nu att WESTERVILLE, OHIO , JANUARY 18, 1927.
VOL. 10.
No. 14.
A sub tantial check was re ceived recently fro. m Mr. Je s-e Haines, -pitcher on the famous S t. Louis Cardinal's baseball team. Mr. Haine's home i in Phillip burg, Ohio. He is a member of the U nited Brethren Church but has never been connected in any way with the coll eae a a tudent. Mr. Haines had already pai d one of hi Jubilee pledge before the receipt of the latest check. ____ O C - - - President in Chicago. Pre ident W. G. Clippin er ha been · in attendance at ~, uie es 1011 o f t he ociation of American College in hica<Y0 clurrng t I1e pa t wee k . "
Due to a typographical error in practically eve ry basket ball chedule of Otterbein games t'hat has been printed, a game wi,th Baldwin-W a 1-1 ace was scheduled on the home flo or for T hur day evening, January 20. The date should have ,been J anuary 29. The ched ul e printed in thi is ue i ab olutely official and bas been checked with the book of t he athletic department. The only game thi week i wit h Marietta on Saturday evening in th e high school gymnaium.
GORGEO US COSTUMES USED p ---erhaps Most Elaborate Production ' Ever Presented on Local Stage.
KENYON BASKETEERS WIN OVER TAN TEAM 45-26 NO~HERN TEAM GETS LEAD Defense of Tan Team Shows Improve ment Over Previous Games. Score 14-13 at Half
Otterbein's basket ball team brought O By Mary Thomas back her first conference victory of t'he season, after losing the first game, by niaii~e ) f dth e. most out tanding draI ro uctton of the year and virtue of a two point margin over Ohio Probab! I b ' ance Y c mo t ~laborate perfon1:orthern last Saturday night at da. ver staged m the Otterbein The final score was 31 to 29. 1 ~~apel was the romantic play, "If I Ohio Nort hern took an ea rl y lead D ere King" presented by the Cap and and ran the score up to 11 to o before _agger Club Otterbe;" got tarted. Otterbe1·n took 111ghts Th la t Friday and Saturday v• · e dramatic nat ure of the time out and cored 14 point before 1 Pay, together with incere acting and orthern fo und the net again. The ver,· ff · e ective co tum and scenery . cor at the intermis ion w.a 14 to 13 co111binecl t0 make the performance a in favor of Otterbein. Otterbein gradRrcat ucce lJ f l ually increa ed her lead at the begin. US \ 1.11If I Were Kin g" is a play dealing Urn e ing of the second half until within th " e ad,•e11 tu re of F ra11 co1·s v1·1I · t h ree mmutes o f pay r,emained when 1on, the 21 · p . young lead er of a band of Th • t ation card which were On Friday afternoon, J an uary , eama11 had to leave th game via the an ruffi · f ffi e regt r ·11 ·11 b · h. th K· an , who gam the favor o handed out yeste rday morn i~g by ~ rof. G. G. Grabt w1 e 111 ts o ce personal foul route. F'rom then on .. tng, Loui XI, and is given a J Vance and his a I tan ts , 111 Lambert Hall from l to 5 P· m . for Ohio orthern gained b ut the lead was e . F P0s1110 f Reg1 trar . • . . • Th · · ei d 11 0 J?0wer for a week. At the b t d to hi office com- 1 mu 1c regis tration. e mu tc reg1s- too great. . d 1 of th · . mu t e re urne filled out and signed by the I tra tton card Buell wa the high corer of the ag . ts time he leads his me11 hould be return e . to 1 t th vicattnS e Burgundians and returns a pdlet_e y b 5 p m January 24 or th e I Registrar Va nce 011 January 24 with game with 11 point . heely cored . fo r each day of the ot h er reg1. trat:ton . I B ears with 8 p01n_t . car d • most for t h e p oar "all or only t o fi n d that dea th on t h e I a v1ser Y It . f $1 1 " . . mg . J anuary 24 T rea urer J • I O tte r b e111 . ' general play e pecially "be ows . b Y. ofl "cted . a,vatt. h m1. But K atherine, a u ua pena Beg111n aut1ful delay w1 11 e 111 1 · h" · -11 k love . YO~ng relative of the ki~g, - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - : -- 1 P. West ~nd 1 . secr~tanes w1 ma e the de_fe11 ive 1>hase showed con ideri Franco1 and through her hi !Jfe out the bills which will be payab le at ab le improvement. For th e econd ~:red.. CONSERVATORY STUDENTS th e Trea urer' office .011 F e bruary 1 time i.n a week Snavely held hi man to WILL PRESENT RECITAL • and 2 Payment of bills, or arrange- a ingf field g al. H i man cored 16 Pra~n~is Bechtolt As Vagabond. of p ci Bechtol t in the leading rol e ____ ment for the payment, mu t b made poi nt a a111 t Woo ter la t week-. ran. cots · Villon, · the vagabond part, To Be Given Wednesday Evening At to the ·Treasurer be fore 5 p. m. on orri played a good game after tak1 O'clock In Lambert Hall. F ebruary 2 to avoid the penalty. ing Van uren' place, th latter goin Ontinu d n Pa e Two ). 8 0 C.. - -Features On Program. I1 R egi trar anc ur e that all regison personal foul not lon g after ( C 11tinued on Page 1· , tration cards be returned to him per_ _ __ 0 C - - -tud nt in the Con ervatory of anall y, or _to his ecretary, and not CLAss ROO M 'TURNS .. ., . _. 11 i,·e a " nera l recital in laid on t he de k when there i no one CAP AND DAGGER CLUB INTO BARBER SHO-P must ' ,u · k h d =--=Lambert Hall ro111 rr w Yenmg at pr ent to chec t car . NAMES CANDIDATES o·clock. There will be a number of ---- 0 C It was a I o.cock the program. Mrs. Lillian Ressler Harford The following pei: o n ha ve been 1 girl cla The D orm feat ure on ou '~ere drow y over their umptuP r f. . . rabill, head of he Co 1'.To Speak at Y. W . Tonight fo rmerly acce pled a candidate for ap and Dag er Dra matics Club: repa t e11 · . that everyone ts h t Y . \V . gir l will hav • t . Pa I T Joyed uch a hort time -ervatory, lates . Qpor un Wise. he King Hall men were like- I cordially invited to atte nd th e :e~ita 1 ity t ni ht of heari Dg Mr -. L illian Fred \, hi tc, H nry Ga llaghe r, Wil II wh have I burn Ba rgdill , Robert Bromeley, Prof llodding ove r th ·ir b k . T ltc fo r which there is no ad mt . ton. Re ler Harford peak. . b umber of piano, e sor al . liaYe a I Wen dell William , Richa rd anders , ahidi ng inte one. eemecl to have an Th ere will e a ~er on the pro- heard he_r kno,,• tha~ h~ Wt 11 Franklin Puderbau h, John Hudock,
R g,·stration Cards "1on day
th~ exceedinre t i'.1 th ~ subje ~t. From voice. and v_10 in nu~et will be an ad- wor rh whtle J11e age _or ! iem. I Alfred Owen Ever tt nyd er, Karl t111 &ht I . g sp nglttlin e evinced one gram. piano quar J C- - - Kumler, Boyd Wen de ll count · t itn k that the prof had been ditio nal . featu re. I Dr. Widdoes To Return To Orient. RI d b 10 e , li ver pan ler, lice P rop t, I d by 1eavesing cal Ort.e and dined on lettuce · d oes, upcnnten · d ent r a belle Ruehrmund , Jeann B rome le v, p 1·ano nu1nber will e Paye a A Dr. H . \ V. W1d Th Ione. Matz Geneva hela, nna , IC I . at 1enne • . • the of the nit d Bre hren mi ion at an H len leman . Lucy Hanna, Mare air 111 F crnado, Philippine I land . will re- garet Han ey, Margar t Baker. ~fardron ed wa clo e. The organ he.e ley and Vi ra Dunnure 1. llladdin gl h ' . . I ber by Ru th l l1t1,-, t1 Y t ro the crevice piano quartet; 0 0 nun~ II turn to hi 1po t on J anuary 20. Dr. garet Tryon, Maur ine night, Glad)'> sa 1· tha t o f · C d B · Lincoln te a Y ng h me air 0 -e was LeMa te r , es te ' f Widd oe has been on a furlough since nyder, ·Marian Dew, Everett Bo,·er. 1 . . . . . , llr 0 f er alp habet h I Th GI d r ~ Barnes Re ea a e· on t e ca e. e Calloway: a ' h ~fa y 1925 Hi family will remam 111 Ru th ire, Roy chwanzkon.f, arah en v·1 . 0 r wa \\ .·111 I F . , h ley and Cat er- i ,• ' . ., tons of ax g e oquent. air Freeman, nna ee \Ve terville. Dr. \i idd oe wa grant- Baltzelle, awrence Hi k. and Quen 1 · ·vo Un g- ,, 11o d ca tle ., 11ang111g gar d en , foe Matz. ed a doctor of d1v1111ty degree by Ot- tin Kinci h. The rem ni ,·ill 1 :fildred Zin11, Mar rare t Kum r. ter bein last Jun . I ~111 • broken heart • battle cur ne-xt Mondav cv untinu d n Pa e ix) ntinu ·d 11 I age lw◊ .
!;'age Two
the seco nd se mester. A ny studentf desiring that work should ee Pr~ . 32 ~r::1: ·m s~o~~~:~g:e, ~i~·ide~ int~:'.~f Mary Gaines, Zelfa Fisher, Mildred sections, one at 9 o clock on M. Lochne r, Mary Trout, Mary Belle a nd one at 10 o'c lock on M. W . F. tie Loomis, and Elma Harter will sing Prof Weinland announces th at '. vocal so Ios. · 164 W111 course · in Phy ical Chemistry th Ru Haney and F rances McCowen be given at 9 o'clock T . Th. d A new course ,in Observat ion d a:or will play a violin duo, elle Ambrose a ma nd olin solo and Lavonne Steele Participation of 3 hours is planne t an organ solo. Prof. Valentine' depa rtment nei<d O C se m ester. tudents w h o are intereste J-hour CATALOG CHANGES AND fon hould see him at once. A INTRODUCTIONS MADE cour se in Principle of Educ; ~ts everal cha nges and intr odu ctio ns f which will he required of all st u ere· new co ur ses have been made by se~- majoring in Ed uca tion except ;h~n pthc era ! departments which are not listed sent se niors will also be give ter 111 t l1e catalog. Students hould take Education department nex t se.mes · h maY E hs f h' note o t 1s in preparing sched ul es for A cour se in Business ng e)(t the next eme ter. be given by P rof. P. E. Pendleton _nter· Religiou Ed . N 'f h t dent are 1n ucati on o. 606 ( Mod- seme ter I enoug s u . em Mi ion Fie ld ) will I • • ested. 1 ============o~t~ b~e~ g~1v~e~1~ 1~=============~~=
Dr. Ernes t Jackh , former secretary'• further, peace and not much orga nizato Dr. Stressma n who i a German ti on." " France won th e W orld War but diplomat of some importance, and a member of both the Locarno and she lost her cur rency ; Ge rmany lost in v ersailles co nferences gave one of ,his the combat, but she regained ·her lectures, "The Growth of the Inte r- currency." national Mind", in the regular chapel "We ar e now on the threshold of a · · I age , an age t h at period Friday morning. Dr. J ac kh new mtern ationa came to the camp us under the auspices sta·rted with the de feat of Ger,many in of th e International Conciliation As- the World War." Dr. Jackh came to sociation, an organization fo rme d for the camp us under the local auspices of the purpose of furtheripg world peace. Int ernational Relatio ns Club. "Wasti ng time in preventi ng war is _ _ _______________ a big step toward international peace, " Asire, and Marian Dew. Dr. Jackh declared to the st u d ent . assemb ly. Herr Jackh fur the r stated Pr~f. Lester_ Ram es, head of the Speakmg department , who that there are four g reat Ys tems Public · h l d . st riving toward the attainment of directed t e pay, eserves much credit international peace : the American fo r its succe s. Dawes Plan, the L ocarno ystem , the Mem ber of th e production staff Geneva Conference, and the confer- were E verett Boyer, Business Manence at Toilly where the New France ager: Karl Kumler, tage manager ; Wendell R_hodes and F ranklin Puder- 1 and the New Germany met. · d baugh , assistant stage manager ; and " Internationalism has alway ex1 ste but not always for peace; but now we Roy Schwartzkopf, elect ri cian. have the fir s t step toward the in terExcellent Stage Effects, nationalism of peace, " Dr. Jackh Much of the effectiveness of the play 1 stated. "The new mind of Europe wa due the stage scenery and light calls war a crime. What the great ing effects, which were more elaborat e ' m ind of today need is maC'hinery to than anyt hin g under taken he re in re- : cent year . The balconies used on the stage added an artistic note, a nd th e " IF I WERE KING" VOTED gallows scene in the final act was E XTRAORDINARY SUCCESS ta rtlingly reali tic. The wings for the garden etting of the second and third ontinued Fr:om Page One.) acts were painted by Ruth A ire, Boyd proved him elf an actor of rare ability. Rennison, and Alfred Owens under the Hi work wa sincere a nd artistic. He dir ection of Mrs. Delphine Dunn . was particularly good in th e highly Music from "The Vagabond King" dramati c scenes, which he played with the pop ular ope retta ba ed on the play, great power. " If I Were Kin " wa played during lice Prop t, as K.atherine de Vau the inte rmi ion by arah Baltzelle, celle wa a beautiful heroine, equally organ ist. Ruth Haney, violini t, and plea ing in appe.a rance and m anner. rvin e Harrold, corneti t. Ed na The part of the weak kin , Louis XI, Hayes, a rti stically costum ed in the was admirably taken by Edward Ham pe riod of the play, ang two opran o mon who not only acted well but look- solo. ed the part to a remarkable degree. I Costumes by Shoultz. Henry Gallagher furnished m uch I All members of th e cast were well humor a Olivier le Dain, a ki nd of co ·tumed fo r their pan s, th e cost umes aide to the king, and Isabelle Ruehr- worn by V illon and Katherine in Act mund won the sy mpathy of th e audi- II having been mad by Fritz choultz ence by h er portrayal of ot her V illon. of Chicago. ther peaking roles were well played The player were aid ed in thei r actby Jean Turn r Camp a Huguette du in by having een a performance of Hamel who gave her life for her lover, "The Vagabond King" at the Hart \/ ilburn Bargdill a Thibaut d' u - man Theate r in Columbus early in th e ign y, th e vi llain, Frederick White, week. Mr. Bechtolt al o aw Dennis R obert Bromeley, and Quentin Kin- King play thi role at the Great onh tigh. ern Theatre in hicago. Effective Tavern Scene.
ITTe stz•tt s ay I
Much credit for the effectiv e tavern cene in the first act goe to those who played the members of Villon's band of rogue . The e par t were ta ken by Wendell William , Richard ander , Franklin Puderbaugh, John Hudock, Jeanne Bromeley, Helen Cleman , Lucy Hanna, Margaret Haney, Mar aret Baker, and Margaret T ryon. The ong in defian ce of Bur gundy which wa sun veral times by thi group, led by Mr. Bechtolt, was one of he high spots of the play. ther part were taken by A lfred wen , Everett nyder, Karl Kumler, Boy d R noi on, Wendell Rhode , liver pangle r, Morr is Hick., Maurine Knight, Glady nyder, Ruth
Blendon Hotel Restaurant " SPECIALS ON SUNDAY"
L/4e lower · fzan the
cst ,
,, OUl'l
Sa,1e PrJCes Elsewhere
Page Three
====================~T~H~E~ T ~ A~ N= A=N_D CA RD I N A L Change In O hio Relays. A chan 6 e favoring Ohio Confe rence Schools 'ha s been mad e for the Ohi-o Relays Meet at the Oh io State tad ium this year. There will be a relay divi The Ph ilotas, Jondas, Sphinx and sion limited onl y to Ohio Oo nfer ence Schodls. H oweve r. thi do es not pro Cookh ouse teams won th ei r first games hibit Ohio Co n fere nce teams enterini' in the fi rst round of th e intramural 0t her rela ys at t h e meet this sp ring. games las t week, the Annex, Co untry Club. Lakota and Alps los ing thei~ first - - - - 0 C---games. In the ope nin g game of the sched ule the Philotas scored 17 points to the Annex·s 10 poi n ts. G reen and Borr or TRAINING TO BEGIN SOON of t he Philotas sco red 7 and 6 point s respectively wh il e J am es sco red 4 Large Number Point-Ge tting Men points for the .-\nnex. Have Been Lost By Gradu Jond as nea rl y dou bled the score on ation. Men Needed. the Co un try Club team when they won C .'\ se ri ous prob lem will con front bv a sco re of 30 to 16. Thompson of oach M. A Ditmer when t he spri ng c·onnt ry Clu b. Fowler and 0. Cline of track seaso n ope n s. Many wide gaps the J ondas each scored 10 point s. The Sphin x won from th e Lakotas ~ave been left open by grad uat io n ron, the squad of last year of men who br a score of 26 to 14 Steimer scoring we~ cons1ste • O nt poi. nt getters for Ii poi nt s fo r the Sp hinx wh ile J enk tterhein. A cons·ervative est imate of in on of the Sp'hinx a nd Seitz of La th e numb er of points lost is placed at kotas each sco red 8 poi nt s. 55. The Coo kh ouse team almost white The foll owing men have been lost washed the Alps tea m when they piled to _t he team: toughton the ci nd er up a sco re of 50 to 2 in the last game art 1 ' . t de luxe, a lway capable of sco r- of the day. The Alps were no oppo ing 15 points . and a nchor man on the s itio n to the last year champs who ~~ t eam; s torey, who cons iste . ntly sco red at will. Gibso n scored 16 1 I' aced first in th e ha'1f-mile · Poros k y, point s whi le Marsh scored 14 points. always . Land-is made the ent ire sco r-e of t he h . g oocI for f rom 8 to 10' poi. n ts Ill t e Jave lin and discus throw· C. Wid- Alps when he wa ab le to ink one d-oe ' co uld a,Jways be co unted on for count er. Prune leag ue tea m s ope ned their at lea 5t 8 points in the hurdles. sc hedule Fr·i day afte rn oo n and t he Meyers and C. Wid does wer e ab le to &arner 8 pomt · · the pole va u 1t; Ann ex 2nds, D ub s. Coo khou se 2nds, S . 111 t~ir usually came through with 3 and R ed H awks stiU have a clean slat-e. T he Annex 2nds won from the Point in the ,broad jump · Richter scored ' . a cons1 tent first and 5 pomts Ph il ota 2nds by a score o f 18-8 Go r th :~ e shot J>ut, and Tins ley place d in don of the Ann ex sco ring 10 poi nts. -mi le run . There is also a pos- M. -Hicks of Phi lotas scored 5 poi nt s. I Th e Dub s wo n the ir game very t tty crop . of two of last ,vear·s sq uad i Ping out of sc hool for t he second easi lv for the Co untry Cl ub 2ndo; did • not ; how up and the Duh s won thei r loerne t. ter , w h.1c I, means more pomt _ fir st ga m e by a forfe it. Coo kh ouse 2nds scored 43 points ttal-Iowev k er, two letter men of the '25 while the Kingite ·cored 11 poi nts. Y c sq uad a r,e back in sc hool thi ear-Ma r tin a nd Falstick who are Townsend of the Kingite wa the only &0od ct· · corer for hi team corin g the 11 tstance runn ers . s 1, 1·5 team received. Props t pomt Wor~rnn,ing up t he ituation in ·t he sco red 19 points. be s_ of Coach Ditmer, ··There wi ll Red H a wk s \\'O il front th e La ko ta · lo w~e open mgs o n acco unt of t h e 2nds to the tune o f 19- 13. Bunce _of 5 of th corn e e men, and th er efo re it be- Red H aw k. sco red 5 points wh ile be e more urge n t that a large num imm ermach er of th e Lakotas scored r of 1 inact llen rep ort wh en the call is 5 points. "a e for the opening of the t ra ining Gi,b,son. Coo kh ouse. leads the co rer s
between th e Owl basketeers and th e Talisman cager s. Onyx and Polygon will also jump center for a victory Saturday. Arbutus versus Arcady and Ph oenix ve rsus Lotus are scheduled •' of the Social Gr-oups wi t h 16 point s to for next Monday at 4 p. m . After his credi t while Prop st, Coo kh-ouse t,hese games the league will cease 2nds lead s the P run e League sco rers action until after exami nations are over. The gam es will begin again on wi th 19 po int s. Feb ruary 2. -- - - O C--- -
Philotc1s, Jondas, Sphinx and Cook House Win First Intra-mural Games
Visit Our Restaurant. Open All Hours
Charter House
University Men
-oc--DR. KEISTER TRAVELING Dr. S W K . f the lJ : e1ster, former pasto r o '"arrn rted Bret hr en Ch ur ch, and a in F'! ~tend of the college, i travelin g . 0rtda p 1 • Jubi! art Y 111 the mterest of tht ee cam . . d his O D paign. Dr Kei ster vis1te of e n, r. Albert Kei ster a professor con om· . ' f Nort h C ic_ 111 the U niv ersity o arolma.
Order Your
}{ - 0 C - - clcn Neff Pledged Arcady. Due t O nan1e of a typographical error the the r1 Belen Neff was omitted from t of A 14 i rea dy pledges in th e Dec. Presictue of the Tan and Ca rdinal. to repe nt o f social groups are urged or,t an and Ca . Y new pledge to the Tan of lam~dinal offices in the ba ement ert Hall.
- - - 0 C - --
Dr Sanders Ill. . Dr. T. J. San ders has been ill and Ar:: utus vs. Owls and Polygon vs. confined to hi s hom e during the past Phoenix Games Played Yester/ wee k, but h e will meet his classes as day Afternoon at 4 p. m. usual today. - - - 0 C---Mu ssolini order are ,being carr ied The Gi rl s' Int ra- Mural Basket Ball League ,has been divided into two / out now; some day he will be. - - - 0 C - - groups. with Gree nwi ch, Arbu tus, I Overcoats and Topcoats now redu c Owls. A ready. a nd Tali sman in the orri s & Son. fir s t group , and Polygon, Lotus, ed. E . J. Tomo- Dachi, On yx and Phoe nix in the seco nd group according to the sc hedule whi ch wa s pos ted last week. Arbutus versus Ow ls led off with th e fir s t tus sle o f th e sched ul e yeste rday afternoon ; thi s game was follow ed by the Polygon ve r us Phoenix game. Sin ce the Tan and Ca rdinal went to press yes terday oft ernoon at four o'clock, a nd the games were not scheduled to start until four o'clock, no de.finite results were available for publication. T omorr ow afternoon. begining at 4 p. m., Greenwi ch will meet Arcady and T omo-Da chi will battle with L ot u s. Saturday afternoon. begi ning at I :30 p. m., wil l witness the battle GIRLS' INTRA-MURAL LEAGUE IS UNDER WAY
Ready-Made and Cut to Measure
(llluh ~tntinnrru - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - € \!•- - -- - - - -- - - - -- -
f rttttittg
~ = = = = = = ~·
!-'age Four
Bird Articles Appear.
IDqr wan anrl Olnrrltnal
The second of a se ri e of articles f Cleiorhe· " esterv1·11 e d L o r e 1Jv D o n;J. Id 1·. \ .A..t th e e\e.ction session h fo llowing o n \ ·v * * * Borror, a Junior, appear~d in last tea. Thursday evemng, t e • P ublished Every T uesday Morning in t he Inte rest of OTTERBEIN COLLEGE week's edition o f the Public Opinion, o ffi ce rs were elected: . k,s. Vice· loeal community newspaper. President. Mabel Eubank .' Critic, - - - 0 C ---Pre ident, Ma rgaret Eu~an ~~cretarY, Pi Kappa Delta To Have Betty Plummer ; Rec.0rd111ell g Arn br 05 e·, Special Column Each Week. Edith Moo r e ; Chaplain , 1 h Win· Co rresponding Secreta:ry, Beu ~hilliPS' At a recent meeting of the Pi K a pp'\ gate ; Treasurer, Doro th Y s Mil· . was decided to cond uct a Censor, Fre d a S ny der.'. Hostes ' De Ita 1t Margaret st er, . Librar· special column in th e Tan and Cardi• dred M a-rshall ; Chon STAFF nal. A design is now 'being prepared . Dueer; Pianist. Irene Benn~rt , Judge. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ................... .............................. WAYNE V . HARSHA, '27 for a cut by th e art depa-rtm ent. I ian. Glendora Barn es,. F ir t Theln1a New Editor .................................................................. ...... Louie W. orri s, '28 Esther W.illiamson has been elected I Frances Slade ; Sec 0 nd Judge, Cover. Women 's Dormitories ................. ........................ .......... Margaret Kumler , '28 1 \ Pletcher ; Third Jud ge. H elen re re· Men's Dormitory ............... ................. ..................................... James Bright, :28 as the Pi Kappa Delta reporter. ·1 Sproull we Pl ans we r e also discussed concer nLocal Reporter ...................................................... ........... . Philipp Charles, 29 Lola and W 1 ma hip d' 1 . · t · h Special Featu r es ................................ Verda Evans, '28, Robert Bromeley, '29 mg t e sen mg of •representatives in ceived 111to associa e members · General Reporters debate, oratory and extemporaneou s \ - --- 0 C~ New Assignment T_nn rged speaking to the contest of the district Mary Thomas arc u . , C laude Zimmerman P rovmce of Great Lakes. Tan and Cardinal reporters . 111 ent Gladys Dickey Lillian Shively Ernestine Nichols At this meeting it was also decided to take n ote of th e fact that as;1;r on Raymond Gates Marce lla Henry Karl Kumler to hold regular meetings every two slips will be diSJtri:buted her I in· Clyde Bielstein Kenneth Echard weeks. · fte r chape . Wednesday mormng a . Stones Thelma Hook Charl es E. Shawen ---0 C-- Alfred Owens stead of Thursday mornmg, daY will Margar et Haney PHILOPHRONEA turned in after 11 o'clock Mon not make th e press. SPORTS EDITOR ....:.............................................. HARRY E. WIDDOES, '27 The program rende r ed in Philo Assistants phronea wa s one ·of great interest. Dr. Snavely To Lead Y. 110iar Arthur H. Ger man Ellis B. Hatton . 6 ·I , the re,, d Gee, C. L. read an original " ews Parker Heck This evem ng at · J ill be 1tel Lawrence E. Hicks paper"; Lam·bert, C. 0., gave a "Short meeting of the Y. M. C. A. wlor . Qr, Story''; Ervi n, H . M. a nd R oh rer , G. par . BUSINESS MANAGER ........................................... ROBERT E . MUMMA, '27 W . play ed a clarinet and ba soon duet. in the Y . M • C · · · d'1scuss1°111 · d t the • Assistants Snavely will con uc . }.{e.,:1ca11 Lambert, C. 0 . wa elected to fill · I with 1 Ro C. Miller Lorin Surface which w ill dea l ma·tn .Y Ever)' 1113 1 the next term a pre ident. David A llaman and >! icaraguan sit uation. ibers of - - - 0 C---and men rr CIRCULATION MANAGER ............................................ RUTH HURSH, '27 3 i ur ged to be pr esen t • . Club PHILOMATHEA Assistants the International Relatrous bY wk· Kathai:ine Myers Mildred Wilson . . . d ooperate 111v1te to c . e pec1ally Margaret Edgington Margaret Duerr . rat her hr ief, but intere ting, e _ s1011 · enj oyed by member of ing part in this di cus 1011 wa PUBLICATION BOARD - -- - 0 C - - . 3re Philomathea la t Friday night. L. S. . . . Univers1tY of J:rees read a oliloq uy on Prayer'': Fratern ities at Ohio ., 0 111en ~~i;~tri ident__ · tbe. '' it1 1he A _. H . Bauer gave a "De cription'' of now allowed to entertalll F"ac ult y Members ............................ Dean . · . E. Cornetet, D r. Sarah M. Sherri ck . function 5 Student Members-A. 0. Barnes, Ruth H ursh, Mabel Euban k s, Alice B lum e, ht fir t dat e with a gi rl ; while· C. E. the college at soc1a 1 Mumma ga ve a '· Humorou ketch." ho use until ten o' clock. Craig Wales. ~ue to th e pla y which followed later _ ___ O C - - - . 1t1en EDITORIALS C lifornta e m _ the eveni ng, the society dispen ed At the U niversity of a 1iool h3 v CRAM, CRAM, CRAM, • and never be available for future use." with parlia,mentary drill, and extem students in t he Carroll sc · g cl 11b: EXAMS ARE COMING Such rapid memorizing as in c ram - poraneou _s peaking, and adjourn ed l sew111 ber> organized an all-ma e . ht rne111 ming is a wit ness of the val ue of very ea'fl~. R eginald hipley i the next The roster al ready has eig c fnese T her e, now, we've probably spoiled close attent ion in study; but the rapid pre 1dent of Philomathea. jncreas · aP' with signs of a large d other . c the whole day for you by bringing up escape of the know ledge attained is d men in10 An activity is anything which goes m en darn soc k s an f fet:11 unpleasant thoughts by the mere title testimony to t'he necessity of closer 0 to make o ne' fratern ity (sor o r ity) par e! with the deftness of this editor ial. But we are st ill association of facts. Owing to undue pr ominent. hands. · ~ harboring a pet theory t hat was put haste the ideas are crowded into th e into practice once but d ied a misera:blc m emory witho ut becoming intimatel y death due to a lack of co-operation on r elated, or tied together. in numerou, the parts of both the tudents a nd the ways. Then whe n some part is for facul ty; and that' the t'heory of pcr gotten , as is sure to happen, the 'lther iod k tests instead of semester exam- part being related to offer no cue for inations. its reproduction. Thus one part after Y o u can probabl y remember how a nother is lost, and even though rhe the scheme was put into a more or les9 ideas are closely related by nature. tht haphazar d plan of operatio n. A series lack of appreciation of such r elation of test designed to la t the w hole ship on the part of the tudent allow eme ter was attempted. After a few t he whole to e cape as mer e lists o f tests had ,been given. the interest f~cts. To be firmly rememberP.u, wa ned. All in all the whole scheme eith er a gr at amount of drill is nec was consider ed a demoralizing failu re e a ry, or el e the ideas m ust be by most faculty members; and now we assimilated , and a similation cannot b e ar e back to the old cram and ex am hurri ed in th is manner. system, which has practically no adSo we ~Y, back to the periodic vantages. tests where we can assimilate the There is little to be a id on the material of the cour e readily and u.bject of "crammin g". Unfortun w'it,hout m i understa nd ing. A ys·.e at ely every st udent makes use of this matic series o f well plan ned te t instudy method at some time during his tead of examinations cannot but ai jJI tain the desired g oal. colle"'e career. . gaUerY The largest, fi st Profe sor Kit on ay , "The reten ne , an d w ithout doubt t he best equipped • 1,rt America for producing t h e best known to t he Photographic The be t education i self-educati(•:i tion t o r emember affects th'e firmn ess of retention, and if cramming is done even in college.
___ o c - -
Go Where You Have A lways Been Ple0srd
Your Photo if from
The Old Reliable
Will Be Best.
m erely with reference to the examina tion , the facts I arn ed may be forgotten
man who is his. own doctor ha foo l for a patient.
= = = = = -R-ic-=h= a= nd = H=i=g=h=S=t=s=.
Pag e hvc
The Cardinal's Whistle
I wa s appropr iate for ope nin g the pro- ; gr am. The 1f elodie by Gluck. arrang- i ed by Kr eisler, was tru ly sun g on the cello. I The exa min atio n sc hedul e as posted Tuesday, J anuary 18- . Y. M. and Y. W . in AssociaThe "Symphonic Va riatio ns" by last week is as follows: -:tion Halls at 6:1 5 p. m. Boel lman is sur e to p rove attractive 7 :30 CLAS SES W ednesday, J anuary 19on any program. ln thi s number for Exams Come W ednesday, Jan. 26 General Recital by Students cell o a nd piano. M iss J o nes, deservEight O 'clock : MW FS, MTW F . of School of Mu sic in Lamingly shared honors with Mr. Heer- T THF , TF TWT HF. man n. Afte r Mr. H eer mann had ! Ten O 'clock: T TH S. T TH. T. •bert Hall at 8:00 p. m. Thursday, J anuary 20played "Scherzo" by V . Go ens, whic h TH , TH S. he did in cl, zzl:ng fashion, he was One O'cloc k : M \V r- ).I \V. 11.1 . Cl eio rhetea at 6: 15 p. m. Philalethea at 6: 15 p. m. co mpell ed to add an encor e. W , T W F. Friday, J anuary 21Jun e K unkle possesses a full rouncl 9:00 CL ASSES By Phi Donti Graduate. Philomathea at 6:30 p. m. an d br illiant sop ran o vo ice, particuExam s Come Thursday, J an. 27 Philophronea at 6: 15 p. m. larly expressive in the group o f Leider. · Eight O'cl oc k : MW r S, F, T TH TODA Y' S B EST SEL LERS Saturday, January 22She sang well the Massenet " Elegie'', F s, MT w r, w r. MT TH F. Basket Ba ll With Mar ietta 111 and in this Mr. Heermann gave addecl our,tesy The U nivers ity · Boo k Store T en O 'clock: T TH S, T TH, T H 1. "How To Make Love"-I saac High School Gym at 8.00 p. m. in terest t hro ugh his playing of the S, M T TH S. T , TH. Deaterly. Tuesday, January 25-ce ll o ob ligato. R oundn ess of her upOne O 'clock: M W F. M W , M 2 "Ten Nights in a Bar room"Selma Lenha rt , Reader and per tones was noticeable si n ce a so- T W TH F , M . James Gordon. Interpreter, on Citizen's Leeprano vo ice of su ch brilliancy does not 10 :00 CL ASSES 3. "Commentar y on Li'fe of St. j t ure and L y ceu m Cou rse. always possess this. Th e inging of Exams Come Friday, J an. 28 " matthew"-Franci·s Saul. Mrs. Kunkle was an impo~tant part ni , Eight O'clock: M W F S M T W 4 d' · "Walter Camp's Essentials of Bas- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ th e prograGm. J TH, M . ' k etball" as revised by Charles Keller. H elen race ones id t1ie accompT en O'clock : T TH S, T TH, T. 5. "The Finer Points in Economics" Yes, Mr. Heermann came, but he rlid anying for the singer ancl cellist an d One O 'clock : M W F, W F , W . -Margaret T ryon. more, he "Came, Played, and Con- understand s the d istinc tion to be made 2 :00 CLASSES 6 "T h S d in accompanying for th e : wo. She e un-burned, Side-b urne q uored." That ra re and beautiful E C S da Sh 1: k.,, L gave needed supp ort with out a f)parent . xams , ome atur Y, Jan . 29 e - este r Raines. h d d cl E h o J k M 7· " H orati us at the Bridge"-P er ry Ru gge ri cell o, in t he an s a n un er effort. The aud ie nce nev er s uspected , T H igM t w c oc : W F, M T W Laukhuff. the bow draw n by Mr. H ee rmann , that the progra m was g iven without a I • · " 8. " Hay! Hay! Far mer Gray"- really sa ng. and sang so we ll , that the rehea r al by Mis ]-on es and Mr. Heer- 1 T en O'clock : F . audience would n ot co nsent for it to mann. H er playing in th e number for 11 :00 CL ASSE S Horse" T roop. 9.' . "Th e S chool T ha t God F orgot " cease. Mr. Heerma nn hand les his bo w pian o and cello d isplayed h er skill a a E xams Come M onday, J an. 31 Ph1ltp O tt erbein. with much ea e and grace. His left pian :st very pro noun cedl y. In fact Eigh t O'clock : M T W F , T W 10. " From the Hayfield to t h e Presi hand knows the fingergoard fr om one this wa her b es t work of t he evening. TH F, M T , T . den t's Chair"-Walter G. Clippinger. - end to the othe r. is agile, and wh en th e The concert wa not only one of th e Ten O 'clock : T TH S, T TH, T H Wh · . . bow 11nd finger s are di rected by such most o utstanding of t hi year at Otter- S, TH , T TH F S. · lhnore McMullin announces his 1·udgement and ta s te as Mr. H eer mann / bcin. but of past years.-A. R. S. One O'clock : M W F, M W. W F . in ten ti f I ___ O C - - -M F, W. Ph . on o wor k ing ou t his 4 hou rs uses the audien ce i sure to pro nounc e . Ysical E d. requ irem ent by playing him a g rea t cellist. i oe oUege deba tin g team wil l op-1 1:00 CLASSE S ' Ping-Pong. Mr. Heermann's program was well pose Snyder U nivers ity, Australia, in M Exams Come Tuesday, Feb. 1 th r. Wm. D iehl has r eturn ed from cho en, not "dry," and yet he di d n ot a debat e to be judged by a n audience Eight O'clock : MT W F, MW F . rn c New York Auto S how w it h the resort to the playing of so-called cha n1l"e-of-01)inion vote, a syste m M T W T H , M, F. 0st t beautiful Ford in Chevrolet h is- ·'pretty 1 hing ." Th e Bach Prelude origi na ted by Professo r Woodwa rd of Ten O 'clock : T TH, T F, \V TH ~ F, TH. fr om uite in D Min or , fo r cello alon e, W . RU . . h ~nee t here was a poor artist. He = _= _= _= _= _= _ = _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _ -::: _ = _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _ =_.:=: h~ exceptional talent but because of kis . Poverty h e had no means of m artoeting h'is wares. He fi nally dec1'd ed rna~~e~d his time o n one pict ure and itself it 50 b~au tifu l tha t it would ~ell he · For h is mod el he chose a pnze Had an appointment with Prof. Smith. nian. But when he had com p leted h is st h' erpiece he felt it was unwor thy of DID IT EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? is tale t ba k n • so he threw it in a waste To avoid mistakes and insure promptness use our desk et and it la id t here. calendars. Mounted on a black enameled stand. A Yesterday, broad . d one of t h e customary page for each day, plenty of space to make notes and \\·as ·::un ed m embers of the faculty O ho le _serv ed looking through a key• references. With both eyes. 'fhe d' · tud ignu y of the pre ident of th e . b ot h mamtame . . d an d lrteatJent Cou nc1·1 1s hand Y enhanced by t h e u se of a very . very soine . m ustache cup, the gift of a In oak finish, contains 100 3x 5 cards, and a alphabetic vainly hopeful fri end . KAM PUS KA LEND A R
= : _= :_=_=_=_
-=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_== _
= _
= _
Gee It Slipped My Mind!!!
C-- -
££RMANN IS MASTER ARTIST SAYS WRITER t.ditor' Cle 1· a .. ote: The following artiPeara crittq ue written afte r th e ap· Cellistnee . of M r. W alter Heermann , Orche With the Ci ncinnati Symphony kl e. C t~a, and M r,s. J une Elson Ku 11lia11 Utn bu soprano in Lambert 011 D ' Jone ecember 9. ·Helen Gra ce a . Wa s ace . tt1 t . Th ompan1 t for t h e two h t e au . e concert wa given und er
Cl ub.
of the 01terb ein Mu ic
useful, practical, and reasonably priced at
80c COMPLETE Just the Thing for Debate Students. TEST BOOKS The Official Little "BROWN" Book. TRY OUR PEN SERVICE
Page Six
BASKETBALL SCHEDULE FOR 1927 Absolutely Official. Date Team Where Jan. 12-0tterbein 26, Kenyon 45. Jan . IS-O tterbein 31, Ohio Northern 29. Ta n. 22-Marietta .... 'vVesterville Jan. 29-Baldwin-Wallace Westerv ille Feb. 2-Marietta Ma rietta Feb. 5-Muskingum New Concord Feb I I- Heidelberg Westerville Feb. 19- Mu kingum Westerville Feb. 26--Heidelberg Tiffin Mar. I-Wittenberg Springfield Mar. 7-Kenyon .... Westerville
Ar D
men took FOOTBALL COACHING HAS OWN HAZARDS • ;,;h~,:,~',: :''.!/;~; ,~::, ·;w-::;! CONCLUDES MENTORS' ASSOCIATION MEET /~T~~~hl J:~f; ct/A a; MAKE k
Tlie hazards of the footba ll coach<• death and taxes, must come to every SUNDAY SCHOOL were effectively pictured at the recent coach. no matter how good." -· . - f H !pfu!ne I meeting of the American Football It is to often forgotten that the foot- "E very 0 day Habits O e h I Jed Coaches' association, in an address by ball -team is made up of undergra_duates. was the the :11e o f Su nday Sc 00 ' D ir ecto r Stagg, whose long career at and that the sport belongs primarily by John Lehma n. orning Red Gearhart ff er ed the din SamiiI the U niversity of Chicago has given lo the student bodies, not to the alumni O him amp le opportunity to gather in or the general public. For every vie- prayer. •[alk s on "The Goo •·The Golto ry th ere must b e a d e f eat, an d at h - t1an 111 given · · E very d·ay Life'' a 11d · l formation on sue h su b'Jee t s. . Only one-fo urth of the football letic coaches and managers sho uld be den Rule in College L'f e d David ,. were I coaches in 120 well k nown colleges, he mcas ~1red by what they a re doing to by Esther Wi lliamson Ranh Gregg said, have been able to produce teams build up the physical st rength of the Al laman respectively. . dut Sing.'' that have won enough games to hold st udents as a whole, and not co ndem- read a poem '' When Meltn: progrant ' theii: present relative position for five ned for failu re to pi le up a long record The musical number of t eEschbachucc essive victories over other was a vocal solo by George years. In the last eight years, the,e of 120 colleges and univ ers1t1es have institutions. -Columbu Dispatch. I ---- 0 c employed 379 coaches in their quest - - - - O C ____ ' Student s Marry. d Isaac for succesfu l teams. CLASSROOM TURNS Ina Weber, ophomore,. adn t oun6 f I h ave · · · ut1ons · Only I o t1ese mst1t INTO BARB ER SHOP Deaterly, Ju111or, were marne . ha of Dehad the same coaches throughout the ___ k-'rk Ohio on the twenty-Sixt . Wes;;;============ ~ eight yea rs, and on I y t·n a bare han dfu I ( Cc n :1nued Fro m Page One.) cember. The\' are now living 111 otter· ' · TA :;; had the football coach been able to I h b I · · e to atte N FL OORMEN DOWN anc s am att es were whizzing around and cont1nu terville, nd OHIO NORTHERN QUIN TET . retain hi s post for ten year or more. in mad panoramic fash ion . -----bein College. (Continued From Page One.) the game sta rted. 1'he defensive play of Buell and Barn es showed improve ment of that against Kenyon and "".as in a large way responsible for the vic tory over O h io Northern. · Lose at Kenyon W ednesda-,. Otter bein opened her confe rence !Ca ason by losing to Kenyon at Gambier la t Wednesday night 45 to 26. Ken yon led at the intermi ion 21 to 11. The lead see-sawed back and forth for most of the first half but just be fore the period ended Newhouse took three shot from the center of the floor and made three ba ket s. Kenyon in creased her lead with a similar sp~ rt about the midd le of the second period but oth~rwi e the scoring was about eve n. Dempsey was the high scorer of t he ame with eight field goals. Buell ored most for Otte r bein with fou r ba ket s and two foul . Seaman waved the net four times from the field beides playing a good g uarding game. . ;1avely played his usual tar game ~t guard holding Van Epp scoreless until th la t few minutes o f th e game when the latter followed a shot for his only core.
---0 C---
"Insistence winning at mindedly Three engaged were abse nt - r;. -;;;-;- ;- ;- ;- ;- ;- ;- ;- ;- ;- ;- ;- ;--=--=-==-=-=:_-=~:::___. --== :c-_11 the bottom upon o~ more tro ublteams es thanis all crossinggirlname , drawing other things combined," said Mr. Stagg pa tterns in silve r, a nd smiling into . in explanation of this rapid turn-over space. The gir ls in the immediate ._,
in the coaching profes ion. "Most of vic init y were attempting to look b-ored . the criticism now aimed against inter- One ''A " student alone was concen collegiate athletics would cease,'' he trat ing on the professor. The inspi radded. "if our alumni, the public, and ation of her intense gaze wa sendi ng students wou ld take a portsman like the Prof. into new rhap odies. attitude toward defeat, which, like uddenly some psychic se nse told th e Prof that the class was going, McDou 6 all-Ahnormal P ychology. going M rapidly, into the a rm of a Men1 orpheus. Something had to be ta Born-Einstein' Theory o( Rela- d tivity. one, but what? Drop a book or Jackson and Salishurg-O utwittin g throw one? Call the Janitor or tell a Our Nerve . fairy story? Then in a fla h the Horton-O ut-into Life. method of the old time evangeli st came Denni s-R'omance of W orld Trade. to mind. So, in stentorian tone the Brigham-Study of American Intelli- Prof yelled NEXT!! gence. Reut er-Pop ulation Problems. Fry-Ameri ca n Village . Jones-Christ of the India Road. Be Vi er--Home Econo :ni c in Edu cation. Davi on-Music Education Ill America. Caldwell and losson- cience Re making the Wor ld. William -Expan ion of Rural Life. chaff-Creed oofcChrr tendom.
N EW BOOKS IN LIBRARY Art Club Meets. Machen-Origin of Paul's Religion. Art Club met late Wednesday evenEdman-Human Trait 111g, in the rt st udio. Batik' were Rowley-Taxidermy. tud ied and explained. everal article Blackmar-History of Human o- were given on the ubject by Mi ciety. Viola pring. Al o severa l article by Coll ins-Modern Poetry. the great art teacher "Henri" were given by Boyd R~,1~ on. bencrombic-Theory of Poetry. Magee-Material for the tudy of ---Banking. . . Capital University, Columbu , 0.tein r-Community Orga111zat1on. "'Debt Liquidation Day," a tradition Frederick-Efficient Housekeepin g. day on which tudent are expected to Carpenter-How the W or 1 d is ettle all unpaid debt , led to many Clothed. intere ting measure uch as pawning Carpenter-How the W or 1 d clothiwr and trea ure . One tude nt Hou ed. however, greeted hi creditor with Clark-Eugene O'Nei ll. card which announced his bankruptcy 1 and that ettlement would be made to Gold tein-Art in Everyday Life. Harap-Education of the Con umer., the amount of two mill on the dollar. Barous-Repre ion of Crime. ---- 0 C ---MacLennan-Co t of a ~ ew Wor_ld. More than three hundred girl s at McGiffert-Rise of Modern Rehg- Smirh College, N orthampton, Ma s. iou Ideas. ride to clas es on bicycle .
It' beco mtn2" . and harder fo r gicrk1to o-e t by w ith sto 'lk b ' t Sl ings that a r en a ll the v.ra y up.
The face is still to cons1·dered however, and we have 50IJ1e new shades of rouge.
The REXALL Store~ ~
Toilet Merchandise FACE POWDERS
WESTERVILLE PHARMACY R. W. Hoffman, Proprietor 12 Eaat M . WSHERE SERVICE IS BEST ·ne o. Ph one 20 am t. ~ tJ• Wcate~-"•
Page Seven
I bir t hd ay .
I Men
"Buck" P hilli p , '26,' vis it ed friends over the wee k-end.
A lp s
Harold Mo. sha mm er vi s ited Cra m er Mahan in Dayton over the wee k-end . Alps annou nce P a ul Dayton a. a pledge.
L e ig h
"Ted" Riegle and hi friend, Mr . n11 ex men S un day.
Beck, vi itecl
Robert Clin e, Jr.. Wa hi ngton, D. C., made his fir t vi sit back to th e Co untr y Club sin ce hi g rad uati on wit h the clas of '15.
Leland D. Pace, '22, visit ed Country Club.
Dale Friend visit ed hi s aunt who has been seriously ill at P leasantv ill e. Roger Kirkman, cap ta in of W es tern Reserve's ba ketball team la s t y ear risited Cook H ou
Mr s. Gr a biH and E th el E u- pa ti o 11 ,s g r eate r th a n realizati o n a nd PHILALETHEA CONDUCTS banks John s on w ere g ue s t s. sh e hopes it wo rk s o ut 111 r egard to INAUGURAL CEREMONIES 'i ~ Mr s. Ne ff spe nt th e pas t w ee k w ith exa m s. An inte·resti ng program wa s present H ele n, who has b ee n si ck. T ha t she'd g ive her kingd o m fo r a ed at Philalethea's I na ugura l Session M•is,s A nn a Sch e ur.m a n was a wee k po ker fac e wh en th e P r of. start s pick last w ee k. Judi th Wh it ney, President ; ing vict im s. e n cl g u est of l sa bell e Ru ch rmund. Amy Morris, S ecretary; Freda Kirts. That by thi s tim e next m o nth she 'll Critic, were installed as t he new chair Mi ss Kl o ff ert a nd Mi ss Axthelm vi si te d th e A rbu t u s C lu b S a t urda y . kn o w ju st ho w m11 ch she's bee n get ting officers. Th e fo ll owin g program was prese nted : Th e A r butu s Club a nn o un ces Mi ss a way with . Chaplain's A ddr es s-Helen May. Ca ryl Rup e as a pl edge. T hat sh e has a fri end from S ta rk Pian o Du et- Am y Morri s a nd M il Arbutu s Club enj oyed a h a mbur ge r co unt y but t hat s he isn 't from Cant o n. dred Lochner. p u s h Saturday e ve ning. Tha t if s he's a ny judge a t all, the Critic's Critique-Est her William M a rga r e t Du err s pent th e wee k -e nd Chri stma s run of neckti es thi s yea r is son. Voca l Solo-Ethel Kepler. bett er than usual. at VVe s leya n . President 's Va led'ictory- L o u is e T ha t ·'a ll th e wo r ld loves a lo ver' ' Ge rtrud e Wilcox, E th el Kepler, Stoner. Mario n r ow a n d Ruth Hur s h w ent so Bec ky bett er watch o ut. Piano Solo-Caryl Rupe. t o th e K e nyo n ga m e at Gambier. Tha t o ne o f her Profs said th e o th er President' s Inau g ural-Judi th Whit The Owl C lub enj oye d a pus h 111 day that ther e wa s a danger of kn o w ney. enff, Ca th erin e Ali ce F oy , Grace hon o r o f M a r y \ Vhit e fo rd' s b irthday ing too much and she 's bee n wor r ied Beck, Ste lla R als ton, Dorothy Han ce , Sunday evening. ab o 11t her se lf ever y since. Be tty Baker were r eceived into asso Rut h Mu sse lm a n 's ister Mar y v is T ha t her idea o f an optim ist ,s a ciat e memb ership. fello w wh o makes a fruit coc ktail out ited h er Thur sda y a ftern oo n. Floren ce Howard , M abe l P low m an of th e lem o n s and so ur g ra pe s he rate s. and T helm a Hook spoke extempor King Hall. Th a t she heard th at Fran cois wo u ld .i. neously. D e M o tt B e u cler . N a th a n R o be rt s like th e a dd r esses of th e girl s wh o Gw y nn e M cCo na u g h y , Frerr o n Troxel, ~ri ed wh en hi s neck was in danger. '' D o n " S h oe m a k er, " Bud' ' S u!'face - - -- 0 C - - - ·'B o b'' F os te r , ·'S qu a r e" Di e h I, Filing System Started. ''Whit ty'' M c Mull e n , F r ed Mill er , a nd Th e T a n a nd Card inal ha s in stituted "Bill'' S te im e r , sa w th e ga m e at K e n a fil e or "m o rglte" of ha lf-tone en g rav y o n VV edn es day ni g ht. ings and zinc etc hings for use in its e n te rburg work. Th e new fi le con t,ains engravDevo n Bro wn visit ed Sund ay. ings o f college o ffi cial s, fa cul ty, tru s R o dn ey L ove o f Ohi o State a nd tees, and m ember s o f the student body. } o hn Hi a t t o f E a rlh a m College, w er e Th e fil e will be ·a dded to fr o m time to th e g u es ts of Fr ed Ylill er ove r th e time. A ph o tograph " m o rgue" is .i.lso being sta rted. week -e nd.
friends .
Clarence Nichols, '26, v isited Phi lo las Ol'er the wee k end. Jerry Schwart zkopf vi itecl in Akron ol'er the wee k encl. Carl B. Eschbach, Director of Boys' Work al the Cant o n Y. M . C. A., vis ited Lakota fri end s for an ho ur Thurs day evening.
Don Shoemaker en te r tained th e llisses Mildred Co nn a nd O m a Moo " B o b" Eri s m a n. '' Bo b " r- oste r, - -- - 0 C - - - maw, Lorin Surface, W h itmore Mc ,. Bud·· S u rface , D on S hoe mak er, Som e fan cy sw eat er s left at o ne. Harsha at 6 Yullen and Wayn e Em e,·so n Se itz a nd Emm o r W idd oes ha lf p ri ce. E . J. No rri s & So n. o'clock dinner at th home of Mr. and sa w t h e ga m e at Ad a Sa turd ay ni g h t. Mr. J.P. West last T hur sday eve ning. J ack Ba k er spe nt th e wee k -end a t The event wa s in celebra ti on of Don 's Make :th birthday. Women E m er so n H or n e r a nd G w y nn e M c WOLF'S Co na ug hy saw "The Va,gab o nd Kin g '' "Shorty'' Widd oes vi ited t he T o mo - 1 ~t t h e H a r t m a n . M o nd a y ni g h t. Your Headquarters Dachi girl Sat urd ay.
\'irginia Nfrholas 1 ent t h e wee kend at her home in Dayto n.
IMy Roommate Says-
Meats and Groceries
La Vonn e te e-le and Bessie Lincoln
H er Pro f t h e o th er da y said that th e pent the week-end with Ardi s Jone s fir st thing y ou think of wh e n yo u see at Ohio State. a r a t is t o gr a b a c lub a nd kill it but .Sunday aftern o 11 the Tomo- Dach i h e_ didn 't kn o w hi s stu ff o r h e' d h ave Club celebrated H elen Scheid egge r' s sa id find a po le a nd cli mb 11.
Th a t s h e too k a r ese r ve b oo k back to t h e L ibrar y an hour late a nd no w she kn o w s w hat th e t h ird d eg r ee m ean s.
Shoes Shined for Students Only ,I '
"Let Us Rejuvenate Your Shoes'' DAN CROCE 27 West Main Street WESTERVILLE, OHIO
T h a t s he ca n ' t d ec id e whi c h is the • wo rse . coll eg i~te clea ts o r '.'.1u stac hi os.
That eve r s 111 ce sh e sa w, If I W er e ' Kin g " s h e 's b ee n s up p r essin g d es ires and co n s ig n in g th e B ur g undi a n s. Tha t tra ck m ee t s ar e th e fav o rit e spo rt o f o n e o f h e r P ro fs.
I ind oo r
That term pap e r s a r e th e co ll egia t e fo r m o f th e S pa ni sh Inqui s iti o n. That th e g r ea t cla ssic "Y es, VVe Hav e N o Ban a n as' ', h as fo11nd a pee r in " \ Vh er e t)' Y e \ V o rka John " ? That if th er e 's o n e ·pe r so n w o r se t h an a ll o th er s, it is th e se lf-co nfessed heart - break er. Th a t s h e's a lways h eard t hat a nti ci-
Party and Picnic Orders Given Special Attention
Did you Students know That Frequ~nt Pressing And Dry Cleaning Prolong The life Of your Clothes,..A. nd "Bob" Knows his "stuff". See "Bob" Richardson Or Call 132 We Gather and Deliver
A GREETING CARD Solves your social difficulties.
Send them.
We have them for every need.
Page Eight
Absences from any labo ratory Saturday eve nin g the Otterbein cage period after the beginning of the squad will play its second hom e game second semeste r will count as a in three days against Marietta. With \ regular recitation absence unless a seasoned quinte the invaders appear special arra ngements are made to be in a po ·tion to make it extreme with the professor concerned. ly interesting for Edle r' s men . So states a special order of the All fiv.e of Coach Griffith's men will faculty issued last week. bear watching, but "Freddy" Schafer, Irregularitie m laboratory center, appears to be the one n:iost attendance coupled with failure likely to cause trouble. Schafer 1 a to m ake up lost work is though ! harp-shooter who can usually be de to have been re sponsible for pended upon to drop in some lon g such a n order. shot . The Otterbein defense must I keep him from getting in the clear for , long tosses. The remainder of the lineup wil l be Rief and Trott at for- LYCEU M ENTERTAINERS ward s and Ward and Gerhar t at 1 , PRESENT GOOD PROGRAM 1
guards. O tterbein will continue to practice dailv in preparation for the game this· week. The locals will hold the advantage of being on their h ome floor.
CHEER LEADER ISSUES DO'S AND DONT'S DoCoo perate with yell leader.
Father of All Mankind." On Wed nesday Katharin e M ye r s tal ked on "The Divine Possibilities of Human Life." Dr. Jackh's lecture on "The Growth of the ln tern atio nal Mind" delivered Thursday fitted in admi rabl y with the other features of the week's progra m. O n Friday m orn ing Louie· orris wound up the er ies with "The Meaning of The Cro s." ---0 C---
d ll S eaks At Y. WMrs. Cal we P interest· Mrs. Caldwell gave a very Rico f Porto O ing talk o n the cuS!Omd She talked at Y . W. las,t Tue ay. per· . particularly a,b ou·t the customs h p0 rto . I r£e 1 of t e toJll taining to the soc1a these cus h d Ri ca n youth an ow to become make i-t hard for them strong Christian s.
Christian Endeavor. . \ . f Secuon · The ,freshmen meetrng O led 1 H oerner .. was a su ccess. E mersoi .[ . t_;nit. . ·'Cl1 gin" Li es on the subJect and ])avid Allan1an P rof. F. A. Ha1mwa lt a nd Prof. A. Mr. P uder ba ugh an . H. Wilson occ upi ed the greater part gave sh ort ta lk s on the topic. of the cience Club program las t M on0 c - E. J. day evening, J a nuary 10, with a review See our lin e of Dre Shirts.
of the Amer ica n A s ociation for the '"l~o~rr~i~s~& ~•~S~o ~n~. Adv an ceme nt of cience Convention r,:. which they atte1cded in Philadelphia over th~ Chri st ma vacation T om and Ruth B lanchard Appear Aa p f w-11 . . · Fourth Nwnber. Selma Lenruu-t, ro: o n 111 hi rev·iew took up th e htS t ory of t he sociation and Famous Reader, Coming. p rof. Hanawalt dealt more with th e Tom and Ru th Blanchard, enter tain- I e~ent s that tran pired at the co nven . . tton. Anyone May Enjoy a Real crs, presente d a versat1 1e program m the Colleg e Chapel Tuesday evening ~? t h profe or vi ited a number of . as the fourth number on the Citizen's \ \)Ot'.lts of bi toric intere t wh-ile in I Lecture Course. Philade'lp'hia uch as Ca rpenter' Hall nd Dialogues, humorou k etches a nd ~ epe nd ence Hall, the Bet y Ros·
Features Another Service
I i
v·o cal numbers as well a
ome, Chri t Chu r ch and F ranklin '
Onlv 40 Cents
tions made up the program. j grave. - - ---A vocal duet wa th opening num- 'I T he , O C ·. tions \ ber. Following thi•s, "Confessions" a E J Y re . here., Ladie , low galo he · 1 Phone 105 for Reserva • . I · • o rn s & 011 · \ humorous dialogue by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wa: presented. "Lo! : 2.-IIR■U lla'' •i•n• ia-• :a" ■ l' l■ l! Jlli• •: •:1 •, , •a,• 1 • 1.1• L•·1 •1r. Hear the Ge ntle Lark'' a unique du ct !I!! featured Tom Blanchard who carried the obligato in imftation of a flute. A num'oer of popular songs and reading were giv-en in the first part of the pro gram. Tom Blanchard ga ve several l d_escriptiv~ ~ea~in~s and impersona tion . His 1m1tatton of the various , instruments in "The Old Town Band" was well received by the audience. , Ru th Blanchard contributed an Irish reading and some con undrums. Th. e final number was a Scotch costume· " This will be particularly valuable at- ketch and a ong by Mr. Blanchard urday as Marietta is accustomed to. a \ "I L ove A. Lassie." Ruth Blan chard • mall fl oor. ' . was accompani t. Thi well arranged to The loser in Saturday s game wtll program of humorous sketch es and -"' ~ not be forced to wait long to attempt pleasing musical numbers was pr·e- iii·• Jl,i •l»W1M 1M :1.a:'. araw •• ·- -•-_,.-~1tltlll:; t.iJ--~111•1 , ,a ,1. -u ,_ ,, _...,..,...., to avenge the defeat, for the two teams ented to a moderate crowd. ¥1lijlllllll l lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ; meet aga in at Marietta February 2. Mi Selma Lenhart, nation ally _ 0 C known reader and interpreter, will ap- § SIBYL IS PROGRESSING pear in the College Chapel on Tue day : WESTERVILLE, OHIO HOPE TO SELL 450 COPIES vening, January 25. - - - - - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - - - -, ~ ~ At tend all games, rallies etc. and yell. yell, yell. Keep your eyes on the leader. Follaw hi mo tio ns. Applaud yells for other sch ool and for indi vidual playe r . . pplaud goal play macle 1 y opponent . Be courteous to th e public they judge you by your con duct at the games. Be e. b NOTHi s or hoot opposing player . Hi or hoot re feree.
i ii Enjoy Your Evenings 1n a Warm Place. Cold Heart is a Hindrance?
the Most Discrimin-atinl'
W ork on th e ibyl has b eeoCgho!ng on in real earnestne ince the nstma Ho}jday. A real effort i being 1nade to get a n1any photographs to the engraver befo re the end of January, in order to take advantage of the discount offe red for work t urned in early. The work ha been ma terially advanced by the fine cooperation of the Art Dep artment under the direction of Mr . Dunn. The deadline for photograph has been pa ed in order th at th e. Art work on the panels may proceed without interruption. In ca e there are more .photographs to go in the book, pecial a rra ngem ents mu t be made with the taff. cca ional new subscription are coming in , so that th e goa l _of four hundr d and fift y may be attam d b efore th book goe to pres .
- - - - 0 C - - -MILWAUKEF CHAPELS
i,i. :::
LED BY DELEGATES Tb e c h ape I period · la t week , with the CJ c pf f Tl d X e 1011 0 ]Ur ay morning which were led by the del egate to the _ Milwaukee conferen ce have proved to
"BUCKAROO KID" - fcaturino-__: .,
Hoot .G1"bson _ _ _ __ __ _:.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~
§ :::;:: :., ..,
I i
be both interesting and instructive. - THURSDA y AND FRIDAY, JAN. _ _ ::::: 20 21 Comments from the tudent body indicated that th e p cial mu ic numbered ~ were received wi h pec·1aJ ap · · ::::: • ::::: preciation. with a brilliant ca t including On re turning to the camp u the del ~ e,,.a e felt t hat the y wa n ted to trv to rklesl ~ f the conference -j u t ~ r_ tbau an y picture oE the ea on, "T he Midnight un pa ~ gjv~ a ynop i a 1t wa pre n t cI to t h em . It c,ntillate It fair ly bubble 1. , ::::: 0 they began at the ame place the conference ---~-------------------~ did and howed to the tudent bod SATURDAY, JAN. _ ~ 22 that " God \ a Acee ible" P rofe 0Y Hursh spoke on thi sub ject in th - ~ iti al chap L rvi ce on ron day. Wetan!~~ 8 Y Zane Grey, featuring do Keck and Esther G orge di cu _ 11 the econd cycle " A od, Who i sthd : 111 1111;i c · 11111111111111 11111 11 1111111 1111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111
Laura La Plante &' Pat O'MalleY _
J k
ac Holt & Georgia Hale
S ::