1927 02 15 The Tan and Cardinal

Page 1

PROF. GRABILL TO PLA y Se!ect io_ns from- G ran-d Given B H O pera To B e Y cad of Con se r vatory of Music.


lub will of hi h

T eam




Elementary stoudent in the chool of .\I 11 ic "ill give a recital tomorro\\


c\euing. February 16. in Lambert Ha ll. The program \\ ill begin at o'clock. A feature of the program \\ill be a vio lin quartet, ·•Militar_v March" h}' S hubert. played by ·arl l'atton, Ray Schick, Lavelle Ros,elot. and Carl . tark y. Charlolle · 1i1 pinger. Boneta l~11g l.-. \ "1 \'ian Hreden, and Dorothy Grabill 11 ill play a piano quartet. · •· by Boden I1off. "l'olo11a1,c Other \\ ho will appear on the program are Clara. ch ti. Ida \i\' iddoes. Hazel ' tewart. -\da ·oon. Edith Ne d. . B reden. ham. R ut h . ny d er, \ 1nan Donald E.u ,·e rarc,I I',oneta 1-·.ngle, an,J ,- I s· ·111 ·.c na · nu ·

1 will be repre,ented b) • :oach. irom each of the ,chools conIJ11arrc the •· Harro ld as colleg to t t t' , 11·ho will J·udge each ~peaker arrnuaf . . e ora r a es 111 , . 0111 0 Intercollegiate Ora- except the representati ,·e from hi, tor icaf C 11trsk' ontc. I which will he held al ,clwol. . '"gun1 .o II ege 111 . :\. cw Concord . F H arrold i, a enior ,t ucI cnt 111 l Ii e 1.- r1day li arro i'i ·. ebruary 18. T he title of Mr. l'uhlic Speaking Department: he ha, •'1I arr·· c . ' o ra 1·1011 ts "The College three I ear; credit 011 t I1e 1·a r,r·1 Y <Ie· f LY1 111a11. · a clde1 t:,e ol· the modern college batt: ,quad and i5 a mem Iier _Be. ide . Kappa Drlta. He won the Ru,sell \\00 t Ottt:rbe111. \\' iuenberg. Oratorical prize last year: he ha · al O \\·a ltace~,. l lciddberg. I lirau1. Bald II in- heen a member of both the Fre . hman r CJlre,, c and . Oh·10 \ \ · e,levan will ha\·e aud . ophomore debate team,. H arI.e,, r entat11· l e, at the Contc;,t. Pro- rolrl i, abo a member o f ap anrI 0 tr . er D. · · ca. trrer n.att1<: , i- secrctarv- Dagger. ilrir1 X! eftof th c Oratorica l .\ ssociatio-11 ----0 C ---",11111 or• on H ) ·(.I Iast _,·ear, · M us k in-. . gton · . c) Prof. Trooo S pea k s I n C ovm c'1a tr· •llor ts ·d r 1· d 1· ~cl 'l' l1e B pres1 ent of the . ,sol'rof. If. \\ . roop e 1ver, a11 atl 011 1hi har' 0 .rrl 11ill act a, chairman of clr<·ss in Cm·ington, K entucky,. unday seas n ·rhc . 'cont •,1. · t1turning in the church of Rev. Mnrn bat tery





:.::::~./ will ·on,i,t i one iac- B. Kkpingcr. Rev . Klepinger · other than the orator·. graduate of Otterbein.

is a

H o m e.


----0 \---­



b in'· d bat team \\·01, tltl' lir,t · the I 927 for ~1ic sc:1,on k1s day cv ·ni11g in the colkgc wh n lhc home affirn1ali\'C am met apita l L'11i1·e ,i y" deba l'r,. Thursday c1·c11i11~ t.crbei11',; ncg-atin: cam j urncyl'd tn apital L"ni\"n,ity an l "·ere defeated. The qu tio11 di cu,scrL "a,. ·· l{ l·­ h·ed: That the Pre,c:ut Go\'l'rll · ~~1 eutal Tend 1tcy in Th , Tnite<l ·a ,. to • tri t Per nal Liberty_ i · to b ::- · ,detn11 rl."' Perry Lankhuff \\ho • has participated in rlel,ate work prni­ uu o this Y<',tl', ,t<·t cd a. chairman. T rofcssor J. .I •1111 lfoss of Ohio _ talc Cniversity 11a he only judge. Otterbein ';, affirmative team is cnt11poscrl of Fletcher, Dromeley and

DC.\:\' E E. H RROLD .\Ir. Harrold will represent Otterbein at the annual :tate f ntercollegiate Ora­ torical Conte t 11 hich will be held at ~1 u kingum ollege Friday e\'ening. H c will · p ak on "The ollege Man" , a defense of the modern co ll ege man.

OttnJ .

W in s

Negative L ose a t Ca p ital On Following Night

- -- - O L - - - B ase b a II C a 11 I ssue d open1·11g gun of ti1e b ase b a II were fired la,t 111en rcpnrtl'rl.

11nrkout,. Tlrr call ,quad will be i"ued in



"'Give me liberty or gi , e 111c death'. Those were the \'l'T\' words the immortal \ \ .e bste~ u ed in his speech." Th e audi­ ence guffawed. The forensic warrior blushed and tried to stan1111cr hi . next ,entencc "Good land. Maria. he"s ,;tarting in on the dict ionary·· wa · heard to conre from the audience. And the laugh 11as on the 1>oor Otterbein dehatc "ho ot hi . authorities mi ed up. Pat Henri· wa · the author of the 'lib e rty c;r death' ,tatcmcnt. ·

Knight \\ ith Echard serving a the al­ ernate. La Porte, Maier and Hamp ­ :hire are 011 the nega;i\·e team with Charle. as alt •mate. The dehate \\'a, not a confer •nee meet ·o that the cleci,ion will no affl'l"l either ,chool', ,tancl111g

--- 0 Former Student Dies.

Miss ,\ Ima 1.;: vans, a former Otter­ \\'l't'k whl'n tll<' bein stud •nt, committed ui id e at her and blgan th<·ir home in nion ity , Indiana. la t<· ye, Poor health 11 a, for the e1llire terda; afternoon. tlw near future.

Page Two


STUDENT COUNCIL PASSES ] SOCIAL GROUPS RULINGS . MAY CHANGE FROSH CAPS Provisions of Inter-Social Group Council Constitution W ill Be Presented to Faculty.


DR. CORN ETET CLAIMS RECORD F OR PAYING TUITION TO COLLEGE After paying tuition in Otter­ bein College for twenty-one co n­ sec u tive years, Dean N. E. Cor­ netet will have the privilege of witnessing the la t of hi five children graduated. His daugh­ ter, Grace. is a member of the present se ni or cla s an d will graduate with her cla ssmate . in June. Away back in 1906 his son . Dwight. entered Otterbein and was graduated in Jun e 1910. The nex t fa ll his daugh ­ ter, Haz el, registered for her fre hm a n

The pa sage of certain important section of the Men's Inter-Social Group Council Con titution and by­ laws relating to election of officers and to initiations, wa the mo t important busi ness tra ns~cted at a meeting of the Student Council last Wedne day eve n­ ing at Cochran Hall. Student Council inse rted another section in the Inter­ Social Grou p Const itution regarding the election of an officia l observer. The provisions were to have been presen ted to the Campus Council F ri ­ day afternoon. Due to the fact that there was no t a quorum present no busine s was tran acted. The ·provi s­ ions will be pr ese nt ed to the Faculty soon. M ay Change Frosh Caps A propo ition to change the color, and po s ibly the style, of the Freshman caps wa al o pre ented at the tudent Counci l me eti ng. Next year the caps may 'be made of tan and cardinal ma• teria l which will make them more con istent with the school colors. This method is u. ed by many other coll ege and univer itie . In the near future the Student m.111 ii, through the ational tudent F •d<'ration Bureau, may pre ent spec- year; she re eived her diploma in Ju ne ia l out ·idc peaker at the chapel ex- 1914. crci. Three year clap eel before a eco1:<l ---- 0 , o u, \, encl 11 , matri ulated. He r e-• PROF. MILLS TAKEN ILL ceived the traditional heep kin in 1921. The ame fall that Wendell b a111 a P r f. ilber t E. Mill , f th depart- Juni r, anoth er n. Ru II, regi ter c<l 111 nt f Roman e language , wa taken a a fre hman: he was grad uated in . udd enly jll a t hi home on Ea t Wal- 1924. unday morning. He wa Two ~ eek ago Dean ornetet s•!tGrant Ho pita! by local tl cl with t he Trea urcr of the college were uuabl to diag- for hi for ty- eco nd . em ter b 'II. a e. H pita! phy ician Few pe pie can lay claim to a imilar making te t to cl t rmine r ec rd. f th illne .




Geneva D ebate Cancelled. . Geneva l .a ll ege ha s cai:c ellecl its Id de'bate with Otterbein which wou 3· Robert Bromeley of L afayette, Ind., have been held here February . f hio but Geneva is mak111g a to ur o , was elected editor a nd Quentin Kin­ I , 0 11c to u, e tigh of Greensburg, Pa .. was elected as Otterbein was the on) t 1.0 11 author· the Per o na l Liberty ques bu ine s manager, of the 1928 S ibyl at ities cancell ed the a ffair. a meeting of the ophomo re cla ss last -- - 0 c--­ Tuesday morning. An elect ion the day before wa declared i11\·a lid be­ HI STOLOGY DEPARTMENT CREATED FOR PRE-MEDICS cause of the small number in attend­ ance.. . H1. to Iogy ha beenf Bromeley and Kintigh have already A new co urse 111 heen inte rvi ewed by rep rese nta t ive of instituted under the Department 0 . two engraving co mpanie s regarding Biologv. l.n prev1ou yea r the course the eng raving co ntract for the I 928 ha s bee- n li.sted 111 . t I1e ca t alogue but •1f yearbook. . f o r a 1rnrnbe r o . ha s no t been given 1 • The anno un cement of the personnel years. There are se ven 111 · the ca e . . f Mr Georg of both th e editoria l and bu iness und e r the superv1s1on o · h the taffs will be made in the near future ?vloore who has charge of bot T he according to a n announcement made lecture and la,borato ry wo rk. f pre­ by Bromeley and K in tigh. s ubj ect is designed e pecia lly or. . _ . . 110t 1i1111 1 Ruth Asi r e has been appointed head medic stude nt s a lthough 1t 1 a rti t and Lorin urface has been eel to them. has named adv erti in g manager. The institution o f the cour. e $ 00 - - - 0 C--4 neces itatecl t he pur chase of about nCombined Cabinet and Council Meeting . t Tbe pe worth of new equ1pmen · Ja r· The purpose o f the m ee ting of the . t on ie and the (I Jhe ce r prec 1.s1.on M 1cro '. ud ent Council and Cabinet. of the affi n im:hed ding oven ar e a part :Jecial vario u carnpus organization was to apparatus r ece ntly bo ught. _ I prepara pla n ·for work during the evangeli stic attention will be paid to tie meeting . R ev. he ter Whit e, Pres. tion of slid e . . of th e Mini terial ociation wa ---0 chai rman of the meeting, and it wa an LOCAL LECTURE COURSE ope n forum in o rder that the a ttitude COMMITTEE GETS szo. of th e student. toward the pr oposed . --attended meetmg might be learned. Approximately 175 peopl~ ' ~! all' During the meeting, \Valdo Keck the co ncert given b y the Chi~ag 0 ··ri e wa appoiJ1t cl chairman, of the P ublic- Quarte t last Mon clay even in_"· extra1 ity and :sf abel Eu.banks Redpath Bureau furni heel this . a ommittce, · t ecl c ha1r111an · w a1 pqin of the Devo- numb er to the local Lecture Co ur ,e 111111• f I · 11Jl'1 ioJia '. ttee. Roy Burkhart was j Co mmitt ee a an aid in clearing Jed made c~a1rman f a n1111ine to make 75 de6.cil Thi:: do.ot receipts t~t~iv· 11011 ug_ e. a t th type of- program 50 of which sum 40 per ce nf wa> "' which would appeal mos t to tudents. en to th e local committee.


·Student Special OTTERBEIN

- - - - 0 C---Correction The : taternent, "Low r Third of 11 igh . chool Can Not E11t r", which appear cl in a headline on page of la t week's edition of the Tan and lightly mi leading. The boulcl have b en '· May" c oform with lhe body of

Seal, Flat Sheet ~tationery, Long Envelopes to ma_tch he r Leader Lawrence. Marsh the Tan and arclinal thi yell which he ay be will lay particular n at the game with Mu kingum. aturday evening. Ti,, yell a follo w





Yow Eeee eeeee Yow TEAM TE M TE.\~I ny name r word can be ub ti- 1 ' tuted in th e. yell for thew rd ''T • AM. " The Athletic Departm nt i ucd , verbal tatem nt c ncl mning '' rderee razz ing" which ha been prevalent r c. ntl y. The Departm nl ugge t that it be pf)ed at on e.

BOOKS Everything that one might wish to read­ F i c t i o n Drama, Tragedy. ' Spen d an . . SPa1·n or evening 1n some other far awaY country for 7Sc.


very large selection of greet­ ing~ for birthdays and anniver­ saries. Cards for t he sick and convalescent.

Remember your friends with cards. Have your sentiment expressed in the best way. A few pou


s of_ Eaton's Escrit Stationery left. envelopes with each pound for


--0 'What the college boy pin \¥ill Rog r , "i pa nt and broader mind ."





Two packages



SITY BOOK ·18STO N State St, -~,




Page Three




0 2 2





H eidelberg continued on it_ Ohio I on f erenc e ra mpa e by dowmng . th e j rdinal crew here Fnday 1 T an an d Ca h' h l night 26 to 19 in a fast ~m. w ic oor hootrn on th e wa marre d b Y P part of both team · fter t h fi r t few minute ,vhen H idelberg offen e puzzled th b I d 11 about the e I oca l the rival outfit att· e o brok Both quintet even term • quickly and had fa t pa work. . the fir t lialf the lead changD unng · hort hot everal time , a d hand e Crump giving the vi itor th e . ad­ by . 10 at the ha! f-t11ne. vantage 11 to ed five point b efore Heidelberg cor d . the final per­ Ott rbein got tarte Ill iod eand held th e lead throughout the






You il }I ~ I like our Marcelles, LOtJair Cuts, and Facials at

ISE BEAUTY SHOPPE 72 W. Main St. Phone 386-M. Beauty Culture Taught

game. who ha bee11 He s, a ophomore five.) (Continued on page I

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Your Photo if from The Old Reliable

.$~ ~




Will Be Best. The largest, finest, and without doubt the best equipped gallery in America for producing the best known to the Photographic Art.

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0 0

0 0 0


Intra.- mural Correction. 111 k the account of the Dub v . Laota 2nd 5 . h of h ga.me 111 the fir t paraa- rap t e me , . z· J1 S Intra-mural game rtory, nnnierinan wa credited with bein ah1gb corer for the lo er . This i an error . th • ' e name hould have been lll'l mermacher.


L 0 0



Page Four




and gro up di cussions. However the student follows a definite outline of a cour e for the year. Such a plan i in r the process of experimentation at Published Every Tuesday Morning in the Interest of OTTERBEIN COLLEGE Antioch College, here in our own state. Obviously, the Military Academy require st rict adherence to certain sc hedul e an d requirement . As soon a the tudent ha fulfilled the requirements he is through . He need only ab orb what information i a signed him . Otterbein follow bot h plan at least STAFF in the main. There can be no doubt EDITOR-IN-CHIEF .... ............................................. WAYNE V. HARSHA, '27 that the former i the better. While News Editor ........ .... ............ ................................................ Louie W . Norris, '28 Women's Dormitories ............ ....................................... Margaret Kumler, '28 we do not adV'ocate non-requ ired at­ tendance of cla e we do believe that 0 ~~;:it~ / ~ .. :::::::::::::::::::::::··:::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::···P Jli:pes the principle of timulatin g th e individ­ Special Features ................................ Verda Evans, '28, Robert Bromeley, '29 ua li ty of the. tuclent, can not be quesGeneral Reporters tioned. Mary Thomas Th ere i a co urse now being offered Claude Zimmerman Gladys Dickey i.n the Engli h department which, in Lillian Shively Ernestine Nichols Alfred Owens the main, fo ll ow the plan u o-gested. Marcella Henry Karl Kumler Enough work i continually ugge ted Clyde Biel tein Kenneth Echard to t he tuclent to k eep the very be t Thelma Hook harles E. Shawen Mason Hayes Gerald Rosselot tudent bu y. If a ll the work i not done, all right. The rever e is equally agreeaibl e. Th e work 1 there. The SPORTS EDITOR ·••··············································-·· HARRY E. WIDDOES, '27 stud ent ca n do and apply jt if he wa nts 1\ ·

The Cardinal's Whistle - :-





ct:~~~;; :~g


Assistants E llis B. Hatton Lawrence E. Hicks

Arthur H. German Parker Heck



Tho e wh

The cla determi.n I 11 • po ~ , \ BUSINES.:s MANAGER .................... ·:····················· ROBERT E. MUMMA, 27 acqurred

work get ·high grade .

di cu ion i more or le cl by the. tuclent them elve . t- ra clt'.ate clay kn owledge acco rdrn a to trict io I Assistants . . . . rmu ae Ro s . Miller Lorin Surface and ?ecr~cahon, wrll be o f little va lue. David Allaman A II lrfe r. a co nti nuou exploration. It r quire ri inality and initiative. CIRCULATION MANAGER ··································-··-···· RUTH HURSH, '27 Education ho ulcl teach man how to Assistants Mildred Wil on live. in lead of merely equipping him Katharine Myen Margaret Duerr Margaret Edgington wjth an a rse nal of impotent degree . - L. W. X 1 PUBLICATION BOARD ---- 0 C JUAN DE RODR1GUEZ

By Phi Donti Graduate. Cardinal's Whi s tle. • ts? Tick Do you care for an1n1a . Tock · No I wash dishes.,, . , " Grinne ll Malteascr,


'fhe 5 Most Pop ular on g · ) · Store · (Courtesy, W illiam Mu ;~ Through I. "Looking at The Wor Coach Rose Colored Glasses' -bv· Edler. Dale 2. "The Pri oner Song"-bY Friend. 5,1111· h I' e •-b" 3. "My Wi ld Iri '-os " mie Kaufman. V aboncls''-as 4. " ong of The ag f Arnerica. en o featured by the college 111 • ,,_by The 5. "D rifting and Dreaming

tudent Body. I that t 1e We are plea eel to a11nounce d •tioll t f E ucp Head of the clepartmen o ~ book, in Otterbein ha published a 11 ~."' bi.le "W hy I Drive an Autorno ~Jall arc King Hall and ochran \\le· . Dean 1 s tarting an exper1111 ent. Ill° • • the facu . Fadden ha complained to . uett c . table etrQ . about the la xn ess 111 . ls drnt the gi r · TO SPEAK TONIGHT which i o prevalent a ituatiot1, , l•aculty Member ··--..·······.. ·······-·· Uean 1 · . E. C rnetet, Dr. Sarah 1'{. herri ck iug hall and to reme cl Y the . Hal I Student. Member Barnes, Ruth Hur h, Mabel E ubank , Alice Blume, ' ){111g -n i ht th Craig Wales. . a nd 1he Y. 12 paragon o [ chivalr y fro111 51111· \i\ . A. a re EDITORIALS P c ial will dine at ochran every other joint m eeti ng THE PROFESSOR'S LIFE .• eclucational, ath letic and moral le · The occa io n foe thj o-atberin o- j day. lati n ; conduct clul and rneetir th coming o Mr. Juan de. Rodri uez Original Version, When Mr. ernon }.L Ri gel, st ate a tte11cl · I 5 h t1rs a 1veek con· 1n1 ·, to the ca mpu ·. H e w1·11 • J ea k thi · ,,·rit in " ·a tcr d ., dir ctor 0£ ducation, aid before the f · \V man ' love 1 ; investigate and ac u 1ty m · v nrng in the coll ege chapel. . . eccl in sa 11 · Ohio legi lature that college profe - ational tan examine t Mr. de R odr igu ez i$ a native of t he Woman ' faith I tra dent l?ublicati Philippine 1 land a nd wi ll acid re Modern Version, or are a lazy ort who have made it ook . upervi ca talog ' . ;vrit i11 owde r an un written .rule to work no more ubli · he bulle th wo or anizali n · n the than J2 hours a wee k. h forgol to take lah ora t regi , f the relation of the \! ornan s love 1s \ d 1,11 gin. . . att ncl into consideration everytliin a college a I t· h h. Woman's faith i trace . ty 1 I 1H na 1ona c urc or chool ware t 1s fa r-aw~y no. •. ion. H e i . n ' whrch, 011,. pro fe sso r .ha ~o do. a · ociatiou me ting ; re va m,p th ur- " "'rad11a te f the high r chool in " Mem ry rs a }ll.)C.U • en J0 Y· th To begrn wr'.h e college profe, or \ riculum: aids in fin an ial drive • ad- Manila an d al o the ni ver itv of tho e who have lived rigf~It ct;n ,ee h01:: mu t put up with: the bluffer, the boy • t t c1· • . W 1• vc ar , ttS1 in th 'back row with a loud, har h "1' el e ku cIen : il· c1p1me · tudent mora$ 11n trtou in lhi co un try. If thi be true, ' conscient10 . a Jr a er : rcac exam paper keep th . . The Internatio nal Friend hip di i- coll gc. women can 11 nd vo'.ce a an e~iply head; e ~nt schola tic r cord of evernl hundred ton of the ational ounci l of the Y. k ep cliarie , beautif 01 omcthrng t cl 1 . t b , M I knrgb t who mr g ht ha\·e worthwhile to ay but keeps it to him- sh u en . . rep or t·a ebncfe ; spend two . . , pons ring Mr. de Rod rigT h ere are but few trud e fe~ . . 1,· our 111 prepara 10 11 e ore each cla s uez o . vi it. H e will in all I robability . Ott bein an JI ,vo self ; the wee!:" little co-ed with not mg and after read· h. br . . ' re W women m er ' f that a in the world to worry about, who can t I rng its o rgatron rn the ma rn over 'eclne clay a nd acldr e. ll. g serve. to make u thank u1 iceited· . . I , cor co e e ca a g ue, a tempt to keep iu chapel at that time . attract the cla s's attention at an time h . 1 h Tl . men are. n t hopeless ) . "Mo"· 1t and who need at lea t a B in the !lC\ ona ouc wit 1 t e tuden t. . who sard, 500'' 1e c~'brnets of th e tw A . oc.iat..ion. . h d ti \'. et so me wonder why profe •• or . are anxrou tha t e,·er)'O ne attericl .b \ Was 1t hakespere . water. cour e; the collegian. wrt 11a r 1ea 1er • • • 1 e . l'k v1ng of ,v 10 1 Jornt meeting becau c thi s Que t· . . , et g ray 11 .. . mg money 1 ·e 1110 di ss 'j f 10n 1 heel , who arrrv es ten tmnute. 1ate, . 1£ 7'' Regar e 11101 ,e on~ ~ great importance to our country purifie it e · h · been little ha n't read far into the tex.t but who e . 1135 aid it, there as uppo ed to ,barrage THE OXFORD PLAN an is pre ent ed by o ne well fitted t . Christi Poutl'ng off i Hall srnce 3 l'1 h o . .111 K. cla room progres ; then there i hi Shall Otter'bein propagate con form- :. cu s t e ~r~blem be.cause of hi in- purrfied mg , that whe 11 . 11 ts or individualist ? hould he fol- rmat e a ocratro n with both. Jt j the comn1.on ide~ QtterbC' col league on hi left who is so con er- - - 0 C - -- vative that he wears his grandfather' 1 w the xforcl plan o f education or girl wear a boy·. fra t pin . at Jrivt·1egeS·d 1 shirt tud ,· then there are th window , re ort to di cipline which cointno,, CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR · mereIy mean necking It otterbel·n co·e 1 gazers who watch th e campu sq uirrel in th e militar y academy? The e are 1 ---We have yet t cc an . . The fell ow· led · E • ectron · on the \\'ea rin g 14 r IS fra t 1,111s · . examinaPart of the tin1.c and sleep the rest. and qu e t1 on whi h merit clo ,ubject. ''What M k Jl they don't count unle they nor e :, tio n by both facu lty and tudent. Great.' ' f I a cs a Na.tion Better Read This Aga• · d irl O th e m en ta lked on and so on ad infinitum. By the Oxford Plan, the tud ent i be incLud~ear1 om e The prof sor' routine that would n t reque ted to attend c.la , but mu st . ph~ e o f the subj ect. "Th e a new cour e to u trY, it1 1 · a ry man 1· t I11· : I re IY o n I11. d partm n of canll Jas• ,r; · own 1111tratrve · · · · to ma ter a 1' pc r c kill a n o rdin . ra mu c. II a · 'a voca l qu a rt t ung • a. 5·nc.Iud H arn.. . Loui -11 0 11 e .1•hot a rrv • B 1'd h e organ- ! nr. e. H e rece,ve · \l1ll rJalll • J·f e ha to hve. 'help from the fa c- F)} un n 1 ize co ur e of in t ru c.tion · devi e .ulty only thr ugh lectures conference I Hreff a cl Erne t tinn. H 111 r whi h will ' o m an pla yed a ioliu lo. · '

r,1;r~~rti~.~,;T:: : =: : : : : : :~:~: : :~:~:~:~: : : ~: ::: : : : ::~: :~: : : : •-:;~J·}w~:[f~




Page Five


Library Provides Mecca for Myriad of .WILL ATTEMPT REVENGE LECTURER TO BE LAST LYCEUM COURSE NUMBER Education-Hungry College Studen ts i ON BLACK AND MAGENTAS DR MACGOWAN TO SPEAK - - - -J Afte r dropping two games in a row th The white front re ta urant so thel ing in Education. e Otterbein quint et will a ttempt a Will Ap . . pear 111 College Chapel Thurs- g ray stone library. Apparently quie t ixty-three ot hers peer around from com eback next Saturday night a t the day Evening. Graduat'e of from the outside but teeming ~it.h . ac- behind books, .e ncyclopedias .or note- high sc hool gym at th e expense of the U. of Glasgow. tivity, of various kinds, on the 111s1de. books. 47 s1111le sympatheticall y, 5 Muskingum College pill tossers. "Th .. - - - Every avai lable inch of pace seems freshmen g iggle hysterically - they M Yskingum defeat eel Otterbein a ub · e 1nd,1 vidual and Society·• is the J to be taken by an Encyclopedia or a think th ey have to-by all rules and wee k ago last Saturday at New Cou­ Ma~~::!~h: speech. which Dr. Robert I h uman. But did yo u say the huma.ns : codes of etiquette because the perform- co~d by a sco re of 22 to .3.7. If Otte r­ . • mternat iona ll y kn ow n lee- were thin-chested stoop-should ered 111- er happens to be Soph. The rest. bem had show n usual ability to hit the tur er, da will d e I"iv ~r ·111 the Coll eg e Cha,pe l, dividuals. Indeed' not, fo r so crowd- Seniors probably, scowl and return to b· as k·et t I,ere would have been a differ Thur st fit Y evenmg. February 17, as the eel i the space that only the st rongest thei r drudgery. en t or y told. The Tan and Cardinal 11 ia I num.ber on th c· · · L . . . quintet sho uld have that b·1·t I · a d L e Itizen s ect ure urvive so for the most part the space 1 wo love birds coo mg 111 the East a Y on t 1eir 11D yceum Co u r e for 1926 - 27 . . ow n floor · 1 in occupied by Var sity O M en and Readmg Room . The gray clad figure, 0 th1 "1 ea n N . E. Cornetet. who is chair- Leaders Cor p girls. nd how intent symbol of law and order, stalks majesfa r s season Muskingum has an of the I d ·I I . . . d · I d. onl y lost one ga 111 th oca 1 -committee. des ires they a re. Eac h concerne wit 1 t 1e t1cally toward the offendmg pair. And \ e an 1s ea mg the at a fu ll h b . · · I Q ., . confe r ence On the otl h d 0 this fi ouse e m at tenda nce fo r pressing matter of raismg his . • then . . . Ah, did th e cou rse of . · t ,er an tterta· na l number. Tickets may be obThe line before the Reserve Desk true love ever run moot h" The other bem has dloS fou r thof the seven game s li~; el d from Ed Hammon at King reminds one of the famou Bread Line 39 look sympathetically or crit ically as pla.yed aH are in e lower half of the , and M b I E l Th L.b · . . conference standing Hall. T a e. . u )anks at Coch ra n in ou r large r cities. e I ranans circumstances might suggest. One enA · he adm1ss1o n is 30 cent s. are getting a taste of Rushing Season gaged girl furtivel y wipes a tea r from .good chance for victo ry depend s t ecJ romance. conSiderably on Captain Barnes' reAmerica n an d E uropean st udy a nd aiid ·t doe 11 't see 111 to be going over I,er eye a I,e fear a 11 lat£ ) as 1 Orm ex . . so b1·g. Var- co.v ery friom. hi recent a ttack of the PR 'b pe n ence have equipp ed Dr. noise in the basement. ert MacG f Coi,·i mo tion in the We t Reading · Great h grippe. t is expected that he wi ll be I 0 ny 0 rus e en mas e to t 1e rescue comp Iete 1Y recovered and in th t gement h. owan o r the lecture eno ne 111· d.ivi·d ual must be a and ga d w 1ch he is to fill. H e holds R oom. find 30 of the 31 victim of Play he and B II .11 a case egree fro h • . s I dd I begi11 to laugh We p d · fi h · • ue wt start at the for"'ard go m t e U n1vers.1ty o f Glas- op 1, su en Y · ro uct1on g t111g ove r a mg 1e copy posts with S ., . ea man at center .and frow, cot lan d, and an honora r y degi ee don ·1 kn ow why or what he 's laughing of " Drama·•. , in the U · · at. But we are ur e he i n' t majorSnav el y, and probably Reigle, holding At the . niv~rsity of Pitts-b urgh. Back to fir st floor. And we find the dow n the g uard positions. nivers1ty of Londo n ' Eng- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ P re i·d en t o f St u d en t Counc1·1 fi rm Iy enla nd. he to M uskingum 's s tarting lineup will k p Ycholo sconced in the umbr ella rack while he probably be C. Orr and J. Orr, O PO.. t-g raduate work in · HEIDELBERG TRIMS · o f E conom1cs · r-yeargy. He 1s. a g radua te of the TAN FLOOR-MEN d e Iv es II· 1to ti1e my t ene wareI Taylor, center; and Cap forta in fou Seniina rie/orGse 111 the U nit~d Free ___ in the Middle Ages. Harrop and Clar k, guard . ) Thi i too much. \,Vithout a back____ o C Wh·I . 0 lasgow and Edmburgh. e h1 fi • . (Co nti nu ed from page three - -- O hio Conference Standing. tive 1 d rs 1 1111111 try wa in hi na- lead ing H eid ell erg in the cori ng col- ward g lan ce we cut for the outside air I 11 ' s.cot l~nd . w·he n he fe lt the umii all y·ea r. wa high po int man for whe re we can read the Public Opinion ta ll t: T wit 1 Amer·1·c a he exp er·e cl . ervice 11 · h no fear o f v10 · Ience or censure. earn W . L . ct · d I I c little l"ffi his team with three fi eIc goa an Muskingum ............. 9 l 11 7 1 .988 Pro . c I cu1ty in oo n attammg four fouls. Mautz scored 8 points. - - -- 0 C - - - Ak 875 D ron ·······················•··········••·· · ab1t::en~e. Li.kewi e, he ha been eama n di splayed the best all -a round eni on ····················•··· ············ 7 2 .777 of th give enes of lectures in ome . h f I I niidcl~ leading coll eges in the east a nd form for tterb ein, d~ We leyan ······················ 6 3 . 67 1 ewe t. that he did not sco re a e goa · ____ 1ami .................................... 4 2 667 2 · _ O C work in g uarding Stalter. Heidellberg' Ca e tall center, wa nothing s hor f of enT h.ir ty=-o ne 1,1en an wered the call for Cinci,;~·;;;··:::::::::::·:::······.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.··.· 54 . 67 CLEIORHETEAd . · track men i sued last week by Coach 3 .625 sational at .tim e . C Buell Tl t • leB 111e scorm tart Ditmer, and are worki ng out daily Wittenberg ················ 4 3 .572 ap am bl arn lsast due- either . . the gym or on the track. Kenyon ···· ············ · m cd · l follow·mg program wa pre ent- with 10 pomts. ·················· 4 3 .572 Tl cd the game 1)Ut wa un a e 10 · He ide lberg ······-······················ 5 4 leio rh t -p·111 c ea. 1t1r day eveni ng: effect of illn es the for epar t of , No one man ca~ safely feel that he \,\ 00 .556 ' Pe~~ n~ . olo, Helen Cover; Retro-· to th e cmched on the quad M Jer ···· ······························ 5 4 .556 ha any t. nion ···················· ..:..... 3 4 .429 \Veth .uci le Leiter; Piano o lo, Dori th e wee k. thi s year. Coach DitNell' nU ; Childhood Recollection Wtterbein ································ 3 4 .429 O ~:r~::: eup B. F . m er urge that mo re O men report; the old e tern Reserve .................. 3 4 . , 29 · le Wallace· Vocal 3 lo~1.1P; olioqu;,, · .Barnes, r.f. ···························· 1 excu e, ''It' no u e Ohio orthern ...................... 3 4 .. 0 an Curen, r.f. •·············- ······ 0 · to go o ut, I couldn 't M anetta ···········-·····-··············· 1 3 .429 .2 50 Minnich,· r. f· ·························· 0 0 'A,,l,I..,~~ do an yt hing with o Baldwin-Wallace ................ 2 7 Fran ce_ H· 1 Ru! md . ~1any old men out", ~tc.tta .................................. :::,e~~• ~f. ·················::·:::::::: .j ly. >y Emerick t>oke extempo ra neou -







:~a.~e1g1lt.~1:1~.•;~l.gg.:.··:.:.:.:.:.·:.~.:.:.~.· :.:.· :.:.:.:.:.·.·:·.:..·.:·_.: :.:.-.·.· .·:.:. 030 o C - - -­ roll he her ho e. V ·henever Y goe o , I ~ . , a I the :bird· eye Maple. Total •········-···················-··· 5



, ap e


Order Your



Stattnnrry From ~

lhtrkeyr Jnnting Olnmpany




~ : ~~~

:=·················•·::::•~:::=.. ~ ; ·

every man a £~d h~~li1~ 11 ···::...................._........ ·.. in th« squad. ~~;a\,, • 0 19 Only nin e let ter men have rep rted .OOO to form the 1-1t1cl u of the quad. Tbey F. Pts. are Pinney. Pi lkington, Wafe , E ri Heidelberg 1!. fa r­ 0 ma11 Keck, heek, and mith. 0 ·we.aver r.f. ····--·············- O and Fal tick, letter me.n wh have tin 10 '4 He If · -·········-· 3 chool are a l o out. '4 r eturned to 0 nav ely and R igle may r epo r t late r 2 on following the ba ketball ea on. 2 Men on la t year' sq uad " ho ha.vc. g raduated are toughton, T in ley, 8 9 To ta I ·······-·-··-··--·· ·-·· ···-Widdoe , Dru ry, Poro ky, Richter, R ef re -D unlap, Deni on. ta ir and Fergu on. rawford, torey - - - 0 c--J\{ yer and haff r are no t in chool Y. M. C. A. thi ,e ter. { fo r thi yea r' er candidat We are more expert in g1vmg be id th letter me.n a r L. \ Valdo Keck led Y. 1'· service than keeping books. q ue tioo Kuo1l r. Mc.Gill, Holdren, 1·11es(la)· b)' introducin c! .c h wer . e tl1e ba i for he.Ip f ul w h1 . Mumma, T roxe~ . ro un. .- Kell er, Borror, 1011 ai:, le di. cu ion. • 11 the ch cu rel n. Hatton, ho mak r, Lai 27 W . MAIN ST. ce ntered ab ut tbe t ra tjcabi lity of j Lambert, harl , Green , Th mp on, W estcrville, 0 . Jc u . ·1,r is t' livin " id al. , and r,rved . lin , Redman, Hall, Van Auken, J Knight, and tinn . to ar0u!;e much comme n t.

O 9

.; ;.!3,~fi~i: ,: l


Let Us Repair your Shoes. .A lso shine, dye and rejuvenate them.



Page Six

D CAl{Dl



B ASK ETBALL SCHED ULE F OR 1927 Absolutely O fficial.






· · :\ s a. re u 1t o f the quest1ona1re s,trengt h enect ·111 sue h a wa y a will be whi ch wa presented to th e st udent more attractive to men, and not le • T an And Ca rdinal Will Tabula te j body evenal week ago, Prof. C. 0. attractive ~o wom en. Grades of Social Groups .'\ ! ,ma n has di covered that a total 'of ---- O C--For ~hart Series. 202 men and women arc ph1nning to P HILALETHEA rds are out the teach permanently or for a year or two . es ting Philalethea enjoyed an inter 0 \\. that t11 e grade Ca and a aga in t 83 who will not teach at all , . . The fol· Tan the f 1 · 111 e a a a,· n a\J\Jroac 1es or t1 0 f the and 92 who are undecid ed. Present e sion Tlrnr d ay evenu1g· a rd inal to issue grade c h arts or lowing program was given: . . · 1 group indica tion are that 77 out of the preh nd m en' and women s socia ,· Piano Solo Isabelle Rue nnu ' the mens se nt enior etas of 90 student arc • p·ano 1 Next week th e fi r t c h ar t , for Sermonette, Ethel hreiner ; prepa ring to teach. fol s Th ocial .group ' will appear. e 'Solo L·a Venne teele. Mi cellaneou l' rofes ~r Altman embodied the fig- Lett~ r s, Leila Griffen: Vocal Duet , lowing week the ,chart for .the wom ens social g roup s will be pubh hed. ur e obtamed from th e qucstionairc \ J O ephine and Lo uise Stoner. . 111 a report of a tudy of vocational · e in the near future, aft11r E hes were g1v· , e 1111 t 'xtemporaneous peec • • . . 011 . on "Back Seat · at group chart are completed, d 1stnbut1on which he read before the en b y L auretta M e1vm tile Oc 1 the grade cards of non- ocial _group faculty two week ago la t night. um- ' Driving''; Mildred Lochner, ·'Roo011~ tudent will be summarized. F1guru :rou chan.ge for advancement must mate ., ; and Gladys Walker, ·'Letters. e made 111 . Otterbein's Educational ____ 0 C _ _ __ will be publi heel for both men and women in thi chart. . 1?epartment 1f the colleg e is to con- I SUNDA y SCHOOL Grade card were issued Friday by ttnuc to prepare teache r u nd er t•hc Re gi trar F. J. ance. Copies of the new regime which th e tat c of Ohio Mis Margaret \Viddoes of the cla card., are being mailed from the colwill in titut c soon. A tudy of pas t ' of '26 with ome of her pupils fro!11 th A'ice to pa rent s toe.lay. ;;;;;;;;;;;:; and pre ent conditions as well as pos- 1 the Ot'terbein home conducted e lcge O · I h b ' ·bl f Mis h h Charting Made D ifficult. t h ro ug out t e entire c 1art t e a ove st c utunc conditions, was necessary young people' worship erv1ce. M grade 0 11 every ,card will ~e. tab- tabulat.ion system wa found nece ary. before any dra tic changes were con- Widdoe two of the girls, and Mr. ulated with th e following prov1 1011 : ·T he charting will be made doubly sidcred. The fo llowing para,gra ph 5 Brane, Superintendent of the Home, F will count hours but no points; X difficult by the fact that two new are extract from Prof. Altman's re- poke 011 the re lation hips of the Honie ai,d the church. Spec·ial mu ic wa. point!i· form . ''lnc." and "W" , have been in- port. will also count h our b u t n 0 . 'I for the abbreviation "Inc.'' neither tituted. Profe. or have '.1ot been urvey of the 1924 Alumni Dircc- given by a bra s quartet. hour nor points will be counted pro- perfect!~ cons1 .tent regard mg th~se I tory how that the number going into I ---- 0 C---vid ing the incomplet ed work is regu- form 111 entering of grade . \ tth teach ing i increas· h.1 h Y . W . C. A. t. 0f1 ' lar: for the letter ·' VV " neither hour the aid .of the . Registration . . Department I cour c , 1· to be e xp ccmtcgd, w1':"th ~ mere.a. _ 1 The Relation of Religi~n an d Beau) , \V. nor p int will be con. idered. the e d1fficultte will be ironed out a ed enrollment . but what 1. t t wa the topic of di cu s1on at ) . · ' more ar Thelma ·ble Pledge and tho e · In ord r to be perfectly consi tent we 11 as po 1 · ~111g 1 the fact that th e per cent g oing la t Tue day. The leader wa d who have •been expelled, will be con - 111 10 ttac h.111g i mounting rapid ly. H ook, and her talk wa supp Iemente idered in the e chart al o. I d Barne • ---Any attempt to abandon th e teacher Jy hort talks by Glen ora ■] ■I 1 1■111■ 1 ■ ■l ■1 ■1 I ■IJ ■ 111■1 ■I 11 11 --- 0 C t · · Virginia Brewbaker and Maree a QUIZ AND QUILL W ILL rammg departments of the collcg , SPONSOR ANN U AL CONTEST would be fatal for pre en.t figures how Henry. ·ng The Peel.al n1u 1·c for the event th a t a t Iea t 40 per cent of the pr e cnt · •· fb1• Productions Must Show Marked O ri _ <t udent body came to Otterbein in wa a vocal olo. "Ave Marta · inality. W ill Be Printed in preparation for t aching. Th erefore I Mab el Eubank. . Spring Magazine. abandonment would 111 11 th e tes n- ; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; -_; ing very materially the opportunity to ,; The Quiz and Quill Literary Clu b erve the con tituency of the coll eg,e. will again offer three prize of 10, S. T11 the pa t. one of th e chief bu in csscs and to any Fre hman or ophom ore if not the chief bu inc , of th e coll eg e: who may ubmit the be t production vocational~y,. ha been th e preparing of '. in th annual conte t. teacher ; 1t 1. the chief businc of th e ' The production may be of any kind, college now. It would cc m then that and the conte tant may ubmit a Otterbein mu t go forward in· th e many production a he wi h . training of teacher, . pro e production hould n t ex-ceed If tterbein' Ed ucation Departone thou and word , and a production ment move forward at th e trid c ~ in ver e houlcl not be more than fifty c~mpellecl by 'the tatc, the proceeding line. in length. The prime requi ite will throw the pre ent program of th e ~ollege more out of balance than it now which prod tion mu t how unmi takeably i the quality of originality. 1 , unle a trong effort i made lo 0 producti 11 that ha b en pr viou ly develop other vocational depa r tment . u eel will be con idered. The ~ cd r_ r empha i in other field 1 The final te t of the production will e_vident, tf Otterbein i to give a n be that of adaptabi lity for publication equi~able, balanced di trib uti n of ~ in the 1927 Q uiz and Quill ma azine. ervi.ce t.o th b Y and girl of the de- ~.,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~11 Mem'ber uiz and Quill lub \"i·tJ '\ mmatton. e,. At t 1le pre n th be jud e of th c nt t . urricuJ um i 5 •

Date T eam Where J a n. 12- Otterbein 26, Ken yon 45. Jan. IS-Otterbein 31, Ohio orthern 29. Jan. 22-Marietta 36, Otterbe 1·11 32. ? '-' · w 3 Jan. - 9- oaldwm allace- Z Otterb ein-3"0 F elJ. 'J__ '.· ,[are,·tta-31 '' O · tterbem- 39 Feb. 5-Mu skingum-37 tterbein - 22 Feb. 1l-Heidelbe rg-26 Otterbein- 19 Feb. 19- Mu kingum We terville Feb. 26--Heidelberg .... .... Tiffin Mar. I- Wittenberg Springfield Mar. 7-Kenyon .... We terville





If w e should clean A suit for you We guarantee it To be clean. You 11 know the kind O f w ork we do When it comes off Our press machine. We sew on buttons, Make repairs And everything So strong and neat Much longer then Your garment wears, And looks more nifty C n the street. We have a right To make our brags We make good clothing Out of rags . " Bob" Richardson at the Levers.





■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■11 ■ .a!1 ■I



Hits the Spot



u;:;;;;=========~ --~=

Only one copy of th compo ition ubmitted. Thi copy need to b hould be typewritten doub t - paced r written very carefully in black ink' Th e name o f t h e writer · mu t not be· pla ed 011 th manu cript bu up 11 a eparate heet. ll manu cript mu t b ubmilled to ProJ. ltm, 11, Prof. P. E. Pend leton. or Prof. Ima uitner on or befor pril 20, 1927. C---ome radio announcer een and not heard.


pti;;1ne~ Iha it me~t •th e ne d o f th e 0 th con tttucncy bct-ter tha n . 1 ; m et th e n eel o f the !boy . Th e ~,re d~partment -education. Home ~con nuc and Mu ic are unque t1·o nbl : y more attractiv to wom en than ? m ll-'a n cl th ar c ·th e chief vocat1onal depa r tment . More cmpha is b uld be pla d upon othe r vocation:) clepartm n,t now h re or to be introd:aced. To. P.lace_ more cmpha i upon ch r tra111mg t to increa ·dt the attendance of wo1n n w·thc rap1 Y hould be . 1 out proportionately increa ing the number of men . The curriculum will have to be

Love 1·s 11·ke a cafh teria. y OU grab tkeS 1O first thing that O . good and pay for it

afterwards. Yo u can a e mon b trad ino- her •


=====-~ -~





Page Seve n


John t,anley Douglas of Ohio State ) :-.1 r. niversity visited '·Larry"' Hick s Ellen

and ~I rs. \\'ingat e, ;1,fartha .. Hrownie'· !<av e r entertained Evelyn and Virgil Wingate visited I l'ierson o n Friday. Beulah u nd ay. Edna Hell e r spe nt the week-end in Loi s Bickle was the gue:t of the Columbu . reenwich Club over the week-end. I Anniversaries are lovely, especially :VI i s Bickle is an alumnae. when they bring diamonds. At least

atu r day. ··Fo.rky'' and ;<Chic·• Cline pent the week-end at home in Rossburg.


\V. F. Martin and John Lehman . pent the week-end in Dayt o n . J


King Hall.

New numbers-P hoenix Hose with Pointex Slipper Hee l . E. J . Torris & on.

The P ledge of the Arbutus Club .. Bob .. E ,risman had John Hei tard gave a party for the llub at the home vi iting him from Heide lburg, Friday of ~r . Burkhar t. Lakota held a tag Par ty Friday night. ll i<>-ht. el)neth Mrs. J. R. Howe, th e siS t er o[ Bernard · Gee, Conneaut and K Virginia Brewbaker, was the week-end C II . ..Ted .. Bennett, "Jake.., White, and R ickard of Bli B u mess o ege. gue t of the Tali man Club. . · S d . Gcoi:ge Roberts visited Annex friend . vi;ited Carlton Gee un ay. 1 Tuesday. a week ago. the Polygon }.[r.' and Mrs. Harrold ,·isited Diva in Olinger and Richard Allaman · pledge gave a .. Chi li party'' for the ·ons Duane and Arvine. pent the wee k -end with "Dave·• a n d Cluh in the Club rooms.

'· Happy .. Ro,·er wa s ha c k to see La­ kota friend . -


llaman and "Ed" hawen . Florence Howard w ent to her home p e nt "Gib" ome men · Oxfor d on ale at 3.85. at Dayton for the week-end. . J_olin Royer, from Canal Winchester E. J . • ·o r r-is & Son . Laura Whet tone had a her gue;t, 1 'n ' • ned . H aro I cI B lack'burn and saw t h e J. Ruskin Howe of Bonebra k e Mi . li~e Hough of Hall ville. eide lberg-Otte r bein game. e :ninary wa s a gue t of Kino- Hall Marjorie Copeland and Iren e Ho ich visited the Phoenix thi week-end. . J. R. Howe and "Dave" Parks v1 - over the week-end . ilcd untry lub men. £air! De Haven went to Dayton Oxfo rds and Pump for college girls at E. J. orris & on' . l3ill ay , ··Trade at E. J. Nor ris Friday. & 011' . pen'.t the week-end in Alfred Owen \Ve are glad to report that Judith Gran ville. \ hitney i lowly recovering from a Ed Hammon and Gwvnne McCo nsevers illness. a'.1"by attended the Dinner-Dan-ce. W omen &iv-en b)' Oh 10 · S tate . . 111ver 1ty tu··Peg.. Baker had a most •·ext raordi­ 1 <cnr of• Dayton. Ohio. week-end in . pite of the R u th Rice and E ther Myer of Day­ nary "Johnny'' arroll and Francis a u! ton vi ited Mae Mickey and Ma rguer­ ·'bea . tty•· weather a la carte London ll'ent lo U bon to ee the ba ketba ll ite Blott ver the week-e1~dfog. g,'.'_111 e between Abel Ruffini· s team a n d .. h orty \,Viclcloes·• and her ba kct: Peggy Zinn went to Delaware Frit,,dt of "B " ozo Richter. ball team vi ited the Tom~-Dach1 day. f Ect Newell vi ited ook House girl. ·ove r the week-end. rieuct ver the week-end. nnounc.ement ha been made f the ..Jininiy ~ Hin cl. v1 ited Cook Hou e engagement of Ethel Kep ler and R ichinen. ard Jam.e. • T he :\ lps an nounc e "Bill'. Frazier Boxe · of vario u bape and . i2;e_s :i- a Pl dge. ar eagerly examined by all , but a box, Lester red one in the hape of a huge and a very x. Frank Me lku . ' • f de lic.iou "Hone.. heart, contarned bit o ander vi ited I a the one received by the weet ' uc, . Kennett1 v ff . . ho •' e I confined to . I from Mi Barn rover, I rcacIy gir 'llc With an attack of ton ili'ti . even more intriguing. Don' t f Ci . rg t t give F r ed yo ur The L tu lub member were the . ean111g al)d p re.. mg. . E. J. o rr1· Son. their ' pledges at a cl lightfu l a tu relay. F red tirm wa the ' ~r - Martin wa the graciou ho throthcr .1.n · • I nday Erne t e11c1. of the ree n wich ir . u . e t Va lentme h1J11evening for lune11. . ·c1 cl Th ur d . d . . 'ble aue t and pre I Plect _· ay ven1110-, member an elf 11-a an 1nv1 1 o . a1 cl h •delightful lunch of frULt ~ ' the· ge of the Phil ta Club ente r tained ir lad" f . . It •' riend at the h-ome of L w1 ~ver ~ :aped sandwiche red and wh_1tle an1psh· ear . h J.ian of heart wit J .o\ 1110 · ir e on o u th tate treet. ice-cream 111 t " . ake offe.e and mint • th and e ue ts pre ent 1Yere Prof. ange I- f o <l , ' . · rs. Pendl to n. r r G r ace, Eclw1n 1) ue M ~.,. a11d r ~. ' I _..,.r. . . cl :\farga ret v r t ,e and eci l v1s1te • < we k -encl The en agelll )It of R uth Haye t~ ann unce . 1 t wa \ \ii ll iam M c K m g , · bv Ed na , pa rty g iven _ Feb ru a ry :, at a · J p vVe t . . the h on1e of Mr · · · f r were preH aye . a 1 . 'f I yarn av . mall ianci u h unraveled h gue t w ented t ea C . . I eart·. · volvi ng t 11 o 1 the my tcry in . co n cea led in the Howe1·e r. elev rl) .. a Delra . Ru th flaves 11,a • • 1a vor f- ;1J 15 for four pin , over .(:!eta K appa . : ·c1 a l tab l . and a I ,ere laid at inc1ivJ u I I \\ ervec. tw -cou r. e luncheon wa . ~ . cl a hamburger The h cniX" en Joye th

Pa ul Clingman and David Lee Week-end in Dayton.

\'ellie Ambrose thinks so. J

- -- -

0 C ----

President Goes To C hicago To Attend Educational Meetings j


Pres. W. G. Clippinger will attend the International Council of Education meetings in Chicago on Wednesday and Thursday oof this week. He is a h . . member of t e executive comm1ttee . ·tt f . f ti anc1 a spec1a 1 comm1 ee o nme or 1e adjustment of relation between tate and International Associations. In addition the President is looking after

I the

busine of the Otterbein Jubi lee Fund. Last week Pre ident Clippinger at­ tended the meeting of the Board of dmini tration of the U. B. Church

and of the Council on Ed u cationa l Legis lation: he is chairman of the latt er council.

---0 C--Lamp Purchased W ith Anonymoua $25. G ift; May Also Buy F ernery A floor lamp, for u e on th e con e r­ vato r y auditorium tage, ha b een purchased by officia,ls of th e Con e r­ vato r y of Mu ic with pa r t of th e a nonymous ift of 25 \ hich wa r e­ ce ived by I rof. Grabi,11 s e v e r a l weeks ago. The Departme nt plan to buy a I fernery with the r aind er of th e gift. The plant will al o b e placed on the Co n s e rv a tor:y st:iie.

Charter House SPRING SUITS





University Men


New Grays and Tans


WOLF 'S 'lour Headquarters

for Meats and Groceries


Party and Picnic

Orders Given Special Attention

fry Friday ni ht. was receiv cl by a lentine bo~ Mj!d r ed F n !er.

HIGH AT LONG -=====~~==============?======= = ==J;

Page Eight


Present Program in F indlay Next Week. None Scheduled for This Week.







I := =======~

SIX STUDENTS TO REMAIN Facul. y D iscusses Twenty-Three Names. Discretionary Com­ mittee Refused Dean.

The Otterb ein M en's Gke Cl u b made its d ebut Friday night of last " ·e ek at John stown. Her c th ey sa ng to a s mall but appr ec iativ e a udience. Saturday night the cl ub journeyed to Linden High School. The concert wa put 011 under th e au spice s o_f th_e church of whi c h Lewis Hampshire 15 pastor. The t\,·o concerts progressed \·ery faYorably according to Prof. A . R. Spes ard. director of the club. H e claims the organization of th15 year to he fully as efficient as la t y e. r's cl u_b, which was said to be one of the be t m cen tral Ohio. The futur e co n certs are: Findl. y. 0. February 25: Baltimore, 0 . March

Co ntrary to a wid e ly a nd pop u lar ly conceived idea p re valent in t h e st u­ dent hody, th e Tan and Cardina l wi ll n t p ubli ~h th e names of the seve nteen students who were forma ll y ousted 1 from schoo l at th e re ult of a Fac ulty meeting la t Ylonday evening. Fail­ ure to r eceive the requisit e numb er of \ points was given as the rea on for the \\'holesale exit.





, KAMPUS KALENDAR Tuesday , February l5-- ... . F11tp1110 J ua11 De Rodgriguez, . . k' at student, spea 111g •Jo!llt \\ . meeting of Y. M. a n cl Y. tonight at 6 :IJ, p. 11 1. 1·11 co ll ege chapel. Wednesday, February l6- S Recital by Elementary . tudents of S-c hoo l o f JMu sic 111 Lambert H a ll at 8:00 p. 111 · . Thursday, February 17Cleiorhetea at 6:15 p. n1. Philalethea at 6:20 P· 111 · Dr. Robert ~fa cGo wan Oil Lecture Co ur se at S: IS p. !11, in College hapel. Friday, February lS­ Phil o ma thea at 6:.30 p. 111 • Ph ilophronea at 6: 45 p. n1. p f G G Grab ill Opera ro . . ·. . n in Col· Concert on pipe orga Iege Chapel at 8: !5 p. rn.

!\ total oi twenty-fou r names wer e I under co nside ration by the Fa·c ul ty but 0. 1c ,t ud e nt had left schoo l several \\'eek before thus leaving twenty­ t hree for actua l dis c u s ion. Of the e E. t wenty-thr~e st udents Dean Sat urday, Feb ruary 19\·s. Co rn etet \\'as authorized to expel Basketball. ~lusk inguin I seventeen . 1x st ud ents. which m­ 5; Barberton, March 12 : Canton, Ma~ch Dr. Rob ert ~1a cGowan will pre e nt Otte rbe in. 111 High Schoo 19 cluded ti r ee Seniors. t\\'O ophomore 18: · ugarcreek, March - _Te ntativ e the final nu n her in the Citizen' Lee­ Gnn at 8:00 J>. 111 • th nd one Freshman, \\'e r e allowed to co n e rts may b e sch e duled wt Akron I ture Cou r e serie · of entertai nment in aremain . Sunday, February 2~ Be:-;i n and Rittm a n. the College C hapel Thur clay eveni ng. Union Revival Serncc !\II ~tude nt s who were pla ced o n ---- O C---TES I The admis io n is on ly 30 cents. in ll. 8 . Church. PHILOMATHEA INAU GURA ---O C--~ probation were req u ired to ob ta in at Tuesday, February _22and lea t 12 poi n ts by the end of th e la st Washington' Btr th day The inaugural session of l'h ilomaeme ter: the more fl agra n t examp les Co ll egiate Holida y. . were req u ired t gain 14 points. thea held last Friday eveninrr \~•as I fca'urcd with thr ee very mtere t111g A motion to allow D ea n . E. Co r - 1 literary 1>roductions. L O re 11 2 B. FOUR CHURCHES TO JOIN nctet a di cretionary committee com - ' PACIFIC COAST PAST~:EMBLY' 1:'nauff as retiring chaplain, ga \·e a _ __ po ed of P re ident Clippi ng er, D ea n ADDRESSES A paper ~n " l hri tianity Prac~ical ~-· College Officials Request Extra- McFadde n , Prof. L. A. Weinland, a nd - --ff as tor oi the \Vayne . Har ha gave the president s Curr icu'ar A ctivities To Be Regi trar F . J. an cc. to act in matRe\'. L. : . W ood ru · P h in valedictory. "Time-clocks'', whil e th e R ed uced to M inimum. ter concerning cho la tica ll y delin- First United Brethren Chur~ thC new pre ident, Reginald A. hipley, quent tudents. \\'a voted clown by a .alt·ron ua ·... actdres C . " 'toc kt on. . rnt!l"· gave an es ay on ·•Mottoes.''. . com•paratively large majo r ity. 1110 . Fr•clal' • Insofar a · it 1s possible all extra• chapel as ·embly last · . · r in h10 A. ide from the formal 1nstallat1on --~-o C ---­ curricu~ar activitic · will cea ·e or be " a 11a,to 19 of o lnecr · by Phillip L. ·harle . the Re \·. \V oodru,f was he µo ·l the IlARNES SHORT STORY CON ­ for many years. h u t for t_ a t. other exerci ·e were of the routine s ubj ect to rearrangement clurin TEST TO END APRIL 21 year~ has been on t I1 e Pacific ~ union revival services which will be type. ~ held in the United Brethren Church - - - 0 C- - ­ Conte tants for the Barnes Short beginning next Sunday eve nin g and • I Literary Club Elects New Member tory pn.-;e a rc r e minded t ha t three la ti ng until Nlareh 6. o!Je..,e offic ial s At a meeting of Qu iz and · Quill typewr it e r copies o f manuscript m1at Club, local literary o rganiza tion, t ",• rcque t that all outside aictivitics be be in the hands o f P ro f. C. O. Altm an o rn a reduced to a 111:nimum dur ing the two­ on o r before Apri l 20, 1927. Sto r ie s week ago la t ni ht , Louie W. was elected a m ember. Th e club week period. must be ha eel UP,on som e incid en t o r member hip a t th e pr e e nt i lim it ed to Four churches, the 1lethodi ·t. Evan­ e tab li hed fact in Ameri ca n History , 12 student . gelical, Presbyterian and nit ed and may vary from 5,000 to 10,00fJ - -- 0 Brethren. w ill participate in the erv1- word in length . En Jles n a me Son. ces. Re\·. R. T. ti111m el. Rev. . r . All Juniors and Seniors wh o have Prof and Mrs. J . . !:=ngle have Perkins. R ev. J. Che5tcr \ Vhite, and been enrolled at Otte rbein at least one named their newly arri\·ed on an d Dr... Edwin Rupp a re the pa t r in ye_a~ pr evious to year o f cont c tin &" arc the order named. heir Robert Jack on. cltgible to ubmit manusc ri pts. ---0 C--pecial ni~ht for college :tudcnt s Further rules of t he contest may be Most of u admit \\'e were liorn to and high . chool :tuclen t \ ill be et found on t he bulletin board in th e acl b hung-in the hall of fame. aside but no " >ccia l elates fo r them had 111ini tration bui lding. been named late la t night. ~









South State St .

AT YOUR SERVICE Cleaning and Pressing

VARSITY PRESS SHOP 12 ½ College Ave. Westerville

- -- - 0 C - - - J. R. HOWE SPEAKS IN INTEREST OF SEMINARY Rev. J. R. Howe repre e nting Bone­ b rake Theological eminary poke in chapel ye terday morning. Mr. Howe graduated from tter bein in 192 1, and now ha the di tinction of being the younge t profe r on the faculty of Bonebrake eminary at Dayton. He al o spoke at the unday morning church service. o n the t pie, ''Victo r y in Defeat."

- -- - 0 Th e "ex" 111 ex-student is pr bably related to the o ne in exam




. Parties and Notable Observances. see Bnngs Our Store for Your Needs.

Glen-Lee Place 14 South State Street I


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