1955 Off the Record

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Fart I Tills is the record of mankind Introduction Dancersr Nanev Leonhardt, Jennie Sprague, Hcncie Williams Music; Interpretation by Eileen Fagan All things are recorded, even ... A Day in Xtababu Dancers: Beverly Brumley, Gail Bunch, Kay Constable, Elaine Ellis, Rae Jean Fox, Gay Fravert, Eva Holmes, Alice Horner, Carol MeVay, Amy Peck, Marilyn. Purkey, Peggy Ruddock, Jo Silvc-rtliorn Music: High Andes - ‘ Ymasumac Choreograp’ny: Elaine Ellis And the merry mirth of fools in ancient courts Jolly Jesters Soloists; Barbara Toirpkins, June Hunt Music: Polls, (from "Tlie Age of Gold Ballot”) More feet have cut the thread in this record ... Waltz in Blue Dancers: Donna EdTJards, Sarah Rose, Astrida Salnais, Bob Henn, John Pay’-on, Bud Warner Music: Emperor Waltz - Strauss Some learned the Pirouette and as for others ...? Ballet Satire Dancors: Dorothy Belgrade, Ka^^ Loutsenhizer, Joyce Naftzger, Barbara Tompkins Music: Petite Ballerina Choreography: Barbara Tompkins

Then comes 'C/Iig Jeans aiid Calico soij J Hog Doim Dancers; Gall Bniia*, Janice Gunn, Juno Hunt, Nancy Leonhardt, Bob Blinzloy, David Cox, l.ike Diurphy, Bud Hamer t'usic: Tnrley in ’•ne Straw Choreography; Nita Sharr-on And once thoro iras a gay Caballero • • • Caravana _ . . Dancors: Alice Homer, Astric.a Salna?.s, Jo Silvortr Carlos Marrero Music: Caravana rhG search for expression is constant Tlirou,^h the Darkness, ^ ^ on • Dancers: Donna "'x3vards, Sarah Rose, Astrida Salnais Music; Etude an E ~ Chopin nDrEBl'-ISSICN

15 minutes Part II First pause to shape yow miM and thiiilc your t’ioughts Reflections Soloists';■"‘Elaine Ellis, Barbara Tompkins Music; Interpretation by Silocn Fagan




Then on the corner catch the boat of life 13th and Main Dancers; Gail Bunch, Donna Edwards, Gay EraTcrt, Janice Gunn, June Hunt, Eva Ilolncs, Jo Salve:: tnorn Music: Interjirctation by E# Fa^an

0iiQr, - June Hunt

Record of the bitter s^^cctness of our youth Indecision ^oTitTTkl r.cpke, Barbara Tcmpkins Music: Jalousy Choreography: Barbara Tompkins In our youth, vfo fed the spell of spring Kay Magic ^o"iH"Chorcography; June Hunt Music: Barcarol],e (from "Sebastian )

• ••

let the heart lift up its voice ... Op)-nrr of 1' IjOVG , gS Bunch, Astrida Salnais I'usic: Song of i:y Love future holds its hones and dreams and fears ... Atomic Ago Solo and Choreography:

June nun

hands will join the circle »rc'ind the earth ... Ono ^Jorld^'^*^ „ ^ Decors: jl-ice Gunn, Thelma Hodson SiSic: Interpretation b- Eileen Fagan Finale The Dance Club extends its thanks to W.a.A. for its support C-’p and Dagger for its technical help, Iiary Urton for her K assistance, Marion CImse for backstage work, and Saum ^ Hall for urogram assistance*

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