Friendly Correspondence
Friends of the Otterbein University Courtright Memorial Library
Special Edition 2020
Courtright Memorial During COVID-19
If you had walked into the Courtright Memorial Library (CML) on March 19th, 2020, you would have entered a different reality. On March 6th there was a Universitywide network outage, and on March 18th, the Governor issued a mandate for higher education to go online. Between the two, Otterbein employees and students began working remotely.
Joyce Stonebraker
Special Thanks
However, the lack of staff in the library didn't mean they stopped working. In fact, the work had really just begun. With the University computer systems down just as everyone was moving online, the ITS department worked hard to recreate the online learning management system, Blackboard, for current faculty and students, which required a new password to be given at login. Needing a secure and verifiable system, the library was able to step up and assist. Using the library management system on a laptop borrowed from Westerville Public Library (WPL), library staff were able to give out 1500 passwords. At the same time, library staff were working to update the website to provide quick and easy access to online services and temporarily free resources provided by publishers and vendors, while making it as seamless as possible for the community. Virtual open reference hours were launched so that people could "drop in" and immediately see and speak with a librarian. Games and puzzles were created online to provide some stress relief for people who needed it.
There was also the question of what to do about the materials that had already been checked out but now couldn't easily be returned, since no one was in the building, as well as the University-wide question of what students should do about their residence hall keys, which needed to be returned with very little notice. Partnerships were set up all over campus, with non-library staff working
Nancy J SmithPresident Mary Pat KnightVice President Rebecca O'NeilSecretaryto collect what library materials they could to drop off, while the library return dropbox became the place to leave residence hall keys. Westerville Public Library was a vital partnership, as they provided CML with a laptop - the single piece of computer technology that was working thanks to the network outage. Without WPL, none of the library work in distributing passwords to the campus would have been possible. They also volunteered to collect CML materials, assisting with that problem even as they, too, moved to remote work.
There was also, of course, the question of HOW to work from home, as many staff began to convert basements, kitchen tables, and couches into their new home offices. Child care had to be sorted out for many staff members, while others dealt with confused pets who didn't understand why their owners were suddenly home all the time. Discussions were had about internet speeds as some people found themselves at home with their spouse and their children needing access to high-speed internet that could support all of them online at the same time. Some library staff returned briefly to the building, just long enough to take home a second monitor or an office chair that didn't make their back hurt.
Public Services Librarian
Reference services went fully virtual, with librarians making sure they could support students through the upheaval of their semester. While most librarians had used Blackboard (a virtual learning environment where faculty and staff can post items
Jess Crossfield McIntosh in her home office, preparing for her sabbatical for their classes) before COVID, they were suddenly making full use of its many functions and features. Most prominently was the use of the video conferencing tool, as they tried to preserve face-to-face consultations, albeit virtually. The entire library staff made use of Blackboard as an online office space, with at first daily staff meetings, then twice-a-week staff meetings, and finally moving to once-a-week staff meetings in order to keep everyone up-to-date about changes.
Electronic Access
Librarian Allen Reichert with his new office colleague, Baby Boy
As the University began to prepare for reopening in the fall, so too did the library work on its own plans. The library had its own dedicated Return-to-Campus planning group, and on July 20th, a majority of the library staff returned to the building. No Contact Pick Up began just a few days later, with staff working hard to make sure people could begin to collect materials they needed for classes, or just wanted for fun Ongoing plans were made for how to ensure public health and safety once the building reopened to the public. Many adjustments had to be made to long-time library services, such as Course Reserves, which the Friends help support each year.
Assessment and Special Projects Librarian
Kristin Cole being interrupted by her demanding colleague
The Courtright Memorial Library staff were resilient, flexible, and unyielding in their devotion to serving their community throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. They are ready to continue to serve.
Otterbein Singers: Cancelled, But Not Forgotten
The show was supposed to take place on March 15, 2020. The Otterbein Singers had been working for weeks, fine-tuning selections from Les Miserables, Miss Saigon, Into the Woods, and others; the program was made and ready for print; the Friends Council had begun purchasing refreshments for after the show. Unfortunately, COVID had other plans, and the show had to be cancelled. It was a deeply sad moment for everyone, none more so than for the choir members who had worked so hard on their performance. But it was also a missed opportunity for the Friends, with this choral event serving as the big chance to see Friends from near and far.
While the show had to be cancelled, the spirit of the show is fondly remembered by those who were able to see some of the rehearsals. Mary Pat Knight, Vice President of the Friends, said that the show that could not be was "fantastic!"; she sorely wished it could have been shared with an audience. The Friends hope we can find another way to gather in the future.
Common Book 2020-21 Announced
The Common Book for the 2020-2021 academic year is Dreamland: The True Tale of America's Opiate Epidemic by Sam Quinones. Quinones' work looks at the connections between Big Pharma, a small town in Mexico, and rural towns and suburbs across the United States as they battle opioid addiction. Called explosive and shocking, Dreamland promises to be an excellent Common Book.
Details on the Friends' Common Book event will be forthcoming as arrangements are made. Watch for more information in the fall!
Speaker Event: Diane Shader Smith, Salt in My Soul
On October 1st, Diane Shader Smith, mother of Mallory Smith, will be holding a virtual talk about Mallory's book, Salt in My Soul: An Unfinished Life. Mallory was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis when she was three-years-old and died in 2015, two months after a double-lung transplant. Salt in My Soul is the book that Mallory wrote over a period of ten years, recording her thoughts and observations on her life and the world. Shader Smith travels the country, bringing her daughter's work to people everywhere. More details about the talk will be shared later.
This program is co-sponsored by the Westerville Public Library, the Courtright Memorial Library, and the Friends of the Courtright Memorial Library.
Cardinals Care - Textbook Affordability
In response to financial hardships for our students, Otterbein launched the Cardinals Care initiative, a fundraising drive to help raise money to assist students through the fiscal uncertainties of COVID-19 and beyond. The Textbook Affordability Endowment, a Friends-driven initiative, was one of the funds selected for people to donate money towards. The Cardinal Cares Initiative was immensely successful, with $71,190 raised total. $1,295 of that was specifically for the Textbook Affordability Endowment.
Friends of the Library Bookmark Contest Postponed
The Friends of the Library bookmark contest was postponed this year, as the 2D Art Class that typically makes the entries did not meet in spring of 2020. We plan for a bookmark to be voted upon fall of 2020-2021, at which point the new bookmarks will be printed and begun being sent out with new memberships. We look forward to seeing what the next design will be!
New Online Membership Payment Option
Many new services came out in part because of pivoting to virtual services due to COVID-19. One such new service is especially for the Friends: a way to pay your membership online! If you would like to pay your annual membership but don't want to print off the membership form and mail it, or bring it into the library, you now can visit the Friends webpage ( and click on the Friends Membership & Privileges tab. The link to the online portal is right at the top of the page for your convenience! The online payment portal accepts credit cards, and an email will be sent to you (check your junk folder!) to confirm your payment. No need to sign up for an account, though; guest checkout is available, though you will still need to provide an email address for confirmation purposes.
Council Positions Open - Volunteers Welcome!
Are you looking for a volunteer opportunity? Do you want to give back to Otterbein, and the Courtright Memorial Library in particular? Do you want to have direct input on the direction that the Friends of the Library take? We have volunteer opportunities for you!
In the upcoming months, an election will be held for the Friends of the Library Council. Some of the current Council members have indicated that they no longer intend to serve in their current positions; we are looking for some new members to join and potentially serve as officers.
If you're interested, please reach out to Kirsten ( and she'll make sure to get you more information about how to get involved!
2020 Library Award Winners
Thanks to the generosity of the Friends of the Library, we presented five students with library awards - virtually!
John Becker Memorial Award ($100)
To the graduating senior who has worked no less than 3 years at the library, has a GPA of at least 3.2, and has the strongest record of service to the library.
Julie Platz, Circulation
Harold Hancock Memorial Award ($50)
To the student who has completed at least one complete year of employment and has built an outstanding record of service.
Brianna Andrews, Circulation
Tirza Barnes Memorial Award ($50)
To the most outstanding graduating senior in respect to work ethic, professionalism, community service, etc., who is pursuing a career in library science.
Allura Stevens, Technical Services
Alberta Messmer Award ($50)
To the first year student who has shown the best work ethic (punctuality, attendance, job performance) in their first year of employment
Da'Viona Fowler, Marketing and Events
Robert Price Award ($50)
To a student assistant who has a cumulative GPA of 3.95-4.0 and who has performed in an excellent manner as a student assistant.
Erin Kibby, Archives
The cancellation of the Otterbein Singers event delivered an additional sadness, as it was to be the final Otterbein Singers concert for Joyce Stonebraker, co-director and accompanist of many years. Joyce Stonebraker was a fixture at Otterbein, working as staff accompanist before serving as the co-director of the Otterbein Singers as well. Joyce retired at the end of the spring and looks forward to traveling with her husband. She will be missed!
Join the Friends of the Library
Friends with library borrowing privileges enjoy many benefits. Listed below are a complete list of benefits afforded to members.
BORROWING PRIVILEGES AT THE COURTRIGHT MEMORIAL LIBRARY (CML) - You may receive a CML card, providing you the ability to check out library materials
ACCESS TO MATERIALS BORROWED THROUGH OUR CONSORTIUMS, OPAL AND OHIOLINK - This gives you the ability to request materials from academic libraries throughout the state of Ohio.
ACCESS TO INTERLIBRARY LOAN SERVICE - You will be able to request materials that are not held by the Courtright Memorial Library or any of our consortium member libraries.
SUBSCRIPTION TO THE BI-ANNUAL NEWSLETTER, FRIENDLY CORRESPONDENCE - The newsletter will keep you up-to-date on events and news pertaining to the Friends and the CML.
SPECIAL INVITATIONS TO FRIENDS-SPONSORED EVENTS - Be the first to know about author talks, musical events, and other special occasions sponsored by the Friends.
VOTING RIGHTS AT THE ANNUAL FRIENDS BUSINESS MEETING AND THE ABILITY TO SERVE ON THE FRIENDS BOARD OF TRUSTEES - You will have a say in what the Friends of the Library do to help promote and support Otterbein's Courtright Memorial Library, students, and the Otterbein community.
... More Benefits To Come
Thanks to the Westerville Public Library!
The Courtright Memorial Library extends its deepest gratitude to our Westerville partner, the Westerville Public Library, for loaning us laptops and hotspots during the Otterbein network outage, and for their ongoing collaboration with CML throughout COVID-19.
Courtright Memorial Library
Otterbein University
1 S. Grove Street
Westerville, OH 43081
Your membership is important! Renew today and make a world of difference!
Membership form enclosed.
Prepared by Kirsten Peninger