1953 August The High Street Witness

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AUGUST, 1953

CHURCH COUNCIL NEWS REVIVAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 6th Pastor’s Report to the Church TO SEPTEMBER 20th Council of Administration August 4, 1953 Averages for the month of July have been as follows: Sunday School 251; Morning Worship 272; Evening Service 61. Averages for July, 1952, were: Sunday School 231; Morning Worship 172; Evening Service 50. Even with the hot weather we are holding our own financially, and we are grateful to God for His goodness. During the month of July, I have made ninety-two pastoral calls, preached eleven times, and per­ formed one wedding. And yet the Pastor has taken no vacation period as such, but such arrangements are now being made for the first Sun­ day in September (6th). In recent days the Pastor has talked with Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Clark, Pastor and wife of the Mar­ ion Salem Church, and has made arrangements with them to assist in Revival meetings in September. They will conduct the music ser­ vices, and will have a special ministry to children. They will be a valuable assistance in the meet­ ings which are now being planned. The meeting date is set for Sep­ tember 20th through October 4th. Recent actions of The Council in the July meeting were as follows: 1. It was agreed to provide the sum of $35.00 to send Mr. George Bailey to the Second Quadrennial Student Conference of The Evan­ gelical United Brethren Church to be held at Indiana Central College at Indianapolis, Indiana, December 29th to January 1st. 2. It was agreed to provide the sum of $40.00 from our Miracle Mission Fund for Rev. James Welty of The Lima Rescue Home to send Mr. Welty to the Rescue Mis(Continued on page 2)



The months of June, July and August are usually considered the period of low attendance or “sum­ mer slump” in most Churches, but we are happy that this sum­ mer is different from all the rest. At least the attendance figures are better than they have been in pre­ vious summers, for which we are deeply grateful to God. Many peo­ ple are asking if it is essential to hold two services on Sunday morn­ ing. The answer is simple arithme­ tic, for an average of about 100 more people are now at Church on Sunday morning than attended in the summer of 1952. Our Sunday School is also well ahead of last year, as is our evening service and mid-week prayer meeting. Surely this indicates that with the proper emphasis in the fall months High Street can surpass all previous at­ Our Revival meeting has now tendance records. been set for the two week period As these lines are prepared your beginning September 6, and the Pastor has selected to assist us in Pastor is very busy looking for­ the work Rev. and Mrs. A. E. ward to Annual Conference. Re­ Clark, pastor and wife of our ports have been completed, and Salem Church near Marion, Ohio. many letters have been written. Rev. and Mrs. Clark are known This will be your Pastor’s first ex­ to the boys and girls who attended perience serving as Secretary of an the children’s camp as “Uncle Gene Annual Conference, and it promi­ and Aunt Doyne.” They have been ses to be a most interesting ex­ active in evangelistic circles, and perience. Assisting the Pastor at have been a part of our children’s Annual Conference in the typing camp each summer at St. Marys. room will be Mrs. A. G. VandeRev. and Mrs. Clark will have mark and Miss Marjorie Sullivan. charge of the music each evening, These ladies will carry the respon­ and they will precede the evening sibility of typing all the Conference service with a children’s meeting reports and cutting stencils for at 7:00 p.m. Among the items that many which will be passed out to will be interesting to children will members of the Conference. By be Gospel magic, illustrated stories the time this paper arrives at your about real boys and girls, action home, Conference will be com­ songs and choruses, gospel souve­ pleted, and elsewhere in this num­ nirs, etc. We believe that Rev. and ber you will find the stationing Mrs. Clark will be used of the committee’s report which is the Lord to help many of our boys and most looked-for document of the Conference. girls as well as their parents. The July, August and September It was refreshing to your Pastor to hear many prayers offered for numbers of “The High Street Wit(Continued on page 2) (Continued on page 2)


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REVIVAL MEETING (Continued from page 1) our coming Revival meeting at the prayer service which took place the week before these lines were prepared. Many of our people un­ derstand very well that Revivals are not worked up, they are prayed down. Prayer is the key if God is going to bless High Street Church. We have a taste of the goodness of God, and we will be looking to Him for the future. The plan for our Revival meeting will be as indicated, but parents will be invited to come for the children’s part of the service if they desire. Now is the time to be telling your friends about our meetings, and to be planning so that you can come. Further an­ nouncements will be made through Church bulletins and in our regu­ lar services. Pray for your Pastor as he plans his messages, and for Rev. and Mrs. Clark as they plan to be with us for this vital period of heart searching.

-------- 0-------CHURCH COUNCIL NEWS (Continued from page 1) sion Conference at Winona Lake, Indiana. Mr. Welty attended this Conference and will speak to our congregation at some future date. 3. The division of the Miracle Mission Fund was determined as follows: 1. $25.00 per month is to be sent to the denoninational Board of Missions to be applied toward the support of some foreign mis­ sionary. 2. $25.00 per month is to be sent to the new Home Mission Church at Bradenton, Florida. 3. The balance of all funds re­ ceived are to be designated for the new East Lima Evangelical United Brethren Church on Bellefontaine Ave. 4. If, during any month we should fail to receive $75.00 or more the receipts for that month would be divided as follows: The first $25.00 would go toward our foreign missionary fund, and the balance would be divided be­ tween the Bradenton, Florida, mission and the new East Lima congregation. We trust these items of informa­

tion will be helpful to everyone in understanding our missionary pro­ gram. Pray for the cause of mis­ sions in High Street Church, and remember to give faithfully the tithe of all the extra funds God gives to you, for our Miracle Mis­ sion program. Faithfully yours, Frank R. Hamblen -------- o-------PASTOR’S MESSAGE (Continued from page 1) ness” constitute together a direc­ tory of the Church. The entire membership roll is included as well as the Official members of our Church body. Keep these numbers on file for future reference, for you will want to know who holds which office or who is a member of the Church. Should there be any question about our membership roll your Pastor will be happy to an­ swer any questions. Now and then errors do occur, and a number were found last year. If you think the roll is not correct in any way, please feel free to ask questions or to offer suggestions. During the month of August the parsonage will receive its new coat of insul-wood siding. The trustees have been planning for this improvement for some time, and perhaps the painting and new gutter and spouting will also be finished before this paper arrives. This will make a great improve­ ment in the parsonage property, and its appearance will be much ap­ preciated. This is the first month for the Witness to be printed at The Rockford Press. No changes are being made in our mailing arrange­ ments for the present, but please be careful to send all subscrip­ tions direct to the Pastor for the present. Do not send subscriptions to Rockford. Further details about future mailing arrangements will be included in a future number of the paper. Remember to pray for the com­ ing Revival and for the Missionary Institute in October. We stand up­ on the threshold of the greatest spiritual opportunity that High Street has ever known. Pray that God will help us to take full ad­

August, 1953

vantage of the open door that is before us. Faithfully yours, Frank R. Hamblen -------- o-------ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREEST Recent patients in St. Ritas Hos­ pital are: Mr. Devon Blume, Mrs. Carolyn Adams and Mrs. Ruth Leis. Mrs. Grace Barrett is con­ tinuing also as a patient in St. Ritas. Recent patients in Memorial Hospital include Mr. Clarence Long, Mr. Wm. Kies, Mr. Charles Bay, and Gary Bowers. Mr. Leslie Church is also continuing as a potient in Memorial. Also, as this paper goes to press Mrs. Bernice Kikly, and Richard L. Hefner are patients in Memorial Hospital. Mrs. John Stuber is a patient in the Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton, Ohio, as these lines are pre­ pared. Miss Dorothy Kempher is home for a month’s vacation. She has been a student in the St. Paul Bible Institute, and is expecting to enroll in Moody Bible Institute in September. An emergency call from Camp St. Marys for Counsellors for our Intermediate Camp during the week of July 19th to 25th was ans­ wered by Mrs. Robert Weikert, Mrs. Victor Woodbury and Mrs. Frances Bozeman. These ladies were packed and on duty at camp with less than 24 hours notice. Mrs. Lewis Johnson and Miss Blanche Jones assisted in the children’s camp at Camp St. Marys during the week of July 26th to August 1st. Jon Johnson was enrolled in the camp during the same period. Mrs. Clayton Bucher has been as­ sisting in the kitchen at Camp St. Marys during the season. Miss Nancy Clemans in attending the Rodeheaver School of sacred music at Winona Lake, Indiana, during the first two weeks of July. New addresses of three of our service men are: PFC Dale Harner US 52173570 Prov. Co. 9010 APO 613 % P.M. General San Francisco, Calif. (Continued to Page 11)

The following 8 pages contain all articles and news from our Sandusky Conference as compiled and edited for the Sandusky News hy the staff thereof. A splendid opportunity to become acquainted with a great conference.




The fall missionary institutes of of the Ohio Sandusky Conference Branch W.S.W.S. and C.S.G. will be held September 21-30. Rev. Mrs. A. Wesley, Archibold, will be the missionary speaker. Dates and places are as follows: September 21—^Findlay at Findlay St. Paul. September 22—Willard & Sandusky at Willard. September 23—Marion and Bucyrus at Marion Calvary. September 24—Lima, St. Marys and Van Wert at Lima High St. September 28—Fremont and Fostoria at Fostoria First. September 29—Bowling Green and Toledo at Bowling Green. September 30—Napoleon and Bry­ an at Defiance. The institute program will be as follows: 9:30 a.m. Opening song, scripture and prayer Roll Call Conference Period Offering Missionary Speaker Directed prayer period 12:00 o’clock noon luncheon 1:30 p.m. Hymn and prayer Roll call recheck and awards Departmental workshops Special music Missionary address Offering Benediction Evening Youth Fellowship Service -------- o--------

A special call is hereby issued to the men of the Evangelical United Brethern Church in behalf of two of our promising mission churches. One of these is located at Grand Rapids, Michigan, and the other is located in Sacramen­ to, California. The response which the Brother­ hood is making to the call from these two churches is based upon a twofold premise. In the first place, these new churches are lo-


A physician tells of his experi­ ence with a patient in an asylum. “He seemed so gloomy,” the doctor said, “that I tried to cheer him. After a moment, the man interrupt­ ed, T’m sorry. Doc, but I’ll have to get back to my worrying. I’m way behind, and I got no time for anything else now.’ ” Well, aren’t we all a little like that?

The Conference Council of Administration Joe Graham, Editor

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JOE GRAHAM IS APPOINTED EDITOR OF O.S.N. The Rev. Joseph Graham, a 1953 graduate of Bonebrake Theologi­ cal Seminary and pastor of Pasco E.U.B. Church, was selected in the May meeting of the Conference Board of Christian Education to succeed Eustace S. Heckert as edi­ tor of The Ohio Sandusky News. Because of a desire to devote all his energies to pastoral leadership, Mr. Heckert asked to be relieved of the duties of editor upon pub­ lication of the August issue. Mr. Graham will assume the editor­ ship beginning with the Septem­ ber issue. Mr. Graham is a graduate of Bluffton College, receiving a B.A. Degree in 1951. As a youth, he was an active member of Tiro E.U.B. Church, teaching a young people’s class for three years, choir leader one year, and active in local, county and district youth groups. He was graduated from the Tiro Rural School in 1947 where he worked on the school paper and participated in other extra curri­ cular activities. In 1946, he won (Continued on Page 2)

As the materials of this August issue are submitted to the Rockford Press, new pub­ lisher of the conference paper, I place in the hands of Joe Graham, all records and offi­ cial duties of editing the Ohio Sandusky News. Since this terminates my of­ ficial duties as your editor, I want to take this opportunity of expressing my deep appreci­ ation for the excellent co-oper­ ation you have given me. It has been a real joy and an enrich­ ing experience to serve as edi­ tor for the past few years. I asked to be relieved of the re­ sponsibilities, not because of dissatisfaction or gripes in any way, but because I felt the pul­ ling desire of devoting the en­ ergies spent in these duties to pastoral leadership in a grow­ ing church. I am sure you will give to my successor the fine loyalty and co-operation you have shown toward me. I believe Joe will do an excellent job, and therefore I commend him highly as worthy of your best. —E. S. H.

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THE HIGH STREET WITNESS other BOARD OF PUBDICATION The Ohio Sandusky Conference Council of Administration EDITORS Dr. V. H. Allman, Bluffton, Ohio Rev. Eustace Heckert, Toledo, Ohio Rev. Frank R. Hamblen, Eima, Ohio The High Street Witness; Published every month by the Ohio Sandusky Conference Council of Administration through the Board of Chr.stian Edu­ cation and the High Street Church. Pul>lication Office Rockford Press, Rockford, Ohio. Mail subscriptions to Rev. Frank R. Hamblen, West High at Cole Street, Lima, Ohio. Entered as second class matter at the post office at Bluffton, Ohio. Subscription l*r.ce ................... .......... $1.00

Vol. 2

August, 1953

No. 9

GIVE THE MEN A CHANCE! (Continued From Page 1)

cated in new atid growing centers or tne two cities mentioned. They present opportunities for the ex­ tension 01 our denomination in cities where we are already known and have establisRed churches. Be­ cause this is true, it is a tact that what the brotnerhood is sponsor­ ing is truly a church extension project. In giving support to tne two new mission cnurch enterprises, we are extending our borders where we, as a denomination, trave already planted our banners, 'ihe Projects become a cause of conservation as well as an effort of extension, 'these new churches will be points oi religious influ­ ence and service in two rapidly growing centers of population. The cnallenge lor service in tnese com­ munities is already far beyond what we are able to do, and thus speed in building programs and service personnel is an immediate imperative. In the second place, the Brother­ hood of the Church should be given an opportunity to do some­ thing specific for the extension of the kingdom of Christ. The Special Church Extension Projects which are now claiming the attention of the men of the Evangelical United Brethern Church are not only worthy projects within themselves, but are churches which will open the gate and pave the way for other new churches in the future. Because they have been helped, they will be more disposed to help

churches when they near the self-supporting stage. In help­ ing the Northlawn Church at Grand Rapids, Michigan, and the T'rinity Church in Sacramento, the brotnernood is Caliiornia, sponsoring a cnain oi influence and service whicn will be in pro­ cess oi constant lengtnemng. botn cnurches nave active and promising membersnips already, and will rapidly increase as pnysicai lacilities are made availaoie. ine cnurch edifice is now under construction at Grand Rapias and a tnree-acre site, in tne midst oi population 01 one hundred tnousand people, has been secured m oacramento. 'ine Sacramento con­ gregation is worshipping in a church of anotner denomination, some distance irom its own site, out in spite oi present nandicaps it is making fine progress, 'ihese cnurches are the kina of projects whicn brotnernood men like to encourage and support, 'ihe men of tne conierences in which tnese cnurcnes are located are entnuslasicaiiy supporting these home mission projects. ---------------- (j------------------

JOE GRAHAM AtPOINTED Editor of o. s. n. (Continued From Rage 1)

the local and county Prince of Peace Contest and placed in the District. While attending college, he served as pastor of the blue Lick E.U.B. Church, and during his stu­ dent days at the seminary he served the Pasco Church. --------- o---------


Think of me when thou art blue. Remember, I am a friend that’s true. I walk beside you day by day, I hear all you think and say. I know the temptations and bur­ dens you bear. Thinkest thou that I don’t care? When you are downhearted and think you are through. Remember me — I’m with you. Be strong, be firm, be true my friend. And I will walk with thee until the end. —Doris Mae Null (Age 17) Green Springs, Ohio


“Its not what you’d do with a million if ricnes snould e’er be your lot. But what are you doing at present Witn tne dollar and a quarter you've got. 'i'nis is an exampie oi tne poems, sayings, nymns, and outlines con­ cerning stewardsmp given us at Senior Camp. Rev. Joseph Granam taught a class called “Cnristian bte wardsnip’, which helped ail in nis class to better understand tne subject. He also gave us reference material to use in conducting meetings on stewardsmp. You mignt like to use these materials in your own meetings, so nere are a few of the many nelpiul tnings given us. If you are planning a talk on stewardship you could use tnis outline. Scripture If Corinthians, 8:15 1. Tell of blessings we have re­ ceived in the Faith. 2. Point out a particular need of your church. 3. I'ell of opportunities at tne doorstep of your church. 4. Suggest a way to take care of the need and opportunities present. You might want to have a song for your service concerning ste­ wardship of time, talent or posses­ sions. Here are some you could use; “Help Somebody Today”, “I Am Praying for You”, and “Give of Your Best to the Master”. These are some snappy sayings concerning stewardship that could be used in your local church bul­ letin; “No man can fail if God is his partner.” “The average church has too many by-standers and not enough standbyers.” “Some people are laying up for a nickel-plated heaven, judging by their offerings.” I hope these suggestions can be of some help to you Zoelouise Bauman Conf. Y. F. Commis­ sion Head of Steward­ ship and Evangelism. -------- o-------Only a throughly Christianized church can be equal to the needs of a throughly paganized world.

August, 1953



With an enrollment of 174, To­ ledo Calvary had one of the lar­ gest DVBS reported in the city to date and the largest school in its history. There were 20 church­ es represented in the school, and the average attendance was 150. The Nursery course, “Loving and Pleasing Jesus,” was taught to 16 three year olds with Mrs. Mary Meyer, Mrs. Alva Tipton, Mrs. Doile Facemyre, Lois Fox, Carol Martin and Judy Coen serving as teachers. The Beginners Department had 34 enrolled and had a teaching staff consisting of Mrs. Harold Herman, Mrs. Arthur Lamale, Mrs. Jasper Seaney, Elizabeth Eldridge, Charlotte Dallas and Karen Wilkins. This group was outstanding for its singing. In the Primary Department where the 23rd Psalm was the basis for the two week’s study, one of the teachers, Mrs. Larry Johnston made a table arrange­ ment demonstrating the Psalm that was beautiful to look at and very effective as a teaching aid. The 72 children in this department were instructed by Mrs. Wilson Fox, Mrs. Duane Ashbacher, Mrs. Lawrence Johnston, Mrs. Richard Cooper, Mrs. Richard Miller, Mrs. Glen Sutton, Mrs. Elmer Querin, Mrs. Solomon Humberger, Mrs. Joseph Simms, Mrs. Waldo Vogan and Miss Nancy Gamble. The Christian’s Road Map was used in the Junior Department for the study, and 42 Junior age youngsters had a wonderful two weeks culimating in an impressive candle lighting service of dedica­ tion. This group was fortunate to

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have Mrs. Gerald Coen, Mrs. Julia Brown, Mrs. Edward Hirzel, Mrs. LeKoy Russ, Mrs. Alien Hardy, and Mrs. Carl Claus as teachers. In the Intermediate department where Mrs. Robert Sayen and Mrs. Paul Dallas were teachers, 10 boys and girls gave good account of the time they spent in tbe DVBS by giving an outstanding performance in tne demonstration service Friday evening The demonstration service, the evening of July 31 was well at­ tended by parents and friends. The children were delighted to be able to show what they had learned and made, and the program was well received — especially the con­ tribution of the Nursery. The offering from the children in the school will be used by the departments for the Missionary project in which the departments are interested in. Mrs. Roy Hare, Director of the school conducted worship services each day with the use of flannelgraphs and object lessons, and pre­ sented the certificates and awards in the closing service. Mrs. Wilson Fox, Reporter ANY PLACE IS A GOOD STARTING POINT

That man stated a bigger truth than he knew when he said about his home town: “This is the starting point for any place in the world. You can start here and go anywhere you want to.”

-------- 0--------

On July 5, Rev. F. A. Firestone, Supt., was guest speaker at an in­ spiring re-dedication service at the Riley EUB Church. Rev. Fred Esterdly and Kenneth Stover, former pastors, were pre­ sent and had a part in the service. The Rev. Javan Corl, another form­ er pastor, could not be present but he and his father, Rev. D. D. Corl, sent congratulatory notes. Mr. C. E. Jones, only living trustee when the land was bought, was present and honored by the con­ gregation. Within the last year the follow­ ing donations and improvements were listed: Foundation timber for new foundation donated by Mr. O. D. Gschwind; Shingle applica­ tion by Riley Grange; Shingles by Ladies Aid, personal donations, and congregation; Rug by the Oscar Speers and Ladies Aid; Pul­ pit Cross by the Young Peoples’ Class; Collection plates by the Rich­ ard Olivers’; Candle holders by Miss Bernice Trehan; Drapes by Weller-Wonderly Funeral Home; Light fixtures and globes by con­ gregation; Paint and painting by Ladies Aid and congregation and pews by congregation. —Nicholas Cucare, pastor VAN WERT CALVARY HAS DVBS

Daily Vacation Bible School at Van Wert Calvary started July 6 with a large attendance reaching 114 under the very capable leader­ ship of Mrs Willis Snyder and the following teachers: Nursery Class— Mrs. Harold Gribler, Mrs. Kenneth Everley; Kindergarten—Mrs. Rob’t Coleman; 1st grade—Mrs. Robert Green; 2nd grade—Mrs. Ned Williman; 3rd grade—Mrs. Bertha Ed­ wards; 4th grade—Mrs. Meredith Springer; 5th grade—^Mrs. Otto Huffine; 6th and 7th grade—^Mrs. Clifford Bell; 8th and High School— Mrs. Martin Kilgore. A program presenting the work was given on Sunday evening, July 19 to a full house. —Walter Marks

A paradox maybe—but by walk­ You deny Christ when you fail ing straight you are more likely to deny yourself for Christ. to get into the best circles.


One of the largest and most suc­ cessful District Brotherhood Meet­ ings was held at the Republic EUB Church, Sunday, July 19. The eve­ ning program began with serving lunch consistng of ham sandwiches, cole slaw, potato chips, apple and cherry pie, coffee and tea to 160 people. At 7:00 p.m. two seminars were held. This was the first time the WSWS group was extended the invitation to have part with a pro­ gram. The men met at the Town Hall (where the meal was served) for their meeting. Mr. Virgil Seiple, President of the Willard Group Brotherhood, presided. Following the reports of the sec­ retary and treasurer, a very inter­ esting presentation of the Broth­ erhood work of the Church was presented by various Officers of the Brotherhood. Among the Officers present were: Torrey A. Kaatz, Toledo, Ohio, President of the Brotherhood of the Evangelical United Brethren Church; Craig Tetirick, Bellevue, Ohio, President of the Ohio Sandus­ ky Conference Brotherhood; George E. Gilts, Findlay Ohio, Secretary of the Ohio Sandusky Conference Brotherhood; Frank H. Kinker, Fostoria, Ohio, Treasurer of the Ohio Sandusky Conference Broth­ erhood; Robert Austin, Bowling Green, Ohio, Chairman of Devo­ tional Life of the Ohio Sandusky Brotherhood and Richard Haff, Bel­ levue, Ohio, Chairman of Christian Fellowship of the Ohio Sandusky Brotherhood. During the same hour (7 p.m.) the women met at the Republic Church where Mrs. Walter Adams President of the Willard Group WSWS, presided. This hour was spent having Mrs. Noel Smith of Shelby show slides of the Japan Mission work of our Church which were taken by her son, Ronald Smith, while he was stationed there. As the clock hands reached 8 p.m. an orchestra of five from Harmony EUB Church called the group to order with a prelude. L. W. Gayman, President of the Republic EUB Brotherhood pre­ sided. Group singing was led by

the high street


the Willard Group Brotherhood song leader, Mr. Cappeil. Mrs. Geo. iteep played tne organ. Rev. C. D. Wrignt, Raster of tne Wiilarcl EUB Ghurcn and Group leaner, pro­ nounced tne mvocation. Bpeciai music was provided. Oy tne r^ietist u-burcn Quartet anu tne Green opi mgs Quartet. Rev. waiter iA.ddms, Pastor ot tne ^aneioy piUi^ Cnurcii, ottered tne prayer lor tne otfering. a beautnui tromoone soio was rendered by Mr. vert Watton 01 tne Harmony unurcii. jjuring the count whicii is taken by cnurches, a message was read by Mr. Gayman, from Dr. W. R. Mont­ gomery, Director 01 Adult w orK and nrotnertiood work ot tiie EUB Ghurcn and one irom Dr. V. H. Alt­ man, St Marys, Ohio, Supt. Soutn District of the Ohio Sandusky Con­ ference. Before introducing tne speaker of the evening, Mr. Gayman recognized Mr. lorry Kaatz, President of the Brotherhood and asked him to present the two spe­ cial projects of the Brotherhood lor the coming year. The speaker of the evening was Dr. E. E. Har­ ris, Dayton, Ohio, Director of Spe­ cial Church Extension Projects of the Brotherhood. The Church was packed from wall to wall and many were stand­ ing on the outside of the building, where a loud speaker brought the program to them. It is estimated that there were between 260 and 300 present. The count of the evening re­ vealed persons from the following Conferences of the EUB Church: Ohio Sandusky, Ohio East; Ohio South-East and Kansas. —Rev. T. W. Bennett, host pastor WHiTEHOUSE EUB CHURCH has homecoming

Homecoming Day, sponsored by the Men’s Brotherhood, was ob­ served Sunday, July 19, in the Zion Evangelical United Church, with former ministers, their fami­ lies and friends attending. The morning sermon was preach­ ed by Rev. George Murbach, a re­ tired EUB minister who calls Blissfield home. He was raised on the Herbert Bucher farm northeast of town and was the first of the half dozen ministers which the Whitehouse Church has turned out.

_____ ________________ August, 1953

Rev. Rex Lahr, Allen Lewis, War­ ren Studer, Burton Crosby and Milton Ryerson being the other five. Ihe afternoon session assembled at 2:30 and consisted ox music, an organ medley by Mrs. J?red Disner, a song by tne quartet, and nymn singing by tne congregation. Greetings were brougnt by two iormer pastors. Rev. ironiy and Rev. Toepfer. Rev. rtyersoii and Rev. Murbacn, tne youngest and oldest of the ministers irom me church, gave words oi tnanxs and appreciation for tne day. Regrets were sent by Rev. Artnur Burcn and Rev. Allen Lewis due to pre­ vious commitments, ivir. Phillips, former choir leader, gave a vocal solo. A social hour of visiting lollowed with a pot luck lunch in the basement at 5:30 p.m. The evening message was brougnt by Rev. N. C. Liesemer of Detroit. A vocal solo was sung by Mrs. Liesemer. —^Bradley Lewis, Pres. Men’s Brotherhood -------- o-------MY PRAYER

How can I help someone today? Will it be the little things I do or say? Oh, Lord, help me to stay on the pathway straight. And keep from my heart all anger and hate. Lord, let me make someone happy today, To make their life a pleasanter stay. Lord, I am weak and thou art strong, My life is short, but thine is long. Let me always be true to my fellowman. As through life we go — hand in hand. Let me be of comfort to those who are sad. While I am still a youthful lad. Oh, Lord, these things I ask in thy name. And through life, let these be my aim. —^Doris Mae Null (Age 17) Green Springs, Ohio -------- o-------In speaking of eternal life we are inclined to put the emphasis on eternal. Christ places the em­ phasis on life.

August, 1953

EXPANSION PROGRAM LAUNCHED The Conference Year of 1952-53 opened at Lima First with a bit of uncertainty and anticipation due to an accumulation of ideas over a period of years regarding a much needed expansion program that had never been forced to a definite decision. Added to this problem was the task of getting acquainted with a new pastor as well as repairing the sanctuary. By Easter Sunday the sanctuary had been transformed into a thing of beauty conductive to worship and reverence and the “Expansion Program” had started to take defi­ nite shape. After several Congregational Meetings, conferences with the Church Council, Local Building Committee, and the Conference Board of Missions etc., a definite “Expansion Program” was decided upon. For sometime we have felt the need of a Third Congregation in the city of Lima to serve the East Side of the city. After consider­ able prayer and deliberation First Church decided to make this ob­ jective become a reality. The Lima First Church offered to transfer any of her present membership to a new East Lima Congregation who would accept the challenge of giving themselves to this task, as well as to divide equally the exist­ ing Cash Building Fund of First Church with newly organized East Lima congregation. This matter was referred to the Conference Boards for their action. They in turn added their blessing by purchasing 4 lots as a site for the new congrega­ tion. On June 28, Dr. V. H. Allman was invited to Lima First Church to organize the new East Lima Congregation with a member­ ship of 58 youth and adult mem­ bers, which included some very capable leadership. The new church is at the present time worshipping in the Y.M.C.A. looking forward to the early completion of at least a unit of their building. The other part of the “Expan­ sion Program” of Lima First Church includes an educational unit south of the present church building. The Building Committee has been appointed and we look forward to having a roof over the new unit


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by winter time. In addition to this Ohio, Rev and Mrs. Walter Adams’s the old church will be repaired daughter and granddaughter, Mrs. and remodeled. This congregation Richard Bader and Debra Lynn of made improvements on the church Shelby, Ohio. Rev. Adams’s par­ and parsonage during the 10 mon­ ents and sisters; Mr. and Mrs. Al­ ths just passed amounting to $6950, bert Adams of Shelby, Mr. and Mrs. which included newly decorated | Eugene Boor and family of Shelby, sanctuary, a newly decorated par- | and Mrs. Doris Richard and son sonage, complete new bathroom at of Sylvania, Ohio. the parsonage and various other re­ ---------- o---------pairs on the church ouilding. Be­ FINDLAY GROUP sides this, an additional $1170! W. S.W. S. RALLY was spent on incidental repairs i and necessities which makes a to­ The summer Findlay Group Ral­ tal of $8000 raised in a ten month ly was held Sunday evening, July period with a very minimum of 26 in the Findlay St. Paul’s effort. Church, with the W.S.W.S. group A good revival period was en­ in charge of planning and the joyed during the year and a num- ; mass rally. ber were added to the member- j The various groups met sepa­ ship but the problem at hand de- j rately from 6:30 to 7:30, each re­ manded much attention and ac- j porting inspirational and informa­ cessions were not as numerous as I tive sessions. we anticipate for the future when I Mrs. Hobart Schoonover, presi­ more time can be given to the dent of the St. Paul’s Guild was spiritual and fellowship side of! in charge of the hour program of the church life. | the W.S.W.S. group. A literature The pastor claims no credit for : presentation was very effectively the great victory in what has been given by various members of the accomplished here at Lima First. guild, stressing the importance The good people have been pray­ of selective reading materials erful and patient in what seemed which can be used by all of our an endless chain of conferences, membership. Near sixty women meetings, and consultations. The participated in this hour of fellow­ great victory is a testimony to ship. God’s ability to answer prayer. ' At 7:30 the groups assembled V. I. Sullivan, Pastor j for the evening service. Special organ and piano music was fur­ SILVER WEDDING i nished by the host church. Mrs. ANNIVERSARY i Elberta Gillespie, dedicated laywoman from Toledo gave the One hundred fifty people gather- i evening message. She stressed the ed in the basement of Shelby I importance of bringing our whole Church following the Sunday j self to the Lord at an early age. Morning service on July 26 to | Hermost impressive statement pleasantly surprise and to help was, “We are so busy doing the Rev. and Mrs. Walter Adams cele- ! Lord’s work, that we do not take brate their 25th wedding anniver- I time to work lor the Lord.” Alsary. After enjoying a pot-luck though our attendance was only one dinner a program was given by hundred fifty-three, the smallest members of the church. During rally held, we all returned to our the program the pastor and his homes feeling it had been well wife were presented with a purse worth while and already are containing 150 silver dollars and thinking of our fall rally. other money totaling $182.00 be­ —-------------- O -------------------sides other gifts received during SAYS THE SUNSHINE the day. It was a very happy oc­ casion for Rev. and Mrs. Walter MAGAZINE Adams. “An efficiency expert is a man Some of the guests were, Mr. and Mrs. Dussel Lorrentz, Mr. and who knows less about your busi­ Mrs. Elmer Hanni, Mr. and Mrs. ness than you do, and gets paid Lowell Witter and family all of more for telling you how to run Celina, Ohio. Rev. and Mrs. W. it than you could possibly make Adams’s son and his wife. Rev. and out of it even if you ran it right, Mrs. Charles Adams of Dayton, instead of the way he told you.”


Page 8

CONFERENCE TREASURER’S REPORT For the month of July, 1953 W. P. Alspach, Treasurer HENEVOLENCKS ft


P a id

P a id

Ju ly

u e





C urrent Y ea r


s ti p >

B .

u ec

NORTHERN DISTRICT: BOWLING GREEN GROUP: Belmore .............. $ 70 $ $ Center .............. 25 Bethel-Town wood Ct: Bethel ............... 23 52 54 25 20 21 Townwood ....... 23 24 250 Bowling Green ... . 250 258 225 20 Custar ............. . *54 *57 20 42 West Hope ...... 42 62 56 Deshler ................ 86 60 60 106 Oakdale ........ 90 90 114 104 *120 *81 100 Hoytville ............ 70 Luckey ................. 50 88 50 86 100 North Baltimore.. 100 128 93 70 Portage ................ 35 90 104 Mt. Zion .......... 60 60 88 48 South Liberty .... 50 50 61 51 Mt. Hermon .... 17 17 35 25 Tontogany .......... 17 29 Webster ........ 30 6 Cloverdale ....... 25 BRYAN GROUP: Bridgewater ......... 45 45 115 89 Bryan .................... 160 160 187 182 Defiance, First ..... 160 Defiance Ct.: Mt. Calvary ..... 33 33 51 49 Rural Chapel .... 17 17 29 Edgerton .................. 20 20 72 71 Hicksville ............ 165 230 Montpelier ...... 160 160 169 127 Salem .................... 5 60 (last year) West Unity .......... 19 19 Ebenezer ........... 19 Williams Center Ct.: Center .............. 20 48 42 Logan .............. 10 20 10 38 38 Mt. Olive ......... 20 10 26 19 FOSTORIA GROUP: Bascom ................ 65 130 88 83 Bettsville Ct.: Salem ................ 36 36 75 61 Trinity .......... 45 45 104 104 Bloomdale .......... 70 70 126 84 Pleasant View ..... 45 45 57 56 Fostoria, Bethel .. 58 62 104 90 Fostoria, First ..... 280 280 285 290 Kansas .................. lo 10 Canaan ............ 40 23 Rising Sun ........... 45 28.80 *96 73 West Independence 75 150 198 196 FREMONT GROUP: Burgoon .............. 100 100 131 120 «113 *121 Fremont, Memorial 100 100 Fremont, Trinity .. 183 183 193.71 232 *170 Gibsonbury ......... 64 64 64 131 72 Green Springs ..... 56 110

August, 1953

Helena ..................... 59 59 75 67 Lindsey ................... 130 130 195 150 200 Old Fort .............. 100 151 *114 Riley Center ___ 13 13 *18 *41 Woodville ............ 160 160 162 173 NAPOLEON GROUP: Ai ........................... 40 Lebanon ................ 10 Mt. Pleasant ... 40 Delta ...................... 56 56 92 58 Zion ..................... 60 60 116 100 Liberty Center .... 35 35 82 75 Malinta .................... 30 60 51 53 McClure ................ 100 81 *128 *95 Monclova .... 18 Wilkins ................ 14 32 Napoleon .............. 83 98 133 78 Wauseon, First .... 40 40 (last year) Wauseon Ct: Beulah ..................... 20 20 55 54 North Dover .... 50 28.17 *75 74 Whitehouse .............. 59 59 *146 *122 SANDUSKY GROUP: Bellevue ............ 138 270 Flat Rock .......... 74 148 (last year) Kelleys Island .... 26 La Came ............ 17 17 30 32 Locust Point .... 17 17 41 35 Mt. Carmel ........... 100 Port Clinton .......... 80 80 98 81 Sandusky, Columbus Ave. 22 22 72 53 Sandusky, Salem .. 68 68 TOLEDO GROUP: Elliston ................ 73 Millbury .............. 25 49 Rocky Ridge ....... 13 20 Moline .................. 55 36 Perrysburg .......... 65 65.42 *120 *107 Toledo, Calvary .... 145 145 *220 *190 Toledo, Colburn .... 160 100 109 93 Toledo, East Broadway 190 190 134 186 Toledo, First ....... 250 200 120 100 Toledo, Oakdale .. 170 170 289 200 Toledo, Point Place 75 75 137 85 Toledo, Salem ..... 60 Toledo, Somerset .. 170 170 191 151 Toledo, Upton ..... 250 Toledo, Zion ....... 158 158.34 124 84 Walbridge ............ 12 Hayes .............. 10 10 SOUTHERN DISTRICT: BUCYRUS GROUP: Bellville Ct.: Pleasant Grove .... 14 Pleasant Hill .... 22 Trinity .............. 29 Brokensword: Emmanuel 21 5.25 Lykens ...... 41 150 Pleasant Home .. 18 4.20 Bucyrus Ct.: Harmony 30 31 31 44 42 Zion .................. 30 31 31 53 52 Bucyrus, First ..... 125 *146 *130 Bucyrus, Grace .... 125 125 Gallon ...... 80 80 *154 *150 Johns ville ............ 97 97 140 135 Lykens Olive Branch 22 15 28 19

Mt. Zion ----------90 New Winchester .. 35 Climax .................. 10 North Robinson .. 60 Liberty Chapel.. 33 Oceola ..............—00 Smithville ........... 50 Mt. Zion ...... — 21 Sycamore ............. *^5 Upper Sandusky .. 128 Upper Sandusky Ct.: Belle Vernon .... H Salem ............... 30 Williamsport ....... 40 FINDLAY DISTRICT: Bairdstown ........... 21 Benton Ridge, Calvary 60 Benton Ridge Ct.: Pleasant Hill 35 Trinity ............... 40 Bluffton Ct.: Bethesda 14 Liberty Chapel 17 Olive Branch .... 30 Carey ..........-...... 91 Findlay, Bethlehem 90 Findlay, East Ct.: Ark 30 Mt. Zion ........... 45 Findlay, First 312 Findlay, St. Paul’s 223 Findlay South Ct.: Salem 25 Pleasant Grove 25 Findlay West Ct.: Zion 25 Powell Memorial 42 Findlay, West Park 28 Salem .................. 13 Leipsic .................. 50 Forest Grove .... 20 Kieferville .......... 20 Mt. Cory, Zion .... 40 Pleasant View.. 50 Rawson ............. 100 Van Buren ...... 100 Vanlue .................... 50 VanlueCt.: St. Paul 20 Union .................. 30 Wharton Ct.: Beech Grove 25 Big Oak .............. 42 LIMA GROUP: 25 Blue Lick ........... Columbus Grove.. 150 25 Cridersville ......... 25 Kemp ............. 75 Delphos ................ 65 Dunkirk .............. Walnut Grove ..... 100 100 Elida .........— 45 Lakeview ............ Lima, First ........... 231 Lima, High St........ 205 22 Marion, Ridge ..... 45 Santa Fe ............... 75 Vaughnsville .......

Page 9


August, 1953___________ 13.06 20 44 31 35 50 26.63 45 138



30 58 78

32 60 82



109 100


15 92 90

36 22 50 70 72



10 40

36 22 45 69 84


95 90

*55 56

*54 53

25 27 35 218 119

20 ‘27 30 145 115

52 42 65 50 322 710 339 *291

30 23 312 223

40 41

10 5 5 42 20 10 9 40

35 41

*63 45 ♦74 *74 86 *85 16 16 36 30 *98 55 72 *78 108 102 120 90 67 60 64 60 37 34

50 50 19 30 11 42

27 71

27 71

25 150 25 14

38 151 37 31

41 149 20 32

65 100 50 30 231 205 18 75


55 56 136 131 137 120 71 45 109 174 •251 *272

MARION GROUP: Candington Ct.: Center 50 Fairview ........... 22 Hepburn .............. 15 Hopewell ........... 16 Otterbein ......... 30 Marion, Calvary .. 195 Marion, First ....... 100 Marion, Greenwood 92 Marion, Oakland.. 148 Marion, Salem .... Peoria .................. Mt. Zion ........... Broadway West Mansfield .... 12 York ............. — 50 ST. MARYS GROUP: Celina, Bethany .. 153 Celina Ct.: Hope .. 44 Mt. Carmel ..... 22 Celina, Mt. Zion .. 45 Celina, Bethel ........ 15 Celina, Old Town 16 Ft. Recovery, Bethel 18 Olive Branch ....... 22 Pasco .................... 40 Sidney .................. 90 St. Marys ............ 90 Wapakoneta ......... 48 Continental ......... 50 Mt. Zion .......... 40 Wisterman ....... 20 Grover Hill Ct.: Blue Creek ....... 30 Middle Creek .. 35 Mt. Zion -..... 25 Mt. Pleasant &) .. 80 Harmony ) Oakwood .............. 60 Oakwood Ct.: Centenary 25 Prairie Chanel.. 25 Ohio City Ct., Bethel 25 Mt. Zion ........... 10 Rockford .............. 200 Van Wert, Calvary 105 Van Wert, Trinity 143 Van Wert, North: Grand Victory .. 44 Union Center .... 25 Van Wert, South: Wood Chapel .... 25 St. Peter’s ......... 12 Willshire, Union .. 35 Wren .................... 65 WILLARD GROUP: Attica .................. 20 Attica Ct.: Richmond 50 Union Pisgah .... 40 Biddle .................. 15 Bloomville .......... 40 Harmony .............. 40 Leesville .............. 45 Republic .......... 30 Pietist Shelby ..........-...... 231

108 94 41 42 11 12 14 15 35 41 301 243

50 15 15 16 30 195 100 92 148

175 264

80 155

18 58

20 60

3 7 12 50

153 (last year) 216 181 54 46 44 77 75 116 113 115 21 21 30 43 50 16 18 22 40 90 90

39 40 90

40 35 50 60 10 40 25 25 25 15 200 105 143

25 25 5

25 12 35 65



*52 51 27

*70 35 22

35 44 53 121 28

38 40

42 50


100 27

62 56 66 63 *57 *44 19 25 255 200 135 123 178 172 70 60

59 *62 *22 *28 *110 90 70 64 57

20 86 38 15 45 35 45

60 60 96 104 *114 *110

83 60

44 25



47 57 53 55 28 29 79 72 *113 *110 79 71 231



Page 10

South Reed ........... Tiffin ................. Tiro ...................... Willard ................

22 75 90 285

22 75 ^90 285

28 24 186 119 *112 126 275 350

August, 1953

The (*) asterisk denotes a 5% increase in attend­ ance over last year. Naperville Library Fund this month: Helena, $10; Marion, Oakland, $40; Napoleon, $95. Contribution by Fostoria, First to the Sandusky Mission, $20. Marion, Oakland, for support of Rev. James Hough and Rev. Paul Temple, each $50.

Totals .......... $11,117.42 N.B.: Third column above shows amounts advanced in the previous fiscal year, by the churches indicat­ ed, and credits same on the current year’s budget. if possible. ANNUAL REPORTS Inasmuch as the Camp Superin­ CONFERENCE BOARD tendent is going to great expense OF TRUSTEES in caring for many matters con­ The Conference Board of Trus­ cerned with the camp, we recom­ tees has taken the following ac­ mend that he be reimbursed for this expense in the amount of tions during the conference year: 1. Completed the motel, with 42 $1,500 for the coming year. L. E. Ames, President. rooms, office and lunch room and Fay M. Bowman, Secretary. lounge. 2. Completed the construction of Recommendations the Superintendent’s manse at A. We recommend that the Board Bowling Green 3. Placed auxiliary heating in of Missions be authorized to study the auditorium, dining hall and the need for a Conference policy of relief for churches that suffer dormitory No. 2. 4. Negotiated a loan of up to disaster by fire, windstorm, or other | $50,000 at the Metropolitan Bank calamity; and that such policy be i of Lima secured hy a mortgage on presented to the Conference Coun­ cil of Administration for considera­ the motel. 5. Negotiated a loan of $15,000 tion and action. B. We recommend that all minis­ at the Wood County Bank in Bowl­ ters receiving Missionaries appropri­ ing Green secured by a mortgage ations from the Ohio Sandusky Con­ on the superintendent’s manse. 6. Endorsed notes by several ference be required to report quart­ churches to the Flat Rock Child­ erly to the Secretary of the Board ren’s Home and the Otterbein of Missions, on blanks provided by the Secretary. Home. C. We recommend to the Con­ 7. Closed the litigation over the Wiltshire parsonage by dismissal ference Council of Administration that, on page 17, article 13, of the at the plaintiff’s cost. 1952 Conference Journal, sentence We recommend: That publicity be given to the 4 be changed to read: “Any pastor continuing needs of the camp, to receiving less than the Conference the end that interested people may minimum shall be entitled,’’ etc. D. We recommend that the ap­ give substantial gifts, either in cash, or by will or annuity or peal of the Tiffin Ebenezer Church to the General Board of Missions death notes. That the board be authorized to for a loan of $25,000 and a grant dedicate rooms in the motels as of $5,000 be approved. E. We recommend that the Bud­ memorials upon the payment of such sums as may be designated. get for the Board of Missions for We recommend that an engi­ the year 1953-54 shall be $19,000. F. We recommend that the neer be retained to make draw­ ings for completing the sewerage Board of Missions be authorized to system. This is made necessary as purchase and send to each active lots are being leased in the var­ pastor, a copy of the booklet, “When We Build,” prepared by ious peninsulas. Whereas at the time of the the Bureau of Architecture of our adoption of the larger budget of church; and that the procedures the conference it was explicitly suggested therein be followed by stated that this did not cancel the all churches planning to remodel, pledges taken for Camp St. Marys, rebuild, or build new. --------0-------we recommend that the conference Unless your faith is built upon take action to the effect that these pledges should be collected the Rock it will go upon the rocks.


What’s up in the September is­ sues of BUILDERS? Turn to the pages of any issue and you will find stimulating articles. Every is­ sue is a special one—from the Labor Day issue the first week, through the “Back-to-School” is­ sue, the College-Seminary Day is­ sue and the Christian Education Week issue. The College-Seminary Day issue will be in color, mak­ ing an especial appeal for support of this important day in the cal­ endar of our Church. Through the month as the sun casts longer shadows and people return to normal pursuits of read­ ing, the Frieda and Jim stories will continue in BUILDERS. These are the fictional recountals of the experiences of a young pastor and his wife in making Christianity work in their town. Then, in each issue, there are helpful feature articles, the widely-appreciated Sunday-school lesson treatment. Youth Fellowship topic discussions under a variety of writers and news of EUB church activities and personalities. Are the classes of your Sunday School receiving BUILDERS? If not, why not ask for sample copies for one month to introduce this popular paper to your school? -------- o-------When an entire period of divine worship is carefully built around the idea of holy communion with God the Father, something vital happens. Let us prove to the world that we have something real and rewarding to the spiritual life. Then shall our periods of divine worship prove an inspiration and a help to sinful, burdened people. —D. Carl Yoder. -------- o-------Controversy over the mode of baptism, the manner of observing the Lord’s Supper and other ex­ ternalities of our faith are but a hangover of a past order.

August, 1953

ITEMS OF GENERAL, INTEREST (Continued from Page 2) Sgt. Daniel Brogee USMC 1st Armored Amphib. Batt. Hdq. Co. F.M.F. % F.P.O. San Francisco, Calif. Pvt. Robert J. Ruff RA 15498218 11th Replacement Co. A.G.T. 11th Airborne Div. Ft. Campbell, Ky. -------- o-------STATED SERVICES OF THE CHURCH


Thursday, August 6th. Burial was in Woodlawn Cemetery. The sym­ pathy of the entire Church is ex­ tended to Mr. and Mrs. Long in the loss of their son. -------- o-------MISSIONARY INSTITUTE Remember to pray for our Missionary Institute which will be over the week end of October 18. The Institute will begin with ser­ vices on Friday evening, and will conclude on Sunday evening. There will also be service on Saturday evening. The speakers will be Professor Calvin Reber of Bonebrake Seminary and Rev. Paul Robinson, director of the Mission­ ary Technical Course at Moody Bible Institute. Calvin Reber is well known to High Street Church as a missionary to China who was once supported by this congrega­ tion. Remember to pray each day for this coming event. --------o--------WEDDINGS

Morning Worship 8:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Senior Youth Fellowship 6:30 p.m. Evening Service 7:30 p.m. Mid-week service for Adults and Young People, Junior High Youth Fellowships, and Good News Clubs for Children, Thursday 7:00 p.m. Concludes at 8:15 p.m. Note (The two Sunday morning worship services have identical Mr. Noah Rambo, and Mrs. Julia sermons.) Height were united in marriage by ---------o-------the pastor in the parsonage on Monday evening, August 10th. Mrs. NEW ARRIVALS Height is a charter member of High Street Church, and Mr. Rambo Mr. and Mrs. Robert Placie of has been a frequent visitor. Con­ 429 Narion Avenue are the happy parents of a son, William James, gratulations and best wishes to born July 17th in St. Ritas Hos­ the newly married couple. -------- o-------pital. Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Harner of HIGH STREET 684^/2 W. Spring Street are the EVANGELICAL proud parents of a son. Dale UNITED BRETHREN Richard Jr., born July 18th, in Memorial Hospital. Mr. Harner is Official Membership Roll still serving with the armed forces in Korea, and has not yet seen his Adams, Joyce 758 S. Elizabeth new son. Mrs. Marjorie Carolyn .............. Congratulations and best wishes ...................... 758 S. Elizabeth to the new parents. Adams, Richard S. 1560 W. High -------- o-------Mrs. Mary ........... 1560 W. High FUNERALS Donald .................. 1560 W. High Allen, Marion S. 94514 W. High Bobby Long, ten year old son of Allen, Mrs. Orphy (Evelyn) 1725 Allentown Road Mr. and Mrs. Roy Long of 4950 S. 1236 Rice Ave. Dixie H’wy passed away on Mon­ Allgire, David W. Mrs. Clarabell .... 1236 Rice Ave. day, August 3rd, at St. Ritas Hos­ pital after an illness of about two Applequist, Mrs. Frank G. (Bever­ 407 N. Washington weeks. Bobby died of leukemia, ly) better known to many as cancer Armstrong, Mrs. Donald (Louise) 204 W. Lane of the blood stream. Funeral ser­ 1003 Logan vices were conducted by the Pas­ Arnold, Frederick Mrs. Ruth (Orchard) 1003 Logan tor in the Siferd Funeral Home on

Page 11

Avery, Miss Carol Joyce 6821/2 S. Main Avery, William .... 68214 S. Main Bailey, George Wesley 3211/2 N. Jameson Baker, Miss Dorothy 32114 N. Jameson Baker, Mrs. Lawrence (Mary) 68214 S. Main Baker, Lloyd Neal 816 Broadway Mrs. Margaret M. 816 Broadway Bame, Miss Ruth Naomi 2146 Elida Road Barlow, David S. 340 N. Pears Mrs. June .............. 340 N. Pears Barnum, O. E. 912Franklin Mrs. Margaret ........ 912 Franklin Barrett, Mrs. Grace St. Rita’s Hospital Bartlett, Miss Wilma 834 W. Market Basinger, Mrs. Jerome (Elsie) 334 W. North Bay, Charles H. 1149 W. High Mrs. Irene ......... 1149 W. High Beam, Miss Susie 708 N. Jameson Beck, John H. 2210Caroline Mrs. Mary ............... 2210 Caroline Beeler, C. Everett 923 W. High Mrs. Virginia M...... 923 W. High Tommy Eugene .... 923 W. High Bergdorf, Mrs. Dale (Lucy Marie) 915 S. Main St. Berry, Mrs. James (Nettie Mae) 925 E. Vine Berry, Marshall E. 918 E, Elm Mrs. Ethel S.............. 918 E. Elm Beyer, Earl D. 370 S. Stevick Rd. Mrs. Margaret 370 S. Stevick Rd. Bickel, Mrs. Zoyd (Beth) 319 W. Elm Bickham, Mrs. Arthur (Roberta) 1511 S. Main Binkley, Mrs. Raymond (Sylvia) 516 Orena Bitler, Edward 3631 W. Elm St. Rd. Mrs. Helen .... 3631 W. Elm St. Rd. Vernon Thomas ..................... ...... .......... 3631 W. Elm St. Road Blubaugh, Glenn 4790 S. Dixie H’wy Mrs. Bertha ..4790 S. Dixie H’wy Park A. (In service) .................. .................. 4790 S. Dixie H’wy Blume, Devon L. 94714 W. High Mrs. Alta ........... 94714 W. High Bonecutter, Mrs. Wm. (Virginia) 422 Haller Boose, Charles Blane (Chaplain) 422 Haller Borchers, Mrs. James (Wanda) 805 S. Pears Bowers, Franklin 624 S. Collins Mrs. Geraldine .... 624 S. Collins

Page 12

August, 1953


Fonner, Mrs. J. L. (Zelma) ......... Chesser, Richard Bowers, Harry H. .......................... 507 Hazel Ave. 2317 Spencerville Rd. Clark, Homer Guy .......................... Franz (In service) 105 W. Main St., Cridersville, O. Mrs. Helen 2317 Spencerville Rd. Ford, Harold .............. 1157 Richie Mrs. Myrtle Bowers, Jack R.R. 4 Mrs. Ethel Mrs. Helen H.................. R.R. 4 Clemans, Claire ....... 560 Sereff Rd. Frail Darrel E..................................... Mrs. Chole Bowers, Ray 1010 N. Cole .............. 2210 University Blvd. Mrs. Mabel ............ 1010 N. Cole Clemans, Edward .... 1126 State St. Mrs. Thelma A. Mrs. Margaret Kenneth ................ 1010 N. Cole Sharon .................... 1010 N. Cole Clemans, Warren E. 537 W. Grand Frail, Frank O. 508 Columbia Dr. Mrs. Myrtle Mrs. Marjorie Bowers, Robert E. R.R. 3 Maxine Larry Mrs. Carol ....................... R.R. 3 Tom Nancy Bowers, Wesley R.R.4 1022 W. Spring Mrs. Fay .............................. R.R. 4 Clinger, Mrs. Fannie (Kirtland) .... Frail, Marion J. Boyles, Glenn M. R.R.4 ............................. 325 W. Haller Mrs, JoAnna Bozeman, Francis Elizabeth Conkle, Geo. Albert 430 S. Baxter Frail, James E. 513 Columbia Dr. 1311 N. Metcalf Mrs. Gladys Mrs. Betty Brogee, Daniel (In service) Conkle, Edward Cridersville, Ohio Frail, John H.......... 925 W. High 1311 N. Metcalf Conkle, Miss Judith 430 S. Baxter Mrs. Anna Brogee, Robert 314 N. Collett Costello, Mrs. Elizabeth .................. Ida Brooker, Charles E. 316 S. Baxter .................... 2310 Bay wood Dr. Frail, John W............ R. R. No. 4 Mrs. Charles E...... 316 S. Baxter Cox, Miss Betty ......... 642 W. Elm Mrs. Ethel Brown, Mrs. Claude (Kathleen Crawford, Wayne K. 2561 Burch Frail, Oliver B....... 510 Cable Rd. Jackson) Mrs. Mabel Mrs. Alice 2306 W. 6th St, Apt. 6, Crider, Donald Alpha ...................... Betty Jo Amarillo, Texas Doris Jean ........................... 423 S. Metcalf Brown, Mrs. Donald (Oleta) Frail, Richard M......... 1156 Brice Mrs. Dorothy Mae 32IV2 N. Jameson Cummins, Mrs. Olin (Marjorie) .... Mrs. Dorothy Brown, Orel 238 N. Independence, Tipton, Frayer, Harold R.......... 1174 Brice 821 E. 105th St. Chicago, Ill. Ind. Mrs. Hazel Mrs. Dorothy ................................. Davis, Mrs. Elmer (Alice Bowers) Caroll Ann .... 821 E. 105th St. Chicago, Ill. .......................... 425 Cornell Dr. Frysinger, Carl 465 N. Kenilworth Brown, Ronald Harley Delaney, Mrs. Betty Marie ............ Mrs. Lottie R.R. 2, Ada, Ohio 223 S. Manning, Muncie, Ind. Frysinger, Sherman W...................... Mrs. Eleanor Louise .................... Deubler, Richard E. 2402 S. Main ........................ 617 N. Main St, ...................... R.R. 2, Ada, Ohio Mrs. Bertha C. Mrs. Martha May Brown, Vaughn 4621 S. Dixie H’wy Dome Dwight .......... 1224 W. Elm Fullington, Mrs. Della .................... Mrs. Verla .. 4621 S. Dixie H’wy ........................ 202% S. Main Mrs. Marguerite Bruner, Mrs. Walter (Julia) Durphy, Paul G. 102 N. Charles Furry, Cloyd M................................. 917 N. McDonel .................. 2126 University Dr. Mrs. Helen I. Bruner, Fred (In service) Dutton, Mrs. Maude ........................ Mrs. Mary 917 N. McDonel % Mrs. O. Smith, West Milton, Gannon, Earl DeMonte R. R. No. 4 Brush, Mrs. Mabel Gannon, Fred 619 W. O’Conner Ohio 828 Fielding Rd., Sidney, Ohio Eagy, Mrs. Wilbur (June) .............. Mrs. Edna Bucher, Clayton 1031 W, Elm .......................... 200 W. Wayne Gates, Mrs. Winifred ...................... Mrs. Virgilene ....... 1031 W. Elm East, Albert .............. R. R. No. 4 916 Wayne St., Sandusky, Ohio Burns, Mrs. Harry (M) Stombaugh East, Mrs. Anna ....... R. R. No. 4 Gibbs, Mrs. Kelsey (Betty) .......... 1031 W. Elm East, Mrs. Martha 405 N. Collett ............................. R. R. No. 5 Butler, Mrs. Mayme ........................ Emehiser, Miss Lois Jean .............. Goodbar, Mrs. Emma ...................... .................. 3191/2 N. Elizabeth ............................. 761 W. High ........................ 1319 Hazel Ave. Butler, William R............................. Engle, Ralph E.......... 232 N. Cole Gottfield, Homer 1210 Reese Ave. .................... 5807 W. Scott St. Mrs. Pauline Mrs. Doris West Allis, Milwaukee, Wis. Gottfried, Louis ........... 1234 Rice Jack Gracely, Robert ....... 1410 Wilson Carey, David 3511 Spencerville Rd. LaDonna Mrs. Virginia Mrs. Marie Esmonde, Miss Helen Gregory, Charles M.......................... Carr, Miss Donna Lou ...................... Fagan, George 418 N. West St. .............. 3260 Spencerville Rd. .......................... 1575 W. Wayne Mrs. Maude Mrs. Carolyn Carr, Mrs. Lloyd (Gertrude) ......... ......................... 551 W. Spring Fiser, William C. 530 N. Kenilworth Griffith, Mrs. Tura 226 N. Jameson Mrs. Marcella Griffiths, Mrs. Burnadeen ............,... Caverly, Mrs. Lucy 2021/2 S. Main Fisher, Charles B. 909 Franklin Cheney, Ronald Eugene .................. ................ 1228 Oakland Pkwy. Mrs. Vera Grimm, E. Dawn ..... R. R. No. 4 ....................... 771 W. High St. Flarida, Mrs. Robert (Ruth) ......... Mrs. Blanche Mrs. Lucille V. .................. 1500 E. Fourth St. Miss Patty Miss Judy Lee /

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