1927 03 01 The Tan and Cardinal

Page 1

an an

ar ina

MARCH 1, 1927


No. 19.

Talisman Displaces Arcady in Race for F"irst in Grade Chart

LACK OF INTELLECTUA L BUMP PUZZLES FACULTY There ,' .er e 44 st udents wh o nia<le grades o f B or better la t se111 este r accor d.111g to a su rv ey


lllade recently by R egistrar F. Vance. Of the 44 s tud ent s. were women and o nly 7 were lllen. Faculty m emb e r s are attempting b . . • Y m ea ns o t co:11plex 1 ogical processe , t o determine whei h er the la ck of an intellect­ ual bum p in wome n is inherite,I or o nl y ac quired.

This wee k· s edition o f the T a n a nd Ca rdinal is the fir s t issu e to be entered in the O hio co llege new paper co nte st. enclor ed by th e Scripps-Howard ews paper Lea g ue. X ear ly all o f the col­ le ge n ew spapers. with th e excep­ tio n o f the Ohio State Lantern. are ente red in the conte t which began yes t erd ay a nd en d s April 4. The priz e may be a ilver miniatur e of a printing pre s.



The women· s socia l g ro up s grade . columns in th e tabl e o n page 2. The chart for the mid- semes ter suffer ed a genera l average for all social groups seve re s hakeup when comp iled yester- was but sl ightly higher than it was at clay afte rn oon. The Arcacly Club, the mid-seme s ter. The p resent aver­ which had fir st place at the mid- age is 1.7032 while at the mid- seme ster se mes ter dropped to eco nd place and the average was 1.6182. gave ,,·ay to the Tal isman Club whic~ 0 C---came out on top this ti me with a 2.06:, METHODIST MINISTER I ADDRESSES STUDENTS k t h.ir cl 1 point a ve ragc. L o tu s Cl u IJ too· p-lace with a l.783 point ave_rage. 1 Polyg-o n Club jum pe d from eig hth Rev . R. T . Stimmel Speaks A t Union Revival Serv ices On to fourth place in the chart and sec ure cI " . ,, a J.738 average. Ph oen ix took fifth , College Night. · h l 7 ave rage Tomo-Dachi fe ll wtt a · . ·h s he I Emphasizing the figure of Je us from fourth to 1xt p 1ace w 1,en - t . 0 vx / Chr is t as th e biggest persona li ty in the 67 I secured an ave rage . po111 s, n_ 11 d R. R T S . ONL y ONE HIRAM VETERAN SECURE $10 IN CASH · 1 I 624 · t · 1 wo r c to a y. cv. . . t11nme l, pas· p~u~ ' tor o f the local Methodi t Epi copal Fletch B ---rank ed eve n t h wit 1 er ' r ome1ey and Kumler Wi"J_l •A. r b u t us took eighth 1>la ce rece1v111g church. poke to the student of Otter- Entrance Is Forced To Buildings Friday N ight By Smashing l. 604 point · Appear on Home Platform . bein Friday night in the U nited BrethF or Otterbein. O "'I an d G r een w ich still_ occupy the ren church in th e ixth of a two weeks Glass In Windows. · · with 1.54:, and U03 0 C---Fr· ce llar pos!lton_ e rie of union revival meeting. Fri. . . <la/ n, . d . ; , 11 • ti a C i ,·, XighC .A m1du1g h t m;i raucl r ;; u c e cl d in a a 1ay_ Marer, 4, ha- been ele, , . p ·, , r e p..ectJ ,·cly. I b took a d ec. id ed lum p and a fairly LO·111 a · h F n·cIay nignt lb · b· e date f or th e first conference d elarge number of tuden t 1-obta·JI 1·111 a f ter everaI cu · I0 · · gra cl e ., ti11· fact can e:/1 ly be asc of ti, e ea on to be held 011 th e I 111 . ftate . er- occ upi.ed th e center ect,on o f th e , fo re ·111 0a wmc ante i " allCJ cl oor 111 0111 . · e d IJ), 0 b e rnng th · comparison , church which . ll y re- L1"brar)' a ncl ·L am b ert H a 11 a ncI thorti e platfo rm. O n that 111ght at 7 :30 tam had been pec1a ie local a f1:i nnat1ve · oughl ,.: b ot I1 b u1ld · i.ngs. Wit team will mat ch _________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ se rved. . Y. ran aciung BEIN PROFESSORS, Us ing a his text th e sentence: '" The :.I i Tirza Barn_e , head librarian. renega/ nd oratorical power with th e tve debater from Hiram College. OTTER VE PROGRAM Maste r i come and calleth fo r th e'". 1/ ported th at 1 111 small cltaoge ,vas Tl1e 1>er I . STUDENTS GI . ·. take n fro m ti1 L"b 1 ra ry.. all(_l M" na{ tea ~nne of the Tan and Card i_ _ __ R ev. Stimm e l poke of nian as the mos t / : l L




111 tncludes PalmA.r Fletcher p I of Lick- mag nifi ce nt crea tio n of Go el. The He len Vance, 111 tructor 111 piano 111 ' 0 > rt B ' A ttend Quarterly Meetings L I t H 11 •I h 9 at a _- aic t at ,,·a stole n The rom cley and Karl Kumler . bui ldi ng of the c haracter o f yo un g j f am >er e h t d 10 h 10 ing County Teacl:ers 0 Olen will peak, in the ord er 111en and \\" Ome n is a m uch greate r r om er s u · · ot er e hav na111ec1 Newark Sat urday. b cl S l That { on the que tion: "Resolved . ____ ee n repor~c · tt~c ent_ are_ no t \\"Ork than the crea tion of th e wo rld , th0 1 den he P resent Governmental Ten . . ll ege furnj s hecl the e n- 1 he said. During hi s talk R ev. timm e l / \ gl_,t to hav e heen imp li cated 111 th e 1 the cy t_o Restrict Per sonal Liberty in . O tt er iern ~~ -t Sat urcl av at the third / ga,·e quotation from mini ter , bu i- , affair 111 any way b y co ll ege authoriti . cd " nited State i to Be Condemn- ,1 tire prol, ra m at:~ er of the, vcar fo r the ncss m e n, and s tate men who s ay that Entran_ce to th e Library wa gained _ quarter 'v mee 111 · a b a e·1-, . I . •t Kewark the so lution of p re ent problem r e t s hv - hreak111g a pane of g las 111 • ment win<lo · Tl n1ran1 d 1"d L'c kin g Co untv teac i er a · ] · h 111 not elect definite team s ' f G • C. H eitz. a gracl ua e of not in bu in e but in traight-out · " · ie g a t e we t until p r la I aturday evening and the I Pro · . e_orgi la _ o f 1923 pre icl ecl. hri s tianity. He empha ized the fact door of Lambert H a ll w ,t fo und hatcl onne] of the tea h d h - , Otter be11: in _t e c_ .. that th e g reatest nee d of the wo rld to- , tc r ed at urd ay morninrr by Mr. H. c the Ta 11 ms a not reac Pr o f. H eitz liv es 111 tica. . .. • • • , Moon and Mr J F David 11 · · clay f and Cardinal late yesterB \\' V len ti ne. of th e D epar t- clay I for a r ev iv al of re hg1011. I · · · - Ja111t rs. E h · a ter 110 'f ho e m en who will Dr. · a . cl · ti Ii t . k when th y ca m e to \\"Ork · deb on. E t• Joke o n the topic: 'ac eve11111g urmg 1e r s wee · ale for H· ment of cI uca ion . I tr d f b I f I . . . I G ia in th tram will be taken from I , cl. it a a Conce JJtio n of Ed u- o t 1e 111 eet111 g wa given a spec1a t1 llti . e n a11ce o r 11 t · C 1· ;u s tm e 1 · t he t D t l h H: Beatt) · aid we ll, Rey nard, Fox. • · t" ·• ( Co ntinued On Page Six) r epar ment a nc l o mc i11 e11 1· '· hand Blackburn. A ll a re new j caC1o n. I i\1 Oit1ner di c us eel. Economic Departm nt were broke n 11 t e d b · · oac 1 - - - - O C - - -and the roo m in each cl epa r t, 1ent th letics in the P ublic COMMITTEFS APPOINTED ea rcl1 ed. e ate field ex cept Caldw e ll. "Th P l ce of PR.op - - C ____ e a The Alumni office in the . . SPESSARD STARTS chool _- , \\'. \Var o n ga ,·e the BY SENIOR CLASS PREXY ba e m en t of La mb ert Hall wa a l ·o CANTATA REHEARSALS Profe sor L. "T'1e K ind of ---ea r ched but nothing wa taken. The on , t a recent meeting o f t he e n io r o ffi ces o f t h e T an and l ..uncheoi, talk • ,. ardi na l and .. ..,..rhTactice - --Teacher the uperiutencl e ut ant s. . Oas , Ruth Hur h and Rich ard Jame the 1927 ibyl, al 0 in th ~ eve n for the Easte r Cantata, ha ment. M 1" 5 E !Jia Hayes ente r ta in ed with were appointed member of the ocial were. left untouch ed . l) u8oi c ca l olo accompanied by La t Word o f Chri s t" by o mq1ittee to plan for pring ocial 1 vera vo Rob,.· f I d .irectio , are no w un cl e r way under th e se " -umg or mon ey a n M. I b I Ruehnnuncl -who a l o gave ev nt , fo r the eniors. In prepa ra eem" I The C II of Pro fe or A. R. pessarcl. ,s . a e I ti o n for Commencement E rne tine have been the aim o f th e thi e ( in c 00 t d B antata will I>e given · · · tw o piano · 111 th e 111- j '.\ich o I. and J o h n L e h man were nothing other th a n actual ca l1 l1a . ret hre, Ch ---b cl . ing, April 241 [!rch on unclay eve n. d p"ano accom- elected member o f the eni or Invita- een reporte 1111 ing by faculty m emI ....,..lie ev I B 0 th pipe . organ ancl . the re ndi tio n I tion omm1ttee. · .R o b ert M umma an d bers who have tudi o in Lambert Hall. . t t a ra1ni1,ar .. en La t W o rd · o f hri t" J pan im ent • will beM"u e H 111Jen ance will ,,ere111ce o · · w1·11 e r ve on th c Trea urer J. P. We t e tima t the o rn 155 el M "ss Fran ce Cla I)e t f cantata and i one of the of the cantata. · Memorial Comm ittee. Cha rdamage cl o ne to th builcli 1\ g ' a l al ut 0 • 1e a t t he oro-a11 anc. ... 1• i\" S· O Co rding the E a te r compositio n ac- p re 1c olo Jotte Owen and Ed Hammon are , 0 11 01 he to Profe . w ·11 . . M . Co mmit- I . s o r S pe ar<I. It ha H arns i JJla •Y the piano. . cl . Profesm em be r of the e111or I ov1c ---- 0 C---I 111 for fiv e,i g iven a loca l a udi tor ium part s ha ,·c yet been as igdn e · tee A mile ha more than it face value. e Year s. I sor pe a rcl sta ted ye ter ay. I .










!'age Two


----- --



l Talisma·n at Top

in Grading




PERFORM TO FULL HOUSES Club Haun Mrs. H . T. Heischman and Miss Dor­ Talisman ............................ .............. . ........... 259 othy Bright Sponsor Findlay Concert. t~~~~y

.·.:·.·.·.··. ·.:. · ·.:·.·.·.·.:·.·.·.· ·.·. •.·.:·.·.:·.·.·.·.·.·.:· .·..· .:·.··..·.:·.·.: :·.: ii~

The Glee Clu b and Banjo-Mandolin Orche tra perfor med before crowded houses in Findlay and Fostor ia last Friday and Saturday eve nings. Mrs. ~lary Edna Bright Hei schman, a ,grad­ uate of Otterbein in the .class of 191 6, is responsib le for the musical organi­ zations coming to Findl ay. M r s. Heischman conducted an extensive adverti sing and publicity campaign with the aid of her sister, Dorothy Bright. Rev. S. F . Daughtery, forme rly pastor of the United Brethren Ch urch in vVesterville is pastor of the First U . 13. Church in Findlay. Bus Driver Develops Poison Case. The Glee r s' hectic expe riences start-


~~61~'tus ·· ...........:·.·.·.·.·.·.:·.·.·.·.·.·.:·.·.::·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.:·.·.·.·.·.···.·.·.·.·.·.·.·. ~~1 Owl .......................... ......... ............. ...... .............. 222 Greenwich .............................. ...................... 366

Gleers Star Socially


The following social item ap­ peared in the Fi ndl ay Morning Republican Saturday morning: "The Mi ses Dorothy Bright, Glady e dies and Lorine Moore en tertaiu ed at an evening party honoring members of the Otterbein Glee Club last even­ ing in the Bright home on East Hardin treet. Dancing and mu sic were enjoyed, after which a cour e of refre hment wa erved."

ed imm ediately after the ret urn trip was sta rted from Fosto ria. One of th e bu driver developed ptomaine poison­ ing and wa forced to remain at a small town. He wa in a eriou condition when tb Club left him. George Grigg. and Lawrence Miller alternated a driver for the remainder of the trip. tall d in a now drift con tituted econd expe ri ence. Effort of the Glee lub men to pu h the bu out were in vain . A team of hor e finally

a girl

alwa walk h.om and a bachelor i a gu ;vho never wned a coupe. We have foot reme­ dies but we're not a matrimonial bureau.


: : :: : : ::: :: :: ::.: :.::: : :: : : : : : ::: :: :·: 1i~J/2

Tomo-Dachi ...... .................................. ....... 294

Points 535 732 460 292 430 49 1 440 486 343 550

Quar. Av. Pres. Av. 1.848 2.065 1.861 1.800 1.754 1.783 1.531 1.738 1.57 3 1.700 1.71 0 1.670 1.710 1.624 1.636 1.604 1.309 1.545 1.250 1.503

GENERAL AVERAGES ...................................... 1.6 182

ST UDEN T CHEST COMMITTEE DIVIDES FUN D COLLECTIONS The St ud ent C ~ ommittee of the Student Counci l has div ided up th e nam es of tho se subscriber to th.e Student Ches t who have not paid th etr . pledges, among the treasurers of the 111 organizations which have budget th e chest. A persona l can vas of ~~: sub cri ber is now in proces · total amount of pledge unpaid i about $500. - - - 0 c---. h the \Vhcn in Buffalo, run along wit rest of the nick les.


fre ed the imprisoned vehicle. E ight\ Alps Club I s Host To Men's Inter-Social Group Council hours were necessary to complete the j return trip. The Brorhel"hood Class of the First United Brethren Church in Fostor ia sponsored the conce r t in that city. The uccess of this program was due in part to the effor ts of Mr. Frank H. Kinker. Two buses were used by the Glee Club and Orche tra to make t'he trip to Findlay and Fostoria. The tate Highway Commis ion wil,1 not allow the large pa rlor coaches on the high­ way at the present. The ruling forces the mus-real organization to lea e two mailer buses.

The Men's Inter-Soc ial Group Co un­ ci l held a regular meeting in the Alps Club room last Monday eve n ing. Matters rela ting to the co nstituti,o n and by-laws we re discussed. Mar cu Schear autcfnaticall y became P r esi­ dent of the Counci l a nd J. Neely Boyer became Vice-P re ide n t to con­ form with recently approved sections of the constitution. Officers for this organization are elected au tomaticall y each semester acco rding to the alp·ha­ betic cycle of the m en's social groups. Oy ter oup, wafer and coffee were A contract was signed for Baltimore se rv ed hy the Alps Club as refresh­ on March 4, Manager E. B. Hatton men ts. a nnounced yeste rday. Present Good Program. Sc,·eral new numbers have been in- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1

troduced into the program by borh the · Glee Club and -Orche tra. One fea- . I tur e of the Banjo-Mandolin program i "Li llie of Lorraine", a trombone solo p:layed by F ranci Bechtolt. Oliver Spangler plays a piano solo "March Win-d " . Homer Huffman and Lavere Breden al O feat ure in a vio lin duet. The ong ··Break! Break! Break !" and "Moonlight and Ro e " have been retai ned by the Glee Cl ub. In addition the popular song, " Mar y Lou'' ha been added to the repe rto ire. The program i again divided into three parts this yea r ; the fi r t i presen ted by. the Glee Club proper, the cond by the Banjo Orche tra, and the third mi cellaneou light vocal and 111 trumental number.


o c- Men's Societies D o Not Meet

l\ eith r Philoma thea nor Philo­ phronea met la t week, due to the evangeli tic meeting which are in cour e of progre . Philophronea ha already decided to hold no meeting while the ervic ar being held, while Philomathean have not yet de­ e ion . cided concerning next week It i felt that cu rtailment of ociety on Friday evening will enable tud n to have a ' free" night and allow them to take advantage of the opportunitie afforded by the revival meeting .


the clockan"round th 'calendar -me an' Eskimo Pie


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l'age Three

Cook House and Arcady Win Group Championships ---,-----

BASKETBALL SCHEDULE FOR 1927 Absolutely Official.


Date Team Where J an. 12- O tte rb ein 26, K envo n 45. Jan. IS- Otterbei n 3 1, · Ohio l\" or the rn 29. Jan . 22- Marietta 36, Otterbein 32. J an. 29- Baidw in \ •Va llace-32 O t te rb ei n- 38 F'ch. 2- ivf a reit ta- 31 O tter'be in-39 F cii. 5- .\,1 uskin g um- 37 O tt ~rb ein - 22 F ·eb. l 1- H eid elberg-26 r Ou erbe in- 19 · eh. 19- :vl usking um-52 O tt erb ei n-27 f' eb. 26 Heidelberg 35 Otterb ein 25 ~l ar. 1- \\.itte nh erg Springfield Mar. 7- Keny o n .. . \,Vestervi lle

~----====;;,;·=====;;;. ~


- TWICE TO HEIDELBERG Buell I M - --.s ost Consistent Player for Otterbein ; Scores 15 Points.


Stalter (H) Gets 15. - --



I rr===============~


Th e final round of the intramural gam es was played la st week, re sulting )i VAN EPPS IS CAPTAIN in th e Cook Hou se team walking off with th e. championship for the second OF KENYON BASKETEERS con secutiv e year. The J onda team was the late t oppo nent of th e champion and they were di sposed of 26 to 15. Hance wa the high scorer of th e gam e with 14 point to his credit. Co untry Club had no trouble in de­ feating th e Sphinx 33 to 18. Thomp­ so n and J . Mi ller were high scorer s with 13 and 12 points, respectivel y. The Alp p layed their u ual con ist­ en t game. forf eiting to th e Annex. The Lakota-Philota gam e prov ed to be th e feature gam e from the tand­ point of th e spectator. A constant eesaw in th e score kept the crowd inter­ e ted throughout. Philota finall y I e111 erged 0 11 top of a 25-24 scor Th e prune league games of the I w ee k beg an with a forfeit by the Coun­ tr v Club seconds to the Blendon . ·Hoffman Drugs then proceeded to tro unce the Kingites 37-8. Gallagher was high point man of th e game with six field goal s. Allaman cored all hi s team 's point . Lakota Seconds fo und no difficulty in whipping th e Jonda econd 12 to 3. CLAYTON VAN EPPS . s f or immermacher scored 10 pomt Lakota. _ _ C _ H_R_I_S_T_I_A_N_ E_N _ D_E_A_V _ O_R_ _ The R ed Hawks tomahawked th e P hilota econd 33 to 14. Van Auken "What ar e th e characteri tics of a wa the high scorer with 12 points. hristia n·• wa J ac k Zimmerman 's C ok Hou e econds defeated the them e fo r di cu ion in E. ection Dubs in a close, hard-fought game. A. By mean of que tion distributed The co re was l8 to 17 when th e g un am ong th e fello w and girl the followso unded. and ers scored 7 point . in g i111portan.t characteri tic were def. ) cided upon- love, teadfastness, faith, (Continued on page ive. - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - humility and un selfishne . Du e to th e late mi fortun e of th e . d Heidelberg got new lrfe and. core tub mem be r th ere wa · d · the remamder of Glee no pecial mu rc. eight pomts urmg O b · h ·1e the best tter em the game w r . t ---- 0 C • The man who loaf in college ha co uld do wa th re-e pom s. 1 d the most consistent Bue 11 p aye b 1. . g five cru st to •a sk for dough. go d game fo r Ott~r ; ~• a~::~; of l 5 ha kets and five fou s O points. Two Heidelberg ?1 were ejected from the game wrt hour /e; ­ onal foul ; tw'o more than t ree ofu s It was high s;corer or each . ta er . H eide lberg with 15 po111ts. L me . up a nd t1n1marv · ·· • 25 B. F. Pts. 1 Otterbem

Heidelberg 35


J. Che ter White, pre ident of

teria l Association , pre ented an appeal to the student body to attend the revival services la t Friday mornin g at the chapel a embly. - --- u C - - Article by Rev. I. E. Caldwell

Appears in Current Watchword n a rt icl e on nit ecl Brethren Mi sio na ry work in P o rt o Rico by R ev. I. E. aldw ell , fa th er o f Elwa rd ald ­ wd l, sen ior in th e co lleg e. ap peared in la t unday ' i ue of th e Wat chword. U nit ed Brethr en publication.

- - - 0 C--­ SUNDAY SCHOOL Qu entin Kinti g h and hi Hi-Y boys fr om th e high chool led the young people's wor hip ho ur in the Sunday chool. The topi c, " The Co t of Di ciples hip" wa developed by mean of se ve ral talk by the boy . The ervice


as a whole wa very impressive, a·nd wa mad e so by the prayers and ongs.


Go ·Where You HaveAlways BeenPleased




3 0

-0 I




5 15 11


F.Pts. ~2 8

0 0 0

:~~;I I !

6 0 0

3 15

Ii Y-' l like our Marcelles, Lou;1r Cuts, and Facials at SE BEAUTY SHOPPE 72 W . Main St. B Phone 386-M eauty Culture Taught

R ev.

I th e W es ter vi lle Mini


Total ····································


- - - - 0 C---Rev. J. Chester White Speaks.


i: ~~~~.~.:.: : : : : : ::: : :.... . . . ~

'l ou

The 1927 Sibyl is graduatly nearing completion. Editor Robert Knight rep or t that the Opening Section carryi ng out the theme of the Science Hall Entrance and the Arhleti<: Sec­ ti on ha \·e been completed. The Special Feature, th"e Junior and Sen­ ior Sec tion s are under way. lncreased ene rgy will be expen ded from now on to be sure th at the books are out by Jun e 1st. l n the next week or two, the manner and date of selecting the rep resentative men and wo men of the cam pus will be published. Th i section was inaugur­ ated last year. Owin g to it~ splendid s uccess it wiPI be carried over thi s year.





beina ~ ~aturday ~1ight at Tiffin , Otter1 bail an 0~10 Conference basket tir gan~e to Heidelberg for the second 2Sllte th1 year. The final score wa o 35 A. t th · e . e tan of the game Otterbein iq errenced difficult in findin the ha ket Y g · and Heidelbe rg scored six P0rnt b f The e ore Otterbein scored at a ll. coring from then to the end of ·th e Period 17 i 0 I wa even. th e Jialf ending I let. B in favor of the t ri-color quinket ueli cored the on ly three bas~ hat Otterbein got in the first ha lf A. tterbein Tightens In Second. . B. .dt the tart of the econd ha lf e1 elb ·ra er o- scored ten point while the 011 n and Cardinal quintet was coring · I? e, a11d rncrea ed their lead to 27 to -. Ott • ten . er Il ern tightened and scored 0 Hei: 0111 t at the same t ime holding Barnes, f. ( C) ·········· ···· ············ I ~ careless. At that point Reigle, f. ·········· ······················· 0 ~ ; ; ; : ; ; : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; : ; ;:;;:;;~ Van Cur n, f.. c. ······················ 1















9 35

Burn , g. •··············

~:~:~: . g~.··::::::::::::::::·...............

Total ····························:······· Referee : Dunlap, Deni on .


--------------- - - - --------- -


Your Photo if from The Old Reliable

$~ ~



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IDqt IDuu uuh Qlurhinul •

Published E very Tuesday Morning in t he Interest 0f


TIMELY TOPICS Letter to Editor Discusses Literary Societ~es

Are The Societies Dying? ~ the prese nt? Have new influences . About three quarter of a century come in which can rep Iace that of the .ago, t h e fi rst 1·1terary societies were literary · · · I t is the soc1et1es? Just wia organ ized on t'hi s campu s. The pur- cause of the whole problem? po e of these -societies, as stated in one Different reaso ns ha ve been obs~rv~ STAFF of the co nstitutions, wa s fo r "mutual ed ove r the camp us in the la t ew EDITOR-IN-CHIEF .................................................. WAYNE V. HARSHA, '27 improveme nt in literat ure, developth· g we have years. The bigges t m . News Editor ........ ............................................................... Louie W. Norris, '28 f th e soc1a 1 Women' s Dormitories .. ..... ... ........................................... Margaret Kumler, '28 ment of deliberative facultie s, sy stematic meth ods of transa cting bu sinoticed is t·he tendency o h Id by Men's Dormitorv ...................... ....:..... ............. .......................... James Bright, '28 g roup s to fill th e pla ce once e Local Reporter •.......................... ............................. ............. P hilipp Charles, '29 n ess.., I ciety melllSpecial Features ................................ Verda Evans, '28, Robert Bromeley, '29 1 t seems that these ;;am e ·ocieties th e societ ies. Fo ~m~r (' s~oup mem· · 0 General Reporters arc at the present tim e on the verge of bership was require r s abolish· bership. When t hat ru 1e wa co Ilapse. Few members attend, little . took a de· Mary Thomas Claude Zimmerman Gladys Dickey increase has been made in m ember- ed, the number s of society be one Lillian Shively Ernestine Nichols Alfred Owens ship and almo t no interest is taken in cided fall. This see m s to . Marcella Henry Karl Kumler the societies' work. cau e of thi s dep lorable situauon. d Clyd e Bielstein Kenneth Echard From ot her sour ces, we have Charles E. Shawen Thelma Hook theY A few weeks ago, two per son that hear Gerald Rosselot Mason H ayes ou_t of three on a literar y program, othe r reasons. Many say b · fes to be·e I failed to perform. At another time, feel the formality of the socie . I Th~ d I SPORTS EDITOR .................................................... HARRY E. WID D OES, '27 recent Y, none of three members who repul 1ve to most peop e. were to perform, appeared. s' ome1· h · f I ions wouldsoci·0 Assistants _. 1eve t at m orma sess tnne mo t of the office must be filled much to furth er the work of t-he . Ellis B. H atton Arthur H . German with substitutes. Generally there is eti es. Oth er s co mplain of the heav~ Lawrence E. Hicks Parker Heck hardly a quorum present with which to I d d f ti er extra-curricular, do busi ness. eman s o o i k: t,heir time. BUSINESS MANAGER ............................................ ROBERT E. MUMMA, '27 which compl etely ta e •cu c Assistants What can b_e t~e matter, here, with Dryne of the program is the ex th e two orgamzations that at one time Ro s C. Miller Lorin Surface k f · ter e t. ManY · d of ome for lac • o 111 . David Allaman occup1e the center of a·II extra-cu r rih f fineing 1s to0 activities? W . . i say t at th e ys tem o the or· cula r CIRCULATION MANAGER ............................................ RUTH HURSH , '27 ere the societies ha rsh and keep people out of Assistants of a former day superior to tho e of ganizatio ns. h d .Katharine Myen Mildred Wil on e is ar Margaret E dgington Margaret Duerr Which may be the true cau . are be ordered about and beaten if initi­ h se things PUBLICATION BOARD •ctie . ation order are not carried out in to say. At any rate, t e President ...... .................................................................. .................. G. H: McConaughy army-like fashion? Students are pro­ havin g a decid ed effect on th e soci . Vice-President ............................................ .............................................. J . eely Boyer . th socielle Th e bigge t thing that ,e plete Secretary .................................................... .. .................................... Laura E . Whetstone fe ssed ly modern; but they fa il to con­ Faculty Member ............................ Dean N. E. Corn etet, Dr. Sarah M. Sherrick form at this point with the modern n ow are advocatin g i a com Studen t Members-A. 0. Barnes, Ruth H ursh, Mabel Eubank , Alice Blume, ways of teaching. chan ge in program. belP Craig Wales. , . A tudy of social groups on the cam­ Will the change of progr~m , ro· 1 EDITORIALS ~us wi ll prove conclusively that jun­ matters an y ? If a mo d er n hv e the . .111 st1tute . d we feel that iors and seniors carry the burden of t h e gram 1s DECLINE OF ORATORY tendance particularly at ·the men 's lit­ wor. The sophomore will not lift a ocietie will be much helped. of erary societie . It is not inspiring to hand. Free from the paddle threat . progra m h Among ot her t mg , d The Although it is fearful to believe, orate or read a production before an swelled with the authority which the; amusement have been sugge te · t 0 ur never theless it is a fact that the insti­ uninspired and uninspiring auqience of h_ave been taught belongs to the ac­ of thi s plan say th ak that tutions of oratory and debating are fifteen young men, with oul¾r- two tiv e, their big interest is in telling advocates · · so ta k en w1·th cla s-wor time 1 >· doomed. With t he doom of these, alumni on ce a month, whose hope, .aim ?~her what hould be done, and how . . f the pre! we can afford little time or 11as hall we call th~m "traditions", is and ambition for the evening is to get it should be done. aration of paper,s as the cu tom bound to come the doom of th e literary to the library before it closes. When w_ill Otterbein ocial groups ociety. On .most college campuses at tcd that Perhaps you don't like the pessimis­ stop revertmg to barbaric methods and alway been . the pre ent or ator y is kept alive by tic viewpoint of uch a depressing situ­ strong arm di cipline, and adopt mod ­ Other people have s ug ge that arti fi cial means, such as t he awarding ation, b ut the facts are true. You may the ame plan be co ntinued but d ern tand~rd ?. When will t he Men's ti tute of prize , of p ins, or diplomas. At the be inte rested in reading the letter o n Inter-Social Group Council take st more varied prog ram be u b b eps f pre ent among colleg e students there the same subject in the Timely Topic t 0 b . rmg a out such an improvemen t~ gu· or tho e now in vogue. is even less interest in oratory than column on this pag e. . 0 f t I1e ·ekear the \ Vhatever th e worth the re is in debating. NEGATIVE EVANGELISM j meat , we . hould at lea t .Illa ci;tY The rea ons for the decline of the HELL WEEK The st udy . bod y object to· the type I attempt to revive interest ~n s\ be ar t of De mosthenes and Webster in th e of con ecratJon · ervice that are being · .\\-Ork. That it i wort h -wh1le ca forn1er <) ays of H earst and M ar coni are hard "Hell Week", alt hough not actually enipl?ycd in the pre en t evangeli tic atte ted by eve ry alu111nu or · to find . I n spite of w hat we may call termed a uch by th e College dm in­ 11 '. eetmg • The rea on i that the min - member. . to concentration of economic pop ula tion, i tration or by the Men' Inter-Social 1 ter have made u e of a negative apLet" not a llow literary .socie~:t,in<l there is a remarkable d iffusion of in- Group Council, is, neverthele s, in ex• proach. They have made it appear die. They have much tradiuon t part tellectual population. The radio and i tence in Otterbein . To those who that no tudent can be a Ch . . a grea h n tlan un - them and they can P1ay p. 0the newspaper have taken the place of are not famil iar with the term, we im­ 1 e e comes down to the alter a t the 111 our cultural development. t he mass meet in g. pl y tate that it refers to th e cruel and clo e of a meeting. Fu r ther more, t he yout h of today is tor tuou proces of initiating freshmen. F o r m e ~Pr~ises. a The average tud ent do not like too far subme rged in realism to enjoy The Men' Inter-Social Group Coun • (r.()!11 The following excerpt 1 ,d v. the concoction of glowing phra ses an d cit bas limited the initiation period to to be paraded . He want sermon . Ray11101 . that challenge hi thinkingLotll"• lusciou meta phors. Oratory is in a seven day and declared absolutely that th t 1 ·1 .h ermon letter received from Dr. a_ 11 t e prob! in directly wi t h Phela n, no"· a pro f e or at t. way the poetic avoidance of ca lling a there shall be no can:_ipus demon t ra­ . spade a pade _illld con ists of idealiza- , tion . We are wholly in accord with w luch h e i forced to co me mto ni ve r ity: . occa· con- M i so uri, Then when h ha thought the ,.·you r pape r, w h.1c h I receive ta~t. tion and ornamentat ion of t hought, all thi plan a far as it goes but the plan . lt 1. · · adn11re. e of which young people of today as a fail to go far enough. Why should tl11ng through be want to elect h i kl I ha" 10nall y, I. continue to 11 way .of demonstrating that he the be t loo k ing college wee Y t\\!-0 of whole dete t, or at lea t profe to de- we not work toward the abolition of °'~ We test. the present-day types of initiation ? w,mts t? lrve the !ife that la t een, a nd it i equaled by only c eeil· · . . d a1·1·1e that I ha v The points ar proved by the at- Why treat the pledges like laves, to houlcl not .run them through groom . t he 111ver 1ty




L. W. N.


Co n g rat ulat ion s r•




IN VARSITY GAMES Name G. Buell ···· ··· · 9 Barne s _ 9 Seaman _ 9 Snavely .. ···· ··· .. ..... 9 Reig le ·· 7 Norris ___ 3 Van Curen 9 Yantis ··-·· ···· • ········· 6

B. F . Pts. 41 ·18 100 23 19 65 34 13 8 12 32 8 4 II 3 2 7 3 I 5 3 4 4 0 96

Total s

- -·




0 C----

CO OK .i OUSE AND ARCADY ARE AT TOP ( Continu ed fr om page thr ee.)

Womens' Games _ . Ar ea d ;" eas ily d e feate d t he 1 . D . s Friday .i ft c rn oo n by a scor e o f 28 to I 5 and th e reby wo n clear titl e to


·h ip of t he W om e n' s Intn-

Th e T. D.'s wo n t he r ight to play in ti~~ fin a li wh en they d efea te d t he Ph?en ix tea n ea rl y Ill t he wee k by co nng 20 po int , to t he Ph oe nix 's 12. P lay ing th e ir us ua l s teady. co ns is te nt g a,rnc •A r ea d Y a t no 1·im e w.is · th r~t e_ntd by th e T . D .'s. From th e begmning o f_t he g a m e A r ea dy d e montra t_ed li y its c lever tea mw o rk and pa s rn g 1h a t th ey w ere the r ea l champ-

Let Us Repair Your Shoes. Also shine, dye and rejuvenate them. We .re more exper t in giving service than keeping books.

DAN CROCE 27 W . MAIN ST. Westerville, O.

Order Your

Ollub ituttnuery· From ~

lurkeyt Jrtnting mompany



Pag e Five

The Cardinal's Whistle

io ns. Th ey co n t inu ed t hi s ty pe o f ' p layi ng t hro ugho u t th e e nt ir e ga m ~ a nd ,vc re ab le to inc rease t he ir lead fr o m t h ree poi nt s at t he e nd of th e ha lf to a lead o f 13 po in ts at t he e nd o f t he gam e. T he e ntire A rca d y team nw ,t b l' gi ,·cn cred it iu ~ th e victo ry fo r it was du e to t he st ell ar pl ay ing of t he g uards a nd the c leve r passi ng o f the fo r wa rd s and ce n ter t hat th ey w er e able to \\·o rk t he bal l u p fo r t he ir s hots whic h "·e re ma de good. Al t ho ug h \\.arcle ll scor ed five bas­ ke ts it ca nn o t be sai d th at s he " ·on th e ga m e fo r "Peg·• Kna p p scored thr ee bas ke ts a nd R. M oor e sco red 4 bas ke ts a nd wo ul d ha ve eas il y scored se vera l ha d t he t im e run a littl e • • m ore eac h lo nge r fo r t hey ,ve re sco rin g co n sis t, e n tly. . S hei n'.c r s_ee m ed to be t he onl y o ne : ot the 1. D. s w ho was a ble to find t he i bas ke t fo r s he scor ed 6 bas kets makin g ' 12 of th e T . D .'s 15 po ints. M. Eu ­ I hank s scor e<! th e o ther three poi nt s

Th is was io u nd in th e ol<l cem ete ry by the at hl etic fie ld: '.\I.\ T TH E \\. \\ "IL K IK S HI RE Bo rn Sept. 6. 181 2. Di ed S ept. 12. 1880. .-\gc 68 Y ear s 6 Da ys. "\\'e ha d j us t learn ed to Ion h i,111 when the ang els too k him ho me," The True St or y Of My Life By Lit tle Red Ri <l ing H oo d . Th e fir st s ta te ment I "·i sh to make is t hat l a m ,·cr y goo d, des pite rum o r s to t he co ntr a r y. Tho ugh I had no fa t her a nd m o ther. m y chi ef m ea ns of su pport \\·a s by 1he life in s uran ce le ft hy my father .• My acc users a sk m e

By Hune L. Caires. Last \\;ee k's co lumn wa s writ te n by fo u r o r fi,·c r ep r ese n tative co ll eg e w its a nd th e crea tur e o f th ei r bra·in was . g ood , yea ver y good. Whi c h all goes to sho w that 4 head s a r e be tt er than o ne, es pec ia lly w he n ea c h o ne o f the 4 is s upe ri or to th e o ri gi nal.

how I ke pt th e wolf from th e door. I f t hey w ill r e· n e mber the s to ry , I chi no t keep t he wo lf fro m the door. h ut he gai ned ad mittan ce so that a ha nd so me w oo d c ho pp e r had to kill it. I af te rwa rd m a rri ed the bra ve w oodchoop e r as a r e wa rd for ~a vi ng m y life.

Fir s t Bozo--" I dr e!llll ed I wa s a fish \1\/e hate to m e nti o n t he G lee-Clu b la.s t night." again but t hey did r eturn tired bu t happy fr o m th e ir pu sh Saturday ni g h t. Second Bozo--"Wh a t'd you d o ?' ' F. 13. -·· J gambl ed o n th e bo tt o m o f th e ocean .' ' T her e's onl y o ne m a n m o r e a nn oyS. B.-" Did you win?" in ~ t han th e per so n wh o turn s o ff the F. 8.-" N o. I played aga inst a light at a pa r ty a nd that' s the o ne wh o 1 s hark." turn s th e m o n again.

o n fr ee t hro ws. Shc im er takes th e ho no r of high poi n t ho lde r wi t h he r 12 po int s whi-le \ \ ·a rd e ll is seco nd wit_h 11 points an~ R. M oore sco r ed 9 pom ts wh ile " Peg 1 K nopp sco r ed 8 po in ts . Fro m t he beginnin g o f th e schedu le · · n o f t he fi r st 1 2, :i-ou ye ar s a g o 1, 1a to to Id t I11· s sto ry . .A.read y . w ith th e ex ce ptio tell ga m e whi c h " ·as a ti e, pla ye d co n sis t- Xan t ippe: "'O Soc ra tes, me e ntly and " ·on each g a me a s it came h ow m en beca m e un popular. " a lo ng. T hey ti ed th e fir st g am e w ith I Soc rat es: "My dea r es t wi fe. o nly G ree nw ic h " ·it h a score o f 14-14 bu t I through tw o \\·a ys-( 1) r efe r ee an in­ w he n th is ti e was played o ff at the end t ramur a l ga m e; ( 2) re fe ree a n intr aof the sc hed ule A r ca dy ha d litt le di ffi- 1 mura l ga m e." - c ultY in s ho win g that th ey wer e mu c h II be t(cr tha n fhe G ree n wi ch by scorin g T he O tterbein Glee lu b held a 28 poi n ts "b ile they sco r ed 12. They / dress -re hearsal Sa turday , the 19th, at also ke pt Gree nw ic h fr om co r ing a Sunbury. poi nt fo r t he ent ire seco nd ha lf o f th e I Even Then Four Out of Every Five ga m e. I Had It.



seco tea m ndntga scoInredt he32 p oi s mtoe the Ow!\r l' seadnoy thin g. T he Owls we r e unab le to sco re even a fr ee thr ow u po n th is tea m . Th e third ga m e wit h A r b ut us end ed with A r cad y hav in g th e lo n g e nd o f the scor e 17-13. T a li sma n w er e the next vi c tim s wh e n th ey w e re d efeat ed by A rca dy to th e tun e of 33-29.

Aready 28 F .G. Kn a pp, F ............................. 3 \\·ard e ll. F . ........................ 5 R. M oor e, C. ...................... 4 L. Moore, G . ...... ................ 0 Em eri ck. G . ........................ 0 Griffin. G. ..................... 0

F. 2

" I s that a riot g o ing on ov er th ere in th e gy m.'' " No, that 's just th e referee gettin g · razzed."



B ":i A REMINGTON PORTABLE TYPEWRITER AND TAKE IT ALONG. It is the smallest, and most compact, weighs only 8½ pounds. It has a four-row standard keyboard and accommodates full width paper. COM'E IN AND TRY IT


WHY SOME FOUNTAIN PENS LEAK! 1. The cap is not screwed on tightly enough.

I I 0

2. The pen is dirty.

0 0

3. The pen is improperly filled.

12 4 T . D .'s 15 F .G. F. L Sh ci m e r, F . .................... 6 0 M . Eub a nk s. F . ............ ...... 0 3 D . W e th erill. C. .................. 0 0 E . Mill er. G . ..................... . 0 .... 0 Scheider, G. ........................ 0 0 L. Re it e r. G . ...................... 0 0


Co ll eg e s tud e nt s g e t enough gray , hair s fr o m s tud yi ng ever y year to s tuff the corner o f a small dormitor y mat f tress.

~=========================~==-=======-~~­ TA-KE IT WITH YOU

i I off o f I e nd ed I

Th e· nex t g am e wa th e play th e tic ~ ith G r ree nw ic h whi ch as you kQ o \\· A ready 28. G ree n w ich I 2-. T he las t game wa T. D . and win- 1 n ing thi s ga m e by cor ing 28 po ints to T . D .'s I 5. A rea d y was ab le to pil e up 152 po int to it s oppo ne nt s 83 po ints. Lin eu p :

Irate Pro f. to Quiv er ing F rosh­ "Y oung man. d o you kn'Ow who I a m?" F ros h : " N o. b ut if yo u k now wh er e y o u liv e. I'll t ak e yo u home."


See Us


T. 12 I 3




0 0 0



18 N. State St.

T ll I~ T A N

.\ N D

~l; 'a!gc:·~S:i x: : : : : : : : : : ~ ~ : : : ~ : : : : : : : ~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~ : ; ~ ~ ~i

l l

What's D01·ng· I n I ntra-mura l S



Mo n_day. March 7: Otterb~:~e

I ·1


brmg ,ts court season to a c K e nyo n on the high_ sc hoo 1 I - - - -flo or. Th e Tan also opened 1~.s con­ PLAY LUTHERANS TONIGHT feren ce schedule against Ke 1_1yon. SO C IAL GROUP LEAGUE ·; Wom en 's High Scorers. to 26 def eat at Gambier_. 1 tak ing a 45 I K enyon H a:; Won F p N ine Games Thi1 K en ,·on has " ·o n nin e games during W . L. P ct. G. B. - :s . 1 Season and Lost Three. th e ~e~so n whil e los in g to :\{uskin gurn. Club 6 /6 7 O 1.000 Tre ,·arrow. Talis ·11an .. 4 35 Van Epps To Play. It s lowest Coo k H ouse .... 7 SI · T D - 31 6 68 1 I Mt. U ni on. and Akron. d 1 J o nd a 5 2 . 21 ,,mer. . . ........ :, i . . - - -. sco re of th e ,·ea r wa s 18 points. score .-\nnex ....... .. -I 3 .576 \\·e ,mer. Arbutu, . -I 26 . \k · h ·g-he st mar ks are 9 6 1 1 Otterbelll s bas ket ball team wil l play 6 26 4 4 56 1·1 s fi na 1 roa d game o f t h c season to- again.S I -432 Knapp . A.r eady () . t ·· · ro n. I 1ts ai·llSt Ashlan d an d Co un t ry Cl ub ........... 3 .432 \\·a r dell. A r ea dy r'h il o ta ... ............. ......... 3 -I 6 25 • 5 55 ni ,:rht a , ainst \'V'itt enbe r g . From all 7 PO lllt S. 5 \o r ec Sphinx ..... .......... .. .. ........ 3 4 .432 D e\\·, G r eenw,c "' · 1\.ent ,,orm-a 1·P l · h 4 -72 · ·cat1o · ns thi·s ga m e, will 9 :,' 3 111d1 . he abou t a~ 68 · a"ainst 5 .289 Euba nk s. T. D . .... 5 16 10 42 d ifficult as a nv th is vear. Van E pp s To ay Lako ta ......... .............. .. 2 \ lp s ..................... ....... ... O A It ho ugh . \,Vi t ten be r g ha s los t fi v ~ 7 .000 R. ~f oor r . .'\ ready 6 18 ~ 41 The pro ha bl e lineup tor . Kenv . foon r- - -- 0 C ---· seaso n ,t • ha , turn ed Ill . 111ne . v a nd. M u,r ter. · . O f D e 111 I1se Final Stand ings of W om en's G roups. ga m es this co n siSb · · . . s agamst . . , . an Ep.ps at cen such team s as Geo rgia war d s. C aptam ards. ,·:ctone Group I w . L . T . Pct. 1 I p gu . the · I , 1 A read y ................ . 5 utm an a 11 cl Newho use. ear . ec 1. Cornell . Oh io U. Miam i. De ni- w,t 0 0 1.000 · · · U., and D empsey 21 1d \ 'a n Epp.s app cau se · so n. C.111 c111nat 1·. \11 ·vest V1rg1111a . Greenwi ch ......... . 2 l l .677 D U · ayton . Th e Springfie ld aggrega- m os t l"1k·e IY of the QltJJltet to Arbutu s .............. . 2 2 0 .500 ti o n has sco red 535 points a nd ha s had t rou,b le. () rali sman .250 I .3 . . II as the 554 poi nt s scor ed against it. Comparative sco,.e,. a,- "e . O wl s .......... .1 .000 0 0 rn s g,ve G roup II w . L . T. Keyser Is High Scorer fir st g a m e betw ee n th e tea difPc t. June. but little m ore than fo ur The probable starter s at forwa r d fo r Keny o n an edge. Th e margin of Id T. D. ........ ............. -l l 1 .800 months away , w ill w itness the annual w · b K fer ence. howev er. ,s slight and shou, P hoenix .... .......... . 3 I 7 "0 1 . . er g are ·eyse r and A rm strong. be offs- by· tlle fact . t hat Otterbein ,~ . :, outpo ur111g o f t 110usan d s o f A m encan Th,tten h 1 Onyx ........... ...... ... 2 2 0 · e atter a s been .500 college graduates, armed with diplom as d O captain for two o n,· _. '" ho m e fl oo r. Polygon ................ I 3 0 hi o Confe r en ce in 1' .250 as sy mbol s o f the ir four sh eltered years an Ied •the ____ o C - - - Lot us ...... .. ........ .... 0 -I 0 . II d h f h I scori ng last y ea r with an ave rage o f I 5 . .000 yea rs 111 co eg e un er t e at er y · METHODIST MINISTER eye of deans. ready to bid for a post in po rnt s pe ~ game. Key ser lead s th e NTS Am eri ca's :busv chase for exi st ence. scoring!, !bi s yea rH, al th ough he is o n ly ADDRESSES STUDE Men's H igh Scorers . r oll by fas- a sop oW m o r e. v· e. sco r ed 22 po·111t ·•' Tho ,npson, Co untry Club ............... . Those four ·months will • 1 again st 77 tcr than the pros.pec t,ve . est irg111ia · 58 gra<luate, b u sy Se it z. Lako ta ......... ............... ............. 1 • . J:>age O ne.) ( Co n t, nu ec1 1· rom on Tu eswith exam s today, ca n realize. The ' Mc.Fadd en. a no th er Sophomore is Ga ll aghe r , r1. o ff111an ................ --- -··· ···· nam e. Re ,·. St imm el spo ke S E. I th s t e lik el y a rter at cente r. although Gib o n, Cook H . 2nds ............ ....... . ;; professor who advised a st udent th e day . '' Indu strial N ight". and Dr. · h Blackb urn , Blendon H . ............ ....... .. . 49 other day to forget a.bo ut the employ- ,I he al so plays g uard. Bauer. a junior. . I B r e t I1r en churc , Ru pp. of th e U 111tec \'I dE. \Vidd oe s, Red Hawks ...... .............. 49 ment problem tha t she mu st face in alte: 1_1ate s with M c Fadd en at the se addressed es JJec ia!I Y th e men on , .·, e•te Jun e until June rolls around, so that POSition s. Knotts, a so phomo re, will . • C \·' 111 . nesda v evcllln g. Rev. J· · rcli she can thorou g hly enj oy her fin al pro babl y play the o ther guard. Kn o tt s . · CHI ' 1 pasto r of the P r esby terian ll Ah, but she wa s so swee t and pure sem ester in school, may have the bes t averages IO point,s pe r game, leadi ng 0 st spo ke to th e hi rr h sc hool ud en.tsp (according to the Pure Food and Drug of intentions. but the st u-d ent may fin d th e team in field g oal s. m os t of which ,., N er· Thu r sday ni g ht, and R ev. G. 1 · lked Act passed by Congress in 1906). the sea unexp ect edly r oug h aft er th e ar e lo ng hots. kin s. of th e E,·a nge li cal chur ch,Nti~ht"­ las t sheep skin ha s been handed out on j All but o ne of Witten,ber-g·s vict o r ie~ o n Sat urday. "S unda y School S dal' And the motto of all fraternities, as Commencem ent Day. ha ve been regi stered on the home fl oo r . 11 UJI • Dr. Rupp spo ke agam O . the addre ssed to their fr es hmen during hell Of cou r se th ere is alwa ys a small so it appears a s th o ugh the Tan and evening. and R ev. \ \lh ite was week : " Love me and th e wor ld is pine." gro up o f pe~ple who live a ,pe tted and j Ca rd inal t ossers mu st be at their be 1. 5 spea ker last ni g ht. shelte r ed life fr o m the day they are born until old age has overtaken them . F o r the student who can tel egraph home after r eceiving his diplo m a : 1 "Dear Dad : Education comple te. What nex t?" It may be well put off 1, wor rying about the "after-graduation" problem. For tho se of us who ar e less fort un - I a t c, June is •but a few day s a way. Ma ny wi ll follow in the footste ps of the '26 graduate wh o is selling insu r ­ an ce, alum inum. ad ve r ti sing, silk hose. or what ha ve you, while others will fa ll in to jobs as clerk . ex _µt ive s. cub re­ porters, and bank tellers, and still others will see k at lea st a nother year of un iversity study. It's no t a day too earl y for t he sweet June gra du a te to start t hin kin g, if not wo rrying, a bo ut the "after graduatio n" 11: :·h·mare.-Daily Illin i. II


=-================================;;;~,- ,










" Wh at Comes After Graduation?" Dignified Seni o rs Are -Askin g



When Getting



"PUSH " Supplies






. l~===============";;;/ HOURS







- -- - 0 C - - - STUDENTS IN CHOIR


A n umb er of st ud ent s from th e co l­ lege have sung eac h nig ht in the vol­ unteer choir made up of rep rese ntativ es fr om the various churches und er the leade rshi p of Prof. F. A. Hanawa lt. Prof. E. M . H ur sh is in charge of the . pecial m usic provided at each se rvi ce. The se r vices will co ntinu e th ro ug h­ o ut thi s week. Many ex tra-c urricular 1 meet_ings hav e been ca nce led in o rd er to g ive th e stud ent s eve ry opportunit y to attend th e r evivals.

Always Welcome Whether You Buy or Not.


ItI i

R. W . Hoffman, Proprietor WHERE SERVICE IS BEST 12 East Main St. Phon e 20



Call TJs -







.;;;;;;;;;;;================== I ij-::================ I I Don him.


McGill's g rand parents v is it ed !

Carroll W id d oes. '26. ,·1sit ed Co un try Club fr iend s ove r t he w~e k end.



I . Ph il" Mill er a nd De l\" ert ); eff of P o rt \\' as hin gton v1s1ted K enn et h II ~eff. " L es· Cox . '26. visi ted A lp

Men . h "Johnny" Hud oc k s uffe red a s I1g t attack of th e g ri ppe Satu rday. 1Lon et h Sm ith \\·cnt ho m e to Bloo m ­ dale and heard th e Gl ee Clu b Conce r t at f.in dl ay.

E lea11 01· H o we visited with fri e nd s in Coc hr an Hall o ver th e week-end . .


r\ rcady Clu b ce leb rated its fifth hirtlul a y by a feed , F rid ay eve nin g. King H all. F ra nklin P ud er baugh went to Dayton. Thu r sday to vis it with hi s pa re nt s.


fri end s. :

S u nda y.

Se nio r Caps and Gown, are r ead~· at ' E. J. :--J or ri s' .

"Don'' S hoemake r and "R ud " S ur ­ face went to Dayton Friday.


Women I

H e len ); e ff ai1d Mar ian Ki ess visit - , Claude H off spe nt th e wee k- e nd at ed \\'ith th e ir par ent s at B ucy ru s o ,·er ' hollle in Ne\\' Madi so n, O. th e \\·ee k end .

_ ~L iss Oma M ooma \\', a g rad ua te ot th e Sargea n t School o f P hysical Educati on and a g radu ate of Otte r bei n in th e c lass of 1926, has charge o f all wom e n' s at,hleti cs. Mi ss ~I oo ma\\' will begi n a girls' in ter-cla ss \" Oll ey co nference in thr ee wee ks. S e vera l week s will b e spe nt in lea rnin g th e

Fourth fl oor g irl s ce leb rated with a E111 er son Se it z we nt ho m e to Colum­ "pus h'' fr om eig ht o' clock until th e bu Grove. clock struck one o n Tu esda y mornin g . Phi lota a nn o un ces Ros. L o hr as a After the pa rad e ove r the do r mito r y, Pledge. ham sa ndwich es, fruit je ll o. o liv es and · d a v1s1t · · t o ca nd y w er e e nj oyed. :,/ p · B · M Ort o n enJoye · or th Robinson over th e we ek end . Th e G ree nwi ch Clu b had t heir fo r­ rul es a nd fund ame n tals before mu c h mal initiation F r ida y evening in the playing is done . . Fres hen up your t ie supplv at E . J. ~ orris'. · C lu b room s. Wa r so n. enter tained the Phoenix Club :\ dda Ly o n a nd Betty ~{cCabe visit- with a Va len tine Pa rt y a week ago last - :n, e Parents of "La rn·" a nd Mo rri s 1-11ck · , s and Dwight Armen trou t of ed with th e Gr ee nwi ch Club ove r th e Tuesday. F red en·c k town v is ited th e m S unda y. wee k eud . Eu ge nia Co leman ·s moth er is ,·isitin g he r for a few d ays. Be s ure you ge t the correc t Ca p and f Cha rl es Spiege l and Me rri tt Wi lso n 0 O. S. U. vi s it ed with Ru ssell H eft Gown o utfi t. E. J. Nor ri s & Son. Mary Belle Loomis \\'ent to he r · unday, Kath ry n Stein metz spen t t he week ­ home in Logan for the week e nd. T he L otu s Clu b e nte rtain ed Prof. end in Colu m bu s vis itin g at 0. S. U. Jack Bake r ,s m o t h er v1. s1te . d wit . h I11111 . and lfrs. Rosse lot and Lavelle at din unday. T he Ow l Club was p leasantly e nt er­ ner on Sunday. t Kent C roo k· , ex 28, s ta r hurdl er fo r tained by their pledges at th e h ome of ate, wa a g u s t o f Cook H o use. H e len Sa nder s. ''Tin1" 1 Dor othy Patton ente rt a in ed the Mav , ewe ll , ex. '27, and A lbe rt - ' Z6, vis it ed Cook H o use fri e nd s. Onyx Club at a party g iv en in her ho m e la s t at urday eve nin g. ,. qua rc'' D ie hl • pe n t th e wee k en d at Bainilton . Edn a Mae H ell er wen t to her home in Canal \ Vinchester fo r the week end.

Always the Same. ALWAYS GOOD at





E dith R e nni so n was the g ue t o f the Phoe ni x Clu b ove r th e week end.

for Meats and Groceries Party and Picnic Orders Given Special Attention



Geo rge Moor e vi si ted Ve rn o n D o hso n in Columbu s over th e week e nd . The sp ir it of '76 was brought back at a dinn er held b y Kin g H a ll Com­ mons on Geor ge's bi r thd ay. T he tabl es were a rra nged in the s hape o f a ho r . es hoe a ll o wing the member s a view of th e ent ir e room. Th e tab les were decora ted 111 an appropriate co lo r . Small hatchet constitut ed the place fayo r s. After a th ree-cour se dinner th e hou r w as spent in t ellin g o ri g in a l 1 joke .


New Grays and Tans

Kathry n Lon g ' pa rents of Dayton vi ited with he r on u 11d ay. ~l artha

"Dick" Sanders saw th e game at T-1eid e lberg Saturday nig h t.

b ro th er vi ited

\\'ith her o n S unday.

Make WOLF'S your Head,quarters

A ne w s h ipment of Tie s j ust re ceived. E. J. Norr is & Son. "Bob'' E ri sman v is ited a t hi s home near Dayton Sunday.

University Men

?\ orri s & on.

Margar et La Ru e'

'·D usty" Rh o d es spe nt la st w ee k e nd hi s parents in Shelb y.

I \\'it h


wee k

T he G r ee nwi ch lub gave their an nua l pledge party at th e Ma ra mo r on Sat urday eve ning. Dry Cleanin g and P r e s ing.

spe nt la st w ee k at


Mis s Mary Bea:n o f Mu skin g um ,~as the g ues t of Mi ld red fo r S und ay dm-

Ma r ie \ Va inright pent the e nd at her home in Zanesvi ll e.

"Ed" hawen ho m e res t ing.

Charter House



Our Meals are

Floyd Renni o n had hi s s is te r and \Ir. Steve ns of Cleve la nd visit ing him

•·C url y" \Nil son went t o hi s hcnnc at Ne wark o ver th e week end.


I .uc_v over

the wee k-end. V irg inia N ich o la went home with her par en t T hur day and ret urn ed with them on

uncl ay. ----------- - -

Edna Trac y wa s ca ll ed to her· hom e in Portsmouth. r I ·s v 1'siting with Ma rM r s. Kum er 1 garet and WI·11 IJe in vV e te rvill e f r ome days. Mi ss Lucille Becker wa s th e g ue t o f Cathe ri ne Matz t hi s wee k-e nd . Mr s. \,V illard ~ or n· ' nee Lu ci le



€ '.!)1- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -


HIGH AT LONG •--;;===================;;;;;;===========-;;



FRESHMEN CAP SEASON 'f Prof. Mills Recovering. l'rofcssor Gilbert E. Mills, who has I MAY BE REVISED ALSO I been seriously ill for some time, is im­ proving rapidly now. H e r eturned from the hospital a week ago Saturday. I Although not confined to his bed, Governmental Body Making Efforts Professor Mills is unabl e to meet his To Collect Remainder of Student classes. Chest Pledges. STUDENT COUNCIL BUSY

- - - - 0 C----

The Student Chest F und may be in­ cluded in the matriculation fee of the coll ege next year if plan s conside re d b,· the Student Cou ncil at its meeting . . last Wednesday even111g m Cochra,1 _ . . , th Hall are put mto effect is s?rmg. 1 The inclu ion of the Che st Fu nd 111 th e matric ula tion would obviate the nec essi ty of numerous financial drive s a nd wo uld r id the Student Council of the heavy re sponsib-ility of directing such a Chest Drive as was held this year. Student Council members declared at

1OT~~~~!~NL~i;::~~ c;g~AY

1-r-===KA=M=P=u=s=K=AL=E= .N=DA=R=~.,

WOMEN'S DEBATE TEAMS TO BE ORGANIZED SOON Through the effo rt s and generosity of M's M ' ld d I h d' f I re . ->Wa , 1re,c tor o 1s p bl. S ki O t ., D u 1c pea ng, ra ory, an" ra matics of the Steubenville High School. a woman debate team at Otterbein ha been made possible. Miss Swab has cont ributed $25 for the

Tuesday, March 1Ba ket Ball with \rVittcnberg at Sp1·ingfie ld. Evangeli tic M eeti ngs in l_j_ B. Church at 7 :30. Wednesday, March 2E vangel i tic Meetings 111 C. B. Church at 7 :30. Thursday, March 3Eva ngel istic Meetings 111 L' . B. Church at 7 :30. Friday, March 4Evangeli tic M eetings in L". B. hurch at 7 :30. Conference Debate \V ith Hir­ am in Col lege Chap el at 8 p. m. Saturday, March 5E vangeli tic Meetings 111 U. B. Church at 7 :30. Sunday, March 6Evangeli tic Meetings Encl in U. B. Church at 7 :30. Monday, March 7Ba ket Ball with K enyon Ill High chool Gym at 8 p. m. _

Mrs. Clarence \rVeinland i in charge of the guest luncheon to b e g· i\'Cll b\'· the Otterbein Woman' s Club, tod_ay, ;it 12 :30 p. 111 . at the Athletic Club. Co. . I10s t cs,e,. - - will be: lumbu s. ~\ ss1stmg E Miss Gertrude Scott, Mrs. hrman · Bear, :v[rs. J oh n EagI eson an d ·Mr s. Wilmer E. Eglehoff. The g ue st speaker \\'ill be Mrs. \,\'il­ Viam Beal Gantz . of Detroit. Mr,. Gantz \\'ho is a n alum na of Otterbein, on and daughter of C- o Ione-I Milt · . 11 Barn es former sec retary of State. wi • 01 · •·I ssions h;i,·c fo r her ubJ ect. mpre 11 . I prooa-ram w1 Old Mexi co." .-\ rnu s1ca h . . fro!11 t C 1 be furni shed by mu s1c1a11 s I Otterbein Co llege conservatory.


carrying forward of women's deb at e work. Seven women have signified their intentions of debating. They are : the meeting. Esther Williamson , Helen Gibs on, .-\bout $500 is st ill out tanding in Jeanne Bromeley, Mabel Plowman, pled'ges on t'he recent Student Chest Margaret Ku :nle r, Margaret Duerr and Drive; this enti r e um must be col- Yirginia l'\ichola . Mis \.Villiamson Music Clubs Holds Meeting. The , Ott I · M · Cl lected by members of the Student is the only women me111ber of1 the local er Jem I u 1c ub held it Council with the aid of organization Epsilon chapter of Pi Kappa Delta, reg ular monthly meeting yesterday trea urer . national honor ary foren '·c fraternity. afternoon at 4 o'clock in Lambert Hall. Committee Appointed. The negative team will travel to Pre ident ,of the Council, Perry Baldwin-\Vallace for a debate on Laukhuff, appointed a committee com- April 12, and. the affirmative team,.. po ed of Martha Alspach a c'hairman, peak on the home piatform with Marguerite Banner and Craig Wales. Heidel'berg. The question will be bas- · to draw up preliminary plan for in- ed o n uniform marriage and d ivor ce eluding the Student Che t in the laws. The debate s will b oper\ forum 111atriculation. non-decision discussion s. Miss Swa b James Phillip was elected trea urer may preside at th e home ebate. She )) of the tudent Chest Fund at the meet- ' is a graduate of Otterbein in the class ing :Wedne day to fill the office left 1 of 1925. l. open by the re ignation of Keene Van - - -- 0 C - -- Cu ren. T•he re ignation of Mr. Van 1 Apollo Art Club Meets uren from the Council wa automatic The Apollo Art Club held a regular dtie to the fact t'hat he wa transferr ed 111eeting last \.Vedne day a t,e rnoon, ,in 1 of fram Junior clas ification to enior th e Art Department. ketching from life occ upi ed the attention of the Club during this meeting.

--O C- -

Poulton To Broadcast Soon a memb er of the Curt Poulton. . the I Banjo-Mandolin Orchestra anc1 half-hour !C ' GI e Club, will present a ' pr ogram ove r Radio Station . WA _ . k ~fr. Pou 1w1th111 the next few \\'Ce s. · f lever spec· ton \\'ill hav e a number O c . date .1a Itic . o n I11s . program. ·A definite d for ' hi s appearance w1·11 IJe announce I oon.


O Cp 1 see , If a II t h e college . st udents who nd-theY !· in cla ss were laid end to e would be much more comfortable.


Glen-Lee Place 14 South State Street



cla ificat10n 1as1 week by Regist rar F. J . -v· ance. 'J 'he j un ior cla fil·Ied the vacancy on •ne Council Monday morning t>y .. 11 otti .. 1a 1 tud ent Council election : Edwin Gearhart is the new Junior repre entafr. c · May Limit Fros,. Cap Season Fre hmen may be required "to wear cap next year tmt·il the Christma vaca tion if they win crap Day accord­ ing to a provision which the Studen t Co uncil Revisional ommittee may in ert in the Fre hmen regulation1. Extra provisions may be made in case the Fro h 1-ose crap Day; the Fresh­ men cap mu t be worn until spring va,cat ion in uch a ca e. Instead of bla ck and green, the cap may be tan and cardinal in keeping with t-he col­ lege colo r . The P re ident of the tudc:nt Coun­ cil will be a member of t he Citizen's Lyceum and Lecture Cour e commit­ tee ne..xt year and followi ng year ou'.1cil elected a ~he re ult of sug- ' ge -t1on from Dean N . E. Cor netet that the Council att empt to create more intere t in the Lyceum serie than wa evident thi s year.

the Largest Assortment of Cards in Central Ohio:







with a notable cast, including

Kenneth Harlan and Viola Dana THURSDAY, MARCH 3-

"0H, BABY!" .\ rolicking laugh producer , with

"LITTLE BILLY" w ith a

pecial cast including

Creighton Hale FRIDAY MARCH " , 4-F. B. 0. Presents




with a special cast, including

Shirley Mason and Johnny Harr~ SATURDAY, MARCH 5-Wm. Fox Presents

Charles (Buck) Jones In a thriller of th e sage brush lands.



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