Otterbein Aegis November 1899

Page 1



The Mound by the Sea -


Points and Pointers


Benjamin Franklin


The Emerson C lub




Society Halls


Association Notes






Magazine Reviews




An Institution of High Grade, Standard Faculty and Courses of Study. ~~

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Published the 20th of Each Month of the College Year.

No. 3·

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D. T. BENNERT, 'Of ........ .................. Editor in Chief B. 0. BARNES '00 ........... .. .. .... .......................... Assistant F. OLDT, 'Ot. ............... ........... ......... ...... Exchange Editor E. A. SANDERS, '02.... ............ .... .. ... ......... Alumna! Editor I. W. HOWARD, '01 ......... : ......... ... ....._.......... Local Editor A. L. GANTZ, '00 ............................ Business Manager H. E. SliiREY, '03 ................. ............... .............. Assistant W. 0. LAMBERT, '00........................ . .. Subscription Agent J. L. SHIVELY, '02.... .................. Ass't Subscription Agent Subscription, SOc a Year in Advance . Single Copies tOe Subscription• Will be continued until t!Je paner is m·dered stopped by the subscriber, and all anearages paid.


There are two grand classes, into which all youth may be Education assigned, according to their characteristics and conditions of lif<' :-those who are brilliant of intellect, or who by their talents and inclinations are fitted for the intellectual pursuits, for the professions in which the brain is the working member, mainly; and those in which the constructive faculties, the hand working more or less in conjunction with the brain, are the working elements. The work undertaken in education may evidently be divided into two principal departments. In the one, the student is taught those branches of knowledge which are intended to fit him for a later continuous growth in intellectual power, and in wisdom and knowledge; the other is that which gives him the essential instruction and training in such technical wo1 k as may best prepare him for the pursuit or the profession in which it is expected that he will do his life's work. The one looks to the cultivation of the individual, the other to his preparation for taking his part The Fittest

[Entered at the postoftice, Westerville, Ohio, as second-class mail matter.]



Co., PRINTERS, Westerville. Ohio.

Again the race for office has come and gone and as usual, the number of candidates who were made to rejoice by the result ·of the ballot equals the number that were disappointed. Political speakers and campaign managers are now being favored by a short vacation. On the 7th occurrtd the election of Hon. Geo. K . Nash as governor. With two senators who are not only voters but leaders in congress, Nash conducting state affairs and McKinley at the head of our nation, truly Ohio can congratulate herself as being the most honored C\S well as the most useful state in the union , The Election

OTTERBEIN /EGIS. in the work of the world. It is obvious, on the most cursory study of the matter, that the primary studies of public schools are essential to both lines of study ; that the ethical and the aesthetic, the liberal and the classical, e u·cation must be given before the technical, if the latter is to be added to the former; and · that the professional school. should be postgraduate to the academic department. It is evident, that what might be called the "ideal education," that in which the student is given first this general preparation an~ training, then a l,i beral educati,o n, and, finally, a thorough professional education and training, whether for law, for medicine, for the pulpit, for the engineer's office, or. for the · work-bench or the mill, is the natural birthright of every citizen in ·the ideal comlllon. _wealth. This ideal educat•on is what may be conceived to be the "fittest education."

It is the special purpose of a college course to develop the the student intellectually. The advancement made depends in a measure, of course, upon the inher.en.~ ability, but more upon the interest and pride which he takes in his work and upon h.i s determination to accompli~h that for which he is sent. There are two principal methods by which knowledge is acquired and the intellect broadened. · The more common of these is that of reading and memorizing what some one else has thought, the other method is that of investigation and research which necessitates reason a.nd originality. The first method is necessarily antecedent to the second, for it is by reading and studying the works of others that one learns to do original work. The first method, the student is expected to have before entering college, the second, he has _the opportunity for acquiring while there. The greatest opportunities in college for developing originality, are offered by the literary societies, but occasionally , these are Originality

sadly neglected by some w. o have an indisposition to expend any energy not demanded by the professor. It is true, a "production" is much sooner written and ofttimes displays more lugic or possesses a more pleasing phraseology if taken from books or magazines ; but if._the student aspires to a position in life which requires any culture or skill, he can surely anticipate the time when he will be expected to prepare a production and when the proper magazine will be wanting. Then let him, who is thus indisposed, remember, that while it is necessary to do a great deal of memorizing as he pursues his college course, the graduate should be able not only to commit but to reason and think for himself In order to form an intelligent opinion of the very interesting Question conflict now r:tging in South Africa, two points must be carefully regarded : First, the history of the Dutch occupation ; second,, the value of the gold and diamond mines. The southern extremity of the African continent was colonized as earl/ as I652 by Dutch from Holland, some earlier attempts at occupation having been made by Portuguese. The Dutch settlers at first intended this as only an intermediate station between Holland and their East Indian possessions . But as the country proved attractive and a tide of immigration set in from Holland, British adventurers began to recognize the advantages offered; and partly owing to the animosity between the Dutch and the British, resulting from the wars between them centuries before, and partly from the British desire of conquest, what is now Cape Colony began to pass from Dutch to British control, first in I 796, then in I 8o6, at which latter date the territory occupied had been greatly enlarged . When England began to occupy South Africa, the Dutch settlers kept moving steadily northward , until at last they h ad The Transvaal

OTTERBEIN .£GIS. passed beyond, that ¡ is north of, the;: river Vaal, so that their country was called "Transvaal." The Orange Free State, into which many Dutch Boers (farmers) had retired when Natal was declared an English colony in I 843, was in turn annexed to the British empire in I848, and so continued until I854, when th;o Bri tish formally gave it up and permitted the inhabitants to form a government of and for themselves. The Boers who had retired from the Free State on its annexation to the British crown, with others migrated across the Vaal, set up a government of their own, calling it the South African Republic, and in I852 were recognized as independent. Five years later, on the pretext that it was necessary to protect the Boer:; from the attacks of the warlike Zulus, the British annexed the South African Republic. In I88o the Boers rebelled against the British authority, and in the battle of Majuba Hill, February 27, I88I, gained a complete victory. . The result was the acknowledgment of the independence of the republic by the Gladstone ministry, reserving the suzerainty of the British s&vereign as to foreign relations alone. The recent discovery of gold in South Africa has wrought the same mischief as in o':her parts of the world. There was no serious trouble "in Venezuela until gold was found there; so in Alaska; verv much so in California. Transvaal gold mines paid seven and a half million dollars in dividends to English stockholders in I896; thirteen and a half millions in I 897; twenty-four and a half millions in I 898; one hundred and thirty millions of dollars in gold are being taken from its mines this year. No wonder is it that the stolid Dutch farmer, who knows a good thing when he sees it, and the progressive and not too conscientious Englishman should come to sw -.rds' points over the spoils. The. former thinks that the Uitlander should wait seven years before he e xercises the right of suffrage; the latter claims that the men who have found the gold and have developed the country


s'~-ould have a voice m its control. It is a merry war, and may the right prevail.



HE present is the product of the past. The advanced degree of civilizati.on and the high attainments, social, ~political and moral, which we enfoy, are not the result of some mysterious evolution, b ut the product of the noble lives ahd the brave deeds of those who have lived in days previous to our era. Surrounded as we are by the blessings and the comforts which have been acquired for us, our lives being drawn in pleasant places and ours being a goodly heritage, we sometimes fail to recognize our obligations to those who have been our benefactors. At every time in the world's history there have lived those, who, by their unselfish devotion and undying patriot~ ism to their country, by their firm principles of manhood and unyielding sense of duty, have made the world what it is and have left the record of noble lives. Individual nations have had their leaders whose names they love to extol and whose lives they preserve with sacred memory. When Frenchmen tell the story of Napoleon they .find no language rich enough to paint the great captain of the nineteenth century. The countrymen of Washington, speaking from their hearts, find no marble white enough on which to engrave the name of the father of his country. Englishmen cannot find words adequate of expression to present to their minds and to the world in true value the grand old man, William H. Gladstone. Not only have these men endeared themselves to the hearts of their countrymen, but such men we all love to honor. Their names are preserved with t' e histories of their nations and are handed down to posterity with due regard The history of nations and people teaches us that the ship of state does not always hav~

8 I


smooth sailing. In the history of every nation there have been dark and critical periods, when darkness curtained the hills and when the very government was threatened to be rent asunder. Such periods have called loudly for men of strong executfve ability and in many instances all that, was necessary to produce the man was the emergency. Men have been found equal to the emergency and by their noble deeds have made their names immortal. When truth gets a ~ hearing the muse of history writes Phocion ¡for -Greece, Brutus for Rome, Hampden for England, Lafayette for France, Washfngton, as the bright consummate flower of our earlier civilization, and Abraham Lincoln, as the ripe fruit of our noon day. Names of imperishable fame that are destined to live in the hearts of their countrymen as long as time shall last. In the northern part of Greece, along the coast of the Lamian Gulf, there was erected a mound to mark the spot where Leonidas, with his three hundred Spartans, made their noble defense for their country against the invading Persians. It was before the Greeks had formed a united government and a formidable enemy was approaching in the person of Xerxes, the Persian King, with a large army, to invade their country and punish them for an attack made on Sardis in their attempts of aggressive warfare. ; The Greeks, realizing their perilous position at the hands of so powerful an enemy, at once called a military council and made an effort to have the different tribes united in their struggle for liberty. The situation was so gloomy and defeat seemed so inevitable that most of them rejected the proposition and a few were left in the conflict alone. Prominent among these ~as Leonidas, with his three hundred Spartans, select men, the flower of Greece, better than they , the world never knew. These were sent 1:o guard the pass of Thermopylae, a narrow path along the sea, hemmed on the south by the rocky cliffs of Mount Oeta and on the north by the marsh and water of the Gulf of Lamia. ln this ~ass our heroes took up their station

and rendered their position stronger by placing a wall at their front across the northern entrance of the pass. Up to this time it was unknown by Leonidas that there was an unfrequented path over Mount Oeta by which an enemy might penetrate into Greece without marching through Thermopylae at all. When this path was discovered he left it guarded by the Phocians, by ~whom he was informed of its existence and who had joined his forces. Thus arranged, they awaited the arrival of the Persian host, which numbered more than a million men. When the multitudinous forces of Xerxes began to draw near, the men of Greece became alarmed at the smallness' of their numbers and Leonidas at once despatched messengers to the various cities urging them to send reinforcements immediately. Unfortunately, it-was the time for the Olympic ga' es and festhals, and, in accordance with an attribute of Greek character, they could not induce themselves to postpone those venerated solemnities, even at a time when their whole liberty and existence were at stake. Starving all their measures of foreign policy in order that the Theoric exhibitions might be imposing to the people and satisfactory to the gods. Unwilling to leave their worship while an invader o superhuman might was at their g1tes, they remind us of the Jews in the latter days of their independence who suffered the operations of the b~sieging Roman army to be carried on around -their city without interruption during the Sabbath. Thus we see the Greeks; a people, on the one ~and, handicapped by a disastrous superstition sufficient in itself to effect the destruction of the strongest and mightiest government on the face of the earth, and, on the other hand, adorned by a spirit of patriotism and courage destined to make them a most potent agency in the developement of science, art and literatu-re, by which they have indelibly stamped their influence upon modern civilization. When Xerxes heard that a handful of desperate men, commanded by a Spartan, had determined to dispute his passage, he refused

OTTERBEIN AIGIS. to believe it. But when he found it to be true, he sent to them, demanding that they give up their ar"'s, to w11ich they replied, "Come and take them." Their courage and fearlessness of death is shown by the reply made by a Spartan when he was told that r the Persians were so prodigious that their arrows would conceal the light of th,e sun. He said, "So much the better, we shall then fight in the shade. " Tne Persian delayed his att~ck, thinking it absurd that such a small number of men should attempt to¡ oppose his forces, and that they would surrender., But this was far from their purpose; they knew no such word as retreat and meant to defend their position at the cost of their lives, which they did. On the fifth day he ordered an attack, which resulted in a great loss of his men a,nd little or no effect upon the defenders of the pass. Not even were the ten thousand "Immortals," whose efficiency was always to be depended upon, able to effect a passage, but were likewise repulsed. It was at this <;ritical juncture that the Greeks were treacherously betrayed by a native countryman-shame to his name-who informed Xerxes of the private path over the mountain. He at once sent a strong detachment of troops with the traitor in the evening, and at daybreak the Phocians, who guarded the path, were alarmed by the approaching enemy and anxious for their own safety, fled and took refuge on the highest part of the ridge, allowing the Persians to continue their march uninterrupted and descend the mountain immediately in the rear of the Spartans. This movement was known to Leonidas, but, although he knew that victory was now impossible and that it meant certain death to remain in the pass, he refused to leave his position, and dismissing those who were anxious to leave, with the noble three hundred Spartans, he remained true to his trust, The engagement which followed was a severe one. The Greeks leaving their defeHce, advanced to meet the enemy on the open plain, and charged upon them with desperate valor. While the Greeks could 'maintain their ranks they repulsed every


attack, but their spears were at length broken and by the superior number of the Persians forcing between them, they were driven back; the first phalanx ypon the second, the second upon the third, the third upon the fourth, until they cast themselves headlong npon their enemies in a hand-to-hand conflict and perished to a man. Perished-but their lives live, their memories live and to their honor the mound was erected on the spot where they made their last stand, with this inscription : "Go, tell the Spartans, thou that passest by, That here obedie¡nt to their laws we lie. "

A mound, modest in appearance, but surrounded by a halo of sacred memories more glorious and more renowned than the loftiest and most majestic statue of granite . But far above all, paramount to any material structure designed by the hand of man, stands the noble example of their lives, which has ever since been the model of cou~age_ and patriotism. To the memory of Leonidas there was erected a statue representing a lion, characteristic of his indomitable will and iron discipline. But, by sacrificing his life for his country and for the principles of liberty which he loved, he carved for himself a name immortal as the everlasting liberty for which he died, and, to-day he stands out pre-eminently among the heroes of the ages. We cannot but admire his intensity of purpose, his integrity, which properly means entireness or wholeness; the integrity of the body being, as Cicero explains it, the full possession and perfect soundness of all its members. Integrity, that which Herod had not attained when at the Baptists' bidding he did many thing gladly but did not fulfill all his injuntions . He dropped one link in the golden chain of obedience and as a consequence the whole chain fell to the ground and profitted him nothing. Integrity was a characteristic of Leonidas and in his devotion to duty there is a beautiful lesson for us. He ~egarded it his duty to defend the p ass and to



accomplish tl,at end, he directed the stream of his energies. The n.oblest and best lives , those which we admire most, ~re those that are given to the performance of duties . It is stagnant waters which corrupt themselves, not those in constant agitation and on which the winds are freely blowing. Duties are winds of the soul to keep it healthful, to lift it upward and to drive it onward; to preserve it from that unwholesome stagnation, which con~titutes that fatal preparedness for so many other and worse evils. When we think of the mound by the sea and ~hat it represents, let us think deeply how much of what we are and what we possess to-day we owe to this liberty and to these institutions of government for which those lives went out. 'Ne cannot pay the debt which thus comes upon us, but by virtue, by morality, by religion, by the cultivation of every good principle and every good habit, we may hope to enjoy a blessing in our day and leave it unimpaired to our children . L?t us thini.::, too, of those who, in later days have given their lives for the same cause, and have placed their names in the clear blue of our starry firmament . Other stars are yet being added, new constellations circle around their centres and the heavens beam with new light. Beneath this illumination let us walk th~ path of life and at its close devoutly commend our beloved country, with all of its interests, to the Divine Benignity.


Points and Point¢rs HIS paper is dedicated with much anxiety to those innocents who are so stupid as to think that I am speaking in figures, "Figures never lie." Sam Jones thinks there are two great points requisite for success, viz:-Get there, and stay there. Which would be n ore difficult would be hard to decide. It is easier to get to college

than to stay there and having stayed there four years it is easier to remain than to get anywhere else. So, the Senior to those who have got there says '' Ah there! Stay there." Some are born· there; some are married there. Those born there could not help it and those married there wish they had helped it. Get into the right path and ·stay there. One must not depend upon his father's reputation. There is little in a name. If there were anything in a name, "in planting bird seed we should expect to raise a crop of birds., . Birth should not deter any man . He would have a hard time doing anything if he were not born. Because a man is born a poet is no reason that he should not get up and go it. What if poets are born? Most other people are. Every avenue of life is filled with those who are unable to keep up with the procession . Even col'ege halls are thronged with them . A · road is filled with ruts for one who is unprepared to walk in it. He stumps his toes and tumbles but he has not "tumbled" soon enough. Too many mistake their calling. Many are only whistled for . Those who have brains sh0uld go into politics, those having only money should enter society. However, neither is required for Otterbein society. The Senior wastes that year of his college life looking for a job instead of studying for it. The ordinary Freshman takes no heed what he shall wear. However, he clothes himself in sack cloth and ashes and wonders whether the club boards him or whether he has bored the club. Yes, he wonders; for ''knowledge robs mystery of its wonder" and the Sophomore has a monopoly on that valuable commodity. The dear Junior feels his own transcendent importance and does not see why others worry of the morrow. He does not see. Of course he could understand. Very few things escape the Junior's memory. You can not lose a thing unless you have it. A splendid forgetory is as important as a good memory and far more handy. Bu t why is it that the Freshman in history forgets dates so quickly, yet, in actual life is most prompt in

OTTERBEiN AiGiS. keeping them ? Think what a load the Prep would have to bear it he had used forgetory to relieve him of his surplus knowledge. By the time he is a Senior may he have forgotten much of his learning! Then he will be a fit subject for association with people. Sometimes the course of instruction is arduous and varied. Snipe hunts, watermelon outings 'and strawberry innings, accompanied by a careful applica: ion of water, often comprise the treatment. Sometimes benefit is derived and sometimes it is not. The Prep thought of a point carries with it a deeper meaning than is seen by one not Sophomorica' ly inclined. The Prep can determine the locus of any point. The mathematical point has but one locus but the college Prep point may have a second lo(w) cue;. That Freshman, who tries to relieve a Prep of his point, is one. It is a difficult matter to determine a point. The Otterbein point is usually terminated with the term and those of longer duration are tiresome to the uninterested if not to the ¡two unfortunates, A Senior can not be blamed for protracting his effort. It is his last cha:.ce. Nor can the Prep be censured for he has had no experience. But the Junior should know better. In determining a point compasses, straightedges, rulers and other mathematical instruments are discarded save the protector. The very one which determines for to determine is to take off the termination . When they dehorn cattle the horns are removed. Questions of i.nportance come_ both to the pointed and the pointless. The student who is growing bald attributes it to hard study, and he has authority ; for every bald headed barber in town has told him that all smart men are bald . Others attribute it to Y. M. C. A. exertions or to their points. But baldness is always due to absence of hair , and the man whose dome of knowledge looms up in shining splendor wishes that if even the hairs of his head are numbered, some one 'A-Ould please supply the back r.umbers. But let lis confine ourselves to the point.

You know the successful man is he who confines himself to the poirit. When you get a good point hold hn. J ust like keeping a salaried position you must be attentive if you wish to hold. Attentiveness is the sine qua non of successful pointing. It is the same to the point as study is to the shdent. But he who is on hands nig-ht and day need not l.ope to elicit her i1-1te~est so much in his welfare as in his farewell. Keep her up till one or two o'clock tomorrow morning telling old jokes. At last she falls asleep in the arms of-Morpheus. Get jealous and go home. Who is the bore? Lillian Belle says he is the man who never knows when or how. In college he is the fellow who comes to your room when you are busy and who never knows when or how to leave. The fellow who thinks you like to hear him talk; who imagines he is interesting. Yes, he bores. So do mosquitos. If he would think even once, before speaking he would not bother us. The bore is what he is because he has a hat-rack void of grey matter. The college is a repair shop for wheels. Unfortunately some are so badly punctured that they are irreparable. Some think it is , a place where we learn to work. That it is a p lace where we learn what to do and what to know better than to do. This is a mistake. If in a college course one does not learn how to do the most p ossible work with the least effort he is uneducated. Herein lies the educative value of the ''pony." It is an example of the easy way of doing things, consequently teaching me~ch cf value in the economy of labor. To teach i ow to save grey matter is the fundamental object of the pony, for most students need to save what little they have. The college training makes one at home with himself and others and shows how to say nice things. It tells him how to sugar-coat the disagreeable and to say the agreeable. In other words he learns the politic and how to flatter. How to fill another with vanity and make him_ an easy mark for the wire puller or the honor seel<er. 1'hes~



latter individuals never pursue honorable methods in their search for promotions, and popularity hunters seldom find it. , If there is anything which makes one feel flatter than flattery does please deliver us. A compliment is always in order but flattery never. The point is appropriately named for it has not length, breadth nor thickness, it is simply flat-'-the product of flattery. A condition by virtue -of which a fellow is permitted to be gallant while his father ''pays the freight." A position not retained upon good behavior, but upon ability to attend-"to meekly wait and murmur not." A situation which only the foolish sustain and the gigglers enjoy. Therefore the point simply is a point but is pointless. Without reason though comprehensible, and most fellows "comprehend" the point.

B¢nhtmin franklin F.




ENJ AMIN FRANKLIN, the Boston boy, the youthful printer, the run-away apprentice, the young journeyman, friendless and pe~niless in_ distant London, are pictures which have been made familiar to many generations. The anecdote of the bread rolls eaten in the streets of Philadelphia has for its only rival among American historical traditions the more doubtful story of George Washington, the cherry tree and the little hatchet. Of all the great men in our history who have risen from humble origin to great fame, none have achieved greatness in so many ways as Franklin. Early in life he did much reading. The books that influenced his life most were Bunyan's Pilgrims Progress, Burton's Historical Collections, Plutarch's Lives, and an Essay on Projects by Defoe. Besides odd volumes of the Spectator. His first enterprise of a public nature was the ~stablishment of a public library; later, he he says that ''this was the mother of all North American libraries now so numerous." Reading now became popular. At the age of 27

he began to publisl.-t Poor Richard's Almanac to which his own personal reputation has given a celebrity surpassing all other works of its kind published anywhere in the world. Its character was remarkably intellectual and had great literary merit. It contained scraps of wisdom, snatches of verse, proverbs, jests-all were scattered through the book according to the convenience of the printer and for the supposed benefit of the reader. Throughout our colonial times when larger books were costly and few, the Almanac had everywhere a hearty welcome. The book ranks as one of the most influential in the world. Its proverbial sentences especially such as inculcated industry and frugality were sown like seed all over the land. Poor Richard was the reverend schoolmaster of a young nation. His teachings are among the powerful forces which have shaped the habits of Americans. His terse and picturesque bits of wisdom . are familiar in our mouths to-day. They have guided our way of thinking. Addison and Stelll had more polish but vastly less humor than Franklin. Poor. Richard has found eternal life by passing into the daily speech of the people, while the Spectator is fast being crowded out of the hands of all, save ·scholars in literature. Much of the wisdom and wit introduced in Poor Richard may have been borrowed from Defoe, Swift and Bacon. Franklin himself says: '•I was conscious that not a tenth part of the wisdom was my own which he ascribed to me but the gleanings that I had made of aJl the sense of all ages and nations." The famous Almanac was not the only pulpit whence Franklin preached to the people. He had an excellent ideal of a newspaper. He got news into it which was seldom done in those days. He secured advertisements for it which made it pay. This was a novel feature. He stands as the originator of the modern system of business advertisements. With respect to influence and prestige among his fellow colonists, none other came near to him. Meanwhile among all his crowd-

OTTERlJP.IN .&CIS. ing occupations he¡ had found time for scientific researches toward which his heart always yearned. He had flown his famous kite; had entrappe.d the lightning of the clouds; had written treatises which were much noticed in England, caused no small stir in France, and were translated into t~e French, German and Italian langua~es. :K:aut called him the Prometheus of modern times. Thus his name had already come to be more widely known than that of any other living man who had been born on this side of the Atlantic. _ In 1757 he was selected by the assembly to cross the Atlantic upon an important mission in behalf of his province. In London he found himself a man of note among scientist;;, who gave him a ready welcome. In literary circles he was equally well received, where he made warm personal friends, such as Beuke, Harne, Dr. Robertson and others. In 1762 M . Hame writing from Edinburg to Benjamin Franklin in Lm1don used these words: ''I am very sor.r)l that you intend leaving our hemisphere. America has sent us many good things,-gold, silver, sugar, tobacco-but you are the first great ma1n of letters for whom we are beholden. " Even eight Jyears before, an eminent French scholar writing to Franklin-at Philadelphia the greetings of Buffon, and the great Savants of France added, ' 'Your name is venerated in this country." Thus before the close of the colonial .e poch, America had produced one man of science and pf letters who had reached cosmopolitan fame. His knowledge of American affairs, of the trade, of the characteristics of the people in the different parts of the country, was very great because of his habit of shrewd observation. Besides the general power of his mind he had peculiar fitness to render the best services to the provinces, when trouble arose with the mother country. As a witness when summoned to give testimony concerning the colonies at the bar of the house of commons, there was no man better fitted to play the part of a witness than Franklin. Burke say s, ~¡there is no. record in politics

or in law that can compare with the report of his testimony" and likens the proceeding to an examination of a master by a parcel of school boys. At the close of the colonial epoch Franklin was the most illustrious of Am~ricans, indeed, one of the most illustrious of m~n. His renown 1ested on permanent achievements of the intellect. His splendid career as a scientist, discoverer and citizen seell'ed fully rounded, yet there lay outstretched _before him twenty.five years in which his political .services to his country and mankind were to bring him more glory than all he had won before. In this time he wrote the story of his life, which is still considered, by the best critics, the most famous production in American literature that has imperishable charms for all classes. It has passed into all the literary languages of the world, and is one of the most widely popular books ever printed. V ery early in life he acquired that pure, pithy and delightful diction which he never lost, and which makes him one of the great modals of modern prose writers. His best productions are on politics, commerce, education, science, religion and the conduct of life. Above all, incomparable letters to private correspondents to the reading of which, since then , the whole world has been admitted greatly to its advantage in wisdom and happiness. It was his nature to teach, preach and moralize. His writings were all for some immediate purpose and if printed at all-it was without the author's name. He had no ambition for literary fame yet, our country has produced no writer, with the exception of Cooper and Stowe, whose works have been so generally translated avd read abroad. Fifty editions of his autobiography have been edited in America alone; and almost every year a new life of him appears in some of the languages of civilized men. A Franklin abroad was as useful as an army at home. Now diplomatist, now broker, now banker, now commissary, now commercial agent, now a plenipotentiary, to-day closeted with kings, tomorrow with newspaper editors, now arguing with ministers, now writin~ for

OTTERBEIN AJGJS. the people-he was indefatigable. He filled a place which no other man of his time could have filled. As a patriot none surpassed him. He signed the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Peace and the Constitution of the United S tates. All manner of public reforms were suggested by him, he mended and cleaned streets, organized the police and fire departments, reconstructed the postal system and founded hospitals. The Philadelphia library is his, and the University of Pennsylvania was started by him. He was one of the most distinguished scientists who have ever lived. Bancroft calls him ''the greatest diplomatist of his century." He was always devising methods of making daily life more agreeable, comfortable and wholesome for all who have to live. His last act was a memorial addressed to congress speaking of slavery in the strongest condemnation and branding the slave trade as "abominable," "a diabolical commerce" and a "crime." Franklin's inborn ambition was the noblest. ot all ambitions; to be of practical use to the multitude. The chief notice of h s life was to promote the welfare of mankind It can _be truly said, "The world was richer when he was born, The world was better while he lived, The world was sadder when he died."

with culture and refinement. The condition of the United States at the present time is a proof of their strength and progressiveness. The minor paper on ''Benjamin Franklin," read by Mr. F. A. Anderson, was highly entertaining and instructive. The life of this useful man was presented in so interesting a manner, that one could not help feeling a greater sympathy and admiration for him. Although Benjamin Franklin met with much opposition and many difficulties in his work of aiding in nation building, neverthe~ less, his life was crowned with success, and his great and human figure still arouses interest and enthusiasm in an unusual degree-largely because he was a product characteristically American. Richardson's American Literature, which is used as a basis of study, has as its main:'characteristics, clearness and conciseness, as well as fullness of detail. The study of American literature is just as necessary as the study o.f the literatur~ of another country. "Some things we have not done at all; some we have done ill, some passably well, and some better than any nation 'in the world . " We can afford to recognize this fact .' , ) . and act upon it.

'footballtb~ Em~rsonian ~lub HE first meeting of the Emersonian club was held at Professor Zuck's home, Monday evening, October 30, with Mr. Graham as its presiding officer. The major paper on "American Literature 111 HS Beginnings with Reference to Race , Epoch, and Environment" ¡was read by Miss Martha Lewis . The paper was of high grade, showing much careful study and preparation. The American people may well be proud of the history made by their forefathers. It shows them to have been a hardy , noble and progressive people; to hav.! been broad-minded.



INCE the last issue of the JEGIS our football team has fought rl;lrer .battles. In the first one-with 0. M. U . .:_our team made an excellent showing, altho1,1gh the score might indicate poor work ,on the part of the Otterbein eleven. In speaking of the relative strength of the the two teams, however, there are things which must be taken into consideration not usually noticed ¡ by one not familiar with athletics it)_ our school. Our team is made up of college students. No tuitions are paid in order to induce players to try for positions. If we pave a team. it, is

OTTERBEIN A!GIS. strictly a voluntary act on the part of the student body. From th, students and citizens of Westerville we obtain our financial sur.port. This fall, according to the best judgment of our manager, Mr. Brashares, this support was not sufficient to hire a coach. This was the one thing lacking for success on the gridiron. We have not had a coach since the fall of '97. Of the men who reaped the benefit of that instruction, only two are still in school. The other nine men of the regular team, have found it necessary to rely entirely upon their own originality and ingenuity to play the game . Of the whole number of men now endeavoring to uphold Otterbein's record of previous years, eighty per cent. never saw a football before matriculating this fall. To say that we have not heen successful in our efforts is in one sense true, and in another sense a.. mistaken idea. Although we have no occasion for exultation on account of numerous . victories, yet every man should be complimented for his effort arid for the excellent showing he has made under the circumstances; for we have played first-class teams all seasen; teams whose advantages of coaching , and material from which to choose have greatly surpassed our own. On Oct. 21st we lined up against 0 . M. U . It was evident that the 0. M . U. team met more opposition than expected. In the first five minutes of the game 1t looked very much like 0. U. was sure uf a touchdown; and this anticipation was to be realized, although not by bucking 0. M . U. 's line as exp~cted. On a fumble, the ball was secured by Howard, Otterbein's right tackle, and carried for a touchdown, making a brilliant run of ninety yards. Coover missed goal, and the score 5 too in Ot terbein's favor. After this 0. M . U. took a b.tace and twice carried the ball across 0. U.' s goal line. In the last half three more touchdowns were scored on Otterbein, and the score stood 30 to 5 in 0. M . U .'s favor. Never during the game did the O-tterbein team weaken; giving to the specta-

tors what every lover of the sport enjoys, a game not delayed by disputes, or pretended InJUries . The 0. M. U. men are perfect gentlemen, playing straight football from :tart to finish. Perhaps it would be of interest to friends of the college to state that four of 0. M . U .'s players are products of 0. U. Kunkle; right tackle, M. Gantz, right end, W . Teter, quarter, C . Teter, full back. We wish to publicly cowmend Mr. Ingliss, who is coaching the 0. M. U. team, for his impartial decisions as an official. Coover, Howard and Shirey played star game for Otterbein, while the fierce bucks of Reisling and K unkle , and tht quick and sure work of C. Teter were the prominent features on the part of 0 . M. U . Nov. I Ith at 2:30 p . m . we lined up against Wittenberg, confident of a victory, but the fates seemed to be against us for we were again defe<tted by a score of 5 to o . This was not made by straight plays, but by a goal kicked from the field by Captain Kaiser . Time after time the 0 . U . team forced the ball dangerously near Wittenberg's goal line, when invariably a fumble would be made, and then the struggle would commence over again. It can truly be said that Captain Kaiser won the game, for by his excellent punting he clearly outclassed Otterbein's fullback, who has been somewhat weak aJ] season. Otterbein's line easily outplayed their opponents, but the miserable work of the men back of the line, lost the ,_,ame . Needles and Gantz making costly fumbles. The game was played in a gentleman ly manner by bot 1 teams, Capt. Kaiser having his men under excellent control. Coover and Ho¡.' ard played ,heir usual steady game at left and right tack le respectively. Not having any game scheduled for Nov. 11, Manager Brashares secured a game with the Independents of the Deaf and Dumb Institute, of Colt•mbus. In the two twenty minute halves, Otterbein scortd 28 points, while the Independents fail( d to score . The visitors i>layed snappy ball and gave Otterbein some good lessons in lining up rapidly.



Sodtty l)a11s

Song ........ ... ... ...... ... ........... ... .....•...... ....Jolly Winter Glee Club.

INCE the last number of the .lEGIS, open sessions of three of the literary societies were given. The rendition of ' the programs \\-as as usual , instructive and entertaining, which was manifested by the large audiences present at each session. The several programs follow :

O,ration ...... .. . .. ... .. .... .... ... ... .. .. .. .. ... As Men Look at It Lilian Irene Aston.


P iano Solo-'Bubbling Spring .. .... ..... .. .. julie Rive-King Ethel Marie Crouse. Eulogy ........ ... .. ...... .... ... ...... .. ... .. .... ......... "Old Glory" Jennie Anderson.


Quartette .. ...... .... ........ .. ............. ...... .. Sweet and Low Misses Brashares, Scott, Shauck, Miller.

Song-Philomathea .. . .. ... ...... .. .... . .... ..... ......... ... Society

Paper .. ... ..... ...... . .. .... ... ..... ... ......... Alice Louise Shauck

Chaplain's AddressThe Pass ing of Man's Inhumanity to Man Ulysses M. Roby

Chorus .... .. .. . .. .... ....... .. ........................... .. .. Philalethea Societ y .

President's Valedictory .. .... .... . ....... ..... ... Modern Japan John D. Miller Installation of Officers

PHILOPHRONEAN-NOV . 3 Chorus-Philophronea .. .. .. .... .... ... ......... .. A . T. How'lrd

Music-Gavotte-Woman's Heart ........ . ... .... ........ Ho/st Philomathean Orchestra President's Inaugural .. .. .. .. .... ... A Definite Plan in .Life George L. Graham Original Poem ... . ... ..... ... ........ ... ... .. .. ..... W . T . Trump Music-Piano Duet-Aurora .. .............. .... ... Mosko wslci Messrs. Rudisill and Gra ybill Book ReviewWhen Knighthood Was in Flower ... ... £ . Caslwden Perley H . Kilbourne


Critic's AddressThe Relation of Dreams to Animal Magnetism

A. L .


President's InauguralAspiration, a Distinctive Quality in Man s. R. SEESE Music-Stand by the Flag ... .. .. .... ....... .. ...... W. H . Lott GLEE CLUB

Oration .. .. ............ .. .... .. ... .. .. ... .. The Mound by the Sea


Extemporaneous Speaking



Vocal Solo-King of the Forest Am I.. ... Henry Parker . I. W. HOWARD

Roll Call · Music-Invitation to the Da nce ........... .... ........... Weber Philoma thea n Orchestra

Oration . .. .. ... ...... .. ... .. ... .. .. .. .... .. . Business and Religion


Music-Annie L a urie ......... ...... ... ..... .. . ... L . 0 . Emerson







Chorus ......... ... ................ ..... .... .. .... .. .. ... ......... The Bell Society.

P a per ... ...... .. .... ...... .... ....... .. .......... The Prognosticator E. D . NEEDHAM

MusicGrander Than All the Banners of the World .. McCallip GLEE CLUB

Address ............ ... .. .... .. .. . ........... The Red Cross Society Norah Shauck.


r 10111

S I f(a) Wouldst Th o u Win Me ... .... M . W . Balte 0 0 \_(b) Bourree ......... ... ....... .... ... Scotson Clark L. Glenn Crouse.

Descriptio n .......................................... The Mauso leum Clelia W . K nox.

The Cleiorhetean Literary Society will hold its open session Thursday evening, Nov. 23. The follo wing program will be rendered : Cleiorethea ...... : ................................. .. ............. Society

OTTERBEIN AJGJS. Eulogy .... .................... ........... . .... Mary, Queen of Scots Mabel Moore. Invective ................. .............. .. .... Mary, Queen of Scots Grace Lloyd. Sweetheart, Sigh no More .... .... . ............... Paul Ambrose Glee Club. Reverie ...... .. ......... .. .. .. ......................... Loretta Adams Piano Duet ........ ............... Rosadee Long, Nellie Clifton Oration ..................................... Who is Able to Judge? Caroline L ambert. Vocal Solo-Gaily Chant the Summer Birds ...... De Pinna Hattie Nafzger. Current News .............................. Marguerite Lambert In May .... ..... ........ ............................ ............ Jan Gall Glee Club.

.Rssotiation notu Y. W. C. A.

The fifteenth ann ual state conventibn of the Y. W. C. A . was hdd in Delaware from Nov. IO-I2 . The convention was entertained by theY. W . C. A. of the Ohio Wesleyan University. Its sessions proper were held in Williams Street M. E. church, one hundred and twenty delegates being in attendance, and receiving untold help and inspiration. Too much can not be said of the cordial welcom e extended to the visitors by tl:.e Delaware association. The principal speakers of the conv-.;ntion were Miss Taylor, of Chicago, who h ad charge of the Bible study, Miss Effie E. K. Price, Miss F lora S hank, State Secretary of Indiana, and Miss Helen Barnes, our own State Secretary. The Bible study talks given' by Miss Taylor were an inspiration to all who heard them . No one could look upon Miss Taylor's peacefu l, happy face w ithout feeling that she was completely consecrated to the Master's work. She took the book o f Hebrews as a foundation for study, and gave an outli ne to be used in personal study . Miss Price gave t h.e address on Friday evening and conducte d

the college conference on Saturday morning. She also delivered an address on Sunday evening at St. Paul's M. E. church. Her talks were ve1 y practical and personal, em phasizing, especially, personal prayer and Bible sturJy as the first duty to be considered . She also presented the work which the Y. W. C. A. is doing among young women in the large cities. The theme toward which every thing tended in the sessions of the convention was more intetest and enthusiasm in persunal and public Bible study, an-d a deeper consecration obtained by "taking time to be holy," The consecration meeting held on Sundaymorning at Monnett Hall and the farewe ll service at \i\lilliams Street Church were among the most impressive of the convention. The results of such a gathering cannot be est:mated, but' we feel assured that by the help received we may do better work this year for young women than we have done before. Y. M. C. A.

The Y. M. C. A. has been doing splendid work this fall, the meettngs have been fu ll of life and very spiritual. Some who never before had made any profession of Christianity have taken their stand for Christ . In all, the work of theY. M. C. A. for this fall is very encouraging. On Thursday evening,_ November 9, Bishop Kephart led theY. M. C. A. in a very inspiring and helpful meeting. It was a rare treat to the boys to have such a heart to heart talk with the great bishop. The Y.- M . C. A. observed the week of prayer by an afternoon meeting on Sun day and by half hour meetings on the other days from 6 to 6:30 p. m. The meetings were very spiritual and helpful to - all who attende d the "¡ On the 28th of November Rev. Stanley L. Krebs will deliver a lecture in the college chapel on the subject, "Drifting." This lecture is given under the auspices of the Y,

OTTERBEIN AlCIS. M. C. A., which has taken great pains to ascertain the reputation of Rev. Krebs as a speaker and find that he is probably the greatest orator we shall have the privilege of listening to for several years. No one should miss this lecture under any circumstances.


terian church, of Portland, Oregon. Rev. Mr. Gilbert was greatly beloved by his congregation during. his stay in Eugene, and won both honor and the love of all his regiment while in Luzon. He is also a graduate of the Union BiblicarSeminary, '88, and of the Union Theological School, New York, '8g, and is eminently qualified to take charge of the interests of one of the most prosperous churches of Portland.

Ada J. Guitner, '7I, who has long been em¡ ployed in the Pension Office at Washington, is spending a short vacation, visiting her cousin, Prof. J. E. Guitner, of this place, and friends in Columbus.

E. .B . Kephart, '6 5, left here on the I I th of this month for an extenc!_ed trip in the Old World. A few days before this was the Bishop's sixty-fifth birthday, and in the celebration of this event a reception was held in his honor by At this occasion a R . C. Kumler, '94, was mar. ied on the 3 Ist Rev. L. F. John and wife. of October to Miss Katharine Thomas, 'g6, of silver loving cup was presented to him by Pres. J ohnstowu, Pa. The ceremony was celebrated Sanders in behalf of the students as an expresin the United Brethren church at that place, sion of their love and esteem. Bishop Kephart and after the reception Mr. and Mrs. Kumler goes primarily to reorganize the mission work departed on a wedding tour to Washington, in West Africa, ¡but he will also visit Egypt and various points of Biblical interest in PalesD.C. tine. His tour through this country will be The wedding of Mr. Fred H . Rike, '88, and . extended to the neighboring portions of Syria Miss Ethel Lane, of Chicago, occurred on the and Asia Minor, as he expects to penetrate qth day of this month . After the ceremony some distance into the interior. On his return Mr. 2nd Mrs. Rike departed upon their wedhe will through Germany to examine the ding tour from which they have now returned progress of our work in this country. The trip and are at home to their friends at Dayton, will doubtless prove very pleasant aHd profitwhere Mr. Rike has a merchantile establishable t<i> the Bishop. ment. - J . H. Harris, 'g8, and wife spent a few days here about the middle of the month with Rev. D . W. Lambert. Mr. Harris is taking a course in the Theological Seminary at Dayton . Quite a number of Otterbein's alumni a1e now engaged in pursuing a course at the same institution, which certainly makes it very pleasant for them . 'Among those who may be found there are Messrs. W. S. Baker, 'g8, W . G. Stiverson, '97, 0 . W. Burtner, 'g8, Mr. and Mrs. S . E. Shull, '98, and Mr. and Mrs. Harris. W. S Gilbert, '86, who has been for some time past in the P hi lippines, as chaplain of the Second Oreg-on regi m ent, was called, upon his return, to the p astorate of the Calvary Presby-

J:ocals Basket ball is again the object of attraction. George B . Kirk recent calls .


his friends by some

Otterbein now boasts of having four glee clubs and two quartets. The week of prayer was observed by both Y . M . andY . W . C. A . W~

sell so as to keep on selling . }. W. MARKLEY.

Several students attended the Arion concert of Friday evening, Nov. 17, and were greatly

OTTERBEIN AIGIS. please_d in hearing Mr. Bispham, America's greatest baritone. Mr. J. H. Edgerton has gone to New York on a flying business trip.

Those present were: J ennie Anderson, Pearl Good, Otis Flook, Norah Shauck, Carrie Lam bert, Caroline AlletJ, Irene Aston, Grace Wallace, Myrtle Scott, Bertha Monroe, Mable Shank.

We were recently reminded of the fact that the traitors a1 e not all dead yet.

"In the quiet of the night time, After a long, continued stay, It pains hi~ heart most painfully To think of'breaking away.'"

Mr. H. V. Bear has been maintaining his usual record a a student thts year. Few words are best, when well applied. J . W. MARKLEY. The elocutionary department is now on the amend and qui te a number have taken up the work. Clarence Mathews, ex-'01, of Cincinnati, has been a few days here among his 11umerous friends. On Sunday, Nov. 5, Mrs. J. P. West, of Middleport, surprised her many friends by short calls. Confidence exists between the 0. U . students and this store. J. W. MARKLEY. Miss Blanche LaFerre, of Granvill<, spent several days with Miss Nannie Andrews, of Davis Conservatory . Miss Mary Iva Best delighted the people of Centerburg, by the rendition of several solos, on Thursday evening, Nov. 9. Big prices are on a vacation here; their stay wiil be indefinite. J . W. MARKLEY. Meteoric "pushes" were all the rage from the 12th to 16th, but the astronomical knowledge derived therefrom was of a minimum quantity. For Rent:-Front room upstdirs, furnace heat, electric light and bath room. Apply to Mrs. Collins, fourth hou~e ea~t of State street, on Co:Jege avenue. Otterbein was well represented at tl1e recent Y. W. C. A. <;;onvention held at Delaware.

At a recent meeting of the athletic board, Mr. Clyde Long was elected captain and Mr. Perley Kilbourne, manager of the prospective baseball team of 1900. The lucky student is the one who sees a good thing and takes it. J. W . MARKLEY. The Conservatory of Music, under the direction of Prof. Meyer and Miss Andrews, gave their usual up-to date recital in the college chapel, Wednesday evening, Nov. 22 . Certain clubs will loose many of their members at Thani.;sgiving, as they find it impossibL¡ to withstand the torment longer. We hope Thanksgiving turkey will make up the loss and we can greet them on their return in their former vigor. Bishop Kephart has come and gone again from among us . On his visits he never fails to receive a hearty welcome on the part of church and college . His talks in chapel are always intensely interesting and instructive and his sermons are sure to prove a sourc~ of



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inspiration. Nov. 6, was his si:xty -fifth birth day , in honor of which the Rev. and Mrs. L. F . John tendered a reception to the church an d - college . The spacious parlors of the assoc ia tio n hall we<e none too large for the acc o m moda t ion of the host of friends who asse m bl ed for the occasion. President T. J. S a nd e rs presen ted the Bishop with a beautifu l lov ing- cup, a gift of the students and faculty of O tte1bein. Light refreshments were served . and severa l selections were rendered by t h ~ . Phil oph ro nean glee club. First in style, first .in quality, and first in · the h earts of the st udent. J. W. MARKLEY. Se ve ral as to have cast th e ir d id a very

of the boys, who were so fortunate their expenses r-aid, went home to ball ot. The political candidates philanthropical act in thus furnish -

ing th e boys an opportunity to spend a few bliss ful h ours with pa , rna and the baby. Th e chapel choir will give a sacred concert in th e ne ar future . Watch for the date, and n otice the names of outside assistants and you can not a ftord to miss it. H all o we 'en this year was characterized by no few er of sprites than ever. The Satanic Majesty and his following were prowling aro un d '' like a roaring lion seeking whom it might distu rb ." Westerville, next morning, pres en ted a n appearance something akin to D r. Garst 's "heterogeneous mass." However Hal lowe'en was gaily celebrated by the classmen. The Sophomores were entertained at t he h0me of Clint Vance, two miles south of t ow n , a nd the Freshies at Mrs. Rowley's, one mi le out. Both classes report a delightful

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OTTERBEIN AICIS. time and a good old-fashioned supper of mush and milk, chicken, cider , sa ur kraut , pumpkin pie, etc . The Senior class, with a few traitorous Juniors, assembled about eleve n o 'clock at the a'>Sociation hall , where they indulged in a bounte·o us supper of hot water and crackers . Fifteen minutes we re then devoted to song service, conducted by their president , after which all hied away to their homes and were sound asleep by twelve o 'clock. Selah .

2I -

i1Jl.IliliUl.Jl.IUU1Iini1Jl.IliliUl.I1Jl.IliliUl. !"li1J1.I1.rtJ1 ~


IOt::rbei: t Students I I Elliott's SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON


41 1trt

Gallery The Independent is one of the most u p todate magazines ever published . It has greatly the advantage of other similar publications, being a weekly w,:ile nearly all others are monthlies. In November 2d is an interesting article by Senator Allison on ''Congress and the Philippines" followed in Nov. 9th by Senator Hoar on ' 'Our Duty to the Philippines, " and the Report of the Philippine Commission, by the Editor. " The Religious Questions in Porto Rico' ' is the subject of an othe r interesting article in two numbers, by D r. Carroll. I n Nov. 2 we have, "How the Boers Treat the Natives" followed by "The Men of the Transvaal War. " . The· Independent surveys every field from the political and financial to the moral and religious , besides rev iewing the books and short stories of the d ay . It is emphatically the magazine for the home. The organ of the Y . M. C. A ., Men, will be placed on the reading table this y ear. Th is magazine is positively an essential to Y. M . C. A . workers. Through it the boys can kee p in touch not only with each special line of work of the different committees but with the great movement in all its departments. The athletic and literary departments are by no means neglected ; the articles are not long but are short and spicy ; it keeps in touch with the latest gymnasium exercises and g a mes . It is t!te pocket maRazine for every young m1n . The November number of the Philistine is at

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. ~..JllliJJIY_ FOR STUDENTS.~·~-·_.

Bicycle, Gun, and Revolver Repairing NEATLY DONE.

Razo r , Sciss ors, and Skate grinding, a nd Bicycl e enamelin g . A full 1~1--::?3~~~~~ line o! Sundries in stock . Whrels bu ill to ordt r on short notice.



OTTERBEIN AiGIS. hand with all its usual spice and freshness, its pithy sayings and usual amount of protest. It has food for thought -for both old and young, and if you will take a second thought you will always find more truth hidden in its pages than you at first imagine. The men should read "A Street Car Vignette " if nothing else. We would heartily recommend to preachers, professors and ail other persons likely ever to be called upon to speak before an intelligent audience, the last article entitled, "Heart to Heart Talks with the Grown -Up by the Pastor of His Flock." The Philistine is a pocket magazine and should be read by every ove.

VOLK & RANCK, ~ DRUGGISTS. ~ (Successors to E. P. V4NCE,)




All of the better college papers received in exchange for THE LEGIS are placed in the library reading room. This is an opportunity and it ought not be neglected, for all students to find out what other colleges are doing and thinking. It would give many an O tterbein student a broader and better conception of college ""ork, to peep into an exchange occasionally. One can get no better knowledge of what the negro in the south is doing to ameliorate his condition than by reading the Tuskogee Student, a paper devoted to the interests of Tuskogee Nor mal Institute. The addresses of Booker T. Washington which frequently ap ~ pear in the paper greatly enhance the value of the paper.

Paints, Oils, and Varnishes a Specialty. Cor. State St. and College Av ~. Westerville, Ohio.

J. R. Williams' / . . . . .._•• Bakery --!<'OR-



"What puzzles me," murmured Chollie as he found the other fellow had reached the home of the adored one ahead of him, and was . monopolizing her attention, "what troubles me ~-------~--------.r What did you say dear, Ineeda Biscuit? is the quest-ion . whether 1 am more of an "No, a shave a t t he 0. K. Barber Shop. outlc;.nder than a bore.-Ex. Well, I'll swear. I'll get a h a mmer and drive

Good Night I

A cloven hoof isn ' t half so bad as a: cloven breath, for the aroma of cloves is the breath of suspicion.-Ex. When Mr. S- sat on a &ent pin he rose suddenly and spoke briefly to the point.-Ex .

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No doubt the 0. K. is just as



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Is one of the valuable requisites to every· ambitious student. It is also an Important thing to have a thorough knowledge as to where to buy your




·:· "Otterbein'.., Spoons ·:· Have You Seen Them? They are Beauties, and the price is all right. They are STERLING SILVER too. BETTER GET ONE.






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And a fu ll line of the BEST MEDICINES and Toilet Articl es. vvith intellige• t advice a t

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-westerville, 0 . ,



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AND COMPLETE VEST-POCKET LIBRARY A work of ex trc1ordi n ar.v interest to a ll classes of progress ive peop le. IN QUAL!' Y it iR unexcelled, even by tbe great stund'll"d wvr i{ S ut tol·l:lY. It i s a J'l'Onounc ing and ~tat i s tical G:1 zet ll- e r; a COll i plete par li amentar ,· Jllanual; a corn pendium ofl"ormuh1S: a ltttrary guide. This is a great Edu cator. and will pay ror itself tnany t.in1es a j ear. ~ecure a copy at ouce.

STYLES AND PRICES. Elegant Cloth, Red Edges 25c MOI'OCCO, Gold Stamp . Gold Edges, 50c Extra Quality Morocco, with Calendar, Memorandum, and Stamp Holder, · · SOc A'I these styles a re index• d,

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Tbis boo!< is n·e- b from t):le fluent pen of its a uthor, and fresh from tbe press, c loth ed in a neat dresF-·, contain ing 480 pa~ e s , 1~ (·bapter • on good pt-~per ( and lar~ e, c lear type. It is written in a forc1ble style, F:o tbHt its perusal will be a p eaaure ra•ber Ul au a ta•k. Price, Prepaid, single copy. $1 50.

THE CHORAL CHOIR - A NEW ANTHEM BOOK. In CHORAL CHOIR apprupnate music may be found for evPry conceivable occasion. Tbe boo l{ is divided into three Rp eia l UepartJur:-nts, n ameJ~·: I. UepHr ment of Anthems and Sacred Choruses. 2. Depnr tnH·nt o r Hymn Tunes. Spiritual Songs and Memorial Music 3. Dt>p<ll'tlllt'llt or Patriotic Songs . and>r Music of a M isc·ellatH ous Cburacttr. One hnnct~ect and n inet."'-two lar,.ge s ize pageF1, o~tavo form, full, c te·1r l.ype. Ue:lllt i ful tinted papPr, sub!- tantia11 y bound in uoanls . Pri~e: Si~gle copy will oe sent postpaid for 75 cents. OnE dozen copies, by express, $7.50.

ll. B.


Honsr, na yton,

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