ar itta
au att VOL. 10.
No. 18.
p Rev · J· I1e ter White. pastor of th e re b1· ter· fi r t · ian hurch. del-ivered the vie rnion of the nion Revival erBe unday eve ning in the U nit ed .. rc Church. . Hi topic wa R.Owing and Reap·mg. "
TO COMPETE FOR TROPHY Contest, Sponsored By Scripps-How ard Newspaper League, To Pick Best Paper.
ical c,\ G. N. Perkin . alem Evangel111 urch pastor delivered the er011 for '·w , ight' la t evening. T ~men c., en• he v . 01011 .er vice will contin ue offi : ening unt il March 6. College 1c1a l h· org . ave reque ted that all camp u . meeting a 11 an12a .. · tio 11 re d uce th eir 11111111 . um in order to a id in ecuri ng a larg attendance of college tu dent at th e meeting . . , ..Tonigh t I1a been named "Indu tria l -11ght". , ..1 · to111orrow evening i "Men' " gh1·•. T ,. . '' High chool •light" .· . hur day ight" · and · F'nday " o llege aturday 1• ,. • Th unday chool ight." e se rl' ic b • o'cloc k. e egin promptly at 7:30
The Tan and Cardinal a will all other college new paper in the Ohio College ewspape r Association, will enter ix con ecutive issue , beginning March I, in a conte t to determine the best college newspaper in the tate. The conte t. which i being pon ored by the cripp -Howard ew paper League will al o include college new pape r which are not member of the ociation. The judge whom the ripp Howard League ha not yet appointed , will elect the be t paper on the ba i of general merit according to oppor tunity. Publication wi ll be judged on general conformati n to journali tic tandard •. make-up, .handlin of news. content. and the orga n ization of
Prof. F . •. j th e . · A. Hana wait L- 111 cha rge of 5 of P cial choir of 60 voice made up Parts of ti 1 I • ticip· . c c 101r of the fo ur parI a1J 11g I lished. will he judged from a con liu r1 ciurche. llrof. E. M . QUIZ AND QUILL ELECTS Th lechniqu f the one-act play d . C 1 tan point. rifici m of all pecial mu ic. has charge of th STAFF FOR SPRING ISSUE wa the top ic fo r di cu i n at the ntinued On Page Six) 01'TE 0 C--re ru lar m etin of th Qu iz and Quill -c---C 0 T RBEIN WILL FURNISH Thelma nyder wa ele ·ted editor lub la t night. ---· a nd ROY BURKHART ELECTED EACHERS MEET PROGRAM f the pring number f the Qurz ____ C-- - O ~ . TO RESPONSIBLE POSITION th ff 1 Q ui ll magazine which will Je o e GLEE ORGANIZATIONS Ofessors D' S ttmer and Valentine To pr abo ut May Jo at a meetin of GIVE SUNBURY CONCERT Will Become Associate Director of Peak at Licking County Jub la t aturInternational Council on Q u1.z and Quill Teachers Convention. \\ 11 t ·ton wa The Jee lub gave it third • on er June 1. day JlJOrlling. La ura . I of thi_ ea un b ury, atur day Otter[> · 11 ie Pro eni ha been a k eel to furni h appointed a i tant ditor. . . L ui ~ nigbL The oucert at thi- 1>lace wa 111 for the meeting of th e I-IC · •k' . Norri " r eived the po ition o put ou under th au 1>ic o[ the lee Mr. Roy Burkhart, enior in th col•1 11 ~gra 011 F cou nt y Oh i . chool teacher bu ines manao-er with erda Evao ub it eH. le e and prominent in nit d Br theh ruarv 26 T . . a, "Ot • · hi will be kn o wn a hi a istant. \,\:a.~·ue V. :11ar ba I TJ1 mana er. ll. Haltou i ren Church activitie ha ju t r eceived he h te ~b ein Day. " The es ion i to will edit "Hobo-henna . a ,1 ec1al fea- teadily addin co t the club's word that h e has been elected A ociI• clfd in Granville. •urc ection . sched ul e. Th lat k ate Director of the In ternationa l Counroe rncr or alentine a nd Coach Dit. F b , cil of R eligiou Education . The teleThe Qu iz and Qu ill conte now ' i- at F ·t na o n • ruary - . gram read a follow : are O k a11c1 spea on the ed ucational ~ored b,· the club. will pro- con ert are definite ly cb d ul . . P 11 rrom , a po ·~· b_ility . f abo_ul twice · a nJ_any " International Council heartily and l' robaiathletic P11a e of Otterbem. be:ng , .,le a larg-e amo unt of materia.l . I th ~ II t I1e c I os o f t I1e unanimousl y el ec ted you A ociatc nu -11 1> } Y ere will be everal mu ical 1 1 _ d 5 h more clas,e more be111g o-n·en l1 crs p E:ach . resented by tuden t . the I· res h111 a'.1 n . op ;he winning I sea n wbich end . with the hom con- Director today. F ull time to begin _} c~r t he ~ ick ing ou11ty for the - pnng ' u~-·11 a lso be pub- : cert afte r the ~p rin vacatio n trip. tcachc 1 June l. Time betw en now and then 1 I r . in,·nc · • to be adj u ted. Hop you can cancel e~c t on1 e neighboring col- Barne · hort to ry " I engagement for June. eed you a nice · o furnisl · 1 a program for thei· r ino-s Ti, · 0011 a we can get yo u. nu uall y occa -· · · 1. howe,·er i the fir t 'lOI) th· t sucee ful meeting . II et for pro~nv sp k a tterbcin ha - pre cnted -. · ea er gre ." P. R. Hayward. L11der - - - 0 C-- -\ da 111 _ t_hc. leadership of Delno • Points Quar. Av. Prea. Av. WATCHWORD EDITOR SPEAKS seh 001 · ~rin cipal of th J oh nstow n th e co '· everal · teache r 111 · 1.190 1.3 548 ¼ ttc rb e111 unl\• a d 1,_75 1.35-4 -159 Rev. E. E. Harri , of the · re a vancing the interest l.32~ 1.223 611 • College. \,\'atchw rd f th ial organ · ,, 11 ar 1.05-l 1.285 415 of the ni hurch. ad l)av·· range111 e11 t. fo r .. Otterbein 1.265 1.000 286 · are b 1· 1.181 0.835 ye terday d th J98 ~Cc r ctary, , 11' mad· hi' th e a lumni • 1.155 0.809 410 arri · fir~t 0.700 0.-19-l 63 v o the C - -- hi toria l duti . °fhe Circus Date Decided
Country Club Jumps From Third To First In Men's Grading Chart
I hccn ,qte for the Jun ior ci rcu - ha · thtr : ert definitel y f r :\iarch 26. Fur. Ill Or . 1,, u, . rnatton \ ill apJ>ea r in a later ot the Tari a•nd ardinal.
09 5 1.207 ·· grade cha rt w1·11 appear. 111 · next wee k' GRAN D \ ' £ RAGE · I group T he women ~docCa1ardin al in thi am e po ition. · u of rhe Tan an
- - - 0 C - - -think that b au · th y cau b ironical.
Page Two I
Teams for the Varsity Debates for the entire conference debate season have been announced by the Public Speaking Department. The affirmative team will meet Hir am on the home floor o n March 4. Palmer Fletcher, Robert Bromeley, and Karl Kumler will spea k in this de bate in the order named. On March 9 the negative team com posed of Philip C harle s, J oh n Hudock, and Duane Harrold will go to Ohio \ or them at Ada for a forensic tilt. Heidelberg·s affirmative will com e to Otterbein on March 11 to meet the Tan and Cardinal negative which will harles. John he composed of Philip Hudock and Bruce La Porte; the speaki ng o rder of Hudock and L.1. Porte is su'bject to reversal. \\"hi le the Heidelberg debate will be progressing on the home platform th e Otte1'bein affirmative will be crossing ,·er<bal swords with Marietta at th e Ohio River city. Karl Kum ler, Ro bert Bromeley. and Robert Knight will make the Marietta trip. Russell Orators at Work. . lice Propst, who will represent OtterJ ein in the women·s oratorical contest at Wesleyan in May, Karl Kumler, orator for the Constitu tional Orato ri cal Contest to be held on th e campus May 6. Nathan Roberts, and Philip C',arle and John Hudock, can-
cliclates for the Peace Oratorica l Co n test which wil l be held on the home platform 011 .A.ipril 22. are b usily en gaged in prepa r ing for the annua l Ru se ll Oratorical Contest which will be held in the College Chapel early in April. Any of the above announceme nt are ubject_to change at the discretion of the P u'bli c peaking Department.
Hits the Spot
besides those in the quart ets were Clara Sc h att, Tcla Widd·oes, H azel
H AS 1.388 AV E RAGE
stewa r t. Ada Coon . Edith Needham. Ruth Snyder. Donald Euverard a11 tl Edna Smith.
--- 0 c -- D ayton T eam D efeated. An a lumni team composed of H . C. Carpenter. Captain \Vilbur \ \lagner. Co un try Club occ up ies first place J oseph Ran ck. D. Buell, "Jake" Wh ite. with a point average of 1.388 in the "Dutch " Glaze. and Ray Chapma n demen 's ocia l g r o u p g rade charts which have been comp il ed by the Tan and feated th e basket ball t eam o f the EaSl Un ited B r eth ren Church by a Cardin a l ; the chart appears at the bot Danon • · • the 27-25 scor e Sat urday evenin g 11 1 tom of the front page. Ph ilota led Coun try C lub a merry chase by ecu r in g an co ll ege gymnas ium . 11111 average o f 1.354. Lakota ranked third 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 with a 1.325 av erage . Country Club occ upi ed third place o n the grade char t which was issued on Decembe r 7 and Philota and Lakota held fi r s t and sec ond pla ce , r espectivel y. The poin t av er age fo r all of the soc ial groups has been rai sed materially du r ing t he last quarte r. The grand a ve rage i now 1.207 while the a ve r age stood at .985 at the midsemest er. Eac h club has al so rai sed its ave r a g e over that of the mi d -sem ester. The t r en d o f the tab le ha also r emained u nchang ed. except fo r the fact t hat Count ry Club has ju mped t o first place. J onda followed Lakota with an ave r age of 1.285 pointts; Sphinx came next with 1.265 po int s: Cook Hou se, 1.181 ; Ann ex, 1.155 ; a nd Alps, .700. _A char t of the women 's social group will ~p~ea r on. the fr o n t page of next w eek s I ue of the Tan and Card inal. At the _sam e t ime, or a week la t er , fi g ur es wil l be iss ued on the non-social group st udents.
P hilota Follows Closely W ith Poin ts. Lakota T hird W ith 1.325 P oin ts.
::vJ.r . E. M. Hur h ente rt a in ed a numb er of co ll ege women at an in fo r mal chat at her home. 37 \,\: e t Broadway, last F rid ay afternoon from I 3 until 5 o'clock. The following g uests wer e present: Mi ldred Bright, Doris John son. Charl otte Owe n, Leah t. John, J o ep hin e F lanagan, Ethe l hreiner. Charlotte Reist. En id Swarn er, Lau r a Whet tone, Frances Mc Cowcn, Mary McCabe, Clara Orms by. R ac hael Brant. A li ce De Long, Hel en Kelchner , Florence Howard Helen May, Bessie Lincoln, Doroth; Ertzinger. Louise Stoner, Mi ldred haver . Mabe l P lowman, Lucy ealf, Ruth Hursh . Glendora Barne , E liza beth Hoffman, Sara Jane Mille r , and Mr . Merlin A. Ditmer.
- - - - - - - - - ----------··
T uesday, February 22Wash ingt on's Birthday and Collegiate Holiday. Eva ngel istic meetings in the U ni te d Brethren Chu r ch at 7 :30 p. m. W ednesday , February 23Evange listic Meetings in U. B. Church at 7 :30 p. m. Thursday, F ebruary 24E ,·angelist ic M eeti ngs 111 U . l:l. Church at 7:30 p. m. Friday , February 25E ,·a ngeli stic Meetings in U. 1::1. Ch urch at 7: 30 p. m. Saturday, February 26-B-a slret Ba ll with H eiclelbe rg at ~iffin. Evangelistic Meetings in U. B. Chu r ch at 7 :30 p. m. Monday, F ebruary 28E ,·a ngelisti c Meetings at 7 :30 p. m. in U. B. Ch ur ch. Tuesd a y , M arch 1Basket Ball with Wittenberg at Springfield.
Annual R ussell O ratori cal Contest W ill Be Staged in C hapel in April.
B ut our Candy is no delusion, we sell the best.
Love -i the delu 10 n that one woma n dif fer from anot her .
ti:= = =====1.J
1. 354
- - - 0 C--- T RA ININ G SC H OOL T O B E HELD JULY 12-21 July 12 to 21 has been set as the date for the sixth annual L eadership Train mg School at Otter.bei n College. This umme r sessio n which ha s been feat ured at• the collea-e duri11g the s umme r c, de igned fo r yo un g people anxiou to _ta_ke part in religious work. The trammg chool committee me t 111 · D ayton last week and planned the co ur se of study. King Hall, men's dormitory. will be us ed to a cco mmodat e those who attend and . Saum H all ' women' cl orm1' t ory w1 11 1)e used to ca re for any overfl ow' Dr. and lVlr . J . R · King h av e b ee n· . appomt ed up ervi ors.
- - -- 0 C - - ELEMENTARY STUDE NTS PRE SE NT GOOD RECITAL Th e e 1ementary t ud ent in the S chool of Mu ic pre e ntecl a r ecital Wedne clay even ing, F eb ruar y 16 .111 Lambert Hall. • A. feature of th. e program was the VIO iin quartet · ,. 'M"l"t 1 1 ary M arch ,. b , · ) . chubert piayed by Ca I p Schic k L r a tto n, R ay , ave ll e Ro elot a nd C I tarkey A · ar . ?1ano quartet "Polonaise" by Bode nh off wa plaved 1 h I Cl" · ' Y a r otte tpp1nger, Boneta Engle V ivian Breden and Dorothy Grabill. Tn additi-0 11 to the . Quartets there . \I ere eve ra l p:ano numbers: b th 0 vio lin duets and solo num ber. : a nd on e vocal Others takinz Jlart • 1 program ~ 111 tie
. crean1 Williams' delicious ice late in ide ! C ri sp, pure cho~~ en o.ut. side'· And a r ound tht11101•s· t1c111g bar, a sa nitary, That ture-proof foil wrapper. the is the magic prod uct;iuct pa tented trade-marked_ pr Eskim o Pie.. •on Over two hundred millt
11'i(IMII p11· Mfg.
Williams Ice CreaJ1l CompanY I I I I I I 11111111111111111111111 III I I III Ill
Page Three
T. D. Scoring in the second half was more free. Shimer led in the scoring with 22 points. Maibel Eubank wa second with ten point . Corn etet scored most for the lo er5 with nine points.
Last week s·c hedule of girls game were for the most part well played and interesting. The Arbutus st'arted thin,gs off on Moll'day by defe-ating the TaliS1111an in a close free- coring game 28 to 23. Weimer seemed unablle to miss .the basket dropping ,the baLI through the net from all over the flo o r. She made 23 points. T revarrow scoreel free ly al o waving .the net -ten times from the field . Mo t of her hot s were hort ones. The e-cond game of the af,ternoon wa a tie game ,b etween the Ph.oenix and the T. D. The score was 9 to 9.1 The core was tied a-t 4-all at the half. Shimer scored ix points from T. D. while Edginton cored four for Phoe• 111x. T . D . Beats Polygon.
Greenwich we n-t down to defeat at th e hand of the Arcady in a well played game la t Saturday 28 to 12. The game was a play off of a former tie between ·the two le'am . The winners showed a powerful and well• balanced offense that hardly gave the ball into the posession of the Green wic.h forwards. The winners led most of the time and enjoyed a lead of 14 to 12 at ·the end •o f the first half. The win ners t ighte ned their defense in the ecoo d half and the Greenwich failed to make a point during the fina l ha.If. W·~rde ll and Knapp cored 13 and 12 pornts respectively for the winners. Dew scored 10 of the losers 12 points.
la~ result of tbe intra-mural ,games! it _ek the Cook Hou se team kept j . Ls Position on the top of the Group t eague by defeating Country Clu b 20 - -o_ l 6. Gibson wias high scorer for the BUELL IS HIGH SCORER w:nner wit · h 11 po ints . w hil e Thompso n acco unt e d for 9 points for the Tan Cagers Downed By Muskingum 's Iosers. Near Conference Champs By 52-27 Score. The J 0nd a team assu,med undi s puted J)O ession 0 f th S . econd place by downing Otterbein 's o ld rival , Mu kingum e Phmx 18 to 9. F. Cline was hi o-h took the bacon home with her Satur corer \vi'ti1 12 points to hi credit. "' day night when sire handled the Tan 0 . . tie b ther Oo-ames resu Ite d .111 a triple cagers a second d efeat this season by etween th S h' a nd A e P. 111x, Country Club. piling up a core of 52 points while and Lnnex for third pla ce, and Philota the cagers were ab le to make only 27 fo f . akota for fourth po. ition. Alps r e1ted to Philota. points. Lakota defeated . nn ex in the final The game wa rath er fa t and rough !l'ame of th e week 16 to IJ. Lakota an d persona I f ou Is were f requen t . . eaacacomplished the spectac ular in this man and Riegel were both taken from g me by · co m111g from behind in the t i1e game on persona I . Ii nal . few minutes · of play and winning Harrop, forward for Mu kingum, cIe P1te th · e fact they only had fo ur men was the high point man of the game 0 n the fl . was high man wit h inkin g 6 field goals and 6 fo ul for a . oor. Seitz 12 POL'llt . (Con tinued on page five .)
Onyx Defeated.
In the other game la t Saturday the T . D. came from behind to defeat the Onyx 26 to 17. The Onyx 1!ed at the I 11 the on ly game played on vV eel· end of the fir t quarter 10 to 2 when ne sday the T. D . defeated the Polygon Scheidegger entered the game at gua·rd in a free-sco-ring contes1 34 to 17. The for the T. D. From then on they game tarted rath er lowily and the gained on the Onyx. The core a1: the fir,s t half ended 14 to 6 in fav•o r of the end of the first half was 11 to 8 in fav or of the Onyx.· Shimer and Eubank Prune L~ague In th e p score d 14 and 12 points re pectively tied f r une League three team are from the T. D . orris and Prinz }-I. ff or first place-the Red Hawks, 0 man D cored 7 and 6 point respectively for tean rug , and Dub . Four 1 are als the Onyx. · d f or la t place in thi O t ie lea Wednesday afternoon at four iue. MEN'S HIGH SCORERS o' clock the' games will ibe played. Kin ite . h . tro· . won t eir first game by Goals Fouls t\/nc ing the Philota eco nd 18 to 13. Points The finail game will be between the Arcady and the winner of the T. D. 14 64 - .an1an was h1· h . I ' Thompson, Country Club .............................................. 25 Point . g Corer with ., 7 Blackburn, Blendon Ha h ................................................ 21 49 Phoenix game played to late for publi 4 48 eitz, Lakota ...............,........................................................ 22 ation n Monday. Th winner of th . Jonda secon d 43 3 Iron, Cook H . won a ,d o e game E. Widdoes, Red Hawk .................... ............................ 20 former wi ll b con id red th campu 3 41 Prop t, Cook Hou e 2nd s . .............................................. 19 McGill . . OU e seco n.d 13 to I 2. champion . co ' Kmt igh, and Gearhart each . red four point . W. L. T . PCT. F. Pts. GROUP 2. k Ht offman D r ug dispo ed of the La P.boenix ................ 3 I 1.000 0 6 76 o a eco1 9 61 high . 1 d 21 to 5. Gallagher wa T. D....................... 3 I 1.000 0 6 56 two Pf 01111 man wifh even fielder and Onyx ................... . 2 2 0 .500 9 53 ou l h t · 0 •o u · • 1111mern1acher acPoly on ................ 1 3 0 .250 3 47 l· nted fo r ·'f our out o( five ·• of the Lotu ......... .,......... 0 4 6 44 0 .000 <1kota Points 7 39 0 C R d }I . 9 35 I b awk -e a ily took the o untry We may be. ro llirt in wealth and till ,4 32 u eco d · 11 a 3 int o camp to the tune of be poor-from the neck up. 2 32 1 to 9 · win . core. Every man on the <( team accoun-ted for at lea t Otnt Dt~b .d f to . e eated the Blendon Hash 19 16 ltieo-J 111 a rottgh-a ncl-tumbl e game. e cored 9 points for the winner .
[ What's Doing In Intra-murals
G'o Where You HaveA!ways Been Pl
fo tho e go111g · thru 'ell week we are OrrY to th ca 11 left ~Y at there are no more tin 111 the dump.
Team Red Hawk~ .. --~··-··~....~ 5 Hofb11a11 Drug~ ..... ~...... 5 Dub s ............ .._................ 5 Jonda 2nd . .................... 4 Blend·on ...._................... ook Hous _nd · .. ~ ..• 2 Philota 2nd . ........ - ..... I Lakota ....~ ..•·•-··--··•--·· ... 1 Country luh .....:.. .....,.. •1 King;ite~ ......... .... .. - ...... 1
YouH ~ 1·11• like our Marcelles, t air Cuts, and Facials at OUISE ·BEAUTY SHOPPE 72 W. Main St. Phone 386-M
Beauty Cultur~ Taught '1
Women W. GROUP 1. Arcady ................- 4 Greenw"icb ....-........ 2 rbutu. ................ 2 Tali man · 1 Owl .............. - ..... O
Your Photo if from The Old Reliable
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2 4
4 5
Will Be Best.
T. PCT. 1.000 1
1 2 3 3
0 0 0
. 500 .250 .000
The largest, finest, and without doubt the best equipped gallery in America for produ~ing the best known to the Photographic Art.
Rich and High Sts.
Page Four
wqr wan anll <narlltual •
Humor wa s the pervading element i of the productions at Phila lct hea's ses- \ sion Thursday night. Lauretta Mel ern's "Medley", was a cleverl y executed I . I nu xt ur e of poetry and blan k ve r se. I H el~n Gibson:s "lmpers,onati·o n" _w a s readily recogrnza"blc and was read m a realistic tone. E dna Heller's excellent "Appreciation 'Of Dr. E. A. J ones·· was timely and lent a serious touch to the ,program.
Published Every Tuesday Morning in the Interest of OTTERBEIN COLLEGE
.Cardinal's Whistle
The mu ical number
co n isted of a
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ................................................. WAYNE V. HARSHA, '27 piano solo by Thelma H ook. v,ocal solo News Editor .................................................................. ... .. Louie W . orris, vVomen 's Dormitories . .................................... .. .. .......... Margaret Kumler, Men's Dormiton- ................................................. .......... ..... ..... James Bright, Local R eporter· ........ ..................... ........................ ........ . P hil ipp Charles, Special Features ................................ Verda Evans, '28, Robert Bromeley, General Reporters Claude Zimmerm an Lillian Shively Alfred Owens Karl Kumler Kenneth Echard Charle s E. Shawen Gerald Rosselot
'28 By Phi Donti Graduate. '28 by Dorothy Wainwright and V'Oca l solo '28 by Ethel K epler. · -----:-- " uarantee '29 King Hall Spec1ai- \.v,e g d t Du ri ng the session J ean nc Bromeley '29 was elec ted president fo r the next a vacation with each case of polk-a· 0 term . complexi on.
- - - - 0 C---
Mary Thomas Gladys Dickey Ernestine Nichols Marcella Henrv Clyde Bielstcin. Thelma Hook Mason Hayes
Prof. Valentine Has Birthday.
. I' . was pre· \,\ eathcr foreca-st-.~a,n dieted by the Greenwich fre hinen.
P rof. and Mr . A. H. Wil on, P rof. n.ces that and M r . E. W. E. Schear, and Prof. Stanley Pascal Kurtz a nnou a after· May Hoerner were guest at a birth he will play bas ketball Thur 5 d y day dinn er held last Saturd ady eveni n g noon. for Prof. B. W. Valentine at hi s home kc a lot SPORTS EDITOR ................................................... HARRY E. WIDDOES, '27 on East College Avenue. "Bill McKnight seems to ta of · d verse Assistants of inter-es-t in the secon lu'b man, Arthur H. Ger man E lli s B. Hatton "Mar y Lou", obse rved a glee c Lawrence E. Hicks Parker Heck _ The Dapy lllini is of the opinion that od loW On the corne r " l am a go I of all th e m eans sugge sted to d ecide . . . . wherever BUSINES3 MANAGER ........................................... ROBERT E. MUMMA, '27 whether st uden ts belong in a Univer- ab uymg c1t1zen. 1 buy it Assistants sity or not, the best is to Jet them de- can." Ross C. Miller Lorin Surface 'd David Allaman ct e it for them selves. If a man . . wo n't be _ ____ __ _ _ _ _____________________ _ _ do esn't want to attend classes in the Our 'best Joke this week k"nd . , n that 1 CIRCULATION MANAGER ............................................ RUTH HURSH, '27 Universi t y, why sho uld the D ean printed beca use we don t ru Assistants Katharine Myers Mildred Wil on wor ry him self about keeping that man of a column. Margaret E dgington Margaret Duerr enrolled? The education that teaches . . men's nit'Sper· ·a l music for college · . "I a111 a PUBLICATION BOARD him to go 90% of t h e time because he at revival meetings will be 1 Stra nger Here.'' of thi• Faculty Members ............................ Dean ·. E. Cornetet, Dr. Sarah M. herrick there's a rule forcing him to. M easle necessitate br,evitY Student Member . 0 . Barn s, Ruth Hur h, Mabel Eubank , Alice Blume T Craig Wales. ' he undergraduate can learn in two column.
:l~;~t:+i~~n:~:: : : ::::::::::::::::~::::::~:::::::::~:::: : : ::: : :: :: :~: : : : : : :·-~~~:1-:Twt:[f~ ;:f~~~l: 0 ---------------------------------
EDITORIALS TIME CLOCKS During the la t year or two there ha bee n a lot of discussion in college papers the country over, and in the city journal a well, of t he question of greater freedom in college require111 11 ts for attendance at class and lec t ure . T h e almo t universal ystem in th e U nited States, man y students a sert, is the time-clock idea, a compulor y enforcement of- absolutely regular and mechanical attendance upon every cla room exercise. So far has this gone, that men are found who will deny credit to a tudent if he is absent from a regular class session, excuse or no exc use. Even upper class s tudents a rc held to thi s mechanical rule, intead of being· given a freedom of choice and ome independence of ac tion. and of being thrown upon their own re ponsibili ty for ticcess or fail ure in t he work. T h e opinions of college editors are cer tainly of interest in this connection . A monthly bulletin called " What Col lege re Doing", put out by Ginn and ompany, ha gathered a number of editorial aud other utterances that are hi s ugg stiv e-- as to what the stu d n ts at least are thinking about com pulsory attendance. A the pirit of coopera tion between t ud ent and profe sor d velops, say
the Amhe rst Student, it produce a cer tain rev ul ion tow ard the ystem of com pul sor y attendance. Unlimited cut have already been granted to men who have attained a high av erage wi thout an y deleter iou effect on thei; work. I t i time the privilege wa s ex tended to everyone in good standing in all classe . T here i lit tle doubt the Penn yl vanian ob erv es, that the promise of being allowed unlimited cu ts, provided he n1ak es grade of such standard .rs to war rant hi being placed on the p re ferred list, an incentive to the , tudent to do better chola tic work. It p:ovides an immediate reward for spe cial effort, and recognize the man with ambition and ability. The Col um bia Varsity has a delight ful com ment to thi effect : We a re f~ll y co_nv ince~ that it i an obliga t1 ?u wh ich an mtelligent man owes to bun elf to cut, as often as eem necesary to the e11joyment o( a cour e, the lectures of an uninspir ed and unin spi r ing prof sor. Those of the Faculty who are confident of their ability to hold the imagination and intere t of th e men are growin tolerant in the matter of forc ed attendance. An over cut lip does _n ot always indicate the shirker; it may reveal a student's at tempt to save a ubj ct from it PFO fes or.
years, says the Cornell Daily Sun what plan i be t for him to follow ; ~nd if he cannot, the niv er sity is not bound to n ur e him along, through compul sory aaendance and the like, in order that he may la t out t he four years. 'vVe merely a k that, in t his regard up per classmen be mad e responsible' t hat they be given privilege that i~ granted, without question , to a gradu ate _student. Let i be thei r own fun er al if, after two year ' they have not learned what i to their intere t . Yale, Harvard, and Smith, with om~ oth_er , hav e already made con ces ton 111 the regulation of class at: tendance. The editor of "Whaf Col le~es Are Doing" ay he sympathizes with the . . . undergraduates • Th e JU111or ?r ~mor who i not seriou s enough m h1 pur~uit of knowledge to go to lectures w ithout being forced to do o would better be given full l'b I" · . I erty to e tmma~ himself from college as soon a s po s1ble. Stud ent who by the pro posed new arrangement could would cut, not overcut. For the most part he say ' the demand i for the aboli h~ m ent of fore d attendance on t h e part of tho who mature nough t th . o gov rn e 1ve 111 t he matter, and who have P oved by good acad emic standi L1g that W . th ey are depe.ndabl · e expect children to come in when the b 11 • but we do not believe that the r_mgs, . , ere 1s an a d u It 111 the nited S tat es w h o does not hat e lo pu h th e button on a tim clock.
__ n c - -
5 5 PHILOMATHEA 01scus 1~10NS SOCIETIES coND an1elior· Lively discussion of how to vhich 1 ate co.ndit.ions in its program . at· nd lo" tend to ,creat e di in ter-e st a f philo· O te ndan ce wa the featur e •coin" idaY ei F mat~ea's es io n . last ~ cd 0 ,.er bY P arlramen ta ry dntl. pre 1~ topic the R. E. Mum m.a, had ,a its V rr radi· di s.c u ion of thi problemel· fo rnt . der in t ie cal changes are 111 or · ,:ercises of entirely different type of e~·oquie=• O1 such as p l"oduction of . artd scientific paper . -an d t raveloguere;Tledf" · d to such changes are destt ne conditions. - - - O C -ft{eetsOtterbein Music Clu b Wed· . Club n1ct t The Otterbein M.ustc . _Lan1bcr 111 nesday even ing at 7:30 se 0 vcr· 1 Hall to di cu the opera "'-~:v 0 igh1· ture P rof. rabill played frt 'a, fol· The pr gram presented was · ,. Grace low : "Development o f Pera Cornetet. . ·-tto1t1Cf " Barbe r of eville'", Rossuit Huffman. . ., Donizetti,... "La F ille du Regiment ' Thelma !look. I{ pier. "Carmen" Bizet-Ethel e [Jelle ,· Bohe1111an . , G'tr 1·•. Balfc-MarY Loomi . h fsabel " Orpheu s'", Offenbac Ru ehrm und. ted to The next meeting will be deVO a st ud y of H andel.
Page Five
MY Room-mate Says I You ca n't sa y thi s is n·t a Christian College when even the pledges have to reenact B ib lical sce nes o n the banks of Alum Creek. • Spa niard s may be clash in g and speedy but aft er wattmg · · fo r a mem,ber of that Latin race fo r over ha lf an hour in Y . \V. the o ther night s h e has d ecided that th ey all aren't Don J uan s. I ' hat s he alway s did ha,·e he r doubt s ~o ncerning Fres hman r. s a,nd that 111 th e lig ht of rec e nt anti; her doubts are tronger than ever.
That of all people wh o s uffocate. 0 n IY one wor se than the boresome and that' the ,bored. About this time of th e vear , hman ta rt k. · · as ing themselves why they ever ca111e to Ott b . d . er em an Ju111 o r s start d wou ering why they didl\·t accept the l Itere'
fast d ummer. looking 00
life-save r at Chipipewa
f That a ' complex' is a dignified name
"Ernie" Riegel going in in hi s pla ce. That he ru shed home from the dehate the other nite. yelled to her sno r Buell scored o n a fre e throw and R. ing r oo mmate, ·•vve \.Yon·•. who \Vil son went in at cente r fo r T a ylo r. g runted in r eply-HWhat wa s the ·suavely scored and brought th e s•c ore ?" score up to 25-47, Muskingum leading. , From the way some Profs grade they Riege l was taken out for perso nals a nd mu st think the alphabet 'begins with Van Curen was put in. Montgomery was s ub stit ut ed fo r Bell a nd th en Mc"C'·. Go naga sco r ed a pretty o ne. Ju st a Tliat ..,- he ha s n· t been called to the few seconds before th e end of th e Deati' s Office for so long she's afraid game Minnich was sent in for Barne s she's developing low blood pressure. and Schott for Snavely. Muskingum \·V hen she look ed at ·her grade card scored and th e game ended wi th Mu skingum holding the large e nd of th e s he go t " C-sick." That s he kn o \\·s something else ,but 52-27 score. F .G. F. T. her prof said he didn't wa,nt to be Muskingum 52 qu oted. 2 0 C. Orr, rf. ......................' I 18 6 ·11 J0J :-i 00 1 Harrop, If. .... .................. 6 , · 2 10 Taylor. c. ........................ 5 I 01 pu;nl Jt J 4 t uo p11e1 p,A~'ll lELJl P!P 4 0 Clark, rg. ··-··--··--·--·····--·· 2 ;),JOUJ ;ipiii e J;>.5 01 s no!xue os sndwe:) I 3 Bain , lg . .................... ... ... 1 JL{l uo tpo.qJwos J q· p,;uJ4l A\;JLI){ JLJS 0 0 Wilson, rf. ...................... 0 . , · · · · · · 1na: JO) S>jU!JP J4l ' nq I 2 0 Y errick, rg. .................... f - -- - U C - - - 4 0 McGonaga, lg. .............. 2 I I Bell, rf. ................ .......... 4 0 Calhoun , If. .......... .......... 2 4 2 R. Wilson , c . ....... .......... . Montgomery, rf. ......... . ( Cont111ued ft om page threr..)
or a Prolonged case of 'blues or an ex oints " Bob" Taylor tota I o f 18 P · d aggerated idea of self importance. dropped in 5 baskets and two. fouls ~d . It's a g ood thing thi s cold nap .mg 12 points to his sea sons scoring. . ca me along fqr if this exchange of pins Buell was high man for Otterbem scorta rts so . . ear 1y 111 the season, the blue ing ten pol.nts making 4 baskets and 2 b trd wo 't h . . n ave a thmg to c hirp about. fou ls. . The game started as if it were gomg . That in the judgment of the colum111 t a frat pin must serve as a police to be a fast, close game .but after a bo~t . tes of pla)•ing 1t slowed down courtesy card. ten mmu . 'd cons1 era blv , • Muskingum got . the t1pff nd after ome clever passmg wa :bl/ to score the fir t. fi eld. goal an~ took the lead. Otterbem , us mg a new type of pla y immediate ly scored .a field goal and tied the score. Mu kmgum d JI forged ahead and the half grad uda Muskingum leading with en e wt the core standing 21 to 10. Otterbein started the scoring in t~e d half when eaman dropped m secon d as fo llowed by a field goal one an w d by Buell and the score then too 21-14 Harrop put in a close o ne a~d added two more point . Otterbem their pass work but Harrop We arc 111 ore expert m • • • bro k e up h fi Id goal g1vmg bl to score anot er e wa a e . service than keeping books. 14 making their total 25 to o ur .. then s howed Mu kmgum naveIY bl d h . defen was penetra e an 27 W. MAIN ST. that t e1r rett ' one. eaman followed
-- =
Let Us Repair Your Shoes.. Also shine, dye and rejuvenate them
Barnes, rf. .................... . Riegel, If. ........................ eaman , c. ...................... navely, rg. .......... ........ Buell. lg. ........................ Yanti s, If. ..................... . Van Curen, rf. ............. . o rri s, If. ............ ........... . Minnich , If. ................... . cho tl , r g . ...... ............... .
0 I
2 3 4
6 O ~tcrbein faic ulty which attended the
IO m eeti ng oi the Ohio College As ocia
- --
Referee: Long of Purdue.
0 C ----
he wa only a dairyrnan· s claught& bu t her face cow,ed many a man.
Sheaffer and Parker Pens
iurkryr Jnuting
2 Due to a n e rror in tra nscription la t 3 : \\·eek the nam e o f Professor B. W. 6 Valentine wa omitt ed from the Ii t of
tio n called to co n icier propo ed tat e legislation 0 11 education. Prof. Val e nti ne attended o ne ·ession of the leg islature la t week in the inter es t of the legisl.ition.
Total .......... .... .......... II
- - - - 0 C---P rof. Valentine Represents
O tterbein at Legislature
Westerville, O.
Order Your
The third editi o n of the :\lumn i :'vlagazi ne ha s j us t been issued by the new Director of Alumna! R elatio ns. L. W . Warso n, a nd over 500 copie ha v-e bee n plac ed in the mail for d is trlbution am o ng the alumni. The ma gazin e contain s a s pecial " In Memoriam" s-ectio n for Dr. Ed mund A. Jone who died 1-ast Dcccm ber, and for Mr. Manuel S. Mano ngd o. a m ember of the cla s of 1917; Mr. Manon g do died of tub e rcul os is at hi s home in Cava, Phillipine Island,, last October. President \V. G. Clipping-e r h•as co n tributed the second of a seri es of three articles on "Otterbein's Busi nes s Pol icy", for thi s edition . Pr-o f. Grabill ha s contri.buted an article dealing with th e School of Mu ic. An editorial ha s b ee n taken from the Tan -and a.rdinal for the "Stud·c nl Thought" ection. A large amount of athletic new s and happ·e nings among the alumni ar e featur ed in the ma ga zi ne.
Otterbein 27
~,~t~;;e~n:~er ~nd it looked as if Otter bein was going to come back. But -..__ j, -= ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;~Iii . Muskingum t I1e1t tarted to put . them 1 . ' and the score piled up. m regu lar!) sub stituted for Reigle an Curen wa for ,d Muskingum sent in McGonag~ at . Curen wa in onl y a 10rt Bam. an t in in hi Yanti wa en time an d · · B II f r I M u kingum ent 111 p ~cc. 1 d Calhoun for Harrop. Har \ 11 on an . 1· ro1J ha cored hi s 18 pom~ up to... It IL Otterb rn 18, u u time. core wa kingtUll 36. d and add d two more a lhoun core . . -£ . o rri s wa en t m or to their core. · Tay . d Calhoun scored again. Yanll an d in anoth er and navely lor droppe d x kiogum that he kn ' ~ · howe :i.U bl agam d .bbling and was a c a little. about rt to go through their defen e. . I d bi only ba ket Ill tie Barne score · l tater . t a few mmu e game an d JU S t f r per ona ls. eaman wa taken ou
Totals ........................ 20
18 N. State St. ~ •
Page Six
th It was a noticeal-!le fact th at c r~ nt at ti1 were no Sophomores pr-e se . he · h held 111 t Freshman party wh1c was dy . . d. 1 r Wednes a Disease Is Thought To Have Been Association Bui! mg as well evening. The Frosh were Contracted From Pupils While ore or less equi,pped to fru trate any m Practice TeachinJ. . re st rategic move by the Sophs. Prof. and Mrs. E. M. Hur Mh "cep Measles are a gr-ea•t convenience d rs · the chaperons, and Prof. an f ;10 r. especially when the system is in need O 110 t l!.. Pendleton wer,e the gueS S the . • for of several days vacatio n from classes. Ruth Bailey, social :hairm:d Anna All the men at King Hall will doubt frosh and Ralph Gibson · . le sly agree to •t hat statement. ' 1 nterta1n Lou Bickle, mem:bers of tie e f the 0 Dr. and Mrs. J . R. King had to play mem .:ommitt-ee. were in charge nursemaids in addition to their regular party. . and duties ,as deans to a number of King '·Hot Dogs'" E skimo pie ' ueats,, coin· . h Hall men who have lb een s1ricken with punch. were se rved by t e the •three-day variety of measles. Coach Edler will probably start the mittee. Wendell Williams, Devon Brown , and ame quintet that started against Mu ---oc Richard Hall were among the fir t vic kingum but there i no way of know phinx hare Birthday tims to contract the disease. They ing who will fini h the game o r even - - - . d alulllni. have recovered and are now back in Sphinx men, 'both active ~n d atur· play ·the greater part of the conte t. school at the pres<ent. Heidelberg' tarting lineup will were very agreeably urpnse d Mrs. lfred Owen wen-t to his home in probably be Weav,e r and Hess for day· night wihen Professor an bean•og Granville when he became ill af.ter be ward , Stalter center ancf rump and Hursh visited the_ club roomof A- Q. a fine big cake m honor and· ing exposed to the measles. Robe:t \ Mautz guard . Barnes· twenty-first bi r! h da!ved Brometey has gone to his home m . pie - - - 0 C---ser Lafayette, Ind., after passing th rough wiches punch and es k imo arlY CLEIORHETEA a sid~ dishes. so naturally th eh p re a iege of the three-day type. Gilbert After t e Allaman and Jack Baker have ,been was a huge success. d Of the the regular meeting of Cleior- freshmen! were duly dispose segregated by Dr. and Mrs. King and 0u . . h e t ea, Th ur d ay evenmg, hav e now practically recov ered from · • L ., 1. ~V A!'\ !:) the following alum ni staged a pure1Y pontane d·111 gs tic rea • attack . Parker Heck went to his Alice Blume, Celia J ohnson, Edith program wa presented: program featured by drama 113 and home in Dayton la t week afte r de- Moore, Helen Kern, Frances Slade, Vocal Solo-"The Moon is Drifting", 011 the part of D . L. Adams, , J11 Tenor Ditties by Vv. D. Coon, f the veloping ymptoms. Alton King, son and Charles Keller attended the funeral Florence Prinz. 0 "B.10grap h Y o f H ay d n " , G race Cor- addi tion to tihe active · of Dr. and Mrs. J . R. King, uffered a of Mi Alma Evans, forme r Otterbein m embers R Mills. ~light attack la ,t week. tudent who committed suiC'ide a week netet. club tho e present were: H. · coon, P iano olo - "S co t c h p oem " , H e1en '24: H. J . Lehman, '22 ,· W · f D-pha\or, According to local phys'i•cians a nd ago Sunday, held in Unio n City, Indi ance. the Cou nty H ealth officer, Dr. Taylor, ana, Tue day. '23; D . L. Adam , '23: ~; . · 1-foward Addre -Dqrothea Wurm. '26: Wilbur toughton, Z6 d Ollie the re i practically no danger with the Ill health which had forced her to · h an Vocal Solo-"The Wind and the Tredway, Garland K eit three-day type. o fumigating will I re~ ign her position as supervisor of . . pwight Cloud'\ F rance Hinds. Piefer of Metamori , Ohio, Barn· be ncce sary at the hall. Studen~s are , mu ic in Palestine chools la t Decem 1 R~th Hursh, Helen Cover, and Betty Barne , J ohn cbotl a nd LY e thought 'to have contracted the disease ber, ha been the only rea on uggested W hite spoke extemporan eou ly. from pupil while practice teaching at for her udd en resolv-e to kill herself. hard of \IVe terv-ille. Mi Evans received a diploma in pubthe hi h chool. ---- 0 C ---lie chool music from Otterbein in THIRTY -FOUR NOW OUT he wa a member of Arcady 1 1925. FOR TRACK PRACTICE l !uh while in Otterbein. ~
Otterbein will have a chance ·to avenge a 26 to 19 def-eat which was suffered at the hand of Heidelberg a week ago last Saturday when the Tan and Cardinal pill ·tosse rs travel to Tiffin to furni h oppo ition for the Tri color quintet next Saturday night. T.he game wm be ninth game of the eason for Otteribein and it i the last one of 'the eas·on where the dop e bucket gives Otterlbein an even chance of winnin,g. Heidelberg had won five of her nime game up to last we·e k including victories over Akron, Mt. Union. Ohio Nor·thern and everal others.
23' 0
--- 0 C ---
· real i nt ere t ha been hown by TAN AND CARDINAL TO the track squad in the 1~ t few day . , ENTER PAPER CONTEST Thirty-four men have reported o far I I making one of th lar e t quad that (Continued From Page ne.) tter>beio h-a had in recent yea r . t everal other including everal mem uew paper entered will be made, and ber of the basketball quad will report ~ugge tions for improvement will be lat er. The warm weather of the la ·t given each editor. College which have ignified thei r few week s ha made it pos ible for many to d work out ide. With the intention of enteri ng ar,e : Akron niver ity, Capital Uni.verintere t hown. oach Di tmer hould he able to get the quad in fai rly good ity, Heidelb rg . olleg~, ~ent late rl ollege. Mt. 111011 , Miami, Mu kincon9itio11 for the fir t meet April 23. The coni,plete 1927 sched ul e i a fol !?um. Oberlin, ·Ohio No rthern, Ohio ., Ohio W leyan , Toledo Witlow : Apr. - 3, hio ta't Relay , olum- tenberg and St. Xavier. The followin college are not bus. Ohio. member of the hio College lew • Apr. 30, Intra-mural met. paper~ A ociation but will ente,r the M_ay 6, .Kenyon <at Westerville. ~fay 13, Heid !berg at\: e tervil le. conte t: May 20. Mu kingum at \ e tervill . ., ' A hland. Bluffton. Cincinnati May 27 and 28. Big ix Meet at ase chool of Applied cien e, De- 1 fiance, Hiram, Kenyon We te rn Re incinnati. The meet with Heidelberg may be ervc. W ooster. Mari tta and Rio I held at T iffin if the ath leti field th re ,rande. completed by th date set for the The trophy which will be presen ted lo th winner of the conte t ha not conte t. - - - 0 c - --beeo decide! upon but will be an noth er dandy cheme for using up nounced oon. - - - 0 C..;.'_ __ part 0£ our ,extraordinary cotton ur plus would be to add about eleven 1t i better to have loved and lo t mucb better. inche to either end of the heet .
WESTERVILLE PHARMACY • · W. Hoffmaa, Proprietor O. 12 Kut KaaWl:_1'RK SK•VICS II ••ST Pboae • Wnt~ 11•
----~=============== Edna Tracy was called home because of the illness of her father. Esther Sull ivan visited Arcady over the week-end .
Devona Lehman had a s her guests ove r th e week-end her father and her brother, "Skinny", who graduated in '22. Women At a cleve rl y planned Valentine Party given by Mr s. Ethel Eubanks {;hn~on and Mrs. Grabill, Tomo achi received her annual gift from Phi Sigma Epsilon. This year's surP_rise proved to be three very attrac1 '. ve bridge lamps with whi ch the club is very much pleased. Th e O nyx girl were hostesses of a
Alice Blume was th e hostess of five of the old Saum Hall girls, Friday, at a "'slumberless party" given at the home of Mr s. McLean . Delicious date pudding was enjoyed in the "wee hours" of the morning and crisp hot waffles were se rved for breakfast Sat urday morning. The guests were Florence Howard , Gladys Snyder, Lois · Armentrout, Marian Hollen and Margaret Eubanks.
Page Seve1,
• La Vere Breden played with the Co lum b us Symph ony Orchest ra at Mem Country Club enjoyed a dinne r at oria l Hall last week. th e ··Tea-For-Two R ooms.. Saturday Mr. ··J ohnn y'' Ca r roll is now as sist nigh t. in g ;>; . Hale Ri cht er in coaching th e Ma ri on Drury spe nt a fe w day s champions hi p ba sk etba ll team at Ca nal visiting ihe Country Club af ter his re Ful to n. turn from Porto Rico. He i now in Mr. Kintigh attended the perfo rm th e En.ginee ring Department of the a nce o f R ose Ma ri e Friday night and D elco Light Plant at Dayton. co mmended it qui-te favorably. fe el at ea se in a pai r of o ur m en·s Chanles L ambert and W a ldo Keck new Oxfords. E. J . Norri s & Son . atte nd ed t he Scoutmaster Banqu et at Country Club an noun ce K en net h t he Nei l Ho use Saturday nigh t. Bun ce as a pledge. chw art zk opf went to ··J erry ·· Ru ssel \-\'ill ima n, irom O hi o tate Akr on to spe nd the wee k-end . Univ ersit y, as a guest of Sam K aufman. vi ited Cook H ouse men. "Bud"" Surface pent the wee k-end Cleveland.
Doctor Edward Newebl. from Ohio at his home in Dayton.
Sta te. was hac k for Cook H ouse initiClive H oove r went to Springfield co-ed Valentine party given at the Betty McCabe visited Mary McCabe ations. ove r the week-end. home of Mr s. "Pussyfoot" Johnson. ove r the week-end. ·' Chu ck"' Lambert, Quentin Kinti g h Claude Hoff in hi s rambling o ver the Joyce Joiner was the week-end guest W e are hea dquarters for Phoe nix and Wald o Keck at tended the Y. M. coun t ry vi sited Alexandri'a and John s C. A. con fe ren ce in Col um bus. of Virginia Badgely. Miss Joiner is a Hosiery. E. J . N orri s & So n. town Saturday nigh t. tudent at Wittenberg. ·· am·· K a uhnan vi ited friends at Ethel Kepler and Ruth Hursh enter Dry Cleaning and Pressing. E. J. Jo sep hine Flanagan and Elizabeth tained the Owl Club and guests with a Ohio State la t Th ursday. No rri s & Son. Hoffman spent the week-end in Co feed Saturday evening. Fra nces Saul, ex'. Walter Shelly, Ralph Royer a nd Leste r Maxton of lumbus at th e home of Louise Boner. ex·, and Franklin Young, "26. visited V iola Peden and Ruth Trevarrow Etna ,;s ited Lakota friends. Cook Hou se men. Pauline Arnold, of Richmond, Ind., spe nt the week-end in North Robin \Val do K ec k and Lawren ce Mar h H enry Davidson and Joe Mayne Was the week-end guest of Ethel Kep son with Sylvia Peden . ler. The Arbutu s Club enjoyed a " bacon took Civil erv1ce Examination s Sat- vis·ited with the Philota s Saturday and Sunday. urday. New hats arriving every day. E. J. and egg push Saturday evening. Waldo K ec k a nd K enn eth Millet 1'orrie & on. '"Ted" Giffen and · '' Bud" Stricklin The Onyx Club gave their final initi ation part y at the home of France s were dinner-guests at Coc hra n Hall of Mu skingum College visited with _The Lotus Club held its final initiund ay. "Larry" Hick after t he ga me atur ati0 11 s Harris. aturday in the Club rooms. day ni ght. High H eel Pump s fo r girl s. E. J. The Misses Elsie Hooper and Betty (Continued on Page Eight.) Another Valentine party as the re Davi visited Frances Hooper and Norri & Son . ult of "goodies" received from home Euni ce Hastings ove r the week-end. \~a given by Virginia Brewbaker fo r Miss Jessie Marshall was t?e week t e Tali man Club. end guest of Jane Lohr. M iss Mar Erne stine and Marjorie Nichols went hall is a st ud ent at Mu kingum . to the· I . ir 10111e 111 Cardington for the lVcek-end . Mary McKenzie's brother of Dela ware visited her Sunday. v./n honor of her sister, Mrs. C. K. 11 Lucile Roberts has been sp~nd ing inn, of Dayton who visited her for da th ' c past week Margaret Kumler the past week with relatives at Lima. enterta· d ' . ,n . ll1e the Gr eenwich Club with vVe ar e glad to say that Jean Camp T 111 for111al party in the club room s, has returned to school. hursday evening. Ruth Musselman went to her hom e I abel!e Ruehrmund spent Saturday in Dayton this week-end . an d Sunday at home. ida McGurer and Geneva Mitchell Vir 1111 · · . g a Brewbaker has gone home were here for the game Saturday evenUntil Tue day. ing.
Charter House [ SPRING SUITS FOR
All k"
ilk L ll1d ace
of Shoe Polish and Fancy E. J . Norris & Son .
_University Men
··Jak e·· White, J . B. Crab b , and "Tiny" Bennett came to ee the Otter., arian Johnson of M:ansfield were the ..nest O f C ' h bein-Mu kingum game. li atherine Matz and Rut ~ week-end. K.. Hutchin on from Mu k ingurn
"MIli_chard and Raymond Hursh and
vi ited "Hank" Gallagher.
WOLF'S Your Headquarters for Meats and Groceries Party and Picnic Orders Given Special Attention
New Grays and Tans
Prof. nourer from Antio ch College vi ited Harold Blackburn. Qyde Gi lbert, teven Geekier, Oti "Pete" Beye all of Hamoyle, an d ' ited ou ntry Club. John rawford i now a treet Car onductor in
an Franci co.
Rob ert Bromeley pent three day. at . h 1 home in Lafayette, Ind. Fred Miller, Ferron Troxel _a nd Ed Hammon Pel1t the week-end 111 Dayton. · ited him DeMott Beucler' moth er v1 this week -end. Prof. Raine is pending Tue day in
€~- -- ---~-------~
Page Eight
-Onl y First and Second Places nounccd. Contest To Be At Wooster Next Y car.
An- I
Absolutely Official.
Date Team Where J a n. 12- Otterbein 26, K enyon -1 5. Jan. IS- Ott erbe in J l , Ohio Northern 29. Jan . 22-Marietta 36, Otterbei n 32. Jan. 29- Ua ldwin vVallace-32 Otterl,ein-38 feh. 2- ~l areitta-31 Otterl, ein-39 Feb. 5- '.Vl uskingum- 37 Otterbein - ZZ Feb. l l- Hcidelberg-26 Otterb ein- 19 , Feb . 19- Ylu:; kingum-52 Ottcrbei n-27 Feb. 26- H eidelberg ........ Tiffin Mar. !- Witt enberg Sprin gfield . Mar. 7- Kenyon .... Westervi ll e
~c~ - ~A~R~D?JI~~N~ AJLb===================~-~ =-
, Scotland, DR. ROBERT MacGOWAN the Cniversity of GIasgo \\ . He ENDS LYCEUM SERIES and the i_; niver sity of Pitt sburgh. . . t work in has al so taken post-g ra d U,l e . . ·1 of Lon· Delivers Lecture on "The Mind of the ' psycholos y at the Univcrsi Y Age" in College Chapel ThursI don. ----OC day Evening.
"'The new pape rs of today are n-o . . f P· ge Se,·en) worse than the public that create s (Co nti nu ed rom · a d holllC 11 them: in the excesses a nd ecc-e n-triH aro\tl Thomp son was ca e cities. they act as the true refl ectors," \ to Portsmo uth _By 0 . C. N . A. Service onda nictl t1-ec Iare d D r. Robe rt Mac Gowan in ·his George Ea tman visite d J Dona ld M. Dozer, of Wooster Col lecture "The Mind of the Age" which o ver the week-end . d tate Intercollegiate lege. won the he de live red in the College Chapel \ R R , Johnson and Wi\lar Oratorical title. with hi s orat ion. Tl 1 . ev . a) ., t tlhe ur sday eve mng as the fin al numb er I Morri s wer e guests at a ••feed a •· Labeils'· , which he gave a t the annua l : on the 1926--27 C itizen ' Lecture and Jonda clu b rooms. state co ntest held at Muskingum Col , Lyceum Cou rse. Theodore CroY~ leo-e in ); ew Concord last F ri day even I .. Joncl a announces .l: faWC . h b .. 1t ,s t e u mes of our new spa- Herman Van Kirk nnd Robert ing. Second place wa s awa rded to pers, our colleges, a nd our churd1e s to d Ru ssell 0 . Berg of Wittenberg Col ,1 d as p.Ie ge,. . i e ucate t I1e peopl e." Dr. MacGowa n . f Muskni guu · lege ; his oration was entitled .. Dirt McQuee n. o k· .. Glenro1e f I urt ier stated. We m ust not d espise I • • . f • .d er the wee l:3rings in the Cas h."" Duane E. Har 1 •t I · k" • visited with Alps n en s ov ·.•-Jo ract t 1111 mg; icteas mu st come he- 1 , rold . Otterbein "s representative, tdid lo re act ion.'" e nd Dis jug· not p-la,cc in the co ntest ; on ly first and I "Th · R ·h O I ert DehaYen a nd J ame second places were an nounced. The e mmd of ·the age looks far back I J week-end wit into the recess es of th e p,a st an d f ar er. of Da yton. spent the subject of Mr. Harrold's oration was . Alps men . . ·ed ·The Coll ege Man." I rv.r wa rd in ·•o the fu I ure. Ed u-cation . ·11e enJ0) ~ will be the ce ntral the me for the deEarl Mason of W este rv1 d SundaY• Of the eight colleges which fo rm the veJ.01Jement o f th e g reat mind of th is lps· hospi tahty Saturday ~n k '25. State Oratorical Association seve n LARGE CROWD WELCOMES age " ,, C '?S '"C- ct us Kee ' competed, Hiram College having wilh PROF GRABILL RECITAL . "'Les ox . - · a . · d with . D M G 'T ., B h d '25 v1site drawn everal days p revious to the r. a c oo v.•an st re5sed th-e value · ort arn ar · · S da y. nd Proceeds from Program Sponsored By of fr eedom and liberali ty " If we are ; Alps frie nds Satur day a un ek· contest. . . . t the "'e Music Club Will Buy Stage to l,a ve -pol :tica l fr-eedom . then we mus t "Vi·c.. Landis. ex, spe n Harr y B. Crytze r repre se nt ed ~,Iu s hav-e religi ous ~nd intellectual free - end with Alps friend · Decorations. kino-um w;th his oration. "Puppets of week-cue\ 0 Harlan De Bolt spent th e · do m ."' Propaganda"'; Malcolm Thompson of Lovers of good mu ic were given a I Dr. ~1 acGowa n holds deg rees fro m at ho me in Cen te rburg. Baldwin-Wal'lacc _spoke on " merica's Ta k'" ; "The Modern Crusader'" wa s real treat Friday ni-ght when The tbe s ub ject of the peech delivered by Otter bei n Music Clu'b presented Pro- \ , F. 8 . Kelley of hio We leyan ; Paul fess or Glenn Grant Grabm, th e direct h of Heide'Jlberg poke on "Out or of the s ch ool of mu sic. in an 9rgan \ recita1J, at the college chapel. The of the Mael" Prof. D . R. Clippinger was the progra m was made u p entirely of oper atic ove rtur e . re qu irin g an hour and Otterbein judge in the con te t. The next year' conte t will be held a half for it prcsen ta tio n. at Woo ter Col1ege. lthough the program wa a heav y one. req umn lose atte n tion . the we ll - - - 0 C - -M. r. and Mr . I aac Deaterly were filled chapel ma intai ned perfect quiet · 1 Jea antly urprised la t F riday even throughout it s production. The atmophere th roughout. was o ne of sugge. . ing when Mr. Deaterly"s brother Jo eph, from Irwin , Pa., came to pay tion, each ove rtu re tim ulat ing differ them a vi it. Mr . Deaterly will remain ent vein of thought. Before beginning the program P roin We tervill a few day . - ----------- - - -- , [es or Grabill gave a few introductory remarks explaining the outline of the prog ram . H e s tated that he would be omewhat hampered because of mechanical li mitation on the ize or-
I !
I i
I. I I
Alumna bought their favors for fifty-three tables of Bridge at our shop last week.
Glen-Lee Place 14 South State Street
ga n u ·ed in the chap el. However few in th e a udi ence were a1ble to ee where • uch limitat :on · were manife ted in the mu ic itself. . fter the fi r t nun11ber Prof. Gra bill wa pre euted with a ba ket of Ophelia ro se . and white carnation .
;-;:-:-::--==-= - - - - - - - - - -- -- _ - - :
The pr gram wa a follow : Ray mond . . Amhro c Thoma '"The Bohemian irl" Balfe \ "'Orpheu ., ffenbach 1 ""The Bar ber of . Ro ini ' '" Hun arian Lu Keler-Bela I " The Daughter Regim ent"' I D o nizetti \ '" Mignon"' . . Thoma .. armen" • . . Bizet f the e the la t, armen, wa pe rha,p th mo t beautiful. it at lea t drew the mo t applau e. au encore to the en ti re program P rof. Grabill !l la vcd " The Indian Love all."" · I 1 \ Proceed s from the affa ir are to go toward pro,·iding deco rati ons for th e platform in Lam'bert Hall.
Gertrud e Atherton '
fam ous novel. wi th
MAE BUSCH Pat O'Malley & Theodore Von E~ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24-
"KOSHER KITTY KELLY" T ~e notable Broadway stage success, with
Viola Dana & Tom Forman __,. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25-
"PRISONERS OF THE STORM'' By James O li ver Curwood featurini:-
"RED" GRANGE f h G . . . .
f 0 tball