Otterbein Towers 0—^
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CONTENTS The Editor’s Corner ........................................ 2 The Cover Page ..................................................... 2 From the Mail Bag ..................................................... ^ 3 America Needs Independent Colleges ............. 3 The Faculty .................................................................. 4 The President’sPage ..................................................... 5 The Association ................................................ 6 The Students .............................................. 7 Architect’s View of NewLibrary .............................. 8 Sports ......................... 9 Special Gifts Received ................................. 10 Saluting — Scientists, Author................................ 12 Flashes — From the Classes........ ;.................. ............ 13 Stork Market Report .................................................. 14 Cupid’s Capers ............................................................ 14 Toll of rhe Years ........... -.................................... ........ 14 Bulletin Board ............................................................... 16 Calendar ......................................................................... lb
The Eli if or
Greetings, Friends — Thank you for being so patient! Many alumni wrote to tell us they were not receiving TOWERS. We liked that, for it meant they actually missed the magazine. The fact is that we made the New Year’s issue a view book and it took longer to prepare. We hope you liked our efforts. It was designed for the admissions office, but we felt you would want to have a copy. Keep it where your friends will see it, or give it to some prospective student. If you want another copy for your office or if you have given yours away, let us know and we will send you another copy. We hope you will like rhe two new features in this issue— the faculty page and Highlights from the Campus. How did you like that Development Fund report? Wasn’t it a dandy? Thirty thousand dollars in a year from alumni. Let’s catch those Harvard boys (60% participation). The next issue will reach you between May Day and Com mencement. Come on back for one or both of those days.
The Cover Pai^e Guy Hawley, x’lO, former Republican Mayor of Greenville, Ohio, is perched on ’’Burma,” the GOP ’’Mascot” seen by mil lions in the Eisenhower inaugural parade. ’’Burma” is a fortyyear-old star elephant of Mills Brothers’ Circus and was loaned to Republican leaders for the parade. Hawley was chairman of the ’’sendoff” committee at Greenville.
tAc Washington, D.C. Dear Wade; There are so many good things about the Homecoming issue of Otterbein Towers that arrived this morning that I don’t know where to start in sending congratulations. The face-lifting is a real success; the editorial on voting is the best on the subject we have seen in any alumni magazine; and Vrom the Mail Bag is of particular interest. We’re particularly glad to learn of the decision to send the magazine to all alumni. I’m sure it will pay off for you. We’ll be carrying notes about the is sue in an early AAC Alumni Digest. It’s excellent, and sincere congratulations. Sincerely, (Ernie) Ernest T. Stewart, Jr. Executive Secretary
Ed.: Ernie is the Executive Secretary of the American Alumni Council, with headquarters in Washington. He sees alumni magazines of all members colleges in the United States. Thanks, Ernie, for the bou quet.
Dayton, Ohio Dear Wade: Your recent mailing "Leaves Are Falling on the Otterbein Campus’’ was certainly a grand idea. The enclosed dol lar is not its worth but the originality certainly deserves this extra dollar from me. I sincerely hope it brings the results which the idea justifies. Cordially, "Fred" Fred Peerless
Ed.: Note that Fred’s contribution teas IN ADDITION to the one previously sent.
Ft. Wayne, Indiana My Dear Fellow Alumni: I sincerely appreciate your kind re membrance in sending me the "Gold Certificate.” My years of smdy at Otter bein have inspired me to a great many assets. I shall always cherish the fond memories of my Dear Old Alma Mater. Since I was unable to make my con tribution to the 1951 fund, I am enclos ing a money-order for my gift to the Second Century Development Fund. Sincerely yours, (Susie Abigail Jordan) ’02
Ed.: The certificate referred to is the one awarded her last June on the Golden Anniversary of her gradu ation from Otterbein.
America Needs Independent Colleges Henry Ford II, Presidenl, Ford Molor Company _ ... I believe very strongly that the existence of a large number of vigorous, dynamic, privately-endowed colleges and universities is the best possible insurance that our whole higher educational system will be nrst rate. . . Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., Chairman of Board, General Motors Corp._ . . ^ Our corporations spend many millions to provide medical and welfare benefits for their employees. They have just as much re sponsibility, I believe, to contribute to the common cause of higher education. . . ° Clarence B. Randall, President, Inland Steel Company — . . . The problems that are plaguing us today are not in the realm of facts, but ideas and ideals, and you tackle those in the liberal arts in stitutions. . . The state universities are kept on the beam by the standards set by the privately endowed institutions, and those in stitutions cannot survive and maintain those high standards without help from the American business groups. . Mason Roberts, General Manager, Frigidaire Division, General Motors Corporation — . . . Ohio’s strong, privately-owned colleges are a bulwark of freedom and integrity. These independently-operated institutions do much to maintain the standards of our higher educational system and they carry a share of the burden of providing good citizens and leaders for tomorrow. A. J. Stambaugh, Chairman of the Board, Standard Oil Company of Ohio — ... 1 believe that every American business has a direct interest in the preservation of free, independent, privately-endowed colleges and umversiries. CXir institutions of higher education make an indispen sable contribution to the life of America. Columbus Dispatch — . . . The Stake of private enterprise in the small, privately-endowed colleges ... is obvious. From these schools come predominantly young people who have received a sound understanding of the capitalistic system on which free enterprise is based . . . This is an effort which deserves to succeed and from which all concerned will benefit. Toledo Blade — . . . Long before the system of state and municipal educational institu tions ... was even conceived, privately supported colleges provided this nations y^uth opportunity to become acquainted with the great heritage of the arts and sciences. It was the product of these private institutions who became America’s leaders in government, in industry, in education. . . . These sch(X)Is have lost none of their importance today . , . Forward-kx)king industrial leaders, recognizing their im portance, will be as liberal as they possibly can . . .
IWan of the ^/Vonth "Well 1 Be Chiggered” is the title of an article written by Profes sor Fred Hanawalt and published in Outdoor Life. His writings have been widely published in nature, scientific, and religious journals. Many of his articles have appeared under the title "Let’s Talk About Nature.” The February 14 issue of Builders carries an article entitled "The Uses of Adversity.” "Prof” is national chairman of Sigma Zeta, national honorary scientific fraternity, and a charter member of the Sigma Zeta chapter at Otterbem. He was chosen recently to review biology textbooks for the National Science Teachers’ Association. Some of the associations in which he holds membership ate American Geographic Society, National Asstxianon of biology Teachers National Science Teachers Association On o Academy of Science, American Asstxiation for the Advance ment of Science, and the National Audubon Society. Before coming to Otterbein he was a grade school and high school tealer, ! high school principal, and a superintendent Hanawalt
of schools.
the biology department.
Charles W. Botts, M.S. Professor Botts of the De partment of Biology pub lished a four-page research article entitled "The Influence of Litter on the Control of Salmonella Infections in Chicks,” which appeared in the October issue of the American Journal of Veterin ary Medicine. With Doctors
L. C. Ferguson, J. M. Birkeland, and A. R. Winter of The Ohio State University, he reports on recent findings in the control of poultry diseases.
H. L McMillan, M.A. Professor McMillan, head of the Department of Educa tion, was one of the leaders at the fall meeting of the Ohio Unit of the Association for Student Teaching held at Hiram College last fall. The subject of the group meeting in which Professor McMillan participated was "Compensation to Cooperat ing Teachers in the Public Schools.”
L. S. Frank, M. Mus.
Robert Price, Ph.D. Dr Robert Price of the Department of English edited a 250-page, octavosize history entitled Alexandria and St. Albans Township, Licking County, Ohio, published in September by the Alexandria Community Council. This volume IS the result of a local history project organized in 1930 as a part of an experimental program in community cooperation under the rural sociology department of the Ohio State University. Take a Bird s Eye View is the title of a four-page hobby article on birds and gardens and appeared in the October issue of Home Garden.
Paul L. Frank, Ph,D. In the September issue of the Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism appears a six-page research article entitled "Realism and Naturalism in Music” by Dr. Paul Frank of the music department. Dr. Frank reviews various definitions of "realism” as they are commonly applied in lit^ature and the visual arts. Then he shows to what extent these definitions may be valid in modern music.
Professor Frank, Assistant Professor of Music (Organ and Piano), gave an organ recital in the Indianola Pres byterian Church, Columbus, on February 22. Mr. Frank is dean of the Central Ohio Chapter, American Guild of Organists.
Millard J. Miller, D.D. Dr. Millard J. Miller, pastor o f the First Evangelical United Brethren Church, us ually referred to as the col lege church, was elected chair man of the Ohio Pastors’ Convention, the largest of its kind in the United Stares It is attended annually by over I,500 ministers from all major denominations in Ohio. He will direct the planning of the program and preside at the sessions next January.
THE PRESIDENT’S PAGE Otterbein College is in business for one purpose— namely, to develop young men and young women. This development is along a certain line and results in men and women of a certain type. The type of persons that Otterbein College seeks to develop is characterized by qualities of Christian leadership. That Otterbein College has been measurably suc cessful in the development of Christian leadership is indicated by the steady stream of graduates who have "made good” as Christian laymen and clergymen in Thousands of churches and communities over a period of many years right up to the present time. Leadership is not easy to define. In some cases it suggests oratorical eloquence, organizing ability, or a flair for attracting attention. In other instances leader ship is a silent but effective power which influences other people without benefit of fanfare or public notice. Christian leadership is even harder to define. In some cases the word "Christian” means theology, in other cases it connotes a certain spirit and experience, in still other cases it refers to a code of conduct and manner of life. If "Christian leadership” is a phrase difficult to define, imagine how difficult is the task of trying to educate young people in college in such a way that they will be informed and inspired so as to fulfill the requirements of Christian leaders. At the present time, aside from the Christian col lege, there is no other higher educational agency in sight which specializes in the development of Christian leadership. The Christian college has major responsibility in this field. Secular schools are able to turn out graduates who are well-educated culturally and well-trained technically. But secular institutions of learning do not aim to develop Christian leaders. Thus it is clear that as long as the world needs Christian leaders, so long will the Christian college be needed and have a reason for being. The phrase "Christian college” consists of two words and each word represents a significant idea and a compelling purpose. Both "Christian” and "educa tion” must be kept in balance. To overemphasize one at the expense of the other is to do a disfavor to both. To proclaim that a school is Christian is no excuse for low educational standards. On the other hand a school of highest academic reputation will fail as a source of Christian leaders, if it lacks a campus program that is Christian in spirit and method. There is need today for leaders who are Christian. Within recent memory many nations have collapsed for lack of leadership with moral strength and
J. Gordon Howard, ’22
Spiritual purpose. Czarist Russia, monarchist Spain, Hapsburg Austria, Mussolini’s Italy, and Hitler’s Germany, to name a few, were once mighty and for a time seemingly invincible. But they have disap peared, largely because their leaders were highly in tellectual without the saving qualities of Christianity. These nations had men of brains, but their brain power was motivated by materialistic and selfish aims. If a nation is to keep strong through the cen turies, intelligence must be yoked always with re ligious faith. Today the United States is a world power and in the ascendancy as never before. If our nation is to lead the world, there must be a steady supply of national leaders. To avoid the fate of certain former world powers, our nation must develop leadership which is Christian, and the source of this type of leadership is the Christian college. Sincerely,
'J! (^xnrcL<»->^ President
Dr. Howard was elected to a second term as presi dent of the Ohio Council of Churches at a recent meeting of the board of directors. The Council is an interdenominational organization serving the State of Ohio.
NEW CLUBS ORGANIZED Hamilton Alumni and friends of Orterbein College residing in Hamilton, Ohio, had a picnic and reunion at the beautiful home of Mrs. John Griesmer (Mary Vance, ’23) on Sunday, July 27, 1952. Good fellowship, an abundance of food, pleasant memories, and an interesting talk by President J. Gordon Howard featured the day. It was decided to hold similar get-togethers twice each year in the late fall and spring. The next meet ing will be at the call of Mr. and Mrs. Malcom Clippinger, Shirley Hanaford, and Paul M. Swartz, who were selected as a committee on arrangements. Mrs. Griesmer and Emerson Bragg were in charge of this first reunion in Hamilton. Woosler-Mansfield Alumni in the Wooster-Mansfield area had an or ganization meeting on Sunday, November 16, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pollock, ’48 (Mar garet Robson, ’47). Dr. and Mrs. Wade Miller from the college attended the meeting. A committee composed of Mrs. Pollock, Mrs. John Reinheimer (Phyllis Nelson, ’44), and Mrs. Robert Fetzer (Rachel Walter, ’48) were elected to plan the second meeting on January 31, at which time permanent officers were to be elected. The Wooster-Mansfield alumni group met on January 31 at the First E.U.B. Church in Ashland. Officers elected were: Mrs. Joseph Subich (Ruth Hockett, ’47), president; Mrs. John Reinheimer, secretary-treasurer. Columbus (men) Bob Knight, ’28, and Don Cooper, ’49, called a small group of Columbus men together for lunch at the Y.M.C.A. on Thursday, February 12, to consider the possibility of organizing a men’s club in Colum bus. Dr. Wade Miller attended the meeting. It was decided that a second meeting would be held on Thursday, March 12, to which all men living and working in Columbus would be invited. The meeting will be held at the Y.M.C.A. at 12:00 noon. It was the feeling of those present that once a month (tentatively the second Thursday) Otterbein men should get together for lunch and fellowship. Don Cooper, Bob Vance, ’49, and Wilbur Morrison, ’34, volunteered to plan the next meeting. (women) In the evening of the same day that the men met, a group of Columbus women, not to be outdone by the men, met at the home of Mrs. I>on Cooper (Berneta Nichols, ’49) to consider the organization of a women’s club. A second meeting is scheduled for Wednesday,
March 18, at the home of Mrs. Douglas Gordon (Joyce Kelly, x’49) at 2874 North High Street. Dr. Wade Miller will discuss types of organizations, programs, and objectives.
OLD CLUBS MEET Akron About forty-five persons attended the Akron area alumni club meeting on September 14 at the summer cottage of Chester G. Wise, ’04, on his lake near Mogadore. During the meeting it was decided that the scholar ship funds raised by the local club should be made available to a local student or students. The group enjoyed accordion solos by local talent, and "Chet” Wise entertained as only "Chet” Wise can. Paul Roby, ’27, is president and Mrs. Raymond Vogel (Marrha Alspach, ’27) is the secretarytreasurer. Detroit Detroit alumni met on January 10 at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Joe Eschbach, ’24 (Marguerite Metherell, ’24). Registrar F. J. Vance represented Orter bein. Twenty-six persons attended the meeting. The club has had as a project the buying of stage equipment for Cowan Hall. Already $200.00 has been contributed. Mrs. C. J. Smith (Lucille Moore, ’34) is president and Mrs. William Detamore (Shirley Adams, x’51) is the secretary. Westerville The Westerville Otterbein Women’s Club had its annual banquet and guest night on Saturday, January 24. More than a hundred persons attended. The guest speaker for the occasion was Mrs. Harry C. Willson (Freda Frazier, ’19), who with her hu:band operates the Willson-Frazier School of Speech and Drama in Columbus. Mrs. S. F. Haverstock (Fay Shatto, ’99) is presi dent of the club and Mrs. R. F. Martin (Feme Gelbaugh, ’22) is secretary. In addition to building up its permanent endowed scholarship fund and providing special scholarships, the club’s project for this year is the renovation of the Association Building. Cleveland The Cleveland Otterbein Women’s Club met on November 8 at the Women’s City Club with a good attendance. Miss Mary Quinn of the Bell Telephone Company gave an interesting address. The new officers are Mrs. J. W. Frazier (Marie Prudon, ’22), president; Mrs. Kenneth Harkins (Katherine Ryan, ’49), vice president; Mrs. Earl Ford (Zella Hill, x’22), secretary; and Mrs. Richard (Continued on next page)
HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE CAMPUS SCHOLARS. Nine Octerbein students made the coveted four-point averages during the first semester. They are as follows. Jim Heinisch, Glada Kingsbury, Pat Lasswell, Virginia Philippi, Jean Reed, Bob Boring, Fred Collins, Marilyn Day, and Cleora Fuller. FLU EPIDEMIC. Mrs. Keith Crane, director of the Otterbein Health Center, reported that approxi mately forty-five patients were treated daily during the first week of February. The flu epidemic hit over 250 students. SOUTH OF THE BORDER. Lenore Rosselot, popular Otterbein senior, spent part of her Christmas vacation in Puerto Rico. She attended the Phi Alpha Theta (national honorary history fraternity) con vention at the University of Puerto Rico in San Juan as a delegate from the Otterbein chapter. CAMPUS HARMONY. A new step in improving campus harmony was taken recently when President Howard called togther both the student and faculty governing bodies of the college in what he called a "Campus Roundtable”. The meetings are designed to promote an interchange of ideas—an opportunity to bring into the open all college "gripes”. CCA DRIVE. A "campus community chest” drive for $700 is under way. The projects to share in the drive are the World Student Service Fund, the Jap anese Christian University, the Negro Scholarship Fund, the E. U. B. College Mission Project, and Religious Emphasis Week. WHO’S WHO. Eight seniors and three juniors have been selected to appear in the 1953 edition of Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities,
the annual directory of distinguished American col lege and university students. Seniors are Marilyn Day, Shirlie Dennis, James Heinisch, Helen Herwick, Robert Myers, Gene Riblet, Lenore Rosselot, and Anne Tell; juniors are Robert Eschbach, James Shaw, and Don Shilling. DEBATE. Nineteen colleges were represented on the Otterbein campus for the seventh annual Otter bein Invitational Debate Tournament. Ohio Wesleyan was the winner, with Bowling Green second, Heidel berg third, and Marshall fourth. Ken Kohn and Bob Long won one contest for Otterbein. Trailing Ot terbein were Akron, Wooster, Baldwin-Wallace, and Xavier. MISS T & C. Nominations for Miss T & C are being made by the six fraternities. The winning coed, to be determined on the basis of beauty alone, will be crowned by last year’s queen, Shirley Ribley, during the intermission of the Interfraternity Spring Formal on March 13. Zeta Phi’s candidate is Joyce Weisenberger; Jonda has nominated Mary Ann Charles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Charles, ’29 (Dorothea Flickinger, x’32); the choice of Annex is Nancy Wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanton
W. B. Wood, ’23 (Genevieve Mullin, ’23); Kings has chosen Jackie Leasure; Country Club has selected Doris McCracken; Marilyn Hartsook is the choice of Sphinx. SHORT STORY CONTEST. Otterbein students have again been invited to compete with Ohio State, Capital, and St. Mary of the Springs in an in tercollegiate short story writing contest sponsored by the Columbus chapter of the National Society of Arts and Letters. Last year, first and third awards went to Otterbein’s Beverly Thompson and Klara Krech, respectively. WEINLAND WRITING AND SELLING CON TEST. Dr. Louis Weinland, ’30, provides prizes in the amounts of $25, $15, $10, and $5 to those earning the largest amounts of money in writing for publi cation. Contestants are r^uired to submit proof of earning to Dr. Robert Price, faculty adviser for Quiz and Quill. The prizes are given to encourage students to write for publication. WINTER PRINCESS. Varsity "O” members chose Patty Packer, Arbutus, as their Winter Princess, and she was crowned by last year’s princess, Nancy Hamp ton, Talisman, at the homecoming game on Janu ary 31. Her attendants were "Mike” Miller, Arbutus, and Anne Tell, Talisman. GADABOUT GAB. Dan Korelak, who writes a column in T & C under the above caption, came up with the suggestion that Registrar Vance remove the D and F keys from his electric typewriter. Mr. Vance is not convinced. CAP-OTTER TROPHY STOLEN. The Cap-Otter trophy, symbol of friendly relations between the two schools, was stolen from the Union on the eve of its return "downriver”. That’s one way to keep Cap from wining it. Flash! The trophy returned and it is now at Capital; but not for long—we hope.
(The Association, Continued) Sellers (Joanne Day, ’49), treasurer. Johnstown, Pennsylvania Thirty-eight persons attended the alumni dinner meeting held in the First E. U. B. Church on Thurs day, February 19- The Men’s Glee Club gave a con cert following the meeting. Dr. Wade Miller re presented the college. New officers elected are: Don Rhoades, ’50, president; Mrs. George Biggs (Martha Ellen Wingate, ’32), vice president; and Mrs. Earl Collins (Alice Foy, ’30), secretary-treasurer. The club voted to have a picnic next spring or summer. Greensburg, Pennsylvania At the call of Harold Darling, ’24, president, about twenty-five alumni met for dinner in the Otterbein E. U. B. Church, Greensburg. Dr. Wade Miller gave a "state of the college” report. The meeting adjourned in time for a concert by the Men’s Glee Club.
The architect’s drawing of Otterbein’s $200,000 library wing is pictured above. The space formerly occupied by the old chapel will be made fire-proof and will serve as astack room. The new wing will be built against the west wall of the old chapel and will be the reading room. The total cost of building and equipping will be $247,000 of which $200,000 is on hand.
Worh Begins On Library As Old Chapel Is Remoued (From Tan and Cardinal, February 12) Construction on Otterbein’s $200,000 library addi tion started Monday as college workmen began dis mantling the Old Chapel to make way for the new wing. Contractors, who were chosen Saturday when bids were gpened by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, will arrive in force to begin work Monday. A tentative date for completion has been set for September, 1953. The building will include, besides book stacks, faculty offices, audio-visual classrooms, and a room set aside for the Otterbein historical collection. Three levels of book stacks will enable the new library to house 80,000 volumes. Formerly, room for only 30,000 was available in Carnegie Library. The reading r(X)m will seat 160. An entrance lobby and a librarian’s office and work room will also be in cluded on the first floor Above the stacks, ten faculty offices, a faculty con ference room, and a faculty lounge will be constructed.
These rooms will be at the second floor level, but the old literary society halls will remain unchanged. On the ground floor, an "Otterbein Room” will be set aside as a miniature museum for literature and pictures of Otterbein’s history. The exhibit will be under the direction of Dr. Robert Price. Also located on the ground floor will be two audio-visual class rooms, several listening and viewing rooms, a dark room for the Tan and Cardinal and Sibyl, and a storage space for recordings and motion picture films. Present plans call for the old Carnegie Library to be used for administrative offices. The general contract has been awarded to the Co lumbus Construction Company, the plumbing and heating contract to Huffman-Wolfe, and the electrical contract to the Superior Electric Engineering Com pany. The architects are Benham, Richards, and Arm strong.
Bequests and Special Gifts Received Bequests Opal Shanks Croghan From the estate of the late Mrs. H. M. Croghan (Opal Shanks, ’13) Otterbein received $1,386.14. Both Mr. and Mrs. Croghan were members of the Class of 1913 and were life-long friends of Otterbein. Mr. Croghan preceded his wife in death by several years. They made their home in Hammond, Indiana. Inasmuch as Mrs. Croghan bequeathed her gift to the Development Fund, her money will be invested and the earnings each year will become a part of the fund receipts. Hannah B. Davis Word has been received from the executor of Han nah B. Davis, deceased, that Otterbein is to share in her estate to the extent of $1,000. No one at Otterbein seems to have known Mrs. Davis. She and her husband lived in Columbus near the Ohio Stadium. Although their daughter Ruth, who taught in North High School, died a few years ago, they continued their interest in education. The Davises were Quakers. They have no near relatives and pratically all of their estate was given away for educational purposes. The administrator reports that he does not know why Otterbein was chosen as a
of mathematics, provided in her will that $1,828.27 should come to Otterbein. Mrs. Miller was the first state student YWCA secretary for the State of Ohio. She passed away on June 12, 1952, in Westerville. J. Burr Hughes J. Burr Hughes, 02, another life-long friend of Otterbein, remembered his college in his will. Mr. Hughes left $9,834.98 to be used to purchase books on Americana for the library. He taught American History at Otterbein several years after he had re tired from public school work.
Gifts to W. O. B. C. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weber (Anna Bale, ’49) made a very valuable contribution to W.O.B.C. on the day of Winter Homecoming in the form of several hundred records for the library of the station. Mr. Weber is an announcer for WIZE, Springfield. Mrs. Alida Corkwell, whose daughter Shirley is a junior in Otterbein, donated a TV set to the college, as well as over S 1,000 worth of badly-needed radio and TV test equipment to the radio station of the college. James Yost, ’51, donated all of his time, valued at $225, in moving the radio equipment into its new quarters in Cowan Hall and wiring it for service.
Haue you sent your yift ?
Scientific Equipment
Otterbein's 106th birthday is com ing on April 26. Why not make yours
Lt. Col. Ervin H. Shade, AUS-retired, who recently moved to Florida from Upper Arlington, has given Otterbein several pieces of scientific equipment, in eluding a microscope, a photo-enlarger, various meters, and nearly one hundred books, both scientific and general. He has never been connected with Otterbein except that a brother, Homer, was graduated in 1917. Shade graduated from Findlay College and taught chemistry for years in Marion. He had a private com mercial laboratory there before he went into service at the beginning of the last war.
a birthday gift? We always remem ber the birthdays of our best friends. Surely Ottrbein qualifies as one to be remembered. A new five-year period is beginning.
Plan to be a regular
giver during 1953-58.
Campus Beautification beneficiary, for most of the other colleges to which they gave money had some Quaker connection. If any alumni know living relatives of the Davises, the editor and executive secretary of the Development Fund, Dr. Wade Miller, would like to have their names.
Alice F. Cowan Alice F. Cowan, wife of the late Dr. C. E. Cowan, ’04, has provided $1,050 to landscape the grounds around Cowan Hall. Vida Shauck Clemenls, '01
Nellie Knox Miller Mrs. F. E. Miller (Nellie Knox, ’86), wife of the late Dr. Frank Miller, Otterbein’s beloved professor
Another gift received recently for campus im provements and beautification was from Mrs. Frank O. Clements, ’01. The amount of the gift was $2,500.
Bashetball Scoring Records Foil
Baseball The 1952-53 basketball season closed on a happy note with a win over Deni son. The first game of the season was also with Denison, and Otterbein lost by two points in an overtime. All scoring records were broken dur ing the year. In the game with Wil mington at the time of the Winter Homecoming, the local boys scored 107 points. Two weeks later they passed the hundred mark in a 104-102 win over Ohio Northern. The record stands at 7 victories and 11 defeats. This, however, does not tell the whole story. In the eighteen games played, Otterbein scored 1,474 points Dick West’s first year as head basket while the opponents scored 1,480 points, ball coach was very impressive. only six points difference. The average points per game were 81.88 for Otter bein and 82.22 for the opponents.
Sports (Women)
Basketball — Victories over Denison and Ohio Wesleyan; defeat by Ohio Wesleyan.
—Two losses to Capital.
—Otterbein won third place in competition with Ohio State, Deni son (two teams), and Muskingum. An Otterbein player, Eleanore ZumBansen, had the second highest score of the day with 158 pins in a single game. Bonding
The bowling team has been entered in the National Intercollegiate Tele graphic Ten-Pin Tournament and also in the Ohio Intercollegiate Bowling Tournament at Ohio State.
Intramural (Men)
April 16 Muskingum 18 Denison 22 Capital 25 Oberlin 28 Kenyon 30 Wesleyan May 2 Heidelberg (May Day) 6 Denison Marietta 9 Kenyon 13 15 Capital 18 Wesleyan 20 Muskingum
Zeta Phi .................................. 50 Annex ........................................ 25 Jonda
....................................... 25
....................................... 20
..................................... 15
..................................... 15
Tennis April 18 21 28 30 May 2 6 8 16
Denison Wesleyan Muskingum Capital Denison Wesleyan Capital Muskingum
The intramural league standing after the football, tennis, and volleyball sea sons is as follows: Country Club ...............
Track March 14 Granville T (Indoor Meet—Conference) April 18 Capital Wesleyan at Delaware April 25 Muskingum T May Denison 9 Capital at Granville 20 Capital H 22 ( Conference Meet at Oberlin 23 f H—denotes home games T—denotes games away
Seated, left to right: Dale Andrews, Dick Winkler, Fred Ashbaugh, Tom Miller, Chuck Ferguson, Jim Heinisch. Standing: Bill Gallagher, Jerry Wirth, Don Hagen, Dick Ruh, George Beachler, Clyde Trumbull.
Basketball Scores Otterbein Otterbein Otterbein Otterbein Otterbein Otterbein Otterbein Otterbein Otterbein Otterbein Otterbein Otterbein Otterbein Otterbein Otterbein Otterbein Otterbein Otterbein
..'t... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......
72 95 78 73 94 73 67 92 70 74 ...... 88 ......107 ...... 71 ...... 78 ...... 79 ...... 76 ......104 ...... 83
Denison .....(.. 74 Kenyon ........ 70 Muskingum .. 90 O. Wesleyan .. 82 Wooster ........ 99 Heidelberg . .. 78 Capital ........... 87 Hiram ........... 89 Akron ............. 72 O. Northern .. 79 Oberlin ........... 74 Wilmington .. 89 Heidelberg .... 74 O. Wesleyan .. 92 Wilmington .. 67 Capital ........... 86 O. Northern .102 Denison ........ 76
AT2—Ellsworth Gilbert, A’12, man ager of appliance sales planning for Frigidaire Division of General Motors, stages at least two dramatic presentations a year at sales meetings. Headed for a job as director with Flo Ziegfeld productions back in 1929, Mr. Gilbert stopped off in Dayton and ended up working for Frigidaire. As a former producer for Redpath Chautauqua, he brings a truly professional touch to his dramatic presentations of Frigidaire products, for he does his own writing, planning, and producing.
the new president of MacMurray Col lege for Women in Jacksonville, Illinois. Another Otterbeinite in library work is Mrs. Roger Palmer (Carrie Shreffler, ’28), who marks her fifth anniversary as head librarian of the Royal Oak, Michi gan, library. More than a book-lending agency, the library is also a center of practical aid. Under Mrs. Palmer’s lead ership, it offers such programs as the Great Books course, films of civic inter est, a lecture series, weekly story hours, and health talks for mothers of pre school children.
1911—Park Wineland,’11, marks his twenty-fifth year as a citizen member of the unsalaried City Plan Board of Dayton. Also a member of the City Zoning Board of Appeals, Mr. Wineland works with city officials on such items as new maps and land use smdies, recreation plans, and welfare improvement.
1931—Walter Shelley,'31, is the new city auditor of Westerville, the first full time person appointed to this position. Mr. Shelley replaces Mack Grimes, ’41, who resigned after several years of parttime work.
1917—J. R. Bridenstine, x’17, secre tary-treasurer of the Central Ohio Milk Producers’ Association, figured in a re cent discussion with Ohio farmers over declining milk prices. 1922 — Mrs.
Elvin Warrick (Ruth Campbell, ’22) is the newly-appointed technical librarian for the Illinois Nat ural History survey. Holding degrees from both Otterbein and the University of Illinois Library School, Mrs. Warrick has had several years’ experience as as sistant in the circulation and periodical divisions of the University of Illinois library. Mr. Warrick, ’21, is the Uni versity mathematics librarian.
1926—Murl Houseman, ’26, one of thirty science teachers chosen for a six weeks’ scholarship science study at Har vard University, was privileged to par ticipate in President James Conant’s Sci ence Education class. Mr. Houseman has been an instructor in the Colorado Springs, Colorado, schools for the past twenty-four years. Elvin Cavanagh, ’26, business secretary of the Wilmington, Delaware, YMCA for fourteen years, joined the New York fund-raising firm of Ward, Wells, Dreshman, and Reinhart the first of the year. Coincidentally, back in 1922, Ot terbein employed this firm to take charge of a million-dollar fund-raising cam paign. The Cavan^ghs (she is the for mer Aline Mayne, ’23) will continue to reside in Wilmington. 1927 and 1923—Two prominent Ot terbein alumni headed Cleveland’s drive against diabetes last fall. Dr. Reginald Shipley* ’27, president of the Diabetes Society, was chairman of the drive, and Mrs. Earl Hoover (Alice Propst, ’28), president of the Diabetes League, helped to set up the ninety diabetes detection centers throughout Cuyahoga County. 1923—Dr.
Louis W. Norris, ’28, is
1934 — New pastor of Grace Bible Church in Ann Arbor, Michigan, is Wil liam Bennett, ’34. 1935—Mrs. John Stombaugh (Jennie Mickle, ’35) when at Otterbein, was a member of Sigma Zeta, national hon orary science and mathematics frater nity. Now she graciously has sent her Sigma Zeta key to the Otterbein chapter. Epsilon, which voted to honor each chapter president with the key during his term of office. Rolland King, ’53, is the first president to wear the key. 1937 — Rev. William Kuhen, x’37, has accepted a pastorate in the First Presbyterian Church in Lansing, Michi gan, leaving the Grandview Church in Columbus, where he has served since 1943. 1939— Mrs. Max N. Ruhl (Barbara Shaffer, x’39) writes from Giessen, Ger many, where she is living with her army engineer husband, that life is inter esting, the countryside pleasant, but— there is always the fear of a sudden Communist drive, and "living here is like sitting on a stack of TNT.” 1940— John Karefa Smart, ’40, on the staff of the Regional Office for Af rica, World Health Organization, is the new Public Health Advisor to the Liberi an government. Granville Hammond, '40, is the new director of curriculum as well as the assistant to the superintendent of the Warren Public Schools. He and Mrs. Hammond, the former Jean Cook, ’40. are kept busy with their four young daughters—all future Otterbein coeds! Rev. and Mrs. Robert Ward, ’40 (Au tumn Ward, ’40), are new residents of Rensselaer, Indiana, where Robert is the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. Having moved from Ossian, Indiana, the Wards lament only that they are 120 miles farther from Otterbein. 1942—Florence
Emert, ’42, works in
the cataloging department of the Uni versity of Arizona Library.
1943—Paul Reber, ’43, is an all-area supervisor at Dayton’s Chrysler Air Temp, which deals with range finders used on tanks. Paul directs the work of approximately sixty men. Norman Dohn, ’43, reporter for the Columbus Dispatch, received national recognition last month for his article dealing with the proj^sal made by the Ohio State Bar Association to bar news cameras from Ohio courts. His story was published in "The Quill,” the offi cial publication of the national journal istic fraternity. Norman was again spot lighted when he appeared recently on "The Wheel of Fortune” television show as the sponsor of a ten-year-old Colum bus boy, a victim of rheumatic fever. 1944— Dr. and Mrs. Dean Elliott, ’44, (Gwen Murphy, ’44), will be at home in Rochester, Minnesota, in April, when Dean begins study on a Fellowship in Otorhinolaryngology at the Mayo Foun dation. 1948— Wendell King, ’48, having re ceived his M.D. degree from Western Reserve School of Medicine, is now in terning with the Youngstown Hospital Association. Mrs. King is the former Miriam Woodford, ’47. Nevin Rodes, ’48, has been named manager of conveyor section advertising by The Jeffrey Mfg. Co. of Columbus. Rodes was an account executive with Kight Advertising, Inc., before his ap pointment by Jeffrey. 1949— Eugene Reynolds, ’49, is an assistant instructor at the University of Missouri, where he is working on his doctorate in speech and drama. Mrs. Reynolds is the former Esther Torbert, x’50. Bob Vance, ’49, will be coauthor of a technical paper entitled "Basicities of Cyclic and Acyclic Sulfides toward Boron Trifluoride,” which will be presented this month before the spring meeting of the American Chemical Society in Los Angeles. 1951— Robert Packard, ’51, is assist ant laboratory chief in the Soil-Cement Bureau of the Portland Cement Associa tion, Skokie, Illinois. New home of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Mayse, ’51, is Pismo Beach, California, where Harley is in the government health service at Camp Roberts. 1952— Mr. and Mrs. James Shumar, x’52, (Barbara Pottenger, x’52), are an other Otterbein couple in California. Their home is in Santa Monica, where James is enrolled in the UCLA Law School. Martha Joanne Nichols, x’52, is as sistant director of health education at the Canton YWCA.
Saluting --
scientists, author
Jay B. Mitchelson, assistant manager of the Goodyear Rubber Company’s chemical engineering division at Akron, has been transferred to duties as Super intendent of Chemical Operations with the Goodyear Atomic Corporation, which will operate the gigantic Uranium-235 plant now under construction by the gov ernment in southern Ohio. A graduate of Westerville high school, Mitchelson attended Otterbein Col lege, where he graduated with the Bachelor of Science degree in 1936. He re ceived the Master of Science degree from Ohio State University in 1937 and started work immediately at Goodyear. In 1945, OSU conferred upon him the degree of Chemical Engineer. Following a training period at Goodyear, he was assigned to the research laboratories on synthetic rubber. Growing with the problem, he moved into the pilot plant, becoming senior chemical engineer, section head, and assistant man ager of the chemical engineering division . At Otterbein he was a member of Alpha Beta Sigma and Sigma Delta Phi fraternities.
GOHN — Science
Jay B. Mitchelson, '36
George R. Gohn, ’26, is the author of an article entitled "High-Speed Machine for Fatigue Studies” appearing in the December issue of Bell Lab oratories
Mr. Gohn, a member of the Chemical and Metallurgical Research Depart ment, has been in charge of fatigue and creep studies since 1945. He was gradu ated from Otterbein College in 1926 with a B.A. degree. In 1929, he received the degrees of B.S. in Engineering and Metallurgy from Columbia University. That year he joined the Bell Laboratories. His work has been concerned with the investigation of the physical properties of metals, the application of die casting processes to the manufacture of Bell System apparatus, the development of specification requirements for procurement of non-ferrous metals, and the study of creep and fatigue properties of metals. Mrs. Gohn is the former Ruth Davis, ’26.
CORNETET-Author For the third issue in succession we have presented an Otterbein author. Today we present another—Wendell H. Cornetet, ’21, head of the Vocational Science Department, Huntington East High Trades School, Huntington, West Virginia. The title of the book is Principles of Electricity, published by McKnight and McKnight, Bloomington, Illinois. This is a textbook in elearicity which presents information concerning funda mental electrical phenomena and is suitable for use in basic courses in secondary schools, trade schools, and colleges. It is well illustrated with diagrams and photographs. Wendell is the son of the late Dr. N. E. Cornetet, who was a professor of Greek Language and Literature from 1901 to 1931. He also served as registrar from 1914 to 1923 and dean from 1923 to 1929. Wendell’s mother, known to hundreds, is still living at her home at 99 West Park Street, Westerville. Wen dell’s wife is the former Elizabeth Fontanelle, x’21, and they live at 812 Second Street, West, Huntington, West Virginia.
George R. Gohn, '26
Attention All Writers Have you written a book? Did you have an article published? Have you sent a copy to the alumni office? A space will be reserved in the historical room of the new library for books and published articles by Otterbein alumni. It will be quite a collection—if you will send yours. Wendell H. Cornetet, '21
---------- SenMCC Morrison — Chaplain Robert Morrison, ’39, and Mrs. Morrison (Gladys Frees, ’32) are enjoying their stay in West Germany, especially since they often see Lt. and Mrs. Gardiner Brown, ’47 (Emily Clark, ’47;. Mrs. Morrison is teaching in the Nurnberg Army School this year.
invited Ray to visit him whenever pos sible. Art Burd, x’54, met Ray when Art was sent to Supply School. Art is now stationed in Kobe with the 565th MP Detachment. Finally, Ray has been in touch with Ron Millhouse, x’53, who is playing with the 2nd Div. -Band in Korea.
Miller —•
Tucker —
Russeit Miller, ’51, a finance clerk in rear area Headquarters, 25th Inf. Div., now in Korea, spent a five-day rest and recuperation leave at Japan’s famous re sort city. Camp Nara. His wife, the former Jo Claire Ross, ’50, and son live in Columbus.
Jack Tucker, ’52, has beeh chosen one of sixteen men out of six hundred to continue schooling in the Army Signal Corps, Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey. Jack recently completed his basic training at Aberdeen, Maryland.
Stearns —
Edward Marryatt, ’52, having recov ered from a ruptured spinal disk, is now stationed at the U. S. Submarine Base in New London, Connecticut.
Second Lieutenant Robert Dean Stearns, x’51, received signal honors by registering the highest mark ever made in the leaders’ course officers’ class at Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania, where he is stationed with the Fifth Infantry Division. Now a tactics officer in the Seventh Engineer Combat Battalion, Lt. Stearns has made other enviable records during basic training and in officers’ schools.
Klopfenstein — Charles Klopfenstein, ’51, serving with the 4')th Infantry (60 mm mor tars) Division in Korea, was promoted recently to the rank of sergeant.
Touby — Captain Robert Touby, x’51, has been appointed adjutant to the commanding officer of the 317th Troop Carrier Wing of the U. S. Air Force. Captain Touby, who served in the European Theatre during World War II with the 93rd Bomber Group (Heavy), is the holder of the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air Medal with three oak-leaf clusters, and the Distinguished Unit Badge. Be fore his recall to active duty, Robert was a loan officer for the Guarantee Title and Trust Company of Columbus. His wife is the former Frances Queen, ’48.
Heckman Ray Heckman, ’51, as an Education Specialist with the U. S. Army in Japan, has ample opportunity to put in a good word for his Alma Mater! Ray’s duties consist of giving advice and information pertaining to the Army Education pro gram, and he writes that interest is high among Korean veterans for college work after discharge. Ray also proctors spe cial examinations, lectures on current topics, and broadcasts news daily. Since his arrival in Japan several months ago, Ray has contacted four Otterbeinites, proving that it /V a small world! He has seen Margaret Miller, ’50, who is doing missionary work in a fruit-growing region south of Tokyo. She gave his name and address to Dr. Tadashi Yabe, ’24, who at present works in a Japanese dispensary in Tokyo. Dr. Yabe has corresponded with Ray and
Marryall —
Hunt — 2nd Lt. J. William Hunt, ’52, is an other Otterbeinite who has spent a rest and recuperation leave at Japan’s Camp Nara. Working in the Office of the Surgeon with the 2nd Inf. Div., Bill has seen several Otterbein friends since he’s been in Korea—John A. Smith, ’44, Calvin Peters, ’51, and Richard Rein hart, ’50.
Kemp — S, Sgt. David Kemp, x’53, is a hydraulic mechanic, assigned to a fighter squadron of the 55th Fighter Interceptor Wing. Key member of the Japan Air Defense Force, the 35th is responsible for aerial security of central Japan, including such industrial cities as Tokyo and Yoko hama. This means that men and planes are on combat-alert status twenty-four hours a day.
tools of the trade. His plans after dis charge are already complete—more act ing experience in Little Theatre and then another try at Hollywood.
Krayer — Naval Cadet Ronald Krayer, x’53, having graduated from Pre-Flight School at Pensacola, is now stationed at Whit ing Field, Florida, attending Ground School and taking flying instructions.
Dennis — Gerald Dennis, ’52, is also stationed at Whiting, and in January the two Ot terbein men visited New Orleans for the "Mardi Gras.”
Ullom — M/Sgt. Kenneth Ullom, x’53, is serv ing with the 40th Infantry Division in Korea after intensive training in Japan.
Kilgore-Scott — Air Cadet Kenneth Kilgore, x’54, is stationed at Sherman, Texas, and Don ald Scott, x’54, is a cadet at Harlingen AFB, Texas.
K^ser — Allan Kiser is another ex-member of the class of ’54 who is serving in Korea with the Army’s 79th Ord. Battalion.
Blackburn — Donald Blackburn, x’55, is an en listed marine now taking basic training at Parris Island, South Carolina.
Clark — Bernard Clark, x’55, a member of the 31st Inf. Div. Band at Camp Atterbury, Indiana, also plays bagpipes in General Collins’ Bagpipe Band.
Kreischer — Dwight Kreischer, x’53, chief medical aidman in his unit, is now serving in Japan with the 1st Cavalry Division.
Siegrist — Carl Siegrist, x’53, has been promoted to the rank of sergeant. He serves as chief of the survey section in the 623rd Field Artillery Battalion in Korea.
Morris — Philip Morris, x’53, is serving over seas as a Dental Technician in the 10th Field Hospital, Wurzburg, Germany.
Roach — Pfc. Bill Roach, x’53, is getting a gen uine taste of army life to contrast with his military career in Hollyw'ood. As a military policeman in "Up Front,” Bill pursued Willie and Joe across half of Italy. As one of six hundred soldiers in the "Red Badge of Courage,” he did a lot of marching. And in "Cattle Queen, he did some fighting. Now in Korea with the 2nd Infantry Division, Bill does barbering as a sideline. Although just behind the front lines, his shop is complete with mirrors, chair, and the
TROOPS BACK IN CIRCULATION The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Troop, ’23, will be glad to know ' that they are on the way to complete re covery. Mr. Troop’s hospitalization made it impossible for him to make any cam paign speeches in support of his candi dacy for re-election to the House of Rep resentatives. In spite of the handicap, he was re-elected by a large majority.
SPECIAL NOTE TO ALL SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN To you who were unable to complete your college work before going into service, plan to re-enter Otterbein imme diately after your discharge. Encourage some of your friends to come along with you. If you know of Otterbein service men or women who are not receiving TOW ERS, it is because we do not have their addresses. Have them write the alumni office.
1934—Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Wood, ’34 (Martha Dipert, ’34), daughter, Deborah Sue, May 24, 1952.
1900 and 1906—Mrs. Henrietta Du pre Lesher, ’06, and William Lambert, ’00, December 31, 1952, in Columbus.
A'91 — Mrs. Louise Potts (Louise Crise, A’91) died December 26, 1952, at the Otterbein Home, Lebanon.
1935 and 1936—Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Wolfarth, ’36 (Dor’s Frease, ’35), daughter, Juliann, September 23, 1952.
1929—Enid Swarner, ’29, and How ard Moore, October 4, 1952 in Canal Winchester.
A'05_H. Harold Davis, A’05, died at his home in Bowerston on Decem ber 1, 1952, at the age of seventy-five.
1939 and 1945—Mr. and Mrs. Den nis Marlowe, ’39 (Martha Maye Mar lowe, x’45), son, David Eldon, October 12, 1952.
1943—Evelyn Svec, ’43, and William Ward, November 12, 1952, in Maple Heights.
A'11—H. B. Rasey, A’11, died June 27, 1952, in Conneaut, Ohio.
1945—Wilma Bennett,
’45, and Don ald Potter, December 20, 1952, in Dayton.
1940— Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Poff (Mary Ellen Kramer, ’40), son, John William, October 23, 1952. 1947—Ruth Hockett, ’47, and Jos —Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Hammond, '40 eph Subich, Jr., October 26, 1952, in (Jean Cook, ’40), daughter, Linda Sue, Mansfield. November 19, 1952. 1949— Betty Nichols, ’49, and Paul 1941— Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferrell Younger, November 29, in New York (Wanda Grimes, ’41), son, Michael Al City. len, July 28, 1952. —Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Glover, ’41, 1950— Ruth Hudock and John Pren son, Timothy Allen, January 12. tice, Jr., ’50, October 25, 1952, in Free New York. 1942— Mr. and Mrs. Robert Raica, port, —Heidy Schneider, ’50, and Duane ’42, daughter, Lauree, October 30, 1952. Dennis, October 10, 1952, in Basel, 1944— Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burk Switzerland. —Dorothy Ann Ahlers, ’50, and Luhart, x’44, son, Brian Bruce, October 3, cien Bachand, December 23, 1952, in 1952. Richmond, Indiana. —Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elliott, Sp. (Jean Frye, x’44), daughter, Jane Frye, 1950 and 1951—Mary Ellen Matson, November 8, 1952. ’51, and Daniel Fallon, ’52, August 2, 1944 and 1948—Dr. and Mrs. R. W. 1952, in Marion. Gilford, ’44 (Mary Morris, x’48), daugh 1950 and 1954—Margaret Lehman, ter. Peggy Elizabeth, November 18, 1952. x’50, and Gilbert Lakeman, ’54, Janu 1945— Dr. and Mrs. Harris Riley, Jr. ary 17, in Westerville. (Margaret Berry, x’45), son, Steven Al 1952 — Betty Lou Hoff, ’52, and len, October 2, 1952. Thomas Johnston, January 19, 1952, in —Mr. and Mrs. H. Howe Smith Westerville. (Joan Schaeffer, ’45), daughter, Claudia —Ruth Orr, ’52, and James Rafus, Diane, September 8, 1952. August 16, 1952, at Brecksville. —Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Statler, —Susan Roller and Glen Cole, ’52, x’45, son, Stephen Woodruff, Febru August 29, 1952, at Loudonville. ary 23. —Marilyn Neitz, ’52, and Raymond 1945 and 1948—Rev. and Mrs. James Shirk, ’52, June 28, 1952, in Barberton. Duvall, ’48 (Martha Mikesell, ’45) 1952 and 1953—Shirley Schroeder, twins, Stephen Edward and Stephanie, ’52, and William Kern, x’53, June 21, November 3, 1952. 1952, in Clayton. —Betty Lee McGregor, ’52, and Ger 1946— Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Whisler ald Meiers, x’53, June 28, 1952, in (Geraldine Steiner, x’46), daughter, Su Orange, New Jersey. san Elaine, July 13, 1952. —Miriam Fritz, ’52, and David —Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evans (Helen Wright, ’53, August 24, 1952, at Wil Hebbeler, ’46), son, Robert Louis, Au lard. gust 19, 1952. 1947—Mr.
Clifford Geb-
(Continued on page 14)
Sue Blauch,
(Continued on page 14)
1883—Luther B. Yaple,’83, died No vember 11, 1952 at his home in Chillicothe. 1897—John W. Stiverson, ’97, died August 17, 1952, in Des Moines, Iowa. 1903 — Carmi Odel Callender, ’03, died in Toledo on December 20, 1952. Dr. Callender, representing the Ohio Sandusky Conference, was an Otterbein trustee from 1930 to 1942. —Mrs. Elbert Halderman (Mayme Yost, ’03) died November 1, 1952, in the Middletown hospital.
1904—Edwin P. Durrant, ’04, died January 28, in Columbus. Dr. Durrant, associate professor emeritus in the de partment of physiology at Ohio State University, taught biology and geology at Otterbein from 1904 to 1911. —Zero Winter Swartsel, x’04, died February 4, in a Dayton hospital. Mr. Swartsel’s collection of bottles, bells, and glass of all sizes, shapes, and colors attracted great crowds to his "Bottle Farm,’’ and his hobby was the basis for many articles and features. He always claimed his name was the result of having been born on a "hard, cold winter’’ day—December 3, 1876.
1912—M. L. Hartman, ’12, died at his Nova, Ohio, home on October 14, 1952. 1918—Mrs. John Siew (Katherine Wai, ’18) died July 15, 1952, in Hong Kong, China. 1921—Orr A. Jaynes, ’21, died sud denly in Beckley, West Virginia, on Oc tober 30, 1952. The Rev. Mr. Jaynes served as a chaplain during World War II and had begun his new duties as the Veterans Administration chaplain in Beckley just before his death. 1924—Harold Mills, ’24, d'ed sud denly on December 25, 1952, while vis(Continued on page 14)
Stork Market Report (Continued from page 13)
What’s Your Hobby?
hart, '47 (Wanda Boyles, ’47), son, Joel Clifford, January 8. —Dr. and Mrs. Wadea Kassab (Eve lyn Cliffe, ’47), daughter, Christine, Au gust 20, 1952. —Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Miller (Mary McConnell, ’47), daughter, Charlene Yvonne, April 26, 1952. —Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Daniels, ’47, son, Scott Manifold, September 13, 1952.
The Reverend Edwin P. Eberly, ’32, has an interesting and worth while hobby. Ed has earned quite a reputation as a carpenter and cabinet maker. Some of his work may be seen in his recently enlarged and re modeled church, the Park Avenue Evangelical United Brethren Church, in Akron.
1947 and 1949—Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Case, ’49 (Mary Ellen Cassel, ’47), son, Charles Edward, November 16, 1952. —Mr. and Mrs. James Kramer, ’47 (Virginia Cole, ’49), daughter, Susan Ellen, December 6, 1952.
Among his parishioners he is known as the parson who doesn’t hesitate to roll up his sleeves and pitch into any job that needs to be done. The parson is a member of Otterbein’s board of trustees. His son, Howard, is a freshman at Otterbein.
1947 and 1948—Mr. and Mrs. Gor don Cherrington, ’48 (Peg Wilson,’47), daughter, Diana Lee, October 23, 1952. 1948— Mr. and Mrs. James Brown, ’48 (Mary Jo Wood, ’48), son, James Coppock, Jr., October 20, 1952. —Mr. and Mrs. William Rockhold, ’48, daughter, Sarah Katherine, Feb ruary 10. 1948 and 1949—Dr. and Mrs. John E. Hammond, ’48 (Ernestine Jones,’49), daughter. Heather Ellen, November 24, 1952. 1949— Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Murray (Marie Anderson, ’49), son, Darrell Maurice, October 19, 1952. —Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cooper, ’49 (Berneta Nichols, ’49), son, Brenton William, August 6, 1952. 1949 and 1950—Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Shoemaker, x’50 (Maybelle Hud son, ’49), son, Mark Daniel, September 20, 1952. —Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith, ’50 (Marion Gannon, ’49), daughter, Pa mela Ann, October 7, 1952. 1950
and 1951—Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Nelson, ’50 (Margaret Meiklejohn, x’51), son, James Hull, December 15, 1952.
1951—Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pletz, ’51 (Jacqueline Ritchie, ’51), son, Robin Dale, May 20, 1952. —Mr. and Mrs. Don England, ’51, daughter, Tara Lynn, November 25, 1952. —Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Knotts, '51, son, Robert Marvin, January 9. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Haines, ’51, son, Hugh Harlan, Jr., November 11, 1952. —Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lash, x’51, daughter, Cynthia Dee, August 21, 1952. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pillsbury, x’51 (Joyce Enoch, x’51), daughter, Susan Margaret, December 19, 1952. —Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Pellett (Kath arine Odon, x’51), twins, Marcia Katha rine and Karen Dorothy, September 22, 1952.
1951 and 1954—Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Bentley, x’54 (Claire Kerr, ’51), daughter, Carol Ann, September 2, 1952. 1952—Mr. and Mrs. J. William Hunt, ’52, son, Steven William, June 19, 1952. —Mr. and Mrs. David McMillen, ’52, son, David Ryan, September 14, 1952.
Toll of the Years (Continued from page 13) iting friends in Lakewood. Mr. Mills was a brother to Professor Gilbert Mills, ’20, of Otterbein’s faculty.
1929—Miss Nola J. Barnhard, ’29, died December 24, 1952, at her home in Parma. 1936—George Vance, x’36, died sud denly in Greenville on August 22, 1952. O. K. Probasco, Otterbein faculty member, died suddenly on January 29Beginning his duties at the college in September, 1952, Mr. Probasco taught geography part time.
Cupid's Capers (Continued from page 13) x’54, and Robert Denzer, ’52, June 8, 1952, in Sugarcreek. —Virginia Smith, ’52, and Jack Shively, ’54, August 24, 1952, in Dela ware. 1953—Joyce Carman, x’53, and Jack Riggs, August 21, 1952, in Ashland, Kentucky.
1955—Joy Graham, x’55, and Don ald Portlow, June 29, 1952, in Linworth.
Grads Make the Cover Page Chapman — Two Otterbein grads appeared re cently on the covers of magazines. Mrs. Robert M. Phelps (Eleanor Chapman, ’50) appeared on the cover of the De cember 3 issue of Pathfinder, which featured a story on 'What Happens to Health Champs?” It seems that Eleanor was one of fifteen girls who received blue ribbons from 1942 to 1947 as health champs. The Pathfinder made a check of the same girls, only to find out that they are still hale and hearty. Elea nor has since graduated from Otterbein and from Western Reserve University School of Nursing. While her hubsand is studying dentistry at Western Reserve University, she is working at the blood bink in the University Hospital.
Furbay — Dr. John Harvey Furbay, x’25, is fea tured on the cover of the NovemberDecember issue of Program, the maga zine of the American Platform Associa tion. Dr. Furbay, featured in the 1950 Homecoming issue of Towers, is a world traveler and much sought-after speaker. He spoke recently at the big annual men’s dinner at the First Baptist Church in Cleveland.
Receive Advanced Degrees The following Otterbein graduates have received advanced degrees recently: Master of Arts
James Grabill, ’43; Gladys Linnabary, ’48; Frederick Noel, x’44; Paul Shartle, Jr., ’42; Frank Walker, ’49; William Cowgill, ’50; Jack Frost, ’49; all from Ohio State University. Bachelor of Laws
John Lyter, ’50, Ohio State University.
Sent Your Gift for ‘S3? CALENDAR
BULLETIN EOAEE Class Reunions The classes of 1893, 1903, 1913, 1923, 1928, 1933, and 1943 will have reunions on Alumni Day, May 30. Members of the classes of 1903 and 1928 should make a special effort to be present, since it will be their fiftieth and twenty-fifth anniversaries, respectively.
Sludent Prospects It is an accepted fact that more students are influenced in their choice of a college by alumni than by any other persons. Please, therefore, Mr. Alumnus, get busy and help boost Otterbein’s enrollment for next year. It is often said that schools which have a decline in enrollment do not have an active alumni body.
Your Annual Gift Thanks a million to you who remember to send your annual contribu tion. This list comprises about 259r of Otterbein alumni and ex-students. How about the other 759^? May we count on you in ’53r' Try it this year, and if you do not get the thrill you expect, you can decline next year. Be a stockholder in a great business—the proper education of America’s future leaders—the building of a stronger Otterbein.
Future Alumni Club Meetings Plan to attend the next meeting of the club in your area. You do not know how much you are missing. Dates are as follows: Northern Indiana. April 24, 6:30 P.M., Honeywell Community Build ing, Wabash, Indiana. Columbus. Ohio. (Men’s Club) March 12, Y.M.C.A., 12:00 noon. (Women’s Club) March 18, 8:00 P.M., 2874 N. High Street. Wooster-Mansfield. April 17, Mansfield E.U.B. Church, 6:30 P.M., covered dish dinner.
March 10 Robert Shaw Chorale March 12 Women’s Glee Club Concert March 13 Ohio Unit of Association for Student Teaching March 19 Band Concert March 22 Brass Ensemble Tour April 2 Spring Vacation Begins April 14 Classes Reconvene April 19 Senior Recital Janet Painter, Mary Alyce Holmes April 23 Senior Recognition Day April 27 Founders’ Day Judge Earl Hoover, speaker May 1 Musical, "Student Prince’’ May 2 May Day Musical, "Student Prince” May 25 Final Examinations May 29 Phi Sigma Iota Banquet Play, "The Heiress ’ Meeting, Development Fund Board Meeting, Board of Trustees May 30 Memorial Day Meeting, Board of Trustees Alumni Day Quiz and Quill Breakfast Class Reunions Alumni Banquet Play, "The Heiress” May 31 Baccalaureate Service June 1 Commencement 106th year For spor:s schedule see page 9.
Dates to Remember Don’t forget May Day (May 2;; Alumni Day, May 30; Commence ment, June 1. The welcome mat will be out.
It's Getting to be a Habit
T\v«» IV4»\v i;4»-4»|M‘rsi#iv«» l*ro|Briisiis Forestry Plans have been completed with Duke University for a five-year co-operative program in forestry. The student will spend three years at Otterbein and two years at Duke. He will receive a bachelor’s degree from Otterbein and a masters degree in forestry from Duke.
Medical Technology In four years a girl can earn a college degree at Otterbein and a certificate from the Miami Valley Hospital (Dayton) making her a registered medical tech nologist. She will spend three of the four years on the Otterbein Campus. In addition, Otterbein offers the following coopearitve programs: Engineering—with Carnegie Tech. Nursing —with Grant Hospital Art —with Columbus Art School
Ann Carlson Brown, ’52, has received Second Honorable Mention in the 195152 Atlantic Monthly Contest for college students with her poem "Three Cinquains.” The verses have just appeared in a special Atlantic contest publication. At Otterbein the author was active in the Quiz and Quill, a creative writing club. Mrs. Brown and her husband Robert, ’52, are both currently enrolled in West ern Reserve Medical School. She is the daughter of Mrs. Benjamin Carlson (Ed na Dellinger, ’22) and the late Dr. Carl son, ’22. Her sister Mary Kay, ’47 is Mrs. John Wells, ’48; another sister, Alice, is a senior at Otterbein.