1969 Spring Towers

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SPRING, 1969


ii^l d liJie dtw ^ We have borro\wed the “tell it like it is” logo from the T. and C. — just for this issue. We might decide to use such a title as “Action Line” — “Hot Line” — “What’s It?” — “Straight from the Horse’s Mouth”—or simply “Dear Editor.” Perhaps you would like to suggest a name! A suggestion has been made by a new “Committee to Improve Com­ munications between Alumni and the College” (more about the committee later!) that TOWERS carry a questionand-answer column devoted to ques­ tions by alumni and answers by ad­ ministrative officers, faculty and/or trustees. How does this strike you? Are there things that bother you about Otterbein? Do you sometimes wonder how the college has changed since you were here? Are the changes for the better, or for the worse? Do you find it difficult to answer questions about which you are expected, as an alum­ nus, to be informed? Have you some­ times asked questions that were not completely answered — perhaps be­ cause they weren’t asked of the right person?

of the questions most often asked is: “Does the college want alumni to en­ gage in student recruiting?” Corol­ laries are: “If so, how can this be done?” “What are the procedures by which students are recruited and ad­ mitted?” “How can I answer the in­ quiries of a prospective student or his parents?” “How can I as a teacher help?” “How does a prospective stu­ dent apply for scholarship or other financial aid?” We asked Michael Kish, Director of Admissions, to give a general an­ swer to this type of question. If you have other specific questions along this line, you may direct them to him personally at the college, or write to the TOWERS editor.

We in admissions visit as many high schools as we can, talking to prospective students and guidance counselors. We speak at college nights, participate on panels, talk to Youth Fellowship groups, visit in some homes, hold two high school days each year on campus, invite in­ dividuals and groups to Otterbein for tours and interviews, and do a multitude of other things to promote the college.

Can Alumni Help in Recruiting Students?

It seems to me that the big task which confronts the college and her alumni is to bring larger numbers of prospective students to the campus early in their years so they can see us as we are.



Provide the admissions office with the name, address and vo­ cational interest of your prospec­ tive student.


Remember that a student may apply as soon as he completes his junior year of high school.


Keep in mind that it is in his favor to rank in the top half of his class, to have respectable Scholastic Aptitude Test scores, and satisfactory references.


We are on a “rolling admissions” basis. This means that as soon as we receive a prospect’s applica­ tion, high school transcript after six semesters with class rank in­ cluded, four references, and Scholastic Aptitude Test results, he will be notified of his status at Otterbein.


If financial assistance is in the picture, we require the Parents Confidential Statement to be com­ pleted. Once a student is ac­ cepted, he can be considered for financial aid.

Alumni Count Recruiting students is a team ef­ fort at Otterbein. Members of our student body are presently our best recruiters and alumni appear to be next best in promoting their alma mater. The admissions staff is inter­ ested in attracting students from a wide geographical area, including foreign countries. Our itineraries take us to most of Ohio and ten states outside Ohio.

Then this is your column! Write to Evelyn Bale, editor of TOWERS, Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio 43081. Call if you prefer. The col­ lege number is 882-3601, and Mrs. Bale’s extension is 205. Your question will be referred to the person (or persons) best qualified to answer, and an answer will be given in TOWERS. Letters must be signed and the signer identified as a former student (graduate or non-graduate) of Otterbein. If you prefer that your name be omitted, we will identify you only as a member of a certain class.

We are inaugurating the column with an answer to questions by many alumni concerning admissions. One

Hints for Student Referral

With the increase in fees and greater numbers of branch, junior and community colleges being built each year, the competition for stu­ dents is becoming extremely keen.

We solicit your help! May we count on you? Sincerely, Michael Kish Director of Admissions

Before the next issue of TOWERS, we will select a permanent title for this “column.” Some sugges­ tions appear above. What is your preference? Or do you have a sug­ gestion to add to the list? Exercise your right of franchise! Vote for your favorite!

Send Your Questions To: Tell It Like It Is TOWERS

otteRBein toweRS Volume 41

Spring, 1969

Number 3


Evelyn Edwards Bale, ’30

CONTENTS A New Look at an Old College.................


Library Campaign Progresses....................


New Vice President Replaces Wade Miller


On and Off the Campus.............................


Otterbein Writers .........................................


Alumni Records to be Updated...............


More Campus News..................................


Spotlight on Sports.......................................


Alumni in the News ..................................


Clippings from the Tan and Cardinal . . .


Flashes from the Classes........................


Alumni in Military Service.........................


Marriages, Births, Deaths.........................


Summer Theatre to Begin June 30 ....


Commencement Weekend Schedule . . .


THE EDITOR'S CORNER The help of our readers is earnestly requested in our task of collecting data for conversion of our records to electronic data processing. To develop a computer program for better service to the college and her friends, we must have updated information from all our alumni and friends. Please turn to page 14 for details, then complete and return the forms to us promptly. (These can be detached from the magazine without disturbing other pages.) You are invited to send your questions for answer in our new column, which appears on page 2. The column will be con­ tinued as long as interest is expressed in such a feature.

THE COVER PAGE The photograph on our cover was taken by Dr. Frederic Bamforth, who retires in June after fifteen years on the Otterbein faculty. We are grateful for his permission to use this beautiful example of his superb art.

Published quarterly by the Alumni Council in the interest of alumni and friends. Second class postage paid at Westerville, Ohio 43081.


President Mack Grimes, ’41 President-Elect (To serve 1969-70) Helen Knight Williams, ’43 Past President Robert C. Barr, ’50 Vice President Robert L. Corbin, ’49 Secretary Sarah Rose Skaates, ’56 Mernbers-at-Large Robert B. Brown, ’51 Franklin E. Puderbaugh, ’.30 Charles W, Harding, ’38 June Courtright Stewart, ’40 Robert Snavely, ’27 George F. Simmons, ’47 Faculty Representatives Sylvia Phillips Vance, ’47 Franklin M. Young, ’26 Alumni Trustees Horace W. Troop, ’23 L. William Steck, '37 Earl R. Hoover, ’26 Herman F. Lehman, ’22 Vida Shauck Clements, ’01 E. N. Funkhonser, Jr., ’.38 Donald R. Martin, ’37 Harold Angspiirger, ’41 Harold L. Boda, ’25 Edwin L. Roush, ’47 Executive Secretary Richard T. Pflieger, ’48 Ex-Officio College treasurer and presidents of Alumni Clubs 3

A New Look at an Old College What happens in a college when “bold new’’ ap­ proaches are developed and accepted by the faculty? When a new curriculum and calendar are adopted after much soul-searching? When faculty members are urged to find new methods, to seek new ways in which to re­ late the age-old values of a Christian liberal arts educa­ tion to the problems of a new era? We wanted to know — and we asked a number of de­ partment chairmen to tell us about the “most exciting happenings’’ in their area during this first year of the 3/3 Plan. Many of their answers revealed a new direction of academe at Otterbein. There are frequent evidences of increasing use of audio-visual materials and their development — student production of films — taped interviews with eminent scientists — of independent study and research by stu­ dents— of data processing — of computer capability and computer science — of student participation in de­ partmental planning — of new facilities — of renovation of existing ones — of new courses being developed — in the politics of emerging nations — in Negro history— in library use for scientists — of increased opportunities for foreign study — and, surely most important of all, there are indications of the growth of students — of their con­ tinuing outreach — of their never-ending hope to reach their true potential as world citizens.

Students Help Set the Pace SAM is an active organization on the Otterbein cam­ pus, and its sponsoring department is proud of the fact that it has assumed an increased leadership role. Two financial projects prove that it is serious about the business of education. SAM (Society for the Advancement of Management) was the first student organization to make a gift to the fund for the college’s $2,000,000 library which is sched­ uled for completion in 1971. SAM’s gift was a check in the amount of $100. A second project is the inauguration of a fund for interest-free emergency loans for students in the de­ partment of economics and business administration (of which SAM is a part). The chapter has donated $100 for this purpose, a gift of $50 has been received from Mrs. Stanley Ross, widow of the late Dr. Stanley Ross, ’16, former professor of economics at Smith College. Faculty members are matching the funds given by the students, and it is expected that future scholarship awards will be substantial. Speaking of the impact of the 3/3 Plan on the depart­ ment of economics and business administration, Mr. Mel Cua, assistant professor, indicated that in his business administration classes, three days a week are devoted to 4

Morris Maple presents SAM check to Dr. James V. Miller, academic dean, as Mel Cua looks On.

lecture, one day to laboratory, workshop and problem solving, and one day to study, with opportunity for in­ dividual counseling. About 250 students are enrolled in the department, half of them majors. According to Mr. Cua, the “most exciting’’ happening this year has been the setting up of a departmental committee which includes both faculty and student representatives, with the objective of en­ couraging student participation and promoting mutually satisfying communications between faculty and students. An increasing number of graduates have made plans for graduate study. Among this year’s seniors, Morris Maple will study hospital administration at George Washington University: Richard Beckner will do graduate work in business administration at Xavier; Ronald Simp­ son will study business administration at Bowling Green State University under an assistantship; and Leroy Gill will be a teaching assistant in economics at The Ohio State University. Dr. Young Whe Koo is chairman of the department, and other members are Mr. Cua, Mrs. Jane Racster, and Harmon Voskuil. The April issue of the national publication of the Student Chapter News of SAM carried the follov^ing item: “The Otterbein College Chapter has been involved in many interesting projects this year. They are to be com­ mended for sending a six-foot Valentine card and treats to Gl’s in Vietnam. Student study-survival-kits were sold, and the group sponsored an Introductory Computer Sci­ ences Class. The members are ‘learning by doing’ by par­ ticipating in an investment club.’’


the College of Medicine of The Ohio State University. Chris Cordle will study biochemistry at Johns Hopkins under a fellowship. Karl Kempf has an assistantship and will study chemistry at Stanford University. Susan Palmer has been awarded a fellowship to study in an M. A. in Teaching program, in chemistry and education. Fred Glasser and Douglas Corner have assistantships at The Ohio State University for study in chemistry. A Frederick Gardner Cottrell Grant from the Research Corporation of New York has enabled Dr. Robert D. Place, assistant professor of chemistry, to carry on a research project on the preparation and investigation of several new pentafluorosulfuroxy substituted molecules. The study is in the field of inorganic chemistry and involves high energy oxidation reactions in the gas phase. “Because of their great stability, the production of these reactions could be quite useful in preparing new synthetic polymers,” according to Doctor Place. This is the second recent grant received by Otterbein from the Research Foundation, the first being received in 1965 for research by Doctor Ogle. Keith Crane, associate professor of chemistry, has spent his spring term sabbatical leave in Puerto Rico, where he has performed a service and received practical experience so valuable to a teacher, working as a labo­ ratory assistant in Ryder Memorial Hospital in Humacao. Dr. John A. Smith, '33, is medical director of the hospital.

Curriculum Changes to Suit the Times

Use of New Facilities Moving into the facilities of the nev/ science building and the plans to bring computer capabilities to the cam­ pus were among the excitements of the department of chemistry, according to Dr. P. Rexford Ogle, chairman. The personal growth of students is the reward of fac­ ulty members for their efforts. Two Otterbein students participated in April in the twentieth annual meeting of the Ohio Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society, both papers reflecting their activities on the campus. Miss Susan Palmer, a senior from Kettering, showed single concept films for freshman chemistry laboratory, which she produced under the direction of Doctor Ogle and Dr. Roy Turley. Her paper related to special problems in the production. Douglas Corner, a Westerville senior, presented a paper on his project, entitled “An Inexpensive Fluoride Ion Electrode.” Co-authors of his research were Philip Andreichuk, '68, who is now attending graduate school at Emory University; Richard Sawyer, '68, who is attend­ ing the University of Rochester graduate school; and James Brubaker, a senior from Pittsburgh. Dr. Rexford Ogle directed the project. At least seven chemistry majors have been accepted for graduate and professional schools for next year. Richard Augspurger and Jean Pierre O’Neal will attend

Donald C. Bulthaup, chairman of the department of physics and astronomy, lists a number of interesting news items. “We recognize that some adjustments still need to be made in courses,” he says, “but the 3/3 Plan seems to be giving us the flexibility we had hoped for, and it seems to be working very well.” Dr. John A. Taylor has been class-testing a set of programmed materials in general physics. These will be published by Addison Wesley some time this year. Development of the physical science common course is progressing well. John Muster received grants of $5,000 from the Marathon Oil Foundation and $2,000 from the Lubrizol Foundation, which have helped to finance trips to Europe, to New York and to the west coast to tape interviews with well-known scientists. The edited tapes are being used in teaching the common course. “We have applied to the Atomic Energy Commission for a license to obtain a neutron source,” Mr. Bulthaup indicates. “This source, along with much nuclear physics equipment, is being financed through a National Science Foundation grant of $9,200 received two years ago. An X-ray diffraction unit purchased from government sur­ plus has been put in working condition for joint use of the physics and chemistry departments. Crystal cameras of various types are needed for this unit. Professor Phil Barnhart has been on leave all year and has successfully completed the general examina­ tions for a Ph. D. degree in astronomy at the Ohio State University. (Continued) 5

Four seniors in the department have been admitted to graduate school in physics with assistantships: Richard Lee McKinney, University of California; David Franklin Jones, The Ohio State University; Frederick Alan Myers, Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute; and Franklin Emrick Miller, undecided. Mr. Miller has had offers from two universities, for teaching assistantships, but may attend the Air Force Institute of Technology for his graduate work.

Faculty and Students Engage in Research "The most exciting happening in the department of life and earth sciences this year was the renovation of facilities,” according to Dr. Michael Herschler, acting chairman. “Although teaching has been hampered be­ cause of the work, the future looks very bright,” he says. Three members of the department had one-term sab­ batical leaves during the year. Dr. Jeanne Willis used her autumn term leave to prepare the new common course in life science, visiting colleges in the California system to observe their methods. Dr. George Phinney made a trip through southeastern United States to photograph areas of ecological interest during his winter term leave. Dr. Thomas Tegenkamp is furthering his research on the effect of magnetic fields on Drosophila melanogaster during his spring term leave. His chapter on the subject has been published in May in Biological Effects of Mag­ netic Fields, edited by M. Barnothy and published by Plenum Press. Two biology students are working on distinction prob­ lems. Marilyn Miller has a project entitled “Stephen Hales: A Study in the History of Science,” and Roger Wharton’s project is “Development and Utilization of an Outdoor Laboratory.” Miss Miller has been awarded a National Science Foun­ dation Graduate Fellowship, which she will apply toward the study of plant physiology in the department of botany at The Ohio State University.

At Home and Abroad One of the perennial “excitements” of the foreign language department is the Year Abroad program. Four students studying this year in Valencia, Spain wrote to their fellow students via the T. and C. They wrote, in part: “You can imagine how awkward it was at first to speak ‘perfectly good Spanish’ and realize that we weren’t understood! We can recall quite well the day we landed in Madrid — we’ve never yet been able to figure out what the customs agent asked us! . . . Our ‘parents’ say that we have improved quite a lot, and to hear them say that makes the effort worthwhile. . . . “Yesterday we went to school and discovered writing on the walls and floor of the courtyard. It was black pine tar which can’t be removed. The slogans were of an anti-government reactionary nature and only helped 6

to heighten the tensions between Spanish students and college officials. We Americans have been warned to avoid such activities as it has been of such a nature as to require police to keep guard. We understand that if and when those responsible are caught they will be pun­ ished instantly and then given a trial! This police state is something else!” Karen Batten, Loretta Feller, Sue Poellmitz and Max Lee are the students spending the year in Valencia. The students in Spain traveled under a cooperative arrangement with Ohio Wesleyan University students. A new one-term foreign study program for German students has also been instituted this year, and the junior-year-in-France has been continued. It was recently given special mention in Foreign Language University for its excellence. The installation of video equipment in the language laboratory and the beginnings of making video lessons provided special interest for students and faculty in the department. Among 1969 foreign language majors, Gerald Kelley has been granted an NDEA Fellowship in French at The Ohio State University for next year. A 1968 graduate, Harold Longley, has been given a fellowship for a doc­ toral program in French at Ohio State.

Music Students Have New Opportunities Dr. Albert Huetteman, chairman of the department of music, says that a unique leasing arrangement with Boyle’s Music Center in Columbus will provide Otterbein students with the use of vastly improved equipment next year. This includes eight new studio pianos, two grand pianos, twenty-two brass instruments (including Conn French horns, Mirafone tubas), twenty-one woodwinds (including a Loree English horn. Buffet clarinets, CooperPuchner bassoons) and seventeen percussion instru­ ments. These include Zildjian cymbals, a Musser xylo­ phone, a set of four Ludwig Dresden tympani, a Ludwig marimba, and miscellaneous equipment. Also involved are a “Stroboconn” tuner and forty music stands. Another recent announcement indicates that music majors will study for credit with members of the Colum­ bus Symphony Orchestra, whenever there is not a special­ ist in their area on the full-time staff on the campus. An innovation in the department is the publication of Volume 1, No. 1 of “NOTES,” a newsletter of special interest to music department alumni. Sugges­ tions for future issues are requested by Lyle Barkhymer, ’64, editor.

Students Grow Via Visual Arts “The most exciting happening in the visual arts de­ partment is the growth of students,” according to Earl

Hassenpflug, chairman. “Two in particular, who saw themselves as meek, lacking in self-confidence, have become dynamic and exciting people. They draw with strength and conviction. They look you in the eye — they speak up — they say with their whole being: ‘I am somebody.’ This is not a boast, but a refreshing recog­ nition of the wonder of being.’’ As the 3/3 Plan has developed, the art faculty is re-assessing the aims of the department — re-examining the teaching of design in terms of relating to the field of visual communication, they recognize the need to free students from slavery to the masters of advertising and to make them more fully aware of the changing character of their visual environment and its effect on their lives. With Ohio Wesleyan, Denison and Capital, the depart­ ment is testing and further developing a monitored course in meso-American art. The slide and tape material for individual study is being used by four students in spring term, and films and slides will be made in Mexico during the summer to provide multi-media presentations to immerse students in each of the cultures being studied. Mr. Hassenpflug will receive a Kress grant for study of African art during the summer, and will prepare a new course to be offered next spring. Mrs. Paul Frank will be on leave of absence next year and Miss Joanne Miller will substitute for her. She is a 1967 Otterbein graduate and has received the M. F. A. at The Ohio State University. She was on a teaching assistantship there during the past year and has earned a perfect grade record in her graduate work. Use of the new science hall lecture room has made possible the renovation of the Lambert Hall department to provide improved studio space.

Scholarships in AFROTC Thirteen full scholarships were awarded this year by the U. S. Air Force to Otterbein students enrolled in the AFROTC, the largest number ever received in a single year. Five were for three years, two for two years, and two for one year. The others were hold-over awards pre­ viously made. Each scholarship is valued at $2500 for each year of the grant. Several students who will be commissioned in June will continue with their education. Franklin E. Miller has been accepted by the Air Force Institute of Technology. Others include David Geary, Thomas Bishoff, Jean O’Neal, Ronald Simpson, Morris Maple, Robert Dull and Harley Gill. George Mellors has an application pending. All these students will have Air Force active duty delayed until they complete their graduate studies. Lieutenant Colonel Morris F. Briggs will terminate his tour of duty as chairman of the department of aero­ space studies in June and will be re-assigned to a post in Southeast Asia. 8

Hands Across the Sea As evidence of Otterbein’s “outreach’’ in the field of teacher training, Mrs. Mildred Stauffer, assistant pro­ fessor of education, and Dr. Chester Addington, chairman of the department, have announced the formation of a program in comparative education in Sierra Leone, West Africa. The pilot project suggests that fifteen students and a faculty member spend the 1970 winter term (ten weeks) in the country pursuing independent study in compara­ tive methods of teaching. The Otterbein students will work with Sierra Leone teachers, attend classes for teachers in a college or university, and prepare a re­ search project on a topic related to education, social values or the culture of the country. Values of the program are inherent in students’ be­ coming immersed in the culture of a new republic, learn­ ing what it means to be in a racial minority, and sharing their new awareness with fellow students on their return. Application has been made for foundation support for the pilot project, which is tentatively scheduled for three years of operation, subject to annual evaluation.

Nev/ Approaches to History “The most exciting thing’’ in the department of history and government was innovation in connection with the 3/3 Plan, according to department chairman. Dr. Harold Hancock. Dr. Ursula Holtermann developed a one-term civiliza­ tion course. Dr. T. J. Kerr presented a sophomore semi­ nar to familiarize students with the use of the library and the writing of papers, and Michael Rothgery taught a course in French history and a three-term sequence in European history. For the fall term Doctor Hancock prepared a course in American Negro history and Doctor Holtermann a course in German history. Under the new sabbatical plan Doctor Holtermann and Doctor Kerr were on leave for one term each. Changes were made in the offerings in government, such as the inclusion of a sophomore seminar and a course in the politics of emerging nations. With the ad­ dition of another staff member in 1969-70, more em­ phasis will be placed on international relations and data processing. Government majors participated in the Washington Semester Plan, Basel Plan and Peace Corps. Dr. John Laubach has prepared his book on school prayers and the First Amendment for publication. Since the Otterbein Library has become a U. S. Government depository, he has been organizing these materials for use in govern­ ment classes. He is also learning Portuguese in prepara­ tion for spending part of his sabbatical leave next fall in Brazil. The department is proud of its many fine students, particularly of Forrest Rice, who has received a scholar­ ship for graduate study at Northwestern University. The university has granted him a $2500 scholarship, and he has also received a $1,000 Cokesbury Graduate Award in College Teaching, sponsored by The United Methodist Church.

Library Campaign Progressing Architectural drawings are prac­ tically complete for Otterbein’s new $2,000,000 library, to be built with funds raised through a Crusade now being conducted in the former EUB Churches in the Otterbein area. Funds contributed by alumni and friends in the Focus on Achievement campaign will provide $250,000 of the amount, a government grant will provide $657,000, one third of the estimated cost of the building, and $1,100,000 will come from the cur­ rent Crusade, which also includes a goal of $500,000 for student aid. Florida, Tennessee, Ohio East and Ohio Miami Conferences have already completed active campaigns. In some churches, a personal solicitation has been conducted, with pledges being accepted for a four-year period. Other local congregations have chosen to include their goals in the general bud­ get of their churches for the next four years. West Virginia Conference has voted to include Otterbein's cam­ paign in the annual conference bud­ get for the same period of time. Campaigns in Ohio Southeast and Ohio Sandusky Conferences are being planned for the fall months. Erie Con­ ference will take action at its annual conference in June. Many alumni are working in their local churches for the Crusade, al­ though it is not an alumni campaign. Another group which is active in rais­ ing money for the library is the fac­ ulty and staff of the college.

Dr. Thomas J. Kerr, associate pro­ fessor of history, is chairman of this group, which at press time lacks less than $500 of reaching its goal of $25,000.00.

New Vice President Replaces Wade Miller

who is retiring on July 1 after twentyseven years of service to Otterbein. Mr. Williams has held the Rockford College post for the past three years, during which more than $1,500,000 was raised each year. He was respon­ sible for the organization of the school’s deferred giving program, and worked closely with the Board of Counselors of the college, a group of community leaders, business and professional people, the membership of which was increased from 80 to 130 during his stay. He also organ­ ized a series of breakfasts on the campus through which another large group became associated with the college. Mr. Williams formerly served as a stewardship adviser for the United Methodist Conference in Blooming­ ton, Indiana, working with some 500 ministers in the creation of a leader­ ship training program in fund raising and the development of stewardship materials. He has written for numer­ ous publications on fund-raising pro­ cedures, and is responsible for the establishment of the Christian Build­ ers Club in Indiana. He is a former pastor of Southport United Methodist Church.

Elwyn M. Williams

Elwyn M. Williams, Director of Fund Development of Rockford College, Il­ linois, has been appointed Vice Presi­ dent for Development and Public Re­ lations, to replace Dr. Wade S. Miller,

Architect’s sketch of second floor of the new library

He is a 1948 graduate of Syracuse University and received the S. T. B. degree from Boston University in 1951. A veteran of World War II (1942-45), he served in Burma and India. Mr. and Mrs. Williams have pur­ chased a home in Westerville and he will assume his duties at Otterbein on July 1. They are the parents of four children, aged 18, 15, 13 and 6.

on An6 off the CAmpus

Sanders Named to Board Richard A. Sanders, '29, has been named by the Alumni Council to fill the unexpired term of the late Mrs. F. 0. Clements on the Otterbein Board of Trustees. The term extends to 1971. Mr. Sanders, who is vice president of the Federal Reserve Bank in At­ lanta, has had wide experience in the field, and held positions in New York and Philadelphia banks prior to com­ ing to the Atlanta bank in 1951. He was promoted to the position of as­ sociate general auditor in 1963 and to his present position in 1966. He is a graduate of the Stonier Graduate School of Banking of Rutgers Uni­ versity. The new trustee is the grandson of the late Dr. T. J. Sanders, who served on the Otterbein faculty for more than forty years. He and Mrs. San­ ders (the former Nitetis Huntley, ’29) live in Decatur, Georgia, where they are active in the Presbyterian Church.

Faculty Promotions Announced The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees has approved 18 faculty promotions for the coming year. Promoted from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor were: Dr. Mar­ ilyn Day (Chairman), Woman’s Phys­ ical Education; Dr. Albert Huetteman (Chairman), Music; Dr. Arnold Leon­ ard, Life and Earth Science; and Dr. John Taylor, Physics. Also promoted from Instructor to Assistant Professor were: Larry Cox, Psychology; Mrs. Joyce Karsko, Psy­ chology; James Recob, Religion; Larry Rhoades, Music; Mrs. Sylvia Vance, French; and Mrs. Lucia Villalon! Spanish. 10

A. C. Siddall

Evan Schear

Honored on Founders’ Day Two distinguished Otterbein medical doctors were awarded honorary Doctor of Science degrees on Founders’ Day, April 28. Dr. A. C. Siddall, ’19, a former medical missionary to China, is a prominent Oberlin obstetrician and gynecologist, a member of the staff of Allen Memorial Hospital and the Oberlin Clinic, of which he is one of the founders and vice president of the board. He has also been honored by his medical alma mater. Western Reserve University. Colonel Evan W. Schear, ’44, a graduate of Duke University Medical School, has been Director of Hospital Services at Wilford Hall, Lackland AFB Hospital, and will assume duty as Hospital Commander at Wiesbaden AB, Germany in July. He has been a member of the medical recovery group for NASA’s Space Project Mercury, and has been decorated for exceptional service to military and civilian personnel in Vietnam during the Tet offensive. He has been a member of the Air Force since 1943. Colonel Schear was the speaker at the Founders’ Day program.

Granted Tenure

Doctor Williams Speaks

otterbein faculty members granted tenure by the trustees were: Larry Cox, Associate Professor of Psychol­ ogy; Roger Deibel, Assistant Profes­ sor of Education; Dr. Michael Herschler. Associate Professor of Biology; Mrs. Joyce Karsko, Assistant Profes­ sor of Psychology; Dr. Rexford Ogle, Associate Professor of Chemistry; Joel Swabb, Assistant Professor of Speech; Roger Tremaine, Assistant Professor of Mathematics; and Mrs. Lucia Villalon, Assistant Professor of Spanish.

Dr. J. Hutch Williams, ’44, as­ sistant dean for student affairs. Col­ lege of Medicine at The Ohio State University, was the speaker for the annual Scholars Dinner sponsored by Torch and Key honorary for its thirty members and the members of all scholastic and honorary societies and their faculty advisors. Doctor Wil­ liams, who serves as chairman of the admissions committee of the College of Medicine, spoke on “Do Your Own Thing but Do It Well.’’ About eighty students attended.

Outstanding Senior

Historical Exhibits in Otterbein Room Alumni and friends are invited to visit the Ottebein Room on the ground floor of Towers Hall. Several special exhibits are of current interest. Case No. 1, Philip William Otter­ bein, founder of the United Brethren denomination. Included are Otterbein’s personal Bible (1774), two folio volumes of a three-volume edition; a wax bust made during his lifetime; a German Bible (1787) and German hymnbook (1775) pre­ sented by Otterbein to Christian Crum of Winchester, Virginia, about 1805; Otterbein's baptismal certifi­ cate (1726); and views of several buildings famous in early U. B. his­ tory. Case No. 2, Robert F. Zech. Orig­ inals of four illustrations used in the story, “Robert Franklin Zech: Peace Corps Volunteer,” in They Made America Great by Edna McGuire. Case No. 3, Dr. John Haywood, faculty member from 1851 to 1906. Personal notebooks and several vol­ umes from his personal library. The biographical sketch is by his great granddaughter, Sylvia Philips Vance, ’47. Case No. 4, Quiz and Quill Fiftieth Anniversary. The first issue, 1919 is shown with a photo of the founding members. Fifty years of Quiz and Quills are displayed on the tables. Dr. Robert Price, professor of Eng­ lish, is curator of the Otterbein Room.

Focus on Faculty Dr. Jung Young Lee, assistant pro­ fessor of religion, is the founder of a Foundation for Continuing Education of Korean Christian Ministers, Inc. Through the Foundation, Christian ministers of all denominations are enabled to continue their education so that they may better “touch all citizens, expressing God’s concern for all men, relating the gospel to all phases of man’s life.” —

Graduate classes in higher educa­ tion at The Ohio State University have visited the Otterbein campus during the year, meeting with various staff members in an attempt to ap­ ply administrative theory to the daily operation of a small institution. The students generally are surprised to learn of the tremendous amount of discussion and persuasion in day-today decision making. Otterbein ad­ ministrators have found the students' questions penetrating and insightful, and believe that the interplay of ideas is stimulating and refreshing.


Dr. John Taylor, assistant profes­ sor of physics, submitted eight chap­ ters of programed physics to the fall meeting of the Commission on College Physics last October. The series is being class tested at Otter­ bein.

Miss Loretta Evans, an elementary education major from Jackson, was awarded the Otterbein College Presi­ dent’s Citation by Dr. Lynn W. Turner during the annual Senior Recognition Day program on June 3. Miss Evans is the third recipient of the “outstanding senior of the year” award, which was initially pre­ sented in May, 1967, to Deborah Barndt of Worthington.

Distinguished Teacher

_0 — Dr. Michael Herschler, associate professor of life science, has been named to the steering committee of the Ohio Biology Teachers’ Confer­ ence. —

Graduate Students Study Otterbein Administration


Bass soloist Richard Chamberlain, associate professor of music, was featured with the Columbus Sym­ phony Orchestra and Chorus in a complete performance of Bach’s St. Matthew's Passion on April 4 in Co­ lumbus.

Loretta Evans cited by President Turner


Miss Joanne VanSant, vice presi­ dent for student affairs, is the re­ cipient of the anonymously donated travel grant of $1,000 for this year. She will travel in Europe during the summer. —


Dr. James Grissinger, chairman of the speech and theatre department, has been elected national vice presi­ dent of Pi Kappa Delta (speech hon­ orary), and also was named recently to the board of trustees of the An­ tique Auto Club of America. —


President Turner was elected to the Commission on College and So­ ciety of the Association of American Colleges at the organization’s annual meeting in January. —


(More Faculty Notes on Page 19)

Steve Spurgeon, Student Senate president­ elect, presents certificate to John Coulter

Dr. John K. Coulter, chairman of the English Department and a mem­ ber of the faculty since 1956, has re­ ceived the fourth annual Ralph W. Smith “Spirit of Otterbein” Distin­ guished Teacher Award. The award was established three years ago by the late Helen Ensor Smith, ’18, in memory of her late husband, a 1912 graduate, and the recipient is chosen by a student com­ mittee. A Kwanzan Japanese cherry tree from The Japan International Chris­ tian University Foundation, Inc. has been planted on the campus and dedicated to Doctor Coulter. 11

Kings fraternity has collected more than 800 books for the initiation of a library at the Westerville Convales­ cent and Nursing Center, and plans to start a similar library at the Mann Nursing Home. A load of selected children’s books has already been delivered to the Worthington Chil­ dren’s Home. Students in Davis Hall donated funds for magazine and newspaper subscriptions. —


John Karefa-Smart, a son of Dr. John Karefa-Smart, ’40, has been ad­ mitted to Otterbein. The older Smart is director of the World Health Or­ ganization in Geneva, Switzerland, and is a native of Sierra Leone. —


Janis Peri, ’64, presented a song recital at Otterbein on June 1. She was featured in the Winter TOWERS for her inclusion in Outstanding Young Women in America, and is a pupil of Alexander Lorber in New York City. —

New Musical Group Performs “The Millionaires’’ of Otterbein Col­ lege presented a program of folk­ songs and original compositions at the thirtieth anniversary banquet of Goodv/ill Industries in Columbus on May 13, at a recent banquet of an electrical engineer’s group at Ilk’s Country Club in Massillon, and for a meeting on May 24 of the Dayton Ot­ terbein Sorosis at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Harold Augspurger, '41 (Grace Burdge, ’39). Guiding spirit of the student group is James Million, admissions coun­ selor at Otterbein, who is enthusias­ tic about the combined talents of the nine young people, who sing, act in comedy skits, play guitar and piano, write their own music and comedy, present a readers’ theatre, produce a variety show. Their dress is “mod,” according to Jim, and the young peo­ ple “dig” them. They are also ex­ tremely good-looking and, according to one pleased over-thirty commen­ tator, “you can tell the difference be­ tween the boys and the girls.” “The Millionaires” are scheduled to represent the college at a number of United Methodist high school in12

stitutes during the summer, and are available for other camps, confer­ ences and meetings. Program direc­ tors may write to James Million, Ad­ missions Office, Otterbein College, or call him at 882-3601, Extension 325.


Sandra Williams Bennett, ’64, has written her master's thesis at The Ohio State University on “An Evalu­ ation of Ten-Watt Non-Commercial Educational FM Broadcasting.” Mem­ bers of the current WOBN staff are finding it interesting, since it deals specifically with the history and op­ eration of the Otterbein station.

otteRBein WRiteRS Poet Publishes Notice has been received of the re­ cent publication of a book of religious poetry by Mrs. Emerson Miller (Mar­ cella Henry, ’28). Fifer Boy is being circulated through auspices of the Swordsman Press. Mrs. Miller was a member of Quiz and Quill while a student at Otterbein. Although she has written many single poems for publication, this is her first book.

Hancock Recognized A book by Dr. Harold B. Hancock, chairman of the Otterbein depart­ ment of history and government, on Delaware during the Civil War was mentioned in an article in the Eve­ ning Journal in Wilmington, Dela­ ware, as containing the “outstand­ ing” study of the Negro among re­ cent publications of the Historical So­ ciety of Delaware. In a survey of recent articles on the Negro in Delaware History, the account mentioned that two out of five had been authored by Doctor Hancock. In addition to his book, which was first published in install­ ments in the magazine, he has also seen published an article on “The Status of the Negro in Delaware after the Civil War, 1865-1875.” A large portion of a chapter Doctor Hancock has contributed to a book to be published this spring by Johns Hopkins Press entitled Reconstruc­ tion in the Border States concerns the Negro in Delaware in the late nineteenth century. During his sabbatical leave in the spring of 1970, he intends to write an article on the history of the Freed­ man’s Bureau in his native state. He has received a grant from the Eleutherian Mills Historical Library to as­ sist in writing a history of the Bran­ dywine workman in the nineteenth century in Delaware. Doctor Hancock is well known for his studies of the history of Delaware. A recent bibliography on the eco­ nomic history of the Wilmington-Philadelphia area listed seven published and unpublished items written by him. A history of the militia in Dela­ ware published in 1968 acknowl­ edged his assistance.

Kerr Writes on Minimum Wage Study A colleague of Professor Han­ cock’s, Dr. Thomas Jefferson Kerr, IV, associate professor of history, has also been an active writer. His ar­ ticle, “The New York Factory Investi­ gating Commission and the Minimum Wage Movement,” will be published in Labor History. Another, entitled “U. S. Power in the Modern World,” will appear in Social Studies Maga­ zine. In February, Doctor Kerr presented a paper on “Changing Interpretations of History” in a teachers’ workshop at Heath High School. During his sabbatical this spring, he is examining the role of social justice advocates, organized labor and politicians in securing labor re­ form in Ohio during the Progressive Era, 1897-1917, and hopes to pro­ duce a series of articles on the sub­ ject.

School Prayers is Book Subject

He traces the thinking of the Con­ stitution’s founders with respect to church-state separation; describes the development of school religion disputes as they emerged in state and federal jurisdictions, and relates the climactic disputes which pro­ duced the controversial rulings. Professor Laubach discusses nine case studies of school devotional dis­ putes which have recently reached federal district courts and the state supreme courts. He links these studies with the guidelines which state attorneys general and educa­ tional officials have offered to direct the implementation of the federal court’s pronouncements. The Introduction to School Prayers was penned by Harry Golden, re­ nowned writer of such books as Mr. Kennedy and the Negroes; So What Else Is New; Humor Gazette; Ess Ess Mein Kindt; and A Little Girl is Dead. “In this invaluable book (School Prayers), based largely on the testi­ mony at the hearings,” Golden wrote, “you will find all the essential argu­ ments in a form enabling both pro­ fessional and lay readers to grasp the line of reasoning which per­ suaded the House Judiciary Commit­ tee and the U. S. Senate not to pass the prayer amendments, rather to conclude that the Supreme Court had been eminently faithful to the Con­ stitution in reaching its momentous decisions . . .” Doctor Laubach was a Danforth Fellow at Harvard (where he received his Ph. D. degree) and a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Bonn and the University of the Saar. He has been at Otterbein since 1958.

Forecasts Economy

Laubach autographs his book

Dr. John Laubach, professor of government, is the author of a newlypublished book School Prayers, (Pub­ lic Affairs Press), which deals with the U. S. Supreme Court’s rulings en­ joining prayers and devotional Bible readings in the public schools.

The Columbus Business Forum, published by the area Chamber of Commerce, carried an article by Dr. Young Koo, chairman of the depart­ ment of economics and business ad­ ministration, in its January issue. Doctor Koo was one of four econo­ mists chosen to present this year’s economic forecast. His article, “Don’t Expect a Mir­ acle,” dealt with the national scene, and predicted two main problems ahead. One is how to control infla­ tion without increasing unemploy­ ment. The other is how to achieve military superiority without excessive deficit spending. He expects the in13

flation rate to be reduced this year from the former 4.5 per cent to about 3.5 per cent. Unemployment rate of 3.6 per cent (lowest in the nation’s history) is probably due for a small increase, then dropping back to around 3.7 per cent. He says we can look for a fairly steady price level, removal or at least a reduction in the 10 per cent surtax, and a decrease in the Vietnam War effort. He believes consumer savings will remain at 6.5 per cent and in­ vestments in new plants will increase by 9 per cent. He exepcts a 1969 GNP of $920 billion, which is a growth rate of 5.8 per cent — an actual growth of 2.3 per cent after adjustment for inflation.

Quiz and Quill Celebrates Golden Anniversary The Quiz and Quill Club will cele­ brate its golden anniversary at the traditional Strawberry Breakfast at 8:00 AM on Alumni Day, June 14, in the Campus Center Faculty Dining Room. A special program has been planned to feature each of the club’s five decades, with plenty of opportunity for writers to exchange news and reminiscences. Arrangements are be­ ing made by Mrs. William Skaates (Sarah Rose, ’56), Executive Sec­ retary, Quiz and Quill Foundation.

Award Fund Started Torch and Key scholastic honorary has initiated an award fund, the in­ terest of which will be used as a prize for one of the highest ranking juniors from each of the five academic divi­ sions. Character and general merit will be considered in making the awards, in addition to scholastic at­ tainment. The establishment of such an award came through the initiative of Dr. Robert Price, sponsor from 1954 to 1968, the late Dr. Paul Frank, and others. Alumni who may be interested in contributing to the fund are invited to send their gifts to the Develop­ ment Office or to Dr. Harold Han­ cock, chairman of the Torch and Key Scholarship Fund. The society was founded in 1950 and annually elects to membership about twenty-five stu­ dents and two or three faculty mem­ bers. An annual tradition is the din­ ner to which members of all honoraries are invited. 14

Otterbein Alumni Records To Be Updated For several important reasons, the Alumni Office needs specific and up-to-date information about you! The form on the following pages will supply this data — if you will complete and return it promptly. (Two copies are provided — one for husband and one for wife if both at­ tended Otterbein.) THE TIME HAS COME!

For greater efficiency PROCESSING


tion storage, in alumni activities, in gift recording and reporting — we are converting our records to data processing. Computer sorting will en­ able us to furnish names and ad­ dresses of classmates, sorority and fraternity members, alumni in vari­ ous occupations, alumni in certain areas for local club activities. (We have asked for your Social Security number, which can be used as your identification number, and for annual reporting of giving. However, if you do not have a SS number, we will as­ sign a number for you.) A new and economi­ cal printing process makes possible the selection and printing of information directly from the computer, without the necessity of tedious searching, typing and proofreading. The first step is the collection of data. The directory will contain names, addresses, class, and position or pro­ fession of all graduates and former students, with alphabetical, geo­ graphic and class listings. Special lists will include number of degrees awarded, graduate degrees earned by alumni, and other data obtainable when our records are up to date and analyzed by the computer. Also listed will be: Alumni Association presi­ dents; trustees; executive committee members, administrative officers and faculty members. The computer knows nothing now about Otterbein people — what it “puts out’’ will be determined exactly by what you (and you, and you) “put in.’’ Bring your record up to date promptly, please.


Your degree increases in value as the pres­ tige of Otterbein is enhanced. The academic and cultural


“image” of a college depends in rather large measure on the records of graduate training, publications, memberships, professional standing and accomplishments of its gradu­ ates. Achieving and maintaining high accreditation is a continuing pro­ gram, and it is important for the of­ fice to have up-to-date statistical in­ formation readily available. SERVICE TO AIIIMKII AKin ALUMNI AND

There are many ways which the college

uents if information FRIENDS is available. We need to identify and catalog special interests, professions and industrial connections — for oc­ cupational placement, for publicity, for planning of special events, con­ tinuing education, symposiums and conferences. The information which SERVICE TO THF rni I Frc supply will conTHE COLLEGE ^ expertise on which the college can draw. Alumni and other friends can be selected for special services of all kinds — as advisers for campus pro­ grams, speakers, employers for stu­ dents and graduates, counselors for prospective students, as alumni of­ ficer candidates, as contacts for fund raising, as subjects for constantly projecting the true image of Otter­ bein. Please complete your question­ naire promptly — detach it from the magazine, and return it to: The Alumni Office Westerville, Ohio 43081 WHAT ABOUT * .................. . friends who did not NON-ALUMNI, attend Otterbein are on our mailing lists, to receive TOWERS or other literature. These are the parents of students, members of United Methodist Churches, busi­ ness and civic leaders, and other friends who have made the concerns of Otterbein their own. We would appreciate it if you good friends would also use the question­ naire to complete our information about you. Although this information will not be used in our alumni direc­ tory, it will be helpful to us in pro­ viding programs of particular interest to you and, if you are willing, we would like to call on you for further service to Otterbein.

OTTERBEIN COLLEGE OFFICE RECORD INFORMATION NEEDED FOR MAILING PURPOSES, DATA PROCESSING, AND ALUMNI REGISTER All Alumni and Friends are asked to complete this side of the record in order to bring our information up to date. Please mail to: Alumni Office, Otterbein College. Name LAST




Social Security Number

Home Address NUMBER


Home Phone STATE



Church Membership

Birth Date


Spouse’s Name

Marital Status


Did Spouse Attend Otterbein?

If so, spouse should complete separate record

Your Employer

□ Retired Business Phone

Business Address NUMBER





Your Position Nature of your work Children

Birth Date


Birth Date


Birth Date


Birth Date


Year Entered


Year Graduated


Extra-curricular activities (offices held, fraternity, sorority, sports, music, forensics, clubs, honoraries, etc.):

Honors, scholarships and/or student aid you received

FOR ALUMNI, FORMER STUDENTS, PARENTS, OTHER FRIENDS: Indicate your connections with Otterbein, checking all items which apply: Parent: son or daughter now enrolled □ Faculty: current □ former □ emeritus □ Staff Member: current □ former □ Trustee: current □ former □ Alumni Officer: current □ former □ Other Colleges Attended



formerly enrolled □


United Methodist: Minister □ Member □ Widow or Widower of Alumnus □ Other Friend of the College. □ Corporation or Foundation Officer □ Name of corporation or foundation:

Honorary Degrees



(If there is other biographical or publicity material which you are willing to furnish for the Alumni Office files for possible use in TOWERS and/or other media and for statistical purposes, please use the other side of this sheet.)

Please complete other side of this sheet first.

ALUMNI BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION Alumni and former students are invited to supply any further data which they would like to have on file in the Alumni Office. Clip­ pings and/or curriculum vitae are also welcome and will be kept in the file of each alumnus. This record will be used in preparing articles for TOWERS and other news media, for statistical purposes, and for the planning of continuing education sessions, sym­ posiums, conferences and workshops of special interest to the alumni of Otterbein. (If you do not have time to complete this record now, please complete the other side of the form and mail it promptly, so that work can be started on programming for data process­ ing and on the alumni register. The data requested on this side can be furnished later.) Please list the civic, educational, professional, service and religious organizations to which you belong (or those in which you were formerly active) since leaving Otterbein. Indicate which are your special interests, and those in which you play a leadership role. In­ clude any public office you have held.

What special honors or distinctions have you received since college years? What special services have you rendered?

If you attended graduate or professional school, was it on a scholarship, assistantship or fellowship? (Please be specific, giving name of university, subject studied, name of the scholarship, etc.) What distinctions did you receive in graduate school?

Your major field and thesis and/or dissertation subject: (Was either of these published?)

List any publications, articles or books, of which you are either author, co-author, editor, etc.

Other information you would like to have included in your Alumni Office file. (If there is any item you would not want used for pub­ licity, please indicate that fact.)

Please indicate here any way in which you would be willing to serve the college — perhaps more actively than you have been asked to do in the past.

(Signed) Be sure to complete the other side of this page.

OHERBEIN COLLEGE OFFICE RECORD INFORMATION NEEDED FOR MAILING PURPOSES, DATA PROCESSING, AND ALUMNI REGISTER All Alumni and Friends are asked to complete this side of the record in order to bring our information up to date. Please mail to: Alumni Office, Otterbein College.





Social Security Number

Home Address NUMBER


Home Phone STATE



Church Membership

Birth Date

Spouse’s Name

Marital Status

If so, spouse should complete separate record


Did Spouse Attend Otterbein? t


Your Employer

□ Retired Business Phone

Business Address NUMBER





Your Position Nature of your work Children

Birth Date


Birth Date


Birth Date


Birth Date



Year Graduated

Year Entered


Extra-curricular activities (offices held, fraternity, sorority, sports, music, forensics, clubs, honoraries, etc.):

Honors, scholarships and/or student aid you received


Indicate your connections with Otterbein, checking all items which apply: Parent: son or daughter now enrolled □ Faculty: current □ former □ emeritus □ Staff Member: current □ former □ Trustee: current □ former □ Alumni Officer: current □ former □ Other Colleges Attended



formerly enrolled □


United Methodist: Minister □ Member □ Widow or Widower of Alumnus □ Other Friend of the College. □ Corporation or Foundation Officer □ Name of corporation or foundation:

Honorary Degrees



(If there is other biographical or publicity material which you are willing to furnish for the Alumni Office files for possible use in TOWERS and/or other media and for statistical purposes, please use the other side of this sheet.)


Please complete other side of this sheet first.

ALUMNI BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION Alumni and former students are invited to supply any further data which they would like to have on file in the Alumni Office. Clip­ pings and/or curriculum vitae are also welcome and will be kept in the file of each alumnus. This record will be used in preparing articles for TOWERS and other news media, for statistical purposes, and for the planning of continuing education sessions, sym­ posiums, conferences and workshops of special interest to the alumni of Otterbein. (If you do not have time to complete this record now, please complete the other side of the form and mail it promptly, so that work can be started on programming for data process­ ing and on the alumni register. The data requested on this side can be furnished later.)

Please list the civic, educational, professional, service and religious organizations to which you belong (or those in which you were formerly active) since leaving Otterbein. Indicate which are your special interests, and those in which you play a leadership role. In­ clude any public office you have held.

What special honors or distinctions have you received since college years? What special services have you rendered?

If you attended graduate or professional school, was it on a scholarship, assistantship or fellowship? (Please be specific, giving name of university, subject studied, name of the scholarship, etc.) What distinctions did you receive in graduate school?

Your major field and thesis and/or dissertation subject: (Was either of these published?)

List any publications, articles or books, of which you are either author, co-author, editor, etc.

Other information you would like to have included in your Alumni Office file. (If there is any item you would not want used for pub­ licity, please indicate that fact.)

Please indicate here any way in which you would be willing to serve the college — perhaps more actively than you have been asked to do in the past.

(Signed) Be sure to complete the other side of this page.

More Campus News President and Mrs. Lynn W. Turner flew to Anchorage, Alaska, where Doctor Turner addressed an Alaska Methodist University convocation in April on the topic “Mother Goose or Clio.” A past international president of Phi Alpha Theta, he installed a new Omicron-Alpha chapter of the national historical honorary fraternity during the convocation, and spoke at a later banquet on “Faithless Elec-



Miss Joann Tyler, assistant profes­ sor of physical education, gave two lectures at Mississippi State College for Women last December. —


Dr. John Coulter, chairman of the English department, has been teach­ ing a creative writing course as a volunteer at the CMACAO (Columbus Metropolitan Area Community Action Organization) Cultural Arts Center in Columbus. Another volunteer in the program is Earl Hassenpflug, chairman of the visual arts department, who is in­ volved in planning an art program at the center. __ ^___ The autumn issue of Ohio History, a quarterly published by the Ohio Historical Society, contains an 18page research report by Dr. Robert Price, professor of English, entitled “Young Howells Drafts a Life for __ ^___ Lincoln.” Phyllis Hlaster, flutist; Anthony Ginter, violinist; and Christine Norris, pianist, all members of the music de­ partment, were featured with the Co­ lumbus Symphony Orchestra and the Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts in Oc­ tober. __ Q___ Richard Pfiieger, '48, director of alumni relations atOtterbein, has been elected president of the ICAA (Independent College Alumni Associ­ ates) of Ohio. On April 18, Dick served as offi­ cial representative of the organization at a unique “ICAA in Arizona” party held at the Camelback Inn in Scotts­ dale. About 150 alumni from 24 private colleges in Ohio accepted the invitation to attend the affair. Approximately 30 per cent of the Arizona alumni from the Ohio col­ leges were in attendance, where Mr. Pfiieger talked on “What’s Happen­ ing in Ohio.”

John D. Kramer, Canal Winchester senior, is a recipient of the first fouryear Air Force ROTC Financial As­ sistance Grant offered to an incoming Otterbein student. He will receive full tuition and fees, $50-a-month sub­ sistence allowance, a $75-per-year book allowance, and travel pay. —


Angels Collect Toys

Karla Courtright, daughter of A. Monroe Courtright, '40, is the 196869 recipient of the Phi Theta Phi Scholarship Award, which is given to a home economics student who has shown special scholarship and leader­ ship capabilities. The award is made possible by members of the former Phoenix Sorority. —


Janis Peri, '64, who was featured in a recent TOWERS for her inclusion in Outstanding Young Women of America, gave a song recital in Hall Auditorium on the campus on June 1. A reception was held in the Cam­ pus Center Lounge following the pro­ gram. —


Karl Kempf of Lima and Frederick Glasser of Pittsburgh have been se­ lected as “Outstanding Seniors in Chemistry” at Otterbein by the Co­ lumbus section of the American Chemical Society. —


The Otterbein chapter of Pi Kappa Delta, national speech honorary, has announced the election of the follow­ ing to membership: Mary Furniss, Westerville: Robert Bateson, Lima; and Carolyn Krumm, Columbus; all seniors; Nancy Scott, Marysville; Karen Beiner, Elyria; Michael Hart­ man, Kettering; juniors; Rita Sellers, Beverly; a sophomore; and Doug Red­ ding, Columbus, a freshman.

Blood Needed for Students and Families otterbein is a “participating group” in the blood donor program of the Red Cross, and its students and em­ ployees are assured that their blood needs will be met anywhere in the United States and Canada where rec­ iprocity can be arranged. The quota for Otterbein for this year is 360 units, and more blood is needed. Parents and friends can help fill the quota by designating their blood for Otterbein when donating, no matter where the donation is made.

"Operation Vietnam” committee members Nikki Katsilas (left) and Marlene Lansman discuss plans for book-toy project with Major Robert Warner, ’56, recent returnee from Vietnam.

The Angel Flight of Otterbein is currently involved in an energetic offcampus program called “Operation Vietnam,” the collecting of books for servicemen and toys for Vietnamese orphans. The project began several months ago when Miss Nikki Katsilas, sopho­ more from Pittsburgh, wrote to Major Robert Warner, 1956 graduate and navigator in the 16th Tactical Recon­ naissance Squadron, South Vietnam, requesting permission for the Angel Flight to “adopt” his outfit. “Adopt” in this case meant corresponding with members of the squadron and sending them reading materials. In his letter of permission. Major Warner noted that, although the serv­ icemen could use books, they were in need of toys for children at the Ky Quang Orphanage near Saigon, which the squadron was assisting. He stated that the war orphans were suffering a serious shortage of toys. The re­ port of children without playthings prompted Angel Flight to initiate its city-wide toy-and-book project. The Angel Flight also operates cam­ pus coffee-and-donut sales and sand­ wich concessions for underprivileged children and participates in the an­ nual Heart Fund drive in the Wester­ ville area. 19

spotlight on spoRts By Bill Skaates, Sports Information Director

Twin victories over Capital in base­ ball, three new track records, a trio of golf wins at the expense of Cap, and the tennis team’s near miss at a .500 season highlighted the 1969 spring sports campaign at Otterbein. While Coach Dick Fishbaugh's baseball team finished with a disap­ pointing 4-14 record—two of the wins came over Capital, 1-0 and 15-5. The Cardinals' hard throwing senior righthander Jim McKee, Groveport, broke a 10-year-old Ohio Con­ ference season strikeout record with 126. For games played through May 17 McKee, who appears destined toward a professional diamond career later this summer, was leading the na­ tion’s NCAA College Division strike­ out artists. His average of 15.9 strikeouts per nine innings was based upon 113 strikeouts in 64 innings. McKee earned this year’s Most Val­ uable Player Award as well as recog­ nition for pitcher with the best earned run average (1.28). Junior hurler Jarry Klenk, Yorkshire (Versailles), rated the nod as the Most Improved Player, and senior Mike Leadbetter, Brookville, claimed the best batting average (.328). Sophomore high jumper Chuck Bosse, Gahanna (Lincoln) established new Otterbein and Memorial Stadium records in his speciality. Bosse first tied the stadium mark of 6-4 set last year by Cleveland State’s NCAA champion Al Flores. Later Bosse leaped 6-5 at Muskingum to smash the school record of 6-3 set by Dick Rule in 1941. Another record breaking perform­ ance was turned in by Coach Elmer (Bud) Yoest’s mile relay team com­ prised of Len Simonetti, Dennison (Immaculate Conception): Dave Leh­ man, Westerville; Ray Stright, Mace­ donia; and Larry Loftus, Columbus (Central). The relay team was clocked in 3:21.8 on Ohio Wesleyan’s oval to shatter the 3:23.4 mark established 20

in 1966 by Wolfgang Schmitt, Jeff Upp, Sam Murphy and Lenny Loftus. Coach Bob (Moe) Agler’s golf team concluded their season with a record of 6-8-1. Senior Captain Dick Beckner, Miamisburg, led the way to 131/2-61/2. 131/2-41/2 and 15-5 wins over Capital. The tennis team, coached by Curt Tong, fell just short of a winning campaign as they concluded with a 3-4 record. Three of their losses were by the slim margin of one point. Only seniors lost from this team are Hamer Campbell, Bradford, Pa.; and Bob Colton, Worthington.

Honored at Banquet Two four-year athletic standouts, Jim McKee and Dick Augspurger, were the top award recipients at the Cardinals’ All-Sports Banquet. McKee, a four-year letterman in both basketball and baseball, received the Augspurger-Ballenger Award, pre­ sented annually to the senior who has demonstrated outstanding sports­ manship and excellence in at least two varsity sports. The 6-7 Groveport native was cap­ tain of the basketball team and a co­

captain of the baseball squad. He has struck out 113 batters to date this season and holds the Otterbein ca­ reer strikeout mark of 310. Augspurger, a son of Dr. and Mrs. Harold Augspurger, ’41 (Grace Burdge, ’39), received the Norris Elliott Athletic Scholarship Award for achievement on the playing field and in the classroom. He carries a 3.6 average and has won three letters in football and four in track. He was named the most improved player on the football team last fall, catching 20 passes for 243 yards and two touchdowns from his tight end posi­ tion. He has cleared 13 feet in the pole vault and was named honorary captain of the track team. The outstanding athletes in each sport were named at the banquet: Football — Most valuable. Rich Rawlins; most improved, Dick Augs­ purger: outstanding freshman. Butch Denny. Basketball — Most valuable, Lor­ enzo Hunt; most improved, Jim Augs­ purger; outstanding freshman, Don Manly. Wrestling — Co-captains: Tom Jent and Ken Schmitt. Tennis — Most valuable. Bob Col­ ton. Golf — Most valuable, Dick Beckner. Cross-Country — Most valuable, Jerry Farber. Track — Most valuable. Chuck Bosse; most improved, Len Simonette; outstanding freshman, Nate VanWey. Baseball — Awards to be made at end of season.

Coaches’ wives pose with outstanding athletes. From left: Mrs. Dick Fishbaugh, Mrs. Larry Lintner, Jim McKee, Dick Augspurger, Mrs. Curt Tong and Mrs. Bud Yoest.

Alumni in the news Bancroft Retires

Gross Promoted To Regional Manager V. Dean Gross, ’49, has been pro­ moted to the position of Regional Claims Manager of Grange Mutual Casualty Company, Columbus. He will direct operations in southern Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee and Florida. He has previously held the posi­ tion of Columbus Branch Manager of the company, and had formerly worked with the Beacon Mutual In­ surance Company and Ohio Casualty. He is a member of the Columbus Claims Club and Southeast Ohio Claims Club, and attended Franklin University Law School. T. V. Bancroft, right, receives retirement gift from Superintendent McDermott at Bancroft retirement dinner.

Friday, May 23, was named Thomas Vaughn Bancroft Day in Westerville, honoring the 1921 graduate of Otterbein who retired this year after 33 years of service to the Westerville Public Schools. He served as prin­ cipal of the high school from 1936 to 1960, and has been curriculum coordinator for the system for the past nine years.

The Westerville Board of Educa­ tion approved a special resolution citing his roles as teacher, coach, counselor and adviser, as well as principal. "His dedication to the field of education, especially the Wester­ ville City School System, has. been unsurpassed,” according to the ci­ tation.

Gifford in New Position The Columbus Board of Education has appointed Craig Gifford, '57, as public information director, a post created more than a year ago and temporarily filled by Richard Coldren. Mr. Gifford, public relations spe­ cialist at Battelle Memorial Institute, has been a reporter for the Scripps Howard Ohio Bureau and has served in various newspaper positions. Be­ fore accepting the Battelle position, he was director of college information

and printing at Otterbein for five years. The new director was a recent pan­ elist for the National School Board Association at its national convention in Miami Beach. His panel on "How the News Media Cover Education” covered the problems school admin­ istrators face in informing the com­ munity and nation about educational needs and progress, and the ways in which boards and administrators can best work with news men.

Mrs. Gross is Teacher And Director Mrs. Gross (Jeanne Bilger, ’47) is the director of music at Church of the Master (former First EUB Church) of Westerville. She has held teaching positions in Columbus and Worthing­ ton, and is currently employed by the Westerville City Schools as a vocal music teacher. She is a member of AAUW and Women’s Music Club, and several professional organizations, including WEA, OMEA and Music Educators Na­ tional Conference. The Grosses and their two chil­ dren, Jill, age 17 and Rick, age 12, live in Westerville, where they are active in church and school affairs.


Evelyn Svec Ward, with embroidered, knitted, knotted screen which she completed recently

in 1962, 66, 68 at the Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts. Exhibitions in 1969 include “A Group Show of Stitchery,’’ at the Community Art Cen­ ter, Oneonta, New York; an exhibition of stitchery and paintings by Evelyn, William and Pamela Ward at Orange Public Library, Orange, Ohio; and “Water Colors and Stitchery’’ by Eve­ lyn and William Ward at Women’s City Club of Cleveland Gallery. Her work is on file with the Mu­ seum of Contemporary Crafts and is represented in private collections and in the permanent collection of the Cleveland Museum. The Wards have traveled extensive­ ly, and Mrs. Ward gets much of her inspiration from journeys to Europe and Mexico.

Evelyn Svec Ward Recognized Artist Evelyn Svec Ward, ’43, her hus­ band William and their daughter Pamela were the subjects of a feature story last fall in their home-town newspaper. The Solon Herald. Writ­ ing about a forthcoming art show to be held in the new Solon Public Library, reporter Ruth Wirtz writes: “There will be some paintings (by William Ward). But also some stitchery . . . and some twiggery??? (The “twiggery” is later described as Eve­ lyn’s word for her mobiles — made of twigs and odds and ends.) “A net onion bag, a bit of velvet, burlap pieces, rope, thread clippings, 22

ravelings of all sorts, become works of art in the talented hands of Mrs. Ward, who explains that she ‘takes the contemporary approach to work­ ing with fabrics and textiles.’ ’’ She has exhibited in 15 May Shows at the Cleveland Museum of Art, where she was formerly on the staff as assistant in textiles. Her stitchery has been included in exhibitions throughout the country, including a major exhibition of historical and in­ ternational contemporary embroidery at the Museum of Contemporary Crafts in New York City, 1967; De­ signer-Craftsman of Ohio exhibitions

Named Church Planning Director George E. Schreckengost, ’50, min­ ister of metropolitan strategy for the Ohio East Conference of the United Methodist Church, has been selected as the new director of the North­ eastern Ohio Regional Church Plan­ ning Office. After serving several churches in the area, Mr. Schreckengost became director of Cleveland inner-city work for the EUB Church in 1964, and was appointed to the metropolitan assign­ ment in 1966. (Continued)

George Schreckengost

The Regional Church Planning of­ fice serves eight counties, and pro­ vides research and cooperative strat­ egy for twelve participating denom­ inations. Mr. Schreckengost serves as vice chairman of the Program Council of Ohio East Conference and as a mem­ ber of the Board of Education and the Commission on Parish Develop­ ment and Research. He is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Cleveland Inner-City Protestant Parish. A graduate of United Seminary, the new director has had additional study at Ashland Seminary and Oberlin Graduate School of Theology. The Reverend and Mrs. Schrecken­ gost (Virginia Bartlett, x’51) have five children, one of whom, Elaine, is a student at Otterbein.


William K. Messmer

Appointed to Bishop’s Cabinet Dr. William K. Messmer, '36, is to assume new duties on June 13 as ad­ ministrative assistant to Bishop F. Gerald Ensley of the Ohio West Area of the United Methodist Church. He will fill the office vacated by the death of the Reverend Dr. S. Lee Whiteman last February. Doctor Messmer has been super­ intendent of the Ohio Miami Confer­ ence of the former EUB Church for nearly twenty years, having been elected to that post in 1949. He was a delegate for the 1968 Uniting Con­ ference in Dallas, and was a member of the Judicial Council (the “Supreme Court” of the church). He is also a member of the Council on World Service and Finance of the United Methodist Church, the governing body of the church’s world-wide be­ nevolence program. He has been a trustee of Otterbein for 24 years, a trustee of United Sem­ inary for 16 years, and is chairman of the board for the Otterbein Home. He and his wife (Mary Mumma, '31) have two children: Betsy (Mrs. Earl

James H. Conley

Kennedy Jr., '59); and a son, Wil­ liam, '64. The Reverend Dr. Carl Eschbach, '26, will succeed Doctor Messmer as superintendent of Ohio Miami Con­ ference.

With Michigan Bell James H. Conley, '54, recently re­ ceived the Ph. D. degree in speech from Michigan State University, and works as community relations super­ visor in the public relations depart­ ment of the Michigan Bell Telephone Company. Doctor Conley formerly was an in­ structor in the department of speech at Michigan State, and began his work with Michigan Bell in 1966. A member of Phi Kappa Phi national scholastic honorary, he is active in the Michigan Speech Association, the Speech Association of America, and the National Society of Broadcasting Educators. He holds the B. D. degree from United Theological Seminary. The Conleys have two children, and live near Detroit. Mrs. Conley (Marge) is also an Otterbein gradu­ ate, in the class of '55.


Queen Beth Hodder Reigns

Hottelet Speaks Richard C. Hotteiet, CBS NEWS United Nations Correspondent, will act as guest lecturer on the Otterbein ^College campus Tuesday, March II, the fourth speaker to appear in the Winter Convocation series.


MUSIC MAN The tuneful songs of The Music Man, generally regarded to be one of the greatest musical plays of American theatre history, have been popular since the play's opening night at the Majestic

Theatre in New York on December 19.1957. The award winning musical comedy of Meredith WiUson is set in the town of River City, Iowa, during the summer of 1912.

May 2, 196;^^

Volune SI, Nnnber 24

Student Art Show Begins Sunday

The Otterbein College Theatre’s production of The Music Man is scheduled to be The Visual Arts E)epartment presented from Thursday of Otterbein Colkge will through Saturday, May 15*17 present a Student Show in the at Cowan Hall Auditorium. Campus Center Lounge from Tickets are currently available May II • 24. The official at the Cowan Hall Box Office ' opening of the show will occur week days from one to four at 8 p.m., Sunday, May 11. pjn. The exhibit of drawings and The story of The Musk Man sculpture, executed during the is that of Professor Harold Hill (Marc Smythe) who takes the town of Wver City by storm along with the town’s librarian (Robin Adair). The magical spell of Prof, Hill is cast over Seven student-athletes attending Otterbein CoDege have been selected for inclusion in the 1969 edition of “Outstanding College Athletes of America.” They were nominated eariier thU year by officials at Otterbein - tentu* and were chosen for the awards pt^lication on the basis of their all-around campus achievements. Representing Otterbein are '''* ni* Terry Arnold. Xenia; Rkhard Aufspurger, Dayton; Tommy Gilmore. Massillon; David Lehman, Westerville; Richard Rawlins, Circleville; Glen Shaffer, Westerville; and Ciaif Weaver, Rocky River. Arnold is a junior and a member of the varsity Repteaentauve sketbiD team. A senior, Ir^viUt’ionaVlere Fotdt^ igspurger has participated i Univethty, U^emty^of^Nrw oth tl vanity football ..................... and track. '

winter and spring terms, will feature the works of seniors Linda Bletz of Butler; Marian Diedrich, Uniontown; and Linda Finney, Yellow Springs. Everyone is invited to attend the 14-day student art exhibit.

The Otterbein College A Cappella Choir will present its spring term campus concert at 3:15 pjn., Sunday, May 25, in Cowan Hall Auditorium. The 48'VOice concert ensemble, under the direction of Professor Richard Chamberlain, will offer a


Debaters OlieiS®'" ColUg* , deb.t« •A Saturday. April li.

le OC debateii loon pla« at the Univemty

1 Virginia Invitational Tournament. rtrain wa. Kl««d out itld of 42 teama (by of its 5-1 Invitational 1) ,0 debate Weatern Univetiity in the fin^ , ,„d loel by t 6-3 Lucl smith a amore from Wh.tehriL


won eighth apeehet honor, in the tourney, while her colleague, Robert Fortner, a “"r:;?! from placed lecond out of 84 competing apeaker.. . Tte Smith-Fotinei debate

U^ivefhty, Purdue Umverarty^ the Pennaylvan.a Stat_e

University of

teem defeated the CoUege of

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WilUem and Maty, St. College, U n 1V e t a 11 y , ,L • " ‘ ‘" 5

"'To^Vabb. Otterbein

Community Cojlege. end Central Michigan Univetrty ,nd loat a dote round to


counselor, and is a member of the Publications Board and the Epsilon Kappa Tau sorority

majors. Queen Hodder is co-editor of the Tan and Cardinal, junior

A Cappella Choir Presents Concert

Athletes Selected


Miss Beth Hodder, a vivacious, brown-eyed, brown-haired coed from Euclid, reigns as the 1%9 May Day Queen of Otterbein College. Miss Hodder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hodder, 800 E. 254th St., Euclid, was crowned Saturday morning by retiring queen, Miss Loretta Evans of Jackson, during the colorful May Day pageant on the Campus Center Patio. Miss Patti Stinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stinson, 49 Grandview Ave., Jackson, was chosen Maid of Honor. Other members of the queen’s court are; First Attendant Mias Jeanne Lytle, dai^ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lytle, Tuckahoe Circle, Wooster; and Second Attendant - Mias Beverly AieDo, 8566 Tilby Road, North Rovalt(xi.

program of classic and modem choral works by Brahms, Gabrieli, Schein, Ives, Niks and Luboff. Assisting musicians and soloists will include Marion Vaughan, Massillon (organ); Darryl BojtaowAi, Whitehall

(guitar); Diane Savage, Chillicothe; Joan Maibadi, Sterling; Melodk Chapman, Charleston, W. Va.; V^^UIam Samuels, Denville, N.J.; and Jack Benner, Alliance. The Sunday concert is open to the public.

International Week Begins The annual International Week, a project of Student Senate, wiU be presented from April 27th through May 2nd. Seniors who have taken part in various foreign study programs will show pictures of their visits, tell of their adventures, and explain details of the respective programs.

invited to the presentations;, ^ but it is hoped that especially (yO

ej’s Hecord Fall To

those students with any interest, no matter how slight, in taking pan in any of theie 'oa,,, or other, related ventures will ^"rbein Colleee „nie take this chance to heir about 17 over the* . m**™ the opportunitie. and have Club link, question, annveied. Cardinals record T


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All students, faculty, and others interested are, of course.

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J'ny Hatnish Thnm’



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Mini Tan and Cardinal will be crowned tomorrow evening at the Desert Inn at the annual Inter-frater­ nity Council Dance. The dance la scheduled to get under way at 9 p.m.

p.ofestot of Speecn. .ccompaniedtha team to West

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Ian and Sylvia Perform April 23 ”« y/


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ilFomcn Golfers Compete The women on the Otterbein Intercollegiate Golf Team were inexperienced but interested. It has been t real pleasure to work with them,” stated Coach Joanne Tyler in her best southern drawl. The women that she wu speaking of are Char Bennett, Mary Ann Everhart, Carolyn Koadiway, Grace Leidheiser, Claire Porter and Kim Taylor. In their seasonal record of one win over Wittenbera and one

loss to Ohio Wesleyan, C.| Porter shot 47 and 86 for 18 holes, leading the Lady Otters in the number one position. C. Bennett followed in the second slot while C. Koachway and K. Taylor battled for third spot and G. Leidheiser and M. A. Everhart locked irons and woods for fourth. Their last game of the season is Saturday. May 24 against Ohio State.

VANCE PACKARD SPEAKS Vance Packard, author of numerous best-seOert and one of the most perceptive social critics of our time, will appear as guest lecturer on the Otterbein College campus Wednesday, May 28, as part of the Spring Convocation Series.


Geomorphology Class Tours Five States Torrential rains and unusually cool weather ceased to dampen the geomorphology (study of earth landforms) class in their three-day field trip last weekend through five states. Tour leaden for the expedition were Dr. Norman K. Flint of the University of

Pittsburgh and Dr. Arnold D. Leonard of Otterbein CoUege. The field trip was designed to enable students to observe three of the twenty-five United States physiographic provinces: Appalachian Plateau, Valley and Ridge, and the Blue Ridges. The glaciated Ohio

landscape provided several opportunities to observe the effects of tne gigantic ice flows that once covered the Buckeye State. Near Zanesville a stop was made to see an oil weU in operation and where a quantity of flint, Ohio’s gem stone, was abundantly available. The

world’s largest steam shovel, a massive 30-story piece of machinery, was seen just south of Zanesville. Several fossil stops were made near Cambridge in Pennsylvanian age shales. Tornado4ike winds, hail, and a torrential downpour hit the group in Wheeling and




Play Tickets Availabl.

After an ii

— tjr. L.>Buifaeii, Laubach, professor of history and govemment» Ed Vaughn. Mary Fumiss, Gail Snyder and Terri Hiatt rec recreate a scene » Francois Mitterrand speaking from Thornton Wilder's "The Skin of Our Teeth" which can be■ a in his native language de­ toni^t and tomorrow n^t in Cowan Hall. Curtain time s 8:IS p livered a speech at the con­ Good tickets are stfll available for both performances. vocation Monday morning. Mr. Dube, assistant professor of foreign languages^ trans­ ited Mitterrand’s message. Mitterrand

the problems of France can be more fully understood. According to Mitterrand, the external situation of France shows General de Ganlle’s foreign policies; not being present at the Geneva disarmament; not being pres­ ent at the nuclear arms con­ trol debates; leaving NATO; denying England membership into the Common Market; and II negative policy to of P'rance.

uoi always me oesi way oi knowing and understanding a country. France haa seven or eight political parties, but Mitterrand explained that it waa not too much different from our own system. In France, the parties are di­ vided among themselvea, while in the United States, the parties are divided with­ in themselvea. The popular election process is relative­ ly new in France, 'fliey have two elections. The first <— la 1a altminalA all ill iWa the candi:ept the two receiv■ the highest number of votes. In the second elec­ tion, there are only two o the ballot so this divides the country into two definate parts, as in a party system. Mitterrand received about forty percent of the vote in the last election which ia a threat to General De Gaulle’s

Winning flrst~^ceTn fresbman talent competition was Dave Kays, who played piano music by Debussy.

government. Mitterrand told how hie party, the non-Com-

-four Students | “•"■■'"“.Twenty-four Swuen, 'Lminated for Who used . for Who’s Who ^ :]S omina poweii'^Wl* addition.

Over 1200 Otterbein stu­ dents and faculty met Friday October 25 to hear General Curtis LeMay, Independent Candidate for Vice President of the United States.

Who’s Who

^ittee Committee

Selection into Who s ^ ■■■- - urnimerican Colleges ano >:etX^tl,6S.,wen-

After much delay, Gen­ eral LeMay and his wife ar­ rived at Cowan Hall, accom­ panied by cameramen, news1, and tight security.




munist Federation of the Left, agrees with de Gaulle’s policies of leaving NATO, recoanizine China, and re-



^ potential in'*-'

p“'"' ‘::;>spo/-amous, r-----on campus,

..IV four Otterbein CoUege

Campbell, i-m Cordle, Urty Evans. Julie C Mary Harlan

to this importanr p «r.irs bv faculty

was baseo on nrembers. and o.ganiaar.o^nrr"’

Fred GUs^ a..u


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Dick McKinney.



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S,Uy Norton, chosen {lom '*''i and Bob Woods.





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Volnioe 51, Number 5


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Ml fcp.M8n, T" “ " I. Appeal contribution


ill,Gr.nar Announce Casts ^


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, Theatre «>" Pan.” The

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will be Pte.ented

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DodriUTeri HisU ■ ■■.■.Boanie Beall Mike Jamea .David Hyaa .......Don Bean



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.........."itnien Roaai 1 ;T......'..Kea Meyera Call Snyder ••"■.■.Ton Donipace , .Tun Chandler ..........Gary S*''*y ......... Keith Sgoirea .......... Larry Evana ......Michael Harmaa lean Rahng Diane Fi»he' Carol McCoy


■•fly" Peter Pao. who ..

Linda Fleming Karen Linger lae Ellen Beaaon led Rennet .................. Rick Vin'n Gary Burgard


.Joe Gtieaken Tommy Ullo® Tommy Uovis


Cheerlesdets do rtO. *««

Chuck Cnatin

their "thing” iltet u OC touebdow.

YARBROUGH WOWS CAMPUS Dr. Albert R. Hibbs, a native Ohloian, will speak to Otterbein students Wednesday, January 15, at 9 a.m. Dr. Hibbs has devoted his scientiflc career to the missile and space programs. As one of the men primarily respcmsible for the country’s first satellites and space probes, he directed the creation of TV cameras which gave us our first close look at the moon and nei^boring planets. Dr. Hibbs is science editor for NBC and can be heard weekly on his radio program “World of Science." He is presently a soiior staff scientist of NASA’s jet propulsion laboratory where he con> tinues his work in space technology. Classes normally scheduled during this hour have been cancelled so students may have the opportunity to hear this outstanding American scientist.

Captures ^choiarsbip



has won

Ik iim'nu Otters Topple Kenyon 92-91


Lindi SS 'lOr from r..--

honored by Itudem"*?

O-eTb:' Eddy of halHim 'he Otlerh'



Sibyl Q ueen Crowned at Recep Saturday evening, immediately following the College Tlwatre’s production of “A Man For All Seaaons," the 1969 Sibyl Queen will be crowned in the Campus Center. Following the coronation, there will be a reception held in the Campus Center to honor the new queen and her court. In addition to honoring her majesty, this reception which is sponsored jointly by the W.A.A. and the Sibyl will also be in honor of all Otterbein



Mias Ann.T


sorority, Choral r

HomeI»no'’,;’'os"S:S:‘"‘''^' The climax of the Win.. Winter Dav ZV ^ fn I, ftance at the Pi. following the nr at "*■ basketball ^me.


»> Alumni

Debaters Cop Honors in Huquesne

=''h^4«b3rroi:;d*'.tr5'2°' _Miss Edd

University Invitational ^bfte Tournament Nov. 22-23 Otterbein debators Randy E«rliale, a sophomore from “<"*»««« Former,^ lonior from Indianapolis efeated Thiel College’ Fa-rmont State College’ uquesne University and die Umverstty of Pennsylvmtia in the 14-team tourney

Haight-Ashbury MD Speaks Here journals, and he is presently readying two books for pubbcation. They are Current Marijuana Issues (Prenlice-HaJl) and The Haight-Ashbury Cliiik (Little Brown A. Co.). As Editor of the Journal of Psychedelic Drup, Dr. Smith views the hippie movement u a

product of the communi­ cations pp - one that can be bridged only when constructive educational and medical programs are established. **We must initiate programs that young people believe in,” he asserted.

,o™'f°f""-UarlisleduoIo,t O trie Ufuversity of West thl^n "d’r'" **"

Skiers Capture Championship

Ohio State, Ohio u., and Miami. Member! of Otterbein'! winning men'! team were Dick Augapurgef, a aenior from Tom Masaaro, a Dayt from Columbua; freshma Bruce Finkle, a sophomore from Swampscott, Mass.; and Mike Roaenfield. a sophomore from Bloomfield, Conn.


« Mrs-


™'""* and

Strout To Compete In Contest

For the second time in three years a men’s ski team representing Otterbein College has won the Ohio Intercollegiate Men's Slalom Ski championship. The competition was held Saturday, Feb. 15, at the Clear Fork Sid Area in Butler. Other luucu participating schools included

luation dress


Sigma Alpha tTu row,




S^aduaii^n^’^t str"’'''"

by a m 'Wednesday .y^a nujor„y ,o„ of Varsi.^

mothers. Each year six senior women who have never before been crowned queen are chosen to contend for this coveted title. The winner is chosen by the Sibyl and is the one in their opinion that has done the most for Otterbein in her four years on campus. The six women chosen as Sibyl queen candidates are: Jane Flack. Julie Gauch, Linda Lebold, Annmary Miller, Cheryl Muha and Jane Whearty.

Dr. David E. Smith, Medical Director of the Haight-Ashbury Medical Clinic in San Francisco, the hippie capital of the world, will appear on the_ Otterhf'

^P’ ^

Ha,Z' Eolumbus, Miss’

''“"■"■on’s oV'^am*’" organization. campus

hly of AJtron h Gym.



Mi il Strout, an Otterbein College sophomore from Centerburgand a member of ‘.he Angel Flight, is the Brig. Gen. William C. Lindley Arnold Air Society Squ; dron’s candidate for the “Little Colonel” contest to be held today and tomorrow at the Statler Hilton Hotel in E>etroit. The blond-haired coed, who is majoring in Spanish, was chosen over four other candidates by a majority vote


Sokolov presented in concert ^

. ^ Sokolov, wmner ol all-Russ.an Compel,t.on for P^lotming Musicians in 1965, >* pre«n'«<i concert '""'eEt at Cowan Hall, The program which starts at 8:15

- -


pushes PRom the cUsses ’22 Mrs. William Young (Hazel Dehnhoff) flew to Australia in April, stopping in New Zealand and Tapeete, Tahati on the way. Her four-week vacation was topped off with a visit with rela­ tives in Berkeley, California. She lives in Westerville.

’24 Dr. Ross Hill, x’24, Otterbein Home physician for more than 25 years, sub­ mitted his resignation in February. From 1928 to 1943 he had served as a relief doctor, and since that time has served as the regular physician in ad­ dition to his practice in Middletown. Doctor and Mrs. Hill (Evelyn Darling, ’21) were guests of honor at a tea and banquet on May 6 at the Home.

’26 Earl R. Hoover spoke on “The Ste­ phen Foster of Ohio” at a centennial salute to the Cleveland Public Library. Earl commented to TOWERS that the March 4 occasion gave him an “op­ portunity to get in some good words for Otterbein.”


United States Representative Chal­ mers Wylie, x’43 (R-Columbus), intro­ duced a bill on March 6 to prohibit the delivery by mail of obscene materials to persons under 18 years of age or to any person who has a minor child re­ siding with him. The bill has been sup­ ported by many individuals and groups, including the National Association of Letter Carriers.




’40 Ferd Wagner writes that he spent a pleasant ten days in March serving as chaplain on the T. S. Hanseatic of the German-Atlantic Line, while it cruised the Caribbean. He was re­ sponsible for conducting inter denom­ inational services on board ship during the tour.

’41 Dr. Clarence R. Cole, x’41. Regents Professor and Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine at The Ohio State University, was recently appointed by the U. S. Secretary of HEW to the National Advisory Research Resources Council of the National Institutes of Health. Clarence is co-inventor of the space suit using beagle dogs, and the establishment of the parameters of high altitude injury.



Donald E. Layton, Barrington, Illinois, has been appointed national retail mer­ chandise manager for major appliances and electronics at the Montgomery Ward corporate office. Previous jobs held by Don were with Sears and with the Newark Stove Company.

Ernest G. Fritsche, x’38, has been elected president of United AppeaJ for Franklin County. He has served in pre­ vious years as UA campaign chairman, as president of two UA agencies, and as national vice president of Big Broth­ ers of America. Ernie is engaged in real estate development in the Columbus area.

Donald C. Oglesby, formerly assist­ ant at Old Stone Church in Cleveland, is now senior minister of First Presby­ terian Church of Fairborn. Jack F. Shively has been appointed coordinator of Midland Division air pol­ lution control by the Dow Chemical Company. Jack and his wife, the former Virginia Smith, ’52, live in Mid­ land, Michigan.

Gordon Crow, formerly vice presi­ dent of Forth Worth’s First National Bank and more recently an account executive with a Dallas advertising agency, has joined Witherspoon and Associates, Fort Worth advertising and public relations agency. His wife is the former Evelyn McFeeley, ’43. The Crows have three children. Edwin “Dubbs” Roush was honored with the Civic Award given March 22 by the Westerville Jaycees at their annual Distinguished Service Awards program.

The presidency of Albright College has its lighter moments according to a clipping TOWERS received recently. Dr. Arthur Schultz, President, is pic­ tured shaving off an Albright student’s mustache. Art paid for the privilege, however, with the whole stunt being part of a fund-raising effort to help finance a kidney transplant for another student’s mother.



H. William Troop, Jr. has been named assistant vice president of Buck­ eye Federal Savings and Loan Associa­ tion, Columbus. Frank Truitt, head basketball coach at Kent State University, was guest speaker April 17 for the Call-Post AllScholastic Basketball Awards banquet. A head coach for the past three years, Frank’s latest Kent squad enjoyed its best season in 17 years. Frank is mar­ ried to the former Kay Turner, '49.

’53 Joyce (Anglin) Alexander writes: “My girls’ volleyball team of Eastern High School, for the fourth year in a row, has won the Girls’ Brown County Vol­ leyball Tournament with a record of 11 wins • 1 loss.” Dr. Daniel A. Mariniello has been in­ stalled as a Fellow of The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecol­ ogists. A Fellow must have graduated from an approved medical school and have specialized completely in obstet­ rics and gynecology for at least five years prior to applying for membership in the College. Dan is married to an Ot­ terbein classmate, Jean Marie Thomp­ son. He received his M. D. degree from the University of Bologna, Italy.

Dr. Robert L. Burt was recently elected to the National Executive Staff of the United Church of Christ. He is Secretary for Youth Ministry to the United Church Board for Homeland Ministries. Bob and his wife (Delores Latimer, x’58) live in Philadelphia with their two children. Marshall G. Cassady is an instructor in speech and theater at the Salem Center of Kent State University, and is studying for a doctorate. He and his wife (Pat Mizer, ’58) and their two chil­ dren are living in Salem. Richard Erasure, currently serving as pastor of Christian Endeavor United Methodist Church in Newark, is named in Ohio Lives, a volume of biographical records listing prominent and contem­ porary leaders in professional fields in Ohio. David D Sealock, x’58, was named in February as chairman of the Cancer Crusade in Pickaway County. He is em­ ployed as a claims representative with Cincinnati Insurance Company and lives in Circleville.

’59 Howard Don Tallentire is a district scout executive with the Mahoning Val­ ley Council, Boy Scouts of America.

’60 Charlene (Benton) Balias is teach­ ing first grade in the Gressen American School, Gressen, Germany. Bob Royer has resigned as head foot­ ball coach at Colonel Crawford High School, Bucyrus, but will remain as physical education teacher and head track coach. He and his family live in Galion.



Duane Correll is teaching at Mariemont High School, Cincinnati, where he coaches football and is head track coach.

After three months training in Wash­ ington, D.C., Perry W. Doran is now a special agent for the FBI. He is residing in Jackson, Mississippi, and writes that he would enjoy hearing from classmates and friends.

’62 William T. Young writes that he is living in New York City, where he is Assistant to the Vice President, Main­ tenance, at Pan American World Air­ ways, Inc. His office at J. F. Kennedy International Airport puts him in a good position to meet traveling alumni. Prior to coming to New York, Bill was with Pan American in their Guided Mis­ sile Range Division in Florida.

’63 Phyllis (Fraley) Beamer has notified TOWERS that her husband, Gary, x’63, graduated in December from Miami University with a B. S. in Applied Sci­ ence, majoring in paper technology. The Beamers are now living in Pasadenia, Texas, where Gary is senior tech­ nologist at Champion Papers. Phyllis urges Otterbein alumni in the Houston area to contact them. Tom and Emily (Crose) Moore, both x’63, are now living in Vienna, West Virginia with their two children. After working three years in research at Corning Glass Works, Corning, New York, Tom was made supervisor of process engineers at the Parkersburg plant. He was recently promoted to the position of department head of tube forming in the same plant.

’64 Richard Scheu is presently employed as a senior accountant in the general accounting section at the Delco Divi­ sion of General Motors in Dayton. He and his wife, the former Susan Wil­ liams, have two children.

’65 Larry Chase is finishing work on his master’s degree at North Carolina State and is working at the Coastal Plains Research Station. His wife Arlene (Huff, ’63) is tutoring in math and science. William Bennett was voted “Favorite Teacher’’ of the Norwalk Schools, where he teaches economics, sociology and civics. Bill has also been coaching junior varsity basketball and varsity tennis. He will begin graduate study this summer. Captain Stephen C. Kennedy has completed his active duty obligation with the USAF. For the past four years he has served with the Supply Squad­ ron at Homestead AFB, Florida, as Materiel Facilities Officer and as Di­ rector of Computer Operations. He is planning to combine his EDP experi­ ence with business administration, and will continue his education at the Uni­ versity of Maryland. George P. Parthemos is one of fif­ teen Washington and Lee law students who passed the Virginia bar examina­ tion in December. George graduates from the School of Law on June 6, and expects to study toward his M. B. A. degree this fall.


’66 Richard A. Mauger is now a junior at The Ohio State University College of Dentistry. Eli Yavitch, x’66, is presently work­ ing for the Boeing Company in Everett, Washington, helping to design the ad­ vanced version of the wing of the 747. He graduated in December, 1967 from Northrop Institute of Technology with a B. S. in Aeronautical Engineering.

’67 Jacquelyn Hendrix is working at F & R Lazarus, in Columbus. Bill and Betty (Gardner) Hoffman are living at Farmington, Michigan, where Bill works as a counselor in Boys’ Republic, a private school for emotionally disturbed children. Joy E. Kiger has been accepted at the University of Delaware for graduate study in sociology, and was granted a teaching research assistantship. Carol (Lancaster) Meeks is living in Lake Forest, Illinois, where her hus­ band teaches. Carol taught French in the Oberlin City Schools until shortly before her marriage last November, and is now doing substitute teaching in the Lake Forest area. She would like to be contacted by alumni living in her area. Douglas James Lichtenberger is liv­ ing in Waldo and teaching physical ed­ ucation and science at Pleasant School. Jinny Schott has been awarded a graduate assistantship for 1969-70 in

the School of Journalism, The Ohio State University. Richard D. Taylor has been accepted as a graduate assistant in football at Bowling Green State University, start­ ing in September. He will work toward a master’s degree in physical educa­ tion with emphasis on athletic admin­ istration. Dick taught social studies and coached freshman football for one year at Worthington, his high school alma rnater, and for the past year has been similarly employed in Reynoldsburg.

’68 Ron Anslinger has returned to his home school in Miamisburg to teach eighth grade American history and seventh grade Ohio history. ^ Patricia Roth Cory (Mrs. Thomas), x’68, is employed as a computer pro­ grammer at Nationwide Insurance Com­ pany in Columbus. She received a B. A. degree from Miami University in April, with a major in economics. Harold Longley, Jr. has been awarded a fellowship by The Ohio State Uni­ versity and will begin a four-year pro­ gram of studies in French in Septem­ ber. He will spend the coming summer in Switzerland. Marc A. Woodward is teaching biol­ ogy and general science at William Henry Harrison High School, Harrison.

’69 Whitney Ann Breidenbach has been awarded the silver wings of an Ameri­ can Airlines stew­ ardess and is now assigned to flight duty out of Chica­ go. She completed her work at Otter­ bein in December.

New Trophy Cases Dedicated Two new trophy cases were presented officially to the college at Winter Home­ coming on February 8. "O’’ Club president D. C. Ballenger, ’39, and Robert Agler, '48, signed the statement of dedication, which read in part: “These cases were made possible through a gift to the ‘O’ Club by the late Mrs. Vida S. Clements ... a trustee and benefactor of the college and an honorary member and warm friend of the Club . . . They will serve as a lasting memorial to one who enjoyed Otterbein athletics and who assisted in so many ways to .enrich the athletic programs at Otterbein.’’

Advanced Degrees

Otterbein Alumni in Military Service

Emory University: Loyde H. Hartley, ’62, Doctor of Philosophy, December 19, 1968. Michigan State University: James Harvey Conley, '54, Doctor of Philos­ ophy in speech, March 9. Ohio State University: Dennis E. Stewart, '64, Master of Arts in school administration. University of Dayton: Richard Scheu, '64, M.B.A. degree.



Major Robert E. (Bud) Warner, Jr. was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross in a ceremony at Tan Son Nhut AFB on April 22, for “extraordinary achievement while participating in aeri­ al flight.’’ He has also received the Air Medal (1-9 Oak Leaf Clusters), the Combat Readiness Medal, the Vietnam­ ese Service Medal and Commendation Medals. He has returned to the United States after serving in Vietnam for a year as a member of the 16th Photo Reconnaissance Squadron, and has been re-assigned to the AFROTC de­ tachment at Duquesne University, Pitts­ burgh. He and Mrs. Warner (Emily Bale, ’58) are the parents of three sons.

Captain Orvis M. Wells, M.D., is cur­ rently serving at Phu Cat AFB in Viet­ nam. His duties include treating serv­ icemen and offering aid to the South Vietnamese at the off-base dispensary. His wife is the former Mary Lou Kei­ nath, '63.

Otterbein Represented at College Inaugurations Randall O. Campbell, '40, and his wife, the former Catherine Ward, '40, were present on behalf of Otterbein at the inaugural ceremonies for Dr. John J. Pruis of Ball State University on April 11. Mr. Campbell is presently at­ tending Ball State as a candidate for a master’s degree. Dr. Ruth Hovermale, '49, served again to represent Otterbein College on April 15 at the inauguration of Paul Hardin to the presidency of Wofford College. Dr. James W. Gibson, '54, partici­ pated as a representative of Otterbein at the inauguration of Dr. Alfred 0. Canon as president of Drury College in ceremonies on April 17. The Reverend Mr. James McQuiston, '44, served as Otterbein’s official dele­ gate at the April 25 presidential in­ auguration of Dr. Norbert K. Baumgart at Northern State College, at Aberdeen, South Dakota. Mrs. McQuiston received her master's degree at the college, and their daughter attended the school a short time, so Mr. McQuiston's interest in the ceremonies was heightened by family ties. Dr. Walter C. Beahm, Jr., '51, rep­ resented his alma mater on April 29 at inaugural ceremonies for Dr. John A. Fincher as president of Carson-Newman College. Rev. and Mrs. H. Don Tallentire, '59, participated on behalf of Otterbein Col­ lege at the May 3rd inaugural proceed­ ings honoring Dr. Albert A. Watrel as president of Slippery Rock State Col­ lege. President and Mrs. Lynn W; Turner attended the inaugurations of Dr. Rob­ ert Eckley at Illinois Wesleyan Uni­ versity on March 22; Dr. William Goff Caples at Kenyon College on April 15; and Ronald G. Weber at Mount Union College on April 25. Dr. Wade S. Miller, Vice President, Development and Public Relations, and Mrs. Miller returned to their alma mater, Lebanon Valley College, to rep­ resent Otterbein College at the inaugu­ ration of Frederick Palmer Sample on April 12.

’57 Major William F. Bale was awarded a Medal of Merit in ceremonies in Sai­ gon on January 10. The citation was issued by order of the President of the Republic of South Viet Nam in recog­ nition of his “spirit of cooperation and noteworthy achievements’’ during his one-year tour of duty in that country. He is also the recipient of the Bronze Star, presented at Hickam AFB, Hawaii, where he is now assigned. The citation reads, in part: “The superb programs he developed . . . greatly increased ef­ fectiveness . . . and established an ex­ emplary model of joint combined op­ erations. The exemplary leadership, personal endeavor and devotion to duty displayed by Major Bale in this responsible position reflect great credit upon himself and the U. S. Air Force.” Major and Mrs. Bale (Patricia Weigand, ’58) and their daughter Cathy are now living in Honolulu. Major David W. Cox recently attended the 21st National Arnold Air Society Conclave in New Orleans. As an AAS unit advisor, he is assistant professor of aerospace studies with the AFROTC detachment at the University of Evans­ ville (Indiana).

’59 Captain Stanley H. Owens was as­ signed on May 15 to the position of Chief, Personnel Division (Director of Personnel) at Fairchild AFB, Washing­ ton. He has been Chief, Consolidated Base Personnel Office (CBPO) since 1966, and saw his CBPO become the first to be rated All Satisfactory by the 15AF Inspector General in March, 1967.

’65 Captain Robert Gerald Cleaver is as­ signed as a weapons controller at the BUIC III (Back-Up Interceptor Control III) site that became operational on March 3 at Kingsley Field, Oregon. It is one of the first of fifteen Aerospace Defense Command high-speed, com­ puterized command and control cen­ ters in a standby weapons control net­ work. Using highly refined equipment that doubles the capability of previous BUIC II radar monitoring facilities, BUIC III automatically takes over aid defense tasks in the event a link in the primary system becomes inoperative. Jerry’s wife (Elly Kassner, x’68) is with him at the base. Captain Douglas C. Topping has re­ ceived the Air Force Outstanding Sup­ ply Officer Certificate at Stewart AFB, New York. He was selected for the special award by the Air Force Chief of Staff for his outstanding proficiency in fulfilling supply responsibilities.

Pilot for Astronauts An Otterbein graduate was pilot of the C-141 plane which returned the Apollo 10 astronauts from PagoPago, Samoa to the Houston Space Center following splash-down on May 26. He is Gordon L. Cook, '65, U. S. Air Force Captain, now assigned to Norton AFB, California. He and his wife, the former Mary Lou Holford, '66, are living in Pomona, from where Captain Cook flies to various overseas points. His part in the Apollo 10 flight also included flying tracking station personnel to PagoPago. Gordon spent one year in Vietnam and later was assigned to Tinker AFB for training on the C-141.

’66 James B. Miskimen has been pro­ moted to the rank of First Lieutenant. He is currently serving as Chief, In­ formation Division, for the 509th Bom­ bardment Wing at Pease AFB, New Hampshire.



Captain Thomas 0. Cross is a mem­ ber of the Fourteenth Aerospace Force. Ent AFB, Colorado, and helps man the USAF SPACETRACK System. This world­ wide network of electronic and optical sensors which track all man-made ob­ jects in space figured importantly in the successful completion of the Apollo 9 space mission. Mrs. Cross is the former JoAnn Powell, x’60.

First Lieutenant Dennis A. Cowden has received the Air Force Commenda­ tion Medal for meritorious service while stationed at Lockbourne AFB, Ohio. He is now serving as a Supply Officer on a remote tour of duty in Eskisehir, Tur­ key. First Lieutenant David R. Samson has been named Outstanding Junior Officer of the Quarter at Lackland AFB,


Texas. An education and training of­ ficer, he was selected for his leader­ ship, devotion to duty and professional performance. He is assigned to a unit of the Air Training Command.


Lieutenant Kenneth H. Aldrich is currently attending a Missile Mainte­ nance School in Rantoul, Illinois, and has been re-assigned to Grand Forks AFB, North Dakota. Army Private Paul E. Harris, Jr. has completed advanced training as a com­ bat engineer at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Army Private Steven R. Lorton com­ pleted infantry training in February at Fort Polk, Louisiana. Lawrence W. Roose was commis­ sioned an Ensign in the U. S. Navy after completing training at Navy OCS at Newport, Rhode Island. He is pres­ ently assigned to the USS Diamondhead in the Mediterranean.

Marriages I960 — Charlene Benton, '60, and Robert John Balias, in Gressen, Ger­ many. 1964 — Cheryl A. Fleming and Geof­ frey B. Cotton, '64, March 29 in West­ erville. 1965 — Mary Ann Ruehle, '65, and Neal Paul Martin, March 15 in Upper Sandusky. 1966 — Suzanne Taylor, '66, and James R. Mueller. Roberta K. Sette, '66, and Jan Guy Jaworski, February 15. 1967 — Fran Gonter, x’67, and Charles Gross, December, 1968. Carol Lancaster, '67, and Wendell A. Meeks, November 29, 1968, in Salis­ bury, North Carolina. 1967-69 — Mollie A. Marshall, '69, and Burl James Queener, '67, March, 1969 in Westerville. 1968 — Alice Hoskins, '68, and Frank Takase, April 12 in Pittsburgh. Karen Sue Meyer, x'68, and Count Peter Kestutis Povilauskas of Lithu­ ania, in New York City. Patricia Roth, x'68, and Thomas Lee Cory, August 19, 1967. Bonneye Trimm and Lawrence W. Roose, '68, October 26, 1968, in Mur­ freesboro, Tennessee. xl969 — Karen Jean Hendrix, x'69, and Terry Wynkoop, December 24, 1967.

Births 1957- 64 — Mr. and Mrs. Craig Gif­ ford, '57 (Martha, '64), a daughter, Tracy Jane, born March 11. 1958— Mr. and Mrs. Larry B. Crimmel (Mary E. Hankinson, '58), a daugh­ ter, Marlynne Jean, born January 18, 1968. 1959 — Mr. and Mrs. James Hopper, '59, a daughter, Tara Sue, born Jan­ uary 28. 1960 — Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sauer (Cherie Nolte, x'60), a son, Benton Noll, born January 14.


1961 — Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carl­ son (Marjorie Weiler, '61), a daughter, Erika Lee, born March 10. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Correll, '61, a daughter, Jeanne, born November 18, 1968. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Schneider, '61, a daughter, Tracy Jo, born Decem­ ber 24, 1968. .1961-62 — Mr. and Mrs. James Shackson, '61, (Carol Simmons, '62), a daughter, Laura Sue, born Septem­ ber 17, 1968. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn T. Sherman, x'62 (Beth Hanning, x’61), a daughter, Audra Lorraine, September 18, 1968. They have another daughter, Lois, age

Portrait Hung


1963- 65 — Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Chase, '65, (Arlene Huff, '63), a son, Kelly Lawrence, born March 11. 1964 — Mr. and Mrs. David Jeong (Cherry Wicks, '64), a son, born Feb­ ruary 14. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford K. Lauderback, '64, (Martha MacIntyre, '64), a daugh­ ter, Heather Somers, born February 20. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Curtis Moore, '64, (Sally Landwer, '64), a daughter, Laura Joan, born March 29. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Scheu, '64, (Susan Williams, '64), a son Jeffrey Donald, born February 22, 1967, and a daughter, Jennifer Sue, born January 4, 1969. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stockdale, '64, (Dora Potts, '64), a daughter, Alice Lynn, born April 8. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Thomas (Pris­ cilla Secrist, '64), a daughter, Pris­ cilla Jane, born June 11, 1966. 1964- 67 — Mr. and Mrs. O. Larry Ishida, '64 (Jennifer M. Villard, x’67), a daughter, Michelle Jeannine, born May 11, 1968. 1965 — Mr. and Mrs. Perry W. Doran, '65, a son. Perry Walker Doran II, born October 9, 1968. 1966 — Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mauger, '66, a son, Christian Robert, born March 25. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Paul (Bon­ nie Reams, ’66), a son, John Reams, born March 6. Rev. and Mrs. Paul R. Rucker (Emily Heft, ’66), a son, Eric Emmanuel, born May 10, 1968. 1966-67 — Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Stiles, x’66, (Susan Gereson, ’67), a son, Stephen Jeffrey, born September 27, 1968. 1967 — Mr. and Mrs. William Hoff­ man, '67, (Betty Gardner, ’67), a son, Lawrence Gardner, born April 6. 1968 — Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Q. Weaston, '68, a son, David Brian, born January 22.

Deaths Mr. E. F. Crites, a former member of the Executive Committee and friend of Otterbein, died February 8 at the Otterbein Home in Lebanon. 1901 — Mrs. S. T. Lyke (Ethel Yates) has passed away. Her home was in Logan, Ohio. 1905 — Notice has been received of the death of Mrs. Iva Riebel Judy, x'05, in Walla Walla, Washington. She was

This portrait of the late Dr. Donald R. Clippinger, '25, first dean of Ohio University’s Graduate College, is viewed by members of the Clippinger family and university representatives following a hanging ceremony on March 6 in the main lobby of the Clippinger Graduate Research Laboratories. From left are: Mrs. Sam Henderson, the former Mir­ iam Jo Clippinger; Ohio President Vernon R. Alden; Dr. Richard V. Clip­ pinger; Dwight Mutchler, professor emeritus of drawing who painted the portrait; and Mrs. Donald R. Clippinger (Florence Vance, ’25), who commis­ sioned the work. The portrait hangs in the building named for Doctor Clippinger a short time following his death on October 5, 1967.

the widow of the Reverend Mr. Clay­ ton Judy, '03, and is survived by a daughter and four sons. 1911 — Mrs. Leigh H. Webster (Alice Chloe Lane, A 'll) died on March 21. A registered nurse, she had resided in Reading, Massachusetts for many years. 1915 — Miss Ruth D. Ingle passed away in February. She had made her home in Dayton. 1917 — Mrs. Guy Bishop, Sr. (Grace McLaughlin, ss ’17) passed away last December 21. A dedicated teacher for twenty-four years, she is survived by her husband, a daughter and a son, Guy Bishop, Jr., '49. 1921 — Merton E. Stearns, '21, re­ tired teacher, coach and principal, died March 3 in Meadville, Pennsylvania. Among his survivors are a son, Don­ ald, '48, and a brother, Fenton, '21. 1921-25 — Included in an Easter Sunday auto crash on Interstate 71 which killed six Westerville residents, were Mrs. Floyd Hartpence (Beulah Benedict, ’21) and Mrs. George Hunt (Ethel Thompson, x’25). Mr. Hunt was also killed instantly, and Mr. Hartpence died a few days later of injuries suf­ fered in the accident. A third couple, Mr. and Mrs. William Steele, also lost their lives. The three couples, close friends, had attended church together

and were on their way to a restaurant for dinner when the fatal accident oc­ curred. Among the survivors was the Hunts’ son, Jay William, '52. 1922 — TOWERS has received word recently of the death of Glen Massman, x’22, of Dayton. 1925 — Miss Isabel Nolan, '25, died on May 5 in Columbus. She was a re­ tired librarian for the Columbus Public Schools, and held a master’s degree from Carnegie Institute of Technology. 1929 — William E. Moody, x’29, of Akron, died in April. 1932 — The Reverend Mr. James H. Stokes died on April 13 in Wheeling, West Virginia. A former resident of Westerville, Mr. Stokes had resided in Warwood, West Virginia prior to his death. He is survived by his wife, a daughter and two sons, one of whom, Charles E., is a former student of Otterbein. 1943 — Varsity “O” member Robert S. Cornell died in Westerville on April 16. He is survived by his wife, the former June Joyce, ’44, a son and two daughters. 1965 — Jerry Swisher was killed in an automobile accident on May 20 near Columbus. He made his home in Upper Arlington and was employed as a computer programmer for Grange Mutual Casualty Company. He is sur­ vived by his parents, a brother and a sister. Jerry was a member of Pi Sig Fraternity at Otterbein. Former Faculty — Dr. Thomas A. Vannatta, who taught philosophy and psychology at Otterbein from 1931 to 1936, died in May in Grand Forks, North Dakota. He had recently been a member of the faculty of Mayville State College, and retired in 1967.

Carl Byers Succumbs Teacher, principal and educator for twenty-four years of his life, and na­ tionally known lecturer for the past twelve. Dr. Carl C. Byers, ’32, died on March 14 in his Bay Village home after a brief illness. Most of his educational career was spent as superintendent of the Parma City Schools, where he often counseled his teachers that they were “teaching children, not subject matter.’’ In 1957 Doctor Byers resigned from the edu­ cational field to join the speakers’ staff of General Motors. He went on to become a nationally-known lecturer and consultant in human relations, ed­ ucation and sales. Among his survivors. Doctor Byers leaves three other members of the “Otterbein family.” His widow, the former Bertha M. Durfee, ’32, and two brothers (Clyde S., x’36, and Harold, x’37) also attended Otterbein College. His alma mater recognized the achievements of Carl Byers in 1956 by awarding him the honorary degree of Doctor in Education. The Byers Public Speaking Fund was originated and maintained at Otterbein by Doctor Byers to encourage students interested in the speaking profession.

Professor Hanawalt Dies Many generations of Otterbein stu­ dents who cherished his wit and zest for life and learning feel a sense of personal loss at the passing on March 19 of Professor Emeritus Fred A. Han­ awalt, ’13. Professor Hanawalt taught fourteen different subjects during his 35 years in the Otterbein College Science De­ partment. Certain of these he asked to teach, so that by teaching he might learn more than by simply taking the course elsewhere. At least one course (terminology) was originated here by Mr. Hanawalt. “Prof” was an enthusiastic writer, contributing articles to outdoors, sports, and scientific publications. Particularly after his retirement from active teach­ ing in 1955, he delighted in writing letters, light verse and constructive criticism to people or news media he felt would appreciate it. Professor Hanawalt is survived by his son, Donald, '40, a former Otter­ bein faculty member.

Carl C. Byers

Captain Lamp Killed Captain Arnold William Lamp, Jr., ’64, was killed in Viet Nam on April 12 in the crash of a photo reconnaissance plane of which he was the pilot. Cap­ tain Lamp had entered active duty in the Air Force in 1964, and was serving his second tour in Viet Nam at the time of his death. He had previously served as a co-pilot on a KC-135 crew with the 11th Air Refueling Squadron, and joined the 16th Tactical Recon­ naissance Squadron in December, 1968. Captain Lamp was awarded the Re­ public of Vietnam Campaign Medal, the Vietnamese Service Medal with two Bronze Service Stars, the National De­ fense Service Medal and the Air Medal. He is a native of Hebron, Ohio, and is survived by his wife, Judith, two daughters, his parents, a brother and a sister. At Otterbein he was a mem­ ber of Zeta Phi Fraternity and of the Student Senate. A memorial fund is being established in his memory at the college.

Distinguished Alumna Dies Dr. Mabel E. Gardner, ’08, was one of Otterbein’s most illustrious women. She was honored by many groups dur­ ing her more than half a century as a practicing physician in Middletown. She was a founding member of the Ameri­ can Medical Women’s Association, was elected to its presidency in 1947 and received its Elizabeth Blackwell Award for “outstanding service” in 1954. She was given the Distinguished Alumnus Award of Otterbein in the same year for service to humanity through the ministry of healing. A 1914 graduate of the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, she served for 15 years as assistant clin­ ical instructor there and was instructor of nurses at Middletown Hospital, where for many years she was chief of the obstetrical staff.

Arnold W. Lamp


Commencement Weekend Schedule Alumni Day Saturday, June 14, 1969 8:00 AM Quiz and Quill Silver Anniversary

9:30-12:00 Registration


ulLetin boarC)

Coffee Hours Campus Center, Main Lounge

12:30 PM Alumni Luncheon

2:30 PM Class Pictures

Summer Theatre To Beqin June 30 The Otterbein Summer Theatre will open its third season of arena pro­ ductions in the air conditioned Cam­ pus Center on June 30 and conclude on August 2. Dr. Charles Dodrill will direct three of the plays and has asked John Soliday, '62, a doctoral candidate at the University of Minnesota; and Harold Eisenstein, director of the Columbus Jewish Center, to be guest directors for “Thurber Carnival” and “Major Barbara.” Fred Thayer, designer-tech­ nical director of the Otterbein The­ atre, will act in that capacity for the summer shows. Fourteen students representing five colleges have been selected as the resident company. Otterbein students chosen for acting roles are Teri Hiatt,

Mary Furniss, Michael Hartman, David Mack and John Waddingham. John Churilla and Patricia Machado of Ohio State; Penny Wilfong, Defiance; and Robert Altman, Jr., Kenyon, com­ plete the student casts. Technical personnel include Glenn Plum, Ann Houser, Shirley Crossland and Larry Evans, all Otterbein stu­ dents. The schedule follows: June30-July5 —Bus Stop July 8-12 — A Thurber Carnival July 15-19 — Absence of a Cello July 22-26 — Major Barbara July 29-August 2 — Pursuit of Happiness

3:00 PM Reception and Tea by the Otterbein Women's Club

3:30 PM Dedication of Hirsch Health Center

5:30 PM Centurion Club Dinner

8:30 PM Concert by Orchestra and Choir Cowan Hall

Sunday, June 15, 1969 11:00 AM Baccalaureate Service Speaker, Quentin Lansman

12:15 PM Lunch for Seniors and Guests Campus Center

2:00 PM Carrillon Concert

4:00 PM Commencement Memorial Stadium Speaker, James E. Walter

The May Day production of "The Music Man" was in charge of four directors. From left: Miss Joanne VanSant, choreographer; Fred Thayer, technical director; Tony Ginter, musical director; and Tony Schmitt, guest director. (Photos are by Ray Adams)

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