1967 Summer Towers

Page 1

Homecoming Scheduled October 21

From The New President Of The Alumni Association

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Robert C. Barr Assistant Publisher

August, 1967

Dear Friend;


forever on the public road,

dive into the woods. You w seen before."

nearly 125 years since

AS alumni, we should all be proud


into the unknown




faculty, students and


Fall Homecoming, sched­ uled for Saturday, October 21, will have all the good features of past years, and some new advantages. Be­ cause of the facilities of the Campus Center, it is now pos­ sible to serve a luncheon for alumni and other friends not involved in sorority and fra­ ternity affairs. The Campus Center also provides ample space for fellowship indoors in case of bad weather. Registration and the parade in the morning, luncheons at noon, the football game with Marietta in the afternoon, the "O" Club Dinner, the play and the Homecoming Dance are all part of the program of the day. Both Arbutus and Greenwich are celebrating sil­ ver anniversaries, and will have special events. Sororities and fraternities and other groups will notify members of details, and an announce­ ment will be mailed from the Alumni Office. But DO SAVE THE DATE — October 21.

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Sincerely, fely,

Otterbeln Alumni Association


Class Reunions At Commencement While Homecoming is the time for renewing the old spirit of football rivalry, or sorority and fraternity friend­ ships, or parades and mums and queens, remember also that Commencement time brings reunion with class­ mates you may not have seen for years. A glance at the class re­ union pictures beginning on page 21 ought to remind you of your own reunion to come. Next June the classes whose numbers end in 3 or 8 will have special reunions. Plan now to attend your class meeting, and begin to get your classmates interested. We'll furnish addresses if you ask for them, so get your whole gang together, and come on down to OtterbeinI

otteRBein toweRS Volume 39

Summer, 1967

Number 4

Published quarterly by the Alumni Council in the interest of alumni and friends. Second class postage paid at Westerville, Ohio 43081.

CONTENTS From the New Alumni President ..........................................


Mrs. Shoemaker Receives Otterbein Cane ...........................


"I came back . . . perhaps more alive" ...............................


On and Off the Campus .......................................................


Executive Committee Approves Federal Loans ....................


How Much Does It Cost? .......................................................


Alumni Club News .................................................................... Otterbein Serves Ohio State University ...............................


President Robert C. Barr, ’50 President-Elect (To serve 1968-69) Mack Grimes, ’41

7 8

Alumni in the News ................................................................ 12

Past President Denton W. Elliott, ’37

Gift Matching by Industry Increases ...................................... 16 Giving Property and/or Insurance .........................................


Vice President Helen Knight Williams, ’43

A Page from Our Family Album ............................................ 20 Class Reunions — 1967 ............................................. Flashes from the Classes ..................................

21 26

Secretary .\nn Carlson Brown, ’52

Otterbein Alumni in Military Service ................................. 29 Advanced Degrees .................................................................. 30 Marriages, Births, Deaths ........................................................ 30 Financial Support Received ...................................................... 31

Members-at-Large Alberta Engle MacKenzie, ’40 William E. LeMay, ’48 Robert B. Brown, ’51 Franklin E. Puderbaugh, ’30 Charles W. Harding, ’38 June Courtright Stewart, ’40

Bulletin Board ............................................................................ 32

the coveR pAqe Our cover photograph shows construction on the new science building addition, to be connected on the west to McFadden Science Hall. Although it was started in April, a strike by construction workers halted work for many weeks. Our picture was taken in August as progress was being made on the foundation.

Alumni Trustees Harold L. Boda, '25 Homer D. Cassel, ’17 Horace W. Troop, ’23 L. William Steck, ‘37 Earl R. Hoover, ’26 Herman F. Lehman, ’22 Vida Shauck Clements, ’01 E. N. Funkhouser, Jr., ’38 Donald R. Martin, ’37 Harold Augspurger, ’41 Executive Secretary Richard T. Pfiieger, ’48 Ex-officio College treasurer and presidents of .\lumni Clubs


Twenty-two Students To Study Abroad

Richard Pflieger presents Alumni Association cane to Dacia Custer Shoemaker

Mrs. Shoemaker Receives Cane With the death on July 10 of Mrs. W. W. Stoner, '93, Mrs. John A. Shoemaker (Dacia Custer, '95) became the oldest living graduate of Otterbein. Mrs. Shoemaker lives at the Lutheran Senior City in Co­ lumbus, and it was there that the picture was taken, showing Richard Pflieger, '48, director of alumni activities at the college, presenting her with the cane. Alumni Associa­ tion symbol of seniority. The cere­ mony was witnessed by Alice Keister Weinland, '04, also a resi­ dent of the Senior City, by Wil­ liam H. B. Skaates, 58, and Evelyn Bale, '30, TOWERS editor. Mrs. Shoemaker was born in Westerville on May 21, 1873, In a house which still stands at 89 West College Avenue, known as the "Custer house." She and her twin brother. Dale, x'95, were delivered by Dr. William O. Hanby, Jr., '67, a brother of the famous Benjamin. Dacia and John A. Shoemaker, '94, moved to Pittsburgh after their marriage, but she often came to Otterbein, and never missed a com­ mencement for 73 years. 4

It was through the interest and effort of Mrs. Shoemaker that the material on Ben Hanby was col­ lected and the Hanby House re­ stored. She became especially reterested in Hanby in 1922 when she co-authored the pageant pre­ sented at the Diamond Jubilee cele­ bration. She discovered the Hanby house on Home Street, where it had been moved from its original site, where the First EUB Church now stands. In 1927 Mr. Shoemaker bought the house and gave it to his wife for her birthday. From that time on, she continued her research in Han­ by lore, directed the restoration of the house and paid for it, and be­ came the first curator when it be­ came a museum. After the death of her husband she returned to Westerville to live in 1931. The house was given to the Ohio His­ torical Society in 1937, and stands not only as a memorial to the fa­ mous song writer but also as a tribute to the devotion of one of Otterbein's great ladies.

For the past several years, Ot­ terbein has conducted her own Junior Year Abroad Program for French students. A faculty member is assigned to travel with the group and direct their study throughout the year. Students from other col­ leges are generally included with the Otterbein group, which studies at the University of Strasbourg in France. Twenty-two Otterbein students will study abroad at seven schools in 1967-68. Paulette Rousseaux Loop, '60, will direct the program at Strasbourg, where the following students will enroll: Penny Ackermann, Barbara Crippen, Kathryn Cunningham, Susan Dietz, Cheryl Hall, Gerald Kelley, Harold Longley, Becky Morgan, Kay Needham, Nancy Pringle, Susan Schlencher, and Virginia Zunich. Four will participate in the Uni­ versity of San Francisco's Junior Year in Spain at the University of Valencia. They are Kathy Henrich, Sharon Ruhly, Lois Shaulis and Kathy Smith. Janet Ann Dowdy, Judy Komuro and Kathe Schrader will enroll in the Regional Council of Interna­ tional Education's Study Year Abroad at the University of Basel, Switzerland. Dean Rugh will attend Interna­ tional Christian University in Tokyo, and Kathryn Moody and Patsy Schar will attend Sophia University, also in Tokyo. Ellen Glor will participate in the Wayne State University program in Munich, and Gertrud Philipp in the Millersville State College pro­ gram in Marburg, Germany. Three other students will enroll in off-campus programs. They are Linda Fritz, Joan Hopkins and Judy A. Seibert. They will study for the first semester at the Merrill-Palmer Institute in Detroit. George W. Henderson, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hend­ erson, '29, attended the University of Hawaii during the summer. He will be a sophomore at Otterbein in the fall.


more uiiue In January, Shirley Gill wrote an open letter to the faculty after her first three months at the Univer­ sity of Strasbourg under Otterbein's Junior Year Abroad program, and we have quoted below from the letter. Although each student de­ rives a different benefit and phrases it differently, Shirley probably ex­ presses the opinions of the ma­ jority. Other Otterbein students in last year's Strasbourg group were Carol Andrews, Ellen Cochran, Janet Cook, Pat Ellis, Dorothy Goddard, Linda Joyce, Kathy Keck, Carol MacRae, Judy McNeely, Penny Red­ mond, and Cheryl White. John Marco and Timothy Moody spent their junior year at the Uni­ versity of Valencia in Spain, and Ward Hines studied at Exeter Uni­ versity in England. Ellen Williams, a 1966 graduate, spent the year at the University of Basel, Switzer­ land, and plans to stay on for the coming year. Here is part of Miss Gill's letter. Open letter to the Otterbein Fac­ ulty: This is the beginning of a new year: a time of reflection of last year's growth and of anticipation of what this year will bring. Who am I? Why am I here? What am I absorbing, and what am I con­ tributing? To these eternal ques­ tions I am beginning to find answ­ ers. Thank you, Otterbein College, for offering this program of studytravel abroad, and for the teaching that has prepared me to absorb as much as I can. And a special thank-you to Dr. LaVelle Rosselot for awakening in me the desire to come, for recognizing my interest in a different country, and for helping me to find the self-con­ fidence to try for the golden ring which this year is. I am a junior majoring in ele­ mentary education, working also for certification in French. As an elementary student, and even later, I disliked history and geography. Part of the reason was the seeming disinterest in the sub­ jects by my teachers. Of course, I admit that the greatest part of the


fault lay in myself. Yet here I am, in a region which has been tossed like a ball between France and Germany. Every city and town has had some historical or geographical importance. Our room doesn't have much heat, many of us lack hot running water. The telephone, which at home is considered a necessity, is a luxury here. All this is explained by a simple economic fact here: France does not have the under-ground resources to make her a rich industrialized nation. Her richness lies in the abundance of farmland and the above-theground resources. Now I under­ stand and will never forget it, for I've lived with the lack. I've seen castles crumbling on top of a mountain, or in the mid­ dle of a river. How much easier it is to understand the Middle Ages now that I've seen the country­ side! I've gained a whole new in­ sight into a tremendously important period of history. Europe was im­ portant at least 1600 years before America was. Every era has left its mark, and its ruins. We're used to traveling a long distance and still being in the United States. As a contrast, my roommate and I had our passports checked at two borders in a single day of travel. At vacation time stu­ dents leave for countries north, south, east and west of us. Each trip brings new learning expe­ riences. On the first real trip my roommate and I made, we learned in a hurry how to read German train schedules and buy tickets. We even learned some new words. We lost our temerity about approach­ ing the information room, though we do this only as a last resort. As a future French teacher, I have been offered a rare opportun­ ity. I am forced to use a language that is not my own. I have to speak it and the test is whether or not I am understood. I'm learning cus­ toms and culture, as well as the history and literature of this coun­ try. And finally, I am here simply as a student, an almost-adult member of society. I am an unofficial diplo­ mat for the United States. My ac­ tions are watched by students from

Shirley boards ship

other countries. I have seen enough "Ugly Americans," both at home and here, and I am determined not to be another. In meeting and talk­ ing with students from literally all over the world, I am widening my horizons. Challenged by different philosophies and points of view, 1 am forced to defend my own, and often that of my country. I must keep on my toes and alert to what is going on. Sincerely, Shirley Gill The students are back at Otter­ bein for their senior year, and Shirley says: "I visited many coun­ tries, met many people, did many things and had some misadven­ tures. I came back more inde­ pendent, more adventuresome, curious, and perhaps more alive than when I left. It was a wonder­ ful year." 5

on and off the campus Executive Committee Approves Federal Loans During its summer meetings, the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees decided on the use of federal funds for three buildings on the campus, one already under construction, and two planned for the future. The Committee agreed to take advantage of a federal loan in the amount of $576,000 to be applied to the construction of the science hall addition, now under way. This loan was secured through the Higher Education Facil­ ities Act of 1965, administered by the Department of Health, Educa­ tion and Welfare. In April, 1966, Otterbein received a federal grant of $300,000 on the $1,436,250 building, and the balance has been supplied by Focus on Achievement funds. The Executive Committee also accepted a federal loan of $205,000 to construct a new health center. This loan came from the Department of Housing and Urban Development's College Housing Loan Program, authorized by the Housing Act of 1950. Construction of the health center will begin in the vicinity of the Campus Center as soon as architect's detailed plans are completed. It will be equipped with eight beds, an examining clinic, and an area for the treat­ ment of out-patients. The third action regarding fed­ eral funds was the confirmation by the Executive Committee of an ap­ plication made in July by Presi­ dent Turner for a grant of $657,000 to assist in the construction of a new library, if approved, the grant would provide one third of the estimated $1,971,000 building costs. Should this loan be granted, the funds would come through the Higher Education Facilities Act. President Turner indicated that the college plans to raise funds for 6

John Haramy Is Thomas Lecturer

the balance of the library's cost. In addition to the amount already raised through the Focus on Achievement, the Executive Com­ mittee is asking the Development Board to consider launching a $1,500,000 campaign for the library and other projects.

The Thomas Lecturer, scheduled to speak twice on the campus on October 17, will be Dr. John H. Haramy, a Christian Arab born in the Holy Land. His subject for the morning Convocation program will be "Crisis in the Middle East," and at 8:00 P.M. he will speak on "In­ side U.S.A."

Worship Center Planned

Dr. Haramy's lectures will com­ bine the two emphases of the 196768 year, in which the convocation programs will focus attention, first, on domestic issues and conditions peculiar to the United States and, second, on the United States' inter­ action with outside forces. Areas covered by speakers in the first semester will include the arts, civil rights, education, government and social change. Although planned primarily for students, the convoca­ tion programs at 9:40 each Tues­ day morning are open to the public as far as space allows, and some programs are also scheduled for the evening.

A new worship center is being planned for the Otterbein campus, as the result of a study made by a committee of trustees, faculty members and students, and headed by the Rev. Mr. Kenneth H. Pohly, director of religious activities. The committee's report was accepted by the Executive Committee of the Board on August 5. It further re­ quested that a temporary place for religious purposes be provided in the interim. The committee asked that the college architect include a perma­ nent worship center in the longrange plans of the college, and that measures be authorized to se­ cure money for the building. The building should contain a chapel combining traditional and modern symbolism for worship by individuals and groups; a lounge for fellowship and small meetings; and a multi-purpose room for larger meetings and project activities, ac­ cording to the recommendation. Office and counseling facilities for the campus pastor would also be included. The study committee, appointed in the fall of 1966 by the Execu­ tive Committee, was composed of the Rev. Mr. John K. Bergland;the Rev. Mr. Clayton F. Lutz, Mrs. Waid Vance, Miss Patricia Schar, and Ted Noble, in addition to the chairman. Miss Schar and Mr. Noble were students when the study began, and Mr. Noble since has graduated.

Other speakers on the first se­ mester schedule include President Lynn W. Turner in the opening con­ vocation on September 19; Theo­ dore SolotarofF on October 3; Charles L. Mann, October 10; Ber­ nard J. Wohl, October 24; James Deakin, October 31; Meno Lovenstein, November 7; Herbert C. Mayer, November 14; Jack S. Mor­ rison, November 21; Alex Haley, November 28; Lowell Bridwell, De­ cember 5; and Ethel Alpenfels at 9:40 A.M. and at 8:00 P.M. on January 9.

Freshmen Start September 9 Freshman Orientation will be conducted for more than a week before the beginning of classes this September. Freshmen will ar­ rive on Saturday, September 9, and classes for all students will begin at 7:45 A.M. on Monday, September 18.

Students Have Special Opportunities Thornes W. Crane was one of only eleven "exceptional" under­ graduates (the only one from a small college) to be chosen for Battelle Memorial Institute's unique research school for the summer. Fifteen members of the group hold bachelor's or master's degrees. Since the program was inaugu­ rated in 1957, a total of 326 under­ graduate and graduate students have been enrolled in the combina­ tion research - orientation - reporting project. Participation is limited to those highly qualified youths who have completed junior class work in an engineering or scientific dis­ cipline that is of interest to the in­ stitute, and the students are em­ ployed to help with projects and write a comprehensive technical report of their research. Two Otterbein girls are among six students who were awarded National Science Foundation grants valued at $600 each for a 10-week study at Ohio State University this summer. They are Marilyn Miller of Columbus and Mary Alice Feagin of Youngwood, Pennsylvania. The course is designed for students planning careers in scientific teach­ ing or research.

Artist Course Announced The 1967-68 Artist Series will include six numbers, with the first scheduled for October 6. Season tickets are available for reserved seats, at $9.00, savings of $4.50 on the series. They may be pur­ chased by sending a check to the Otterbein College Artist Series, Westerville, Ohio 43081. Carlos Montoya, with his flamen­ co guitar, will appear on October 6; the Roger Wagner Chorale on November 3; Young Uck Kim, vio­ linist, November 17; the Chamber Symphony of Philadelphia, Feb­ ruary 6; the French National Dance Company, March 15; and the Na­ tional Players in "Much Ado About Nothing" on March 22. All pro­ grams begin at 8:15.

Receive Air Force Grants Terry McCammon, a senior; Harley Gill and Jean Pierre O'Neal, juniors; and Glen D. Shaffer, a sophomore, have been selected for Air Force ROTC financial grants for the remainder of their college years, providing they continue to qualify. Shaffer, the son of Col. and Mrs. Glen C. Shaffer, '32 (Zelma Shauck, '34) is the first Ot­ terbein student to qualify for the award after only one year in the program. The grants provide full tuition and fees, allowance for books, and $50 per month during the tenure of the grant. Criteria for selection include scholarship, high scores on the AF Qualifying Test, satisfactory medical qualifications, and high personal and moral standards.

Bag—Where is Otterbein Going?" Alumni Club presidents are urged to attend or have their club represented. Otterbein needs con­ stant help from alumni and alumni clubs as she prepares to meet the challenges of the future.

Alumni Club News Indianapolis: A picnic meeting was held at the home of Paul and Ruth Moore, '51, on July 15. A good turnout was reported and the food was especially tasty and plentiful. President and Mrs. Turner repre­ sented the college. A fall meeting prior to the Otterbein-Indiana Cen­ tral football game is the offing.

"O" Club News How Much Does It Cost? The question of comparative costs of a college education is of prime importance to prospective students and their parents. Otter­ bein, along with all other good colleges, has had to increase fees in order to provide a high quality of education. In addition, the alum­ ni and friends of the college must increase their support if this qual­ ity is to be maintained. A recent publication, based on 1967-68 prices, lists tuition, fees, room and board for the 43 private colleges in Ohio. On this list, Ot­ terbein ranks 21st, almost exactly in the median position. When only the Protestant-sup­ ported private colleges are com­ pared, Otterbein ranks 18th on the list of 27 such colleges in Ohio, with only eight having lower fees.

Alumni Officers Schedule September Workshop On September 22-23, the Sev­ enth Annual Alumni Officers Work­ shop will be held on campus. The Director of Alumni Affairs at Baldwin-Wallace College, Richard Van Almen, will be the keynote speaker on Friday evening. Workshop ses­ sion topics include "Those Revolting Students—Can We Provide For Them?" "Long Range Plans—Build­ ing and Financial," "Alumni Nuts and Bolts," and "Philosophical Grab

The annual "O" Club Football Kick-Off Dinner is scheduled for September 6th at Yarnell's Party House in Westerville. The football squad and the coaching staff will be guests. The "O" Club will also have a dinner at Homecoming, October 21, at the Campus Center. Members, alumni, friends and their families are invited. Members of the 1921 football team will be guests of honor. Dayton: The Miami Valley "O" Club held its annual meeting at Culp's Far Hills Restaurant on June 28. Officers elected for 1967-68 were: Roland Mehl, '49, President, and Jim Moore, '62, Vice President. Bob Corbin, '49, did another outstand­ ing job hosting the meeting. Bob Agler, '48, represented the college, while Smoky Ballenger, '39, Everett Whipkey, '42, Clare Nutt, '31, and Bill Morgan, '42, represented the Westerville "O" Club. Plans are under way for another meeting and a golf outing next spring. Westerville: An alumni golf outing was held on July 8 at Indian Run Golf course. Thirty-two golfers teed off in contests for blind bogey, longest drive, shortest putt, etc. Virgil Hinton, '34, brought two foursomes from the Canton area. After the golf, a cook-out was en­ joyed by all at Dubbs Roush's, '47, party house. 7

John R. Wilson

Clarence R. Cole

J. Hutchison Williams

Otterbein Serves Ohio State University It is well known that major uni­ versities depend in large measure on the small liberal arts colleges for much of their finest talent. Otterbein's contribution to Ohio State University is a case worth noting, for leadership of its three medical colleges is in the capable hands of former Otterbein students. Dr. John R. Wilson, '38, has been dean of the College of Dentistry since 1965, Dr. Clarence R. Cole, x'41, became dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine this year, and Dr. J. Hutchison Williams, '44, has been assistant dean in charge of student affairs of the College of Medicine since 1961.

In Dentistry Dean Wilson has been associated with the university since 1940, when he was a graduate assistant in anatomy. He became an assistant professor of anatomy and dentistry in 1946, was made associate pro­ fessor of dentistry and chairman of the division of periodontology and dental hygiene in 1949, ad­ vanced to professor of dentistry in 1953, was made associate dean in 1958 and dean of the College of Dentistry in 1965. 8

After leaving Otterbein, he was a high school teacher and coach for two years, and later served in the Army Dental Corps for three years. He did graduate work at the University of Michigan and re­ ceived the D.D.S. degree, cum laude, from Ohio State in 1943. The list of his memberships in professional organizations is im­ pressive. Among them, he is a fellow and holds an honorary de­ gree from the American College of Dentists, and is president-elect of the Ohio State Dental Association. He has served as guest speaker be­ fore many dental association meet­ ings, has written articles for pro­ fessional journals, and is contribut­ ing editor to a textbook on perio­ dontology. Dr. Wilson is married to the former Berenice Molesworth, '39, and they have two children. The Ohio General Assembly cre­ ated the Regents' Professorships in 1965 "to recognize outstanding academic and professional service" by faculty members in Ohio's sys­ tem of state universities, and Dr. Clarence R. Cole is one of only nine faculty members to be so honored in two years. On July 1, he became dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine, but will also continue as a Regents' Professor of Pathology.

He has served as professor and chairman of the Department of Veterinary Pathology, assistant dean for research and development of the College, and project supervisor of the University Research Founda­ tion. Since 1946 he has also been a professor in the College of Medi­ cine, teaching diseases of animals transmissible to man, and engaging in cooperative research on cancer in man and animals. Under his leadership a comparative pathology building was constructed and equipped at a cost of $2,265,000.

In Medicine Writing in a recent issue of the College of Medicine JOURNAL, Dr. James "Hutch" Williams challenged his fellow physicians "more than ever before, to be creative, imag­ inative and responsible." "We have been kept busy," he writes, "learning to live with in­ creasing urbanization, big business, big labor, big government, big Medical Center complexes and, lately, Medicare. These all seem to depersonalize us and it has been constantly necessary to remind our­ selves that a listening ear in hu-

man dialogue is our stock In trade and that it can bridge the gap be­ tween persons, groups and gen­ erations. . . The time and setting may be different and the words and music may have been rewritten, but our basic role in this real life drama is still the appreciation of the other man as he really is in the here and now. What could be greater than to be alive today in such a setting?" Dr. Williams serves as assistant dean in charge of student affairs of Ohio State University's College of Medicine and as associate pro­ fessor of obstetrics and gynecology. He is chairman of the Committee on Admissions of the College of Medicine and of the Committee on Student Appraisal of the College, and serves on the Council on Ad­ missions and Registration of the University. His private practice is in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, and his major research is in genital cancer and perinatal mortality. He serves as associate director of the Center of Perinatal Studies. He has been elected as a diplomate of the American Board of Ob­ stetrics and Gynecology, as a fel­ low of the American College of Surgeons, and a fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. He serves on the Group on Student Affairs of the Association of American Medical Colleges. Dr. Williams holds both the M.D. degree and the Master of Medical Science degree from Ohio State University. He served for two years as a captain in the Medical Corps of the U.S. Army, resuming his practice and teaching in 1954. Mrs. Williams (Helen Knight, '43, and her husband have four chil­ dren, one of whom (Sara Jane) is a student at Otterbein.

Veterinary Medicine Dean Cole is only the third vet­ erinary pathologist ever to serve on the executive council of the In­ ternational Academy of Pathology, and is vice chairman of the In­ ternational Committee on Toxoplas­ mosis. He is a past president of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists, was chairman of the

Board of the American Veterinary Medical Association from 1960 to 1965, is a consultant for the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, and is the author of more than 80 research publications concerning cancer and infectious, toxic and nutritional diseases. He holds three degrees from Ohio State: D.V.M., M.S., and Ph.D. He attended Otterbein for two years, 1937 to 1939, before en­ rolling in the University. He is married and has three children.

In Many Departments Other Otterbein graduates who contribute to the education of the 40,000 students on the Ohio State University campus include Merriss Cornell, '33, professor in the School of Social Work; Dr. Donald J. Borror, '28, professor in the de­ partment of entomology; Dr. Roy H. Bowen, '33, professor of speech and director of theatre; Dr. Paul G. Craig, '50, professor and chair­ man of the department of econom­ ics; Ruth C. Bailey, '30, director of the International Students Program; and William M. Drenten, '51, as­ sistant professor of Journalism.

Economics Dr. Paul G. Craig has been a member of the Ohio State faculty since 1953. He was a University Scholar during the 1950-51 year, became an instructor in 1953 and was advanced through the ranks to full professor in 1961. He re­ ceived both the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Ohio State. A frequent speaker at profes­ sional meetings and community af­ fairs, Dr. Craig was quoted by the Columbus CITIZEN-JOURNAL fol­ lowing the keynote address which

Paul G. Craig

he made recently to the United Community Council of Columbus and Franklin County. "A warm heart needs a big pocketbook, let's start warming up the heart . . . We already have the wherewithal to do whatever we want to do," the article quotes him as stating. "Unfortunately," he said, "most of the problems of a growing com­ munity touch all—rich and poor, core-city dwellers and suburban­ ites." Dr. Craig studied at the Institute of Basic Mathematics for Applica­ tion to Business, Harvard University under a post-doctoral fellowship from the Ford Foundation while on leave in 1959-60; and participated in the Stanford-lran Management program in Teheran, for top Iranian administrators. He served as visit­ ing professor in the Pennsylvania State University Executive Manage­ ment program in 1957-58, and as a visiting professor at the Univer­ sity of Hawaii in 1962-63. He is the author of several mono­ graphs and articles in his field, and holds membership in a number of honorary and professional socie­ ties. He is married to the former Margaret Ashworth, '49, and they are the parents of two daughters. 9

that University. He attained his present rank as full professor in 1959. He has been elected a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Ento­ mological Society of America and the Ohio Academy of Science, and holds membership in other learned societies. He is a past president of the Columbus Audubon Society.

Donald J. Borror

Merriss Cornell

Entomology Social Work Professor Cornell has been a member of the University faculty since 1935. He received the mas­ ter's degree from Ohio State in 1937, and has had additional grad­ uate work at Columbia University and at Ohio State. He was promoted from instructor to assistant professor in 1946, to associate professor in 1954 and to professor in 1960. He served as secretary of placement for the School of Social Work from 1955 to 1962 and a lecturer in the Col­ lege of Medicine from 1954 to 1960. He is a past president of the Columbus chapter of the American Statistical Association, and holds membership in the Royal Statistical Society, the Population Association of America, the National Confer­ ence on Social Welfare, the Na­ tional Association of Social Work­ ers and the Academy of Certified Social Workers. He has written articles for professional journals and research monographs for the Bureau of Business Research of Ohio State. 10

Dr. Donald J. Borror is widely known for research, particularly for his studies of dragonflies and, more recently, for new developments in the analysis of bird and insect songs. Since 1948 he has been making tape recordings of many bird and insect songs and has released one long-playing record on insect songs through the Cornell University Press and three records on bird songs through the Federation of Ontario Naturalists. Two more longplaying records are being released through the National Wildlife Fed­ eration and Dover Publications. He is co-author of "An Introduc­ tion to the Study of Insects," an entomology textbook published by Rinehart and Co., and of many articles in scientific publications. His dictionary of word roots was published by National Press Pub­ lications in 1960. As a Navy officer during World War II, most of his service was in the Southwest Pacific and Japan as an entomologist. Dr. Borror has been a member of the Ohio State faculty since 1930, and holds the master's and Ph.D. degrees from

Roy H. Bowen

Theatre Dr. Roy H. Bowen is well known for his work with the Columbus Players Club, which he served as managing director from 1948 to 1958, and for his work in the Ohio State University's Stadium Theatre. He has also done much of the or­ ganizational work for the Ameri­ can Playwrights Theatre, which was formed in December, 1963, to bring first-run plays to non­ commercial stages throughout the United States, and serves as an officer of the organization. From 1933 to 1941, Dr. Bowen taught at Circleville and then at (Continued on next page)

Columbus West High School. He entered the U.S. Army in 1941, serving until 1946 in the Adjutant General's Office and reaching the rank of captain. From 1946 to 1949 he was a graduate assistant and assistant in­ structor at Ohio State, and served as visiting assistant professor while he was associated with the Players Club. He became an associate pro­ fessor on a full-time basis in 1958, and in 1960 was named director of theatre. He has written articles for pro­ fessional journals and is working on a book on theatre appreciation. He is married and has one daugh­ ter.

the counseling function of the of­ fice is an important one. A new in­ ternational student is sent informa­ tion concerning special programs for him, and he is met on arrival in Columbus. The office also furnishes infor­ mation concerning U. S. laws, im­ migration regulations, and those concerning extension of passports and visitors' permits, travel, em­ ployment, and health insurance. The office serves as liaison with other University offices, the Insti­ tute of International Education, the U.S. government departments, and other sponsors of foreign students. During 1966-67 a total of 934 international students were in at­ tendance at the university and were assisted by Miss Bailey and her staff. In addition, approximately two hundred exchange visitors, in­ cluding faculty members, lecturers, and postdoctoral fellows, are as­ sisted each year. Miss Bailey was selected for the 1963 Summer Asian Seminar and spent eleven weeks in Asia. In 1961 she participated in a work­ shop on "Asian Culture and Edu­ cational Exchange" at Stanford Uni­ versity. She is secretary of the National Association of Foreign Student Ad­ visers, and was on its board of directors from 1960 to 1965. She is a member of AAUW and the Broad Street Presbyterian Church, and is an honorary member of Mortar Board.

In Journalism Ruth C. Bailey

In International Student Relations Miss Ruth C. Bailey has been associated with the University since 1937, and became director of the International Students Program in 1962 after five years as interna­ tional student adviser. Providing for foreign students the services not usually needed by other stu­ dents is the task of her office, and

William M. Drenten has been on the School of Journalism fac­ ulty since December, 1959. He pre­ viously served as a reporter and news cameraman for WBNS-TV (Columbus) from 1951 to 1958, and for two years, 1958 and 1959, was news director. He has also worked as a stringer for CBS News and Sportlite, Inc. Mr. Drenten teaches broadcast journalism and photojournalism at Ohio State. He is a member of Sigma Delta Chi, professional jour­ nalism society, and is a director of

William M. Drenten

the Central Ohio Professional Chapter. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1943 to 1946 and was a reservist for ten years. Mrs. Drenten is the former Shirlie Dennis, '53, and the couple has three sons and a daughter.

Campus Busy in Summer More than 2500 people at­ tended conferences on the Otterbein campus during the summer just past. Included were a threeday conference of librarians, four different Eastern Star groups, a YWCA conference, a Farm Bu­ reau youth school, two Metho­ dist adult groups and two for youth, the Ohio Society of Christian Churches, a Wesleyan Service Guild conference, the annual conference sessions of the Ohio Southeast and Erie Conferences of the EUB Church, the EUB Laymen's Weekend, an EUB laboratory school, and groups from several local churches. Three hundred ninety were enrolled in the regular summer school sessions. The summer theatre group also stayed on campus, bringing the total to nearly 3,000 who attended classes, theatre workshop and conferences.


Alumni in the news In the field of Medicine . . .

Lucile Gerber Ritter

Auxiliary President Installed The new president of the Wom­ an's Auxiliary of the American Medical Association is an Otterbein graduate. She is Mrs. Karl Ritter (Lucile Gerber, '24), of Lima. She was installed during the aux­ iliary's annual convention in At­ lantic City June 18-22, and was the guest of honor at a special re­ ception. As an example of the work of the Auxiliary, two young Vietnam­ ese mothers are being trained at Georgetown University School of Medicine in a short-term special­ ized medical course, under the newly established Vietnamese Stu­ dent Aid Project. Mrs. Ritter is the wife of a gen­ eral practitioner, also a graduate of Otterbein, in the class of 1925. She has served previously as treasurer, finance chairman and AMA Education and Research Foundation Committee chairman, has been an auxiliary member for 25 years, and founded the Lima12

Alien County Auxiliary. In recognition of her services and achievements, the new presi­ dent was named Lima's "Woman of the Year" in 1951. She has served on the boards of the Lima Community Welfare Council; Child and Family Service; Mental Health Association, and the League of Women Voters. She is a past presi­ dent of the YWCA, Lima Open Forum and the American Associa­ tion of University Women, and a state officer of AAUW in both Ohio and Indiana. A professional librarian, Mrs. Ritter was county chairman of Ohioana Library for 15 years and, until 1960, spent one day each week as librarian in a local hos­ pital. That year, after having worked for some time to help es­ tablish a Lima Branch of Ohio State University, she became its librarian when the school opened. In 1964 and 1965, scholarship awards to the O.S.U. Lima Campus were named and given in her honor. In addition to her degree from Otterbein, Mrs. Ritter holds a li­ brary science degree from Western Reserve University.

Otterbein Graduate Given WR Alumni Award Dr. A. C. Siddall, '19, long-time resident and physician in Oberlin, was honored at the annual Alumni Day Banquet of the School of Medi­ cine of Western Reserve University on May 24th, when he was pre­ sented the 1967 Alumni Award. The framed and illuminated cer­ tificate reads: "Western Reserve University Medical Alumni Associa­ tion takes pride in presenting the 1967 Alumni Award to Alcines Clair Siddall, M.D., Class of 1922, in recognition of his distinguished career as a physician, missionary, teacher and scholar. He has long brought honor to his medical school,"

A. C. Siddall

After receiving his M.D. degree from Reserve's School of Medicine, Dr. Siddall interned at the Cleve­ land City Hospital, and in 1923 went to Canton, China as a medi­ cal missionary. He remained there until 1933, making significant con­ tributions in his field. Among these were the development of a milk substitute from soy beans for in­ fant feeding and evolving a new type of test for pregnancy known as the Siddall Test. On his return he entered pri­ vate practice in Oberlin where he is a member of the staff of Alien Memorial Hospital and the Oberlin Clinic. He was also active in the development of the Oberlin Plan for Community Health Services. He served as senior clinical in­ structor in the department of ob­ stetrics and gynecology at Reserve's Medical School from 1955 through 1958, and has served the Medical Alumni Association as a member of the Board of Trustees. TOWERS salutes Dr. A. C. Siddall as a splendid example of the many men and women of high profes­ sional excellence who received their undergraduate degrees at Ot­ terbein and who have distinguished themselves in the field of medicine.

In Education . . . Appointed Associate Dean Dr. Paul R. Cone, '49, has been appointed associate dean of the Graduate School of Business Ad­ ministration at the University of Southern California, effective Aug­ ust 1. He has been an advisor to the Haile Selassie I University, Ad­ dis Ababa, Ethiopia, for the past two years.

Stewart A. Cox

Appointed At Cleveland Heights Stewart A. Cox, '35, has left his post as administrative assistant to the Ohio School Employees Re­ tirement System in Columbus to be­ come clerk-treasurer of the Cleve­ land Heights - University Heights schools. He formerly served as clerktreasurer of the Newark Schools for two years, and in the same capacity for the Euclid schools from 1947 to 1963. He and his wife and four children have lived in Wester­ ville during his four years with the SERS. Mr. Cox is a past president of the American Association of School Administrators and the Association of School Business Officials of the United States and Canada. He did his graduate work at Ohio State University.

A use faculty member since 1952, Dr. Cone took a leave of absence to go to Ethiopia under the USAID program of the State De­ partment, and designed and ad­ ministered the budgets of the Eth­ iopian University. He advised the university on administrative and financial procedures, recruited and trained native personnel, and taught business policy and account­ ing. While at USC, Dr. Cone has been chairman of the Department of

Management of the School of Busi­ ness Administration, became faculty coordinator for USC's Managerial Policy Institute, taught business pol­ icy and management theory in the master's and doctoral programs, and was coordinator of the first USC-Lockheed Management Insti­ tute. Dr. Cone and Dr. Douglas Basil have written two books on "Execu­ tive Simulation," and five studies of management strategy cases in the U.S. rubber industry. He has written, with Dr. John W. Gould, a study of the company creeds and policies of 400 major corporations. He received a B.S. degree in business administration and an M.A. in accounting from Bryant College, R.l. He later earned the B.A. in history and government at Otterbein, an M.B.A. at Ohio State University and a Ph.D. at UCLA.

Paul R. Cone with members of Heile Selassie University staff

Wanted: Reporters The Alumni Office and the TOWERS editor are grateful for information received concerning alumni. New addresses, new jobs, retirements, marriages and other news may be missed if each alumnus does not do his part. 13

Robert H. Cavins

Eight of Bob Cavins' students have received doctor's degrees in chemistry and two others are now working on them. One of his stu­ dents is Capt. Dean Axene, now stationed with the Navy in Wash­ ington, who was the first executive officer of the submarine Nautilus and the first commander of the Thresher. The honored teacher says that the teaching of chemistry has changed "almost completely" in his 41 years in the field. "We used to teach descriptive chemistry and as much theory as they needed to make the descrip­ tion understandable. Now, we teach theoretical chemistry and as much descriptive as we can. It's largely theoretical— more rigorous and mathematical," he said. Mr. Cavins earned a master's de­ gree at the University of Michi­ gan, and has been at Upper Ar­ lington High School since 1930. He is married to the former Lucile Roberts, '28.

Chemistry Teacher Honored Robert H. Cavins, '26, has been honored as the Columbus area Out­ standing High School Chemistry Teacher by the Columbus section of the American Chemical Society. The presentation was made after a special committee chose him on the basis of interviews with former students, colleagues and adminis­ trators. Last January, Mr. Cavins was featured in a COLUMBUS DISPATCH story for his unique method of finding chemists—letting them find themselves. "If a kid really wants to be a chemist," he is quoted as saying, "You don't have to look for him— he'll look for you. He wants to use the lab and he won't miss a chance when he is a potential chemist." In 1953, Cavins began opening the chemistry laboratory of the Up­ per Arlington High School on Tues­ day nights to students who wished to drop by to do original experi­ mentation. Ever since that time stu­ dents may be in the laboratory on any Tuesday night during the school year. From this idea was born what one student called "Al­ chemists Anonymous." 14

Michigan Professor Named Banking School Head Dr. Ross J. Wilhelm, x'41, as­ sociate professor of business eco­ nomics in the Graduate School of Business Administration at the Uni­ versity of Michigan, has been ap­ pointed Director of the Michigan School of Banking, sponsored by the University and the Michigan Bankers Association. The school brings a hundred bank executives to the campus each summer for a two-week series of lectures and study. Since 1960 Professor Wilhelm has presented a weekly radio pro­ gram, "Business Review," over WUOM, the U-M station, covering economic and business problems. The program is now carried by about 100 stations throughout the United States, and some 60-70 programs have received wire serv­ ice coverage as news stories. The topic which received the widest publicity, according to Dr. Wilhelm, was his suggestion about three years ago that the draft be

Ross J. Wilhelm

abolished and that military pay be increased to provide an incentive for young men to join and stay in the military services. His television series, "Challenge of Change," has been shown in every major market area in the U.S. He says commercial stations use such programs to meet public service time requirements, and that usually he ends up competing with Captain Kangaroo or some other such program and that the captain usually wins! Behind the scenes political activ­ ity during the past year has found him directing research and writing for a Michigan state representative, a probate judge and a school board trustee, all of whom were elected. His major effort in this area now is directed toward "helping George Romney get elected president and trying to find ways to keep Ann Arbor from having a city income tax." He serves on the mayor's Committee on Taxes and Revenues. Dr. Wilhelm has some 400 pub­ lications to his credit, the latest (co-authored with Charles Davis­ son) being a monograph for the University of Michigan Bureau of Business Research entitled "Econom­ ics Effects on the Wage-Price Guideposts."

Lecturer Recognized "Mr. Enthusiasm, the Man with the Golden Rule," is the title of an article on Dr. Carl C. Byers, '32, in the May-June issue of ACTION TIME Magazine. Carl has carried a small golden rule over a million air miles in his ten years as a public speaker, according to the writer. "Like a modern-day Will Rog­ ers," he writes, "Byers combines a folksy wit with thought-provok­ ing ideas. In his own words, he

Joe Ayer enjoys school party

a full-time lecturer in the areas of education, human relations, and sales motivation, joining the speak­ ers' staff of the General Motors Corporation. Many associations publish in convention proceedings all or part of Doctor Byers' addresses at their area, national or international meet­ ings. In addition, he has had two booklets published, entitled "Pre­ scriptions for Happy Living," and "Prescriptions for Happy Teaching." His constant involvement in community activities includes mem­ bership in Rotary, trusteeship of the Lakewood Presbyterian Church and chairmanship of the Facilities Review Committee of the Greater Cleveland Regional Hospital Plan­ ning Board. He received a master's degree from Ohio University and two honorary degrees, the Doctor of Humanics from Salem College and the Doctor of Education from Otterbein. Mrs. Byers is the form­ er Bertha (Bea) Durfee, '32.

Becomes University Coordinator Joseph Ayer, '40, principal of Cincinnati's Withrow High School, has resigned that post to take the newly created position of co­ ordinator of student affairs and guidance at Miami University's ex­ panding Middletown campus. He has served the Cincinnati Public Schools as teacher and prin­ cipal for 26 years. After leaving Otterbein he attended the Univer­ sity of Cincinnati on a fellowship, and received the B.Sc. in Ed. and the M.Ed. degrees. He served as assistant principal of Hughes High School and principal of Witter Junior High before assuming the Withrow post in 1960. Starting his work for Miami in August, he is an assistant professor at the same time in the Cincinnati University Summer School, and notes that there seems to be less rivalry between the schools at the academic level than on the athletic field. Mr. Ayer has studied at Xavier University and at New York Uni­ versity, and has completed all his work for a doctorate at the latter institution except for the thesis, which he hopes now to do.

'sells education, better human re­ lations, practical Christianity and good, sane Americanism.' His talks are made at sales and safety con­ ferences and to chambers of com­ merce, youth and church groups, bankers and service clubs . . . "Answering the question 'How can the human race keep pace with the space race?' Byers says: 'Sci­ ence and technology can never hope to build a better world un­ less morality builds better people. The world needs a return to the simplicity that will make the Gold­ en Rule a living reality.' If Carl Byers is any example, this is a philosophy of a happy, useful cit­ izen." After fifteen years as Superin­ tendent of Parma City Schools, Carl Byers resigned in 1957 to become

Carroll C. Widdoes, '26, center, receives a Varsity "O" blanket from Bill Rohr, Ohio University Athletic Director, as Mrs. Widdoes (Viola Peden, '28) looks on. Inscribed on the blanket was: "In recognition of outstanding service to Ohio University since 1949 as Head Football Coach, Athletic Director and Tennis Coach. An excellent, versatile teacher of Intercollegiate Athletics, an intense com­ petitor, a leader of men whose great pa­ tience and understanding are outstanding virtues." Widdoes was national College Foot­ ball Coach of the Year at Ohio State in 1944 and "Ohio College Coach of the Year" at Ohio University in 1953, when his Bobcats won the school's first Mid-American foot­ ball championship. Mr. Widdoes began his coaching career at Massillon. He now serves as tennis coach at Ohio U.


Named Department Chairman When we learned that Dr. Ro­ bert T. McLean, '46, had been named chairman of the department of mathematics at Loyola Univer­ sity, we wrote to ask him for background material. His letter be­ lies any thought that the life of a mathematician might be a dull one.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Yohn

"I cut my eye teeth by teaching mathematics for four years at Up­ per Sandusky High School," he writes. "I then picked the M.A. in mathematics at Bowling Green State University. I saw a lot of Emerson Shuck ('38) during the year . . . The following year I

Teachers Retire Among this year's retirees from teaching careers are AAr. and Mrs, Joseph Yohn of Shelby. Mr. Yohn, '26, has taught science subjects at Shelby Senior High School for 23 years, and until last year served as golf coach after reviving the sport in 1946. During those years his teams had a record of 307-90-20, won six golf titles in the Northern Ohio League and the district title in 1965. For eight years he served as reserve football and basketball coach for the Whippets, and was a sports writer for a Shelby daily newspaper for ten years. He will retain his posts as football equip­ ment manager and scorekeeper for the basketball team after re­ tirement. Mrs. Yohn (Agnes Tryon, '25) be­ gan teaching in Richland County schools and for the past eleven years she has taught elementary classes in Ontario Schools. She was previously employed at the Shelby Business Forms, and Mr. Yohn and his wife owned and operated a grocery store in Shelby for 17 years before returning to teaching. The Yohns were married in 1924 by the Reverend Mr. Sager Tryon, '06, and are the parents of Dr. David Yohn, '51, Richard, x'54, and Joanne (Mrs. Paul Colberg, '56). 16

Gift Matching by Industry Increases During the past several years Otterbein has received gifts from some thirty-five companies through their matching gift programs. Un­ der such a program, the corpora­ tion matches dollar for dollar (in some cases doubling the amount) given by an employee to an elig­ ible institution as part of its aid to higher education. Since the Corporate Alumnus Program of General Electric was started in 1954, a total of 328 gift-matching programs has been established. Conditions vary to some extent, some companies matching gifts by all employees, some only those made by em­ ployees or spouses who attended the college. Most corporations match gifts from $25 to $500 or $1,000, but many match smaller amounts and a few match gifts of an individual up to $3,000 or more in a single year. The matching gift program is evidence of industry's willingness to support higher education. It is also evidence of the fact that it expects alumni and close friends of the college to do their share. Whether a corporation makes matching contributions or gives in­ dependently, most such organiza­ tions depend upon the small lib­ eral arts colleges for much of their best managerial talent. They are therefore whole-hearted in their suport of strong institutions like Otterbein.

Robert T. McLean

was signed up to go on at O.S.U., when on opening day at Wester­ ville High School I got an urgent call to bail them out, since their math man had walked out the day before. It was an interesting year. "I followed this with a year at O.S.U., but in 1952 I answered a (Continued on page 19)

A list of companies which have gift-matching programs follows. In some cases wholly-owned subsid­ iaries have been omitted from the list, but are considered part of the program, and a few companies prefer that their programs not be publicized. Get details of your com­ pany's program and include the proper forms when you send your contribution to the college. The gift of an alumnus, parent or other friend of Otterbein may be worth twice or three times the initial amount.

Gift - Matching Programs A

C (Cont'd)

A.B. Dick Foundation Abbott Laboratories Fund Aeroglide Corporation Aerojet-General Corporation Aetna Life Affiliated Companies Aetna Life Insurance Co. Aetna Casualty & Surety Co. Standard Fire Insurance Co. Air Products & Chemicals Inc. Air Reduction Company Albion Malleable Iron Company Alcoa Foundation Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corporation American Ekake Shoe Foundation American Bank & Trust Company of Pennsylvania American Express Foundation American & Foreign Power Company Inc. American Home Products Corporation American Metal Climax Foundation American Optical Company American Potash & Chemicals Corp. American Sugar Refining Company American Tobacco Company Armco Foundation Armstrong Cork Company Arthur Andersen & Company ASARCO (American Smelting and Refining Company) Associated Box Corporation Associated Spring Corporation Athos Steel & Aluminum, Inc. Atlas Chemical Industries Inc. Atlas Rigging and Supply Company

Cleveland Electric Illuminating Foundation Clevite Corporation James B. Clow & Sons, Inc. Coats & Clark Inc. Colonial Parking, Inc. Columbia Gas System, Inc. Columbian Carbon Company Columbus Mutual Life insurance Company Combustion Engineering Inc. Commercial Solvents Corporation Concora Foundation (Container Corporation of America) Connecticut General Life Insurance Company Connecticut Light and Power Company Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company Consolidation Coal Co. Consumer Power Company Continental Can Co., Inc. Continental Insurance Companies, The Continental Oil Company Cook Foundation Whitney Blake Company Koiled Kords Inc. Reliable Electric Company Cooper Industries, Inc. Copley Nev^papers Copley Press, Inc. Union-Tribune Publishing Co. Southern California Assoc. Newspapers Copley Charities Union-Tribune Charities Scan Charities Copolymer Rubber & Chemical Corp. Corn Products Company Corning Glass Works Foundation Crouse-Hinds Foundation Inc. Cutler-Hammer Cyprus Mines Corp.

B Bank of New York Bankers Life Company Barton-Gillett Company Bishop Trust Company, The (Hawaii) E.W. Bliss Company Charitable Trust Fund Bloch Tobacco Foundation Boston Manufacturers Charitable Trust Bristol-Myers Company Brown-Forman Distillers Corporation Brown Foundation, Inc. (Brown & Root, Inc.) Burlington Industries Foundation Business Men's Assurance Co. of America Butterick Company (also Leonard Tingle Foundation) C Cabot Foundation Inc. Campbell Soup Company Canadian General Electric Company, Ltd. Carborundum Company Carpenter Steel Foundation Carter Products Inc. Cavalier Corporation Central Illinois Light Company Central and South West Foundation Cerro Corporation Chase Manhattan Bank Foundation Chemical Bank New York Trust Company Chocopee Manufacturing Corporation Chrysler Corporation Fund Cities Service Company Citizens & Southern National Bank Clairol Incorporated Cleveland Clift Iron Company

D Dayton Malleable Iron Company Deering Mil liken Inc. Diamond Alkali Company Foundation Diamond Crystal Salt Company Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, Inc. Dow Chemical Company Dow Corning Corporation Draper Corporation Dresser Foundation Wilber B. Driver Co. Dun & Bradstreet Foundation, Inc.

E Eastern Gas & Fuel Associates Easton Car & Construction Company Ebasco Services Inc. Electric Bond and Share Company Ensign-Bickford Company Esso Education Foundation (Standard Oil Company, New Jersey) Esso Research and Engineering Co., Humble Oil and Refining Co., Esso Production Research Co., and other affiliates with domestic employees. Ethicon, Inc. Ex-Cel 1-0 Corporation

F Fafnir Bearing Company Ferro Corporation Firemen's Mutual Insurance Company First National Bank of Hawaii Flynn, Harrison & Conroy, Inc. Ford Motor Company Fund Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd. Forty-Eight Insulations, Inc. G Ernest Gallo Foundation Gardner-Denver Foundation General Atronics Corporation General Electric Foundation General Foods Fund, Inc. General Foods Limited General Mills Foundation General Public Utilities Corporation General Telephone & Electronics, Inc. M.A. Gesner of Illinois, Inc. Gibbs and Hill Inc. Gillette Company, The Ginn and Company Girard Trust Bank Glidden Compxany B.F. Goodrich Fund Inc. W.T. Grant Company Griswold-Eshleman Company Guardian Life Ins. Co. of America Gulf Oil Corporation Gulf States Utilities Company H Hamilton Watch Company Harris-Intertype Foundation Harsco Corporation Fund Hartford Electric Light Company Hawaiian Telephone Company Hercules Powder Company Hershey Chocolate Corp. Hewlett-Packard Company Hill Acme Company Hoffman-LaRocne Foundation Honeywell Inc. Hooker Charitable Foundation Inc. J.M. Huber Corporation Hughes Aircraft Company

IBM World Trade Corporation INA Foundation (Ins. Co. of North America) International Business Machines Corporation International Flavors & Fragrances Inc. International Telephone & Telegraph Corporation J Jefferson Mills, Inc. Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company Jewel T Foundation Johnson & Higgins Johnson & Johnson Johns's Wax Fund Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation


K Kaiser Steel Corporation Kendall Company Foundation Kerite Company Kern County Land Company Walter Kidde & Company Foundation, Inc. Walter Kidde Constructors Foundation, Inc. Kidder, Peabody &Co. Kimberly-Clark Foundation Kingsbury Machine Tool Corporation Richard C. Knight Insurance Agency, Inc. Knox Gelatine, Inc. H. Kohnstamm & Company, Inc.

L Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Company Lehigh Portland Cement Company Lever Brothers Co. P. Lorillard Company Foundation Lubrizol Foundation Lummus Company Lustra Plastics Corporation

M Mallinckrodt Chemical Works P.R. Mallory Co. Foundation Inc. Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company Foundation Marathon Oil Foundation, Inc. Marine Midland Trust Company of New York Martha Baird Rockefeller Fund for Music Foundation, Inc. Martha Washington Kitchens (formerly Stevens Candy Kitchen, Inc.) Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. Matalene Surgical Instruments Co. Inc. Maytag Company Foundation Inc. McCormick & Company, Inc. McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Inc. MacLean-Fogg Lock Nut Company Medusa Foundation Mellon National Bank and Trust Company Merck Company Foundation Middlesex Mutual Assurance Company Midland-Ross Foundation Midwest Oil Foundation Miehle-Goss-Dexter Foundation Monticello Life Insurance Company Morgan-Worcester, Inc. Motorola Foundation M & T Chemicals Inc. Munsingwear, Inc. Mutual Boiler Charitable Trust Mutual of Omaha Insurance CompanyUnited Benefit Life Insurance Company

N National Biscuit Company National Cash Register Foundation National Distillers & Chemical Fund, Inc. National Lead Foundation Inc. Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America New England Gas/Electric Association System New England Merchants National Bank of Boston New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. Newhall Land and Farming Company

N (Cont'd) Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. Norton Company John Nuveen & Company

O Oklahoma Gas & Electric Company Olin Mathieson Charitable Trust Ortho Pharmaceutical Corporation Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corporation

P Pacolet Industries Inc. Parker Foundation Pennsalt Chemicals Foundation Pennsylvania Power & Light Company Penton Publishing Company Personal Products Corporation Petro-Tex Chemicals Corporation Phelps Dodge Foundation Phil CO Corporation (Subsidiary of Ford Motor Co.) Philip Morris Inc. Phillips Petroleum Company Pillsbury Company Pilot Life Insurance Company Pitney-Bowes, Inc. Pittsburgh National Bank Pittsburgh Plate Glass Foundation Preformed Line Products Company Provident Life and Accident Insurance Co. Putnam Management Company, Inc. Q Quaker Chemical Products Corporation Foundation R Ralston Purina Company Paul Revere Life Insurance Company R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Riegel Paper Corporation Foundation Riegel Textile Corporation Foundation Rockefeller Bros. Fund Rockefeller, Office of the Messrs. Rockwell Manufacturing Company Rockwell-Standard Corporation Charitable Trust Rust Foundation S Sanborn Co. Schering Foundation Scott Paper Company Foundation Joseph E. Seagram & Sons Inc. Sealright-Oswego Falls Foundation Security National Bank of Lond Island Security Van Lines, Inc. Selby-Battersby & Company Seton Foundation S & H Foundation, Inc. Shamrock Oil and Gas Company Sharonsteel Foundation Signal Oil & Gas Company Signode Foundation, Inc. Simmons Company SImonds Saw and Steel Company Sinclair Oil Corporation Foundation Singer Company Foundation SKF Industries, Inc. Smith, Kline & French Foundation Smith-Lee Co., Inc.

S (Cont'd) Sperry and Hutchinson Company Spruce Falls Power and Paper Company, Ltd. Kimberly-Clark Canada Limited Kimberly-Clark Pulp and Paper Company, Ltd. Stackpole Carbon Company Standard Oil Company Stauffer Chemical Company Sterling Drug Inc. J.P. Stevens Company Inc. Foundation Suburban Propane Gas Corporation W.H. Sweney & Co.

T Tektronix Foundation Tenneco (formerly Tennessee Gas Foundation Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation Textile Machine Works Textron Foundation J. Walter Thompson Company Fund, Inc. J. T. Thrope Co. Towers, Perrin, Forster & Crosby, Inc. Towmotor Foundation Trans World Airlines, Inc. Travelers Insurance Companies Turner Construction Company

U UNI-Serv Corporation Union Oil Company of California Foundation United Clay Mines Corp. United Fruit Company Foundation, Inc. United Illuminating Company United States Borax and Chemical Corporation Upjohn Company U.S. Trust Company Foundation

V Varian Associates Victaulic Company of America W Walker Manufacturing Co. Wallace & Tiernan, Inc. Warner Fund, Incorporated Warner-Lambert Pharmaceutical Company Washington National Insurance Company Watkins-Johnson Company C.J. Webb II Foundation (formerly Charles J. Webb Foundation) Western Publishing Company Foundation Westinghouse Air Brake Foundation Westinghouse Educational Foundation Whirlpool Foundation White Motor Corporation John Wiley & Sons Inc. Williams & Company Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc. Wolverine Charitable Foundation Worthington Foundation Wyandotte Chemicals Corporation

X Xerox Corporation Y Young & Rubicam Foundation

McLean (Continued from page 16)

Giving Property and/or Insurance Dr. Wade S. Miller, Vice President in Charge of Development, an­ nounces two methods of giving to Otterbein which can benefit both the donor and the college. He will be glad to talk with alumni and other friends who are interested.



Would you like to give away your house and ketsp it too? There is a way you can do this with spe­ cific advantages to you. We do not mean giving the house to the col­ lege in your will although many people do this, and such gifts are always appreciated. However, this does not provide advantages to you while you live.

When you were younger, you no doubt felt a need for life in­ surance because you were buying a home, rearing a family, and tak­ ing business risks. For many of you the need no longer exists. Your home is paid for, your children are educated, and your income is adequate. Consider, therefore, naming Ot­ terbein the irrevocable beneficiary of one of your insurance policies. Suppose you own a $10,000 policy with a cash surrender value of $5,000. This amount, or the policy's replacement value, can be claimed as an income tax deduction. If you continue to pay the premiums, they are also deductible. Thus, you can accomplish several things by such a transaction: (1) You can get an immediate income tax deduction; (2) the policy will no longer be a part of your estate; (3) you will be making a gift which for gen­ erations to come will help make it possible for young people to se­ cure a Christian college education.

Consider this attractive alterna­ tive: Transfer title to your property now, reserving the right to occupy it as long as you live, or as long as you and your spouse live. By deeding the property now to the college, you get an immediate con­ tribution deduction for income tax purposes. The exact amount is de­ termined by your ages from official Treasury tables and the value of the property. Example: A man and wife, ages 65 and 60, deed to Otterbein a house valued at $20,000. The "re­ mainder" value of such a property is $10,515 (Table III, IP's Publica­ tion No. 11), and this amount may be claimed as an income tax de­ duction. The deduction is larger for single persons. Although you can deduct only 30% of your income in a single year, you can distribute your de­ duction over a six-year period. There is still another tax advan­ tage. While living in your house, you can continue to deduct real property taxes you pay the same as you did when the title was in your name.

Write for any or all of the free booklets listed below. Please send your free bulletins on— Making Your Will Lifetime Security........................ Tax Economies in Giving How Life Insurance Can Help You and Your Favorite Charity Name


Address ........................................

call from the Franciscan Fathers at the College of Steubenville to join their staff. "This started fifteen fabulous years of involvement in every phase of a young, progressive, growing liberal arts institution. I became chairman of the depart­ ment of mathematics in 1956 and chaired the institutional self-study committee during the successful challenge of the North Central As­ sociation's accrediting committee. We got into this exclusive club in 1959. I became chairman of the science division in 1964. "Paralleling the past fifteen years were two other fascinating episodes of this saga. The first of these started in the fall of 1953 when I began study toward the Ph.D. in mathematics at the Uni­ versity of Pittsburgh. I completed the course work in 1956 and man­ aged to squeeze in oral prelim­ inaries, comprehensive exams and research in time to defend the thesis in 1961. "The richer episode began in 1953 when Betty Weaver became Mrs. McLean. This part of the drama has been held over for a long run. During these years Betty and I sang in the Chancel Choir of West­ minster Presbyterian Church, she taught a Sunday School class, and I led an adult study group and served on the Board of Elders. "Since receiving the Ph.D., I've had a gnawing sensation that I was loafing, so decided it was time to look for new challenges. The most exciting was Loyola University, where my main responsibility, be­ sides pulling a sagging department together, is to start the Ph.D. pro­ gram in mathematics. "Our home is about ten minutes from Basin, South Rampart, Royal, Desire, Bourbon, St. Louis, and all the other streets in the Vieux Carre where jazz was born." Bob attached a postscript to the effect that as far as he knows he was the first of Prof. B. C. Glover's students to get the Ph.D., and that his first student to get the degree has assumed chairmanship of the department which he leaves in Steubenville. 19

A Page from Our Family Album Among the 1967 graduates of Otterbein are a number of children of alumni (and grandchildren). Shown above is Gretchen Van Sickle (now married to Michael Cochran, '66), with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Frank AA. Van Sickle, '41 (Mary Jane Kline, '42), and her maternal grandparents. Dr. and Mrs. Homer B. Kline, '15 (Norma McCally, '16). Gretchen's father was the recipient of the hon­ orary Doctor of Science degree. Her paternal grandparents, Mrs. F. O. Van Sickle (Elsie Smith, '03) and the late F. O. Van Sickle, '06, were also Otterbein graduates. Shown in the pictures at left are (1) Ann L. Williams (now Mrs. Richard Medkeff) with her parents. Rev. and Mrs. Don L. Williams, '41 (Louise Gleim, '41); (2) Ann Lawther (now married to Gary Marquart, '64) with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dean Lawther) '34 (Helen Ludwick, x'36). (3) George E. Biggs with his parents. Rev. and Mrs. George Biggs, '32 (Martha Wingate, '32); (4) Jinny Schott with her father. Dr. John M. Schott, '33; (5) Janet Blair with her mother, Mrs. James Blair (Margaret Snyder) x'31; (6)

Daniel R. Bunce with his mother, Mrs. T. K. Bunce (Louise Secrest, x'29); (7) Beverly J. Appleton with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John (Jack) Appleton, '33. (8) Paul D. Robinson poses be­ tween his parents. Rev. and Mrs. Frank E. Robinson, '44 (Faith Naber, '44); his grandfather was Peter G. Naber, '19. (9) James M. Cooper is pictured with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Cooper, x'35 (Rhea Moomaw, '33); (10) John R. Scott is shown with his mother, Mrs. Kenneth Scott (Drusie Mobley, '62). (11) Mr. and Mrs. William S. Hoffman (Betty Gardner) are shown with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Gardher, '42 (Wanda Hatton, '42); Betty's grandfather was the late Rev. J. F. Hatton, '11; (12) Jacquelyn Sue Hendrix poses with her grandfather. Rev. Joe P. Hendrix, '17; her grandmother (Martha Cowgill, A'14) and her father, Joseph C. Hendrix, x'40, were also former students at Otterbein.



1967 CLASS OF 1902 — Left to right: Ernest A. Sanders, Olive Robertson Bennert.

Other members of the class who are sons or daughters of alumni are: Peter W. Bunce, son of Dr. and Mrs. W. Kenneth Bunce, '30 (Alice Shively, '33); Linda M. Fet­ ter, daughter of Richard D. Fetter, '34; Janet Lenahan, daughter of Mrs. Norris Lenahan (Ernestine Little, '32); Sandra Lou Miller, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Verle A. Miller, '35 (Margaret Priest, '35); Richard H. Orndorff, son of Richard B. Orndorff, '48; Frederick T. Sporck II, son of Dr. and Mrs. How­ ard A. Sporck, '34 (Edna Burdge, '34), and grandson of Leroy Burdge, '05; Elizabeth L. Steckman, daugh­ ter of Hugh M. Steckman, x'30; Carlton E. Weaver, son of Clarence E. Weaver, '34; and Barbara J. Wissinger, daughter of Kenneth Wissinger, x'25. Jane Arnold, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Arnold, '38 (Ruth Cook, '37), has completed her work this summer for graduation. She is the granddaughter of Dr. A. D. Cook, '12, and the late Alwilda Dick Cook, '13.

CLASS OF 1912 — FIRST ROW, left to right: Ethel Kephart Curts, Sanders, Beunah Demorest Lawrence, Elsie J. Dill McFarland. SECOND ROW, left to right: A. D. Cook, Guy McFarland.




CLASS OF 1917 — FIRST ROW, left to right: Ruth Dick Fetter, Claire Hoffert Dory, Lola McFarland, Hulah Black Irwin, Mary A. Nelson Lingrel, Elmo Lingrel. SECOND ROW, left to right: Inez Bower Hopkins, Marion Elliott Barnhart, Ethel Meyers Gifford, Clarence Booth, Alva H. Sholty, Lloyd Mignerey. THIRD ROW, left to right: Stanton W. B. Wood, Homer D. Cassel, John B. Carver, Earl Brobst.

CLASS OF 1922 — FIRST ROW, left to right: Edna Dellinger Carlson, Hazel Dehnhoff Young, Feme Gelbaugh Martin, Ford, J. Gordon Howard. SECOND ROW, left to right: Howard Morrison, Maurice Collins, Robert C. Wright, Paul V. Sprout, Earl D. Ford. THIRD ROW, left to right: Manson E. Nichols, Eugene Hahne, J. Milton Owen.




CLASS OF 1927 — FIRST ROW, left to right: Josephine Flanagan Massinger, Betty White Oyler, Mary Bennett Green, Edith Moore Crace Rinehart Reed, Jean Turner. second’ROW, left to right: Bob Snavely, Ethel Euverard, Charlotte Owen Erisman, Celia Johnson, Mary Mills Miller, Ruth H ursh Tu'i'^nn RO^^*^^?eft^to^Hght:*"charles O. Lambert, Dick James, Dorothy Ertzinger Dill, Hazel Heischman Baker, Mark Schear. fourth


left to right: Ressler Brown, Nellie Heischman Brown, Gwynne McConaughy, Theodore E. Nichols.


CLASS ~ FIRST ROW, left to right: Reta LaVine Thomas Elliott, Betty Rosensteel Ballenger, Mary Jane Kline Van Sickle. SECON D ROW, left to right: Betty Woodworth Clark, Lillian Bali Ziegler. THIRD ROW, left to right: Arthur C. Secrest, Harold E. Wilson Tut1Pe®H°offe7bLt, Rut"^ Wol?e'^<raft, ^MyM Hod^sC'Firzpatrick'^^"''®’

Martha Roof,

Baker Blackford,


Lois Arnold Wagner,




Bette Greene



Severin, Mary Cay Carlson Wells, Mary Margaret

Hilt°Le Ma"y°Vi w;^d?ord"Ha,rWi'V°a"kac'^^ FOURTH °ROw!7eft° to^rVghL Bil|^Le74Vson,"*Edith°GalU^h^^


McConnell Miller, Emigail Lilly Fisk, Helen Cliffo^d'E^'cIbhart.*"®’


CLASS OF 1952 — FIRST ROW, left to right: Esther Bontrager Hardesty, Lois Abbott Yost, Willa Hixson Hill, Margie Abbott Den­ ham, Pat Stauffer Taylor, Margie Reece Borsum. SECOND ROW, left to right: Martha J. Nichols, Ted Benadum, Ed Flaws, Jo Ann May, Nancy Longmire Seibert, Don Myers THIRD ROW, left to right: Frank Egbert, William C. Taylor, Roger Wiley, Glenn Winston, George Liston.

CLASS OF 1957 — FIRST ROW, left to right: Kay Fulcomer Caldwell, Janice Gunn Freeman, Marge Curtis Henn, Doris Wise Gantz, Carolyn Cribbs Smith, Lois Koons Scott. SECOND ROW, left to right: Bill Freeman, Alan Norris, Chuck Selby, Bob Henn, Reynold Hoefflin, Al Kepke, Jerry Lingrel. CLASS OF 1962 — FIRST ROW, left to right: Carole Kouse Pascoe, Sharron Smith Schar, Johanne Scott Argo, Nancy Anderson Vernon, Carolyn Bebee, Louise Bollechino, Opal Adkins Gilson. SECOND ROW, left to right: Dick Argo, Don Marshall, David Schar, Robert Yakley, Ken Gilson, Max Weaver, Frank Milligan, Jim Bebee.

pushes pRom the cUsses '43


Chalmers Wylie, x'43, has been praised by House Republican Leader Gerald R. Ford for his "constructive legislative efforts to combat crime." "Although a congressional freshman, he has made excellent use of his strong back­ ground in this field," Ford said. "He has in­ troduced or supported a number of bills which would take this country a long way up^he ladder to a safer society."

'49 Dr. W. Stanley Schulz, assistant professor of speech at Muskingum College, made an exhaustive study of farce for his Ph. D. dis­ sertation at the University of Michigan. He discovered that farce has existed in the theatre since earliest times, and that it was used by such dramatists as Aristophanes long before the time of Shakespeare. Dr. Schutz received the M. A. from Ohio State University. He joined the Muskingum faculty in 1961, and was acting chairman of the deparmtent in 1964-65. He supervises the college radio station, WMCO, and frequently directs college dramatic productions. He and his wife, (Mary Alice Pollock, '49) have four children.

'50 Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company has appointed Donald C. Bowman, '50, as an as­ sistant purchasing agent and manager of the international purchasing division. He joined Goodyear in 1950 as a research chemist, join­

Mr. Davis is married to the former Ruth Eleanor Tomb, '53, and they have four chil­ dren. He is a graduate of United Seminary, holds a M. Ed. degree in guidance and per­ sonnel services from Springfield College, and attended the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley in the summer of 1965. The Hubbard Board of Education has voted unanimously to appoint Loren O. Giblin as the new superintendent of schools. He has been assistant superintendent for the past four years. Mr. Giblin holds a master's degree from Ohio University and has attended Ohio State for post-graduate work. Charles L. Stockton was named "Salesman of the Month" for June by the local district office of Nationwide Insurance Company. He earned the recognition for outstanding pro­ duction in all lines of insurance - life, health, mutual funds, auto, fire, commercial and auto and home financing. He and his wife (Betty Ervin, '50) live in Westerville and have two children.

'51 Alfred E. Gilmour, formerly administrative assistant to the president of Olivet College, was assigned on July 1 as director of de­ velopment for the School of Dentistry, Uni­ versity of the Pacific, in San Francisco. He had been a member of the staff of Olivet for nine years. He and his wife and daughter live in San Mateo.

ing the purchasing department in 1951. He has been a division manager in purchasing since 1960. Carl Edwin Cheek, x'50, has been named


ecumenical from









'54 The Reverend Mr. Robert M. Eschbach was the subject of an inspiring feature story in the TOPEKA DAILY CAPITAL last spring. En­ titled "Blindness No Bar to Minister's Call," the story calls attention to the constant com­ panionship of his seeing-eye dog. Dusty, and to his ever-present desire to help other peo­ ple. Bob is enrolled in the eleven-month pas­ toral care and counseling course offered by the Menninger Foundation through its re­ ligion and psychiatry department. Assigned to the First Christian Church as associate minister, he teaches a Sunday School class numbering 60 to 65 members, all over age 60, and he considers it part of his job to get well acquainted with each one personally. Bob was born in Baguio in the Philippines, where his parents. Dr. and Mrs. Carl B. Esch­ bach, '26, were missionaries. He is a gradu­

ceived a $500 doctoral study fellowship from the denominational EUB Men and the Board of Christian Education. He is using the fellowship this summer for his second residency in San Francisco Theolo­ gical Seminary program for ministers who wish to remain active and still pursue doc­ toral study. The program requires seven years of study and leads to the S. T. D. degree.


study groups to service projects in Toledo's inner-city, "an idea and the generator of ideas, a vision and the transformer of dreams into reality."

Gerald Podolak, M. D. writes that he is now chief resident in obstetrics and gynecol­ ogy at the Orange County Medical Center, Orange, California. He plans to practice in the area after completing his residency next summer. He and his wife and five-year-old son own a home in an abandoned orange grove in Orange.

six years and assigned to be minister of the Independence Church, Cleveland, has re­

M. Eugene Davis is taking a year's sabbati­ cal leave from his work with the United Christian Fellowship at Bowling Green State University to do graduate study at Andover Newton Theological Seminary at Newton Center, Massachusetts. He will be studying in the fields of Christianity and Society and in Ecumenics. The Reverend Mr. Davis has been director of the UCF for the past eight years, conduct­ ing


ate of United Seminary. He and his wife, Pat, have a daughter and a son. The Reverend Mr. Donald W. Shilling, pas­ tor of the Lexington EUB Church for the past

vice president of the Pullen Molded Products, Inc., New Iberia, Louisiana. He will continue as general manager, and has been an execu­ tive in the manufacture and sale of horticul­ tural products for 16 years.


Knovf'n as one of central Ohio's leading sports personalities, Ted Benadum has been named manager of the sporting goods school division of Roush Hardware in Westerville. Dale Rockhold, '50, is the new general man­ ager of the department. The store is owned and operated by Edwin L. (Dubbs) Roush, '47.

Alfred E. Gilmour

Buckeye Federal Savings and Loan Associa­ tion has appointed John F. Menke as assistant manager of its Westerville office, the former

Home Savings Company. Mr. Menke previous­ ly taught for a number of years at Mifflin and Big Walnut High Schools. He has gradu­

Eric Winterhalter reminds us that we placed him in the wrong class in a recent issue of TOWERS. He is actually a member of the class

ate credit at both Ohio State and Miami Uni­ versities. His wife is the former Mary Ann

of 1959.

organizations, including the National Council on Crime and Delinquency.



Dick Berry, president of the Class of

McCoy, '54.


1963, has asked us to remind class mem­ bers of the scholarship fund which was started as a class gift. The fund was re­ named last year in memory of Bob Zech,

Gerald R. Wirth has been promoted to night manager of the Monsanto Research Cor­ poration in Miamisburg, Ohio. In his new position, he is responsible for the activities

Verona, Pennsylvania is the new address of Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert M. Burkel, while Gil is taking a pediatric residency at Children's Hospital, University of Pittsburgh Medical School. Mrs. Burkel, the former Marilyn Moody, '62, and her husband have a daugh­

'63, who lost his life while serving as a Peace Corps volunteer. Dick asks that all class members ear-mark their donations for the Robert Zech Memorial Scholarship

of all departments.

ter, Wendy Marie,

Fund, and keep it growing!


zona in 1965. Though not a Model A Ford Club member, we have been interested to see copies of THE RESTORER, to which Vernon W. Vogel is


An article by Craig Gifford appears in the July-August issue of TECHNIQUES, a pub­ lication of the American College Public Re­ lations Association. The article deals with his experience in setting up equipment for more efficient printing at Otterbein. Director of College Information at the college until July 1, he has accepted a similar position at Battelle in Columbus. Dr. John R. Howe, Jr. is teaching for his third summer at the American History Insti­ tute at Dartmouth College. He and his wife (Judith Jenkins, '58) and family find the sum­ mers in Hanover (New Hampshire) a welcome change from the winter schedules of the Universify of Minnesote.


in Whiteriver, Ari­

contributor. His latest article, entitled "Taxi­ cab," relates the history of the production of

After completing his residency requirement for the State Bar of Arizona, Richard S. Berry passed the examinations last February and is practicing law in Phoenix with the firm of Leibsohn, Goldstein and Weeks.

the Model A taxicab by Ford, beginning in 1928 at a cost of $800. It appears in the May-June issue, Vol. 12, No. 1. Vernon also conducted the research and wrote the ambi­ tious and useful ten-year INDEX to the RE­ STORER, and serves as research and index editor. In his capacity as a mathematics and com­ puting science research librarian at the Uni­ versity of Notre Dame, Vernon attended an Archives Institute sponsored by the Georgia Department of Archives and History and Em­ ory University's Division of Librarianship in July.

'58 Jerry Greene is the assistant administrator of the Barney Children's Medical Center in Dayton. Mary L Larrick, x'58, will be teaching remedial reading for the third, fourth and fifth grades this fall. She lives in Kent. Formerly pastor of Willey Memorial EUB Church, the Reverend Mr. David Schneider has joined the staff of the Council of Churches of Greater Cincinnati in the basin ministry department, a cooperative effort of several denominations to meet inner city needs. Mrs. Schneider is the former Marie Waggamon, '58.

'62 An interesting note from Kaye Koontz Oblinger indicates that she is still teaching high school speech and English at Steele High School in Amherst, Ohio. She says that when she was married in 1965 to Conrad Oblinger, she automatically became the mother of four children: Jackie, now 13; Debbie, 11; Pammy, 8; and Steve, 6. They live in Brentwood Lake Village, which has its own private lake, and the swimming is lovely! Mrs. Charles Pascoe (Carole Kouse) left August 1st for Weisbaden, Germany, where

Robert E. Kline, Jr. '18, Arthur B. Fulton, '51, Arthur Dean Fulton, aged 10, and Mrs. Ful­ ton. The photograph was taken in front of the United States Courthouse in Washington.

Kline, '18, Moves Admission Of Fulton, '51


During June, 1967, Robert E. Kline, Jr., '18, had the pleasure of introducing Arthur B. Fulton, '51, to the United States Court of

A veteran of the U. S. Air Force, Bryce Chapin has been graduated from Continental

supervisor of placement and employee activi­ ties of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Ohio Fuel Gas

Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and successfully moved his admission to the

Airlines' jet pilot training school at Los An­ geles International Airport. He is now based at Los Angeles, flying as a second officer aboard the Boeing Golden Jets. His wife is

Company and Ohio Valley Gas Company. He

bar of that Court. Mr. Kline, a 1966 recipient of Otterbein's Special Achievement Award,

her husband is stationed with the U. S. Air Force. John


the former Reba Akers, x'59. Charles F. Lembright, Jr. is



West Virginia University at Morgantown to continue work on a master of arts degree in drama. He has spent the past three years as head of the speech and social studies depart­ ments of Belle Center High School. Robert Tharp is currently an administrative assistant to the superintendent of schools in the Licking Valley District, Newark. He form­ erly served as an elementary school principal for four years.






started with the gas company in 1963 as a rate accountant, and was promoted to per­ sonnel interviewer in July, 1966. Dr. Jerry L. Whitaere, x'62, is now an in­ structor in the College of Dentistry at Ohio State University. He received his D. D. S. de­ gree from Ohio State. C. Edward Venard, Columbus attorney, has been elected president of the Franklin County chapter of the Muscular Dystrophy Associa­

has been a prominient attorney in Washing­ ton, D. C. for many years. Mr. Fulton served three years in the United States Army Military Intelligence following graduation from Otterbein and then earned a law degree from the University of Pitts­ burgh. He has been wtih the FBI for ten years and served in Louisville and Coving­ ton, Kentucky and in New York City before

a member of the Columbus Traffic and Trans­

assuming his current position as a Supervisor at FBI Headquarters in the Justice Building, Washington, D. C. Mr. Fulton is married, has

portation Commission, and is active in

one son and he and his family reside in Ar­

tion for the 1967-68 campaign year. He is solicitor for the Village of New Albany and nu­

merous professional, legal, masonic and civic

lington, Virginia.


Laurel J. Garman has joined the Iowa Wes­ leyan College staff as assistant football coach, head track coach and assistant admissions counselor. He received the M. S. in physical education at Southern Illinois in July, and served there during the graduate assistant coach.

past season



George P. Parthemos is enrolled at Wash­ ington and Virginia.






Kay C. Schumacher, x'65, is continuing her studies at Fort Wayne Bible College, major­ ing in the missionary nursing course. She is an August, 1966 graduate of Lutheran Hos­ pital School of Nursing in Cleveland, and has worked for a year in pediatrics at the hos­ pital. Mrs. David Westerfield (Jeanette Litsey) is now living in Allensville, Kentucky, where her husband is pastor of the Methodist Church. Jeanette has completed another summer of graduate work.

^66 Rebecca Sue Clark will teach in the Car­ lisle Junior High School in the coming year. She is living in West Carrollton. Pamela Cutinella is working as a customer representative for the Xerox Corporation in Akron.

Summer Reunion

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hajek (Edith Sheets) are living in Columbus, where Brian is in nuclear engineering with Battelle Memorial Institute, and Edith will teach home economics in Grove City. Thomas C. Heisey is teaching seventh and

Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, was the scene of an "Otterbein alumni meeting" in June.

eighth grade history in Cincinnati. Charles Messmer, Jr. is continuing work for a master's degree at Bowling Green State


of honor" were


group of very

young "prospective students." In the photo above are pictures (front row); Kurt Miller, Scot Warner, Jim Bragg, Jim Warner, Andy Warner, Mike Bragg, and Jeff Warner; (second row) Ricky Warner, Kathy Miller, Cathy Bragg; (third row) Mrs. David Warner (Joyce Shannon, '58, Mrs. Rob­ ert Warner (Emily Bale, '58), Mrs. Wade Miller (Princess Johnson, x '58), Mrs. Ralph Bragg (Ann Brentlinger, '56), Dave Warner, '56; and (last row) Ralph Bragg, '56, Wade Miller, '56, and Robert "Bud" Warner, '56. Scott and Jeff are the sons of the Dave Warners, and Ricky, Jim and Andy belong to the Bud Warners. The four families are now scattered, since they live in Toledo; Columbus; Tuscaloosa, Alabama; and Mountain Home, Idaho.

University in business administration, and has a statistics assistantship. His wife (Betty

Laurel J. Garman

'64 Roger







painting and drawing at Lycoming College, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, starting in Sep­ tember. His wife (Nancy Torbush, '65) will teach fifth and sixth grades. William D. Thompson will play football with the Akron Vulcans in the fall, and both he and his wife (Judy Morison, '66) will teach physical education. They live in Wadsworth.

^65 Mary Blair has a teaching assistantship for 1967-68 at Miami University at Oxford. Larry Chase, x'65, and his wife (Arlene Huff, '63) are living at Cary, North Carolina. He has a teaching assistantship at North Caro­ lina State, and she teaches mathematics and science at Daniels Junior High in Raleigh. Larry received a B. S. in Agriculture at Ohio State in 1966.

'63 (continued) Martin Franklin has started a Ph. D. pro­

Marilyn Goembel will serve in Germany and Italy for the next three years as a recrea­

gram at the University of Vermont, continu­ ing studies in solid state reactions. The title of his master's thesis at Penn State last Sep­

the U. S. Army Special Services overseas. Marilyn left for Frankfort in July, after teach­

tember was "Solid State Irradiation-Induced

ing English at Wickliffe Junior High School

Decomposition Studies of Nitrate and Nitrite by an Infrared Spectroscopic Technique."

for the past two years.

Richard C. Hohn has accepted a teaching fellowship at Temple University, where he will be working toward his Ph. D. degree. The new Director of Music and Youth at First EUB Church in Fort Wayne, Indiana, is James L. Gilts.


tion specialist. This is a civilian position with

Richard Hamilton is employed by Marathon Oil in Findlay as a systems analyst, and is studying business administration at Bowling Green State University. Mrs. Hamilton (Susan Knecht, x'67) received her degree at Findlay College, and teaches physical education at Riverdale High School.

Powers, '65) is teaching at Arlington High School and is writing a thesis on "School Social Work" toward a master's degree at Oberlin College. Mrs. Timothy Parker (Theodora Mathis) is teaching in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, while her husband attends college. Ralph Price has been appointed to a U. S. Civil Service position as computer program­ mer in the Air Force Logistics Command. He is assigned Base.





David L. Young is a management trainee for the J. C. Penney Company in Columbus.

Alumni Represent Otterbein Otterbein is indeed grateful to those alumni who serve as official representa­ tives of the college at formal inaugura­ tions and other special occasions when distance prevents attendance by ofFicers or faculty members. Dr. Robert F. Berkey, '52, will represent his alma mater at the inauguration of Archibald M. Woodruff as Chancellor of the University of Hartford on October 22. Otterbein will be represented by Dr. Philip D. Herrick, '48, at the inauguration of Burton Crosby Hallowell as president of Tufts University on September 24. President Lynn W. Turner will represent the college at the inauguration of Elmer Jagow as the seventeenth president of Hiram College on October 6.

Otterbein Alumni in Military Service '44 Lt. Col and Mrs. John A. Smith, '44 (Geral­ dine McDonald, '45) have returned from Vien­ tiane, Laos, where Colonel Smith served as assistant attache with the U. S. Army. He will attend the Air War College at Maxwell AFB, Alabama, for the coming year. They

1/Lt. Gerald Cleaver is now stationed at Campion AFS in Alaska as a weapons con­ troller. His wife, the former Ellie Kassner, x'67, is I iving in Westerville and plans to continue her work at Otterbein. Margaret A. Haneke has been promoted to first lieutenant in the U. S. Army and is com­ manding officer of the Rort Riley, Kansas, WAC Detachment of eighty women. Richard Reynolds was promoted to first

have two daughters.

lieutenant in July, and is stationed at Custer AFB, Michigan. His wife is the former Ellen D. Trout, x'68. Robert E. Spory, a supply officer at Lockbourne AFB, has been promoted to first



Major Jerry S. Beckley has returned from his tour of duty in Southeast Asia, where he received the Air Medal and a Distinguished Flying Cross for extraordinary achievement while participating as an electronics welfare

'66 2/Lt. Richard L. Amelung has been awarded

officer over North Viet Nam. He is now sta­ tioned at the Pentagon. He, his wife (Ruth Kingsbury, '54) and four children, live in

the USAF silver pilot wings upon graduation at Laredo AFB and has been assigned to MacDill AFB, Florida. His wife is the former

Maryland. Duane L. Hopkins has been promoted to

Bette Smith, '65. Lt. Larry Amstuti is serving at Dover AFB in Delaware, and his wife (Ruth Collins) will be teaching fourth grade and working to­ ward a master's degree at the University of

major in the U. S. Air Force. He is assistant professor of aerospace studies with an AFROTC detachment at the University of Louisville. His wife is the former Carol A.

Delaware. She spent the summer of 1966 in Europe, and the couple was married in No­ vember. They then spent four months in Del

Jaynes, AGE '56. The former Fran Myers has returned to the U. S. after spending three years in Turkey and Germany, where her husband, Gy/Sgt.

Rio, Texas before receiving their present as­ signment. Wendell B.

Ben E. Strong, has been stationed. He is now stationed in Viet Nam, and she and their three children are living in Jacksonville, North Carolina.

'60 Capt. George W. Howe has been awarded U. S. Air Force silver pilot wings at Laughlin AFB and has been assigned to Anderson AFB, Guam, for flying duty with the Air Weather Service. He is married to the former Kath­ leen Barnette, '59. Lt. Allen L. Manson, USNR, graduated on June 16 from the U. S. Naval Test Pilot School, Patuxent River, Maryland. He will remain at the center for two years as a test pilot and project engineer. He is married to the former Priscilla Huprich, and they have one daughter.

'61 Capt. Thomas J. Cross is a space systems operations officer now stationed at Ent AFB, Colorado. His wife is the former Jo Ann Powell, x'60.

'63 Terry Hafner has been promoted to the rank of captain, and is serving a year's tour of duty in Takhu, Thailand with the Air Force. His wife (Susan Gallagher) is residing in Newburgh, New York with their son Scott, aged 5. She is doing speech therapy work.

Lt. Allen L. Manson

Capt. Mace A. Ishida has been serving as personnel services officer at Ubon Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand, for the past year, and has been reassigned to Malstrom AFB, Montana, as a missile officer. He received his captaincy in March and was married on May 20.

'64 1/Lt. David R. Hollifield has been cited for outstanding airmanship and courage on suc­ cessful and important missions under hazar­ dous conditions as a helicopter pilot. He is stationed at Udorn Royal Thai AFB in Thai­ land. His wife is the former Nancy J. Bone, '62. Lt, and Mrs. Charles Curtis Moore (Sally Landwer) are presently stationed at Bolling

Dickinson and his wife (Elke

Lindner) are living in Omaha, Nebraska, where he is stationed with the Air Force. He has been promoted to first lieutenant as of September 27, and hopes to start work on a master's degree during the coming year. Pfc. Larry Durie, x'66, is presently serving with the U. S. Army in Viet Nam. His wife (Jan Richards, '65) will teach at Wayne High School in Dayton. Roger Hohn has reported for active duty with the Air Force, and is based at Eglin AFB, Florida, as of August 18. 2/Lt. Warren (Hill) Knapp is



Okinawa with the U. S. Air Force. Philip R. Owen has been commissioned an Army second lieutenant after graduation from the Infantry Officer Candidate School at Fort Banning, Georgia. 2/Lt. Richard P. Waltz is stationed at Keesler AFB, Mississippi for duty with the Air Training Command, following his graduation from







AFB, Washington, D. C., where Lt. Moore is an operations officer with the 544th Aero­ space Recon Tech Wing. They live in New Carrollton, Maryland. John C. Peters has been promoted to first lieutenant in the U. S. Air Force, and is a member of the Tactical Air Command. He is a management analysis officer at Lockbourne AFB. He earned his M. B. A. degree from the University of Michigan after graduation from Otterbein. His wife is the former Sylvia Hodgson, '65.

Cromer Retired Roy F. Cromer, who retired during the past year as a master sergeant in the U. S. Air Force,






Services for the College of Commerce and Administration of Ohio State University. Ser­ geant Cromer served from 1961 to 1966 on the AFROTC staff at Otterbein as detachment sergeant-major. in English.

He holds a master's degree


Xavier University: John E. Master of Education, June 7.

Advanced Degrees

Reichard, '61,


Our apology to William F. Bale, '57, for the error in announcing the name of his thesis in the Spring issue of TOWERS. He re­ ceived the Master of Arts in Political Science from Brown University on June 5, and his thesis was titled "Japan's Defense Dilemma."

1958 — Carolyn Ann Stephens and Jerry Greene, '58, on August 19, in Dayton. 1962 — Louise Greenawalt and Jerry Lynn Whitacre, x'62, on June 23, in Columbus. Judith Ann Wanner and Maxin C. Weaver, '62, on June 17, in Kettering. 1963 — Betty L. Moore and Michael SchadI, '63, on October 8, 1966. Mary Claire Short and Larry Wilson, '63,

Young Ph.D.

on July 15, in Columbus. Kanlayanee Vayumhasuvan and Mace Ishida, '63, on May 20, in Ubon, Thailand, in traditional Thai ceremony. 1964 — Carol Clark, '64, and Leon DeLano, on December 22, 1965, in Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Jean Pfleger, '64, and Don Sutton, on Aug­ ust 21, 1966 in Minford, Ohio. Sandra Sue Spangler, '64, and Jan Hen­ drik Carstanjen, on June 23, in Columbus. 1964-1965 — Nancy Torbush, '65, and Rog­ er D. Shipley, '64, on July 22, in Plainfield,

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Olin, '63 (Judy Stena, '62) received master of divinity degrees at United Theological Seminary on June 1. The photo­ graph is from a feature story which appeared in the DAYTON DAILY NEWS.

New Jersey. 1964-1966 — Judith Morison, '66, and Wil­ liam David Thompson, '64, on June 24, in Shaker Heights. 1964- 1967 —• Ann Lawther, '67, and Gary Marquart, '64, on June 10, in Munster, In­ diana.

Cranbrook Academy of Art, Michigan: Rog­ er D. Shipley, '64, Master of Fine Arts, in May. Harvard




1965 — Arlene


Master of Arts, March 13. University of Iowa: Larry Gene Willey, '60, Master of Arts, June 9. University of Illinois; Judith A. Reighard, '62, Doctor of Philosophy in Botany, June 17. Kent State University: John Behling, '60, Master of Education in Physical Education, September 2. Michigan State University; W. Schutz, '49, Doctor of Philosophy.


University of North Dakota: Jack D. Pietila, '62, Master of Arts in Industrial Management, in May. Ohio University: Robert Tharp, '59, Master of Education, June 4. Ohio State University; Ann Sparks Bell, '50, Master of Social Work; Willa M. Chambers, '59, Master of Arts; Wayne T. Gill, '64, Juris Doctor; Roger Hohn, '66, Master of Arts; Paulette Rosseaux Loop, '60, Master of Arts; Thomas R. Martin, '63, Doctor of Medicine; Nancy Dern Mathison, '64, Master of Social Work; Karen S. Ruegg, '64, Master of Arts; all on June 13. Pennsylvania State University: Eugene Lorin Arnold, '59, Master of Science, June 17. Heidemarie Olbrich, '65, Master of Arts, June 17. Western Reserve University: John M. Sand­ ers, '54, Master of Science in Chemistry.


Buckley, '65, and Daniel

Swihart, on December 28, 1966. Carol Field, '65, and D. David Edwards, on

Judith Ann Reighard, '62, has dis­ tinguished herself by earning the Ph.D. degree in Botany from the University of Illinois at Urbana on June 17th, just five years after her graduation from Otterbein. During her five-year residency at the University of Illinois, she earned the Mas­ ter of Science degree in 1964, and was employed in the Departments of Botany and of Physiology and Biophysics as a teaching assistant and research assistant. The title of her Ph.D. thesis is "Light and Electron Microscopic Studies on Spore Germination and Bud Apical Meristems in Polytricum juniperinum Hedw. and P. ohioense Ren. and Card." Her thesis will provide the basis of a paper presented this summer at the American Institute of Biological Sciences meetings in College Station, Texas. Dr. Reighard is co-author with D. J. Paolillo, Jr. of "Ultrastructural features of some polytrichacheous moss leaves" (1967) and of "On the relationship between ma­ ture structure and ontogeny in the grana of chloroplasts" (1967); and co-author with D. J. Paolillo, Jr. and R. H. Raul of "The effect of chemical fixation on the fret­ work of chloroplasts" (1967). She has been appointed Assistant Pro­ fessor of Botany at Ohio University start­ ing in September, and has spent the sum­ mer as a full-time research associate at the University of Illinois.

March 25, in Columbus. Loretta Graham and


June 25, in Rockford, Ohio. Jill Helene Limbach, '65,

Bean, to



on Jay

Morrison, on August 12, in Westerville. 1965- 1966 — Betty Powers, '65, and Charles C. Messmer, Jr., '66, on December 17, 1966. Janet M. Richards, '65, and Larry Durrie, x'66, on June 10, in Dayton. 1966 — Ruth Ellen Barnes, '66, and Nathan Wells Wilson, on June 24, in Williamsport. Linda Grossman and Roger Hohn, '66, on July 15, in Dayton. Alta J. Hibbard and Robert Craig Breisford, '66, on June 10, in Mansfield. Cheryl Reich and Robert J. Moreland, x'66, on July 1, in Westerville. Patricia Ella Tharp and David Trout, '66, on August 19, in Columbus. 1966- 1967 — Lenore Brobst, '66, and Don R. Lutz, '67, on June 24, in Columbus. Susan Gereson, '67, and Stephen Stiles, x'66, on August 12, in Kettering. Jill M. Jenkins, '66, and Michael R. Grayem, '67, on July 15, in Columbus. Gretchen Van Sickle, '67, and Michael H. Cochran, '66, on June 10, in Worthington. 1967 — Paulette Louise Noble and David C. Hogg, '67, on April 29, in Westerville. Ann Williams, '67, and Richard A. Medkeff, on July 15, in Toledo. Mary Louise Wilson, '67, to Stephen Kull, '67, on August 5, in Wickliffe.


1970 — Virginia Marie Tryon, x'70, and Michael Jerry Smilack, on June 24, in Claymont, Delaware.

BIRTHS 1951-1952 — Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Brown, '51 (Ann Carlson, '52) a son, Andrew Carl­ son, born July 18. They have three other children. 1954 — Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sanders, '54, a daughter, Linda Marie, born February 14. 1956 — Mr. and Mrs. Ben E. Strong (Fran Myers, '56), a daughter, Joy Lynn, born May 19. 1957 — Judge and Mrs. Reynold C. Hoefflin, '57, a daughter, Kimberly Victoria, born Feb­ ruary 16. 1957-1959 — Rev. and Mrs. Dean V. Roush, '57, (Barbara Gerber, x'59), a daughter, Re­ becca Sue, born July 11. 1958 — Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Dipko, '58, a daughter, Sarah Marie, born June 29. 1959 — Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Barnhard, '59, a daughter, "barci Anne, born February 18. 1960 — Our apology to Mr. and Mrs. Van Nickol (Jean Miller, '60) for the error in a recent issue in spelling their daughter's name. It should be Cinda Lee, and she was born June 9, 1966. 1961 — Mr. and Mrs. Derry Marshall (Joan Lindig, '61), a daughter, Susan Leanne, born June 4. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Reichard, '61, a son, John Timothy, born December 25, 1966. 1961-1962 — Rev. and Mrs. David Frees, '61, (Nancy M. Taggart, '62), a son, David Russell, born June 27. Capt. and Mrs. Jack Pietila, '62, (Mary Jean Barnhard, '61), a daughter Jacqueline Jean, born February 1. 1962 — Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pascoe, (Carole Kouse, '62), a daughter, Cheryl Ann, born November 21, 1966. 1963 — Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore, x'63 (Emily Crose, x'63), a son, Jeffrey Thomas, born June 15. 1964 — Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coburn (Bar­ bara Fletcher, '64), a daughter, Karen Leslie, born December 10, 1966. 1965 — Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Hershey, x'65, (Lydia Steinmetz, '65), a daughter, Renee Elizabeth, born July 21.

DEATHS 1889 — Mr. Opha Moore, x '89, died on March 25. He had been a Columbus resident for many years. 1893 — Mrs. W. W. Stoner (Myrtle Miller) passed away on July 19 at the age of 97. Mrs. Stoner had been the recipient of the Otterbein cane, and was the only surviving member of the graduating class of 1893. She is survived by a son, Leland, and two daugh­ ters: Louise, '27, with whom she lived; and Josephine (Mrs. Philip O. Deever, x '30). Also surviving are four grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Two of her grandchildren

are Otterbein graduates: Dr. David Deever, '61, and Mrs. Mervyn Matteson (Martha Deev­ er, '64). A third, W. Thomas Deever, will be a senior at Otterbein this fall.

1908 — Mrs. Ira Barnes (Adah Gaut) died on July 27 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Elmer L. Smith (Mary Barnes, '35). Also sur­ viving are her sons, John Carl, x '31, and Robert O., '34; eleven grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Among her grand­ children are Mary Grace Barnes, '63, Mrs. Wilson Lehman (Virginia Barnes, '63), Thomas K. Barnes, '64, C. Ann Barnes, '65, Charlotte S. Barnes, x '66, Mrs. Nathan Wilson (Ruth E. Barnes, '66), Sarah M. Barnes, a junior at Otterbein this fall, and Paul Barnes, who will enter as a freshman.

1911 — A memorial service honoring Mrs. John Finley Williamson (Rhea Parlette) was held on June 1 at the Westminster Choir College, which she and her late husband, '11, founded at Princeton, New Jersey. Mrs. Wil­ liamson was active in the administration of the college and its famous choir until they

1933 — Miss Olive R. Gillman died on April 26 in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. She was a member of the Homestead Avenue EUB Church in Johnstown, and had been elected as an officer of the newly re-organized Ot­ terbein alumni club in her city. 1943 — Dr. William E. Burkhart died on July 14 at his residence in Columbus. He was a graduate of Ohio State University Col­ lege of Medicine and was a part-time faculty member there. He is survived by his wife, a son and three daughters, and by his mother, Mrs. Harry Floyd (formerly Mrs. Roy Burk­ hart, X '30). His father. Dr. Roy Burkhart, '27, died in 1962. 1949 — Mrs. James E. Shambach (Doris Gates, X '49) died in Akron in July. She had been an active member of the Akron Alumni Club.

Financial Support Received

retired in 1960. She had received many hon­ ors and recognitions, among them three hon­

Corporate Gifts Nearly 2,000 corporations doing

orary degrees, including one from Otterbein.

1921 — We learned recently of the death in July of Mrs. Frank Luzader (Lois Radabaugh, x '21). She had been a minister in the West Virginia Conference of the EUB Church until her retirement at the confer­ ence session this summer. Her home was in Pennsboro, West Virginia.

1923 — Robert Dew, x '23, died in Mar­ ietta on June 7. He was the brother of Helen Dew, X '26, John, x '32, and Marian (Mrs. James Humphreys, x '29).


ness in Ohio contributed $1,577,711 dur­ ing the past year to the thirty-four col­ leges which are members of the Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges. Otterbein's share of this amount was $46,565.90. During the sixteen years the foundation has been in existence, Otter­ bein has received a total of $482,426— all for operating purposes. Sixty per cent of each dollar con­ tributed by the corporations is divided equally




and the remaining forty divided on the basis of


per cent is enrollment.


1924 — W. Harold Anderson, legendary basketball coach at Toledo and Bowling Green Universities, died in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on June 13. He had lived there since retiring as athletic director of Bowling Green

Woodville, Ohio, to establish a scholarship fund for needy students. Miss Bittinger

in 1965. Mr. Anderson was a member of four Halls of Fame, compiled a lifetime head

was a member Church.

On March 16, Otterbein received $10,000 from the estate of Flora Belle Bittinger of

coaching record of 504-403 in his 29 years in college coaching, and coached eight AllAmerican players at Bowling Green and two at Toledo University. He was a past president of the National Basketball Coaches Associa­ tion. He held a master's degree from University of Michigan.


1929 — Lorin W. (Bud) Surface died sud­ denly at his home in Dayton on February 27. He is survived by his wife, a daughter, and two sons, both of whom are Otterbein grad­ uates: David W., '63, and Stephen W., '65. He was a divisional buyer at Delco for 34 years, and held the Silver Beaver award for dis­ tinguished service to boyhood, covering 47 years of Scouting in Dayton. He was a mem­ ber of Fairview EUB Church, and was active





Library Grant Congressman




nounced on June 16 that Otterbein Col­ lege would receive a grant of $10,4(X) from




Office of



improve the college library. The grant from this office last year was $5,000. Physics Department A $9,200 grant has been received from the National Science Foundation for the purchase the









grant was one of 299 made out of a total of 2142 requests. The total amount awarded to all colleges nearly $4,000.OCX).



in Dayton Otterbein alumni activities.


Bulletin boar6 "O" CLUB GOLF OUTING SEPTEMBER 30 Prior to the Otterbein-AAuskingum football game September 30th, the "O" Club will sponsor a golf outing prizes, food and fellowship. All Varsity "O" winners and Club members are invited to attend. AAoe Agler, '48, and Dick Pfiieger, '48, are in charge.

on Saturday complete Honorary O Bill Barr, 46,

ENROLLMENT DOUBLED Enrollment at Otterbein this fall is expected to be as com­ pared with 1,087 five years ago, and 722 in the 1957-58 school year, just ten years ago.


Indiana Central


2 P.M. (EST) Sept. 23

Ashland 8 P.M. (EDT)


Sept. 30



8 P.M. (EDT) Oct.


Guilford, N.C.


2 P.M.

ATTENTION: TOP STUDENTS Exceptional applicants for admission to Otterbein are already admitted for the fall of 1968, and the admissions committee would be glad to accept applications early for others in this application, a student should be in the upper 10% or 15/o o is ^ ' have strong recommendations for college work, and have ig . in college entrance board examinations. A complete set o ere en la is required before consideration can be given by the commi ee.



FELLOWSHIP FOR WOMEN OFFERED The Danforth Foundation has announced the fourth its Graduate Fellowships for Women. The objective o to find and develop college and secondary school women whose preparation for teaching has been pos pone '^^'^^^The fellowships are open to any woman who holds a bachelors degree from an accredited college or university in the • • ® not at present eligible for another fellowship pre^ram o tion. Detailed information may be secured from Dean ames at Otterbein.


PLANS FOR FUTURE TOWERS One issue of TOWERS during the coming year will feature details of the new "Three-Three" curriculum, which is expected to go into effect in the fall of 1968. We expect to interview a number or faculty members, students and trustees in preparing our • . Members of the Class of 1967 are asked to keep t e . Office informed of their activities and addresses, so that t ey can included in a special feature in the Winter issue.

Ohio Wesleyan


2 P.M. (EDT) Oct.




2 P.M. (EDT) Oct.




2 P.M. (EDT) Nov.

BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO MEET The annual meetings of the Otterbein Board of Trustees scheduled for Friday and Saturday, October 27 and 28.



Nov. 11

Home (Parents' Day) Hiram 8 P.M. (EST) Capital 8 P.M. (EST)


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