t .
an. au VO L. 11.
ar ina No. 6.
Homecoming Celebrated by Win Over Baldwin-Wa~lace Crew - -- - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - --
Annual Student Ches fCampaign Scheduled to Begin at Chapel Period This Morning EIGHT ORGANIZATIONS HAVE ENTERED BUDGETS 1
St uden t Volunt eer O n Campus
I [L N
REJUVENATED 0. C. TEAM PLAYS EXCELLENT BALL .S CORE IS 14-6 Miller and Hankison Make Touchdown Each. Smith TaJlies for Visitors.
O ctober 28.
Attend Penonnel Conference
Subject: How Jc. pass.
caught the
The Y. M. . has purcha ed some new ong book , called the Fellowship A personnel conference was held a,t Hymnals. The book are paper back the Hotel Seneca in •Columbus on the ed and contain everal o( th popular week-end of October 15, lead by Owen Y . M. C. A. songs. Pence. Profossors H ursh a nd Troop - -- - 0 C - - - and Professor and Mrs. Bowman at Prospective pledge to g roup man; tended the co nfe rence. "It won't be long now."
Thi' first concert of the arti series pon o rcd by the \,\/ ome n' Music Club pf Columbus will be give n next Fri day night, October twenty-eighth at 8: 15 in Memorial Hall . The arti ·t. ar ' .'.lario Chamlee of the Metropol itan Opera ompany, Ruth Miller, so prano, forme rly with th Metropolita!l Opera Company. [ncluded in thi program will be a .scene from Ma senet's "Manon" in costume. This wi ll be the first ap pearance of these ar tists in Columbus. Tickets may be secured at Cochran H all between four and five Wednesday afternoon.
<:r s choo l,. In P res id ent C lippinHOMECOM ING BANQUET j oth ger·s speech. th e fact wa s br ought o ut FOLLOWS FOOTBALL WIN 'that, whii e th e athkti c equipment wa,
try by leading c h em is ts o f national im
The psychological sympos ium was ,·ery much limited at th e present time pro babl~- the bette r of the t\\' 0 part s of REPLOGLE IS TOASTMASTER l) lans were rapidly being laid to en- President Clippinger and Professors the dedication for men of world wide Weinland and Clippinger i~_rgi: th e whol e a thl e tic p rogra m. He fame r ead papers on various subject s. Sears, Clippinger, Warson, Landis, mad e e pecial m en ti on of the lo ng Are Present. I Two of G ermany's leading p sych olo Mrs. Johnson and Margaret j dr ea m ed of and 111uch m e ntion ed gymgists read pap er s. Widdoes Speak. na,ium . Thur sday . Friday. and ·aturday of The Otte rb ein chemistn· d e pa rtm ent - -- - 0 C-- - .ast \\'eek marked th e dedication of was represented on Thu.rsday at th e The ann ual H omeco ming Ban quet F aculty A ssists Welfare Program the new Chemistry-Psychology build- confere nce 011 chem istry by Professor held in th e United Bre th re n Church on Th e October 111 eci ing of the Granding at Wittenberg College in Spring- Donald C lippinger. President Clip nd Saturday even in g wa;; atte ed by a view Ci ,·ic \V elfare C lub of Co lum liel d. Ohio. In a dd ition to the actual pinger wa also at the Thursday crowd of ahout 238. A lur_nni turned bus was h e ld a t th e hom e of Mr s. F. dedication festivit ies a symposium on mee.:ing . On Friday Professor L. A. o u t in good number · but st ud e nts T. Connor, Grandview Heights. Th e .. Fee lin gs and Emotions" was con- \ Vein lapel rep r esented the d epartment failed to gi ve th e_ir s uppor t to th e get- musical prog ram was furni shed b y two ducted by the P sy chology Department at the conference. Probab ly the great togethe r ce lebratwn . facultv member s and a g radu ate of th e at the schoo l with some of th e fore- I est chemi t in attendance was Edgar Ernest Riegel, preside nt of th e S t u- I Ot tnbcin Sch(1ol of \1 u:ic. :\I iss .,wst psychologists of t-h e world in at- Fah mith o f th e Un iv ersit y of Penn cknt Co un c il, introduced Lawrence H aze l Barn g r over, in st ru ctor in vi o lin, .cndan ce . a nd a confere nc e o n chemi~- , sylvania . J<.<:plogle of Dayton who acted as I playe d a group o f ,.·olin solos. accom Toas tma ster . Brief s peech es . were panied by ~1is s Fran ces H a rris . :VI rs. ':.! 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 it 11111111111111 11 made by President W . G. Cltppll1ger, Floyd Hartpen ce sa ng a g ro up o f oach .--\ . B. Sears, Alumni _ecreta ry I so ng s. L VI' . \\/ar son , J. P. Land is. Mr s. , ----- O C---F iorence J o hn on, and Mi s fargar et STUDENT CHEST DRIVE Widdoe,. OPENS TUESDAY MORNING Coach - ear s tres sed th e fact th at --the future o f the Athletics of Otter_- 1 (Continued From Page One). hein lay in th e ha nd s of th e Alumm. day. Fnreign :\l issinn, and S tuden t : and that unless they se nt 111 athlet_es ; World Service are scheduled for _ of high ca lib er the level of ath let_1c I Thursday. ~riday will be give~ over :
achieve ment could not eq ual that
=Thursday N1·ght, October 27
to r ecapitulat10n and the final ~riv e.
Formerly Held Many Drives
Befo r e t he in stitution of the system of st udent che st, th ere were many sm a ll driv es L ,·ery year. Ex cep t iug Var ity "O'", a ll a re Ch r istian organizations of the che,t. a nd ince a majorLty of the tudents belong to seve ral. the tota l amount requ ir ed far exceeded the um of $2500. This method of o n e campaign e liminates th e many drive s, and proportions the total expenditures equall y among the tude n ts. Th is· year each of t he four classes will be g iven a proportional amount to rai e, and will be entirely re poa ible for that s um as signed as The only up-to-dat e · Shoe Repair its quota. A t the end of the Thur;:day sessio n Shop where your shoes can be repaired as factory standard. I t does not mat- of the campaign. every t ud ent will ter where you have had your shoes r~- have an idea of the need s of the differ paired this shop will do better m leathe~ and workmanship for standard ent organization in th e chest: o at price. the fast m eeting Friday morning there WE SELL Y O UNG MEN'S SHOES will be, first, a biief summary of the PRICE $3.50 T O $6.00 work of the three previou day , and Also Laces, Polish, Arch Supporters, then a final drive for pledges which CornNCurSe1,. InL~e~ Soles, will cO'll1tinue mttil the goal of $2500 Dry Cleanin g and P r ess in g.
l\ orr i & Son.
on- tp
WOLF'S rters
Your Headqua for
Meats and •
: _ _ :
= = :
Friday Night, October 28 CLARA BOW, the "IT GIRL"
in her newest and best picture
_ _
reached. - - -- 0 C -- - -
With that likeable comedy team WALLACE BEERY AND RAYMOND HATTON
= §: 1:
PHILOPHRONEA TO HOLD ALUMNAL SESSION FRI. The- Alumna! Se siorr which was to be the Homecoming meeting will be held thi Friday. Prof. Altman will pre ide. The s ion will rbe open . A wetr filled room witne ed a real literary e ion la t Friday n ight. Rohrer, G. W . read an exceptiona·lly good e ay on the King Hall food qu estion, offering a plausible solution.
Bright, T. R. presented a thrilling ad-
O C Varsity S lick er .
Saturday, October 29 RICHARD DIX in
Monday, October 31 POLA NEGRI in "BARBED WIRE"
.. _
venture. Extemporaneou peaking was unu suaHy well done. T ·he whole meetin g was up to the old Philophr one astndar-d and the old alu mni who were ·b a ck .gave everal enthusiastic talk s. Everybody is invited to come out to the open session th is Friday.
---§ ::§ :::
.::: ..::::::::: ::: ..::::::::: ~. ~
I :=:
.- .
Otterbein St d u ents buy your tickets froill ~ Varsity O Me~. · § 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ' fi IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111111 IIIII 11111111111111111111 IIIII
T A ,
A ' D
Page Three
- - - - - --------,,---------- - - - - - - - - - - ~ -
Ohio Conference ·Football Championship Remains Undecided ~---------------------------------------------ho pita!. NEXT GAME IS WITH .MIAMI'S "BIG RED" Coach ea r dese rve great credit Speedba ll League Standing MUSKIN GUM EL-E VEN TEAM-MAY WIN FLAG for the victory. . He kept throwing in w. L Pct. 1
The terbein grid team journey to hi re er ve fo r ces at opport un e mom Senior .............. 3 0 1.000 aturday to play the ent throughout the game. r ew ·Co ncord Sophomore .... l 1 .500 The victory broke the Homecoming Fre hm en ,........ 2 3 .500 Field Will Narrow Saturday W hen t_rong ~u kingum team . jinx that has p ursued the team ince . b M t M . · Mu kingum ha beaten ·uch teams Junior .............. 0 3 .000 ee s ianu. _ . W 1tten erg D t St a Capital, Kenyon and Dem on by the H iram game of th ree year ago. roa.g. lar e core . aturday Akron Univer- Baldwin W allace ay on O tterbein Football weat her wa most ideal ity beat them 20-12. Their main A a re ult of Muskingum· Pinney L.E. aturday. The un hone in all it at the hand o-[ kron la t aturday, offen ive weapor. i the for ward pa ; L. orri wi nd blew pri tine- uh- glory. A il on lo Taylor . The mo ra le of Ot three team. ar now being to uted a ·· rawford L.G. aero t he gridiron towa rd the north hio nfer terb iu i very bigh and they a re go p . ible , inner i11 t,h Magill goal which helped carry kick for a give the Mu kie a batt le they .ence. iami, iltenberg and Day in R.G. Fowler good di tance whe.n the wi nd wa at ton a re undefeated and appea r to have will remember with ea e. Reck R.T. the kickers' back. -0 C -,· trong elevens. till in er R.E. Riegel - - - - 0 C-- - ntil la t week' game, Mu kingum BO NEB RAK E RACQU ET mith Q .B. filler SENIORS STI L L HE A D MEN T RI M H OME BOY S wa figured for at lea t a ,tie for the vellone L .H .B. Han ki on. SPEEDB A LL LE A GU E conference honor . ow however, .it Klein R.H.B. Minnich doubtful if the Mu kie · fi ni h thi Ashcraft and Howe Do Good Work Brettin F. B. Lee Frosh-Soph Ga.me W on By Frosh high. For Seminary W inning A ll ub ti tu tion~: Otterbe:in-Benford O vertime Period. Juniors :Miami 1, ch en b many a the Faculty Conte st s. Hadfield, Hane Gerhar t, au!, chott, Forfeit To Seniors. pr babl e champion, tlerbein Bunce, Clingman. athlete can te tify, Mia m i ha an e.xupcrior " ' rk Y the two faculty Baldwin-\ allace- M a I y, chi 11, enior are in undi puted po ceptio1;al . ,team ~v h.ich ha ~hibited racq uet w ilder fr 111 B o~eb'.ake ga~e Lower. chultz Hag nmeyer. \iVell , ion of fir t place in peedball league. great dri ve. \'ITl t,enbt: r I al o j th' n1111ary tbe d e rn it tenms chwegler, Wolfe. Only one of the three games schedh.owing fin e fo rm , The pri.ngfield match with Otter.bein last Friday T uchd 6w n - rui t.h, Miller. Han- uled was. played this week. The sophcrcv mee t . Miami thi aturday while afterr, on. The lu dent broke even ki or.. omor s played the ·fre hmen Monday. ayt n i playing Wilmington. in t beir ma he - wh ile all the faculty p int a.fte.r t uchd wn- fill r 2. The jun ior forfeited to the seniors Dayton di played little to be proud conte t wen t to Bonebrake. ropir -Long Purdue. edne day an d t he gam for Friday .of in it on conferenc game at Cin-mong the i; rofe ors, Howe deReferee-Well , 0 . wa po tponed becau e of the pep 1rally. ci11ati. H wever in their o her game footed Troop 6-0, 6-4, and Ash raft the Flye r have mad e a er ditable d'own~d Engle 6- 1, 6-0, in th e ingles. , ~ ~ The Fro h- pb am wa a bout h wing, al though lo ing to Holy The mvader al O <took the double , the be t game eve r ee.n. here is ea,t", ros and the Quantico arines. 1 6-4 and 6-1. A five minu te overtime period wa Dayton mu . t de eat b th Miam i and fo the tudent ingle , Lai beat ~ ===============~· 1 needed to determine a victor. A penWittenberg if it i to go throt1sgh the I Welty 6-3 and 6-1; McConaughy of , . , . I a lly kick won the game for the freshco nferen ce ea on undefeated. The I la t year' O tte rbein team, downed · Otterbem s ba~d m th e capa ble men. the final core being 12- 11. race J?romise · to be hard fought and antler 6- 1. 6- , and 6-4 : Prop t lead ha nd of Fr~d Miller a nd ur t P oul Th<: re ult thi week fin d the senan trern.ely in,eresting one. lshimora 6-4 and 6-3; and A ba ola , ton paraded tn concert tyle. ior in the lead \"ith three victorie and 1 ----- 0 - - - -co nqu ered Thomp on 7-5 and 6-3. A grea t man y roote rs cam e down , no defeat . H OMECOMI NG GA ME IS Lai a nd Mumma were uccessful from Berea to see the peotac!e. F or - -- - 0 C - - - WO N FROM T A N AN D GO L D ver Welty and }-!c onau by in the a few miuut hey had much opporT heatre T o O pe7:: T hursday d uble , 4-6 6-.d, and - 1, but Prop t unity to c,heeT. Tbe ta nd a nd I We terviJle' new theatre i to be and Diehl lo t t Aba ola and I s hi- bleacher were filled to the limit. The (Continued From P ag-e One.). fo rm ally opened Thur day evening, and 6-4. crowd' wa e Limated at 1500. -6 n1ad zero 011 a lin plunge. ndi October 27, with I.he special feat u re co uragc d he tried aga in aud mad nine - - - - -- -- · ~ B th inney and Smith ave raged " To w \V e' re ia Lh Air." tarring They ran off fiv e plays to anoth r t uchd w11 a. th ey were ahead :u ya r d. on punt . The up late men Beerv a nd Hatton. Preceding each ) ard make their touchdown . For the xtra J>y ne point but du to their love of I tr ied eleven forwa rd pas e . ix of I perf~rmance P,o fe or Grabi ll w i11 point th ey tri ed a forward pa the game th ey decided to make another r these we re com pleted for a total gain give a hort reci tal on tht: new Clcve fai led. tcuchdown. Hadfield cha rged the line of 50 yard . Three were incomplet e Ja nd ymph ony organ. Duri ng the Fox tbc11 kicked off to R iegle who with such catapultic force a to gain and two were rntercepted. Otterbein picture Harold Thomp on will ·be at . G., the organ. Th e doors will be opened w a tack! d on the 43-yar<l lin e. The e ight yards. Jess Miller ran a round ried four pa se ·. Two were fir t quarter end <l without further se veral wo uld-b e tackler ~ for fifteen one wa in ercepted and one wa com- at 5 :30 and th e rec ital i to ,be pre happenigs that count ed in the score. yard . Lee added a yard and M iller I pleted fo r 24 yard and a touchdown. ented at 6:00 a nd :30 p. m. Tht' . econd quarter bega n with the gained fi,·c aro und right encl. . 1 ball in tterbein '· po se . i n and 37 mathematica l u rvey showed that ! ya rd to go. M iller made an end run about fo ur va rd intervened be twe en , for 2: Hadfield plunged th rough the the li11c of cr immage and th e R'Oal line for 5 more; Miller and M innich lin e. On the next play Han ki on went ree led off a yard each. Mi ller added through th e line fo r a touchdo w n. four nrore. ft wa last down and 5 J e s Miller drop kicked the ext ra poi nt. tterbein , a ahead 14 to 6. T here yard . to go. Minnich threw a long pa s to Miller who caught it an d I was no further scorin g. Everv man on the team plaved a 1 c ro, ed the white Jin for a touchdown . He drop-kicked the extra point. A nd ' g reat game of foo t ball for Ott~r bein . I we were ahead 7-6. B-W then opened The t am a a whole tackled hard, r an J -;up with an aeri al a ttack that took the the ball with skill an d' won the ga me ba ll to the ne foot line when the half d ecisively. In B-W t hey m et a 01 0 . t -e nd ed. capable foe. Smith of Lorain, 0 . i a Score Again great backfield tri ple th rea t man. Pinn ey kicked off over the goal line chwcgler and other played a great i n the third q uarter. A n exchange of game. B ennett the best end that -play placed the ball on B -W 's 16- E -\\' ha thi yea r received a ver y yard line w her e B-W held and was eve re inj ury in the econd qua r te r. -penalized to their o ne foot line. Smit h He caught a pass ucce ssfull y a nd pu n ted offside on th e 28-yard line. when tackl ed he s uffered a slig ht frac Otterbein had no immediate need of f the sku ll and wa ta ken to the MUSKIN GUM O UT O F RACE
-===============~ Stadi·um Static
ICE CREAM FOR HALLOWE'EN Special center mould designs for the occasion m Black and Orange colors.
Our Cider is made fresh every week, and kept sweet in our own cold storage. Always de licious and contains no preservative. Order some for your Hallowe'en Party.
Page Four
wan anil mariltnal Published Every Tuesday Morning in the Interest of OTTERBEIN COLLEGE Address all communications t o t he Tan and Cardinal, Lambert H all, 103 W est Collei:e Avenue, Wester •llle, Ohio. Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year, Paya ble l.n Advance. E ntered as second class matter
Septemher 25, 1917, at the postoffice at Westerville, Ohio, un der act of March 3, 18'19. Acceptance for maili ng at special rate of postage provided for In Section 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized April 7, 191.9.
Dear Editor: 1 • Th 0 If, 111I women students t·hemselves. 00 . e per . coming i11 contact deed any action were hastily taken, it ~vi _LI~ , •~terbem College a re . P rfectly \ would be entirely futile for a reason I a\\ a , ~ 0 : th e .fa ct th at there is con id- entirely obvious, but which w lil be rable ~1 ention among the students, considered later. STAFF ! regarding a recent ruling o,f the b d f Tho e in immediate charge of the '11:DITOR-IN -CHIEF .................................................. LOUIE W. NORRIS, '28 oar ~d tru tee compelling all th e running of King Hall ,c erta·inly have Managing Editor .......................................... ··················-··········Gcrald Ro elot non.-resi ent men of the college to take noth· t d .h h . . ,diCopy Editor .........................................................., ............................. Thelma Hook their meal at Kiing Hall. . mg o o wit t existing codt Wo°;len's D<?rmitories ...... .! .... •.• •...••....••. . ········-· ····-··········· Margaret Ku~ler Th is order wa a urpri e to those tlons. It mu t be completely un erMens Dormitory ·····-············-·············-··························-···········:···· James Bright attciiding the d . . tood that they are but serving the 11 Local Reporter ·····--··················· ················ -- ······-·············· Dwight E. Euverard ·ct bl co ege an it was with college and ably at that as well as con I era e reluctance that many paid their board for the fir t four week . fairly, to both authorities and students Henry Gallagh er A.. few complained of the increasing a a few st udent are in a position to Special Features ·-··-····-·-·········-······································· Verda Evan Caryl Rupe trmgency of tudent regulation . ee, and in part, appreciate. . I have mentioned an illu ion to the ome cla.imed that ,t he ruling impo ed General Reporters mconvemence; other objected to the increasion r igidity of regulations of the {~ Mary Thoma I Marcella Henry economic bu rden . college. This objection can hardly be laude Zimmerman Gladys Dickey . As ~ result of the meager per onal substantiated. There are those con· Lillian Shively Thelma Hook mve tJgation, I have concludd, and nected with the college who can re· Charles E. Shawen Lucy Hanna most tudent will agree that the basic mem ber when tudents were compell· Kenneth Echard Phillip Charles cau e of friction i the aversion to ed to attend Sunday worship; when Cre sed Card Edna Tracy compul ion. I am convinced, however they were not permitted on SundaY John ance Fred Miller that. th re a re a few, a very few e..x- 1 afternoons to walk abroad in ~ouP · . I It has b~en remarked to me t~at JIU SINESS MANAGER ····---········-·········-··········- ········ ROSS C. MILLER, '28 cept1on to ~hi . Assistants A far a the food 1t elf i concerned torm · riv It wa an unheard of thing Lorin Surface David Allaman the r are prac11cally · none who will for a man to ente r Cochrar. Hal.I We Herbert Holmes ?eny that the price charged for b. ard Cannot compare conditions to day ao d SPORTS EDITOR ~···-··--···- - ·-·······- ···--·····--············ HAROLD BLACKBUR N 15 rea·onable. ne or two chool formerly. Unque tionably tudent Elli B. Hatton Assistants Arthur H. German - may be pointed out which offer board , h~ve many more privileges. Harold Young Parker !{eek at a lower rate but th e va t majority I If tudent wi hed to withdraw fro!ll Alfred Jordak of c~ool charge a reater · um . Of the ,hall, it ee.m not ab urd that the)' Girb' tl,1 tic Editor - ····=···········----······················-·········· Evelyn Edward ~e. six 0 .ther places in Westerville at hould have appealed to the facult'J' 1 CIRCULAT ION MANAGER ········-·················-····· MILDRED WILSON, '28 • hich J na"- eaten I.or auy length of committee which would not have been Assistants ti_m.e, only one could lay claim to pro- unrea onable if the appeal wa · well Margar t Edgington Mai::t fa~t~; Vldm,g a more pretentiou fare for the founded as it doubtless would h~ve Hel n Ewry Wilma proull I ame amount of money. This par,t icu- been in at least eve ral of the iodiv1d· Mary Mumma ! ar place wa unique and a common ual ,case . PUBLICATION BOARD : cd· uld u~de r no con ideration be conWe cannot contra t the faculty vie 11:· · lJl the ame manner poi n t wit · h t h at of the tudent , for it Pr s1dent ·--··-·······--···•··-·····--··-··-····-······-··-·····--········--······-- D ona Id B error ucted \\ · Vice-Pre ident ·······••···-············-··········-··········-··-········--·······-··-·······:.-· Ve 7da Evan r e mu t pu · h farther back to the i alike in a few i ta ces and further, Secretary ···········'·······--···-···········-···-··-··········-·····················-···:-:·-···-· Edwm Shaw u fundamc,ntal reason: that o[ re ent- the ruling wa t n 1 n f he facultY• . . 1ot t 1at o t . Faculty :-.{ember ............:...... ·- ········ Dr. arah M. herrick, Pro£. C. 0. Altman mcnt to bein,g for d . _ Student Member -Ethel Kepler "\,Valdo Kc ck, Fran e Geor e, Gerald I Th . ce mto the water. thu lmmatmg them from active co 11 11ng cam_e a a di r t L I ru • II H Ro clot, 1arce a e11ry. t b Id me 'LL0ck rn 111 th problem t:o t . ; o tudent ~nd -wa adopted L t u con ider f~r a moment. the EDITORIALS . . ddenly t~ 1,er~1t any men,tal ad- admini t,ation. It may be impru.deot Ju trnent to th1:: itua f A . on· . "Our college Ludents-1 b rrow tb figur of peech from a w man 1-h<., r . . ion. n anti- Ot: ev 11 improper to deal with per know them w ll-arc more inter ted in tli~ label on. t~eir iqtell ctual lu ., a c J ~\~max "a rea .hed when a proximately alitie . hut I fajl to ee how it can ]Jr t han in what it con fain : and o far a · tlu I tru 1t 1 largely b cau they e,nty men 1 ·1thd ew from the hall avqided I l d expre· · Ilave iear on IY f . nC>' have been taught at chool Lo look no farther than th colle iate port f 1 o ten ibly for economic a . io 11 11 entn ."-H nry Holme. . . . other rea on. ,ie a ~ a~1 faction with tl~e. air . . 1 an oppo rtumty given for a.ch of u Hen Cl . . and ltbe~ahty, f the admm1 trat 10 11• A SU CCESSFUL CHEST to ee ju t what relation our giving i kno ry l ahy, triat pnde of Kentucky However. th pre id ent rega.rdles 0 1 11 wn o thave remark 1. · 1 o wn f elip From the experience of last year it hould ban~ t the money we ,pend ago "Id . · e d ome year '~ in o rd• er to per f0 .ri has hcen hown that the student che t for the non-e eotial . Thu there a;e I dent ,, Atra er be right than presi- hi dut)- mu t ' enf re the le islat 10'' · · 110 , a mean of financing tudent organ- e rtain feature ab ut the mana emei1t I minded thanpre ri ent ht.' I'd .rath er b e fair- ~ f the l~oard of tru tee . Ther~ 15 of 1t 1 nof o much altcrnauve. -tho ugh the e ere) e ization and f.orming a nucleu ior the of the tu.dent che t that are helpful. a questi .,.inng of money to foreign· cau e and Bu we mu t be caref ul that giving , 6.,.ht on now, of. civil or ethical force has been av ided a far as it h35 . . · or wrong a it 1· 0 f • b ea· "thtr ea u es outside of the campus, 1s I in one lump doe not ob cure the rel- t0leranc . d attitudes, ren po, sib le to do o. th at i the r v.ry ~ucc ful. All the or anization ative or comparative amount of the In. th· e tan mutual under tanding. ~ 1 ~ t hat were in the che t last year report gift. It may eem that a gift of five ation mat embpted analysi of the itu- r 1 complete! Y in · er ror, but that they were on a much better finan- ' ix or tend llax: to the che t. i a great· I hope toaybe' efair I ci, I basi at the end of the year than .deal for any <., e per on to give, but it It is not ct·ffi · . . 1 cu 1t m this q t I1ey h a d ever b en b e f ore. r, ue t·ion, a 1· a very ma 11 an1ount compared to in any otl 1 tu.dent would much rather give to .the merlit of each of the budget in the ome to ind a econd ide. Christian cau e in a concei:ted way total bud et. Ten do11ar distributed willingne u ;n\ ~ay re ent the un0 than to give a litt'le here and a little among each of the eight organization student t •eir represe ntative in l Ii ti t t · government to .tak e 1mmdiate · · · h h d t h ere. Wh en we give a t ea a 1me m t e c e t oe not mean a great action. Th· . 1 there i no real thought put 011 tbe ,deal for each individ ual budget, be upport ~ P;,~ of view can scarce amount of money giv<;P. U ually ome tt i much handier to give in a lump, the utire e ·d e representatives of . n JU . t t o get n. b uf care must be t ak en to not allow tu ent body· h ave no right . sma II amount i g1v 10 in e.rfere f of the olicitor. Bu t with the plan of ,the amount of the gift to deceive one only the • or ~ 1 e matter concern the student che·t, the amount expect- Jato thi11kin that a acrifice is being repre entat::n. to ~ a. k the women ed of each tu.dent i large enough to made. Be careful not to agree with trying to justif t e m t_ru.mental in Y he unwillingness of .make any one top and con ider what .the doctor who wanted to cut off a forty or fift ,patient' . I g by degree the money will be used .for. o that it Hall would Yn:tu!ent . to eat in Ki~g 12½ W. COLLEGE AVE. In thi unifi d way of giving there wouldn't hurt o much. would invite d. e. fair .to them and 1 ah faction from the.· PHONE24-W.
I l
We Call for Deliver, Give Service and Satisfaction at
Page Five
son why no act ion of the student ''-ing Hall commons would afford the ; body o r 11 0 op ini o n of the pre · iden t c. uthorities no cause for dissati faction . i could avai l anything. There is no At present, the ruling ha s impaired I force with in th e 5chool that can a lter swctu1t moral e preceptibl y and a r em -. - --the decn:e o f the boa rd. edy shou,d be supp lied as 4u11.: k,y a~ i GIRLS PL/:. Y FOOTBALL All t hese thing s have bee n pr e:i rn- pu ~s :!>lc. \;ow, if at any ti lll e the s . .i- I inary. \Ne do not a pp oac h the hca r: , d,nt ~ 111u s l show th eir lo)aity to Band Leads Parade of Floats and of the situation until we see the basis Otterbein College. yet they caunot as-! Freshmen Through Business for t he trustee actinn. Cnfort unat cly, : se nt to that in which they do not beSection To Field. I the author 0f t hi s prod uct ion is in no lieve. ____ posi tion to explain this, nor, perhaps, Obviously, a little pride must be sacThe s,t ud ents and alumni of Ottershould he pr es u me to attempt it. rificed and both sides m u st make con- bei n answered the call of t he cheer Looking at the situation on the sur- ce sions if the result is to be satisfac- leaders ·sa t urda y morning and ga~herface , however, it is evident that in tory. If the trustees were wrong in cd in the college chap el fo r the usual Kin g Hall, the college has what in , adopting the r egulatio_n, so did the st u- pep rally. The cheer leaders, . John management 1~1ay be r egarded as an ! dcnt_s ex r c1se poor Judgement 111 re - Hudock, Robert W ·hipp, Fred Miller, mvestm ent. lo care for the upkeep of voltmg. (B ut who may Judge?) . 1 Ruth Weimer and Faith Baker conth e ha ll, it of co ur se require furn aces ' The only way that l see in which ducted the opening ·chee rs . in s~ch a and it wo uld be absurd not to expect to agree is fo r the ,tudents vol untar - manner that before m an y m in utes had thi s enterpr ise at lea st to supp or t it elf. il y to come back into the good graces passed ,the spir:t of the stud ent body :rh e most apparent method of effect- of the authorities and for the board to was a~ its zenith. The cheer s were mg this was adopted. This. briefly is consider student viewpoint a nd human long and loud and did much to preth e case as it appea rs at face value nature and modify it deci ton. ls this pa r e the Va rsity gridder for the batthough_ there may be mo re subtle con- fair _____ C G. W · R. tie oi the afternoon . 0 sT1derat1ons which are n_ot apparent. I After the • cheers had sub ided he trustee can certamly not be Philalethea f b • , . . . omewhat, eve ral o 0 Her em s cntic1zed for holding this view. pr omine nt al umni were introduced, p er onally, th ere is no place in \Nes A very interesting program was incr ea ing the enth usias m 1wo fold by te rvill e wh ere I wou ld ra th er take my presented la t Thursday night at the their very interesting pep talks. T,hos e
meals, an~ \:hile I adhere ufficientl y to the pr 1nc 1 I O f d t Pe emoc racy O resent st ren uo u ly any unreason ble compulsion which affect me I have done • . 11 h 1 aH lit at h ~a.n t? st a nd by th e Kmg a aut on t1es 1n a te t to effect . .. . n a mp a r econ c1 11at1on. . It b 1· f h 1 my e ie t at the tru tees, whom I r e. pect a the highest governing power in the college do have the intere st of the students at heart, as w II a a justifiable solicit ude for the well Ja r £ King Hall, but that the i; contact , ith actual st udent life are so slight a to deny them th p int of view of the students. Let the board be rem inded that most of the men in
e Open Se ion I Alumna when form er members
of P hilale thea of the socie ty . . h '.eturned to recall o 1d times m s owmg the presen,t st udent how mee t' ings were conducted in their day. Mrs. Alice Davidson Troop acted as . . . Pre 1dent, with Miss L ulu Baker a Recording ecretary, Mr . Maude Barnes Gantz as Critic, and Miss Martha Lewis a -Cen sor. Mrs. Inez Alexander Cro u e served as Chaplain, Mr . Fe:me -Martin a C horister, ~nd azel. Barn g r over a Piani t. Miss The Ho:.tesse were Mrs. Alice Keis V t V" . I d M Fl ;l~pp;:;;/:;d ~r ·. Bl:~::~e Me::~: chwarzko pf.
who took part i!l this par t of ,the program were: C. A. Welbaum, assistant . . . Pnnc1pal of an Akr on High School ; Pa ul Sprout ( Sprouty) · Harold Ander on, assistant coach a t Toledo Waite; and "Bozo" Richter head ' coach at Canal F uhon High S chool. • After the pep talks, the band played the Otterbein fight so ng, accompanied by t he enthusiastic singitJg of the studenit body. ·Curt Poulton sang some ol accompanied br his guitar and banjo.
The rally wa s ended by the si nging of the love song ~nd a plea from ~he co ntinue their wonderful spi rit durin g the game. The pa rade Just before the game, also proved to be very suc cessful. It 1 was led by th e band and followed by fl oats representing Cochran an d Saum Halls and the freshman class. Immediately behi nd the fl oa-ts · followed t he loyal ireshmen who marched to the music of the band and added pep to the spirit of the afternoon. It pro ceeded up ·College avenue, turned north on State st r eet, and west on Home s ;r ~c l to th r ,i thletic field. Tr,e co111111 11 rc.:, 0 f the tudent Coun cil in cha r ge of Homecomi ng provided un ique badge th is year in t he fo rm of a miniature megaphone and badge combined, so little wonder that Tan and Cardinal roote rs let fo r t h so much noise at t he game . Program were the popular thing also, for 275 were sold. 0 C ----Men Entertain Also I
ln last , eek's ed itio n of the Tan and Cardinal the sta tement was mad'e that only ,the non- g roup gi r ls were en tertaining alum nae at Homecoming. The fact s in the ma tteT were that th e men entertained the non-group al'Umn:i also. It wa the men who o rginaited the idea of inviting back th e non-
group grad · - - -- - O C - - - - This week's physiology lessc:, n : learr: what i Jn the student's chei;t - - - - - 0 C - - -- ee ,the la·te t, "Big oise'' in men' The g irls show d their or iginality by collegiate oxford : E. J. orris & being pre ent in football uniforms and putting on a miniat ur e football game. Son.
college are of age; many are supportThe program of the evening was as ing themselve in chool. urely the follow s. g11tlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllgmajority of tudents here are old Paper-Conquered Year ( written in § enough to have the power of choice in 1917) rega rd to the selection of a place to Helen En or Smith eat. Songs-a. The Time to Woo : 1 don t wa nf to be unduly pr ejud- 1 Edwin J. Decevee iced, for I, too, realize that King Hall , b. At the Making of the Hay § , ~-
d e exist and must be maintained. c. What Pity is Akin To I wo uld ugge t that lowe r cla smen Gottschalk alone be required to eat in the comEdith Hanawalt McDannald mon s. It is of ignifiance to note that , Essay-The Digni ty of a College tuthere i little opposition among the J den t. fr e hmen. Ther e would be compa ra- 1 Myrtle Miller toner tively li ttle difficulty in cau ing fre h- 0horus Society men and ophomore , e peciaily tho e I Primerampu; Kodak (wri tten m of next year, to comply. At pre ent, 1892) ther is a danger of the lower clas Edith Turner Whitney men being prejudiced by the unfav o r- Piano-a. Gavotte Gluck .. Brahms abl e r eaction of the upper cla smcn. 'b. .Song of t he Brook · Lafk nder the ugge ted plan, eve nty-five c. TI Penseroso . . Heller wou ld not be too high an e timate f j Mattie Bender Kum ler the number who would be exp cted to Pap e<r-Unrecogn iz d B enefactor ob erve the ru ling. Thi i approx- I (w r itten in 190 1) imately twenty-five le t han the nu m- 1 Emma Guitner Worman ber who h<tuld be eating at King Hall Choru -Philalethea. at the pre ent time. It i true that , ----- 0 C ----this is carely half the number that the ,· Chaucer Club Meets commons could accommodate, but if Channing Pollock, hi ,l ife and pla)I the propo ition were made rea onably , "The Enemy'' and "The Fool" w er ~ attr active the e_ t udents, becomi~g up- d iscussed at last week's meeting of per cla men wi ll choo e to cont'.nue at the Chaucer club M onday evening.
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the Hall a many have don e this year The club meets twice each month at and a la t year' r ecord r ev al , when th home of Dr. Sherrick. there was no compul Lon.. oon, it e would be a matter of course and in a School Ol\..-ford with plenty of snap _ . few year th tudent patronage of for college g irls. E. J. orri & on. iillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllff
TH I::
TA 0i
L. W . Warson. Editor
7ar1· of,-z W ~ ~ Alma Guitner, Assistant
A~ lJ
C ,\ l, JJ I r...: ,\ L
- - - - - - -- - - - -
Harold Mills is teaching Physical
Education and coach ing in the Jun ior ·chool at Parma, uyahoga County.
' High
' 24· Hamid '' Shorty" Mclntvre is l'rcsidrnt ........... J. R. Kin~. ·9-1 ' teaching ~ience and Manual T~aini ng . . I 111 the W1mauma H' h S h I v" · \ ' ice l 'rcs ide11 t s : $60 wa realized 111 this manner. The . ig c oo . •v 1HOMECOMNNG mauma, Florida pany wa, to be ~eld ou,tdo_or, o n the Dr. I'. H. K ilh ourn e. 'Ol campus of be~ut1ful McK111l ey Park \ ~5. 1- Joyd ~e elman is teac hing Phy Mrs. Elizabeth C. Re sler, ·93 ··The best ever" is what they said bu due to ram, It was nece ary to sical Education and coachi ng football about it. An ideal day, a large and H. D. llerca w. ' J/1 make a transfer to First U. B. Church \ in ' the se nior High School ' Parm ~ enthusiastic crowd, a fine game, a sub ec..... l'rui. I. ..-\ . \V einla nd . 'Oj with very short notice. This undoubt- , Oh IO. tan tial victor~, mixed with a spirit of cdly cu!'tailed the receipts greatly, but '25 Mr d M H Treasurer .... \\'. O. La111ber1. '00 good-fellowship made the day one to • • • an rs. arold Mayberry . . 1 nevert h e Iess the Soros1s ladies were entertained t ·f . be remembered. semi- ormal dinner . a -;;:=:I a II ch ee red at bemg a,ble to send t heir part" ·at d O · h k f $ h C II Owing- to the preparation:- which · ur ay. ctobe r I 5th at their , stadia th . k fi Id f England . c ec or 75 to t e o ege to be ap- home. the Ott b . had been made by the ' tudent Counc1l, plied to the endowment fund . . er em_ men who are en- \ _e enc et e s o . 0f rolled as students 111 the college f drew their crowds and the Marquis the Literary Societies, the Social Groups and other organ iza tion , every ' ]3.-~he O~to~er f me eting. held Octobe r llH!~ici~1_e at the University of Cin ci~- 1 Queen berry gave' his name to boxing thin "'<> went off on schedule time. ' t ' too T t e orm _of a covered d1 h natl. I he guests in c· lud e d D rs L e1c!J . rule . . , .upper. he meetmg was he ld at Jeter ('?J) F (' 2 · A f tball Every one eemed to enJOY the H 'IJ d D · b . h .7 -- · oor 4), Pottinger t the height of sea onal oo 1 ,, · 1 an a 1es countrv cu wit ( 5) tought ('26) h · dded "Pep rall y at 10 :00 o'clock Saturday quite an unusua l attendan.ce. .;. · on and the host ent us1a m ther e comes with a morning. Be ides the stunts put on I ( _:, ) · force the advice of Princeton's great by th e st ud ent Cletus W elbaum class The en th usiasm seems to gro': wi th \ '26. On Saturday afternoon O b coach, "Bill" Roper. to forget foo t ball of · JO. now of Bellaire. Ohio. Harold each 0th er. A large iHcrea c 111 en- 17 th, at fo ur o'clock a , ' cto er off the field.Quoting from hi boOk· And er. o n. '24. 'A' aite H igh, Toledo. rollment is th e·refore predicted by th e\ wedding occ urred •h' very pretty "Fotba'Jl Today and Tomorrow", jut .. ., . . • en d of the year. · \\ en Miss E ther II and Bozo Richter, 2:i, helped with Moor e .of Canal Winchester Oh' off the press, Roper says: "footba \ . • 10, was 1· t'on 1 M ary K • L t.b ecap, "1 eppy·· speec hes. u111ted 111 marriage to M 'f K s merely a health y for m of recreai r . r. roy lep- • Early in the day the camp us was 0 C----mger of Dayton, Ohio. Mr Kl . mdulged in by men engaged in ecu • d • epmger · k two aliv e with returning. former tudcnts 1 I Meeting of O tterbein Woman's Club is a g ra uate of Ohio tate U mg a co 1lege education. lt ta es . h f fill d with 1.t Y- '23 • and is emp loyed by then1verand the ideal day allowed them to of Columbus. Ve!ours o their day, a day e he meet the co-mingle on the campus. The Otte rb.:in Woman 's club of Co- ;~- Ice Cream Co. of Chi llicothe one hundred anJ one demand s orr \al Then the game ended according to our Jumbus and vicinity held a meeting f 10, w?ere th coup le will resid~ modern undergraduate from t~e so;he hopes and expectation and wa fol- Saturday a ft ernoon. Oct. 8, in the a ter their wedding trip M' Ed ' a nd cholastic s id e of college life. M '27 . I s ith be· lowed by the banquet at 6:30 attended Lazarus tea room . at which the ,ie"' ! oor e, , a cousin of the b •d pre ent popularitv of football, we " 'd O f n e was I' . · h ve 1 by about 350, mo ·tly Alumni. The officers were introd uced. The Col um- mai honor. One of the b ·d . ieve, de erved · but rat her than ath banquet ended at 8:00 allowing the bus officers arc: Miss Bonita Jami- was •m~i d s the pLayer get ; distorted idea ofh vee . f MMis Emily Mu ll in , Otterrib·eem 2 6 group and other organizations to con- son, president: Mrs. F . J . Re !er, vice O t. Pleasan t, Pa. · ' importance of th e game we would a th em forget it after leaving the field--president; Mr . F. G. K etne r, record - '27. obe t M . tiJ1ue the fe tivitie . 1 \ e wo uld lik to mention every on e ing ecretar y; Mi Ge r t rud e cott, Hill boro u~h i;::~a teaching in th e The idea of !-Ia ving your men eat, \\•ho wa back but thi is impossible. corresponding secretary and Mr s. C. F la. There are gll OO choo!, !amp~, leep a nd talk fo otball might work-111 th There were two who eemed to enjoy F. Folkerth, treasurer. There a re two school. pup il s 1. but not at Princeton." the game and other festivities a m uch Weste rville officer . Mrs. J . P . West, "Bob" writ e th at he enjoy the T. Roper expres e trong di approval a the mor recent graduates. These vice president, and .Hr . . E. Ken - and of sprin g practice . "It te nds to were Dr. J. P. Landis, class of '69, ned y, secretary. The committee chair_____ overempha ize the game. take mu_~~ Dayton, 0 .. and Dr. D. H. Welling, men are: Mr . Reed Irwin, Col umb us, O C---of t ~e f~n out of i-t for the players of W orthin ton hi , who attend d in and Mr Ralph Smith, Westerville, ATHLETICS F"OR ALL maktng 1t a grind and as a method ' 7 and '6 . finai-. ce; Miss E telle Courtright, mem---whipping a team ' into shape it is uP. II iu all it wa an id eal day. ber hip ; and Mr . C. R. Weinland, ~Y two an d three , ,the football t a tis factory." publicity. d,nft back to th e campu aft earn T d iC'/ er a game he mod ern ;, r--' 1' 11tel l·1gent ten ei ----0 C---away from home. ls f " te 0 This club, as usual, i tarting off chapel •b u · pea rom the it i ubmitited aim to sub ord ina e m old Colleg e H 11 th ' t to DAYTON OTTERBEIN SOROSIS with lots of enthusiasm. P lan are be fl oated act' the Al . a tower the_ e great pectaclar contes s_ a ing made to further aid the intere t of d , um 111' Satureir proper place a incidents 111 , ay . uns et h our. The little c . for club not only re waitchmg th~ telegra h group omprehe n sive plan of athletic e greatly ppreciat the following Otterbein. Thi P core board all, building up st urdy bodie to coPe report of th Da ton Otterbein or ponded nobly in the endowment cam u tt ere d no vkt orious ch o· eers when the with the ·dema nd of busines a nd pr o i . We hop that the enth u ia m paign bu has financially helped wor thy final figu 3:11nounced. Var- fe s ional life when collegr day· are cl ub will spread to other tudent to continue their cour es in ity ha !;set of the iam1_ over. the college. $100 was added to the sections. The odd a re, a 11- tener at K ' scholarship fund at the mttting. This Ha An ,Old Grad The eptember m eting of the t- cl ub shoul d be an inspiration to other commons or in any f lb mg 11 0 e campu club The tres e of the modern femi ninill' terb in 1 oro i wa held at the home com munitie to organize similar club . room or pe-'--- , ' ' ,......., nce even . C ~d 0£ the pre ident Mr . A. T. Howard, ran Hall' · d ' in och h ow quit e a pa ralle l to the autu mva ed livin I thC would note a g room and being th fir t meeting of the year, - - -- 0 C - - - eave - th older they become, , 1 talk revolvi prepond ei:ance of small more gorg o u proved to be a very enthu iastic one hade they udd ell l ' 14. Mr. and Mr . Perry P. Denun c ng about the r ecent g ame. game . a tune. which wa enj oyed by a large group announce the bi r th of a daughter, · f tterb ein worn n. Mr . Jayne gne Fer n on J uly 19th. fr. and ' Colle e pre iden t pre ,wa chairman f the evening and she, M r . Denun live at Columbu , Obi . over t he current craze for co ncern with the aid of a competent commit '17. tea~ and th inking tudent a winning tee f rovided a mo t enterrtaing proJoe P. Hendrix is the efficient .tonally at Har d -decry edi. Oh'10. H e i " overempba i ,, var h and e 1 ew h ere pa tor at e M a d1son, etam. . . not novel. on at 1tic · T'--•le itMr . D ale Phillippi, chairman of the a1 o th e pres1'd ent o f t h e M'1am.i. n ion uat1on 15 a si tant editor of the Miami program commi tee read the o utline and M early three thousand of programs for the year an<l the re e nger. Greek erected . t _Years ago t-he "' atue 1 0 1 port of her s ummer's work on it was t he memory of Th n Ympia to '23. B urn 11 Crabbs i having his u ual happily accepted and everyone pres succe with hi football team at athl ete, ho ha d f eagenes, a noted en t entered into the prevalent spirit petitor p· d e eated all hi comBerea. The team has not lo t a game • 111 ar tell i . to make thi th e be l year the Sorosis n lync verse thi ea on and have been playing of th e unwelcome of tho e w h o ha eve r- known. ome of the strongest teams around failed' in the Gr ee kreturn game Th The report of the Garden Party was Cleveland. man Coliseum · e Roalso read' at this meeting. The mem houts of t hous::~:berated :"'ith the HOFFMAN & BRINKMAN Mt'. Crabbs teaches education in the tailors of the _of frenz ied specbers present were pleased and quite And fong before ~~ad1ad'toria-l combats. ,a. Drvl ,SfOl'I surprised to learn that a profi t of over Berea High School. e a vent of modern A
= ================================::
Tria l _marriage are m~ch m vogue. The tnal generally corne a year or two. after the marriage. Give us a trial-Let us serve you-You'.11 not regret it!
P age Sev ,:, n
Mr. and Mr s. Benn .rt and E ls ie and Mrs. W et her ill vi sited wit h Doris Thurs day ev ening. ·M• I 1 ' 19 11 d Mr s. R obe r tso n v is it ed Ir ene Sunday, th e wee k- end o f Oct. 16. ca e on O G Ia dys L a k·e I tc 1ae . d f O ct. . c-t. l 6· Mr. a nd M rs . B en n er t, E lsie a nd T om o D ac h I u n ay a ternoon, Mr s. R ob ert so n v isite d Ire ne Sunday, 16. Incid en ta lly th ey ha d fruit salad Men an d ca k e a fter lights w ere out. Oct. I .
I ove r
M a rj o r y K eiss a nd H elen Neff vis Li Hian Shively vis ited Eli zabeth Co unt r y Clu b men wer e hos t s to a ited t he Arcady Club at H o m ecomi n g. Leshe r, ex '26, o ver T ue - day night. la rge g r o up of a lum n i ove r th e w eekWomen · The P h oe n ix Clu b an d thei r al umn ae Torno Dachi ente r ta111ed a n u m b er end. ente rtai nin g t hem wit h a ba nqu et had a slumber JJart)• Sat_u rday n ight a,t o f F r es h m en 1, er a nnu a I c·o I 0111a · \ at th e T -4-2 Sat ur day ni g ht. Durin g I The alumni , g uests and membe r s th e home of Betty vVh ite. party Friday n igh t, Oct. 14, at Bien- t he eve n ing t he birthd ay a nni ve r sa r y Eve lyn B ell wa s in itiated We d nes- brook Inn. T ;1e 'stage coaches. the of "Joh nny" Noe l was h eral ded by a .of the Talis m a n Clu b e nj oyed a !only three course luncheon Satu r day n oon I da \·. Oct. 12, at the home of Mrs. J . crane in the open fire place. and Vir- 1arge, snowy cand le- lit cake, p r esen ted at the ~{e,thodi st ch u rch. The tables R.. McCloy into the Polygon Cl u b. ginia Reel added to the atm~sphe r e of \ to hi m by th e toastmaste r , D enni s were decorated wit h yellow rost:s , and T he O nyx Club had a d in ne r at th e by-gone days. The ~lum111 pr esen t \ B rane . clever place- ca rd s carried ou t the co lor s __ · h I were H ulah B lack l r v111, G la dys L a ke I -4-2 on Satu rday at I 2 :30 111 onor J Fe r ron Troxe l d irec ted t he State o f the cl u b. Af,te r t he luncheon a . . :\l 1chael and Ethel E uba nks ohnson . . S und a \· Sc hoo l co n ve ntion he ld at . . . of !ls al u mnae and ex-acuve member, . µr~g ram w~s enJ oyed., M _rs. V!ir g il Those present wen: \ Vray Richard so n ~Iiss ~fa r garet Hutchi n so n of Day- Cincin~1at i ove r t he w eek-e~d. Willett of Columbus. al u mni presid ent I :vl ills, Ma r garet Norris Kemp, B e rn ice \ ton was a g uest of the Talisman Clu b Lakota ha d a stag sess ion an d oyst er was m charge, and speeches fr om th e , Norris, Ethel Harris vVe r,tz, F rances ove r the wee k- end. ew for its alu m n i Sat ur day nigh t. s t alum111. Mis s G u 1tner. sponsor. and H • L c·lle La m bert A nn Be r.. ' ,f _ . _· arns, u 1 ' . Florence \Vardell v1s1ted m p r in,g . M uer ite Goul d Ethel U ll rich _, r,. T . J . Sanders an 110norary mem A lumni w ho a t tended th e A nn ex C h I caw, arg ' held this w ee k-end. 1)er were given. a lu m ni par ty Sat urday night w er e: hrvsan,t emu m s L o wer Doroth y Uncle, Evelyn Frost 1 were favo rs. Carpei~ter, Ka t hleen vVhite D im k e, Agne s Tryo~ Yoh~, '.26 a nd Mar- , H icks Warne r . Lester "Ski n n y" Gor 1 Tomo Dac h i entertai ned twe n ty- L o ui se S-tone r , Ellen Jone s, D orma garet Tryon , 27 vtSit ed Lot us Cl u b ' don. P r of. Don Clipp in ge r , R. J . four alumnae ove r th e week-end . the Ridenour, Annabel Wiley Carp ent er, from F r iday ~ntil Su nd ay . A . p ush \ ,\/ b ite, M a rk Schea r, R. 0. K a rg, special feat u re bei ng a s lu mber-( less) Louise Bradshaw, Ma r ie Wainright , ! wa, held 111 th e 1r hon o r Fri d ay m ght. j Keene Van Cu r e n, Te d Rie gl e, Har party at t he home of Ethel E ub anks Loui e F rost, A2ic e Shel d ~n. S ugar, \ :-,1r,. Tracy vi,ited Edna this week- '. Ian DeBolt. D uane Harro ld, ":r v in e John son on Saturday night. D uring O ll ie J ohnson, :::iara Gold,m1th and end. They hea rd Manon Talley of Har ro ld, D. L. Blau se r , Ri cha rd the cou rs e of the evening de licio us r e- .\ Ir,. A. H.. Spessa rd. th e club spo n,or. Metropolitan Opera fame. sing at James , Geo rge Robert s, H oward Wal freshments wer e served . accompanied ~or. \ D elawar e Friday evening. te r . Ne lso n Car pen t er. Te d B en nett, by the announcement of the engageOn Sat u rday ~ven ing the Unyx girls ]' 11 th Gregg went to her home near J. B. C rabbs a nd A l Ma tt oon . ment of D oris Wetheri ll to Cla ude had a get- t ogeth er for the Alumna e M t.'- Gile ad Friday. but returned with T he fo ll ow ing fri end s visited Annex
I .. I I.
Zimmerman ··e nclosed in a nu t s hell." and ex -act1· \·•·, i11 embe r s. E• ve ryone i. iriends for the game Sa,t ur day. ' . es, L eo nar d \ t I11.s wee k -en d : p r o f . R a 111 · · h · A se re nade by Lak ota was the d imax had a del ig h t hil ti m e rehvmg ,t e1r f , B lackbu rn. Bob B r ow n . B ernard of the early mo rn in g festivities. good old colleg':! days. L ight refreshFay \,Vise en ter tained a frie n d rom ~1c n ke . \,Villard over t h e wee k-e n d. Torno Dachi was en,te r tained b y me n ts wer e sen-eel. Wende ll W illiams' par ents v is it ed R a \'er visited in Col u mb us :--ifr s. J ohnson a nd E\·elyn Mill er Su n Last week the Onyx Cl u b gave a I Leoaa h im Sat ur day and unday. day eve ning of last week. . " Crun · Suncla -\' · 1 party at the home o f ·· B obb1e Jo nda Clu b enterta in ed their alumni The following alumnae, Mrs. J. R. in ho no r oi harlotte Reist whom they M abel 1-'lowman, Leona R aver , a nd a lso ot her invited g uest s at a stag L ucy H a nn a, a nd Edn a Tracy help ed pa r ty held at th eir roo m s Saturday Howe, Mr s. Vir gil W i ll et, Mr s. Char- recen,t ly announced a s a pledge. le ;; Vernon , Mrs. Opal Case!, Mrs. T he a lum nae of the A r ca dy Club Mildre d Shave r celeb ra te h er bi r t hday eve nin g. Rut h M cClur e, Miss J a net Gilb ert, were entertained at u rday eve n ing last Th ur s day by par t icipa tin g in a ( Co n t inu ed On Page Eight) . , ~f r s. Ralph Kn ight, Mi s J osep hine wi th a we in er roas t a n d lu m ber party ham and egg p u h. Albert, Miss Pau line Knepp a nd Mrs. at t he home of M r . C. 0 . A!,tm an. Mabel Pl ow m an, Mi ldr ed S h a ve r, Jesse La n dis T '11is m an cl ub days.
Fun kh o use r visited Th e following alumnae we r e pre en t: Ethel Keefer, :i n d Eleanor Sand er son d ur in g Homecom ing H ele n Kern , E d ith M oore, 'Jud'ith ' went home Friday. 'f hey w1·11 ret urn Whitney, M r s. Re ba K napp \V ood- today.
M i s H e len Wood s of Medi na, Ohio, visi ted L ea h S t. J ohn over t he weeken d. I r e ne Ben ne r! received a box o f eats from home Sat urday wh ich T oma D a ch i relished during th e early hours o f Sunday m orn ing. Alumn ae an<! membe r s o f the Phoenix ·Club h eld an informal push in the cl ub room Friday ev ening. The R eve r end a nd Mr . Knight and · H elen Lu ci ll e spent th e H om ecomm g wi th " Bunn y" and Bob .
ward, Mrs. lrcne Bay, Mi~a teele, Phoenix g ue t s o ver H om ecom in g L a Vo rne Steele, Esther Sulhvan, Bes- , included Mamie E d gington, M argar et sie Lin co ln, Haz el Barngrover, J:Iazel a n d E velyn Pifer, Flo r en ce Perfect Denhoff, a 11d M rs. Don _ Hampshm:. j Bar cus, H elen Va nce Ecklebe rr y, A J a pa nese fl ower garde n w as the R osalie Copela1,d, M a r tha A l pa~ h, setti ng fo r a pa rty g iven by the Poly- I Cha rl otte Owen, Thel m a Gu tm , g on Club for a group of ,t he Fres hmen Cla rabe ll e S teele, Mi ~c~l un g , g ir ls o n M onday, Oc t. 17. T h e pa rty Edith R en n i on a nd Mrs. P h illips. was held at th e hom e of Mrs. J . H. On Sunday evenin g, O ct. 9, the M c Cloy. Po lygon Club e nte r tained a few of The number s o f t~e Poly&"on Club their ,t own fri ends at a lunch eon. and the1·r alumna! enJ oyed a luncheon Thos e presen t were: Mr s. J . H . Mca t B len b r ook Inn o n Sat urday. The Cloy, H e len En or Sm ith, Mr ~. N . E . Homecoming guests were : Mrs. Co rn etet, Mr . H. R. Jones, Mrs. Gla dys H o w a rd Durant, Mrs. Helen I sabell e J o nes Jaco by, Mr . W . A. Ensor ,Smith, Mrs. Bonnibell Yanney Kline, Mr s. W. L. Crook a nd Mrs. Leonard, Mr . Evelyn_ Judy Sprout, R in eha r t. Mr s. I sa·bel Jon es Jacoby, Mrs. J. H. Edit h Wheeler of Dayton, 0., visMioCloy, and th e Misses Helen Ander- ited w ith Mar t ha Ell en Wingate over son Oma Moomaw, Daisy Griffeth , t he week-end. Flo~en-ce Hansel, Lucille Jud y, Grace Rev. and Mrs. Moore, Esther Moore Rinehar,t, Bernice H eeter, Nadine a nd L en ore South v is ited Ruth and Yanney, ·Mildred Conn, Laura Whet Le la M oo r e. s to ne a nd P a uli ne W entz.
A number of Greenwich Alumnae The Phoenix Oub and alumnae breakfaisted at Smoky Hollow Satur visite<I the group over the week-end. The lis t includes Adda Lyon, Geneva day morning. Mitchell, Mary ,McCabe, Mary Vance, Miss Georgia Rob inson of Hagers Ka,thryn Steinmetz, Ge neva Bu shey, town, Maryland, visited with Maude Lois Bickel, ,Mrs. Sara Baltzell Lep 'Con·nor over Homecoming. hart, 'Mary Hummel and also Anna Dr. and Mrs. Burchard visited Bee Lou Bickel's guest, fary Bo ws en.
The Japanese Gift Shop Will Open Tuesday, Nov. 1 at 81 W. College Ave. SANDWICHES PIES Dinners a Specialty Vernon's Restaurant 13 E. MAIN ST. " The Little Restaurant Around the Corner.
t Page E igh t
Burris to Speak on "Is There A Personal God" at "Y" Tonight JS NATIONAL fORUM I' ious. Educati~n at 01110 !'liorthern Un1- ~orris. a_nd Larry when they dropp ed ewcomers•town High, visited R esigning there he went on m to v1s1t them ove r Homecoming. Alps Club for several d'a ys. LEADER AND LiE(TUR'ER vers1ty. the lecture platform and for the last I I GRADUATE O F HARVARD
I five years has been doi ng lect ure work
Doyl e_ Stucky visited his folk · in "Lyn" Hert, ' 19, of Ca nto n. in practically all parts of the U nitd Bloomvil le from f. riday to unday. back for a reunion with •the Alps.
Formerly Head of Department f Stat and parts of Ca nada. I Wilbert Miley visit d i·n D ·1 1 Morman H owe ex working with e anv1 e Delco Light Company • ' Philosophy and Religious Edu o I Burris is real thinker, in vi ting ques- t ove r the week-end. at DaY ton •; 1 cation at Northern. tions a nd endeavoring to engage in all spent the week-end in Westerville wit 1 I debate pos ible on the que 1ion of the Lawrence Green' s sister Carry and the Alps Club. Tonight, in the chapel the Reverend spi r itua·l ce n ter of the un1ver · e. 0 nly Mr. . . and . Mr .. Elmer G ree n an d son The Alps Club enter,tained lift een M. A. Burris, a grad uate of Harvard this las t yea r he sent a challenge into visited wi th hun over homecoming. freshmen at the hom e of Prof. Mc· Univer ity a nd fo rm er ·profes or of th e headquarter of the American As: The following men were back with Cloy on Plum street last Th ursda: Religiou s Ed ucation and P hil osophy sociatio n for the Advancem~nt or , the Sph1,nx ov~r Homecoming. D elno evening with a party of various eve~:, at Ohio No r thern U nive r ity, will de Atheism to d:ba te _the questio n of I A~am , 23, \ ilbur Coon '23, Harold I All present had a fine time. accord, liver an address to th e two Christian wheth:r there 1, or 1s not a personal I Mills 24, Russell Cometet 24 Her- to later reports . Associations and a ll townspeople who '26 I y I •• N M bers God, 111 an open d ebate. The four man L ehman '22 Harold Phal care to attend, at 6:30 on the question, A's society ew em l er 1 at . . Bartelbaugh • · '21 Evera dor Ul , refused to debate the que s- David T n1t1ates d . "Is There a Personal God?" After lion. '23 L II G" ' r ry ' O 11 ues av eve n mg, 0 C 1O) c' A .' ~we ibson '23, Cornell Brad- the regular n;eeting of he Y. M. · · the addre there , ill be an oppo rtun Is Debater enc k 23, Robert Sna el '27 Cl h . h·s vear ity given for qu estions th a t may arise ent membership for t 1 · The Reverend Mr. Burris 1 at th e F erguson '27 Ja v YI~h - , . 1e ,ter t e pre . . . . als<> 1 11 . concerning the materia4 given or con present time try ing to get Clarence Cl ' me This me enng ips 27, has 1111t1ated. arence haw ex, Byron· Jacoby ex, marked the in itiation of th e new on~ ,cerning the problems dealing with the D arrow to accept a challenge to an t cxistenct! of a God that may ari e in open debate on the mechanistic con Edwin S oltz '24, Clarence Sha nkelton books. ;x, Lawrence Collier '23, Paul Sprout M. C. A. work the mind of students. ception of life held •by Mr. Darrow. 22 an d . David Reck , , _ T h.e phases o f Y. 2~ The •Reverend Mr. Burris is a Mr. Dar·row is a -p romin ent lawyer of . . . .. . n c~~ were emp hasized 111 the 1111t1atIO · talkS preacher, cien ti t, profess or, author Chicago, who was ve ry much in the ~L ester_ Cox, '25, visi,ted with Alp mony. S veral me mb ers gave r and lecturer. He has written ix limelight during the trial of ,the Leo me_n durmg H omecoming events of a .challenging nature. p r ofesso the books, perhaps the mo t out tanding pold-Loeb case. "Tort" Barn.hard, '25, teach in~ 111 a Hurs·h spoke a few words about r Cleveland high chool, wa back o.f which i "The Science of Tenden 0 An oppor t unity will be given fo r the Alps Club. with purpose and gave the final oath cies" which has been published within th ose who do no t or ca nno t stay for m ember hip. the la t three year . He is a lecturer . . . y 11the for um, after the lecture, to go as "Conni~" Moore, '20, and " Bill " rowmg mte rest 111 th e . · blC at present, and writes d'Uring bis odd soon as the address is finished. Burtner, ex, both of Canal Winches C. A. wa evidenced by the noti~ea_ P moments, other books being now in ter, pent the week-end with Alp . ' ' it1atJ0 mcrea e in attend ance at the 111 . •ti· the proce of completion. 101 "Buck" Phillip , •2,, mee i 1 . Ther wer e about 100 Benn ett, ' 15 ; "Pete" C an, ex. '24 ; Graduate of Harvard v teacher a at-ed. Graduating from Harvard Univer Dr. Homer Ca el. '17· Dr. Ro _ ·Hill, sity and later rl! ceiving his master's ex '24; Merle Killinger, '25; Archie degree also, he wa made head of the Lea, ex. '23; L yle Michael , ' 19 ; Dr. Depar.tment of Philo ophy and Relig- Ed. r · ewell, '23; Leonard Perry, '24 ; Albert May, '26 ; Art Renner, '26 ; "Bozo" Richter, '26 ; "Doc" Stoughton HOMECOMING VISITORS '26~ NePs Wilburg, '26; r eely Boyer, '27; "Chuck" Lambert, '27 ; K. Millet, ra Kline vi ited Jonda over the '27; Kent Crook, ex '28; F loyd Mar ' w ck-end. shall. ex. '28; Lawrence Replogle, ' 19 : harles Vernon, ;22; "Sarg" Willett, Th following alumni vi ited Jonda Club ov r homecoming : Ernest '21; Li le Roo e, ' 18; "Al" Afayer, ex. Stud baker, 23; 'Murn B. K lepinger, '29; Ros Wales, ex '28; B. LaPorte x. '29; E arl Moody, ex. '29. I n, '23; Ralph Knight 23 · Henry '24; Ca ar John on, '24; Earl Leiter, Mr. E . F . Critz vi ited Cook House '26; illard 'Morri , '26; Palmer unday afternoon. El tcher, '27; Henry Williams, '27 and Mr. Waubaum, '10; Mr. W. V. J hn Lch.matl, '27. Wales, ' 10, and Mr. New II pent the Jonda Club· had a stag party a t th eir home oming period with ok H u e. club ro rn Thur day vening. Wednesday evening Philota Cl ub The f !lowing al umni and ex-mem ntertained a numb r of freshmen ber were back t vi it ook House c; J ev r homecoming: ·'Andy" nder on, w ith a hay ride to a nearby farm where '24· " Pop" 1der on, '24; "Chuck" a steak r a t wa held . Game were played and lu ciou teaks with other eats wer enjoyed. The mule did not balk and everyone had a pleasant time, even the ladies. Special gue ts were .Mrs. Bowm3J:l, and Profe sor Bow man and Pendleton. I
Cbarter '
House ,
University Men
I Will Be Pleased to Sec My Patrons From Otterbein at My Place of Business ' 10 S. State
Westerville, 0.
New Grays and Tans
Mr . and .Mrs. Free , of indham, visited with Lewi Free during Homecoming. Vi itor at the Philo a Club robm over the w ck-end were : Joe Yohn, '26; "Bill" Hamp hire, '27 ; "Cliff'' Bay, '24; Clarence Nichol , '26· Fenton Bennett, '25; Joe Mayne, '25; Paul Davidson, '25; Fred Stirm, of Bucyrus, L. 1}. Essig, of Wakeman, "Jim" Long ·of Centerburg. Mr. and Mrs. E. H . Hick .