1954 One-Acts

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by Robert Uorlcnan Directed by Marilyn Eartsool Ellie. Marge. Stan .

... * .... . . . .

Jennie Sprague I'-largaret Ha.ll Jack Bilger

5:30 a.m,, Stands bedroom* Scene I Scene II Evening the day before— the dcvmstairs hall I Same as Scene I Scene I'^'; A mom*snt later, the Scene VI doimstairs hall



GOr'G HCJ'E by John Gainfort Directed by Astrida Salnais Claud Maiin* Luana I'^alin* Sai^ • • • Vera Maiin . Helen Lang * lYanlc Lang.


* * . , . *

Dick Gx-r.gart Nancy Fuj.rey Tom I, oilman Janet Eyler Janice Ellenberger Dick Hayes

A home in the subinrbs

IJHEEIE THE CROSS IS MADE “bijr Eugene 0 MTeill Directed by Nancy Masters Captain Isaiah Bartlett • Nat Bartlett, his son . Sue Bartlett, his daughter, Doctor ITigg5jis. . . • Silas Horne, mate , . . Gaits, bo^sun. ... Jimmy I'analca, harpooner , Scene?

.Cliris Delannis .Jan Keadlee Chiquita Starkey Thomas Tate Dick Iludspith Bill Duteil Creston Reese

Capta n Bartlett*s home


The Eroshman one-act plays, uhich are presented annually fiy Cap and Dagger during ’he Christmas season, are given in order that experience ir direction and production might bo promoted and that interest in drama might bo fostered among tho freshman.

CAP & DAGGER Otterbein Dramatics Society

Moduction Publicity Dave Warner, ch. J^yce Shannon Bob Ilenn Sally Ste.ffanni Bobbie Cox Bill Skaates Larry ^‘"eeley Dolores Wlaich Ann Kingsley Ruth Schilling

Costumes Sir rley Booher, ch. Dot Landis Judy Lovejoy Kay Constable ' Maxine B i/man Dorothy Eldridge Isabel la'^ham Rosemary leader Jo Kickock Marie Waggamon S'^M.-’ley McCullough Marjorie "'•uddock Delores Sax Ann Peder Mancy Lee Nedra Lanliam Billy Jo Geisler Pat Mizer Con'-'ie Loxley


Make-up Shirley Sm'th, ch. Dee I at 'mer I.3mn ^-^iles Judy Jen!:ins Mar j or ie I,ambert Lilly Ta rick Jo Piper Emily Bale Ba.r'-'ara Koch Mary Ellen Kan!:inscn Nancy ‘Marshall Lockie Beveridr'e Ruth Packer Donna Ed^^ards "^achael Kern Pat Dawley Lighting A1 Morris, •''h, Betty Gibson A1 Kepke Bob Long Proper'’:ies Barvey Smith, ch. Joyce r>igham Rolfe Korshorn Keith Leohard Mary I.ou Stine Dave M'cCracken Joyce Miller Terr^’- Ilor^ard R'i’an Myers Marshall Cass.idy


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