The Tan and Cardinal February 8, 1974

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Wan and @nrdinal Volume 56 Number 15

Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio

Catholic mass moved off campus

· February 8, 1974

Lillian Frank: the lady

The administration feels that She went on to say that their way of being just is to not Father White's eagerness to do permit anyone to . conduct something for the Catholic religious services. There . are students of Otterbein is causing many churches within walking mixed reactions among the distance of the college that factions that compose our students . may attend. The college. His original intention dispute over the Catholic masses was to develop a Newman being held in the Coffee House Center on this campus. A began after the first article Newman Center is an dealing with the services was international Catholic-oriented published in the T. & C last organization, where college term. Some faculty members students can go for worship and spoke to Rev. Clarke about the counseling. It is mainly for matter, and then it was brought Catholic students, but other to the attention of Dean Van students are allowed to go there Sant and President Kerr. also. The Father has never Father White spoke with worked at a Newman Center several people about the before, · but he has had possibility of continuing the experience working with masses in someone's home. This students. before. He realized that is when Mr. and Mrs. Canavan developing this Center would be volunteered their home. Anne difficult, since he was not hired Marie Soiu, a student spokesman by Otterbein College. Miss Soiu for the Catholic masses, stated stated, "Father White does not that there has been a decrease in quite know how to go about of . students solving the problems which have the number attending the masses from the arisen. It would be much better number, who went to mass at to just conduct the weekly Mass the Red Tub Coffee House. She and forget about the other plans . felt that this was due not only to forrightnow.•r the fact that it being held in someone's house, but also by Dee Miller of sorority and because fraternity rush activities on the "Hello. I've been admiring weekends and the start of a new your house and I was wondering Friday, Feb. 8th· 6:00 p.m., term. "It will take time, but tKappa Phi Omega Valentine if you would mind showing it to eventually more Otterbein !Dinner ( changed from the 9th) me." students will attend mass in the Does this sound like a crank Friday, Feb. 8th • 6: 30 p.m., Canavan home," said Mi~s Soiu. Women's Phys. Ed. Basketball call to you? I assure you that I was being sincere when I made game. this request and because of it, I Friday, Feb. 8th · 9:00 was allowed to meet a most 12:00 mid., C.P.B. sponsored Ice interesting lady. skating at the Ice Chalet. Mrs. Lillian Frank was the Saturday, Feb. 9th - 11:00 Relax on a pillow, a rug or has been combining performer woman who owned the house even a bean-bag chair at the Rug and audience for a unique a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Rho Kappa an older lady with wispy, gray Concert with Otterbein's musical experience with her Delta Bake Sale in the C.C. hair who used to teach here at Saturday, Feb. 9th - 2:30 • sweetheart, Miss Carol "informances" throughout . the Otterbein. She was more than Courtman, Thurs., Feb. 14, 8:15 Columbus aretl since September. 5: 00 p.m. - Open House in p.m. in the Campus Center. happy to show me her house and Miss Courtman began her Dorms. in the process told me quite a bit Saturday, Feb. 9th - 10:00 Rug concerts are for the singing career at the age of ten as _ about herself. young at heart, strong of muscle· a church soloist. Studying p.m., C.P.B. Dance Her house is most interesting Sunday, Feb. 10th · 2:00 · and solid derriere. They allow a privately and at the Academy of performer to mingle with the Vocal Arts in her native 4:00 p.m., Artwork display by since it was originally a church an informal Philadelphia, she won both the audience in that is until eighteen years ago George Raica in the C.C. atmosphere. So, pull out the olµ Philadelphia Orchestra Youth 11th when the congregation decided Monday, Feb. feather pillow and pack away Contest and the Pennsylvania to build a new building. She 10:30~12:30, One on One the long dress for the evening. purchased the old building and • Federation of Music Club -Basketball What's a Rug Concert? Auditions. She has performed Wednesday, Feb. 13th - 8:00 turned it into her home. From Informal and relaxed, rug with the symphony orchestras of p.m. • Style Show in Hanby the outside, it still looks like a concerts began with the New London, Pittsburgh and Buffalo. Thursday, Feb. 14th - 8:15 church complete with stained York Philharmonic last August. glass window and cornerstone · p.m., Carol Courtman "Rug Miss Courtman will be They removed traditional seating assisted by the Otterbein Jazz Concert" in the C.C. dated 1847. The inside is an and encouraged the audience to Combo under the direction of The following events have entirely different story although sit on rugs, pillows, etc. · the original plaster is still on the Dr. Roman Lavore. The been canceled: The informal concert is not Otterbein campus invites you to walls and the hard wood floor Saturday, Feb. 9th · 6:00 new to Miss Courtman, Affiliate participate "just for the song" looks brand new. p.m. Campus Club Progressive Artist at Otterbein, sponsored Thurs., Feb. 14, 8: 15 p.m. Box Dinner The main portion of the by the Sears Roebuck office opens Thurs., Jan. 31, 1-4 house is contained in what used Thursday, Feb. 14th · 7:30 Foundation/National p.m. weekdays. For information p.m., Alpha Lambda Delta to be the chancel of the church. End9wment for the Arts. She call 891-3331. Here she had made use of the "Smarty Party"

The Catholic services, which were offered to Otterbein students in the Coffee House last term, are no longer being held on campus. The masses are being held every Saturday at 4:00 in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Terry Canavan, 40 W. Holmes Street, Westerville. This week will be the fourth that the services have been held in the Canavan home. The couple offered their home because they like the Otterbein students and the warmth of their friendship. Mr. and Mrs. Canavan do not want the students to feel inhibited, just because the masses are held in someone's home instead of the Coffee House. The dress is casual for the services. Last term, the college administration told Father White, the Catholic Priest assigned by the Columbus diocese to work around the Westerville area, that the weekly masses could no longer be held in the Coffee House. There is a college rule which states that Otterbin College cannot allow any one denomination to hold services over another denomination. It cannot support any one denomination. There is simply not enough space and facilities to allow all of the 37 denominations represented by Otterbein students to hold services on campus each week.

Otterbein Rug Concert

in the church house

-Calendar Changes

room as a whole by designating each area for a special purpose. I can't say that it was modern decor - it was more or less a hodge-podge of many things that she has collected over the years. After looking around, I was very interested in asking her about her many pieces of Japanese art. She explained that she had collected it while teaching in Japan. Her way of living has been greatly influenced by her years of work there, for example, the Japanese have no heat in their homes which explains why it was cool in her house. "It makes me feel more comfortable, that's all," Mrs. Frank remarked. Also, the Japanese have a great regard for physical fitness so Mrs. Frank walks every day over paths that she has measured and in the winter when it's too cold to go outside, she walks round and round in her house. At this time she showed me the grand piano which I had inquired about. It belonged to her hush0nd who played a great deal and was also associated with Otterbein College. "It's sad," she commented, "because {> don't play. When I have friends over, they play for me." It holds a Continued on , 3

Page 2


February 8, 1974


Inside Out: APlea

Letters to the Editor

The Tan and Cardinal encourages students, faculty, and staff to write to our letters department concerning any matter that happens to be bothering you at any given moment. All letters must be typed, double-spaced, and signed in ink with the author's name, address, and phone number included. No anonymous letters will be considered for publication. Names may be withheld upon request. The Tan and Cardinal reserves the right to accept or reject any letter, and . to make any necessary corrections.

Bad paint job? To The Editor: On behalf of the Brothers of Sigma Delta Phi I would like to extend my deepest appreciation to the fraternity that "painted" our house in the wee hours of the morning of February 3, 1974. We have been trying to get the "College" to paint the house for three years. I must admit that the job isn't as good a one as some of our members might have liked, but it is as close to a service department quality job as whoever or whatever did it could come. Now that the window .in the storm door and the doorknob on the main door are broken, maybe, just maybe our front door will finally be fixed. We have been asking Mr. Macke for three consecutive terms to fix our front door and the locks on all of the doors. The service department "workers" finally came and fixed the lock on the

only door that had a lock that worked. We finally had to fix the locks on our own. Again I must extend my heartfelt thanks to those who saw the need of our house being painted and took the ·great pain to do it themselves. The only bad part is that the carpeting in the front hallway is now ruined. I can only hope that the "College", Mr. Macke, will see the need to finish the job a "friend" of the Twinks saw fit to start. All kidding and biting sarcasm aside I must move on to a more important topic. Last winter the IFC passed a resolution that stated in effect that if a pledge or active of a fraternity was caught taking or damaging property of another fraternity, the guilty fraternity would lose its pledge class and not be. allowed to participate in rush the following year. This was done in an effort to stop all the pranks that were going on among fraternities. I personally don't feel that this is the answer to the problem. This ruling hasn't done a whole lot of good up to this point in pledging this year. Three incidents have occurred so far that I am aware of and one of the fraternities involved is ours due to a lack of adequate communication about this rule to our pledge class. However, no damage occurred. I truly regret that this and other incidents have taken place. Why must fraternities constantly be at each others throats? - This senseless destruction of property has to stop. Some will ask, "Where do you start to curb this?" If the individual

'm~e 'man and Olardinal Editor ..............•........•................... ,.................................. Bob Readv Assistant Editor ................................................................ Kathy Fox Faculty Adviser ............................................................Mr. Rothgery Departments Campuit•.................................................................. , ... Lee Schroeder Sports-................................•........................................... John Mulkie Entertainment ............................................................. Chris Warthen Business Manager ........................................................... Gary Roberts Circul~tion Manager ...................................................... Kathy Ulmer Photography ....................................................................... Don Tate · Kim Wells Staff writers and reporters Lou Ann Austen, Holly Barrows, Mike Bauer, Robert Becker, Jim Brown, Don Coldwell, Susie DeLay, Tony DelValle, Sue Hall, Vicky Korosei, Becky Merrill, Dee Miller, Brett Moorehead, John Mulkie, Lee Schroeder, Gar Vance, Chris Warthen, Bernadette Zingale. Published weekly during the academic year except holiday and examination periods by .students of ·ouerbeiri College. Entered as second•class matter on September 25, 1927, at the Post Office in Westerville, Ohio 43081. Office hours are 9:00 am to 11 :00 am. Phone (614) 891-3713.. Subscription rates are $2.00 per term and $6.00 per year. Opinions expressed in the Tan and Cardinal, unless bylined, are those of the editorial board and do not necessarily reflect those of the college or its staff. The Tan and Cardinal is represented for national advertising by National Educational Advertising Service~. Inc., 36o-t.exington Ave., New.Yor~, N.Y. 10017.

fraternities will take the responsibility of telling their pledges and actives not to take part in this type of activity the trouble would not take place. The responsibility falls on the fraternities. Are we going to accept this responsibility of continue to live in disharmony on this campus? Respectively, Donald A. Coldwell Representative of Sigma Delta Phi 70 W. Home St. 882•7133

To the Editor: This is a plea for help. I am a black male, 27 years old. I have been in prison for a considerable amount of time, and I still have a considerable amount to do, and this is what motivated me to write this letter. I have been doing everything in my power to help myself, and to a great degree I have been successful. I am a high school graduate, a licensed barber, and a radio and TV technician, but lately' the pressures and problems that- I encounter daily

have begun to weigh heavily upon my mind, the present is ju&t as desolat.e as the past, and there doesn't seem to be any future at all. So please print this letter in the Tan and Cardinal in the hopes that someone will write to help me retain my sanity in this insane environment. Sincerely, Clarence Wesby 129-750 PO Box 57 Marion, Ohio 43302





Wally Gallup, Junior, Government & Business Administration: An Otterdolly is an Otterbein . love it or leave it freak, female gender, who is Susie Sorority Rah! Rah! Rah! There's nothing more important than her sorority at Otterbein. She tends to carry around a love it or leave it sticker on her notebook. On weekends she stays in her dorm for fear of sexual attack. Jeff Stocker, Freshman, Theater: My definition of an Otterdolly...opposite of a of those . girls that march on the field ...: I don't know, I feel stupid! John Hicks, Sophomore, Theater: A spaced out girl who hangs around with all the dumb jocks! Doug Sampson, Senior, History Education: (Pause) Won't touch it, won't touch it. (We assume that he is referring to the question and not the Otterdolly). Marsha Harting, Sophomore, French: She's really sweet and she stays in the dorm unless she is asked out by a guy. Steve Corey, Senior, Music Education: A straight A student who would rather study on weekends than go out. Becky Pfahler, Junior, Elementary Ed.: I think an Otterdolly is a name that's been too over used and I don't think it has much meaning anymore. It's whatever you Yant it to mean. ·

Jeff Teden, Senior, History: ... An Otterdolly is that female who goes to Otterbein. The fall of her freshman year, she is very friendly and wants to make friends and establish a social life. The winter term _pf her freshman year these girls start acting stuck-up. This

attitude continues through their freshman year and sophomore year and part of their junior year. A little bit into their junior year the panic starts, they don't even have a boyfriend and they're looking for their MRS degree.

Tim Kisfl, Sophomore, Physical Education:This is pretty rough. An Otterdolly? You're serious? I need a few minutes to think that over really. I don't really know. All I know is that's what they call the opposite sex on this campus.

Brett Moorehead, Senior, Speech Communications: Someone that's; well she has to go to Otterbein first of all. Someone that's behind socially and a little bit mentally. And not real good looking, but that's about it really. She's just behind the times a little bit, there's some nice ones here, not a whole lot. I'll see ya! Steve Beitler, Freshman, Philosophy: I never use the word Otterdolly, so I'd rather not offer an opinion of it because I don't know what it means. Bernie Sokolowsky, Freshman, Health & Phys. Ed.: A girl that goes to the dormitory every night and stays cooped up. Just doesn't talk-is stuck-up. They're really different. I've never seen anybody like it until I came here!

Pit gets scenery change "The Pit." What comes to mind when you think of those words? Dark? Drab? Just plain "blah"? Now's the chance to change the picture. Mr. Dickey, Campus Center director, and the Campus Programming Board are sponsoring a contest to see if any "potential VanGoghs" at Otterbein are qualified to repaint and change the name of "The Pit." Any individual, group, organization, fraternity or sorority is invited to submit to the Campus Center Office a small color replica of a muriel that would qualify as decoration for one wall of "The Pit." Professors from the Art Department will judge the sketches and tentative name

changes for · first, second and third places. Th~ winner ( or winners) will then have the opportunity to take credit for changing the drab "Pit" into whatever his, or their, imagination has conjured up. The dimensions of "The Pit's" walls are approximately 1O' x 16½'. The deadline has been set for no later than 3:00 p.m., February 19. _ ~o, if you're artistically mclmed, are willing to make yo_ur . d~sign a reality (by pamtmg 1t!) and are tired of the same old dark walls attached to a very mundane name - then here's your chance to put your paintbrush where your mouth is! Paint and brushes will be supplied.


February 8, 1974

g:~~v ALENTINES 11

lI! UV) ·nof.. 11l!:~;s~;np~:1;! To Trent, ~?:~o;~a;~s~ o-qM auof..ull S! f..rroa-1ano term even le: Roomate Ull JO uommJap Alli 'nar .all the worn . • nk f th ::;" ::r:: ti - 00 'Q ..;J ::,;i \;.) ::r:: To Tom Cahill, MThLa Ms or e 'B ~ ~ g. g 'P o g ~~ memories. From · ·v · . i§ (lQ ~ g: ~ g ~ :3 • ~ Craig, Borrow my TH · an~~e O < -: g ~ ::r- ~ g_ < when Lorna's away. appy · · ..... b...... "' o. (1) ~ w b e? >, . o C1> w . Sharon K., Will you marry m . ~ - ~ < _. 2,. N .-,. . J '""' 0 aCl> ......, g<l-· ('j Vt O Kevin • 00 C') '"'I th To Stan, Greg, Kei , Jim a~d i:1:1 g ·!= 2-. ~ Z <ii' g Dave. Hey baby, wanna boogie? .i:: ~ Cl> ~ ~ O ~ :3 :3 Y ' e a crazy Q.) Q.) ~ "' • crg '."., gl J . Jun e lm, OU r ca ~ !=,. ~ -<: Jr g° ~ N valentine. Love, Albert > ~ g ~ ... . o

Remember-I'm yours 'til bacon strips. Z.


lnoqlJM 1aqqn{J ll a)(!l_ aq p1no1n noA inoq}!M aJn "0 UllaQ

UIO}Ullqd ~ ~ t::0 ~ ti ..;J C'l >Tj ::r:: ~ ·auquareA ~D a11i JO arntnaq ~ ~ ~ o ~ o ~ ~ ~ o pull AllQ sauquarllA f..ddllH ~- ~-~ o' •..:l ;-' g. ~ ~ ~ ·ullp a11i JO isa1 aqi pllll IDI ~ J" S:: ~ g ~ < ::r:: ,1.,,..ggr_.1 'rn:>so 'pwuo"'\T '1aqin ~ ::r::"' ::r:: (1) o ...,. i,, l" a ::r:: t'""' ~ C1> ::I 1 allli.00"' AllQ-A f..ddllH {Alll,.... -<: O~ ;;-o " O 0 u ::r:: ~ s· '"" ·a-a iaqµi mof..'-' 0C oo· '<;:::, 'O '< Cl> ~ pull noA Ol AllQ A AddllH ·y·J jil Q ~ < '< ;; <ii' JT UlOlJ "H 1_"':);)0 AllQ-A AddllH _Cl> ~ '< g~ ► ~ 'l a ...... • CIJ ::i < . ., ·- n VA Ul01J ·a Epun AEQ-A AddllH 8. 00 ~ a ► ·,a:>JOJ um~EW lll4l 4l!M dn '< ti :3 ~ g :S2 (1) ;:,-,'.:E C'l '""8..~ .:i. @: ti c-. MEQ jnof.. aAOI I 'uamll'l g: ti g ~ . . . :- o~-w N wa, iooqs '(iiaqnn) f..JrnH AP!O ~ ~ ~ < ~ TI~ A\.lAO\ ll am noA inq ogE S o. . o. :3 J'-l >- . ...:, oo • oo •• :ilnuµn e no A iaw A{UO I ilH P!llS .S ~ ~ ~ Q.. ::E Tim M: How do Gary Glitter, isnf I '·v EJ1SlEW ynJqnEag 0.1 Dear John M. I'm engaged too! ~ 'Tl Lime Vodka and Basketball 0 ·-e ·::rr 'sa,siooJ All\d s,ia'l 'Aao f o.1 Happy Valentines Day anyway. ~ ~ ..... < . ~ S Mix? From your friend 'J'f ·poq moA g!P I 'A)(U!M 0.1 OWU '""' 1a ~ ~ ~ 'fl ~ ~ Judy M. So glad I've found you. mu1 'aAO'l ·noA ssirn I 'Appa.1 Happy V.D., Wace - 3 guesses oo ~ OE--<~:;:: 0 ~ (1) Be my valentine. Mike M. _ auog SKU, Once you have read this ·~ -g 8 ~ 00 ~ t; ~ ~ ~ t'""' Dear Rusty, I'm really dying to ' your g1'ft • Rabbi -~ ~ > ·-1= "O ......0 ;:,-, ~(1) aqr 'AEQ saugua1llA /\.•ddEH 'llll open c: :I: ~ ..o > go out with you...I' ve wai·t e d a UI:l, 8uns 'ASdAD pue a~tnog 0.1 Sharon, I Love You. Kevin ~ ti ~~ ] ;§ ': ~0 2~ ~ year to tell you this. Remember, ~ g· ~ ::r-(1) ~ g' ~ ~ "O > .9 ·Q.) r,-.. §<o ~ any night but Friday. There's t::c t'""' ::i:: "' a-'< ~ (1) "O~ ;:,-, Z~ · · .S :I:• ::E ~ C1J o "' o1 ::i oo ..... • o ;:,-, -B 1= >.• ...... -· y, only one pro blem th ou gh : I' m in ~ ~~ ~ 5 §: ::i ~ -g §: ~ a ~ ~ ~ Q California. Love always, Pam ~ ~ < g: ~ ::i cr- ..... o.. :3 '< >. ~ ;:E @id:~~> ~ u O ~ Cl> ,:_., I>' g" t,:, . . ('") ~ )({nw ·00.1 1nullad 'Appng ainn noA ~ ~ '.LD EgaA UMOlq ll aAEq I iP~ 0 ~ ~: • .9 :::: a-;;; p.- ~ -o ~ ~ ~ iAllQ sau1iua1llA AddeH ·auws AW a1,noJ,,.. 'aA0{ ui IIEJ oi lUllM ~oo• >o . ::i ~ • -o ~ aw Sa)(Elll SAllMf!? oqtn q:>llo::> noA J! 'P!g gll!)(OOl poog AUE 0.1 S: ► <'c' :=:: ti ~ ;;> 0 0 ... ::I O gumsaw alµ0AEJ Alli 0l 'Aifl?M ,;,awE.o ~o ~; < ....... g_ ;:r- ~ !::. ~ 5 JW.L Appng moA gll!lllP Alli JO µEd ll ag, AES puy · ~ c o g ~ >- ·aw aas l,AlllS oi a:>Eyd E pull p~ iua1aJJ!P ~ g. ~ g~ llP!lOltl oi app ll paaN 'Ullloow ll auoqd noA pua)(aaM A1aA3: 00 ~ o. ::i o. ~;::: Phi Alpha Theta laillllJ q:>ns UJEg noA P!P a1~~







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Z:I:'.:EOE--<>;: E--<>:X:: Dear Willie, Let's do something different tonite. Love Lynn Dear Lynn, Why? Willie Roomie, let's have another pillow fight real soon. That gets rid of all our problems. Let me know when I'll be ready for your Kung Fu.





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i· ,e

Washington Semester The applicants for the Washington Semester at the American University in Washington, D.C. must have their papers completed by Friday, February 15 in order to enroll in the · Fall Term, 1974. Forms and other information may be obtained from Dr. John Laubach at his Towers Hall office near the second floor faculty suite. The American University term ends before Christmas, enabling participants to return to Otterbein for the Winter Term. The Washington Semester offers programs bringing students into contact with Congressmen, White House

personnel, federal judges, journalists, and many other active in public affairs. Separate sections of the program allow emphasis on national legislation, urban affairs, foreign policy, and international development. While the opportunity is open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors, it fits best into -the junior schedule, The program incorporates internships, usually in · Congressmen's offices. A normal program results in the transfer of four units of credit to Otterbein. Applicants should normally have an average of 14 B's and should have taken at least one course in American government.

TGC • •

1s coming

Phi Alpha Theta, National History Honorary, will meet for a dinner meeting, Sunday, Febraury 10, at 4:00 p.m. at the home of Mr. Rothgery. Plans are being completed for the program. New members will be inducted at this meeting. Any student in good standing who has completed four history courses with better than a "B" average and is interested in membership should contact Mr. Rothgery before February 6:

special place in her house and is the first thing seen when you enter. While she took ·several loaves of banana nut bread out of the oven, she told me about her many plants. She feels that plants represent life and she has surrounded herself with many plants for this reason. I asked her if she liked certain plants more than others because she


WH•.. S

WH-•SE Talisman: Blain Shacht lavaliered to Bill Hardine. Bia Marchi pinned to Bill D. Duito. Barbie Curtis engaged to John France, '73. had so many of a variety. "No, not especially," she smiled, "They're just one of the few kinds that won't die under my care." When I told her I had to leave, she seemed truly disappointed and asked me to come back again. . Once again outside looking in, I looked at her "house"-a renovated church and decided that Mrs. Frank is truly a remarkable lady,

13 E. MAIN

882-7710 .




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Alpha Lambda Delta The following freshman women have pledged membership to Alpha Lambda Delta,~ National Fraternity for freshman women who have attained a grade average of 3.5 or better: Banwart, Deborah J. Bowser, Lois J. Braddock, Theresa M. Buckingham, Pamela J. Bratton, Toni M. Call, Patricia L. Carey, Robyn L. Cook, Sheri L. Corcoran, Melanie S. Fetters, Jill A. Flinchbaugh, Nancy J. Francis, Donna R. Gooding, Sandra L. Grabill, Linda L. Grappo, Constance M. Hoge, Jann L. James, Janet l. Kepple, Beth A. Kochemba, Kandy K. Loudenslager, Cindy L. MacConkey, Barbara K. Mauler, Joyce J. Overmier, Debra Parsons, Cynthia L. Pifer, Pamela S. Rice, Laurie S. Rupert, Bonney J. Soon, J odella A. Stark, Linda S. Stephens, Shelley L. Sterle, Cheryl L. Stettner, Cathleen M. Teichert, Elise J. Terry, Cinda L. Van Dyke, Connie Venable, Deborah L. Waggamon, Jill M. Walrafen, Sandra S. Weinrich, Sarah J. Zimmerman, Joy

Page 4

February 8, 1974


Apn11 ·pEal{ al{l u1 )j::lJ)j E a)CTl S! no,( inol{l!M iu!aa 'anoo:) uJA:))I iaunuaIEA Aw aq no,( WM. 'uorntis ·uoS)j::l!Q 1aiad puE rnmd1alE:) oi AEQ s:)unuaIE A ,(ddRH iuaiJ. 'aAo1 ·saunuaIEA ,(ddEH ·s1l{l op P.I ){U1l{l l,UP1P no,( iaq TI,I 'llEld Al{lE)I OJ.

831 Dear Heart! Happy V.D. - To Arthur Treacher, Happy Valentines Day and Happy Trails Near the post are the patterned Bill ruts Debbie LeChaix, Will you be my to us. The big head To Barbie, Kathy and Mem; where the ants crawl Valentine Forever? Mark Yours 'til . my greenworm fashioned by a mailbox key Mark, I love you! Debbie becomes part of a Tequila to them To my lover-dover forever. Love, bottle! M.J. insignificant, nothing, Schnooks "V-A")I ·1aiuaJ ,,. ,•.1.rB:) obstacle To my one and only, Thank you al{l u1 spµI arnw are a1al{J. i,<-Ep Gods pass above for your love and patience. Your E smm( uai A.Ielq!{ al{l u1 l!S the pattern means nothing guy no,( op Al{M 'Addm ·1. pmrnw But remain it will Trent: I may be gorgeous but q1Eg ·no,( aAol Ruts filled with mud you're so handsome! Happy I puE AEQ saunualEA AddEH 'IDS: Then filled with snow V.D. - Beckv llJl?;;)l{ Ua)jOiq ·amiEw os 8upq IOJ noA R puaw no,( op Moff··1md 'AWV The rain comes down )jUl?l{J. :s1aaia)jsnw aall{J. al{l OJ. 'Wl?d 'aUJEltl 'Epun '.a1)j{nw The sun laps up The ants will crawl l{lE)I i"O"A AddEH , The weeds will grow :sa8pa{d W'iU Mau al{l llE OJ. Thelma dear you re really neat Lets look what I've found here, zin{)I .aw 8U1)!SE AIJ. from your head down to your in the snow. •smoA JO rn::, lnJp~Eaq l~l{l l{l!M feet. That last line I have_ us~d Now half-washed away, {ml E ia8 oi ams aJ,no,( ')!InW before. If used too much it ~ill ~ The perimeter. · saAOJ!) Ul{Of •uoos abher, but you my sweets with ~ Because the gods have killed the noA aas Ol adOH 'Epunaw rnaa gaping teeth, around our hea~ a ,-E garland (wreath) to emphasize ·oh ants z --3 the rule of thumbs =z upon consecrated ground (l,) .,::, ..-2 +.I ~ '1.) Ci:,:1 VJ C..: c O ( de-emphasize your bleeding ~ in doing so wore away the o o "'s u [ ~ gums); for you as sweet as ~ ~ And "Always'; patterned in the walk r.f.> (l,) 11.)~ ~ ~ .§ ; ~ ·a :::, ~ turpentine I send to you this N- 2'1.) But the rest remains, .... = >,Fn "' ' ~ ::,... ~~ '1.) t::::"' o.. ~ valentine. This is for people not O ... it has not cracked like other ~ 0 >.f ~ o:B >. :::i. to see. It wasn't meant to read O ~ ones > ·: ~ ~ Q .g] ~,.., §"' ~ like this-meant solely for the :"'lEf ;S~ Nor has it wore away, funny >, ..s ::c:: ~ s > ~ ~ VJ ~ T&C. I leave you in maiden bliss. ;:.::; .... how §: i=rn·-.,,e ~;:!"' "' '1.) ="<I~ ........ [ Now don't you scowl and cry Nature can predict the weather ::c:: ..c: -a O <.) § g. -~ ·"' For the coming years: ~ like that. This sendings from the : .... > ::c:: "' ·a ::c:: ..... .::: 0.)e~(l,).. ~~cd ... ~ local brat. And those that withstand it that ll:lll:) 0..t::: .'1.) 0..>,'1.):. ---3 >. -· o.. ·a § ~ s ..o ~ ~ o ~ ..i.: '1.) ,,; '1.) -o t ;3 understand it "' -~ "' . :"'l O O '1.) ,...; ,...; ..... ::,,::tl'.l::C::ii:lE-<;:.::; uE-<..o ........ Po O ~ that fight to win To Darling Brenda with E-< ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 ~ that win the fight superlative love from Tom, Dan, ~·::, o » ~n 2 c o ;,;- ~ or lose outright; L i1e "' o>. ..... ~ o "' ~ - • '1.) '1.) ::, c: is a can dy store and Bas. ~ " ' S ::, 0 0 .,, P.S. and little J.T. loves you too. : : 00 ~ ,,, So mu~h:, choose :§ ..; ~ ~ ~ ~ c5 Bugs, At least we didn't ruin two " = ']o ."'. ...... ~ ..i.:'1.) S ""'.::,<!.)"' o ..o 'd '1.) 0t::: ~ t:::: Penny win·, Penny lose ='1.) couples! ~ "E, '1.) ~ .S ~ ~ 0 O ::; ~ ~ :.E ~ But you don't know what you ...., 0,.. ::,O"'....,'""Wan t . Happy Valentines Day to Gomez "'•'1.)>..C:..... "'>.~ ..... - ~ ~ o - - ' 1 . ) .... '1.) > ... . >.~ '1.) >. ... '1.) c >' And h k 1· the Great from Shel with a big ...... § c5 '1.) ~ l;l ;:s .S '1.) g O o t e ants eep craw mg ... hug and kiss ....,... .....::, S 2~ . ~ d '1.) i= ~ >. 2 B&J_ always. No Parking. Red o..·u '1.)u'1.)--o"'~o.. , Happy V.D. to Bogie and Mio ~ o c5 "' § .~ ..c: [ -a '1.) c :.E ..c: "' Tub. Cl >- ""' ::C:: >. E-< .::: ~ tl'.l > :3:: < E-< E-< ::C:: Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus. from Drooping Eyelid

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February 10-11-12 Campus Center Lounge Sunday-Monday-Tuesday

An Opportunity To Ask All The Religious Questions You Always Wanted And Never Got The Chance


7: 00 pm Sports SUNDAY

7:00 am Morning Music ~ 1:00 a.m. sign off 3:00 pm Classical Music 4 :00 pm Public Service Broadcasting 5:00 pm Jazz . 6:00 pm Otterbein Educational Radio 7:00 pm Top 40 10:00 pm Progressive Rock 2:00 am sign off SATURDAY 11 :00 am Soul Music 3:00 pm Progressive Rock

10:00 am Church Service 11 :00 am Educational Radio 12:00 am Children's Hour 1 :00 pm sign off 6:00 p·m Jesus and You 7: 00 pm Shoey Speaks 7:30 pm Community Spotlight 8:00 pm Westerville Highlights 8: 15 pm Coaches Corner 8:30 pm Audio Chronicle (Music Special) 10:00 pm New Album Revie..., 11 :00 pm Soul 2:00 am sign off

. '7he Friendly Store"

5:00 To 8:00 p.m -.

Be There! (Program by: Religion-in-Life Week Committee and Religious Activities Office)


Cards & candy

for Valentines Day

PHoNs eea-aaea

Agent for Russell Stover Candies

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