Otterbein College Bulletin 1960-1961

Page 98




A major in Religion and Philosophy consists of 30 hours and shall include: Religion 201-202 or Religion 203-204, one 300 course, preferably 304; Philosophy 201, 204 and 301; plus 6 additional hours each in Religion and Philosophy selected from 300 or 400 courses. A minor in Religion and Philosophy shall consist of 18 hours, and shall include the numbered coui·ses required in the major above. A minor either in Religion or Philosophy shall consist of 15 hours.



The following courses may be counted as a minor in Christian Service. This minor is intended for those students who do not expect to become vocational religious workers but who wish to share effec. . ' tively m the religious leadership of their local churches and communities. Religion 201-202 or 203-204 __________________6 hours Religion 307 _________________________________3 hours Church Music 103-104 _______________________ 6 hours


201-202. AN lN'l'RODOCTION To BmLICALLIFEAND THOUGHT 6 hours The purpose of this course is to help the student understand how the Bible looks at life, and gain facility in reading and interpreting the Bible in the light of present-day experiences and needs. Dur• ing the first semester selected books and passages from the Old Testament will be studied as representative of the best in Hebrew and Jewish life and thought. During the second semester typical New Testament writings will be examined in the light of first-century conditions in an effort to understand the meaning and truth of the Christian faith. Prerequisite ior 202 is 201. Oto TESTAMENT HISTORY AND LITERATURE. S hours An introductory study of the development of religious and ethical ideas and practices of the Hebrew people as these are found in the Old Testament writings. Attention is given to the religions of the reoples with whom the Hebrews were in close contact.


204. TUE LIPE OF JESUS. S hours The study of the life of Jesus follows a brief survey of the inter· testament period of Jewish history. 301. THE LIFE OF PAUL. s hours A study of the life and letters of Paul with special attention to the non-Jewish environment of the early Christian church. Alternates with course 303.

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