otterbein towers OTTERBEIN
It’s time to stop this nonsense From every college in the nation comes the warning, “We’re losing good professors faster than we can find them, yet our classrooms are growing more crowded each year. What will be the effect on our country, and on its citizens, if this trend continues?” The warning has sound basis. Low salaries— characteristic in teaching—are driving gifted instructors and professors into other fields, and are discouraging promising young people from taking up academic careers. Classrooms and laboratories are overflowing now with students, and yet applications are expected to double in the next 10 years. It’s amazing that a nation such as ours, strengthened and enriched by our institu tions of higher learning, should allow any
thing to threaten these wellsprings of our progress. Ifs time to stop this nonsense. In a very real sense, our personal and na tional well-being depends on the quality of learning nourished and transmitted by our colleges and universities. They need the help of all who love freedom, all who hope for our continued advancement in science, in states manship, in the better things of life. And they need it now! If you want to know more about what the college crisis means to you, send for the free booklet “The Closing College Door" to: Box 36, Times Square Station, New York 36, N. Y.
Sponsored as a public service, in cooperation with the Council for Financial Aid to Education, by
OTTERBEIN TOWERS CONTENTS Editor’s Corner ........................................................................................3 Welcome New Prexy ........................................................................ 4, 5 Acting President’s Report to the Trustees .......................................6, 7 Commencement, 1958 ...................................................................... 8-11 New Heating Plant .........................................................................12, 13 Development News................................................................................. 14 Campus News and Sports................................................................. 15, 16 Distinguished and Honorary Alumnus ................................................. 17 Alumni News ................................................................................. 18, 19 Class Reunions ...................................................
Alumni Club Meetings ...........................................................................25 Flashes From the Classes ...................................................................... 26 Births—Deaths—Marriages ..................................................................27 Bulletin Board .....................................................................
"Her stately tower speaks naught but power For our dear Otterbein” Otterbein
Editor Arthur L. Schultz, ’49
Many of you were generous enough to tell us how much you enjoyed the last issue of TOWERS—a pictorial viewbook. It was designed for the Admissions Office, but we felt that you would want to have a copy. The text of the viewbook was prepared for the high school student interested in college. The book was planned also to be of interest to friends of the college, and especially to the many alumni in refreshing their knowl edge of Alma Mater. We hope that you will keep the colorful viewbook where your friends will see it or that you will give it to some prospective student. Additional copies are available from our office.
Published quarterly by the Alumni Council in the interests of alumni and friends. Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Wester ville, Ohio, under the act of August 24, 1912.
July, 1958 Volume XXX Number 4 MEMBER AMERICAN ALUMNI COUNCIL association
President Francis S. Bailey, ’43
Ex-President Verda B. Evans, ’28
Vice Presidents
Rhea Moomaw Cooper, ’33 Clyde H. Bielstein, ’28 Llewellyn E. Bell, ’52
On Commencement Day, June 2, the President-elect, the Acting Presi dent, and the ex-President pose for our camera prior to the academic pro cession. Pictured in front of the Association Building are Dr. Lynn W. Turner, President-elect; Mr. F. J. ’Vance, Acting President; and Bishop J. Gordon Howard, President from 1945-1957. Dr. Turner will assume the Otterbein presidency on September 1st. His inauguration will take place during the 1958-59 school year. The time is to be announced.
Barbara Stephenson Lyter, ’49
Members-At-Large John A. Clippin^er, ’41 T. Vaughn Bancroft, ’21 A. Monroe Courtright, ’40
Faculty Representatives Robert W. Hohn, ’38 E. LaVelle Rosselot, ’33
Ex-Officio College Treasurer and Presidents of Alumni Clubs —
As the follotving statements indicate, the Board of Trustees, the Faculty and Administration, the Alumni, the Student Body, the Church, and the Westerville Community all join in welcoming the new President of Otterbein, Dr. Lynn W. Turner.
FROM THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES: When you were unanimously elected President of Otterbein College by the Board of Trustees on April 12, 1958, a new chapter in your own life and a new era in the life of Otterbein College simultaneously began. We earnestly pray and confi dently believe the new relationship will result in deep, mutual satisfaction. You now become a part of the Otterbein heritage and an advocate of her many cherished traditions. Your concern for moral and spiritual values is such that we are in no way hesitant to give into your hands the guidance of Otterbein’s future. We know that your commitment to the presidency of our college was not arrived at without, much thought and prayerful consideration. We know, too, that your task will be no easy one. It cannot be so. Remember, please, Mr. President, that your Board of Trustees will ever be willing and eager to lend you every assistance in w'hatever way is possible in the fulfillment of the high endeavor to which God has called you. We wish to share the burdens that will come to you and to rejoice with you in the forward accomplishment to which you will lead us. In this spirit of understanding and cooperation, we extend to you our warmest greeting as you assume the administrative leadership of Otterbein College, in whose interests we shall, with deep devotion, labor together. It is our earnest prayer that God will richly bless you in the days and years ahead. Vance E. Cribbs, Chairman Board of Trustees
FROM THE FACULTY AND ADMINISTRATION: Dr. Turner, the whole Otterbein family, both those on campus and those not now here, welcomes you wholeheartedly as our new president. Those of us who have met and talked with you have no hesitancy in saying we feel sure you will soon become a part of us, and we know we will get on together in fine shape. We have confidence in you as our leader, and we all want you to know that we expect to cooperate with you and help you in every way we can. To the alumni, the acting president would like to say he is delighted with the choice of the new president. As you learn to know him, I feel sure you will appreciate him more and more. Under his direction the college will increase in size and in usefulness to its students. We know you will also want to lend a hand to help your new president in his effort to make your alma mater a better college in which to educate our young people. F. J. Vance Acting President
FROM THE ALUMNI: In Paul Woodring’s recent book, A Fourth of a Nation, he says: "In a society of free men, the proper aim of education is to prepare the individual to make wise decisions.” Professor Woodring then defines the educated man as "one who can choose between good and bad, between truth and falsehood, between the beautiful and the ugly, between the worthwhile and the trivial.” Otterbein’s new president is about to enjoy the stimulus, the discipline, and the tensions involved in making decisions that range from the trivial to those that will decide the destiny of an educational institution beginning its one hundred twelfth year. I am sure that I speak for all Otterbein alumni when I wish for President Turner the wisdom and courage to dismiss the trivial and to concentrate on the important in the decisions-filled days ahead. We as alumni look to our new president to represent us and Otterbein with dignity, distinction, and devotion. In turn, we as alumni offer President Turner our loyalty, our support, and our friendship. Verda Evans, President Alumni Association, 1957-58
FROM THE STUDENTS: What is a student? Many people describe him many ways: to his family he is often a charity case; to those living close to the fraternity house, a partyboy; to the community, a pair of creased khakis, screeching tires, and homecoming festivities; to the professor, a passive object into which information and knowledge is pumped with the hope that someday it will apply. To most people he is the "coUegiate.” And to a newly-appointed college president, he is all these things and more. As you are probably aware. Dr. Turner, you’ve been discussed, wondered at, thought about, and curiously scrutinized since your first morning on campus when you were singled out as "our new President.” We’re proud to welcome you and your family to the "quiet peaceful village.” May we add our congratulations and say that we’ll do our best to live up to your expectations—you’ve exceeded ours! Duan Roth President, Student Council, 1958-59
FROM THE CHURCH: The Evangelical United Brethren Church welcomes you. President Turner. The nearly 900 pastors and 200,000 church members of the Otterbein territory and all the 3,300 pastors and 800,000 members of the whole denomination assure you of their prayers and cooperation. TTie Church says welcome because you are a scholar familiar with the price that must be paid for the pursuit and appre hension of truth. The Church says welcome because you have been an effective classroom teacher concerned not only with the intellectual achievement of students, which is important, but also with their total personality and Christian character. The Church says welcome because you have proved yourself a loyal Christian layman in your mature years and before that, a boy and young man active in the church. The Church says welcome because you and Mrs. Turner have established and maintained a home in which the Christian spirit prevails and from which the Christian spirit radiates. The Church says welcome because you will provide wise, vigorous, and prophetic educational guidance, along with that of the other college presidents, so that our beloved Church will have the requisite college-trained Christian leadership which the present and future demand. The Church says welcome because you are you—a leader in many roles, a useful citizen, a cultured gentleman, a patient counsellor, and good friend and devoted Christian. J. Gordon Howard Bishop, East Central Area Evangelical United Brethren Church
FROM THE CITY OF WESTERVILLE: One of the most satisfying duties of public office is the opportunity to extend an official welcome. It gives even more satisfaction when the welcome to our village goes to a family instead of visitors. So it is with real pleasure that we look forward to the arrival of Dr. and Mrs. Lynn W. Turner and Bruce. Naturally, we sympathize with Bloomington, Indiana, on losing such a fine family. An indication of how well our new president and his wife will fit into our friendly college circle was given at the Commencement reception. After being addressed as "Dr. and Mrs. Turner,” they suggested it might be easier to call them "Lynn and Vera.” Welcome to Westerville, Lynn, Vera, and Bruce! May your residence here be the happiest years of your lives. L. William Steck Chairman of Village Council Westerville, Ohio
j^resident l/^eports epoi
August 17, 1957, was a very impor tant date for Otterbein College. This is the date when President Howard’s resignation was accepted and a com mittee was set up to seek his successor.
The Curriculum
Bishop Howard
With deep regret on the pan of the whole college community, we saw Dr. Howard accept the bishopric, and yet we all knew he felt this was the action he should take. The faculty too always appreciated Dr. Howard’s friendly and genuine co operation in all their problems. He was always willing to give full consideration to any matter a faculty member felt important enough to bring to him. The faculty appreciated the fact that he had a thorough knowledge of college prob lems and had confidence in his opinions and his decisions. I am sure the members of the Board of Trustees feel as the faculty does about the very great contribution Dr. Howard made over the past twelve years to the lives of students as well as faculty mem bers. You will agree, I am sure, that Otterbein College made many real for ward steps as a direct result of Dr. Howard’s term in the office of presi dent. We were all sorry to see him leave, but we wish him well in his new responsibilities. Already we are begin ning to see that he is doing a wonderful job in the office of bishop, not only for the Church but also for Otterbein as well. The Presidenl-Eleci
The committee selected to find a new president, under the able direction of Vance E. Cribbs, President of the Board of Trustees, worked tirelessly for many months screening possible candi dates. I am sure we are going to be very much pleased with the final result of their labors. Dr. Lynn W. Turner was elected at a special meeting of the Board of Trus tees on April 12, 1958. Dr. Turner graduated from Indiana Central College in 1927, received his master’s degree from Indiana University in 1932, and obtained his Ph.D. from Harvard in 1943. He spent eleven years as Chair man of the Department of History and Government at Monmouth College, Monmouth, Illinois. Since 1947, he has been a Professor of History at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
^Le trustees
F. J. Vance, ’16
Dr. Turner is also currently National Historian of Phi Alpha Theta, national honor society in history, and editor of The Historian, quarterly magazine pub lished by the society. Before moving to Bloomington, Dr. , Turner was an outstanding layman in the Evangelical United Brethren Church. At the present time he is a member of the official board of the First Methodist Church, Bloomington, Indiana. Mrs. Turner is the former Vera K. Arbogast of Monmouth, Illinois. They have three children: Veralyn, now Mis. Richard Martin of Bloomington; Sylvia, in Lincoln, Illinois; and Bruce, 11, at home. Admissions
The Admissions Committee has at tempted this year to be more selective in an effort to get students who will have more chance of success and there fore increase the number continuing their work through the junior and senior years. In spite of the fact that no schol arship tests were given this year, 300 young people and adults attended High School Day and 385 were here on E.U.B. Day. Enrollment this past year included 478 men and 300 women, a total of 778 smdents who were taking full-time work. This amounts to 7.7% increase over the previous year.
In the Biology Department impor tant revisions in curriculum were ap proved last year and were put into effect this year. The course in Natural Science has been discontinued; consequently many students have been taking Gen eral Biology. This was disastrous to some, but plans for revisions and changes are now under way which, we feel, will eliminate the difficulties and still make the course of value to the general stu dent as well as to those taking pre professional work. Members of the board and alumni who have not yet seen the improvements in physical equipment which have been made in this department should go to the third floor of the Science Building to see what has been done, and talk to the biology faculty to learn of the plans for the new curriculum in this field. You will recall the announcement last year that important curriculum changes had been made in Home Eco nomics. We believe these changes were good since the enrollment in Home Economics has increased. Moreover, this past semester we had a class for men in which 37 students were enrolled. The department, as you know, has been moved to the Home Economics House on West Home Street. New equipment has been installed and the department is now quite adequately situated. Danforlh Workshop
This summer the Danforth Founda tion is sponsoring a workshop on col lege problems and has invited a quartet of Otterbein faculty members to partici pate. Those who will represent us are Dean Joanne VanSant, Professor Charles Botts, Dr. Paul Ackert, and Professor L. Lee Shackson. A definite plan of study has been worked out, and our participants are expecting to have a very fruitful three weeks of study. The contacts thev wiU have with representa tives of other colleges of our size and type will be invaluable. New FM Radio Station—WOBN
Great progress was made in the area of broadcasting this year. Through the generosity of Robert B. Bromeley, ’29, and Vida Shauck Clements, ’01, a new console and an FM transmitter were purchased. The college then supplied enough additional funds and construc tion aid to install the equipment and
erect a 104-foot antenna on the roof of Cowan Hall. The new station, WOBN, has received its permit from the Federal Communications Commis sion and is now undergoing equipment tests. A formal opening is planned for the fall. WOBN will cover metropoli tan Columbus with hi-fidelity broad casts, specializing in good music and service programs to the campus and community. It will also serve as an important public relations tool of the college. Conference on Christian Higher Education
On April 8 and 9, a Conference on Christian Higher Education was held and representatives from eight of the cooperating annual conferences partici pated. The program theme, "The Mu tual Concern of Church and College,” was developed to acquaint the delegates with Otterbein College and our pro gram and needs. Bishop J. Gordon Howard and Dr. Harold L. Yochum, President of Capital University, were the speakers and gave very timely and thought-provoking addresses. This con ference met a real need in church-col lege relations. New Construction and Renovation
A new heating plant has been com pleted south of Park Street above the dam on Alum Creek, and the old heat ing plant will be torn down this sum mer. The equipment includes three coal-burning fully automatic boilers de veloped by Bituminous Coal Research Laboratories to compete with automatic gas and oil-fired equipment. They are the first of their kind and have been attracting the attention of people from all over the country. They are expected to save us from 1/4 to 1/3 on fuel in ensuing years. The cost of the new plant will not exceed the $300,000 amount appropriated for it. Improvements have been made in the biology laboratories and are worthy of note. These were made by our service department under the direction of Dr. Willis and Dr. Sherman. A number of biology personnel from other colleges have visited these laboratories and have stated that they are the best they have seen. The president s home is being com pletely renovated this summer and will provide a very satisfactory home for our new president and his family.
CRIBBS RE-ELECTED HEAD OF BOARD Vance E. Cribbs, ’20, Franklin, Ohio, was re-elected Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Otterbein College at the board’s annual meeting on Saturday, May 31, in Westerville. This marks his tenth consecutive year as chairman of the board. Dr. Harold L. Boda, ’25, Dayton, Ohio, was re-elected vice chairman and Dr. E. L. Weinland, ’91, Westerville, was re-elected to his 56th consecutive term as secretary of the board. During its two-day meeting, the board approved a $70 mition increase next year, bringing the total annual tuition to $670. Six members of the board were elected to two-year terms on the board’s Executive Committee. Re-elected were
Dr. E. B. Heisel, Columbus, Ohio; Dr. Wesley O. Clark, Dayton, Ohio; and Rev. Dr. Robert E. Airhart, ’35, Bar berton, Ohio. Newly elected were Dr. Emerson C. Shuck, ’38, Bowling Green, Ohio; Rev. Dr. Elmer A. Schultz, ’24, Johnstown, Pennsylvania; and Dr. Homer D. Cassel, ’17, Dayton, Ohio. Re-elected to five-year terms on the board were Irvin L. Clymer, ’09, Dear born, Michigan, and Dr. Elmer N. Funkhouser, Sr., ’13, Hagerstown, Maryland. Elected to the one-year unexpired term of the late Bishop Fred L. Dennis was Bishop J. Gordon Howard, '21, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Elected to represent the trustees on the Development Board of the college was Mrs. F. O. Clements, ’01, Wester ville, Oliio. —
Completing 111 Years In Tf COMMENCEMENT, 1958 Dark skies failed to dim a bright day for the 139 graduating seniors at Otterbein, Monday, June 2. Acting Presi dent F. J. Vance conferred the follow ing degrees: Bachelor of Arts, 78; Bachelor of Science, 24; Bachelor of Science in Education, 33; Bachelor of Music Education, 5; and Certificate in Secretarial Studies, 1. The President-elect of Otterbein, Dr. Lynn W. Turner, was present and was introduced to the commencement audi ence. He will assume the college presi dency September 1. Bishop J. Gordon Howard, Pitts burgh, Pennsylvania, delivered the bac calaureate sermon on Sunday, June 1, and Dr. I. Lynd Esch, President of In diana Central CoUege, Indianapolis, In diana, was commencement speaker. Six members of the Class of 1958 graduated with honors. They were: Selma Joyce Bigham, Fostoria, Ohio; Karl F. Dilley, Nevada, Ohio; Marjorie Lambert, Trenton, New Jersey; Mar lene Lenhardt, Fairview Park, Ohio; Mrs. Joanne IGenk Walterhouse, Cin cinnati, Ohio; and Donald A. Lind, Jamestown, New York. Graduating with honors requires a cumulative point average of 3.7 or more.
Sarah Ellen Howard, Pittsburgh, Penn sylvania, and Linda Mae Harner, Brookville, Ohio, senior co-eds in the Class of 1958.
Bishop J. Gordon Howard posinj fore the academic procession witi Lynn W. Turner, his successor.
Graduating with distinction were Joyce Bigham, in language and litera ture, and David Schneider, Cincinnati, Ohio, in social studies. Coach Harry W. Ewing and Pro fessor Harold L. McMillan received special citation awards for their service to Otterbein College—twenty-four years and twelve years respectively. Graduating Sarah Ellen Howard, younger daughter of Bishop and Mrs. J. Gordon Howard, wore the academic robe used by her grandmother, Mrs. May Stevenson Howard, in the 1894 Otterbein Commencement, and by her mother, aunt, and sister. Linda Harner, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Merl W. Harner, is the last of four Harner girls to graduate from Otterbein. Their great-grandfather. Rev. Edmund B. Slade, as a clergyman in La Compton, Kansas, officiated at the marriage of the parents of President Eisenhower.
Leading the Commencement procession in front of Cowan Hall.
"Quiet, Peaceful Village" HONORARY DEGREES Four honorary degrees were con ferred during the Commencement ceremonies. The Reverend Arthur Byron Fulton, Pastor of the Lorenz Avenue Evangeli cal United Brethren Church, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, received the Doctor of Divinity degree. He is a graduate of Geneva College and United Theologi cal Seminary and received his master’s degree from the University of Pitts burgh. A member of the Western Pennsyl vania Conference, Mr. Fulton is Con ference Statistician and Editor of the Western Pennsylvania Conference News.
Arthur Byron Fulton and Lloyd O. Houser, '39
2>oclor Of jCcaw5
The Reverend Lloyd O. Houser graduated from Otterbein in 1939 and United Theological Seminary in 1942. He is a trustee of Otterbein College, representing the Erie Conference, and received the degree of Doctor of Di vinity. Since 1950 he has been Pastor of the First Evangelical United Brethren Church, Buffalo, New York. In this church he has developed an integrated ministry to meet the needs of the innercity church, with particular emphasis on ministering to the Negro people. The honorary degrees of Doctor of Laws were bestowed on Mr. Forrest Guy Ketner, ’10, and Roscoe R. Walcutt, A’07. Mr. Ketner is General Manager, Producers Livestock Cooperative Associ ation, Columbus, Ohio, and a member of the Ohio State University Board of Trustees. He is a loyal alumnus of Otterbein. Mr. Ketner was recently appointed by Governor O’Neill to serve on the Ohio State University Board of Trus tees. The Ohio Senate confirmed the appointment. He is a former chairman of the board. Mr. Walcutt is Franklin County Pro bate Judge and former majority leader of the Ohio Senate. Very active in the Masonic order. Judge Walcutt serves as President of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio Masonic Home. He is a member of numerous civic and fraternal organizations.
“Beyond The Duty Line” Dr. I. Lynd Esch
(Excerpts from the June Comnienceinem address by Dr. 1. Lynd Esch, President, Indiana Central College, Indianapolis, Indiana.)
It is a privilege indeed to have the opportunity to present a message to the members of a college graduating class. It is an unusual opportunity to give advice. But I am a bit cautious since I read the account of the college student who was taking an examination in Philosophy. One of the questions was, "Who was Socrates?” The student answered, "Socrates was a philosopher. He went about giving advice. The peo ple poisoned him.” Advice is some thing like a doctor’s prescription, pleas ant to give but distasteful to take. Perhaps then we should soften the blow and begin by offering our congratula tions to the graduates, their parents and the faculty upon this occasion. At least that will be less distasteful than advice, of which all have already re ceived a great deal, and such congratu lations are certainly in order. It is no small achievement to reach the place of graduation from college. It indicates that one has overcome many obstacles and pursued a course with steadfastness and diligence. LINES OF LIFE "The lines of life are sharply drawn” is an old adage which has been oft repeated. On occasion each of us has said, "That is where I draw the line.” Of course, we were speaking figura tively. But we use the word "line” in many different ways and give to it many different meanings. For this rea son the lines of life are very interesting. The fortune teller looks at the palm of your hand, which you have previ ously generously crossed with silver and —
says, much to your satisfaction, "you have a long life line.” Although we know that it is only a fictitious clair voyance, it gives us some sense of inner satisfaaion and comfort so that maybe the silver thus expended may not have been entirely wasted. Ever since th£ beginning of recorded history man has been making lines of one sort or an other, for one purpose or another. We have learned to mind, the lines of life, or to transgress them at our peril. Two boys of a very tender age as they play together have a disagreement and with a bare toe one of them draws a line in the dust and dares his erst while friend to cross it. The friend, not being chicken, crosses and one goes home with a blackened eye and a torn shirt. Unfortunately, we carry the same ideas into more advanced years and on a national rather than a personal level and the black eye becomes the war time casualty list and the torn shirt a city bombed to dust. Yes, the lines of life are sharply drawn and man trans gresses them at his peril. Each line of life has its own peculiar meaning. We find these lines every where. Some of them are material like the line fences between properties, some are less material, but with physical char acteristics none the less, like those which are placed on our modern high ways. Geographical lines have greatly influenced the course of human history. To some they have brought hardship and frustration, to others freedom, hope and oppormnity. But today we want to think of lines of life which are less
tangible but none the less real. Lines which we do not see with the physical eye in the form of a fence or a mark on a highway. Lines which we see only wnth our vision and our insight. Such are the duty lines of life. There is a philosophy of life which can be followed to great advantage in making life’s duties less burdensome. The secret of this philosophy of life is to be found in living beyond the duty line. It is difficult to do our full duty. But once we have done our duty and go beyond it, we find rich satisfaaions. By the time one has lived long enough and made the rigorous mental application which is necessary to grad uate from college as the members of this class have, one has learned many things. This is true even in spite of Dr. Hutchins’ contention that the reason a college graduate is given a sheep skin is to cover his intellectual nakedness. One does not graduate from a modern college without having amassed a rela tively large quantity of knowledge and information. Today we take it for granted that those who will receive degrees designating their area of com petence have factual knowledge ade quate to enable them to carry on suc cessfully in the years ahead. But may we also express the hope that in addi tion to that information, you have also acquired a personal philosophy of life w'hich will enable you to find joy, happiness and success. And may we suggest that these will be found in those portions of your life which you live beyond the duty life. ATTITUDES IMPORTANT
The most frequent complaint which is registered against college graduates today by those who are responsible for their employment, is not that they are ignorant. It is generally conceded that they have knowledge. The most fre quent complaint has to do with their attitude toward their work and toward life in general. Too many of the grad uates, our employers feel, are trying to get by just as easy as possible. I am sure that some of the faculty have this feeling about many of them too. They try to find out what is the least that will be required of them and then do this and nothing more. Alw^ays afraid that they will do a little more than "their share.” Afraid that they will put in an hour for which they will not be paid on Saturday. To the minds of em-
ployers they are unprofitable servants because they do only what it is their duty to do. This applies not only to the job at which they work, but also so far as community and civic respon sibilities are concerned. Such people live an unhappy and demanding life. They miss the real job of voluntarism which is the foundation of our democratic so ciety. Not only is it enjoyable to do more than is required; it is frequently very rewarding in a material way as well. EXCELLENT EXAMPLE
In the days of the depression of the thirties a young man out of college had great difficulty securing employment of any kind. It was during this period that one young man with considerable abil ity came seeking a job. They were scarce, but we knew where there was one opening. We sent him for an in terview and he made a favorable im pression and was employed. When he came back to report that he had se cured the job, we gave him a very simple admonition suggesting that he do three things beyond the routine re quired by the office. First, be at his desk with his work out and busy five minutes before the starting bell. Second, do no loitering in halls on his journeys from place to place, always move with speed and determination. Third, never put the work on his desk away until after the quitting bell. Within two weeks the department manager where he was working called. Said he, ' This young fellow is really a fine employee. He is always on the job when I come to work in the morning. You never see him loafing around the water foun tain or in the halls, and he is still working when the bell rings in the evening.” Just a little bit more than was required. The result? He is today an executive of the company with which he thus began in depression days. A PLUS FACTOR
The occupations which the members of this graduating class will enter will be quite varied. Some will preach, some will teach, others will enter into the business and professional world, some will be establishing and managing Christian homes which is one of the most important professions in the world. These different areas of em ployment will require different skills and abilities. For these you have been preparing during these past four years.
You should have adequate intellectual equipment to enable you to hold your own with others with whom you may find yourselves in competition. But as graduates of a Christian college you should have a plus factor beyond pro fessional knowledge. That plus factor is the life philosophy of Christian service beyond the requirement of daily duty. There is no occupation in America that I can think of which does not offer unlimited opportunity beyond the duty line. There you will find the air refreshing and invigorating, the climate exhilarating and challeng ing, and you will not be impeded by traffic congestion. Yes, "the part of the blanket which keeps you warm is the part that hangs over the edge,” and the true joy, happiness, freedom and success of life will be found in that second mile which you travel of your own volition after the requirements of duty have been performed. May the re wards of life be rich and abundant for each one of you in the years ahead as you journey beyond the duty line.
NEW ALUMNI OFFICERS Retiring secretary of the Alumni Association, Dorothy Schrader Nor ris, ’31, announced at the alumni banquet the results of the election of officers for 1958-59. They are as follows: President—Francis S. Bailey, ’43 Attorney-at-law, Westerville, Ohio Vice President— Rhea Moomaw Cooper, ’33 Homemaker, Westerville, Ohio Vice President— Clyde H. Bielstein, ’28 Education Director, Dayton Power and Light Company, Dayton, Ohio Vice President—Llewellyn E. Bell, ’52 Inventory Analyst, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Columbus, Ohio. Secretary— Barbara Stephenson Lyter, ’49 Homemaker, Westerville, Ohio Member of Alumni Council-at-Large— A. Monroe Courtright, ’40 President, Westerville Press, Wes terville, Ohio College Trustee—Harold L. Boda, ’25 Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Dayton, Ohio College Trustee—Homer D. Cassel, ’17 Physician, Dayton, Ohio
GRADUATE DEGREES Many Otterbein alumni pursue graduate work following their graduation from college. An unusually large number re ceived advanced degrees during the past several months. Our hearty congratulations to each upon successfuly completing ad vanced study. Thomas N. Buchanan, ’52 Master of Music Conservatory of Music of Cincinnati, June Richard Edward White, ’57 Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Carnegie Institute of Technology, June 10 Lois Elizabeth Snyder, '48 Master of Fine Arts in Music Education Carnegie Institute of Technology, June 10 Joseph M. Albrecht, ’50 Doctor of Medicine Ohio State University, June 13 Llewellyn Eugene Bell, ’52 Master of Arts Ohio State University, June 13 Roland T. Gilbert, ’55 Bachelor of Laws Ohio State University, June 13 Howard H. Longmire, ’55 Master of Arts Ohio State University, June 13 Kenneth R. Paul, ’49 Master of Arts Ohio State University, June 13 Michael O. Phillips, ’53 Doctor of Medicine Ohio State University, June 13 Donald J. Rapp, ’55 Bachelor of Laws Ohio State University, June 13 Donald I. Jenkins, ’48 Master of Arts Sacramento State College, August, 1957 Gerald E. Ridinger, ’49 Doctor of Philosophy Ohio State University, December 20, 1957 Carl E. Rossi, ’52 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Ohio State University, December 20, 1957 James C. Kraner, ’47 Doctor of Philosophy Ohio State University, March 20 Robert F. Berkey, ’52 Doctor of Philosophy Hartford Seminary, May 21 Gerald Podolak, ’53 Doctor of Osteopathy College of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons Pasadena, California, June 20 William J. Goff, ’55 Bachelor of Divinity Evangelical Theological Seminary, May 5
Pictorial View Of New Heating Plant Construction started last summer on a new $300,000 service building and heating plant south of West Park Street near the city park. It was com pleted in November, 1957, and boilers were installed in February, 1958. The outstanding features of this improvement are the boilers. They are fully automatic and were developed by Bituminous Coal Research Laborator ies to compete with automatic gas and oil-fired equipment. They are the first of their kind and have been attracting the attention of people from all over the country. They are expected to save from 1/4 to 1/3 on fuel bills in the ensuing years. The old heating plant will be torn down this summer. The new heating plant provides truly efficient heat generation. Otterbein’s heating plant burns coal in Coal-Pak boilers, developed by Bituminous Coal Research, Inc., for automatic perform ance plus unique simplicity of opera tion. The result has been savings in manpower and a spotlessly clean plant. In keeping with the modern opera tion of this plant, the interior has been brightened by an attractive color scheme. Interior and exterior picmres of the new heating plant are shown on this page and the next. Also, a picture of the ex terior and one of the interior of the old heating plant are included to show the changes and improvement.
There are five garages located on the top level of new heating plant
Old heating plant located on Maple Street
Two of the three new boilers
Front of all three boilers looking south
Lilly Endowment, Inc., Makes $10,200 Grant Film-Test Method of Teaching Receives Boost
The Development Office at Otterbein College an nounces the receipt of a $10,200 grant from Lilly Endow ment, Inc., Indianapolis, to enable the college to complete its two-year audio-visual film-text course of instruction in French. In making the grant, Dr. Manning M. Pattillo, Asso ciate Director of Lilly Endowment, Inc., had this to say: "We believe that the ideas and materials you are de veloping can be of value to many secondary schools and colleges in the improvement of their teaching of foreign languages.” The grant will pay the travel and living expenses of the three staff members who are in France this summer completing the filming of the text material. An earlier trip to France was made during the summer of 1956, at which time the first-year course and a part of the secondyear course were filmed. Other expenses for which the grant will provide the funds are the film, the film processing and the sound stripping, the further testing of the film-text at Otter bein during the next school year, the technical and sec retarial assistance, and related items. The time and work schedule call for the completion of the two-year course and further experimentation at Otter being during 1958-59- It is the plan of the college to make the film-text available to a selected list of colleges and high schools during the 1959-60 schcx)! year. Although it is too early to pass judgment on this new method of teaching, the language staff at Otterbein is im pressed by the fact that first-year students passed the University of Chicago Language Investigation Tests for Aural Comprehension examinations at second and thirdyear levels of achievement. The staff members who are in France this summer are Dr. LaVelle Rosselot, who has been the inspiration for and director of the project, her father, Dr. A. P. Rosselot, longtime professor of languages at Otterbein, and Miss Marjorie Lambert, who will remain in France as a Fulbright scholar during the next school year. Others who are in France assisting in the filming are Miss Patricia Axline and Miss Doris Repetylo. Miss Axline, a 1957 graduate of Otterbein, has been studying in France during the past year on a grant from the Institute of International Education. Miss Repetylo, who graduated in June, 1958, is vacationing in France and will be used by Dr. Rosselot and her staff. Otterbein s film-text method is attracting wide attention over the country. Educators from various places are visit ing the campus to observe the method. The United States Air Force is likewise interested and has sent observers.
Let's Prove that the Experts Are Wrongl
We are told by the experts that the summer months are not good for raising money. Why should this be? Our fuel and light bills are lower, our food costs are not as high, we have recouped our finances from Christmas and April 15 (income tax deadline), college bills are paid for those who have children in college, and other expenses are lower. Why shouldn’t we take this period to send a gift to Otterbein? The big summer expense, of course, is the vacation, and all people should plan an enjoyable and restful inter lude from regular jobs. Vacations, however, need not be expensive and most people can arrange them so that a gift for Otterbein is possible during the summer. Try it. The goal for 1958 is 1,700 gifts, a 10% increase over 1957. With 853 gifts already received, representing ex actly 50% of the goal, it would appear that we are well on the way to exceeding our goal. This would be the largest number of gifts ever received in a single year at Otterbein. The financial report up to June 20, 1958, is as follows: Number
Alumni 853 Non-Alumni 97 7 Organizations 1 Bequests United Crusade Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges Total received to date
$31,741.09 5,288.50 1,688.93 1,000.00 53,405.00 27,024.73 $120,148.25
Carrie Miles Philo Bequest
Mrs. D. W. Philo (Carrie Miles, T5), formerly a mis sionary in the Philippine Islands, and more recently the head resident at Cochran Hall, left $1,000 in her will for Otterbein College. She specifically requested that the money should be used to provide audio-visual equipment and manuals to assist in the teaching of Spanish at Otterbein. The Spanish Project
Miss Lena May Wilson, Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages at Otterbein, accompanied by four students from her Spanish classes, is in Puerto Rico this summer making color slides and recordings of Spanish life and conversations, which will be used in classes at Otterbein. The students are Nancy Hamilton, Jill Davenport, Patricia Speer, and Vandwilla Hackman. A Life Income
Are you interested in a guaranteed income for life? In a few weeks the college will announce in a new bro chure a life income plan which is somewhat different from the regular annuity plan of life income. Alumni are in vited to write for this booklet and to inform the Develop ment Office of others who might be interested in a life income.
1957-8 HONOR ROLL OF CONTRIBUTORS Making Gifts Through the
Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges To Keep Strong Ohio Colleges Not Supported by Taxes SEVENTH YEAR, ENDING APRIL 15, 1958 TWENTY-NINE COLLEGES working together in the Ohio Foundation take pleasure in presenting to their many thousands of alumni and other friends this Honor List of corporate contributors for the year 1957-8. In THE FOUNDATION WAY, these wise business leaders have found their best opportunity to help independent colleges in all parts of the state, without the need for choosing among many com peting appeals for aid to operating funds. As it has since the beginning in 1951, the Foundation continues to hold membership open to all ac credited colleges not supported by taxes which want to be "'members of the team". The Foundation, through personal visits and mail appeals, seeks only corporate gifts—not as "char ity", but as a prudent investment for business leaders willing to share the cost of preparing for the business world the kind of men and women every wise executive wants as key staff members, business associates—and as patrons! Each gift is divided among 29 member schools, 60 per cent equally, 40 per cent according to en rollment. Reports show nearly all funds received In this way go to the improvement of faculty salaries. To their friends, member colleges commend this list for careful study — for appreciation to those whose names are on it, for help in securing gifts from those who are missing, as OFIC must move steadily forward if its member colleges are to remain strong and free.
MEMBER COLLEGES Antioch College Ashland College Baldwin-Walloce College Bluffton College Capital University College of St. Mary of the Springs College of Wooster Defiance College Denison University Findlay College Heidelberg College Hiram College Kenyon College Lake Erie College Marietta College Mary Manse College
Mount St. Joseph-OnThe-Ohio Mount Union College Muskingum College Notre Dame College Oberlin College Ohio Northern University Ohio Wesleyan University Otterbein College Our Lady of Cincinnati College University of Dayton Ursuline College for Women Western College for Women Wittenberg College
OFFICERS-1957-8 Dr. Howard Lowry, College of Wooster, Chairman Dr. Clarence C. Stoughton, Wittenberg College, Secretary Dr. William E. Stevenson, Oberlin College, Treasurer Harold K. Schellenger, Columbus, Executive Secretary Dr. Robert N. Montgomery, Muskingum College, Vice Chairman
Executive Committee Dr. Lloyd L. Ramseyer, Bluffton College F. W. Grose, Notre Dame College A. A. Stambaugh, Standard Oil Company of Ohio
TRUSTEES FROM INDUSTRY-1957-8 Robert F. Baldwin, Dayton Charles M. Beeghly, Youngstown Howard S. Bissell, Cleveland Kenneth B. Cope, Canton Beman Gates Dawes, Jr., Cincinnati Harvey S. Firestone, Jr., Akron John W. Ford, Youngstown George Gund, Cleveland Daniel H. Kelly, Toledo Frederick K. Lacher, Akron Earl F. Morris, Columbus J. B. Perkins, Cleveland Peter E. Rentschler, Hamilton Mason Roberts, Dayton Stanley I. Roediger, Cleveland John F. Schaefer, Findlay G. A. Smallsreed, Sr., Columbus A. A. Stambaugh, Cleveland Henry S. Stout, Dayton William C. Treuhaft, Cleveland Carl W. Ullman, Youngstown Ford R. Weber, Toledo Wayne Young, Wadsworth
2 Artistic Furniture Manufacturing ComAKRON 4 Bar<f:rn Piano Company A-C Supply Company Akron Equipment Company 2 Benet Drug Corporation Akron Porcelain Company 2 Bertke Electric Company Akron Savings & Loan Company 5 Breneman-Hartshorn. Inc. Akron Standard Mold Company 2 Brighton Corporation Blazon. Inc. 5 Cambridge Tile Manufacturing Company Boring, Herbert S. 4 Carey Manufacturing Company, Philip Bridgwater Machine Company 4 Carthage Mills, Inc. Burt Manufacturing Company 6 Central Trust Company Danner Press, Inc. 5 Chatfield & Woods Foundation Firestone Tire & Rubber Company 4 Cincinnati Butchers' Supply Company First National Bank 6 Cincinnati Cordage & Paper Company General Tire Foundation (General Tire j 5 Cincinnati Economy Drug Company Cr Rubber Company) 4 Cincinnati Sheet Metal Gr Roofing Com3 Good Supply & Equipment Company | pany 6 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company 1 2 Cincinnati Stamping & Furnace Company 1 Astrup, Walter C. 5 McNeil Machine & Engineering Company j 3 College Club of Cincinnati 4 Atlas Bolt Gr Screw Company 7 National Rubber Machinery Company 6 Colonial Stores Foundation (Albers Super 4 Atlas Car Gr Manufacuring Company 4 Ornamental Iron Work Company Markets) 7 Austin Company 2 Overland Transportation Company 5 Cooper Company, Myers Y. 3 Austin Powder Company 2 Cordes Lumber Company 2 Portage Machine Company 1 Autoware Foundation (Premier Auto 3 Roadway Express 4 Crosley Broadcastng Corporation ware Company) 2 Rogers Company, B. W. 1 Davis Gr Siehl Company 1 Bailey Meter Company 1 Seiberling Rubber Company 1 Day Brake Company, j. H. 3 Bargar Metal Fabricating Company 5 Sinclair-Collins Valve Company 1 Drackett Company 7 Bartlett Gr Snow Company, C. O. 3 Early Gr Daniel Company I 4 Basic, Inc. ALLIANCE 1 Fashion Frocks, Inc. ^ 5 Bath Company, Cyril 2 Alliance Clay Product Company 6 Federated Department Stores Foundation 6 Beaumont Foundation, Louis D. (The 2 Fifth-Third Union Trust Company j May Company) AMHERST 5 First National Bank ; 5 Borg-Warner Corporation 6 U S. Automatic Foundation 4 Frank Tea Gr Spice Company ‘ 4 Braham Laboratories, Inc. ARCHBOLD 4 Franklin Cotton Mill Company i 1 Britton Fund 2 Farmers Gr Merchants State Bank j 1 Brooks Company 3 French-Bauer 1 Gardner Publications, Inc. I 4 Buckeye Ribbon Gr Carbon Company ASHLAND 6 Gray Company, G. A. I 3 Builders Structural Steel Corporation 2 Hess Gr Clark, Inc. 5 Heekin Can Company 1 3 Cadillac Glass Company 3 Myers Gr Brothers Company, F. E. 4 Hess Gr Eisenhardt Company 7 Campus Sweater Gr Sportswear Company 1 Hilton Hawley Company 4 Capital Bank ASHTABULA 5 Capper-Harman-Slocum, Inc. (Ohio 4 Farmers National Bank Gr Trust Company j 6 Huenefeld Memorial, Inc. ! 4 Inter-Ocean Insurance Company Farmer) 2 Mikkelsen Gr Sons Greenhouses 6 Joseph Company, David J. 5 Carling Brewing Company 2 Molded Fiber Glass Body Company 7 Kahn's Sons Company, E. 7 Central National Bank 3 Molded Fiber Glass Company 2 Keco Industries, Inc. 4 Central Outdoor Advertising Company ATTICA 6 Kiechler Manufacturing Company 1 Champion Rivet Company 3 Kinney, Inc., A. M. 1 Sutton State Bank 3 Chase Brass Gr Copper Company 1 Kite, Wiliam H. 2 Chilcote Company BARBERTON 5 Krehbiel Company, C. j. 2 Clark Controller Company 4 Rockwell Manufacturing Company 2 Kroger Company i 7 Cle-Val Foundation (Cleveland Worm Gr 3 Yoder Brothers, Inc. 6 Lawson Company, F. H. Gear Company, Farvel Corporation) BELLEFONTAINE 6 LeBlond Machine Tool Company, R. K. 1 Cleveland Builders Supply Company 3 Lichter Foundation, Inc. (Southern Fire 1 Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Company 1 Knowiton Construction Company 2 Ceveland Cotton Products Company proofing Company) BELLEVUE 2 Liebel Flarsheim Company 3 Cleveland Crane Gr Engineering Company 2 Northern Ohio Telephone Company 2 Linder, G. A. 7 Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company 2 Union Bank Gr Savings Company 2 Linder, G. V. 4 Cleveland Engraving Company 6 Littleford Brothers, Inc. 5 Cleveland Pneumatic Foundation BUCYRUS 6 Lockwood Manufacturing Company 5 Cleveland Range Company 2 Cobey Corporation 3 MacGregor Sport Products, Inc. 3 Cleveland Securities Corporation 1 Shunk Manufacturing Company 4 Maescher Gr Company, Charles V. 1 Cleveland Sport Goods Company 4 McDonald Printing Company 2 Cleveland Trencher Company BURTON 5 Merrell Company, William S. 6 Cleveland Trust Company 5 First National Bank 6 Messer Gr Sons, Inc., Frank 6 Cleveland Twist Drill Foundation BYESVILLE 6 Meyer Packing Company, H. H. 5 Cleveland Wire Cloth Cr Manufacturing 1 Fabri-Form Company 6 Miller Shoe Company Company 5 National Underwriter Company 7 Clevite Corporation CANFIELD 3 Nivison-Weiskopf Company 4 Continental Bank 3 Johnson Lumber Company 4 Norwood Sash Gr Door Manufacturing 4 Cook Coffee Company Company 1 Cowell Gr Hubbard CANTON 2 NuTone, Inc. 5 Cowles Chemical Company 6 Belden Brick Company 2 Ohio Knife Company 6 Cozier Container Corporation 2 Bliss Company, E. W. 1 3 Palazzolo Company, Antonio 2 Crucible Steel Castings Company 2 Bonnot Company i 4 Poliak Steel Company 1 Curtis 1000, Inc. 5 Bowdil Company 3 Cuyahoga Abstract Title Gr Trust Com 1 Bowman Bros. Drug Company ' 6 Printing Machinery Company 6 Procter Gr Gamble Fund pany 6 Buxbaum Foundation 5 Provident Savings Bank Gr Trust Company 1 Cuyahoga Savings Association 3 Canton Corrugated Box Company 3 Radio Cincinnati, Inc. 4 Dairypak, Inc. 4 Canton Engraving Gr Electrotype Company j 6 Davis, A. F. 3 Canton National Bank j 2 Rapid Electrotype Company 2 Realistic Company ! 7 Dill Manufacturing Company 2 Canton Provision Company I j 3 Dingle-Clark Company 1 Canton Tool ManufacturingCompany j 2 Richardson-Taylor-Globe Corporation I 4 Di-Noc Chemical Arts, Inc. 6 Citizens Savings & Loan Company j 2 Richter Concrete Corporation 2 Robertson Fence Company I 4 Dobeckmun Company 6 Climalene Company I i 5 Donley Brothers Company 2 Danner Press of Canton, Inc. | 2 Rookwood Oil Terminals, Inc. 1 Rudd, Inc., William A. i 1 Donley's Sons, Inc., Ernest F. 3 Diebold, Inc. 5 Sawbrook Steel Castings Company 4 Downing Coal Company 3 Dime Savings Bank 6 FirTt FederaT Savings Gr Loan Association I 2 Schenley Distillers, Inc , 2 Dracco Corporation 5 Scripps, Charles E. , 4 East Ohio Gas Company 3 First National Bank I 3 Shepard Warner Elevator Company 5 Eaton Manufacturing Company 1 Furbay Electric Supply Company I 7 South-Western Piiblishing Company 3 Electric Products Company 4 Harrison Paint & Varnish Company ! 3 Emerson Company, Sam W. I 2 Strathmore Press, Inc. 3 Harter Bank Gr Trust Company j 2 Streitmann Biscuit Company i 2 Empire Plow Company 1 Hilscher-Clarke Electric Company : 6 Tool Steel Gear Gr Pinion Company i 2 Enos Coal Mining Company 1 Home Savings Gr Loan Company ; 1 Trailmobile Company I 2 Erico Products, Inc. 5 Hoover Company Charitable Trust 1 Tresler Oil Company j 4 Erie Railroad Company 1 Jackson-Bayley Electric Company 1 Tri-State Savings Gr Loan Company I 7 Ernst Gr Ernst Foundation 1 Mahoney Sash Gr Door Company 3 United States Shoe Corporation I 3 Fawick Corporation 3 Ohio Ferro-Alloys Corporation 2 Verkamp Corporation 4 Feather Company, William 6 Ohio Power Company 2 Welfare Finance Corporation 1 Federal-Mogul-Bower Bearings, Inc. 1 Peoples Merchant Trust Company 4 Witt Cornice Company 3 Feldman Brothers Company 1 R. Gr J. Furniture Company 1 Ziv Television Programs, Inc. 7 Ferro Corporation 2 Reiter Corporation 7 Ferro Engineering Company 1 Ross Independent Oil Company CIRCLEVILLE 6 Ferro Machine Gr Foundry (Company 3 Stark Ceramics, Inc. 6 Eshelman Gr Sons, John W. 4 Sterling Bakery 3 Ferrotherm Company 2 Sugardale Provision Company 2 Ferry Screw Products, Inc., E. W. CLEVELAND 1 Timken Roller Bearing Company 1 Finney Company 3 Abrams Foundation, William 3 United States Ceramic Tile Company 2 Forbes Company, Benjamin P. 3 Addressograph-Multigraph Corporation 6 Forest City Foundries CAREY 2 Advance Plating Company 5 Franklin Ice Cream Company 4 Ajax Manufacturing Company 5 Peoples Bank Company 2 Gabriel Company 4 Allstate Foundation CINCINNATI 4 Gilkey Printing Company, W. S. 3 Aluminum Company of America 3 Gilman Company, A. S. 4 Allis-Chalmers Foundation (Allis-Chal- 4 American Greetings Corporation 1 Glascote Products, Inc. mers Manufacturing Company) 2 American Monorail Company 5 American Laundry Machinery Company 4 American Ship Building Company 6 Glidden Company 3 American Metal Products Company 4 Andrews, Bartlett and Associates, Inc. 6 Criswold-Eshleman Company 5 Amsco Solvents Gr Chemicals Company 2 Anonymous 6 Gund, George 5 Anderson Company, W. H. 6 Anonymous 5 H. & P. Die Gr Stamping Company
3 1 4 1 4 1 2 5 2 2 6 4 5
Seventh Year, Ending April 15,
Numeral Shows Numbeji I 2 I 1 I 6 ' 2 ; 6 ] 3
I6 ,
; I
4 2 3 2 4 4 1 2 5 1 1 6 7 4 6 5 5 7 5 1 1 3
4 4 5 3 7 3 3 7 3 2 2 6 7 3 6 6 5 4 7 1 1 2 5 3 4 4 2 7 1 2 2 2 4 4 5 } 1 4 7 4 2 6 ! 1 2 1 5 3 4 7 7 4
6 1
6 2 1 2 4
Haas, Walter M. I Hadden Foundation ' Hankins Foundation Harris Calorific Company Harris Intertype Company Harshaw Chemical Company Hauserman Company, E. F. T Heller Cr Associates, Inc., Robert Higbee Company Hill Acme Company Horsburgh Gr Scott Company Hough Bakeries, Inc. Hunkin-Conkey Construction Company Industrial Publishing Company Interior Steel Equipment Company Jack & Heintz Foundation Kohn, Richard H. Lake Erie Screw Corporation Lamson Gr Sessions Company Land Title Guarantee Cr Trust Company Lang, Fisher Cr Stashower, Inc. Lincoln Electric Foundation Lindsay Wire Weaving Company Lion Knitting Mills Company Lubrizol Corporation Madison Company, H. W. Martindale Electric Company Master Products Company May-Fran Engineering Company McFalls, Edwin L. McKee Gr Company, Arthur G. McNitts, Inc. Medusa Portland Cement Company Midland Ross Foundation Mid-West Metallic Products, Inc. Motch Gr Merryweather Company Mueller, Ralph S. Myers Meat Company National City Bank National Copper Gr Smelting Company National Screw Gr Manufacturing Com pany North American Coal Corporation North American Manufacturing Company Oglebay, Norton Gr Company Ohio Bell Telephone Company Ohio Gear Company Ohio Loan Gr Discount Company Ohio Machinery Company Osborn Manufacturing Company Owen Bucket Company Parker-Hannifin Corporation Paterson-Leitch-Shenk Foundation Penton Publishing Foundation Peterson Foundation (Preformed Line Products Company) Pickands, Mather Gr Company Qua Buick Inc. Rand Development Company Rawson, Grace P. Reliance Electric Cr Engineering Company Republic Steel Corporation Richman Brothers Company River Raisin Paper Foundation Roediger Construction, Inc. St. Regis Container Corporation Saltzman Foundation (Bobbie Brooks, Inc.) Sanymetal Products Company > Scott Gr Steffen, Inc. | Shaker Savings Association I Sherwin Williams Company Smith Gr Oby Company j Society for Savings \ Spohn Heating Gr Ventilating Compat.y Electric Controller Cr Manufacturing Company Standard Envelope Manufacturing Com pany Standard Oil Company of Ohio Standard Products Company, Reid Prod ucts Division Standard Signs, Inc. Standard Tool Company State Chemical Manufacturing Company Steel Improvement Gr Forge Company Steingass Litho, Inc. Stouffer Foundation Superior Die Casting Company Superior Foundry, Inc. Towmotor Foundation Tremco Manufacturing Company Tyler Company, W. S. Union Commerce Bank Walsh Equipment Company, W. T. Warner Gr Swasey Company Weatherhead Company Wellman Company, S. K. West Steel Castings Company White Motor Company
Total $837,340
of Annual Contributions Whitmer-Jackson Charitable Trust 4 Williams Foundation, Birkett L. 6 Wolf Envelope Company 5 World Publishing Company 3 Wuliger, Ernest M. 4 Yoder Company 1 Youngstown Steel Door Company
4 1 5 3 4 4 5 6
3 2 4 5
4 2 5 4 4 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 3 4 2 5 6 6
2 5 3 4 1 1 4 2 2 4 5 3 7 3 5 4 2 5 2 4 4 3 3 5
Altman-Coady Company Anonymous Anonymous Arrowcrete Corporation Banner Die Tool & Stamping Company Belmont Casket Manufacturing Company Big Bear Stores Company Bone, H. M. Bordens Dairy & Ice Cream Company Bricker, Senator John W. Buckeye Furnace Pipe Company Buckeye Stamping Comply Buckeye Steel Castings Company Bulen, J. Elwood Capital Finance Corporation Central Ohio Paper Company Certified Credit Corporation City National Bank & Trust Company Columbus Auto Parts Company Columbus Coated Fabrics Corporation Columbus Forge & Iron Company Columbus Green Cabs, Inc. Columbus Hardware Supplies, Inc. Columbus Heating & Ventilating Com pany , ^ Columbus Pharmacal Company Columbus Plastic Products, Inc. Columbus & Southern Ohio Electric Company , Commercial Motor Freight, Inc. Corrugated Container Company Davies, Inc., David Dean Gr Barry Company Denison Engineering Division of Ameri can Brake Shoe Foundation Diamond Milk Products, Inc. Dictating Cr Recording Company Donaldson Baking Company Edwards Company, j. T. English Company, Walter Falter Packing Company, Herman Feinknopf Company, Mark D. Frampton & Company, D. B. Garwick & Ross, Inc. General Hotel Supply Company Heer Foundation Hildreth Foundation (Kinnear Manufactoring Company Huntington National Bank Ingram Foundatiorii Edgar W, (White Castle Systems, Inc.) Jameson, H. W. Jeffrey Manufacturing Company Johnson-Dawes Company Julian & Kokenge Company Kauffman-Lattimer Company Krauss News Agency, Scott Lake Shore System Lattimer-Stevens Company Lennox Industries, Inc. M Cr R Dietetic Laboratories Marble Cliff Quarries Company Marshall Foundation, Mary B. and L. H. (Marshall Products Company) McNally Lumber Company Meeks Cr Company, J. N. Melton Foundation, Samuel Mendel (Capital Manufacturing Company) Mertz, B. J. Modern Finance Company Morris Company, C. E. Motorists Mutual Insurance Company National Electric Coil Company National Industrial Products Company Nationwide Insurance Companies Nida, Delbert Nida-Eckstein Printing Company North American Aviation, Inc. Ohio Consumer Loan Association Ohio Exterminating Company Ohio Fuel Gas Company Ohio National Bank. Branches, and Affiliates Omar, Inc. Peterson, N. T. Plastex Company . Polster Company, Louis K. Public Finance Corporation Ranco, Inc.
5 3 3 4 5 3 3 3 7 1 3 3 6
Schoedinger, Inc., F. O. Stertzer Decorating, Inc. Suburban Motor Freight, Inc. Sunday Creek Coal Company Tornado Manufacturing Company Union Company Union Fork Cr Hoe Company Van Bolt-Kreber Electrotype Company Wesleyan University Press, Inc. Whitaker-Merrell Company Williams Company, W. W. Yardley Plastics, Inc. Yassenoff Foundation (F. Gr Y. Con struction Company)
j 1 2 I 1 ' 5 j 1 ! 6 1 2 7 1 5 5 7 3 7 1 2 1 3 1 2 5 1 1 4 3 5 1 1 5 2 1 5 1
CONNEAUT 1 Allied Resins, Inc. 1 Citizens Banking Cr Savings Company
COSHOCTON 4 5 2 1 3 3 3
6 1
Osterfeld Company, H. J. I 7 Payne Gr Company 3 Pfiaum Publisher, Inc., George A, | 6 Plocher Sons Company, Andrew 6 Porter, James B. ! 4 Precision Rubber Products Foundation j 2 Premier Rubber Manufacturing Company ; 6 Price Brothers Company Printing Service Company , Ready Mixed Corporation ® Reynolds Gr Reynolds Company ' Rike-Kumler Company 5 Roberts Foundation, Mason Roth Office Equipment Company Seifreat-Elstad Machinery Company , 3 Sheffield Corporation 4 Sherer Company, Archie Sherman-Standard Register Foundation . (Standard Register Company) ^ Stotts-Friedman Company Tait Foundation, Frank M. 7 Tait Manufacturing Company Thai's Thai, S. H. 6 Thiele Foundation (Miami Dickerson i 7 Steel Company) ! 1 Transmission, Inc. I 2 Union Storage Company United Aircrafts Products. Inc. , . Universal Tool Company , • Univis Lens Company Vulcan Tool Company ] Wagner-Smith Company Wayne Colorplate Company of Ohio Western Tablet Gr Stationery Charitable 2 Trust 2 Weston Wabash Foundation ! 1 Withrow, Helen E. : 7
Beach Company Clow Cr Sons, James B. DELAWARE Coshocton National Bank 3 Greif Brothers Cooperage Corporation Coshocton Tribune Edmont Manufacturing Company DELPHOS Pretty Products, Inc. St. Regis Container Corporation—Hunt- j 3 New Delphos Manufacturing Company DOVER Crawford Div. 3 St. Regis Container Corporation—Musk i 4 Marsh Lumber Company ingum Mill Div. 3 Marsh Wall Products, Inc. 2 Shaw-Barton, Inc. I EAST LIVERPOOL 4 Steel Ceilings, Inc. ! 1 Potters Bank Gr Trust Company
1 3 4 5 6 7 1 4 1 4 5 3 6 1 6 1 1 2 1
Anonymous Apex Machine Cr Tool Company Behm Cr Sons Company, George Berry Company, L. M. Buckeye Iron Gr Brass Works Buckeye Tools Corporation Burger Iron Company Cappel, MacDonald Gr Company Cassano Pizza Houses, Inc., Vic Central Motor Sales City Transit Company Cline, Robert L. Danis Company, B. G. Dayton Bread Company Dayton Builders Supply Company Dayton Carbide Tool Company Dayton Casting Company Dayton Clearing House Association Dayton Forging Cr Heat Treating Com pany 7 Dayton Malleable Iron Foundation 6 Dayton Power Gr Light Company 4 Dayton Precision Manufacturing Com pany 5 Dayton Process Engravers, Inc. 5 Dayton Steel Foundry Company 1 Dayton Stencil Works 3 Dayton Typographic Service 6 Duriron Company 1 Durr Products, Inc. 6 East Dayton Tool Foundation 6 Federal Steel Corporation 4 Fidelity Prescriptions, Inc. 6 Gebhart Folding Box Company 1 Gibbons Supply Company, M. J. 5 Globe Industries, Inc. 6 Harris-Thomas Drop Forge Company 1 Helldoerfer-Castellini 5 Huffman Manufacturing Company 2 International Engineering, Inc. 1 Joyce-Cridland Company 2 Kettering Foundation 2 Kircher, Helton Cr Collett, Inc. 1 Kramer Brothers Foundry Company 4 Kuhns Brothers Foundation 1 Kuntz Foundation, Peter (Kuntz Co.) 1 League of Insured Savings Gr Loan As sociations 3 Leland, Inc., G. H. 3 Lion Uniform Company 7 Lorenz Publishing Company 6 Lowe Brothers Company 1 Malone Camera Stores, Inc. 1 Maxon Construction Company 6 McCall Corporation 4 Mead Corporation 5 Metropolitan Company 4 Miami Valley Distributing Company 1 Mikesell, Inc., Daniel W. 6 Monarch Marking System Company 1 Muth, Howard W. 1 Muth, Jerome J. 3 National Cash Register Company 1 National Foundry & Furnace Company 3 National Tag Company
1 2 1 2 1
i 1 1 1 , 1
Bendix-Westinghouse Automotive Airbrake Company Colson Corporation Concrete Masonry Corporation Duplex Manufacturing Gr Foundry Com pany Elyria Telephone Company Lorain County Printing Cr Publishing Company Ohio Screw Products, Inc. Pfaudler Company Ridge Tool Company Timms Spring Company
FINDLAY ! 1 3 2 4 7
Cooper Tire Gr Rubber Company Findlay Publishing Company Hancock Brick Gr Tile Company National Lime Gr Stone Company Ohio Oil Company Foundation
FOSTORIA Fostoria Pressed Steel Corporation 4 Gray Printing Company
Croghan Colonial Bank
5 1 5 I I I
j 1
1 2 i 5
Ohio Farmers Companies
LIMA Metropolitan Bank Ohio Steel Foundry Company Superior Coach Corporation West Ohio Gas Company
LOGAN Holl, Barton A.
LONDON McCord Corporation
LORAIN Lorain Lorain Lorain Lorain
Banking Company Journal Company Products Corporation Telephone Company
Globe Steel Abrasive Company Hartman Electrical Manufacturing Com pany Ideal Electric Gr Manufacturing Company Mansfield Brass & Aluminum Corporation Mansfield Tire Gr Rubber Company Ohio Brass Company Richland Shale Brick Company Richland Trust Company Therm-O-Disc, Inc.
I 1
Scott Foundation, O.
I 1 First National Bank j 2 First Savings Gr Loan Company 3 Massillon Spring Gr Rivet Corporation 3 Massillon Steel Casting Company I 1 Ohio Drilling Company 1 State Bank Company I 3 Superior Provision Company
MAUMEE 5 Anderson Foundation (For Anderson Elevator Company, Anderson Truck Terminal, Anderson Farmer Corpora tion)
MEDINA Hausted Manufacturing Company 6 Old Phoenix National Bank
Dayton Sure-Grip Gr Shore Company
MIDDLE BRANCH 6 Diamond Portland Cement Company
Johnson Rubber Company
MIDDLETOWN 3 Anonymous 7 Crystal Tissue Company
Dave Steel Corporation
6 Beckett Paper Company 6 Black-Clawson Company 6 Champion Paper Foundation I 6 Clearing Machine Corporation 6 Griesmer, William P. 6 Hamilton Autographic Register Company ! 5 Hamilton Brass & Aluminum Castings I Company 6 Hamilton Clearing House Association (Citizens Savings Bank Gr Trust Com1 pany. First National Bank Gr Trust I Company, Second National Bank) \ 7 Hamilton Foundry Gr Machine Company j Foundation I 6 Hamilton Lumber Company I 6 Hamilton Tool Company ; 2 Journal Publishing Co. 1 3 Krauth Gr Benninghofen I 6 Mosler Safe Company 1 5 Murstein Foundation (Wilmur's, Inc.) I 6 Ohio Casualty Insurance Company
Glass Corporation Corporation
! 6 Nickles Bakery,
i 4 American Pad Gr Textile Company I 3 Wilknit Hosiery Company American Aggregates Corporation 4 Buchy Packing Company, Charles G.
Anchor-Hocking Lancaster Glass
Larson Foundry Company, W. O.
’ 3 American Malleable Casting Company I 3 Fairfield Engineering Company I 1 Peterson, Ben
Geneva Metal Wheel Company
Davey Tree Expert Company
j 2 Airolite Foundation ; 2 Marietta Concrete Corporation
Eagle Crusher Company ' 2 Cation Iron Works Gr Manufacturing Company j 4 Perfection Steel Body Company 4
6 Carbon Educational Gr Charitable Founda tion
2 Farmers Cr Citizens State Bank
Pease Woodwork Company Ransohoff, Inc. Shuler Gr Benninghofen Southwestern Ohio Steel, Inc. Vaughn Building Company Wente Electric Company Western States Machine Company
1 4 First National Bank
' 1 Denny Lumber Company ; 6 Interstate Folding Box Company 3 News-Journal, Inc. 3 Office Outfitters, Inc. 4 Oglesby-Barnitz Bank Gr Trust Company , 2 Rathman, Ernest D. 6 Sorg Paper Company 3 Wrenn Paper Company
Cooper-Bcssemer Corporation
I 6 Nickles Bakery, Inc., Alfred
; 1
Budf’ct Company
NEW LONDON Savings Cr Loan Banking Company 6 Ward Company, C. E.
NORWALK 2 Citizens National Bank 3 Huron County Banking Company
ORRVILLE 5 Quality Castings Company 5 Schantz Organ Company
OXFORD 4 First Citizens Bank
PIQUA 4 French Oil Mill Machinery Company 6 Hartzell Industries, Inc. 1 Piqua National Bank Cr Trust Company
PORTSMOUTH 3 3 2 2 7
Ohio Stove Company Security Central National Bank Snook, J. L. Standard Supply Company Williams-Matthews Foundation
RAVENNA 2 2 3 2 3 6
First Savings Bank & Trust Company Industrial Metal Products Company Jones Brothers Structural Steel Company Oak Rubber Company Second National Bank Williams Company, A. C.
RITTMAN Ohio Boxboard Foundation 1 Rittman Savings Bank
SALEM 2 Doming Company 2 Electric Furnace Company 6 Farmers National Bank 2 Perrault. Mr. and Mrs. George, Jr.
SANDUSKY 2 5 2 2
American Crayon Company Hinde & Dauch Paper Foundation Lyman Boat Works, Inc. Sandusky Foundry Gr Machine Company
SHELBY 2 Autocall Company 1 Carton Service Company
Shelby Salesbook Company Berryhill Nursery Company Robbins & Myers, Inc. Thermometer Corporation of America
Bank Cr Trust Company
STONE CREEK 5 Stone Creek Brick Company
SYLVANIA 3 Reynolds, Irving C.
TIFFIN 4 Beatrice Foods Company 4 National Machinery Foundation 4 Webster Manufacturing Company
TIPP CITY 1 Smith Corporation, A. 0.
TOLEDO 2 A. P. Parts Corporation 5 Alloy Founders, Inc. 2 American Floor Machine Company 6 Art Iron Company 2 Auburndale Truck Company 3 Babcock Dairy Company 1 Baron Steel Company 2 Bell & Beckwith
1 Bellman, Gillett Cr Richards 1 Bentley & Sons Company, A. 1 Bingham-Herbrand Corporation 1 Britsch, Macelwane & Associates 1 Buddies Food Services, Inc. 3 Champion Spark Plug Company 1 Christen Cr Sons Company, Fred 1 City Auto Globe-Wernicke Foundation 6 Dana Corporation 4 Detroit Harvester Company 3 DeVilbiss Company 1 DiSalle Plating Company 2 Electric Power Maintenance Company 2 Eriksen's, Inc. 2 EttI Company 3 First Federal Savings & Loan Association 5 Franklin Ice Cream Company 2 Haughton Elevator Company 2 Hausman Steel Company 1 Hughes, Lloyd I. 2 Jennison Wright Company 4 Kent-Owens Machine Company 2 Kuhiman Builders Supply & Brick Com pany 2 L-O-F Glass Fibers Company 6 Landers Corporation 1 Lehr, Roland 6 Libby-Owens-Ford Glass Company 3 Meilink Steel Safe Company 2 Meisel, Eliot M. 3 Merchants Finance Company 3 Mill & Factory Supply Company 1 Mohler, Edward F. 1 Mohr Brothers Bottling Company 3 National Cement Products Company 5 National Family Opinion, Inc. 3 Nicholson Concrete Company 4 Ohio Citizens Trust Company 4 Ohio Plate Glass Company 2 Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation 6 Owens-Illinois Class Company 3 Page Dairy Company 1 Palmer Pann Corporation 4 Reichert Float & Manufacturing Company 5 Schmidt Provision Company 2 Spieker Company, Henry J. 1 Starsky, Milton 5 State Bank 1 Superior Spinning & Stamping Company 3 Tecumseh Products Company 2 Tillman, Joseph L. 4 Title Guarantee & Trust Company 2 Toledo Edison Company 2 Toledo Pickling & Steel Service, Inc. 3 Unitcast Corporation 2 Willys-Motors, Inc. 2 Woolson Spice Company
TORONTO 2 Toronto
Paperboard Company
URBANA 3 Urbana Tool Gr Die Company 5 Evans Pipe Company 1 Quimby's Holsum Bakery, Inc. 5 Superior Clay Corporation
2 Aeroquip Corporation 5 Eggerss, Charles E.
5 Wapakoneta Machine Company
5 Inland
WOOSTER 1 Holmes Construction Company 1 Wooster Brush Company 4 Wooster Rubber Company
YELLOW SPRINGS Bean & Company, Morris
YOUNGSTOWN 1 5 1 2 5 5 6
1 2 2 3 5 5
4 5 5 6
1 5 2 6
5 2 5
4 4 2 3 5
5 6
1 3 5 6 6 6
Beatty, Perry Bessemer Limestone Gr Cement Company Century Food Markets Company Coca-Cola Bottling Company Commercial Shearing Gr Stamping Foun dation Dollar Savings Gr Trust Company Donnell, Inc., L. F. First Federal Savings Gr Loan Association Fitzsimmons Steel Company Fowler Company, J. D. General Fireproofing Company Heller-Murray Company Home Savings Gr Loan Company Hynes Steel Products Company Industrial Silica Corporation Isaly Dairy Company Jones Gr Laughlin Steel Corporation Mackenzie Muffler Company Mahoning National Bank McKay Machine Company McKelvey Charitable Foundation (McKelvey Company, G. M.) Metal Carbides Corporation Ohio Leather Company Peoples Bank Pollock Company Foundation, William B. Roll Formed Products Company Sampson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J., Jr. Saramar Aluminum Company Scott Gr Sprinkle Shriver-Allison Company Stambaugh Lumber Company Standard Slag Company Steelduct Company Strouss-Hirshberg Company Swedlow Plastics Company Union National Bank Valley Mould Gr Iron Corporation Vindicator Printing Company Youngstown Arc Engraving Company Youngstown Foundry Cr Machine Com pany Youngstown Sheet Gr Tube Company Youngstown Welding Cr Engineering Company
1 Balias Egg Products Company 5 Mosaic Tile Company
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 1 Beatrice Foods Company 2 Clissold Publishing Company 5 Concora Foundation (Container Corpora tion of America)
Container Corporation
3 Ohio Lime Company 1 Woodville State Bank
1 Central Soya, Inc.
WILLOUGHBY 7 Eagle-Picher Company)
Injector Company
3 Ohio Scrap Iron Company
5 Jones Metal Products Company
ation 5 Inland Steel-Ryerson Foundation 4 International Harvester Company 1 Morton Salt Company 3 Union Tank Car Company
3 Denoyer-Geppert Company 3 General American Transportation Corpor
1 Franklin
4 Oxford Miami Paper Company
3 Times-Bulletin
Taylor Company, Halsey W. Taylor-Wintield Foundation Trumbull Savings Gr Loan Company Union Savings & Trust Company Warren Tool Corporation Wean Foundation, Raymond John
4 American Envelope Company
4 American Welding Company
TROY 1 Gummed Products Company
4 Ohio
3 5 2 2 2
DETROIT, MICHIGAN 1 BullDog Electric Products Company
3 Detroit Steel Corporation
1 Ex-Cell-0 Corporation 4 General Motors Corporation 3 Kresge Company, S. S. 1 Parke, Davis Gr Company
MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 5 General Mills Foundation
ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 4 DeLuxe Check Printers Foundation
LEONIA, NEW JERSEY 5 Croxton, Mr. and Mrs. F. E.
MORRISTOWN, NEW JERSEY 4 Beneficial Management Corporation
NEW YORK, NEW YORK 3 Allied Stores Foundation, (A. Polsky Co.,
3 2
1 2 1 3 3
3 1 1 z 4
Akron: Sterling-Lindner-Davis, Cleve land; Rollman Gr Sons Co., Cincinnati; Morehouse-Fashion, Columbus; Robinson-Schwenn, Hamilton; John Ross Store, Middletown; Edward \Vren Store, Springfield) American Oil Company Babcock Gr Wilcox Company Beck Shoe Corporation Best Foods, Inc. Continental Can Company Graybar Electric Company Philip Morris, Inc. National Biscuit Company National Dairy Products Corporation (Kraft Foods Div., Chicago; and other affiliates of National Dairy Products Corporation — Sealtest Ohio Div., Cleveland, Sealtest Central Div., Cin cinnati and Huntington, Indiana; Detroit Creamery Div., Detroit; Rieck Dairy Div., Pittsburgh) Socony Mobil Oil Company Sterling Drug Company Sylvania Electric Products, Inc. Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation United States Steel Foundation
Royal McBee Corporation
CORAOPOLIS, PENNSYLVANIA 1 Rockwell-Standard Corporation
PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA 1 Allegheny Ludlum Steel Company 4 Eljer Company 6 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Foundation
MADISON, WISCONSIN 1 Bassett Foundation, Norman
MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN 1 Koehring Company 1 Smith Foundation, A. O.
Coronation Ceremonies Highlight May Day Weekend "May Day—100 Years Ago” was the theme of the 1958 May Day program at Otterbein on Saturday, May 10. A pre-Civil War atmosphere was the pro gram setting which took place in the Westerville City Park bandshell before an overflow May Day morning crowd. Miss Bonnie Paul, who hails from Johnstown, Pennsylvania, was chosen Queen by popular vote of the student body. A member of Epsilon Kappa Tau (Arbutus) Sorority, she was also trea surer of the junior class, secretary of the Council of Christian Association, and a junior counselor. Bonnie is an art ma jor. MAY DAY QUEEN AND COURT following coronation are left to right: Miss Wavalene Kumler, second attendant; Mrs. Marilyn Wiles Spangenberg, retiring queen; Miss Bonnie Paul, May Queen; crown bearer, Kevin Chase, son of Professor and Mrs. Marion Chase; Miss Marilyn Miller, Maid of Honor; and Miss Reba Akers, first attendant.
Mrs. Marilyn Wiles Spangenberg, Lexington, Ohio, was the retiring queen. Maid of Honor was Miss Marilyn Miller, Westerville, Ohio, and daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Wade S. Miller. Miss Reba Akers, Kenova, West Virginia, was first attendant and Miss Wavalene Kumler, Columbus, Ohio, was second attendant. The program, in accordance with the theme—"May Day—100 Years Ago,” was presented by various campus or ganizations and narrated by Miss Nancy Myers, Canton, Ohio, freshman. Of spe cial interest was the dance performed by the Bachman Dance Studio. The "royal” entertainment was terminated by the traditional May Pole Dance by the freshmen women. Afternoon activities featured the Otterbein-Kenyon baseball game and sorority teas at 4 p.m. A very entertaining play, "The Rain maker,” by R. Richard Nash was pre sented in the evening at Cowan H;ill. The play was under the direction of James Rapport and the cast was headed by Miss Nancy Myers and Jack Hinton.
OFIC CONTRIBUTORS The preceeding four-page insert carries a complete list of 195758 donors to the Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges. Otter bein received $27,024.73 out of a total of $837,340. This was the seventh year for the OFIC fund-raising program from corporations and business concerns in Ohio.
FACULTY RESIGNATIONS Dr. Frederic R. Bamforth, professor of mathematics since 1950, has accepted a position in the graduate school, de partment of mathematics, at Texas Christian University. John W. Bott, an instructor in ele mentary education, resigned to accept a position with Ginn and Company, book publishers. Dr. C. H. Conner, Dean during the school year, 1957-58, is leaving to take a position teaching English in Harri sonburg High School, Harrisonburg, Virginia. Dr. Meredith P. Gilpatrick, assistant professor of history and government during the past year, is leaving to prac tice law. Rev. Robert L. Lederman, Chaplain, has accepted a position as Director of Christian Education, St. Andrews River Heights Church, Winnipeg, Canada. Major Samuel H. Morrison, head of the Air Force R.O.T.C. unit at Otter bein for the past two years, has been assigned to duties with the U.S. Air Force in Saudi Arabia.
Harry W. Ewing
Harold L. McMillan
Harry W. Ewing retired on June 30 as Professor of Physical Education and Athletic Director.
Professor Harold L. McMillan, Chair man of the Education Department and Division of Professional Studies since coming to Otterbein in 1946, also re tired in June.
He has been at Otterbein since 1934 and has coached all varsity sports at one time or another. He previously coached at Miami University (Ohio) and Ohio Wesleyan University. Ewing is a former University of Ne braska football star, 1906-10. He holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from Ne braska. During World War II when many colleges curtailed their athletic programs, Ewing valiantly maintained a full schedule of athletic events. He coached all sports himself during those days as well as Athletic Director. His football, basketball, track and baseball teams had excellent records. A testimonial dinner was held for Harry Ewing on Saturday evening. May 31 sponsored by the "O” Club. He was presented a portable television set, transitor radio and luggage from his former students and alumni friends.
A former principal in the Columbus public school system, McMillan was on the Superintendent of School’s staff prior to his twelve-year professorship at Ot terbein. He received his Bachelor of Science in Education degree from Ohio State University and obtained his M.A. de gree from Ohio State in 1926. Members of his division held a sur prise party for him during the last week of school. It is estimated that over 3,000 students came under his direction in the education department during the period he served on the Otterbein faculty. Dr. Floyd Harshman, a member of the faculty since 1932, is also leaving the education department. He had pre viously retired as a superintendent of schools in New Jersey.
Dr. Ralston D. Scott, professor of economics will be Chairman of the Economics and Business Administration Department at Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York. Miss Patricia Sumpstine, an instructor in the biology department, was married on June 14 in Bethany, West Virginia. John F. Wells, assistant professor of psychology since 1952, has accepted a position as staff associate with Science Research Associates, Chicago, Illinois. He will be a test consultant in northern Ohio schools for the research firm with duties in setting up testing, guidance and reading programs. Rev. Forrest G. Garner, admissions counselor, resigned to accept the pas torate of the Antioch EUB Church, near Brookville, Ohio.
SABBATICAL LEAVE Dr. Harold B. Hancock, professor of history and chairman of the Social Studies Division, has been granted a sabbatical leave for 1958-59. He has accepted a fellowship from the Ameri can Philosophical Society for the study of Delaware records of the 17th and 18th centuries in England.
The Distinguished And Honorary Alumnus Awards For 1958 Herman F. Lehman, ’22, received the Distinguished Alumnus Award at the annual Alumni Day banquet, Saturday, May 31. He is a vice president of the General Motors Corporation and general manager of the Frigidaire Division of General Motors in Dayton, Ohio. Scientist, industrialist and civic lead er, Mr. Lehman received this award in recognition of his outstanding service in industry and loyalty to Otterbein College. As G. M. vice president and general manager of Frigidaire, he supervises the entire operation at the five manufactur ing plants in the Dayton area and the 20,000 employees of Frigidaire. More over, he is responsible for the 23 branch operations across the country and several overseas operations.
PRESIDENT-ELECT AND WIFE HONORARY ALUMNI For the second time since awarding the Honorary Alumnus Award, it was bestowed on a husband and wife. This year the award was given to Dr. and Mrs. Lynn W. Turner, the President elect of Otterbein and his wife. Dr. Turner will become the l6th President of Otterbein on September 1st. In receiving the Honorary Alumnus Award, Dr. Turner was cited as a dis tinguished educator, author, churchman, scholar and historian.
Dr. Roy A. Burkhart, ’27
Frigidaire manufactures refrigerators, household appliances, and commercial refrigeration products, as well as air conditioning units. On June 4th, Frigidaire manufactured its 23-miUionth refrigeration unit, mark ing a production milestone unparalleled in the history of the industry. The 23millionth unit was one of the company’s new frost-proof refrigerator-freezer combination. Mr. Lehman serves on the Develop ment Board of Otterbein College. His younger son, Joe, graduated from Otter bein this year.
Mr, Herman F. Lehman, ’22
The fifty-two year old native of Terre Haute, Indiana, is presently a history professor at Indiana University, Bloom ington, Indiana. He graduated from Indiana Central College in 1927, re ceived his master’s degree from Indiana University in 1932 and obtained his Ph.D. degree from Harvard in 1943. Mrs. Vera T. Turner was presented as an outstanding church-woman, musi cian, teacher, homemaker, new queen of the president’s home and first lady of Otterbein. She is also a graduate of Indiana Central College and received a master’s degree from Indiana University.
Dr. Roy A. Burkhart, ’27, received the Distinguished Alumnus Award at the annual Alumni Day banquet, Satur day, May 31. He retired on May 1st as senior minister of First Community Church, Columbus, Ohio. Churchman, counselor, author and friend of youth. Dr. Burkhart received the award in recognition of his out standing ministry and leadership in church and society. When he became minister of First Community Church in January, 1935, there were 1,410 members. Today the congregation numbers 6,000—the larg est membership of any church in the Columbus area. During that same time the church budget expanded from $19,000 to $365,000. During his more than 23 years as senior minister, ”Burkie,” as he is affec tionately known, performed 2,200 wed dings, ^550 baptisms, 550 services of memory, and preached nearly 1,000 sermons. The spiritual leadership he provided for young people is widely known and many churches throughout the country have patterned their youth programs after that of First Community. A few years ago First Community was chosen one of the 12 leading chur ches in the United States by a vote of American ministers. Dr. Burkhart is a former trustee of Otterbein, takes an active interest in Quiz and Quill, and sponsors the Roy A. Burkhart Poetry Contest each year at Otterbein.
Dr. Daniel A. Harris, ’23, of the Oberlin College Conservatory of Music is in Korea this summer under the State Department’s International Educational Exchange Program. He is President of the National Opera Association, Inc., organized in 1955 under the auspices of the Na tional Music Council. While he is in Korea, Dan Harris will hold conferences and give a series of lectures in the music schools of Korea, particularly at National Uni versity and Ewha Women’s Univer sity, under the direction of the cul tural attache of the American Em bassy at Seoul.
Miss Patricia Axline, ’57, is pictured above at the entrance to the school in Troyes, (Aube) France, where she has been teaching since graduation from Otterbein. Dr. Samuel R. Ziegler, ’36, is Pres ident of the New Mexico State Medi cal Society. In recent months, he has received national recognition for his work with the medically indigent. He serves in an advisory capacity to the committee on the caie of the aged and medically indigent of the American Medical Association. Dr. and Mrs. Ziegler (Isabel Howe, ’40), have been residing in Espanola, New Mexico, since 1946. They have three children: Sam, Jr., 15; Norman, 14; and Julia, 7.
Professor George M, Moore, ’28, Professor of Zoology, University of New Hampshire, Dunham, New Hampshire, received a Fulbright grant to lecture this next year in Marine Biology at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. Accompanied by his wife and their two sons, Dennis, 19, and Curtis, 16, the Moores left June 20 and visited Honolulu, Tokyo, and Hongkong enroute to Bangkok. They will be in Thailand ten months and will return to the United States by way of Europe. —
Along with her teaching duties. Miss Axline is studying in France under a scholarship awarded by the Institute of International Education. She graduated with honors from Otterbein in 1957. This summer she is assisting Dr. LaVelle Rosselot in the French film-text being completed in France. She will re turn to the United States this fall and continue graduate studies under a scholarship awarded by Ohio State Uni versity. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Axline, Chillicothe, Ohio, and an active member of the Tyler Memorial EUB Church.
Camp Foltz, '13, a musician and teacher in New York City, presented a piano recital in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Paul L. Frank of the Otterbein faculty over the commencement weekend. He returned to Otterbein for his 45th anniversary class reunion.
Dr. Charles R. Layton, ’13
Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Layton, '13 (Feme Parsons, x’15), were rec ognized for their combined service of 87 years as teachers in Muskingum College, New Concord, Ohio. Members of the faculty, former students, and a host of friends gath ered in the college dining room for an appreciation dinner honoring Dr. and Mrs. Layton on June 6. Dr. Layton taught speech since 1914, at Muskingum and Mrs. Layton was a dramatics teacher for 43 years. Dr. Layton was born in Upper Sandusky, Ohio, and graduated from Bowling Green High School. Fol lowing graduation from Otterbein in 1913, he taught one year at Bowling
Mrs. Feme Parsons Layton, x’15
Green High School before joining the Muskingum College faculty. He received his master’s degree from the University of Michigan and in 1952, was awarded a Ph.D. degree in political science and speech by the University of Michigan. From 194349, Dr. Layton served as dean of Muskingum College. Mrs. Feme Parsons Layton attended Oberlin and Otterbein before gradu ating from the University of Michi gan. She also holds a master’s degree from Michigan. Prior to teaching speech at Mus kingum, Mrs. Layton directed the physical education program for wom en at Otterbein.
Dwight C. "Smokey” Ballenger, ’39, President of the "O” Club pre sented Harry W. Ewing a life-time membership certificate in the ”0” Club at an appreciation dinner on Saturday, May 31. There was an ex cellent attendance of "O” Club mem bers. The "O” Club has presented a pro posal to college officials to install lights on the athletic field for night football games. Final approval is still pending. A sports bulletin will be issued quarterly to members of the club be ginning in August. Future events are: September 3—"O” Club dinner for 1958 football squad and coaches. October 18—Annual "O ” Club Fall Homecoming Dinner in Barlow Hall, 6.00 p.m. November 21-22 — Annual "O” Club Minstrel Show, Cowan Hall.
Duan Roth
Duan Roth, Defiance, Ohio, is the 1958-59 Student Council President at Otterbein. The new student leader is a member of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, Alpha Ep silon Delta, Sigma Zeta and Cap and Dagger. He was also elected to Who’s Who in American Colleges and Uni versities. The first chapter of the Otterbein Organist Guild is pictured around the organ in Lambert Hall with their faculty sponsor. Professor Lawrence S. Frank. The group is under the auspices of the Central Ohio Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. Left to right, first row: David Frees, William F. Smith, Charles Croy, Professor Lawrence Frank, and Dale Guiley. Second row: Joanne Albright, Dorothy Sardinha, Barbara Puderbaugh, William D. Smith, Wayne Shaw, Judy Blue, Janet Risch, Janice Walker, and Ellen Busier.
OMISSION Tlie name of Irvin Libecap, ’09, was unintentionally omitted from the nomi nating committee on the Alumni Asso ciation ballot. His services were greatly appreciated. —19—
Eleven Class Reunions Held In June
Class of 1913, LEFT TO RIGHT: Ethel Beery, Bertha Richards Wineland, Mary Carver Miller, Claire B. Hendrix, Camp W. Foltz, Charles R. Layton, John D. Good, Fred A. Hanawalt, Elmer N. Funkhouser, Sr., Carl V. Roop, Jane Dill McFarland, Carrie Weber Barnthouse, Lucylle E. Welch, Blanche 1. Keck.
Class of 1918, FIRST ROW, left to right: Inez Staub, Marie Wagoner Gifford, Helen Ensor Smith, Janet I. Gilbert, Stella Kurtz Dunn, Rachel Cox Roberts. SECOND ROW: L. H. Higelmire, Forrest L, Bale, Thomas B. Brown, Alice Hall Parent, Charles McIntyre, Elmer H. Barn hart, Elmer Schutz.
Class of 1923, FIRST ROW, left to right: Genevieve Mullin Wood, Mary Meyers Griffiths, Marjorie Copeland Curl, Grace Garber Ranck, Marguerite Gould Barnhard, Ellen Jones, Lucile Lambert Webner. SECOND ROW: John C. Mayne, Harold N. Freeman, Esther McDonald Nichols, Paul J. Harris, Rhea McConaughy Howard, Alice Davison Troop, Horace W. Troop. THIRD ROW: T. E. Newell, Raymond F. Axiine, Arthur E. Roose, John R. Goodrich, W. R. Franklin.
More Class Reunion Pictures
Class of 1928, FIRST ROW, left to right: Alice Propst Hoover, Verda Evans, Ruth Trevorrow Shafer, Alice Schott, Carrie Shreffler Palmer, Margaret Weinland Brooker, Jr., Frances Slade Wurm. SECOND ROW: Marcella Henry Miller, Mary McKenzie, Carrie Slack Baer, George W. Rohrer, Jr., Clyde H. Bielstein, Mary B. Thomas. THIRD ROW: Robert Knight, Claude Zimmerman, Craig C. Wales, Doris Wetherill Zimmerman, Edwin Gearhart, Mildred Wilson Peters, Helen May, Frances Hinds Titus, Wayne Cheek, Gladys Snyder Lowry.
Jl. 'V
Class of 1933, FIRST ROW, left to right: Marianne Norris Temple, Blanche Nichols Knachel, Myrtle Reid Fisher, Opal Greenbaum Daley, Hortense Wilson, Releaffa Freeman Bowell, Alma Dieter Andrews. SECOND ROW: Samuel E. Andrews, Rhea Moomaw Cooper, Annabelle Holtshouse Gearhart, Helen Leichty, Margaret Moore Glover, Ruth Rhodes Brubaker, Harold Martin. THIRD ROW: Frank Samuel, Arthur Brubaker, Merriss Cornell, Virgil B. Shreiner, Daniel Bowell, Roy Bowen, Jack Appleton, Zeller Henry, Robert F. Lane, Harry W. Topolosky.
Class of 1938, FIRST ROW, left to right: Constance Thompson, Sarah Beidleman Shuck, Wilma Mosholder, Helen Miller, Gertrude Williams, Jane Norris Williams, Helen Dick Clymer. SECOND ROW: Elmer Funkhouser, Jr., Emerson Shuck, Robert Hohn, Castro Smith, Lloyd Schicring, John McGee.
CLASS OF 1943, FIRST ROW, left to right: Beverly Loesch Dick, Margaret Wheelbarger Lindee, Jr., Janet Henton, Virginia Burgoyne, Helen Knight Williams, Ellen Esterly Clendenin, Jr., Mary Miller Hoerath. SECOND ROW: Joe Dixon, George Garrison, Ella Jean Frank Norman H. Dohn, Rudolph Thomas.
THIRD ROW: Keith Henton, Francis Bailey, James C, Wood, Warren Ernsberger, William Burkhart, Harry Bean.
CLASS OF 1948, FIRST ROW, left to right: Jeannette Elliott Boughan, Betty Baker Johnston, Fern Fourman, Rachel Walter Fetzer, Miriam Ziegler Beams, Polly Kerns Thomas, Mary Jo Wood Brown. SECOND ROW: Roberta Armstrong Wrassman, Jeannette Moore Himmelberger, Joan Moore Voris, Helen Swisher Beachler, Mary Augspurger McCualsky, Beverly Hancock Corcoran, Martha Stevenson Runyon, Jr., Grace Coleman Brague, Frances Coleman Miller, Juanita Gardis Foltz. THIRD ROW: Wendell King, Fred L. Beachler, Doyle S. Blauch, Patricia Jackson Fleming, Kathryn Behm Larsen, William E. LeMay, John F. Hammond, Lloyd C. Savage, Ray D. Miner. FOURTH ROW: James C. Brown, Donald E. McCualsky, Thomas E. Miller, Karl Farnlacher, Robert J. Wilcox, Kenneth Foltz.
Class of 1953, FIRST ROW, left to right: Marilyn Day, Janet Painter Kemp, EIDoris McFarland, Ann Yost Catlin Ciampa, Erma Boehm, Betty Wolfe Bailey. SECOND ROW: James Heinisch, Eugene Riblet, Gary Hunt, Stanton Ickes, Paul Ciampa, Robert Dunham. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;
Ickes, Jane
A dinner meeting of the Otterbein Alumni Club of the Buffalo area took place at the Park Hotel, Lockport, New York on Saturday, May 10. Roy Clare, ’48, president of the group was the presiding officer. Featured speaker was an exchange student, Giudici Giovanni, from Milan, Italy. He spoke on the education, reli gious and political clubs, the sports and government of Italy. COLUMBUS WOMEN'S CLUB
New officers of the Otterbein Wo men’s Club of Columbus, Ohio are; President—Mrs. Don McCualsky, ’48, (Mary Ann Augsberger). Vice President—Mrs. James Dill, x’50, (Virginia Hetrick). Secretary—Mrs. Mark Himmelberger, x’48, (Jeannette Moore). Treasurer—Mrs. Earl Cline, x’57, (Diane Renolet). GREENSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA
The Greensburg, Pa., area alumni held a dinner meeting prior to a con cert by the Otterbein A Cappella Choir in Greensburg on Tuesday, March 4. Newly elected officers are: President—Robert Munden, ’35 Vice President— George C. Gressman, ’15 Secretary-Treasurer—Mrs. Margaret Sheridan Fishell, x’46
The Johnstown, Pa., area alumni held a meeting prior to a concert by the Otterbein A Cappella Choir in the Johnstown Christ E.U.B. Church, Mon day, March 3. Newly elected officers are: President—Donald Rhodes, ’50 Vice President—Leo Jamison, ’49 Secretary-Treasurer— Mrs. Kay Loutsenhizer Swigart, ’56 MIAMI VALLEY
The Miami Valley Otterbein Alumni Association in the Dayton, Ohio, area held a picnic meeting at the home of Grace and Harold Augsburger, ’39 & ’41. There were 74 in attendance. Acting President and Mrs. F. J. Vance were present and brought greetings from the college. New officers elected are: President—Robert Corbin, ’49 Vice President— Kenneth Shively, ’50 Secretary—Mrs. Miriam Wetzel Ridinger, ’51 Treasurer—Larry DeClark, ’49 NORTHERN INDIANA
An enthusiastic group of Otterbein alumni in Northern Indiana met at the Honeywell Memorial Building, Wabash, Indiana, for their annual dinner meeting. Otterbein’s Director of Public Rela tions, Mr. Arthur L. Schultz, was the featured speaker. A memorial tribute was given by Rev. Harry E. Richer, ’14, in memory of a faithful member of this
club, Mr. Glen Lambert, who died on August 10, 1957. Newly elected officers are; President—Rev. Harry E. Richer, ’14 Secretary-Treasurer—Miss Frieda Rickard, x’23 The next annual meeting will be Fri day, May 15, 1959. WEST VIRGINIA
While there is no organized alumni club in West Virginia, an alumni dinner will be held on Thursday, August 14, 5:30 p.m. at EvUnBreth Acres, Buckhannon. West Virginia. This is in con nection with the centennial observance of the West Virginia Conference of the E.U.B. church. Dr. Wade S. Miller will be present from the college.
The Westerville Otterbein Women’s Club raised s$650 in their thrift shop during the past year. This group has contributed $400 to the college on their scholarship fund. Officers elected for the 1958-59 year are as follows: President—Mrs. H. D. Bereaw, ’16 Vice President—Miss Lola McFarland, ’17 2nd Vice President— Mrs. Robert Myers Secretary—Mrs. C. C. Shaw, ’21 Treasurer—Miss Mary Thomas, ’28
Other States
Akron ..................................................S. Clark Lord, ’39 Cincinnati ................................Maurice E. Gribler, ’45 Cleveland .....................................Mrs. Earl Ford, x’22 (Zela Hill) Columbus ..................................Harold C. Martin, ’33 Columbus Women’s Club Mrs. Don McCualsky, ’48 (Mary Ann Augsburger ............... Robert Corbin, ’49 Dayton ......................... .Mrs. Harold C. Glover, ’33 Dayton Sorosis ........... (Margaret Moore) ................Robert Moore, ’54 Middletown-Hamilton Toledo .......................... ....... Mrs. B. F. Richer, ’19 (Edith Mead) .....Mrs. H. D. Bereaw, ’16 Westerville .............. (Ann Morris) Wooster-AshlandMansfield ................. ................Stanley Schutz, ’49
Greensburg, Pa..............................Robert Munden, ’35 Johnstown, Pa................................Donald Rhodes, ’50 Philadelphia, Pa........................Richard M. Sellers, ’50 Pittsburgh, Pa...............................Robert S. Fulton, ’57 Boston, Mass................ Elmer N. Funkhouser, Jr., ’38 Buffalo, N. Y................................... Roy W. Clare, ’48 New York, N. Y.............................. Frank L. Durr, ’25 Northern Indiana ..................... Harry E. Richer, ’14 Detroit, Michigan ..................Gerald A, Rosselot, ’29 Southern California .............Howard W. Altman, ’42 Washington, D. C......................... Robert E. Kline, ’18
Regular Meeting Dates Pittsburgh ........................... First Saturday in October Columbus Women’s Club Third Wednesday of each month Northern Indiana .... Friday following Mother’s Day
Flashes '87—Mrs. Norman C. Schlichter, ’87 (Maude Etta Wolfe), is a leading writer of religious stories. She is the author of stories listed in "Best Religious Stories of ’47 and ’49” and "Stories of Christian Living.” Blind since 1949, her stories have been printed in Braille and translated in twelve foreign languages. In 1902, she married the well-known American Poet, Norman C. Schlichter. '00—W. F. Coover, ’00, recently re tired as head of the Department of Chem istry, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. '10—Dr. F. DeWitt Zucrner, ’10, re tired on July 1 as Superintendent of North Braddock, Pennsylvania, schools. He com pleted a career of 38 years in North Braddock schools, of which 28 years were as superintendent. '16—Horace Stephens, x’l6, is Poten tate of the Shrine at Dayton, Ohio. '17—Stanton W. B. Wood, ’17, was fea
tured in the Pittsburgh PRESS at the time of his retirement on May 31 as head of the U. S. Labor Department’s Wage-Hour Di vision, Pittsburgh office. A member of the National Panel of the American Arbitra tion Association, Mr. Wood plans to open a downtown Pittsburgh office to handle arbitration work. His "retirement” at the end of May was in a literal sense, he insists, "because I don’t have an old-fash ioned rocking chair.” '19—George L. Glauner, ’19, is Pro fessor of History at West Virginia Wes leyan University, Buckhannon, West Virginia. |
'21—Dr. J. R. Howe, ’21, minister of the Emmanuel E.U.B. Church, Ashland, Ohio, and former president of Otterbein, 1939-45, delivered seven commencement addresses in Ohio high schools last May and June. He also taught a Bible course at Ashland College during the past aca demic year and is teaching world history in the summer school. '24—Harold Anderson, ’24, conducted basketball clinics for the Air Force last April in Labrador. Basketball Coach at Bowling Green State University, Anderson has conducted clinics in Japan and Hono lulu during the past two summers. Last March, he was elected treasurer of the National Association of Basketball Coaches. '26—Judge Earl R. Hoover, ’26, spoke before the Washington Pilgrimage in the United States Senate caucus room, Satur day, May 3. His subject was "Oh, Say Can You See.” Albert C. May, ’26, Steubenville, Ohio, High School Principal since 1950, resigned last January to accept the position of Assistant Director of Teacher Education and Certification with the State Depart ment of Education, Columbus, Ohio. *29—Kenneth F. Echard, ’29, has been transferred to Buffalo, New York, where —
he has been made Assistant Sales Manager of the Tonawanda Iron Division, Ameri can Standard Company. '30—Dr. William Kenneth Bunce, ’30, was promoted to Category One, the top foreign service reserve officer grade of the United States Information Service. Since July, 1956, he has been a public affairs officer at New Delhi, India, and has doubled as attache and counselor for pub lic affairs at the American Embassy there. John E. Vance, ’30, resigned last Feb ruary as chief of the planning division of the Rhode Island Development Council, Providence, Rhode Island, to accept the position of Assistant Director of the Twin Cities Regional Planning Association in St. Paul, Minnesota. He will be in charge of public relations for the association. '33—Robert Lane, ’33, won a special trip to the Rose Bowl from the Nationwide Insurance Company for himself and his wife last January 1. He led the way in group sales. '37—Dr. Donald R. Martin, ’37, asso ciate director of high energy fuels chemi cal research for the Olin Mathieson Chemi cal Corporation, Buffalo, New York, led a five-day symposium, "From Borax to Boranes,” during the semi-annual meet ing of the American Chemical Society in San Francisco, April 13-19. He was chair man of the symposium sponsored by the American Chemical Society, Division of Inorganic Chemistry. He is also chairman of the committee on "Boran Chemistry.” *38—Rev. Homer Felty, ’38, of Ironton, Ohio, was appointed governor of the South eastern Ohio Rotary district for 1958-59. Elmer N. Funkhouser, Jr., ’38, was elected Executive Vice President of the Cryovac Company, Division of W. R. Grace and Company, last January 2. He has been with the company since 1949. '41—Dr. Dwight R. Spessard, ’41, has been appointed chairman of the depart ment of chemistry at Denison University for the next three years. He is an asso ciate professor and has been at Denison since 1953. '43—Mrs. Evelyn Svec Ward, ’43, had two embroidery exhibits on display at the Eleventh Annual Beaux Arts Exhibition last May in the Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts. '44—Dr. R. W. Gifford, ’44, has been promoted to Assistant Professor of Medi cine in the Mayo Foundation, Rochester, Minnesota, a part of the Graduate School of the University of Minnesota. He has also been elected to the Board of Trustees and is Chief Steward of the Homestead Memorial E.U.B. Church in Rochester and was lay delegate to the annual conference at Wells, Minnesota, May 19-22. Dr. Gifford is listed in "Who’s Who in the Midwest.”
'47—Gordon A. Crow, ’47, is presently assistant advertising and public relations director of the First National Bank of Fort Worth, Texas. '49—Miss Joan Shinew, ’49, is librarian and registrar at the Akron Art Institute, Akron, Ohio. During the summer of 1957, she spent six weeks in Mexico City, Mexico, studying and working in the li brary at Mexico City College. '50—Robert Keller, ’50, received the outstanding young-man-of-the-year award from the Worthington, Ohio, Junior Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. George H. Warren, Jr., ’50 (Clara Liesmann), is teaching first grade students at Baumholder American School in Ger many. Her husband. Captain George H. Warren, Jr., is stationed at the 98th Gen eral Hospital. '51—Arthur B. Fulton, ’51, is now re siding in Louisville, Kentucky, where he is a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Alfred E. Gilmour, ’51, is the new Dean of Students at Olivet College, Olivet, Michigan. He holds an M.A. degree from Columbia University in the field of guid ance and student personnel administration. He has worked for a number of years in private schools in Florida, most recently at Miami Military Academy in Miami, Florida. '52—Robert F. Berkey, ’52, has been appointed an Instructor in Religion at Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts, for the 1958-59 school year. He recently received his Ph.D. degree from Hartford Theological Seminary. '53—Robert S. Boring, ’53, completed studies at Jefferson Medical School, Phila delphia, Pa., and is presently serving as an intern in Philadelphia Naval Hospital. Eugene L. Riblet, ’53, is now associated with the Walter F. Desmond Agency of the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company, Columbus, Ohio. '54—Gregory Andreichuk, Jr., ’54, is working at the Biological Warfare Labora tory, Fort Detrick, Frederick, Maryland. '56—Miss Thelma Jean Hodson, ’56, is pow a registered physical therapist. She has completed training at the University of Southern California and passed both the National and State Medical Board Exams. She is now working at Rancho Los Amigos Hospital in Downey, California. '57—Pfc. Kenneth E. Gorsuch, x’57, is stationed in Stuttgart, Germany, as an administrative clerk in the Adjutant General’s Section of the Seventh U. S. Army Headquarters. Miss Carol A. Peterson, ’57, was a teacher in the first grade at Coe Elemen tary School in North Olmsted, Ohio, dur ing the past year.
TOLL OF THE YEARS 1891—Mrs. C. S. Stubbs (Lora Weinland), x’91, died February 16, in Middletown, Ohio. 1898—Donald A. Kohr, x’98, died June 14, in Dayton, Ohio. 1911—J. F. Hatton, ’ll, died July 10, in Yellowstone Park, Wyoming; buried in Johnstown, Ohio. Leviah Sherrick, ’ll, died December 18, in Scottdale, Pennsylvania. 1915—Charles S. Harkness, ’15, died June 8, 1957, in Bowling Green, Ohio. 1917— James Roy Bridenstine, x’17, died January 13, in West Jefferson, Ohio. 1918— Mrs. George Kintigh (Ethel Gaut), ’18, died April 10 in Alverton, Pennsylvania. 1925—A. B. Cassell, A’25, died in 1957, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 1927—Mrs. Herschel Lohr (Rosalie Copeland), ’27, died April 5, in Chula Vista, California. 1931—Mrs. Harry C. Calvert (Vivian Stevenson), ’31, died January 8, in Mans field, Ohio. 1942—James M. Gantz, x’42, died February 25, in Westerville, Ohio. 1955—Gerald Don Jones, x’55, died March 19, in Zanesville, Ohio.
CUPID'S CAPERS 1942—Virginia Shupline and Arthur Secrest, ’42, June 30, 1957, Columbus, Ohio. 1952— Betty Laughbaun and Roger Wiley, ’52, December 21, Westerville, Ohio. Dolores Fay Hopkinson, ’52, and Rev. Walter Nelson, June 28, Newark, Ohio. 1953— Janet Heck and Lt. Laurence Stebleton, x’53, December 26, Houston, Texas. 1954— Doris Sterling and Lynn Arthur Bergman, ’54, June 8, 1957, Corry, Pa. Arlene Northington, ’54, and Lt. Will iam Allen, August 6, 1957, Plain City, Ohio. Barbara Lou Wolfe, AGE’54, and Clar ence A. Addy, October 26, Sandusky, Ohio. 1955— Michele Gearon and Stanley Czerwinski, ’55, May 10, Jamaica, Long Island, New York. 1956 and 1958—Nancy Ellen Whipp, x’58, and Don Vinton Grimm, x’56, De cember 21, Westerville, Ohio. 1956 and 1959—Wavalene Kumler, ’59, and Curtis Tong, ’56, June 1, Colum bus, Ohio. 1957 and 1958—Judith Jenkins, ’58, and John Howe, ’57, June 14, Cleveland, Ohio. Joyce Miller, ’58, and Allen Kepke, ’57, June 15, Westerville, Ohio. Mary Sue Webner, ’58, and Fred E. Smith, ’57, June 15, Orrville Ohio. 1957 and 1959—Sara Louise Wright, x’59, and Jerry Lingrel, ’57, June 14, Dayton, Ohio. 1958—Patricia Mizer, ’58, and Marshall Cassady, ’58, June 28, New Philadelphia, Ohio.
1958 and 1959—Diane Dailey, x’59, and Edward Cox, ’58, June 8, Delaware, Ohio. 1958 and 1961—Marion Jenkinson, ’58, and Richard Phillips, ’6l, June 2, Wester ville, Ohio. 1959 and 1960—Elizabeth Messmer, ’59, and Earl Kennedy, ’60, June 7, Dayton, Ohio. 1960—Yvonne E. Doney, x’60, and Donald E. Storer, ’60, June 8, Massillon, Ohio.
STORK MARKET 1944 and 1948—Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Gifford, Jr., ’44 (Mary Elizabeth Morris, x’48), a daughter, Susan Jane, February 6. 1945—Dr. and Mrs. Morton M. Woolley, ’45, a daughter, Cynthia Jane, June 7. 1948— Mr. and Mrs. William T. Orr (Alice Mae Guest, x’48), a daughter. Holly Elizabeth, July 11. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnold (Doris M. Forney, ’48), a son, Thomas Edward, August 30. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brague (Grace Coleman, ’48), a daughter, Elizabeth Ann, November 5. Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Stearns, ’48, a son, Christopher Daniel Peterson, No vember 27. 1948 and 1949—Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schafer, ’49 (Mildred Cox, ’48) a son, David Lee, May 22. 1949— Mr. and Mrs. Donald Yamaoka, ’49, a son, Richard, March 11, 1957. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stoddard (Alice Walter, ’49), a son, Stephen Roy, Janu ary 30. 1949 and 1950—Mr. and Mrs. Horace W. Troop, Jr., ’50 (Jean Ann Wyker, ’49), an adopted son, Eric Alan, born Feb. 10, adopted Feb. 20. 1950— Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sellers, ’50, a son, Michael Trew, April 6, 1957. 1950 and 1951—Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Pottenger III, ’51 (Larma McGuire, ’50), a daughter, Mary Yvonne, Novem ber 9, 1957. 1951— Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Burkholder (Hazel Hockett, ’51), a daughter, Amy Louise, December 8. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Perkins (Shirley Minnis, ’51), a daughter, Patricia Sue, January 25. Dr. and Mrs. David Yohn, ’51 (Olivetta Kathleen McCoy, ’51), a son, David Mc Coy, April 27. 1951 and 1952—Mr. and Mrs. James W. Earnest, ’52 (Glana Hammer, ’51), a daughter, Dorothy Alice, January 12. 1952— Mr. and Mrs. Carl McVay (Nor ma Jean Knight, ’52), a daughter, Beth Ann, April 24, 1957. Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Custer (Maribelle Lemley, ’52), a daughter, Katherine Lynn, December 9. Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Ross (Mary Ellen Carroll, ’52), a son, Andrew Murray, February 10. Rev. and Mrs. Floyd L. Miller, ’52, a daughter, Twila Kay, March 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Alva F. Hardesty (Esther Bontrager, ’52), a son, Kevin Lee, May 11. 1952 and 1955—Mr. and Mrs. Max Mickey, ’52 (Alice Carlson, x’55), a son, John, May 12, 1957. 1953— Mr. and Mrs. John Schlitt (Joyce Lorrain Stouffer, x’53), a daughter, Diane Joan, January 21. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Corretore (Eleanore Zum Bansen, ’53), a daughter, Gail Annette, April 9. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Browning (Wilma Reed, ’53), a son, David Reed, April 29. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Bailey (Betty Wolfe, ’53), a daughter, Patricia Lou, May 16. 1953 and 1954—Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Boring, ’53 (Beverly Dodd, ’54), a daughter, Brenda Lee, June 29, 1957. Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Sherrick, ’54 (Carolyn Brown, ’53), a daughter, Dana Marie, December 6. 1953 and 1956—Mr. and Mrs. William Lehman, ’53 (Sally Steffanni, ’56), a daughter, Stephanie Lee, April 29. 1954— Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kohn, ’54, a daughter, Kathlyn Jo, April 2. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conard, ’54 (Dorothy Miles, ’54), a son, William Thomas, May 6. 1955 —Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Don Jones, x’55, a daughter, Sheila Dawn, August 17. 1955 and 1956—Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Waggamon, ’56 (Kay Bilger, x’55), a son, Jeffrey Lynn, December 25. 1955 and 1957—Mr. and Mrs. Orla Shelton, x’57 (Joyce Prinzler, ’55), a daughter. Melody Jeanne, August 4. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Goff, ’55 (Jean Pardoe, x’57), a son William Gerald, August 21, 1956; a daughter, Deborah Jeane, September 18. Mr. and Mrs. David Kay, ’55 (Helen Koehler, ’57), a daughter, Julianne Verna, January 28. 1955 and 1958—Lt. and Mrs. Duane A. Yothers, 55 (Patricia Ann Lenz, x’58), a daughter, Laura Ann, November 24. 1956 and 1957—Mr. and Mrs. James Pendleton, ’57 (Judith Matthias, ’56), a son, Stephen Ross, March 29. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cline, x’57 (Diane Renollet, x’56), triplets—one surviving, a son. Brock Andrew, April 3. 1957— Mr. and Mrs. James M. Will iams, ’57, a son, Jimmy D., August 5. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Gardner, Jr., (Louise Midkiff, x’57), a daughter’ Pamela Lee, February 14. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Farrell (Eve Miller, ’57), a daughter. Eve, March 7. Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Charles, ’57 (Astrida Salnais, ’57), a son, Philipp Henry, March 14. 1957 and 1958—Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Caldwell, ’58 (Kay Fulcomer, ’57), a son, Benj’amin Dale, June 21. 1958— Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simross X 58 (Janet Bishop, x 58), a son, Timothy Robin, June 6, 1957. 1959— Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Brown (Mary Mealand, x59), a daughter, Melinda Jane, January 27. Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan, ’59, a son, John Harold, June 19.
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bulletin board FALL HOMECOMING
Fall Homecoming in 1958 will be Saturday, October 18, with Hiram as the football opponent in the afternoon. The Homecoming play will be held that evening. DADS^ DAY
A Dads’ Day, sponsored by the Inter-fraternity Council, will be held on Saturday, October 4, at Otterbein for the second year. An attractive program is being planned and the Dads will be guests at the Otterbein-Kenyon football game. LAYMEN'S WEEKEND CONFERENCE
The Second Annual Laymen’s Weekend Conference will be held on the campus, August 15 to 17. Outstanding laymen from each of the conferences in the cooperating territory of Otterbein are being in vited to attend. Speakers will include Dr. Harvey C. Hahn, outstanding Dayton, Ohio, Pastor, and President-Elect, Dr. Lynn W. Turner. 1958-59 ARTIST SERIES
The Westerville Concerts Association announces the following program for the 1958-59 artist series to be held in Cowan Hall: Wednesday, October 1 — The General Platoff Don Cossack Chorus and Dancers. Wednesday, November 5 —Columbus Symphony Orchestra with the Otterbein College A Cappella Choir and soloists. Monday, December 8 — Lecture on Satellite Program — Dr. J. Allen Hynek. Thursday, February 19 — The Barter Theatre of Virginia. Monday, April 20 — The After Dinner Opera. All performances begin at 8:30 p.m. Alumni desiring season tickets are invited to write the Alumni Office, Otterbein College for more information and prices.
1958 Football Schedule September 20 September 27 October 4 .... October 11 .. October 18 .. October 25 .. November 1 . November 8 November 15
Findlay.................................................. Findlay Westerville Westerville (Dads’ Day) Oberlin.................................................. at Oberlin Hiram................................................ at Westerville (Homecoming) Marietta Westerville Ashland................................................ at Ashland Capital................ Columbus