Hudock, John 66 W . P ark
W E STERVI LL E, O HI O , DECE MB E R 14, 1926.
N O. 12.
Vaca tion Begins F riday Noon. Clubs Send 89 Bids The Christmas rec es will begin 55 Frosh Wom en Friday. Decem be r 17, at 1•2 m.. and will end 11onday, January 3, at 12 :00 111. 3 CLUBS BID 8 E AC H i ~ontrary to the announcement made Dean . E. Cornetet urges students to n a t week's issue of the Tan and particularly watch pre-and eardina) th po t- vaca- Women U se System Similar T o T hat . tion abs ences. e Ru ssell Declamatio n Conte t · f . . Of Men. Miss Taylor Is en . · one o O tterhem's chief for- - - - 0 C---Mediator. I ic tilts, will take place in the Cn l OTTERBEIN T O SEND FIVE ege Chap el at 8 :00 () 111 E1·ght stu . dents fi · · TO MILWAUKEE MEETI NG Many were the smiles of joy and F ve Sophomores a nd thr ee heart-brea king tears yesterday noon ·11 re hme of I n, wi contes t for the prizes E sther George, Katharine Myers, when th e ru shing season for th e 5 a , $10, and $5. which are offered Louie Norris, Waldo Keck and women's social groups end ed. The nnually b D H fou d Y r. oward H. Rus ell, P H YSICAL E DUCATION Prof. Hursh To Go. mediator, Mis s Lela Taylor, mailed out COMMITTEE HOLDS MEET A n ~r of the Anti-Saloon League oi a total of 89 bid s to 55 girls. The new lllenca d . • u . • an now associate genera 1 After some careful and rather ex pledges a~e as follows: n;e;ntendent of that organization. Discusses Problems Of E quipment, tended consultation the cabi nets of the Arbutus F ields And Future Actich · u ell is a memb er of the local Y. M. and Y. W. C. A.' have elected Helen Clemans, Mildred Morris apter of p·1 K vity Saturday. their delegat es to the ational Stu- Alice Foy, Grace Senff, Erma Ely'. &rarn . appa Delta. The proWill last one hour. dent Conference to be held at Mil- Mildred Murphy, Mary Gaines, Hazel · The l mportant problems · waukee from December 28 to Janu- Burkhart. th . name of the conte tants and Ir t · •s"'he1 • 1 and ::: atha rine B opics arc as foll ow s: Robert Ottcrhciri's n; lation!\ to in•cr o llrgi.ate r y 1. Arcady rotneley "W k" ''Th • or : Charles Mumma, athletics were discus eel at a mee.trng Meyers are to represent Y . W. whi le Marguerite Knapp, E lsie Benn ett, W a ldo o f the Phy ical Education Com~ittee Keck and L ouie :-; orris are to· """ .eb Call to Arm s"·' Ethel Shreiner, ~nu Ruth LeMast r. Es ther Nichol , Lela ''L·inco1n• toS Lincoln"·, Stanley Kurtz, of the Board of Tru stees in President o as representative of the Y. M. Moore, Ruth Moore, Marian K eiss. w. G. Cli ppinger's offices last SaturC. A. Prof. E. M. Hur h is to go as Van G s econd Inaugural"; M ildred Onyx a faculty repre entative from OtterE:lizab u nd Y, "M arch of the Dead"; day m orning. J ose phine S ton er. Evelyn Edwards, . c·1t1zen. Dr. A. T . Howard. preside~t of / bei n, and R oy Burkha;t will repre. hip"• eth R Lee • "G rea tn ess 111 Sara Gold smith , Gen!'va hela, Dor h Bonebrake Theologica l emi~a ry, ent the Young Peoples Department Jqan 'of Ul ., Gregg, " fartyrdom of ' ot hy Wainwright, Marie Wainwright. · chairman of the committee. of the. Church. XominabiAr c, Quent in Kfotigh. "The D ayton, 1s Phoenix The othe r members present were: Dr. This conference, as the name signi1' on of \\ 'oodrow \\" ilson_"' Beatrice Burchard . Elma H a rter. E B Lcarish of Philipsburg. Pa., I. fit: , is to be a nation -wide affair. h judge 8 f h J. I1este r WJo • t e contest are: Rev. R: Libecap of Dayto n. a nd Dr. F . H . olleges from all over t he United Tom o-D achi • tervtlle p lit e. pas tor of the WesCa pehart o f West Virginia. tales will be repre se nted the re. Wh ile Elizabeth L ee, Eileen mith. E unice C. Tus re byterian Church; Mrs. T . · cv loc a I reacIer and interpre·rre sident Clippinger was mem b er the Confe rence is a national affai r it Hastings, Frances Hooper, Kathryn ter; and himcr, H elen Sch ei R F ha secu red both nationa l and inte r- Gantz, Leona of hist r. harles na vely professor c x -officio o f the committee; Pro.f . . . Ory, ' · Martin was called to act in an a d visory national leaders, to lead the di cussion degger, Evelyn Miller. roups. Francis 1 . • Two memhrrs o f the comP olygon paci 1~. f Ak Cap and . D · R<:-chtolt. p resident of ca·11 Mary Trout, ath erine Beck. Dr Clarence Warmer o - I The party from Otterbein plans to a ic or . agger Club. ca mpus dram mi ee, · f Valpar- leave on December 27 and drive to 0 Talisman c n e /·an ,zation, wi ll pre ide over the ron . and Mr. L. E. Myer Milwaukee in Prof. Hursh's car. A irginia Brewbaker. l?rofe · Mu. ic under the direction of a i,o. Ind. we re not pre ent. detailed report of the conference will Greenwich - - - 0 C--Pccia) ~r A . R. Spes ard will be a no doubt be given in chapel or before a Virginia Badgley, Ruth Bailey, So he ki ssed he r on the Steppes of no act .... · e~ture of the event for which joint meeting of the two Christian As ..,, ion ·11 I arah Baltzelle, Glendora Barne , Ru ssia. ~ WI )e cha rged. sociation after Chri tmas. Information Anna Lou Bickel. Marian J one . Jane concerning the conference will be given Lohr. through the column of the Tan and TAN AND CARDINAL'S GRA DE ANALYSIS OF THE Lotus Cardinal in the first issue a fter ChristWOM E N'S SO CIAL GROUP S Betty Baker, Erma Bell, Ruth ma, a lso. ____ 0 C _ _ __ Gregg, Lucy Hanna, Margaret LaRue, Club Average Points DR. HO WARD RUSSELL Lola Sproull, Wilma proull, Fay 1.861 496 SPE AKS I N CHAPE L Wise. 1.848 473 Owl lotu ···························································· 256 1.754 193 Dr. Howard H . Rus ell, spon or of Helen Ewry, Kathryn Long, Cath 1.710 289 everal Otterbein forensic contests, erine Matz, Evangeline Spahr, Loi 1.710 277 J\rbutus··········· ................ ...................... 162 wa the special chapel peaker yester \11/eaver, Catherine W ycoff. 1.636 288 day morning. Dr. Ru sell recited a - - - 0 C--.l?hoeni>c ················································ 176 1.573 342 num ber of biblical se lec tion . l:>o lyg00 ······ ··· ··· ····· ····· .... ........ ...... ... .. ....... 218 Basket Ball League T o B e Fornned. 1. 5.11 223 \v i .. ··························································· 145 Other prominent people who were R epresentabive of a ll social groups l .309 208 Greeu;·;~h ············· ................. ........................ 152 prese nt at the chapel exerci es were and re pre entatives of pro pe<:tive 1.250 305 ························································ 244 Dr. and Mr . H . W . Widdoe , Dr. Prune League teams will meet at 12:35 w. Keister, Rev. Jam e R. Be t and today in the lower ha ll of the Associa 16. 182 g;an: Totals ..........................................1898¼ 3094 1. j hi son, Dr. No lan R. Be t, a grad uat_e tion Building for the organization of 6182 au Average of the Social Groups is ................ , of Otterbein in the cla s of 1892. the ba ket ball leagues. Students W ill Battle For Russell P rizes In Annual Forensic T ilt.
The annual joint Chris tm as pa r ty of the Y. M. C. A. and the W . C. A. \\'ill be give n tl11s evening by the t\\'O associations in the lower As ociation Hall at 6: 15 p. m. A numbe r o f sur pri es are in store for the lar~e crowd which is expected. Thi s party wil l be o ne of the large t social fun ctions of the sc hool year.
· · · · ·· · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·· · · ·~~~ ~~~- n;·~·.;;··.......:::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::: !!~
~ =====~====~
Page Two
URBANA NEWSPAPER GIVES F O RMER ST AR BENCHWARMER JOB In a n advance writ eup of the Urbana Junio r-Otte rb ein game in one of the Urbana pape rs, the statement was made that "Wid does fl ash ly li ttle sta r of last yea r:s quintet, has a bench wa rmin g posi ti on". Grave fears were ex pressed in t he story th at Otterbei n might have such a fast, excellent team , and such an ab undan ce of m at er ia l that eve n one of the sta rs was placed o n the bench. However the stor y was un fort unate in that the facts were erron eous. Carroll W id does, last year's captain, was confused with Ha rry W iddoes, a member of this season's sq uad .
ARCADY COPS FIRST IN WOMEN'S GRADE CHART P O INT AVERAGE IS 1.861 Lotus Club Third, And Tomo-Dachi And Onyx Tie For Fourth Place. Arcady Clu b followed closely by the Tal i man Club, ran away . with fi rst ho nors in the Grade A nalysis con ducted by the Tan and Car di nal, an d published fo r the fi rst time on th e front page of this week's issue in th.e form of a boxed summary. T he A rca dy lub scored a poin average of 1.861 and the Talisman Club, mis sing fi rst place by thirteen thousan dt hs of one point, scored 1.848. Lotus Club took third place with 1.754 as the point average.
Cap And Dagger Will Hold WALTER HEERMANN COMPTryouts For New Play S oon. PANY PRESENTS RECITAL
Tryo ut s for several male pos ition s By 3-2 Score Frosh Outdistance Sophs in the ca t " I,f I Were K,ing" will be And Cop The Cox $25. announced soon by Cap a nd Da g ger , Prize. campus dram a tics o r gani zatio n. T h e A fai r sized crowd wit nessed t he de perso nne l of Cap and D agge r will feat of the Soph omor es in the an nual make up the m ai n pa r t of the cast of Frosh- Soph de'bate Wed nesday eve n this four-act d rama which wi ll be pre ing D ecember 8. The q uestio n deba t sented the latte r pa r t of J an uary. ed was: Resolved th at t he E ig h teenth - - - - 0 C---A m endm ent Sho uld Be Mod ifie d to U. B. CHOIR PRESENTS Pe rm it the Sa le of Light W ines and ANNUAL XMAS CANTATA Beer. The debate was very close a nd "Chri stm as" was t he t itle of t he an m any people believed it should have been a tie. The score was 3 to 2. nu al Ch r is tmas Ca ntata presented last T he Sophomores: Kennet h Echa rd , Sunday even in g by t he choi r in Unite d Quen tin Kintigh a nd R aymo nd Gates B r ethr_en Ch ur ch. P ro f. A. R. Spes spoke on the affirmative. Arl ey Zinn , sard dir ec ted t he choi r in t he r end iti o n J oh n Va nce an d Fra nkl in Puderba ugh th e fi r st in W es tervill e, of the Ca nta ta '. defended the negat ive side. Quentin T he wo rk was co mposed bv Edw ard • Kint ig h was possibly th e o utstand ing Shipp en Ba rne s. m an of t he Sopho mores. F ranklin P uderba ugh proba b ly out shone h is coll eagues, bu t the ot her tw o me n were clo e behi n d hi m in ho no rs.
. . g concert was A n exceedingly pleas in pr esented in Lam bert Hall T hu r 5d 0 eve nin g by Wa lte r H ee rm ann , Ce1 soloist of th e Cincinnati Symphony Orc h est ra , a nd ~ rs. Jun e E lson Kun· .t kle w ho \\"as for m erl y sop rano solois wi;h t he Ru ssia n a nd Oevela nd Sym· phonies. T hey we r e accomp anied at ones the pia no by M iss H elen G race J of Colu mb us. Th is concert wa s spon· . Mus 1·,c Club. se r ed by the O t te rb ein . d O f two Th e program co ns1ste d group s o f cello num bers, a cello an's . f B ellmann piano a r ra ngemen'. o . ? ,, and colo rful "Sym pho nic Variat ions, . Kunk1e two g roups of songs by Mrs. an · Germ w ho san g thr ee numbers in . ,. bY a nd such favorites as " Morn ing . ,. • "Elegie T he Ca n tata wa s mad e up of six O ley S pea k s. an d Massenet s errnann H ~umb ers, each one suggest ing a sce ne wit h cell o obligato by Mr. e 111 conn ~ctio n w ith t he bir t h of Christ. -~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~;;;;;;;; ~-~ Th e entir e pr odu ctio n w a only one- r,. half ho ur long j Ther · . e was ver y li tt le sol o w o k a lth oug h 1· ht r igM "ll oI oMnumbers were s u n g by Ma Ed na ~~ i i h ab el Eu banks and yes. ere was one lengt hy organ numb er playe d by Miss Vance the Church organ ist. ' - - - - o C _ __ HOME E CONOMICS DEPARTMENT IS ACTIVE
By virtu e of their win, th e Freshmen . . . . wer e presented with $2 5, w hi ch 1s given II · . event ann ua y to the w11111 ers of t h is by James 0. Cox of Va lpa raiso, Indiana . . Th e Judges we re: M rs. M ar y E . Lee, Miss Chr isti n e McB r ide, P rof. H. W . Troop, Prof. F. A. H anawa lt a nd Dr. W. M. Gan tz. Robert K n ight acted as cha irma n. M iss Je ssie M cVey , clo th ing teacher The event was spo nso r ed by the local Eps ilon Chapte r of Pi K a ppa Delta, ?f ~he Oh io Wesleyan H o m e Eco no m '.cs Department, spoke in Clo th ing 365 honorary foren ic fraternity. 111 the Home E · · - - - - 0 C--- conom1cs Laborato ry ~edn esd.ay, D ec. 8, at 2 o'clock. h~ D. J. BORROR IS WRITING ARTICLES ON BIRD LORE d1sc~ ss~~ color in dr ess in rel at io n to the 111d1v1dua l. st Donal d J. B orror, New L exi ngton, , La Wed nesday mornin g a t 9 · · · h d o clock maJo r111g 111 t e epartm ent _ of zo ology, • Dr . · L aw r ence d .isc u sse d wit h th 111 Ch ild Ca re, th e hea lth o f wi ll write a series of art icl es o n 'bi rds I e cla of W ester vi lle and vicinity for the th e pre- chool child.
T o m o- Dachi and Onyx tied fo r fourth place wit h aver ages of 1.710 Pu blic Opi nio n, local weekly newseach. However, Tomo-Dachi carries paper. Mr. Borror's a r t icles w ill bem ore hour s a nd received more points gi n in the J anua ry 6 i sue o f th is pa per. in total than did the Onyx. Mr. Borro r has made a special study Arbutus Club took fifth with 1.636 of birds in Westerville and vic in ity points; Phoenix, sixth, J.5 73 points; fo r the past three yea rs th at h e has Polygon, seve nth, 1.531; Owl, eig h th , been in 0tter-bei n. In addition to hi s J.309: and Greenwich, ninth, wit h classroo m wor k he has al so spent tw o 1.250 points. summe rs in Y. M. C. A. camps in The record of each social grou p N o r thern O hio wher e he was in struc compilation is on file at t he o ffi ce tor in 'bi rd lo r e. of the Tan and Cardinal, and may be observed at any time by any one in tere ted. o pledges were included in the compilations of the social group . Grand Averages Is 1.6182. The Grand Average of the wom en's social groups is 1.6 182. T his poi nt average i mu ch highe r than t hat of the men which was on ly .985. H ow ever, the men receive the credit for ta king th e larger nu mbe r of h ours; th ey schedul d 1940 hours whi le the women had a total of 1898½ hou rs. Thi is urpri ing when the fact is con sidered that there are ten wom en' s ocial groups and eight men's social groups. A g rade cha rt similar to the two just published will be compiled at th e end of the semester. A special compa r iso n column will indicate whether or _not any im provement has bee n m ade. A chart of ~II non -social g r ou p st udents
may also be co m pil ed fo r a compa ri on wi_th ocial gro up students. S ocial gro up pledges w ill b e included in the charts.
Watch Your Ste p_· Good Down Heels Ruin Shoes. We Dye Shoes, SOc ·
27 WEST MAI N .ST· Westerville, Ohio
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Cards Booklets Seals Twine Wrapping Tissue Decorations
an 1es
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Blendon Hotel
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WR. W . Hoffman, Proprietor 12 East Main ~ERE SERVICE IS BEST Phone 20 · Westerville, 0 . Ca l l ~
P age T hree
Prof. Martin Addresees Banquet.
Prof. R. F. Mar t in was the speaker at the a n n ual footba ll ban qu et of the H a rding High School team at Marion, Ohio, L ast Thursday eve ning. (•9- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - Pau l Sprou t, a graduate of O tter be in , is coaching ther e at p rese nt. Prof. Ma rtin was forme rly t he coac h FOOTBALL SCH E DULE of the Harding H igh School team. FORMED AT MEETING ---- 0 C---MIAMI ON NEW LIST Here 1s the 1927 foot'ba ll sc hedul e as it wa s drawn up at R,lations To Be Resumed With Capi a rece nt me eting of Ohio Co n tal Bowling Green Is fe ren ce Ma nage r 's Association: Season's Opener. Sept. 24-Bowling Gree n a t Thi s Sat u rd ay e vening Otterbei n 'vV es t ervil le. will mee t her third pre-seaso n basket Gridiron rela ti ons we r e r es u med Oct. I- Miami at Oxford. ball oppone nt in th e team repre se ntin,g with Miami Univ ers ity and Capital Oct. 8---Marietta at M a ri etta. Bliss college at olumbu s. The game University by Otte rbein at th e m eeti ng O ct. 15-Open. wi ll be played at the Centra l Y. M. C. of the Ohio Conference M a nager's Oct. 22-Ba ldwin-Wa ll ace a t Association held last Mo nday at th e A. W es tervill e. Bliss ope ned the prese nt seaso n with Chittenden Hotel in Columbus. Prof. Oc t. 29-M uskingum a t New R. F. Martin , head o f the D epa r tm e nt a n impr ess iv e wi n_ ove1· A shla nd_ 54 ~o Co ncord . of Physical Education, and Coac h M . 26 a week last Fnday. Otter,be m w1.II Nov. 5-Ca pital at Weste rhave to work hard if they expect to A. Ditmer, were the Ottel"bein repre vill e. win from th e hard working q uintet led sentatives at the meeting. P ro f. Ma r by Ca ptain Griffin. La st year this Nov. 12-Heidelberg at Tiffi n. tin was re-elected president of th e A ssa m e ma n scored nin e ba skets agai nst 10Ciation. Otterbein in a vain a tt empt to win. The new schedul e resemb les very Griffin is not th e only good man that closely the season just passed with th e exceptions th at Hira m and Unive r s ity they have at Bli ss, th e w hole team be of Cincinnati do not appear o n th e li st , in g co mposed of me n pretty close to and that Bowling Gree n Nor ma l Col . , . s ix fe e t in hei g ht and a ll w ith str engt h Otter be in s basket ba ll team lost its and a bility to spare. lege has been selected instead of F in d lay for the season's opener. Games seco nd s traight game o f the pre-season ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - were re-scheduled w ith M arietta, co ntes ts las t Sat urd ay night to the c; I , 1 f 41 tO Th ree playe rs wer e banished from Baldwin-Wallace, Mu sk ing um and A k ron ,ooc yea r s ly a sco re O the game wi th fo ur pe rso na l fo ul s. Heidelberg. Miami is a mell1'b er of 25 · They wer e Mi ll er, Seama n a nd Vap the Buckeye Athletic A ss ociatio n. The Goodyear quinte t to ok a n ea rly Curen . Answers Current Rumor. lead a nd w e re neve r h ea d ed , the ha lf In answer to th e curren t rumor th a t end in g 20 to 6 in favo r of the home there was confl ict am ong t he schools team. Otterb e in see m ed lost thro ug hat the conference,Prof. M arti n stated out th e entir e fir s t ha lf. S nave ly that, aside from the fact that t he con see m ed to h e the o n ly o ne with a cl ear ference was divid ed into three g ro ups, idea o f what it was a ll abo ut. the Buckeye Athletic A ssociat ion , th e Th e Goodyear tea m included so m e northern Ohio sch ool s, a nd the r em ai n ing institutions, there was ever y se m of th e best co ll ege a nd high sc hool blance of harmon y at the meeting. basket ba ll players o f the last few Assignment of the schools into these years. Th e m ost notab le o f which three divi ion s seems to ha ve m et th e were Mi ll e r, Mt. U ni o n, M o nt go mery, approval or all institution s, Prof. M a r Mu s kin g um . S ta nfo rd and S nyder, fo rm e r hi g h sc hool sta r s in Ak ro n. tin declared. Otterbein showed s li g ht improve Of the two major footba ll ruli ngs which were di scussed the point afte r m e nt in the seco nd ha lf a nd sco red touchdown was re ta in ed a nd th e b ack ju st tw o points less th a n their opo n field shift was bar red. Th e tw o-sec e nt s. Coac h Edler used hi s e ntire ond delay betwee n th e s hi ft a nd the s qu a d in a n effort to s top the Good time when th e ball was pu t in play yea r s but to no avail. ft ca n be sa id was incorporated in th e fo otb all rules of S nave ly that he put u p hi s usua l of the Association . In th is the Oh io game cover in g up hi s m e n in hi s usual group mod eled afte r the r uling ad o pted fa s hion.
Two of This Year's Opponents Dropped
The Sophomore Girls' Basket ball team is leading the list w ith a clea n sla te, hav ing won both the games th ey have playe d. They ar e closely fol lowed by th e Fres hm en who have won tw o games and lost one, a nd that, to t he Sophomores. The Juniors are in third place having won one game and lost tw o. T he di g nifi ed Seniors are g uarding th e cellar position having los t bot h th e games t hey played. The last ga me of th e schedule between the Sophom ores and th e S eniors was scheduled fo r Monday afternoon but th e scor e co uld not be obtain ed be fo re press time. From all indicati ons th e Sophomores should win this game by a large score unl ess the Seni or s produ ce a few dark horses and some unexpec ted playing. Standing of Teams
L. ·
Sop homores ·····• .. ···•· ·· .............. Fres hm en .................................. Juni or s ...................................... Seniors ................
2 1 I O
0 2
To Award Girls' Numerals N um eral s a re being awarded this year to a ll g ir ls who hike 100 m iles or pa rti cipate in th ree-fo urths of all of the class te nn is or bas ketball ga m es. evera! have already receive d th e hiking num erals but those for bas ketball a nd tennis will not be given out until next spring.
last year by th e W es tern Co nfere nce. The ba,ckbone of th e baseba ll, tennis and track sc hedul es were formed at the meeting ,b ut many of t he dates wi ll be arranged later th rough nego tiati ons between the individual schools.
- -- 0 C--- Degree Applications Must Reach Registrar By Dec. 15. All applica tions for degrees m ust be returned to Prof. F . J . V a n ce b y Wed nesday, December 15. Th e R egistar urges that the Seniors obse rve th is date rigidly. ·
- - - 0 C- - Sibyt Photo Deadline Tomorrow.
J. Robert Kn ight editor of the 1927 Sibyl, remind all ~tud en ts that Wed nesday, Decem'ber 15, is the d ead line date for all individual photo taking.
University Men
Order Your
Ready-Made and Cut to Measure
(lllub ~tatinnrrtt From
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - @ '••>---- - -- - - - - - - - -
iurkryr Jrtnting Qtompany
1-'age Four
IDqr man •
Published Every Tuesday Morning in the Interest of OTTERBEIN COLLEGE
STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ........................................... WAYNE Y_. HARSH~, News Editor .............. ................................................ ........ .. Lome W. orns, Women's Dormitories ............ ..... ........................ .......... Margaret Kumler, Men 's Dorn1 itory ·····················•···---·-·· ................................. --- ,~1nes Bright, Local Reporter .................................. ,·············· ····· ····;·····-- Ph1ltpp Charles, Special Features ................................ \ crda Evan s, 28, Robert Bromeley, General Reporters Claude Zimmerman Lillian Shively Ravmond Gates Ka·rl Kumler Kenneth Echard Charles E . Shawen Margaret Haney
i '1
My Roommate Says-
:21 ,28 28
:2s ,29 29
Mary Thomas Gladys Dickey Ernestine Nichols Marcella H enry Clyde Bi elstein Thelma Hook Alfred Owens
be congra t ula ted for a ll o\,·in g certain representativ es of the stud ent body speak from the chape l platform at That after much thong h tan d deliber· f r regular intervals. Th e pla n is an ex 0 . she has chosen th e subject k d at1on cell ent sta rt towa rd m od ernization of . d has wor e a traditi-o n. her Doctor's Thesis an . on tlie out the following points bearing Problems of the Modern College : . Lack Of Courtesy. Ot terb ein students displayed an ex I-The students think the extra-cur treme lack of courtesy during the riculars are of some 1·m portance. of chapel exerci ses yes terd ay morning I-The profs think that classes are wh en Dr. Howard Ru ssell was deliver some importance. th girls ing hi addr ess. Th e student bod y 2-The fellows can't see how e acted like so many sma ll children . rate. h f nows ----0 C-- 2-The girls can't see how t e e PHILALETHEA rate. h degener· 3-The profs are sure of t e Philalethea held its regular session acy of the modern you th _ f the Thursday evening. The program 0 consisted of several interesting num 3-The student are not so sure bers. superiority of the profs. During the session Marjorie Nich 4-The fa cu-lty thinks th e students ols were elected president for the next co me to colleg e to IJe taught. to terru. . k t h e y come 4-The students thm
G~neva S_hela, Dorothy Wainwright, learn. . . that Mane Wainwright, Mildred Bright, 5-The fac ulty have !he opinion Rachel Brant and Lucy Hanna were rules are made to be kept. h y are SPORTS EDITOR ............... . ............................ HARRY E. WIDDOES, '27 received into associate membership. 5-The students are su re th at t e 0 C Assistants made to be broken. t PHILOPHRONEA Ellis B. Hatton Arthur H . German doub s 6---Th ~ English Departm e~ t De· Lawrence E. Hicks Parker Heck th e , ea! value of the Science The program of Philoph ronea af forded unusual interest. A hum orous partment. . t can't s~e BUSINESS MANAGER ............................................ ROBERT E . MUMMA, '27 story was read by Erisman, R. H. 6---The Science Departmen Assistants · o f English. Baker, J. H . gave a reading. The ex L orin Surface Ross C. Miller the Department De· David Allaman temporaneous speeches were made by 6---vVhile the Modern L an guageabout . doubts partment has senous CIRCULATION MANAGER ···········•··-···························· RUTH HURSH, '27 La~~~.uff, T. P. on the "Christmas Sp1nt ' Rohrer, G. W. on the " Mus Assistants ,. bell eve ryth ing. Katharine Myers Mildred Wilson tache" ! Borror, D. on "Night Owls" . 1 "five after 7-The profs thmk t 1e be .,n Margaret Edgington Margaret Duerr Professor Altman also made a few re~ is ru ng for the st udents to marks. PUBLICATION BOARD their seats. the bell is Philophronean welcomes all vi sitors 7- The students are sure if the to her meetings. rung so the class can leave F a cult y Members ............................ Dean . E . Cornetet, Dr. Sarah M . Sherrick - - - 0 C---prof isn't there. Student Members-A . 0 . Barnes, Ruth Hursh, Mabel Eubanks, Alice Blume, THE EDITORS LOT their go id· Craig Wales. 8-The students choose as Be an d en text-" Eat, Drin k EDITORIALS If he criti ci es he is call ed a k k er, and iI he does n't h . b noc Merr y. " . . Dia!Tlo nd e 1s randed a 8-The • dr cd men who wer e there because they coward H profs have for thetr . CoJJ'l· . ht tS includi~ .e h~s to_ suit ev-eryb ody, ATHEISM INCREASING? wanted to come, than to a thou sand Rule, "Work for the N ig g his wnfe, hts banker and hi s . h who were g oosestepped to the service." pastor. He can say th ing." ·11· • e n g tt hi ng a That the undergraduate is far from Dr. Stearns, the princiJ)'al of Phillips Int ton tim es, but if he mak . e on e being more atheistic or insen·sible to Andover Academy, £-eels on the othe r blunder, it seem . . s to take a lifetime to _ _ __ O c - I e11 religion today than he was 25 years hand that "'the group before wh om I 1tv: . it down. Except for the . Cardinal ,v t ago, has now a clearer perception of have regularly s poken in colleges have ed1t1ng is a grand d . e t~ings Menti o n the Tan and an g 1onous hfe _ d ti ers. the relation of religion to life and represented those who were required T earn work. you tra de \\'i th our a ver ~ · 1 &ocial service i the most striking to attend. When this requirement is conclusion t~ be drawn from the abolished, the students are not in evi nation wide survey of ·c ompulsory dence and it is certainly far from in chapel, conducted by the ational spiring to speak to members of the Student Federation of America. faculty alone." The investigation, the result of A s far as th e religion of th e present whi ch embraced every state but two day s1tudent go, the pastors were not Our Holiday Offer in the country, included the ·sending of in the least a larmed for the future. questionnaires to the college presi Will Interest You. A comp>aratively large number of dents, and the und ergraduate edito rs of the nation, as well a to a repre repli e expl'essed the conviction that sentative gro up of mini ter who ap to establis h a system of voluntary pear frequently before college a sem chapel attendance and compulsory blies of various types. clas attendance is to eicalt intellectual A N~w and Beautiful $10.0·0 Per D ozen For compul ory Sunday chapel 136 life above piritual life, which is un With each order 0 f pnot0 , college pre idents voted in favor; and thinkable in a college which professes size 7 x 11 · 1 . one dozen, we will present qne Large D n't 0 176 voted against; for -compulsory to be ch ristian. me osed 111 a h d f e delay. an some Folder, or suitable to ram · week day ·chapel there were 220 votes J n maintaining compuls ory chap 1 while only 90 were in favor of vo lun as a d,e sirable panallel to -compulsor: tary chapel. The replies elicited from The Old Reliable class attendance, the colleg-e should und ergraduate editors was le s repre not make a handmaid for ulterior sentative ; how-ever, a light majority purpo es. Ma ny of the undergradu were in favor of vo lu ntary chapel. ate edltors thought that compulsion In oppo ing the system of compul was not !h_e vital ques,t,on, but rather s ion, the Reverend George Craig the prov1s1on of an interesting pro · COLUM BUS ,O. Stewa rt o f Evanston , Illinoi , declared gram. that he "wou ld rather ·speak to a hunThe Otterbein a d mini tration i to
Page Five
committees were those on Curriculum. set for itself a great task and in vi ew Choice and Meth ods of Teachers, of the serio usnes. with which it ha s Athletics, F raternities and the H onor approached that task and the saneness Sy stem of which at least the last two and re.m ar kab le a hility of the leader s of wi ll con tinu e their study throughout the mov ement. the N. S. F . .A.. should 1y t;;;:ined. - As t h e r emedy he . urged the co m ing yea r. command the supp o rt and cooperat io n On December 2, 3 and 4, th ere wa s I that we must put t he student m to a On Friday morning the delegates, of every student body and fa culty in ~e~d at the University of Michigan , community unified by and around most of whom were tudent Council Ameri ca. It is the hope of local stud n Arbo r. the second Annua l Co ng- le arning a nd learning only. He fur- P r esident or memb ers. form.rlly rati ent leader that Otterbein sha ll ta ke ress of the \rational Student Federa- ther attacked the idea prevalent among lied the permanent constitution· of the an active and constru ctive part in th e tion of the United tates of America. college st udents that they must have N. S. F. A. Mr. Laukhuff signed the work of the Federation. Perry Laukhuff. President of the Stu- ab solute freedom, advocated di sca rdin g con tituion on behalf of Otterbein in dent Coun ci l, was Otterbc-in's delegate the elective system. and cha r ged the I asmuch as our tudent Counci l had 10 th Regi trar: "I your name do wn? is Congress. There were in atyo ung Ame r ican with being unab le I previous ly approv ed it , thu making nd Craig : 1 o, my name is \Va les. te ancc some three hundred dele- and unwilling to stand on his own feet Otter bei n a full m ember of the F ed gate , repre se nting one hundred and inte ll ectua ll y o r ot her wise. · Dr . Ma c- , eration. 11 tety -t wo co ll e;:;-es in forty states. At Crac k en conc luded the Thursday _evenAfter voting to ho ld the third Co n- / ~ e Saturday m orning session, Fred ing session with a speec h in wh ich he s at the University of Nebraska . erger of the University of Cincinnati co ntended that t her e sho ul d be close gre s D ber th e Co ng ress was / Ready to . L ay Purebred Pullets <;> f Was el I · d f nex 1 ecem · th e followmg breeds· Barron st ram th lion fo~ctec President of e F~dera- cooperation betw_een Slu_dents an . ac- closed by Ex-Pres ident Fox with a I W hite Leghorns, Everiay strain Brow n . th e coming year while 111 the ul"ty in invest1gat 111g various education- f rther p lea for the delegates to do all Leghorns, Thompson's Barred Rocks 1eting of del_egates _from the _Ea~t a l fields, basing this contention upon i~ their power to aid in the vitalization Owen's 01: Tompkin's Rho_de I sla nd lira! Area. 1n \ Vhich Otterbe111 1s ti livJJOthesis that the way to get a f A . . / Reds, White Rocks or White Wyanlocated . . ,e . . . . 10 o merican ec1uca 1ion. dot tes, $ 1.25 each. th st er it · J. \V. Rippon of e l!n iv- r espo n tble attitude towa rd udy is From the above brief report of this F ive mon ths old pullets of any breed Y of Toledo was elected regional rant respo nsibi lity in the conduct and . . d"I tl t above $1 each soon to lay ' k , b · member f h . . Co ngre ss. 11 ca n rea I y IJe see n 1a y Nat iona l Executive choice of study. I , . . S d .cl . h . oung coc ere 1s, a out ready for ser o t e C I 1 1 tu en t . . W k. the .,at1ona e erat1o n as vice $2 each on,m·tt 1 L wi ee. Begm C k f ~ere ;;re. · "th order for one dozen Pre·e_ Fox_ of PrincNon, t_he retir'.ng WithCommittees the prob lems and or challenges ~ • 1 p~~~ts
Important Problems Discussed at National Student Convention
Poultry For Sale
sident, d1d mu ch. Ill his openmg a?d ress, to put the Congress on the high _Plane of seriousness of pu r pose and 1de 1· . . . d lhro a I m which was ma111ta111e the UR'_hout the three days. One of th ings he stressed especially was :~:\ the T_ S. r-. A. should make every t to find definite methods and \Va~ of encouragi ng a love of schola tic achievement. Prominent Educators Speak. A numb • er of nationally- k nown ed u~tors were present and among them M:c CDukggan, Dr. Mei klejohn, Dr. the ra en, and Dr. Little addr~ssed Congress on various educationa l Problem · D r. Duggan spoke on t h e "E: C uropean and American Univer ity." ~dtnparing the two Ii rst as to spi rit he a1 th t h . Pl a I e European sc hool 1s a ace of hard work and he plead for 111 r~re of that spirit in our o wn colleges. en com . h . tio 11 Paring t em as to organ1zaf • he contended that we should con orn, m by ore nearly to their organization Be adoptin~ the Junior Coll ege idea. Wh w_as fo ll owed by Dr. M ei kl ejo hn o li ved . . d van . up to his rep u tation by a Be cin~ some rather startling ideas. rna1nt · -ica ained that the yo ung Amern can llnd not -be liberally educated Uppr existing conditions, givi ng in 0 rt of 1, · 1 arg ument the fact that An, . tt1~ . h . hard ' "". 1t he r mate r ialism, is a 1 that Pace 111 which to teach, the fact our ch 00 l . ystem does not give the P and t~OPer Prepa ration fo r college wo rk :::::--.-.:._ fact that ou r teachers a re poor-
1 ~ ;;;;;;;,;;;;;==~
Treat Yourself To the Best Eat at
HITT'S Everybody's Restaurant
of t hese speeches befo r e them the commi t t·ee of the Congr ess got down to work on Friday. M r. La uk h uff attended one of the two comm1 11 ees o11 Student Governme nt. Innumerab le uggestion and expe r iences of great value were exchanged_ among the dele- 1 gate in this committee an_d many interesting prob lem were raised. In general the group decided that there mu t be full cooperation between fac·. ll . in matters ult y and st udent s, especia ) in vo lving bo th groups. M r . . Laukhuff is una'hle to give in fo~ matio~ a to th~ wo r k of other co mm '. tt ees 111~a s- m uc a s he has not yet r ece ived copies of re· procee d'ings. Other , port of their
Women called are the salt of the earth
because they drive men to drink.
Bring t h e m h e r e ladies we have beauG"f tiful Xmas 1 ts.
I Th REXALL S e tore
White Leghorn baby chicks, $8.75 hundred. Bhrowdnd Leghorn baby chicks, S9 un re . Barred Rock baby ch icks, $11 hundred. Rho_de Island R_ed chicks, $10 hundred . Wh!te Rock chicks, $_12 hundred. X;'~ ~e Wyando tte chicks, $11.50 hunAll purebred and of the strains mentioned. We gro"". our P<?Ultry and use ex~reme cai:e m ~elect mg eggs for hatchmg. Sa t1sfactton guarant eed. W e pay postag e charges on chicks and express on pullets. Live delivery guaranteed.
The Fulghum Hatchery GIRARD , O H IO
Page Six
- -- 0 C -- PHILOMATHEA ENTERTAINS WITH XMAS OPEN SESSION "The Kind er ymph ony Orchestra" compos ed of Phi lomathean Faculty Men was the g reates t feature of the Phi lomath ea n Chri s tm as Op en Session held las t F,riday evening in P hilo math ean Hall. Eleven professors were dr essed in hildr en's clothes, short pants, stockin gs, big shirts and a ll. The orch estra was led by Prof. G. E. Mi ll s who posed a s the director a la f.ran cai s. Prof. G. G. Grabill accom pani ed at the pian o. It is not generally kn own but you'd be urpri sed a t th e numb er of Otter bein fa culty who know and ca n play jazz mu sic. Tw o promin ent num.bers were " Moonlight and Roses" and "That lei Gan g of Min e." Prof. F. A. H a nawa lt ·is r es ponsibl e fo r the coaching and org ani zin g of the orchestra. The professors who · appea red ,in the symphon y orch es tra were : Professors G. E . Mill s, L. A. Wein land, H . W . T roo p, D . R. Clippinger, H . A. M enk e, P . E . Pend leto n, C. R. Snavely, F. A. Engle, H ana walt , G. G. Grabill, J. and A. P . Rosselot. Th e 1 hi lomathea n Silv er Tone Quartet, co m posed of Hud ock, J. W., Mumma, . E., Keck, W . M., and Frees, L. S. sa ng "Sleepy Hollow Tun e'' a nd " Out o f th e Du sk to You. " "Sextet from L ucia " wa s the title of th e cla r inet solo played by Zimmer ma n, . M. He wa s accompani ed at th e pian o ,by S ta nl ey Kurtz. Pa n to mim e mo vies p ro vid ed another int eres tin g featur e on the program. E cha rd , K. , H ic ks, L. E ., a nd Martin, Vv. F., a ppea red in th e ca st. A co mi c s tory by Boyer, J. N ., an d a hum oro us s ketch by H a rsha, W. V. were al so on th e program.
Tuesday, December 14Y. M. and Y . W . Joint Chri st mas Party in lo wer A sso c ia tion Hall at 6: 15 p. 111 . Ev ery one is invited . onte st R.usse ll Declamation in co llege chape l a t 8 :00 p. 111 . Wednesday, December 15Facu lty C lub Op en Ch ri s tma s Sess ion at 8 p. 111 . in o ll eg e Chapel. Sp ecia l program by Professors Grabi ll and Spes sard . Thursday, December 16Cleiorhetean Open Se ss ion at
111 .
Phila lethean Open S ession a t 7 p . 111 . Philophron ean Open Sess ion at 8 :10 p. m. Friday, December 17Chri stma s R eces s B egin s at 12 111 . Monday, January 3Chri stm as R ecess E nd s a t 12 111.
Saturday, January 8Basketball game wit h Former Captains h ere. Tuesday, January 11ext iss ue o f th e T a n a nd Cardinal. Mrs. Dunn's Mother Dies. Mrs. Delphine Dunn was in Indian apoli s Friday a nd Sa turday attending the fu neral o f her mother who di ed W edn esday.
- - -- 0 C-- - Picture Of Student Body On Sale. R epre entative from the Murphy S tudi o wer e on the campu s la s t Tues day and Wednesday taking orders fo r the picture of th e s tud ent body.
- -- -0 C--- Conservatory Gets Gift. Prof. G. G. Gr abill rec eived an an o ny m o us co ntribu t io n o f $2 5 to be use..! fo r a ny purpo e in th e Co nserva to r y oi Mus ic. P ro f. Gra b,ill has not y et de cided th e di spo it,io n o f th e m oney.
For dear old dad.-"Comfy" House Slippers. Never am iss for Xmas gifts Smart Sca rfs.
Give Umbrellas, with thanks .
COACH EDLER NOW HAS 16 MEN AFTER LAST CUT Coac h " D ek e" Edl e r mad e hi s la s t bas k etb a ll c ut las t we ek and is now wo rkin g hard er th a n ever with his s qu a d o f 16 m e n. The pe rsonnel o f th e s quad no w is the same a s it wi ll be a ll seaso n. Th e o ut s ta nd in g ha ppe ning of the w ee k am o n g th e ba s k e te e r s w as the ri se o f Yanti s to a plac e with tho se who m a ke the trip t o Akr o n Sa turd a y. Al t ho ug h a sop h om o re, Y a nti s ha s s how n e no ug h ab ilit y to r a nk a m o ng th e fir s t nin e m e n. Oth er s wh o made th e tri p w e re Ca pta in s Barn es , Snavely , Norri s, S ea m a n, E . R i~ge l, Widdoe s, Bu e ll a nd Van C ur en. Co mp os in g th e r es t of th e s quad are Fri e nd, S c ho tt , B r.oc k, Molt er , Pilk in g to n. Minni c h a nd Hoo ve r .
- - - - 0 C- - - French Club Meets. Th e French Club h eld its Chri s tmas m eet ing in the A ssociation parlors, last Wedn es day ev e ning. The reg ula r program wa s di st en sed with becau se of the sh o rtne ss of time . Prof. Mills gave an interes ti ng ta lk o n " R e m inis ence s of Chr is tmas abroad." At the close of the meeting the group sang in F r ench , "O Come A ll Ye Faith fu l."
_a re ult of the campaign scn p t1ons to th e 1927 Sibyl, 3l1ai been sold. Wa ldo Keck who c ircul at ion manager reports !hi !bu 1 n um ber is a bout a hundred i.t the fig ur e the staff had hopei !ii ta in. However more subsc. . _ at• I 11 coming in dai ly so that a total Gf hun d r ed may be reached ~ Ch ri stmas holidays. Mr. Keck stated Monday i-, more copies would be printed tlill s taff has order . By this lllflll staff plan to preclude any last _ ru s h to secu re copies when the boci o ff the p res .
FRESH FLORIDA ORANGES Fresh Sweet Florida O per box of three hundred size. Sound fruit and tion guaranteed or money We pay express chargea. of these makes an a thristmas gift. Remit der.
Just R eceived--More
LONG BLGIE OVERCOAPS Wonderful Buys At · 0 ur , , ,,,rroIume " p rices
The big t hing in Overcoats for college men perfectly-styled, long ea sy double brea steds . . . . hand some warm fabrics . . . . • elegant ly finished . They give you longer wear and smarter style for your money.
always shower ed
Johnson Furniture Co.
Get his size from an old pa ir. Gloves. Think how prett y they will look. -Silk Stock ings.
Westerville, Ohio
E. J. Norris&Son
He'll use it Xma s morning. -A Bath Robe. The very sort he's bought.-Silk hos e.
Done in " Old English". -Initial Handkerchiefs.
The Platonic Phi losophical Society of I nter nat ional Scholar s he ld its first ann ual Christmas banq uet Sunday at noon with Bernard D. Redman as the gu est o f honor. Mr. Herbert C. r dol111es w as t h e toastmaster. t " ·A.nd Y,, H o Idren and Arley Zinn atended the basketball game at Akron at urday night.
''Fro . . t Y" L owry and "Happy" Royer vi ited Lakota friend s over the week-end . Paul Pson, ex, and Lester Cox, '25 vi ited Al PS men Saturday and Sun day. G'b 1 son, ex, spent the weeke Harold d . n With Alps friends.
"What an enormous overh ead," reFrances George spent the week-end marked Virg, as he looked. for with some friends in Columbus. . . the . first tm~ at the Insurance buildmg Ill CoMrs. Rosselot entertained the Lotus um us. ___ with a "feed" Thursday night. I sabel Reuhrmund and Edna Hellar Mr. Dale Friend dep lores the generwent to Canton over the week-end. ous and promiscuous use of his initials on his grade card, which leads us •to Devon Brown visited in Centerburg remark that there are many fo ur lette r over the week-end. men here from Findlay, Denison, and Alfred Owens heard the Christmas St. Xavier's. Cantata "Messiah" sung by a commu n ity chorus Sunday afternoon at Gran It will not be necessary for Profes ville. sor Glover to explain to observing ---0 C--st udents the various shapes of PolyKing Hall To Give Banquet. gons around thi s campus. The King Hall commons will hold Today's Worst Joke it s first Annual Christmas Banquet at Hie : Do yo u know the new hominy 5:15 Wednesday even ing. A large song? number of the invited guests will be in Up: No, what is it? forma l dr ess. Hie: Hominy times have you said, 1 ----0 C---" I love you."
The Cardinal's Whistle
. hom e at Kenneth p e ff was called to his Wash' Ort d ington on account of the eat I1 of his grandmother.
Clive: Do you want milk or tea? Ross : Yes. My love for you Cou ld never change. My faith in you Could never fail, But somehow I do not love you. I do not trust you. I g uess-you've changed.
"J Ca ake" b White , "B'1ll" E vans, "Ch uc k" Bl nip ell, "Ted" Bennett and Dwight auser, visited Annex men. Marion Dr . . . . C Club rn ury is v1s1tmg ountry f en a few days before he leaves or le y Wi ll _w ork, from which place he ail to Cuba.
Eigh . Somebody has said, "Life is like a . at the hteen Ph'I lotas were entertamed cup of tea. The sugar is all at the botark ,, orne of Carl C. Vvilson at ew• Among the tom." ue I "!Onday evenmg. Forsooth, Adolbert, this column is '29 Pre ent were Earl Bender exnot life-like, what (?) • _and T. I<.. Lai. '
l-iete11 'Were th eyrnour and Evelyn Pierson day, e gue t of L eona Raver Sun-
lecto vi . ary Van Cleve Quill of Ton ited h letz ov er cousin, Kathryn Steiner the week-end.
President Speaks In Columbus. President w . G . c 1·1ppmger · spo k e : at the F,ifth Avenue United Brethren Ch urch Sunday mor)1ing in the in-terest of the Jubile e campaign. Rev. J . G. Spears, at prese nt a part-time stu dent in Otterbein, is pastor of the 1 , church. I
- - - - 0 C---Prof. Troop Coaching Play. Prof. H. W. Troop, of the social scie nc e department, is coaching the American Legion Play, "Adam and Eva", which will be presented January 11. It is an annual custom for the legion to present a modern production.
Make WOLF 'S Your Headquarters for Meats and Groceries Party and Picnic Orders Given Special Attention
By Prof. How I. Backfire.
u ---OC · 1 "For s •-ienry 01 son and "Joe" Hutchms Jimmie: Will you please Pay, Pen t th e week-end at Logan. Rosalie" . t hat.? ed ''Al" . Mayer and Harold Young visitSimmie: What piece 1t 111 Canton over the week-end. Jimmie : "For my Sweetheart." Henry O ! --,, • son and "Tiny" Leiter Gwynne McConaughy thinks Heidel1811ed Jonda fr 1'ends. · "Th e St u d en t berg's Love Song 1s Carl Wi ts p · " Prince." Reller on, aul Roby, "Charhe "Colt egea 11d Moody vi ited the Inn"Carl D . . . Edgar Lee Masters has pu bl'1s h ed a Granv· ll at e111son U111vers1ty, book called, "The Spoon River An1 e, Monday night. B thology." Some famous critic has re. C. · on Iy one wor th and B: Rife • '?6 - , p au I D avidson, '24, m arked that there 1s Phil enry Davidson, '25, visited with while piece in the whole volume. This otas last week. is it: What matter if your thought outsoared Borner M D and F c ougal, Paul Downing ·ited p red Gree nw1c · h o f Ohio · State vis· ti1e Phoenix?· aut Morton Thu r sday. Like a beast you rot. John D k Methinks that somet hing wants ou r itect R· ~ atra of Willard, Ohio, visflesh Unda ic ard Durst Saturday and As we hunger for flesh of beasts.
The Green . h wic Club gave a formal cIinner • &iris MParty fo r a few of the freshman fil[r . C0nd ay eve ning at the home of With 111 . r~u e. Red and gree n taper; th tab! i111atu re h oily wreath s decorated &ree 11 es and the color scheme of nd Out tha Pink was effectively carried rough h 'Ue t . t e dinner. The list of 111 clud Ier, Norri es the Me dames Kum\/al 111 , s, Crouse, Martin Keyes and
Page Seven
THE HEART OF THE HOLY LAND Has been brought to us through the personal selection of Porcelains made as in the time of Christ.
Hand turned, hand illuminated by
skilled craftsmen of Judea.
You Can ay It B etter Witli a Photograph
Holiday Suggestions Most complete line of P ipe_s, all prices from 25c to $10.00. Cigars, all leading brands by the box. Fine Tobaccos i1;1 one-half pound and pound Hum1dores. . Fountain Pens, Gold and Silve~ Pencils. Ladies' and Gent~ Purses Pocket books, Etc. Ca!t. ' d French P erfumes m forma an bulk Toilet Articles bottles or · . in Sets or Single Pieces. Come In and Browse ~round and Make Your Selections. UP-TO-DATE PHARMACY Ritter & Utley 44 N. State St.
101 N. Hish St.
Page Eight
Program To Begin In · College Chapel at 8: 15 MUSICAL PR>OGRAM Profs. Grabill And Spessard Will Pro vide Christmas Music For Open Session Program.
c. D.MANN Watchmaker and DEALER IN
!'1 ■ ' 1 111 '.'I
"TEA FOR TWO)' TEA ROOM 77 W est 'Main St.
Westerville, Ohio
Give your friends a disti'nctive gift. We have them for both the boy and girl friend. Our Gift Shoppe is at your disposal. A OTHER GOOD TIME AWAITING YOU THURSDAY NIGHT. Orchestra and Entertainment
T-4-2 Tea Room leasing to the Most Discrimina
N. State 5t·