College senate adopts common course proposal Last Wednesday, the College Senate passed the proposal from.
the Curriculum Committee pertaining to the common
courses. What the proposal essentially does is move the trio of arts courses (music, theatre, and visual art) to a later time in the student's life at Otterbein and add a course entitled the Freshman Seminar. The common courses have also been divided into two divisions. The lower division courses, to be taken prior to the completion of 18 untis of credit, include the present English 10 and 20 courses; the present Religion 25 course; the Black Experience, Psychology, · - Economics and History, of which two are required; and the new Freshman Seminar which may be opted over the first English common course.
The upper division includes the present English 30; the art, music, and theatre courses, one of which must be taken; Life Science; Physical Science; and Philosophy and J:he Nature of Man in Non-Western Religions, one of which must be taken. The Freshman Seminar was introduced in attempt to solve several dilemmas. First, the course is to be taught in sections of 15 students in attempt to ·alleviate the problem of the freshman encountering large classes in his first year. Second was the development of a better understanding of the common courses, supposedly to be discussed in these seminars. And third, in the words of the
proposal itself, "the Freshman Seminar will . . . seek to deal with the development of academic and communication skills, with better advising of students, and with the problem some students have of becoming part of a group." The instructors of these seminars are to function as the advisor to 'the students in his class until an advisor is chosen from the student's program of emphasis. The seminars will deal in different topics of interest to be listed in the catalogue and the registering freshman will be able to opt for his choice of topics. In over an hours worth of Continued on 5
ffl'att and <tiardinal Women's week going full force Women's Week, sponsored by Campus Programming Board, has been going in full force here at Otterbein this past week. There have been interesting discussions and speakers on such topics as "The Future of Women in Society", the women's liberation movement, self defense, racial and religious prejudices, and career opportunities. The climax of Women's Week is Mother's Weekend. The activities planned for the weekend begin with "Penny Night" at the campus movie, where students pay general admission and Mom's pay one · cent. Immediately following
March 9, 1973
Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio
Volume 55 Number 19
Repertory Theatre, Jane Carter and Marty Edwards will be entertaining from 11: 00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m in the Campus Center dining hall. Free pizza and drinks will be provided for your enjoyment. Saturday's schedule will include a Coffee Hour for Mothers and students from 9: 30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the Campus Center, followed by open dorms from 12:00 to 3:00. The Home Ee Club will sponsor a style show from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. entitled "Days of Future Past". The weekend will conclude with the final showing of Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing".
HOME Ee STYLE SHOW TOMORROW "Days of Future Past" is the theme for the annual Otterbein College Home Economics departemnt style show on March 10, 2:30 p.m. in the Campus Center Lounge. · The public is welcome to attend the event, no admission charge.
Co-charimen of the show Wendy Preston and Ruth Ann Miller are coordinating fashions created by the department into a spring style parade of wearables which have been sewn by Otterbein students.
Home Ee club president Kathy Reese and members of the department use the annual style show to demonstrate that
haute couture is possible for anyone clever enough to recognize style and use a sewing machine.
Lottery discussion to be held "A State Lottery" will be the major topic of discussion Sunday, March 11, when Church of the Master, United Methodist, hosts a panel discussion on gambling as the first program of a four-part series on contemporary social concerns. The panel discussion is open to the public, and scheduled to begin at 8:00 p.m. in the basement fellowship rooms of the Church of the Master, located at the comer of Grove and West Main Streets; in Westerville. Panel members include Robert Clark, Director of Religious Activities at Otterbein College; Robert Graetz, Legislative Agent for the Ohio Council of Churches; John Lyter, Clerk of the U.S. District Court; Alan Norris, 27th District Representative to the Ohio LIBRARY HOURS. Friday, March 16, the library will be open from 7:45 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. Saturday, March 17, it will be open from 7:45 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. During Spring Break, March 19-23, the library will be open from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. The library will be closed on March 18, 24, and 25.
Legislature; and Horace Troop, Judge of the Franklin County Court of Appeals. The Reverend John Osborn will serve as moderator. All area residents are invited to attend the meeting which will be followed by a question and answer period. Similar programs planned for the remainder of the year include discussions of pornography, aging, and mass media. Circle the date - Sunday, March 11, at 8:00 p.m. Be informed before you vote!
Mudd speaks NBC News correspondent Roger Mudd will be speaking this Wednesday, March 14, 1973, at 7:30 p.m. · in Vets Memorial Auditorium. His presentation will concentrate on the proposed legislation for the 93rd Congress followed by a question and answer period. Tickets may be purchased for $2.00 at any commercial bank branch throughout Franklin County. Mr. Mudd is being sponsored by the Columbus Chapter of the American Institute of Banking.
SURPRISE. Spring made an early entrance to the Otterbein campus this week. With temperatures in the
high 60's and low 70's Tuesday, the Campus Center mall became the hub of activity. Clothing got scantier and the Frizbees began to appear alongside the robins. It seems that the only lion March is bringing in for us is the one in Cowan Hall. Enjoy.