nu att PUBLISHED I. VOL. 10.
No. 13.
. ; ; ;.; ;= === ====~=======
Education Board Extends Jubilee Campaign Until July I -
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Cap and Dagger WilJ Present Play Hif I Were King" January 14 and 15 Francis Bechtolt and Alice Propst in Leading Roles
Tan Men Exhibi ~S coring Attack. Ten Alumni Return for Annual Battle.
Tntense interest in the welfare of Ot te rbein College has ca used the General Education Board to exten,d the time of the Jubilee collection campaign, which was to have been completed January I according to cont ract, until July I. The Executive Committee of the Col lege in its meeting la t Friday after noon formally accepted the exten ion but set the deadline at June 1, reserv in the month of -J llne for adju brnmt with the eneral Education Board. The, Committee request that all new ledge or payment of old pledges be made before June 1. At least $40,000 till remains to be collected in order to claim the 20,000 from the General Education Board .
President W . G. Clippinger tres es th e fact that action and response from the people is much more import ant than an extension of time. a thing but ca h or good sec'urities will count.
-oc---L. W. WARSON ELECTED NEW ALUMNI DIRECTOR At a 111 • 'th eetmg of the Alumni ouncil fo/;h:ay eve~ing. ~Jr. L. W . War on, a Pa t six year the active manger of th e U. . \ eteran Bureau in olurnb Prof us, wa elected to ucceed Al · B. W. Troop a Director of r::nal Relation . Mr. Wa r on, a hi uate of Otterbein in 1905, a umed new p 0 · • . . it-ton Friday mornmg. P rof T .,.,eek · roo_P, who re igned two he d ago, will retain hi position a a of h scie t e economic and ocial nee department of the college.
Pre ident Clippinger made the fol lowing tatement in an interview Sat urday afternoon ·'Fine progress ha been made since s ·eptember. A .total of 152,089.65 ha be n claimed in old pledge , new money and quotas from the Rockefeller Fund · ince that time. With the completion of this ta k thi promi e to be the m t inspiri11g year in the bu sin hi tor of Otterbein oil ge."
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0 C - - --
FUND IS $40,000 SH Y Executive Board A ccepts E xtension and Sets Own D eadline at June 1 for End.
Displaying a fast offens ive afte r a slow start, Otterbein defeated the Alumni 49 to 33 in its last game of the Pre- eason sched ule and the first game on a local court in the high school gymnasium last Saturday evening. For the first few minute the re was ~ery little accomplished by either ide, t JUS four mintes elap ing before ea :an broke through to score the fir t ;sket. From that time on play peed e up and pr cceded at a fa t paa for n10 t of ti . . . . 1 rema111mg tnne. Ot ter bein exhibited a fa t corin at tack, with bot h forward and th e cen ter taking about equal parts in th'e Countin C . aptam Barnes accounted f g. or 14 Points while Buell and eaman each scored 12. navelv and an (Contin11rd nn Page. Eight)
Frida h Y a been de i naited by th D e St udent Council as Pay Up P/Y for the tuden Che t Cam ha:f\ A table will be in the s a I day Friday o that peron wl10 the f, e pledge were due th ir t of the year. ma y pay 1 ·p Da y 1 · Another Pay · be held at the end of the ernester.
Journal C· and Dagger Dramatic lub \ ill pres:l~t one of the bi est hits of th_e sea 011 wh 11 it ta e th romantic 1 "r f I \ ere Kin " in th e Colle e PChay I Friday an d Saturday evenings, ape 14 and 15. The performances January will begin promptly at 8 p. m. each . cat • are 011 sale outside the evening. chapel ;rnd at th We terville Pharma cy. All ea t fo r aturd •\" night are
re erved. Friday i de ignated a t u dent night; ticket may be obtaine_d from any member of the cast for this performance. Prof. Le te r Raine , head of the p u bl 1c " " D epa r t ment.' ~s . in . pea k mg complete charge of the production, perhaps the mo t elaborate ever pres-ented on the cha~el stage. ( Con tmued On Pa e ix)
The chedule for the intra mural ba ket ball game , both so_cial group and prune leagues, will not be complete until today at 4 p. m. according to an an nouncement made ye terday by Coach M. A. Ditmer. Schedul will be po ted in King Hall, Mc Fadden Hall, • A sociation and .\dmioistration Building on the bulletin boards. The first game will be. played tomorrow.
1 age Two
Dr.E.A. Jones, Professor Emeri- \
Dr. Jackh, F amous German, Coming To Campus ThursdaY·
tus Of College, Called By Death I
In th e main room of th e li brary there a,ppears a special table on which arc .placed pam phlets and books from the Mil waukee Co nference. The Y. M. C. A. and Y. W . C. A. cabin ets urge the tudents to rood this literature because of it direct bearing on the Conference. The table will remain in the library a short time; after its removal the literature will be found 111 the li1bnary file .
Was Professor of Bible and History for 17 Years. Was Civil War Veteran. Interment Made In Massillon.
Dr. Ernst J ackh. fo rmer ecreta rv· to h German Dr. treseman . \\·ho "·a I e C fer· representative at the Locarno on 1 ence and memhe r of the German dee gati~n to the Ve rsailles Conference. will spea k in chapel T hursd'ay. morn· . f the . Interna· mg under the a usp ices o D · A ssociat,on. . r., tional C ounc,·1·1at1on J ackh com es locally _u nder th e ausPh'c\ Cl ub w ,c · of International Relatwns kl at · . D 1 may take luncheon wit 1 C, Jae 1 Cochran Hall Thursday noon .
Otterbein students were shocked last week when they returned to the cam pus after the Christmas recess to learn of the death of Dr. E. A. Jones, for the - - -- O C past t~o year prof essor emeritus of the college and for 17 years professor of - -Bible and history, which occu rred at his home on West Park street on the A big assortment of Fancy evening of December 23. Dr. Jones had bee n in failing health for two years. Strings. E. J. Norri & on. , 11111 He was 84 yea rs old .at the time of his death . Interment was made at Ma 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111 sillon where Dr. Jone was OTTERBEIN PROFESSORS superintenden t of the public ACTIVE IN C. OF C. W ORK sc hools for 33 years. By a strange coincidence Dr. Jon es· death occurred on Professor R. F . Martin is one of the the third anniversary of the ca nd idates for fi rst vice-president, and death of his wife and the Prof. J . H. McC loy is a candidate for fift y-fourth anniver ary of hi th e office of second vice-pre ident fo r marriage. ; th e We terville Chamber of ComDr. S. Edwin Rupp, pa _ merce. Elections will take place at the tor of the . B. Church offi- annual ba nquet at the Presbyterian · ciated at the local ervice Ch urch F• n·d ay even mg. He spoke of the church activProf. G. G. Grabi ll Prof. A. R. itie of D r. Jones and read a Spes ard, Prof. A. P. · Rosselot, Dr. eulogy written by J . Neely Erne t cott, and Dr. . Edi in Rupp Boyer an d published in the are members of committees in charge Tan and Cardinal la t year. of the 'banquet. • President W. G. Clip pinger discu ed "Dr. Jone the Ed ucator." Dr. Howard o rd inarily from a comp.any of four H. Russell poke of "Dr people. Only the two arti ts are intro J one , oldi r, Citiz 11 and duced. but their reported wealth of Friend". Prof. .G. G. Grabill talen t and their platform geniu mak e played several organ selec- th em equal to any occasion. tion and accompanied a male quar tet w hich ang several numbers. Was Civil War Veteran ~r !one w~ . born i~ Rockville, ~a ., and attended .Amherst College erv1ce m the 1v1l vVar rnterrupted h, s course there. Followin hi gradu ation in 1865, he went to Marietta where he wa uperintendent of the chool fo r two years. In 1898 he became tate chool com-c,;.~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - missioner for four year . He a sumed the chair of Bible and history in Ot terbein in 1902 and two years ago wa retired a profes or emeritu . Ohio Smith will b h e t e attendant niv r ity con(erred on him the de TICKETS ONLY 30 CENTS irom 3 :30 to 6 :30 and all-day gree of doctor of philo ophy in 1903. Saturday till 9 p. m. His knowledge of the Bible was such Entertainers To Present Versatile that · he could r cite numerou chap Program In College Chapel ters. and freQuently he officiated at At 8:15 p. m. To College Students. church ·aqd S unday School service . We Ap · . creaiJJ C_omedy, farce and )?atbo , ill give Ne was a noted after-dinner speaker, prcc,ate your Patronage. ~i_lliam ' ~elicious 1~tocolate and for a numb r of years visited Am variety to a ver atile program of musi27 W. MAIN ST. 111 1c\e ! Cn P, pu red this e! 1her t Colle e every second year, only cal . and dramatic outs1d e! nd aro1:1n , 111 01s· ketc he , ongs, Westerville, Ohio tic in g bar a anitar) ' ~·11at la t yea r having set at the table with tone , ?3ono(ogs 1 r eadings and piano' -1 wrap per ' ture-proof fo,. d~ct-thC enator William Butler, enator Wads- log wluch will be given a the foucthd ...... ~ the mag ic pro }rodt1 C1 i worth and oth er di tingui hed m number on the Citizen' Lc.cture an patented trade-mar~ed 1 American affair . 1 Eskimo Pie. Lyceum our e by ·Tom and Ruth I One Son Survives I 111illioll Blanchard in th.e College hapel this I Over two huncI re One son, Walter Jones, prominent in evening at : I 5 p. m. The e high-cla ,s old ye,d y magazine circle, wa with Dr. Jones c11tertai11er effect many feature cosly at the time of his death. Walter tume changes. The tick t are . on Jone ometimes acts a a judge in the 30 cen ts and may be bfained f rn • Barnes Short Story Conte t the first ei\b r Ed.H.ammo n or Mabel Euba~ k announcement for which appear · el c or af th e door. ' wher in this i ue. ~1 th Blanchard program a r many Professor E. W. E. chear, Dr. 111al number uch a Ruth Bl h AT b anc • Charl e Snavely, P rof. A . P. Rosselot, ar d' ear tory, Tom Blanchard Prof. R. F. Martin, Prof. C. 0 . A ltman band stunt, the \Vhi tlin duet aiid Mfg. by and Prof. H. W . Troop accompanied the unaccompaoi d vocal du t . he ·body to Ma j!lon for ervice and The Lyceum entertainment off red burial. by the Blanchard i 90 minute of di (Contimted On Page Six) r ion uch a would b "SPECIALS ON SUNDAY" expected 111111
, ~ 'roun \
tl e clock-
an "round th 'calend~r -me an' Eskimo fie
announces the open ing of his
Shoe Shining Parlor
Price Sc
Blendon Hotel Restaurant
l!IKIM ·p1E
d afll
Williams Ice Cre CompanY
Ill II l Ill II l I I I I I I ll I l I I l lll IIll II I I
OTTERBEIN SENDS SIX I Prof. H ursh Leads Y. M . ' TO MILW I Profe sor Hur h led the Y. M. C. A. AUKEE MEETING j ia t week in a very tirnulating meet-
Page Five
terday morning. A number of copies of Fellow hip hymn . a collection u ed at the M il wau kee Conference, have been secu red. They are adding much to the Y. M. meetings becau e of the high type of music which they contain. ---0 C-- LIBRA RIAN SPEA KS
Library Association, gave a lecture on the library and its functions and po sibilities before th e Rural Sociology la t Tuesday morning. Any clas ing. He wa assisted by Me srs. orwho are interested in the library as a Y'S SEND TWO EACH ris, Lai and Keck, all of whom had profes ion may see Miss Baker by \ been at the Mi lwaukee Conference. at her resi dence on We t Ma:i.y Outstanding Men Spea k. Con- Each of hem gave a few reflection of College Avenue first house east of ference Badly Misrepresented the conference. They were so well Lambert Hall. received that it was decided to present By N ew spapers. ---0 C--different phases of the conference in ~Iis Mary Baker, head of the OrAll Collegiate Fancy weater s oneth e chapel se rvices this week. Prof. The ational Student Conferenc e Hur h ope ned this eries of talk ye - ganization Divi ion of the Ohio State half price. E. J. Norris & on. held at Milwaukee Dec. 28 to January 1 under the auspices of the National Councils of the Y . M. and Y. W. C. A's, was the biggest conference of its kind ever held in the United States. Some three thousa,nd st uden ts fr om colleges all over the United States representing student thought from all sections of the country were ther e. Of three ~hou and approximately six hundred were foreign students, but representatives of Ameri-can college . E ther George and Katharine Myer ":ere the delegates from the local Y. W. a socia.tion, while Waldo Keck and Louie Norris repre ented the Y. M. " Hardy" Lai was a delegate at large while Profes or E. M. Hur h repr eented th e faculty of Otterbein College. The Party drove to Milwaukee in Prof. Hur h' car.
The whole conference wa trictly a tudent affair. Student sat on the council which directed the conference a~d tudent pre ided at all the e ion · The whole thing wa a rational. teady and earne t que t for truth. I~ the morning the conference opened with a devotional period, followed by two speakers. After this e sion the delegates ,broke up into di cu sion groups to confer together concerning campu problem and difficultie . Im ~llediate ly following the noon rece , tnformaJ ct·1 cuss1on . . groups were 111 0rd er. In the e roup the tudents Were p • . h erm1tted to a k any que t1ons 1 ey wanted concerning the doubt or Problems in their own lives. The Peakers who had appeared on the Progr,a m dur ing the preceding twenty four h U ours, ·had charge of the groups. . nfor,tunately the newspapers of the nation di .. f a Y m1smterpreted the conerence ·111 r ome case . They took sen~ 10 nal ubject which were merely tde i ed h ue of the conferen ce and playth t em up a the leading themes of e conference. In ome ca es the Paper d ab ma e sta tements that were 0I £ utely untrue. In tead of the con eren ce "Fl . ~he ' Ytn g the Red Flag" it flew Aag of Truth. Pe rha the C P mo t out tanding leader of onf rence wa G. A tudert R: ennedy h E • t e Chaplai n from London nglancl R K ev. ennedy preached at the h · larl c arge which King George re u Johy attend . Kirby Page Mordeca · non H . . lo ' arn on E lliot Henry an Coffin, Rober t Millik~n How• ard Th b Id ~rman, Harold P.hilli_p , RheinI ade cihbur and George A . Coe were to of great merit. 1n addition great group of m.e n there were a . many other le.. Jers who helped direct di . ential cu sion and who were very to the ucces of the Con ference.
"The fact is, that civili• zation r equir es laves. The Greeks wer e quite right there. Unless there are slaves to do the ugly, horrible, uninteresting work , culture and con templation become almost impos si ble . Human slavery is wrong, in se cure, and demoralizing. On mechanical slavery, on the s lavery of the machine, the future of th e world depends." - Oscar W i lde
You will find this mono gram on all _kinds of lectri cal machinery. ~o insure quality, ask for it on equi pment when you l uy for factory, office, or hom_e_._ _ __ A series of G-E advertise ments showing. w h~t electricity is doing 10 many fields will be sent on requ est. Ask for book let GEK-18.
SLAVES In a quarter-century t he General Electric Company has produced electric motors having a total of more than 350,000,000 man-power. Electric light, heat, a nd transportation have also contributed their part to the freeing of men . These are America's slaves. Through their service American workers do more, earn more, and produce quality goods at lower cost than any where else in the iVOrld. The college-trained man is the first to grasp these facts which raise man from a mere source of physical power to be a director of power, thus realizing the true economic value of the human mind.
FOR 1927 .- - Women's Otterbein will play her second game I The Otte rb em Coll~g~ . _ held it . Date Team Where Club oi Col u:11b us and v1c1111t) in a week next Saturday night when Jan. 12-Kenyon .......... Gambier . er at t h e F or·t Hayes Ho· annual d11rn .3Q the Tan and Ca rdinal pill tos ers will Jan. 15-Ohio Northern•.... Ada tel in Columb us last Saturday at 6· meet Ohio :'J orthern on the latter's J an . 20-Bald,-.,,in-Wallace w em · land wa fl oor. p. 111. Professor L. .-\. 'ber . t 1,e even t · A nunt •11e Westerville toastmaster ot Very little is kn own of the strength Jan. 22-Marictta .... Westerville of Otterbein people from WeS t ervi of th e opposition except that they have Feb. 2-Marietta ........ Marietta attended the banquet. only lost one from their team Feb. 5- Musk ingum ---OC of last year. The veterans on whom Sends Barrel Of Holly. ew Concord Coach Smith can depend are Baum , . recess F e-b I I- Heidelberg Ju st before the Chris tmas forward: B. Smith. ce nter ; Shelley, 1 · cl their annua \IVesterville guard; Cohen, guard. In addition to college officials receive Mr Feb. 19-Muskingum II from the regulars left from last year he has w.· gi ft of a barrel o f hO Y We terville Ern est Phillip of Buckhannon,[ the a wealth of sop homore material push 0 -. Feb. 26-Heidelb erg .... .... Tiffin ing his re 1ulars hard for their positions. Va., a tnend an cl farmer tru!ltee . 'buted I-Witt enberg d1stn Mar. Among them are H. mith. Schreiber, 1 · college. The ho! 1Y was nienl· Struble, u sba um. Franz. Breck, and among the st udents and facu 1ty pringfield A. mith . Mar. 7-Kenyon .... \Ve terville bers. In all probability Coach Edler will - - - - - - - - -T=-:-.- ers JOc a ~ Dutchess Collegiate rous ' • · start the ame team again t Ohio . E· · J· Norri s DR. JONES DIES button. 1.00 a np. Northern that he has in every game so Son. far this seaso n. namely, Captain (Co_n tinu ed From Page Two.) Barnes. and Buell forwards, navely Dr. Jones wa the possessor of an and Van Cu ren. guards and eaman, immen se library, a portion of which center. may be presented to the college library. CAP AND DAGGER PLAY ~r. Jones gave, during the years of COMES JANUARY 14-15 ____ W ilburn Bargdill. Robert Bromeley, his connection with Otterbein, some (Continued from page 0 11e.J Wendell WilLia ms, Richard Sanders 600 volumes to the college library. In the above scene a re pictured Franklin Puderbau1"h, Law re n c ~ Mr. H. T. Hance gave a tribute to Alice Propst and Francis Bechtolt, Hicks, J ohn Hudoc k. A lfred Owens, Dr. J one from the Westerville Busi who ~lay the leading r~les in th e pl:y. Palmer Fletcher, Ev_erett Snyde_r, Karl ness Men's As ociation of which Dr. Practices have been going on for sev- Kuml er, Boyd Renm on. Quentm Kin Jones was an honorary member before cral weeks and the dress reh earsal is tigh, Wendell Rhode , Isabelle Ruehr the As ociation la t Friday evening. scheduled fo r Thursday evening. The .1 mund, J ean Turner Camp, Jeanne ---0 C-- play wa written . by Justin Huntley ' Bromeley, Helen Clemen , Marga ret Mae Eubanks Leads Chapel Mc Carthy. The musical play, "The Haney, Lucy Hannah, Margaret Trv Mi Mae Eubanks led an~ther Vagab~nd King," which had its fir t on, ~argaret. Baker. Marian De~v, tude nt chapel Fri~ay morning. She night m Colum bus at th e Hartman Maurine Kmght, Glady nyder, co nd ucted a mo t 1111pres ive service. pen ~ Theatre last night, is ba ed on "If I Dougla Byers and Ol iver pangler. Were King." The cast of the local F irst Produced In 1902. 11111ii...~~~:::;:-::::::::-:-:-:-::-- ~~~~~::::::::::~~==---==---::-;iii 111111111111111 11111111 play will sec the Columbu production "If I Were King" was fir t produced . 1111111111111111111 1111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111 § before presen ting its own version. in 1902 at the t. James Theatre in Elaborate Settings. London, and later wa made famous The Cap a nd D agger production will by E. H. Sothern in the tit le role. The ::: have elaborate settings, and special play deals with th e ad ve ntures of § costume designed by Frit z Schoultz I Francoi Villon, vagabond poet, who _ of Chicago. Special art w~rk under I r~~med the avenues of the Frenc;h _ the direction of Mr . Ddphme Dunn, c1t1e , from 1631 to 1633. "A carele . §.,. head of th e Art Department, w-ith laugh ing vagabond, hi feet ometimes Ruth A ire, Boyd Renni on and Al- in the gutter, son1et,imes aniong th e ; fred O,vens assi ting, wi ll be a feature star . of the etting . --- 0 C--F ilipino Graduate Dies. 1:[usic from "The Vagabond King" will forni h entertainment during the Manuel . Manongdo, of the eta of intermis ion with Sarah Baltzelle at 1917, native of the province of La the o rgan, Ruth Haney, violin, and Union , Philippine I land , died of Arv.ine Harrold, cornet. U nder th e tuberculosi in his home town of Cava I upervi ion of Prof. A. R. . pe ard ill! llliili .. October 6, 1926. Mr. Manongdo wa' lll 11111111111111111 II vocal solo will be given •by Edna en~pl~yed in the Philippine a a ' Hayes and J ohn Hudock. pr111c1pal and up ervi ing teacher. Everett Boyer i the bu in manager and in charge o[ the tick et ale . Karl Kumler, -a i ted by Wendell Rhode and Franklin Pud-erbaugh, i the tage manager. Ro)" ' Schwartz kopf i the electrician, George Grigg , h ad u her, a nd Lucy Hannah, Helen Clemen and Marga ret Tryon are member of the property committee. Mi W. B. McCahon i re pan ible for th e photography. Rem rn b r v e ha Bechtolt And Propst Lead. The detail of the ca t a well a of a ceremony of special note will appear on the printed program. Alice Propst and Franci Bechtol! will play the leadi ng part . Other member of the R. W. Hoffman, Proprietor ca t are a follow : Edward Ham 12 East Ma.inWS~ERE SERVICE IS BEST . o. mon, Henry Gallagher, F red White, 11 s t e ~ Phone 20 · We Tuesday, January 11Y. M. and Y. W. at 6:15 in Association Hall s. Lyceum Course Number in College Chapel at 8: 15. Wednesday, January 12Basket Ball Game with Ken yon at Gambier. Thursday, January 13Clciorhetea at 6: 15 p. m. Philalethea at 6: 15 p. m. Friday, January 14Philophronea at 6: I 5 p. m. Philomathca at 6:30 p. m. St ud ent Nighit for Cap an d Dagger Production, "If I Were King", in College Chap el at 8 p. m. Saturday, January 15Reservcd Seat ight for "If I Were Kin g", in Chapel at 8 p. m. Ba ket Ball with Ohio orth ern at Ada.
All Hours
The official sweater for the Freshman nurnerals- in Cardinal or Tan- Coat Style or Slip-Overs. Rugby or Spalding .Makes- as you choose-I: Guaranteed All Wool and Color-Fast. = We make Sweaters ·to Order- Any Style-Any Color.
J. C. FREEMAN & co.
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Many a girl with a negative personality may be developed in a dark room. an thine- in uppli
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The REXALL Store
Tablets, Note Books Inks, Pencils Parker and Sheaffer Pens and Pencils WESTERVILLE PHARMACY
T H E T A N /\
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Page Seven
\ L ;;;;;' ; ;;;~======== ==========;;;;;:;==~
P res ident Clippinger's Book "Tim" :ewell, ex, and A . R. Rich- PERSINGE RS HONORED BY Being Issued In Second Edition. SPECIAL FEATURE STORY ard - from Philadelphia, J.'a. vis ited Cook House men. Mr. and Mrs. Cha rl es H. Persinger President W. G. Cli·ppinger's fre shCook House a nn o un ces "Square"' of \Vashington C. H. , recent donor s of men orientation · book, "Stud ent Rela a 590-acre farm with an ann uit y pro- · tionships'' has reached its third thou s Die hl as a pledge. 1 vision attached· to Otterbein College, and and is now being published in its Mr. Crou e of Akron Unive r ity and we re the ubje ct of a full-page special second edition accordi ng to word re Mr. Lo ngnacer of Dartmouth visited feature a r ticle in the unday Dispatch. ! ceived from the publisher!. Cook House. The Persingers have gi ,·en away ov er _ ___ o c ____ W omen "Chic" Cline and Forest Cline went 2.500 acres of land to worthy institu- . Mrs. Caldwell To Speak To Y . W . The Owl and their pledges en joyed home to Greenvi lle ove r the week-end. tio ns and expect to give a not her a hambu rger and onion feed, Friday thousand ac res this year. The Jonda Clu b a nn ounces Lorentz ____ C---Mrs. Caldwell will speak before th e night. (They \\'ere quite delicious. 0 Kn ouff as a pledge. DELEGATES LEAD Y . W. Y. W. tonight in the Association Build So ay the rne .nhers of the "M ug a nd ____ ing at 6 : 15. he will tell about g irl s' \\'ayne Har ha and E llis B. HatGin'' outfit.) Esther George and Katha rine Myer_s I work 111 Porto Rico. ton visited Grand Rapids, _Michigan, Adda Lyon wa a guest at Coch ran O C Hall over the week-end , and incide nt a t th e home of the_ latter s brother I .were the alt~rnate leaders of the Y. _w· C. A. meetmg last Tue day eve nmg. ally, so Mr. Harri savs. visited the ove r Ch ri stmas vacat10n. The ses ion was given over to repre- : Gree nwich Club. · KING HALL se ntat ives of Otterbein who attended : T he T orno Dachi initiated their new · the confe renc e in Milwaukee. Each ent th e week-en d 111 1 corn-popp er received as a Ch ristmas Jae k B a k er P , girl poke of ome pha e of the con- 1 gift from their alumnae at a push Columbus. ference. A genera l outloo k and plan T uesday · evening. in h ~nor of Miss Verno n Dobson of Toledo visited were presented and a re ume given in era J ohnson of Kings' S chool, Pitt. George Moore Satu rday ni ght. order to create interest for the chap el he week- end tal ks given this week. The Mi sses Baker entertained the Devon Brown spen t t Songs were sung from the new Lotus Club at a tea on Sat urday. in Centerburg. book . Kathar ine Myer closed the Gladys Brenizer Devona Lehman, Mr. Seitz visited hi s on, Eme r s·on. meeting with prayer. Rosa Drew, Dorothy Ertzinger, Jean over the week-end. - - - 0 C---Bromely and Ru th Seaman entertain ed Father Of Nichols G:rls Dies. Reginald Ship ley and Gwynne Mcat a tea on Sunday aft ernoo n in hono r Marjorie and Ernestin e . ichols were j Conaughy went kating on Indian of Mi Taylor ' bi rthda y. ca lled to their home in Cardington last Lake, Sunday. W ednesday because of the sudden 11 We are glad to hear that Judith Alf red Owens pent the week-end in Whit ney 1s · r~overing from a mmor · death of their father. l \-;;==============;;;::, Cincinnati. operation on her foot whic h he had during vacation. Dougla Byers, who developed a ca e . k po ·x y·e terday a.fter noon, Edna Tracey spe nt the week end a t o f C h'IC en ha gon e to hi s home in Middletown. he r home in Portsmouth.
Make WOLF'S Your Headquarters
for Meats and Groceries Party and Picnic
Orders Given Special Attention
--- 0 C-- Evel yn Pier on was the week-end WATCHWORD CARRIES gue t of Leona Raver. STORY ON OTTERBEIN Men . Ralph Tin ley a nd Happv Rover visited Lakota men. . ,
"E ,, x Albright Lewi Cox p '
Keck Leste r ' v· . ' au! pson , and Cramer Mahan ;Sited Alp fri end s over th e week-end. rrank M "S elku , "Bone " antle r , and atan ' F•ree,uan a l o v1s1ted . . A l ps tllen. Robert R Paul L . awe , Herman Van Kirk, . eigh, arl Konrad, Ronald McCla1n ,. ., Alla~ Y . l paugh, and Gilb~rt Ca ~11 • were g ue t at the 'Former Pta,n ' Par t Y.., g iven · b y t h e Alps Club wa aturday night. "Ex'' !bright .. lbe onl y captain pr e ent. Jake' ' , .., . I1.1'te , D urr ' J. 13. C v ' h1te, '•B'tg .. and H rabb • Don li ppinger, Walter nett owa rd arp enter, "Ted' ' Ben •1ex' a11d Dwight Blau er vi ited n111en d night · an aw the game aturday
Otterbein College furni shed material fo r a evera l page article on th e colle~e . las t S un d ay ' W atchword ' official 111 e United Brethren Ch urch. organ o f th Miss Verda Evan ' alt-hough not ~,ccr ed-ited as th e auth or, wrote a ~ec1al 'cle which wa published feature ar t 1 'th the to ry of the college.
---- 0 C----
Has been brought to us thro~gh the personal se_lection of Porcelains made as in the time of Christ. Hand turned, hand illuminated by skilled craftsmen of Judea.
Gradua:e and Student Marry. . to an anno un cement. made AccorcI,ng b the bridegroom after the hrt trna r:ce ' l\'.l i s Blanc h Myer ' '24, . the hi,g h chool a t ak f a teac h er 111 e and Mr. Roy chwa r tz op ' a ma~g '. he coll ege were married at e111o r 111 t. · Mr. a nd . dge ovem 1)er 24· 111 T a Ima f ·11 o1a ke their Mr chwartzkop w1 h I . . V"e terville after the c oo home u1 ·• year ha clo ed.
'cu.; i t B etter II it li a Plwtoy,•aplt
_ o c - --
Ice Causes Accident. id walk ca u eel a broken ~ft erbert Holme a tur y arm for H ran t Devon B I to nver row1t, \'i itcd in ente rburg afl rn_oon . H·e wa ~~- t uahto n Ii the \\'eek-end. Ho p,tal by Dr. etting were 11c1 k ' here the :X-ray and ' aro ld B la k.b ur1·1 pe nt t,he wee·at drian . · effected. ---0 c--Carroll w·1 the AI . dcl oe wa back to captain Should Be Reun1111 te . • A d Cardinal. 11,ght an1 111 the game aturday Catal og Changes ported To Tan n · ··r. , anc1 .·1 • <>ob·• ~ 1ted un try lub men. chreck a l o vi ited untry ho con tern'P lat c. or who lub. )?r fe or w d hange in chedady ma e, c h l-!aro1c1 have a 1re h Id report uc • teve,1S Vt. • nder on 1 and ul e in the catalog ou d Cardinal o t the Tan an itecl ok Hou c fri nd . rev1 ,on nnounced to the aturcla ' that they may be a J::an,e C ) even in after the Al umni tude.n t body. !\ featuo k Bou e held a tag Pa rty. t 1 . re f r a1 g· th par tv wa a mock n IVeu by . -0 Bo J. N Ba ket-Ball Rule . -: ar11e the pledge . aptain \l'a on. rt C ne of he gue t . le .
101 N. High St.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~T.:CHARLES MUMMA WINS THE TAN
~Pa~g e ~E~igh~t
Entertainers On Lyceum Program In College Chapel This E vening
f the Anti· Dr. Ru sell. the founder o . of ff s three prize Saloon League, 0 er, the three 15.00 $ I 0.00 and $.:>.OO to test ' · t he con · hest speakers ente red 111
- --OCGlee Club To Get Photos. - - - and the Banjo Both the Glee Club hs made Orchestra will have photogra;.ch and 1 at the Baker Art Gallery, d y af· a an· High streets, C o I um bus •. Satur an ternoon at 2 p. m. accord111 g_ toB f{at· nouncement of Manager Elhs · ton vesterday afternoon. . --- O c- . ductions. . :\II Overcoats at big re E . J. :'\orris & Son. ____ - -~
Elizabeth Lee and " Bob" Bromeley Take Second and Third Prizes, Respectively, in Contest. -0 n T ue d ay evenmg, . December 1-t the annual Ru sell Declamation Contest wa held in the College Chapel. To Charles Mumma was awarded the fir t prize for hi rendition of "The Call to Arms" by Patrick Henry. "Greatnes in Cit izen hip" delivered by Elizabeth Lee wa given second place, while Robert Bromeley took
thi rd on the ubject of '"Work." The other speaker in the contest and their subjects were: "Joan of Arc·•. Ruth Gregg; "'.\Tomi na ting 'Noodrow Wil on·•. Quentin Kin tigh: "Lincoln"s Second Inaugural"'. Stanl ey K u rtz; ''Tribute to Lincoln'", Ethel S·hreiner; "March of the Dead", Mil-
dred Van Gundy. Dr. Charle navely, Mr . T . c. Tus ey and Rev. J. Chester White I /? Above are pictured Tom and Ruth ture Course tonight in the chapel. were the judge . Francis Bechtolt, eats are only 30 cents and can be se Blanchard, th e ente r tainers who will cur ed from Ed Hammon of Mabel Eu president of Cap and Dagger, presided. presen t a versati le program as the banks. They may also he purchased Aft er the spea k ing, while the judge were voting, Dr. Ru ~ ell gave a few eme fourth num ber on the Citizen's Lee- at the door. mark and then later congratu lated O p ~ Riegel taking eaman's place for a few the wi.. n .~n;in~g~s;p~e~a:_ke~r~. --~====:::~~~;,;~ 4t1 MILWAUKEE DELEGATES minutes in the fir t half. - 1 .:: 1■1 J■ ~ 11 1 1 1 1 1 ■ m■u1■l! '.la!t1■11:111 1 1111ni■11 1■1r1■u 1■11.1■11. 1■11 1■!1 1 ■1r 1■m■11 !■11· 1■11 . ■:ri8 '. ■ TO LEAD DAILY CHAPEL ! Otterbein led throughout, holding ---23 to 16 advantage at the half. In order to bring back to the st u. Carroll Widdoe , Harold Ande rson, 1= dents of ttcrbein the real meaning of 1 •• Ex" Albrig ht, "Bob'" chreck. R . J. the ational tudent -onference held White, L. L. White, Joe Ranck. "'Perk" fi at Milwaukee from December 28 to Collier, "Cotsy" Durr and J. ~- Crabb g t January I, the delegates from Ott~r- ret urn ed to t he campus for the game. bein have arranged to present a ene I ---0 C --of lecture during t~e reg_ular chapel Car Co. Changes Schedu!e period throughout thi enti re week. treet car now leave \11/e tervil\e for Monday morning Profes 0 ~ Hur ·h, \ olumbu hourly. begining at 5 :25 a. the delegate from the facu lt y. mtroduc- 111 • up until 11 :25 p. 111 . Tripper se r ed the series and poke on th e fir t vice will leave at 5:55 and 6:55 a. 111. cycle of the conference "The Acee iar will leave Long and Th ird treet bility of God". Tuesday morning in Columbus at 5:20 a. 111. and continue Esther George and Waldo Keck <level- hourly until 10:20 p. m. with the la t in t ; oped the econd cycle, " God th e car leaving Columbu at 11 :30 p. 111 . ~ ~rr1 Fatherhood of All Mankind." Wed- Tripper ervicc will leave at 5:04 and ai111■11 •n•c•11a■11'Jall•Im111a1! ·11111:t11 i l:III \:: il:l!!!lllllll:1:JC'' l~I~ ne day Katharin e Myer will peak on 5:50 p. 111 _ llll Ill II Ill IIll II IH 111111111111 ll IIIll Ill IIllI IllI 11111111111111111 Ill Iii II Ill !III II! I'. § - -- 0 C - - -"The Divine Po ibilities of Human ature." Louie Norris will develop Ads _Are Fraudulent. the fourth and la t cycle of the con fer ence on Friday morning. Hi theme o matter how much a new pape r : WESTERVILLE, OHIO - - - - - :: \\"ill be '·The Meaning of th e ro tries, on ce in a long while fra udulent TUESDAY, JANUARY _ ~ 11 adverti ing will creep into its column . - - - 0 C ---·· The ad of the Acme Farm of GainesVARSITY CAGERS SWAMP FORMER CAPTAINS 49 _33 ville , Fla.. and the Fulghum Hatchery : With " Silver King,'' the wonder hor c, in of Girard, Ohio. which ha appeared in § re cent i sue of the Tan and Ca rd inal ~~;;;~~::--:-:-:::=-------------------' ontinued From Pa ge ne.) are decidedly unreliab le if not actual!; THURSDAY, JANUARY 13nd h uren did good work at guard a bol gwindling. The Tan and Ca rdinal el,tcred the coring column. l1opes that none of 11 · reacl er hz Tom and Ruth Blanchard
"/~ AVEN U£
and See
When You Think of Club Parties, Social Events and Entertain-
men think of
" Pleasing · to the ;,,,ost D iscnmtna · · t ·ng''
Fred Thompson
vViddoe , captain in "26, and L been · the "•goat''. · White. '23, led the coring for tlie ---0 C--lumni with eight point each. Wid Prof.. Raines Attends Meets.
"EVERYBODY'S ACTING" B Marshall Neilan's delightful tory, wit hG etty Bronson & Lawrence r~
Edmund Lowe & Alma Rubens .
:'.\ational s ociation of Teacher of peech which met at the Palme r of the celebrated novel by A. A creen ver 1011 • Hou e. Chicago. and pre ided at the _ (author of " If Wint er Come "). eighth annual me eting pf ational ol- § legiate P l,ayer , of which he i national SATURDAY, JANUARY 15Vice-President, on December 30. - -- O C - - ,: ln his late t screen t r iumph Big a ortm ent s of Ties. now 50c, I ~ 79 . 1.00. F. . J. Norri . • 111111111111111111 111 111111
I: ~
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T~omas Meighan
~:: S
doe had the honor to him elf until During the Chri tma rece , ProWhite came th rough with three ba · fe or Le ter Rain e attended the ket in about a minute and a half. The eleventh annual convention of the lunmi tood the pace well and sueceeded in getting the ball on tip-o · ff most of the time, despite eaman ' superior rea ch. T he lurnni ubstitutcd five new men in tht: l~ t h~lf for seve~al min -\ utt:S, the tarting lint:up returnmg near the end tu ma ke one la t spurt. oach Edi r made onl . one sub stitution.
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