will be .' held Thursday aftern oon from •. one until thr ee o'cloc k in the editorial office in the basement of Lambert Hall. Any one in te res ted in journa lis ti c wri ting should call at that time. Several assista nts are a lso l need ed for th e circu lation staff.
Student Council Plans FAr Homecoming Frolic I 'f
"KING H A LL OPEN HOUSE Grid Battle W ith Muskingum Will Be F ~ature O f Week-End Entertainment. P lans fo r the Home-Coming cele bratio n were placed und er way at a meeting of the Student Co uncil in the reception room at Ki ng R a ll las t Vv ednesday evening. Mary McCab'e was appointed the, chai rm an and Ma rtha A l pach, A lice P ropst, J ames Phillips and Keene Va n Curen we re pfaced on the committee :o take co m plete charge of the pro sram by Pres ide nt of the Co un cil, Pen y LaukhuU. P la1is now in the proce s of fo rm ation tate that the litera ry soc1ebes wi ll have open ·essions that week encl, a g igan tic rall y w ill be staged in the chapel on atu rd ay m orn ing, a nd the footba ll game in the afternoo n with Mu kingum preceded by a pa rade of the band and the Freshmen cla s with whatever fl oats can be secured for th occasion. (Con ti n ued on P age Eight.)
- - - 0 C -~- - HALLOWE'EN FROLIC IS PLANNED BY KING MEN Th e men in King Hall are pla nnin g a big time .for vVednesday eveni ng, October 27, when they will tage a Hallowe'en frolic. The plea ure of the occa ion wi ll be augme nted prob a]Ji lity by the pre. ence of co-eel . Plan for Home-Coming ch ecble another rou ing time in the form of an open house.
Page Two
Otterbein Has Three Representatives In Latest Edition Of Who's Who Book
The ann ua l Ca ndle Light Service wi ll be a feat u re of t he Y. W . C. A. meeting in th e A ssociation b uilding thi s even,ing at 6.30. T he ·o rga nization co rdia ll y invites e very new and every old gir l to attend. An interest ing progr am was given at Y. W., ,laS t T u e day, und er the
The recent edition of Who's W ho, J from Otterbein. In 1888 he got hi s released from t h e press September. 15, I P h. D. at Woo s ter U niversity. He \';;=========== === ca rrie s the names of three members of was pres ident of Otterbei n from 1891 T h e bala n ce of sex is no lo n ger a the Otterbein F ac ul ty. to 190 1; from that t ime on he has bee n r ea lity in O t terbein Coll ege as it was Pres ident W . G. Clippinger is men- Hu litt p rofesso r of P.h ilosophy in the at t he cIose o f sc hooI Iast year when tioned as well as se vera l other college college. Dr. Sanders is pres ident of there were 303 women a n d 303 men presidents in the United States. The t he I nternati.o nal Tdephone Co. in in the coll ege. Righ t n ow the r e are lea der s hip of Mae Mi.ckey. T he topic President wa s b o rn at L urga n, Fra nk- Columb us. H e is t he a utho r of many o nly 256 men agains t 300 wo men! cho se n by Mi ss Mic key wa A n adven Ji n Co unty , P.enn sylv.ania, Marc h I, impor tant books o n ph ilosophy a nd What a mi sfortu ne I Two wome n wi ll ture in ),ivi ng un re ser vedly th e Jesu I 873. He received his B. A. degree religio n. have to pic k o n one ma n . Law of Love. She had based her topic on the Y. W. motto a nd very from Lebano n Va lley College in 1899, ---0 C-- It see m s t h at t he Seni o rs have ably and interestingly pre ent ed her hi s B. D. de g ree from Bonebrake CONSERVATORY NOW HAS made defini te attempts to destroy t h e ta lk. Theologi ca1J Seminary in 1903 ; st udied RECORD REGISTRATION ba la nce for in the cla ss of 90 t here are M arg uerite B Iott gave a short talk fr om 1907 to 1909 at the University of 60 women a n d 30 me n. o n Friends hip and t h e J esu law of Chi cago; re-c eived hi s D . D . degre,e 170 Students Now Enrolled.-Organ Th e J uni ors have 57 me n a nd 48 love. Department Is Filled from L e banon Valley in 1912 and hi s wom en; th e Sophs, 57 men and 66 Th e special m us ic for the meeting To Capacity. L. L. D. from Otterbe in in 1922. women. T he Frosh have the nea r est was a piano d uet by Ma rj o ri e and Dr. Clippinger was affi liated with Ernestine Nic ho ls. T he Co nse r vatory o,f M usic has t he ba la nce with 90 me n and 88 women. the U. ·B. Pub lishing Hou se in Dayton There are now 556 s tudent•s en roll ed - - - - O C-- - from 1903 to 1905 a nd b ecame profe s la rges t enro ll me nt in its ,history t h is Grad To Be Married. so r of Reli g io us Education at Bone yea r. O n e hund red a nd se ven ty s tu in the coll ege which r egis tration a lso M r. and Mrs. Car l G. Pin ney, South brake in 1905 ; then in 1909 he becam e de nts, o f w hic h num·be r 70 a r e Weste r includ es th ose taking mu s ic and art vi lle r eside n ts, are now register ed. on ly. L as t year at thi s time t h ere State stre et, a nn o unce the engagement pres,iden t of Otterbein. ____ of t heir da ug h ter, Harriet, to M r. Zane The Presid.e nt is a m ember of the Illu st ra t ive of t he g row th of t he d e were 558 e nro ll ed. 0 C Wi lso n, of the class o f 1926. Mr. Re ligious Education A ssociatio n, t he par tm ent is see n in t he fact that, w ith Chaucer Club Meets. Wil so n is the son of M r. a nd Mrs. B. Schoolma•s ters' Clu b o f Centra l Oh io, a ra the r large figu re of income fo r t he th e exec utive committee of t he Inter mu sic dep,a rtm en t las t yea r a t this C ha uce r C lub held it s fir st me e ti ng / B. W ·ilson, P lu m s tree t. T he marnationa l S unday School A ss' n. and is sam e da te, th e volum e of bu siness i-s of the year at t he hom e f D S I I riage w iU 'be a n event o,f la te ovemr. ara 1 ber. . o president of th e Ohio S. S. As socia $2,000 g r eate r th is yea r. ____ o C---Th e teach ing fo rce ha,s been ext end M. Sherrick o n West M ai n stree t la s t tion. D ea n Noah E. Co rn e tet ·is t he sec ed by t he em p loy ment of M iss H a zel ~~t. To err is hu ma n ; to a d m it it is not. m emb er of the Facu lty in W ho's W ho. Ba rngrove r, vio lin inst ru ctor o n full The organ depar tmen t, in H e was ,born at M o wry stown, Ohio, ti me. June 2, 1867. Dr. Cornetet r eceived cha rge of Prof. G. G. Gra bill, is cr owd hi s degre es from Otterbein; he got ed to capacity this semester. There hi s B. A. in 1896, his M. A. in 1902, is a st r inge nt need for anot her pipe hi s Litt. D. in 1921. H e was o rdain orga n to care for t he excessive in fl ux ed a min ister in th e U. B. church in of o r ga n st ud ents. O C--1890. Dr. Cornetet has been professor of Columbu s di sco ver ed America 434 G reek sin ce 190 1 and D ea n of the Col- yea rs ago today. G lo ry H a lleluja h !! lege sin ce 192 1. He was ec r etary of the Ohio State A ssoc iatio n of School Board M embe rs for four y,ea rs, a m ember of the \,\/ este rvi lle Board of Varsity Press Shop Education for 11 yea rs, and now has memb ers hip in the Classica l Assoc ia tion of th e Midd le West and So uth, the Ohio State Classical Conference (council), and the entra l O hio School master's Club. H e 1s th e We will keep your a uth or of "Praye r, a Mean s of Spi r it ual Growth" and over JOO artic les o n suits and dresses literary a nd reli g ious subj ects.
Dr. T. J. Sanders is t he third mem ber in \tVho' s Who. He was bo rn at Burba nk , Ohio, J a nuary 18, 1855. H e received his A. B. in 1878, hi s M. A. in 1881, and hi s LL. D . in 19 12, all ,
We have just what you need in the Meat and Grocery Line for all occasions.
A Tremendous Storewide Sale
Varsity Pressing Shop
Oct. II to 16, Inc.
pressed to perfection. Keep that successful
" Prompt and Efficient Service"
Phone 65 46 N. State St.
The Union's F'ounder's Week Sale
Co ll ~~-e m en a n d wo m e n w ill fi n d it profit a bl e to. v1s1t t he sto r e t hi s wee k. Yo u ' ll be ur pn se d at t he va t asso r t m e nt s-a m azed a t th e extreme ly low pri ces ! Ma k e p r ep a r a ti o n s to come !
Tan and Cardinal Varsity Will Struggle With Baldwin-Wallace For Grid Laurels Saturday
Page Three
hio Otterbei n will m eet her third onference opponent' of th e t his wee k when Th Tan and na l footba ll quad goe to Berea to meet Baldwin -Vla llace. Wh n W e tern Re erv e de fe at d Baldwin -\ ' allace in rhe fir st ga m e o f the eason 39 to O it looked as though the Bereans didn't amount to a who le I t but la t at ur day th ey pull ed a surpr ise a nd d efeated Kenyon in a clo e ga m e 7 to . Baldwin-Wallace is {rying out a new coach thi year in th e I erson of oach Collin form erly of Lorain hi g h school. He had mar ked s uc ce in hi h igh 5chool coac hin g e p ec ia lly in ·ba k et ball. Baldwin -Wa llace ha seven veterans a nd a ho t o f new m ateria l from the So ph omore clas . T h e letter m en are, ap ta in H oma n, ei s, Dickhaut, Fox , Bae el, Bennet a nd Smith. Th e most promi sin g m ater ial from la t
year ' Fr shman cla are, Buck, icke, Hall ett, Ecke r t, B m nt, Wolf and velon e. The Berean backfield w ill be light a nd shifty whi le the lin e will be co n s iderab ly larger than Otterbein' s line. Otterbein will probab ly sta rt the same team agai nst Baldwin-Wallace that tarted again t Heidelberg.
tterbein s tarted a pa s attack fo the last few minutes of the game that res ul ted in two first down s, the on1y fir st down s the Ta n and Cardinal men ec ur ed during the entire game. Kram er punted to Otterbein 's I 5ya rd line a nd Pilkington ran it back to fo ur yard . Pilkington's pass was just out of Riegle's r ac h and was in complete. A pass Pilkington to Snav ely was good fo r ni ne yards. Snave ly sneaked through center fo r two ya.rd s an d fir s t down on his own 30yard line ; Pi-lkingto n's a ttempt on Heidel.berg's ri1ght end failed to gain and a pass Pilkington to Snavely was good for seven yard . Wurm J1it left guard for one yard, Snavely sneak ed the n ecessa ry two yards fo r first dow n and Pi lkington went back to pass as the game ended. Jen kin s made one run of 26 yard s and anot h er of 18 ya rd s whil e Hess and K ramer went through th e line and off tackle for consiste nt gain s. Otterbein 's · interference was weak ; o!ten the runne rs were na iled before th ey could get a good start. Snavely and L amb ert each inter cepted a pa s while Weaver ret urned on e punt twenty yards. L ine up an d summary: Heidelberg 7 Otterbein 0 Watson Pinney L. E . Bucher L. T . Reck Overholt L . G. Yochum Funk (C) C. M. ch ea r Bode R . G. Lambert Shaw R. T . Saul Bader R. E. L. chear Kramer Crawford Q. J enkins L. H . nav ely ( Mahaffey R.H . Weaver Hess F. Wurm Tou hd own- M ehaffey; also point
(Continued From Page ne.) a real holiday appearance. Bode ki ck ed off sh ort to rawfo rd who wa s dow ned on hi own 32-yard lin e. Wu r m mad e one yard through g ua rd and tw o more throu g h center ; S navely punt ed and Kramer returned to his own 33-yard line. Mahaffey went off' ta ckle for seven ya rd . K/ramer made two yards a nd fumb led but recove red. H es hit center for five ya rd and fir st: down. Hess hit center for tw more yar d . Kramer fumb led and Saul recovered on Heid elberg's 49-yard lin e. Wurm made two to the left f c nter. Weaver failed to gain. Snavely pun ted to Heidelberg' 15-yard lin e and Kram er returned the punt to hi ow n 20-yard line. Hess hit center for two yards. ramer went off tacktle fo r seven ya rds. H ess ma·d e e ig ht yard s and fir st down on hi s own 37-yard line. Kramer gained th ree ya rd s on an end run. Hess made two betwee n guard and center. Jen kin s w ent out six yards and fir st down on Otterbein' 32-yard li ne. Heid elberg was penal ized fifteen yards fo r holding. H ess __f:=r~ o~m=to~t~1c~h~c~lo~w =n~·========~i made two yards and Kramer made 1; eight taking th e ball to Otterbeins 35yard li ne when Mah affey broke loose for a tou chdown after catc hin g Kram er pass. The one redeemin g fea ture of the ga me th a t proved a n Otterbein sta nd point was Snavely's excellent punting a nd a la t minute ra lly that net ted two fir t down in successio n but it was too late. In th e seco nd quarter an Otterbein penalty put th e ball on Otterbein's 9-yard lin e, navely sta nd ing ju st back o f th e goa l lin e punted to H eidelberg' s 40- yard lin e. Be ide ~ thi s one he got off punts o f fort y seven, forty -six and for.ty - five yards , from the line of scrimmage. H is punts ave raged thirty-eight ya rd s, Kramer punted elev n tim es for a n av erage of thirty -four ya rd s. 0
Order Your
<nlub ~tattnuery From
tlurkryr Jrinting Qtnmpany
FROS H PIGSKIN SQUAD SCRIMMAGES HI SCH OOL Last Thursday evening the Fresh men football squad met the local High Sch ool team in a practice scrimmage, g1v1ng Coa,c h " Deke" E·dler a .chance to see his m en ·n action. The squad s hows abi lity, b ut still ha s need of development, especially .in the art of b locking a nd chargin g. Several pass e were completed for sub stantia l gai ns. O n defense th e team did fai rl y we M, considering its lack of practise a nd also the gree n material. The posi tion -o f the men used Thursday were as follows: R eck and Kurt z, centers; Bunce, Fowler and Cline, g uards; Hance and Benford, tac kles; Kaufman, J enkinson and Grbson, end ; L ee, quart erba ck ; Dixon an·d J . Miller, half,back s; and HatfieJd, fullback. The Freshmen will probably be used aga,in st t he va rsit y th.i s week, on prep a ration for th e Baldwin-WaHace game Saturday.
- - - - 0 C- -- Pat ronize Our Advertisers! CAPTAI HOMAN Baldw in-Wallace wi ll be led thi s yea r by o ne of the smalle t men in th e O hi o Co nference, Captain Homan. Hi s exceptional speed coupled with his thr ee year ' experience will likely make him a tough subj ect. He is considered th e fas test man on th e B -W squad.
- - - 0 C-- Otterbein Substitutions Friday. ub stitut ions-Otterbein : Riegle for Schear, Hudock fo r R eck, Gearhart fo r Hudock, Schott for Pinney', Pil kington for Weaver, R eck for Gear hart, W eave r for Pi lkington, P1rine)' for chott, Cline for Yochum, Pilking ton for Weaver, Gearhart for Cline.
The Up-to-Date Pharmacy RlTTER & UTLEY Headquarters for Fine Pipes, Tobaccos and Cigars. Fountain Pens and Pencils. Eastman Kodaks and Supplies, and everything usually found in first class Drug Stores. Give Us a Call and be Convinced. Have Your Eyes Examined Free
44 N. State
Place Cards
False Faces
You will find a large selection of Hallow e'en Favors an d Cards Here. Come in and Look Around.
Our Trimmings and Decorations are the Newest. Come in and Meet the New Faces.
N . State St.
Phone 493-J.
P a ge Four
Dean N . E . Cornetet, Prof. B. W. by Musso lini" s recent ly announced in- RESOLUTION CONCERNING te nti on to r es to re the grande u r tha t SMOKING ON THE CAMPUS Va lentine a nd Rober t K night. A vocal solo by G. H . McCo naughY was Rom e int o be lievi ng him a mo dern Published Weekly in the Interest of From Student Council. and a violin so lo by H ome r H uffman Caesar . Otterbein College by the th Regarding th e se lection of M r. Ford, W hereas: It is a we ll k now n r eg- comprised t h e m us ica l par t of e OTTERBEIN LITERARY SOCIETIES we ca n say little that is not ludicrously ulatio n of Otterbein Coll ege t hat there program. Westerville, O hio and plainly imp lied in t he mere men s·hall b e n o s m ok ing u po n or nea r the - -- - 0 C - Member of the Ohio College News ti on of him as one o f th e tw o grea test campus, a nd PHILOMATHEA paper Association. o f living m en. The main conside r STAFF Whe reas : It is t he si nce r e desi r e ---d . feature EDIT OR-IN-CHIEF ation that occ u r s to us is that thi s hon- o f th e lar ge ma jo rity of th e st udent A hi g h-grade progra m WAYNE V. HARSHA, '27 or bes tow ed upo n H enry is unfai r to body t hat this rul e be scru p ul o usly P h ilo111a(hea's session last F riday e~en,; 88 Plum Street Phone 455-W. 111g. ]' F 11umma gave a "Satire · some other wort h ies of equa l greatne ss observed, a nd '· .. F rees NEWS EDITOR\V hereas: T he S tu de n t Cou ncil in 0 11 traffic hghts, w hil e L. S. O LOUIE W. NORRIS, ' 28 and a corresponding if not equa l CONTRIBUTING REPORTERS ce lebrity. Mr. Ford is great, we as view of the ideas a nd ta nda r ds o f' th e , gave a "B iogr ap h y'' of Han n ibal. ; Cla ude Zimmerman, E lizabeth Les sume, becau se he has been a mammoth College, fee ls that the r egul ation is the extempo raneo us pr ogram, C. ff. her Mary Thomas, Li ll ian Shively, producer of tin Lizz ies. wise a nd be neficial. Boye r , K. F. Ec hard , a nd L. B. Kn o~ ; Gl;dys D ickey, Raymond Gates, 0 No we won't-but we cou ld-name T her efore, Be It Reoolved: Th at gave chapters one, t wo and t hree Joh n H udock Philip Charles, Ken net h Echard, 'Clyde Bielstein . many o thers who are just as g reat, if th e St udent Cou nci l o f Otte rbei n co n tinued stor y, respec ti ve ly. . B ATHLETIC EDITORnot greater than H enry Ford. Coll ege dep lores a nd co nde mn s th e O ne new assoc ia te me mb er , E lli s · H. E . WIDDOES, '27 . f . . .d M'c h was \Ve note, and without s ur p ri ee, that pr actice o ce r ta m men of the Coll ege Hatton, of G r and Rapi s, i ·• A s istant ...................... L. E . Hicks, '28 Dorms Editor .... M argaret Kumler , ' 26 thi s vote did no t favor the in te ll ect ua l o f sm oking u pon the ca m p uses o f th e taken in to society. i . . d. g ni en · . Local Editor ............ K arl Kumler, '28 or a r ti stic qualities of mank ind.' Per - two 1a d ies' H a ll s d u r in g sern a d es a nd I mpo rt a n t b us111 css, in c 1u in . the Exch. Editor .... Ernestine N ichols, '27 hap s th ey are not essent ia l, o r even a that it decla re t hat in its opinion such he r sh ip discuss ion, had a par t u, Special Features .............. Verda Evans significant mark of g reatness. violati,o ns of t his regu lat ion show a eveni ng's proced ur e. BUSINESS MANAGERROBERT E. MUMMA '27 deci d ed lack o f sch ool spirit a nd ---- 0 C - - - - 0 C---Assis tants ................ Ross C. M iller , '28 loyalty to O tterbei n. Bobby Jones Oxfo r ds fo r College Let Them Learn Life As It is. Lorin Surface, '29 · 0 C - - -g irls. E. J. No r r is & So n. _____ Edwin Shawen, '30 The Univer sity of Illinois is t he PHILOPHRONEANS HOLD CIRCULATION MANAGERRUTH HURSH, '27 latest of the growing list of schools to STAG SESSION THURSDAY Mildred Wilson, '28 forbid the ownership of a utomobi les Kat ha r ine Myer s, '29 Philophronea boasts of havi ng had by i;tude n ts. Margaret Duerr, '29 Margaret Edgington, '29 The unive r sity a u thorities claim us e more me n, at her tag session last Address all communications to th~ o f automohi les res ul ts in less st ud y, Thu r sday nigh t, than she has ever had Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, Lambert at any one meetin,g befo re. Office r s Hall, 103 W est College Avenue, W es moral delinquency, traffic congestio n of t he or ganizat io n report that they on the camp us, a ccidents, and a g en terville, Ohio. are very m uch g rat ified over t he int er Subscription P rice, $2.00 a Year, eral waste of ti m e . Payable in Advance. T ,his is probably all true, b ut it es_t new men are showi ng; such was Entered as second class matter Sep w1_de n_ed by the fact that fou r teen ap tember 25, 191 7, at the post-office at doesn ' t make a case again st th e use plications fo r associate mem ber ship Westerville, Ohio, under act of March of automobiles by college studen ts. The big job of the America n col were accepted at thi m eet in g. 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate leges and u n ive rsities is to teach boys . D ur ing the regul ar p rogram , a sol of postage provided for in Sec~ion 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authonzed and girls to live in the kind of a iloquy by H. R. Brown a nd a scien world we have-not the kind of a tifi~ biography by R. H . E r is man were April 7, 1919. world we ought to have or may have delivered as the literary num b ers. , EDITORIALS some day, but the world "as is." The parliame ntary dri ll , conduc ted - :To t ry to protect them from t he re by ~resident Laukhuff, pr oved to re The Y Selects Great Men alities of modern machi ner y smacks o f su lt 111 the u ual r ound of me r riment. I the midd1le ages. A~ter th e adjournment of the regula r \ A r ecent worl d wide vote was taken It may ease the problems of college session, the chairs were arra nged in a of the Y. M. . A . with the object of dean , dist r acted by jazz and gasoline, doub le row around the R 1room. eselect ing the four greatest characters but it dod ges the p r incipal jO'b that th e f , in histor y-the two g r eatest of the past colleges and universities have befo re reshmen t s we re next in order. Wit h and the two greatest of the present. them-teaching o f peop le to live in a Ed Hamm on as toa s tmaste r, a hort program fo llowed · Sp eec h es were . T here was str iking contra t in the fav real world, not a cloister ed and r e give n by Preside nt. Perry La u k hu ff st ricted one.-Seat tl e Sta r . or ites. ' J t i not surp r ising that J e u Christ If the fellow who sold several shou ld have been cho en. He would naturally have been picked at once and hymnal to certain s tudent s i inter •·r - - -_ _ _ __ without econd thought. The next ested we wou ld like to confer with choice, however , i Napoleon; this him about renting a block of chapel se 111 quite a jump from Jesus. Ac eat to several others we know . We coring to the orthodox view of Jesus, rnight also dispo e of a few sea on and t he un do ubted h i tor ical view of tickets to the chapel exe rc.ises. apoleon, one cannot imagine the two ome people could say what they figu res ide by side. I t i in th e cho ice of the living great thi nk and stiM be quiet. that th Y. M . . A . men make us 'sta r mo t cu riously. Who are the •greate t m n now livi ng. Ben ito Mu solini and Hen r y · For d! Yes, r eall y, lhe e two are declar ed by a t r mendou vote of the Y . M . C. A. to taod preeminently and grandly above a ll o t her s. Tho e Y men are appar ent ly unable to di ting uish powe r , however it may have b en attained, from · greatne . charlatan of the type of M u so lini, w ho maintain him elf by as a si The largest, fi nest, and without d b in nation and back-a lley intr igue, i a America for produein h ou t the best equipped gallery st great man simply b cause he can g t e be known to the Photographic Art"make life more difficult for anyone who dare to oppose him.'' It is po ihle that th Y men have been mi led THE OTTERBEIN COLLEGE
1t. . 22 {JJ sp,wn~~ See '"Jhem
Where You Ha ve Always Been Pleased Your Photo if from The Old .Reliable
To keep them red use our Lipstick that won't come off.
Rexall Drug Store
Will Be Best.
Rich and High Sts.
P H ILALETHEA The follo wing program was pre sente d at Phi lalethea las t Thursday ni g ht : Mildred Zinn Pia no oloFa ·11 ilia r E say-"Id eals" Gl ad y nyder Ruth Hane y Vi olin SoloAdventures of Aunt Matilda Marj o ry Ni ch ol Vocal oloLoujse Ston er Dia logueJean Brom ley Extemporan eous s peeches : The Black Hat Fad . Marian H ollen Al um Can eMary B unce .'\mti cs of the Weather- Ma n Kathry n Steinmetz
- -Get a ri s &
0 C---
hee p kin Coat at E . J. N o r-
Patron ize Our Advertisers I
- ~- 0 C-- WEL L, CO -EDS, DO YOU WANT TO DEBATE In O tt erb ein's hi sto r y th er e ha never bee n a di stri ct wom en's de bate sq uad. Co nt ra r y to custo m, if sufficient interes t i sho wn thi yea r by the femal e populace in thi s pastime th er e will be a women 's de bate sq uad. T he wo men' s interco llegiate chedulc will operat e inde pend ent th a t of th e m en. In th e rece nt debate tryout s a nu m ber of m en r eport ed but-:--~h e wo m en mu st have lacked t he a mb1t1 o n a t her e wa s a very sm a ll numb er r espo nd ed. Y esterd ay additio nal tryo ut s we r e h eld but th e res ults were not a nn o un ced in tim e for th e pre ss.
- - - 0 C - -t. X avi er st ude nt s ca nno t wea r swea ters bea rin g m o nog ra m lett ers of any pr ep-schools o r ot her coll eges o n t he ca m o us th i yea r.
Page Five
Co mm it tees, r ece ntly a ppointed by Fred Mill er, pr es id en t of t he Fres hm a n class a r e as fo ll o ws : Co nst itutio n Co mmittee : G lend o ra Barn es, Chai r ma n ; Pa rk er H eck , a nd A lice F oy . T ea m R ecept io n Co mm it tee : H i!bert Reck, Cha irman . He fr es hm ents Co m mit tee: M or ri s Hi cks, Cha irm a n ; Mil d red M orri s, \ Vh itm o rc M cM u ll en. J o hn G. A lla m a n, H elen E \\'ry, a nd E vely n Edwa rd . ;\" o min·atin g Co mm ittee: J osep hin e Sto ner , Ch airm an ; H erman Van Kirk , O,Iivc r S pan g ler, a nd E ugeni a Cole m a n. Social Co m m it tee : Ruth Bai ley, C ha ir m a n ; Ra lph Gibso n, L ouis vVe in land , E mm o r Widd oes, D oro th y vVa in w ri g ht, E va nge line S pa hr, Ev elyn Mill er, J a ne L o hr, Anna L o u B ickel a nd Em erson S eitz.
A t a rece nt m ee tin g of the membe r s of King Hall a body of men was elected which will have the po wer to handle a ny infrac t io ns o f the code of rules a nd r eg ul ati o n s co nnect ed with the hal l. Th e o ffic ers and m embe rs are: R. A. S hipl ey- P re sident. G w ynn e M cCo naughy- Vice P r esident. Boyd R enni so n-S ecreta r y. R o bert B roml ey-Treas ur er . Ed Hamm o n - S eni o r R ep rese nt ative. Ferron Troxel- Juni o r R eprese nta t ive. \,\' endell Wi lliams-Sophomore Rep r ese ntativ e. David Allaman- Freshman Represe ntativ e.
'_ Several plants o f la rge cact us are WA LLAC E GRI DD E RS gr owing in the greenhouse on the roof J of the Science Hall as the r es ul t o f the •==============~ efforts of Don R. H oward , '25. Mr. Howard sec ured the plants for Prof. F. A. H anawalt when he was in Colo rado this summer. H o ward is no w attending Bone·b rake Seminary 111 Dayto n. When Glen T . R osselot, a mi ssio n ary of the United Brethren Church an-cl a graduate of Otterbein in the class of 19 16, vi sited t he ca mpu s r ece ntly, he gave a n umb er of speciman s 1 of African turtles, ta rantula s, a nd other minor insects to the zoologi cal laborato r ies. In cluded in this collec tio n was an African iguana which is 1 hi g hly prized by the department. Mr. Rosselot will attempt to secure t he skin s of several of the African bird s. CO AC H COL U NS George M . M oore, soph om o re, form Coac h Co llin s cam e to Bald w in erly of the University of T oledo, is a n ew assistant in the zoological labo r W a llace fr o m L o ra in wh ere he coach ed se veral exce ptio nal hig h chool ato ry. ---- 0 C---team s. Hi s m en had a good seaso n last year. Th ey los t th e fir st thr ee TWO TRIANGLE FORENSIC BATTLES ARE SCH EDU L ED ' ga m es but wo n tile las t fiv e. T hey beat .--kro n for th e fir st tim e in 26 T wo tri angl e debat es fo r t he va rsity year s and scor ed o n Obe rlin fo r th e squ ad have been schedu led by Pro f. fir st tim e 111 hi sto ry of t h e two in sti Lester Ra ine s th e fir st of whi ch w ill tuti on s. co me o n Mar ch 4 wh en th e T a n a nd - - - - 0 C--- Cardinal negative goes to Ohio North MISS GUIT N ER GIV E S ern and the Hiram affirmative com es REPORT B E FORE CLUB to the local platform . On Mar ch 11 th e Otterbein affi r mative wi ll be one of Mi ss Alma Guitn er gav e a repo rt o f th e co nte stant s in the Marietta fo ren- t he stude nt loa n fun d before a m eeti ng sic tilt o n th e Marietta stag e. T he o f th e Otterb ein 's W om a n' s Clu,b Heidelberg affirmative will do battle which wa s held at the Lazarus tea with the Tan negative on the chapel roo m r ecent ly . platform. The club ad o pted r esoluti ons a The question fo r di scu s ion: is drawn up by Miss Guitner and her "Re olv ed: that th e . Present ~ ov- 1co m m it tee com posed o f Mrs. E. M . ernmental Ten~•e n cy 111 t he. 111te_d j Hursh and Mrs. M . A. Di t m er. A s sti p States to R estnct P erso nal Lib erty 1 , ul a ted in th ese r eso lut io ns, mon ey will to be Co ndemned." be loaned to junio r and senior girl s af everal debat es which will not affect O tterbein college, th e m ax im um the Conferen ce standin g will probably amount to be $100 a yea r, or $50 a be sched ul ed with Capital University. semes·(er. '.\o inte re t is to be cha r g Dates fo r several no n-decision tilt s ed, i·f th e m o ney is paid back within may be made. If pre ent plans de- one year a ft er th e r ecipient leaves vel o p, o ne or m o re open-forum debates co ll ege. The club will use 500 fo r may be ched u'1ed. this fund durin g the yea r. The personnel of th e affirmative and The next m eetin g will be at a tea at negative teams will be selected soon th e ho m e o f Mrs. J. P . W es t, o n by Prof. Raine s. N ovember 3.
- - -- 0 C---
- - - 0 C--- Prof. E ngle Officiates. Prof. J. S. Engle o ffi cia ted at the wedd in g o f Mr. Vern o n Arn old and Miss Gr etchen Berry of D ecataur. Ind .. Sund ay m o rnin g. The se rvi ces wer e held a t Pro f. En g le's ho me o n Plu m s tree t. 0
- - - 0 C--O ne o f th e bes t m ee tings in Y. M . So Otterb ein lack sh eiks, does she ? C. A. thi s yea r was led by Dr. E . A. T ha t newspaper re po rt er better come J o nes, pr ofessor em eritu s of Bibl e in up a nd look u o ver. t he college. He di sc ussed ha lf a doze n - - - - 0 C- - - of o ur fa vo rit e hy mn s and th eir a ut h M en· s W ool Socks, very lo ud pat o rs. D r . J o nes is a stud ent of h ymn tern s. E. J . N o rri s & Son. ology a nd so prese nted thi s subj ec t in a way m os t inter es tin g and in stru c t ive to a ll th e m en pr ese nt. H e r eco m me nded th e learn ing of hy mn s, as h e has done fo r th e ver y pleas ure o f it a nd th e in spiratio n that is g ained by it. A t the clo e of th e meeting, Waldo K eck, vi ce pre sid ent , announced that P erry Laukhuff wo uld lead tonight' s mee tin g . This m ee tin g w ill be primar il y g iven o ver t o Bible tud y. P erry was at L ake Ge neva a nd is go in g to co nduct t he m ee tin g mu ch th e same a s suc h m eet in gs we r e co ndu cted th er e. E ver y m a n be th er e a nd ge t a li ttle of th e in spirat io n L a ke Ge neva g iv es.
- - - - 0 C- - - -
Plate Lunch-25c
Blac k Hat s gal o re at E . J . No rri s & 0 11.
1- ·1
! ! ! ! ! !
l"la l' ll'!llil:11 11 11'!!ll'. 17il'. IIWll'lra:1 1' Ila;"I~ '! I~"lil!l'l'IB ffllml: 1■ !1' 1 11 11 '. l■ll:l■ ll i l ■lll l■llll■lll l■ l lll ■llil ■ll : l!ll ll , I ~
f ! I
! I
! !
! ! ! ! !
' !' !
corvtING EVENTS Forecast Their Shadows.
! ! I i
' I
-:1. ■ 1 .1 11 111■111■1.11■1.11arn■111■1:11■1.1111 1 .11■111■ 1.11■ t :1■rn■1.1 :■111l"1 1 11■1:11■1 .11■1.11■1.11■111■u1■11 1■1,,~
Page Six
~H ALLE ~ 'S=ART =====~ - =============== = ============. =;; . . ====~~~=============I CLE O N I WILL CONDUCT SCH OOL I CH RIST I AN ENDEAVOR 1.. ;-
Rita S. Halle in an article, "Is yo ur son o r daughter going to col lege" di sc usses in an intelligent man ner just why a boy or gi rl sho uld o r should not go to college.
Sept. 25-Otterbein 2; Findlay 0. Oct. 2-Otterb ein 6; Cincinnati 2 1. Oct. 8-Otterbein 0; Heidelberg 7.
Mrs. Ha lle says: "O ne of t he fir st I Oc t. 16-Baldwin-Wallace at t hin gs that m~n y st ud ~nts have to Berea. consid er in mak111g a ch oice of colleges , Oct. 23-Open. is th e expe nse. But let it be said here Oct. JO-M uskingum (Home a nd now that, un less he has some one I com ing) at Westerville. depe~dent o n him, no A'.nerican boy or Nov. 6-Marietta at Marietta. girl need give up th e id ea of coll ege o v. 16-Hiram at Hiram. because of pove rty. o r is any choice ve ry limited because of that, except fo r con ideratio n of distance. P RO F. R. V . PHELAN HAS T he majority of colleges make pro P OSITION AT ST. LOUIS vision for needy stud ents to earn part of their board and tuition during Prof. Raymond V . P helan, who was the term ; most of them have sch olar- professor of Economic and Business hips avai lab le for exceptional st u Administration here last year, has ac dents who need them; many of th em cepted a imilar positio n in t he School have . loa n funds which can be paid of Commer ce and Finance at St. Louis back after g raduation; and our sum University. Dr. Phela n emp has ized me r camps and hotels are full of stu good manner in a lecture delivered dents ea rning, not only their board before the sc·hool fast week. and keep fo r the vacation, but a sub ---0 C-- stantial sum towards the winter's ex K ing Hall N ow H olds 59. pense as well, as councillors, waiters, According to the lates t census 1 clerk , telephone operators, etc. King Hall men there are now 59 st: . o man i educated w ho knows but ~ents roomi ng in the hall. This ,group one side of a question . Education 1s compose~ o~ 32 Freshmen, IS soph means well ro unded development, a omor es, 6 Jumors, S eniors and Prof. broad vision. Moreover a stud en t is H . E. Mencke. The hall will accom much more likely to get into the gen odat e 78 men. era l life of the college if he does not - - --0 C-- - ente r it with a r ead y made circle of Prof. F. A. Hanawalt Publishes friend s. . Article in "Outdoor Recreation" Often a boy chooses a college be In t h~ ~~tober numb er of "Outdoor ca u e it ha a famous foot-ball team. Recreation appears an art icle enftl d T h e choi e of a college mu st be " We ll, I ' ll be Jigger edl" by Pro/ ; _ made o n t h ings large r, m ore import A. Hanawalt. T he article is a tre t· .. . a 1se ant, more r elated to a boy or girl's life on Jiggers, thei r habits an d t reatme nt. than th e. ---0 C---
---0 C---
If a yo uth has pent hi whole life in a ma ll comm unity it is well for him to pend hi tud nt years in o r n ar a large city where be will have uch cultural advantages a access t o m u ic and art and out id lecture . of th mo t impor tant ques ti n fr om the point of vi w of the happine~s of the individual i h is fit ne s f r th e large or th mall college. F o r the tudent who e outlook ha s been th narr w one of a mall com munity, but who ha ufficient elf confiden e to take bis place in a larg er circle, th larg group i advisable. It mak him ee him elf in r elation to many people. The
tudent of a r eli r ing,
nature is better off in a mall college. He ha bet ter opp r tuniti e th ere for th e companion h ip with the faculty which a boy o r girl of that typ crav e , and which mean mu ch to hi intellectual deve lopment. merican youth realize it treugth a nd re pon ibiliti . De pile all the ta lk ab ut ·Aapperi m and d mora liza tion among th e young people, n.eve r uch large numb r o f befo re hav th em ug ht all the education that they c uld get, for that purpo e.'' Hiram man m ix
<?ordon Howard, of the class of 1?22, is the author of an a r ticle entitled "Youth a d M d S · I ,, . n o er n oc1a Prob lems 111 last Sunday's edition of h W t e . atch:word. Mr. Howar d was Promment m literary activities when he was a student o n t h e campu s; he
Must Schedule Campus Dates.
was a ~embe r of Q uiz and Q ui ll Club , local li terary orgamzation. ---0 G---
' , I,
Our Endicott Johnson Oxfords $3.50 and $4.S0 DAN CROCE
W esterville Bakery 7 N. STAT E ST.
Phone 45
27 WEST MAIN Westerville, Ohio ~ ~ ~
OCTOBER The Plav-Month of the Year.
niversity o f Michigan tuclent ouncil recently took action to top exce hazjng of fres hmen.
Hallowe'en Events Call for MASKS WIGS FACE PAINTS
from you r 0!4 shoea-Wer~AII' them-lots of v,elf
Akron University social event mu t be r egi tered and approved by the dean a a re ul t o f facu lty decree.
. Some p rocrastinatio ns only tea l time, but ta rdy themes murder E ng lish grades.
Th~ ighth wonder of th e world 1 how every succeeding crop of fre h men can be gree ner th an the la st.
Dates for special chape 1 progra 111 bes u t 111 t and other campus eve n s colsched ul ed in the -ca lendar in the vith leg e office in o rde r to be legal \ . d. to 1111s 5 coMege r egul atio ns accor mg . to V d E of the sec reta ri es er a vans, o ne re· th e Pres id ent. This matte,r mu t ceive imm edi a te a tt ent·ion. ____ :) ---:P atronize Our0 Advertisers.1-
Aili j oking aside, these intelligence te t r eall y do indicate w ho have the brai ns. Those who hav e, don ' t tak e th em.
atromze Our Advertisers !
a nnual £re h-
Patronize Our Advertisers!
. T he Freshmen a nd J umors ca111e out . h t th e v icto r s in the 1111g ty ug-of-wark . . ure Alu111 Cree. waged ac r oss a m1111at M McKenzie, in C. E. sec t io n A. ary donii· who led the meeting, left as the d nant thought "' pu 11·111g toget her'", an 5 . wa encou rage d the good spi· n·t that ev idenced througho ut the even ing. --OC -
P r of. E. M . H ursh announced a t a me eting of t he . Re ligious Education 1 Council of Westervi lle a week ago Monday that a chool for Teacher's T raini ng would be started the first wee k in ovember. P r of. J. S. Engle, of the Bible depar tment of the coll ege, a nd Mr. Roy A. Burkhart, a se nior , wiLI be among t he inst ru ctors.
·ndow and Store Display. --------
TH:!! TAN AND guest of Marguerite B lott.
J ohn Carro ll went to Akron for
"Peg" E ubanks i recove rin g from an operation ; we hope to see her back in sc ho I soon.
11nday. Rut h
Ruth Weimer spe nt the weelc-end 111 eral day s. Colu 01bus. Francis William Saul went to Rosalie Copeland entertained the Bakerstown to visit a friend. Phoenix. Clu b, Friday evening, in hon The pa rent of Bruce La Porte vi s or of Marian aro ll of Toledo. ited him . toner visited with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mor ton went to his hom e at Loui e on Sunday. North Robin so n for the week-end. · ·e A lspac h v1s1 · ·1e d 1' • ·{a r th a, M af)on The Phi lo tas announce as pledges
Cleiorhetea held per Inaugural Open Sessio n Thursday even in g at 7:00 o'c lock. The program was as fo llows : P iano S_o lo Dorothy Sowers Chaplain's AddressDorothy Ertzi nger Vocal Solo F lorence Prinz L ucile L eiter Critic's Critique
the names of E lward Cald we ll and P iano D uet Grace Corn ete t a nd Mary Bell e Loomis President 's Va ledi ctory"B ill' Hampshire, "Larry" Hicks and E lizabet h Trost Frank Van Auken atte nd ed the State Voca l Solo Mabe l E ubanks Wes leyan game Saturday. President's Inaugura l . Charlotte Owen Clarence Nichols, '26, visited with The office rs elected a t the previous Ph ilotas over the week-end. sess ion were installed. During extemLakota a nnoun ce Dean Wise as a po rancous speaking, Mrs. Gantz reprepledge. se nted the alu mnae, Mr. W iddoes ____ 0 c ____ spoke for P hilop hron ea and Dr. Sanders mad e a few remarks.
nyder Will t vis ited th e Tali s- Ca rl L. Wi l on.
man lub, Sunday. T he Onyx lub gave a "kid party" at the home of Mrs. Wray Mills, ome of . the Mary Belle Loomi spent the week Monday even ing, for fres h man g irl s. end at her ho me in Loga n. "S horty" Widdoes was the guest of The Polygon Club gave a Japane se pa rt y at th e home of Mrs. McCloy, the T . D . Clu b over the week-end. F rid ay eve nin g, for some of the Fresh Loretta Melvin spent the week-end man girl . at her home in Wells.ton. Mr. and Mrs. Ertzi nger Dorothy on Sunday.
Page Seven
My Roommate Says-
- - - - 0 C----
Mrs. Snyder vis it d with Fred a over Philalethea Gives Reception. Mabe l S lade a nd Mae Ricker visited the week-e nd . with Frances lade ove r th e week-e nd . Members of th e a lumnae and man y T hat jud ging from the numb er of T he Greenw ich Club entertained new girls a tt end ed - the Philalethean Ar cady entertained her fri end s with engaged people we have on our Cam so me of the freshman gi rl s in the club a Mystery H unt and weiner roast pus so me fo lks mu st believe in the Recept ion given last Sat urday ni g ht rooms, Tuesday eve nin g. at the hom e 'o,f Mrs. A. G. Crouse. Saturday even in g. ''Diamond Rule". Mrs. rouse, Mrs. E. A. Mi ller, Mary Ladyb ird ipe and Kath leen Pollock Ed ith Moore spent at urday and --the McCabe a nd Ernes tin e Nichols were were the week-e nd g uests of the Owl Sunday wit h her fat her at Canal WinThat she wonders who's o n in the receiving line. The program chester. st reet committee at King Hall. Club. consisted of two violin numbers by · Mr. and Mrs. Wetherill vi ited w ith T hat dasses are a ll right as long as Miss H aze l Barngrove r, a group of Dori on unday. Men th ey don't interfere wit h committee so ngs by Mrs. Ma bel Sta rkey, two piano duet selections played by Miss Mrs. C peland and Marjori e v isited meeti ngs. "Johnny" Hudock went to Canton H a zel Barngrover and Frances Harris, with R salie ove r th e week-end . for th e week-end. The Phoe nix Club entertained a That her idea o f a go-getter is the a nd a rea,ding by La ura W hetsto ne. number of freshman girls at an out-ofJ erry Schwartzkoph vis ited in Co- fel low who gets a,n elbow on each arm • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ll ll'l■lll l■ll !l ■ llll ■llll■lll l ■lll l■ l lll ■lll l■ llll ■ nn■,111■ 1 11 ~ door tea k roa t, Wednesday evening. lu mbus. of the Chapel seat. --The parents a nd siSlers of Berna rd That she imagin es the s hoe shinin g Mr. and Mrs. Lochner visited MilRedman were here over unday vi itdred on Sunday. parlor apprec iates the fact that it ing him . T he nyx lub announ ces Louise alway s ra in s before a pus h. Brad haw a s a pledge. "Frosty" Lowry visited with Lakota m en unday. That he's -been thi nkin g of this Li ll ian Parker o f Warren is the "A l" Mattoon, "Jake" W hi te, J . B. · Diamond Ru le t heo ry in the Dorm and Crabbs, "Bill" Evan s, "Chuck" Camp• she' going to try a practical demon bell and Pau l Garve r v isited A nn ex stra ti o n som e nite whe n her watc h stops a•nd her boy fri end's watch is fri end s. I Henry Gallaghe r went to his home slow. - -- - 0 C--- in Mt. Gilead over the week-e nd. Lad ies' S ilk Hosiery, $1.00. E. J. Pau l Clin gman and David Lee visit ed Clingman's hom e in Chi lli cothe over No rri s & Son . lllll'l■l' l■ ll 'l■ll l■ll :l■lll l■llll■lll l■U:l■ll l/■ llll■Mll■IIII th e week-end .
Student Lamps Club Chairs Book Ends
Johnson Furniture
Co. G. R. Kerstiaw, Manager
Come and Try Our / SPECIAL SUNDAY CHICKEN DINNERS Blendon Hotel Restaurant
vV end ell Wi lliams visited fri ends in vVooste r over S unday. "Tee ter" Adams, '22, visited Sphinx fri ends ove r th e week-end.
"Tiny" Leiter and He nry were back to ee Jonda fri end s.
Cleaning and Pressing Pressed by Hand or Steam.
Fall Samples on Display.
WELLS, The Tailor Cor. of State and Main
.t==============::::.i ---""';
You Oan Say It B etter With a Photograp/1,
"Jack'' Huffer and Ernie Ri ge l went to their homes ove r the week end. O lson
Don Howard, Marion Drury a nd Rob ert Cavi ns visited Co untry Club friend s. Ferron Troxe l went to Piq ua, Ha r old Thomp on and Gwyne McCon a ughy went to Ports,mouth and pre se nt ed a mus ical entertainment.
"Jew" Crawford went to Podunk Center to his wife a nd children . DeMott Beuchl er v is ited lady friend s in Maxlown. E d Hammon went to his hom e in Day ton. F loyd Beelma n, '25, a nd "Shadow" Marsha ll visited Cook Ho use men .
101 N. High St.
Page Eight
Freshmen---Read This List of Questions ~ Before Joining A Fraternity or Sorority In the near fut.ire many of the Fres hmen wilt! r eceive invitations to J' oin one of the fraternities represente <l o n the camp us. B efo re accer,ting these "bid ", they should carefully con ider the decision which will affec~ them intimately for at least four years and probably for a large part of their lives. Although they must appear unconcerned, the se !-reshmen will, if they are wise, learn everything possi ble a'bout these mysterious brother hoods. In choosing his fraternit y, the rushee will have to answer for him self many riucsLions. The followi•ng paragraphs contain some of the most evident ones. When readin g ove r th e questions, re member that it is the answer a ap plied to your ow n case that counts.
bling, drinking, profanity, -e tc.?
•::;;;==============;,; -
8. What position does the fraternity occupy on the campus? \Vhat does the rest of the Univenity think about it? These paragraphs were g leaned from the September 27 issue of the John s Hopkins Y News. T h ese questions a re applicable to every American campus where a frate rn ity or a sorority exi ts. Oh yes, you. can apply them to sororities, too. Fres hmen should read the e ques tions-more than that, they sho uld ask them selves the above li s t of que stions befor e j oi ning a fraternity or sorority.
Social Group Counci l, rece ntly Facu dra,,·n . b the ty 1 up and pas sed 111 part _Y till in and the Campus Co unc1.1 are sc· the proccs of re1·ision a nd . th's coll week. quenrly ca nnot be pubhshec1 I tl The,· \\'ill appear in the columns of ie Tan. and Cardinal at the earl ie t po· sible date.
- - - - 0 C---Top Coats and Ove rcoats at E. Norris & on·s.
WOLF 'S EDDIE EIBERT Eddie Seibert, former varsity tackle, in company with Harold Gibson, al o a forme r Otterbein student, is conduct ing the Var si ty Press Shop at 24 West Main stree t.
Your Headquarters for Meats and Groceries
( Co ntinu ed from Page One.) S natches from Lady Ophelia, strew ing roses and mo urning Hamlet , ca me - - - - 0 C---International Relations Meets. from the fl oor above ; a s tirring selec Inte rn atio nal Relations Oub met at tion from "The Charge of the Light Brigade" cut the thick ilence from the t~e home of Dr. Charles Snavely last uite to the left; K-ipling's philo ophy ntght. added a touch of the military when 1 11 11 lines from ·'Danny Deever" is ued in :■ 111 ri■" 111 1■11·1 ■11 1 ■ 111■111■1 1 1■ 1: 1■111 tenoriam tone from second fl oor. The Dorm had lo t its equilibrium. Ju s t then a perfectly normal voice said in a weary tone, "That's the las t time tonight that l act the part of Eva cro si ng th e ice. My feet are nearly fr oze n. lf I far! to convince Brother i Demosthenes that l am a econd Madame Fi k or a Julia Marlowe in the making, I'll ju t tay out of Cap and Dagger." Roommate · rel ea e each other. In an intense si len ce they grope their i way back to their r om and tart read ing Ohio chool Law .
the he t were to conduct eparate campaign the um total in all pro'ba bility wou ld be more than 2,500 and , con equently each tudent would be a ked to give a larger sum total in the end. The budget of the eight organiza tion , including a miscellaneou fund which w.ill care for minor details on the campus, run a follows : Y. M. C. A., 700 ; Y. W. C. A., 550 ; Chrj tian Endeavor, $200 ; Var ity "0", 300; tudent Council, $250; ommunity Fund, 150 ; tud ent Friendship, 100; ear East Reli , 100; and mi c llaneou , $150.
- - - - 0 C----
5. How do the alumni regard gam-
woM E;~sw~RToou~:Pv~AR
The hy- laws of the Women's Inter·
· · · 1·1v111 · g.? cl uc1ve to Cl1nshan
4. 1 n what form of social life does the fraternity engage? re they helpful or harmful? To what ex tent doe a member have to par ticipate?
7. What is t-he cos t of the frat ernity? Ca n I afford to join?
3. Does this fraternity make its men more or less democratic? How does it regard men of small finan cial resources or in<ferior social position? What kind of a spiri,t do the member show to each other? Is the fraternity "up to i.ts neck" in politics or can a man vote as he please ?
ontinued from Page
6. Is the influ ence of the hou se con-
What is the general character of the fraternity? Are its members congenial to me and the kind of men I would want for friends? Are the reason s advanced in ac cord with the motives which have controlled my life? 2. What are the schola tic· stan dards? Are stud ie regarded as nece ary evils or a the main reason for coming to college? What grade did the group make la t year?
Party and Picnic Orders Given Sped.al Attention
. . . ._ .;;;~~~==~~:::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::;:.~ •1- 111 1 1111 , 1, 1 ■ 1 !■1, i■111■,1 i■ ' 1■1n■n r■ Ill • ~
! !I
' Is a common meeting grounds for everyone on 1 I the campus. j i
i 77 West Main St.
i!i 1 1 • 1 · 1 11 1 • 1 11 1 1 111n■m 1 ■ 1 · 1 1!'1J 1 '1 ~ 1•t ~!I IIP.ll'l l!'III l ■ l 'J D l 'l ll l l!J]IIII
Phone 391-W, : :! I
lf11 i(
1 ' 1■11 ' 1■11!1■111■11~ 1■ 1 '~
(Cont inued from Page One.)
It wa the idea of la t year's
enior clas to have formal dedication cere mon1e for the un dial, which was tthe ola graduation gift to the college, during the Home-Coming program. o definite word ha been ecured from Pre- ident arl tair of la t year's cla regarding thi matter. Plan for the dedication of King Hall m_eans . of a house-warming are be111g ·g1vcn 1mpetu thi week and definite in formation may be available
=~~----.=-:=~~---__, WESTERVILLE, OHIO
Tuesday and W d . " e nesday, O ctober 12 and 13-
The year's g r eate t t h riller with Chaney, Mae Busch and Matt Moore Thursday, O ctober 14011
- - -
11 .
!he football badge will not be old th1 year by the ar ity "0" ince the budget of thi organization i now in the tudent he t; however they will be sold by member , of the Fre hman ola under. the direction of C . The tudent Che t Drive is bei ng Wale , Jun ior member of the ou~ac'.g 1 given under the uperv~ fon of the - --- 0 ---I, tud nt Council. A. . Barnes is Hold Second Bass Try-Outs. chairman, and Verda Evans and co nd Ba s try- ut for the GI e ayne V. Harsha are the member s Club were held la t night fro . h , m even on th committee in charge of the to e1g t o clock in Prof. . R plan for the campaign. ard's tudio in Lambert Hall.· pe -
lavi hly !aged photodrama, with George O 'Brien & Olive Borden Friday, October 15-
ith a
tage play
· pecial upporting cast, including
~~;-~;::::-:;:--~R : O:_: ~ N A:'.~ LD~ C~O~L~M~A~N ~ ---------
Saturday, October 1&-
HARRY LANGDON In hi fir t b' f "TRAM tg cature comedy P, TRAMP, TRAMP" ~