Otterbein Towers Spring 1985

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Volume 58 No. 2 Otterbein TOWERS (USPS 413-720) is published quarterly by the Alumni Coun­ cil in the interest of alumni and friends. Second class postage paid at Westerville, Ohio 43081. Editor Jack Pietila Managing Editor Andy Conrad Contributors to this issue: Carol Define Susan Greiner Ed Syguda ALUMNI COUNCIL President Norman H. Dohn ’43 President-elect Edna Zech ’33 Vice President Mary Cay Carlson Wells ’47 Secretary Janet Dowdy Granger ’69 Past president Michael Cochran ’66 Ex-Officio Members

President of the College C. Brent DeVore Director of Alumni Relations Jack Pietila Council-at-large Term Expires Helen Hilt LeMay ’47 1985 John T. Huston ’57 1985 Virginia Hetzler Weaston ’37 1986 Rebecca Coleman Princehorn ’70 1986 Donald R. Lutz ’67 1987 William Conard ’80 1987 Trustees Robert S. Agler ’48 Terry Goodman ’70 James Hutchison Williams ’44 Richard Wagner ’41 Ted Cedargren ’84 Paul Roman ’84 Amy Cedargren ’86

Term Expires 1985 1986 1987 1988 1985 1986 1987

Faculty, Staff & Student Representatives Porter Miller '66 Diane Jedlicka Albert Horn ’49 Beth Schreiber ’85 Mark Selby ’85

Inside 1 Humanities Grant 2 Scholarships Established Trustee William E. LeMay 4-5 6-7 Career Development 12-14 Sports Report 16-18 Class Notes 19-20 Class of ’84

Quality of Otterbein Students Underscored by Scholarship Recipients Since its founding in 1847, Otterbein’s principal concern has been its students. And this concern is reflected in the quality of its student body. I have become even more aware of that quality after reading more than a score of letters from recipients of this year’s' Alumni Memorial Scholarships in which the writers expressed their gratitude and shared with me their campus activities, their career goals and their deep appreciation for their Otterbein experience. “My education is an important part of my life,” one wrote. “I think that a person needs a good education to get anywhere in life and Otterbein offers this.” “Otterbein has given me a lot of good opportunities and experiences,” another wrote. “I am grateful to you, your fellow alumni and friends for having such a scholarship,” commented a third student. “This scholarship not only helps out but it is also an honor to be a recipient of it.” “Without it (scholarship), I would not be able to attend Otterbein,” still another wrote. “It’s a fantastic school that I really like. After next year I will truly miss Otterbein and all my friends and activities.” The recipients are majoring in a wide range of disciplines: mathematics, computer science, nursing, journalism, broadcasting, elementary and secondary education, music, business administration, economics. And all are involved in a host of extracurricular activities, ranging from intercollegiate athletics, the marching band and glee club to student government, campus publications and fraternity and sorority life. One was last fall’s homecoming queen. Alumni Memorial Scholarships, I have been informed, came about in 1963 when alumni and friends began a fund in memory of classmates and friends. To date, hundreds of people have contributed to the fund. Now more than 35 individual funds are combined in the Alumni Memorial Fund. The scholarships go to fulltime students who, in order to retain them, must show satisfactory progress toward earning a degree. During this academic year, 22 students are being assisted by Alumni Memorial Scholarships. Consideration is given to those students who are relatives of the alumni in whose memory a fund has been established. The combined funds in memory of classmates are the principal amount in the Alumni Memorial Fund. When the amount in any fund reaches the endowed level—now $10,0(X)—an individually named, independent scholarship is established by the College. Alumni Memorial Scholars, along with other scholarship recipients, are invited each spring to a scholarship luncheon. Guests include parents of recipients, scholarship donors or representatives, members of the board of trustees, administrators, faculty and staff. This year’s luncheon is scheduled for April 20 at the Rike Center. I look forward to the luncheon so I can personally meet the fine young men and women who in their letters shared their activities and dreams with me. Norman H. Dohn ’43 President Otterbein Alumni Association

College News Grant Will Boost College’s Humanities Program Otterbein College was one of 13 col­ leges and universities nationwide nam­ ed to receive a 1984 challenge grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). As a part of its receipt of the $250,000 three-to-one matching grant, Otterbein must now raise three times the amount of the federal funds given by NEH. The grant will be utilized to help create a $1 million endowment for the humanities. “The National Endowment for the Humanities is recognized as the most prestigious center for evaluating humanities education and activity in the United States,” said Otterbein President Dr. C. Brent DeVore. “The fact that Otterbein was awarded the challenge grant affirms the long-term quality of humanities studies at Otter­ bein.” According to Dr. Sylvia Vance, chairperson of the integrative studies department at Otterbein and project director of the challenge grant pro­ posal task force, “Our receipt of the grant reaffirms the importance of the humanities in contemporary educa­ tion. At Otterbein, we offer our students a core of courses, including the humanities, in a liberal arts setting. We are convinced that there are impor­ tant kinds of learning that take place there that lead to successful careers, regardless of the field of interest.” Income from this endowment will underwrite three aspects of Otterbein’s humanities program. The acquisition of books, professional Journals and other resource materials in the humanities for Otterbein’s Courtright Memorial Library will be one priori­ ty. As projected in the grant proposal, if increased funds were spent entirely on books, the number of volumes pur­ chased could be increased by 50 per­ cent a year. A second area targeted will be a pro­ fessional development program for the humanities faculty. This could include such things as a biennial summer

seminar, small project grants to humanities faculty, monies to engage outside consultants, and support for travel to professional conferences and workshops.

recently generated $4.8 million in new gifts and commitments to the endow­ ment. The NEH challenge will en­ courage donors especially interested in supporting the humanities at Otter­

"The fact that Otterbein was awarded the challenge grant affirms the long-term quality of humanities studies at Otterbein." When the grant is fully funded, Ot­ terbein will establish a visiting pro­ fessorship that rotates among the various humanities disciplines. “By bringing distinguished teacherscholars to the campus to participate in all areas of the educational pro­ gram,” Dr. Vance said, “we will great­ ly enrich the humanities at Otterbein.” Dr. Robert E. Fogal, vice president of development and a member of the grant proposal task force, pointed out that this new grant will provide a stimulus to the College’s general enowment. “This grant is part of a broad strategy to strengthen Otterbein’s fiscal base,” he said. “The school has

bein.” Led by Dr. Fogal and Dr. Vance, the proposal writing task force was com­ prised of Otterbein faculty members and off-campus panelists, who spent a year of planning, studying, and re­ working drafts before the challenge grant proposal was submitted last spring. Off-campus panelists who helped develop the grant proposal were Robert Boltz ’78, language arts editor for the Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company in Westerville; Dr. Charles Cole, executive director of the Ohio Humanities Council, Columbus; Dr. (continued on page 11)

Winter Carnival Queen Crowned Sophomore Catherine Heckmunn (second from left) was crowned queen of Otterbein s Winter Carnival Week by last year's queen Kathy Holder. Ms. Heckmann is an elementary education major from Centerville and is a member of Sigma Alpha Tau stK'ial sorority. Her escort was Randy Lepley (far left). Ms. Holder's escort wja David Skrobot. Coronation of the queen took place during halftime of the Otterbein-Capital basketball game January 30. Otterbein's Winter Carnival featured a caricature artist, a fashion show, a student mixer and an amateur night at Clearfork Ski resort.

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Four New Endowed Scholarships Established Four new endowed scholarships have been established at Otterbein and will be initially awarded to students for the 1985-1986 academic year. The four scholarships are the Dr. and Mrs. N. E. Cornetet Scholarship, the Honda Scholarship, the Dorothy G. VanSant Memorial Scholarship, and the Yantis Family Scholarship. The Dr. and Mrs. N. E. Cornetet Scholarship was established by gifts from two of his children, Wendell H. ’21 and M. Grace ’27 (Mrs. Lloyd C. Mackey). The scholarship will be in­ augurated in 1985-86 with the first grant to an Otterbein student. Dr. Cornetet was a prominent figure on the Otterbein campus during the first three decades of the 20th century. A member of the class of 1896, he worked as faculty secretary and direc­ tor of extension before serving as registrar from 1904 to 1923. He went on to become dean of the College un­ til 1929. Before attending Otterbein, Dr. Cor­ netet taught school for eight years, and preached in the Scioto Conference of the United Brethren Church. The struggles he experienced to obtain a college education made him sensitive to the needs of students, as evidenced by the recollection of his daughter Grace. “Though we never had any ex­

tra money, if Dad thought a student was needy and worthy, he would sign a note at the bank for him to borrow money for him to stay in college,” she recalled. “He was usually a pretty good judge of character, but I know a few times he had to make a note good when a student failed to pay it.” The construction of the “college church,” now the Church of the Master on the corner of West Main and Grove Streets, also benefited from Dr. Cornetet’s energies. He played a key role in raising the $60,000 needed to con­ struct the building. His leadership as a churchman was also reflected in his work of founding the United Brethren Church in Newark, Ohio, which is now the Faith United Methodist Church. Perhaps the best testimony to Dr. Cornetet’s life and work is a col­ league’s memorial tribute in a 1931 church publication. Watchword: “This great man was an inspiring scholar. The precision and accuracy of his life was a constant inspiration to those who appreciated better things. No thoughtful person could come under his influence without the realization that he believed that life was worth liv­ ing to the very height of one’s oppor­ tunities. The clarity of thinking which characterized Dr. Cornetet as a teacher

Pittsburgh Ballet to Perform The internationally acclaimed Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre will perform the classic love story ''Swan Lake” at Otterbein on April 12 at 8:15 p.m. in Cowan Hall. The performance is the final event of the College’s Artist Series for the 1984-85 school year.

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was a constant inspiration to the am­ bitious and thoughtful student. Not on­ ly was he characterized by high qualities of scholarship, but he knew how to apply these qualities ... He taught more by example and influence than by precept ... He was a teacher of people instead of lessons.” Additional gifts to the Cornetet Scholarship fund will be gratefully ac­ cepted and acknowledged. More than 175 family members and friends of Dorothy G. VanSant, who was well known to many of the Otter­ bein community, have established a scholarship in her memory. Following retirement as a housemother in Garst Cottage and Clements Hall (1952-1960), until her death on September 8, 1983, Mrs. VanSant made her home with her daughter, Joanne (Van), vice president for stu­ dent affairs and dean of students, and Marilyn Day, chairperson of the women’s health and physical education department. The scholarship will honor Mrs. VanSant’s interest and creativity in the arts by aiding an outstanding student in the field of visual arts. The fund will be known as the Dorothy G. VanSant Memorial Scholarship. Dr. and Mrs. Richard R Yantis have established a scholarship in honor of family members who have been associated with the Westerville com­ munity and Otterbein College. Richard Yantis ’53, a retired U.S. Air Force of­ ficer, has been an associate professor of mathematics of the College since 1976. Jane Yantis is a past president of the Westerville Otterbein Women’s Club. The scholarship will be awarded to a freshman male student who has demonstrated high potential for ex­ cellence in both academics and athletics. The fund will be known as The Yantis Family Scholarship. As part of its scholarship program. The Honda of America Foundation has established a scholarship at Otter­ bein and at each of the 35 member col­ leges of the Ohio Foundation of In­ dependent Colleges (OFIC). The scholarship will assist a student who is a graduate of an Ohio high school and will be known as The Honda Scholarship.

New Windows in Towers Hall Are First Phase of Coiiege’s Energy Conservation Program Towers Hall has undergone a face lift of sorts. Workers in December and January were busy removing the windows in the building and replacing them with new, energy efficient windows. This is just one phase of a three-part energy conservation program initiated by Otterbein that is expected to even­ tually save the College as much as $74,000 a year when fully im­ plemented. In addition to replacing the windows in Towers, a new computercontrolled system to operate the heating and ventilation systems in several buildings on campus and new hot water boilers and steam generators are being installed. Otterbein received a $266,000 lowinterest loan to finance the projects last summer from the Ohio Board of Regents as part of the College Equip­ ment and Energy Conservation Leas­ ing Program. Under terms of the loan, Otterbein leases the equipment and, after it pays back the interest and prin­ cipal, the College will own all the equipment. As a result of anticipated savings because of reduced energy consump­ tion, the new windows and equipment

are expected to pay for themselves in seven years, explained Woodrow R. Macke, Otterbein’s vice president of business affairs and business manager. At the same time, money saved by the College in reduced energy costs will more than pay off the loan. “Everything should be paid off in less than seven years without any of ' Otterbein’s dollars going into the pro­ gram at all,” Macke said. “At the end of seven years, we own everything, and then all the savings are ours. “We anticipate annual savings in the neighborhood of $74,000 once the systems are fully in place and fully operational,” he added. A total of 125 windows were replac­ ed in Towers, at a cost of nearly $135,000. The stained glass windows on the third floor will not be replaced but will be placed in new frames. Win­ dows in the Philomathean Room, where storm windows were added last fall, and the old library section of the building also will not be replaced. Macke said the windows were replaced because many were badly deteriorated. Aside from the advantage of greater efficiency, he said the new windows will also “eliminate long­

As students gather on the first floor of Towers Hall between classes, a workman assembles the

molding of the new windows.

The new windows in Towers Hall give a clearer picture of the campus.

term maintenance problems” and allow for greater ventilation. After several delays, the new win­ dows arrived in two shipments in late December and January. Installation work was completed in early February. The new heating and ventilating system controls are being installed in the library. Campus Center, Rike Center, Battclle Fine Arts Building and Towers Hall and have already been in­ stalled in the Science Building. Work on this project is scheduled to be com­ pleted by June 20 at a cost of $103,000. Mini-computers in each building will precisely control the heating, cooling and ventilation systems in the building and constantly adjust the building’s energy consumption depen­ ding on the weather and time of day. John Wathen, director of the physical plant, said the computer controls will result in the maximum possible energy efficiency, thereby saving electrical and heating costs. Hot water boilers and steam generators will be installed by April 30 at the Rike Center, Campus Center, Mayne Hall, Hanby Hall, Clements Hall and the Science Building. They will serve as independent sources of hot water for these buildings, enabl­ ing the College in the summer to shut down the hot water underground supp­ ly pipes leading to these buildings for a substantial energy savings. page 3

Chemist. Farmer. Community Volunteer.

Businessman. Inventor. Nature Lover.

Otterbein Graduate. Otterhein Trustee. And More. ThaVs

William E. LeMay by Susan Greiner

If it hadn’t been for love, Otterbein might never have had the fortune to meet William E. LeMay; a member of the school’s Board of Trustees for the past 15 years. When LeMay, who had been an engineering student at the University of Dayton, returned in 1945 from World War II after four years of ser­ vice with the 8th Air Force in England, he joined his bride, the former Helen Hilt, then a student at Otterbein. While he waited for the start of the next semester (when he planned to resume his pursuit of that engineering degree on the G.I. Bill, possibly at The Ohio State University), the ambitious young man with time on his hands took a job at Otterbein as a janitor, work that included firing up the fur­ naces of “dormitory” houses each morning. “To make a long story short, the more people I met at Otterbein, the more I wanted to stay there, so in January I enrolled, and I graduated with a degree in chemistry in 1948,” he recalled with a smile. LeMay is a fascinating man whose life has included enough ventures for ten men—from working as a chemist and inventing a product so essential that it is universally taken for granted today, to operating the first farm in Ohio to successfully raise hogs in total confinement (bringing 1,000 to market each month), to constructing and run­ ning a family entertainment complex that included a restaurant, bakery, out­ door theatre, olympic-sized pool and eight tennis courts. LeMay’s list of contributions to Ot­ terbein is impressive, from page 4

TOWERS Spotlight

establishing the Michael-LeMay Scholarship in 1969, in honor of former professor. Dr. Lyle Michael, to serving in a number of leadership positions on the Board of Trustees, in­ cluding vice chairman of the board, and chairman of both audit and budget committees. The latter is a position he has held for the past 10 years. In his role as National Leadership Gifts Chairman for Otterbein’s 125th Anniversary Campaign in 1972, Le­ May guided major contributions to the College’s “Venture Into Opportunity” program, which included construction of the Rike Center complex and reno­ vation of both Towers Hall and the former Alumni Gym. A native of Lancaster, in eastern Kentucky, the soft-spoken member of the Otterbein “family” has his own immediate Otterbein family: wife Helen graduated from the school in 1947, and both daughters attended the school, with Bonnie (Helen Bernice) earning an Otterbein degree in 1973.

Younger daughter Connie went on to Michigan State University, where she graduated in 1975. The decision to enter the field of chemistry after graduating from Otter­ bein turned out to be a good one for LeMay. After pursuing advanced work in chemistry at the University of Col­ orado, he launched his own company in 1952 called Ohio Sealer, which sought new applications for vinyl. He worked actively in the area of poly­ vinylchloride, or PVC, which was then in its infancy. Along the way, the enter­ prising chemist invented disposable examining gloves, now used by physi­ cians worldwide. The invention has brought the modest man both fame and fortune, a fact that LeMay shrugs off with the explanation, “success de­ pends on timing.” He later founded Dayton Flexible Products, which manufactures disposable products for the medical field. The company was acquired by Baxter Laboratories, where LeMay re­ mained as president of the Dayton Flexible Products Division, and later became corporate vice president of Baxter. Although he “retired” in 1979 as chairman of the board of yet another venture, Phoenix Medical Technology, LeMay never has slowed down, and to­ day he is president of the corporation. His family’s recreational complex, named Millview because of its historic location near the Little Miami River in Waynesville, Ohio, became a house­ hold name in the town the LeMays call home. The LeMays operated Millview for almost five years before leasing out the park’s operation in 1982. The ex­ perience left this Otterbein trustee with many fond memories, especially of the productions, from light opera to ballet to comedy, that were presented by

groups from Cincinnati and Dayton in the outdoor amphitheater. Today the amphitheater is no longer the scene of entertaining musicals, but instead has been converted into a research and development lab of LeMay’s Phoenix Medical Technology plant. He is at work converting an 1805 log cabin that he had moved to the property into his office, which will eventually be furnished in cherry and walnut reproduction pieces carefully created by none other than William E. LeMay, the wood worker. “It all ties together, really,” the energetic 60-year-old suggested, in ex­ plaining his numerous accomplish­ ments. “Cash flow and mass produc­ tion have always been my main in­ terests.” Helen moved her gift shop business about a year-and-a-half ago from Millview to Waynesville’s main street, which is filled with dozens of antique shops. Today she sells her special gifts in a reproduction of an old train depot (Winton Place) that was located in Cincinnati. Now both girls have grown, married and moved away, and LeMay says he has slowed down. On a biographical fact sheet completed for Otterbein, he

Trustee William E. LeMay and his wife, Helen.

listed woodworking, farming and nature study as his hobbies. While it is true that LeMay the farmer grew plenty of corn and soybeans on his land (“mostly to feed the hogs” once raised there), and he retreats to nature as often as he can, there is so much more to the modest man, who eonfessed he has always “liked to keep to myself.” At home in Waynesville, the LeMays live in a rustic home of rough-sawn cedar set on 430 acres of woods, a lake, riding trails, fields of wildflowers and more. Named Stonybrook, the

to deserving young people. Under his chairmanship five years ago, a committee of concerned citizens was able to get the funding necessary to build Stubbs Health Center, where he remains a trustee. He also sits on an advisory board at Sycamore Hos­ pital in nearby Miamisburg, Ohio. His list of assorted church, civic and club affiliations is lengthy, but one gets the impression that it will continue to grow before the mild-mannered chemist takes to reading his journals while rocking in a chair near the fireplace.

‘The emphasis is going to remain on quality: quality of the programs, quality of the student, and quality of the student’s involvement at Otterbein.” property was originally part of a 1,000acre farm. Now, the other half is Camp Stonybrook, owned by the Mid­ dletown Girl Scout Council. The boy who grew up in the Bluegrass State with “Good old Kentucky horses,” today has a pair of Tennessee Walkers, Bud and Blue. He invites any visitors to the farm to ride his horses “as long as they promise to give them good rubdowns afterwards.” The generous man shares his farm with numerous groups, from Audubon Society or Lions Club meetings to Ot­ terbein golf outings. A local nursing home schedules visits there, where a Waynesville librarian reads to the elderly patients in the outdoor setting, and they enjoy the birds, woods and flowers. LeMay even had a huge shelter house built on a rise west of the lake to better accommodate visitors. The Oakwood United Methodist Church meets there annually, and the con­ gregation enjoys dinner in the shelter house after an outdoor service. LeMay has always made time to volunteer his expertise, not just at Ot­ terbein but also in a variety of church and community projects. Currently president of the Waynesville Develop­ ment Corporation, LeMay is due to become president of the Waynesville Rotary in July, and he is proud to be a Paul Harris fellow in the Rotary foundation that provides scholarships

In the meantime, William E. LeMay says he’s not sure how the other trustees on Otterbein’s board view him. “Of course. I’m a financial man and try to see that we spend our dollars in the right places,” he said. “But I hope they think of me also as a team man. I think the board has tried as a team to play a supporting role to the faculty after reviewing their needs.” As for the future, “A student today is searching for an extra commitment that private schools like Otterbein are in the best position to serve, because they can be so personal,” he explain­ ed. “The board has always wanted to be careful about the number of students who could enroll at Otterbein and still be handled in the first-class manner they are used to. We want to maintain that balance of characteristics that makes Otterbein what it is. “The board was happy to welcome C. Brent DeVore to Otterbein and observe a new approach. In the future, don’t look for major changes or a big recruiting drive. As we continue to modernize the campus, the emphasis is going to remain on quality: quality of the programs, quality of the student, and quality of the student’s involve­ ment at Otterbein,” he stressed. William E. LeMay understands what is meant by quality; for the hard­ working trustee who almost didn’t come to Otterbein personifies the word. page 5

Career Development Comes of Age Modern Offices Reflect Progressive Thinking by Susan Greiner

It may have been winter outside with frigid temperatures and howling winds, but inside, the newlyrelocated Career Development Center in the western wing of Barlow Hall looked like spring. Greenery abounds in the warmly decorated facility which opened in October, where the spacious new of­ fices, private interview rooms and comprehensive career library — complete with bright purple chairs and abstract art — resemble a con­ temporary business suite. According to Marlene Suter, direc­ tor of career planning and placement, that’s just one of the ends she and her staff hoped to accomplish in moving to their new professional-looking loca­ tion from much smaller offices in the basement of Towers Hall last fall. “I’m a big believer in the influence of a person’s environment. Our new center says to both employers and students: career development is im­ portant; and, consequently, they are both more comfortable in the inter­ view setting,’’ she said.

“The fact that we had to use classrooms for interviewing purposes before,’’ she pointed out, “was a critical problem, and our lack of space (the center has tripled its amount of physical space) surely gave visitors the impression that ours was an unimportant service.’’

“Our new center says to both employers and students: career development is important: and. consequently, they are both more comfortable in the interview setting.” Now, it is obvious even from a visitor’s first impression when enter­ ing the center, located at 60 North Grove Street (across the street from Mayne Hall), that Otterbein feels career development is an essential area. “We have had to run at full speed to keep abreast of everything happen­ ing in this young field, but our career counseling program is considered by many to be one of the most com­ prehensive services of its kind in the state of Ohio,” Ms. Suter related. “Our function has gone through an

Marlene Suter, director of Otterbein’s Career Development Center.

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evolution so that what started out as an educational placement service for teachers is now a vital retention tool for the College,” she explained. “Studies show that students who are undecided about their future are more likely to drop out of college, so what is happening, especially in

smaller colleges, is that we are realiz­ ing that we must offer this service for our ‘customers,’ the students.” Otterbein’s career development program begins in the freshman year and includes career planning workshops and classroom career speakers. By the time they are seniors, students have established credential files, have researched employers and have taken part in workshops designed to prepare them for all phases of job hunting. “We have moved away from the sole idea of placement because na-

Some of the rows of career-related materials available for students at the Career Development Center.

tional statistics show that most col­ lege graduates keep that first job only two years,” Ms. Suter explained. “So it’s really not in a student’s best in­ terest for us to act Just as a Job ser­ vice. In the long run, what we want to build is his or her self-confidence and a sense of power in finding their own Jobs. “We are not as much interested in placing the new graduate in a Job, as in teaching a set of principles ap­ plicable in any field. That includes how to go about a Job search, how to make the most of an interview, how to compose a good resume and cover letter, and how to seek out the hidden Job markets.” The center is interested in the Jobs that Otterbein graduates choose, though, and publishes a follow-up survey of the students each April. Statistics indicate that more than 90 percent of all graduates are employed fulltime or enrolled in graduate school within nine months of graduation. For the past four years, Ms. Suter and her staff have been com­ plemented by a group of peer career advisors, or PCAs, who are responsi­ ble for making Otterbein students aware of the center’s services. “Their main thrust is outreach,” Ms. Suter explained. “We don’t assume that all the students who can benefit from our services will come here on their own. The PCAs really lengthen our arms in terms of pointing out

available resources to the campus community, tallying up 200 student contacts per year. “I’m really excited about this pro­ gram,” the career development head smiled. “The PCAs take their Jobs very seriously. There is no payment, although they may earn internship credit. Many have elected to become PCAs after their own successful use of the center’s resources. “The way I see it,” she continued,

“everybody wins. The campus benefits, because helpful information reaches a greater number of students; the staff benefits, because the PCAs can give us a clearer idea of student needs; and the PCAs benefit, by gain­ ing valuable experience in dealing with people and developing related skills.” In its new, highly-visible locale, even more students are likely to utilize Otterbein’s Career Develop­ ment Center and be assisted in ex­ ploring the options available and making informed decisions about their career direction. But career planning is a lifelong process and in­ terested alumni are welcome to call the center (614-890-3000, ext. 1456) or at least drop by for a tour.

Jessie Leek (left), a counselor in the Career Development Center, gives freshman Julia Ashley, from Cambridge. O., advice on preparing for a career choice.

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WOBN Undergoes Overhaul of Facilities With Grant Funding Campus radio station WOBN, located in the basement of Cowan Hall, underwent quite a transformation over winter break, as a result of receiving a grant of $15,100 by the Clements Foundation. While classrooms across campus sat lifeless with most students back home for the holidays, the activity level at WOBN was at a steady hum as a core of hard-working “friends” threw themselves into the major task of complete­ ly overhauling the station’s facilities. The grant was approved by the Clements Foundation in September, after having been submitted last spring by John Ludlum, chairman of the Department of Speech Communica­ tion, who has been assisted by the speech faculty and local engineering consultants. “This updating is something that has been needed for a long time,” he explained. “We had to improve our facilities to stay up with our competitors. We didn’t want to lose pro­ spective students because of the physical appearance of the studio that had remained unchanged for the last 20 years. In addition, the other equipment was breaking down, leaving us with diminishing returns due to the cost of repairs and replacement parts.” The group of volunteers was comprised of faculty, staff, administration, students and their parents, who, according to John Buckles, station advisor and instructor of speech com­ munications, were able to basically create and wire two modern rooms—the main control room and a production studio—in just seven weeks. Buckles praised the carpentry skills of Dr. Donald C. Bulthaup, vice president of academic affairs, saying, “He designed all the new cabinets and the console for the pro­ duction studio and helped build them too.” The remodeling project also called for the installation of a new soundproof ceiling and soundproof walls, which Buckles called “a major improvement with a twofold pur­ pose. Internally, WOBN is able to achieve a better sound quality on the air, and externally, sound can no longer ‘leak out’ of the station as easily as in the past, leaving the base­ ment of Cowan Hall a lot less noisy.” New equipment purchased with money from the Clements Foundation grant includes a distribution amplifier, which routes sound energy to the proper places, and a compressorlimiter, which controls output levels and makes dead air less noticeable. The station was also able to purchase equipment needed to complete its conversion from mono to stereo, including stereo cartridge players, cassette players and new microphones. Additional equipment was purchased to finish WOBN’s remote sound system. “Our remote .system is an educational tool, but also a wonderful public relations tool,” Buckles pointed out. “With the Clements grant, we were able to complete what we call phase I or our general improvement, and made page 8

WOBN disc jockey Sean Woodson (top), a freshman from Columbus, and sportscaster Richard Klempay, a junior from McMurray, Pa., broadcast from the station's newly-renovated studios in the basement of Cowan Hall. The renovation, accomplished thanks to a $15,000 grant from the Clements Foundation, was completed during winter break.

changes that were vital to our basic operations,” Buckles ex­ plained. “Phase II plans call for equipment and facility im­ provement that is not immediately critical to the department, and phase III plans for our long-term growth.” Buckles did not speak just for himself when he said that those involved with WOBN are grateful to the Clements Foun­ dation for having the foresight to respond to the radio sta­ tion’s needs. “The morale has really been lifted in the older students who want to attempt more challenging things,” Buckles stress­ ed. “We didn’t want any student to be limited by technical capabilities, but limited only by their own creativity and in­ vestment of time. “Now, our station can match any other school in the state. Oh, some schools may be bigger, but they don’t have better equipment, only more of it.”

New Service Gives Prospective Students Answers About Financiai Aid Eligibiiity It may be too early to draw any con­ clusions about the impact of Otterbein’s new Estimator Service instituted this past fall, but Director of Finan­ cial Aid LeAnn Conard is very excited about her department’s innovative answer to prospective college students and their parents who need a quick response to their queries about finan­ cial aid. “An Estimator Service is not a com­ monly accepted idea by all colleges. But at Otterbein, we believe that if we admit you to the College, we should be prepared to help you finance your education,” she said. “For some peo­ ple, the Estimator Service means the difference between the family even considering a private institution like Otterbein or not.” The hope behind the Estimator Ser­ vice is that by offering estimates of prospective students’ potential finan­ cial aid eligibility, young people will be encouraged to pursue their desires of continuing their education and be able to make well-informed choices. “We have invited all interested students to take advantage of the new service even if they haven’t decided whether they want to attend Otter­ bein,” Ms. Conard explained. “But while applying for admission here is not a requirement for using the Estimator Service, the most prominent group serviced has been Otterbein ap­ plicants. They simply complete and return a brief questionnaire. We ask that they refer to the most recent in­ come tax returns when compiling estimates, and usually in one to two weeks, the students have received a detailed response from Otterbein.” The Estimator Service enables the College to approximate a student’s total potential eligibility for financial aid, with a calculated range of possible aid in four areas: grants (may be from a combination of college, state and federal sources); loans (low-interest educational loans to be repaid only when a student is enrolled in college on less than a half-time basis); cam­ pus employment (a student may earn a specific allotment, to be paid mon­

thly); and scholarships (to be confirm­ ed once a student submits a high school transcript and is admitted to the college). Talent grants are awarded only after an audition or portfolio review and cannot be determined by the Estimator information. “A uniform methodology is employed by the Estimator Service,” Ms. Conard explained. “We use a standard published formula that assumes a certain standard of living, determines objectively how much a student is permitted to have, and uses standard awarding procedures.” (The estimate is not an actual application for financial aid. Students must wait un­ til January 1 of the year for which they are requesting aid to file appropriate forms.) “A lot of people mistakenly think that all the formula asks is ‘How much can you possibly pay?’ But the estimate is based on many more factors. Peo­ ple might be surprised to discover that last year more than 80 percent of our students received financial aid, totall­ ing more than $3.5 million,” she continued. “The majority of our students come from middle-income families, but the facts and figures show that Otterbein is financially feasible for students from families of all income levels. “Since we believe that a college education is one of the most important investments a person will make, the financial aid awarded by the College utilizes all available resources to offer the best possible assistance to students and their families. “We decided only to send informa­ tion about our Estimator Service to the people who requested it,” the director of financial aid pointed out. “Our in­ itial response has been just what we expected it to be.” By last December, the Office of Financial Aid had about 50 people who had used the Estimator Service. “We have had to shift priorities in our office because our staff understands the importance of this ser­ vice to the student, so they have real­

ly put their hearts into it,” said Ms. Conard, “especially my secretary Anne Gage and Assistant Director of Financial Aid Phil Bovenizer. In ad­ dition to staff support, a project like this requires plenty of computer sup­ port too, which we have received par­ ticularly from Carol Taylor, program analyst at Otterbein’s Data Processing Center, and, of course, the Center’s director, Roger Wiley. “We feel our program is special and very helpful,” she continued. “Only a handful of colleges that I’m familiar with offer an estimator service of this kind, and of those that do, not that many have made it a well-known fact. “We are most interested in a follow­ up survey to re-evaluate and to deter­ mine the cost effectiveness on our first-year experiment, but we are con­ fident that this was needed. “We feel that once the word gets out to current high school juniors and their parents,” Ms. Conard concluded, “we will be very busy.”

Fraternity Re-chartered; Signs New Pledges Lambda Gamma Epsilon fraternity has been re-chartered at Otterbein, and a pledge class of 13 men was activated in the Philomathean Room on January 14, 1985. The new chapter members worked hard during winter rush and signed 19 pledges. Currently the new Kingsmen have a chapter room located in Davis Annex. “Your continued support is needed and, with your help, the ideals on which the fraternity was founded in 1948 by Dick Pope and Ford Swigert will continue to grow,” said Craig W. Chaleston, alumni president. The formal rc-chartcring dinner ceremony for the new chapter will be held on October 12, 1985 as part of Homecoming ’85. Chaleston reminds alumni that 1985 alumni dues can be sent to Bill Mar­ shall, alumni treasurer, 9250 South Old State Road, Westerville, 43081. Checks can be made out to Lambda Gamma Epsilon Alumni Association. page 9

Reaching Consensus on Nursing Competencies Purpose of Grant-Otterbein Workshop Reaching a consensus on nursing competencies for the improvement of nursing care was the purpose of a December 5 continuing education workshop held by Otterbein’s GrantOtterbein Nursing Program and Grant Hospital at the Campus Center. More than 220 nursing educators and nursing service representatives from Ohio and nearby states par­ ticipated in the workshop, entitled “Deficiency and Differentiating Associate Degree Nurse/Bachelor of Science Nurse, (ADN/BSN), Nursing Competencies.” The workshop was part of an on­ going project sponsored by the Midwest Alliance in Nursing,

Pietila Named Alumni Relations Director Jack Pietila, director of annual giv­ ing at Otterbein for the past year-anda-half, is now performing a dual role at the College since recently being named Director of Alumni Relations as well. He replaces Ms. Eileen Thome. A retired major with the United States Air Force, Pietila is a 1962 Ot­ terbein graduate, with a master’s degree in industrial management from the University of North Dakota. He is looking at Otterbein through new eyes as a member of the develop­ ment staff, since he had been away from the institution for 20 years dur­ ing his Air Force career. He says that he is proud of what he sees and wants all alumni to be proud as well. “Otterbein has changed, of course, since many of us were students,” he remarked, “but it will always work to maintain the characteristics that make it the special place it is. I feel that it is my job to communicate with alum­ ni to keep the spirit of pride alive.” Pietila and his wife, the former Mary Jean Barnhard ’61, and their two daughters live in Westerville. page 10

(MAIN), an organization of nursing service agencies and nursing educa­ tional programs. Entitled “Associate Degree NursingFacilitating Competency Develop­ ment,” the MAIN project is partially funded by the W.K. Kellogg Founda­ tion as part of the Foundation’s $6.5 million commitment to associate degree nursing. The Grant-Otterbein Nursing Program is one of five demonstration centers throughout the Midwest chosen for the project by MAIN. The project, begun in 1983, is being coordinated from Grand View College in Des Moines, Iowa. According to Mary Ann Burnam, assistant professor in the GrantOtterbein Nursing Program, the workshop was designed to bring together nursing education and service to discuss the roles, competencies, and specific performance capabilities for associate degree and bachelor degree nurses. “The MAIN project was expanded to include BSN competencies,” Mrs. Burnam explained. “The demonstra­ tion center teams have now developed the competency statements that can be used as a common basis for job descriptions, orientation, and educa­ tion programs.

“For many of the participants, the workshop was the first opportunity to discuss these competencies and to con­ sider adapting them for use in their own institutions,” she said. The Grant-Otterbein workshop was one of four workshops held this fall in main’s 13-state region. Workshop participants received continuing education credit through the Ohio Nurses Association. Heading the workshop were the members of the Ohio demonstration team including Mary Ann Burnam and Jerry Hoff­ man, assistant professors in the GrantOtterbein Nursing Program; Patricia Roam, director of medical surgical nursing services. Grant Hospital, and Karleen Streitenberger, assistant vice president. Grant Hospital. As the MAIN project progresses, future workshops will be held at Ot­ terbein College and the other demonstration sites. The project is scheduled for completion in December, 1985. Cooperative efforts between Grant Hospital and Otterbein College began. when the hospital contracted with Ot­ terbein College for courses to be taught to studefits enrolled in Grant Hospital School of Nursing, a threeyear diploma program.

Leaders in the MAIN project workshop, held at Otterbein December 5, were (from left) Karleen Streitenberger, assistant vice president of Grant Hospital: Otterbein nursing program faculty members Mary^Ann Burnam and Marjorie Hoffman: and Patricia Roam, director of medical surgical nursing services at Grant Hospital.

Former Members: The Alumni Choir Wants You! Alumni Choir was a real joy for those of us who returned to Otterbein’s campus for Alumni Weekend ’84, except ... we regretted not see­ ing more fellow alumni singers. We discussed how we could encourage more choir alumni to Join us in future years. The following thoughts are printed to make you realize that Alum­ ni Choir is an experience you should not be missing! Mary Alyce Holmes ’53 likes “. . , to come back and sing for the sheer thrill and fun of it. It’s exciting to see people I sang with in college days and to meet new musicians, too. Music unifies people in ways few other ac­ tivities do.” Thomas Lloyd ’74, who ^served as president of the Alumni Choir for several years, also enjoys

Humanities Grant (from page 1) Verda Evans ’28, LHD ’57, trustee emeritus of Otterbein and former directing supervisor of English Language Arts for Cleveland schools; Dr. Samuel N. Gibson, College trustee and executive director of the United Methodist Church Union, Pittsburgh, Pa., and Ray McLane, president of the J.C. Penney Casualty Insurance Com­ pany, Westerville. The panel also included Judge Alan E. Norris ’57, of the Franklin County Court of Appeals, Columbus; Rebec­ ca Princehorn ’78, an attorney with Bricker and Eckler, Columbus; and Dr. J. Hutchison Williams '44, Otter­ bein trustee and associate dean of The Ohio State University’s Medical Col­ lege, Columbus. Members of the Otterbein College faculty who were part of the task force were: Dr. Lyle T. Barkhymer, associate professor of music; Dr. Donald C. Bulthaup, vice president for academic affairs, academic dean, and professor of physics; Dr. Ursula Holtermann, professor of history; Dr. Alison H. Prindle, associate professor

“. . . singing with alumni from a wide variety of years — all blending together.” “How often does one get to sing good choir music with a group that sings like this? It’s great! In most home communities there is not that oppor­ tunity,” comments Nancy Bone Hollifield ’62. Dick Dilgard ’53 agrees: “I especially enjoy singing with really fine vocalists. I enjoy church choir, but it is a real ‘high’ to sing with this bunch!” Ernestine Gearhart ’33, who has to travel from Florida, has sung in the Alumni Choir twice and says she has “. . . enjoyed the selection of music each time.” Knowing that some peoDon Liming ’70 enjoys the time to “. . . renew friendships ... to remember the good times in choir and sing the music we loved once again.” “A chance to sing and represent Ot­ terbein once again, realizing that others feel the same,” is special to Dawn Armstrong Farrell ’67. Dorothy

Sardinha Pickering ’60 also ap­ preciates “. . .a chance to sing on campus again and relive some wonder­ ful memories which otherwise would remain only memories.” Patty Daniels Pohl ’79 finds it “. . . exciting to come back and perform with the Alumni Choir. I’d love to see some of my old choir friends. We’d have some great times to talk over!” As the group’s newly-elected presi­ dent, Don Lutz ’67, says, ‘Alumni Choir is wonderful, and the exper­ iences can never be duplicated any­ where else!” All of us who comprised Alumni Choir ’84 want you to give serious consideration to the letter you will receive regarding Alumni Choir ’85. Jean Jacobs McCready ’71, sums it all up by inviting you to, “Come, Join with us — you’ll love it!”

of English; and Dr. James B. Recob, chairman of the Department of Religion and Philosophy and associate professor of religion and Greek. Edwin L. Roush, chairman of Otterbein’s Board of Trustees, said. “The Alumni Humanities Endowment will clearly help us strengthen the con­ tribution of the humanities to our students’ education and to the College itself. I firmly believe that the future of the College must continue to include having the humanities at the center of what we do.” Concurring, Dr. Fogal added, “Once the endowment is fully established, we will help assure that for many decades to come, the humanities will continue to play a vital part in the education of Otterbein students, and we look forward to the many friends of Otterbein helping us to achieve that goal.” A total of 46 educational and cultural institutions from across the country received NEH challenge grants amounting to $14.9 million. In addition to colleges and universities, these institutions included university presses, museums, public libraries, research libraries, historical societies, professional associations, and public television stations.

A Different Look For May Day Set This Year

Gretchen Steck Horstman ’73

May Day at Otterbein will have a different look this year. Instead of the traditional booths and games run by the Greek organizations, Becky Smith, student activities coor­ dinator, and student representative Jen­ nifer Merkle are planning to feature a 1900s-era crafts display, featuring works from alumni, faculty and Westerville area crafts people. May Day will be held May 11. The new May Day activities. Smith explained, will allow more people to be involved, both within and outside of the Otterbein community. In addi­ tion, it eliminates many of the events which coincide with the Greek Olym­ pics, which will be held May 3. Among the traditional May Day festivities still planned will be the strawberry brunch for past queens and the coronation of the new May Day queen. Any alumni, faculty member or community crafts person interested in participating in May Day can contact Becky Smith for further information. page 11

Sports Report It Was A Record Year For Men’s Basketball Team The 1984-85 version of the Otterbein Cardinals began the season with six distinct goals in mind. One was to remain undefeated, accor­ ding to Cardinal head coach Dick Reynolds. “We wanted to try and go undefeated because it was our first year we had not scheduled a major Division I school—one where you absolutely resign yourself that you’re going to lose that ball game,” Reynolds said. “I talk­ ed to the team last year before the end of school and just kind of dropped that seed to them.” Otterbein rolled through their first ten games of the season, achieving their first two objectives in the process: winning the Catawba Civitan Classic in North Carolina and the “O” Club Classic at home. The roll continued on through game 16, a 70-65 win over conference foe Capital, and Otterbein—at 16-0—was one of only three teams in the entire country to remain unbeaten in 1984-85. Division 1 Georgetown was 17-0 and Divi­ sion II Virginia Union was 16-0. Otterbein, with the only perfect record left in their division, was ranked No. 1 in Division III during the first three weeks of the national poll. The Otterbein starting five—senior point guard Ray Zawadzki, junior guard Frank Gioffre, junior forward Dave Langdon, sophomore forward Dick Hempy and junior forward/center Mike McKinney—were making all the right moves through their 16-0 beginning, the best start in the schcKil’s history since the 1933-34 squad went undefeated in 12 starts. When they needed to go inside, McKinney and Hempy were there to score on a Zawadzki assist. If they couldn’t go inside, Langdon would hit from outside. When they needed a steal, Gioffre would get it. Whatever it took to win, they did it. Sixteen times in a row. The Cards were one point short, however, in game No. 17. . . . Seventeen seconds to go, Otter­ page 12

The 1984-85 Otterbein men's basketball team recorded the best record in the school’s history at 23-4. Three key players who helped the Cardinals enjoy their successes during the season were sophomore forward Dick Hempy (upper right photo), from Waldo, who averaged 20 points and 7.7 rebounds per contest: senior captain Ray Zawadzki (upper left photo), from Vandalia, who, from his point guard position, was the glue that held the Cardinals together and led the team in as.sists and free-throw percentage: and Junior forward Mike McKinney, from Columbus, who averaged 18.1 points and 7 rebounds per game. Hempy and McKinney were named first team Ail-OAC, while Zawadzki received honorable mention All-OAC honors.

bein is one up over Marietta, 70-69 . . . four seconds left . . . Marietta’s Todd Higdon throws up a shot from about 10 to 12 feet out, it misses . . . three seconds . . . Marietta’s Kurt Etter goes up and over Otterbein's Gioffre for the re­ bound . . . two seconds . . . Etter puts in

two on a reverse layup ... one second . . . the nation’s seecond longest winning streak—second only to Georgetown—is left behind on the floor of Marietta’s Ban Johnson Field House. That weekend, Georgetown lost to St. John’s.

#1^0 â– m

1984 Honor Roll Contributors

Dear Alumni and Friends; Since arriving on campus last sum­ mer, I have spent considerable time traveling the country talking with alum­ ni and friends about Otterbein. As I reflect on those meetings a distinctive pattern begins to emerge. Regardless of background or position in life there is a shared commitment to the College, to maintaining academic excellence, to assuring that the “Otterbein Experience” will be available for current and future generations of students. That commitment is expressed in many ways: by referring prospective students to Otterbein, by assisting with job placement for graduates, and cer­ tainly through gifts to the annual fund or for special projects. Last year you helped raise over $1 million for the seventh consecutive year. To put it in perspective, without that annual support the College would be out of business within a few years. Rather, Otterbein faces toward the 21st century eager to develop a new challenge while continuing to refine its historic educational commitments. Thanks to all of you for your conti­ nuing support of our common effort. Cordially, / C. Brent DeVore President

1984 FUNDRAISING REPORT 1984 Summary of Gifts For Seventh Straight Year, We Go Over $1 Million! “Thanks A Million” (x) 7 equals OTTERBEIN SUCCESS! Seven straight years of million-dollar giving by the Otterbein family marks a milestone never before reached and probably undreamed of a decade ago. After the first Otterbein million-dollar year in 1973, giv­ ing dropped somewhat. Five years later, back-to-back million dollar years totaling nearly $2.8 million set a new standard. In 1982 the Trustee Challenge generated over $1.6 million in total giving—still the highwater mark for one year. Then 1983 saw more donors give to Otterbein than ever before. We are pleased with 1984 giving of over $1 million. Why? Because in a year of transi­ tion ... of changing leadership . . the Otterbein fami­ ly stood strong. They showed they care about the College. Volunteers again proved essential to the success of the development program. Phonothon callers dialed in the spring and fall and secured pledges; class agents wrote classmates to encourage support of the Otterbein Fund and reunion committees met to discuss class pro­ jects and functions. Significant achievements in 1984 included: • $1,066,110 in total giving marking the seventh con­ secutive year over one million dollars. • 4,042 individuals made gifts to Otterbein College in 1984. • Unrestricted gifts to the Otterbein Fund totaled $498,245. • Endowed gifts reached $282,764. • Restricted and unrestricted gifts to meet current operating costs exceeded $738,800. • The President’s Club strongly totaled 131 members, the third highest in history—behind only last year’s record-setting 148 and 1982’s Trustee Challenge year of 144. • The Towers Club grew nine percent to a record 87 members. • The Cardinal Club topped 100 for the second straight year with 105 members. • The Centurion Club’s 777 members ranked third best in Otterbein history. Well done Otterbeiners! Let’s make 1985 another record-smashing year!

I Source of Gift Alumni

Operating-Unrestricted Operating-Restricted Capital Endowed

3233 496 10 494

$239,112 55,828 2,435 156,025



251 36

$16,963 2,645


Operating-Unrestricted Operating-Restricted Capital Endowed



300 297 1 220

$39,117 84,591 500 109,528



228 49 5 23

$143,412 87,302 10,150 11,695



30 3

$59,742 89


Operating-Unrestricted Operating-Restricted Capital Endowed Corporations, Foundations and Trusts

Operating-Unrestricted Operating-Restricted Capital Endowed Church

Operating-Unrestricted Operating-Restricted Capital Endowed






Operating-Unrestricted Operating-Restricted Capital Endowed

13 — 6






Operating-Unrestricted Operating-Restricted Capital Endowment

4042 894 16 777

$498,245 243,111 13,085 311,669




Cash and Securities Bequests Deferred Gifts Gifts-In-Kind

5669 18 17 25

$415,249 594,605 27,918 28,338




Grand Totals


II Purpose of Gift

III Type of Gift


Number of

Number of

Alumni 1

Donors 1

Percentage of Participation 100%









0 1

0 100%





0 0

0 0







33% 33%

1913 1914

6 9 12


1915 1916 1917 1918

Number of

Alumni 75

Donors 36

581 0




0 25 0 0 175






1950 1951 1952


105 103

178 165


43% 45% 44%



40% 36% 41%

8,286 2,433 9,459





35% 28%

3,810 2,102

84 87


5,305 7,021 3,505










6 7 14

2 1

33% 14%

675 1,000





340 670

1958 1959

193 173




8,433 9,968

1963 1964

225 264







45% 42%






278 302



1966 1967

55% 54%









390/0 370/0 330/0 350/0 350/0









5,709 9,147

53% 64%


1971 1972














4,381 4,545





1923 1924

35 47

16 18 21




1926 1927


35 44



45 32



66% 52% 64%


54 67



8 14

1931 1932

59 54

1961 1962



66 58







298 311
























61 64

6,838 6,213


17 12



6,557 8,417

1,610 7,215


39 42

1,990 12,444


1953 1954

80 72

Dollar Amount




Percentage of Participation 48% 54% 52%

17% 11%

1920 1921

1928 1929

Number of Class 1946

Dollar Amount


7,425 6,290 4,266












1978 1979





230/0 210/0 I80/0 270/0 I80/0 130/0















1933 1934

4,078 1,778 2,596 1,863 1,501



38 34






1981 1982







311 359












56% 53%

80/0 90/0 90/0 50/0





5,298 5,388





0 1

0 lOQo/o








765 618 265 0


INCOME Tuition and fees Governmental grants and contracts Private gifts, grants and contracts Endowment income Auxiliary enterprises Other sources Total income

operation and maintenance of plant

EXPENSES Educational and general Instruction Public service Academic support Student services Institutional support Operation and maintenance of plant Scholarship and grants Debt service educational plant Auxiliary Enterprises Operations Debt service auxiliary facilities Capital transfers for plant and endowment Total expenses

$ 3,687,000 155,400 360,600 1,055,400 1,510,000 885,000 1,859,000 42,000 1,939,100 108,700 303,800 $11,906,000


Highest Average Gift





r^cNj^cocici’-^ofar Dollars g cm ^ ^ ^ ^

Average Gift ^ $3,500 $2,000 $1,000 $800 $600

40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000

20,000 15,000


10,000 5,000


$500 $400 $200

tDOcoor^'^r^tocom COCMCOlO^COCMCMCMin 0>0>0)0>^0>0>0)0>0>



Most Donors T-^Tj-oo)in^co


o o>

0 (O O) GO U) CO 1^ 0 ;o m (O m to (O (O (O O) O) O) O) o> O) O) O) O) O)

Largest Increase In Number of Donors

Largest Percentage Of Participation sO


# O' Percentage oot«.tv..o<t><t><ou>ui

No. Increased

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 ^COCOtOOCMr-^O) lOCO






LEADERSHIP GIVING CLUBS President’s Club The President’s Club includes all alumni, parents and friends who gave $1,000 or more to Otterbein in 1984. Anonymous Mr $ Mrs Robert S Agler Rev & Mrs Morris E Allton Dr & Mrs Harold F Augspurger Mr Vaughn Barnhard Col Henry V A Biel stein Mr & Mrs John W Biel stein Dr 4 Mrs Harold L Boda Mrs Kenneth A Booher Mr 4 Mrs Laurence H Boor Dr 4 Mrs Edmond J Booth Mr 4 Mrs Daniel C Bowel 1 Mr 4 Mrs Tom E Brady Mr 4 Mrs Arthur E Brubaker Dr 4 Mrs Francis P Bundy Mr 4 Mrs William S Bungard Mrs John S Burrell Mr 4 Mrs Don A Carlos Mr Benjamin Carlson Miss Florence Cellar Mr 4 Mrs Philipp L Charles Mr 4 Mrs Mark F Coldiron Drs David 4 Edith Cole Mr 4 Mrs Lawrence M Collier Rev 4 Mrs Benjamin R Copeland Mr 4 Mrs Wendell H Cornetet Mrs John K Coulter Miss Lois E Coy Mr 4 Mrs Charles C Curtin Dr 4 Mrs C Brent DeVore Mr 4 Mrs David R Dickson Ms Kathryn C Dixon Mr 4 Mrs William E Downey Jr Dr 4 Mrs George H Dunlap Mr 4 Mrs Denton W Elliott Dr 4 Mrs Joseph William Eschbach Dr Verda B Evans Mr 4 Mrs John E Fisher Mrs Lawrence S Frank Mr Wilbur R Franklin Mr Wilbur R Franklin Jr Mr 4 Mrs Harold N Freeman Dr Elmer N Funkhouser Sr Dr 4 Mrs Elmer N Funkhouser Jr Mr 4 Mrs Russell E Garrett Mrs J Lowell Gibson Mr 4 Mrs William E Gill Mr Alan R Goff Miss Terry L Goodman Mr 4 Mrs Jack Groseclose Mr 4 Mrs Monte Haidet Dr Harold B Hancock Mr Wayne V Harsha Admiral 4 Mrs G Chester Heffner Mr 4 Mrs Donald J Henry Mr 4 Mrs David A Hill Mr 4 Mrs Virgil 0 Hinton Mr 4 Mrs Richard V James Mr 4 Mrs John S Karsko Mrs Harry S Kemp Mr 4 Mrs John S Kennedy Mr 4 Mrs Thomas E Kinzer Dr 4 Mrs Homer B Kline Dr 4 Mrs Douglas R Knight Dr 4 Mrs Young W Koo Mr 4 Mrs John S Kovach Mr 4 Mrs Robert L Lafollette Dr 4 Mrs Michael G Leadbetter Mrs Robert A Lee Dr 4 Mrs William E Lemay Mr 4 Mrs E P Levering Jr Mr 4 Mrs Howard H Longmire Mr 4 Mrs Oscar L Lord Jr Mrs Grace Mackey

Mr 4 Mrs Otto E Mahler Mr 4 Mrs Anthony Mangia Jr Mr 4 Mrs Robert C McCartney Mr 4 Mrs John W McKitrick Dr 4 Mrs M R McVay Mrs Verle A Miller Dr 4 Mrs Wade S Miller Dr 4 Mrs William C Moffit Mr 4 Mrs Wilbur H Morrison Mabel Green Myers Trust Dr 4 Mrs Roger H Neff Mrs Nellie Niswonger Dr 4 Mrs Fred H Norris Mr Vernon L Pack Major 4 Mrs John D Pietila Mr 4 Mrs John A Prather Mrs Sanford G Price Mr 4 Mrs Charles 0 Rail Mr 4 Mrs Richard L Ramsey Or 4 Mrs Roy F Reeves Mr Arthur L Renner Mr 4 Mrs Charles W Roberts Mrs Louise E Roberts Or Thurston H Ross Dr 4 Mrs Edwin L Roush Mr 4 Mrs Frank E Samuel Mr 4 Mrs Richard A Sanders Dr 4 Mrs Evan W Schear Mr Rillmond W Schear Mrs Fannie Louise Shafer Mr 4 Mrs Richard H Sherrick Mr 4 Mrs Kimball W Shields Mr 4 Mrs Robert M Short Mr 4 Mrs E Eugene Sitton Dr 4 Mrs John A Smith Mr Marcus G Smythe Mr 4 Mrs Nick J Spithogianis Mrs Sara K Steck Dr 4 Mrs Robert R Taylor Dr Mary B Thomas Mrs Ella B Toedtman Mrs Horace W Troop Rev 4 Mrs Chester R Turner Mrs Lynn W Turner Mrs H W Underhill Mr 4 Mrs Paul B Upson Dr Joanne F Van Sant Dr 4 Mrs Frank M Van Sickle Mr 4 Mrs Waid W Vance Mr 4 Mrs John F Wells Dr 4 Mrs J Hutchison Williams Mr 4 Mrs Clyde E Willis Mr 4 Mrs Daniel A Wilmoth Mr Perry F Wysong Dr 4 Mrs Richard P Yantis Mr Franklin M Young Mr Albert W Zepp

Towers Club The Towers Club in­ cludes all alumni, parents and friends who gave between $500 and $999 to Ot­ terbein in 1984. Dr 4 Mrs Robert E Airhart Col 4 Mrs Robert L Arledge Dr 4 Mrs Terry V Arnold Mr 4 Mrs Frederick A Ashbaugh Mr 4 Mrs Joseph C Ayer Mr 4 Mrs Francis S Bailey Mr 4 Mrs Dwight C Ballenger Mr 4 Mrs Willard Bivins Jr Mrs Caroline A Bor Mr 4 Mrs Stillman Bradfield Dr Rachel M Brant Mr 4 Mrs Richard H Bridgman Dr Ann C Brown Mr 4 Mrs John H Bullis Dr 4 Mrs E Edwin Burtner Mr 4 Mrs Joseph R Carlisle Dr James K Clary Mr 4 Mrs Charles H Cooper Mr 4 Mrs William A Cotton Mr 4 Mrs William B Coulter Mr 4 Mrs Dale H Crawford Dr 4 Mrs Thomas H Croghan Dr 4 Mrs Roger F Deibel Mr 4 Mrs Frank L Durr Dr Harry L Eckels Mr 4 Mrs Warren W Ernsberger Dr 4 Mrs Joseph W Eschbach Mr 4 Mrs Harold F Fagerberg Mr 4 Mrs Daniel R Fallon Mr 4 Mrs Franklin D Fite Mr 4 Mrs Armin J Fleck Rev 4 Mrs Bernard J Garrett Dr 4 Mrs Clifford E Gebhart Dr 4 Mrs Charles W Harding Dr Daniel A Harris Mr 4 Mrs Byron E Harter Mr Abe Hatem Mr 4 Mrs Lawrence C Hone Rev 4 Mrs Herbert C Hoover Mr 4 Mrs Stanton T Ickes Dr 4 Mrs Raymond L Jennings Mrs Marjorie W Kassner Dr 4 Mrs H Wendell King Mr 4 Mrs Franklin F Landis Dr 4 Mrs John E Leach Dr 4 Mrs Norris E Lenahan

Mr 4 Mrs S Clark Lord Mr 4 Mrs Woodrow R Macke Mr 4 Mrs Paul B Mai bach Mr 4 Mrs Ronald G Martin Miss Jo Ann May Mr 4 Mrs R Fred McLaughlin Mr George P Miller Jr Mr Harold E Mills Mr 4 Mrs W Thomas Moore Mr 4 Mrs John L Moorhead Mr 4 Mrs Thomas C Morrison Mr Maury Newburger Miss Margaret G Pifer Mr 4 Mrs Harold L Pitz Dr 4 Mrs Robert D Place Mr 4 Mrs Michael Puskarich Mr 4 Mrs Richard J Rano Mr 4 Mrs William A Rawlings Jr Mr Charles D Redmond Mr 4 Mrs Eugene L Riblet Mr 4 Mrs Victor G Ritter Mrs Gerald A Rosselot Mr 4 Mrs John E Rowland Mrs Abel J Ruffini Mr 4 Mrs J Ronald Scharer Mr Albro Schatzer Rev 4 Mrs Glen C Shaffer Dr 4 Mrs Emerson C Shuck Rev 4 Mrs Ralph K Shunk Dr 4 Mrs Howard A Sporck Mr Donald E Storer Mr 4 Mrs Donald E Switzer Mr 4 Mrs H William Troop Jr Dr 4 Mrs Sager Tryon Mrs 0 K Van Curen Rev 4 Mrs Ferd Wagner Mr 4 Mrs Robert P Walcutt Mr 4 Mrs Edwin A Walker Dr 4 Mrs James C Wood Dr 4 Mrs Elmer W Yoest

Cardinal Club The Cardinal Club in­ cludes all alumni, parents and friends who gave between $300 and $499 to Otterbein in 1984. Anonymous Mr & Mrs Joseph Alspaugh Mr i Mrs Howard W Altman Mr & Mrs John Becker Mr & Mrs Theodore Benadum Mr 4 Mrs Irvin J Bence Mr & Mrs Regis Birckbichler Mr & Mrs Aaron R Bower Mr Kevin F Boyle Mrs Robert L Buckingham Dr * Mrs Donald C Bulthaup Mr * Mrs Stanley W Busic Jr Mr & Mrs Richard L Carlson Mr Michael G Chadwell Mr 4 Mrs Wallace J Cochran Dr 4 Mrs Leonard Confar Mr 4 Mrs Theodore W Croy Mr 4 Mrs John P Dale Jr Mr Edward J D'Andrea Jr Mr 4 Mrs H William Davis Dr Marilyn E Day Mr 4 Mrs Tom M Dickson Mr 4 Mrs T E Dimke Dr 4 Mrs Norman H Dohn Mr 4 Mrs James Eby Mr 4 Mrs Charles G Ernst Dr 4 Mrs Richard L Everhart Dr 4 Mrs Robert E Fogal Mr 4 Mrs Charles L Fox Mr 4 Mrs Harry J W Fravert Rev 4 Mrs Lewis S Frees Dr 4 Mrs Wayne E Gardiner Mr 4 Mrs Carlton L Gee Mr 4 Mrs W Robert Gormley Mr 4 Mrs Thomas L Graham Mr Terry M Hafner Mr 4 Mrs John C Hartranft Dr Michael S Herschler Mr 4 Mrs Albert V Horn Mr 4 Mrs Paul T Hughes Mr 4 Mrs William A Hughes Mr Joseph F Humphreys Jr Mr Gregory L Jewett Mr 4 Mrs William L Johnston Mr 4 Mrs Ronald W Jones Mr Hugh Kane Jr Mr 4 Mrs Bill Kell am Mr 4 Mrs Ralph C Kelly Dr 4 Mrs Thomas J Kerr IV Mr 4 Mrs Robert A Klyne Mr 4 Mrs J Robert Knight Mrs Lillian S Kornblum Mr 4 Mrs Warren E Latimer Mr 4 Mrs Raymond M Lilly Dr 4 Mrs Elmer C Loomis Ms Maxine French Loomis Mr 4 Mrs Arthur J Mackenzie Dr 4 Mrs Thomas R Martin Mr 4 Mrs Harold T Mattern Rev 4 Mrs Charles C Messmer Mr 4 Mrs Roy E Metz Mr 4 Mrs Joseph P Miles Mrs E Wray Mills Mr 4 Mrs Roger G Montgomery Mr 4 Mrs Alexander S More Dr 4 Mrs Harold E Morris Mr 4 Mrs William C Myers Mrs Rachel C Nutt Dr 4 Mrs George J Phinney Mr Darrel L Poling Mr 4 Mrs Gary Paul Price Miss Elizabeth H Proctor Dr 4 Mrs Gerald E Ridinger Mr 4 Mrs Ronald Ritchie Mr 4 Mrs Lewis R Rose Mr 4 Mrs Charles F Salt Rev 4 Mrs Elmer A R Schultz Mr 4 Mrs William Sennett Mr Howard A Shelley Mr 4 Mrs Walter K Shelley Jr Mr 4 Mrs John R Shively Mr 4 Mrs John F Spicer

Mr Richard C Spicer Mr 4 Mrs Raymond Stadnick Mr 4 Mrs Charles Gary Steck Mr Fredric K Steck Mr 4 Mrs James A Streb Mr 4 Mrs Allan E Strouss Dr 4 Mrs Paul E Stuckey Dr Cyril T Surrington Mr 4 Mrs Charles D Taylor Dr 4 Mrs Glynn H Turquand Mr 4 Mrs John C Van Heertum Mr 4 Mrs Vernon W Vogel Miss Mary L Ward Mrs R Thomas Warner Mr S Kim Wells Mr 4 Mrs Richard L Whitehead Miss N Esther Williamson Mr 4 Mrs Richard V Willit Mr 4 Mrs Dean E Wisleder Mr Robert E Woodruff Mr 4 Mrs Charles H Wright Rev 4 Mrs Harry E Zech Miss Thelma M Zellner

Centurion Club The Centurion Club includes all alumni, parents and friends who gave between $100 and $299 to Otterbein in 1984. Anonymous Mr 4 Mrs Lloyd A Abbott Dr Morton J Achter Mr 4 Mrs Herbert J Adams Jr Dr 4 Mrs Chester L Addington Mr 4 Mrs John B Albrecht Dr 4 Mrs Joseph M Albrecht Dr Stanley L Alexander Mr 4 Mrs David W Allaman Dr 4 Mrs Hugh D Allen Ms Barbara B Allison Mr 4 Mrs Herbert A Anderson II Mrs Howard B Anderson Mrs Janet W Anderson Mr 4 Mrs Allan E Andrews Mrs Donald B App Mrs John G Appleton Miss Dorothy Arkill Miss B Geraldine Arnold Dr 4 Mrs Louis G Arnold Mrs Ray L Ashe Mr 4 Mrs Paul E Askins Dr 4 Mrs Richard R Augspurger Mr 4 Mrs Raymond F Axline Dr James R Bailey Mr 4 Mrs James B Baker Mr 4 Mrs John C Baker Dr 4 Mrs Peter B Baker III Col 4 Mrs William F Bale Mr 4 Mrs Donald E Ball Sr Mrs Chloie E Ballard Dr 4 Mrs Jon W Banning Dr 4 Mrs Lyle T Barkhymer Mr 4 Mrs Robert 0 Barnes Mrs Clyde M Barnhard Mr 4 Mrs Ralph J Barnhard Mr 4 Mrs Robert C Barr Dr 4 Mrs Wayne E Barr Mrs Joan D Bartels Mrs Louis J Bartelsmeyer Miss Gladys R Beachley Dr 4 Mrs Herbert E Bean Mr 4 Mrs Daniel C Bear Mr Ronald D Beck Dr 4 Mrs Carl M Becker Dr 4 Mrs Floyd C Beelman Mr 4 Mrs Thomas H Beeman Mr 4 Mrs Harold W Bell Dr 4 Mrs Roger A Bell Dr 4 Mrs Charles V Bender Rev 4 Mrs Earl William Bender Drs Richard and Sandra Bennett Miss Kathlynn S Benson Mr 4 Mrs Sheldon L Bentley Mr 4 Mrs Alan W Bernard Dr 4 Mrs James M Berry Miss Barbara J Bibbee

Mr Harper Bickett Mr 4 Mrs Clyde H Biel stein Dr 4 Mrs George Biggs Mr 4 Mrs Robert M Blais Mr Robert J B1inzley Mr 4 Mrs James A Blue Miss Nancy L Bocskor Mr 4 Mrs Russell C Bolin Mrs Clarence L Booth Dr 4 Mrs Edward J Booth Dr 4 Mrs Donald J Borror Mr John W Bott Dr 4 Mrs Roy H Bowen Mr 4 Mrs Donald C Bowman Ms Judith S Boyer Mr 4 Mrs Elmer L Boyles Mr 4 Mrs Frederick E Brady Mrs Ruth C Brady Mr 4 Mrs Ralph Bragg Dr 4 Mrs Abraham L Brandyberry Mrs Charles L Breden Mr Ralph D Brehm Dr 4 Mrs Dav W Bremer Dr 4 Mrs Louis H Bremer Mr 4 Mrs Michael S Bridgman Mr 4 Mrs James A Bright Mrs Robert P Bright Mr Bruce Brockett Mrs W L Brooker Mrs Morris S Brooks Mr 4 Mrs Christopher L Brown Mr 4 Mrs Raymond K Brubaker Mr Charles L Buchsieb Dr 4 Mrs W Kenneth Bunce Mr 4 Mrs John H Burns Col 4 Mrs C Allen Burris Jr Dr 4 Mrs Charles R Burrows Mr 4 Mrs Harold E Cain Jr Mrs Terry E Caldwell Mr 4 Mrs L William Caliban Mr 4 Mrs Robert V Call Jr Rev 4 Mrs Robert G Callihan Mr 4 Mrs Randall 0 Campbell Miss Susan L Canfield Ms Carol J Capell Dr 4 Mrs William Catalona Rev 4 Mrs Lee A Cate Mr 4 Mrs Alex Chaney Mrs Lloyd W Chapman Mr 4 Mrs Michael J Charles Mr 4 Mrs David M Cheek Mrs Fred R Cheek Mrs Gladys R Cheek Mr 4 Mrs Robert C Cherrington Mrs V Darlene Chitwood Mr 4 Mrs Brenton I Chivington Dr 4 Mrs Chris Christoff Rev 4 Mrs J Paul Ciampa Miss Janet L Clymer Mr 4 Mrs Merritt H Clymer Mrs R 0 Clymer Mr 4 Mrs Michael H Cochran Capt John L Codella Jr Dr 4 Mrs Michael A Cohen Mr 4 Mrs Roger T Coker Mr 4 Mrs E E Coldwell Mr 4 Mrs Frederick H Collins Dr Mary F Conde Dr 4 Mrs James H Conley Mr Gerald M Connor Dr 4 Mrs Edward C Conradi Mr Thomas E Cook Mr 4 Mrs Donald Cooper Mr 4 Mrs Thomas C Copeland

Mr 4 Mrs Harold R Coppess Dr 4 Mrs Robert B Corretore Mrs A Monroe Courtright Mr 4 Mrs Jay B Crabbs Ms Deborah L Cramer Mrs William E Cregar Rev 4 Mrs James G Crosby Mr 4 Mrs Gordon A Crow Mr 4 Mrs William A Currin Mr 4 Mrs Dennis R Daily Mr 4 Mrs David L Danklef Mr 4 Mrs Frederick E Dauterman Dr 4 Mrs Horace B Davidson Jr Rev 4 Mrs David C Davis Mr 4 Mrs Donald C DeBolt Mr 4 Mrs Lawrence I DeClark Dr 4 Mrs Philip 0 Deever Mr 4 Mrs W Thomas Deever Mr 4 Mrs Charles R DeHaven Rev Robert M DeMass Mr 4 Mrs Robbins H Denham Mr 4 Mrs Steven P Deringer Mr 4 Mrs Kenneth P Detamore Mr 4 Mrs Charles K Dilgard Mr 4 Mrs Richard A Dilgard Mrs Ellen J Dillon Ms Joanne L Ditmer Mr A R Dixon Dr 4 Mrs Charles W Dodrill Mrs Adelaide K Dotten Mr 4 Mrs Ronald W Dougherty Mr 4 Mrs Kevin T Dover Mrs 4 William M Drenton Mr 4 Mrs Michael E Ducey Dr Deborah L Duncan Mr 4 Mrs Paul V Dunn Mrs Roll in R Durant Mr 4 Mrs Bronson A Durrant Dr 4 Mrs William R Duteil Mrs Jan Dwyer Miss Cynthia S Eckroth Mr Donald C Edwards Mr 4 Mrs Herbert E Eglie Mr 4 Mrs Alfred W Elliott Dr 4 Mrs Dean C Elliott Mr 4 Mrs Robert W Elliott Dr 4 Mrs Stephen P Ellis Miss Florence A Emert Mr 4 Mrs David 0 Erisman SP5 Vicki L Ettenhofer Mrs Robert F Evans Mr 4 Mrs William L Evans Dr 4 Mrs John A Eversole Mr 4 Mrs Louis Fackler Mr Jacob H Fair Mr 4 Mrs Karl B Farnlacher Mr Michael J R Fensler Mr 4 Mrs Chester H Ferguson Ms Kathleen M Fernandez Mrs Rachel W Fetzer Dr 4 Mrs Edwin 0 Fisher Jr Dr Harry J Fisher Rev 4 Mrs Roy W Fisher Mr 4 Mrs George R Fitez Mr 4 Mrs Patrick R Fitzgerald Mr 4 Mrs Royal A Fitzpatrick Mr 4 Mrs Dean Flanagan Mr 4 Mrs David L Fodor Mr 4 Mrs Wendell L Foote Miss Virginia A Ford Mr 4 Mrs Harry E France Mr 4 Mrs James L Francis Mr 4 Mrs Charles J Frazier Mr 4 Mrs John W Frazier



Given in Memory of: James V. Barnhard Margurite Buch

John Paul Miller ’42

Thomas Buckingham ’59

Kenneth Moreland

Forest "Red" Moreland

Clarice Burton

Clifford H. Moss ’13

Chester Cedargren

Janice Muschott

John K. Coulter

David Reed

William Drenton ’61

Sanford Satuloff

Ruth Myers Eschbach

Lloyd Schear '29

Marie W. Gifford ’18

Edgar F. Spatz ’14

Don C. Gifford ’49

Marian Rollins Silverstein ’49

William H. Hardy, Jr

WilUam Steck ’37

Myrtle Yantis Hazelbaker

John C. Stoner

Mr & Mrs Faz Kumler

Carl Stouffer

James Love ’21

Horace Troop

Leslie Burrell Mangia ’74

Dorothy G. VanSant

Jesse Cruit Mann '32

Theresa Vivacqua

Helen May Gertrude White Mayne

Lucille Lambert Webner '25 Margaret Hansen Williams

Charles McIntyre ’18

Mr & Mrs Ronald M Free Mrs Mary Carol Freeman Rev & Mrs Paul W Frees Mr & Mrs David M French Mr & Mrs John H Freymeyer Mrs Beulah A Fritz Mr & Mrs Ronald W Froggatt Dr Sanders A Frye Dr A Mrs A Julian Gabriele Mr Robert A Gail Mr & Mrs George W Gall away Rev & Mrs Karl Garling Dr S Mrs George H Garrison Miss Frances M Garver Mrs John B Garver Mr & Mrs Ralph Geho Dr & Mrs R Thomas George Mr & Mrs Craig Gifford Mrs Don C Gifford Dr S Mrs Ray W Gifford Jr Miss Janet R Gilbert Mr S Mrs Lawrence J Gillum Mr & Mrs Donald Glessner Mrs Harold C Glover Miss Georgia G Glunt Mrs Marjorie B Goddard Major & Mrs William S Gornall Mr & Mrs James R Grabill Mr & Mrs Wilson F Grabill Jr Mr & Mrs William M Graesser Ms Janet A Granger Mr S Mrs Lynn A Greene Mr S Mrs Walter N Greene Mr & Mrs Jerry L Gribler Mr S Mrs Michael A Gribler Mr & Mrs Richard C Grimm Mr i Mrs Brian K Hajek Mr Herbert W Hall Mr & Mrs Peter J Haller Miss Frances E Hamilton Cmdr & Mrs Harold E Hamilton Miss Nancy Hamilton Dr Richard A Hamilton Dr S Mrs William T Hamilton Dr & Mrs Granville S Hammond Mr S Mrs Ivan P Hanes Mr S Mrs Kenneth P Hanes Rev & Mrs Lawrence L Hard Mr S Mrs Paul Hardcastle Mrs Emily E S Hardy

Mrs Henrietta E Harmer Mrs Duane E Harrold Dr A Mrs Richard L Hartzell Mr & Mrs Earl C Hassenpflug Mrs Aurthur H Hathaway Drs Walter M and Ruth C Haynes Miss Harriet L Hays Miss Benita G Heath Mr & Mrs J Parker Heck Mr & Mrs Jay R Hedding Dr & Mrs Dennis D Heffner Mr & Mrs James R Heinisch Mrs Mary J Heisey Mr 4 Mrs David L Heitz Ms Doris C Hellermann Mrs Nancy L Henderson Mr & Mrs John H Hendrix Mr 4 Mrs Neil Hennon Miss Helen Ruth Henry Mr 4 Mrs Zeller R Henry Ms Susan K Henthorn Mr 4 Mrs Edward R Herman Dr 4 Mrs Philip D Herrick Mr 4 Mrs Donald G Hershberger Mrs Thomas E Hibbard Mr 4 Mrs Allen E Hicks Mr 4 Mrs Morris C Hicks Mr 4 Mrs James A Hill Mr 4 Mrs James L Hill Mr 4 Mrs John E Hill Jr Mr 4 Mrs Donald E Hines Mr Paul L Hiskey Mr 4 Mrs Paul M Hitchcock Mr 4 Mrs Don Hodder Mr 4 Mrs James D Hodgden Mr 4 Mrs Everett Hoeg Mr 4 Mrs Richard E Hofferbert Miss Barbara J Hoffman Mr 4 Mrs Donald G Hogan Mr Richard H Hohler Dr 4 Mrs Robert W Hohn Mr 4 Mrs Ellis R Holdenried Miss Frances M Holden Mr 4 Mrs S Osborne Holdren Mr 4 Mrs Kenneth L Holm Mrs Herbert C Holmes Mr 4 Mrs Robert E Holmes Dr Ursula Holtermann Miss Thelma J Hook Judge 4 Mrs Earl R Hoover

Mr 4 Mrs J Ruskin Hoover Mr 4 Mrs Leon F Horn Dr David A Horner Mr 4 Mrs Gilbert S Hornyak Mr 4 Mrs David E Horstman Dr 4 Mrs Lloyd 0 Houser Mr 4 Mrs David E Houts Mrs J Gordon Howard Mrs Leora A Howsare Mr 4 Mrs Michael Hrapsky Mrs Joseph S Hubbert Mr 4 Mrs Richard H Huddle Dr 4 Mrs Tony E Hugli Mr Dwight I Hurd Mr 4 Mrs Wayne E Huston Mr 4 Mrs Warren R Hyde Mrs Dorothy P Hydorn Mr 4 Mrs Joseph N Ignat Mr Marc B Inboden Mr 4 Mrs Clinton A Jack Mr 4 Mrs Frederick M Jackson Mr 4 Mrs Kenneth C Jackson Mrs Byron K Jacoby Mr 4 Mrs William A James Mr 4 Mrs Thomas L Jenkins Jr Mr 4 Mrs William L Jenkins Mr 4 Mrs Thomas J Jent Mrs A Dean Johnson Dr 4 Mrs Bernard L Johnson Mr 4 Mrs Philip L Johnson Mr 4 Mrs Richard F Johnson Mr 4 Mrs Royden Johnson Mr 4 Mrs Clyde R Jones Mr 4 Mrs David A Jones Drs Richard L 4 Jacqueline Katzin Dr 4 Mrs David C Kay Ms Patrice Perry Kelly Mr 4 Mrs Samuel S Kelly Mr 4 Mrs Harold R Kemp Mr 4 Mrs William R Kern Mr 4 Mrs David Y Kim Mr 4 Mrs John E King Mr 4 Mrs Roll and D King Mr 4 Mrs Roger D Kingsbury Rev 4 Mrs Paul W Kirk Col 4 Mrs William L Klare Mrs Murn B Klepinger Miss Marsha S Klingbeil Miss Phyllis C Koons Mr 4 Mrs Kenneth G Kozimer

Dr 4 Mrs James C Kraner Mr 4 Mrs Paul W Kreager Mr 4 Mrs George T Kurtz Mr 4 Mrs Dan B Kyle Mrs Charles 0 Lambert Mr 4 Mrs Richard K Landis Dr 4 Mrs Sanford Lauderback Mr 4 Mrs Perry Laukhuff Dr Gerald A Laurich Mr 4 Mrs Clarence F Lauthers Mr 4 Mrs Samuel L Law Mr 4 Mrs W Dean Lawther Mr 4 Mrs Harley B Learish Mr 4 Mrs Robert W Lederer Mr 4 Mrs Richard P Legrand Mr 4 Mrs David E Lehman Mr 4 Mrs John H Lehman Mrs Percy G Lehman Mr Thomas K Lehman Dr Jane M Lei by Miss Carol L Leininger Mr 4 Mrs L Guy Lemaster Mr 4 Mrs Donald A Leopold Dr 4 Mrs James B Lesh Lt Col 4 Mrs Bernard Lieving Jr Mr Donald W Liming Dr 4 Mrs Harold V Lindquist Mr 4 Mrs J S Litton Mr 4 Mrs Roy G Logston Mr 4 Mrs Dennis A Lohr Ms Mary C Lord Mr George L Loucks Mrs James R Love Mr Gary R Lowe Mr 4 Mrs Robert E Lowe Mrs Forrest E Lowry Mr 4 Mrs Peter L Lubs Mr 4 Mrs Elroy H Lucas Dr 4 Mrs Oliver N Lugibihl Mr 4 Mrs John E Lusher Mrs Roswell F Machamer Mr 4 Mrs Edward W Mai bach Mr 4 Mrs C David Main Miss Sharon L Main Dr 4 Mrs Raymond G Malackany Mr 4 Mrs Keith I Malick Mr 4 Mrs Purcell Mallett Miss Leona Manecke Dr Barbara R Manno Mr 4 Mrs Jack Marks Rev 4 Mrs Samuel J Marshall Mrs Barbara L Martin Dr 4 Mrs Donald R Martin Dr 4 Mrs Fred M Martinelli Mr 4 Mrs Harold C Martin Mr Walter F Martin Mr 4 Mrs Ellsworth G Mason Rev 4 Mrs Mervyn L Matteson Mrs Albert L Mattoon Dr 4 Mrs Richard A Mauger Mr 4 Mrs Gerould W Maurer Miss Mary B McCabe Mr Robert L McCombs Mr 4 Mrs Gerald L McCormick Mr 4 Mrs Ted A McCoy Mrs Geneva McCracken Mr 4 Mrs Don E McCualsky Miss Susan E McDaniel Mr 4 Mrs Harold C McDermott Mr James E McElroy Miss Eldoris J McFarland Mr 4 Mrs Russell J McFarren Dr 4 Mrs James C McFeeley Mr 4 Mrs John F McGee Dr 4 Mrs D John McIntyre Mr 4 Mrs John F McKay Ms Ruth H McKnight Dr 4 Mrs Robert T McLean Mr 4 Mrs Donald R McMeekin Mr 4 Mrs Robert A McNemar Rev 4 Mrs John E McRoberts Miss Beth A McVay Mrs Norma K McVay Mr 4 Mrs David L Mead Mr 4 Mrs Ronald W Meckfessel Mrs Howard E Menke Col 4 Mrs Edward L Mentzer Mr 4 Mrs Bill J Merrel1 Dr 4 Mrs Anthony L Mescher Dr 4 Mrs William K Messmer Miss Cornelia M Metz Miss Helene S Metz Dr 4 Mrs Paul S Metzger Mr 4 Mrs Robert A Meyer Mr 4 Mrs Max E Mickey Mr 4 Mrs Richard E Middaugh Dr 4 Mrs Thomas G Mignerey Mr 4 Mrs Curtis A Miller

Centurion Club (continued)

Miss Helen M Miller Mrs John Paul Miller Dr « Mrs Millard J Miller Mr & Mrs Thomas E Miller Dr 4 Mrs W Frederic Miller Mr & Mrs Wade S Miller Jr Dr Gilbert E Mills Mr 4 Mrs Ray D Miner Mr 4 Mrs Frank G Mione Mr 4 Mrs H Stephen Moeller Mr 4 Mrs Carl W Moody Dr 4 Mrs Melvin A Moody Mr 4 Mrs Howard Moomaw Jr Mr 4 Mrs Thomas V Moon Mr 4 Mrs C Curtis Moore Mrs Howard T Moore Mr 4 Mrs Jack W Moreland Gian 4 Sally P Morelli Mr J David Morgan Ms Anita Morris Mr 4 Mrs Wilfred L Moseley Miss Ann Moser Dr Rotraud B Moslener Mrs Roll and Mullett Dr 4 Mrs Charles E Mumma Mr 4 Mrs Robert E Mumma Mr 4 Mrs Terrell L Mundhenk Mr 4 Mrs John R Murphy Miss Judith A Murray Mr 4 Mrs Donald E Myers Dr Frederick A Myers Mr 4 Mrs Robert T Myers Mr 4 Mrs Charles N Myers Jr Mr 4 Mrs John W Naftzger Jr Mr 4 Mrs Lawrence A Navarro III Mr 4 Mrs Harlan Needham Mr 4 Mrs Robert L Needham Mr 4 Mrs Grant F Neely Jr Mr 4 Mrs Marvin W Nevans Jr Dr 4 Mrs Leonard J Newell Mr 4 Mrs Edward B Newton Mr 4 Mrs Howard B Newton Mrs Manson E Nichols Mr 4 Mrs Karl J Niederer Mrs Paul K Noel Mr 4 Mrs Alan E Norris Mr 4 Mrs J Russell Norris Dr 4 Mrs Louis W Norris Mr Roger A Nourse Mr 4 Mrs Carey F Oakley Mr Byron K Obear Miss Margaret E Oldt Dr 4 Mrs Gary L Olin Dr 4 Mrs David P Orbin Dr 4 Mrs Ronald E Orbin Ms Hope Orr Mr 4 Mrs John B Orr Mr 4 Mrs William T Orr Jr Mrs Ruth Lund Ostrom Major 4 Mrs William A Ottewill Mr 4 Mrs Merton D Oyler Mr 4 Mrs James M Pace Mr 4 Mrs Oatis H Page Jr Miss Helen E Palmer Mr 4 Mrs Donald E Parsisson Mr 4 Mrs Craig N Parsons Mr 4 Mrs George P Parthemos Dr 4 Mrs John A Patton Dr 4 Mrs Paul B Paulus Mr 4 Mrs James E Paxton Rev Marvin M Paxton Sr Mr Paul E Payne Dr 4 Mrs John L Perry Dr 4 Mrs Emil W Peterson Mr 4 Mrs Grant R Peters Mr 4 Mrs H Eugene Pflieger Mr 4 Mrs Dale M Phillippi Mr 4 Mrs Robert L Pieper Mr 4 Mrs Hubert K Pinney Mr 4 Mrs Charles T Pisor Mr 4 Mrs Richard Pletz Mr 4 Mrs Glen E Poff Mr 4 Mrs Forrest K Poling Mrs Paul S Pontius Mr 4 Mrs Edwin W Poore Dr 4 Mrs Jean V Poulard Dr 4 Mrs Ralph L Pounds Mr 4 Mrs Mark N Princehorn Mr 4 Mrs Dennis J Prindle Mrs George W Provost Jr Mr 4 Mrs Franklin E Puderbaugh Mr 4 Mrs Carleton P Purdey Mr 4 Mrs James T Purdie

Mr 4 Mrs Woodrow W Purdy Mr 4 Mrs Louis Pursel Mrs Ava Rankin Mr 4 Mrs H Wayne Rardain Mr 4 Mrs Arthur W Rau Mr 4 Mrs Virgil L Raver Mr 4 Mrs D Brett Reardon Dr’4 Mrs James B Recob Dr 4 Mrs Paul L Redditt Miss Joe Ann Redfern Dr 4 Mrs John W Regenos Mrs Ruth 0 Rehfus Mr 4 Mrs Robert J Reichenbach Mr 4 Mrs Richard A Reichter Mr 4 Mrs Paul S Reiner Mrs Eugene C Reynolds Miss Marsha E Rice Mr 4 Mrs Harry W Richards Sr Mrs Edward M Ricketts Mr 4 Mrs Paul Riggle Rev 4 Mrs James H Riley Mrs Karl F Ritter Mr 4 Mrs Ross R Robbins Dr 4 Mrs James R Robertson Mr 4 Mrs Boyd D Robinson Rev 4 Mrs Carl R Robinson Mr 4 Mrs Ralph E Robinson Mrs Paul M Roby Mr 4 Mrs Reed A Roig Mrs Harry H Romspert Miss Anne H Rose Dr 4 Mrs Richard K Rosensteel Mr Lanny E Ross Or Ronald M Ruble Mr 4 Mrs David J Ruch Mr 4 Mrs Howard W Rugh Mr William H Russell Mr 4 Mrs Allen G Rydman Mr 4 Mrs Richard W Rymer Miss Susan M Sain Mr 4 Mrs Craig D Salser Mrs Arthur Sanders Mr 4 Mrs Lloyd C Savage Mr 4 Mrs Richard G Sawyer Mr 4 Mrs Carl Schafer Mr 4 Mrs Ronald J Scharer Mr 4 Mrs Dale W Scherer Mr 4 Mrs Raymond Schick Mrs Lloyd L Schiering Mr 4 Mrs John J Schlenker Mr 4 Mrs Donald E Schleucher Rev 4 Mrs Frederick A Schmidt Jr Mr Robert W Schmidt Mr 4 Mrs Wolfgang R Schmitt Mr 4 Mrs Floyd L Schneider Mr 4 Mrs Bernard Schreiber Dr 4 Mrs Arthur L Schultz Mrs Walter Schutz Dr 4 Mrs John C Searle Sr Miss Marvel E Sebert Mr 4 Mrs Thomas G Sell Dr 4 Mrs Richard M Sellers Mr 4 Mrs Albert P Sharpe III Mr 4 Mrs Robert Shaw Mrs Charles E Shawen Mr 4 Mrs James E Sheridan Mr 4 Mrs John K Shiffler Dr 4 Mrs Donald W Shilling Dr Reginald A Shipley Mr 4 Mrs Kenneth 0 Shively Rev 4 Mrs Roy M Shoaf Judge 4 Mrs Fred J Shoemaker Mr 4 Mrs Paul G Shover Cmdr Phyllis L Shultz USN (Ret) Mr 4 Mrs John R Shumaker Mr 4 Mrs David R Simmons Mr 4 Mrs Orrington A Simmons Jr Mrs Janet E Simross Mr 4 Mrs William H B Skaates Dr 4 Mrs Ralph E Skinner Miss Charlotte E Smith Mr 4 Mrs Donald D Smith Miss Emily A Smith Rev 4 Mrs Harvey B Smith Miss Janet S Smith Or 4 Mrs Rex C Smith Miss Marian A Snavely Mr 4 Mrs Larry H Snyder Miss Lois E Snyder Mr 4 Mrs Frederic C Sommer Mr 4 Mrs Stephen H Spaeth Mrs Edgar E Spatz Or 4 Mrs Dwight R Spessard

Mrs William H Spitler Mr 4 Mrs Charles T Spohr Dr 4 Mrs F Thomas Sporck II Mr 4 Mrs R Gary Stansbury Miss Barbara J Stansfield Mr 4 Mrs Lyndell R Starcher Dr Mildred Stauffer Mr 4 Mrs William 0 Stauffer Mr Donald M Stearns Mr 4 Mrs Don E Steck Mr 4 Mrs Hugh M Steckman Mr 4 Mrs Harry M Steiner Rev 4 Mrs David E Stichweh Mr 4 Mrs John W Sticklen Rev 4 Mrs Albert T Stoddard Jr Mr 4 Mrs Edwin J Stoltz Mr 4 Mrs James A Stone Miss Louise Stoner Mr 4 Mrs Byron 0 Stookey Mr 4 Mrs Richard H Storch Mr 4 Mrs D W Stover Ms Dorothy L Stover Mrs Alice E Stowers Mr 4 Mrs Jerry D Strange Mr 4 Mrs C Thomas Stratford Miss Susan L Streb Ms Ruth H Studer Mrs Charles H Stull Dr 4 Mrs Ernest D Svensson Miss B Gladys Swigart Dr 4 Mrs Ford H Swigart Jr Mr 4 Mrs Ford H Swigart Sr Miss Judith E Tardell Mr 4 Mrs Raymond Taylor Mr Richard D Taylor Mr 4 Mrs Ross A Taylor Rev Teri Thomas Taylor Mr 4 Mrs William C Taylor Mr 4 Mrs Roy E Teichert Mr 4 Mrs Armen H Telian Mr 4 Mrs Victor L Thomas Mr 4 Mrs Mark R Thresher Mrs R Burton Thrush Miss Mary Thuma Mr 4 Mrs Leonard Tillett Ms Judith Pepper Tobias Mr 4 Mrs Ronald E Tobias Mrs John F Toedtman Dr 4 Mrs Curtis W Tong Mr 4 Mrs James R Tootle Jr Dr 4 Mrs Harry W Topolosky Mrs Sandra J Torresani Rev 4 Mrs Earl W Toy Dr 4 Mrs Harold S Toy Mr 4 Mrs Donald Tribby Mr 4 Mrs Clyde A Trumbull Mr 4 Mrs David W Truxal Dr 4 Mrs Roy H Turley Dr 4 Mrs Eugene R Turner Dr 4 Mrs I Bruce Turner Miss Jean H Turner Mr 4 Mrs Keith H Turner Mr 4 Mrs Thomas L Turner Mr Cyrus W Upton Mr 4 Mrs Robert W Van Sickle Mr 4 Mrs Corey N Vance Dr 4 Mrs Robert F Vance Mr 4 Mrs Charles C Vaughn Dr 4 Mrs Roberto R Villalon Mr 4 Mrs Ronald E Votaw Mr 4 Mrs George F Wadlington Rev 4 Mrs Glenn A Waggamon Mr 4 Mrs Robert E Wagner Mr 4 Mrs Robert H Wagoner Dr 4 Mrs Craig C Wales Mrs Maxine L Walker Mr 4 Mrs Sam K Wallace Dr 4 Mrs James E Walter Mr 4 Mrs William E Ward Dr 4 Mrs Hugh Warren Jr Mr 4 Mrs E Brent Watson Mrs Virginia H Weaston Mr Leroy B Webner Mr 4 Mrs Charles H Weil Prof 4 Mrs Louis A Weinland Mr 4 Mrs Thomas H Welch Mrs George H Wells Mr 4 Mrs Samuel R Wells Mr 4 Mrs Richard A Welsh Dr 4 Mrs Newell J Wert Mr 4 Mrs Edwin E Westbrook Mr 4 Mrs Robert H Weston Mr 4 Mrs Ward Wetzel Mr 4 Mrs John A Whalen Mr 4 Mrs Warren S Wheeler Dr 4 Mrs George W White Mr 4 Mrs Horace P White Mrs Carroll C Widdoes Miss Evelyn M Widner Mr 4 Mrs Robert E Wilkinson

Mr 4 Mrs Donald L Williams Mr 4 Mrs Homer 0 Williams Mr Joel R Williams Dr 4 Mrs Sterling R Williamson Mr 4 Mrs Walter Williams Jr Ms Emily L Wilson Mrs James H Wilson Dr 4 Mrs John R Wilson Mr 4 Mrs Joseph F Wilson Mr 4 Mrs Myron F Wilson Mr 4 Mrs Glenn C Winston Mr 4 Mrs Raymond H Wolfe Dr 4 Mrs Robert A Wooden Dr 4 Mrs Fred W Worley Dr 4 Mrs John C Worley Mrs Ethel Worthington Mr 4 Mrs John L Wray Mr Kenneth L Wright Mr Robert L Wright Dr 4 Mrs Wayne K Wright Ms Frances Wurm Dr 4 Mrs Jeffrey P Yoest Dr 4 Mrs David S Yohn Mr 4 Mrs James W Yost Dr 4 Mrs Charles G Young Mr 4 Mrs Harold J Young Mr 4 Mrs James L Young Dr 4 Mrs Parker C Young Mr 4 Mrs J Richard Ziegler Dr 4 Mrs Paul F Ziegler Mr 4 Mrs Clair L Zimmerman Mr 4 Mrs Claude M Zimmerman Miss Barbara J Zirkle


ALAJMNI The figure before each name indicates the number of years of giving to Otterbein. Class of 1904 3

Ruth Siffert Beatty

Class of 1911 8 32

2 15 34 24 33 24 33 36

Estate of Alfred H Weitkamp

Class of 1908 17

Class of 1920

Bronson A Currant Ethel Gilbert Romspert

Gladys Howard Ourant Charles L Fox Gi1bert E Mills Chester P Monn Rillmond W Schear Carl L Smith Ford H Swigart Sr Mae Sellman Vance

Class of 1921 36 Neva Priest Boyles 6 Helen G Campbell 6 Elizabeth Fontanelle Cornetet 6 Wendell H Cornetet 22 Alice Abbott Cel linger 14 Gladys Yokum Gillogly 37 Cale M Phillippi 37 Esther Harley Phi 11ippi 35 Margaret G Pifer 29 Edna Hooper Schutz 20 Edythe Cave Scott 37 Marvel E Sebert 34 George W White 34 Florence Roberts Yund

Class of 1912 33

Class of 1913 37

Elmer N Funkhouser Sr

Class of 1914 24

Samuel R Wells

Class of 1915 8 37

Elmer L Boyles Norma McCally Kline

Class of 1917 19

Thurston H Ross

Class of 1918 28 33 12 8

Stella Kurtz Booth Inez Staub Elder Herbert W Hall Glen 0 Ream

Class of 1919 13 24 11 36 28 20

28 Anonymous 23 Lloyd A Abbott 7 Maurice M Collins 11 Edythe L Eby 5 I Marie Rruden Frazier 9 Gladys Corvin Hackett 35 Harriet L Hays 30 Lavaughn Leatherman Johnson 37 Herman F Lehman 34 Velma Lawrence Loomis 24 Harold T Mattern 37 James H L Morrison 33 Roy F Peden 35 Pauline Stubbs Stauffer 35 William 0 Stauffer 37 Robert C Wright

Edna Hall Currant Homer B Kline

Class of 1916 36 37

Class of 1922

Ruth Detwiler Sanders

Mildred Mount Love Ruth Crury McClure Howard A Shelley B Gladys Swigart Minerva Russell Thrush Miriam George Van Mason

Class of 1923 6 Raymond F Axline 4 Marguerite Gould Barnhard 37 Aline Mayne Cavanagh 34 Lawrence M Col 1ier 19 Jay B Crabbs 18 Alfred W Elliott 29 Wilbur R Franklin 36 Harold N Freeman 1 Wilferd Griffiths 29 Oaniel A Harris 12 Bernard L Johnson 34 Elmer C Loomis 35 Esther McConald Nichols 33 Lucile Ewry Peden 4 James L Ruebush 23 Evelyn Judy Sprout 37 A1ice Oavison Troop 4 Laurence L White

Class of 1924 37 26 35 18 18 34 21 3 29

Marie A Comfort Lois E Coy Kenneth P Cetamore Harriet E Eastman Edna Yaus Elliott Joseph William Eschbach Ralph E Giliman Paul M Hitchcock Mary Howe

30 34 24 34 32 17 11 34 9 6 26 25

E Wray Richardson Mills Leonard J Newell Virginia Taylor Newell Josephine Cridland Noel J Russell Norris Kenneth P Priest Lucile Gerber Ritter Elmer A R Schultz L Blanche Meyers Schwarzkopf Edwin J Stoltz Helen Krehbeil Thompson Albert W Zepp

Class of 1925 Class Agent: Harold L Boda 25 Anonymous 14 Mary Noel Anderson 23 Pauline Wentz Andrews 17 Veda Bearss Attaway 29 Mabel Walter Baer 14 Norma Richardson Bartelsmeyer 23 Floyd C Beelman 5 Florence Benjamin 37 Harold L Boda 8 Annazetta Albright Bowen 29 Florence Vance Clippinger 34 Alice George Davis 31 Frank L Durr 31 Marie Frakes Hathaway 22 Earl C Kearns 36 S Anna Ehrhart Luskin 3 Beatrice Donaldson Mullett 17 Hazel Miles Priest 16 Geneva Bushey Steiner 25 Susan F Williams 17 Ethel Bruner Worthington 21 Agnes Tryon Yohn

Class of 1926 Class Agent: Franklin M Young 32 J Paul Breden 37 Elvin H Cavanagh 15 Frances Kennedy Davidson 5 Sylvia Peden Dodd 23 Carl B Eschbach 9 Kenneth M Falstick 17 Leota Hartman Flanagan 31 George R Gohn 31 Ruth Davis Gohn 5 Wanda Gallagher Harrold 28 Earl R Hoover 18 Agnes Buchert Hoover 18 J Ruskin Hoover 35 Florence Rauch Hudock 22 Mary Hummel 1 Mattoon 33 Mary Priest Menke 9 Lenore Smith Mussen 35 Catherine Darst Myers 35 William C Myers 22 Jane Barton Nichols 24 Nellie Menke Niswonger 35 Helen E Palmer 10 Don Phillips 24 Elsie Conger Powell 13 Arthur L Renner 15 N Hale Richter 22 Gladys West Shaw 33 Marian A Snavely 1 Paul B Upson 4 Grace Farrell Wiley 28 Florence Martin Williams 21 Joseph V Yohn 31 Zora E Youmans 31 Franklin M Young

Class of 1927 Class Agent: Wayne V Harsha 11 Anonymous 28 Robert W A11ison 33 H Ressler Brown 33 Nellie Heischman Brown 2 Stella Ralston Crawford 28 Dorothy Ertzinger Dill 26 Barnett S Eby 36 Charlotte Owen Erisman 31 Chester H Ferguson 34 Wayne V Harsha 21 Bernice Norris Howard 37 Isabel Jones Jacoby 8 Richard V James 15 Laura Whetstone Jones 37 Margaret Baker Kelly 19 Mary Hoffman Latham 23 Perry Laukhuff 28 John H Lehman 26 Lucile E Leiter 16 M Grace Cornetet Mackey 16 Bessie Lincoln Mallett 28 Walter F Martin 9 Mary B McCabe 6 Ruth Hayes McKnight 31 Robert E Mumma 28 Elizabeth White Oyler 10 Grace Rhinehart Reed 27 Margaret Tryon Roby 8 Marcus M Schear 8 Ruth Hursh Schear 28 Reginald A Shipley 22 Freda Kirts Shower 9 Helen Kinnear Smales 16 Robert H Snavely 8 Edith Moore Stebleton 36 Louise Stoner 24 Mae Mickey Stookey 18 Dorothy Unkle Stoughton 1 Gertrude Wilcox Stratford 37 Jean H Turner 36 Helen Gibson Van Curen 29 Martha Alspach Vogel 9 Mary Greenewald Walborn 37 N Esther Williamson

Class of 1928 Class Agent: Verda B Evans 4 Lena Cooksey Andrews 14 Albert 0 Barnes 37 Clyde H Bielstein 29 Donald J Borror 25 James A Bright 11 Margaret Weinland Brooker 10 Waldo E Byers 29 Lucile Roberts Cavins 29 Ruby Emerick Cowen 20 Mary Loomis Crooks 27 Leonard 0 Dill 30 Dwight E Euverard 37 Verda B Evans 7 Edwin E Gearhart 30 Thelma J Hook 28 Alice Propst Hoover 37 J Robert Knight 36 Gladys Snyder Lowry 27 Florence Howard Norris 27 Louis W Norris 16 Mildred Wilson Peters 23 Hubert K Pinney 22 Helen Wolcott Plummer 31 George W Rohrer 8 J Theodore Seaman 18 Katherine Zettle Shaffer 9 Clarence P Smales 29 C Frances McCowen Smith 31 Ruth Rice Stahl 1 Dorothy Kelbaugh Stone 37 Mary B Thomas 22 Frances Hinds Titus 14 Margaret Kumler Toedtman

27 Craig C Wales 37 Viola Peden Widdoes 32 Frances Slade Wurm 32 Claude M Zimmerman 32 Doris Wetherill Zimmerman

6 Hugh M Steckman 22 Herman C Van Kirk 10 Ruth E Ware 20 Gertrude Billman Waters 22 Louis A Weinland 7 Emmor G Widdoes 5 Kathryn Gantz Wieland 36 Catherine E Zimmerman

Class of 1929 Class of 1931

Class Agent: Richard A Sanders 4 24 33 27 29 5 11 10 31 27 29 6 26 22 11 5 5 6 31 36 14 20 37 31 32 10 1 27 22 23 2 24 26 1 1 22 34 23 35 20

Mildred Bright Brooks Louise Secrest Bunce Marion E Carnes John W Carroll Philipp L Charles Charles 0 Dodd Dorothy Hance Downey Richard E Durst Frances George Ertel Lewis S Frees Beulah Wingate Fritz Louise Bradshaw Gander Carlton L Gee Isabel Ruehrmund Hay Mildred Marshall Heft S Osborne Holdren Margaret Edington Holmes Clive E Hoover Dorothy Phillips Hydorn Helena Baer MacHamer Enid Swarner Moore Frank J Mraz Charles E Mumma Katherine Myers Mumma M Myrtle Nafzger Dortha Bishop Phillips Lloyd W Plummer L Virginia Nicholas Provost H Wayne Rardain Virgil L Raver Theodore Riegle Gladys Dickey Rosselot Richard A Sanders Harry H Stone Estate of Faith Baker Stoughton Dorothy Shafer Van Kirk James E Walter Ruth E Weimer Irene Bennert Wright Harold J Young

Class of 1930

Class Agent: Francis P Bundy 32 Sylvesta Jackson Bender 27 Helen Mathias Berry 26 Releaffa Freeman Bowel 1 3 Russel 1 H Broadhead 37 Francis P Bundy 15 Charles R Burrows 36 Maxine Ebersole Coppess 19 Lucille Debolt Crabbs 21 Glenn D Duckwall 14 Mary Ruth 01dt French 10 Alberta Corwin Gruver 7 Paul L Hiskey 29 Paul T Hughes 5 Isabella R King 1 Richard W Kintigh 17 Herbert L Lust 17 Mabel Wurm Lust 35 Henrietta Runk McGuire 12 Margaret Knapp Merrick 36 Mary Mumma Messmer 23 Mildred Moore 32 Helen Ewry Moore 35 Stella D Moore 20 Evelyn Stair Mraz 10 Joseph S Mumma 27 Robert T Myers 8 Martha Evans Nielsen 32 Dorothy Schrader Norris 19 Wi11iam G Parent 35 Margaret Miller Peters 29 Ralph L Pounds 29 Ruth Parsons Pounds 25 Mary Hummel 1 Rainier 32 Olive Shisler Samuel 25 Walter K Shelley Jr 4 Omer H Tedrick 19 Margaret Anderson Telian 12 M Lorene Billman Wabeke 37 Mary L Ward 24 Margaret A Welty 6 Horace P White 12 Opal Wylie 9 Geneva Shela York 20 Mildred Murphy Young

Class Agent: Theodore W Croy 14 37 37 14 13 22 33 6 22 20 37 7 15 10 23 31 10 23 30 5 37 36 6 5 16 27 6 16 6 27 8 35 28 19 37 23 14

Marian Kiess Albright David W Allaman Martha Shawen Allaman J Gilbert Allaman Fannie Davidson Andrews John H Baker Evelyn Edwards Bale Sarah Goldsmith Ballard Margaret Larue Barnhart Erma Eley Beatty Rachel M Brant Evelyn Miller Brose W Kenneth Bunce Elsie Bennett Byers Dorothy Wainwright Clymer Alice Foy Collins Carl E Conrad Virginia Brewbaker Copeland Theodore W Croy Helen Grubbs Davison Josephine Stoner Deever Esther Nichols Difloure A R Dixon Harriet Moreland Epard Zuma Heestand Eshler Ruth C Frees Louise Frost Halliday J Parker Heck Golda M Hedges Morris C Hicks Helen Scheidegger James Evangeline Spahr Lee W Frederic Miller Elizabeth Lee Orndoff Franklin E Puderbaugh Lucy Hanna Raver Lei and N Sprecher

Class of 1932 No Class Agent 10 21 23 23 19 16 22 29 23 11 24 32 9 10 11 32 5 29 3 31 23 22 25 11 20 19 13 20 15 29 26

Anonymous John W Biel stein George Biggs Martha Wingate Biggs Corinne Crossen Breden Bertha Durfee Byers Helen Bradfield Chapman Dorothea Flickinger Charles Benjamin R Copeland Orville L Covault Virginia Finley Gallaway Mildred Forwood Garling Hannah Head Geiser Margaret Pilkington Grueser Martha Thuma Hubbert Homer E Huffman Margaret Nesbit Hunt Melvin H Irvin Clara Ketner Lehmann Ernestine Little Lenahan James B Lesh Gladys Burgert Mitchell Frances Morrison Nichols Matie Rieker Serafy Glen C Shaffer Martha Samuel Sowers A1ice Schear Spohr Norris C Titley Audrey McCoy Vaughn Miriam Pauly Webb Helen Cole Young

Class of 1933

25 26

Elsie Croy Wolfe Parker C Young

Class Agent: Robert M Short 25 Alma Dieter Andrews 11 J Philip Baldridge 5 H Glenn Biddle 26 Daniel C Bowel 1 29 Roy H Bowen 30 Arthur E Brubaker 30 Ruth Rhodes Brubaker 15 F Alice Shively Bunce 37 Bonita Engle Burtner 37 E Edwin Burtner 18 Rhea Moomaw Cooper 7 A Ernestine Holtshouse Gearhart 30 Margaret Moore Glover 16 Geraldine Bope Heck 36 Donald J Henry 31 Zeller R Henry 11 Keith S Hoover 5 Dorothy Jones King 14 L Blanche Nichols Knachel 8 Robert F Lane 5 Vivian Breden League 18 Harold C Martin 2 Marie Hobensack Michel 37 Helen Leichty Miller 29 Pauline Kelser Norris 14 Geraldine Offenhauer Otis 14 Lehman E Otis 24 Tennie Wilson Pieper 14 Evelyn Richer Pontius 6 Mary Shively Pursel 32 Frank E Samuel 15 Lois Fritz Shackelford 25 Grace Harrold Shelley 28 Beulah Feightner Shively 28 John R Shively 37 Robert M Short 37 John A Smith 11 Alice Parsons Stowers 7 Forest C Supinger 14 Blanche Mason Swonguer 24 Marianne Norris Temple 20 Harry W Topolosky 25 Dorothy Hanson Watts 37 Edna Smith Zech 15 Dorothy Zimmerman

Class of 1934 Class Agent: Wilbur H Morrison 8 Albert M Banbury 25 Robert 0 Barnes 18 Lois McLeod Bloomquist 1 George L Bradshaw 37 Hazel Forwood Bundy 9 Paul R Capehart 31 Gladys Riegel Cheek 37 Phi 1 ip 0 Deever 18 Evelyn Duckwall Duffield 20 lone El 1iott 3 Richard D Fetter 18 Frances Grove Fitez 16 Russell E Garrett 19 Clayton M Harrold 13 Byron E Harter 4 Marion Bremer Hartley 36 Helen Ruth Henry 27 Virgil 0 Hinton 16 Raymond S Hursh 22 Alice Dick Kick 30 W Dean Lawther 37 Paul B Maibach 7 Catherine Hamilton Mitchell 33 Wilbur H Morrison 9 John R Murphy 36 Eleanor Heck Newman 29 Fred H Norris 18 John A Patton 9 Ruthella Predmore Sanders 17 F William Saul 5 Raymond Schick 20 Zelma Shauck Shaffer 16 Helen Van Sickle Slack 24 Lucille Moore Smith 36 Edna Burdge Sporck 36 Howard A Sporck 13 Sara Heestand Swallen 8 Mary Thuma 35 Sager Tryon 14 Sarah Truxal Wisleder

Class of 1935 Class Agent: Robert E Airhart 35 5 12 5 23 9 18 33 31 18 15 4 16 16 8 5 9 37 28 37 13 13 29 19 35 1 10 10 37 9 29 15 5 6

Robert E Airhart Robert C Ball Mary Ryder Booher Hildred Whitehead Brinkman Mary Weekley Cheek Gertrude Van Sickle Clapper Charles H Cooper Harry J Fisher Paul W Frees Irene E Hesselgesser Margaret Burtner Hibbard Kenneth Holland C Elaine Ashcraft Holmes Robert E Holmes Helen Penick Johnson Martha Van Scoyoc Leatherman Joseph K Livingstone E Margaret Priest Miller Julia Lohman Miller Sarah Roby Moody J Robert Munden Ruth Stengel Munden Harold H Platz Kathryn Krehbiel Preg Woodrow W Purdy Ruth Owens Rhodes Thoburn H Robinson C Gordon Shaw Elsie Bennert Short Louis W Simmermacher Jennie Mickle Stombaugh Robert W Van Sickle Ruth Kent Willson Evalyn A Wiseman

Class of 1936 Class Agent: Morris E All ton 13 34 8 29 15 25 25 22 18 27 35 20 4 37 37 22 13 34 23 21 1 25 27 30 21 8 9 36 5 37 10 14 11 13 37 27 35 34

Anonymous Wahnita Strahm Airhart Kathryn Shoop Allen Morris E Allton B Geraldine Arnold Jessie Gantz Baker John C Baker Laurence H Boor Edmond J Booth Ruth Coblentz Brady Tom E Brady Robert E Breden Grace Euverard Carnes Anita Bundy Cheek Harold Cheek John M Cook Warren Deweese Adelaide Keister Dotten John A Eversole Dorothy Metzger Fenn Robert D Furniss Marjorie Bowser Goddard Ann Medert Haidet Helen Ludwick Lawther Raymond M Lilly Maxine French Loomis Elroy H Lucas William K Messmer Richard W Mitchell Melvin A Moody Roberta Bromeley Mumma Margaret E Oldt Sarah Wagner Saltz Anne Brehm Sell Virginia Norris Smith Ella Smith Toedtman Evelyn Nichols Tryon Samuel R Ziegler

Class of 1937 Class Agent: Denton W Elliott 6 Harold W Bell 6 Martha Howe Bell 36 Catherine Parcher Bungard 36 Wi11iam S Bungard 1 Erwin G Durfee 11 B Lorena Kundert Eley 37 Denton W Elliott 37 Louise Bowser Elliott 6 Viola Babler Freshley 22 Jay R Hedding 2 Marian Trevorrow Houston 10 Ruth Morrison Johnson 17 George L Loucks 34 Donald R Martin 34 Katherine Newton Martin 37 R Fred McLaughlin 10 Marjorie McEntire Robinson 19 Robert C Ryder 15 Ralph E Scherer 22 Roy M Shoaf 5 John R Shumaker 8 Edna Van Scoyoc Stauffer 37 Sara Kelser Steck 37 Virginia Hetzler Weaston 16 Mary Moomaw Wells 16 Mary Cross Wilson 3 Ruth Lloyd Wolcott 17 Julia Arthur Zimmer

Class of 1938 Class Agent: Elmer N Funkhouser 10 Anonymous 23 True Gehman Bower 28 L William Caliban 28 Sarah Aydelotte Caliban 27 William Catalona 19 Helen Dick Clymer 11 Roderick K Eley 13 Foster H Elliott 7 John V Flanagan 37 Elmer N Funkhouser Jr 37 Gladys McFeeley Funkhouser 16 Frances E Hamilton 36 Dorothy All sup Harbach 11 Charles W Harding 29 John H Hendrix 15 Robert W Hohn 11 Evelyn Tussey Hoover 19 Glenna Jordan Hottle 9 Frank H Jakes Jr 21 Dorothy Beck Keating 31 John F McGee 25 Helen M Miller 31 Wilma L Mosholder 13 Mary Harsha Newton 29 Dorothy Fales Platz 30 Elizabeth H Proctor 34 Rosanna Toman Scherer 5 Dorothy Dewitt Schick 37 Emerson C Shuck 37 Sarah Beidleman Shuck 5 Alice McCloy Shumaker 17 J Castro Smith 2 Robert J Stoffer 21 Leah Roop Underwood 33 Jane Norris Williams 12 John R Wilson 8 Clayton F Wolfe 34 Miriam Haynes Zimmerman

Class of 1939 Class Agent: S Clark Lord 37 22 15 36 34 34 1 1 12 6 8

Grace Burdge Augspurger Berle B Babler Dwight C Ballenger Frederick E Brady Carrie Harris Bremer Louis H Bremer Merritt W Briggs Glenwood E Broyles Fay Hedding Burgener Thomas E Cook Charles R Ditzler

37 Mary Cade Everhart 29 Stanley H Forkner 20 Ruth Green Gombor 17 Anne Voorhees Herrmann 32 John E Hoffman 15 Esther Day Hohn 18 Dorothy Beachler Hoskins 22 Lloyd 0 Houser 22 Thelma Denbrook Houser 5 Hugh Kane Jr 36 Carolyn M Krehbiel 10 Josephine Moomaw Lahey 20 Harley B bearish 5 Nancy Light Lohr 37 Donna Love Lord 37 S Clark Lord 8 Ruth E Mills 30 Charles E Morrison 22 Ruth Ehrlich Ostrom 17 Barbara Shaffer Ruhl 13 Mary Simoni Swigert 22 Meredith Rosensteel Vickers 12 Bernice Molesworth Wilson 28 John F Winkle 35 Perry F Wysong 37 Paul F Ziegler

Class of 1940 Class Agent: Charles C Messmer 1 Kenneth E Akom 17 Walter W Arnold 37 Joseph C Ayer 15 Ronald D Beck 24 Catherine Ward Campbell 24 Randall 0 Campbell 14 Anne Shirley Connor 7 James G Crosby 9 F Marion Duckwall 7 Anne Bercaw Flanagan 1 Marjorie Fox French 22 Gladys C Grabill 29 Richard C Grimm 37 Granvil]e S Hammond 37 Jean Cook Hammond 20 John M Karefa Smart 20 Virginia Brown bearish 28 Kathryn Deever Lott 35 Alberta Engle MacKenzie 33 Charles C Messmer 33 Kathleen Obrien Messmer 13 Ruth I Miller 19 Edward B Newton 9 Adolphus W Pringle 9 Gweneth Cousins Pringle 10 Ella Shiesl Reames 33 Ethel Lawyer Shaw 33 Rex C Smith 16 Jean Sowers Snyder 26 M Agnes Dailey Spessard 31 Ferd Wagner 33 Robert W Ward 34 Isabel Howe Ziegler

Class of 1941 Class Agent: Harold F Augspurger 18 Dorothy Arkill 37 Harold F Augspurger 34 Thomas H Beeman 31 Ralph C Beiner 14 Kathleen Mollett Bright 29 Lewis M Carlock 23 John A Clippinger 23 Mary Garver Clippinger 10 William 0 Cover 36 Ruth Clifford Davis 31 Roberta Addleman Foust 36 Wi11iam A James 21 James J Keating 31 Paul W Kirk 1 Donald S Mosholder 34 Jean McCloy Needham 19 Mary Lou Plymale Poff 24 James R Robertson 24 Rosemary McGee Ruyan 25 Betty Haverstock Schiering 26 Dwight R Spessard 12 John D Stone 6 D W Stover 10 Glen W Underwood

6 George W Unterburger 37 Frank M Van Sickle 14 Robert E Wagner 4 Gerald B Ward 34 Eleanor Brooks Webb 21 Donald L Williams 21 Louise Gleim Williams 12 Marie Holliday Woltz

Class of 1942 Class Agent: G Jane Tyron Bolin 12 15 7 8 32 4 7 12 37 10 6 22 8 4 24 18 9 10 24 4 1 1 7 28 35 33 37 10 32

Howard W Altman Betty Rosensteel Ballenger Sarah Brickner Beckel Helene Bauer Bickel G Jane Tryon Bolin Robert H Brown Raymond K Brubaker Bette Greene Elliott Florence A Emert Wendell W Emrick Jeannette McNair Foreman Helen Cheek Haines Eileen Blake Jennens Sarah Weimer Koegle Mary E bearish Robert A Raica Janet Scanland Ramsey Ruth Cook Rife Ruthanna Shuck Robertson Lillian Bale Roof Mary Jane Brehm Roose Robert S Roose Lozella Dunlap Ruth Arthur C Secrest Paul Shartle Jr Reta Lavine Thomas Mary Kline Van Sickle Harold E Wilson ‘ Marguerite Lightle Ziegler

Class of 1943 Class Agent: Warren W Ernsberger 31 11 37 36 16 5 9 15 23 22 6 10 4 31 20 20 3 19 34 24 15 15 16 16 23 13 27 27 7 7 26 13 18 37 37 5 19 7 18 29 31 19 29 15 8

Francis S Bailey Weyland F Bale Wayne E Barr Gladys R Beachley Ann Brooks Benjamin Clarabel Cassel Boyce A Virginia Burgoyne Resler H Caliban Jean Unger Chase Mai com M Clippinger John Comanita Emmajane Hilliard Cover Evelyn McFeeley Crow Margaret Scottie Oemorest Blanche Baker Dohn Norman H Dohn Bernard W Duckwall James Eby Demi B Edwards Robert W Elliott Patricia Orndorff Ernsberger Warren W Ernsberger Edwin 0 Fisher Jr Betty Shawen France George H Garrison Frances M Garver Bette Baker Grabill James R Grabill Janet Holzworth Henton Keith T Henton Ruth Wolfe Hogan F Wi11iam Hoi ford Howard R James Helen Boyer Jennings Raymond L Jennings Erma Mehaffey Johnson Ellen Van Auken Laycock Margaret Wheelbarger Lindee Harold V Lindquist Nancy Hulett McQuiston Roy E Metz Paul J Miller Jr Ernestine Althoff Myers Joseph J Papp John L Perry

16 Phyllis Durst Reeves 28 Harry M Rhoads 4 Lillian Warnick Schenkel 10 Constance Sapp Schuyler 3 Wilma Boyer Shoup 34 Charlotte E Smith 33 Rudy H Thomas 7 George E Traylor 20 Chester R Turner 20 Margaret Biehn Turner 7 Ella Jean Frank Wagner 19 Evelyn Svec Ward 19 Betty Orr Wells 28 Helen Knight Williams 26 James C Wood 32 J Richard Ziegler

Class of 1944 Class Agent: Roy W Fisher 6 37 31 10 26 26 7 29 16 15 17 17 24 18 18 33 33 26 35 8 8 28 18 18 15 29 19 34 34 5 16 18 27 17 18 20 17 6 15 19 28 37 26 21 21

Anonymous E June Neil son Barr Virginia Andrus Barr Albert Allen Bartlett Herman W Brown Margaret Shoemaker Brown Jeanne Mickey Brubaker Irene L Cole Evelyn Buxser Cregar Robert M Oemass Dean C Elliott Gwen Murphy Elliott Jean Frye Elliott Evelyn Whitney Fisher Roy W Fisher Howard E Fox Kathleen Strahm Fox Howard L Fulk Ray W Gifford Jr Edwin P Gourley Henrietta Mayne Hobbs Joanna Hetzler Hughes Catharine Robertson James Grace Erickson Lindquist Dorothy Hilliard McFall James E McQuiston Carl W Moody Floyd 0 Moody Ruth Deever Moody Robert B Morris Faith Naber Marvin M Paxton Sr Charlotte Patterson Payne Frank E Robinson Evan W Schear Mary Ariki Shiba John A Smith Eleanor McDill Tootle Mary McMillan Van Sickle Thomas H Wells J Hutchison Williams Emily L Wilson Lois Smathers Wood John S Zezech Margaret Cherrington Zezech

Class of 1945 Class Agent: Mary C Lord 19 Lowell G Arndt 32 Earl William Bender 2 Jennie Lee Wheelbarger Blauch 26 E Jean Bowman Burns 31 D Eileen Hoff Cheek 31 Forrest R Cheek 11 Helen Rosensteele Clerc 22 H June Reagin Clippinger 25 Mark F Coldiron 15 Martha Mikesell Duvall 28 Ann Hovermale Farnlacher 6 Marjorie Day Frederick 15 Louise W Hamilton 11 Janet Shipley Hartzell 8 Bruce Hobbs 13 Betty Shumway Hodgden 13 Joy Johnston Hoi ford 15 Shirley Server Hubbard 21 Harriet Ralston Hughes 21 Ray B Hughes 10 Guycelle Black Keller

10 Joseph D Keller 37 Phyllis C Koons 9 Kathryn Behm Larsen 1 Jeanne Ruth Ackley Lohmann 20 Mary C Lord 10 Mary Jane Kern McBlane 31 Doris Boston Metz 3 Janies B Moel 1 endick 33 Howard Mooinaw Jr 18 Ula Bigham Morse 4 Forrest K Poling 20 Mary Harold Roush 19 Betty Bridges Schneider 17 Geraldine McDonald Smith 12 Dorothy Allen Strawser 4 Gloria Server Swaine 17 Martha Miltenberger Thomas 6 Phyllis Brown Walker 29 Fern Spaulding Williams 18 Morton M Woolley

Class of 1946 Class Agent: James E Sheridan 31 31 3 25 23 12 8 12 5 23 12 37 35 37 34 6 13 21 3 26 13 19 21 13 9 8 11 1 12 14 23 15 30 31 6

Mary Rolison Bailey William A Barr William T Buckingham Carl R Butterbaugh Phyllis Baker Clark Audrey Cover Conklin Mary Rauch Esch Helen Hebbeler Evans M Jeannette Pugh Gardner Gwendolyn Blum Garrison Catherine Barnhart Gerhardt Irene Parker Gillespie Robert Y Katase Martha Speece Kreager Carol Peden Lefferson Robert T McLean Paul S Metzger Evalou Stauffer Middaugh Ann Gotschall Nelson Minetta Hoover Ritchey Carl R Robinson Robert W Schmidt James E Sheridan Patricia Nutt Shuter Harriet Gilbert Slagle Marian McNaught Sorrell Roland P Sparks Jerry L Stockdale Josephine Case Thomas Eugene R Turner Esther bearish Watrous Richard A Welsh Elizabeth McConnell Wolfe Velma H Yemota Vinton C Young

Class of 1947 Class Agent: Edwin L Roush 37 5 26 23 31 23 14 24 4 11 9 8 22 28 16 16 16 27 24 24 16 18 18 37 14 5 6

Anonymous Ruth Cook Arnold Nancy Ewing Askins Marilyn Shuck Beattie Margaret E Brock Marion C Chase Peggy Wilson Cherrington A Elizabeth Mills Coughlin Gordon A Crow Margaret Kaestner Cryan Margaret Robson Eglie Byron M Esch Anna Orr Fisher Emily Lilly Fisk Myrl Hodson Fitzpatrick Janet Roberts Fleck Harry E France S Edith Gallagher Clifford E Gebhart Wanda Boyles Gebhart Annabelle Putterbaugh Good W Robert Gormley M Irene Shinew Hampshire Frank L Hannig June Mugrage Hasty Helen Ellen Brehm Hayes Charles C Hefling

13 James D Hodgden 33 Mary Tuttle Hofferbert 9 George N Hogue 36 William A Jefferis 28 Alyce Kikuchi Kayasuga 30 Miriam Woodford King 21 Ruth Wolfe Kraft 14 James C Kraner 29 Jane Hinton Law 34 William M Lefferson 9 H Ruth Ridenour Lemaster 9 L Guy Lemaster 28 Helen Hilt Lemay 35 Lydia Takacs Maley 4 Palmer W Manson 16 Emily Jackson Marks 8 Oren W McClain 11 Esther Scott McGee 23 Mary McConnell Miller 8 Leslie E Mokry Sr 22 Rachel Nichols Nutt 9 Paul E Payne 5 Charles W Phallen 25 Martha Good Reece 25 John W Regenos 20 Edwin L Roush 18 Mary Mikesell Schar 37 M Beryl Hardin Schrank 16 Lila Meany Severin 15 John K Shiffler 8 James G Sorrell Jr 19 Harold R Sowers 11 Elizabeth P Speckman 12 Marian Adams Sundheimer 6 Nellwyn Brookhart Trujillo 36 Sylvia Phillips Vance 36 Waid W Vance 11 Robert H Wagoner 25 Mary Cay Carlson Wells 29 Walter Williams Jr

Class of 1948 Class Agent: Robert S Agler 11 6 25 5 35 23 2 33 32 19 25 18 16 8 7 9 13 15 28 21 2 2 11 6 7 26 20 22 4 22 12 30 28 21 16 28 28 11 27 29 20 34 4 15 9 25 2 5 29 9

Robert S Agler Maxine Putterbaugh Alvarez Doris Forney Arnold Barbara Frost Bates Miriam Ziegler Beams Marilou C Becker Doyle S Blauch M Jeanette Elliott Boughan Grace Coleman Brague Alice M Broadbent John F Canfield Roy W Clare Charles E Cole Beverly Hancock Corcoran Marion Stich Corl Harold E Daup Dean Delong James B Duvall Karl B Farnlacher Rachel Walter Fetzer Dorothy Engle Florian Richard D Florian Jean I Ford Fern R Fourman Carlton K Gamble Mary Morris Hearley Philip D Herrick Jeanette Moore Himmelberger Charles H Hodson Charles A Hoover Mary Young Joiner H Wendell King William E Lemay Estate of Gladys Linnabary Jack Marks Don E McCualsky Mary Augspurger McCualsky Roger C McGee Thomas E Miller Ray D Miner Thomas V Moon Maria Kepple Moseley Sarah Sweasey Muth Alice Guest Orr Andrew J Pal lay Betty Rumbarger Regenos Grace Schuyler Rehnstrom Marilou Chaffee Richard Victor G Ritter Gerald Rone

24 31 30 34 27 5 29 6 2 25 11 14 12 25 18 18 36 19 26

John Ruyan Grace Rohrer Rymer Lloyd C Savage Mildred Cox Schafer Norman El wood Shirk Mary Gail Kelly Silverstein Lois E Snyder Lois Bachtel Sommer Arthur L Spafford Donald M Stearns Wi11iam E Steed John W Sticklen Victor L Thomas John F Wells Robert R Wertz Robert J Wilcox John H Wilms 8 Dale Wood Roberta Armstrong Wrassmann

14 14 9 22 22 30 18 36 7 30 30 34 14 5 21

Frances Grell Smith James L Snow Artie Swartz Starr Albert T Stoddard Jr Alice Walter Stoddard Jean Wyker Troop Doris Harter Vance Robert F Vance Anna Bale Weber Joseph H Wheelbarger Regina Arnold Wheelbarger Evelyn M Widner Amaryllis Keagy Wolfe Fred W Zechman Jr Kenneth E Zimmerman

Class of 1950 Class Agent: Robert C Barr

Class of 1949 No Class Agent 6 30 16 23 14 25 36 7 14 5 33 18 7 7 35 35 8 24 23 17 12 12 36 20 5 16 18 29 29 7 6 10 7 6 9 34 30 5 20 22 26 14 30 21 21 25 35 9 9 14 21 28 23 8 27 7 8 21 11 17 32 30 30 27 19 28 30 34 36 36 20

Anonymous John B Albrecht Clarence L Beam Carl M Becker Guy C Bishop Jr Luella Martin Bradford Richard H Bridgman Luemma Campbell Briner Bruce Brockett Mary Peters Brooke Patricia Shade Buckingham Jean Walden Clare Berneta Nichols Cooper Donald Cooper Edith Peters Corbin Robert L Corbin Daniel R Corcoran Joseph B Coughlin Harold E Davidson Lawrence I DeClark Keith E Dumph Robert P Evans Carolyn Ford Fackler Barbara Bone Feightner Sophia Osterman Fiedler Royal A Fitzpatrick M Catherine Suter Frey Edith Hilder Freymeyer John H Freymeyer Beulah Rammelsburg Fritsche Norma Webster Frost Loren 0 Giblin Paul J Gibson Jack W Groseclose Johnneta Dailey Haines Harold E Hamilton Joy Gustin Hassenpflug Warren H Hayes Zetta Albert Herrick Mark Himmelberger Donald G Hogan Mary Webb Hogan Richard H Hohler Carl W Hollman June Fifer Hollman Albert V Horn Beatrice Drenten Hrapsky Eileen Mignerey Kiriazis Michael Kiriazis Virginia Cole Kraner Delbert R Krumm Joan Shinew Mason Patricia Wright McCarter Charles R McFarland Martha Troop Miles Carl F Minter Marilyn Steiner Mokry Marilyn Call Pflieger Raymond D Pope Mary White Preston Gerald E Ridinger James H Riley Winifred Robbins Riley Charles W Roberts Robert V Rosensteel Edna Roberts Rudy Norma Kreischer Savage Carl Schafer Arthur L Schultz Louise Stouffer Schultz Marion Gannon Smith

5 8 30 24 8 26 28 16 31 34 34 28 27 11 22 17 36 13 10 34 6 9 9 3 11 21 22 17 31 13 6 34 4 28 28 17 1 30 18 18 1 9 27 17 33 14 4 25 4 24 13 13 23 34 5 28 9 23 23 22 20 32 29 11 1 16 17 29 29 25 20 6 31 4 18 10

Donald E Adams James R Albert Joan Hopkins Albrecht Joseph M Albrecht Kenneth C Ault Robert C Barr Joan D Bartels Robert E Bartholomew Herbert E Bean John Becker Marian Havens Becker Mary Barnett Bell James M Berry John W Bott Donald C Bowman Dorsey W Brause Carolyn Boda Bridgman Lois Fisher Brockett Avonna Keim Brooks Rosa Rubino Bucco Joseph R Carlisle Lee A Cate Mary Cate Ray Chadwell Hershel L Clemmons John P Dale Jr James M Day Ruth Keister DeClark Wi11iam E Demorest Joanne Klepinger Ditmer Charles L Donnelly Jacob H Fair Jo Anne Curl Forbes John M Freeman Margaret Eschbach Freeman William F Ganger Jean Gooding Gifford Janet R Gilbert Lawrence J Gillum T Betty Smith Gillum Clark Gro^venor Robert W Haines Bernice Freymeyer Hess William L Hite Richard E Hofferbert Earl E Hogan Emery J Hole Jr Jane Morrison Horn Richard A Housum Joyce Robertson Jackson Dewey J Long Mildred Ware Long Katherine Ryan McWilliams Bill J Merrell Robert W Mi 11igan Don R Monn Lois Rock Moreton Harold E Morris Ruth Pillsbury Morris Ethel L Mutchler Robert H Nelson Vernon L Pack Eleanor Chapman Phelps J Kenneth Potter Margaret Miller Pratt John T Prentice Richard S Preston Betty Knight Recob James B Recob Roll and R Reece Richard L Reinhart Esther Torbert Reynolds C Donald Rhoads Lowell E Rinehart Forrest H Schar Floyd L Schneider

31 George Schreckengost 32 Howard T Sellers 19 Joanne Day Sellers 19 Richard H Sellers 11 Gordon I Shaw 35 Kenneth 0 Shively 24 Fred J Shoemaker 20 Donald L Smith 2 Frieda Anne Johnson Spafford 22 Paul W Spaite 19 David J Sprout 17 Betty Ervin Stockton 17 Charles L Stockton 31 H William Troop Jr 24 Thelma Hack Veres 18 George F Wadlington 18 Glendine Huggins Wadlington 24 R Thomas Warner 25 Clara Liesmann Warren 3 Robert E Webb 8 Richard J Weidley II 3 W Robert Wei 1s 28 M Neal Wheatcraft 18 Richard L Whitehead 18 Shirley Fritz Whitehead 25 Richard V Willit 34 Robert A Wooden 28 Judith Edworthy Wray

Class of 1951 Class Agent: James W Yost 23 5 17 31 14 26 12 12 27 5 17 34 24 25 3 24 16 12 9 1 13 18 16 16 8 25 9 15 19 15 27 27 10 6 1 19 7 16 14 13 5 4 9 16 21 12 15 1 29 6 19 7 12 13 11 7 7 22 2 6 16 22

Herbert J Adams Jr Phyllis Weygant Auerbach Constance Hahn Austin James B Baker John H Baker Barbara Schutz Barr Walter C Beahm June Chester Bennett Priscilla Warner Berry Groff S Bittner Donald E Bloomster Caroline Brentlinger Bor Myfanwy Lintner Borel Orla E Bradford J Joseph Burke Warren J Callaway Chris Christoff James E Cloyd Ann Shauck Collins Warren W Costick W Owen Delp Jr Donald A Dennis Bill K Detamore Shirley Adams Detamore Charles E Eicher Ellen Matson Fallon J Marvin Fauver Roy A Fel Idin Max C Fisher Arthur B Fulton Dale I Girton Thelma Riegel Girton Earl L Goodwin Ruth Heimsch Goodwin Patricia Winston Grosvenor Hugh H Haines Patricia Finney Hawk Raymond L Heckman Robert E Hensel Carl E Hinger Donald C Hoover John P Hoover Leon F Horn Richard A Howard Allen C Jennings William L Joiner John S Kennedy Charles Klopfenstein L E Law Donna Boyer Lutes Bonnie Brooks Magill Phyllis Shannon Marcotte Samuel J Marshall Fred M Martinel1i Marcia Roehrig McCoy Mary Robertson McKinnon Richard E McKinniss Russell G Miller Faye Roush Montgomery James D Morgan Jr E Anita Ranck Morris Rotraud Bobrowski Moslener

20 Lois Berlekamp Murray 17 Charles N Myers Jr 20 Margaret Meiklejohn Nelson 11 David A Nodes 29 Katharine Odon Pellett 26 Shirley Minnis Perkins* 7 Thomas A Petrie 21 H Eugene Pflieger 31 Joyce Enoch Pillsbury 31 Robert W Pillsbury 5 Jacqueline Ritchie Pletz 5 Richard Pletz 33 Darrel L Poling 3 Hazel Reckard 16 M Joann Chapman Richards 32 Miriam Wetzel Ridinger 9 Patricia Shatter Rone 31 Virginia Bartlett Schreckengost 11 Patricia Peterson Shanahan 11 William F Shanahan 25 Martha Weller Shand 25 W James Shand 20 Jean Share Sherriff 19 Ronald N Smith 16 Ellen Bartow Snavely 36 John D Stewart 11 James A Stone 34 Ethel Pitz Streb 30 Ford H Swigart Jr 2 Juanita Dacanay Tan 36 Evelyn Bender Vance 22 Glenn A Waggamon 8 Kathleen Conley Weidley 9 Betty I West 16 Frederick H Whittaker 5 Margie Claar Wright 20 David S Yohn 20 Olivetta McCoy Yohn 20 James W Yost 9 Mary Hatton Young

Class of 1952 Class Agent: Phyllis L Shultz 8 13 19 19 31 16 24 11 17 12 24 19 13 9 6 6 21 25 16 8 26 31 13 7 7 25 11 30 17 16 24 23 23 27 8 5 24 21 21 2 14 13 30 27 33 22 16 2 26 26

Lee Lydick Ault Helen Redinger Backlund Carol Cassel Badgley Douglas C Badgley Margaret Miller Baker Theodore Benadum Robert F Berkey Robert M Blais Shirley Chagnot Bloomster Glenn E Borkosky Ann Carlson Brown Jack D Coberly Mari belle Lemley Custer Marjorie Abbott Denham Robert A Denzer Carolyn Vandersall Donnelly David L Dover Daniel R Fallon Edward A Flaws Joanne Mikesell Gatto Marilyn Wallingford Grandey Kenneth P Hanes Eleanor Coon Hartman Barbara Burtner Hawk William J Hawk Miriam Stockslager Hedges Willa Hixson Hill Beatrice Ulrich Holm Harry E Hull J William Hunt Frederick M Jackson Betty Hoff Johnston Dart F Keech Beverly Thompson Kelly Shirley Schroeder Kern Nancy Hampton Kibler Philip A Knall Jr E P Levering Jr George E Liston John A Lowrie Edith Gruber Lusher Ruth Williams Martinelli John G Matthews Jo Ann May Betty Beyer Mayes Norma Knight McVay Max E Mickey Richard L Mitchell Lowell H Morris Phyl1is King Morris

22 Donald E Myers 32 Delores Hopkinson Nelson 11 Vincent W Palmere 10 Marvin E Parrish 9 James R Rea 20 Ruth Orr Rehfus 23 Naomi Mann Rosensteel 23 Richard K Rosensteel 10 Mary Carroll Ross 4 Carl E Rossi 30 John G Schwartz 2 Robert Shaw 30 Phyllis L Shultz 25 Helen Fagley Skinner 1 William G Sloan 1 Donald K Smith Jr 13 Paul E Smith 30 Don E Steck 7 R Carl Stoufer 32 Patricia Stauffer Taylor 32 William C Taylor 22 Edna Pollock Waggamon 30 John W Wiggins 27 Roger Wiley 10 Elizabeth Pendleton Williams 17 Glenn C Winston 3 Miriam Fritz Wright 20 Lois Abbott Yost

Class of 1953 Class Agent: Frederick Ashbaugh 15 Joyce Anglin Alexander 31 Frederick A Ashbaugh 11 Betty Wolfe Bailey 24 Wilma Reed Browning 29 Jean Reed Burris 16 Wayne F Burt 5 Bruce I Caldwell 29 Robert G Callihan 6 Helen Haines Carlisle 2 Helen Brown Cash 27 E Jane Catlin Ciampa 27 J Paul Ciampa

15 Robert L Ciminello 19 Helen Morton Coberly 26 Eleanore Zumbansen Corretore 24 Marilyn E Day 6 Miriam Blauch Denzer 31 Richard A Dilgard 17 Shirlie Dennis Drenton 4 Robert E Dunham 20 Mary Poorman Flanagan 15 Lawrence L Hard 30 Earl C Hassenpflug 18 Frances Henry Heinisch 18 James R Heinisch 10 Donna Rice Holland 21 Carolyn Hooper Hovik 28 Ann Yost Ickes 28 Stanton T Ickes 3 Stanley L Kagel 2 Claire Roseman Katz 23 Haven C Kelley Jr 8 William R Kern 29 Rol1 and D King 20 George W Lehman 9 Allan L Leonard 9 Roy G Logston 26 Oliver N Lugibihl 22 Phyllis Longacre Martin 28 Eldoris J McFarland 9 Jeanne Graham McPherson 6 John E McRoberts 16 C Virginia Miller 11 Helene Miller Miller 19 Alexander S More 22 W Robert Myers 6 Patricia Packer Neil son 11 Martha Lawson Palmere 9 Elizabeth Marsh Rea 22 Eugene L Riblet 29 Joyce Stouffer Schlitt 31 Elizabeth Drake Sergeant 28 Carolyn Brown Sherrick 9 Joseph R Shumway 5 Orrington A Simmons Jr 18 Erma Boehm Sorrel 1 2 Lawrence A Stebleton 6 Russell Trefz 15 Louis W Wehrmann 6 Jay L Wei liver 7 Myron K Williams

Summer Theatre Patrons Mr & Mrs Lynn Anderson Mr Francis Bailey Mr Robert Baldridge Dr S Mrs Herbert E Bean Dr & Mrs Richard Bennett Ms Elizabeth Beever Mr & Mrs Carl A Boehm Ms Jane Breitmeier Mr & Mrs Russell Catlin Dr 4 Mrs C F Clark Mr S Mrs Richard W Corrigan Mr Stewart Creston Mr & Mrs John L Davis Dr 4 Mrs Roger F Deibel Mr 4 Mrs Michael J Duffy Mr 4 Mrs James M Dunphy Mr 4 Mrs Donald Elliott Mr 4 Mrs Warren W Ernsberger Mr 4 Mrs William Fenneken Ms Judy L Forsythe Mr 4 Mrs Howard Foster Dr 4 Mrs Francis W Gallagher Mr Gareth E Gilbert Ms Carolyn S Graves Mr W Sidney Green Dr 4 Mrs Henry M Grotta Dr 4 Mrs David 0 Gundlach Mr 4 Mrs Paul E Hammock Mr 4 Mrs Elliott Hodgdon Mr 4 Mrs Curtis C Horning Mr 4 Mrs Donald Horton Mr 4 Mrs John F Hummel Joanna's Beauty Shop Mr 4 Mrs David A Jones Mr David P Kasper Dr 4 Mrs Thomas J Kerr IV Mr 4 Mrs John Kneisley Mr 4 Mrs Bill Lathrop Mr 4 Mrs Warren Latimer Dr 4 Mrs M A Lessler Mr 4 Mrs Oscar L Lord Jr Mr 4 Mrs Richard L Loveland

Mr Don Lund Mr 4 Mrs R Fred McLaughlin Mr 4 Mrs Jack Moreland Mr 4 Mrs Donald J Moody Mr 4 Mrs Alan E Norris Mr 4 Mrs Dennis 0 Norton Mr 4 Mrs Anthony Oldham Mr 4 Mrs Don Paisley Mr 4 Mrs John Parrish Mr Tom Payne Mr 4 Mrs Craig Plessinger Mr 4 Mrs Kenneth Probasco Dr 4 Mrs Michael Reyter Mr 4 Mrs Charles J Riggle Mr William H Robinson Jr Mr 4 Mrs Charles W Rosenquist Mr 4 Mrs Harvey Roshon Mr L Paul Ross Mr Douglas Smeltz Mr 4 Mrs C Kenneth Smith Mr 4 Mrs Donald M Smith Mr 4 Mrs Robert 0 Smith Mrs Sara K Steck Mr 4 Mrs David Stichweh Mr 4 Mrs John L Stoddard Mr Don Stout Mr 4 Mrs Daniel Strohecker Mr 4 Mrs Thomas 0 Targett Dr 4 Mrs Robert R Taylor Mr 4 Mrs J Mikal Towns ley Mr 4 Mrs Roger W Tracy Jr Mr 4 Mrs Waid W Vance Miss Joanne Van Sant Mr 4 Mrs Marvin VanWormer Mrs Virginia H Weaston Mr 4 Mrs John F Wells Mrs Phyllis Williams Mr 4 Mrs Roger L Wilson Mrs Barbara 0 Wolfe Mr Barton Yager Dr Frank W Yoder

9 R Glenn Wiseman 7 Richard P Yantis 18 Elmer W Yoest 27 Lois Fisher Young

Class of 1954 Class Agent; Kenneth Fogelsanger 23 15 15 23 30 13 12 10 10 27 14 1 3 19 27 5 12 12 20 16 27 4 10 20 19 19 5 19 8 25 1 29 17 6 21 18 8 27 12 6 11 3 12 1 22 28 29 29 13 29 7 16 25 12 23 15 17

Klara Krech Adams Gregory Andreichuk Jr Sarah Krick Andreichuk J Edward Axline Glada Ruth Kingsbury Beckley James M Bloom Gwen Copening Borkosky Mary Ross Brockett Richard D Brockett Suzanne Dover Bryan Stanley W Busic Jr David E Carlson J Edward Cherryholmes Anne Liesmann Clare William E Cole Frederick H Collins Dorothy Miles Conard Wallace E Conard James H Conley Barbara Redinger Davis Carole Stover Dougherty Charlotte Minerd Dunham Robert M Eschbach Lawrence P Fields Caroline Powell Fisher Kenneth D Fogelsanger J A Franz Patricia M Gibson Nita Horner Huelf Dorothy Laub Kaiser Carolyn K Kershner A Anne Hathaway King Carol Knobloch Diane Conard Kuhn Jane Devers Liston Gerould W Maurer Joan Bayles Midler Frank G Mione Robert E Moore Charles H Neilson Donald C Oglesby Eunice Jones Pettibone Eloise Tong Purdy Roberta Peters Richardson John M Sanders Richard H Sherrick Donald W Shilling Waneta Williams Shilling Donna Largent Streifthau Miriam Gress Szanyi Joann Leaverton Thompson Lawrence T Tirnauer Clyde A Trumbull Mary Frances Tucker Glynn H Turquand Mary Ann Hawk Wehrmann Sara Lawton Winston

Class of 1955 Class Agents: Virginia Phillippi Longmire Howard H Longmire 19 Patricia Kaltenbach Ampe 14 Nancy Stephenson Apel 21 Robert L Arledge 12 Joyce Bowman Barnhill 3 James V Beardsley 16 Ruthann Williams Bennett 21 Henry Va Biel stein 5 Alice Wilson Caldwell 6 Nancy C Carter 7 Donald J Ciampa 20 Marjory Osborne Conley 16 David C Davis 10 Phillip L Detamore 31 Mary Hatmaker Dilgard 27 Joseph W Eschbach 13 Sonya Stauffer Evans 9 Leslie D Poor

10 Virginia A Ford 7 Wi11iam J Goff 16 Joyce Naftzger Grabill 9 Jane Beougher Gribble 3 Macel McDermott Hayes 6 Jack L Hemskey 20 Neil Hennon 6 June Althoff Hickman 6 Marlene Rogos Hodder 19 Frances M Holden 12 Herbert C Hoover 8 Douglas E Huelf 20 David C Kay 21 Anita Shannon Leland 19 Howard H Longmire 19 Virginia Phillippi Longmire 1 Glenn M Mathess 9 Donald A McPherson 16 Alice Carlson Mickey 17 Gordon H Mingus 12 Doris Kelk Moore 22 Mary Ellen Catlin Myers 9 Patricia Noble Norris 18 Gerald A Obenauer 8 Monta Stursteps Ozols 3 Richard A Pettibone 7 Barbara Pittman Quaintance 23 Donald J Rapp 23 Patricia Tumblin Rapp 23 Donna Sniff Sitton 26 Harvey B Smith 11 Georgialee Korsborn Smithpeters 21 Donald E Switzer 16 Richard D Termeer 7 Graham Thompson 17 Belva Buchanan Tochinsky 4 Kay Bilger Waggamon 20 Annbeth Sommers Wilkinson 25 R Bruce Williams 3 Robert F Workman 15 Duane A Yothers

Class of 1956 Class Agent: Ralph Bragg 21 30 26 25 26 26 12 20 20 1 18 8 28 15 27 13 6 27 13 3 21 21 25 18 1 20 12 15 23 22 22 6 27 15 18 5 6 3 20 14 8 30 23 25 16 4 24 24

V Gail Bunch Arledge Jerry S Beckley Irvin J Bence Sheldon L Bentley Ann Brentlinger Bragg Ralph Bragg Jo Gravett Brown Carole Kreider Bullis John H Bullis Margaret Swartzel Cantelmo Charlotte Cramer Clark Eugene W Cole William E Downey Jr Donald C Edwards Mary Charles Eschbach William L Evans John K Garden a Sarah Rose Gorsuch C Norman Hansen Dwight D Hartzell Carol Jaynes Hopkins Duane L Hopkins John H Kaiser Marjorie Walker Kassner Fred J Kroggel Sally Steffanni Lehman William R Lutz Jr Gerald L McCormick Wade S Miller Jr Mary Wagner Myers Martha E Myers Shirley Griesmeyer Omietanski Thelma Hodson Orr Richard A Reichter Lou Ann Riseling R John Rough Lillian Gullett Shah M Jane Branson Shiner Madelyn Sears Shultz Marilyn Hert Spires Ruth Harner Studer Kathryn Loutsenhizer Swigart Joan Neeley Szul Curtis W Tong Joanne Valentine Delbert R Waggamon James K Wagner Mary Lou Stine Wagner

27 20 19 22 15

James T Whipp Robert E Wilkinson Gerald R Wirth Robert L Wright Thelma M Zellner

Class of 1957 Class Agent: William N Freeman 27 Anonymous 7 William F Bale 19 Ruth Packer Bennett 25 Joyce Thomas Bentley 29 C Allen Burris Jr 18 Richard W Clark 20 Alta Clymer Dauterman 24 Betty Gibson Delong 25 Kenneth L Domer 19 Janice Gunn Dunphy 21 Robert S Fulton 6 Shirley Booher Gardella 27 Craig Gifford 7 Jean Pardoe Goff 19 Carol J Hartman 3 Richard H Hayes 26 Margaret Curtis Henn 26 Robert L Henn 18 Reynold C Hoefflin 13 Harry L Howett 5 Kenneth L Jenkins 21 Martha Gilliland Jennings 9 Barbara McCune Johnson 6 Dale F Kuhn 11 Barbara Reynolds Manno 15 Patricia Garris McCormick 27 Gloria Bayman Mione 7 Rae Tooley Mol 1ica 21 Ann Moser 3 Gary D Murray 1 Marilyn Purkey Neason 28 Alan E Norris 10 Marjorie Blanchard Parrish 18 Shirley McCullough Payton 12 Eugene E Purdy 13 Ronald M Rankin 6 Phoebe Watts Raymond 15 Barbara Fast Reichter 9 Leila Pierce Russo 6 Wi11iam A Schrader 26 Charles E Selby 7 Carolyn T Shafer 1 Kay Fulcomer Shaw 26 Carolyn Cribbs Smith 11 Bill Smithpeters 10 Amy Peck Tilton 4 Dale A Walterhouse 4 Paul R Warnes 11 Gwendolyn Steckman Weber 3 Sterling R Williamson 23 Glenn V Wyville 11 Carolyn Lucas Zolg

Class of 1958 Class Agent: William H B Skaates 1 Charles R Allton 16 Mildred Tracy Andrews 10 Shirley A Baker 7 Patricia Weigand Bale 8 Donald A Bell 3 Roger A Bell 2 Robert J Blinzley 8 Delores Latimer Burt 8 Robert Burt 27 Susan L Canfield 17 S Joyce Bigham Carper 6 Anthony Chiaramonte II 8 Marilyn Miller Cole 1 Lois Hoover Col 1 ins 13 Mary Larrick Cowgill 22 Edmund L Cox 21 Mary Hankinson Crimmel 25 David L Danklef 6 Darrel L Davis 11 Karl F Dilley 26 Thomas E Dipko 18 Daniel E Dover 23 B Joan Durr 14 William R Duteil

16 Barbara Noble Earnest 10 Marlene Lenhardt Finney 13 Sally Harrell Fitzgerald 21 Judith Lovejoy Foote 2 John K Frizzell 20 Bernard J Garrett 5 Jacqueline Wright Green 14 Ronald D Harmon 18 Marjorie Lambert Hopkins 10 Eva Holmes Howell 27 Richard H Huddle 2 Donald R Hughes 15 Wi11iam A Hughes 11 Gerald L Hupp 10 David Y Kim 9 Maxine Bowman Kistler 13 Thomas K Lehman 20 Sharon L Main 13 Marion Jenkinson Mengel 28 Edward L Mentzer 23 Princess Johnson Miller 3 Richard L Myers 22 William N Obermyer 26 Arthur F Reiff 27 David Schneider 27 Marie Waggamon Schneider 6 Dolores Sax Schrader 4 Janet Bishop Simross 27 William H B Skaates 15 Barbara Saum Smith 14 Doris Repetylo Spaeth 20 Rex N Sprague 8 Patty Satterfield Stout 19 Hylda Mosier Strange 19 Jerry D Strange 19 Marilyn Harris Taggart 1 Peter Van Iderstine 4 Joanne Klenk Walterhouse 14 M Amelia Hammond Watkins 11 Kenneth R Weber 10 Donna Taylor Wert 1 Hugh W Zimmer Jr

Class of 1959 Class Agent: Bonnie Paul Steck 14 Anonymous 9 Delyte Jones Ayres 8 Ralph J Barnhard 3 Ralph E Bender 19 Richard C Berio 6 Kenneth C Brookbank 5 Francine Thompson Buckingham 10 Paul S Caldwell 5 Beverly Kay Doran Ciminello 22 Diane Daily Cox 15 Dale H Crawford 23 Mary Atwood Day 1 Robert Yackey Domer 9 David 0 Erisman 25 Apache Specht Etter 8 Lucy Smith Fleming 11 Ruth Trimmer Ford 19 P Joanne Swank Gillum 15 Anita Hayden Hansen 13 Nancy Gallagher Henderson 2 Terry K Hitt 1 Howard E Huston 3 Jefferson T Inglish 11 Robert K Keel or 12 Betsy Messmer Kennedy 25 Carole Fitzhum Kuns 11 Bernard Lieving Jr 17 Nancy M Lucks 22 James D Miller 15 Yvonne Fryman Millikin 5 Richard W Morain 2 Rose Marie Tucker Nemeth 16 James E Nuhfer 5 Oatis H Page Jr 6 Frederick L Rader 11 Anne H Rose 15 William H Russell 6 John J Schlenker 26 Janet Risch Selby 7 Lewis F Shaffer 1 Philip L Sprecher 24 Bonnie Paul Steck 25 H Donald Tallentire 25 Wavalene Kumler Tong 8 Kenneth L Ullom 17 Marlene Lash Willey 11 Donald J Witter 23 Marilyn Miller Wyville 5 Marilyn Bohla Young

Class of 1960

Class of 1961

Class Agent: Wallace J Cochran 17 6 19 6 2 2 4 21 1 18 12 24 7 9 17 2 16 6 6 13 13 21 10 5 15 15 1 10 8 27 10 15 24 12 10 18 15 12 6 24 18 10 5 11 6 24 28 5 2 15 15 20 8 8 5 19 21 4 24 6 20 11 24 14 9 19 7 6 9 14 16 24 13 5 13 22 22 15 17 16 7 12

Robert L Anderson Charlene Benton Balias Thomas H Barnhart Gene E Baugh H Mark Beachler John J Behling Rita Harmon Bell Robert A Bowman Rachel Si liter Brown Wallace J Cochran Charles W Coffman Edith Walters Cole Robert C Cole Bradley E Cox Jane Snyder Denman Charles N Diliman James W Earnest Mary Anderson El wood Mark S Erisman Patrick R Fitzgerald Bruce C Flack Wendell L Foote William V Goodwin Arthur D Green Barbara Puderbaugh Gribler Jerry L Gribler James A Harris Patricia Hughey Hildebrand C D Holzapfel Jr C Jeannine HollingsworthHuddle Wayne E Huston Larry A Kantner Bruce L Keck Earl F Kennedy Jr Lois Stebleton King Joan Schilling Klink Ellen Mumma Kneisly Dianne Littlefield Krebs Patricia Atherton Larcomb Phyllis Bench Litton John T Lloyd Paulette Rousseau Loop Jeaninne Kleck Lovgren Roberta Plank Markworth Arthur L Marshall Mervyn L Matteson Constance Myers Mentzer Judy Thomas Morris Robert W Munden Dorothy McLeodNovotny Nancy Veith Nygren Hope Hulleman Orr Thomas A Packer Dorothy Sardinha Pickering Joseph A Pollina Jr Carolyn Swartz Royer Juanita Walraven Rusk Larry D Sabin Cherie Nolte Sauer Mary Hill Schlenker Robert W Shultz Barbara J Stansfield Charles Gary Steck Nancy Warman Stevenson Marlene Lembright Still son Marilyn Yarman Stoffer Kay Saeger Storch Donald E Storer Richard L Strouse Gladys Satterthwait Trzcinski Ruth Gaugh Vogel Vernon W Vogel Emery F Wach Jr Betty Knisley Wade E Brent Watson John R Weiffenbach Jr Nancy Werner Weiffenbach Janet Gurney Welch Larry G Willey John C Worley M Monroe Wright Wayne K Wright

Class Agent: Nancy Myers Norris 14 9 31 19 14 10 17 18 19 19 5 1 18 8 20 20 16 3 11 7

7 8 11 23 27 11 22 19 22 11 13 1 11 10 23 23 4 21 15 9 9 17 14 14 12 13 2 17 4 9 4 19 14 28 23 12 15 13 7 2 8 5 15 22 4 8 4 6 7 22 21 7 20 12 18 2 16 23 11 11 8 3

22 18 4


Anonymous Brenda Dali Andrews Lois Brockman Bean Grace Wolfersberger Berio Constance Biel stein Bonnell Bertha Skaggs Brum Bernerd E Campbell Marjorie Weiler Carlson Judy Pohner Christian Michael W Christian Fred 0 Ciminello Joyce Z Cirignano Jane Newell Cochran Edward C Conradi Judith Nosker Croghan Thomas H Croghan Charles T Croy H William Davis Donald C Debolt Rebecca Jenkinson Dusek Jacob H Elberfeld R Edwin Ferguson Elizabeth Nelson Free Judith Graham Gebhart Richard H Gorsuch Alvin E Gress Nancy Hamilton Kathryn Krumhansl Heidelberg Phyllis Jenkins Heitz Edward R Herman Bruce 0 Hickin Martha Ceder Hockenbery Ronald G Holsinger Muriel Ramsey Homer A1ice Heft Hoover Richard K Hoover David W Huhn Linda Wharton Icardi Ronald W Jones Donald R Keebaugh Barbara Bennett Lechaix Sandra Kohler Leedy Gerald R Lewis Suzanne Elliott Linebrink Brent R Martin Sally Word Masak John W McCaughey Robert L McCombs Wilma North!ngton Mehan Nancy Rutter Morrow Dolores Hanna Moyer Judith A Murray Nancy Wurster Nicklaus Nancy Myers Norris Bernice Glor Pagliaro James E Paxton Mary Jean Barnhard Pietila Thomas A Price Leland Prince Ann Cherry Pryfogle John E Reichard Robert J Ringo Kenneth R Rippin Ronald Ritchie Richard L Rufener Sara Griffiths Rupp W Ray Rutan Walter E Schatz Marcia Jones Schmidt James L Shackson Ruth Enright Sheridan Beth Hanning Sherman Nancy Jones Smith John F Spicer Richard C Spicer Nick J Spithogianis Paul D Taylor Carol A Thompson Leorra Schmucker Wagoner James R Walter Judith G Wandersee Edwin E Westbrook Myra K Wetzel Lewis Joel R Williams Claire Lindell Williams William E Wood

Class of 1962 Class Agent: John W Campbell 11 Hugh D Allen 6 Richard W Argo 15 Mary Macci Arnett 13 E Dean Baldwin 11 John H Bauer 14 Marilyn Grimes Birckbichler 3 Cynthia Houglon Butler 22 John W Campbell 7 Gerald L Collins 3 Gerald M Connor 2 Dennis R Daily 9 H Jay Dattle 10 John L Davis 11 Mary Lou Main Debolt 2 Robert F Edwards 16 David W Ewing Jr 5 D Kay Ayers Frazier 13 Richard J Froelich 11 Kenneth R Gilson 11 Opal Adkins Gilson 5 George W Gornall 11 Leslie Marsh Gress 5 Richard A Hall 13 Catherine Hawkins Hickin 8 Brenda Evans Holzapfel 11 Robert C Horner 2 Barbara Bushong Horning 13 Larry D Humbert 1 Ronald F Huprich 8 Thomas L Jenkins Jr 12 Kaye Koontz Jones 15 Suzanne Shelley Jones 3 C Eugene Kidwell 3 Thomas Q Kintigh 21 Louise Bollechino Klump 5 Richard P Legrand 13 Ben R Leise 12 Barbara Glor Martin 18 Gerald A McFeeley 7 John W Merriman 5 Dean E Mizer 5 Maxine Swingle Morain 6 John W Naftzger Jr 6 Theodore E Nichols II 13 Elizabeth Werth Oakman 19 Judith Stone 01 in 7 Larry J Pasqua 15 John D Pietila 2 Robert R Reall 5 Beverly Peck Ringo 22 Carol Strauss Ritchie 14 Ronald M Ruble 17 David E Schar 17 Sharron Smith Schar 12 Lois Marburger Schmidt 14 Drusie Mobley Scott 3 E Jurrene Baker Shaffer 7 Sandra Minser Shaffer 18 Alex B Shartle 7 Lynn T Sherman 11 John M Spring 19 Richard H Swigart 11 Judith Pepper Tobias 19 Lei Shoda Tobias 19 Ronald E Tobias 15 Myra Hiett Traxler 8 Carolyn Hadfield Wandersleben 1 Wallace R Weber 2 Orvis M Wells 10 Raymond L Wiblin 12 Susan Allaman Wright 10 M Robert Yakely 2 Wi11iam T Young

3 Harvey A Butler 16 Edward G Case 6 David M Cheek 6 Stephanie Robertson Cotton 6 Wi11iam A Cotton 6 Donald C Cunningham 12 Mary Stang Dorrell 5 David L Drumel 2 Richard D Emmons 10 Susan Gallagher French 6 Sharlet Bly Fuller 12 James S Gallagher 8 George R Gartrell 1 James L Gilts 3 David R Gordon 20 Mercedes Blum Graber 16 Christine Fetter Greene 10 Terry M Hafner 8 John F Harmon 5 Lois Augenstein Harris 9 Adelie Bence Henley 16 Judith Furay Hugli 16 Tony E Hugli 9 Norma Froelich Indorf 9 Paul E Indorf 4 Karen Sherbine Johnson 20 Philip L Johnson 8 Martha Slack Kinkead 14 Douglas R Knight 3 Darlene Stoffer Knox 15 Marilynn Bamberger Lyke 6 Donald R Martin II 15 Thomas R Martin 6 Joel A Mathias 4 Janet Lacey McCann 9 Kathy Ackerman McDannald 7 Jeannette McElroy 14 Emily Crose Moore 14 w Thomas Moore 1 John L Moorhead 14 Thomas C Morrison 12 David F Moser 4 Nicholas W Nerney 9 Howard B Newton 19 Gary L 01 in 3 Neal R Palmer 7 Marlene Pfahler Patterson 18 Harold L Pitz 7 Jean V Poulard 13 Carleton P Purdey 10 M Jeanette Weishner Rohrbach 10 Lewis R Rose 20 Larry D Roshon 4 Carole Shook Rufener 5 Judith Mack Salyer 4 Stewart D Sanders 1 Robert G Schneider 9 Roger L Seelig 22 Carol Simmons Shackson 4 Richard Snelling 21 Mary Ann Floyd Sparenberg 21 Norma Smith Stockman 8 R Lowell Thomas 5 Sandra Wilson Tredinnick 6 Susan Gribler Tressler 8 David W Truxal 1 Virginia R Tyson 2 Mary Lou Keinath Wells 15 Caroline Kaderly Wherley 15 Daniel G Wherley 17 Larry L Wilson 16 Jeanne Leohner Woodyard

Class of 1964 Class Agent: Sandra Bennett

Class of 1963 Class Agent: Harold L Pitz 4 Elizabeth A Arnold 7 Marie Fast Baughman 13 Gary L Beamer 13 Phyllis Fraley Beamer 10 Richard Bennett 11 Jean Davidson Berry 11 Richard S Berry 9 Wi11iam S Borchers 5 Ronald K Boyer 19 Ralph D Brehm

11 Elizabeth Glor Allen 6 Richard L Allen 10 Judith M Anderson 6 Sally Banberry Anspach 15 Lyle T Barkhymer 13 Judith Fogel Balwin 5 Sandra Brenfleck Baranet 15 Georgia Pattison Barkhymer 15 Lyle T Barkhymer 8 Thomas K Barnes 10 Carol Studebaker Beck 10 Thomas R Beck 10 Sandra Williams Bennett 10 Jesse L Blair 10 Ulrike Walchner Blair 12 George S Brookes 7 Patricia L Buck 1 Terry E Caldwell 2 Kathy Kanto Carpenter

2 16

10 5 5 6 2 17 1 7 2 5 5 3 7

12 8 27 16

11 1

8 12 11 5 3 5 5 13

8 19 4 1 3

10 2 4 5 17 5 17 2 1 13 13

11 6 24 6

8 22 10 11 17 17 1 6 6

12 6 7

10 8 7 2 5 37 12 10 11 20 7 9 9 4 12 14 9

10 11 9 5 17 19

2 11 10 5 10 15 4

Edward G Carrigan Diana Darling Case Nancy Loudens!ager Cassell Janet Flenner Catalona William J Catalona Carol Schweitzer Cheek James K Clary Barbara Fletcher Coburn Maria Apostolopoulos Coburn Carol Krohn Covrett Pamela Mcllroy Daily Susan Sorchy Denoewer Edward H Drayer Byron E Ford Jr Richard N Funkhouser Carole Wigle Gallagher Eugene L Gangl Martha Kinder Gifford Jerry A Gill Wayne T Gill James R Gittins Mary F Hall Linda Bussard Hartranft Richard L Hartzell Beth Lewis Hershberger George M Hittle John E Hoover Sharon Allaman Hoover Rosemary Huprich Jenkins Sandra Salisbury Jenkins Cherry Wicks Jeong Esther Swartz Kester Paul E Keyser Mary Hamilton Kidwell Ki Sook Kim David B Kul1 Mary McClish Kysor Sanford Lauderback Carol Albright Lauthers Glenna Kay Legrand Carol L Leininger Barbara Maurer Lindeman Joseph C Lippincott Marilyn Shute Lorenz Steven R Lorenz Jeanne Brumbaugh Lyons Gary T Marquart Martha Deever Matteson Susan Wolfersberger McFeeley Ronald W Meckfessel Phylis Bush Mi 11er M Joseph Miller Jr Karen Ruegg Montgomery C Curtis Moore Sally Landwer Moore Patricia Sweany Moore Sharon Minty Naftzger John R Nelson Carey F Oakley Frances Wei Ions Otoole Dini Fisher Parsons John C Peters Ruth Freeman Pierce Regina Fehrens Poulard Lawrence L Pryfogle Stephanie Locke Puckhaber Ruth Whitacre Riggle Boyd D Robinson Claudia Smith Rose Susan Roth Rydman Susan M Sain Mark A Seese C Darlene Shull Dale R Smith Linda Rauch Snelling Suzanne Osborn Stadnick R Gary Stansbury Dennis E Stewart David K Sturges William D Thompson Sandra Hoi by Torresani Cyrus W Upton John A Voorhees Virginia R Walker Albert Walton Sue Drinkhouse Ward Judith Buckley Wiblin Donald E Yantis Madalyn Osborn Youngbird Charles E Zech Harold P Zimmerman

Class of 1965 Class Agent: George P Parthemos 10 17 7 5 7 11 9 13 12 7 5 12 12 1 13 4 14 27 11 7 9 11 5 1 10 8 5 10 5 6 6 7 14 6 6 17 2 14 13 5 6 1 11 4 5 3 16 3 1 5 5 5 15 11 6 15 6 5 5 11 10 10 10 3 11 2 9 9 5 12 18 9 11 4 4 10 9 14 1 8 9 20 7 1 7 5 1 1 9 9 18 1 18

Judy Buckle Airhart Lynne Puterbaugh Apple Frederick J Badger Jr Theodore Baranet Susan Murley Barton Lena Newhouse Bauer Harold H Biddle Naomi Mason Black Frederick H Bohse Edward J Booth Nancy Siegried Bryant Barbara Cheney Buttermore Larry P Buttermore Glen R Caliban Carol Darling Carter George E Christ Mary Crawford Cobb Barbara S Cole Gordon L Cook Katherine Newman Dalrymple Judith Padfield Dangelo James L Danhoff Barbara Smith Day Heidemarie Olbrich Dewey Linda S Diller M Beth Camp Donaldson Mary Ellen Hull Earles Stephen P Ellis Judith Wyatt Ertel David W Fais Sandra Stemshorn Fais James P Ferguson Mary Blair Fields David L Fodor Jeanne Jacobs Fodor Vera Garrabrant Hall Richard A Hamilton Rosemary Snyder Harper Douglas R Houser Rose Marie Leibolt Huff Wi11iam D Hunter Rebecca Wagner Hutchins Joseph N Ignat Richard L Innis Jack E Jackson Judith Eckner Kintigh Carol Varner Kinzer Roger A Lamb Mary Louise Hayes Mackley Heidi Haberman Marks Ronald H Marks Mary Ann Sheaffer Martin Joaline Crow Mathias Evonne Potts McFarland James C McFeeley Rosemary Gorman McTygue Walter S Metka Karen Hoerath Meyer Robert A Meyer Sandra Hoesel Middleton Eileen Marty Mignerey Thomas G Mignerey Joyce Rugh Miller Sharon G Mill!gan Jack W Moreland Elizabeth Beezley Nelson Marvin W Nevans Jr Frederick E A Noah Marcia Munz Nordbruch Carolyn Osborn Oakley Wi11iam A Ottewil1 Ann Barnes Packer George P Parthemos Ann Clymer Peat Harry G Peat Sylvia Hodgson Peters Linda Snyder Pierce Paula Bushong Rennich Janet M Richards Nancy McClure Robbins John T Roman Jean Hollis Roshon Barbara Wylie Rossino John A Rusk Carolyn Pulsing Sargent Karen Dean Schnorrenberg Kenneth W Schultz Don Scott Herbert G Seto Jr Mary Alice Showalter Smith Emily A Smith Jan W Sorgenfrei Jane Schoepke Stolzenburg

1 16 6 6 2 13 16 11 9 11 10 5 17 15 11 9 4 4 15 11

Margaret H Story James H Stott Jane Porter Strickland Nancy Ertel Sween Paul E Thomas Harold S Toy Marge Lloyd Trent Edwin M Tuttle Jr Marvin R Wagner Sally McCoy Wallace James H Walsh Jerry L Wassem Judith James Weaver Marcia Shaffer Weidner Raymond C White Suzan Lang Wiesen Jerry S Wilson Jack B Wright Virginia Leader Zech Lawrence 0 Zimmerman

Class of 1966 Class Agent: Michael H Cochran 10 4 6 2 13 18 10 12 18 12 5 11 6 1 6 9 9 8 7 12 14 6 16 14 4 11 11 4 17 8 2 10 10 7 5 6 6 5 18 3 5 7 4 7 4 4 5 10 1 10 3 18 6 1 5 2 6 3 8 3 6 6 14 18 9 6 4 6 15

Robert E Airhart II Martha L Allen Nicholas A Anspach Wi11iam C Beougher Mary Jo Stuckman Black Stephen D Bretz Sally Maibach Brokken Rebecca S Clark Michael H Cochran Janet Parsons Colliton Blanche Geho Conarroe Marilou Holford Cook Martha Mercer Coons David M Crippen Philip R Dever Ellen Williams Dillon Karen Brubaker Dobbins Jay L Donaldson Jan Lenahan Dwyer Cynthia S Eckroth William K Eggers Jane Paugh Ewing Michael J R Fensler Albert M Fields Robert W Fisher Jr Carol Kratzer Flory Ted C Flory Christopher H Foster Nancy R Friedt Betty Fitch Gibson Jill Jenkins Grayem Brian K Hajek Edith Sheets Hajek Judith Wolfe Hedges Donald G Hershberger Marilynn Marsch Hinder Keith L Jarvis Roberta Sette Jaworski E Joann Bell Kaiser Keith E Kaufman Linda Zimmers Keller Samuel S Kelly Elizabeth Fenn Kile Wayne C King Maggie Reck Kosewic Sharon Washburn Kruckeberg Robert L Lafollette H Thomas Langshaw Sandra Fisher Lezotte Jeanne M Lord Robert E Lowe Lenore Brobst Lutz Lorraine Mogren Martin Helen F Mason Alvarene Shank Massanova Roberta Kobs Matt Richard A Mauger John E McIntosh Judith Reddick Meckfessel Charles Messmer Jr Donna Lust Miles George W Miles Jr Gail L Miller James B Miskimen H Stephen Moeller James R Montgomery Jack W Moore Phyllis Reed Morgan Gordon J Morris

13 Larry L Motz 2 Charles A Nelson 9 Charlene Zundel Nevans 13 Marcia Searfos Ogle 9 David P Orbin 2 Ronald E Orbin 4 William C Patterson 17 Bonnie Reams Paul 4 Paul B Paul us 17 Violet Peoples Pisor 9 Lewis W Poole Jr 6 Paul J Quinn Jr 5 Bernard F Rausch 5 Margery Wheelock Rodeheffer 10 Emily Heft Rucker 4 Wolfgang R Schmitt 12 F Jeannette Schneider 7 Martha Behanna Singleton 5 Susan Hohnhorst Smolen 13 Kenneth L Stansberger 11 Judith Morison Thompson 13 Catherine Brandeberry Tinnerman 11 David C Trout 5 John C Van Heertum 5 Melinda Macarie Van Heertum 2 Diana Powell Walton 9 Richard P Waltz 5 Suellen Cochrane Wassem 9 John A Whalen 16 David L Woodyard 13 Fred W Worley 5 David L Young 8 Marcia Lauderback Zimmermann 14 Barbara J Zirkle

Class of 1967 Class Agent: F Thomas Sporck II 10 Sarah Jack Aldrich 6 Jack B A11ison 9 Herbert A Anderson II 9 Mardelle Leslie Baker 9 Jeannine Benson Bates 15 Judy Gebhart Bear 5 Howard G Berg 1 George E Biggs 15 Linda J Bixby 18 Carolyn Ramsey Bretz 12 Elaine Ellis Brookes 2 Daniel R Bunce 8 Peter W Bunce 8 Margaret Henry Cabral 1 Barbara Wissinger Calihan 8 Carol J Capell 2 Don A Carlos 10 Kenneth S Carl sen 18 Gretchen Van Sickle Cochran 1 Charles A Crist 8 Deborah Ewell Currin 8 William A Currin 3 Anne S Easton 10 David C Evans 6 Daniel R Fawcett Jr 14 Barbara L Fegley 14 Charlotte Zirkle Friend 9 Frank B Garlathy 6 Jerry J Garman 11 R Thomas George 1 Ronald M Gerhardt 10 William S Gornall 2 Michael R Grayem 8 Rebecca Lust Gribler 5 G Sophie Slocum Guimond 5 Diana Bosely Harley 10 Maxine Bamberger Hegnauer 9 Doris Carter Hellermann 1 Robert Hilfiker 4 David C Hogg 8 Judy Shaffer Holzbacher 5 Carole Buchanan Hoover 2 Katherine Knittel Hunt 9 Timothy L Hunt 4 Daniel E Huther 2 Beverly Irwin Johnson 14 Virginia Schott Jones 13 Robert A Klyne 8 Lee A Kniess 5 Carol Sorenson Lafollette 8 Edward D Laughbaum 8 Gerald A Laurich 18 Don R Lutz 1 Carol A MacRae 4 Raymond G Malackany 6 Sally Share Mancz 6 Ann Lawther Marquart

5 1 14 16 4 4 9 13 8 14 5 4 5 7 15 12 9 21 8 14 6 9 9 7 13 8 16 16 3 12 12 6 13 16 7 17 12 5 5 1 14 12 7

James E MeElroy Robert E Millar Jr Ann Williams Mundhenk Allen C Myers Jane Arnold Olson Jeffrey C Olson Kathleen Morris Orbin Richard H Orndorff Judith Swanson Pardue Gloria Brown Parsisson J Thomas Pascoe Laurie Elwell Paulus Jo Linder Pringle Janet Radebaugh Purdy Robert J Reichenbach Mary Jo Allen Robinson Janet Blair Roll Marvin 0 Rusk Ileana Bonvincini Santore Richard G Sawyer Dennis C Schmidt Sharon Banbury Shoaf Thomas F Shoaf Richard G Smith F Thomas Sporck II Elizabeth L Steckman David E Stichweh Joanne Miller Stichweh Charles T Sullivan Richard D Taylor Kay A Templeton Anastasia Clark Tessler David E Tinnerman I Bruce Turner Tina McCune Watman Carlton E Weaver Warren S Wheeler James R White Sandra Miller White Karen Haupt Williams Brian J Wood Robert E Woodruff Susanne M Wrhen

Class of 1968 Class Agent: James C Granger 12 5 10 6 5 7 7 13 7 2 2 7 7 5 7 13 2 16 3 3 3 10 4 4 11 3 13 13 10 4 1 1 5 5 1 9 6 13 7 15 1 11 11 12 11 7 11 6

Janet Cook Aiello Edna Hipsher Albright Kenneth H Aldrich Cheryl Thomas Allen Barbara Fisher Allison Marcia McCrea Andreichuk Phillip T Andreichuk Ronald L Ansiinger Kenneth W Ash Jr Betty Price Bailey Roxy Dunton Bargar Fredrick C Bashford Charma Moreland Behnke Mary Jo Hutchings Beswick D Jean Bickett Cathy Alspach Boring Thomas C Bowen Barbara Sponsel Bulthaup Robert I Buttermore Carolyn Fisher Cain Harold E Cain Jr Rose Orwick Carl sen Elizabeth Smyth Comer Michael G Comer Mary Feagin Conde Craig L Cottingham Brenda Zoller Deever W Thomas Deever Nancy Smith Evans Linda McNeil Evans Jerold Feddersen Eric B Fenstermaker Eileen Corner Flanagan Dale A Foor Judy L Forsythe Mary Campbell Garlathy Leslie Hopkinson Garman Nancy Dorod Garrett E Ann Grimes Gunn Dennis R Hedges Donn A Hellinger Allen E Hicks Lois Zimmerman Hicks John E Hodge Eileen Coad Hodson David T Hoernemann Emily Talbott Holdenreid Gary Hundertpfund

2 1 9 5 6 6 8 5 5 2 8 5 5 2 7 11 3 10 9 14 10 9 15 6 8 4 2 1 10 5 14 8 10 7 3 3 12 7 7 11 15 3 2 4 6 5 4 4 5 5 8 10 4 13 9 4 7 16 12 4 2 4 1 12 12 9 6 6 6 8 7 14 9 4 6

Brian Hunt Karen Fridley Hutchison Mary Ann Browne Isles Thomas R James Frank J Jayne Karen Summers Jayne William B Jollie Jacqueline Love Katzin Pennelope Schwing Kefgen Mel W Kennedy John E King Richard P Klenk Brent M Koudelka Dan B Kyle Jerome P Laub Ellen Cochran Litt Patricia J Loyer Susan Cheek Lumley Marsha Nolder McDonald Dorothy Goddard McKinney J Kay Hedding Mitchell Karen Fischer Moeller Sandra Manning Moser Susan Simmons Mowry Grant F Neely Jr Kathryn Oplinger Nissen Chris K Northrop Bonnie Jean O'Leary Michael Odonnell Robert V Ostrander Donald E Parsisson William C Pasters Connie McNutt Petrigala Don E Pickering Kathleen Quintilian Pinson Rick R Pinson Connie Grimes Pottenburgh Elsie Mohr Poval1 Holly B Puterbaugh Jennifer Barr Reich Paul S Reiner Michael S Richardson Lawrence W Roose Patricia Gates Saltzgaber Anne Durkin Smoler Janice Dehus Snyder Carol Sue Andrews Spessard Ronald M Spessard Clifford D Stearns Mary Kerr Sterling Mark L Stevens Donna Lenhard Stevens John D Stone Jr Carol Hull Stoner Charles D Taylor John W Thomas Gloria McDowell Thysell Rachel Stinson Turner Sonja Goad Tweedle David R Viers Charles C Walcutt Rhonda L Warner Michael A Welling Lynda Hobson Weston Robert B Weston Karen Persson Whalen Mary Bistline Wiard Cynda Schuler Widder David L Widder Virginia K Wieland Linda Lang Wold Jerralyn Scott Wood Carol Cook Woodhull Michael L Zezech Norma Worley Zimmerman

8 11

11 1 16 17

12 8

4 4 4 4 9 9

2 15

2 9 13 13 7 1 4

11 11 14 9

11 1 4 7

8 4 7 7 7

2 16

11 8 1

10 3 15 13 13 11

12 9

2 8 1 6

2 7 14 5 1 7 12 5 11 1 14 5 6 6

1 6 7 3 3 9 14 13 6

8 4 3


Class of 1969 Class Agent; Jane McMeekii 2 2 15 6 12 16 6 6 6 7 3 13 8

Anonymous Dianne Fisher Abbott Christene Anderson Acker James V A11en Carol Airhart Anderson Barry W Askren Richard R Augspurger Ronald R Balconi Jon W Banning Joellyn Stull Bashford William T Batey Florence Price Beardslee Linda Spicer Beckner

3 6 4 7

2 10 13 14 7 5 6 12

12 10 10 14 15

8 6 9

Richard 0 Beckner Daniel E Bender Wendy Ficker Bender Mrs Roger L Bennett Jr Patience Cox Bernards Martha Kerr Burt F Hamer Campbell Jr Judith Cornwell Campbell Susan Schlencher Carroll Tom R Carroll Fritz A Caudle Kerry Maxwell Caudle Amy Doan Chivington Brenton I Chivington Clara Lavender Conley Lois Shaulis Davison Larry M Dehus Marian Diedrich Dengg Marlene Lansman Deringer Steven P Deringer Rebecca Phillips Dolinar George N Domon Judith Gilg Donovan Barbara Wurst Drake Thomas S Drake Beth Schlegel Eggers Cecil L Elliott Jon T Elliott Thomas N England Larry J Evans John K Farnlacher John R Finch Nancy Lorenz Fisher Thomas R Foster Betty McElroy Gardner Frances Guenther Garten H Leroy Gill Janet Dowdy Granger Martha Rhoades Green Michael A Gribler Michael D Griffith Jane Griggs Anita S Heaton Kay Needham Hedges Carolyn Krumm Heffner Dennis D Heffner Loretta Evans Heigle Kathy J Heinrich James R Henry Robert T Hewitt Virginia Zunich Hill James L Hill Larry S Hinder W Hunting Howell Mary Kamis Igrec Cynthia Rowles Jackson Regina Lutz James Thomas Jent Christina L Jones Sandra Page Jones Kay Brinkman Keller Whitney Breidenbach Keyes L McLean Kind III Carole Prileson Koach Linda Crow Koudelka Tanya Winter Kozimer Michael G Leadbetter Mrs Sandra Leo Linda Lebold Locker Peter L Lubs Morris Maple IV Marilyn Jacobs McConnell John J McDonald Richard L McKinney Jane Whearty McMeekin Carol Stevens Miller Franklin E Miller Gary K Moore James K Morisey IV Carol McCoy Morrison Terry L Morris Ronald A Mowry Frederick A Myers John M Nantz Jean Swaino Naswadi Saranne Price Odonnell Carol Hammond Orndorff Barbara Cochrane Palombo Jerry C Parker Carole Betts Pearson Lowell L Peters Carol R Pohly Thomas P Pottenburgh Carol Col dwell Reck Michael K Reck Marilyn Miller Rehm Forrest D Rice David J Ruch W Dean Rugh Rebecca L Ruple

8 10 5 10 8 6 11 11 9 7 13 8 8 8 2 9 9 11 5 11 7 16 15 9 2 4 11 8

Larry E Rupp Susan Hiehle Schnapp William E Sechrist Thomas W Sheaffer Rebecca Kramer Sheridan Nancy Young Shue Pamela Traylor Simpson Ronald 0 Simpson Jr Douglas R Smeltz Mary Fetter Smith Janet S Smith Kathy Smith Fredric K Steck Lyle E Stetzer Martha L Stockdale Albert P Stohrer Kathleen Revenaugh Stohrer Nancy Pringle Stokes Allan E Strouss D Cecelia Hinton Tucker Karen Maple Turner Keith H Turner Roger Wharton Stephanie Chitwood Wilbanks Bruce G Woodhouse Robert E Woods Barbara Tinnerman Zech Alice Hoffmeister Zuske

Class of 1970 Class Agent: Ronald J Scharer 8 9 13 12 7 16 8 6 2 6 2 4 5 1 1 5 5 9 2 8 8 5 11 10 4 4 9 3 10 3 3 12 9 9 7 5 8 1 8 8 10 11 7 7 9 4 4 2 12 5 1 4 5 5 3 5 15 7 13 5 6 6 5

Louise Loynachan Amrine Judith Schear Anderson N Jeanne Lytle Ansiinger Elaine S Armbrust Terry V Arnold Janice Keller Askren C Lynn Scarlett Atkinson Karla Courtright Banning Rebecca Ridenour Beatty Susan Bolin Beeman S Belinda Gore Berkowitz James A Blue Jeanne Goodman Boin Marybeth McFeeley Bowman Jane Zappe Boyer Dan H Bremer Regina Parcels Bremer Peggy J Brunner Mary Lynn Herron Burak Cecilia Hatem Cohen Deborah Park Crawford Alice Saul Dearth Virginia Banta Dewitt Michael E Ducey John C Dunn Jr Patricia Raleigh Duplaga Carol Mathias Elliott Susan Cotton Eynon Fonda Gay Fichthorn Karen Batten Fogarty Betsy Schlegel Fraker John C Funk James A Garrett Patricia Deck Garrett Marilyn Pohly Gibbons Claudia Roe Gifford Terry L Goodman R Kenneth Green Becky Frederick Hall Joyce Hamer Carol Wilcox Hare Jill Sellers Harris Brian E Hartzell Marjorie Benson Heid Carolyn Koachway Hill Susan Baker Hoane Thomas B Hoane Michael Holman Marc B Inboden John R Jamieson L Jenson Jennings Diane Benson Jesse Christy Kear Johnson Carol Lehman Keim Carol Mac Kenzie Kruger Stephen M Laek Phyllis Esswein Larason Deems L Leasure David E Lehman Donald W Liming Marilyn Shupe Linkous Thomas E Linkous Thomas R Long

8 7 1

2 5 3

11 3 9 9 3 3 10 7 9 9 5 5 3

12 12 5 5 5

8 3

11 15 15 3

10 8 4

Linda White Lovelace Pamela Marquart Lubs Kim Entsminger Luiggi Joy Rummins Metzger Judith Blake Meyers Beverly Aiello Miller Linda Whitehouse Pace Paula Cullman Peters Gary Paul Price Linda Sands Price John R Roby Pamela Hennings Roby Ronald J Scharer John C Schott A Chariayne Bennett Schultz Thomas A Schultz Thomas J Searson Marilynne Lilly Sechrist Cynthia Seith Sedlock Glen D Shaffer Linda Zimmerman Shaffer Kimball W Shields Deborah Nims Smith Donald L Smith Jr Margaret Tabor Harland L Verrill Carl E Warnes Charles H Weil Marlyn Gill Weil John D Wilson Sharon Ellenberger Wilson Morgan G Winget Jr Catherine L Worley

6 Michael S Morgan 6 Robin Rike Morgan 10 Robert N Mowrey 7 Alice Prosch Parker 8 Susan Crane Pasters 6 Jurgen K Rieger 6 Wanda Boykin Rieger 2 Douglass L Robinson 8 Kathe Bachmann Ruch 8 Charles M Savko 8 Gina Mampieri Savko 9 Patricia Spessard Schramm 6 Charles E Share 10 Margaret Grimes Sheaffer 4 Louis D Simmermacher 3 Mark V Snider 2 Lyndell R Starcher 1 Gerald L Staten 8 Sheryl Morrison Stetzer 7 Dorothy L Stover 17 Margaret Ridge Stuckey 12 Jeanette Robinson Thomas 12 Richard L Thomas 5 Thomas L Turner 7 Jae Benson Van Wey 3 Keith A Wakefield 13 Carol Carpenter Waugh 13 James E Waugh 3 Gaylen R Waynar 1 C Craig Weaver 8 Barbara Wharton 5 Ronald J White 8 Rosemarie E Willhide 8 Joyce Bristow Winget 4 James C Wood 4 Laura Tuck Wood 11 John W Zech

Class of 1971

2 8 8 7 3

8 4 3 13

11 2 10 4


6 4 3

8 12 6 10 4 3

8 4

10 8 5 3 4 1

8 2 7 14

6 10 2 2 5 13

8 3 5 13 1 1 1 1 5

8 8 7 9 9

Stanley L Alexander Cathy Reimund Arend Gregory N Armbrust James R Augspurger Linda Ancik Augspurger Crystal Day Babin James A Bargar Jr Paul D Barnes Donald F Benner N Elizabeth Gibson Berens Barbara J Bibbee Rita Schumacher Bilikam Don L Bremer F Michael Britt Muriel A Byers Barbara Mac Kenzie Campbell Mary Walters Carr Susan E Casselman Timothy D Clark Richard E Coldwell Deborah L Cramer Charlotte Barnes Crites Carol Starks Ducey Cynthia Savage Dybik Jane Probasco Eckhart Wendy Roush Elliott Ralph C Erickson Kathleen M Fernandez James L Francis William M Graesser Arthur W Hand Terrance B Harnish Richard A Harsh Catherine Mcllvaine Herrod Anne Benard Hewitt Chari a Cook Hoernemann Kenneth C Jackson Carol Strout Jones Harold R Kemp James M Kerr Joan Ziegler Kerr Adele Knipp Klenk Marsha S Klingbeil Doris M Kuhn Jay L Lavender Lana Waters Liu Dennis A Lohr John C Mallett Marcia Koontz Mallett George A Martin Meredith Reed Richard F Mayhew Russell J McFarren 0 John McIntyre Susan Dabbert Meredith Dale E Miller Linda Wilkins Miller

Kathleen Kohler Patterson Dianne Brooks Powell Elizabeth Gaul Rarey Ronald P Rarey Donald R Raybuck John K Raybuck Sandra Dye Reed Debra Lynn Harsh Rice James A Roshon Mark P Schantz Barry J Schirg Jerry B Sell man John H Simmons Jr Jean Moore Smith Marcus G Smythe Barbara Elliott Snyder Jeffrey D Snyder Susan Conover Sponaas Keith D Squires Nancy Scott Sturtz David W Thomas Cheryl Kirk Turner Carol Whitehouse Tyx Nathan Van Wey Jeanne Maxwell Vaughan Ronald E Votaw Mary Ahrens White Diane Savage Witt E Keith Witt Michael G Ziegler

Class of 1972 Class Agent: George P Miller Jr 5 7 5 3 7 11 8 2 5 3 5 7 3 4 3 3 10 2 3 2 13 3 10 1 5 7 7 7 4 5 6 2 12 3 4 4 6 2 10 4 3 3 9 5 8 8 13 4 13 5 5 9

Barry S Ackerman Vickie Langdon Arnold Michael W Balthrop Katherine McLead Bargar Kathlynn S Benson Stephen H Bilikam Kathy Nye Bixler Rebecca J Breiner Kathleen A Butler Stephen C Cecutti Donna Stranscak Charney Marilyn Swisher Clowson Joanne Anderson Coker E Barry Combs Christine Benson Cook Deborah Miller Crooks Jenny Miller Curtis Elizabeth Hetrick Deer Shirley D Dillon Margaret Morgan Doone Mary Ann Everhart Myra Wolfe Feller Sara Lord Foster Neil 0 Gleason Joyce Terrell Graesser Linda Leatherman Haller Peter J Haller Terry Schamber Hartzell Benita G Heath Pamela Fowler Hill Debra Andrews Hoeg Lynne A Hokanson Alan E Hyre Wayne L James Craig D Jones Gail Donley Jones Ronald L Jones Lois Brown Keaton Barbara Harris Kemp Roger C Lansman Deborah Sapp Lloyd John E Lloyd Sandra McFeaters Marcano Carol Wilhelm Mayhew Marticia Day McFarren Claudia Yeakel McIntyre Trina Steck Mescher Phyllis Dickinson Meyer George P Miller Jr Christine Koman Mobily Joseph P Pal lay Craig N Parsons

8 D Brett Reardon 9 Virgenea Kenny Roberts 4 Deanna Hempy Roshong 6 Evon Lineburgh Rossetti 8 Patricia Fletcher Saks 8 Craig 0 Salser 8 Deborah Moon Salser 1 Zuliha Zubchevich Schirg 7 Patricia A Seltzer 3 Linda Woods Sestito 5 Alan A Shaffer 5 Frances Williams Shoemaker 7 Linda Callendine Speer 1 Ross A Taylor 5 J Robert Turner 6 Romaine M Turyn 6 Virginia M Tyler 9 Debra Scott Vedder 3 Maryann Marstrell Wakefield 2 Michael D Webb 5 John H Wilber 2 Marilyn Brandenburg Winn 5 Kenneth L Wright

Class of 1974 Class Agent: Marsha E Rice

Class of 1973 Class Agent; Robert A Gail

Class Agent; James R Augspurger

4 7

8 7 4 4 4 6 9 3 6 3 1 6 2 4 2 12 12 4 5 6 2 5 5 7 9 5 5 5 5 9

2 Wesley R Anderson 6 Frances Clemens Andres 6 Vicki Smithson Arthur 2 Bonnie Tuttle Ayars 5 Robert I Barnes 9 Mary Ann Ricard Bender 8 Mark A Bixler 9 Michael S Bridgman 4 Frank S Bright 4 Linda Newlun Bright 1 Jennifer Engel Broderick 8 Bradley A Brown 2 Thomas A Burak 2 Deborah Cronce Casciole 1 Debora Herr Clegg 2 John L Codell a Jr 2 Edward J Dandrea Jr 2 Daniel L Davis 3 Robert H Day 6 Charles G Ernst 7 Jon R France 2 Margaret Jones Frederick 11 Robert A Gail 2 Gregory V George 1 R Steven Graves 6 Lynn A Greene 6 Patricia Fish Greene 7 Douglas F Gyorke 12 Margaret Stewart Hamilton 4 Rebecca Fisher Hardcastle 4 Cheryl Edmunds Harnish 1 John Harvey 2 Carol Ann Mathias Herron 10 Gretchen Steck Horstman 4 Judith Kurzen Houts 5 Nancy Garrison Howley 1 Deborah Deborah J Burn Jones 5 Frederick L Kell 9 Patrice Per^y Kelly 4 Steven W Kennedy 5 Peggy Malone Kirkpatrick 4 Susan Harrison Lahoski 14 Diana Harvey Laubach 5 Jane M Lei by 2 Mark E Leopold 2 Robert L Long 8 C David Main 8 Dawn Beaumont Main 8 Keith I Malick 2 Laura J Martin 4 Cathy Bigus Mojzisik 4 Nicholas B Munhofen II 8 Maury Newburger 4 Jane Ashton Pekman 7 Carol Irby Poore 5 Debra Dominy Powell 5 Stuart J Putnam 4 Robin Reid Raybuck 6 I Claire Longshore Raybuck

2 Scott A Allison 5 Janet Beck Barnes 7 Esther Barnhart 3 B Gay Hedding Beck 1 Virginia 0 Bell 1 Deborah Hall Bennati 2 Kenneth E Burket 2 Lynne Deffenbaugh Burket 1 Cheryl Beam Charles 4 Mary Lou Clemans 2 Terry L Curtin 4 Deborah Doan Davis 4 Mellar P Davis 1 Ted C Downing 9 Patricia Jo El 1iott 5 Maria Marchi Ellis 3 Susan Shiffler Enlow 10 Daniel T Fagan 1 John E Falls 7 Barbara Curtis France 9 Dick E Glessner 7 Nancy K Harter 2 Lonica Holmes Hartzler 7 Patricia Ewing Herman 11 Barbara J Hoffman 4 John A Hritz 2 Stanley E Hughes 5 Joseph F Humphreys Jr 3 Diana Barger Kauffman 7 Susan Schuster Kindervater 2 Ruth Glenfield Kinsey 3 Victoria L Korosei 7 Helen M Krieg 4 James A Lahoski 4 Kay Wells Landis 4 Richard K Landis 5 Deborah M Langell 5 Betsy Ostrander Lavric 6 Anthony Mangia Jr 6 Lisa Pettit Mangia 4 Constance Evans Matthews 4 Carol A McClain 4 Roxanne Rabourn McCorkle 4 William R McCorkle III 6 Bradley L McGlumphy 2 John A McKee 6 Jayne Augspurger McKewen 10 Brett S Moorehead 2 John R Mulkie 1 Richard Harlan Needham 1 Sandra Miltenberger Needham 2 Alison Dean Pangborn 4 Nancye Noblitt Pfeiffer 5 Kathryn J Pratt 5 Hugo R Quint Jr 9 Marsha E Rice 10 Dennis M Roberts 9 Gary M Roberts 5 Lanny E Ross 4 Douglas K Sampson 2 Linda Judd Simmons 2 Michael R Springer 6 Sharon Kauffman Sunday 3 Judith E Tardell 5 Teri Thomas Taylor 3 Barbara Stqckwell Turner 4 Michael J Wasylik

2 5 2

Carol McDowell Webb Janice McCullough White Brad A Winn

Class of 1975 Class Agent; S Kim Wells 5 Anonymous 2 Kathleen Watts Ashcraft 4 Peter 8 Baker III 3 Charles A Beall 9 Judith Silver Boyer 9 Cynthia Hupp Bridgman 4 Susan Tice Cherrington 1 Richard W Clark 10 Candis L Criner 2 Karen Dalrymple Curtin 1 L Susan Delay 5 Vicki L Ettenhofer 4 Bradley F Fackler 6 Penny Pease Fazekas 5 Michael D Finlaw 4 Bruce E Flinchbaugh 6 Thomas A Flippo 7 Wallace A Gallup 3 Mark M Cleaves 6 Alan R Goff 2 Paula A Goodridge 6 Walter N Greene 6 Deborah Shuey Grove 5 Mary E Hedges 2 Deborah A Hensel 7 Pamela L Hill 2 Glen R Horner 6 Sharon Hoy Hoskins 3 Julianne R Houston 2 Gayle Bixler Hughes 4 Nancy Jakubek Jackson 7 Robert L James 3 Paula Weaver Janson 5 Crystal Adkins Kell 2 Barbara L Kosciuk 2 Sharon Smith Kuhn 4 Lu Bullar Lansman 2 Theresa Hall Leopold 8 Ruth Ruggles Malick 5 Cynthia Phalor McCue 2 Dee A Miller 4 Carol Cole Minehart 4 James E Minehart Jr 1 Sheryl Kinsey Mock 10 Karl J Niederer 5 Rebecca L Pariseau 2 Sharon Aros Pennington 4 Shawn Miller Phelps 20 Donnalea Cain Phinney 4 Annemarie Soiu Rasor 6 Cindi Moore Reeves 3 Michael H Rendel 5 Beth Bichsel Ricard 3 Polly Shelton Schneider 5 Nita L Seibel 6 R Michael Shannon 1 Catherine Henthorn Shaw 1 Gregory W Shaw 3 Karla Jones Smith 5 Randall A Smith 4 Linda Hammond Smith 6 Mark H Sommer 5 Melody L Steely 5 Paul T Tyx 2 David R Wedekind 8 S Kim Wells 2 Mary Alice Whitehead

Class of 1976 Class Agent; Scott R Miller 5 6 4 2 3 4 6 6 2 6 2 6 6

Anonymous Matthew D Arnold Sybil Waggamon Baker Susan Fast Brady John M Cain III Scott E Campbell Howard R Carlisle Elaine Clarke Comery Janet Hoi linger Doud Josie Yeakel Drushal Deborah Venable Duncan Betsy Augspurger Duncan Anne Wandrisco Ernst

1 6 1 1 4 3 3 1 5 2 4 4 4 2 6 2 2 6 6 5 5 5 10 2 2 4 5 4 4 6 5 1 6 1 8

Lyse Miske Fella Judy Sebright Flippo Jean L Groszewski John M Hard Patricia Lutz Harmon Abe Hatem Cynthia Spriggs Hill Anne M Hiller Valerie A Ingels Steven W Jacklin Elaine Schacht Jardine J Wil1iam Jardine Barbara A Lehman Charles D Lehman II Sandra Gooding McComb David L Mead Russel 1 A Meade Phyllis Zajack Miller Scott R Miller Gian P Morelli Sally Zoecklein Morelli Beth Lynne Nelson V Marsha Harting Niederer Alexis Milne Osborn Lizette Paul Peter Robert A Phelps Steven P Ricard Sandra Loos Sampson Rebecca L Schultz Linda Bailey Shannon Gwen Wells Smith Deborah Whetsel Spoutz Susan L Streb Daniel L Underwood Carol A Ventresca

Class of 1977 Class Agent; James E A Black 4 2 3 3 3 3 2 1 7 4 6 2 3 2 1 4 4 2 8 1 1 1 5 7 2 7 3 4 2 6 4 1 6 4 1 2 4 6 3 2 3 3 2 2 4 4 2 4 4 3 4 6 6

Joseph M Antram Laurie Rice Ben Alan W Bernard Sarah Weinrich Bernard Miriam Goehring Bridgman Timothy J Bright James J Brush Myron K Campbell Brenda Simmons Casciani Michael G Chadwell Thomas D Comery Jr Carol A Corbin Frank L Dantonio Linda Stark Demos Elmer F Diltz Jr Jan Kassing Downing Lawrence A Downing Carl L Dufford Eloise Lyon Fisher Gary J Galbari Nancy Everhart Grigiss David J Helm Jolene K Hickman David A Horner Jeanine Tressler Howell Deborah Banwart James Sandra Walrafen Jarvis M Keith Jones Deborah Diamond Kriss Thomas W Lane Kim Christy Leggett Jeffery D Marks Gary A McComb James H McCurdy Mark R McRoberts Robin Sando Mead Patricia A Mead Carol Cramer Meyers Charles A Miller Sara U1Iman Miller Heidi G L Nichols Kathryn H Paul Trent D Radbill M Jean Weixel Reynolds Cheryl Garges Reynolds Pamela Pifer Ritchie Kathryn R Shaver Chester L Simmons Janette Garrabrant Simmons Nancy Bickel Sims Catherine S Smith Randall H Smith Mark E Snider

6 Melissa Barr Snider 4 P Douglas Stuckey 1 Jean Hickman Talpas 5 Deborah Scott Thresher 5 Ann Stallings Wilmoth 5 Daniel A Wilmoth 4 Jeffrey P Yoest 3 Leslie J Young

Class of 1978 Class Agent; Rebecca Princehorn 5 Patti Marstrell Abbuhl 4 Dianne Grote Adams 4 Marianne Watkins Antram 2 Bryan N Babcock 1 Timothy P Bach 1 Susan Mayberry Bernadzikowski 2 Kyle E Beveridge 3 Kevin E Blackburn 3 David H Bridgman 3 Marianne Arnold Bright 3 Nancy Ballog Carr 2 Kevin A Carter 5 Jane Recob Charles 7 Monique Davis Clark 1 Sheryl Pass Dickerson 1 Christine Fowler Diltz 4 Melissa Frazier Dover 1 Thomas Downard 2 Tamara Hritz Dye 2 Charles D Eckerson 2 Craig W Furry 2 Georgia G Glunt 1 Wendy S Graff 5 Susan K Henthorn 4 A Kay Wells Hollingsworth 1 Sharia Holter House 5 Gregory L Jewett 2 Linda K Jones 4 Deanna Williams Jones 3 Chris Kapostasy Jansing 3 Steven E Leonard 5 Rebecca Hill May 1 David C McCarty

5 Gina T Miller 5 Dennis N Mohler 5 Randal H Moomaw 5 J David Morgan 4 Lawrence A Navarro III 1 Wesley K Newland 7 Roger A Nourse 1 David Arden Paul 4 Rebecca Coleman Princehorn 1 Kimberly Benadum Pusaterl 4 Mark L Sanders Jr 1 Kathleen D Schoener 3 Linda K Shaw 2 Sandra K Smith 1 Robert S Talpas 3 Daniel C Thompson 5 Mark R Thresher 3 Linda Latimer Trucksis 3 Katherine M Willard 6 Merrilee Foster Witmer 15 Patricia Lenz Yothers

Class of 1979 Class Agent; Nancy L Bocskor 5 Nancy A Asinof 6 Nancy L Bocskor 4 Kevin F Boyle 3 Wil1iam H Burdick 1 Suzanne Marie Carter 5 P Kim Bodell Coleman 1 Dorothy Wilbur Cunning 5 Jocelyn Fu Curry 3 Holly R Feen 5 Thomas L Graham 1 Timothy J Hart 3 Beth Ann Hassenpflug 2 Sylvia Ingels Hill 1 Paul L Isaacs 4 Elizabeth Goeller Johnston 1 Mary Crowley McCarty 4 Molly McMullen McCurdy 1 Mary Everhart McDaniel 1 David G McDaniel

“0” Club Endowment Rev S Mrs Morris E Allton Mr & Mrs Joseph Alspaugh Col1 S Mrs Robert L Arledge Dr & Mrs Terry V Arnold Mr & Mrs Paul E Askins Dr & Mrs Harold F Augspurger Mr & Mrs Francis S Bailey Mr & Mrs Dwight Ballenger Dr & Mrs Floyd C Beelman Mr i Mrs Theodore Benadum Dr & Mrs Harold L Boda Mr & Mrs Daniel C Bowel 1 Mr « Mrs Tom E Brady Mr & Mrs Joseph R Carl isle Mr & Mrs Don A Carlos Dr James K Clary Mr & Mrs Wallace J Cochran Mr i Mrs Mark F Coldiron Columbia Gas Of Ohio Inc Mr & Mrs Charles H Cooper Mr & Mrs Thomas C Copeland Mr Edward J Dandrea Jr Mr & Mrs H William Davis Dr & Mrs C Brent DeVore Mr & Mrs David R Dickson Mr & Mrs Tom M Dickson Dr & Mrs Norman H Dohn Mr & Mrs James Eby Mr & Mrs Denton W Elliott Mr & Mrs Robert W Elliott Dr 4 Mrs Richard L Everhart Mr i Mrs Franklin D Fite Dr * Mrs Elmer N Funkhouser Jr Mr 4 Mrs Russel E Garrett Mr 4 Mrs Ralph Geho Mr 4 Mrs Jack W Groseclose Mr 4 Mrs Warren R Hyde Mr 4 Mrs William L Johnston Mr 4 Mrs Clyde R Jones Mr 4 Mrs Bill Kellam

Dr 4 Mrs John E Leach Dr 4 Mrs Michael G Leadbetter Mr 4 Mrs Jerry E Linkhorn Mr 4 Mrs Larry L Lintner Mr 4 Mrs S Clark Lord Mr 4 Mrs Ocsar L Lord Jr Mr Gary R Lowe Dr 4 Mrs Fred M Martinelli Dr 4 Mrs M R McVay Mr 4 Mrs Jack W Moreland Mr 4 Mrs Wilbur H Morrison Mrs Rachel C Nutt Drs Pappas And Freeman Inc Dr 4 Mrs George J Phinney Major 4 Mrs John D Pietila Mr 4 Mrs Richard J Rano Mr 4 Mrs Richard A Reichter Mr Arthur L Renner Dr 4 Mrs Gerald E Ridinger Mr 4 Mrs Victor G Ritter Mr 4 Mrs John E Rowland Dr 4 Mrs Edwin L Roush Mr 4 Mrs John Ruyan Mr 4 Mrs Floyd L Schneider Dr 4 Mrs Arthur L Schultz Mr 4 Mrs Walter K Shelley Jr Mr 4 Mrs William H B Skaates Mr 4 Mrs John F Spicer Dr 4 Mrs Howard A Sporck Mrs Sara K Steck Dr 4 Mrs Robert R Taylor Dr John L Thompson Mr 4 Mrs H William Troop Jr Mr 4 Mrs Paul B Upson Mr 4 Mrs Edwin A Walker Mr 4 Mrs Horace P White Dr 4 Mrs James C Wood Dr 4 Mrs Elmer W Yoest Mr Franklin M Young

2 Beth A McVay 2 Linda Foster Meade 3 Celeste Miller 3 Cynthia Snyder Miller 1 Oonna Calkins Mobley 1 Grant T Nesbitt 2 Patricia Daniels Pohl 3 Mol lie Ann Echelmeyer Prasher 4 Mark N Princehorn 1 Paul C Rickels 3 Kathryn C Schuller 1 Jean 0 Scott 3 Anne C Shirk 4 Chevonne Kasunic Singer 1 Dan G Strine 3 Nancy Case Struble 4 Kent D Stuckey 2 Deborah K Thorn 1 Andrea H Valvano 5 Gregg T Williams 4 Ronald D Wine 2 Sheryl Farkas Wullschleger

Class of 1980 Class Agent: Kyle J Yoest 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1

Lesly Holyoke Arnold Sue Martin Arter Judy Bandy Dal J Bremer Shari Gregg Brown Patrick Brown Joy Catherine Bundy Christopher J Carlisle Naomi Y Cummans Joanne Szabo Dehaven Amy Brune DeRoberts Rickey A Dodge Paul S Hritz Christopher R Large Janet Parsons Lohr Bruce A Ludwick Pamela A Marsh Martha Schulz Marshall Marybeth Bernard McCullough Harley R McCullough

3 Susan E McDaniel 4 Martha J Paul 2 Terry Jackson Pickering 2 Lisa Rosenbaum Robinson 2 Kathleen Dupler Roig 3 Janice Harrel1 Sing 3 Kristi L Snelling 1 Donald E Snider 1 Susan E Stanley 2 Glen C Wallick 4 Kyle J Yoest 1 David N Zeuch

Class of 1981 Class Agent: Margaret Ruhlin 1 Rebecca S Amstutz 2 Jayne L Bean 1 Judith K Beardsley 2 Jane Haywood Blank 1 Amy L Bunkholder 6 Hildegard Chaney 1 William D Cunning 1 Vickie Swartz Gibson 1 Craig D Hodgdon 3 Amy J Hoshor 1 Julie A Johnson 3 Paul H Koreckis 2 H Susan McKell Marriott 2 Barney Mead 4 Kathleen Miller Navarro 1 William R Noel 2 Daniel M Pohl 1 Cynthia L Prochaska 1 Nancy L Rhynard 4 Kathy Kohl Sanders 1 Thomas W Schluter Jr 3 Valerie Glosick Thompson 1 Donna S Tuomala 2 David L Yaussy

Class of 1982 1

Class Agent: R Eugene Wise Ruth E Babb

1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1

Margo Billard Baldwin Lyn A Ballinger Charles Barrett Jeffrey D Boehm Roy F Boyd Christine E Fleisher Anne L Gecowets Doris Wilson Giambri Barbara Bidwell Gray Holly K Hunsaker Karen B Koslow Gary R Lowe James G Marriott Craig E Merz Ann E Mnich Frederick A Morgan Lynne Boyer Morgan Elaine Katies Sever Susan A Shipe Robert A Smolinski Jr Christine Simpson Snide Kimberly J Woosley Ladonna Brevard Yaussy Susan Hall Zajac Michael 0 Zigo Joyce A Zipperlen

Class of 1983 Class Agent: Kim M Collier 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Rodney G. Apgear David J Arter E Kaye Blue James K Bragg Charles P Castle Pamela M Clay John S Coe Kim M Col 1ier Barabara Dunlap Devirgilio Ann Rutter Dill Ronald E Dill Darlene Reese Oimitrovski Kathryn Spence Fox John E Fox David C Freeman Scott K Halstead

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Belinda White Harding Julie A Heininger Phillip D Helser Donna Needles Huff Marilyn Macklin Klingler Michelle Fox Miller Pamela Fryer Nadvit Richard M Norris Greg F Ocke Leslie Acton Rainier Carol Wade Riemenschneider T Joe Shoopman Judith Ferrero Smiley Janet McMullen Stinson William J Stinson III Lisa A Trochelman John P Yantis Joy Grandstaff Young

Class of 1984 Class Agent: Sonya C Spangler 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Catherine Erby Anthony J Ted Cedargren Keith E Froggatt Jerri Furniss Getz Richard M Graves Tyler K Huggins June Paxton Imbrogno Karen M Kitchell Paula Masys Labita Renee Medellin Lechler Paula M Leffel Bradford B Mul1 in William A Shade Jr Sonya C Spangler C Thomas Starr II Gay McDonald Tully Stephen C Wiley

Class of 1986 1

Susan Wiley

OTTERBEIN FAMILY SUPPORT Trustee Donors 11 37 21 37 1 6 24 20 37 8 37 37 8 18 27 37 37 28 1 7 20 37 28

Mr & Mrs Robert S Agler Dr & Mrs Harold F Augspurger Col Henry V A Bielstein Dr i Mrs Harold L Boda Mr J Ted Cedargren Dr S Mrs Leonard Confar Dr Marilyn E Day Dr 4 Mrs George H Dunlap Dr Verda B Evans Mr 4 Mrs John E Fisher Dr Elmer N Funkhouser Sr Dr 4 Mrs Elmer N Funkhouser Jr Miss Terry L Goodman Dr Michael S Herschler Mr 4 Mrs Virgil 0 Hinton Dr 4 Mrs Homer B Kline Dr 4 Mrs Herman F Lehman Dr 4 Mrs William E Lemay Mr 4 Mrs John W McKitrick Mr 4 Mrs Dennis J Prindle Dr 4 Mrs Edwin L Roush Dr Mary B Thomas Dr 4 Mrs J Hutchison Williams

Honorary Degree Recipients and Honorary Alumni 7 37 32 18 16

Anonymous Marguerite E Boda Russell C Bolin Abraham L Brandyberry Donald C Bulthaup

11 Donald N Ciampa 11 Dorothy L Ciampa 22 William G Comstock 31 Jean Courtright 33 Keith D Crane 33 Mildred L Crane 20 George H Dunlap 20 Harry L Eckels 8 John E Fisher 37 Carol Flint Frank 7 Sanders A Frye 21 Myrtle T Grimes 18 G Weir Hartman 7 Donald E Hines 15 Donald B Hoffman 10 Ursula Holtermann 20 Roger W Jones 19 Donna Lawton Kerr 19 Thomas J Kerr IV 33 Lillian S Kornblurn 12 Dorothy J McVay 12 M R McVay 14 James V Miller 29 Mil lard J Miller 37 Wade S Miller 13 Delbert S Mills 12 William C Moffit 14 John C Searle Sr 23 E Eugene Sitton 17 Walter M Stout 17 Paul E Stuckey 37 Mary B Thomas 25 Roy H Turley 27 Vera Arbogast Turner 28 Joanne F Van Sant 18 Jeanne E Willis

Parents 1 2

Mrs Dianne Ackman Mr 4 Mrs James I Adcock

1 Mrs Janet W Anderson 11 Mr 4 Mrs Clark 0 Bailey 14 Mr 4 Mrs John H Baker 2 Mr 4 Mrs William E Barber 2 Mr 4 Mrs James A Bargar Sr 4 Dr 4 Mrs James E Bartholomew 2 Mr 4 Mrs Fred K Bates 31 Dr 4 Mrs Herbert E Bean 1 Rev 4 Mrs Louis E Bell 3 Mr 4 Mrs Robert C Bock 1 Mr 4 Mrs David A Boyer 2 Mr 4 Mrs Karl Bradway 2 Mr 4 Mrs Leroy Bright Jr 1 Mrs Marjorie H Brown 10 Dr 4 Mrs Eldon W Brum 5 Mrs Thomas A Buckingham 1 Mr 4 Mrs Donald W Butterbaugh 1 Mr 4 Mrs Richard Calder 1 Rev 4 Mrs John E Capper 4 Mr 4 Mrs Larry G Cayton 3 Mrs Deanna F Cedargren 1 Mr 4 Mrs Michael Ciancia 2 Mr 4 Mrs Paul Col 1ier 6 Mr 4 Mrs John Comanita 12 Mr 4 Mrs Wallace E Conard 1 Mrs Mary Hellen Connolly 3 Mr 4 Mrs Robert D Corwin 22 Mr 4 Mrs Edmund L Cox 1 Mr 4 Mrs Robert M Crandall 5 Dr 4 Mrs Horace B Davidson Jr 2 Mr 4 Mrs Harold G Deal 1 Mr 4 Mrs Louis A DeWinter 2 Mr 4 Mrs Michael A Dininno 1 Dr 4 Mrs Robert S Donoho 1 Mr Cyril F Dougherty 18 Mr 4 Mrs Daniel E Dover 1 Mr 4 Mrs James R Driver 2 Mr 4 Mrs Paul V Dunn 19 Mr 4 Mrs James M Dunphy Mr 4 Mrs Robert W Ellison Mr 4 Mrs Forrest P Evans Mr 4 Mrs Earl L Farnlacher Mrs Mary B Fickel 7 Or 4 Mrs William C Fippin 1 Mr 4 Mrs D Dale Fisher


1 Mr 4 Mrs William M Fisher 7 Mr 4 Mrs Franklin D Fite 1 Mrs Donna J Flynn 3 Mrs Diane G Francescangeli 1 Mr 4 Mrs Jerry L Frazier 2 Mrs Mary Carol Freeman 3 Mr 4 Mrs John F Gale 2 Dr 4 Mrs Wayne E Gardiner 2 Mr 4 Mrs Ronald E Gearhart 27 Mr 4 Mrs Craig Gifford 1 Mrs Frances Gioffre 1 Mr 4 Mrs Richard Goodwin 4 Mr 4 Mrs Glenn A Gornall 4 Mr 4 Mrs Eldon Grate 1 Mr 4 Mrs Byrl Griffin 2 Mr 4 Mrs William H Gruber 3 Mr 4 Mrs James R Hahn Jr 1 Mr 4 Mrs James A Haney 2 Mrs Henrietta E Harmer 2 Mr 4 Mrs Robert T Harnsberger 1 Mr 4 Mrs Charles W Hart 30 Mr 4 Mrs Earl C Hassenpflug 1 Drs Walter M 4 Ruth C Haynes 1 Mr 4 Mrs Albert A Heckmann Jr 1 Mr 4 Mrs Norman D Henderson 18 Dr Michael S Herschler 1 Mr 4 Mrs Thomas Hill 2 Mr 4 Mrs Terry K Hitt 30 Mr 4 Mrs Kenneth L Holm 1 Mrs Wilma S Holtzapfel 2 Mr 4 Mrs Gilbert S Hornyak 1 Mr 4 Mrs Thomas R Howell 3 Dr 4 Mrs Thomas K Huggins 3 Mr V Eugene Hughes 2 Mr Dwight I Hurd 10 Mr 4 Mrs Wayne E Huston 1 Mrs Gailene L Idapence 1 Mr 4 Mrs James A Indorf 2 Mr 4 Mrs Kenneth L Irion 2 Mr 4 Mrs Tamotsu Ishida 5 Rev 4 Mrs Kenneth L Jenkins 1 Mr 4 Mrs Charles G Johnson 3 Mr 4 Mrs William L Johnston 2 Mr 4 Mrs Harold V Keckley 12 Mr 4 Mrs Earl F Kennedy Jr

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4 1 24 1 1 2 3 2 1 3 2 15 5 1 10 3 2 3 1 3 3

Mr 4 Mrs John T Voedisch Mr 4 Mrs Charles Waddell Dr 4 Mrs James K Wagner Mrs Judith E Wagner Mr 4 Mrs Ned R Walborn Mrs Maxine L Walker Mr 4 Mrs Jack B Walsh Mr 4 Mrs William J Walsh Mr Lester Warner Rev 4 Mrs Robert E Webb Mrs Charlotte Wei hi Mr 4 Mrs Thomas H Welch Rev 4 Mrs 0 Gene Wells Mr 4 Mrs Eugene B Wenger Dr 4 Mrs Newell J Wert Rev 4 Mrs C Neal Wilds Mr William W Wi1 son Sr Mr 4 Mrs Timothy C Woodyard Mr 4 Mrs Aulden L Yaus Mr 4 Mrs Clair L Zimmerman Mr 4 Mrs E Carl Zimmerman

2 7 27 20 16 1 10 3 12 5 20 10 28 36 2 20 25 27 18 7 18 31


Corporations and Foundations

and Staff 6 2 19 4 2 1 11 12 15 7 34 9 7 7 1 6 2 1 24 19 1 1 10 3 3 1 3 22 30 1 18 1 10 25 5 9 1 1 10 14 2 13 12 10 24 18 35 8 5 34 3 9 13 20 11 2 12 7 23 29 11 2 1 9 3 1 1 1 4

Dr Morton J Achter Mr 4 Mrs James I Adcock Dr 4 Mrs Chester L Addington Mr 4 Mrs Joseph Alspaugh Dr 4 Mrs Louis G Arnold Mr 4 Mrs M Thomas Augustus Mr 4 Mrs Clark 0 Bailey Dr James R Bailey Dr 4 Mrs Lyle T Barkhymer Dr 4 Mrs Philip E Barnhart Mr 4 Mrs John Becker Mrs Russell R Benson Mr 4 Mrs Willard Bivins Jr Mrs Mary Ann Burnam Mr Christopher J Carlisle Dr 4 Mrs Norman R Chaney Mr 4 Mrs- Henry D Colson Mr Timothy Paul Davis Dr Marilyn E Day Dr 4 Mrs Roger F Dei be! Dr 4 Mrs C Brent DeVore Ms Rebecca Dixon Dr 4 Mrs Charles W Dodrill Dr 4 Mrs Robert E Fogal Mr 4 Mrs John L Glascock Dr James F Gorman Mr 4 Mrs James R Hahn Jr Dr Harold B Hancock Mr 4 Mrs Earl C Hassenpflug Mr 4 Mrs Richard Heffelfinger Dr Michael S Herschler Dr 4 Mrs John R Hinton Dr Ursula Holtermann Mr 4 Mrs Albert V Horn Dr 4 Mrs Thomas R James Mr 4 Mrs John S Karsko Mr 4 Mrs Charles Klopp Dr 4 Mrs Stuart Knee Dr 4 Mrs Young W Koo Dr 4 Mrs John H Laubach Dr 4 Mrs Paul A Laughlin Mr 4 Mrs David E Lehman Dr 4 Mrs Arnold D Leonard Mr 4 Mrs Clarence E Loop Dr 4 Mrs Albert E Lovejoy Mr 4 Mrs Woodrow R Macke Mr 4 Mrs Arthur J Mackenzie Mr 4 Mrs Wallace E McCoy Mr 4 Mrs Robert A Meyer Dr Gilbert E Mills Mr Kenneth C Muschott Dr 4 Mrs Roger H Neff Dr 4 Mrs P Rexford Ogle Dr 4 Mrs George J Phinney Dr 4 Mrs Robert D Place Mr 4 Mrs Daniel M Pohl Mr 4 Mrs William L Prince II Mr 4 Mrs Dennis J Prindle Mr 4 Mrs Virgil L Raver Dr 4 Mrs James B Recob Dr 4 Mrs Paul L Redditt Dr 4 Mrs Roy F Reeves Miss Nancy L Rhynard Mrs Jan F Robinson Dr 4 Mrs Edward Sadar Ms Elizabeth A Salt Mr 4 Mrs Richard M Sanderson Mr 4 Mrs John E Saveson Mr 4 Mrs Bernard Schreiber

Mr i4 Mrs Robert Shaw Mr 4 i Mrs David R Simmons Mr 4) Mrs William H B Skaates Dr Mildred 1 Stauffer Rev 4 Mrs David E Stichweh Mr i4 Mrs Raymond Taylor Mr 14 Mrs Fred J Thayer Mr 14 Mrs Daniel C Thompson Mr 14 Mrs Leonard Tillett Mr 4J Mrs Gary Tirey Rev 4 Mrs Chester R Turner Dr . Ioann L Tyler Dr . loanne F Van Sant Mr 4i Mrs Waid W Vance Mr 4i Mrs David J Verne Dr 14 Mrs Roberto R Vi Hal on Mr 14 Mrs John F Wells Mr 14 Mrs Roger Wiley Mr 14 Mrs Clyde E Willis Or 4 < Mrs Richard P Yantis Or i4 Mrs Elmer W Yoest 1 Mr Franklin M Young

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Anonymous Abbott Laboratories Adria Laboratories Inc Aerojet Electro Systems Aetna Life 4 Casualty Co Agnew Foundation Alcoa Allied Chemical Corp Allied Mineral Products Allstate Insurance Co American Can Co American Airlines American Electric Power Amoco Oil Co Anheuser Busch Inc Armco Inc Ashland Oil Inc Ashland Chemical Co Associated Dry Goods Corp Barnes Group Inc Battelle Memorial Institute Becton Dickinson Foundation Bell 4 Howell Co Bell Laboratories Boeing Co Borden Inc Buckeye Business Forms Central Soya Co Champion International Corp Chase Manhattan Bank Checkfree Systems Inc Chemical Abstracts Service Chevron USA Chrysler Corporation Fund Ciba Geigy Corp Citibank Vida S Clements Foundation Clevepak Corp Columbia Gas of Ohio Inc Columbus 4 Southern Ohio Electric Columbus Mutual Life Insurance Co Combustion Engineering Inc Connecticut Bank 4 Trust Co Connecticut Mutual Life Continental Corp Cooper Industries Foundation Cooper Tire 4 Rubber Co Corning Glass Works Dart 4 Kraft Desoto Inc Dow Chemical USA Dresser Industries Corp Dun 4 Bradstreet Corp Emerson Electric Co Equitable Life Assurance ESDM Corp Federated Department Stores Rose L Findeiss Trust Fisher Body Division Ford Motor Co General Electric Co General Foods Corp B F Goodrich Co

Goodyear Tire 4 Rubber Co Gould Inc W R Grace & Co Graphic Controls Corp GTE Products Corp Harper A Row Publishers Inc Hercules Incorporated Heublein Inc Hoffmann La Roche Inc Honeywell Inc Hoover Co Hughes Peters Inc Hughes Aircraft Co ITT IBM Corp Indian Run Golf Club Inc Investors Diversified Services John Hancock Mutual Life Johns Manville Corp Johnson & Johnson W K Kellogg Foundation Eli Li 1ly and Co Liqui Box Corp Lubrizol Corp Marathon Oil Co Maytag Co McDonnell Douglas Corp Mead Corp Metropolitan Life Insurance Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co Mobil Oil Corp Monsanto Co The Harry C Moores Foundation Morton Thiokol Motorola Inc Nabisco Brands Inc Nationwide Corp Nationwide Foundation National Bank of Detroit NCR Corp Northwest Airlines Inc Norton Co Foundation Ohio Bell Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges Olentangy Associates Olin Corp Owens Corning Fiberglas Corp Owens Illinois Drs Pappas and Freeman Inc Parker Hannifin Corp Peat Marwick Mitchell & Co J C Penney Inc PepsiCo Milton 4 Eleanor Percival Fund Pfizer Inc Phillips Petroleum Co Phillip Morris Inc Pitney Bowes Inc Della G Plants Trust PPG Industries Inc The Presser Foundation Price Waterhouse Procter 4 Gamble Co Progressive Insurance Co Prudential Insurance Co George Record Foundation Reliance Electric Co Republic Steel Corp Rockwell International Corp Rorer Group Inc Rubbermaid Inc SCM Corp SDS Biotech Corp The Sears Roebuck Foundation Sherex Chemical Inc Sherwin Williams Co G Frederick Smith Chemical Co Smithkline Beckman Corp J M Smucker Co Standard Oil Co Texaco Texas Instruments E J Thomas Co TRW Inc Union Carbide Corp United Technologies Corp United Telephone Co United Telephone System United Services Auto Assoc Upjohn Co Western Electric Co Westinghouse Electric Corp Westreco Inc Westvaco Corp Whirlpool Corp Williams and Company Inc Wolfe Associates Inc Louise P Wolls Trust

Friends 17 7

20 10 6

6 18 14 16 1 7 9 4 13 6 15

6 15 1 9 9 19

1 3 1 5

2 5 17 16

10 11 5 14 18 5 7 4 6 8 6

1 2 8 4 5 15 1 13

11 24 4

12 6 8 17 2 35 7 6 15 1 5 9 27 8 5 2 13 19 3 8 2 3

10 13 26 3

22 2 15 3

12 2 8 13 16 3 7 16 7 5 2 29 2

Anonymous Mr & Mrs Peter Alonso Mrs Carl W Anderson Mrs Virginia Apostolopoulos Mrs Donald B App Mrs John G Appleton Mrs Ray L Ashe Mr 4 Mrs Karl A Bachmann Mrs Chloie E Ballard Mr Vaughn Barnhard Mr & Mrs Charles A Barrett Miss Frances Barricklow Or & Mrs James E Bartholomew Miss Hilda Bauer Rev & Mrs Kenneth A Beals . Miss L Evelyn Season Miss Ellen Beatty Mr Robert E Behanna Mr & Mrs Charles Behm Mr & Mrs Robert C Benton Mr & Mrs Robert W Bibbee Mr Harper Bickett Mr & Mrs James D Black Mr 4 Mrs Robert C Bland Mr 4 Mrs Thomas W Bland Mr 4 Mrs Andrew M Bocskor Mrs Linda L Borchers Mr 4 Mrs Thomas Boyle Mr George W Brandt Mr Albert E Brion Jr Mr 4 Mrs Donald G Bromley Mr 4 Mrs Clarence 0 Brown Mr 4 Mrs Richard W Brown Mr 4 Mrs Gerald S Brubaker Mr Charles L Buchsieb Mr 4 Mrs William L Burdick Mrs Ruth L Burleson Mr 4 Mrs Charles 0 Burnham Mrs John S Burrell Mr 4 Mrs W Wilson Caldwell Mr 4 Mrs Robert V Call Jr Mr Benjamin Carlson Rev 4 Mrs Dwayne C Carter Mr 4 Mrs William M Carver Jr Mr 4 Mrs Larry G Cayton Miss Florence Cellar Mr 4 Mrs Alex Chaney Mr 4 Mrs Raymond D Chappelear Mrs V Darlene Chitwood Miss Janet L Clymer Mr 4 Mrs Merritt H Clymer Mr 4 Mrs Charles L Cochran Mr 4 Mrs E E Col dwell Dr 4 Mrs Leonard Confar Mrs Stacy C Conrad Mr 4 Mrs Frederick A Cook Mr 4 Mrs Thomas C Copeland Mrs Merriss Cornell Mr 4 Mrs Paul M Cornish Mr 4 Mrs John 0 Costine Mrs John K Coulter Mr 4 Mrs William B Coulter Mr 4 Mrs Larry Cox Sgt 4 Mrs Roy F Cromer Mr 4 Mrs Herman Crotinger Mr 4 Mrs Charles C Curtin Dr 4 Mrs Horace B Davidson Jr Mr 4 Mrs Frank C Dawson Mr 4 Mrs Charles R Day Dr 4 Mrs Roger F Deibel Mr 4 Mrs Donald Denlinger Mr 4 Mrs Donald M Desch Mr 4 Mrs David R Dickson Mr 4 Mrs Tom M Dickson Miss Thelma R Diemer Mr 4 Mrs Charles K Dilgard Mr 4 Mrs T E Dimke Ms Kathryn C Dixon Mrs Kenneth T Dover Mrs Rollin R Durant Mr Kenneth Dykhuizen Mr 4 Mrs James R Edman Mr 4 Mrs John W Evans Mr 4 Mrs Marvin M Evans Mrs Robert F Evans Mr 4 Mrs Harold F Fagerberg Mr 4 Mrs Ercel Fausey Mrs Catherine B Feldman Mr 4 Mrs Franklin D Fite Mr 4 Mrs Armin J Fleck Mr 4 Mrs Richard M Follansbee Mr 4 Mrs Donald G Ford Mr Wilbur R Franklin Jr Mr 4 Mrs Harry J W Fravert Mr 4 Mrs Charles J Frazier

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Mr 4 Mrs Paul W Freshour Mr 4 Mrs Richard A Friend Mr 4 Mrs Ronald W Froggatt Dr 4 Mrs A Julian Gabriele Mrs John B Garver Mrs Glorene Gebhart Mr 4 Mrs Ralph Geho Mrs Dorothy M Geiger Mrs J Lowell Gibson Mr 4 Mrs William E Gill Mr 4 Mrs Donald Glessner Mr 4 Mrs Glenn A Gornall Mrs Kenneth A Greene Mr 4 Mrs Charles M Grice Mr 4 Mrs Jack D Griffith Mr 4 Mrs Arza J Hall Col 4 Mrs James E Hamer Dr 4 Mrs William T Hamilton Mrs Edward H Hammon Mr 4 Mrs Douglas P Handyside Mr 4 Mrs Ivan P Hanes Dr D 0 Hankinson Mrs Emily E S Hardy Mr Joseph W Harris Mrs Iris L Harvey Estate of Hazel E Heater Mrs Mary J Heisey Mrs Helen Helfinstine Mr Richard D Henery Mr 4 Mrs C Nevin Hess Mr 4 Mrs David A Hill Mr 4 Mrs Clinton D Hillis Mr 4 Mrs Michael B Hoge Mrs Anne T Hokanson Mr 4 Mrs Michael Holman Mr 4 Mrs William P Holt Mr 4 Mrs Lawrence C Hone Mrs Neva Hosier Mrs J Gordon Howard Mrs Leora A Howsare Mr 4 Mrs David L Hoyle Mr 4 Mrs Warren R Hyde Mr 4 Mrs Donald F Icsman Mr 4 Mrs Otis C Ingels Mr 4 Mrs Clinton A Jack Mr 4 Mrs James R Jackson Mr 4 Mrs William L Jenkins Mr 4 Mrs Everett W Johnson Mr 4 Mrs Forrest L Johnston Mr 4 Mrs Carl W Jones Dr 4 Mrs Malcolm J Jones Miss Thelma Jordan Dr Frederick R Judy Mr 4 Mrs Torrey A Kaatz Mr 4 Mrs Robert M Kassing Bishop 4 Mrs Francis E Kearns Mr 4 Mrs Frank Kegg Mr 4 Mrs Bill Kellam Mrs Harry S Kemp Mr 4 Mrs James L Kern Dr 4 Mrs Richard A Kindinger Mr 4 Mrs Roger D Kingsbury Mr 4 Mrs Thomas E Kinzer Col 4 Mrs William L Klare Mrs Murn B Klepinger Dr 4 Mrs Max L Kochheiser Mr 4 Mrs John S Kovach Mr 4 Mrs Harry A Kreimeier Mr 4 Mrs George T Kurtz Mr 4 Mrs Amherst H Lamb Mrs Charles 0 Lambert Mr 4 Mrs Franklin F Landis Mr 4 Mrs Warren E Latimer Mr 4 Mrs Samuel L Law Mr George F Lawton Dr 4 Mrs John E Leach Mrs Percy G Lehman Miss Marie Lerch Miss Lillian G Little Mr 4 Mrs James Lopresti Mr 4 Mrs Oscar L Lord Jr Mr 4 Mrs Gerald D Lowry Mr 4 Mrs Daniel S Ludlum Mr 4 Mrs Mario Macloce Mr 4 Mrs Otto E Mahler Mr 4 Mrs Edward W Mai bach Miss Leona Manecke Mr Ted Manier Mrs Imogene Mansfield Dr 4 Mrs John V Marstrell Mr 4 Mrs Robert C McCartney Mrs Lucile McConaughy Rev 4 Mrs James McCormack Mrs Geneva McCracken Mr 4 Mrs James J McCullen Mr 4 Mrs Harold C McDermott Mr 4 Mrs Dennis L McDonald Mrs Charles McIntyre Mr 4 Mrs John W McKitrick Mr 4 Mrs Robert A McNemar

10 5 5 16 16 13 30 1 3 11 9 8 1 2 5 2 11 6 1 14 5 1 3 1 15 10 1 16 1 16 2 3 3 11 3 13 23 4 11 20 21 17 15 14 7 9 6 16 22 1 1 8 4 14 15 13 13 1 4 24 17 4 1 26 14 1 14 11 1 6 1 3 2 3 4 6 9 24 15 9 10 1 11 18 10 15 5 14 14 2 10 5 20 4 21 1 3 14 3 3

Mr 4 Mrs Charles McVey Mr Harvey Meeker Mr 4 Mrs Alfred J Meister Miss Cornelia M Metz Miss Helene S Metz Or Harriet Miller Mrs John Paul Miller Mr Paul G Miller Mr 4 Mrs Robert K Miller Mr Fred J Mi 11igan Sr Mr Harold E Mills Mr Frank K Mitchell Mr 4 Mrs Joe P Mollica Dr 4 Mrs Eugene G Moor Mr 4 Mrs Clarence C Moore Mrs Kenneth Moreland Mr 4 Mrs Stephen Morgan Dr Stephen D Morton Estate of Marjorie Mutersbaugh Miss Frieda E Myers Mabel Green Myers Trust Mr 4 Mrs Paul Nealer Mr 4 Mrs James W Near Mr 4 Mrs Benjamin E Newman II Dr 4 Mrs George W Novotny Mr Byron K Obear Mr 4 Mrs Franklin L Ocke Mr 4 Mrs Lee A Oren Mr 4 Mrs Donald Paisley Mr 4 Mrs Allan F Parsons Mrs Martha E Paul Mr 4 Mrs Richard T Paul Mr 4 Mrs James L Payne Mr 4 Mrs J Ellsworth Penty Mr 4 Mrs James J Perret Mrs Marie Pfahl Mr 4 Mrs Hubert K Pinney Mr 4 Mrs Larry L Piper Rev 4 Mrs Walter L Plummer Dr 4 Mrs Kenneth H Pohly Mr 4 Mrs James B Porter Mrs Esther L Price Mrs Sanford G Price Mrs Wilbur A Price Mr 4 Mrs Dennis J Prindle Mr 4 Mrs James T Purdie Mr 4 Mrs Michael Puskarich Mr Donald M Pyles Mr 4 Mrs Charles 0 Rail Estate of Ernest F Ramsey Mrs Ava Rankin Mr 4 Mrs Richard J Rano Mr 4 Mrs Arthur W Rau Mr 4 Mrs Donald G Reams Miss Joe Ann Redfern Mr Charles D Redmond Mrs Pauline Reece Mrs Sars Jeanne Reed Mr 4 Mrs Clifford E Reich Miss Edith P Rennison Mr 4 Mrs Harry W Richards Sr Mr 4 Mrs William F Richmond Mr 4 Mrs Howard V Ricker Mrs Edward M Ricketts Mr 4 Mrs Ross R Robbins Mr 4 Mrs Arthur R Roberts Mr 4 Mrs Carl W Roberts Mr 4 Mrs James W Robertson Mrs Louise E Roberts Mr 4 Mrs John W Robey Mrs Cynthia L Robinson Mr 4 Mrs Ralph E Robinson Mrs Gerane A Rohner Mr James L Ross Mr 4 Mrs John E Rowland Mr 4 Mrs L Dow Ruch Mr 4 Mrs Edward N Ruff Mrs Abel J Ruffini Mr 4 Mrs Howard W Rugh Dr Carl M Rupp Mr 4 Mrs Homer J Saeger Mr 4 Mrs Charles F Salt Mrs Arthur Sanders Mr 4 Mrs J Ronald Scharer Mr Albro Schatzer Mrs Lloyd B Schear Estate of Ethel C Schieber Mr4 Mrs Donald E Schleucher Mr 4 Mrs Andrew J Schmidt Mr 4 Mrs Walter L Schwartz Mrs Estella R Semrau Mrs Fannie Louise Shafer Mr 4 Mrs George E Share Mr 4 Mrs Hortis A Shaver Mrs Charles E Shawen Mr 4 Mrs William G Sheehy Mr 4 Mrs Donald Shipley Rev 4 Mrs Ralph K Shunk Mr 4 Mrs Carl E Sibert Rev 4 Mrs George Si dwell

14 Mr 4 Mrs Kenneth S Sigler 29 Mrs C C Skaates 4 Mr 4 Mrs Blaine D Slater 24 Mr 4 Mrs Donald D Smith 16 Mrs Elsie M Smith 5 Mr 4 Mrs L Bryan Snyder 7 Mr 4 Mrs Larry H Snyder 5 Mr 4 Mrs Bernard Sokolowski 4 Mrs Edgar E Spatz 6 Mrs William H Spitler 15 Mrs Martin Spring 11 Mr 4 Mrs Clinton M Starks 16 Mr 4 Mrs Harry M Steiner 13 Mrs Seth E Stevens 36 Mr John D Stewart 19 Mrs Charles H Stull 1 Dr Cyril T Surrington 4 Mr 4 Mrs Anthony Tarantelli 4 Drs Taylor Day Reich Yoest 11 Dr 4 Mrs Robert R Taylor 10 Mr 4 Mrs Roy E Teichert 1 Mr 4 Mrs Guy Thomas 12 Mr 4 Mrs Werner J Thompson 9 Mr 4 Mrs Alan M Thorndike 15 Rev 4 Mrs Earl W Toy 1 Mr 4 Mrs Donald Tribby 14 Mr 4 Mrs John H Turner 6 Mr 4 Mrs Robert B Turner 11 Mrs H W Underhill 1 Mr 4 Mrs Donald H Vernau 3 Dr 4 Mrs Harland L Verrill 3 Dr 4 Mrs H T Villavecer 4 Mr 4 Mrs John T Voedisch 13 Rev 4 Mrs Blake D Wagner 5 Mr 4 Mrs Jack E Wagner 13 Mr 4 Mrs Robert P Walcutt 11 Mr 4 Mrs Edwin A Walker 3 Mr 4 Mrs Jack B Walsh 18 Mr 4 Mrs George H Warnes 16 Mrs Clarence E Weaver 30 Mr Leroy B Webner 10 Dr 4 Mrs Newell J Wert 20 Mr 4 Mrs Robert H Weston 32 Mr 4 Mrs Ward Wetzel 10 Mrs Mildred Wharton 3 Mr 4 Mrs Edward J Whitehead 6 Mr 4 Mrs Lloyd C Wicke 9 Mrs James H Wilson 1 Estate of Mary H Wilson 25 Mr 4 Mrs Myron F Wilson 14 Mr 4 Mrs Russell E Wolf 1 Mrs Barbara L Wolfe 12 Mr 4 Mrs Charles H Wright 16 Mr 4 Mrs John A Wright 12 Mr 4 Mrs James L Young 3 Mr 4 Mrs Clair L Zimmerman 10 Rev 4 Mrs Ralph C Zundel

Church 9 12 15 9 19

East Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church Greenwood United Methodist Church United Methodist Women West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church Western Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church

Other Donors 18 6 1 2 11 5 3 34 6

Dayton Otterbein Womens Club Epsilon Kappa Tau Alumnae Greater Columbus Arts Council Licking County Medical Auxiliary National Merit Scholarship Ohio Arts Council Ohio Board of Regents Westerville Otterbein Womens Club Westerville Area Chamber of Commerce

by Ed Syguda

“After the game,” Gioffre said, “we were burned out. None of us knew how it felt to lose, it had been so long. “We didn’t have the eye of the tiger,” he continued. “Marietta came out fired up right from the beginning.” Then came Wittenberg in game No. 18. Trailing by as much as 19 points in the first half of the game against Wit­ tenberg at home, the Cardinals mounted a comeback in the second half to take a three-point lead with 2:48 left in the game, but couldn’t hang on to win. Wit­ tenberg won the game, 82-76, handing the Cardinals their second loss in a row. The dreams of an undefeated season vanished, the Cardinals, with four regular season games left, now had to figure out how they could overcome conference leader Wittenberg, who held a Vh game lead over Otterbein in the Ohio Athletic Conference (OAC). Wit­ tenberg was 11-0 and Otterbein, 10-2. “We’ve got to win out and somebody has to beat Wittenberg,” Reynolds said Monday morning following the Wit­ tenberg loss. Following another victory over Capital at home in game 19, the Car­ dinals traveled to Wittenberg for the se­ cond and final meeting of regular season play between the pair. Wittenberg, still atop the OAC at 12-0, was now ranked No. 1 in Division III. It was no contest. On the heels of a 37-point explosion by Otterbein’s Mike McKinney, the Car­ dinals trottled the Tigers, easing their way to a 97-83 victory. Those 97 points Otterbein scored in Springfield, inciden­ tally, were the most given up by the Tigers in head coach Larry Hunter’s nine seasons at Wittenberg. Wittenberg suffered another con­ ference loss in its next game at BaldwinWallace, while Otterbein won its final two against Muskingum and Baldwin-Wallace. When regulation season was over, Ot­ terbein and Wittenberg shared the OAC title, each with 14-2 conference records. The Cardinals had achieved their fourth objective.

Otterbein’s success on the court earn­ ed Reynolds “OAC Coach of the Year” honors and Hempy and McKinney “First Team All-OAC” status. Langdon and Zawadzki received “All-OAC” honorable mention honors. The post-season OAC Tournament— Otterbein’s fifth objective—featured Ot­ terbein and Wittenbeig in the champion­ ship final held at Otterbein’s Rike Center. The winner was to gain an automatic berth in the NCAA Division III Tournament. Wittenberg was victorious, 68-64, and headed into the Great Lakes Regional of the NCAA Tournament as the No. 1 team in Division III. Otterbein, at 22-3, was ranked No. 7 and received an at-large bid to the regional. Rounding out the four-team field at the Great Lakes Regional, hosted by Wittenberg, were Hope (Mich.), rank­ ed No. 3 in the country, and DePauw (Ind.), ranked No. 16. Despite jumping out to an 11-point halftime lead, 46-35, the Cardinals could not out muscle Hope’s 6-8 center Dan Gustad—with 13 rebounds, 7 blocked shots and 17 points—nor out shoot for­ ward Chip Henry and guard Dave Beckman, who combined for another 37 points. The Cardinals were eliminated, 78-71, from the NCAA Tournament by Hope, which was making its fourth straight trip to the regionals. All three previous trips had ended in losses. Wittenberg, who defeated DePlauw in the semifinal, also beat Hope in the championship final to advance to the quarterfinals of the NCAA Tournament. Otterbein’s sixth objective, making it to the final four in the NCAA Tournament, would have to wait another year. The Cards came back the next night, however, and held onto a 79-78 win over DePauw in the consolation game. But that’s not the only consolation the Cardinals walked away with from the 1984-85 season. Everyone from this year’s 23-4 team will return in November for another crack at the na­ tional championship except senior point guard and captain Ray Zawadzki. Zawadzki, who mastered the Cardinal offensive charge this year by leading the

team in assists and free-throw percen­ tage, couldn’t speculate on his replace­ ment in a locker room interview following his last collegiate game against DePduw. “I can’t answer that,” Zawadzki said. “They are a great bunch of guys and I’m sure they can overcome this obstacle of me leaving because they’ve overcome others. “I’m just so glad that I chose Otter­ bein. It’s been great for me and I just hope I’ve put something in other peoples’ lives to cherish forever. I’ve enjoyed every second of it and I wouldn’t trade it.”

Women Netteis Aim For Top Spot in OAC The Otterbein women’s tennis team —all eight members—opened the 1985 season with a non-conference match against Aquinas College March 9 at home. “We have eight people out,” said head coach JoAnn Tyler, “so we’re certainly not depending upon quantity, but quality.” The Cardinals have tour of their top six singles players returning from last year. Leading the way this season is senior Wendy Miller, from Westerville, who’ll probably play in the No. 1 singles spot, Tyler said. “She’s played in an awful lot of tour­ naments since last spring,” Tyler added. Other returnees from last sea.son in­ clude juniors Amy Pangalangan (Wester­ ville) and Anita Huggins (Galion), and sophomores Erin Workman Tcchanan (Reynoldsburg) and Lyn Peterson (Dayton). This marks the first season of com­ petition in the Ohio Athletic Conference for women’s tennis. “We’ll be tops in the conference if we can get by Wittenbeig,” Tyler said. “Ohio Northern will be tough also.” The Cardinals opened conference play April 2 when they hosted a match with Heidelberg. page 13

Baseball Team Seeking Tourney Trip—Again The 1985 Otterbein College baseball team will be leaning upon a trio of veteran pitchers to get them back into the NCAA Division III Tournament for the fifth straight year and, possibly, another crack at a national championship title. The 1984 Cardinals advanced to the Mid-Atlantic Regional after finishing the regular season in second place in the southern division of the Ohio Athletic Conference. Otterbein was eliminated from the tournament after falling to William Paterson and eventual national champion Ramapi) in the regional. “We should be strong this season in pitching and in the infield,” said Otter­ bein head coach Dick Fishbaugh, who recorded his 3(X)th career victory last season while raising his overall mark to 311-219-7 over 18 seasons at Otterbein. “The big question mark is the out­ field.” Leading the Cardinal pitching attack are senior right handers Kirk McDonald (7-5), Ob Hartman (6-4) and Doug Gates (4-5), all of whom were responsible, as sophomores, for getting the Cardinals in­ to the championship game of the 1983 World Series, which they lost to con­ ference rival Marietta. Those three chalked up 17 of the Car­ dinal’s 21 victories last season. McDonald and Hartman were selected by teammates as MVPs in 1984. It was a repeat performance for McDonald, who was tabbed MVP in 1983 based upon an outstanding 13-3 record and a trim 3.27 earned mn average. McDonald was hampered by a finger injury for part of last season. Bullpen ace senior Ed Conard (1-2) will join a group of seasoned and rookie pitchers who will be battling for the one remaining spot on the four-man pitching RTtation. Other candidates are sophomore Bill Pfearee (2-0), last year’s freshman MVP, sophomore Craig Stone (1-0), or freshman Dan Harris, the only Cardinal left-hander. Cardinal pitchers will throw to a pair of solid catchers led by senior Mike Goodwin and junior Tim Harris who, between them, knocked in 57 runs last season. Harris led the team with six home runs on his way to a .309 batting average. Despite the loss of first baseman Dave page 14

Whitehead and shortstop Jon Mastel to graduation last season, Fishbaugh feels comfortable with his remaining infield talent which includes sophomore Greg Masters at first, juniors Bill Moler at se­ cond, Tim Bates at shortstop, Dave Eckelberry at third, and Bruce Gifford at either second or third. Moler led the team in hitting last season with a .329 average, while Eckelberry was third best in run production, picking up 29 RBIs. During the off season, Fishbaugh lat­ ched onto a couple of recruits who should provide plenty of depth at several of the infield positions. Freshmen Greg Cox, from Hebron, and Ron Plunkett, from Upper Arlington, both played shortstop in high school. It will be difficult, however, to replace the loss of center fielder Dave Weaver. All three outfield slots are “wide open,” according to Fishbaugh. “We’re

going to have to find our best nine hit­ ters and play them, regardless of posi­ tion. We may have to give up some defense in the outfield.” Probable starters in the outfield include sophomore Jerame Davies in center field and senior Keith Evans in right ‘field. Evans led the team in stolen bases last year, a perfect 14 of 14. Swinging the bat well for the Cardinals in pre-season were Harris (Tun), Good­ win, McDonald, Hartman, Masters, Moler and Gifford. “That’s my big problem,” Fishbaugh said. “Hartman and McDonald are pit­ ching. Who’s going to come in and score runs for us? Who’s going to hit for us in left field, center field and right field? That is the key. “We might be a bunting ball club for the first time in the history of Otterbein.”

Luck Didn’t Smile On Women Cagers Otterbein’s women’s basketball team, under head coach Amy Backus, began the 1984-85 campaign as though they wDuld be serious eontenders in their first season of play in the Ohio Athletic Con­ ference (OAC). Although the Cardinals lost the ser­ vices of the school’s all-time leading scorer, guard Kathy Cole, to graduation, they still had three returning starters from last year’s L5-8 team—senior forward Susan Ogier, sophomore center Lori Povisil and junior point guard Lisa Shaver. The Cards zipped through their first six games, winning five of them. Unfor­ tunately, all five wins were against non­ conference opponents. In the fourth game of the season, Povisil, who was averaging 16.7 points and 8.3 rebounds per game, suffered a broken bone in her right hand in a col­ lision with a Muskingum player. She missed the next three games and played the rest of the season with her right hand in and out of casts as she later re-injured the same hand. Lady Luck was not smiling on the Lady Cardinals. After compiling a 64 overall record, 1-3 in the OAC, leading scorer Ogier suffered a stress fracture in

her right foot in a game against Heidelberg. At the time, Ogier was averaging 13.2 points and 5.7 rebounds per game. She missed the next ten games. Junior guard Tamie Rawn (9.3 ppg.), sophomore center Jeannine Ruh (6.9 ppg.) and freshman forward Angie Heintz (6.8 ppg.) tried their best to pick up the offensive game, but to no avail. The Cardinals finished the regular season in eighth place in the OAC with a 4-12 eonference record. By the time the OAC Tournament roled around, Ogier and Povisil were back in the starting lineup. The Lady Car­ dinals easily rolled over Baldwin-Wallace, 80-61, to make it into the quarterfinals—a matchup with Capital, undefeated in 15 conference games. The Cardinals fought gamely—actually took a one-point lead with about three minutes to go—but tired and dropped a 78-68 decision. Otterbein finished the season 10-14 overall and head into the 1985-86 cam­ paign with plenty of experience. Twelve of the 13 players eligible to return next season accumulated playing time in 17 or more of the 24 games played this sea.son.

Catch The Cardinal Spirit!!

These Items Are Available From The Otterbein Bookstore T-Shirt, red or navy. Children’s sizes XS (2-4), S (6-8), M (10-1 2), L (14-16) - $4.95 Baseball style shirt; red or navy; Adult sizes S, M, L, XL - $10.95 Long sleeve sweatshirt, red or navy, Chil­ dren’s sizes XS, S, M, L - $8.95 Adult sizes S, M, L, XL - $10.95 Hooded sweatshirt; red, gray, navy blue or white; Adult sizes S, M, L, XL - $17.50

Sweatpants (not shown in photo) $10.95 Pewter-like (Armentale) 12-inch college plates-$16.95 Pewter-like (Armentale) mug - $10.95 Pewter-like (Armentale) goblet - $15.95 Ceramic tankard mug - $7.95 Ceramic coffee mug - $3.50 Set of six 14-ounce tumblers - $16.95

Order Now! Note: Class rings are available ($69.00 up). Write for details. All prices include tax, postage and handling. U.S. deliveries only. Send orders to: Otterbein College Bookstore 100 W. Home St. Westerville, Ohio 43081

(Make check payable to Otterbein College or include Master Charge or Visa number.) Each sale through TOWERS will benefit the Alumni Association.

page 15

Class Notes ’26 JOHN and MARTHA BUCHERT HOOVER recently celebrated 56 years of marriage with a special family din­ ner. JOSEPH and AGNES TRYON YON ’25 celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on October 16, 1984. Con­ gratulations and best wishes to both couples.

’35 50TH YEAR REUNION ’39 45TH YEAR REUNION ’40 45TH YEAR REUNION ’41 45TH YEAR REUNION ’45 40TH YEAR REUNION ’48 ROBERTA ARMSTRONG WRASSMANN has retired after 25 years with the Cincinnati Public Schools and is now living in Palm Coast, Florida.


JAMES R. ALBERT is living in Palmyra, Virginia. Dr. Albert is current­ ly the superintendent of the Fluvanna County Public Schools. ROBERT C. BARR was the reci­ pient of the Presidents Club’s Citizen Legion of Honor Award for 1984. The Presidents Club, an organization of more than 50 service clubs in the metropolitan Dayton area, honors a local citizen in recognition of outstan­ ding contributions to community ser­ vice. The award was presented October 4 at a special luncheon at the Mandalay Banquet Center.

’53 GENE KEEL, athletic director at West Jefferson High School, created a football dynasty at the school. During his 22-ycar head coaching stint, he led the Roughriders to a 157-40-7 record. He came to West Jefferson as an assistant coach in 1955, and was selected Ohio High School Coach-of-the-Year in 1962 and 1977. Mr. Keel was inducted into the Ohio High School Football Coaches Hall of Fame July 18, 1984, in Canton.


ecutive officer of Equitable AgriBusiness Incorporated, one of the Atlanta-based companies formed when the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States recently reorganized its real estate operation as an indepen­ dent subsidiary. Mr. Wilkinson joined the company in 1956, and in 1984 received Equitable’s senior management practice award.

’60 25TH YEAR REUNION LARRY A. KANTNER, professor of art and education at the University of Missouri-Columbia, has been elected to a three-year term to the World Coun­ cil of the International Society of Educa­ tion through Art (INSEA). The coun­ cil of 28 elected members world-wide represents (INSEA) members from 58 countries.

’62 DAN JORDAN has been named head football coach at Willowbrcxik High School, in Villa Park, Ill. An assistant football coach from 1967 to 1983, Dan has been head of the school’s Department of Physical Education since the 1979-80 school year. He has also been varsity golf coach, assistant gym­ nastics coach and varsity gymnastics coach at the school. JUDITH STONE OLIN, asscx:iate pastor at First United Methodist Church of Conneaut, Ohio, has been appointed superintendent of the Youngstown District with its 62 churches and more than 25,0(X) members.

’64 20TH YEAR REUNION RONALD E. LUCAS has been pro­ moted from accounting research super­ visor to financial analyst by Columbia Gas. Mr. Lucas joined the gas company in 1967.

RONALD MARTIN, principal of the Broadway Elementary School in the Tipp City (Ohio) school district, receiv­ ed an award for his school in November as it was named by the Ohio Associa­ tion of Elementary School Ad­ ministrators as one of its “Hall of Fame” runner-up schools for 1984. Martin has been principal of the school since 1968. The award is presented by OAESA in recognition of excellence in all phases of education, from academic programs to involvement in the community. Ronald’s two sons currently attend Otterbein. Jeffrey is a senior, and Douglas will graduate in 1986. RICHARD K. MAVIS will head the public service division for the Knox County United Way campaign. Mr. Mavis is currently serving as vice presi­ dent and gener^ manager of Mavis Sporting Goods and is vice president of legislative affairs for the Mount Vernon Area Chamber of Commerce.

’65 20TH YEAR REUNION ’66 20TH YEAR REUNION DEEDRA BEBOUT of Burbank, California, has currently joined NBC’s soap “Santa Barbara”. JAMES B. MISKIMEN, Station manager at Public Radio Station WMRA-FM, Harrisonburg, Virginia, serving the Shenandoah Valley, has been elected secretary of the Virginia Public Radio Association. He has also been ap­ pointed vice chairman of the College & Professional School Liaison Committee of the Virginia Association of Broadcasters. JAMES R. SELLS was assigned to the Armed Forces Inaugural Commit­ tee to support the presidential inaugura­ tion held in January.

Can’t Go To France With Us This Summer?? How about Hawaii in November! 8 days — $804.00 13 days — add $425.00

NTTA LELAND’s fall exhibition was held at the Cox Arboretum Gallery in Dayton, Ohio.

Departs Columbus approximately Nov. 6, 1985


Watch for details in the Summer Towers.

ROBERT E. WILKINSON has been named president and chief ex­ page 16

compiled by Carol Define ’67 HOWARD G. BERG, lieutenant col onel in the United States Air Force, distinguished himself by meritorious service from July 15, 1981 to July 15, 1984 as Chief, Resources Branch, in the Joint Data Systems Support Center, Defense Communications Agency.

’69 KARL G. KEMPF is a manager at Corporate Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, McDonnell Douglas Cor­ poration, in St. Louis. Mr. Kempf also teaches computer science at the Univer­ sity of Missouri in Rolla. DAVID THOMAS, of Estes Park, Colorado, has been appointed director of marketing for the YMCA of the Rockies. Mr. Thomas’s responsibilities include marketing and public relations for the Estes Park Center, Snow Moun­ tain Ranch and Camp Chief Ouray. Mr. Thomas was previously the news direc­ tor at KSIR radio from 1975-77 and sta­ tion manager from 1982 until this past September.


JERRY L. KLENKE is Lexington (Ohio) school district’s new superinten­ dent. Dr. KJenke had served two years as principal of Jackson Center High School prior to the appointment. LINDA WHITE LOVELACE, clerk of the Butler County Court in Hamilton, Ohio, was elected to the board of directors of the National Association for Court Administration (NACA) during the group’s annual meeting in Boston.


ELLEN ANDREWS received a master of education degree in ad­ ministration/supervision from BaldwinWallace in June. She is currently citywide coordinator for home economics teachers from the Elyria City Schools. LARRY BETTLER has been ap­ pointed assistant principal at Westerville North High School. RICHARD COLDWELL, pastor of Chesapeake United Methodist Church, recently returned to his home church. Calvary United Methodist. His presence was in observance of the ongoing celebration of the lOOth anniversary of

Ethel Schleppi Celebrates Her 100th Westerville resident Ethel Miller Schleppi, a member of the Class of 1906, celebrated her lOOth birthday January II. Joining her to observe the special day were President C. Brent DeVore, Director of Alumni Relations Jack Pietila and David Cawfey (left), a member of the class of 1988 from Marion. David presented Mrs. Schleppi a birthday card he drew on behalf of the Otterbein family.

the church and 2()()th anniversary of Methodism in America. MARK SNIDER, owner of Snider and Associates in Athens, Ohio, was elected trustee of the Sheltering Arms Hospital Foundation. Mr. Snider is the Downtown Kiwanis president and the United Appeal of Athens County treasurer. He chaired the 1984 O’Bleness Memorial Hospital Fund Drive and has recendy completed a term as Athens Area Chamber of Commerce chairman.

’73 R. STEVEN GRAVED joined H&R Bkx:k as regional marketing director, a newly-created position in the Columbus regional office. He previously worked with Patty Russell Marketing Media Company, Marketing Technology, Inc., and continues as a partner in his own copywriting and advertising consulting firm.

’74 TERRY WOOFF, a learning disability’s tutor for Highland (Ohio) Jr.

High School, also coaches the seventh grade football team.

’75 lOTH YEAR REUNION LYNN CORBIN has been named assistant professor of music at The Ohio State University at Marion. Lynn resides in Columbus with her husband, Peter, who is a member of the OSU faculty.

’76 STEVE CALHOUN has been pro­ moted to district manager of Nor­ theastern Florida by Credithrift Finan­ cial. He now supervises 10 branches from Jackson to St. Augustine. He and his wife, Kathryn, live at 4301-107 Confederate Rd., Jacksonville, Florida 32210. He’d like his fellow “Twinks” to drop him a line. VALERIE INGELS has accepted a position with the New Richmond (Ohio) school district as a reading specialist. She received a master of education degree from Xavier University in Cincinnati. KERRY C SMITH is a sports page 17

television photographer with KXAS-TV, Channel 5, in Dallas-Ft. Worth. Kerry recently was pictured with movie star David Keith in the November 12, 1984, issue of “People Magazine” covering a Dallas Cowboys game. Kerry travels with the Cowboys and covers all other sports activities in the Dallas-Ft. Worth metromedia area. Kerry lives in Arl­ ington, Texas. JOSEPH SUBICH is currently chief engineer for WTTE-TV, Channel 28 in Columbus. 77 DAVID HORNER, Ph D, instruc­ tor of chemistry at North Central Col­ lege, Naperville, Illinois, has been pro­ moted to the academic rank of assistant professor. DEBORAH D. TURNS has been promoted in the U.S. Air Force to the rank of staff sergeant. Deborah is a digital switching specialist at the Cheynenne Mountain Complex in Col­ orado with the North American Defense Command.


CINDY KACZMAREK, of Princeton, New Jersey, is part of the newly-established Delaware Valley Regional Theatre, which recently toured its pnxluction of “Crimes of the Heart.” MIKE SEWELL is taking a year’s leave of absence from Pickerington (Ohio) High School to pursue a master of music degree at the Florida State University. He is a grad assistant with the Marching Chiefs, the school’s band. Mike and his wife, KAREN FREEMAN SEWELL, and their son, Daniel, are living in Tallahassee. Daniel joins a family of at least 35 living Otterbein graduates. His maternal grand­ parents are JOHN and MARGARET ESCHBACH FREEMAN ’Sa RON WINE was named Ohio Department of Natural Resources’ Employee of the Month for October 1984. As southwest Ohio Scenic Rivers Ccx)rdinator for the department, Ron is responsible for all aspects of protection and preservation for the Little Miami and Stillwater scenic rivers. He began working for the Scenic Rivers Program in 1978 as a student intern in the cen­ tral office.

’80 ELAINE BLAKELY has Joined the mathematics department of Tallmadge (Ohio) High School. STEVEN P. FACKLER has graduated from the United States Air Force pilot training schoo\ and has page 18

received his silver wings at Mather Air Force Base, California. NANCY L. FENSTERMAKER graduated in 1982 from the Institute of Paralegal Training and Center for Legal Studies in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with a degree in legal research. She is currently working with a law firm in Huntington, West Virginia.

’82 JAMES HERBRUCK, of Lake Township, Ohio, was hired by the Plain Local school board as trainer to help Glen Oak High School football players prevent injuries. SUSAN A. SHIPE was appointed assistant director of communications at Defiance (Ohio) College.

ALUMNI WEEKEND 1985 June 14, 15, and 16 In addition to the Alumni Luncheon on June 15, special dinners are being planned for each reunion class.


Class of 1934 or earlier

Reception and Dinner, Campus Center, Friday, June 14

50th Reunion

Class of 1935

Reception and Dinner, Campus Center, Friday. June 14

45th Reunion

Classes of 1939, 1940 and 1941

Dinner, Monaco’s Palace, Saturday, June 15

40th Reunion

Class of 1945

Dinner, Monaco’s Palace, Saturday, June 15

25th Reunion

Class of 1960

Dinner. Monaco’s Palace, Saturday, June 15

20th Reunion

Classes of 1964, 1965 and 1966

Dinner, Monaco’s Palace. Saturday, June 15

10th Reunion

Class of 1975

Dinner, Monaco’s Palace, Saturday, June 15 Letters from your class coordinator with all details will be sent out soon. If you need further information write or call: Jack Pietila, Otterbein College, Howard House, Westerville, Ohio 43081, [614] 890-3000. Ext. 1400.

CLASS OF ’84 CHAREE L. ADAMS, 327 S. Hartford Ave., Centerburg, Ohio 43011. Charee is working for Rossman & Company in Reynoldsburg. DEBORAH BAUR ALEXANDER, 5072 Cambrian Dr., Columbus, Ohio 43220. Deborah, a registered nurse, is working at Riverside Methodist Hospital. JO ANNE MORELAND BALL, 715 Gate House Lane, Worthington, Ohio 43085. DEBBIE ANN BAUMGARTNER, 9614 Music St., Novelty, Ohio 44072. Debbie is an assistant manager of Koenig Sporting Goods in Fairlawn, Ohio. CAROLYN S. BRADY, 962 Neil Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43201. Carolyn is a clinical assistant on the maternity floor at Grant Hospital in Columbus. DEBORAH J. BRENNAN, 339 Joanne Dr., Washington, C.H., Ohio 43160. Deborah is teaching 4th grade at Highland Elementary school. STEPHEN R. BUZZA, 4726 Castlebrook Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43229. Stephen is an account executive for WXGT-FM radio in Columbus. LISA M. CAMPBELL, 10002 Bloomingdale #31, Riverview, Florida 33569. Lisa is teaching physical educa­ tion at Robinson Elementary in Plant City, Florida. JANET BATTIN CARMAN, 2990 Sawdust Ln., Dublin, Ohio 43017. Janet is a radiology technologist at Riverside Methodist Hospital in Columbus. J. TED CEDARGREN, 855 Lock Haven, Maumee, Ohio 43737. Ted is a sales representative for Dun & Bradstreet, Dublin, Ohio. AMY S. CONSTABLE, 1230 Forest Ct., Wyoming, Ohio 45215. Amy is continuing her education at the Univer­ sity of Cincinnati. ELWOOD W. DEWEESE, 3941 Bluebird Ct., Westerville, Ohio 43081. Elwotxl is an area manager for Coaxial Communications in Columbus. SUSAN VANITA DIOL, 203 W. 87th St. Apt. 6, New York, New York 10024. Susan had her first professional role playing Meg in the play “Crimes of the Heart”, for the Actor’s Cafe Theatre in Blcx)mfield, New Jersey. She

—Where Are They Now?

is also a full-time promotional model for Kalamaka Cosmetic Company of Rome, and modeled for Estee Lauder and Clinique cosmetic companies. MEENA M. D’SOUZA, 114 E. Frambes Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43201. Meena is a student at Ohio State University. DEAN A. DUSTHIMER, 6847 Kilt Ct., Worthington, Ohio 43085. Dean is a transportation broker/vice president of operations for Underwood & Associates in Columbus. TAMARA K. JACKSON, 215 Leonard St., West Liberty, Ohio43357. Tamera is a kindergarten teacher and assistant to the director of Kinder Care Learning Centers, Inc., in Springfield. JUDITH E. JENKINS, 2324 Rose Ave., West Portsmouth, Ohio 45662. Judith is substitute teaching for Notre Dame, New Boston and Washington Local schools. RONALD E. JONES, 1405 Shan­ non Oaks Tr., Austin, Texas 78746. Ron is an operations manager for Texas In­ dustrial Machinery Corporation in Austin. BARBARA KOHLER KERR, 11720 Thombrook Ln., Galena, Ohio 43021. SANDRA RAMEY KIMMEL, 87 E. College Ave, Westerville, Ohio 43081. Sandra is the assistant editor of the Public Opinion. LISA 1. LITZINGER, 2321 Deewood Dr., Columbus, Ohio 43229. Lisa is a claims service representative for Allstate Insurance Company in Columbus. LISA A. McCAUGE, 6536 Dobson Square East, Columbus, Ohio 43229. Lisa is a technical writer and documen­ tation specialist for Bank One Corpora­ tion in Westerville. MELISSA L. McCOY, 329 Summit Ave., #6, Brighton, Massachusetts 02135. Melissa is a staff auditor for Coopers & Lybrand in Boston. SHARYL A. MOLLICA, 1755 Pinetree N. Apt. C, Columbus, Ohio 43229. Sharyl is a staff accountant with Coopers & Lybrand in Columbus. BRUCE A. PIPER, 13399 Johnstown-Utica Rd., Johnstown, Ohio 43031. Bruce is a self-employed private

music teacher. TODD P. REAGAN, 91 Wills Rd., Connellsville, Pennsylvania 15425. LORA J. ROBINSON, 224 Not­ tingham Ct., Westerville, Ohio 43081. Lora is an educational instructor and publications supervisor for the Col­ umbus Zoo. MARY B. ROBINSON, 690 Church St., Logan, Ohio 43138. Mary is currently working for Studio Arena Theatre in Buffalo, New York. DONNA L. ROEDEMA, 2652 Possum Run Rd., Mansfield, Ohio 44903. Donna is a habilitation techni­ cian working with children with men­ tal and physical handicaps at the Raintree. Richland Newhope Center. SHELLEY J. SCHLICHTER, 10187 Prairie Rd., Washington C.H, Ohio 43160. Jill is ftirthering her educa­ tion at Otterbein. ROSE E. SHIPLETT, 55 Liberty 4-C, New York, New York 10005. Rose is a reinsurance underwriter for General Reinsurance Corporation in New York. LAUREN J. SHUSTER, 902 S. Spring Rd., Westerville, Ohio 43081. Lauren is a travel counselor for the Ohio Auto Club. JULI T. SLACK, 5222 Glenhill N.E., Canton, Ohio 44705. Juli is working for the Higbee Company in Canton. SUSAN GUNLOCK S^^LEY, 2184 Stowmont Ct., Dublin, Ohio 43017. Susan a registered nurse who coor­ dinates new maternity programs at Riverside Methodist Hospital. SONYA C SPANGLER, 7740 R(xlebaugh Rd., Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068. Sonya is teaching third grade for the South-Western City Sch(X)ls and is also a cheerleading advisor. GREGORY F. SPEYER, 867 RcK'kcreek Dr., Dayton, Ohio 45459. Greg is a programmer for Electronic Data Systems in Dayton. C THOMAS STARR H, 257 Main Sail Dr., Westerville, Ohio 43081. Tom is a regional sales superintendent at Na­ tionwide Insurance Company in Columbus. DONNA DAE BETTICE SWAIN, 4929 Sharon Hill Dr., Worthington, page 19

Ohio 43085. Donna, a registered nurse, is working for Neurological Association in Columbus. CAROL BENNETT WALDO, 6715 Birchton St., Dublin, Ohio 43017. Carol is currently a secretaiy/receptionist for Ohio State Construction Company. MELISSA B. WELLS, 28U PineUas Ct., Apt. C, Columbus, Ohio 43229. Melissa is an assistant manager for Long John Silver’s restaurant. NANCY SCOH WHITE, 3181 Millbury Ave., Dublin, Ohio 43017. Nancy, a registered nurse, is working at Grant Hospital in Columbus. TODD W WILKIN, 6861 Gibler Rd., Hillsboro, Ohio 45133. Todd is a manager and commercial sales representative for Dave Chaney Tire In­ corporated in Wilmington, Ohio. THOMAS C. WILLIAMS, 5790 Rcx:he Dr., Apt. E, Columbus, Ohio 43229. Tom is a claims adjuster for Allstate Insurance Company in Columbus. BILLIE JO KENNEDY YODER, 100 Clements Hall, Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio 43081. Billie Joe is currently the hall director and an assis­ tant in the Student Personnel Office of Otterbein College. AMY JO ZUCCHERO, 134 Lin wood Dr., Alliance, Ohio 44601. Amy is working for the Family Medical Center in Alliance.

Marriages ’69 SARAH M. BARNES to John R. Kirkparick on April 26, 1984.

’70 BETH HODDER to Alan Koss on May 26, 1984.

’74 Mary Ann Clishem to ALAN BEN­ NIE BENSON on October 20, 1984.

’81 ANITA GALKO to Ivan Ray Chambers on October 1, 1983.

’82 SUSAN RUTH LEONARD to Mirl Melvin Holbrook, Jr., on September 15, 1984. SUSAN JEFFERIES to Terry Snelling on May 12, 1984. JAN MARIE RIGGS to THOMAS CARL WILLIAMS ’84 on October 20. 1984. page 20

’83 KAY LYNN YOUNG to Paul An drew Beckwith on September 8, 1984. JULI FISHER to JEFFREY B. HARPER, ’80 on November 3, 1984. JESSIE ANN LEEK to JOHN WILLIAM SWISHER on November 2, 1984.

’84 RITA SWIHART to Jeffrey A. Slifer on November 23, 1984.

’85 MARY KAY RIEMENSCHNEIDER to DONALD E. BEOUGHER, Jr., ’83 on June 30, 1984.

Mr. and Mrs. CHUCK ERICK­ SON (PAULA BRICKER ’77), a son, Matthew Bricker, born November 9, 1984.

’78 Mr. and Mrs. JON PIERPOINT (PATRICIA BUCHANAN ’77), a son, Jonathan Patrick, born June 22, 1984. Mr and Mrs. THOMAS WESSEL (PATRICE MONET WASHMAN ’81), a son, Eric Thomas, born Oc­ tober 7, 1983.

’79 Mr. and Mrs. MIKE SEWELL (KAREN FREEMAN), a son, Daniel Charles, born July 9, 1984.


Births ’71 Mr. and Mrs. JIM BARGAR (KATHY McLEAD ’72), a son, Adam Whitney, born October 31, 1983. He Joins brothers, Joshua, 7 and Michael, 5.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kaiser (PEGGY BADGLEY), a son, Robert Joseph, born October 22, 1984. He Joins sister Haley.

’84 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kerr (BAR­ BARA KOHLER), a daughter, Ashley, born September 26, 1984. She Joins sister Hillary, 2.

’72 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cook (CHRISTINE BENSON), a son. Curt Patric, born August 13, 1984. He Joins brother Charles Hamilton, 2.

’73 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Landis (JACKIE LAVENDER), a daughter, Kara Lynn, born October 6, 1984.

’74 Mr. and Mrs. JOHN HRITZ, a daughter. Dawn Renee, born September 3, 1984.

’75 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cherrington (SUSAN TICE), a daughter, Alyssa Sue, born August 30, 1984. She Joins sister Autumn Joan, 4.

’76 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hill (CINDY SPRIGGS), a daughter, Jennifer Marie, born October 8, 1984. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mayville (JAN CONLEY), a son, Eric Lawrence, born December 10, 1984. He Joins sister Kelli Suzanne, 3. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Subich (KAY CRIST), a son, Joseph, born November 3, 1984.

’77 Mr. and Mrs ALAN BERNARD (SARAH WEINRICH), a daughter, Eva Marie, born September 8, 1984. She Joins brother, Nathan Alan, 2V2.

Deaths ’18 MARIE WAGONER GIFFORD, November 21, 1984. Mrs. Gifford is survived by her sons, DR. RAY­ MOND W. GIFFORD ’44, and CRAIG GIFFORD ’57. Mrs. Gifford was preceded in death by her husband RAY ’17, and son DON ’49.

’22 We have been informed of the death of LELAND E. PACE. RUTH CAMPBELL WARRICK, May 24, 1984. Mrs. Warrick, a retired librarian with the Illinois Institute of Natural Resources, was a member of Wesley United Methodist Church in Urbana, Illinois. Mrs. Warnick was preceded in death by her husband Elvin. Mrs. Warrick is survived by 6 nieces and nephews.

’23 We have been informed of the death of Mrs. GRACE HILL STAACKE.

’25 We have been informed of the death of FLOYD ELLIOTT.

MERL W. KILLINGER, Novem ber, 1984. Mr. Killinger retired in 1962 after serving 20 years as executive director of the Newark (Ohio) YMCA. Mr. Killinger was a member of First United Methodist Church of Newark, where he served as a trustee on the board of directors and Sunday School superintendent. He was also a member of Newark Kiwanis Club and director of YMCA Travel Club from 1942-77. Mr. Killinger is survived by his wife, Radna Killinger. RALPH O. ROYER, September 5, 1984. Mr. Royer, a long-time Union City area educator, taught for 39 years; 37 of those years in Jackson (Ohio) Township and Mississinawa Valley School District. Mr. Royer had serv­ ed as principal and assistant principal for 32 years. Mr. Royer was a member of Community United Methodist Church. He was also a member of the Ansonia Masonic Lodge, the Jackson Grange and national, state and local education associations. Mr. Royer is survived by his wife, Dorothy Royer, daughters, PHYLLIS ROYER POSEY ’55, and Dotty Wantz, sons, Danny and Jack Royer.



LLOYD W. CHAPMAN, Novem­ ber 22, 1984. Mr. Chapman, phar­ macist and former owner of Chapman Pharmacy, was a member and elder of the College Drive Presbyterian Church, Lions Club and past president of the Board of Trades, all of New Concord, Ohio. While attending Ot­ terbein, Mr. Chapman was a member of Zeta Phi fraternity. Surviving Mr. Chapman is his wife of 47 years HELEN BRADFIELD CHAPMAN ’32.

SUZANNE CULP HINGER, Oc­ tober, 1984. Mrs. Hinger is survived by her husband ROBERT J. HINGER ’49.

Dr. DWIGHT L. ARNOLD, Walton Home, Barnesville, Ohio, 1984.

’28 ALLEN BAUER, November 12, 1983. Mr. Bauer is survived by his wife, Letha Bauer. HELEN R. MAY, October 19, 1984. Miss May has been an active volunteer since 1974 with the Marion County Chapter of the American Red Cross. She was a teacher and counselor for 26 years with the Marion (Ohio) City Schools. After her retire­ ment in 1967, Miss May was employed by Otterbein College as a housemother in a freshman dormitory. In 1958 Miss May was named “Marion Christian Citizen of the Year.” She was an ac­ tive member in a variety of other organizations, including the First Pres­ byterian Church and its Circle of Mary. She is survived by two nieces, Marjorie Stoner and JoANN MAY ’50; great-nieces and great-nephews.

’29 We have been informed of the death of ROBERT FOWLER. We have been informed of the death of HAROLD MOSSHAMMER.

DONALD R. BAKER, of Dayton, Ohio, January, 1984.

’52 RICHARD DENNY, of Baltimore, Maryland, September, 1984.

’33 BRANTFORD “BUZZ” BEN­ TON, June 8, 1984. Mr. Benton, a retired school teacher and football coach at several New Jersey high schools, lived in Arizona. He was past president of the Green Valley Men’s 260 Club, vice president of the Fair­ ways Property Owner’s Association and treasurer of the Tubac Historical Society. Mr. Benton is survived by his wife, Anne Benton.

’64 VIRGINIA B. GRASSEL, August 28, 1984. Miss Grassel taught in the Zanesville City Schols. In 1944 she Joined the Red Cross. Miss Grassel was chairman of the Guernsey Coun­ ty Red Cross and served as a social worker in Cambridge State Hosptial. She worked in the placement center for the Girl’s Industrial School at Lan­ caster, Ohio.

Trustee’s Wife

’38 ’26


WILLIAM L. VAN CLEVE, June 16, 1984. Mr. Van Cleve spent most of his career in government service. He served on General Joseph B. Stilwell’s staff in the C.B.I. Theatre and was an assistant to the Squadron Commander at Airways and Air Communication Service at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. During his retirement Mr. Van Cleve worked part-time in customer relations for Sears, Roebuck in San Bernardino, California. Mr. Van Cleve is survived by his wife, Beatrice Van Cleve.

’42 JOHN PAUL MILLER, October, 1984. Dr. Miller completed his medical studies at Western Reserve University School of Medicine. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1944-1946 and in 1947 began a family practice in Orrville, Ohio. Dr. Miller, a former member of Orrville City Schools Boards of Education also served on numerous committees at Trinity United Methodist Church, and was a member of the American Academy of Family Practice. Surviv­ ing Dr. Miller are his wife, Margaret Miller; four daughters, Mrs. R.L. Kaiser, ANNMARY MILLER GRUBER ’69, JENNY MILLER CURTIS ’72, and Christine Miller.

Elizabeth Kimble Wagner of Corona del Mar, California, December 5, 1984. As Betty Jean Kimble, she star­ red in numerous operas and concert productions, making her debut in 1945 in the American premier of “Daphnis and Chloe.” Mrs. Wagner moved to Corona del Mar in 1969 where she became president of the Newport Beach Chapter of the National Chari­ ty League and served for six years on the League’s National Executive Board. She recently was active as secretary of the Newport Harbor Guide. Mrs. Wagner is survived by her husband RICHARD H. WAGNER ’41, a Trustee of Otterbein College, son Richard L., and daughter Constance.

Former Faculty Member’s Wife Charlotte Altman, November 7, 1984. Mrs. Altman was the wife of CARY O. (Buckeye) ALTMAN ’05, English professor cmcritius at Otter­ bein for many yers. Mrs. Altman is survived by her son, HOWARD W. ALTMAN ’42, and daughter, MARY ALTMAN OPPY ’36.

page 21

TRAVEL SIDE BY SIDE on this fabulous trip for




DEPARTING COLUMBUS ON JULY 25, 1985 for 8 days/7 nights in PARIS........................................................................only — OR EXTEND YOUR VACATION TO — 14 days/13 nights in Paris/The French Countryside/Switzerland for as little as $299* more per person.


*Plus 15% tax and services. Per person based on double occupancy.

YOUR ALL-IN-ONE WONDERFUL VACATION INCLUDES: Complete travel and tourist information mailed to you prior to departure Round trip wide-body jet transportation with meal and beverage service. Transportation on the TGV, one of the world s fastest trains, from Paris on your second week. Pre-registration at all hotels. Seven nights accommodations in Paris at the Mercure Paris-Vanves or Montparnasse Park.

NOW YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL! The chic of Paris for the city-you who loves the glitter and glamour of gourmet restaurants, fashionable shops and world-class art galleries! The charm of Lyon and the French Countryside for the country-you who loves the peace and tranquility, the natural goodness of cooking, the taste of Burgundy and Beaujolais wine and antique fairs! The calm of Lausanne, Switzerland for the mountainlake-Swiss-Alpine-you who loves the grandeur and beauty of shimmering water and jagged snowcapped peaks! To find out how you can have all this and more at low group rates while you enjoy the company of members, family and friends, send for your FREE color brochure on ParisIThe French CountrysideI Switzerland.

page 22

• Optional 6-night extension to Lyon (The French Coun­ tryside) for 3 nights at The Sofitel and 3 nights in Lausanne, Switzerland at the Lausanne Palace. • Optional meal programs available for purchase. • All transfers and baggage handling between airports and hotels while in Europe. • Most taxes and tips for services. • Trans National Hospitality Desk at your hotel. • And much, much more!

YES! Please send me the FREE full-color Paris/The French Countryside/Switzerland Brochure with everything 1 need to know about our trip — includine my Reservation Form with departure dates and cities. 1 understand I'm not obligated in any way. MAIL TO: OHERBEIN COLLEGE Alumni Office Howard House Westerville, OH 43081

Address ______ _________________________________________ City______________________ State_______ Zip___________ Home Phone ( Business Phone (

) ________________________ _________ )_______________________________



614-890-3000 ext. 1400

1948 Mary Miller Aragon Allen L. Jeffrey Philip R. Johnston Earl V Klick, Jr. Calvin G. Reckley Bertha Wilson Snapp Frances Queen Touby Helen Gardner Twine Harry E. Williams

Calling All Alumni!



Phyllis Beavers Edmond N. Book Marian Pfeiffer Burchinal Robert G. Collins Martha Millen Susan Martin Miller Ernest L. Reardon Angelo J. Scalet Nancy Jones Simmons


Se»isow IrtWcATfe. iH/tr

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TRl-CoROeH ReAOir*^^,


We do not have addresses for the following alumni. If you can help us locate any of these people, please contact us at: Alumni Records Office Howard House Otterbein College Westerville, Ohio 43081 1921 Nellie Moon Fouts Mary Baker Frank Faye Byers Van Pelt


Amy Hauvermale Charles B. Prisk

1932 Olive Newman Arthur Waldman

J. Richard Goodrich



Opal Greenbaum Daley Wilma Horne Douds

Kay (Clara) Seller Goodrich Marion Hite Vera Johnson Kinerk James MacDonald

1926 Zane A. Wilson

1927 Audra Keiser Hardesty Kenneth Milled Tsok Van Sham

1928 George B. Griggs


1942 Emerson C. lies Phyllis Light Merchant Carmen Slaughterbeck Wagoner

1943 Jewell Watts Turner Grove Thomas E. Jarrett Mildred Fisher Tepe

Mary Shirley Kuhns



Mabel Sizer Rose

Troy Beldon



Dean C. Kuhn Helen Schwinn Prost

Robert G. Hanks

1937 Harold A. Miller Donald D. Warner

1938 Helen D. Fogelgren

1946 Glenn L. Conrad Renee Schecter Hart Harold L. Lyman Lois Nern Tingley




Sara Gress

E. Fern Griffith Long Doris Brinkman Patton

Dorothy Clements Colledge L. Ruth Cobe Dawson Roderick A. Dennis Robert W. Frazier David H. Gill Mary Hennon Giusti Herbert Miller Patricia Green Wolff

1930 Alice Long Buckley Norman F. Howe Beatrice Burchard Fries West

1931 Ethel Keefer Gabriel

1940 Herbert B. Young

1941 Paul H. Jefferis Philip L. Morgan

Robert Henry Barr Roland D. Begor Frederick and Elizabeth Neidig Buck William E. Cowgill James A. Gibson Erline Padilla Gomez Richard and Virginia Woodworth Greenow Roberta Carey Hawse Beverly Egolf Kirk Earl Lamb Richard Parrott Betty Reisinger Scalet Harry J. Sherman Kenneth A. Simmons Jerry L. Snyder Doris Hosier Steele Luther N. Wimberly

1951 W. Fred Long, Jr. Oscar L. Lowe Harley E. Mayse C. William McCullough Joan Ellen Platt John W. Steele Robert H. Touby

1952 Kenneth W. Baker Thomas N. Buchanan Kent W. Curl Richard L. Geller Robert L. Hake Albert J. Hogue Edward H. Marryatt Ronald A. Packer

1953 Connie Lincoln Copper Ross E. Denton Russell B. Ditmyer Robert E. Hoisington Daniel Korbelak William F. Lehr Donald W. Skelton Marguerite Fisher Thompson Windsor

1954 Kenneth W. Hollis David F. Petrie Kenneth R. Scribner Ronald C. Smith

1955 Janice Slaybaugh Autenrieth Richard E. George, Jr. Aimie Jennie Lehr Carlos E. Marrero William H. Nottingham

page 23

Carlos E. Marrero William H. Nottingham

1956 Virgil L. Armstrong Thomas E. Cassley James E. Howes, Jr. Raleigh C. McCarther William E. Miller Ellis Patrick

1957 William L. Haller Patty Jacobs Johnson Edward F. Lewis John W. Magaw Marvin McRoberts Robert D. Spangenberg

1958 George V. Freese Margaret H. Hall Thomas L. Mendenhall Paul E. Sherman

1959 Albert E. Cuckler Charles S. Fawcett Kenneth Handy Tarald V. Hassell Charles J. Howell Richard F. Slater

1960 Dennis R. Gustin William G. Heltz Robert E. Jones John R. Minch J. William Schweitzer Ronald C. Slabaugh

1961 William J. Bryan David P Frees Conrad W. Meek William C. Smith

1962 Richard Davis Otis F. Hicks, Jr. Howard L. Holman Daniel W. Johnson

1963 Timothy R. Althauser Laurel J. German Kathy J. Howenstein Larry and Lucile Reynolds Lindsey Letha H. Little John C. Muster Molly A. Showalter Jack L. Speakman Milton D.Sumpton Lucy Shifter Sutton Harvey E. Vance, Jr. Marilyn McCorkle Wheeler James H. Young

1964 Michael D. Dudley Gerald and Betty Krumenacker Fawley David L. Gatchell Helen Staats Harris E. Carolyn Boyd Heriza Shirley A. Mangold Jerry Lee Matheney Lee Miller Meadows Gary D. Nixon Janet Hanawalt Nixon Harry A. Nothstine Pauline Barre Richey Priscilla Secrist Thomas

1965 Lee R. Bennett Susan C. Berger

page 24

Sharon L. Grandstaff Earl Higgs Victor A. Hood Herbert G. Kusterer Carroll E. Meadows Eleanor Miller Harris Pristash Stephen W. Surface Charles and Marion Zunk Wilson Nathaniel G. Yavana


David A. Morriss Susan Poellmitz John A. Waddingham

1971 Charles F. Barcus Osvaldo Berrios Deborah C. Bowman Toni McGohan Bratton William Bruce Fridley James L. Lee James A. Leopard Stephanie C. Lewis Norm M. Lukey Peter C. Parker Michael M. Rosenfield David K. Slater

Carole Benes Chavez Wendell and Elke Lindner Dickinson Barbara Richardson Dunn Wanda McFarland Faust 1972 Frankie Wheeler Foster Gary L. Burgard William R. Hankison Tsu Ka Chang Suzanne A. Kuthan Albert H. Couch, Jr. Barbara Hobbs Layman Ronald B. Earle Stuart R. Leichter Susan Schmidt Fitzwater Theodora Mathis Parker James R. Fox D. Paul Penrod Gary Kuzyk Frank A. Pimentel Danya Brooks McGuire Donald C. Rawlins, Jr. Debra Unger Rice Melinda L. Rickelman H. Earl Roosa, Jr. Ruby Chalfont Spitler Diana L. Schoffstall James M. Williams Candice A. Sweet Brook J. Tarbox, Jr. 1967 Becky Ann Wright David Cameron Richard L. Grubb 1973 Esther Flagone Howell Jack G. Betscher Marie Platano Jackson Harry N. Boucher Marsha Shauck Jones David D. Demojzes Karen Steiner McMuller Leslie W. Donehue Joe E. Rice Nancy M. Eisenman Marcia J. Sanders Willa Jenkins Gahris David E. Wetzel Gail L. Griffith-Hand Claudia Colburn Wooff Wendell D. Hairston Jacqueline Stillman 1968 LaRusch James R. Anderson Sharon Porterfield Barcus Anne-Marie Jacquet Lee Sally Niehaus Lehman Jane Martin Cameron Arlene C. Martin Patrick H. Chang William H. Ellinger Holly J. Martineau Terry L. McManus Patricia Ellis Robert A. Melberth W. John Faust Loretta L. Ransom Donald E. Fox, Jr. Bruce C. Rattay Vera Vroman Grosso Carolyn Caldwell Sheets James R. Jones Kevin Wook-Kay Shiu Jean A. Kleinpaste Kristi Williams Slater Sherry Payne Koelling James H. Thomson Harold E. Longley, Jr. Tami Turner Wallace Sharon K. Ruhly Darcy L. Walter Martin A. Whitmont Judy Helt Yocum


1969 John H. Baffa Craig M. Blanchfield Carolyn M. Fell Cynthia A. Hill Michael L. Kuhn Robert T. Lucas Dale E. Ludwick Timothy W. Peter David L. Reynolds Larry J. Wahlie

1970 Cheryll (Amanda Jeanne) Monteith Ashworth David L. Bach Timothy W. Barrus Terri Hiatt Devlin Paul E. Drotovick Mark G. Frey Terri Molnar Hand Max G. Lee C. Elaine McCoy Michael P. Metzer

Kenneth L. Austin Erich C. Bauer James W. Boltin Daniel S. Evans Harry M. Gilbert III Lesley Collins Godby Sherie Goldman Un-Joo Kim Enuyami Lewis-Coker Nelson Harding Rhey C. Mullen Cara Adams Polasek James H. Scott Meivyne Caulker Williams Terrance W. Wooff Toni Jones Young

1975 Walter G. Bewley JoAnn Croskey Black Thomas M. Cahill James R. Chamberlain, Jr. Sun Ok Cho Patricia A. Devereaux

R. Roy Kolotylo Sharon L. Naumann Katherine A. Reeves Robert K. Riehm Stanley H. Thomas David M. Weber Marcia Wladecke Weller Mark R. Williamson

1976 Sharon L. Anderson Bruce Baldwin Delores J. Barber Michael L. Bauer Tina Williams Cahill Mary Beth Watkins Confer David E. Dick Jimmie and Constance Clark Harper Patricia McKee Hoffenden Barbara A. Hornock James N. Lewis Neil M. Mairs Donna F. Patton Scott S. Reall Robert E. Smith, Jr. Jacqueline Beaudoin Snider Stanley B. Webb Robyn Pruett White

1977 P. Jeanne Brown Peter A. Bunnell Karen L. Cole Karen L. Christner Darrel D. Coey David B. Cole Michael E. Darling Stephen P. DeVolt Gretchen M. Hall Roland E. Hamilton Carol Ann MacKay James and Yei Yun Kim Schilling Bryan R. Swenson Ronnie Wiley

1978 Ronald E. Bryant Gary C. Collins Kathleen S. Fisher Carol D. Foote Nancy C. Gee Kimiko Irwin Scott Leckrone Christopher W. Nicely Carol E. Orsini Nancy Olson Schell Patricia L. Shambaugh Brenda Spanable Vonins David J. Weller Lisa S. Wood

1979 Paul T. Bremigan, Jr. Karen Frenz Brooks Cathy A. Burton Joseph J. Corbett William and Lisa Durham Fairchild Richard C. Frick Debra A. Hadley George A. Hazley Gregory A. Keebler Cynthia A. Kelley Connie Hiles McCallister Thomas W. Oliva Maurizio K. Schindler Sheryl Treen Joseph M. Tymoski

1980 Teresa Anderson Burkholder

Robert E. Clay Jeffrey C. Davis James R. Eiben Matthew A. Gerrior Gary L. Griffith Brands Crum Krivicich Hager Alvin E. Johnson Linda Wadsworth Kelley Richard L. Lainhart Colleen K. Maurer Vicki Kirby McAfee David J. Miller Andrew Nikolajski Nancy Raye Pierce Susan Sorensen Post Kathryn J. Sekerak Denise L. Slife

1981 Wilmer R. Bennett Bonnie L. Brandt Yolanda D. Cook Joni Leeth Hook Richard M. Jordan T. David Marcia Peggy L. Porter Lorena M. Stevens

1982 Amy Pasquinelly Billingsley Mary Jeanne Cosimati David A. Hardy M. Patricia Katsidzire Yong Chae Kim Nancy Breitrick Peake Diedre K. Roop Alan Waterhouse Karen S. Zinser

1983 Hussein Al-Baghly Linda D. Brown Scott E. Bushman Christine J. Gray Jay L. McLaughlin Mark A. Mitchell

1984 Brenda R. Lehman Kimberly G. Yarrington

Announcing the 1985 Alumni Award Recipients The Distinguished Alumnus Award Awarded to an Otterbein graduate for outstanding service to the College, his/her profession and his/her community.

Rillmond W. Schear ’20

The Special Achievement Award Awarded to an individual for outstanding achievement in his/her chosen field.

Kenneth Holland ’35 Adolphus W. ’40 and Gweneth Cousins Pringle ’40

The Distinguished Service Award Awarded to individuals for outstanding service to Otterbein.

Donna Sniff Sitton ’55 Charles S. Beadle ’54 Nellie S. Niswonger ’26

The Honorary Alumnus Award Awarded to an individual for loyalty and interest in Otterbein.

Mary Bivins John H. Laubach

Otterbein Towers Westerville, Ohio 43081 Si


prin^19i CAMPUS' pril





Spring Term Begin Good Friday - No Classes ^ Offices Closed Baseball: 1:00 p.m., Kenyon Outdoor Track (M): 1:00 p.m. Ohio Northern/Heidelberg/Marietta/ Wittenberg Easter Sunday Louise Earhart, piano recital, 8:15 p.m., Battelle Fine Arts Center Otterbein-Battelle Regional Science Fair, Rike Center Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre, “Swan Lake,” 8:15, Cowan Hall Budget Control & Executive Committee, 9:30 a.m. Scholarship Luncheon, 12 Noon - 2:00 p.m., Rike Center Concert Band, 7:00 p.m., Cowan Hall Baseball: 3:30 p.m., Mt. Vernon Nazarene Opus Zero, “Pizazz ’85,” 8:15 p.m., Battelle Fine Arts Center Baseball: 1:00 p.m., Baldwin-Wallace Baseball: 1:00 p.m., Ohio Wesleyan University Baseball: 3:30 p.m., Denison Baseball: 1:00 p.m., Muskingum Poetry Series, 8:15 p.m., Battelle Fine Arts Center Baseball: 1:00 p.m.. Capital Spring Musical, “West Side Story,” 8:15 p.m., Cowan Hall Baseball: 1:00 p.m., Ohio Northern Spring Musical, “West Side Story,” 2:30 p.m., Cowan Hall Poetry Series, 8:15 p.m., Battelle Fine Arts Center OAC Baseball Tournament Early Music Ensemble, 8:15 p.m., Philomathean Room, Towers Hall Westerville Civic Symphony and Concert Choie, 7:00 p.m., Cowan Hall Through June 16 Otterbein Alumni Exhibition and Senior Show, Campus Center Percussion Ensemble, 8:15 p.m., Battelle Fine Arts Center Memorial Day - No Classes - Offices Closed Jazz Lab Band, 8:15 p.m., Battelle Fine Arts Center Combined Choirs, 8:15 p.m., Battelle Fine Arts Center Theatre: “Agnes of God,” 8:15 p.m.. Campus Center Arena Theatre: “Agnes of God,” 2:30 p.m.. Campus Center Arena Concert Band, 7:00 p.m., Cowan Hall Morton Achter & Michael Haberkorn, duo-pianos, 8:15 p.m., Battelle Fine Arts Center Theatre: “Agnes of God,” 8:15 p.m.. Campus Center Arena Exams Last Day of Spring Term Class of ’35 and Emeriti Reunions, Campus Center Alumni Day ASN Graduate Recognition Ceremony Alumni Choir Concert, 8:30 p.m., Battelle Fine Arts Center 16 Alumni Band Concert, 11:00, Rike Center Baccalaureate 128th Annual Commencement, 11:30 a.m.

OFF CAMPUS tMarch April


Baseball Spring Trip: Panama City, Florida

Baseball: Capital, 3:30 p.m. Baseball: Mt. Union, 1:00 p.m. Baseball: Marietta, 1:00 p.m. Baseball: Ohio Wesleyan University, 3:30 p.m. Track (M): Ohio Wesleyan University /i24 Baseball: Wittenberg, 1:00 p.m. Track (M): OOCapital/Wittenberg/Muskingum, at Denison Baseball: Heidelberg, 1:00 pm. Track (M): Baldwin Wallace Baseball (M): Denison Baseball: Wilmington, 1:00 p.m. Baseball: Muskingum, 1:00 p.m. Track (M): OAC at Muskingum Baseball: OAC Tournaments Track (M): NCAA at Denison

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