1927 03 08 The Tan and Cardinal

Page 1

nu _att COLLEGE WOMEN TO HEAR BETTY FAIRfAJ TONIGHT AT CITIZENSHIP CLUB Mrs. Maude Mueller of Columbus Dispatch To Speak of Her "Betty Fairfax" Column. k Mrs. Maude Murra y Muell er, better ..;owu to most Otter bein co-ed s as f etty Fairfax" of Columbus D ispatc h am e, will make the princi,pal addres at the annual gue -t night at the Citi­ zenship Club which will be held in t'h e r~ception room of Coch ran Hall at 8 ;h~lock. College women may attend 15 m,cting of the Club. h Dean Cora . McFadden will be th e ostcss for the evening· he will be ;u ' W isted . b,· . ,t\1.,r r . . E. Rupp. Mr . S . T .CKirt Mrs. . J . Fickel, and fr . · · Tus9ey. h M.r · Mueller will speak on "Wha t I t;vc learned a the Bettv Fairfax of e Di Patch. 1 - O C - - - · ""EE CLUB SINGS ~ALTIMORE AUDIENCE


Entert · amed at Home of Mr. C. Wagner, College Trustee, After Concert.


O tterbein Enters P . K . D. Contest Th e Otterbein chapter of Pi Kappa Delta has ente red Oratory Extempore Speaking and Debate in th e me~·s section of the Pi Kappa Delta prov111cial contest. The contest is a par t of the Pi Kappa Delta convention of the Provi nce of the Great Lakes which will be held pril 13 and 14 at East Lan sin g, Michigan. - - - 0 c ---­ MUSIC STUDENTS TO GIVE RECITAL TOMORROW EVE

- - - - - - - -- '•


" Schumann's F o u rt h Symphony' ', Played By Piano Quartet, To Be Feature.

Ii ang y OU rself on Na iI and Rea d B k y R t Don't Want Says Irate

little J li ke f ohn.ny want to b a big 111 an he . c ather or11 c b . O tart by sn1 kin a Count ~ Pipe behind th hed. The · eat•111r~ Post 111a te r wo uld euJOY a th e en ate, ·. 1tia1 he make hi in0 contr 'b . . quairttin 1h.Ut1 n to poli t ic by acon er kg I fellow cro.oie e co nced · Piaac er barre I and counter · with I11~ 11 fo th ll1akc r \i arid ourt that , ill " t It D aw Plan join r an10 r, ou rt 11 p in t. 111 u


l t ha come to our attention that certain occupants of the balcony eem to be harboring the fal e notion that the one-day rece , which they enjoyed on February 22. thanks to eorge \• a hington and the Faculty, wa th annual pring Vacation, in· con equence whereof they have abandoned what i commonly kJ1own a the Fre hman cap. For thei r ed ilicati on, may we point out ffie fact that Spri11g acatiou i yet ome w ek .off and that, accordingly, we would appreciate the irnmediate reappearance of aid verdant headgear. Ti ou,· rule· don' t suit, come an d te ll u. but meanwhil may we re pectfolly ( !! uggest the b rvaoce of fhat old ma.xirn " afety First". The tudent ouncil.

FLETCHER, BROMELEY, KUMLER WERE SPEAKERS MEET NORTHERN TOMORROW Duane Harrold Presides at Hiram Contest. Prof. H. P. Jeffrey Of 0 . S. U . Is Judge.

Otterbein"s Affi rmative debate team won its first conference debate of the season, last F riday night from Hiram's A general recital wi}I he g!ven tof,orensic artists. Although thi wa morro"· eveni ng at 8: IJ P· 111 • 111 Lamthe first conference victory for the be rt Hall by tud ents in 'th e Co n erv~affirmative team, it was the econd tory of Mu ic. A special feature ,v,,II victo ry of the debating season. be a piano quartet, Schuma~n s The negative team from Hiram wa "Fourth ymph ony", played 'by Oh ~er compo ed of Morri Fox, Ru sell CaldS pa ngler, Katherine Beck, Ca th enne well, . Le ter Beatty, who spoke in th e Matz and Mildred 'vVilson. above orde r, with Ha el Reynard A piano duet will be played by serving as alternate. Duane E. Harv ilma Bar tt anrl Helen eff; ro ld. a se ni or in Otterbein, pre ided. other · wh o \ play pia no nui_n bers Ha rry Palmer Jeffrey of Ohio State arce : Geneva hela, Zuma Hee ta nd • niversity wa the iug le judge proViola B urk e, ?1,Iildred M urph y 311d v ided by th e conference committee. Hildred Adam fter the debate. th e peakers, Elizabeth Gre , elia J ohn on. coaches and friend held au informal F lorence P rinz, and Gwy nn e McConlune, at the Tea Room, where food aughy will ing vocal olo · for the body took the place of food T uk ham wi ll pre ent the only TRAVELOGUIST TO GIVE for thought. " PASSION PLAY" LECTURE Crow d I s S ma 11. violin num b er on the program' and ·11 lay the o nl y W I ·1 I d wa France George w1 P 11 e t1e crow mall, due to mandolin number. Pipe or!tlln num- Dr. Elmer U. Hoenshel Will Speak t be evangeli tic meeting ' the debate bers will be played ,by Viola B urker in United Brethren Church held the intere t of the au dience and Catherine Matz. Saturday Evening. . thro u hou t. The argum nt of the ----0 c - . I (Conti nu ed o P,age E ight. ER SPEAKS "Th the topic of I _ _ __ o C DR. BREW1;3AK ---the lecture \ hicl, , ill be delivered by PHILALETHEAN SOCIETY TO D harl e \t\ . Rr wl'.>aker. ecre- Dr. E lmer . H n he!. noted travelCELEBRATE 75TH BIRTHDAY r tary ·of the ·unday ch ol \V rk o'f ui t and prominent educator. aturtl J,u· i·ch gave the day veni ng at 8 o"cl k in th r1itecl Columbus Alumnae Writing Pageant . the nited B rc ,ren chapel add re ye terda • 111or11J11g. Brethren hurch. The J cture i- beTo be Given During Commence­ O C ---iug s_po n· red by the y un g Pe pl . ment Week. T' k b . President Visits Toledo . . ' E"ening hoir. 1c ets can ePre ide nt \ N. G. Cli ppi nger v1 1ted cu red from. member f the hofr at 25 PhilaleJhca, th oldc t wom n' litF . Toledo and Bowling Green cent eac.h. P ro eed will go toward erary od ty on the campu,. will ccleo tona, ' f h J b"lee t f d f th J1 o·r braif e b er even tcy- fifth an n1ver,ary · 1• th, ve ment un last we k in the intere t o t e u I cc rdiJ.1, to advance publi ity, r, with a pict ur e quc page.ant which will Fund. Ho 1 he! i· well fitted to peak n be given in Jun e a a part of the antllis.l::l the Pa ion nual Comme11cen,.ent activiti . . T t e 00 P lay at b r- mq1ergau, 'Bava ria. Columbu a lumn ae of Phi lal ethea. both in 1900 and in 19 10. Th farn u with Mr . F ran k J. E e ·! r who receivBa ariau drama j - given e,·ery ten ed a Ph. . degree from Otterb in in yea r ·. I 93 i1t Gharge, ar w rit ing the pagea nt. '·Dr Hoen b I is probably the only l 1[is . • ma iV!oo111aw, Dir ctor of d deno n11ua uona 1 Id b un iver ity, ma11 n b m r'.can platform _to ay '\Von: n' Phy ical Education, has been college of today wo u c _a fi t t P O give a dram;it'ic 111t rpr tatio.u I aJ)pornt d t t k charg of the preparI e. and make it b r h • g thi . wonder f u I · t orf. ,.,. _,_•r 1l1 'T -~cw a l ory dr"ll l wor k . 1·f y u pea J udirh '\Vhitney i. chai rman retowa rd ach 1e v111g th1 end II l 'bY -avm a _ y rk to Texa. . from r-,, L n·d a to the t "pie a I rar ' · tude n 0111mittee in char ge of he the profe or . rl ommodation g n, hi work i prai · ect· maD)' ' leb ration. ig nment . Library ace book icau critic say. ther member of the · an l .111·t d ur · t h c a111e · T h ame umb er n \',, ·11ets t ne. L aura rerna111 Dr. Hoen h I 1' are 11 0 b . ' 'I be a me f t J I I R I I adorn the 1e ves. t" of the mini ler and one o t r em nc owar< an< eann nrom . . tt nd to the , an fri nd . of librarian a e ) ( Contin ued on page four·



· Men's Glee Cl ub and B The . Otter bem an10-Ma d 1· · u o m Orche tra ave it n:~~lc1 concen of the sea on at Balti11·eat1 aturday night. Although the heardier Wa inclement, a crowd of 550 bui·Jd · th e concert at the high school 111 rcce· g. T he Club wa very well ived d encc 11 . a11 they rewarded the audi•r ·1th a nu mber of encore . ·" ter th to th I oncer t, the Jub wa ta ken c 101ue of M C M W trustee of I r. · · agner, 11·crr I r1 l I college. where they er , cc ~btfully enter tained and then Vcd wit! 1 f ner '"a r re hment · ~fr. \Vagth head of the t icket ale for ti at largc11.e concert. Hi campaign 11·a ' re po 11 1 •hi e for the financial St1 ccc~ th ~ e concert.


No. 20.


VOL. 10.


ar tna

· ·


epor er

THE TAN ~P~a~g~e~Tgw~o~===========~======-=~~=~==





II Senior Carri es Much Outside Work

Wittenberg Misjudges O tterbein's Strength. Hali Ends To Rov Burkhart goes the honor a nd At 17 All. distincti~n of being the only st ud ent in Otte r bei n Coll ege to sec ure all A' last Playing the be st brand of baske tball semester. Ont of a list of 44 students they have d isplaye d fo r some t ime, the O tterb ein cage rs dropp ed their final road gam e to Witte nbe rg last T uesday ni ght 31 to 26. The game was marked by close guard ing. \,Vittenberg, confident of an easy victo ry, start ed t he game without its However, Otte rbein full str eng th . soon demonstrat ed that the Sp ri ngfield o utfit needed all it had to w in and the remaining r eg ulars entered the contest. T he local crew took an earl y lead and held th e upper hand until shortl y before the ha lf, when Wittenberg cam e throttgh to tie the score at 17 at halftime. A fl y ing sta rt i,~ the seco nd half gave Wittenber g an advantage which Otte r­ bein was unabl e to overcome, although the Tan men were playing fast at the close of the game.

O tterbein, 26 B. Widdoes, rf. ...................... .... l Minnich, r.f........... .................. 0 Riegel, r.f. ................................ 0 V an Curen, l.f......................... 1 eaman, c. ...................... .......'... 1 Ya nti s, c................................... 0 Snavely, r.g............................. 2 Buell. l.g................................... 5 Total

...... ............................ 10


F. P . 1 3 0 O 0 O 0 2 1 3 0 0 0 4 4 14 6

Eat at Blendon Hotel Restaurant Where Food 1s the Best. The Service D e 1 i g h t f u 1. The P rice Reasonable.





I g r ades of A and B durin g the fi r st sem- II

"To Be B rave and P rove O ne·s · 1 est we ca n M .. Self . a . an . as t 11e 111g . 1Ch · • perester ar c as follows: ach ieve 111 th is wo rld ,nth n st s Ruth Bailey, E liza beth Baker, \h r- so nality in our life was the theme _of garet Bak er, Ir ene Benn ert , D o nald Rev. R. T. tim m el of th e Met_hod1st Borrer, Gla dy s Brenizer, Virgi nia ch urch in his ser m o n Sunday eve ning Brewba ker. Raymond Cly mer, Gr ace at the U nit ed Brethren Ch ur ch . Sc1n· Corn etet. G lad ys Di cke'" Jo sep hine d . . k cl the close of t he . ·' ay s service ma r e Drury. D o r othy Ertz111ger. uni on revi ,·al meetings \\'hich ha ve ocMabel Eubanks, ).lfarce lla Henry, cup ied the last t\\'o \\'ee ks. Marian Hollen, The lma H ook , Ce lia E h . · · ter · fr o111 the ac even ing t 11e 111 1n1s > . J o hn so n. Waldo K ec k, H elen Kern s, Evangelical, M ethodi st. Presby teri an Freda Kirts, L o r entz K no u ff, Elizah h s alter ·· . . . Brethr h en c ur c :.I ue,_d,.1 ,.· beth Lee, Ma ry M cCabe, Ruth Mat - a nd United 1 nated 111 g1v111g t e se rm o1• · toon, Cathe rine Ma tz, Helen Yl a p k. of the • y . evening Re ,·. G. N. er ms ~1ae Mi ckey, Sa rah Miller. Evangelical ch ur ch spo ke. \\.ed ncs:\I ar y Mill s, Ruth Moore , Mr 5. day eve n ing Rev. R. T. Stimmel on Mary Needh a m, Bern ice );,o rris, \Vil- "The Rich Young Rul er" and Dr. S. liam Ritchey. R egin a ld hipley, G ra ce E. Rupp of the United Breth ren Sh ufelt, Gladys Snyder, Thdma Sny- ch urch 011 Thursdav spo ke of " Gua rd _ der. Kathryn Steinmetz, Mary Thom- ing One 's Trust.:. Friday c,·e ning as, Lois W eav er, Laura \Vhetstone, I Re\". J. C. \ .Yhite of the Presbyterian Mary W hi teford , and My rtle Wysong. 1 chu r ch chose as his subj ec.t "T he Gr6. ---- 0 C ---Prof. Valentine Is Debate Judge

Buell was th e o ut standing p laye r of the eve ning with 14 points to his credit. In addition he and Snavely played stro ng defensive ball and held ROY A. BURKHART A rm str o ng and Keyse r in check better than most teams have succeeded in ther e we re 37 women and 7 men who doing. Coach Edler ubstit ut.ed free­ sec ured grades of B o r higher. ly in arr attempt to ~et t he punch need­ Mr. Burkhar,t, ·b eside s carrying 18 ed to win. ho ur s of sc holastic w01·k, is General Superintend ent of the Young People's Wittenberg, 31 B. F. P . W or k in th e S unda y School depart A rm stron g, r.f. ..................... 2 3 7 ment of th e United Br ethren Denomi ­ Van Mete r, If. .......................... 0 0 O nation. He has been on part time in Keyser, If. ... . .......................... 4 3 I l , hi s position since attending Otterbein Mel· adden, c. .......................... 2 2 6 but till contin ues t o fill many field Morton, r.g. .......................... 1 0 2 en gagements. He is also pa stor of Knott . r .g............ .................. 1 0 2 Grace Chapel, a mall comm unity Bauer, l.g. ...... .......................... I 2 4 church nor th of Weste rville. ~~ r. Burkhart is a g raduat e of the Cumberland alley tate Normal Collegc at Shippenberg, Pa., in the class of 1917. He ha s a l o ta ken work at Dickinso n College at Carli le, Pa. He wi ll graduate from Otterbein . in June. Aft er severing hi conn ecti on with th e United Brethren denomination about July I, I r. Burkhart will assume hi po ition as Assoc iate Directo r of Young Peop le's \Vork of the In te r ­ national Counci l of Religious Educa­ tion to which he has been recently elected. The other 43 students who r eceived

MIAMI P RE SIDI NG ELDE R DIES AT D AYTON HOME Fun eral se r vice were ·held last Wed­ ne day in Dayton for R ev. J o hn W. Kil bourn e, presiding elder of th e Mi a m i onfer ence of the U nit ed Brethren Chu rch who died a week ago ye terday at hi home in Dayton. Rev. Kilbourn e wa an activ e mi n i ter in th e United Brethren Chu rch for m or e than forty-fo ur years. H e lived in \Vest crvill e for a short time while his on was attendin Otterb ein. Mr. A. G. Crou e 48 Wes t ollege Av enu e. attend ed the funeral sen·ic e. .

R. T . Stimmel of Met hodist Ch urch P resents F ina l Revival Sermon.

R ev.

[ But G ets All A's in Scholastic L abor


Totals .............................. ...... 11


P rof B. W. Valentine will be the judge at a debate -between Mt. Ve rn o n High chool and Za nesv ille High ..; chool next Friday eve nin g, March 11. The foren s·ic fray will be held in the Zanesvi lle High School audito rium .

That H old , .'' Sat urd ay n ig ht Rev_. ~ . Perkins had cha rge of the se rn ces. · I ecI for each Special musi.c \\' as prov,c . meeting. Prof. E. M. H nrs h and P r of. F . ...\. Hana\\·alt had charge ~f the music se r vice. The Stud ent choir fea tured each m ee ting.

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WILLIAMS Ice Cream Specials for Saint Patrick's ICE CREAM ROLLS Pat's Pipe

Shamrock These designs made up in green and white combinations, of Vanilla and Pistachio Nut Ice Creams. - - - -- - € ©- -- - - -

GREEN AND WHITE- Two .Layer Brick . 7\




Co. I

\:=====================;;;;;;;:;;;;~--==-= ✓


Page Three

Foot Ball Rules Committee Makes Important Changes WILL NOT AFFECT LOCAL . , c1 PLAYs SAYS M.A. DITMER .Wonien s Inter- "ass Volley Ball To Begin Soon GOALS MOVED BACK 10 FEET Shift

Halt Limited to one Second Instead of Two. Fumbled Punts to Be "Dead".


I l


Three seniors sang their swan songs ·ew rules designed to curb the shift last night at the Keny o n basket ball a nd huddle. strengthen offensive play game. Robert Snavely, Keene Van and cu rb the kicking game which were Curen and Harry \Viddoes were in adopted by the national intercollegiate suit last night for the fina l co urt game rules committee · last Friday and Sat- of their college career. All will re­ urday in i\! ew York City will not in- ceive degree in June. . any of Otter bterfe . re mar k e di y w11h - -- - UC - - - . ein 's tactics accord ing to a statement ~sued yest~rday aft ernoon by Coach · A. D1tmer, Otterbein football mentor.


The rule committee ha s decided that th e foot 1s . becomrng . . overemphasized in foot b a II and so ha s remove d h 1 e goal po,ts from their time honored Position on the last cha lk line and moved them back ten vards behind e~ch end of the playing fi~ld. The up­ nghts remain midwav between the sideline s as 'b efor e but. they will . be eparated by 120 yard s instead of by IOO Yards which st ill is the limit of the Playing field. .

Shift Play Has Safeguards The co m11111te · e also voted to retam · t he h'f it . 1 t play with safeguards again t 5 illegal use, r~duce delays in the game i .. 1nore ' ncr ease the oppor tu111t1es for a open game bv making an incom1 ~ eted backward p;ss dead and prevent 1e scor· of ing o f a touchd ow n by recovery al) a t:umb_led punt. The retention of v . ateg1c advantage with the pre. be acc omplts . I1e d ben 11011 of a·b uses will - stead ofY fiPlacin g a penalty of 15 yards m . ve on an illegal sh ift and bv giving offi . I c,a s a measure of "approxi­ mate! " 111 - Y one seco nd bv whi ch to deterIne a full halt. · Ado · fu b Ptto n of a new rule declaring 111 r led Punts "dead'. at the point of ecovery h · it directly at such play a 011 e by w h'ich the Army scored a tou h hi tc ~lown again t the Navy in their oric tie ba t t Ie at C h1cago · A la t fa II . '\IJtternpt To Curb Forward Pass Pa. attempts to curb the forward were voted down ·by the commit-

INTRA-MURAL BALL ENDS Dubs a nd Red Hawks Hold Second and Third, Respectively, In Final Standing. Hoffman Drugs retained their plac e at the top of the heap by virtue of vic­ tori es over the Jonda seconds a nd the Blendons last week in the final play off of prune league game , thus gaining the right to play the Cook House team, of the two lea gues. The game was played yeste rday but too late to catch this week·s edition. The H offma n Drugs wo n over the Jonda second 13 to 4. De~olt wa high point man of this game with three bas ket s. The sco re of the Hoffman Drug-Blendon game w'!s 19-10. Gallagher scored five point m th:s game. The Philota second s defeated the Blendons in the first game of the week 13 to 10. L. Hicks scored seven points in thi s game as did H awes of the Blendon team. The Kingites came through with another victory 0 ,-e r the Country Club econds. Allaman was high score: of the game with 13 points to hi s cre<l1t. The Dubs won a hard fought game from the R ed Hawks to the tune of a to 17 score. Mr. Stanley Paschal 27 Kurtz wa s the honor man of the game, garnering I 4 points during the prog­ re ss of the fray. Bunce co red 10 points for the losers. Lakota seconds trounced the Cook 15 to 9 Simmermach· . o H u e se Conds er was the high corer of this game (Continued on page five .)

------------tee which showed it leaning toward eveu greater development of the open game by taking the hackles from the

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backward pas • An informal stamp of app roval wa omewhat widely advocated put on the o pla)' a quarter b as1s.. ystem on a 4 in tead of the usual 15 minute bas1_ when the committee an!\ounced that it had no objections to two teams play. d the vstem by mutual agree111g un er . ment. h s A number of othe r minor c ange were also in tituted by the rule committee.

TO START MARCH 19 AND END ON MARCH 30 SCHEDULES ANNOUNCE D Rules Are Presented By M iss Oma Moomaw For Benefit of Teams Entered.

MISS HELEN VANCE TO GIVE ORGAN RECITAL The vVomen 's Music Club of Wes­ terville will present Miss Helen Vance, official organist fo r the United Breth­ ren Chu rch , in a pipe organ r ecital next Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clo"ck in th e United Brethren Church. The Music Club invites the public to attend this recital. Miss Vance·s program, which will consist ent,irely of wo rks by A,rnerican composers, will have "Sonata" by Borowski as a special feature. A num­ be r of lighter selections will also ap­ pear on the program. Mrs. Mary M c Leod, contralto, will ·ing a solo: she wi ll be accompanied at the pipe organ by Mrs. W. M. Gantz, o rganist for the Presbyterian Church.

Girls' Volley Ball teams repre sent­ ing the four classes are being organized 2.nd games are scheduled to begin Sat­ urday, March 19, and continue through March 30, accord ing to Miss Oma Moomaw. director of athletics for girl . First Team. March 19-Freshmen vs. Sophomores. March 21-Juniors vs. Seniors. March 23-Fre hmen vs. Seniors. March 26--Sophomores vs. Juniors. - --0 C--March 28--Freshmen vs. Juniors. March 30--Sophomor es vs. Seniors. Chauccr lub met last night at the Second Team. home of Dr. Sarah M. Sherrick on Ma r ch 19-Freshmen vs. Juniors .. West Main Str eet. March 21- Sophomores vs. Seniors. Mar ch 23-Sophomores vs. J uniors. March 26--Freshmen vs. Seniors. So m e ch a p wo uld March 28--J uniors vs. Seniors. make good fi r emen, March JO-Freshmen vs. Sophomores.

In order that a general idea of the game may be had by all, a few of the important rules are as follows: I. Team sha ll be composed of an eq ual number of player,. In all offi­ cial game , teams shall be composed of not less than seven player s. 2. A substitute may take the place of another player only when the ball has been declared dead and she must report to and be recognized by the Referee before entering the game. (Concluded Next V/eck).


t h ey n eve r t ake their eye off t h e h o e. We have some "eye . . openers " 1n pipes.

L o o k t h e m over boys.



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Rich and High Sts.

~~~==========~~~ Page Four




MUST HANG ON NAIL TO \ as possible into practice. Li brary READ SAYS REPORTER ' work. yes- and th en perhaps a little more librarv work. That is the real • • • . 1 nee d o .f t I, e s t u d en t • GiYe him Published Every Tuesday Morning in the Interest of (Co n ti nu ed fro m paise o 11 e. J vita . an OTTERBEIN COLLEGE stud ents but th e student s co m e in ever opp ortu111t y to b roa d en his horizon. I • • • • . h 1111 . wt.t'h th e 1na n)' and va rg numb ers see ktn g m sp 1• ra t 1• o 11 I A-cquatnt . 111 creas111 th and in fo rmation in the qui et hall s of ious pha ses o f edu cation. And so. e . · h egard well-m ean111 g professo r. wit no r H ome r a nd Py thago ri s. ·bl ommoAnd. wh at, may I as k. is th e good of or .thought of the poss., e a~c . rar . all thi s. A class o f thirty-three stu- dat10n s of the sc ho ol, trip les his ltb Y dent s, an entir e ass ignm ent g iven a ss ignmen ts. fr om one libra r y boo k and bu t one \N e do not ar g ue fo r all assignm: nts copy avail ab le in th e librar y. It is fr om one text book, nor do we crit icise STAFF ---· 1 a s such · E V HARSHA ,27 : t ru e t·1, at t h e stu cl ents mu st seek th e u e of refer ence materia DITOR-IN-CHIEF ···············•··· ······························ WAYNE . ' '28 kn o ,, led g e b ut doe th a t impl y that he b ut ,.- e do protest against the present w~~e;,~itrr0 ::::::::::::··:::::::::·.--J~r~!rt·K~~l~:: '28 must tr ace a li·brary book from roo m Jibrarv a 5 signm ent s in th e face of th e Men's Dormitor y .......... ...................... ..................................... James Bright, '28 .to roo m and . wh en he ~nally secures 11 ver y ~e r iou s probl em of li brary ~cco: : L ocal Reporter ·························· ... ······· ·················· ··•·•····•·· Philipp Charles, '29 it. stand agam st a rad iator or back m odati ons. \11/e have a pos1 t1ve c0 Special Feature ·····••··· ······················ Ve rda Evan s, '28, Robert Bromeley, '29 helf to read it? The gray-eyed god- vict i011 th at ref erence work makes a General Reporters d ess ts · e Ius1ve · · u tion · to .the enoug h. wh y make her [ vita l and effective co ntrib t Cla ud e Zimmerman Mary Thomas pursuit unnecce s aril y laborious? edu cat io n of the stud ent but feel JUS \ Gladys Dickey Th en ag;ain, it is perfe-c tl y ob viou 5 as ,posi tiv ely that di scr eti on s·hould be Lillian Shively Alfred Owens Ernestine Nichols Karl Kumler Marcella H enry I th a t a cla ss of ninety-seven stude n ts used in the a ssignment of t his wor k . · Cl yde Biel stein Kenneth Echard ' us ing one. Encyclopedia and two copJohnny will s·o m eday be a man, t.h.e Charles E. Shawen Thelma Hook tes of a lib . rary book must find it a vt.11 age pos t -ma s t er m ay achieve polttt. G erald Rosselot Mason Hayes mathematical problem to secure the ca d.1stm . ct1on . , an d th e deti ominattona.1 . 1 book. for a. few . m111utes, A nd is any -co II ege ma v even t ua 11 y become a unicons1derat1on gi ven th e student if he . b - h tt t to haste n the b bl SPORTS EDITOR .................................................... HARRY E, WIDDOES, '27 h ve r stty, ut w Ya emp d a s een una· e. to. secure a book? process by the use of impossible an Assistants 1nd Arthur H. Ge rman eed not th at '.s his proble m; j u St I impracticable method s. Ell is B. Hatton Lawren ce E. H icks Parker Heck one m ore hurdle 111 a n appa rently ope n fi eld. \ ---0 C--P l. Kappa Delta To Stage Movie The co1lege pr ofesso r, working out BUSINESS MANAGER .................... ........... ............ ROBERT E. MUMMA, '27 hi Maste r's or D octor's degree in the A ssistants I · the , ar ge umv ersity in the East d.uring the Pi Kapp a D elta will present ,n on Ro s C. Miller Lorin Surface summ er month s. re t urn s to hi s camp us lo cal Garden Theat re, " Heaven David Allaman 011 th age! CIRCULATION MANAGER ...................... ....... ............... RUTH HURSH, '27 en u ed with the many new ideas he Ear th '·, starring Con rad ha s a b~o rb ecl in th e summ er term . He : Monday, March 14. Ti.ckets maY be Assistants Katharine Myen Mildred Wilson 1mm ed1atel y proceeds to put a s ma n y secured at the door. I Margaret Edging ton Margaret Duerr

IDqr wan anll illarlltnal ·





~;_;~·;i·;~·i~· ·~··.::::::·.:: ::::::::::::::::.. :








PUBLICATION BOARD President ....................................................................................... G. H. McConaughy Vice-President ............................................ ...................... ........................ J. Neely Boyer Secretary ........................................ .......... ................................ .... Laura E . Whetstone Faculty Members ......................... ... Dean N . E . Corn ete t, Dr. Sarah M . Sherrick Studen t M embe rs-A. 0. Barnes, Ruth Hursh , Mabel E ubanks, A lice B lu me, Craig Wales.

Ti's the Grand Day


For a Celebration


;~1' se lve

To the Ii t of a score or more of coll ege student who have committed uicide in the last few weeks, there has been added the name of Carl Peter on, a tudent of art in ew York ity, who committed uidde last Tue day .by inhaling gas. In spite of tne fact that mo t of the e cases haw­ ed no apparent rea son for suicide, Mr. Peter on had, police believe, a real reason. He had lo t two fingers re­ cen tly ; the a ccident had hampered his art wor k, and de pondency is said to have led to the act. Tbe yell ow pre of the co untry per­ sists in calling the score of student sui­ cide a n "epidemi c". What a fallaci­ ou tatement to make in a coun try with a population of one hundred and te n million people wit'h le s than a million of them college student . A dozen cases of mea le in va rio u odd corners of the country would ca rcel y be classed as an epidem ic. Recently a 23-year old girl, a enior in Elmira College, swall owed poison apparently :because he fea red to be reprimanded for an infraction o f a col­ lege rule. Most of the tudents who have committeed uicide have had ome motivating cau e for destroying them-

, such a ill health or finan ­ cia l troub le b ut man y ap pa rently ju t ca me to th e co nclu ion that there was no happiness in life a nd no reas on fo r th em. continuing to live o they end ed th eir career • It i a common generalization that fhe cause of th ese uic ide are att rih­ uted to college or om e a pect of col ­ lege life. It ha ne ve r occured to man y of th ese people who generalize so freely that the cau ses of many of the suicide among college t udent might not have the slightest connec­ tion wit h college or thing chola tic. Is it any wonder that the public con­ ception of college men is limited to two pict ur e : an irre pon ible animal bo unded on two sides by a coon ckin coat, or a quarter-baked member of the intelligent ia who pout ab traction

- - - 0 C - - -P erhap the ·bittere t thought a di gruntled, complaining enior can have i that in two or thr ee year he will be loo king back on hi s colleg e th e happiest years o f hi life.


St. Patricks


Day ~~

DECORATIONS IN VIVID GREEN AND WHITE Blend with the shamrocks, harps, pipes, a nd cut outs. From Invitations to Nut Cups we have the appropriate items. Let us help you plan an ORIGINAL PARTY TRY OUR PEN SERVICE

ome tud ent doe n't co m mit uicide here before long the college going to lo e it ra tin g. [f

The trouble with a single-track mind is that there are so many collision .


18 N. State St.


P age Five

===================~T=H=E~T=A=N AND CARD l NA L

The Cardinal's Whistle By Hun; 'L. Caires.

· eve r y t 11111g . . d Ali ce ·· H ow 1s going toay, Mr . Priest? Mr · Priest: In the soup. Trulv- Ott er b e 111 · - a g ood school. is · dozen n1cn . at K.m g Hall have had t he meas !e , an d yet not o ne •ca e ha b

/ J on da eco n cls .............. 5 4 .555 n ight at 6 :15 in th e Asso c iati o n Bu ild po int s apiece. Lako ta s econd s took the c rown fro m ' L a k ota S econ d s ............ 4 5 .445 in g will co ndu ct a di cu sio n meeting the K.ing-ite by a 20 to 6 co r e. Be ch -\ Blend o n s .................... .... 4 5 .445 in preparation for th e jo int m ee t ing o f to lt s cored 8 points for the winners. Coo k H o u se S eco nd s .. 3 6 .333 the two Ass o cia tion s next week when The Dubs mad e it thr ee s tra igh t by **Co untr y C lu b 2n cls .. 2 6 .250 , Dea n lrm a V oig t o f Oh io University tro un c ing the Co un t ry Club eco n ds ** Phil o ta · econd s ...... 2 6 .250 wi ll s peak o n .. Men a nd \\Io m e n R cla30 to 12. Riegle s cored 12 po int s for Ki ng ites .......................... 2 7 .233 , ti o n s." the winner and H a mmon 8 fo r t he ** Co u ntry Uu h Seco n ds an d th e\ - - - O_ C 1 lo ers. Phil ot a cco nd s pl ayed a 1>os t po n ecl Mrs. L. A. W emland To Speak Final Prune League Standing. c a m e yeste rd ay afte rn oon . Mrs . L. A . \-V ein land wil l be the W. L. Pc t. - - 0 C - -leader at Y. W . C. A. to night. T h ere 1 H o ffm a n Drugs ............ 8 I .889 Y. M. MEE\TS TONIGHT I w ill be a s h or t µ er iod o f Bib le tud ,· Red Hawks .................... 7 2 .778 I - -whi ch will b e fo ll O\nd by bri ef d is cu :Du b ................................ 6 ·3 .666 The Y. :-.1. C. .'\ . in its m edi n g to- I s1o n s.



een re por te<I in Cochrin o r Saum. The av era.ge college man's study hours are b t ~i e ween 12 :00 m. and 1 p. m. th one hour off for lunch. . Edovard B o ur d et says: \ ,V hen a lloman pro mi se to love you. you mu St n't atwa y believe her. But whe n a worna 11 prom ises not to-well then You rnu 5t n't beleive her either . '

GOOD old Leerie, the bmplighter, worked cheerful:y to make the streets bright. A nd the lamps sputtered a friencly glow into the darknet:s.

th; ~~Archbishop of York, qu o ted 111 olden Book'' ay "T here are only ha lf ' I ca n s ing with an a_ dozen hymn Y k111d of r ea lity at a ll." . h yo u would come to Ohh Archy , l w1s cape!.

The citizens of the country 1:ave taken Leerie's job. They are e:e lamplighters of today, and t ey spend 3 ½cents of each tax dolla r t hat their streets may be bright.

, There i m ore t l1a n o n e way to kill a cat." ca Th t l ere wo uld h ave to be be cause a ia nine live .

Friday Night's Debate Tb By T. a nd C.' pecia l R eporter. orated !O tterbei n men' s debate team 0 au-•· a ·mall but un enthu s iastic "icncc wonderful brand of ''>ort · fir· t <;inan e hip was d': played whe n, t ~, e nian· . P[ aker tu-m1blecl over th e chair­ SJ)e ks et-similarly when the econcl a er' collar ,became unbuttoned. .'\, a Who! e t he de<bate wa delivered forcer dec 1·s· u II Y and in incerely. A fter the 1011 rose f wa announc ed , the audience ir 0 n1 ti; 111 _th eir eat and departed e auditorium.

Good street lighting means more .flourishing business sec­ tions, safe traffic, convenience, and protection. Leerie, the faithful, has gone­ but streets still need lighting . And in whatever communities college men and women elect to live, they should take a live!y interest in civic improvements -including street lighting.

\\: <:h~rili . rcbel!e a t th e tuclent at Hiram I 11 gy 11111 c. a <1 held a dance in the colleg-e as1 u Wh t1nchr· . 111 · Y mu t they be o ow take u , fo r intanc~~an? " Look an 0 ' Pa pa,1 Ikey' cold i cured IV till <lrop_.'' got left a box o f co ugh"Oo Al. lie to


vot ext ravagance! Tell out and get hi feet wet."


G -E products help light

(Co,u· 1

i~h 9 Poi :


t cl fr

Ountr · C. lond ) lub ec nd •ix a . eco11d l3 Poi nt to 6. l)


Ub5 \\' 11 11·eck

liy ' ~C{)nds 111b.

d efea t ed the Noel

co r ed


th eir

a, . -4--I J

11 Rcigl r I10 • c. and

co r e. The Philota the victim . urtz . ancler ach cored ix

londa on sec nd 1 o n from the Blencl ­ l3 t l\ith 8 0. 10. ar on wa high core r 1'h P tnt

If 0 . Red B. ust awk s cl fca eel the Cook ' P · econ(! 2 ' a-::lcy c1 · • iv1ded

I to


the world, haul its people and goods, turn the wheels of industry, and lessen la­ bor in the home. Whether on MAZDA lamps, or on large or tiny motors, or on the multitude of other mea ns ?f electrical service, you will find the G-E monogram wherever you

m page three.)

. W idd oe and . ori ng hon r · w it h 6

"For we are very lucky, with a lamp 1,efore the door, . h And Leerie stops to light it as he ltg. ts so many more." " The Lamplighter " Robert Louis Stevenson







~l'~ag ~ e~ S~ix~===================T=H=E= :;- =:=T:::A~ N

VARSITY RACQUETEERS START GYM TRAINING The varsity tennis quad under the di rection of Captain Pilkington ha · started practice and is holding work­ outs four afternoons a we ek in the Methodist gym. .-\ s 0011 as the weather permits, the practices will be held ou t of door s. Seven men have reported for the workout s so far. Pilkington, L ai, McCona ughy, Bechtolt, and Roby , letter men from last year, are back. In addition Sanders and Keller are trying for places on the team. Sand- I ers was not eligible last yea r as a freshman; Keller did not try for the team. Prospects for the season are bright , acco rdin g to Captain Pilkington. Seven matche have been arranged to elate. The team has slightly over a month to get in condition for the first match. No manager has yet been chosen for the sport, but the athletic board will do o in the near future.





Prof. L. ,~· :"'einland at_ten~ed the lec ture on lomc Veloc1tes' given by

By Esther W illiamson This is the initial appearance of Pi Kappa Delta's special feature column in the Tan and Cardinal. The purpose of this collu mn i to arouse interest in forensic activities he campus. Forenfr, ~"'-'(:7 r-.:,..,,,, on sic endeavors are not be­ ing given the importance which they merit, not only by our tudent 1 body, but by student bodies eve rywhere.

The Ohio E psi Ion Chapter of Pi Kappa Delta, the national honor forensic fraternity, i the on ly national fraternity on our campus. The mem­ bers of our chapter are eager to strengthen the local organization and - - - - 0 C---­ make it fill a larger place on our cam­ COUSIN OF BENJAMIN HANBY DIES IN OHIO pus. To thi s end yo u will hear more I from us right along. ews has just reached Otterbein of There is one thing in which women the d.eath of William P . Hanb y, a have always been recognized as very nephew of Bishop William Hanby and adept. They have gained the reputa­ co u in of Benjamin Hanby, the auth or tion of being ·quite talkative. In spite of "Darling Nelly Gray'', a.t his home of thi s fact women in Otterbein have in Richm ond on January 27. Mr. been suppressed from . peaking pub­ Hanby was 86 yea rs old at the time of licly as much a it was pos ible to keep hi death. them clown. Once more they are comin g to the fr ont in attaining their rights in this matter. You probably did not k:1101 it but I 1 w'ill tell you. Otterbein has a women's debate quad thi year and you are going to hear from them before long. Several year ago women's debat wa a much a part of our forensic program a men's• debate. Then for some rea­ l on or other that part of the progr°am was omitted. Three year ago the women again let their voice be heard in public di _ cus ion when they met a women' team from Wittenberg on our platform. We are more expert in g1vmg Pro pects for the future were bright service than keeping books. but the next year all hope were hat­ tered. Tho e intere ted made earnest attempt to realize their ambition for 27 W. MAIN ST. women ' debate, but to 110 avail. We!lterville, 0. Women were banned from the foren­ sic platform. Th i yea r the table were turned and it was nece Sary to u e all way and mean in order to revive an active in­ tere t in fo ren ic among the women them elve . Thi intere t has been awakened and we have a quad of women at work preparing for battle with two confereJ1ce women' debate team . Ju t before pring vacation the affirmative team wi ll travel to Tiffin to di cus the ubject of uniform marri­ a e and divorce law with Heidel­ berg'. women . !~mediately following vacation o,ur negative team will furnish oppo ition to a team from Bald win~ Wa llace on our own p latform . Let u upport and encourag our women in the e foren ic endeavor I _Karl Kumler of the Debate squad, will act a judge at the Delaware­ Marion High chool debate to be held at Delaware on March 11.

·Let Us Repair Your Shoes. Also shine, dye and rejuvenate them.

CA H. D l NA L


Bjennsted of Cope nhagen at Ohio State University F riday evening.

- -/~ 't-'

, -·;,, ,

KIBt.FR TOPCOATS Again This Spring-- Valuea That Dominate The Field Beautifully-styled sin gle breasted, full models in th e correct length .. . expertly fashioned from fine wool en fabrics in rich colorings and pat­ terns · . • Kibler T opcoats pos e s a trim smart· nes and high quality that set th em apart in the low priced field · Compare /

Order Your


@,tattouery From

iurkryr Jrtnting atompany



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TWo Stores

22 West Spring

7 West Broad

-------- -----------=

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0 Among ti1e guests who visited at

h ~I tterbein ,. . O ve r t e \\' ee k- encl were Mrs. . v11 Niu · mma, M 1 ary Mumma Mary

H0111an Ell ' p ' en Grushon a nd Virginia au ! of Lewisb urg.

The .. 11 . C' a Hill Gang'' oi ·27 helped narl'Otte 0 eel b wen and Nellie vVa ll ace to · b trthclays · daye nirateh tiieir last \V ed neshe · g t. Those pr ese nt at the party 1 th e "feted ones" \\'ere, Freda ices Snvder L . 8 · ' oui se Stoner Mary Long. etty Plummer . . Marth A . · Ruth Musselman, ryn a . lspach . '.'vlary Mc Cabe. Kath. :\1rs te1 .. nmet·z, Beu 1ah Wmgate a nd · 111 tlt on O1\'en. Florence \\' end h ardell spe n t th e \\'eekat er home in Strasburg. Th • at e Arbutus Cl ub \\'ere entertain ed a urprise d · evenin . in ner pa rty Tuesday ;, 8 g given by "B urk ie" for Mrs. urk.ie."

Ladybird Sipe and Kath erin e Pol ­ lock were the g uests of the Ow l Club over· the week encl and surpri sed them with a "scumptuous" feed. Satur­ day night.



'lour Headquarters ~

for eats and Groceries


arty and Picnic Orders Given

Spe .


"Jake" White and "Ted" Bennet t visited An nex friends ove r th e week end. Richard James · fo lk s visited him. The bro ther of Everett Snyde r ited him. They're here-S pr ing T ies in gay co lo rs. E. J. Norr is & So11 .

I . Don .. J-l owa rd spe nt the wee k end visiting Co untry Club men.

Dale F ri end spent the week end at 110me in Pleasantvi lle.

Ed H a mmon went to hi s home over the week end . Mer rill Patri ck and Marion D rury l Continued o n Page E ight.)

Irishman (yelling)-"Hurrah for St. Patrick." By Stander-"Hurrah for H - -." Irishman-"Let every man yell for his own Country."

Ca th erine Long went to her home 111 Dayton o ver the wee k-end.

Ma ry T in stman Barnum, Gladys Yokum, and Agnes Ruchert vis,itecl with the 01\'IS o ,·er th e wrek-end. ' aomi Zinn and Mrs. Zinn and visited Peggy Katherine St r immer Zinn . Mar ian Grow· mother and sister, Mrs. Hane , spent t he we ek with he r.


Karl Kumler and Ros s Miller visit ­ ed in Balt imo re.


Adda Lyon spent the week-end with the Gr ee nw ich Club.



\\ 'ittenher~

mer for Sunday dinn er.

eveni ng. Mary McKenzie pent the \\·eek-end wit h her brother in D elaware.





Ceci l Mc Ki trick of Parkersburg. vV Ro ali C b r th e opeland \\'ent to her home Va. , visited Maur-in e Knight e week end. Mary M The Talisman Club gave a party inetz cCa be and Kathn-n Steinaturclay evening at the T-4-2. ll'ent t O I I · · Greenville i etr re spective homes in for the \\'eek-end. :Vlrs. Baker ,·isite<l ally and Betty Ruth T thi week. at her revo rr ow spent the \\'eek-end I10111 Dr. and Mrs. Snyder. Dr. and Mr e in Bellaire. Betty Gr Owen . Mrs. Scott and Mr. and Mrs. . . . \Vright ess Vt 1ted with Aud r ey Milton Owen were guests of F r eda and 11 end. at I. Vern on o,·er the weekC harlott e unday. reel We have Oxfords and P umps for o~f at ea e . "' Ord . E. J. 111 a new pai r of o ur college g irl s. E. J. \' orri s & Son. No rri s & Son. Mrs. N e \\·ell and her mother gave a party for the Arhutn s Cluh atu rd ay

No Strikes.

ga me

"Peg" Baker is ill with the measles. Prof. L. May H oe rn er attended the March m eet in g of t he sta te H ome Eco- , King Hall nomi cs Assoc iation which \\'as h eld in George Moore visited at hi , home in T oledo on :Vlarch 5. at th e \\ 'o man' s Lima over the \\'eek-end. Clu b. The C lub se rv ed lun cheon and . S ha ff er spent the week-end at .Arlie alternoo n tea to the guests. \\'illiarcl. An interesing exh ibi t was shown of pos ters on various home eco non11c . H a rlin Debolt accompan ied "Teel" . Reigle to his home at Arcanu:11 Sa turprob lems, and hundr ed calorie portions . exac t clay. . o f f oo cl , proper 1y co 1o r e d an cl 111 sizes, carvecf from soap. A talk on the Gwynne :Vlc Co naughy a n cl \ Ve n cleL teaching of art in the grades and possi- Rhode, ar e recovering fr o m the measles. · ble appl icatio ns to t he home eco no mi cs ___ field gave he lpful uggestions for pos­ Men sib le cooper ation in related fields. --Ralph Tinsley and "Happy'' R oye r visited Lakota friend s over the we ek Prof. Purdy of O hi o State and hi s fami ly were th e guest of Betty Plum­ end.


W omen


P age Seven


Glen-Lee Coal, Floral & Gift Shop 14 South State Street


University Men NOW READY

. . . Long fr om Dayton was the V irg1111a week-end guest of Verda Evans. hade s added to our 1any new & Ladie . Ho iery L in e. E. J. orri on. Mr.. E li za•be t h Saxour vi ited with Arbutu frie n cl

New Grays and Tans


end. Edith :vtoore pent Sun day at her home in te r.

Don visited with Mr . Howar cl an cl cl aturday. Florence on Fri cl ay an Florence Prinz pent the week-end

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - . !),- - - - - - - - -- - - - -


at Ohio We leyan. •fr s KlienMrs. '-:ichol . Mr. an d i': . . ' . d .,11. s Nichols v1 s1tecl Marschn11dt an :1· jor ie and Erne tine. and Nitctis Huntley ! Thelma H oo k





Page Eigh t




c=============== , KAMPUS KALENDAR


T uesday, March 8Y. M . and Y. \ V. tonight in Associa t ion Pa rl ors. Wednesday, March 9Student Council Meets at 7 :30 p. 111. in Coc hran Hall. Debate with Ohio ·orthern at Ada. Thursday, March 10-­ Cleiorhetea at 6: 10 p. 111. Philalethea at 6: 20 p. m. Friday, March 11Philophronea at 6: 15 p. 111 . Philomathea at 6:30 p. 111. Co nfer en ce Debate wi th H eid ­ elberg o n home platfo rm 111 Co llege Chapel at 8 p. m. Otterbein at Mar ietta .


OTTERBEIN GRADUATES J a nd D. D. degr ees. H. GUESTS AT LUNCHEON Colo nel W . L. C urr y, Civil w_a r ts~ to rian of the Ohio State Hi 5 toncal an f 1 Mrs. W. B. Gantz Is Principal I Archa eological Society , wa s a gueSt 0 I Speaker at Otterbein Club I ho no r. Colonel Cu rry is a fo rm er Lwicheon ! Otte r bein st udent. . t. Mabel E ubanlc5 , 5oprano solot 5 · M rs. W illiam Beal Gantz, ·Superin- La vere Brede n a nd Id H omer H uffm an. tendent of the P re sbyt erian Boa rd of violinists; Mildred Wilson and Ha ro . Church Extension of D et r oit , wa s th e Tho1111J)son, pia nists, present ed a mu t­ g ue t speaker at a lunch('on given last eal progr am. Wedn esday by ·th e Otterbein Woman's Mrs. Clarence 'vV ein land, a teac her Cl ub at the A t hl etic Clu b in Columbus. in North High School in Columbu s Her str.bject wa s " Days in Ol d Mex- and a g ra d uate of Otterb ein in the ico."' M-r s Gantz g rad ua ted from class o f 1906. was in c:harge of th e Otter bein in 1895 she also hold s B. D. 1 lunc heon.



President Clippinger May Preside. Affirmative Team Will Travel To Marietta. Proba bly the hard est battle of the debate season will be o n Otte r bei n' s home platform w hen Otterbein's nega- , tive tea m meet5 H eidelberg on Friday , March I I. , Presi dent Cli ppinger may pre side. The team for this debate will b e Hudock, LaPorte, Ha r rold with C harl es a Al ternat e. As the first peaker on the affi r ma­ ti-ve, Heide1iberg will pr esent Pa ul heats who represented H eidelberg at the oratorical Contest at Mus kingum I r ece ntl y. The second spea ker wi ll be either George Gaiser o r Raym o nd






Cashel. The thi rd peaker is Lee Van Blargen. P r of. H . D ana H op kin s i th e debate coac h at Heidelberg. P r e ent co rre . pondence indicates that P~of. H op km s will be unable to att end ett her the debate or the formal lun cheo n which the local Epsilon ch a pter of Pi K appa Delta had hoped to give in his honor

I 1·

Carl Wilson and Carl Mood y witne sed the Ohio State- Io wa basketball game last Saturday evening.

afte r the dc'bate. · He idelb erg won a 3-2 d~ci ion _over the negat ive team of Ca pital U n1verity · the negative won a 5-0 deci ion · · I' s a ffi rma 11ve. over Cap1ta Member of men·s and women ' s var1·t y quad s wt·11 u li er. On Friday, March 11 , an Otter bein affirmati ve team will trave l to Marietta to do battle in another conference en­ co unter. Knight, F letcher and Brom eley will speak. An a lternate "v ill al so make the trip. l t i not yet determined who the judge will be. Ja mes Sheldon will be the fir st peake r for Marietta; he i an outtandi n,g deba ter and a m ember of Phi Beta Kappa. Vincent Daniel , pre _i-1 de nt of t he Marietta Y. M . C. ., will be th e ;econd peaker. Floyd Brooker i the third peaker. A chap ter of Pi Kappa D elta wa e tab li bed la t year at Ma r ietta, and wa in ta iled by .Pr of. Leon 1c a r ty.

---0 C ---

CARDJNALS MEET KENYON IN FINAL COURT GAME Otteiibein' Tan and ardinal pill r play d thei r final court rame 1a t n ig ht in the High chool gymnaium. Th e Tan an d Ca r di nal went to pres last nigh t before the ame wa played and o no r e ult can be au­ nounced. A full acco unt will appea r in next week's ed ition. to

Dempsey an d Muir were ch duled to play forward po itio n for Ke nyon; aptain Va n Epp at center, and Putman and ew hou e at the guard po ition . The fir t game of the ea on , a a 45 to 26 defeat for tterbeirt at t he hand of K enyon .

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0 C- - -

An d t he Lord made him out of t he dust of the ear t h- and now he tracks in mud every time he gets his feet wet.

"Bertha, the Sewing Machine Girl"

( Co ntinued from Page Se,·en) were back to visit Co unt ry Club. ''Cl iff" Bay, '23, a teache r in the S 11· H. h S h I . ·1 d "th U ,van tg C 00 • V I S! e WI Phi lota friend s over t he wee k end.

Dry Cleaning and Pressing. Poulton o r Fred White. E. J. ri & Son.



TUESDAY, MAR. 8-Wm. Fox Presents



Madge Bellamy and Allan Simpson THURSDAY, MAY 10--F. B. 0 . Presents

Gene Stratton Porter's "KEEPER OF THE BEES" w it h a special cast, including

Robert Frazer and Clara Bow

ee or-

FRIDAY, MAR. 11-F. B . 0 . presents



''Dick" Du rst, pent,, atu . rday and . unday with ·. Larr y Hicks at h t home at F r edericktown.

Roaring Racing R omance, with

Viola Dana SATURDAY, MAR. 12-Wm. Fox presents

K ent Crooks, O hio State hurdler. Ray Pilkin gton, and els Wi lburg, '26, visited Cook H o usP. S unda y. '· Hard y" Lai was a Iowa-State game.

Beloved Romance



Raymond Hitchcock, Nancy Nash, Earle Foxe, Sammy Cohen, Francis Ford

pectator at th e

Lester Cox. '26, vi ited Ip friends . Earl Mason entertained Alps men with a ix-course pork and bean o up dinne r. Haro ld Phalor, ' 26, vi ited t he Sphinx lair over the week end. --- O C--FORENSIC ARTISTS WIN FIRST CONFERENCE


( ontinued From Page one. ) two team wer e we ll worked out, but the delivery of the peaker was prob­ ab ly not a good a it m ight have been . Palme r F letcher, Robert Bromeley and Karl Kumler poke for Otterbein w li,i le R obe r t Knigh t acted a alternate. Fletcher pr ecipitated the argumen t 1 ith hi fi r t con t ru ctive peecl,, in which he ou tlin ed the ca e. Bro meley proved hi worth a a debater in the econd peech while Kumler clinched th e ca e in the final con t ru ctive peech. I n r eb ut tal F letche r poke la t, giving a ve ry clear ummary to the wJ:iole argument, and to h im i due . a large pa rt of the credit for the vic­ tory . Ohio Northern Tomorrow night at Ohio Northern tterbein' negative team will m ake it fir t conference appearance. H u­ dock, ·harl e La Porte a nd 1-l ar rolcl together with oach Raine · will mak e th e trip. Prof. Earl . W iley of Ohio tate niver ity will act a cri tic judge.



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