1953 Modern Dance

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”Injin Sumer” - Sally Bodge, Sarah Rose, June Tramer, Nancy "^ood*

Soloists Dee Koons, Evie Stunp, Ihry Urton, Elop'd Le-^'ris, Larry Tirnauer# ”fecd Lea ves on the Canpus Green” Nita Sho.nnon, Bobbie Tompkins ”Ho.llo\7ecn” - Ll0}/d Lewis, Lcirry Tirnauer* "Trees- Sally Bodge, Nqncy 'vTood* "Football Ferer” - Entire- Group. "Fog" - Ivhry Ur ton "'Ebb Tide" — June learner, Llo^^d Lewis "Thanksgiving" - Entire Group ★ % Costune mistress - Carol Hartford, Lhry Urton, Janet ^litkins, Jodi Gris singer* Lighting - Goorgialec Eorsborn, Lloyd Lewis. Narration - Sarah Rose Narrator • La It Eonnstt Singer • Shelia Ihson Pianist Eileen Fagan Staging - Lhry Urton, Lloyd Lewis, Stage craft class Properties- — T.J. Hods on

The llodorn Dance Club Trishes te thank cvcri^^'nc 'c^osc ernest hard work and sincere co—oporaticn mde this production possible# A special thanks goes to Ihry Ur ton r/hose kind help is nuch appreciated#

♦ ♦ *


Advisor I Hiss Van Sent Sally Bodge Dee KoonsLloyd Levn.s Hita Shannon Evie Stunp Inrry Tirnauor Bobbie Tompkins

Itxry Urton Juno Tl:irrLer Nancy IVood

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