Otterbein Towers June 1941

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VoL XIII —------------------- June^ 1941 ---------------------- No. 9

"COMMENCEMENT IN RESUME" “---------- ali is well^ safely rest, God is nigh'’—and so as the last strains of the traditional, thricerepeated “Taps” faded away, Pres­ ident J. R. Howe declared the 94th year of Otterbein College officially closed. Although Commencement proved to be one filled with emo­ tion caused by the present world situation which calls many from both the senior and undergraduate classes to the country’s service, it also proved to be one of fun and business combined; for as the Board of Trustees were meeting to ponder many weighty questions the graduates and friends who had returned to the campus from all corners of the earth were meeting in planned reunions and informal gatherings to renew old friend­ ships and to form new ones. The usual program of events be­ ginning with the President’s recep­ tion of the senior class on Friday evening and reaching a climax in the commencement exercises on Monday morning, encompassed the annual Phi Sigma Iota dinner, Quiz and Quill, Chaucer Club and Phi Kappa Delta breakfasts, senior

class day program, commencement play, and the recital by the depart­ ment of music. Classes which had planned special reunion luncheons were 1901, 1916, 1921, and 1926. Other classes had special tables at the alumni banquet, and all had rooms reserved in the Administra­ tion Building wliere they could come and register. President Ralph Cooper Hutchison gave the com­ mencement address and is to be commended for a great speech on a timely subject. Degrees were conferred on 63 seniors, 47 receiving the A.B. de­ gree, 11 the B.S. degree and two the B. Mus. degree, and four the degree of B. Mus. Ed. Honorary D.D. degrees were conferred on E. Ray Cole, Conference Superinten­ dent of the West Virginia Confer­ ence, and Jacob Foraker Hatton, Superintendent of the Michigan Conference. Richard Bradfield, Professor of Soil Technology and Head of the Department of Agronomy of the New York State College of Agri­ culture in Cornell University, re(Continued on Page 3)

Sntared as second class matter at post office in Westerville, Ohio, under act o# August 24, 1912.

NEWS OF THE MONTH •’40 Alberta Engle received the degree of B.L.S. from the Western Reserve University Library School on June 16. She has accepted a position in the library at Medina, Ohio, where she will be in charge of children’s work. •’39 John V. Flanagan was elected president of Eta chapter of Phi Lambda Upsilon, national hon­ orary chemical fraternity, Ohio State University. •’37 Duane Mills received the M.D. degree from Temple Uni­ versity in May. He is to intern at Harrisburg Hospital, Harris­ burg, Pa. •’30 Mr. H. M. Ervin, who was

formerly radio engineer with radio station WLW, has received a com­ mission of ensign in Balbo, Canal Zone. •’29 Rev. and Mrs. Lewis Frees have taken Collin Cramp, a tenyear old English refugee, into their home. •’17 The tragic death of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Merrill in an auto accident three years ago was re­ cently called to our attention for the first time, and we thought that their friends and classmates would want to know of this. •’ll Charles Dennis Yates re­ ceived the degree of Doctor of Education from the University of Southern California School of Edu­ cation on May 28. •’06 We extend our deepest sym­ pathy to the family of Mary Baker who died in Seattle, Washing*ton, on June 4. She was buried in the Westerville cemetery.

•’76 It is with regret that we an­ nounce the death of the Honorable Frank D. Wilsey on May 27. Mr. Wilsey, who was vice-president and a member of the Board of Educa­ tion of New York City for twentyfive years, was a trustee of Otterbein College. At the time of his death Mr. Wilsey was residing in Montclair, New Jersey.

Births Graduates who are proudly an­ nouncing additions to their families this month are Rev. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Messmer, ’36 (Mary Mumma, ’31), who announce the arrival of William Bruce on June 3; Mr. and Mrs. Roger Moore, ’31, who announce the arrival of William Thomas on March 19, and Mr. and Mrs. Horace P. White, ’31, who announce the arrival of a son last Dec. 25.

Marriages Among the Otterbein graduates who chose the traditional “month of brides” for their wedding day were Evangeline Spahr, ’30, who became the bride of Robert A. Lee on June 18 at Decatur, Indiana; the couple will live at Pleasant Hill, Ohio; Jane Gallagher, ex’42, who became the bride of Eugene Gould, ex’42, at her home in Akron on June 1; they are living in Galion, Ohio; Dorothy MacAran, ex’43, who was married to Robert Stevens, ’41, at her home in Toledo on June 10; Janice Bean, ex’42, who became the bride of Dan Col­ lier on June 15 at the Presbyterian Church in Westerville; the couple will live in Westerville; Russell


Brown_, *37, who was married to Marian Haag on June 14, and Charles Botts, *34, who was mar­ ried to Ruth Dreyer in Cincinnati on June 21. Other graduates who are an­ nouncing their marriages this month are George Bradshaw, *33, who was married to Irene Hall on May 27; Emerson Hillegas, *38, who was married to Marguerite Lewis several months ago; Helen Ludwick, ex*36, who became the bride of Dean Lawther, *34, at her home in Cincinnati on May 30; John Stevens Shank, ex’25, who married Mary Jane Routzong at Grace Methodist Church in Dayton on May 4; and Dee Jay Hummell, *37, who became the bride of Mar­ vin Schlesselman last June 29 in Cleveland. The couple have been living at Kelley*s Island, Ohio.

Alumni Banquet Reported Honor guests at the annual Com­ mencement Alumni Banquet which was presided over by E. L. Weinland, *91, as toastmaster, were the members of the classes of 1891 and 1901 who were celebrating their 50th and 40th anniversaries re­ spectively. Dr. Weinland was in­ troduced by Dr. Charles Suavely, *94, chairman of the banquet com­ mittee, and in turn introduced the speakers of the evening, Dawes T. Bennert, *01, who spoke for the class of 1901, T. E. Newell, '23, president of the Alumni Associa­ tion, and Dr. J. R. Howe, *21, President of the College. The oldest class answering the tradi­ tional roll call was the class of 1878. The report of the election returns by Mrs. F. J. Ressler, *93, chairman of the nominating com------------------------------------------------


mittee, was the officjal announce­ ment of the election! of the new alumni officers. Special attractions of the banquet not had heretofore were the music by the violin quar­ tet and group singing, led by Bob Holmes, *35, during the dinner.



The class of 1921 has good rea­ son to be proud of their 20th re­ union held on June 7, in that 30 members of the class, nearly 50 per cent, were present.

Alumni Officers Elected Results of the annual election of the officers of the Alumni Association are as follows: Presi­ dent—Dr. T. E. Newell, *23; Vice-Presidents—Dr. F. M. Pottenger, Jr., *25; Mrs. L. A. Wein­ land, *04; Mr. Carroll C. Widdoes, *26; Secretary—Miss Louise Bow­ ser, *37; Treasurer—Mr. F. J. Vance, *16; Trustees—Dr. F. O. Clements, *96, and Dr. P. H. Kilbourne, *02; Member of the Alumni Council at Large—Robert Knight, *28. ,

(Commencement Cont.) —

ceived the honorary degree of Doc­ tor of Science. Walter Gillan Clippinger, President-Emeritus of Otterbein College, received the de­ gree of Doctor of Humane Letters. Ralph Cooper Plutchison, Presi­ dent, Washington and Jefferson College, Washington, Pa., received the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. The Spring Edition of the 1941 Quiz and Quill Magazine, with a special cover design by the Otter­ bein Craft Guild, may be had by sending thirty cents in stamps to the alumni office.


O'ttetlfein Touret6

Otterbein College Westerville, Ohio Published by the Alumni Council in the interest of alumni and friends GERALD RILEY, Editor Issued nonthly exempt July and August

Welcome Class of 1941 The Otterbein Alumni Associa­ tion extends congratulations and welcome to its newest members^ the class of 1941. The degree of Bachelor of Arts was conferred on Carl Alsberg, Franklin, Pa.; Mil­ ford Ater, Chillicothe; Harold Augspurger, Middletown; Ralph Beiner, Massillon; Eleanor Brooks, Rio Grande; Lewis Carlock, Greenville; Ruth Clifford, Altoona, Pa.; J ohn Clippinger, Dayton; William Cover, Caledonia; Howard Depew, Westerville; Mary Marga­ ret Evans, Newark; Mary Garver, Strasburg; Louise Gleim, Cleve­ land; Benjamin Glover, Wester­ ville; Mack Grimes, Piqua; Wanda Grimes, Canal Winchester; John Guillermin, Buffalo, N. Y.; Paul Jefferis, Pomeroy; Virginia Jere­ miah, Dayton; Paul Kirk, Warren; Rita Kohlepp, Westerville; Lloyd Lewis, Columbus; Clayton Lutz, Westerville; Jean McCloy, Wester­ ville; Rosemary McGee, Rittman; Neil Mann, Westerville; Jean Mayne, Westerville; Leslie Mack. stroth. New Knoxville; Kathleen Mollett, Van Nuys, Calif.; Donald Mosholder, Somerset, Pa.; Philip Morgan, San Francisco, Calif.; Theodore Neff, Cleveland; Natha-

lie Noyes, Dayton; Arthur Orlidge, Westerville; Wallace Orlidge, Johnstown, Pa.; Oliver Osterwise, Jr., Connellsville, Pa.; Jean Plott, Westerville; Mary Louise Plymale, Newark; Gerald Rife, Bloomville; Maurice Smith, Sullivan; Robert Stevens, Toledo; Dale Stone, Fort Wayne, Ind.; D. W. Stover, Rock­ ford; William Underwood, Miamisburg; George Unterburger, Dayton ; Robert Wagner, Akron; Don­ ald Williams, St. Marys. The de­ gree of Bachelor of Science was conferred on Dorothy Arkill, Franklin; Howard Elliott, Wester­ ville; Philip Hartwell, Columbus; William James, Columbus; Mau­ rice Permut, Portsmouth; Dwight Spessard, Westerville; Stanley Taylor Keyser, W. Va.; Frank Van Sickle, Cardington; Richard Wag­ ner, Johnstown, Pa.; Robert Waites, Middletown; and Gerald Ward, Condit. The degree of Bachelor of Music was conferred on Ralph Herron, New Phila­ delphia, and John Stone, New Philadelphia. The degree of Bache­ lor of Music Education was con­ ferred on George Needham, North Braddock, Pa.; Fred Nicolle, Som­ erset, Pa.; Elmer Schear, New Philadelphia; and Catherine Ward, Dayton. Elmer Schear received the Certificate of Attainment in Music in the field of voice. Alumni: These graduates will be returning to your communities. We suggest that you call on them and make them welcome in your respec­ tive alumni groups. You will re­ ceive much from them in the way of new ideas and in turn will give much in the way of fellowship.

Alumni are ^ged to send items concerning their own activities and those of their friends to OTTERBEIN TOWERS. WesterviUc. Ohio

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