Otterbein College Bulletin 1960-1961

Page 95



A minor in History consists of fifteen hours chosen from the coursesin History list.ed below. A minor in Government consists of fifteen hours chosen from the coursesin Government listed below. It is expected that history majors will take as many courses as possiblein Economics, Government, Sociology, Philosophy, and Literature.Knowledgeof a modern language, especially French, is highly desirableparticularly for those interested in foreign service work. Germanor Spanish should also be taken if the student expects to do J)Olt.graduatework. In order to meet high school qualifications for teachingHistory and Government in the state of Ohio, students are required to take 27 hours of History and Government, including History 101-102 or 208-204, 201-202, 813, Government 201-202, and sevenadditional hours of either History or Government. Jmrlors who have taken at least six hours of government are eligibleto participate in the Washington Semester Plan. Details may be obtained from members of the department.

HISTORY 101-102. HISTORY OF CIVll,tzATION. 6 houn A basic course for all students. The purpose is tQ trace the growth of our political, economic, social, religious and cultural inltitutions, and customs with the view of explaining present-day world problems in the light of past experience. All instructors. 6 hOU'l"B 201-202. AMmICAN HISTORY. This course covers the whole field of American History from 1492 to the present. Emphasis will be placed on the economic, cultural. and social phases of American History as well as on the political. HISTORY. 6 hou'l"B 203-204. MODERN EUBOPEA.N A BUrvey of the cultural, economic, political, and social movements of nineteenth and twentieth century Europe, especially those. from 1816 to the present. Open to all upperclass students and to those freshmen who major or minor in History.

206-206. ANCIENTHISTORY.* 6 hou'l"B A study of the civilizations of the Ancient World up to 476 A.D. 301-302. ENGLISH HISTORY.• 6 houn A course covering the most important points in the growth of English civilization from the Roman occupation to the present time. Offered in alternate years. 303-304. LATIN AMERICA.• A BUrvey of Latin American civilization.

6 hOK'l"B

Offered in alternate

years. •NOTB: 106-l06.

Counea 807 and S0..._Altarnate:

a.lao 205-206 and 808-804, 801-802 and

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