1927 04 19 The Tan and Cardinal

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nu an VOL. 10.



ar tna

APRIL 19, 1927.

NO. 25.

TWO ORATORICAL CONTESTS THIS WIEK-END Publicatio;-Board Elects Jan and Cardinal ,)ta// /0~927-1928 OTTERBEINIS GRANTED OHIO ZETA CHAPTER OF THETAALPHA PHI NORRIS MILLER ANO Cou ncil of Theta Alp~a ' II P hi.ThetheGrand natio1Jal honorary ~ramauc . WILSON HEAD STAFFS fraternity announces the gra nting of a

ter Raines from Mr. J . R. Pel ma, Grand Secretary. Invitations we re ex te nded by the charter to the Ohio Zeta Chapter at national fraternit y to Francis Bechtolt, IN PHILOPHRONEAN HALL Otterbein in a te legra m which was re­ Edward Hammon. Dua ne Harrold, WILL ISSUENEXT EDITION ceived l'a st Tu esday by P rofessor Le s- Jean Turn er Camp, Be-tty White and Student counc1,1 Approval Pending . lice Propst. At a meeting held last P reliminary Peace Contest To Be Thur day F ran ci Bechtolt was elected Held Friday Evening In Board Action Regarding WILL SPEAK AT ORA­ pre iden t and Betty White was elected College Chapel. Sport Staff. ec retary-t rea urer of the local Zeta TORICAL CONTEST ON The fir t of three tale Oratorical chapter. . Loui \,\. orri , a elected edi torAssociation contest to be held at Ot­ No Plans Received ,n-c_hicl au<l Ro . M,iller wa elected FRIDAY AFTERNOON bU Ille pring is cheduled for Plan have not yet been received terbein thi d' lllanager of t he Tan and Ca rfr om Grand Pre iden t C. L. Men er of next Friday afternoon at 3 o'c.lock in · inal for the year 1927-1928 at a meet..;;- - - - - - - - - - ---, Kno.,x C liege, Jilin i , u 1 1 anuc1- 1'hilophron an Hall when the prelimi­ of the Publication Board held la t iur. day _a f ternoon. Mi.ldred Wit . n ontest of pated that Prof. R. C. Hunter of Ohio nary Women' Oratorical IV We leyan. and P r f. Le te r Rarn will Ohio will be held. f a appointed Circu la tio n manager or th e . Alice L. Propst who spoke in the co ndu ct the in ta llation ceremonies. I{ · en lllug year. Wayne V. Rus sel l Oratorical Contest la t n i ht ( Conti nu ed on pa e four.) Ii. ar ha Ro bert E. Mumma and Ruth with the oration "Educatio1i for Peace" - -- 0 C-- Ur h ar th e retmng · · · edi· tor, bu me 111 will represent Otterbein in tbi con­ FOUNDERS' DAY T O BE ana_gcr, and ·irculation -JJcctiveJy. OB SERVED BY PROGRAM te t. It is impos ible to tate yet !\ a . what place Mi Prop t will have on p · c1ate edit r · Ge ra ld R o clot, Special Extended Chapel To Cele­ the program a t he rplaces will be se­ hilip l> I r, 1arle , K nneth Echard and brate 80th Anniversary of Found­ lected by lot ju t prior to the coutest. '\.Obert B . r meley were elected. ing of College. Dr. Sherrick To Preside n Page Five.) ontin u <l Dr. Sarah M. Sherrick, profe ·or of CiiR - O C - - Definite plan are till in the making Engli h Literature ill pr ide at thi li ISTIAN ORGANIZAT IONS for the ob ervan c of Founde r ' Day conte t. Edna Hayes and I a belle OLD SUNRISE COMMUNION 11cxt Tue day. Apri l 26. In a ll prob- Ruehrmund will provide mu ic for the Cro 1rd abi lit y a pccial extended chapel pro- occa- ion. Margaret Kumler and Mar­ G of One Hundred and Forty gram " ·ill be pre ented. ext Tue - garet Du err under fhe uper vi ion of "ther in U. B. Church for day is the 80th anniver ary f the Profe or L. May Hoerner will have Special Easter Service. f uncl in g of Otter bein College. charge of the informal tea and recep- tudent repre sentative to be elect- tion which will be t ndered to dei c­ ed by the tudent ouncil, a11 almnnu. gate and coache while the jud n-e ar of the college, and probab ly a pecial making their dcci i n. M mb r of ut ide peaker. are lated for the pro- the Li erary oci ti th d bat quad , gram accordiug to an announcement and the dramatic or anization ha made by Pre ident W. G. Clippinger (Contin ued on page four.) r tcrday morning. pecial mu ical l ction wi ll al o appear on the proSENIOR MEN BLOSSOM






IN N E W CANE ATTIRE plaim d to make the pr gram remini cent, hi torical, prophetic and AS CAMPUS NOVELTY in pirational, Pr ident Clip1 inger tate . Mor definite plan will be au­ n un ccd from th chap I platform later "Fads may come and fads may go in thew ek. But new one come a-hither." - -- - 0 r. - - - ­ As the sweat socks, black hats an d CABINET WILL HOLD brilliant s u pend rs leave the mpu RETREAT THIS WEEK-END in apparent boredom and mono 01w_, seDJor men come to the rescu e and The n w y elect d cabi net f the Y. take to their stick . M. . wi ll hold an overn ight retreat Which remind us, the first day at Profe or Hur h · farm near en­ when our Cove ters of t he Sheep kin trat oll ege Saturday night pril 23. so sudden·ly cg.an ra1s111g .cane, one Ralph Garner, tate tudent ecre­ fr o h lipped th ree teps in comin ta ry for Ohio will , probabiy be pre ent. (Continued On Page Five. )



~F==a.= ge~T=w=o==================~T~H:C-::E=:'.:;;T~A~N AND C AR lJ IN A L




IN COLLEGE CH A PEL Results Obtained Too Late Publication. Peace R epre­ sentative Selected.




Several concerts have already bee n scheduled by the College Orchestra for the coming high school commence­ Re turn D ebate W ill Be Staged At ·, ment season. Dates have l~ee n arrangSame Time on D enison Uni­ j eel for Ap ril 29 at New Albany, P lain versity Cam pus. City, May 18, and Galena on May 19. -'be · C 11 d D • U . !\ co nce rt n1av be given in Newa rk the O tt e,, 111 o ege an emson m: · forensic . tilts . . \ seco nd week 111 lvf av ve rs1·ty w1·11 engage 111 this . ·· cl afte rnoon when the girls' teams of the . Accorcl111 g to Prof. A. R. Spe ar , . tw.o institutions wi ll debate th e q ues- 1tl~e dtrector. . th e hom.e cone rt of th e tion : ,, Resolved: That Congres Be 01 ch~st ra will. be g1~e11 Wednesday Given th e Power to Enact Uniform\ e~•e11111g, ~p nl 27, 111 the Co~l,;ge Marriage and D . L ., Chape l. 1 he1·e are now twenty pieces in the Orchestra · ivorce . aiws. Otterbein's affirma ti ve which will I • travel to Granville will consist of , ~, ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; : ; : ; ; ; ; ; : ; ; : ; : ; : ; ; : ~ Esther Williamson (·Captain), Mar- 1, - - - - - ga·ret Kumler, and J eanne Bromeley. : The p,arty will be chaperoned by Mrs. 1 Paul E. Pendleton. Duane E. Harrold ! is the coach of this team. IN PHILA LE.TH E AN HALL



Five ora to rs contended for the prizes at th e annual Russell Oratorical Contest which was held last night in the College Chapel. · At the time of going to press the results of the contest were not known but two of t<he orators had been pre-dete rm ined representatives .o f the •college in later forensic tilts. Karl Ku:mler will represent Otterbe'in in the Constitutional Contest, and Alice Propst will speak in the preliminary women's Oratorical Co ntest in Philo­ -phronean Hall next Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. From the remaining three contestants the college representative · £or the Sponsor ed by Societies preli'm inary Peace Contest Friday Th i afternoon at 3 :30 in Philalethean · evening in the •College Chapel was to Hall Otterbein's negative team will be determined . by the judges. The ..........;.:;;....;...._...,.__. meet Denison' affirmativ·e . The Otspecial judges to select the Peace repter,bein team consist of Margaret resentative were Professors Hursih, Louie W . orri and Ros s C. Miller Duerr (Captain ), Mabel P lowman Raines, and Al~man. were elected editor and bu ines man- Helen Gi bson, and Vi rginia Nicholas'. Variety of Subjects ager, respectively, of tJ,e Ta n and Car- a lternate. T his contest is under the Tho e who spo ke on tihe Rus sell clinal for next yea r by the Publicati 11 au spices of Philalet,h ean and Cleiorheprogram last night were: Karl K um- B tcan Liter>ary Societies. Miss Marler, " Men"; Alice P,ropst, "Education , oa rd la t week. ____ I g uerite B lott, presiden t of Clciorh ctea ,1 £or Peace"; P hili pp Charles, "The I O C will preside. Palmer J . F letcher is the Arch of Triumph''· J oh n W. Hudoc'k, j DAYTON ALUMNI STAGE . coa,ch of this team. The eJCpert judge "Dreams of Tomorrow"; and Nat han ANNUAL PEP BANQUET fo r the con te st will be Miss Christ'ine Roberts, "Shackle s of Folly". '!'he Mc Bride of Weste r vi lle High School. prizes were presented to the winning , L . W . Warson Is Otterbein'• RepreTh e last debate of the season is be{ contestants by Duane E. Hlarrold, Jas-t sentative To Montgomery ing scheduled with Baldwin-W allace my from yur' prize winner, who pr esided at Count y Alumni Meet. ome time in }.,fay The ame affirmat-he conte t. · tive team will r present Otterbein on at my The judges of the ,contest were Rev. 'The 1perfeict menu" wa offered to the home floo r. The negative team tte rb in alumni wbo attended lbe consistin g of Hele 11 G '•b v · · · . 1 son, 1rg1111a J . C hester White .o{ the Presbyterian Chuxh, Miss Maude Alice Hanawalt, Montgomery ou nty Alumni As -ociaicholas and Ma i garet Duerr wi ll and Dr. Afl>ert Porter, lexicogra pher tion's banquet la t night in. Dayton. sp_eak at Berea. Dean Lela M. Taylor 10 The menu wa prepared tinder the d1·- \\~1ll cha,perone th d I • for the Anti-Saloon League. The e e egat1on. prize are awarded annuall y by D rection of Mi s L. M. Hoerner of the. - - - o C- -r. , Department o f 1-Iome E onom ics. Pi K a ppa Del"a E lects D . Howard H. Rus sell, founder of the-1 . ' ue lo th eir work in deib, t thre Anti-Saloon League. It I a rule of the Montgomery ount y alumni to get together the fir t nie_n wen: " tc l into Pi Kap.pa Delta W atch Maker and Jeweler ~ ·Monday after Ea t r, For that reason Fnday morning. '.I hey are Bob BromW esterville, O. REPR ESENT WITTE Nthey did not hold a reunion on Otter- eley, Bruce LaPorte an l John Hudock 1 bein Night, March 25. ':;=;/ BER G IN O R AT O RIC AL I . --A lumn i Secretary L. W . Wa rson Jllllllllll llllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'1111111111111UIIII!,! CONTESTS ON FRI DA Y was present at the meeting of the :








Will be pleaseq to see patrqns Otnew place







of business.


ou~t~ alumni.

-' C. D. MANN



W inner Not College O rator


The Pt1bl'ic peaking Department : announce that the winner of t-h e Rus­ sell Oratorical ontest will not aut o­ matically become the. college orator . s ; ha been the cu tom in the ,past few yea rs: the college oratQr will be select, ed by a special contest next fall and will be open to Juniors and Seniors.



International De trnic ti on :"' Qhio \ \' es- leyan e11ds Phi.lip Ebeling to the Peareontest with "'Th e Ninth ead"', and ifi ~s 1fildred ra,vford to the nt e. t with "'The l'nlighte l


itizen' h:irl es L emen will ·peak for nh t> rg in the prelimina~y Peac l! ;,t her Friday evening on th ject ''. am ·on'. Mi s Louis Jtichi 11 \\.'ill speak ar the preliminary \Votnen' ratorica l ·out t n "'Pris ner ". 1[artin H orn will repre nt' apital l ui r ity in th eac nte t with hi s l rat ion '·1nternati nal Educati

o ll ege is _ nding Troyer to fhe \V omen' k on lhe ubject, "The ettleme nt ;" eace out native ha n t been ch en, ·art ke wi eak for hio


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Griffi th , \Ve tern Conference com1wissioner of ath letics, will be .the - - - UC---refe ree of the O hio Relays. T ed Tennis Match Postponed Ca n ty, fam ou for hi s lea th er-lunged voice, wi ll come fr om Chi cago to an-,, WHISTLE BLOWING REDUCED ___ T he tennis mat ch between Otterbein noun ce the re sul ts. H . P. Swain, . d veteran Ohio official, will be the starter. I' ExcesSJve Roughness Condemned an Mu skin g um which was scheduled E d and Team Play Encouraged fo r Saturday will be played May 2. Many M en ntere at Committee Meet. T hr oug h ome mi sunder standing MusThe men en tered in th e differ en.t kingum had th e game scheduled for events to daite as fo llow : High I The National Intercollegiate Basket anot her date. However, the game will Hurd les, McG ill ; L ow I-furd les, Green; Ball Rules Committee which met Sat- be played at New Concord May 2. ---- 0 C---Pole Va ult , C. Wales a nd Van A uken ; urday, April 9, in New • York City Hligh Ju mp, P.inney, Snavely and changed the rule dealing with the drib- , " Youth Regained" Film Presented I Friend; Broad Jump, Smith, McGill, ble so that a player may now dribble but once before shooting or passing the Two productions of the fiilm, "Youth a nd . Mumma. Two-mi le Relay, Erisman, Mol te r, ball. Time will now be taken out be- i Regained," were given in the Science Pilkington, H atton, L. Hicks, Kumler, tween the commiting of a fou l, personal Hall Wednesday afternoon fo r the n and Falstick · 880-yd. or technical, and th_e time the ball benefit of the Biology, and Home EcoHoldre ' K •. ec k ' Ha ' de,partm_ents. T he theme of leaves the player ' s hand when th rown nom1cs Relay, tton, c. Mum ma, Thompson, •r rnney, • G e . Wale and Falstick · toward the basket. the film dealt with t,he value of yeast 1 ' . .111 a comical . . . . R Ir e1 ' c. W ale Er,i sman' Whistle Restricted to t h e sys tem, showmg rM I 1e e ay. . , , . . r Ha tto n f'linney L The committee al o took action re- way how a ma-n well advanced m years 1o n1p so n, 1Molte , , ' • · d · Tl Hicks · and Martin; )00-yd. Da sh, garding the u e of the referee's whist le. \~as restore to comparative youth by p, t E Hereafter the referee will blow his his use of yeast. ' · h SI Thompson and m1t ; 10t u, . • Ri egle. Kiintigh, and Van Auken; Mile whistle only when a held ball is called, Relay, (open to a ll colleg es) C. Wales, when time is taken out, when ball goes E'ris man, Thom·pson, Molter, Hatton, out of bounds and when play is re ­ Pinney, L. Hicks, and Martin. sumed. .The spi rit behind this ruling was that the promiscuous blowing of According to Coach Ditm er, ever y the whistle by the referee ha on ly led Oll e o f the men entered have a good R to confu ion among the players. chance of competin g in th e race · ~I-I What the result of this ruling will be I' f th try ou ts thi · week wt su ts O e is hard to estimate. Dr. James Naithe ____ contestant • . of the Umver . s1ty . of Kan a s, who smith · la rge IY d e termine


Noted Men Will Officiate At Athletic Festival To Be Held In Ohio Stadium.




Revised Program. T.he Oh 10 ' Relays th is year have a rev1 ed 11rogra111 desw . ned to produce even better competiti~n and a faster llle~t, and Pelcia l eve n ts in which nat1onall Y- k now n ta rs wi ll compete. N otabl e officials have been chose n to 11 nd1 a e the meet. Major John L.

rr-========== __________ =========-~-







Coach A. Ditmer a nnoun ced yes1~rday tha t twe nt y-five of Otterbein's Cinder art·tsts I1a ve been entered m • the f .our th annua l O hi o Relay to 'be held in A the . 0111.0 S tat e stadi um Saturday, · Prd 23. H owever not a ll of these lllen will compete • .'111 t he races next S tu rd ay. Fu ther try-ou ts w ill be held 1 1 wee k to determine those to be carried a 11 d t h ose who will . compete m . th th e irtee n differen t events in w hich 0 tterbein is ente red .


of opinion among basket bill critics seems to be that the ruling will hamper the game. While this rule has been under consideration for several years, it ha d never ibe come a reali ty until th e annual meeting April 19.

--O C 1 mvente · d t he game t 1, irt · y- fi ve years ago, : BA.SE BALL TEAM WILL declared that th e rule change was a PLAY BLISS THURSDA y decided backward step. The dribble, Nothing Is Known of Business College Team. Captain Election To Be Held. Next Thursday a f ternoon at 3:30 o'clock the Otter;bei n base!ball team w1·11 cro bat with· the Bli s College . nin e of Colu mbus, on the home d1a-

he aid has been one of the most spec­ tacular feature of th e game. "The dribble in the game, as played in the west has not brought on excessive roughne ss,'' he said when told the com­ mittee made the chan ge " to eliminat e roughne s and to encourage team play."

Objections Stated

7 LOUISE BEAUTY SHOPPE Marcelling, Shampooing, Hair Bobbing, Manicuring, Hot Oil, Facial and Per­ manent Waving. Our Motto :

L. W.

t. John , athletic direc tor of A Beauty Aid for Every Need. mond. Ohio State University, also looked on 12 W . MAIN ST. 366-M. o reliable foreca t ca n be. mad_e Beauty Culture Taught. . th e game a not hmg is the change in the rules restricting the conce rn m g . dribble, with di sfavor. The concensus kn own of the strength of . the . Bit oll eg e team, and Otterbem will go into th e game with only four letter bear the brunt of the fra y. m en t o • • ·11 be i to say the Bit ites wt N ee d e [ t the ufo ut fo r revenge for the de ea fered a t the hand of Coach er ba ke teer la t winter. On the othe r hand the Tan an d Carui na( team ca n o battle un~1l t he la t be expec t e d t 'k 1. called and the la t man ouL tn e . h Ditmer a Th e game will give oac chance to find out the icali?re o~ the • o-called green material which will of 't be called upon to repre ent • 1 pa , nece st Y . . the 'great nattona tterbet11 tt1 1 time.'' oach Di tmer announces ~hat th e will pla y thi game without a tea1;:i11 a no election or appointment lbe made un ti l a fte r thi fir game. ~COLUMBUS.O. -. '' 1 II a the captain-elect J I arro w o 111 • ar' quad but his failure to of th1 ye I 1 th e econd eme ter The ab . . ret urn to c 100 · un fill ed · he a, ave pictu red loving cup will · ffi e to rema-111 The largest, finest, and without doubt the best equipped sallery in vard d c au ed th o ne"'•" e to th be t Ohio college ---0 ••i,ap r America for producing the best known to the Photographic Art. Spring at the annual two-day And they th ough t that he was a N convention of the Ohio College he se1 a fa st pa-ce. tra.ck m'an because h Id A ociation which will be oc - . nappy aturd hio We leyan next Friday and A new shipment of Lad1e an0 ay, April 22 and 23 T he T an orri & Son. E J arct · . · • · tnal 1s entered in the conte t. pump .

! .

id1 '

----- - 1•

Go Where You Have Always.~ee11 Ple~·: d .,

Your Photo if from The Old Reliable






~ Will Be Best.

c - ---



Rich and High Sts.




A ~ 0

-=~================= 1'



ffihr wan anh <!larhinal Published Every Tuesday Morning in the Interest of OTTERBEIN COLLEGE


EDITOR-IN -CHIEF .............. ......................... ..... WAYNE V. HARSHA . '27 ' e w~ Editor ............................................... ........ ........ Louie \V . orris. '28 Women 's Dormitorie s ........................... ............, ....... Margaret Kumler, ·2s Men's Dormitory .............. ...... ...... .... .................... ............ .... James Bright, '28 Local Reporter .. ...... ............... ... . ... .. ... ........... ..... ... Philipp Charles, '29 Special Feature• ............................... Verela Eva11s, '28, Robert Bromeley, '29 General Reporters



Mar v Thomas Gladys Dickey Ernestine Nichols Marcella H en r v Clyde Bielst<'i1i Thelma Hook Esther Williamson.

......... ...... .. ........................... HARRY E. WIDDOES, '27 Assistants E llis B. Hatton Arthur H. German Lawr<'nce E. Hicks Parker Heck


BUSINESS MANAGER .................... ............ .......... ROBERT E. MUMMA, '27 Assistants Ho s C. Miller Lorin Surface David Allaman CIRCULATION MANAGER ............................................ RUTH HURSH , ,27 Assistants Katharine Mycn Mildred Wilson Margaret Edgington ~largaret Duerr


- - - - - · - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -

PUBLICATION BOARD President .... .......... ...................... ... ···-··············· ...... ........... ...... G. H . Mc onaughy ice-Pre ident ······················-···················· ..................... ........................ J . leel y Boyer Secretary ........................ .......................... .. ............ ...... ...... ........ .. Laura E. Whetstone f-acult y Member ............ ................ Dean N. E. Cornetet , Dr. Sarah l\f. herricl-'>tud ent Member - A. 0 . Harnes, Ruth Hursh, Mabel Eubank , Alice Blume Crai g Wales. EDITORIALS FOR LOA-FERS T hi i a jazz crazed age. The ph.ra · . borrowed from the pe imi t who frown on the hurry- up tempo now i11 vogue. i pcrhap in n place better xe mplified than 011 th cam1>u of an merican univer ity. ~ It i c ntinually a ru h to thi fun c­ ti on. to atte nd thi game, to take part in J.hat play or cone r t, have thi uit 1r d or get thi bit of tudying done. mor care-free per on can be found anywhere than a lot •of tudent , nor is th re a group more pressed for time than the ame lot of tudent . It i a qu er combina-tion. The· college car er i f tim -requiring activitic and th av rag tudcnt tr ic · to k ep abrea t with so man y of th c activities that the (JU tion naturally come up a to ju t what it all mean and where it all will lead. in a while w find a pcrs n who i. ont nt d to it with h..i feet propped up on a d k. blowing moke ring into the air and hink aboutw II ah ut notlting in particular-ju t thinking. \, envy uch a per on for hi peacefulnes and for the rea lization that h is the ort who gets the big ht,mche that materialize into worth-while thing. . He i enjoying omething that the hurry-up people are 1111 sing.

He takes time to check up a bit occai nally. We can·1 end r se the habitual loafer nor do we reli h the mug monotony of the go-getter.- Ohio tale Lantern . - -- 0 C - - - ZETA ALPHA PHI CHAP-






Claude Zimmerman Ullian Shively Alfred Owens Karl Kumler Kf'nneth Echard Charles E. Shawen · Gerald A. Ro elot

C A R D I !'-: A L

ont ' nu rl f-r om Page one. ) Invitations have lbeen extended by the local chapter to Profc or P. E. Pendleton, Dr. Sara-h M. Sherrick and Profes or Lela M. Taylor. Profe sor Raines is a meml:ier of Chapter 21. P ennsylvania Beta. at the niversity of Pittsb urgh. Membershrp in the new honorar y is dependent upon the amount of partici­ pation in dramatic activiti and ex­ eel-Jenee in the field of acting, play wntmg, producing and managing. Ohio Chapters of Theta A·l pha Phi arc located at Ohio Wesleyan, BaldwinWallace, Heidelberg, W jttenberg and Ohio orthern. The local chapter i the 70th one to be organized of Theta Alpha Phi which was founded at the University of Utah in 1916. ---- 0 C ---Mi Mida tee! , '26. wa the gue of honor at a dinner party given by Prof. and Mr . Hanawalt la t Saturday evening. Mi LaVonne teele, Mr. G. M. Moore and Mr. C. H . Biel tein were other gue t pre ent.



(Cont inu ecl fro111 (M )st! 0 11 e. J 011 S u11d ay evenin g at 7:J0 in the U. been invited lo attend this part of the 13. chur ch. Section B C. E.. ass isted by the Young I 'eople"s Ev ening Choir festivities. Six Colleges Entered will prese n t a drama and su ng story o.f Each competing college sends with Easter e ntitl ed '·Judith.". l nt erspersecl th e contestant a faculty judge who with th e dramatic action arc very 'beau­ .-anks and grades all contestants with tiful choru ses \\"hich will be sung by the exception of his own. Colleges th e · Yo un g P.eople·s choir of ixty entered are W:ittenberg, Ca-pita!, Den- voi-ces under the lead ersh ip of Mrs. ison, Bluffton, Ohio Wesleyan and Starkey . Mr. J ose ph Mayne is cli recti ng the dramatic action. Otterbein. The local contest is in charge of ____ O C - - - Prof. W . Roy Diem of the Departmen t STATE Y. M. C. A. HOLDS of Oratory at Ohio Wesleyan UniverCONFERENCE AT DENISON sity. At the same time a contes t is_ - - -held here a similar contest is taki ng The annual joint Y. M. C. A. 5 lat.e place at t'he Case School of Applied conference was held at • Denison Uni­ Science in Oeveland. . The three best versity, April 8, 9, 10. The conferen.ce, orators of each contest will com'petc unlike the one held at Otterbein laSI for the final state honors in a contest yea r, emphasized the training elements held at Ohio Wesleyan on Friday, more than . the inspirational ide of th ~ May 13. The first and second prizes usual con feren'Ce program. " Dad are $25. and $1 5., respectively. EJ.liott Arthur Rugh , Howard Thur' h. f Otterbein's campus is rampant with man, and Maud Gwynn were the c te oratorical conte ts thi s week. H ow- leaders. In addition to the regular ever, all college pedple and cit izens of conference sessions special discussion Westerville are invited by the D epart- groups were held for the presidents of ment of Puiblic Speakjng to attend the local Associations. This group was divisional Peace Contest for O hio lead by Dr. Bickam of Chicago who whic h will be held F r iday evening at has spent several years analysing cam8 o'dock in the College Chapel. It is pus prdblems and their .cures. impossible to state this morning who Those who were at Den ison repreOtterbein's representative wiM be as sen ting the local Associations were : he was not selected until late last F1lorcncc Howard Helen May, f-ran ces night at the Russell Oratorical Contest. H inds, Glendora ' Barnes repr esenting However, one of the three orators with Y. W .; Louie orris, Lawrence Marsh, PeaJcc orations in the Russell Contest Robert Erisman, . L1oyd Schear, a nd will speak for Otterbein Friday. ~raid Rosselot representing Y. M. 7 Colleges Represented --- O C --Colleges who wiH send representaSpecial Specimen-legs by Steinway, tives to t'his con test are Ohio Wesley- ·b ody by Fjsher and necks by the hour. · - Michigan Gargoyle. an, Capital, Ohio Northern, Bluffton , W itten!berg, and the University of Dayton. The final contest will take orri & Fan cy ilk H o e. E J. place at Ohio Wesleyan on May 6. Th Son. ree contestants will be chosen from h t e contest Friday to take part in the fr - =-final contest. The judges for the contest wiH be faculty membe rs or coache~ of the orators from t-he various col­ leges. Prof. Horace W. Troop will judge for Otterbein. Dean N. E . Cornetet has been a kcd to pre ide at . the contest. 1s '1

~==============~-;.~Eat at Blendon Hotel Restaurant

- - -- 0 C----


Attend Scientific Meetings A number of Otterbein s tud ents at­ tended the. meetings of the Ohio Acad- 1 em y of c1ence held at Ohio tate Uni­ ver ity la t Friday and aturday. Pro­ fe ors Hanawalt. chear, and McCloy att nd ed the e ion .

,Where Food the I • IBest. The Service D e 1 i g h t f u 1. The Price Reasonable.

BLENDON RESTAURANT ========~,,.;:::-,1 --- .


~==============~=====Tgl--l~E~T~AJ:-- -' N[)


ON APRIL 29 AND 30 Original

Plays by Verda Evans, Ernestine Nichols and Lillian Shively.


Phi • Cap and Dagger , • .andTheta th e Alpha p lay . Production Class are ioi ntl y spo nsorm g the series of four one-act Illa ys w11 1.ch will . be given F rid ay and S t d the C II a ur ay, Apri.1 29 and 30 in 0 ege Chapel. " Clareb Agam · " , one of the plays, was writt . hen Y Verda Evans and Ernestine Nl1c ols,.'· M iss ' Evan s will direct this P ay. Sam urai.,. 1s · the name of the Jdapanese t rage d Y which . will be proon. th e same program. Lilli:rn . uced hi . ve 1Sy is th e authoress of this play· MISS hi. vely will . d,roct . prod the cast in the' T uct1on of her play. wo othe r PIays which • . appear on th will court'~ program are "Road to Agin­ " d ' a romantic melodrama, and n ercurrent s " , t h e tale of a Hindu U•prisi stude ntg.. These plays were written ·b y SENIOR MEN BLOSSOM s in . th e U niversity . . sota. n M of MinneIN NEW CANE ATTIRE " argaret Kumler will direct AS CAMPUS NOVELTY nc ercur ., 1 coach ren ts and Al•i-ce Props t will · · the cast . t." o f "R oad to Agmcour 1 Cnntinucd from page n11<•. 1 Th · · Much Original Work fr om Math Class when she tho't she ea rn is.._original work in ,play writing saw the Prince of Wales ! e aiuout talion b a_s t h e resu lt of recent agiCan you blame her ? Ice-cream P!ay p ~ Quiz and Quill -Cluib and the pants, nug-fitting dark coat, a knob·b y rod uiction · Pia Cla s. A total of six cane and swagger. (The Board Walk Ys have I d Y been submitted. . l'hree f area and a Rolls-Royce) . She ru sh ed over irnrned.0 th ese plays will ·be produced to a mem'ber of t<he Student Council tately a d h h h Written b n t e ot er t rec, and gasped "ls that H1s Honor, Prince Lincol Y Harold Blackburn, Bessie Eddie?" he wa proudly informed, now . n, a nd Edward Hammon, and "Why, no, that's our Jimm y !" in the pr f . .. . ·11 Probalbl ocess o rev1sron, wt Which makes us wonder-"Does one altern Y be produce-cl at informal wea-r a cane or carry a cane?" Vv e and p~on SC5sions of Quiz and Quill hesitate to say, but from our limited Th ay Production Class. exper.ience we wou ld observe that we annoue Pub!'ic speaking Department know of but two, J immy and Keene, 8:Jo nee that the curtain will rise at of whom it •c ould be said, "He wear ac·couor; Friday evening, Apri.l 19, on a cane". The rest have trou'ble enough ses ion . of the Philophronean Open to ca rry them. n' the cu r tam . . o' clock w1·11 rise at 8 Speaking of the "great open spaces", on Saturday evening. or were we, we might comment _on several of the boy friends we saw . ·---T hursda gave 'a Y evenmg, Miss Hoerner gamboling about o n the green with a 1 King Ii ~ture on etiquette before the woudd-be golf ball and tree st ump for tion ch a Association. The associa­ a tee, endeavoring to make said cane tab1e ~ e two members to sit at the useful as well as, shall we say, noticeWere WJlh Miss Hoerner bec ause they a'ble. 0105t in need of instruction. Be not surprised, sho uld you hear on our Ca mpus, 'ere long; 1· oc--"Good mawning, Algernon, bally . J. nni R·ac k ct and' T erw i Ball Ii. · orri &· on. good day, wot? chawming, By "Old Dear, rawther


Jovel! Swish, Swash I! P. S. We have inside information from the -Prince of Wales, that if you un crew tl1 e cro k of the cane-lo, no need of a -poc ket fla sk I I


--- 0


c-- -

Students Help W ith Ca ntata "The Ea ter ide," the name f th e cantata pre ented und ay morning al Grace h.apel of which Roy Burkh art i pa t r ' "a put on und · r the direc­ tio n and as i tance of everal coll gc tudent . Edna Haye directed the produdion and ca rri ed a ol~ par t, I abell Ruehrmund acco111pa111ed at the piano, F red Miller and ~sca r Clymer were oloist and Zelpha F1 her

DISPLAY DAN CROCE 27 W . MAIN ST. Westerville O ~ ' .

Page Five

A RD l N A L

Men's Deba te Squ ad H c1S Successful Season



;; 1

har ed in the program.

Courtesy Cleveland Plain Dealerfront Row. Left To Right: Echard Knight, Harrold. Kum ler. econci Row: La Po r te, (.,l,arles Fletcher Kintigh, Bromely, Reigle. Back Row; Redman, ~'1artin, Du rst, M ayer, Rhodes. Hudoc k. ---0 C-~­ NORRIS, MILLER AND WILSON HEAD STAFFS ( Continue,! From Page One. ) new editor will not be selected from the a ociate editor until late next fall. Re-elect Members Margaret Kuml er will continue a editor of women ·s dormitories news: an as i tant may be appoi nt ed later. James Bright will co nt inue a editor of King Hall new . Dwi~ht Euvera rd crda ,,·a elected ·men's local editor. E ,·ans and aryl Rupe are th e pccial feature editors. Esther \ illiam on i the Fi K appa Delta Reporte r. Humph rey Bard . laude Zimmerman. Lil lian Sh ively, Char le E. haw­ en, .VI ary Thoma. . Gladys Dickey, Marcella Henry and Thelma 11 ok were appointed genera l reporter -. Sport Staff Indefinite Election of the porti ng taff by the JJu bl k ation Board is ·till pen li ng and may he announced later in th w ck. Lorin urface; David Ila man and H erbe r t Holmes were named a, a _ to the bu ine si tant


Katharine Myers, Margaret E d ington a_nd Margaret Duerr were nam ed a as~ s1sta 11ts to M-ildred Wilson. Gwyn ne H . McConaughy is pre Ident of the Publica tion Board. pproval of a ll electio ns by the St d C ·1 · u ent . o unc1 is neces ary before the eJe.ctions a re author itative. OC--All hade of Ladies ilk hose. E . J. Torr i & Son.



'With a ne dollar pur­ rha e of Eaton, Crane E-.· Pike's world-famous tationery , this author­ itative book





Take advantage of a most unusual offer ... good only until May .fi'ourteentn.






Come In and See Us.

Westerville, O.


Page Six T H E T A N ~~================




D l N AL


\\: omen's Debc1te 1·eam to Meet Denison U. 'roday


Concert Is WeJI Received. Orchestral and Special Numbers Add Zest.

The Glee Club left Wednesday morning, April 6, on a rather exten­ sive Spring Tour. They gave concerts six successive evenings. This to ur in­ .eluded the towns of Latrobe, Greens­ burg, Scottdale and Wilkin sburg in Pennsylvania, and . in Ohio at New Philadelphia and Coshocton. To add Jo the variety of exper ien~e on the trip an interesting . and didactic promenade through Carnegie Museum at Pittsburgh took place. The audie nces everywhere were large and appreciative. In fact t~e total of the audiences in this tn;> Co urt·c sy Columbu s Di spatch amounted to albout thirty-five •hundred PROMINENT SOLOISTS persons. In each of the places visited L e ft to Ri g ht: E sthe r William on, AID IN EASTER CANTATA Authors Take Warning there were encouraging press reports. Ma rga ret Kuml er, J e<1;nn e Brom eley, One art ~Qle !boasted that it was thr be 5 l The church choir, ass i ted ,byvV. W . H elen Gibson. Virginia Nicho las, Tom orrow is the la. t oppor­ musical program ever given there. Heimherge r, baritone soloi t and R. J. Ma-hi e P lowm a n, Margaret Duerr. tunity to t urn in product~on.s for Last Thursday evening, the Glee - -- 0 C - - ­ Griffen, ten o r soloi st ,both .from th e the Quiz a nd Quill Conte t and Club and Banjo Orchestra p re sented Otterbein People Attend Meet Broad Street Congregationa li t church , the Ba rn es Short Story Cont est. Th e Central Ohio Phys ics Club held their annual home concert in the Col­ in Colum bu , pre ented its annual Al l entries should be t-urn ed in E as t·er cantata , entitl ed "The Seven it s a nnu a l mee tin g a nd lunch eo n in lege Chapel. This was their conclud~ to P rofessor C. 0. Altman. ' ing pr-o gram for the 1926-Q7 sea son an Last Word s o f Chri st, " unda y even­ ho no r of Dr. R ober t Andrew s Millikan was heartily received lby one of the on Saturday , April 16, a t Ohio State ing. I n addit ion to the a;bove soloists University. Prof. J . H . Mc Joy is ·l argest audiences that has ever hea rd Prof. McCarty Pays Visit Mary Mill s, Mabel Eubanks and ec retary-treasurer of the cltlib and wa s Prof. Leon McCarty, a former O t­ these organizations in any appearance Edna Ha yes carried olo pa rts. Pro­ re-elected for an other year. ter\bein profe sor a nd now a professor here. fe or pe a rd dir ted the whol e Among those attending the lu ncheon of P ublic peaking at th e U niv ersity The evening's entertainment was affair with HeJ.en Vance and France were G. H. Heitz '23, Joy Dillin ger, of Cincinnati, paid the campus a v1 1t divided into three part ; the first con­ Harri a sisting at the organ and pian o '25, Prof. E . W. E . Schear and Prof. last Thursday and Frida y. f rs. Mc­ sisted of semi< lassicail songs by the re pectively. J. H. M cCloy. Ca r,ty adcom panied him . Glee Club the second was made ~ entirely of selections by the BanJo I~ ' liiil'' Iii'' l!illl l■ I' l■ll'la lll■ll'l■lll l■ll'l■II I■ " 1111' l■ ll 1■111■111■11 1■111■11 l■ll l■ll l■llll■llll■Jl:l■ ll l■ll 1 ■11 ' 1■11'1■111■ ' 1■11 1■111■111 1■11 1 1■1111■11' 1■11 l■lill■IIII■ Orchestra, and the last embraced a i · -----. ■ nu'm:ber of popular songs. The pro·




=c:iii-i-i-i-iiiiiiiii_i',__B~i~irrmmmnnirrrrinrrrrrrijrnmm~mimi ittii i ~ffifi-- I■

C.-=:J mifflir.,iiiiimim I'll



! Iji





!!-i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :-------------------------===========:5

'■ El ii ' iJ i





I !I


!i -


parts of the concert.

- -· o c

Seniors Present "Three Hour•" The Senior Class presented, "'fh:ee Hours" with Corinn.e Griffit h carying the leading role at the Garden T ,hea· ' shows were gi·vcn · tre last night. Two one at 7:00 and one at 9:00, wi th . ~ good attendance at each. Financia results wiH be announced ne.xt week.


Edgar Gue ::it Package


Carnation Package

Order Your


ii i i i

Sampler Package

Qllub &tationery

BUNTES Special Package

i ! ! !







141.llllil'MAIW~~U,.~~ I




gram concluded singing were College was songs. Special byfeatures violin duets lby Homer Huffman ao d I Le Vere Breden and piano solos by ■ Oliver Spang,ler, b.etwe en the separa te


12 East Main St. Phone 20

Westerville, O. CaJJ Us




lurkeyt Jrtnting <liompany



li ■ I 11• 1l ■lll■ll l ■hl ■l 1 ■11 ■1 1 ■1,1 ■l l ■l l ■l ,l ■l1 1 ■1 11 ■1.l ■l 1 ■1 1l ■ll ■M l ■ l ,l ■l,l ■ l l ■ll ■l l ■I ,l ■I 11111 IIII 1 ■· I I IIIJl■I II■ 1 ,1 1■1 11■1, 11 ■111■1 :111 1 1111 1 11■!I

! 1





Ru th , µr h and Catherin e ~ifa tz went t~ their ho m es in Man s field SatUrdav ... 1 u . . ·.i' to a_tl end th e wedding o f a fnenu ' . ' it . L,eah t. J o hn a nd r- ~far)' Me l( n:ue, "- !her George went , to Barber ton fo r 11 ie week- end. M1cla teele vi si ted with La V o nne and the A rcady gi rl s ove r th e weekend.

Ruth M


. . . Mi ldr nrp Y, who ha s been v1s1tmg for the pa st we ek, returned 1io111e .edMonday. · .r · 1 l<at.hp, v·irg1n~a .·. , 11 . Sth e111m et z M a rv M-c'-a->e , • . ler ic ola s and Ma?- g aret Kum· re spectiv · e homes 111 · G Went to th eir reenvill e anc1 D ayton for Ea ster llnday_ Leona R .. her a ver v1s1ted Lu cy Hanna at I iorne in Col u mb us, at u rday. Ma· th~ non Drury vis ited hi sister " Jo" Pa t week. ather-in L . nen t th e ong and Helen " e Week end in D ayto n.

Ew ry

Pe·• T

beJa ,g ryon spent the week-end in ware with ·her parents. theEd na T ra cy went to h e r hom e f or - _1veek-end

'Rut-i~ -8

· ~


dav . uca pent Thur dav and Fri­ . 1vit 11 the Arbut u girl s ·



· •net r. R be rt · v1· 1ted Lucile Unday.

. n1y

at urday

a11 d 'I 1' ildred Morri . broug'ht a

L tterary and Dramatic Clubs To Observe Author's Birthday

\\' ednesday ni g h t.

~f cmbl'rs of th e Quiz and Qu ill , the C ha u cr r and the Cap and Dagger Cl u'bs a r•e p lannin g to ce le brate Sha k e­ s peare ·s ,birt hd ay on A']) r il 23. Pro­ fesso r J . V. Denney of th e Engli sh nivers ity D epartme nt of Ohio State will de li,ve r a n addre s in k.eeping with th•e occasion. Th e presiden t of th e three club s are a rra ng ing th e a ffair . I t is pla nn ed for ce rtain o f th e ·ram·o u s Sha k espearea n heroes a nd heroi n es to al o atte nd the fu n c'tio n.

Mr. Boyd P. D oty , attorney for th e Dur ing s pl'i ng ,·aca ti o n Ruth Sea ­ .-\ 11ti-Sa loon Leagu e of Amer ica, spoke man and Be tty Plummer visite d ''t he hefore th e chape l a s emb ly yeste rd ay ga ,1 g·· at Leiba n o n Co ll ege. 111or11i11 g ·o n ''The Non-Con tro ver s ia l Ll oyd ·hear and R ichard J a m e ; .-\wcc ts o f l\ationa l and lnt er -Na tional Mr. D o ty ca m e und e r w e re the dinn er g uests S und ay. o f L o is Prohib iti o n." the a u spices o f th e Int e r -Co ll egia te .\r .11 cntrout and Ethe l K ep ler. Pro hi bit ion Association. He led an Mr s. :\'ich ols a nd Mr. a nd Mrs. ope11 fo rum dis cu ss io n y es terda y morn­ Kli e nsc hmidt ,came Sunday to see ing in Dr. S nav e ly"s and P ro f. Hur sh 's Marjori e a nd Ernes tine. c lass s on th e pro hibiti o n question . Mary T1 n s; man Barnum a n d Harri t - -- 0 C - -- ­ H a ~·s vi s ited the O wl ·1ub over th e Miss Gywnne on Campus w ee k -e n d. Yli ss :vfaude Gywnne was .the special Anna L o u Bick el, who ha · ,bee n ill , s peaker at the ins ta ll atio n session of ha s ret urn ed t o s chool. Y. \ V. C. A . la st Tuesday eve nin g. L oi Bickel, an al umn a of th e Green ­ Mi ss C harlott e Owen, retirin g pr es i­ wich Clu h. a nd her sister, Anna Lou dent. spoke fo r th e old ca binet , and m oto red from Parkersb urg, \ • Va. , Mi s Fl o re nce Howard, the new presi­ L ois Bicke l r ettrrn ed 0 11 Monday dent , expres. eel the des ir e o f th e new cabi ne t for a s uc cessful year. arternoon. the we ek -end P ede n . pent S ylvia with Viola . seve ral alumni and friends thi s week­ Th e Lotus - lub en joyed the con­ end. in cludin g "Al'' Mattoon, R. J . te nts o f a box. whic h "Peg'" Tryon Whit e, J . B. Crabbs, Dwight Blau ser , Theo dore Bennett, George Robert s, brou g'h t back with her. The A r cady giirls enjoyed t-h eir H owa rd . Walter and elso n Carpenter, S unda y e ve ning lun c h at th e home of 'v\l illia111 Evans. He rald P lo tt, New t on Hu tc hin on , R .. O . Karg. H elen Kern. D. R. Cli ppinger motored to G r een Gladys S nyd e r w e n t to her home 111 v ill e F rid ay. Leban o n .for Easte r . The boy s who tay at th e Annex Th e Onyx ,(lub wa entertained with Cl ub rooms we re ente rtain ed at a de ­ an Ea ter party Saturda y nig ht al the li g htful Eas ter breakfast by Mr s. John home of Bernice Norri s. Easter eggs Pe rr y o f IO¼ E. Main t . of varie d h4 es, des igns and in c:ip­ ti o n w ere col o red durin g th e even111g. The r e fre hm e nt s carnied o ~t th e ,co lo r -s ch em e o f yell o w a nd white a nd econd t he Of in the candy ,c up • fo und t;ny scro lls tted co urse ,.Vere · . with w h ite ribb o n. In thi s ~•ay_ the e nga o-ement f Marga ret No rri s, i ter of th: hos te and a g radu ate of Otter­ bei n in the cla s of 1926, a nd Mr. Leyr emp wa a nn ounced . Mr. I I a n cl O . " . Ii o lK e,111 is a g ra duat e . f De iance 1 lege. The w erldin g will ta k e pla e o n


INSTALLED TUESDAY Both the Y. ·M . C. A. and Y. W. C. A. ca binet o ffic e r for the ensuing ye ar were inst.a'lled at the regular me·e tings la st Tuesday night. Roy Burkhart gave a chall enging talk to t-he new officers of the Y. M . C. A. a fter which he pe rformed th e installation ceremon y. M iss Maud Gwynn. the Regio nal Stu­ dent Secr etary fr o m Chica.go, gave a very interesting and th-0ught provoking tailk to the officers-elect of the Y. W. C. A. After the meeting the Y. W. cabinet adjourned to Cochran Hall where they held an extensive meeting with Miss Gwynn, di s.c ussing campu s problems. ---0 C---

Miss Hoerner Speaks on Etiquette Professo r L. May Hoern e r delivered an addre . ·on "Etiquette" at the regu ­ lar dinne r h our at Kin g Hall la st Thu r sda y eve ning.


1 id it fifth annua l forma l L a ko ta 1 b t E lks' ountry C lu a • dinner a t tile urda v night. ..I-; appy Roye r, '25, an~ Ralph Tin . '26 vi it ed L akota fri end over ril e



week en d . M o ne th


mith j nrneyed to B l om­

dak to v is it hi s pare nt .


. s, '26, Mario n Drury, av 1n ., H enry, '26, were back 0#


i it

Jub and fri e nd s. and

Party an,d Picnic Orders Given Special Attention


Charter House

M ay 26.

lllake a "peach" of Your best girl.

Meats anfdor Groceries

--·- --


s u pply of eg_;s ba c k with them fro m PROMINENT PROHIBITION th e R D's and gave Arbutu s a push ATTORNEY GIVES ADDRESS


t\ () matter how anRry a ·irl m ay be he alwav " ma I<e up " . c_ Our T o i 1e t Goods

Make Wo LF 'S 'l oup Headquarters

Page Sev e n

CA !<.DI NA L,

Harold M lt er , 1 in P lea antvi ll e.

•1 F ri n d v i. it e I Da le's h 01 y ung r ,. rr 11 Tr •xe l ond u t d a u nday . 111 c ting in Man s fi Id pe p Ie s and Monday. hili p, '26, p ent th e wee k ·· G11 c k" Jp friend • end wifh ok Th e week- nd vi itor • ~ ··Andy" nd r . on, ~ • H u c we re . \\' ·t- High wh h a i>'en ach1'.1g at a1 ~ F ranklin Y un g, ' To led , ancI ach at T l'i nto. . . mpanied a rl \Vila r! M d y ace k . ~ ' h me in Newar . on t th - latte r s we re visited by The Annex boy


University Men NO\V READY

New Grays and ·T ans


_!:ge E ight





vo ted to go on ~ecord as bei ng i11 fa vor of arb itrat ion. The name s of a ll st uden1 s who have not yet paid th ei r pledges to the Stu­ dent Chest F und will be posted o n the bulletin boar.cl th e latter part of this week or the fir t part of nex t week, accord ing to an order gi ven the Stu­ dent Chest F und Comm ittee an d a uthor ized by the Council. - - - 0 C--­ LITERARY CONTESTS WILL CLOSE ENTRIES TOMORROW


Evening Program In Chapel Consist of Several Dra­ matic Numbers.

- -- · - ·------by President L a ukhuff. The Co uncil



=~~~==== ===========-






Noted Journalists May Address Two­ Day Session of Collegiate Newspapermen.

A ll roads lead to R ome ! o run s th e o ld adage. but Friday. April 22. a ll roads will I ad to Dela­ war e for O hio College journalist , whe n the O hi o Co llege Newspaper Associat io n will hold its annual sprin g co n ve nti o n as g uests of the O hi o \,Ves­ lcya n Tra nsc ript. front practi ca ll )· R eµ rc cnta ti vcs eve r y coll ege paper will be in a tt end­ an ce at the con ve nti on. E fforts arc being m ad e to secure Bob R yder. fa m ed paragrap her of th e Oh io State J ournal an d Bjll y Ireland of the Co­ lu11 1bus D ispa tch to add ress th e dele ­ g ate . Se ventee n O hi o pape r s are now in th e associa ti o n. More will proba bly be taken in a t th e fo rthcomin g mee tin g. herrill Leona rd of Akron U niv ersit y is president o f th e a ssociation and Charl es J. Farran , editor of th e T ran script. is secretary: Way ne V. Harsha. edi tor o f th e T an a nd Card inal, is th e FR A , I M . BE H TOLT trea ur er. Fra ncis M . Bec h to lt wa s nam ed - -- 0 C - - ­ pr e ident o f the loca l Zeta cha pte r o f Nurse To Speak Theta lpha P hi, th e new national ho n­ orary drama tic frat ernity at a m eetin g Mi F ra nces 8 . Latim er, R. ;',/ .. of th e membe rs la st T hursday. Betty exec u tive ecreta r v of th e com111 ittee Vvhite wa e lected ecretar y- treas urer. 0 11 ur sin g E duc;tion of the Central T he charter for th e cha pte,r has j ust Co mmittee 011 N ur sin g , Cleveland . a rriv ed. O hi o, will speak o n ur sin g Edu ca­ ·- - O C - - ­ ti on at 4 p. m . T uesday, Ap ril 19, 192?. Coll ege T rou er . Ne w pa tte rn . in th e Y. W . C. A. room in the sso­ E. J. Nor ri & on. cia tion Building .

The annual Parents' Day Celebra tion w;is o ffi ciall y set for Saturda y. May 7, by the tud ent •Coun,cil at its regular se,ni -monthly meeting last Wedn esday eveni ng in King Hall: T he annual fe st for the paren ts will •be,;:=n S turday <mo rn ing wit h rhe May Winning Productions Will Be In Spring Number of Quiz and Morll'i ng Breakfast whi ch will be erv­ Quill Magazine. ed by the Y . W . C. A. girls in Cochran 11 a ll. Do ris \,\' cth erill is i11 charge of Th e a nnu a l µrin g editio n o f the th i event. Q niz a nd Quill maga zine will he off the Committee Appointed ayne V. Harsha wa s app ointed p ress May 10. T hi s mag azine is pub­ chairman of the committee which will li shed t wice yea rl y by t he Qui z and ha ve charge of the selection of the May Q ui ll Cl ub and co n tain s the be t liter­ Queen, the arrangements for the Ma y ary wo rk produ ced durin g th e current Pole dance, and rhe enterta inme ut in ye ar. Winn ers of both the Barn es hon tory and th e Quiz and Qui ll the chapel in the evening. Mary M,cabe, Verda Evan s and A. 0 . Barnes co nt es ts a re th e head lin e attra cti on- of arc other members of this co mmittee. his edition. They were ap·poin ted b y President Co n tributi on · fr om a ctiv e and alumni P erry Laukhuff of th e Student Council. 111 c1nbers o f th e club and th e bes t literNo definite program ha yet been ar y tal ent in th e college will com prise o utlined · b y th e ,committ e fo r the the remainder o f the book. T helma chapel in the eve.nj ng 'but it 'is thought ny der . ed itor-in-chi ef o f thi num be r, that the Dramatics Department may , re1> rt s th a t copy is ra pidl y bein g t urn ­ have charge of the affair. The Varsity eel in . indica tin g th a t little troubl e will "0" will probalbly no t spon sor any of i be experi enced in findin g an a bundthe events this year. ?.nee of hi g h grade material to fill the Will Select May Queen hook. "H obohemi a, Wh ere W e D o The May Queen may be selected by .' \ : \ Ve P lease." J)ecial feature ectio n. a vote of the s tudent body t11is year dit d I Y Way ne . Har ha. ~vill co n­ i,r tead of 'being ap<poin ted by an or- tai11 a num be r of unu ual poe111 an d ganization as was the ca e la t year. hort ske tche . k=lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll-~ I n con idcring rev i ion o f the co nA t a 111 eetin g aturday mornin g. the


tudent Council voted stit uti on, the down the motio n by a 7-6 vo te that Fre hm en !b e allowed to discard ,cap and r ib bons at Chdstma time in tead of pr ing vacation provided the fir t_\'car tud nl s win crap Day. T he n1 otio n that the colors of the Fro h ca p and ri bbons be changed from green to tan and cardinal m et with t·he unan im ou·· a ppro val o f th e oun:cil.

cl ub vo ted to award the printin g co nra ct to the Buckeye Printin g o., a nd accep ted a cover de ig n, draw n by Do na ld Mc ,i11, to be et o n a dark hade of gree n pap er. T he jud ges for th e Qui z and Quill COJtt e l wi ll co ni t of 111embe r of th club. Ju d ges fo r th Ba rn es hort tor y c ntc t arc ~- t to be elec ted. _ _ __ o r,

Agree on Arbitration

Chaucer Club Meets




:: : _


_ :


= _ _ :


'ha ucer lub m et at the home of Dr. ; que tionna ire regarding th e presen t herrick on West Main di pule be t ween nited tales and . ar;i h M. Mexico wa ubmitted to the Council str ee t last n ig h t for a regular 111eeting.

= =






r th ur

om er

R oche, with

Helene Costello, Louise Fazenda & John T. Murray

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"THE TAXI DANCER" A lor y of Broad way 11ig ht life, with



Glen-Lee Coal, Floral & Gift Shop 14 South State Street " Where You Get the Things You are Proud to Have."

Joan Crawford & Owen Moore

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