Friends of the Otterbein University Courtright Memorial Library

Friends of the Otterbein University Courtright Memorial Library
We did it, Friends! The Textbook Affordability Endowment has officially been funded!
The Textbook Affordability Endowment has been in development since 2017 and needed $25,000 in order to begin paying out roughly $1,000 a year for high-cost, high-usage text and course books. With pledges from donors, ongoing fundraising efforts, and continued donations from Friends like you, we reached this goal in only three years. We have had some incredibly generous donations over the years from many of our wonderful Friends, including Jane Horn, Robert Woodruff, Nancy J. Smith, Margie & Richard Doone, Kay Stroch, and Lois Szudy. The Office of Institutional Advancement at Otterbein University anticipates that the endowment will begin paying out starting in the fall of 2021, providing cost-relief to our students right at the beginning of the academic year.
While the endowment is now vested and will begin paying out funds each year, please keep this endowment in mind. Any additional donations to the endowment will grow the fund and allow for a greater annual release of funds, allowing for additional textbooks to be purchased. If you would like to donate, please visit the Friends website on textbook affordability
( textbookaffordability) for more information.
Thank you, Friends. You have truly made a difference in our students' lives.
As part of the library's COVID protocols, a new proximity reader was installed on the doors. What does this mean for Friends? It means that in order to come back into the library, you'll need to get a new library card!
If you are interested in adding borrowing privileges to your membership, or need all the information for how to get your new card, please email Kirsten ( and she can help you out. New FOL library cards will require signing a few documents electronically and a trip to the Campus Center to get your picture taken for your new card. Family memberships are allowed to have only one person pictured on their card.
Your new card will look similar to the other cards used on campus, but will clearly distinguish you as a Friend of the Library.
The use of the proximity card reader is related to COVID safety protocols and is subject to change; please check the Friends website for the most current information.
The Common Book for the 2021-2022 academic year is Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World - and Why Things Are Better Than You Think , by Hans Rosling, with Ola Rosling and Anna Rosling Ronnlund. Factfulness looks at why we typically think that global trends are getting worse, rather than better, and goes into detail about the ten instincts we have that mislead us. Anna Rosling Ronnlund will be the speaker, having continued her father-in-law's work after his death. She will be visiting campus virtually, with the Friends of the Library Q&A Virtual Event on Wednesday, October 27th at 7pm. Mark your calendars now!
Social Justice Week 2021 was an all-virtual affair this year, with topics on food justice, Women's History Month, and being your authentic self in the workplace. Library staff members Elizabeth Zeitz and Kirsten Peninger participated in a symposium on digital accessibility. Elizabeth spoke on how the library works to prioritize digital accessibility in selecting databases and ebook resources; Kirsten talked about creating digitally accessible social media content for Instagram, Youtube, and more.
Friends of the Library Council Member Barbara McKenzie also presented during Social Justice Week. Barb's presentation was called "Same Struggle -Different Difference", which she says she named "after a poster designed by Dan Wilkins, a long time good friend, a board member of Ohio TASH, and nationally known advocate who happens to have a disability."
We hope you were able to participate in this year's Social Justice Week programming; an email was sent to all Friends with an active email address with the information. If you did not receive the email and want to be sure that you're included on future programming updates, contact Kirsten ( and she'll ensure your email address is up-to-date.
For several years, the Otterbein Singers (a choir composed of theatre students) supported the Friends of the Library by having their spring concert serve as our annual fundraiser. It is with great sadness that we pass the news to you that, due to the adjusting of choir offerings in the Music Department, the Otterbein Singers has been dissolved. We are sad to have missed our last concert with them in March 2020, due to COVID, and are thankful for all their years of support.
The Friends of the Library bookmark contest happened this past fall, and though there were many amazing entries, Megan Miller's bookmark, pictured left, won! Of her dramatic bookmark, Megan writes, "My inspiration for my bookmark came from a quick sketch I did that was originally intended to be peaches rather than bubbles. [...] My first inclination, of course, was to produce my bookmark in photo form, but I instead decided to use this as an opportunity to improve my graphic design skills. These bubbles are digitally produced and purposefully shown in black and white in order to place the focus on the light and shadow in these simple forms."
The new bookmark will begin to be included in mailings to Friends who renew their memberships starting in July. Thanks to Megan for her lovely design!
If you have interest in the history of Otterbein and are looking for an opportunity to dive in, we are looking for volunteers to help in our Archives. Volunteers in the Archives can typically expect to collect, arrange, and protect the original papers and manuscripts of Otterbein University; interpret collections in a variety of oral and written forms; collate, sort, transcribe, and shelve manuscripts and other collections; transcribe manuscript collections into modern data files; and generally assist the Archivist, Stephen Grinch, in a variety of archival work. If this sounds interesting to you, please email Stephen Grinch ( for more information!
Thanks to the generosity of the Friends of the Library, we presented five students with library awards!
John Becker Memorial Award ($100)
To the graduating senior who has worked no less than 3 years at the library, has a GPA of at least 3.2, and has the strongest record of service to the library.
Nydia Velasquez, Circulation
Harold Hancock Memorial Award ($50)
To the student who has completed at least one complete year of employment and has built an outstanding record of service.
Zoe Conley, Technical Services
Tirza Barnes Memorial Award ($50)
To the most outstanding graduating senior in respect to work ethic, professionalism, community service, etc., who is pursuing a career in library science.
Susan Bohland, Archives
Alberta Messmer Award ($50)
To the first year student who has shown the best work ethic (punctuality, attendance, job performance) in their first year of employment
Hannah Reeves, GA
Robert Price Award ($50)
To a student assistant who has a cumulative GPA of 3.95-4.0 and who has performed in an excellent manner as a student assistant.
Megan Caldwell, Circulation
Jessica Crossfield-McIntosh, the library's Public Services librarian, took a one-year leave of absence in order to pursue a grantfunded opportunity. In the interim, the library hired two temporary, part-time librarians: Shiva Shakeri (left) and Alexis Fintel (right). Shiva will be focusing on marketing, while Alexis will be focusing on reference. They will be working in the library through December. Welcome, Shiva and Alexis!
Friends with library borrowing privileges enjoy many benefits. Listed below are a complete list of benefits afforded to members.
BORROWING PRIVILEGES AT THE COURTRIGHT MEMORIAL LIBRARY (CML) -You may receive a CML card, providing you the ability to check out library materials
ACCESS TO MATERIALS BORROWED THROUGH OUR CONSORTIUMS, OPAL AND OHIOLINK -This gives you the ability to request materials from academic libraries throughout the state of Ohio.
ACCESS TO INTERLIBRARY LOAN SERVICE -You will be able to request materials that are not held by the Courtright Memorial Library or any of our consortium member libraries.
SUBSCRIPTION TO THE BI-ANNUAL NEWSLETTER, FRIENDLY CORRESPONDENCE -The newsletter will keep you up-to-date on events and news pertaining to the Friends and the CML.
SPECIAL INVITATIONS TO FRIENDS-SPONSORED EVENTS -Be the first to know about author talks, musical events, and other special occasions sponsored by the Friends.
VOTING RIGHTS AT THE ANNUAL FRIENDS BUSINESS MEETING AND THE ABILITY TO SERVE ON THE FRIENDS BOARD OF TRUSTEES -You will have a say in what the Friends of the Library do to help promote and support Otterbein's Courtright Memorial Library, students, and the Otterbein community.
... More Benefits To Come
With the Otterbein Singers fundraiser no longer being an option, the Friends Council is seeking ideas for new fundraiser events in the future. Do you know what would make a great fundraiser? Email your idea to Kirsten ( today!
1 S. Grove Street
Westerville, OH 43081
Your membership is important! Renew today and make a world of difference! Membership form enclosed for mail-in membership renewal. You can also renew online by visiting the Friends website!
Prepared by Kirsten Peninger