1927 11 08 The Tan and Cardinal

Page 1

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VOL. 11.

No. 8.

Prominent Alumnus Heads American Base Ball League Capital []niversity Gridders Squelched 39 to 12




-Losers Make Desperate Attempts to

All st ud ents planning to grad ­ uate in mu ic must learn the physics :>f tonal qualities. Pro­ fe or Mc Cloy gives three lec­ tures a year on the ubj ect of tonal qua: ities, every other year. Th e fir st o•f the serie for thi year will be given this afternoo n at 4 o'clock in Profes or Mc­ Cloy' lect ure room.

Snatch Ga;::s~;~ Fire by

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By Harold Blackburn Capital

RUSHING SEASON FOR WOMEN TO END NOV. 9 MRS. BARNHILL IS MEDIATOR .Mus B N o c,,mmunication Between Freshmen and Group Members During Pledge Perioci Women's In te rsocial Group Co uncil has made importa nt provi ions con­ cerning the co nclu ion of the ru shi ng eason. All fre hmen g irls as well as all o­ cial groups are to comply with these provi ions : Bids from girl ' s club must be given ovem­ to Mr . Barnhi:I W edne day, ber 9, itnmediately after chapel, who, in turn is to give them to the girl who are bid a quickly a po sible. An wer to these bid must be given back to Mr . Barnhill by Friday noon, ovember 11, at 12 o'clock and he in turn i to give the bid back to the (Continued On Page Two) .

Uni ver sity was




~:::~~l~w;n ;~~:;1c:;ter~~o~t::b:~: local stad iu m-le s ( ?) field . The co re was 39 to 12. Otterbein played sensational and aggressive football ex­ cept fo r the first few minute s of t he fo urth q uarter when Capital rallied to make two touchdown . Lon g run s by au!, Miller, Pinney and Lee featured th e con te t. Subs tit u t e halfback Fletcher how ed wonde rful form al o as he made two touchdown . Capital wa outplayed in every de• ,,_ t nf th ~ l?i\01 (,'. o t of the time the ball was in l 1}ttal' s fe rr tory. Capital depera(ely tried many forward pa se in their vain attempt to natch the game from the fire. They tried no ' fewer than 24 forward passes of which four were in tercep ted and seve n completed for a total gain of 143 ya rd . Man y tim es they were penalized for. their incomplete pass at­ t mpts. ( Continued On Page Three.)



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·E.S.BARNARDNAMED ro SUCCEED JOHNSON GRADUATED IN 1895 Was Known as " Father of O tterbein Athletics. " Helped Purchase First Football. Erne t argent Barnard, · tudent an d coach of the class of '95 wa cha en la -t week as pr ~ ide nt o f the American Ba seball League succ eedin g Ban J ohn so n, founder a nd only other pre ident of that organization. In 1888 " Rev"', a he was kn ow n on th e campu , matriculated in the Ot­ terbein Academy. H e i known on the campus as the "Fath er of Otterbein Athlet ics." In those days there were no organized ath letic gro ups uch as the Varsity "O", the Ath letic depart­ me nt, etc. Athletics had to be devel­ oped by ome adventurous undergrad­ uat e . Barnard in 1889 wa one of the five tudent to raise fo ur dollar for tµ e purchase of t 1 fir t leather I\X,l

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Ernest Sargent Barnard, stu­ dent and coach of the class of '95, wa cho en last week as th e pre ident of the American Ba e





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undergraduate he coached the footb all team fr om 1890 to 1894 and received no pay whatsoeve r for the e ervice . During th rs tim e he also oro-anized an d coached the fir t .ba eball teams at Ot­ terbein. After his graduation he wa hired to coach the 1895 teams. Before leaving here he became acquainted with "Bob" Quinn, now pre id ent of the Bo ton Red ox and with whom he later organized the Columbu Ba e­ ball Company. Barnard turned to Army football in 1896 and 1897, when he coac hed the (Continued On Page Two).

0 C Current Plays Reviewed Chaucer Club met last Mo nday night, Oct. 31 to tudy the mo d ern play . Marian Low di cu ed "An Ball League, ucceeding Ban American Tragedy" while Loretta John on , founder and only oth er - - - - - 0 C- - - - president of that organization . Melvin trace d the life o'f Theodore NEW PLEDGES STILL Dreier. Barne·s ·'What Every Wo_____ 0 C - - - - COMING IN FOR HEST man Know " wa reviewed by Thelma ---- 0 C---Hook, and hi life was presented by I Many thmk they are a comfort and FIRST RECITAL OF Student Chest Committee Will Sec Lucille Robert . J turn out to be only a wet blanket. YEAR COMES FRIDAY Personally Each Student Not Contributing. Music lover ,.,.,-ill be favored with the fir t recital of the year next Friday New pledge and re-pledge are be­ evening at 8 o'clock in Lambert Hall, ing handed in for tudent Che t every under the direc tion of t'he Con erva­ day, and tho ugh there i little chance tory of Music. of reaching the goal of $2500, there i There will be piano, organ, vocal a probalbility that the final count will and mandolin numb ers on the program. show a total um well over 1700. 'I'hi program is the fir t of the usua' M embers of the Student Che t com­ winter eries of recital and concert . mittee will ee per onally, every tu­ ---- 0 C---­ dent who did not ub cribe in order President Attends Dedication tha t each one will at lea t have an In commemorat ion df th is mome nt­ opportunity to do his hare in thi Pre ident W. G. Clippinger repreAt 11 o'clock on the eleventh day of ovember movement which le en the fi nanc ial sented Otterbein College at the dedi- the eleventh month, nine years ago ou event, the eleventh of cation of the $15,000,000 hospital and ) next Friday morning, the Armi tice ha been et a ide a a national holi­ burd en alway au ed by a great ma ny medical buildings group at the Uni- formally declared all ho itilitie be­ day. A program in observance of ma ll campaign , a nd facilitates the ver ity of Chicago, Monday, October tween the Allies and the Central Arm istice Day will be given during keeping of the different activitie up 31 t. Power , a t an end. (Continued On Page Two) . to the tandards of precedin g years.




Page Two



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Sherwood Eddy, World Famous Traveler and Speaker Spends Tuesday on Campus Sherwood Eddy. world famo us traveler. author, and Christian leader, at present plat form speaker for the ational Council of th e Y . M. C. A., spoke to the student of Otterbein four times on Tue day. bringing each time a dynam ?c and vita l message. Mr. · Eddy is pending several days am ong Ohio colleges and wa brought to the local camp u und er the a uspices of the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. peaking on the subject of world problems, he declared that the bright­ est pot of contemporary history is the uc ce of the League of Nations, and tha t it is greatly to the di ·credit of the nited State s that it has not affiliated itself with the league ln hi s address to th e students dur­ ing the chapel period in the morning, he . urged each one to se riously ask himself the que stio ns: Am I honest? Am I in earnest? Am I clean? Mr. Eddy's talks both in the morning and in the afternoon forum group were charac terized by a very frank discus-


Stirm, and D onald Euvera rd , will sing an approp riate number. Some mem­ bers of the American Legion will fol­ low with brief rema rks about the sig­ nificance of peace. The service will sion of sex problem s. He pied for close with the singing of "T he Sta r sanity in the cont rol of marriage. Spangled Banner." A crowd that filled the chapel to At 11 o'clock. when th e Armistice is overflowing heard Mr. Eddy's addre s sa id to have become forma lly effec­ Tuesday evening. Here he empha- tive, a ll activities over the entire na­ sized the lif~ base~ on the fivefold p~r- tion will pause for one moment in pose-to ltve sm1ply, to practice hono r of tho e who have fallen in brothe rh ood towa:d all , to ma ke peace, war. The flag will be raised the 011 to redeem the ,oc1al order. and to seek \ pole at the fr on t of ti, . e campus, as , Freel Mi ller plays '·Taps" 011 the cora new discovery o·f Goel. That Mr. Eddy is de erving of his \ net, promptly at \ I o'clock. - - -- O C _ _ __ reputation as an outstanding leader of Christian th ought is the opinion of all RUSHING SEASON FOR those who heard him. H e is a sincere WOME thinker, and his m essage to colJege N TO END NOV. 9 men and wom e?1 one of no li tt le 1m--portance. (Continued From Page One). - - - - () C - - - clu bs 3 o'clock of the same day. During th i, period when the bids are out, from Nov. 9 at chapel time until ov. 11, at 12 o'clock noon, there shall be no communication, written or MADE PART OF COURSE spo ken. between fre hmen girl and g roup member . Only Freshmen and Sophomores Are This action allow suffici ent Eligible for Annual Decla­ time mation Contest.





0 C-- --

Cleiorhetea The members of the Cleiorhet7an Literary Society enjoyed the following program la t Thursday night. Piano Solo--"Whims" .. . Schumann Margaret Banner Sketches~Bed-Time Stories Lucv Seall • Vocal Solo--"Ju ~; Wearying for you Fnn ces Hind Paper-"The Moon Man'' Wilm a Sproull Miscellaneous L ettersRu t h Mo ore Piano Solo--"Shadow Dance" ii McDowe


Vivian Haye~. Zuma Heestand L ela Moore spoke extemporaneous

----0 C---A collegiate lin e of Fancy Socks. E. J. Norri & Son.


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A George Fitzmaurice Tri

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. " with the screen's most romantic Jover 5· ~_






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The " Pep" Girl in her latest picture. - - -- - - - -

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This picture for one night


.nly, and at no increase in price. nuss this picture.


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Dnoors _open at


_ Show start


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Next M,o,nday and Tuesday, Nov. 14 and 15





World War i to be given by Karl Kumler, and Robert Bromely is scheduled to di cu "The Significance of Armi tice Day." A quartet, compo ed : of Lewi Free , James Harri , Ernest


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to the ignificance of Armi tice -_ h rt hi torical sketch of the



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Waldo Keck will give the invocation, followed by ome hort peeche by tudent and a repre entative of the American Legion, on ome ubject r -

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Con ervatory of Mu ic, will play a : prelude after which the tud nt body will ing " merica the Beautiful".





Your '.Headquarters

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:I II 1111111111111111 II II Ill Ill II Ill II Ill II1111111 Preliminar y tryouts for the Russe ll I ~ llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

D eclamation Contest are to be held Professors Troop and Glover and L. Th ur sday morning at 7:30, 9:00 an d W . Warson Seek Election 11 :00 in the Public Speaking class room . Professor Smith, head of the To Local Offices. Public Speaking department ha made t the poll today, th<;? e Otterbein participation in these tryouts a requiretudent who are eligible to vote will ment for all those in his classes who have the privilege of voting for three village council en, two village school ::nel~!i!~ep~~~~~:et~os;;h;r;;:t~r:~~ b ard ,nembers, two county chool take the place of the regular class board members and vote "yes" or "no" room recitation . on th e Mar hall bill and the Chiroprac­ professor will do exactly the judging. tic bill.. Two member of the faculty It Local bas not been decided how and the Alui\mi ecretary are all can­ many will be selected from each cla ss didate for on or another of the e to take part in the final contest to be offic ·. held omewhat later in the college Profe or H. W. Troop. head f the chapel. but it i probable that the numd partm nt f Economic and Bu i­ ber will be either two or three. ne Admini tration, i a candidat for pecial tryouts for thos e fre hmen re-election to the city council. Pro­ and ophomore who arc not in a fe sor B. C. Glov r, head f the De­ I ublic peaking class, but who wish partment of Mathematics i also a to enter the contest, are to be schedcandate f r council. L. \IV. 'vVar on. ul ed , soo n. The same number will be for evend ye.ar head f th United chosen from thi independent group tate teran Bureau in Columbu the final conte t as from anyone of and no w cretary of the United tate for the reg ular cla e . (Continued On Page Six) . 0 C----------- 0 WILL FORMALLY OBSERVE We can av you money on your ARMISTICE DAY FRIDAY .ue..xJ hat. , . J. orri on. (Continued From Page One). the chapel hour Friday, in charge of the tudent Council. Erne t Riegel, pre iclen t of the Council will pre ide. Profe or G. G. Grabill, head of the


for the girls wh o a re bid to think thei r decisions over caref ully before tak ing the la t. final step. An announcement of freshmen pledges will be mad e in next week's Tan and Cardinal.



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5 30 comedy or news with this , s promptly at 6 p. m . There YI de''. ~ 1 Admission fo~ ~~~re. _At 6 promptly, " The Big para 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 s picture will be 50c. 11111111l1 Ui!llllll111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111











Page Three

Grandstand Completely Razed by Fire on Eve of Capital Game •AUTHORITIES CARRY ON INVESTIGATION


600 spec tators. It was not the prop- I TAN MACHINE TO CLOUT Volley Ball Progresses erty of th e tru tee , but it wa ecurHEIDELBERG THIS WEEK Volley-ball tournament is still in ed through the effort s of Pr~sident progres , with no very decided leaderClippinger and Professor Martin and Reputed To Have S t rong Aenal hip o f a ny team . Th e games take BURNS SOME EQUIPMENT Attack. · R osse Io t . • . E dler Coaches at p1ace on W eclnesda y and Friday a•fterOn e summ er. abo ut fifteen year s Tiffin School. noo ns from thr ee to five. Damage Amounts to Approximately ago, these men determined to try to - - - -- 0 C - - - -$1500. Partly Covered By _The T an a_nd Cardinal football team FR OSH-S OPH TILT TO build a gran·d stand, from w'hich peeInsurance. tators might comfortably view the w ill ~lay th eir la t game of the sea on BE PLAYED NOVEMBER 17 at urday again t the football game . Money was secured at Tiffin next Las t Thur day ni g ht. shor tly be fo re from a few town speople and other Heid elberg team. Expert opine that "lt wo11·1 be long now" till Coach o'cl ock th e g rand tand whi ch has fri end of the college and Professor t~e ga me will b~ evenly played with Tompkin 's freshmen under the cap­ stood on the athl etic field for th e la s t Ros elot with the a si tance of a few either team havrng a chance to cop tainship of David Burke will meet the fi'ftce n years, wa s burned completely to st ud ents did the carpenter work. Som e honor · , Sophomores on the gridiron for the the g round, along with some track and of the lumber was gotten from the old Heidel?e rg has a very strong aer!al annual Freshman-Sophomore football fo otb all equipm ent which was stored Gantz sawmill, second-handed . attack with th e r. oted Kramer a chief wit hin it. Local fi remen were um ­ engineer. Kram er, wh o weigh under battle. P rofe ssor R. F. Martin an­ _____ 0 C _____ nounce that the date of the game is moned bu t by th e ti me they arrived WITTENBERG OR DAYTON 150 pound ha been very effective in with their pony equipment the struc­ MA y WIN CHAMPIONSHIP this departm ent ail year. "Curl y" Thursday afternoon, November 17. t ure was a roarin g ma of flame. Mill er and D ick He have bee n doing The time will be three o'clock and place Anderson Field, Westerville, O. An estimate of the value of the Teams Will Meet in What May P rove mo t of the receiving. Kram er does build ing ha bee n placed at approxi­ - - -- 0 C - - - th e kickin'g. On the line Shaw, a 200 To Be Deciding Tilt on Cross Country Run Coming. m at ely $1500 to ay noth ing of the pound tackle and Bode have been Thanksgiving. Professor R . F . Martin announces equipment stored in it. The football tarring. Their probable lineup: tac kl in g dummy, and all the hurdles vVith only Wittenberg and Dayton Kingsmor e, le ; Crump, It ; L a varack, the Freshmen Cross Country Run will w ere consumed in the blaze: A side­ left in the running for the Ohio Con- lg ; Bode, c ; Owens, rg ; Shaw, rt; be held Wednesday afternoon, ovem­ lin e m ea surin g chain , borrowed from ference grid championship, the possi- He s, re; Kramer, qb ; Miller, q ; Me­ ber 16. This is not compulsory and all Freshmen intere ted in competing the hi g h school for the Capital game bilities are that the title will not be haffey, rf; Weter, fb. to be played the day after the fire, decided until Thanksgiving, when the Muskingum trimmed Otterbei n 27 should make known their desire to was a lso in the building. The Stadium two teams meet in the U. of D . stad- to O and last Saturday did tbe same Prof. Martin. A bronze medal will be was insured for $500. ium. trick to Heidelberg by a 32 to O core. given the winner of the race. An inve tigation under the super­ While t. Xavier will finish its Hence Sayger, head coach of Heidelvi ion of th e State Fire Marshal was conference eason undefeated, it can- berg has Edler who used to coach here ~ begun early Friday. Four student of not claim the championship because of to help him. Many O tterbein rooters the college er e ubpoenaed by the having m et onl y one conference op- are planning to pawn their jewelry in 1 marsha l for in vestigation but no per­ ponent. order to get over to Tiffin Saturday. de nce was secured concerning the perOn its previou record, Wittenberg - - - - - 0 C-- - - Hordes bf Capital fans tame up to sons who et fire to the s2-called Sta­ appears to gavun edge over Dayton. WILL HAVE INTRAMURAL observe the contest. President Otto dium. Authorities believe that there In it decisive victo r)· over Miami, CAGE BALL GAMES S:OON Mee of Capital wa among the in­ can be no doubt that the burning was the pr ingfi eld crew surprised every­ te r ted pectator . T he Capital fans lively intere t has been arou ed in put on many peppy cheers despite t he the re ult of long planning, si nce a one with its power. Dayton has rumor had been afloat in the student shown only mediocre form in the ma­ cage-ball, the newe t game for gir1 on . canty opportunities that were afford­ the campu . It i being played now ed. Otterbein students stayed away in body for some time that the Stadium jority of its games. would be burned. Both Dayton an d Wittenberg have in physical education classes, and en­ large number but tho e who braved It became known that a n attempt two conference game yet to play. thu ia m run high w ith the unexpect­ th e cool autumn weather howed would be made to et fir e to it after Dayton meet Miaini Saturday while ed ant ic of t he hig ca n vas ba ll. In t ra- plenty of pep. t he Homecomi!1g vi ctory o ver Bald­ the Lutheran ·are battling Ohio We - mural will take place so me tim e later wi n-Wallace. Guard were tatione d leyan. Both game hould be hard in the sea on , a nd will be announced umption of Capital ha very £cw d utaes · in and nearby, so that no violence wa fought and if the present Ieaders con - at a fu t ure dat e.. as1·d e f rom punting, pa ing, done. tinue undefeated a gr eat game i in - - -- O C - - -try ing end run s and bucking the line. How oon ne, eating facilitie will tore for Thank giving. T AN OUTPLAYS PURPLE Wertenberg, heat Icy and Dickman be constructed cannot yet be ascer­ - - --::> 0 IN EVERY DEPARTMENT played might y good f otball for their Cabinet Meets. a lnia ma er out there. Kauber' fav tai ned . although Pre ident Clippingci in imated in hi remarks concerning (Co nti nued fro111 page one. 1 orit outdoor pa time eem to be The M . C. . cabiqet m et in th e th e razing of the grand tand, in chapel .-\b ut ten minutr after th e g am r catching forward pa e . Once a lat­ Friday, that plan for a fai1 ly compre­ tower room last night at 8 o' clock m began, J e Miller gained 30 yards on : ~ral pa was grounded behind Otter­ hen ive enla rgem en t of athl etic equi p­ its r gul a r bi-weekly meeting. an end-run which put the ball within I bein ' line and Kauber indu triou ly ----0 C---men t ma y ma ter ial ize, in the near twelve yard of the goal line. Min- picked it up and ran for what many Here's My Foot future. nich hit the line f r two more and thou ht wa a touchdo n. The ball, Gallant guest (to ho te a they Miller added eight. L e made th e of cour e, wa put in play at the pot The old grandstand, built in the days when few Ohio college had field wa lk to t he tabl e) : " nd may I si t on touchdown with a quarterback neak wh re it wa grounded. bleach er , wa' a far from impo ing yo ur right band? through cen ter. Miller's end-run for When aul brok loo e for hi run Ho te : " o, I'll have to eat with the extra point fail d. a ffair but it wa ' till afe and afforded om hade anJ protection for about that. You'd bet er take a chair.,, The next touchd wn , a made in b tri d to traight arm the afety th e econd quarter after a m arch of 60 ma n. He failed in thi a the man x:tended arm and IJ!III II IIll llllll Ill II II Ill II IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ill llllllllllllllllllllll Ill llllllll lllllll 11111111111111111!! yard down th e fi eld fil !er and ea rly eized hi Fletcher each carr i d the ball for the p ull ed au] down t ear th. _ g reate t gain in thi · ma rch . Capital § tacklers had all kind of trouble in B enford, the prid of Tyrone, Pa. pulling th e e boy down a th ey are worked ou t a whil at fullback with ~ both very fa t and very hifty. gr eat ffec t. _ Fletcher plunged through the line for C. H . DEW, Prop. tterbein' band rendered everal ven yard to make the touchdown. harmonio u train . Capital al o § 'fhe half ended with th score 12 to 0 WHERE SERVICE IS BEST brou ht up a mu ical organization, in favor of ea r' men. which succeeded in playing several few minute aft r th econd half election . 12 b gan Lee picked up ebold' fumble - - - - 0 C-- - behind the apital line and ran 25 peaking of hort kirts-it' not the ( Continued on page five., 1i111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111111111111111n111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ii initial length, it' the up-creep.




Stadium Static







= = = Westerville, 0. =

N. State St.



Page Four



<!larhinal Published Every Tuesday Morning in the Interest of OTTERBEIN COLLEGE September 25, 1917, at the post• office at Westerville, Ohio, un­ der act of March 3 18'19. Acceptance for malling at special rate of postage provided for In Section 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized April 7, 1919.

Address all communications to the Tan and Cardinal, Lambert Hall, 103 W est Collece Avenue, Wester­ ville, Ohio. . Subscription Price, $2.00 a - Year, Paya ble In Advance. Entered as second class mattet

CARDINAL However the cost of it~ replace­ ment is a small item. Possibly $1500 wo~ld. cover the expense of rebuilding a snni lar st ru ct ur e. Insurance on · the old . building amounted to $500. Ap­ praisal of the bui'lding a it tood would have been much les'S than $1500. One need not be concerned with the damage done, so much as with the reason fo r its burning. ome. are now say ing that it was a good th mg any way, the thing would have fallen down soon, by itself. An examination of thi contention shows that it is ill supported. The brace under it were fir h t d m enoug to stand a grea ea1 more people than usually attend the games. So that could not have been a reason, but an a'fter­ thought.

. 1tancy and new ness, sa1.d , "' General admission ot her window." Then th e Scotch i; m e asse rt ed itself, and to . . h. that sa ve sixpence I explamed to 1111 d I had paid. my enrollment fees, an that to all intents and purposes I whas a tudent in Otter bein. '"We II •" et

said , " I am not .so sure about that, ,, bu So yo u wait here and I ' ll find out. . h . I t ys wit say.mg, be gathered up t 1e O . Ii . h 11e had been amusing · h1rnse ·k, w h 1c STAFF when I arrived and went away to his father, or big brother, if it wou. '1>ITOR-IN-CHIEF ..... ............................................... LOUIE W. NORRIS, '28 1 be a lright for that new boy to c01neb 11d Managin&' Editor ..... ......................................................................Gerald Rosselot Copy Editor ........................................................................................ Thelma Hook on the same basis as those who . a Women's Dormitories ............................................................ Margaret Kumler taken the recent semester ex-am111a· as Men's Dormitory ····································-·········································· James Bright tions? On being told that there Local Reporter ............................................ .......................... .Dwight E. Euverard to · be no discrim inatio n because d Henry Gallagher . 1 55 stall ie· 1ze, manner of speech, or ca Special Features Verda Evan s ing, he re turnee!, and I sa w the g~~i, Exhausted in our efforts to find an at a saving of 25 cents. No, ol Caryl Rupe adequate reason for such a crime we . h. h scho The' General Reporters must next turn to our imagination. young man was not 111 ig bu t was a junior in college. lac· Surely those concerned must have felt Marcella Henry Mary Thomas qu estion i , did not th e ones who P. g th 1 ~hat is was an ideal time to dramatGladys Dickey ,Claude Zimmerman . . h.1s pos1t10n .. that evenH e d Ium 111 t ct ize that , old fable of "The ct . Thelma Hook Lillian Shively .:y arvmg have · c onfidence that he would pro W oman. ' The old lady was on th e Lucy Hanna Charles E. Shawen Phillip Charles Kenneth Echard verge of starvation 'but threw her the school's .be t nterest? What wten s~ch Edna Tr-acy Cressed Card bread to the birds because it wasn't this young man have done had on the rqad for some concern, an . to Fred Miller John Vance flu ffy and fiad no raisins in it. . 1 . for h1Dl tlY Who . did it, we do not know. All a tnva matter ha d ansen• BUSINESS MANAGER -·················································· ROSS C. MILLER, '28 the evidence points towa-rd tud t d ec1.d e ?. Another occas10n recen c1' Asaistant1 . t and 1[fer a 1 d h. . en ea ers ip. Surely no townsman w h 1ch showed poor judg men . Lorin Surface David Allaman of initiative, occur ed in a meeting akers Herbert Holmes would want to do such a th ' If the d.d · · · mg. 5 r\,ith Y i it, it was at the instigation of c_hapel one morning. Two SPORTS EDITOR ···············- ···············:······················· HAROLD BLACKBURN discus ed at some length, an students. A rumor afloat~in the stu­ 0f Assistants . . rtance great earn e tness, the 1m.po After Ellis B. Hatton Arthur H. German dent body as long as this one would Harold Young Parker Heck t o the Y. M. C. A. f as· s~~m to indieate at least stude~t -sanc­ belonging . 11npass10ned . . Alfred Jordak th • e1.r pleas ,1.11s t ead o Pn's tion on the part of some Wh Girls' Athletics Editor - ···································:.......................... Evelyn Edwards ·t · oevcr · · the stated me tl).g. the. cards and gettm~ I was that did it ought to be d ma e to names on the dotted line, they CIRCULATION MANAGER ···········:·······-······-····· MILDRED WILSON, '28 pay the fiddler. ter, 1 · A111stant1 that every one would b 7• seen / the C -Margaret Edgington Margaret Duerr and dismi ed the meeting. I-Ia de· £ -I m arter -' - ~ MEI.,Y TOPICS Ht:le11 Ewry brea:d and butter oC tbose leaders to Wilma Sproull Mary Mumma . . Dear E ditorpen d e d on 'gettmg those ,fellowstheY . PUBLICATION BOARD If what I have to say apears to be sign those membership ca rd 5 psY· o~e:"hat critrcal., I trust t hat ~be wou ld soon have learnefl that t .e ,,·a . thlS f h ct1tic1sm will not seem to ,,. d. ~ idcnt .. · ue 1rected c olog1cal moment to secure . 0 o directly followi ng the presen.titio IJut 1 Faculty Member ····-······-····-·········· Dr. Sarah M. Sherrick, Prof. C. 0 . Altman ent1~ely against the college, for I a P the merits of their organizatI~ 0 • the Studcn·t Members-Ethel Kepler, Waldo Keck, Frances George, Gerald prec1ate the fact that a h orse may be 1 Rosselot, Marcella Henry. de~ ~o water, but can not be force d to t h ese two incidents do not ·in d1ca.tethao r.m _. On the other hand, what ood lack of these virtues any more f!icer EDITORIALS . . I d ~n e will it. do the hor e if he be led t; the 0: ne •mc1.d ent which 111vo ve r to )liJll " Yet all experience is an arch where thro' watenng-trougb, and it be found dr , in the school. When I spoke withiO Gleam that untrav 11 d world, who e margin fades Tlrese two entences indicate how y about a matter that wa clearlY 1d 00 For ever and for ever when I move. w~~ l~ appor tio .1 the re ponsibility f his jurisdktion, he said that he ;eaO· How dull it is to pause, to mak4e an end, . or cnttc1sm, i'f there i any o To ru t unburnished, not to shine in use. criticise. ccasion to have to take it up -with the 1ead As tho' to breath were life."-Tennyson. The blind can not be expected t~ , · · auo,.. . To c.ome directly to our theme for the blind to any definite destu1 liege PAYING THE FIDDLER tacular victory ever a trong team such discus 1011, one of the b. . Another attainment of the co rO' h. h iggest thmgs £ 1.ea Rome burned while Nero played hi as Miami or Muskingum, in the heat w ic a college should d f student should be the fine art ~ . 1evi· dent is to instill ·111 h. o or a stu15 1 fiddle. o also ha the stadium hurn­ of fhe excitement and enth usiasm for 1m a sp· ·t f ing to live with people. It ~t,ble self-reliance and • . . . in o • eVI • .cd and now some one 'has got the a celeb ration, the most generous soul th t thi · ' '.llltlative. As proof table that we must live, and 111 ti·oo• a s is not bemg d I might, by a stretch of the imagination, ·dera .fiddler to pay. foll · one, offer the thing should have first con 1 th' owmg two or th.rec ju ta • I 011 It could not have been an accident. be able to conceive of a reason for its ' lk admit that I Jik~ to wa . , t{eeP of many which b nces, out destruction. As it • i s, there is not an It wa the re ult of premeditated, . ' ave come to my at lawus, especially if it has a s~gn, .being criminally malignant, planning. Ru­ in-ch of ground for the perpetrators of tent1on. I matri·culated . seme ter F • d m college la t off the grass," but I dislike, three 011 mor has it that "The Stadium comes this childish, ignorant, almost fanatical · . n ay Preceeding the forced to walk on the ,g rass bY t a11d ~penmg of the ~emester on th f 11 down when O tterbein wins a game," deed of vio1enc'!, to stand on. or four students walking abre~ eo'' 5 has been the s1ogan of some of the If those responsible for it burning, ing Tuesday. On the Saturd: o .o w. apparently oblivious of the p~etenc'· my enrollment O Y. lll.ght tudents ince last summer. felt that this was t<he surest way to get following • e,x1S t f 111 gaged th. · • tterbem en- o any other human being . to b Hearing of proposed plans for its in­ new and larger seating facilities, they e gtan . from Mu kin u . Also it is slightly exasperattllg i tef' 11 cineration on the night of the Bald­ are poor students of economics. We a game of basket-ball I - g m m on reaching the h. h · Went, and studying in the library and be! p of win-Wallace victory on Homecoming, are now just $1500 farther away from . d ' of game was playe-~g I school, wlu!re the rupted by the clippity-clap, Ca the admin istra tion placed guards in what wa·s needed for adequate athletic · 11111..floor wfodow marked '" approached the the iron bottomed underpin '.and near the grandstand, with the re­ equipment. That says nothing for the rather than the ' S tudent Tickets," S ome one who struts acros S th.e, he eO sult that no 'harm was done. It has not easily calculated ·sentiment that . one mar!,ed "G A dm1s ion" fo I · , eneral as though he had just bough~ t would not been learne:i whether the vandals must surely have been created among self a reg,ular r•tudnow considered my- tire work s. This tate of affai~ \vert lost their nerve that night or whether supporters of the college, against the 5 ~ ent of th · B ut I soon discovered e college. not be so bad if these tendencie were th~y knew it was being guarded. present student body and its needs. . 1 who d ome doubt t'hat there was tsp ay only .by fres·hmen . 11 Ir earch as one will, a plausab1e rea­ W •hy should they contribute to a col­ as to what student. As 1 • made one a ju st beginning their preparatto l!sui1 .son for it burning cannot be found. lege that uses their money for bon­ a young man ~~roached the window life, but the sad part is that th e Jll3\(t }fad it been burned following a spec- fire ? ticket eller, P~oba:i was. a.ssisting the offenders a re those about to . •). Y noticing my hes(Continued On Page S IX







---- o



················:·:::::::··:::::::::~::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::•·:x;f}\:~~~:· ·· ·






NEW UNITED BRETREN CHURCH BEING CONSTRUCTED IN OLD MINERYAPARK After being limited to mission work since its found ing two yea rs ago, the littl e chapel in ?✓.inerva Pa rk, so ut h of We sterv ille, has been formally organ· d as a church and now h as memtze b ership in the U nited BrethTen conference of th is district. On Sunday, Oct. 23, at 3 p. m., th e at whic h time there were present, Dr. J. H. Harris;,.)~jv. A. B. Cox, president of the conference mission board, Mr. C. F. J ohnson, promotor of Minerva Park, all of the church trustees, and a number of fr iends from t h e Westerville ch urch.

been held

Imember .


the homes


ch urch

Minerva Park chapel wa or,ga nized two years ago as a Sunday sc hool, Rev. C. J. Poulton, of Westerville, being in charge of the work since that t1·me. Recently, Conference Supt. Dr. J. H . Harris requested that a churc•h organization be affected. This was done on O ct. 2 when 30 persons -took out mem'bership. Sub sequ ent affiliations have ra ised the total membership to 34. On Oct. 9 a se sion of the quarterly

conference was held at which time the Plans for th e building of a parson- foblowing tru st ees were elected: C. H . age wh ich is to be u ed as a church Wolf and J . W. R eed of Minerva, E . and Sunday school were di cus ed at J . Nor·ris, Prof. J . F . Smit-h and Rev. the meeting. Lots have already been C. J. Poulton of Westerville, and Rev. purchased, a preliminary contract let A. B. Cox of Columbus. an d 'building is expected to be started ----~---------early next week. The parsonage is to State street and north of Main street. be two-story building, with the first Booth at Public Opinion office. floor partitions being left out to perPrecinct B : All territory outh of mit the ·r oom being used for large ·i;i;iJ}S ;iie1s JO lS;JA\ pue i;i;iJJS wn1d gatherings. Later, should a church be JO tpnos AJOJ!JJ;JJ IIV ::) PU!:>;iJd built, the parsonage w ill be completed ·1;i1oq uopu;irn: ie 1pooa ·i;i;iJJS mn1d JO l{lJOu pue J;J;J JJS U!EJi\I .d nd a wi,L! be used entirely as a reSI ence. Booth at Stoner House. Formerly, church services were held P recinct D : All territory ea t of in t>he Mi-nerva Park school building I State street and south of College but · since summer all services have avenue. Booth at City Manager's office.



their exit from college, and their entrance on the stage of life. College

THREE OTTERBEIN MEN ON BALLOT AT POLLS (Continued from Page Two.) Veteran Bureau in Columbu and now ecretary of the college, is a candidate for election to the local school board. Mr. Warson was formerly superinten­ dent of the local public chools, before going to F rance with the American force during the war. tudent will vote according to pre­ cinct in which they are rooming. The Precinct ana their place of voting are a follows : Precinct A: All territory west of

Page Five

on the 28 yard lin e. When the fourth Crawford (C) C. Sheatsley ( C) quarter began he th rew th e fleet Fowler R.G. Gerlinger Kauber a pass to gain nine yards. Reck R.T. Dickman Wertenberger made it first down and Riegle R.E. Horn Lhe nex t pass gained .: ightcen yar d Lee Q. Emmert fo r a touchdown, Sumption to Kauber. Hankison L.H .B. umption The a ttemp t at a placekick failed. A Mill er R.H .B. Kauber F.B. \IVcrtenberg few minutes later Otterbein was pen- M innich alizcd to their nine yard line. We rSubstitute Otte rbein Fletcher, tenberger era hed thro ugh the lin e Schear, Norris, Saul, Bunce, Benford, and blocked Pinney's punt and then Hawes, Hicks, McGill, Knight. fo llowed it across the line a nd fell on Capital-Kaeding, Albrecht, Meyer, · I touc hd own. Sebold, Cronenberger, Aring. it for anot h er Cap1ta Aga in Capital missed their try for Referee-Dunlap, D enison. Umpire-Pfieffer, D enison. point and the score was 25 to 12. Otterbein gained the ball on CapiHead Linesman-Karch, 0. . U. tal's 34-yard line about the middle of Touch~owns: Otterbein - Lee 2, the last quarter. Two plays made the P inn ery 2, Saul, F letcer. · touchdown as fo llows: au! made five apita l- Kauber, vVertenberger. through the line. Pinney went around Point after touchdo_w n-Pinney 3. end 29 yards for a touchdown and - - - - - 0 C - -- - made a good placekick. A minute Mrs. R. A . Hitt Succumbs late r Lee made a beautiful 22-yard run Funeral ervice were -held last thro ugh the whole Capital team to the . Thursday afternoon for M rs. R. A. d h t b . b df t eve n yard line. Otterbein lost the H. ball on downs but Pinney intercepted f itt• age 69• w 0 abtedr emhg eh as , . or 18 years, succum e at er ome, a pas off Kaub er s fingertips and N h v· Sh th . 118 ort me treet. e was e made 20 yards for his second touch. A . h · h" I k. k d widow of the late Rev. R. . Hitt w o d own. A gam is P ace ic · wa goo was for many years uperintendent of a.nd th e 1'arn.e soon e nd ed wi th0 ut the Sout'hea t Ohio Confe rence, and fur th er scoring. a a result interested very m.1.1ch in Otterbein well deser ved th~ _v_ictory tbe welfare of Otterbein. as th ey put up th e be t exhibition of The Rever end J. Stuart Inner t had football een in \Ales terville fo r several charge of the funeral. Dr. J. H . Haryears. Tis and Mrs. S. W . Keister spoke Otterbein Capital brie'f ly and a quartet composed of Pinney L.E. Connert Edna Hayes, Mrs. · ·Ray Johnsan, Hance L.T. Prasuhn James Harris and L awrence Miller Gearhart L.G. Hereth sang a fitting µymn.


e::ri arter-.'· 11. 0 use

Precinct E: All territory south of !JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ill llllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllll lrlllll 111111111£ Broadway, east of State· street, we t of § · u :, inc street ancl nortf1 of CoHe aven ue. Bootl1 at City Hal l. . P reci nct F: II territory w t of an ir regular boundary line which run from County Line road outh on tate street to Broadway, east on Broadway to Vine treet, outh on Vine treet to College avenue and ea t on College avenue to the corporation line. To avoid any confus ion of voter s who may live on one of the boundary treets, Mr. Kline has issued the following explanatjon: The boundary line i in the middle of the treet and 1csi­ dent of one side of the street will vote at a diff rent booth from those on the other ide. i. e. res ident living on the north ide of W e t Main treet wi ll vote at t he Publ ic Opinion office booth and tho e livin 5 on the o uth side of We t Main treet will vote at the Blendon hotel booth. ----- 0 C-----

life affords one an opportunity of making friendships that shall prove a great benefit and pleasure throughout life, but this can not be accomplished if one continues to offend the finer sensibiliti@s of the more refined ~nd cultural students,-and we all desire to make our connections in that class. Th be t thought of the b t minds ha somehow become a part of the truly educa ted man. He i familiar with noble tandards of conduct, with hig h man ner and w ith the things by which the pirit of man may liv . Another advantage a coll ge offer i an opportunity to study human nature. We all wish to be competent judges of humanity. Therein lies suece in life. Co uld th, re be a better ( Continuea next w ek. ) TAN OUTPLAYS PURPLE

---- 0 C----


~=- . T:.: _

= -

l'op Coats

= -




• -

= =

The swagger style_s that University men like. In all the smart Oxford Gra;ys.





IN EVERY DEPARTMENT ( Continued From Page Three). yards for a touchdown . Pinney's placekick counted the extra point. bout three minutes later Francis Saul sprinted 41 yards with the pig kin oval tucked against his man1~ bo om which put the ball within 13 yards of the goal line. Lee car ried the ball twice to gain nine yard . Hankin on add ed three more in hi two attempts. au! carried the ball over. Pinney s placekicked failed. The core at the end of th e third quarter wa 25 to 0. A the third quarter end d umption recovered a f um hie by F letcher


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1 age Six






- - - - - - - - --



About eig hty members of the O tter ­ b~m .w oman' Cl ub of Columbus a nd i=L= . w=W=a=rson=. . E =~=o~U=t=n=na=l=tl=r=~=~:=a~=uit=ner== , Assistan==i = , ~1cm1ty a ttended th e ovember m eetP reside nt ............ J . R. Kin g. ·94 11'. g a t the home of th e hostess, Mr WHAT THE CLASS T . Y. Sham is st ud ying American C. \.V . Stoughton, West College Ave V ice P residen tsOF '27 IS DOIN,G methods of Bank ing and Co mmerce in \Ne ter ville, 1 ovember 2nd ·• D r . P. H . Kil bo urne. ·oz Chicago. H e traveled extensi vely The assi tan t ho te es ; ere : Mrs. M rs. E li zab eth C. Resler, '93 H en ry vV ill ia m is teachin g and during the umm er and expects to re­ C. 0. Altman; Mrs. S. E. Kennedy H . D . Bercaw. ' 16 coach ing at Am terdam, Oh io. turn to his nati ve country next year. Mrs. · E . McDanald, Mrs. A. p' Sec..... P ro f. L. A. W einland, '05 Ro elot, Mrs. A. R. pe a rd Mr . Ruth Hayes, a•fte r pending the Mary Ober Mayne i livin g in CoB. W. Vale_ntine , Mrs · L • A . W e111 ' . lan d. s um mer worki n 7 a t H er hey's, is now lumbu , Ohio. T rea urer .... \V . O. La mbert. '00 and Mr • J ohn Williams. tea ching M•a the mat ic and coaching ~ Cha rles K elle,, is a salemaan in a After a busine Girl s· Athl etics at M ill er burg, Ohio. se s ion a mu ical Nlu ·ic Sto re a nd al so a member of a BARNARD CHOSEN HEAD Am:y Mo rr i i Mu ic Su pe rviso r at local orchestra in his ho me ci ty of Al- program was rend ered con isting of vocal solos by Mr · Ray J o h nson · OF BASE BALL LEAGUE F t. Recovery, Oh io. he pe nt the toona, Pa. vocal du et Mrs R F M . ' . ' · · • artm and ·ummer in g-iving pri vate lesso ns. Elizabeth Tro t i · tea ch ing at Eb~s. H erald Plott. Readings by Miss (Continued F ro m Page One). Freda nyder i teaching English enezer, Ohio. E lizabeth Lee, a tudent in Otterbein of th e Seventeenth Regi ment of team and H i tory at the Roo evelt High election by the Otterb . Bern ice orri 1s the Domes tic and dolin club A . e~n man- the regular ar m y. H e was back 1~ chool in Dayton. . very en thusiastic meet- the college gam e in 1898 a foot~a , Scie nc e Supervi sor at Wellingt on, ,o. ing i reported. J ean Turner Camp is working for coach o.f Ohio Medical U niverstll• Lucille Leiter is engaged 111 the - - - - 0 C - -­ the Anti- aloon League. F rom 1896 to 1898 he was ecretar,i: Canton School System. A .Correction. Virg inia German is teach ing in one of the Col umb u Bu ilder· s and Trader' An error was m a d e 111 · t h e issue . D orot hy E rtz i.nger i tea ch_i ng in of As ociation continuing in tha t capac· , of th e rural school of D elaware Warren, Indiana. Oct. 18th confusing the names of D ' u Co unty. ity until 1898 w'hen he became Spor Helen Kern is te achin g in the Wav­ Vernon Phillips and wife of Columbu:· Editor of t he Columbu·s Dispatch. Jn J ohn oel, after spend•ing th e sum01 erly H igh chool. Sh e i enjoying who appeared on the Sunday Sch mer as a alesman in W. Vi rginia, is pro~a m and Dr. Vernon L Ph·11·00 1903 he a urn ed the Secretaryship ro­ her fir st yea r' teaching especially as 1 · f , 1 ips, t he Cleveland Ba eball Club, was P d now engaged in work at the local "Tea 7 she i with her fo rmer up erintendent c ass o 1 ' of Kensington, Conn. moted in 1910 to Vice-pre ident an. for Two." . . . Thll Mr. Way. The Columbus College of Law o f ma d e B u me Ma nage r 111 191 6· . Cha rles Lamber t is engaged as Dithe you ng Men's Ch . 1· . . ns 1a n Assoc1a- wa hi job unt il 1922 when he \\~; Audra Keiser is pend ing the winter · rector of Boy ' Athletic at the Cantton has Just 1ssued its catalog for elected president of th e club. d at her home in Detroit. 1927-28 Tb · · ton Y . M. C. A. . . is evenmg school of col- has bee n identified wi th the Clevelall f enjoying her legiate .g rade is rapidly f Bes ie L incoln i . Kenneth Millet, after r e igning his ~0 f t orgmg to the club ince resi Tning the presidencY ,1 ron among Columbus Schools po ition a principal of the Orange teaching at Ro ewood, Ohio. the Colu m bus Ba eball cornpan Y Charles R. Franlcham, '96, .is the 1903. Jud ith Wh itney i enthu ia tic about Townsh ip School, accep ted a po ition 3 • "R e·v." B arnard has always take 11·cs est Che ter, Ohio dDean. h In add ition t o h.is duties a chemist in the Delco-Light Comp­ her work at as e.an c teaches Public Law C great interest in Otterbein Athlell sl where she i engaged in high school any at Dayton, Ohio. a.t10ns a nd T-orts H h • or,p orork: 1 d 1.d . e as s·c cured a a n ha vi ited t he campus on sever 5 vefyn Car·penter i instructing in sp en corps of te·a chers. occasions in the interest of her teatll Ar t and Latin 111 Otterbein. . She says Paul Roby i teaching and coaching and equipment. E. L. Weinland, '9.1 0 f W · 1 · • t-he firm of h enjoy the work imme nsely. _ in the Kirtland chool . em an d, Kahle and A tw . ood is one Dorothy Uncl~ wa fort una te to e­ Mary •McCabe and Kathryn Stein­ of the special lecturer . cure a teaching position near home. metz are attend ing the U nive r it:y of '122. Paul Spr t · . ou is connected with She i teaching at Galena, Ohio, eight Cin ·innati, working out a degree in the D elco L igh t, Dayto n Oh io p edu at ion, d in , pa rt ti me work in the helped put •·p ,. . mjle fr om We terville. • · au! H . ep mto the rall y at incinn a ti chool . omecom1ng. Ru th Mu elman i teachin in her home county a t Farmersville, Oh1o. Th Ima nyder i engaged in teach­ Profe or W W eb ·, · er, D . D. clas be ha char ge o f coach ing for girl ing in t he Adelphi H igh School. Sh of '05 · · ' of th e Theological and th e D ome tic ci nee Department. reports plea an t work. em1nary, ew Brun w· k N J . IC ' • · rep resented Ot em College at th . . .Edith Moore preferred to remain at terb Mary Wh ite ford is help ing her home p .d e maugu ra tion of re 1 ent W JV! L . comm unity by givin private le oru her home near Canal Wi nche te r, O. in Can to n, Ohio. cb,:ar i ell ing Ho lla n ;ollege, Thu~ da~, ;:~:b:: ~;;;yette Marcu ,23. R ev. and Mr . John . 1 Grace Cornetet con ti nu ing her Fu rnace a t ew P hiladelph ia. 23 and two children who h. Mayne, c ur e in M u ic at tte rbei n. ·· R ichard J ames is engaged in ecur­ vi· itrn rela tives in W t ave . been erv111 e. for Grace RJ1inehar ~ is happil y employed in g a med ical degree at Ohio tat e th e pa t t\\;o we ek h av e ret ur ned to Open 1 to 9 p. m. in teaching at J ohn town, hio. U niver ity. " D ick" is back to ee us their home. Saturdays 9 a. m. to 9 P· Jl'I. qu ite oft en. He filled Duane Harrold is completing a the pulpi t of -t'h e 1ocal L. H. Shively, Manager Pre byterian - -- - 0 C-- - cour se in emb.1lmjn a t bio tate church on Sund ay, 0 ct. 30th. Univers ity. WEDDING BELLS Rev. Mayne .i th p· e pa tor of th Rev. J . G. Spears is pastor oi the 5th . irs t ongregatibna l Chu rch W e On Thursday evening, ctober 27, mg, III. Avenue B. Church. Columbu , , Yomhome of the bride' s parents, at the Ohio. Mr. an d Mr . Rus Ingman, ewar k, ' 12 -'07· Mrs. 'vVarren H , Ethel Euvera rd i working in CoGayes 12 of Obi , Mr. Le ter B . Cox, cla s '24 and Braddock, P a. and M ' 07' o f M assillon Oh. r · uy Har tm an, lumbu . Martha Ingman were united in• Mi 10 Westervi lle for 'a f have been in Edward Hammon i in Bonebrake marriage. their fath er Bew day visiti ng em inary, Dayton, Ohio. H e i also The marr iage ceremony wa r ad by seriou ly ill. · ale, who ha been pas tor of a local church in that com­ the groom' father, R ev. A. B. Cox, munity. pa tor of the Washington Ave., U . B. Rev. and Mr J A · ·b . 0 YofTam pa, 8 on·d a announ ~~· th Lawre nce M iller i li ving in Wes­ Chu rch, Columbus, Ohio. e irth of a daughter, Becky Lou-~ terville and working a salesman for a Lester has b en teaching m the ' on Monday, O ct. 31, 1927. Columbus firm. ewark High dhool since hi gradu­ ation. Gertrude Knapp i at home in Wes­ 0 C---HOFFMAN & .BRINKJtl/.pl : ·he mail carrier . have o .Mr. and Mr . Cox are at home ·n tcrville where she is doin g s ome ad­ ahon th - . ne con ol1 ' e ma1 ts getting light vanced studying. the Belmawr, ewark, Ohio. year. er every ~4MC.OU 1Jrrit sto11



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85c Bottle











Martha Shawen accompanied her mother F riday to orth Adams, Maas­ ch us ctt , where they were called by the se r ious illn e s of Mrs. hawen ' s mother. Charlotte Anderson of Dayton was a week-end gue t of Florence Howard.

• Theta u wa hostess at a formal dinner party, Thursday eveni ng at the home of Mr . E. Hursh, given in honor of a g ro up of fre hm an. Mrs. Hursh, Mrs. Valentine, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Sears and Mrs. Krumler of Dayton, were also gue ts. The rainbow colors were car r ied uut in the decorations G ladys Snyder spent th e week -e nd and small Italian hand-made handker­ at her home in Lebanon . chiefs proved to be the favor. Julia Lohman of Dayton was a M r . Lohr i visiting Jan e for a few Mildred \,Vilson and Nelle Glove r weekend guest of Virginia Brewbaker . days. pent the weekend in Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Grant hreffier, Mr. Alice Prop t was called home SatBee Buchard visited her home in and Mrs. Glenn Haller and son of urday on account of illne s of her enterburg over aturd a'", and un- A s hi an d were gues t o f C arrie · I1re f - mother. day. Iler Sunday. Lauretta Melvin a nd Marian Hollen M~- and Mrs. Wingate. Mr. a nd n O r iental fiv e-cour e dinn er party went to Lauretta' home for the weekMrs. Ortman and Audrey Ortman of was given by the Talisman Club Fri­ end. Dayton, visited Beulah and Martha day night at the home of Dr. and Mr . The Owl Clu b entertai ned a group Ellen on Sunday. T. ]. Sanders. As the guests entered they ·were of freshmen girl at dinner at BienThe Phoenix Club ente rtain ed sever­ al fre hmen girl with a dinner party greeted by a maiden in Oriental garb. brook Inn last Wedne day evening. Rich tape tries and Orinental rug Lucille Debol t spent the week-end at P eep In n, Wedne sday evening. adorned the walls while carved images at her home in Centerbury, 0 . Torno Dachi entertained a group of and the fragrant perfume of incense l Freshmen at the hom e of Mrs. E. H. gave color and atmosphere to the ( Men McLean aturday evening. Delicate cene. pa tel shades were used in lattice work Musical elections in keeping with Lawrence Green has been nursing a and butterflies for decoration and the th e idea of t he party were rendered by painful infection on hi s chin and has color cheme of the r efres hments was Oliver pangler and Homer Hoffman. been unable to do a lot of talking in blue and white. Out-of-town guests A very .capable Hindu eer, in the per­ and out of cla for the la t few days. were Glady Lake Michael and Hulah son of John oel, disclo ed the future Paul Clingman went down to ChilliBlack Irwin. · to the gue t , making a fitting climax cothe again . He r eports that hi Helen cheidegger helped her g rand­ to the even ing' festivities. ho und i in good running order. father celebrate hi birthday Sunday The Arbutu Club entertained at a Paul Garver, R. J . White, Richard at Etna, Ohio. dinner part on Monday evening a . Jame and Duane Harrold visited Grace and Margaret Duerr spent number of new girl , Mr . J. P. West, the weekend. · Garver ·weekend of October 30 in Dayton. Mr . Alice Troop, Mrs. Ruth Hamil­ spent very little time at the rooms. ton, Mrs. Florence Hudock, and Mi Mr. Chas. Roberts pent the week­ Everett nyder went to Lebanon to Mary Weimer at the home of Profe end with his daugh ter Lucille. visit hi parent , incidentally giving the or and Mr . J. P . We t. Inez Levengoo , orothy- Leven--=-1-'=-.c:=gir l of tha town a treat. good, -Mildred Ben on, Maurine LoisTbe Onyx Devon Brown vi ited Centerb urg elle, and Margaret Kropp, all of Co- ner party on Friday- evening at the lumbu , pent Sunday, Oct. 30 with home of Ellen Jone on Vine Street. over the weekend for th forty- econd TT1e table were very attractively dec­ on ecutive time. E vange lia e pahr. orated in blue and gold, the club color . Junior Clippinger and Roger Moore M r _ and Mr . E. L. Kepler and Mi s The favor were qu ite unique a well aw the liver -Roosevelt game in Kemp pent und ay with Ethel and a u eful. After dinner a plea ing en­ Dayton atur9ay. 'Junie" spent Sat­ Vio let. tertainment wa provided for the urd ay evening renewing old acquaint-


Tw i-nachine load of yo un g people gue t and member . an in the Gem Cit y. from the Jntermediat E. of OakThe Arcady Cl ub entertained ev eral dam went hom to visit eorge w od U. B. hur ch p nt unday with Fre hmen girl at a dinner party at hi - folk . Hi father ha been very V iolet Kepler. Peep I1111 la t Thur day evenin ill. Th wl ntertained the homeFlorence ordell pent rhe weekallagher, Jr. got a fr ee Henry A. comin member o f igma Alpha Tau end at her horn• at tra bury. rid e to Mt. ilead Frida . He vi ited at br akfast at Blenbrook Inn., un­ therin Zimmerman vi ited L uella hi f Jk . day, ctober 23. enger at Galena thi week-end. M r. and M r . . D . Riegel and on 11r. and Mr . R. L . Henry and on Peg and Gertrude Knapp went to H mer, M r. and Mr . Dunham and Z II r of rmant wn pent unday a nd Lewi burg unday where their father thr e daughter , with Mar.c Ila. ge l B Ian he. were u ha been holding meetin and wife over th ready Club enjoyed a fried chicken ' Toot• Barnhard . teaching in pu h at urday night given by Ruby l v land choo l , vi ited with Emerick in honor of her gue t, Iara aturday and unday. Thoma of Dayton.


P hilota Club received an announce­ ment from Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Brom­ eley of the marr iage of their daugh­ ter J canoe Dorothy to Elward Maur­ ice Caldwell, '27, which took place at San German, Porto Rico, Friday, Oc­ tober 28. Mr. Caldwell i teaching in an In titute in San German .

~Ir. and Mrs. Ray F . German, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mealy and Madeline Mealy, were week-end visitor with Mr. and Mr . Arthur H . German. Wayne Milburn 's father, mother and two i ter v1 ited him from Willard Sunday. Alps annou1Jce Gedrge Hender on as a pledge to their group. ' effie" and " Ken " · Echard Sunday in Columbus with friend


"Bright Eyes" Kumler peat Sun­ day at Lanca te r with hi s brother. Charle Burrows' folks vi ited with him over Sunday. Don Shoemaker and "Ted" Seaman spe nt t he week-end in Dayton, driving ove r in Ted' wreck. Doyle tuckey and "Felix" were een in Westerville Saturday evening. Franklin Puderbaugh ove r the weekend.



Wallace Cherry visited his parent in Bellwood, Penn ylvania, over the week-end.

- -- - 0 C - - - Orchestra Elects Officers: At the r egular meeting of the Co1lege Orchestra last Monday vening officec were elected for the year. Homer Huffman i the _n_ew re ident. Josephine toner va elected secretary-trea ttre.r. Herbert Irwin was lected manager.

----0 C---Debate Date Not Set. A yet, there ha been no definite arrangeme,Jts made for the Freshman­ ophomore Debate, but Professor mith, head of the Public peaking­ departmeat, wi he that all who a r e intending to tryout for the cl bate will ee him at once.

----0 Get a B lack Leather Jackei. right. E. J. N rri n.

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Poo, a Lasting Marcel, a Per­ fe_c t Manicure, a Fascinating Finger Wave, or a Natural Per­ manent Wave (The French method). We Specialize in Scalp and Facial Treatments. OUR MOT'J'O ''A Beauty Aid for Every Need" TELEPHONE 386-M.


"R d" earhar k i11 the kingum-Reidelb rg gam and from th r went to vi it Margaret Duerr i convale ciog at ·nt at Bucyru . her home in Dayton afle.r an operation Olsen WE SELL YOUNG MEN'S SHOES for appendiciti . Ralph Fow l r and Henr PRICE $3.SO TO $6.00 home for motored to nion ity, Indiana a tu r­ day to vi it fri end tit r e o~ r the Also Laces, Polish, Arch Supportera, Com Cure, Inner Soles, Nitetu Huntley \\" ek nd · Non-Slip Lining. a their . ''Bo b"' Hawe pent unday with hi A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU. gue t unday dinner. Robert pa r nt at r eenville. ander and Richard on, Richard David "D utch' Lee journeyed to ' parky" chear. Dayton to ee the Roo evelt- tiver

H le11 Ewry pen the with friend s in Dayton.

, eek-end

DAN CROCE 27 W. Main St.

Margaret Kumler went home the week-end.


ame, pin .



till ha




l'age Eight



Student Equinimnity Suffers Because of Young Don Juans Being moved by an altogether un- 1 the sy mphony already competing with foreseen and unusual urge, the con- the Music Hall across the way. science of this product of college vices At this point I shall strive to point forced me to en ter the portals of the ' out the dan·g erous disadvantages of these devious develish devices known library . As I come to the door thereof the a cleats. Specific examples : The flo or of the lib rary is of a soft librarian fainted and hath not yet re­ covered. But, Allah be Praised, the type, known as Vermont Marble, and wise and just Student Council hath will stand no more than one tho usand decid ed that they will not lay the years of such usage . Consider Pos­ blarne at my door even though I was terity 11 The nerves of the present collegiate the innocent cause thereof. Noble and generation are completely shot. To­ broad-minded Council! Mine eyes observe the sign demand­ bacco-Allah fo rbid its use; Stag ses­ ing silence and I fearfully cross the sions-ruiner of the morale; Tests, floor respecting the desires of the institution of th~ wicked; and Cleats, a forementioned sign. I nobly attempt menace to society are responsib le for to employ the art of concentration but this situation. And now, will all those in favor of mine efforts ar c all in vain . A fellow-sufferer and eeker of the tearing of t!-te steel plates from the knowledge laboring at mine elbow heels of these wearers of th e spurs hath long since assigned himself to line up across the lib rary door; will the arms of Morpheus in whose pro­ one of the librarians lead cheers; and tection he snoreth at an increasingly now altogether-One, two, three - ­ Silence now reigns in th e awesome audible rat e. I deci de to follow his worthy and halls of Homer and Pythagoras! I ----0 C---perfect example and sink into a semi­ What Philalethea Is Doing coma from which I am violently aroused by a noise as of three score At the regular session of Philalethea drums and eighteen cymbals I I start to my fee t, ready to do battle la t Thursday night the following pro­ gram was presented: with a Persian army, and lo, there is Vocal Solo-"Folks eed Lovin'" no army! No, my dears, only Cuth­ K. A. Glen bert in his collegiate cleats-15c the Ethel Kepl er pair at Dan Croce's-put on while you Biography- "Th Life of Gem -" ai , ueral u enace to society, a lso Lucy Hanna to college life, disgrace to the institu­ Piano Solo-Grace eneff tion, infernal device. The proud and would-be wicked ermonette-"Progres and Patience" Mary McKenzie wearer ther eof, slinks to a seat with Piano D uetmuch scraping of heels, openeth his "M ilitary March" . Krentzlin b r ief case, removeth a book therefrom , Geneva Shela and Vi rginia Brewbaker opcneth the book, p utteth on his rose­ Diarycolored gla ses, removeth the glasses, Diary of a Nervou Wreck" and goeth speedily to sleep. And his Dorothy Patton gurgling addeth econd axaphone to horu - "Philalethea" Society Thanksgiving Party Coming. During extemporaneous peaking Jo ephine Drury poke on "Fa hions" and Verda Evan talked about "The Th Chri tian Endeavor, ection en ation of a Senior". will hold a Thank giv ing party on aturday evening, ovember 19. ----0 C---­ Philophronea -----0 C----


bach L r i a guy that didn't have a car whil be wa in college.




An intere ted audience gathered Fri_ day night in Philophronean Hall to hear one of the be t literary essions of the year. Barnes, A. 0. gave an excellent e ay dealing with the labor problem, explaining that " oldiering" wa a dangerous practice and giving way of overcoming the fault in la­ borers. Derhammer, H. R and Wal ter, J . E. both new member gave excellent production , the former reading an appreciation and the latter a atire on the Otterbein fo untain. Parlimentary Drill produced after considerable he itation an enlighten­ ing speech by Borrorer, D. J. on "How to be succe ful in Love." Extempor­ aneous speaking was only fair. Philophronea continued to add to her members w'hen Roose, D. F. was voted into as ociate member hip.


''Army" Ambrose will present a popu· la r science number.



----0 C----

Male Quartet and Bell Ringers Will Besides working on declamations, Take Place of Polynesian debate , pceche . and the multitude of Lecturer. other activities that; fills the time of the public peaking tudent. members Failing health of Dr. Rawei the of the various classes are now enga · Polynesian lecturer has cau ed him to ed in a tudy o f some of the wor id's­ . return _to his i land home and ,vill pre­ greate t orators. their lives, their vent him from appearing on the Red­ greate t speech, the time of its deliv· path programs. He was scheduled for ery, and a criticism of it in prepar~ the second attraction on the L yceum ation for an impressiveness speec Lect ure Course Series, Novem be r 17. which is due in several weeks. There will be no program for that Students are unearthing much inter· evening but the date for the sub stitute esting' material and an entertaining · · ant1c1pated .. ' program ha been set for the 28th of time 1s when t he time February, 1928. comes for the d~livering of th es' At that time Jack Wood' s Male speeches. Quartet and Bell Ringers will furnish ----0 C d the entertainment. This product ion is An apple hit ewton on the hea f muc? more costly than the number and et him thinking out the law 0 previously sched uled for November 17 gravity. Here is a tray fact for pro­ but will be given to the patrons fo; fes ional psy,chologist : ks tne same price a the other was to Te ts in the great Siemens Wo~ have been given . .m G ermany md . 1cate . . relation a definite Students and ticket-holder s a re re­ between left-handedness and stutter; quested to rememb er th at there will .mg-one left-h~nded man 1.n ~~ . be no performance a week from Th 1 • uffering from that a arcuon, d urs- f our ay and to mark on their tickets the wh ile the right-handed tutterer 1 3 date ~f February 28 at the date for the rarity. substitute program. - - - - 0 C---The next regular number will b Dry Cleaning and Pres ing. E. J. given Friday, December 2, whe; Norri on.

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