JUNE 1937
No. 10.
Two new member have been add,ed to the fac11!ty cf Ott erbe: n for the 11ew school yea r wh;ch wi ll beg;n rn September. They are Dr. Lyle J. Michael, he ad of the departm ent of ,c hemistry; and Dr. Paul B. And crson, h ead of the department of English. Dr. Anderson rece ived hi s A . B. the University of Minnesota· with cnm laud2 honors in 1925. He received bis ,Master's degree from H arvard University in 1927, and also his Doctor 's degree in 1931. During .the summer ,o f 1935, Dr. Anderson visited L ondon and spe nt three mon t hs at Oxford University. He l1as served as instructor in English at Massachnsetts -state College, head of .the department of English at Parsons Coll ege, and associate profes s-o r at Tusculum College. Dr. Michael is an Otterbein gradu:ate of the class of 1919. After gradua tion he attended Ohio State University and received his Master of Science degree. He worked as ceramic <Chemist in the r esearch laboratories .of the Norton Company, Massachusetts; taught at Indiana Central College; studied at Ohio State, Harvard, and Massachusetts Institute ,of Technology, an d in 1929 received his Ph. D. degree from Ohio State.
Sixty-nine graduates r eceived d:p lomas at the e:ghty-first a nnu a l commencement of Otterbein Coilege. Dr. Albert \Al . Palmer, pres ident of the Ch;cago Theological Seminary, in add, essing the cbss, stressed the fact that "v\That the world needs today is a re ~ove;-y -of th e realty a nd presence of God". Besides th e awarding of the 69 diplomas , Dr. W . G. Cl:pping• er, president, awarded h o norary d egrees to four men.
Guy E. McFarland, '12, who for 14 years was superintendent of the school at Sunbury, has been advanced to the superintendency of a ll th e rural and village schools in Delaware county.
The honorary degree of Doctor of D :v:nity was awarded to Rev. Blake S. Arnold, superintendent of the Eas t Ohio Conference, Church of the United Brethren ·in Christ, Barberton; Rev. Paul S. Weaver, B:S., B.D. , D.D., superintendent of the Erie Conference, Church of the United Brethren in Chri st, Jam es town, N Y.; and Rev. Roy A. Burkhart, Ph.D ., pastor of the -First Community Church, C olumbus, 0. The de'gree of Doctor -of Pedagogy was g:ven to William H. Fouse, M .E<l. , principal Dunbar High Scho ol, Lex ington, K y . During the year the following awards which were li sted in the commenceme1it program were made: L iterary Prizes : Barnes Short Story Contest, first award, Catherine Pa rch er, '37, Marion ; Second, Elizabeth Hamilton, '38, Dayton; Third, Evelyn B'r ehm , '37, Hatboro, Pa. Dr. Roy Burkhart Essay Contest, First award , Robert C. R yder, '37, D ay ton; Sec(Continued on page two.)
Published bY Otterbein College. \,\iesterville. Ohio. in the interest of Alumni and Friends: Entered as second class matter at post office in Westerville, 0 .. under act of Aug. 24. 1912.
A :,L U M N I _N E W S OTTERBE I N COLLEGE WESTERV ILL E. OHIO Published by the College in th e 'Interest of her Alumni and friend:;.
R. R. EHRHART, Editor Issued
m o nthly
A ugu st.
OTTERBEIN .OBSERVES COMMENCEMENT Continued From Page One.) one!, Arthur L. Duhl, '39, vVellst on ; Third, Kathleen Nor ri s, '37, Westerville; Fourth, Pauline Stegman, '40, Dayton . Quiz and Quill Contest, P oetry, F :rst , \,Vilma Mosholder, '38, Somerset, Pa.; Second, Evelyn L. Kintne1·, '40, Clyde; Prose, Fi rst, Harriet Thrush, '40, Detroit, M ic h. ; Second, Nancy Lght, '39, Da y ton. Greek Prizes: Dr. Lawrence Keister Foundation, Classical Greek, First, Evelyn L. Kintner, '40, Clyde; Second, Jean Sowers, '40, Bellvi lle; Third, Cla r <:n ce H . Connor, '40, Rockhi:t Furnace, Pa.; New Testament Greek, Equal Awards, Consta nce L. Thompson , '38, J ackso n; and Arthu ~ L. Duhl, '39, \i\T ells ton. Prizes m Speech: Dr. How ard H . Rus se'.! Pr:z;; s, Declamat:on Con test, F:rst award, Meredith Rosensteel, '39, Ambr.dge, Pa.; Second, Doris Ann Brinkman '39, vVe stervill ~; Third, Don Patterson, '40, Sp rin g field; Fourt h, Ralph Ernsberger, '39, Westerville. Oratorical Contest, First, Gerald Riley, '38, Middletown; Second, Louise Bowser, '37, Westerville; Third, Robert Tinnerman, '38, Dayton; Fou rth , Denton E lliott, '37, Canal \i\Tinches ter. P.i Kappa Delta Provincia l Co ntest, (Wome n) Evelyn Brehm, '37, Hatboro, Pa.; J. 0. Cox FreshmanSophomor e Debate Prize, Winning "ieam, Meredith Rosensteel, '39, Am-
NEWS bridge, Pa.; Lewis Carlock, '40, Greenvi lle; Don Patte:·son, '40, Springfield. Interpretative Readi ng ·conte st, First award ((Men) Gerald Riley , '38, lVIicldletown; ' Second award (We-men) Carol Beach le1-, '37, Westerv ille. Dramatic Interpretat ion Contest,. First, (Men) G;;ra ld Riley, '38, M:dclletown; Second, (Women} Jane Norr·is, '38, Dayton. Ohio State University Graduate Scholarship: L. · \i\Tift:am Steck. '37, Brookville. Representative Men and vVomen : Ru ssell N . B·ro·.v n, Centerv ille; Doroth y J. Burdge, Canton; Virgi nia K . Hetz:er, Ge1'mantown; L. \Villiam Steck, Brookvi ll e. No rri sEll"ott Cup Award: Donald Ray M art in, Westerville.
ALUMNI NEWS NOTES Rev. Louis W. Norr is, '28, has been reta ined as professor of relig:on and philosophy at Bald·w in-Wallace. He received h is Ph.D. d eg r ee from Boston U ni ve r sity this year. At the June Commencement exerc:ses of Ohio State Univers :ty, Mer1·:ss Cornell, '33, received the degree d m aster of art s in social administration, and Jay B. Mitchelson, '36, master of scien ce. Verda Evans, '28, is the d:rector of the In ter denomination a l summer youth camp at Ind:anola, near Lancaster, Ohio, thi s summer. Carol Beachler, '37, has been awarded an assistantship in F r en ch schools for next year. After a t wo months' tour with her mother, Mrs. Be:ichler, through· - England, France, Holland, - Belgium, Germany, Switzerla nd , and Italy, Miss Beachler wi ll remain in France for a year to study and assist in the English departments of the French schools. New to th e announcing staff of radio station W ADC, Akron, is Robert Hanson, '37, who graduated wit h a major in speech.
OTTERBEIN ALUMNI News of many weddings of Otterbein alumni has ccme to the A.umn i Secretary. fl:s hop Ira D. Warner, '1 1, Portland Ore., and Miss Ada May Visick. La Verne, California, were marrieJ on June 6 in Cal.fornia and then crossed the country by automobile to Weste rvii le where Bishop Warne: clelive r ecl the Baccalaureate serm o n to the graduating class. Edwin Gearhart, '28, Bucyrus, and Ernestine Ho!tshouse, '33, N ew vVinchester, were married June 6 in N e,v Winchester. A Donald married and will
Dick, '34, Wes t ervi lle, and D. K ick, L oudonville, were in the college U. B . Church live in LoudonviLe.
Another wedding held in the college church was that of Floren ce M. Lincoln, '30, Westerville, a nd Bev: s Hill, '37, Clarksburg, W. Va. The couple will attend Boneb r ake Seminary in Dayton in the fall. Th e wedd in g of Dorothy PhilJ:ps, '29, Portsmouth, and Mr. Hydron, Los Ange les, CaEf., took place June 25. Mr. and Mrs. Hydron will Eve in Los Angeles. 1:Mrs. Mar ga ret Carroll, '32 , and Dean Conklin, '3 1, both of Westerville were married on June 16 and will live in the Wleste rville v icinity. Dorothy Grabi ll, '35, Westerville, and J. Edwin McNee r, Jackson, have. announced their marriage and wi ll live in Jackson where Mrs . McNeer h2s taught music -in the high school for the past two years. Profes sor and M r s. J. S. E n g le annou n ce the comi ng marriage of their daughter Bonita, and Rev. Edwin Burtner, both of the class of 1933, to take place in the Westerville U. B. Church, July 22.
With the close of th e Commencement exerc:ses, 69 you n g men and women had joined th e ranks of the a '. umni of Otterbein. These graduate s, with their d2grees, are: Bachelcr -o f Arts : Bill R. Ander so n, Akron; Pauline G. B-arton, Suribury; Carol S. Beachler, magna cum laude, Westerville; Harold W . Bell, Lancaster; Pauline V . Bowman, Germantown; Martha L. Bowse r, Westerville; Evelyn W. Brehm, cum laude, Hatbor-o, Pa. ; Russell N. Brown, Centerville; William S. Bunga rd , Johnstown, Pa.; Dorothy J . Burdge, cum la ude, Canton; Ruth J. Cook, Dayton; Mary A. Cross, Westervil le; Denton W. E lliott, Defiance; G ,adys M . Forwood, cum laude, Spr-ir1gfield, Ill.; Robert B. Hanson, vVesterv ill e; Virginia K. Hetzler, cum laude , Germantown; Bevis A. Hill , Clarksburg, W. Va. Dorothy J . Hummell, Cleveland; Lola D . Jennings, Condit; Sara K. Keiser, Westerville; B. Lorena Kundert, Dayton; Ronald E . Lane, ~ifiddletown; George L. Loucks, Canal Winchester; Harry C. Lunsford, Jr. , Monterey, Va.; Marjorie L. McEntire, magna cum laude, Buffalo, N . Y.; R. F r ed McLaughlin, Lancaster; Do nald R. Martin, Westerville; Mary M. M-o omaw, Sugarcreek; Ruth A. Morrison, Pomeroy; Katherine G. New ton , cum laude, Charleston, W. Va. Kath leen Norris, Westerv·ille; Cornelius H. O'Brien, Greenville; Catherine F . Parcher, Marion; Robert E. Perry, Akron; O·d ile' M. Peugeot, Mowrys t own; Marjorie B. P hillips, cum laude, Marengo; Margaret E. Roush, Parkersburg, W. Va.; Jerr-o ld B. Rudner, Barberton; Dorothy M. Rupp, magna cum laude, Lakewood; L o uis H. R utter, Toledo; Robert C. Ryder, Dayton; Ralph E. Scher er, Vandalia; Clari ssa E. S haffer, Carlisle; Roy M. Shoaf, Herminie, Pa.; (Continued On Page Four)
OTT路ERBEIN ALUMNI (~ontinued f,0111 Page 3) Anna L. Smith, J ohnstown; L. vV:11iam Steck, magna cum lau de, Broo kv-iile; Betty Thuma, Freder icktown; Marian R. Trevorrow, I i: man, Va .; Jane M. \i\Tagner, Lakewood ; Donald Dw' ght Warner, West e, viil e; V. Jeannette White, Westerville. Degrees of Ba chel or cf Scien :e were awarded to : H oward E . Eastman, Belle Vernon, Pa.; Joseph E . Fields, cum laude, Bucyrus; J ay R. Hedd ing, Martel; Ralph R. Lohr , Monterey, Va.; Melvin D. Mills, West Decatur, Pa.; Clarence M. Pope, Zanesville; Frank E . Samuel, 路A. B., Westerville ; John A . Sm,th, A. B., cum laude, vVestervJ le, anJ Charles H. Stull, A. B., Granv ille. -The music degrees were as fo llo ws: Bach elor of Music: V iola L. Bab .er, Orangeville, Ill. ,- organ; Paul R. Jones, Westerville, piano and organ; Edna Van Scoyoc, Deshler, piano; Harold \f\T. Greig, North Braddock. Pa., v iolin; Harold A. Miller, Collegedale, Tenn., v,o ice. Seven degrees of Bachelor of Public School Music were given: Mary E. Arnd t, Lancaster, Pa.; Harold W. Greig, North Braddock, Pa.; Paul R. J ones, Westerville; John C. PhilEps, North Braddock, Pa.; John R. Shumaker, New York, N. Y.; Ardis G. Steffanni, Green Springs; Edna Van Scoyoc, Deshler.
DEATHS Mrs. Glendora Barnes Wales, '30, wife of Dr. Craig C. Wales, '28, passed a,vay Sunday, June 13, in _the hos pital at Youn gstown, at the age of 29 years. Besides her h usband, she is survived by a ten-week s old so_n, John Waldo. E . L. Porter, '07, superintendent of schools in Buford, Ohio, died May 7. Mrs. Maxine Lewi,s (Maxine J enkins ), ex-'33, died in Mt. Vernon, 0 . on Jun e 4.
During th e class 路 day exercises w hich were h eld Saturday, June 12, the class of 1937 pre:;ented six mdirect-lighting study bmps to th e college for u se in the library. I vy wa& p lanted beside t he Administration bui '. d :ng as is customary, and th e cla ss will and prophe:y were rea d.
ALUMNI OFFICERS ELECTED After the ballots had been counted, the list of the officers of th e A'.umni Associat ion for , the year 1937-38 stood as follows: F . 0. Van Sickle, '06, w .;s reelected 路 preside nt, and Dennis D . Brane, '21; Horner B. KLne, '15; and Ru th Sny der W"illitt, '24, were elected vice pres:de nts. The secretary of the as sociation is A li ce Dav:dson Tro :ip, '23, and th e treasurer, Floyd J . Vance, '16. Th e two tru stees repre:.:enti ng th e alu mni are Mabel G. Gardner, '08, and Vance E. Cribbs,- '20. Roe G. Anderson, '24, was elected member of the A lu mni Co unc il at large.
ALUMNA LEAVES FOR KOREA Dorothy Sowers, '3 1, ha s, received an appointment to teach 111 the Pyengyang, Korea. S h e wi ll teach music in the school which is for twelve grades and whic h is attendee! by children of Amer ican and English missionaries to Korea, Ch:na, an d J apan . Wa ldo Keck, '28, was graduateJ from George W1lliams Coll ~ge, Chicago, Jun e 7, with the degree of Mas ter of Science in Group \i\T ark Educatio n. He received the Edward Earle Eubank Schola r shi p, Medal, th e Ha rry W. Baumgartner Scholarship, and was elected to Kappa Delta Pi, national honorary Society. On A ugust 13, he will ass um e the dut;es of exec utive of the West High Area Branch -o f the Y. W. C. A. in Mi n neapolis, Minn.