CAP "vDA(^C-ER Pres
Chcc-Choe Luip:i Pirandello Directed by Marilyn Hert Chee-Chee, a bachelor--------
Bob Studer
Coimnander, a contractor-----
Paul Koons
Nada, a woman of the world-
Pat Sliver
The scene: Chee-Chee*s apartment, about two o^clock in the after noon.
The Valiant Holworthy Hall and Robert Middlemass Directed by Shirley Smith Warden Holt------------------- Bill Renner Father Daly------------------- Ralph Bender James Dyke-------------------- Howard Weisz Josephine Paris--------------- Durr .Attendant--------------------- Fred Rader The scene: The warden’s office in the Sts.te Prison at Wethersfield, Connecticut*
Trifles fcy Susan Glaspell Directed by Sarah Rose
Henry Peters, Sheriff
•Rony Herder
George Henderson,Co-lttorney----- Duan Roth Lewis Hale, neighbor------------ Don Tallentire Mrs* Peters----------------------^Rosalie Yarmen J'Irs, Hale------------------------ Ginger Bland The scene: the kitchen of an old farmhouse. Time: the present day.
Every year as a Christmas present from Cap and Dagger, the Freshmen one-acts are presented. They arc done in a hope to create dramatic interest among the Freshmen and to uncover any hidden talent that might be present. VJe sincerely hope you enjoy them.
Production Coinmittees Technical Director - Bill Bale Stage Manager - Ralph Bender Lighting Betty Gibson - co-chairman Rolfe Kcrsborn - co-chairman John Adams Costumes Shirley Eooher - chairman Shirley Me Cullough Carol Peterson Linda Clippinger Bobbie Cox Pat Chdlds Sally King Ushers Jim Wagner - chairman Janet Smith Betsy Messmer Marlene Lash Delyte Jones Bonnie Paul Loraine Crawford Hencie Williams Mary Jo Brown Diedrc Wells Dawn lilller Sound Charlie Funk - chairman Prown Tom Lehman
Properties Joyce Bigham - chairman Jo Piper Amy Brown Mary Lou Stine Elaine Baker Shirley Baker Sharon Allen Peg Hall Charles Bradford Publicity Fran Myers - co-chairman Eva Holmes - co-chairman Carol Fitzthum Make-up Bob Long -co-chairman Don Edwards-co-chairman Nancy Lucks Diane Doran Janie Erman Marilyn Pohla Francine Thompson Wavalene Kumler Mary Roberts Kay Dornan Marilla Clark Programs A.lice Horner - chairman Loraine Bliss Floyd May Paula Peters Nancy Gallaher