Otterbein Towers Sept 1937

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No. 1



The annual Fall Homecoming will be held Saturday, October 30. The celebration will begin Friday evening with fhe rally a nd bonfire and ·w ill continue Saturday morning with t he crowni ng of the Homecoming Queen w ith approp·r iate services in the chapel. A parade led by t he college b:111d under the leadership of Prof. Spessard will be .s taged Saturday aftern oon before the game which will be the big attraction. The Cards w ill meet Marietta ,on the gridiron. This contest will be a hard fought battle, but the Cards are working hard and with the material on hand Coach 1-Iarry E:wing says this ought to be a very g,ood game. P ri zes. will be awarded for the best decorated F rat House, the best Soro rity Club room and the best decorated macfone in the parade. The alumni will meet for an informal reception in Cochran Hall after the gam e and. the annual A lurm1 i banquet will be held at 6:00 in th e basement of the United Brethren Church. The J uni'o r c.lass under• the direction of Pr,of. J. F. Smith will present a play in -the Alumni Gym, Saturday evening at 8: 15. Foll'owing the play Saturday night the frat houses will be the scene of the customary "bull" s-e ssions. The club rooms of the soro·r ities will also reverberate with the activities of the fai r maidens. Rev. J. S. Innerst will deliver an appr,opriate Homecoming sermon in the college chu·rch S unday morning.

.Dr. Dennis D. Brane, assistan t professo·r of Political Scienc·e, F lora St-one Mather College, \ i\Tes,tern Res erve Univer sity was elected Dean and Profess·o r · of Political Science. D.-. B rane received his A. B. from Otterbein in 1921 . and his Ph. D. from H:irvard in 1930. He was instructor in P,o!itical · Science at Flora Stone Mather from 1926-1928; was a Carnegie Fellow in I nterna,tional Law, Cambridge University, England, 19281929; Carnegie Fellow in Internationkl Law, University of Paris, 1929-1930 an d has been assistant pr-o fessor of Political Science at Flora Stone Mather College s ince . 1930. He will take up his duties at his Alma Mater, October 1.

NEW FACULTY Several additions have been m ade to the faculty. ·Dr. Paul B. Anders on is head of the English Depa rtment. He received his A. B. from the U niversity of Minnesota ·with cum laude hon·ors in 1925. · He received his M. A. Ha-rvard in 1927 a nd h is Ph. D . from Harvard in 1931. He has served as ins,tructor in English at Massachusetts State College, head of the department of English at Parsons College and associate professor at Tusculum· College. Dr. Lyle J. Michael is head of th e Ch emistr y Department. Dr. M ichael g raduated from Otterbein in 1919. After graduation he attended Ol1i-o State Universi ty and received his (Con tinued On Page Two)

Published by Otterbein College, \,\i esterville, Ohio, in the interest of A lumni and Fri·e nd s. Entered as second class matter at post office in Westerville, 0., und·e r act of Aug. 24, 1912.












The ninety-fi'r s•t year of Otterbein opened W 'e dnesday, September 15. P,-esiclent vV. G. Clippinger delive~·ecl the opening address in the chapel at 11 a. m. He used a his subject, "Living Together on Otterbein's Campus." He stressed three main po:nts as. the most salient features of life at Otterbein. They were : working with our minds toward intellectual ends; playing together for social ac tivi ty; worshipping together in unity of relig:ous spirit. The Freshman orientation period began Saturday, September 11 at 2 :30 p. 111. when . the Freshmen and the:r parents assemb led in Lambert Hall for the welcoming address, by President Clippinger. Fallowing th e address the Freshmen were shown the var::ous bu:lclings on the campus and the parents met w"ith the facult y in an informal conference, directed by acting clean F. J . V,a nce. At 5 p. m. ·the faculty and their wives headed by President and Mrs. Clipp;nger gave an info·rnral ·reception for the Freshmen and their parents in Cochran Hall. At 6 :30 a complimentary dinner was served in the· parldrk ,' of the United Brethren Church. Sunday ~aften'ioon at 3:30 a Fine Arts program was g iven in the A ssociation b~ilding under the direction of Mrs. Marian . Gatrell, Mr. Lee Shacks.o n and Prof. Mendenhall. Sunday ·evening at 7:30 the play "Smoke" " ;as presented by a group of students·· in the college chapel unclff tl) e di.rection o.f Prof. J. F . Smi th .·-·' ' Registration for Fres hmen began Monday and for upp erclassmen on Tuesday. Enrollq1ent figures were not yet complete when this went to pres,; but Registrar F. J. Vance said there was a gain over last year.

Paul S. Hance, '30, and Miss Mildred Marguerite Ford were united in marriage, Sunday afternoon, June 20 in th e M. E. Vans Valley Church. :Mr. Hance iS1 em1:iloyed in the Weterv ille Post Office and they will reside at 147 Parkview Ave.

YI:iss Edna Smjth ,'33, daughter of P.rofesso,r and Mrs. J. F. Smith; became the bride of Rev. Harry Edward Zech, Saturday, Sept. 4 at the home o f her parents, 171 W. Park St., W es-tervi lle. Rev. Zech is pastor bf the United Brethren Church at Fayetteville, Pa. where they will live.

P11blished by the College 'in the Inte1-es t of her Alumni - and f,'riends.

R. R. EHRHART, Editor l ss ucd

month ly except August.



NEW FACULTY (Continued From Pag-e One) i\faster of Science degree. He worked as ceramic chemist in the research laborato·ries of the Norton Company, Massachusets; studied at Harvard and Massachusets In stitute of Technology, and m 1929 received his Ph. D. from Ohio State. He comes to Otterbein from Indiana Central College. Miss Orlea Wahl will have charge o.f the department of Home Ecoqomics_ She received her A. B. degree from Ohio Northern and her M. A. from Co lumbia.. She has had twelv e yea rs experience in her field. Mr. Charles H~mrick, former football star at Ohio State University wi ll be assistant to CO'ach H. E. Ewing in footbal l.

FOOTBALL 1937 Sept. 24, F ri .- Muski ngum at New Concord (Night). Oct. 2, Sat ...,..,Kenyon at vVesterville. Oct. 9, Sat.-Kent State at Kent. Oct. 16, Sat.--Mt.. Union at Alliance. Oct. 23, Sat.-Ashland at Ashland. Oct. 30, Sat.-Marietta at Westerville (Bon1ecom in_g) , Nov. 6, Sat.-H iram at vVesterville. N.ov. 13, Sat.-G.ipital at vVesterville. Homecoming-Saturday, Oct9ber 30 · Marietta vs. ca·rc1s-

Jame s L. Harris, '30, is Director of Religious --Educati.on. of the Presbyteri;l1 Chu~ch· at Glens Falls, New Ycrrk.

Miss June Saltz, ex. '39, and Mr. Raym ond Case were united in marriage at the home of the bride's· paren t s Friday, July 2 at 1 :30 p. m. The couple wi ll live with the bride's parents at 208 N. Vine Street, vVesterville. 1Lss Evelyn Nic1-iols•, '36, and Dr. Sager Tryon, Jr., '34, were unit ed in marriage in the U . B. Churc h at Miamis burg, Ohi-o Wednesday, July 28. Dr. Tryon is associated with 'the American Chemical Co. and they reside at 424 East 52nd St., New York City. M•r. Roger Moore, '3 1, and Miss Helen Ewry, ex. '31, were married in the First U. B. Church, Dayton, at 10:30 a. m. Tuesiday, August 17. M r. Moore is employed by the Railway Mail Service and they wi ll re side at 440 East Maynard Ave., Columbus. Miss Charlotte Clippinger, '33, daughter o.f President and Mrs-. W . G. Clippinger, and M1r. W . J. Cummin s were united in marriage Saturday afternoon, August 14 at 3 :3-0 p. m . in the United Brethren Church in Westervi ll e. The ceremony was performed by the bride' s father, assisted by ~ev. J. Stuart Innerst. They will reside in Solon, Ohio whe re Mr. Curn111ins is an instructor of social science in Orange High School. Mr. Edward Nagel, '34, was united in marriage to Miss Leora Lautvenheisei: in the First United Brethren Church, Canton, 0. Sunday, A ugu st 29 at 4 p. 111. Mr. Nagel expects to continue his s•tudies at Yale Divinity School, New Haven, Conn.

Mr. Gordon Shaw, '35, and Miss Helen Shattell were united in rnaniage in ,the s>tudios o.f radin, station vVBL Y, Lima, Saturday evening, September 4 at 5 :30 p. m. Mr. Shaw is the announcer for the Lima station and the ceremony was bnoadcast for the benefit of the radio audi ence. Mr. Robert Morrison, '40, and Miss Gladys Frees, '32, were united in marriage July 4 by Rev. Lewis. Free s, '29, ass~sted by Rev. Paul Frees, '35. Miss Adene Eleanor Noyes, '34, became the bride of Mr. A. Watson Thomp.s<o n, Friday afternoon, June . 11 , at the Churc h of the Crossroads, Hon olulu. Mrs-. Thompson is health director o.f Mid-Pa,cific Institute and Mr. Th.ornps!o,n · is w ith th e Tripler Genera l Hospital Staff. They wil l 111ake the'ir ·ha:me at 626 Maui St., Honolulu. Miss Ruth Shaitzer, '36, was married to Mr. Ray Swartz ,o f Detroit, M ichigan, on June 26. They wi ll make their home in Detroit.

M·r. M'y ron · S. Beard, -'82, retired superintendent of mails, at Galveston, Texas, died August 24. He ente r ed the government service in 1893, after having taught in r-ural schools. Mr. Peter G:· Naber, ' 19, -died at his home in Chicago, Ill., W ednesclay, September 8 and · was buried in Cans ton, Ohio, Sunday, September 12.






Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert H. Erism a n ( Charlotte Owen), '28, '27, announce the birth of a so n, Mark Sherman, on July 2 in Dayton, Ohio.

Ruth Coblentz, '36, is th e local <1.irector of Girl Scouts iri Macon, Geo,rgia.

Rev. and Mrs. George Biggs (Martha Ellen Wingate), '32, a nnounce the birth a 5{011, born July 21 at t heir¡ home in Middlebo-ro, Pa.


A daughter, Cynthia Gail, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Andrews (Alma Dieter ), '33, at Canton, Ohio, April 8. Mr. and Mrs. Parker Youn g (Helen Cole), '34, '32, ann ounce the birth of a son David Earl on May 14. Mrs. Clarence D. Earley (La ura belle L. Dipert) , '32, ann ounces ,th e birth of a son, Richard Allen, July 23, 111 Toledo.

PERSONALS . Mr. Pe'rry Laukhuff, '27, has been appointed a United States Forei g n Service Officer of Ca,r eer, U ncl assified, and assigned as U. S. Vice Consul at Winds,o-r, Ontario. W. H. Miley, '30, is now teaching Public Speaking and Exp:ression in the Bethany B_iblical Seminary, Chicago, Ill. _ He is- a lso -d oing wo-rk in the Northwestern University School of Speech toward the Ph.D. degree.

Miss Charlotte B. McRill, '27, is teaching in the Chagrin Falls High School. Raymond Pilkington, '29, is teachin g Social Science in the Meeker High School, Marion County, Ohio. Philip 0. D eeve r, '34, is a student a,t Union Theological Seminary, N ew York City. James Lesh, '32, ,i-eceived his, Ph.D. degree in Chemisfry at Iowa Sta,t e U niversity, Ames, Iowa in Jun e. He has accepted a positio n under th e chemistry foundation at Atchison, Kan ~as. Mr. Howard Menke, form er professor at Otterbein College, will be an as,5istan t in the mathemati cs department at Ohio State University. He will also take wo!rk t-o earn his doctor's degree. Mr. Fra nk E. Samuel, '33, has been hired to teach 111 the Croton, Ohio h ig h sc ho ol.

Homecoming- Saturday, October 30 Marietta vs. Cards

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