The Tan and Cardinal February 8, 1974

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Wan and @nrdinal Volume 56 Number 15

Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio

Catholic mass moved off campus

· February 8, 1974

Lillian Frank: the lady

The administration feels that She went on to say that their way of being just is to not Father White's eagerness to do permit anyone to . conduct something for the Catholic religious services. There . are students of Otterbein is causing many churches within walking mixed reactions among the distance of the college that factions that compose our students . may attend. The college. His original intention dispute over the Catholic masses was to develop a Newman being held in the Coffee House Center on this campus. A began after the first article Newman Center is an dealing with the services was international Catholic-oriented published in the T. & C last organization, where college term. Some faculty members students can go for worship and spoke to Rev. Clarke about the counseling. It is mainly for matter, and then it was brought Catholic students, but other to the attention of Dean Van students are allowed to go there Sant and President Kerr. also. The Father has never Father White spoke with worked at a Newman Center several people about the before, · but he has had possibility of continuing the experience working with masses in someone's home. This students. before. He realized that is when Mr. and Mrs. Canavan developing this Center would be volunteered their home. Anne difficult, since he was not hired Marie Soiu, a student spokesman by Otterbein College. Miss Soiu for the Catholic masses, stated stated, "Father White does not that there has been a decrease in quite know how to go about of . students solving the problems which have the number attending the masses from the arisen. It would be much better number, who went to mass at to just conduct the weekly Mass the Red Tub Coffee House. She and forget about the other plans . felt that this was due not only to forrightnow.•r the fact that it being held in someone's house, but also by Dee Miller of sorority and because fraternity rush activities on the "Hello. I've been admiring weekends and the start of a new your house and I was wondering Friday, Feb. 8th· 6:00 p.m., term. "It will take time, but tKappa Phi Omega Valentine if you would mind showing it to eventually more Otterbein !Dinner ( changed from the 9th) me." students will attend mass in the Does this sound like a crank Friday, Feb. 8th • 6: 30 p.m., Canavan home," said Mi~s Soiu. Women's Phys. Ed. Basketball call to you? I assure you that I was being sincere when I made game. this request and because of it, I Friday, Feb. 8th · 9:00 was allowed to meet a most 12:00 mid., C.P.B. sponsored Ice interesting lady. skating at the Ice Chalet. Mrs. Lillian Frank was the Saturday, Feb. 9th - 11:00 Relax on a pillow, a rug or has been combining performer woman who owned the house even a bean-bag chair at the Rug and audience for a unique a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Rho Kappa an older lady with wispy, gray Concert with Otterbein's musical experience with her Delta Bake Sale in the C.C. hair who used to teach here at Saturday, Feb. 9th - 2:30 • sweetheart, Miss Carol "informances" throughout . the Otterbein. She was more than Courtman, Thurs., Feb. 14, 8:15 Columbus aretl since September. 5: 00 p.m. - Open House in p.m. in the Campus Center. happy to show me her house and Miss Courtman began her Dorms. in the process told me quite a bit Saturday, Feb. 9th - 10:00 Rug concerts are for the singing career at the age of ten as _ about herself. young at heart, strong of muscle· a church soloist. Studying p.m., C.P.B. Dance Her house is most interesting Sunday, Feb. 10th · 2:00 · and solid derriere. They allow a privately and at the Academy of performer to mingle with the Vocal Arts in her native 4:00 p.m., Artwork display by since it was originally a church an informal Philadelphia, she won both the audience in that is until eighteen years ago George Raica in the C.C. atmosphere. So, pull out the olµ Philadelphia Orchestra Youth 11th when the congregation decided Monday, Feb. feather pillow and pack away Contest and the Pennsylvania to build a new building. She 10:30~12:30, One on One the long dress for the evening. purchased the old building and • Federation of Music Club -Basketball What's a Rug Concert? Auditions. She has performed Wednesday, Feb. 13th - 8:00 turned it into her home. From Informal and relaxed, rug with the symphony orchestras of p.m. • Style Show in Hanby the outside, it still looks like a concerts began with the New London, Pittsburgh and Buffalo. Thursday, Feb. 14th - 8:15 church complete with stained York Philharmonic last August. glass window and cornerstone · p.m., Carol Courtman "Rug Miss Courtman will be They removed traditional seating assisted by the Otterbein Jazz Concert" in the C.C. dated 1847. The inside is an and encouraged the audience to Combo under the direction of The following events have entirely different story although sit on rugs, pillows, etc. · the original plaster is still on the Dr. Roman Lavore. The been canceled: The informal concert is not Otterbein campus invites you to walls and the hard wood floor Saturday, Feb. 9th · 6:00 new to Miss Courtman, Affiliate participate "just for the song" looks brand new. p.m. Campus Club Progressive Artist at Otterbein, sponsored Thurs., Feb. 14, 8: 15 p.m. Box Dinner The main portion of the by the Sears Roebuck office opens Thurs., Jan. 31, 1-4 house is contained in what used Thursday, Feb. 14th · 7:30 Foundation/National p.m. weekdays. For information p.m., Alpha Lambda Delta to be the chancel of the church. End9wment for the Arts. She call 891-3331. Here she had made use of the "Smarty Party"

The Catholic services, which were offered to Otterbein students in the Coffee House last term, are no longer being held on campus. The masses are being held every Saturday at 4:00 in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Terry Canavan, 40 W. Holmes Street, Westerville. This week will be the fourth that the services have been held in the Canavan home. The couple offered their home because they like the Otterbein students and the warmth of their friendship. Mr. and Mrs. Canavan do not want the students to feel inhibited, just because the masses are held in someone's home instead of the Coffee House. The dress is casual for the services. Last term, the college administration told Father White, the Catholic Priest assigned by the Columbus diocese to work around the Westerville area, that the weekly masses could no longer be held in the Coffee House. There is a college rule which states that Otterbin College cannot allow any one denomination to hold services over another denomination. It cannot support any one denomination. There is simply not enough space and facilities to allow all of the 37 denominations represented by Otterbein students to hold services on campus each week.

Otterbein Rug Concert

in the church house

-Calendar Changes

room as a whole by designating each area for a special purpose. I can't say that it was modern decor - it was more or less a hodge-podge of many things that she has collected over the years. After looking around, I was very interested in asking her about her many pieces of Japanese art. She explained that she had collected it while teaching in Japan. Her way of living has been greatly influenced by her years of work there, for example, the Japanese have no heat in their homes which explains why it was cool in her house. "It makes me feel more comfortable, that's all," Mrs. Frank remarked. Also, the Japanese have a great regard for physical fitness so Mrs. Frank walks every day over paths that she has measured and in the winter when it's too cold to go outside, she walks round and round in her house. At this time she showed me the grand piano which I had inquired about. It belonged to her hush0nd who played a great deal and was also associated with Otterbein College. "It's sad," she commented, "because {> don't play. When I have friends over, they play for me." It holds a Continued on , 3

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