ar ina
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VOL. 10.
DECEMBER 7, 1926.
Seniors Must See Registrar. eniors are particularly urged to call at the Regi trar 's office to secure blanks relative to secu rin g a degree. EXCITEMENT RUNS HIGH Today is the last day specified for ob taining them. They mu t be returned Social Group Bids Must Reach Hands to the Registrar by December 15. 0£ Common Mediator By - - - - 0 C---Noon Friday.
Excitement runs hi gh among the women of the college as the rushing season nears its end. Bids from every wornan's group must be turn ed into the common mediato r, Asst. Dean Lela Taylor. who w!ts elected by the Wom en·s Inter- ocia l Group Council at a meeting held after chape l yesterday morning, not later than 12 noon of Friday December IO. A uniform tyle for the printed bid was adopted at this meeting. Upon the r eceipt of all bids the mediator will mail all of them at the same time to the prospective pledges. All b. I h d. t 1c s will be returned to t e me ta or .who will return them to the social groups within eventv-two !four from the elate the bid wa ·first i sued. The women' ru shin g period began two week after the opening chapel Period and will la t until one week before the Oh ri tmas vacation b egms. · evere pena lties hang over the head of any social group which viola tes the rules. A com.plete list of pledges will apPear 1.11 the next i ue o f the Tan an d ardinal. Presidents of all women's ociaJ group are ur ge ntly requ es ted 10 i;et in tou ch with the Tan and Card.111 a I within one hour after the list h as been return ed. T11is is absolute ly necessary in order that comp le te publieations may be made next week. ------ 0 C TWELVE VARSITY GRI D MEN GET COVETED " O " Only tw el\"c var ity football men aod the enio r manager received the coveted "0" fo r J)'laying footba ll this fall · ace or to· 111for · · · mat1on g iven ou t by the athletic board. The fol'lowing lllen received letter : Captain " Bob" f navely, Captain-elect "J ew" Craw ;rd, M. chear, C. Lamb ert , M. Reck , Wurm, E. Riegle, H . Minnich, E. F arhart, T. Weaver, H. Pi nney, and auI. Edward Hammon recerved t e manager' "O" and \,Valdo Keck Wa ' ger. elected next year footba ll mana
oc - -
D iscuss Novel. A d.I lJ cu ion of the novel, '·T he Heier t d. R. an 1ng Heart" was given by .uthltl. Mu cln1 a11 at Chaucer Club la t 11 1g
No. 11.
GIFT BRIN GS TEARS TO RECEIVER'S EYES Gifts as a rule do not !bring forth tears, especiall y from the receiver but a gift from Char les Cusic, of the cla s of 1926, now living in Santa Cruz, N. M ., to Mr. Frank Bookman of Wes terville did just that. Ca,pable of produ·cing seve ra l pints of tea rs wa the two pound and five ounce Spanish onion which Mr. Cusic has just sent fr om the sunny southwest.
Crowds Judge Junior Play Dramatic Success
SIBYL WILL TAKE SUB SCRIPTIONS TOMORROW "HAVE YOU" SUBSCRIBED? Only Number Copies Subscribed Will Be Ordered By Circulation Staff.
Tomorrow morning in Chapel Waldo Keck will explai n the featur es of this year's edition of the Sibyl and cond u ct J ONE S AND PROPST STAR the campaign for subscriptions. It is essent ial that all those who wish copies Junior Theatrical Fills Chapel Two of Sibyl sign up tomorrow, for no Nights. New Scenery Used more copies will be printed than th ere In Production. are orders given. The Juniors who are responsible for Friday and Saturday evenings, GREENFIELD ORCHESTRAL the publication of the book have stolen De~ember 3 and 4, the junio1· class preQUARTET COMES TONIGHT a march on the other classes. They senlecl its annual winter theatrical off held a meeting Saturday morning at ering the comedy, "'fhan k Y ou " · Both• performances were given to well Classical, Semi-Classical Ensemble and • which .tim e all who we re prese~t ordered their copy. A tan and cardmal butPopular Numbers To Be filled houses, which gives evidence of 1 ton with th e question "Have You" on Presented. th e favor with which the play was re it i being issued to all subscribers. · d Prof. Rain es coached the proce ivc · Musi cians of exceptionally wide exTh e t heme or connecting design duction. perience compose the Greenfield OrAli Pr.op t, i\·h arricd th c ,ol-e che ral Quartet, which will appear in running- lhr ugh the book i to be an of Diane, the niece from Pari , fitted the College Chapel tonight as the third architectural one. A design taken her par t admi rably. Coming from number on the Citizen's Lecture and from the entrance to the Science Hall Paris to visit her uncle, th e Rev . Lyceum Course. The program will has been worked up in such a way that it may be u ed in the cover, page David Lee, rector of Dedham, Conn., begin at 8 o'clock. borders, special opening section and l)i·ane make first trouble and b then ffi . • Tl H ope is expressed y o c1a 1s m th e main divi sion pages. happinc s for a l.I concerned. le/~~~ charge of the lyceum cour e that the - - - - 0 C--- tor, who was impe r onated 1>y. 0 I attendance will equal that of the last FRESHMAN-SOPHOMORE \V. Hudock, has been fo~ced to t entertainm ent, the Jackson Singers, DEBATE TOMORROW EVE a s.alary of 800 a year, ix tons o when the chapel was filled to capacity. and tips. This rig.htful h recompen_s Class1·cal and sem i-classical ensemth et Tomorrow night the fir t forensic for hi s work conies m sue "a way a ble selections are interspersed with he mu st say "Thank You . for every- popular numbers on the program by scrimmage of the ea on, the Fr h thing he gets. \1/h en D'.ane . come; the Greenfield m usicians. I n addition man-Sophomore debate, will start promptly at eight o'ciock. Thi de fr o111 I"Pari en es . . she ti e will ingthe asst.1tuat1on tance oafna tl1 e rc w1·11 b e solo numb ers. . 1 by en ist mg cl a A few tickets for the season are still bate will not be a long tedious di s an I,all(IY 1'. 1an about t 11e rectory her uncl e available and may be secured from Mae cour e, but will be a short snap py di millionaire's so n, she make d E b ks at Coch ran Hall or Ed Ham- cus ion on the q ue tion: R esolved that the rector, and a popu la~ and re speKcte o ant K1·ng Hall Mrs. Frank Book- the Eightee nth mendment hould Be , ·11 · e' son en- mon a · min ister. fhe mt ionair d I R'. I cl man is in charge of Westerville ticket Modified to Permit the ale of Light · 11 was plave )v 1ciar .. 1 J net 1 am ieso , th le Dean E Cornetet 1s m com- Wine and Beer. The con tructive As is u uall y the ca e, e sa • · · ) peeches will be only even minute in W. one · . I' pl ete charge of the course. (Contmued on p age E"ig ht) · length, while the rebuttal speeches will be of three minutes duration .
Tan and Cardinal's Grade Analysis Of Men's Social Groups Hours
Country Club •·························..;·······..-·-····... 260
H! 274
r~~i:: . . . ·::: : : :: : : :~. .. . . ..:•· · · · · ·: : I~~
J~t~1i~x ··:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::............... ..••:::::::.·. Cook Hou e •··························· ···· 246
:~:e~.. · : : : : : : : : : : : · :.. . . .. .. . . .. . . . ..
85··················~~.............. ~::::
Grand Average ·············;~····~·~;;T·g~oup will be publi heel in the A tabulation of the '~tcerdinal Advance figur e indicate that the n ex t issue of the Tan an ar.11 be· iuuch higher than that o f the men. point average of the women w1
T h e Affirmative will be upheld by the Soph omores, while the Freshmen will labor witl} the egative. Th orde r of speech of the Sophomore will be Kenneth Echard, Quentin Kintigh and Raymond Gates while the order of the yearlings will be Arley Z inn, John Vance and Franklin Puderbaugh. There will be no admi ion fee to thi annual affair, of which James 0 . Cox, of Va lparaiso, Ind ., is the donor of a twenty-five dollar cash prize to winnin trio. The judges will be d:rs. Mary E. Lee, Westerville, postmis t res , Miss Geraldine McBride, in structor of public peaking in \Ve te r ville H. ., Prof. H. W. Troop, Prof. F . .. Hanawalt, and Dr. W . M . Gan t7..
l'agc Two
· Clas Play ~{ embers of t he Junwr . g at b ca 11 111 cast ca n sec ur~ pho tos yr Wednes· Mi ss y(cYlah on s st udi o afte day.
Three .Weeks Left to Complete Jubilee ~~~~~~~~~\ College Officials Fear T uesday, December 7. Y. M. an d Y. W . in Associa tion Halls at 6 :30 p. m. Greenfie ld Orchestral Quartet in Chapel at 8 p. m. W ednesday, December 8- Fresh man-Sophomo re Debate in Chapel a t 8 p. m. T hursday , December 9C!eiorhetea at 6: 15 p. m. P hi \a leth ea at 6:1 5 p. m. Wa1 ter Heermann Concert Compa ny in Lambe rt Hall at 8:15 p. m. Friday, December 10- Philophronea at 6: 45 p. 111. Philomat hean Christ mas Open Sessio n and Party in Phil o mathea n Ha ll at 7 p. m. Saturday, December 11Va rsity Basketee rs play Good yea r Rubber Co. at Akron. Tuesday , December 14-Russell Declamation Contest in Chapel at 7 :30 p. m.
0- - - - - - - - - - -----new gy m nas ium may be put und er co nsidera tio n. H owever nothing defi ni te ca n be ann oun ced at th e presen t.
Incomplete Collection
President V isits Last Week In Penn sylvania In Interest of Jubilee Campaign.
D eath claimed the fath er of two Ot-· terbein graduates last T uesday morning when William W . Moses, aged 67, pa sed a way at Grant Hospital in Columbu s fr om ade ma of th e brain and comp li cations. H e was the father of Ral ph, now dec~a sed, who was gradu ated from Otterbein in 1912 ; and of H elen, of th e class of 1916, who is now a teac her in the Westerville public sc hools. Mr. Moses was bu ri ed in Otterbe1·11 cen1etery
Fears th at Diam ond Jub ilee Campaign will fa1'1 shor t of the desired goal, unle ss mo re money is pled ged and collections become mo re rapid within the nex t few wee ks, w ere expressed yesterday by Treasurer J . P . West and President W . G. Clippinger. P resid ent Clip.pinger was in the. fi eld last week end in the vi-cinity of J ohnstown and ' Gree n burg, Pa., .in a n attempt to
~:!~ :.c t old pledges a nd obtain new Lad ies· Sport 1fos; . L ett ers were mai led out last week to Son. tru stees urging them and others to re-
orri s &
,:__~ ~ • "UJ'_ d ~ ,._ . ...,_
-_ 1..V:.. 0
t Our ShOP· Buy your Oxfords_a J hnson to $4.50 0 We sell $the. Endicott3 50 Shoes-50c We Dye
!?!~T~!?O~~! Westerville, ~ _ ----
- Ill-;-;;:-;:~::-:-:~ - -IIIIIIIII ---II- II-IIIIII --llllll --II-----=spond with larger cash donati on s and t! Ill II II I II II Ill II IIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIII Ill Ill Ill 111111111111111 ,-,·,·11••111111•:;l pledges. In th e last three we ek s abo ut $ 5,000 _ in cash donation s were received from -
~ubsc ri bers in additi on to their ori g in•al pledges. e of these was and froman-a __ N ew Y or kOnalumnus fo r $1150 othe r from a Los A ngeles alumnu s for ::
AS ::
I= =
Take a Tie home for " 1 brother, or a Shirt for his Christmas. Perhaps s1·ster would apPr oreciate a Pair of 1·HoseS some House S 1pper •
I{ ·d'' s -
$1000. Officials are parti cul arly g ratified· . over th e manner in whi ch st ud.ents
§ § § i_
wh o were in school fo ur yea rs ag~ . § § Cello Solo:st - of --Cincinnati Sym- when th e Jubi lee Ca mpaign wa fir t :: s started. are paying the ir pledges. : st pt.any O rche ra. Famous With but three wee k s left in which § Soprano Also on Bill. :; to clo e th e campaign, the college offi- S "It is the most out stancI111g compan _ . v ces state that $ 120,000 mu st b e obtai n- All G i'f ts Packed In Chri·stmas Boxes. ::_ of the m usica l concert sea on," stated ed by J a nuary I. If thi s i received § :: P rof. A . R. Spessard yesterday eve n- the Roc k efell er F ou ndation will give :: $60,000. Trea urer J . P. West stated (111111 11 ing whentheas\V ked his opin ion con- that hatf of the 120,000 w-ould prob- t,.-1_!_11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ cerning altefor r Heermann Concert ~ Com pany which will g .ive a progra m ab ly be obtai ned fr om pledge already I Thur. day eveni ng at 8: 15 in Lambert ma de and that a n additio nal $60,000 Thi s concert is the seco nd to be m u t be obtai ne<l from new pl edge . H all. d b Y t h e Otte rbein Music , hH.· T. Hance has · been · app oi nted sponsore f Club th1. fa 11 . r·1c k e t s are now on c . ai rman. o . a commi . t tee .1n W es tersal e at 50 ce nts an cl may l)e purchased vi lle which 1s hworkmg. . th1 week to help e t He additional amount. A • ·sec urM · • from any mem b er o f th e cl ub · · the cell-o soloist . ss 1 tmg r. ance m the so hcitaWalter H ee rman n 1s -· 111n • at 1· S ymp hoi1y Orchest ra ' tio n Mrs. S. E. K enned -v, Mr . F. of th L111c a teacher of Ce11o a i1d E n emble at E. Mill er, Dr. N. E. Cornetet, Prof. C. . •nn at1· C o 11 ege of Music , an d is 0. . A ltman, Prof. E. M. .Hur h ' W . A. the Cmc1 . 1y rega r d e d a the foremo st Klin e, Profp. R. FB. Ma rtm, Prof. . A . P. national . rof.Cl . W . Val entm e and cellist o f t h e coun t r,_.' Mr . Heermann . pRosf elot, J H M la s a very expe nsive cello, a Gianro . . . c . oy. . . p Once th e Jubil ee Campaign 1s comb attY_1 ta R ugge n· ma de ·111 1690· Hi,' . . t, ,r· p1an1 miss H e'1e11 Gra•ce J ones , also pleted plans for the con truction fo r a accompanie him in several conce rted cello and piano numbers. Another nationally known artist will appea r in the concert wit h Mr. Heer mann. She i June El on Kunkle, oprano, forme rly so pra no oloi t with both the Ru s ian ymphony and the Cleveland y mpho ny Orche tra s.
J C FREEMAN & co •
Cards Booklets Seals Twine . ue Wrapping Tiss
- - - 0 C---
Men's Council Meets. The Men· Inter-Social Group Coun cil held a meet ing las t night at the Lakota H o u e, 66 We t Pa rk tree!, for di cussion of the constitution an d by-laws.
- - - 0 C- - A Big A sortment of Men' ·ock . E. J . N orris & on.
Blendon Hotel Restaurant " SPECIALS ON SUNDAY"
Sheaffer and Parker Pens and Pencils WESTERVILLE PHARMACY R. W . Hoffman, P roprietor 12 E ast Mai::'s~ ERE SERVICE IS BEST .I Phone 20 · W esterv1l e,
...,.i Changes May Be Made Befor e Ohio Conference Season Opens.
Ba ketball dlake the fi nal
oac'h D ek e E dl er w rll cut of hi s court s q uad first part of t hi s w eek. H e wi ll a,ry IS men. T he fir st cu t was ma de lait week. ldter has not ch osen th e m en w ho Wl11 make up th e first tea m . Those who were taken to Urb a na we r e Cap tain Barn es, Snavely, Buell, E . Riege l, . Widdoes, Van ur en, S eaman an.d orris. All. of th ese m en a r e ex,pe r i eaced and it was la rg ely beca u se of tWs that rhey were carried . S eve r.ail players will 1be add ed to th is lis t and t changes may be m a de b e for e t h e conference season open . Players who mak e up th e res t o f t h e sqnad at '))rese nt a re D . R iegel, M olter , Yantis, Friend, Yo ung, B r ock , S chott, Green and Dodd. Th e fi na l cu t will make little difference in the p e rso nn el of the squad as it i alm os t dow n t o the required size. Several o f th e p la y er who did not m ak e t he Urbana trip show possibilit ies o f m a k ing t h e tea m after a liule more pra cti ce. One of the pleas in g feature s of t h e team this yea r lies in th e fac t th a t Snavely and Widd oes a r e the on ly seniors on th e squ ad. This fa ct pe r mit Edler to pla n ah ead to next year's
P age T hree
t io n is W right, an A ll-B uckeye fo rward fr om O hio Un iver sity. A com binati o n such as th e above wou ld make it inte r est ing fo r any col Next Sat urday the Otterb ein pi ll lege team in t he state but if t hey play to sse r s wi ll travel to Akron to atten;pt with the dri ve t hat th ey did wh en t hey to win back th e la urels t hat th ey lo st were in college is an oth er q uestion . la t Saturday. They wi ll meet t he Games suc h as thi s o ne prom ises to be tea m r ep re se nti ng t he Good year Rub w ill do ubtl ess prove mu ch m ore va lu ab le to th e q ui ntet t han easier games ber Co. I t w ill tak e th e best of th eir wo ul d be. a bi lit y to win t hi s game. Tt is no t kn ow n w ho w ill make t he Th e tea m is composed en tirely o f t r ip to A kro n because of th e keen former star s of O h io Colleges. Two competition th at t he ot her m embe rs men1be1·s of t he team are " T ed" a nd of th e sq uad ar e g iving t hose w ho •·B ·11· · T f O I . V17 1 urne y rom 110 ·v es 1eya n, · 1 t 11e tn p to U rba na. "R 1·· S ·ff h . . mace ec e1 er w o cap ta m ed 0 h 10 I _ _ _ 0 C _ __ S ta te's team last year, and Montgom- 1 Music Club Meets. cry wh o is well known to a ll Otte r , st udent s wh o saw t he O t te r bein - M us- / T he Ot terb ein M_usic Clu b me t yes kin g u m game last yea r. T he ot her , terday a ft ern oon 111 La n_, bert H a ll. m em ber of t hei r stro ngest co mbin a- App li cat io n s fo r m emb ersh ip wer e con. sider ed. ~ I I I I I I I I I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Ill1111111111111111111111111111111 lllllll 1111111.!!
= = = =
Captain Barnes is to lea d t hi s yea r 's var ity bas k et-ball squad. He is o nl y § a Juni o r but hi s hi g h sco ring re cord of last year ,,·ill pr o babl y be raised this seaso n.
Come In and Browse Around.
= = = = = =
No. 14 South State
P r es ide n t W . G. C lippi n ge r a ddress- : ed members of the Co lumbu s Federalllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli tion o f W o m en' s Cl u b s at a •lunc heo n quintet. in the Southern H otel la t \Nedn esday - - - 0 C - - noon . He spo ke o n "Fads a n d F a n ATHLETIC BOARD AWARDS FRESHMEN 1930 NUMERALS cies in M odern Ed u ca t io n ."
Poarteen Yearlings May Be P r es ent ed Numerals In Future Chapel Program. Fourteen Freshm en fo ot ball men a r e to be awa rd ed num ra l by the arli letic board thi yea r. T he at h letic board , of which Craig a les is presid ent, met last week a nd recom me n de d that the foMowing m en r ece ive nu mera ls: Benford, Bun ce, Hadfi eld, J. Mi ll er, Dixon, Clin gman F ow ler, H a n ce . Jenkinson, D. Lee H . Re ck Widdoes Cline, and Kaufm~n. ' ' Stanley Kurtz wa a l o awa r ded numerals for his wor k o n the Fresh -\ man team. It i · plann ed to pu b licly awa rd Frosh num erals a nd va r ity let ter s 111 a chapel period in th e nea r fu ture.
Try .
Charter House
For Christmas Supplies. Candies and Fruits. Oysters. Chickens, D u cks and Geese.
University Men
P hon e 65 46 N. State
Ready-Made and Cut to Measure
Order Your The trouble with many a flapper is that her weakness for boys is too strong.
Olluh ~tattoneru - - - - - - - - - - - - -€, t••> - - - - - - - - - -- - - -
Have yo u tried ta comb to keep t hat Boyish Bob in p lace?
From "afe
iSurltryr Jrintittg
The REXALL Store
Page Four
IDqr wan anh (!larhtnal •
Published Every Tuesday Morning in the Interest of OTTERBEIN COLLEGE
STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ····································· WAYNE L Vi . HARSHA, W. Norris News E,ditor •····:······:··············--················· ·····.:·.·.·.:::··:·.:::::·.:·.-- M~r~!ret Kumler: Womens D~rm itones ················--················ ........................ James Bright, Men's Dormitory ···················--··--······· ··········· ·· Phili Charles Loca.l Reporter ·······v Features ·························· ............................... . e;d;··E~;~~·.-·;28:--RoberipBromeley°, Special
'27 '28 '28 '28 '29 '29
General Reporter s
Claude Zimmerman Lillian Shively Raymond Gates Karl Kumler Kenneth Echard Charles E. Shawen Margaret Haney
Mary Thomas Gladys D ickey Ernestine Nichols Marcella Henry Clyde Bielstein Thelma Hook Alfred Owens
Sophs Defeat F rosh. liminated the The Sophomore e . , inter· . l fi t of the g1rS1s turdaY Freshmen 111 t 1 e rs class basket ball games \aSt a in· . l won an when the second year g tr teresting game 20 to 12 · b dance of The Yearlings had an .a u~ ba ket shots but inability to hit t e consistently cost t h em the game. ----0 c N ew Pled ges Annou~: ~!ing of Lakota an noun ces th e p S •tz and James P. Heck, E me r on e1
One hundr ed and nineteen delegates from Ohio co1'leges met last Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Delaware to discuss the responsi•bility of the church in International Relations. Special attention was given to such problems as war an-cl peace, the World Court, war d-ebts, China Mexico, and the PhiDli ppines. ' A vote revealed that the majority were in favor of the World Court , Kenneth H a rry Simmerma•cher. D isarmament, and the Outlawry of Alps lately announ ced War. an active mefll• Otterbein and Ohio University share Echard as a pledge. Dale Friend is now the honor of sending the most dele bcr of Country CIU1b. gates to the r etreat, each havin g se nt eighteen. ~ I - - - 0 C---,r-========,coATs COLL EGE ATHLET IC STAFF SUITS, TUXED O S, O ' ATTENDS CONFE RE NCE ME E T
Monday morning, Dec. 6. Director \ of Phy ical Education, R. F. Martin and Head Coach M. A. Ditmer at SPORTS EDITOR .................................................... HARRY E. WIDDOES, '27 tended a meeting of the Oh io Athletic Conference M:anager ' As ociation at Assistants the Chittenden Hotel at ·columbus. Ellis B. Hatton Arthur H. German Prof. Martin is president of thi Asso Parker Heck Lawrence E. Hicks ciation. Football , ba eball and tra•c k schedules fo r next year were arranged. BUSINESS MANAGER ······················:····················· ROBERT E . MUMMA, '27 Monday afternoon, Coach Deke Assistants Edler attended a basketball rules in Lorin urface Ross C. Miller David Allaman terpretation meeting conducted by L. W. St. John of Ohio State University, ............................................ RUTH HURSH, CIRCULATION MANAGER '27 1 Assistants a member of the ational Basketball Mildred W ilson Rules Committee. Kathar ine Myera Margaret Duerr Margaret Edgington
----0 C----
¥! All Wool All. One Price
Registrar Vance A ttends Convention at Reserve U.
Suggestion- recently made through For the fi rst time the Tan an d Car the edit orial columns of the T a n and dinal carrie in its "ma thead" the eal Car-dinal have not by a ny mean died of the Ohio College ew paper Asso natural death but several have borne ciation, an organization wh ic'h held i~s fru it of a commendable nature. . seco nd convention of editor at 0h 10 Two profe or have recently put niver ity at Athen last week end. into pra'ctice ideas pre ented in an edi In an effort to rai e the journalistic tor ial which appeared everal week tanda rd of thi paper and to make it ago under the title " Grading th of greater benefit to it reader , th e Tan and ardinal became a charter Prof ." The student were a ked to write critici m of the profe ors and member of the A sociation at Akron hand them in unsigned, th us al la t pri ng. lowing a great dea l of unhamp ered Fifteen Ohio College editor whose freedom. Both profe or were high new paper are now members of the ly gratifie<I at the uggestio n and s ciation are st riving for b tt«:r co cri tici m r,eceived. It would be a operation in editorial policy, excha nge wi e proceeding for ome of the moi:e f cut and new report , and other skeptical profe or lo try uch a stun t. importa nt problem of like natu re. Ano~her profe o r ha taken up the A bulletin is publi shed every two sugge tion advanced in the editorial week by the A ociation. It co ntain "Developing Initiative" which appeard a number of important articles relating. in the October 19 i ue of the Tan and to uniformity a nd concerted effort of Cardinal. I n a cla which b~gin tiie editorial policie . econd eme ter he plans to allow the F utur e plan of the As ociation call tudent almo t unlimited fr eedom in for a conte t fo r the be t pape r of each the cour e. o definite outline will be cla in the late with the idea of con- propo ed with the exception, of cour e tructive critici m, development of an that evera l text books may be elected'. exchange of new and cut erv ice be The enti re plan will be a dir ct at tween the papers of the A ociation, tempt to ee ju t wliat a student will di cu ion of the problems of the col do with initiative on~e it is obtained. lege paper and joint action and editor---0 C--ial polic"y on sit uat ions concerning the ow that Queen Marie ho1ue we member a a whole. can talk about ha ketball.
Regi trar F. L. Vance attended the firS t annual meeting of the as ociation ?f hio College Regi trars and Exam iners, which was held at the College for Women, at W estern Reserve Uni ver ity, leveland, on ovembe1· 19 nd 2 0. Mi S L. Berni ce Ga rrit t, Reg~ 1 trar at the College for Wom en at "\N e tern Re erve University is pre i dent of the A ociation. Forty-four out of a po s·b1 • . 1 e fif ty-e1ght . reg1 trar of Ohio were pre ent at th t· e m. e mg.
DIRE CT FROM FACTORY TO YOU You Save Middle Man's Profit
OFFICE BROS. 230 N. High St .
THE CHRISTMAS GIFT THAT ENDURES Our Holiday Offer Will Inter est You.
ONE DOZEN CABINET PHOTOS · $6.00 'A New and Beautiful $1 0.00 Per Dozen Val~:: W ith each ord f . L arge Pb 't . 7 er o one dozen we will present qne p on 11 n Slzle x i handsome 'Folder or suitable to frarne. closed in a d e ay. '
The Old Reliable
=;;;:;:~ =~
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Page Five
Kintig_h Attends Meet.
Quentin Kintigh attended th e 23 rd Older Boys' Y. M. C. A. Conference at Lima with eight Westerville Hi-Y boys during the Thanksgiving vaca PHILOTA RANKS HI G H tion . Kintigh is sponsoring Hi-Y ac Lakota and Country Club Come tivities in Westerville High School. - - - - 0 C- - - Second and T hird In Grade E. J. Basket Ball Rule Books. Analysis. orris & Son .
]. R. King Conducts Funeral Of M iss Ama nda Timmons.
Dr. J. R. King was in charge of the funeral of Miss Amanda Timmons, a forme1· Otte rb ein student and charte r member of C leio rh etean Lite rary Society, which was held yester day afternoon in the United Brethren Church. ~1i ss Ti111111011s was a life-long friend
Y. W. To D iscuss Peace.
Th e topic for dis c ussi o n at :y _ vV. tonight is \V oi-ld Peace. The discus, sion will be lead by the girls who wer in attenda nce at D elaware last we ei encl. of Otte rb ein Co ll ege. She was buried 111 Otterbein Cemetery.
Over five hundred s tudents we re shocked, either pleasantly o r violently t • wo weeks ago when g rad e cards for the mid-semester were issued. An ana Jysi of the grade cards showed th at 86 st ud ents received two grades of D, F, or X. There were 74 men and 12 women in th e li st compiled in th e regi st rar's office. A large number of th ese 84 stu dents we r e placed on Probation at a special meeting of the faculty held just befo r e the Thanks giving recess. Four stude nts 'have been permanent ly di smissed on ac- 1 count of exceptiona ll y lo w grades. In the analysis of t he men's social roups, not includin g pledges, the hil ota Club was .found to have the high es t point a verage. A tabulat ion of all active me mb ers re s ulted in 1.275 as th e point average. Lakota came next with the highe st num be r of ur and also the highest num be r o f points and with an average of_ 1.223. Country Club r an k ed third · With a 1.1 90 point average. In order the clubs then rank ed a fol low : J onda, fou rth with 1. 054 f°in t ; Sphinx, fi.fth, ' 1.000; Cook -louse, sixth, 0.835; Annex, even th, 0 8 9 - 0 ; and Alp , eighth, 0.494. general a vera:;e was 0.985. Figures on tlhe women's ocial group were not near enough the final _tage to warrant publication at pre ti~ie yesterday. The complete tab le will be publi hed next week. Careful con ideration of the entire analysis will sub tantiate the fact that Otterbein has a very high g rading standard , h igher Perhaps, than a ny other Ohio college.
Fea•u · res of Program Include P iano Quartet and Vocal F D uet. eat ures on the recital program giv enf by the tudents of the Conservatory o M . L u ic la t Wednesday evening in ..~~ibert Ha ll included a piano q ua r tet, legro con Brio" by B eethoven, 1 ~~ied by Ol iver Spangler, Mi ldred I B son, Sarah Baltzelle, and Kathryn eek. A nother interesting number Was a vocal duet from " II Trovatore'' ung by Lawrence Miller and Betty G re . S Oth er vocal o lo were ung by t.>ar,ah Grant, Mary Thoma Olive D • Eth ' onald Euverard, Jame Harris, E:d el Kepler, arah Baltzelle, and na Haye who was accompanied on t'h e cell O b p Y rof. A. R. Spes ard. Th · 1·Ill number were pre enteel b rce vio Huffman LaVere Bred en Ya 11Homer d C • We a rl Patton. Piano solo c r~ Played by Celi a John so n, Grace Ge:/ and Viola Burke. Frances n ge Pre ented the only mandolin Umber O 11 h t e program. '"lOt
Th e laboratories an d shops of industry are the sources of many of the enduring attainmfnts of ou r times. In the Gen eral E lectric or~aniza tion is an army of 75 ,000 persons, co-operating to make electricity do u:ore an d bettu work fo r ~umanity.
A serirs of G -E adverti sements showing what electricity is doing in many fields will be sent" on request. Ask for book let GEK- 18.
Four millions of the best man-power of Europe perished in the N apoleonic conquests. Military con quest is non-creative, while industry is always creative. In the last ten years .one American manufacturer the General Electrfo: Company - has creat ed machines having a man-power forty times as great as that of all the lives lost in the Napoleonic wars. In the years to come, when the college men and women of today are at the helm of industry and of the home, it will be realized more and more that human energy is too valuable t o be wasted where electricity can do the work better at lower cost.
THE TA AND ~ a~g~e~S~ix ~ = = = = = = = = = = = l ~~ ~ ~ = ~~~~=~~~~~~I
Fifteen Editors Attend Second O.C.N.A. Meet
Ij lea gue. The first game may start SECOND ALUMNI MAGAZI NE MEN'S INTRA-MURALS TO MAKES APPEARANCE. I START WITHIN TEN DAYS I after the Ch ri tmas vacation after th e
The second edition of the Otterbein of the ls' Clas a111c . ---: co111p let1011 . Alumni Magazine, edited by H. W. Coach M. A. DitnH'r is again in I Troop, Director of Alumna! Relations, charge of th e Men' s Basketball Lea .Prominent Jour~alistic M en of Athens has made its appearance and i lJeing gu e thi s year. Full orga nization o f th e Speak Before Convendist ri b uted rapidly amo ng the alumni. leag ue wil l probably he co m plet ed tion. The magazine contains a number o f within the next few days. Tt is ex- -new f eatures. . pected that eight 111 en' s g roup t ea m s 11 f Oh has been will be . ent ered a nd abou t a half-dozen . co · e ge papers who j A nove 1 d epa r t men t w li"cli Ed ito r,s o 10 t F h S eet Fon.da Oranges $3 Oh 11 . College N ews- . d • h p ·de t's Page teams 111 th e Prune League. Already res w Jarge 1 . hun ddr satisfac• 10 mtroduce 1 t e res1 n • , per box of three bcl ,,. to the p:i ..,e r "' A ssoc1a . . t·wn 1held their .annual w·tt h t 11 1s · 1ssu . e Pre ident W · G · Clip- many . of the men gro ups have electedd I s·ize. Sound fruit an ne y back, . · nivers1t y 111 : pmger • anc1 mana ge rs and sec ur.e tion guaranteed or mo A bol convention at 01 10 presen ts th e fi rst of a eri e of I. captams . harges ed A • 1es on "Otte r bein's Educa- uniform for th e seaso n. Accord mg We pay express · thens as guest o f 11the "Gree . n. and I three artu: f th makes c an app 1 p o1-icy " • Th e second and thi'rd to the pre ent . · l s t u d e t pubhcat1on of , ttona . rulin g, the fir t ten . men o ese gift. Remit . with or· . thristmas \ Vhtte", o ffi c1a I ·11 d I "th the social life o f th e var it y ha ketball qu a d will be theWayn Umvers1ty. es wt ea w1 . 1·1g1·11 . . .111 t l1e e v. Harsha, editor ~f, the Tan artt·c and the business policy, re spec tive!!. 111e J e' for_ part1.c1pat1011
I ·
and Ca rd inal, was Otterbem s repre- 1 Another interesting department 1s Baskelba ll Le~gu e. . sentative at the meetin g. ~~ led _ a , the page devoted to "Student Tho~ght." Each team in each league IS to play , ~ d table di sc ussion on Salari es,, Th ree editorial from current issues two games wtth eac h team of that I ;;;; . ;;;=========;;;;;.== roun . ---and Credit Paid Ohio Co·llege Echtors. th of the Tan a nd Cardinal appear on this - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - : -:-::-::::--- u11IIII 0
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ABOUT DAD'S XMAS?•111 §:~;
Harsh~ was elected Treasurer ~ ~ page. . ~ IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Association. Floyd_ Barger_1 of1 Witter An artt-c le by Pro'.. E. ~- Hursh o_n be rg wa elected V1ce-Pres ~e ~t. T~e Sociology, ~n athletic ect1on, an art! !,ext meeting of the A ss?c1atton will cle concerning the cla s of 1926, and I : • •
er :
A Voltmeter, Charger Eliminators, Pow
be held next April at Oh10 Wesleyan. other alumni notes make up the bal- neec-hes we re made before the As- ance of the magazine. .' ·on b Y Professor George tarr o c--soc1at1 .
= I ---=Tube, or other a1"d t 0 'h.lS R ad.10 Set may be La her of Ohio u ., F. w. Bu h, editor VARSITY LOSES FIRST just the thing. of the Athens Messenge r, and Professor Wes ley Maurer of the journaH NON-CONFERENCE TJLT WE HAVE THEM
department o f Ohio U.
The ed1to r
were the guests of Phi Kappa Ta~ at I rd their emester dance Satu ay even_mg. A num be r of round table di cuss1ons 11 on top ics peculia_r to co . ege Jour · nalism were led by various e d1t or of the pa th per represented. OSeveral o er paper · d -m · t emb hip in .the were admitte A ociation. They m are: Mt. U mo~, t. Xavi r, Capital University, Ohio nd ·orthern, Oberlin, Wittenberg, a . Muskingum. As a cha rt er m ember of the Association , Otterbein was one of th e fir t half-dozen colleges in the st ate ~o _use the authentic seal of the A sociat ion. It was adop ted after a vote on everal designs was anno unc~ faS t _week. The new seal appeal's this week 111 th e editorial column. . herrill Leonard of Akron mversity i pre ident of the A_ ociation,
Otterbein los t the fir t game o f her pre-season schedule la t _aturday ni!!ht at rbana when the Jumor College ~ of that cit y came from behind to win 18 to 11.
= S
S S S -
STATE ST· W esterville's Exclusive Radio and Electric N. Shop :: :- PHONES 154-W.-236 J. _ 6 Otterbein played good ball in the fir t : THE LITTLE SHOP WITH BIG VALUES uR • h er favor, :IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~11111111111111111111. ._::.....---., which ended of 9 defen to O 111 111 bhalf ut all emblance e disappeared in the final period and Urbana r scored eighteen points while the be t Otterbein could do wa to score two points from the free-th-row line. T11 the fir t half Otterbein howed fla shes of the fight and kill that la t year landed them in third place in the Ohio Conference but the last half re minded one of th e Otterbein team of the year before la t when Otterbein fini hed the eason with two victories, both of which were extremely fortunate.
a nd Chas. J . Farran, of Ohio Wesleyan is now secretar y. Representativ es of the O_h io College paper pr e ent were: Sherrill Leona rd , 1 rom e Taylor, of Akron; Ralph E. Cannon, Mu kingum; ErneS t H. Fis~, Oberlin; Charles J. Farran of <?hio We leyan; Harlin Walters, Heidelbe rg; F loyd Barger, Wittenberg'. Clarrnce Hoiles, Mt. Union; Fay Richie~, u. Of Toledo' Harm Harm and Adri111 Pfeiffer of Capital; Ralph L . Snyor tbetn; H . Marga~et 1'.e r of O h io Haye ' Kent or mal ; and C. R. Stembicke r.
- - - 0 C--- PERRY LAUKHUFF RE TURNS FROM STUDENT FEDERATION MEETING I Perry Laukhuff, Pre ident of the •tud ent ouncil r turned unday from the ational tudent Federation _· on ve ntion which wa held at the n1ver sity of Michigan at nn Arbor. Mr. Laukhuff wa a member of the com ' itte which di cu ed the ho~or sy~tern. More a bout thi convention will nppcar in the next is ue of the Tan and rdinal.
: :
= :::
Wise Men Choose Gifts
that loving hearts deserve,
Follow Santa Claus, Ad
B. Wil on lead the coring for both teams making more points himself than Otterb ein scored altogether. He came through with five ba ket and tw o foul for a total of 12 points. Otterb ein parti an a re wont to blame the low ceiling floor for th e defeat, but Otterbein proved that he could core in the fir t half. ___ C--•0 p h 1 noV.l here ~ bitt .1ere 1 no roctor, t ere
'-=-==~===========~'\ PICTURES FOR XMAS GIITS Johnson Furniture Co.
vice and Give
Westerville, Ohio
WILLIAMS '-=================~---~
,. .
W omen Wa nda Gallagher spe nt th e week end with th e Owls. E rn es tine a n d M ari·orie Nich ols were ent er tained at the Nei l Ho use, unday even ing. j T he d Ar ca<ly Cl ub and friends en-
l'age Seve n
The Owl Clu b enter t,a ined a group "Bob'' Martin, '22, visited Country of Fres hman gi rl s with a dinner par ty Cl ub friends Saturday evening. at Ingleside Inn F r iday eve ning. Coach D. R . Pa rks, of Ce nt ra l H igh School, vi sited Country Club. Jan e Goss,ett and Bernice Jackson Jess Miller and Merle Riegl e spent of Canton were the week-end guests of Saturday evening at New Albany. Verda Eva ns. Th e Talisman Club ent ertained a Ernie Rieg le went home ove r the gro up of Fr es hma n gi rl,s at the W om - week-end . . "Tubby" Minni ch is ill with tonsili an ' Olub in Columbus, W ednesday. A se m i-formal dinner party was ti s. given by rhe Onyx Club in h onor of •··r·1m ,, N e well was back to sec Cook seve ra l Fresh m an g irls, M on day even- I"o use fr i·eitd s. ing at the h ome o f D or t h y u n kl e. -, Ma rjorie Leach a nd J ean Bih'lman P. J . Strous~, '25 . visited wi t h l'h ilo tas F riday. of Portsmouth , O h io, mo tored to We ste r ville an dH spe n t the week-end K.m g H a1I
Women 's Club Holds R eception. The Otterbein W oman' s Cl ub, w ith Mrs. Ben S. T hompson, 19 19 Cam brid ge Boulev a rd, Columbu s, as hos tess, held a r ecep ti o n and Chri t ma s party at Mrs. Thompson·s home last ~at urday afternoon. r"n th e receiv ing l111 e were Dean Cora A. McFadden and :-.1 rs. Frank J. Resl er, presiden t of the 1· c~ub . Mrs. Mabel C. Starkey led th e smg 111g of carols and Ch r istmas songs. Mr R s.J W. G. dCli ppinger and Mrs · F · J· es er se rve. at the tea tab le. About 25 0 tt er I)e111 senior ·women were
I guests. - -- nd O
1 II
c_ _ _
Ties, Good-Loo king Ties at TE.iesJ. aNor rM is ore & Son's.
oye a chicken din ner at the "Tea for with Marga ret a ney. Earl DeHaven went to Jackson T wo·• Sat urday eve n ing . ·, · The Lot us Clu<b en ter tained some o f wi.t h F red P ayn e ove r th e week-end. Mr5. K um ler wit h Marga ret.
pent t he week- end the Fresh ma n gi rls a t a di nn er party Joe H utchins was the g uest of Wedne day evenin g. Hen ry O lson of Columbus over the ':> Co n stance P urdy was a g uest of the I week -e nd. Gwynue McCo na ughy aud " Bob " i:.en:i:e • · or ris and Louise S to ne r L o tu s Clu b on S unday. Br omeley saw "Ghosts" at th e Ha r t \\'~re the guests of L ouis e Bennett a t man at urday. Mm AuSt on H all Ohio Wesleyan, w~ile M or ris Hicks and Jack Baker spent 1 atte nd ing th e studen t r etreat rhere. Leona rd J. Newe ll visited Lakota unda y in Colu mb u . v· da tola Peden went to U r ba na Satur- m en this week-end. OC - - Y evening to see Otterlb.ei n-U rba na Graduate Marries. g,ame. Jerry Schwar tzkopf was th e guest Miss F lorence S udlow, a graduate I s b 11 at the si x t h we ekly banq uet of t h e P iae R ueh r mund s,pent the week - tonic Philosoph ical Society of Inter- of Otter be in in t he <:;lass of 1926, was end ain eColumbus. · national Scholars. Ellis Hatton acted recentl y marr ied to M r. Wayne Rar da in, who attended Otterbein last year. M and arg aret T r yon , M argare t B a k er as toastmaster. Betty Pl umme r atte nded the tude nt Retr eat Confer ence at O h io Don Phillips, Harold F reeman, Les- -::_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;:;;;;:;;:;;~ Wes leyan th is week-end. ter Cox, or man Howe, F rank San- ':" Mr T r . . . . \ der s. Frank Me lkus, Russe ll Norr is, k · acy v1S1ted with Ed na t h1! Prof Raine s Kenneth Bun ce Cur t . , H erman ' . , Ronald ' 1I ee -end · Poulton Van Kirk
Christmas Present
A gro up of F res hman girls were de - Mc Clain, Robert Hawes, Ca rl Conrad,
~gaht f~ Hy
entertained ,by
the Torno Jo e Robinson, and Tom Weaver-were iven by the Alps ean. Club Saturday evening. David L ee visited wit!; Paul Clinglll!Thbe Polygon Cl ub ente r tained a t 111 er of Freshme n girls wit h a man in Chilli cot he over the week-en d. E veret t Snyder, Wende ll Williams, Sorrna l d'inner ,pa r ty ,at I ngleside Inn Devon Brown, and Harli n D ebolt vi saturd,ay night.
from the
L chi Club at the hom e of Mr . Mc- guests at a party
ited in Centerburg Saturday and Sun h Leona R aver spe nt the week-end a t
I da y. "Ted" Benn ett, '26, visit ed A nn exb Adda L the G yon pent the wee k-end with friends Saturda y and Suuday. reenwich Cl ub. K ent Sprinkle v isited Country Cl u Mr · anc1 M r . W. C. Haney of Port men t hi s wee k- end. auc1 ~mouth, O hio suprised Margaret
er home in Canal Winchester.
Take home a
"Jew'' Crawford spent th e Tha nk send ut Haney wit h a visi t this week Jun · w en t'hey came up to see the b tor Play. They b rought a la rge givn g vacation in Hamilton. ox: of " eat ,, which were enjoyed by "Left y" Drexel pent the week- end the p ,a IYgon gi rl . a t Kenton .
HITT'S RESTAURANT The Place of Real Eats. Sunday Dinners , A Specialty
Remember us when you're hungry, we've
got what you want.
Westerville Variety Store
The State St. Bakery
State and College
P hone 81 -W .
E. F. Gasho & Son, Props.
·ay i t B etter If it h a J>ll.l!UJyrap/-1,
l■U l ■l l■rrl■lllll 'llllll !■111■111■1\'.I ■ 1 1■11,i llil I■ l■n l■lll■ll'l llill ■~
y ou Won't Be Disappointed if You do Your
Christmas Shopping Here. Take a look at our Silk Hosiery, Silk Scarfs, ~-r men and women, a fine showing of Silk i ies, none priced more than $1.00. : Fancy Boxed Stationery in the new things !!! s priced 25c to $1.00. nd
I '
Many Things to Offer, You W ill Have to Come in a
S~e for
w1l;t~~it~v PAIR OF SILK HOSE
No. 3· North State St.
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l■ ; I ■]! 1 ■1 1■11' 1 ■ 1 ' 1 ■ 1 1 ■ 1 '1 ■ 1 :\ llll ' l ■ l l ■ l 'l ■U: l ■ l ' l ■ l l'l■ l l ■ l 'l ■lfl■ll l ■l 'l ■ll l ■ I 1•
- - -- - - -r.1•, , ® - - - --
! !
ll IL
! j
•I L'==================d
11 1 11 11 •
101 N. HiSh St.
Page Eight
RUSSELL DECLAIMERS T O CROWDS JUDGE JUNI OR A great d eal o f cred it i due th e Ari STAGE CONTEST ON DEC. 17 PLAY DRAMATIC SUCCESS D epar tm ent fo r the Ianc1scape work in Acts l a nd l T. Mrs. Dunn, director Seven Students Will Battle for Annual · e, and . _(Co_nti nu ed From Page one.) of the depa rt ment. Rut'h Asir Howard Russell Prize COVER BY RUTH ASIRE n11lh ona1re him elf, Corn elius Jami e Boyd Renn iso n. were in charge. Awards. so n, l'red A. V-.' hite, steps in to giv e hi s D es pite a ll rumors to the cont rary, Book Will Contain Interesting Special The annua l Russell Declamation son a few po inters conce rni ng " ni eces it is very dou b tful if the Junior play Features: Many Alumni from Pari s." contest will be held W edne day even Contribute. Th e oth er memb ers of th e cast we re· wi ll he repea ted. ing December 17. There will be seve n And y Beard sley, H enr y Ga llagher. Quiz and Quill maga zin e published conte tan ts ; four Sophomores and each year by the Q,uiz an d Quill Club three Freshmen . Five of the even Hannah, th e_ hou ekeeper, Margare~ f will be ready for sale Friday after co nt esta nts are fr om th e three fir t Kuml er ; en1or Warde· 11' \Vt"fe, M r s · chapel. A campaign fo r subsc riptions year public speaking classes. 'f'he J one , Ve rda E van ; Morton J 1 one ' Ka I K r um er ; Glad ys, their daughter was launched in ·chapel yesterday other two ar e not enrolled in any nyd er ; 1fon te J one ' their son'. I :11orning by V erda Evans who i pee- public speaking clas . Contrary to ~lady uch enam ored o f Diane, R oss Miller ; ial feature editor of the magazine. form er years. only those intere ted in A cover design especially appropri- the contest were as ked to try out. Joe Will. et , th e ext on , John R o ate to Ch ri st mas has been drawn by The names of the contestants and on ; Gri gg • th e butler, Claude Zimm erman . The members of the ves tr v Ruth A sire of the art department, and th eir topics are as follows: wh o make life mise rable for th e poor. this will be printed in colors, giving R,o ber t Bromley-"Work" the magazine an exceedingly attractive Charl es Mumma-"Th e Call To rector are played by Clyd e A. Bielstein Lawrence Hick F11 · H , appearance. Arms." atton , and W ' • 1 th Alumni of th e Quiz and Quill E el Shreiner-"Tribute To Lin- eel a{ine Chee k. Margaret Hane y playcoln." . i e pa r_t of Betsy Bladgett, th e ·1 Club, some of whom are well known lage gos ip. v1 to stud ents in school now, have retanley Kurtz-"Lincoln's Second [naug ural. " arah Balt ze lle played org an sponded well to an invitation to sen d numin contributions. These will ap pear Mildred Va n Gundy-"Ma rch Of ber s durin g intermi s ion ~ · a dd"1hon · · · d one b y active · The .D ead." m to writmg members of the club. Member s of the Ehza'be th Lee--"G reatnes In Citi- :■1:;1 tM:n■ll'lll il l■ll'l■ll'l■ll ll!l l: 1■11 !1 11'1 I! 1 111 1 1· 1~11' 1■11' 1■11' !■1na11: 1■:r1Bw1■11 1■m11I1 ■ Quiz and Quill are chosen to belong ze;ship." 11 th Gregg-"Martyrdo m O f to thi honorary organization becau se . l a b'l' . Of Arc" 1 1ty or 111. · they have shown spec1a tere t in writing. H ence the Qu iz and _Prizes _of fifte e~, ten and five dollars aotl Quill magazine contain probabl y the wi ll be given to t'he wi nners of the first th - be t creative writing done in Otterbein . ~ee places . in the contest. The e The edition which w ill appear F riday prizes are gwen every year by Dr. co nt ain Christma material and an Ho\\"a rd H. R us ell, founder of The unu ual amount of poetry, be ides nti-Saloon L eag ue. D r. Ru ell wa storie , critical writing, and humorous ve ry _ac~ive in fo ren ic work in coll ege feature . a n cl I a memb er of P i Ka ppa Delta, Any tudent who did not sub cribe a n ho nora ry fo r enic oc iety. He till to th e Quiz a nd Quill yesterday morn- ta ke a very kelii1 inter e. t in these ing, or any Alumni wishing to receive yea rl y co nt e ·ts. copies hould comm un ica te wit h Pro fesso r Rain es report th a t a vc r E rn estin e ichol , the bu in es man a- kee n in teres t is bein g show n by th~ ger. c nt esta nts. I t is h peel that th e ___ O C - - tucl en t body wi ll t urn out a nd give . 10 10 STORM OF APPLAUSE GREETS th em hea rty \l ppor t. in■ 1lalllllltl■ll'IC1n 111 1nm1L1■ 11 :i■11: l lal£■1 1 1 ■11.l ■II ~ PROF. GRABILL'S RECITAL F ra ncis Bech tolt wi ll he chairma n of ~ the event.
Make WOLF'S Your Headquarters
for Meats and Groceries Party and Picnic
Orders Given Special Attention
Every. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Sunday. I Come in for relaxati~n from the hard dailY M . . gnnd. . ii usic and a Special Program Saturday Nights j
T-4-2 Tea Room
~ Phone 391 . W. ~
"pleasing to the Most Discriminating''
77 West Main St.
Prof . G. rabill gav e h i. pr m ised pipe o rga n reci tal dur ing th e reg ular hapcl period on Thur day. Th e pro gram con i ted of two election , one of which wa a " cotch Fanta ia" of c tch national airs and "Folk ong ", by \: ill . Macfarlane, who i now th Municipia!I Orga nist at Portla nd, Ma ine. The fir t elect ion requ ired ighte n minute for playin g. fter the torm of applau e that greeted this fir l election Pro f. Grabill , returned to the organ and pla yed octune by hopin.
C. D. MANN Watchmaker and DEALER IN
- -- 0 C Get a ' ilk on· .
- - -
carf at E .
J. J\ orri &
Poultry For Sale Ready to .Lay Purebred Pullets of the . followmg breeds: Barron strain White Leghorns, Eve~lay strain Brown tegh~rns, TThomps~n s Barred Rocks wen s o~ ompkm's Rhode Island R eds, White Rocks or White W yandottes, $1.25 each Five months old .pullets of any breed above, $1 each, soon to lay. ":oung cockerels, about ready for vice $2 each. serCock free with order for one dozen pullets or more. White Leghorn baby chicks $8.75 hundred. • Brown Leghorn baby chicks S9 hundred. ' Barred Rock baby chicks $ll hund d Rh~de Island Red chicks'. $10 hund:e d. Wh!te Rock chicks, $12 hundred e · White Wyandotte chicks $ll 50 · h dred. ' · un-
All_ purebred and of the stra· mentioned. ms We grow our poultry and use e ~reme cai:e in ~electing eggs for hatc~ mg. Satisfaction guaranteed W e pay postage charges ~n chi k and express on pullets. Live d r c s guaranteed. e tvery
_33 N. State St.
The Fulghum Hatchery GIRARD, OHIO
"THANK YOU'' -€ •
Yniversitv., Bookstore 18 NORTH STATE ST.
PHONI 493-J•