Otterbein College Bulletin 1960-1961

Page 73



it does not count toward a major nor toward a teaching field for students in Education. Open to those who have completed one year of college or two years of high school work in Spanish. 301-302. ADVANCEDSPANISH.

6 hours This course is intended to perfect pronunciation, increase the student's ability to express himself in Spanish, give him further work in grammatical forms and permit him to do more advanced reading than is done in course 201-202. Laboratory fee $1.00 a semester. 6 hours of Old Spain with emphasis on the works and authors of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Offered in alternate years.



A survey of the literature


LATER SPANISH LITERATURE. 6 hours A survey of the works of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries with an introduction to the literature of the New World. Offered on sufficient demand.


ADVANCEDSPANISH READING. 4 hours An advanced reading course. No oral or composition work in Spanish will be required, Prerequisite: Spanish 201-202, or Spanish 203-204. Offered on sufficient demand. ALL


STUDY. 1 to 6 hours Open to students who wish to continue their study of a language in the foreign country and who have completed one year or more of work in the language in college. Theil- plans for definite study must be presented in advance and must be approved by the Foreign Language Department. The students must make weekly reports during their residence in the foreign country and must pass an examination upon their return.

251-252 or 351-352.








A study of the methods now in use for teaching of the modern

languages. For those who are to teach any of the modern languages. Credit as special methods in education. Laboratory fee $1.00 a semester. Offered in alternate years. 317 or 318. FOREIGN LANGUAGE WORKSHOP. 1 or£ hours A study of the life and manner of thinking of the foreign peoples,

including modern life as well as folk ways. In addition to this general culture value, the course offers practical labo1·ato1·y experience for prospective teachers. Open to students in 202 courses in foreign languages, and to those in 300 courses, with permission of instructor. Laboratory fee $1.00 a semester.

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