CHEMISTRY Faculty: Professor Michael, Chairman; Professor Esselstyn; Associate Professor Crane; Assistant Professor Turley.
A student choosing chemistry as a major will be required to complete courses in General Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry; other courses in Chemistry together with courses in Mathematics, Physics or Biology may be required as the needs of the student indicate. A minor shall consist of fifteen hours. 101-102. GENERAL CHEMISTRY. 8 hours For students who do not present hlgh school chemistry for entrance. Not open to junio1·s and seniors. A thorough course in the fundamentals of chemistry laying the foundation for the future work of those who intend to follow chemistry as a profession and those who will use it in medicine, home economics, engineering, etc. Elementary qualitative analysis is included in the second semester. Three recitations and two laboratory periods each week. Laboratory fee $10.00 a semester. Deposit $5.00 for the course. 103-104. GENERAL CHEMISTRY. 8 hours For students who have had high school chemistry. Content of this course is similar to 101-102 and includes qualitative analysis in the second semester. Two recitations and two laboratory periods each week. Laboratory fee, $10.00 a semester. Deposit $5.00 for the course. QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. 8 hours . An effort is made to give the student a foundation in the principles of chemical analysis, to provide practice in analytical procedures and calculations, and to develop a long range view of the nature and application of analytical methods. Prerequisite: Chemistry 101102 or 103-104. Nine to twelve hours in laboratory and one lecture a week. Laboratory fee, $12.00 a semester. Deposit $10.00 each semester.
ORGAN1C CHEMISTRY. 4 ho1,rs A short course in the fundamentals of organic chemistry. Three lectures and one labo1·atory period. Prerequisite: Chemistry 101-102 or 103-104. Laboratory fee $7.50. Deposit $5.00.
20G. BIOCHEMISTRY. 4 hours A brief course in fundamentals. Three lectures and one laboratory period. Laboratory fee $7.50. Deposit $5.00. 207-208. ADVANCED INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 4 hours An advanced course with emphasis on typical classes of inorganic compounds. Prerequisite: Chemistry 101-102 or 103-104. Offered in alternate years.