The Tan and Cardinal September 30, 1977

Page 1

''One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest'' to highlight thea-tre season

Anold-fashionedmelodrama, Dr. Charles W. Dodrill, professional guest star will be a Molierefarce, a phenomenally director of theatre at Otterbein, featured in the role of successful musical about show calls "The Streets of New McMurphy." business,andthestageversionof York," melodramatic Recent Otterbein guest stars the Academy Award winning entertainment at its best." have included Pat Hingle in "A movie "One Flew Over the Performances will feature Man for All Seasons," George Cuckoo's Nest" are scheduled traditional "olio" or vaudeville Grizzard in "Twelfth Night," for the 1977-78 Otterbein varietyacts at Intermission with Brock Peters in "Othello,'-' CollegeTheatreseason. well-known Westerville and Robert Forster in "A Screetcar "The Streets of New York" Central Oh'io entertainer Bob Named Desire," Ric Mancini in by Dion Boucicault, a genuine, Verbeckincluded. "A View From the Bridge,"and old-fashioned melodrama-with "OneFlewOvertheCuckoo's TonyRobertsin"Hamlet." the traditional villain, hero, and Nest," the Academy Award "Tartuffe," Moliere's comic heroine characters,·willopenthe winning movie adapted for the masterpiece that takes an old season Oct.19.Performances of Broadway stage by Dale "congame" storyandpunctures the showwill beginat8:15p.m. Wasserman and based on the excesses of hypocrisy and Wednesday through Saturday outstandingnovelbyKenKesey, gullibility with wit and satire, nights in Cowan Hall on the will be presented as the annual Continued on page 3

Otterbeincampus guest star show Feb. 8-11. A

The Tan and Cardinal



September30, 1977

International Students reception set Freshmen to

By Brad Manier toknowoneanother. (Pat Warren, co-organizer with oriented. We hope people will light up Liebherr)and I want to stress is just talk and get to know each

The International Student's Nur Hussen, advisor of ISA, that this reception is people other."


The annual Freshmanbonfire Associationreception,sponsored said that the members of the will be held tonight at the Resident Programming Association met with other Westerville Water Treatment

Saturday is Band Day

Service (RPS), will be held international student groupslast Plant on Main Street. Beginning Tuesday, Oct. 4 in the Hanby year and visited several ethnic at 1:30 the freshmen should Halllounge,at8p.m. restaurants. Theyneverformally By Cheryl Gibbs performanceare: meet at the bonfire site and met Otterbein College, though. This Saturday, Oct. 1, is Marion Harding, second year; begin collecting wood for the

The International Students Otterbein College Band Day, an Avon, third year; New fire. Thisafternoonactivity will Association wasrevivedlastyear "There is a wealth of annual event which began ten Knoxville, first year; Westlake, take until 5:00, at which time by Felipe Martinez, Maurizio education in this cross-cultural yearsago. second year; Springboro, fifth thefroshshouldbefinishedwith SchindlerandLinaShiblaq. meeting between the The college wanted to boost year; Gahanna Lincoln, seventh preparations.

Thepurposeofthereception, international students and thebandprogramandgetpeople year; and Cambridge, eleventh At 6:30 all freshmen should according to Mike Liebherr, Americans," said Hussen. to visitcampus."Wedidn'twant year. report tothefootballstadiumin co-organizer of the reception, is "And," added Liebherr, "the a band day like Miami. We During the half-time of their pajamas. Following a pep to il)troduce international and college, during this time of wanted something different," Saturday night's game, andafter rally including the cheerleaders American students to each declining enrollment, is said Mr. GaryTirey,Otterbein's the Otterbein band performs, and football players, it will be other. benefitting financialJy, because banddirector. these seven bands will combine time to go to the bonfire and most of the international The ten top high school for three numbers. Therewillbe dance aroundthe fire. The final

"International students," said studentspayfulltuition." bands throughout Ohio were 900 players,drillteammembers, stop will be made at President Liebherr, "have been hidden invited to come to Otterbein. andtwirlersonthefield. Kerr's house. There everyone studentsupuntilrecently."With Tuesday's reception will not Thisnot only brought peopleto This event is open to the will sing the Otterbein Love this year's great influx of Arab only be a meeting between the campus, but it gave campus andadmissionisgranted Song. students, people are more people of differentcultures,but Otterbeinbetterexposure,andit withtheshowingofone'sl.D conscious of the presence of an willalso be a colorfuleventthat was an opportunity for the

international body of people. will include presentations.about bands to play for a college This isamain factor in bringing the countries of Venzuela and crowd.

Float competition

Lucky Number

Homecoming float rules for On Tuesday, September 27, aboutthereception. Japan, a performance of Arabic "Today, Band Day has fraternity, sorority and Hassan Abdullah, with meal

Although· Otterbein has dances by a dance company become so popular that independent competition willbe emolled students from other from Ohio State University, a reservations are needed," said available in the Campus Center ticket 707wasthe707thperson countries for many years, this slide presentation, ethnicmusic, Tirey. main office beginning Monday, to go through the lunch lineyear sees the first attempt to food and a display of the flags Saturday, from 5:30-6:30, Oct. 3.

reported byMrs. Carole Greene, introduce a program where the fromthestudents'countries. seven high school bands will The theme for this year's international students and "It will be a colorfulevent," perform individual half-time homecoming is: "Homecoming alunchlinechecker. Americanstudentsmeetand get said Liebherr,"butthepointPat shows. The bands in order of UndertheBigTop."

SEP 3 1977 J lt

President Kerr defines college goals

This week I discussed some importanttopicswithourschool president, Dr.Kerr.I wastrying to find out information on subjects that the Otterbein community would be concerned with.

Dr.Kerr told me that there has been no attemptasofyetto search for an Academic Dean. This processwillbeginsometime in the future after applications are made available.Nearly l00 people willprobablyapplyanda personnel and screening committee will decide what people will be included in the final interview. A decision shouldthen be made bytheend ofFebruary.

I also discussed long term plansfor Otterbein Collegewith Dr.Kerr."Ourrolewill be asin the past. We would like to appeal to the 18-22 year olds and provide for their much broader educational needs. In addition there will be advancements in other program areas.The new Nursing program is one of them.In the Science Building now are the program chairman and the head of curriculum development. They will be concerned with finding

new staffmembersand physical development for the program," said Kerr.Next fall will be the fust class of nursing.Inaddition there will be a two plus two degreeprograminNursing.

Another concept that has become reality is the Adult Degree Program.It has shown a rapid growth with 245 adults now registered for classes.The majorconcernisthatinthenext eighteen years there is a decline of 23 percent in the amount of eighteen year olds. This means finding enough students will remainaconcern.

I asked President Kerr what advantages an Otterbein student has with a liberal arts background.

"The need has never been greater for broadly educated people withintegrativeskillsand who are able tosee the totality of a problem. An Otterbein studentmighthaveahardertime finding a firstjobbecauseofthe liberal arts background, but usually after seven years they distinguish themselves," said Kerr.

In closing I would like•tosax that I agree with President Kerr, but initiative is still abigpartof someone excelling in anything t1,attheydo.

The Tan and Cardinal

DougMacCallum Editor-In-Chief

BradManier Managing Editor

MickeyBurns Business Manager

DennyMohler Photography Editor

NancyBallog ....................... Feature Editor

ScottBrockett .......................Sports Editor

ChrisKapostasy ..................... Drama Editor

DebbieThorn Copy Editor

DonHines .............................. Advisor


Theebb;thetide;theflowofitall,aslifepassedmeby. AmItooquick?DoImovetoofast?Ormaybe,amItooshy?

AsI was searchingforan answer,shewaslikeadreamoutofthe night.

And she said her namewas Candy, but I knowthatwasn'tright. Wewalkedtheblackstreetsandtalkedatrivialtalk.

When we cameupon theneonlight,webothknewitwastheend ofourwalk.

AsshelaydownonthebeachIcouldseeherbeautythere; Thetendernessofherbodyandthesoftnessinherhair.





AndwhenI wokeinthemorning,aloneonthebeachIdidlay. TherewasnoCandytotouchmylips,nosweetnessintheday.

Theneonlightwasn'tnoticed,andasIleftneitherwasI. Iwonderedwhysheleft.DidImovetoofast?WasItooshy?

You never forget the first one, ortliat's what I'm told they say.


Andevennow,Iwonder,astimetravelsslowlyon, Will tomorrowbringanotherCandy,orjustanotherdawn?

Letters to the editor

Mother expresses thanks

want, in these lin•es, to son,FelipeMartinez. thank all people that live in Yourfriend, Westerville for their signs ·of RosaPardo charity that they have demonstrated for my recent Editor's Note: The above letter pain.And also for thecare and was translated from the original respect that they had for my Spanish by Holly Feen.

Otterbein is commended

DearEditor: great loss of mine last fall.I'm

After attending the two sure those who are close to memorial services which were Felipe and Julie felt the same held here oncampuslastweek,I way. was reminded of a few of the Everyone who wasconnected good things about attending with the services in any way Otterbein. I think the services deserves agreatbig"thankyou" were a good reflection upon the from all of us here atOtterbein. peoplehere.

I know how much of ahelp Sincerely yours, that the faculty, staff, and especially studentswereduringa TimO'Flynn

In Review protested

Too bad you don't know understand why she(the singer) what you'retalkingabout."You fell "in love" with the manwho Light up my Life" is a song promised her fame and fortune. about love! Just likethemovie! She really does love her fiance, You must have missed the but she's so blinded by the scene where the young singer promise of money and movies tells her dad that she loves him that by the time she realizes verymuch,and thescenebefore what'sgoingon,it'stoolate. thatwhereaNewYorkproducer Yes, the voice isdubbed.The tells her to sing her songs with song is sung by Debbie Boone, feeling.So shesingsthe song to Pat's daughter. Most movie herdad. "singingscenes"aredubbed.

The whole problem is that Well, the movie must have you lack insight, or you'd some plot and some character

development because the movie has been held over for3 weeks. And as long aspeoplebuyupall our tickets, we plan on keeping it.

Justbecauseyou don'tlikeit doesn't mean it gives you the righttotellustostayhome.



Editor's Note: Fortunately for all of us we are entitled to our op1ruons. If Ms. Kapostasy wasn't permitted to view her opinion, then neither would you be allowed to do so. One thing you should remember is that her job as a reviewer is to evaluate a ftlm to the best of her ability.

Help Woodsy spread the uronl!

In the woods... or on the street, Help keep America looking neat! Give a hoot! Don't pollute!

r--===========-.~---I - ._-..;.. �---'.. Page 2 TanandCardinal September 30, 1977
do not necessarily reflect those of the
Published weekly by the students of Otterbein College. The opinions
in the Tan and Cardinal are those of the staff and
school or its administration.
t ., .. •.


Stop Don't Shoot



6:00p.m. -FreshmanBonfire

6:30p.m. -CampusCrusadeforChrist(T-1)

9:00p.m.-I:00a.m. - FallBlast(sponsoredbySigma AlphaTauandZetaPhi) article was, "What do our or mahciously destroy any ByBrianGreen actions cause others to do?" individuals presently living or October 1 - Saturday

I was always taught that Unfortunately some people saw dead. This is neither my style 9:00a.m.- 4:00p.m. -TauEpsilonMuCarWash(Sohio when you needed to explain it as an article designed toruin normygoal. atthecornerofClevelandand verbally everything you wrote, the memory of someone many WhatIwrite,Ibelieve,evenif MainSt.) then youhadbetterstartwriting loved.Itwasnot! Forthosewho I am only making light of an

-BANDDAY it over again. Obviously misunderstood I extend to you issue. Had I not cared for this

-GREEKSPIRITDAY everything that was written in myapology.

institution or thepeople in it, I 10:00a.m.

- Women'sVolleyball:Ohio the past cannot be rewritten so This past week I assumed I would not go to the bother of Northern-A(two teams it would seem better to explain. could bail myself out of the writing an article each week, 11:00a.m.


When I first began writing soup by writing a somewhat allow myselftobecomeinvolved atWittenberg this column I wondered if humorous article on things in the governance system, or go 7:00p.m.

-KappaPhiOmegaFallCo-Ed anybody reacted toit or even if around the campus that are out of my waytobecomeactive 7:30p.m.

-Football:OhioNorthern-H they read it. Ionly heard about generally assummed to be true in off-campus events wp.ich October2- Sunday it when someone felt it was representthisschool. by most students.Much to my 12:00noon- 9:00p.m. -CPBExecutiveBoardWorkshop boring. However, this year I've dismay Iseemedtohavejumped I was being honest with H.e 6:00p.m.- 9:00p.m. -R.A.C.ShortFilmandDiscussion extreme to the freshman during orientation this gone from one from the kettle into the fire. 7:30p.m. -IFCMeeting other. summer when I told them

Forty minutesafter Ipickedup 7:30p.m. -Agape/CampusChristian

This year my first column my·copy of the paperIwastold 0tterbein provided more Association(T-15) dealt with the changes I saw I may have rocked a boat I opportunities to the individual 7:30p.m. -FreshmanTalentShow imposedupon my roommate by shouldn't have. Five hours later than .any other surrounding October3 -Monday some "well meaning friends" itwasconfirmed. institutions of its size. I believe 4:00p.m. -AdministrativeCouncil and how these kinds of Since the beginning, thetitle­ it to be the truth and still do, 7:00p.m. -SororityandFraternityMeetings "friends" can change peoples' of this column has always been BUT I also believe that a vital lives. The question asked in the Aletheia? (A/lay/the/uh), which part of the success that comes October4-Tuesday is a greek word meaning Truth. from such a system must be 7:00p.m. - CooperativeEducationSeminar Because it is opinionated, there based on ho nest 8:00p.m. - RPSReceptionforInternational is a question mark behind the communications which always Students season word. Giving the question to works as a two-way process. OctoberS-Wednesday you, the reader "Is this the Without this basis to build on 4:00p.m. -CampusServicesandRegulations

Continued from page 1 truth?" individuals shall always be in Committees

It has always been my hope doubt. If anyone wishes to raise 4:00p.m. -CrossCountry:Muskingum-A will be staged April 5-8. The to provoke from readers such objection to what I write, 4:30p.m. -Women'sFieldHockey:Ohio character Tartuffe, a master of things as thought, evaluation, address it to me orletterstothe Wesleyan-H flattery seasoned with devoted conclusions, and perhaps some editor, c/o the Tan andCardinal piety, establishes himself in a 6:00p.m.

- CampusProgrammingBoard action. (from those who have office. richhousehold,thenproceedsto 6:15p.m. -S.C.O.P.E.(T-15) help himself to the daughter, the power tocreateachange).It If I cared nothing at all,then 6:15p.m. -Chapel(ChurchoftheMaster) has never been an attempt to I wo�ld say nothing at all attempt to seducethe wife, and 6:30p.m. - Women'sVolleyball:Ohio attack, misrepresent, slanderize, ThisiswhyI'mwriting. Wesleyan- A(Trimatch) gainthefamilyfortune,all with gulliblehusband'shelp. 7:00p.m. -Soul(SoulShack-inthe

basementofClementsHall) "Applause" will be the 7:30p.m. -FellowshipofChristian Otterbein season finale May Athletes(RikeCenterLounge) 17-20. The show, based on the

October6-Thursday movie "All About Eve" and 4:00p.m. -CampusAffairsCommittee revolving around show business, 7:30p.m. -PersonnelCommittee starred Lauren Bacall for three

October7-Friday years in New York,on national - Capital/OtterbeinMarathon tour, and in London. Presented 6:30p.m. -CampusCrusadeforChrist(T-1) jointly by the theatre, 8:00p.m.-I:00a.m. -EpsilonKappaTauCo-Ed department ofmusic,and dance area, the show features delightful songs and dances "Applause, Applause,"

"Welcome to the Theatre," -::r "Fasten Your Seat Belts," and 0)



The much-loved children's adventure story,"RobinHood," C/) :E has been scheduled for Nov.

I8-20 as a special Children's Theatre production. A new

dramatization featuring music

and dances of the period, "RobinHood" is setforevening performances on Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and

afternoon performances on

The award winning musical • CD 0) CD ""'I C/) • O" CD ..... C/) •

Saturday and Sunday at I:30


Westerville Nautilus

Training Center

andCardinal Page 3 September30, 1977
Discount on the purchase of
any Student membership
• 890-2411
CIJ 813 Eastwind Drive and Huber Village Blvd. a.
0 Offer expires Oct. 15, 1977
sweaters • ties • robes • jackets •

Hobbit thief plays 'Dungeons & Dragons'

were the Battelle

meeting ScholarProgram,thebudget,the new food service and thisyear's enrollment and housing figures.

ByBradManier place without being seen or turned around and saw a big become interested in during the heard. Isembard Haggins seems door in the side ofthecliff,and summer. It is called "Dungeons ln discussing enrollment, Isembard Haggins is a hobbit President Kerr stated that like she would be good at this. in the door was a mouth. & Dragons" and was developed thief. When I met her,she wore She'squiet.

1977-1978 enrollment is at

Suddenly Iheardagushingnoise by some people from Ohio, a brightly colored shirt that 1670,thehighestinthecollege's

In my meeting with this and turned back to the sea to whereitwaspublished. might have been a beautiful hobbit thief I learned that there find siphons and sirens coming "It's totally imaginary," she history. He cautions that that scene from Bilbo Baggin's figure includes 78 special are several hobbits, elves, straightatme! said "andtheonlywaythegame homeland - the Shire. On one dwarves and gods attending students and 245 adult degree ends is whenyoudie-andthen I escaped into the door's finger she had a gold ring that large universitiesnowdays. you can just become another students. mouth and somehow found my probably once belongedtosome "I could get in touch with at character and start another Tight housing remains a way back to the T & C office delicate but wicked witch. Its least 20 such folks at Ohio game." critical problem. Next year the where Isembard Haggins calmly shape was that of some flying State," said Isembard, "and

All people interested in first class of nursing students awaitedmyreturn. creature, and I'm inclined to probably 30at theUniversityof will be housedoncampus.Engle becominghobbits,elves,dwarves believe that it came fromoneof

Instead of spluttering and Cincinattf." Hall will be the first additional or gods or merely interested in those many treasure hoards cursing her, I merely asked, I was shocked and told her housing considered an the game of "Dungeons & as foundamongthepagesofJ.R.R. "Whathappened?" so. alternative.

Dragons," should call Clements Tolkien's novel, TheLordofthe Then Isembard Haggins did Otterbein's littlehobbit thief Macke disclosed that housing Hall Shire, extension 141. Ask Ring. Dwarves have a tendency something very strange - she calmly explained that we had for Isembard Haggins, hobbit impr ovements cost toaccumulatesuchwealth. transported me to a seashore, approximately $400,000 this been playing a game she had thief.

Very few hobbit thieves have where the waves rushed in and year. Macke also disclosed that ever attended Otterbein - at the wind howledatthecliffthat last year's budget was $90,000 my knowledge but least to -

Trustee Report

locked it in. And there l was. above expenditures and that then one never knows about a standing in the middle of the meals this year are one cent hobbit, for they have a peculiar beach, looking out at the sea, Trustees

discuss problems

cheaperpermealperpersonthan ability to slip in and out of a locked in bythe samecliff.SoI last year. President Kerr noted

From the ghoti pond

Things We'd Like to See

ByBeckyColeman the outside end of Barlow and that the service department and doing inside work to provide the residence hall staff put in

Construction ofthe new fine offices for the adult degree many hours to get the dorms arts center and fixing the readyforstudents. programis$100,000. exposedendofBarlowHallwere

Members of the committees The annual fall meeting of chief topics of concern at the voted to have the college's the full board is set for October September 24 meeting of the administrative officers try to 28-29. If youhave anyconcerns

-UncleJimmyinJonda Budget Control and Executive reduce bid amount on the fine about administration procedures

-SemesteratSeadepartingfromtheMainStreetBridge Committees bf the Otterbein arts building and wait to or policies of the college,

-BenjaminHanbyuponHaroldHancock'srooftop BoardofTrustees. contract for interior work in PLEASE make them known

-OtterbeinCollege-Siteofthe 1988Olympics Woodrow Macke, college Barlow. The college willbrickin now, while there's time to

-Masstransitoncampus business manager, reported that the end of Barlow as soon as document a strong position. I

-BingobetweenactsoftheSpringplay bid� on the fine arts building materialsareavailable. amavailableforappointmentsto

- Adogkennelinthelibrary were higher than anticipated - Other items discussed at the discussstudentconcerns.

-Co-edrugby $1.5 million. Macke also

-DarrelMiller'sbandinstrument reported that the cost offixing

Greek News BETTER BUY Greek Spirit. Day is tomorrow BOUTIQUE

By Naricy Ballog somefifties' action. Dress fifties scheduledforOctober29th.

and dance in your socks!! The Jonda fraternity is planninga - 5:00 Closed Sunday

Something new this year to dance will probably continue Blast on October 8 - so be theGreekcommunityisGREEK until1:00a.m. looking for further details in "Quality Women's clothing for less" SPIRIT DAY on October 1st. It Be sure and attend the nextissue!! willbeadayofGreekunity. Zeta/Owls All Campus -Blast Onyx sorority has been

The Greeks have a Greek TONIGHT for $2.50!Itisatthe making some remodeling Cheer Block planned for armory from 9:00 until 1:00 changes. A new kitchen floor Saturday night at the game. a.m. and new living room furniture After the game, join the Greeks Every Wednesday Pi Sig are a cheerful addition to their at theCampusCenterdininghall fraternity has Study·Breaks at home. The sisters arealsoselling

Country Crafts and Gifts for a Fifties Dance!! A Sock the house. The breaks begin at current stationary-contactany Hop!! Checkyourshoes infora 9:00andaregreatsuccesses! memberforinformation.

24 North State Street mere25centsandallowyourself TEM has coed to sorority a Congratulations Don Westerville, Ohio 43081 a chanc<, atsome fabulous door scheduledforOctober 15th. Shaffer whois nowan active of (614) 891-0938 prizes from the Westerville The sisters of Theta Nu will Kings fraternity! Kings is still community! be going to the movies next selling $1.50 calendars of

Skits fromvariousfraternities Monday night after-the meeting Westerville community events. OPEN and sororities will help the and are planning some ideas Sphinx fraternity is working MON - FRI 9:30 a m. -10 p.m. entertainment. A D.J. willbeon concerning their Homecoming towards making a presentation hand to lead the campus in float. to Mrs. ·Courtright at SAT 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. fifties and rock music. Games Also busy with float ideas, Homecoming, as they recently SUN 12 -5 p.m. will also be an active partofthe EKT sorority isplanningtohold named their alumni room after dance. Turn up after the game their coed, October 7, at Club her husband. The brothers just and join in at the festivities for North. A Halloween/Hayride is Continued on page 8

Ii Page 4 Tan and Cardinal September30, 1977
Hours: Everyday
10:00 - 6:00
10:00 - 9:00
E. College

Ring around Otterbein French Market offers something for everyone

green chili sauce. Since i do not know of any kosher Taco Bells

What would you do if you specializing in Chinese food were out with some friends and could not decide on a place to within the immediate area, head eat? One person wants won ton for Columbus' French Market. soup and an egg roll. Someone The French Market is a else has a craving for lox on a collection of specialty food salt bagel. You want a taco with stores and restaurants under one

Peer counseler's applications due

Peer counselor applications

Subsequent less formal meetings are due this Tuesday, November will be held to continue training. 4, for all students interested in

All peer counselors will be participating in this �ew project. paid $2.50 an hour for the Students chosen as peer training time and actual hours counselors will assist faculty spent counseling. The sponsoring members by doing basic group is the Project on academic advising.

Institutional Renewal through An October workshop will be the Improvement of Teaching. held as the initial training for Applications, available in the peer counselors. They will be Campus Center and dormitories, taught academic requirements, should be turned in to Marcia interpersonal communication Gealy, Paul Redditt, or Chris skills, and counseling techniques. Kapostasy.

roof, somewhat like an enclosed Amish cheeses from Isaley's roll. They come in a variety of shopping center for the stomach. would satisfy any cheese-lover, fla vors from plain to I was introduced to the Market and maybe even win over a apple-cinnamon. On a recent several years back when I would cheese-hater. trip, my companions and I come to Otterbein to visit my Ghiloni's Country Garden conducted an unofficial older brother. I have been there and Lynd's Fruit Farm Market taste-testing tour for the best various times since then and still offer an array of fresh fruits and bagels in the Market (more than enjoy going. vegetables from the ordinary one store sells them). The

Up and down the aisles of the (such as locally produced apple Emporium won easily but we Market, you will find cheeses, cider) to the "exotic" (spaghetti could not decide on which kind. candies, baked goods, Mexican squash is not your everyday, I chose the plain but my friends dishes, French pastries, German run-of-the-mill side dish). The chose the salt and the garlic. To sandwiches, meats, fishes, only thing as good as an apple or each his own, which you will vegetables the list goes on. nectarine from Lynd's is one discover at the French Market. Permit me to mention a few of from Ghiloni's. Everyone will find something to my personal favorites to give an And for those of you satisfy their tastes. idea of the variety offered. unfamiliar with a bagel, let me The location of the French ''Farmers' Cheese" (made introduce you to the Emporium Market is Route 161 and Busch from skim milk) from the Bakery. A bagel is a Jewish cross Boulevard, in the Continent Cheese Chalet or any of the between a doughnut and a hard shopping center complex.

In Review Movie .is open and honest

Otterbein Campus

6:00 to 11 :30 P.M

Sunday thru Thursday


Sun-Thurs 4:30PM-12AM

Fri-Sat 4:30PM-1AM

where 1S standard at� a cost!

The movie made its first run full of wit, talent, energy, last spring and is having a limited emotion: PURE ENJOYMENT. Ev en am ong libe ral engagement at the World Very few students, or faculty as proponents of openness and Theater on the O.S.U. campus. far as I could see, were there. honesty in marriage, the Highly recommeflde'd - but Their losses. (Although I haven't -standard American social norms you'd better hurry.' seen Camino Real, tonight's for matrimonial fid�lity remain special performance, it brings largely intact. "Cousin Cousine", FOOTNOTE: Otterbein, you with it a string of high the French entry in last year's blew it. Tuesday night's Artist recommendations and excellent "B est Foreign Fi lm" Series performance of Chapeau reviews. If you haven't caught competition at the Academy by the Acting Company was one the Acting Company yet, Awards, is a story about of the most enjoyable events tonight's your last shot. It's infidelity. But it does not that's graced the Cowan Hall unlikely that you'll get to see attempt to justify is as much as stage in the past four years. The such fine professional theater in to portray honest emotions - to play and the performances were Columbus for a while. show the "whys" of blatant defiance of the morality set by self-righteous on-lookers.

The couple in question first meet at a family wedding. They begin a warm, yet platonic relationship, deriving from it a level of love and respect that is a step higher than they seem to be

"The Friendly Store"

23 NORTH STATE STREET able to find in their marriages.


Society scorns this friendship, PHONE 882-2392 however, and suspects an affair. Eventually one does develop,

Agency for Russell Stover Cand ies and they strive to make the Prescriptions relationship open, not just to themselves but to family and friends as well. The affect on their familiers isn't pleasant, nor is the building disregard the

couple shows for the families.

What it is, however, is honest. Christine-Marie Barrault and Victor Lanoux portray the

couple with equal amounts of brilliance. Both the movie as a whole and these performances are sure to rate "Cousin

·Cousine" among the all-time

foreign film classics.

Brownies Market

September 30, 1977 Page 5 Tan and Cardinal
U.S. Choice Beef 882-4124
fresh Vegetables & Fruit Daily

Punishing play leads Cardinals over Adrian

In trying to recall the last time an Otterbein footballteam scored over 30 points, one would have to lookback to the finalgameof1974.

However, last Saturday the Otters racked upa34-14victory over the Michigan-based Adrian College Bulldogs. Otterbein unleashed a punishing ground-game with Mike Echols, Wayne Cummerlander, and Randy Bresslerdoingthechores, whiletheaeriaiattackconnected foronetouchdown.

Action began slowly as 0tterbein controlled first quarter play.Maurisio Schindler booted a 26-yard field goal for the 3-0 lead. The second stanza remainedintheOtterscommand asthemarginincreased.

A second period opening drive stopped long enough for Schindlertotryhisluckfrom 39 yards, but the kick sailed wide to the right. Not tobedeniedas another short march halted, Schindler was able to zero-in on

Otters now 2-0


the uprights from 48 yards away.

This timehiskickwasperfect andgavetheCardsa6-0edge.

The Otters next took advantage of a fumbled pass reception and ground out yardage to the Adrian 10. From there Cummerlander was called on to carry and stormed in behind solid blocking to push the bulge to 12-0. Quarterback Bill Hillier added a two-point conversion by keeping it on the option. This made the score 14-0.

The Otter defenders continued to keep the Bulldogs in check for the remainder of the first half. Meanwhile Hillier foundBobBoltzopenintheend zone from 6 yards out to cap another drive. Schindler hit the point after to send Otterbein to intermissionleading21-0.

When the second half resumed, the running game continued and Mike Echols put the final touches on a third quarter drive as he bulled in

from the one to make it 28-0. Mike Koob added the conversion.

Adrian, whohadbeenstiffled all day, finally moved the ball and hit pay dirtona7-yardpass by quarterback Paul Downs to split end Joe Bacani. The extra point pass failed and the third cantoclosedat28-6.

The 'Dogs managed another drive in the final period to continue their penalty-aided comeback attempt. They closed the gap to 28-14 on Doug Hoseth's plunge from one yard away. Hoseth toted the extra pointaswell.

Then an aroused Otterbein jefense forced a fumble by Adrian deep in their own territory. When theoffensetook over, Echols againansweredthe call by padding the lead to 34-14, thus thwarting any chance Adrian had of a comback.

Football players

practice in antieipation of


The Otters, now unbeaten in two attempts, face red division foe Ohio Northern.

Cards hope to freeze Polar Bears

The Otterbein College football team hopes to extend its win streak to seven games as the Ohio Northern Polar Bears (1-1)visitWesterville, 0. forthe Otters home opener. Kick-off time if 7:30 p.m. in Memorial Stadium.

Both the Polar Bears and the Ottersarefreshoffwinsoverthe

Ohio Northern, picked in pre-season as one of the OAC Red Division favorites, downing OhioWesleyan17-7.

Sophomore tailback Wayne Cummerlander (Grove City) led the Otterbein rushing attack Saturdaygaining116yardsin24 attempts. Freshman Randy Bressler (Columbus Walnut

Mike Echols (Newark) scored two touchdowns while gaining 56yards.

The defense gave up 202 yards through the air Saturday but canned the Adrian running attack forminusthreeyards(-3) net rushing. While the defense came up withsixturnovers,four fumbles and two interceptions, weekend; Otterbein victorious Ridge) added 89 yards in 17 it also gave up 80 yards in over Adrian College 34-14 and attempts and junior fullback penalties.

Soccer team loses

The Otterbein soccer club dropped their initial contest of the season Saturday at Mt. Union,6-0.

The team will confront Capital tomorrow morning at 10:00 before hosting Ohio Dominican on October 15 for theirfusthomegame.

Coach Nur Hussen will rely heavily on last season's leading scorer Ibrahim Al Farsi and goalie Mike Cohen. Co-captains Steve Leonard and Juan Kalb willalsobepivotalplayers.

Last year the club compiled an excellent 7-0-1 mark to capturetheWestervilleParksand Recre ation League Championship.

Sept. 17 Kenyon, Capital, Ohio Wesleyan at Wesleyan 11 a.m.

24 O.A.C. Relays at Wooster 10a.m.

Oct. 1 Ohio Wesleyan, Muskingum, Wittenberg at Wittenberg 11 a.m.

5 Muskingum 4p.m.

8 Akron, Ohio Wesleyan, Baldwin-Wallace . l0a.m.

15 All Ohio at Ohio Wesleyan . . . . 11 a.m.

19 OHIO NORTHERN . . . . . 4p.m.

22 Wittenberg, Wooster, Kenyon, Muskingum at Wooster 11 a.m.

29 O.A.C. at Ohio Wesleyan 11 a.m.

Nov. 12 N.C.A.A. at Cleveland l0a.m'.


Ankrom, Jeff Sr. Lancaster

Byrnes, Pat Sr. New Albany

Gold, Bob Fr. Euclid

Jewett, Greg Sr. Hilliard

Miller, Rick So. Gahanna

Ranney, Brad Jr. Gahanna

Roseberry, Neil Fr. Galion Jr. Shaffer, Don Carroll So. Springfield Sr. Antwerp Gahanna

Spencer, Jack Underwood, Royce VanCleave, Jim

~--------= Jr.. Page 6 TanandCardinal September30, 1977
.lrif.fl'rw.30 EAST COLLEGE GIFTS •N' THINGS • ESTERVILLE, OHIO 43081 PHONE 882-0351 --. - ...... eadliner • Precision Cuts • Blow Dry Styles • Curling Irons • Heat Perms HAIR DESIGN • Cosmetics 32 W. College Ave. • Manicures 890-1600 • Custom Coloring Receive $1.00 off on $7.00 service $3.00 off on $15.00 services or products Expir• October 8, 1977 I VALUABLE COUPONJ '1 °0 OFF PRINT PROCESSING from FAIRVIEW LAB OFFER EXPIRES 9-30-77 WE'RE OPEN EVERY DAY Monday thru Saturday I A.M. -1 P.M. And Sunday Noon· S P.M. a CJhe Image Shopn m:aa 22 E. MAIN ST. 890-3838 - Westerville-Under the water tower

LastweekIexplained how it is impossible for a non-believer in Jesus Christ to possess true happiness. His happiness depends on the details of life, and this type of happiness can never endureadversity.Buteven believersintheLordJesusChrist donothave amagicformulafor happiness. The believer's

the believersuse intime, but to claim even one promise, one must first know it. This comes only from the study of the Word.Astudyofthedoctrineof happiness is necessary at this point.

Happiness is related to the Reasonable prices and excellent service provided plan of God for mankind. In

wayto shareHis happiness with the believer inChrist. The work of Christ on the cross brok� down the barrier between man andGod(sin),andenabled God to share His happiness with us; "many sorrows shall be to the

but he that trusteth in the Lord, mercy shall compass him about. Begladinthe Lord,

rejoice ye righteous; and

for joy, all ye that are

49% 459 3.0 37 47 7.3 2.7 -.2 1.5 42 4.0 Page 7 September 30, 1977 Tan and Cardinal • 1977 OTTERBEIN FOOTBALL STATISTICS (2-0-0) IS TEAM STATISTICS OTT OPP 21 48 PointsScored 32 27 still optimistic FirstDowns byrushing 17 18 bypassing 7 6 (Euclid)attheninthspot. Despite getting blistered by additions to the Cross Country bypenalty 3 8 Ohio WesleyanCollege38-17 in "Thepotential is thei:e," said team. Both"seemserious about the season's opening meet, Lehman. cross country this year," said 106 96 RushingAttempts NetYardsRushing 331 171 Otterbein head Cross Country "But, everyone must decide Lehman and, "show good pergame 165.5 85.5 coach Dave Lehman is no less whether they really want to potential." run." optimistic about the remainder Although Mount Union perattempt 3.1 1.7 AttemptsPassing 32 43 Lehmanexpectsthereturning oftheschedule. College enters the 1977 Cross nucleus of Byrnes, Miller and 'Tm disappointed," Lehman Country season as the odds-on CompletionsPassing 13 21 percentage 41% senior Royce Underwood said,"butnotdiscouraged." favorite to repeat their OAC (Antwerp), to provide solid "Apparently," Lehman said championshipfortheumpteenth NetYardsPassing 129 322 pergame 64.5 161 experience to this year's team. of the drubbingatthe hands of time," Lehman won't short perpass 9.8 15.3 That trio finished12th,14th owu, Wejustwerenotreadyto change theOtters' chancesofan PassesIntercepted 0 3 and16th in the OAClastseason run and didn't really give it a upset. YardsReturnedAgainst 0 4 and will join Ankrom, who goodeffort." "It's hard to tell until we Rick Miller (sophomore, missed last season because he know what the other schools TotalOffensivePlays 138 139 TotalYardage studying in Washington, have. We have a goodreturning 493 Gahanna) turned in the best was performance for the Otters D.C. Brad Ranney (junior, nucleus and some respectable Punts 16 7 finishing fourth with Jeff Gahanna) a former OAC 880 newfaces.We'lljusthavetowait pergame 8 7 PuntingYardage 524 244 Ankrom (senior, Lancaster) champ and Jim VanCleave andsee." finishing seventh, Pat Byrnes (junior, Gahanna) who finished average 32.7 34.9 Missing from last season's (senior, New Albany) finishing second in the 880 in the OAC squad is deaf Olympian Tom PuntReturns 2 3 eighth and freshman Bob Gold last season are welcome Bachtel. Yards 12 9 YardsPerReturn 6.0 KickoffReturns 2 3 Yards Manna 60 happiness depends onhis or her knowledgeoftheliving Wordof BillHillier 19 9 1 87 0 RECEMNG NO YDS AVG TD LG REC/GAME God. The Bible contains over MarkBailey 4 32 8.0 0 11 2 7,000promisesanddoctrinesfor BobBardelang 4 29 0 14 2 Harriers are practicing for the remainder of the season Classified Ads Term papers typed Call Shawn at 846-2420 after 4:30 MikeEchols 25 69 3 eternity past God desired to ,.. BillHillier 17 -5 0 "' ��i� MarkBailey 1 1 � � � share His happiness with '"i' 1 t mankind in both time and 0 1.0 +n ,,,_ 1 i ,.,, l) ,,, ; ,,� ,. LI"''"'�:; ,,..., j_& I J!' � ,,I' ,-,. � � fJ, 1 ' l ' I f"'� ,� RandyBressler 17 89 0 ..,,, .,if,,,, ��,,,,r,,,,�,7,,r,,r,,,� �., • ,,,,.. £" � , • 7,111,,,,,,nllN eternity. But God is unable to share His happiness with man 14 NORTH STATE STREET MarlonMathews 2 3 0 / YARNS, NEEDLE ART SUPPLIES BrianSpangler 1 1 0 1.0 whenmanisseparatedfromGod WESTERVILLE, OHIO 43081 Mon. thru Sat. 10:00 . 5:30 614-882-9604 Fri. eve. 'til 8:00 by sin. In grace, God found a PUNTING �o YDS AVG
Blistered but coach
YardsPerReturn 18.5 20.0 Fumbles 2 12 BallLost 6 INDIVIDUAL SCORING TD K R/P FG TOT BobBoltz 2 12 MikeEchols 3 18 MaurizioSchindler 3 2 9 WayneCummerlander 1 6 BillHillier 0 0 1 0 2 MikeKoob 0 1 1 PASSING ATT COMP INT PCT TD YDS
BobBoltz 3 46 10.3 2 31 1.5 MikeEchols 2 22 11.0 0 19 1 RESULTS SCORES BY QUARTERS OTT 14 KENYON 7 OTT 3 18 14 13-48 OTT 34 ADRIAN 14 OPP 7 0 6 8-21 RUSHING ATT NET TD AVG WayneCummerlander 170 1
32:10,11)...: Ole Barn Flowers 34 West Main Street 411. Westerville, Ohio 43081 Complete Floral Service 614/ 882-0606 Hours 9:oo - 5:30 Closed Sunday RickLainhart INTERCEPTIONS DonSnider GregCobb BobSpahr PUNT RETURNS BobSpahr TomChillinsky KICKOFF RETURNS BobSpah_r WayneCummerlander 16 NO 1 1 1 NO 1 NO 1 1 ... .,. ..-:, ... ., 524 YDS 4 0 9 YDS 0 12 YDS 24 13 32.7 TD 0 0 0 TD 0 0 TD 0 0 AVG 4.0 0.0 9.0 AVG 0.0 12.0 AVG 24.0 13.0 5.2
in heart (Psalm

"Camino Real" will be presented tonight

A production of Tennessee Williams' cosmic fantasy,_ Camino Real, will be presented tonight at 8:15 p.m. in Cowan HallbyTheActingCompany.

In Camino Real, one of America's most important playwrights creates animaginary world between the desert and the sea, a walled community where beggars, brutish police, minstrels, and tourists co-exist with sinister street cleaners who hover about, always ready to dispose of thegarbageofhuman bodies.

Among the characters included in Camino Real are Casanova, Lord Byron, Marguerite GautierandKilroy,a mythic all-American who is forced to become the national Patsy and is seduced by the "innocent" daughter of a


Overtheyears,audiencesand critics have begun to consider this one ofWilliams' best plays.

In 1970, NewYork Times. critic Clive Barnes called it "a lovely play, a play of genuinely poetic vision."

Camino Real will be directed by Gerald Freedman, the director of the original production of Hair, whose Broadway production of The Robber Bridegroom last season receivedravereviews.

The production will feature James Harper in the role of Kilroy and Mary Lou Rosato, who won a Drama Desk Award for her performance in The Acting Company'sproductionof The School for Scandal, will playtheGypsy.DavidSchramm,

founding member ofTheActing Company, willplayGutman,the sardonic hotelkeeper who announces the "blocks" in the Camino Real.

Douglas W. Schmidt, one of theater's most active designers, whose many credits include Grease, Over Here, and Threepenny Opera, will design the sets. Jeanne Button, whois associate professor of costume design at Yale University, will design the costumes and the lighting design will beby David F. Segal, whose Broadway credits include Twigs and Irene.

Tickets for Camino Real are still available at the Cowan Hall box office. Prices are $3.00for themain floorand$2.50forthe balcony. There will be thefinal performance by The Acting Company.

Program enhances opportunities

Auniqueprogramwasstarted at Otterbein College in 1975to further enhance the student's educational experiences. This program is called Cooperative Education- and is headed by Frank Mitchell. Mr. Mitchell startedatOtterbeinin1976,one yearaftertheprogrambegan.

"This program started in 1975·before I came. It is oneof manyprogramswithwhichthere are long term plans. We hope it will enrich the student's education because it can tie in with outside experience. In Co-op you get paid and further experience in a professional


Mr. Mitchell also added, "Much work and initiative on the part ofthestudent makethe program what it is. It grew out of the internship which was started seven years ago. The difference is that in Co-op you get paid a salary for your work in threesummermonthsandone school term, plus you receive two units of credit for the program."

the company theyworkedforin Co-op.

Many large companies aswell as small are involved in this program. Studentshavetheright to choose a company and the company has the right to approve orrejectanapplicantas inaregularfull-timejob.

If a student would be interested in Co-op he or she would see Mr. Mitchell in the Co-op office in the Administration Building.

Cooperative Education seems to be·paying off. Ona national scale the majorityofpeoplethat participate in Co-op find better jobs because of the practical experience behind them. Sometimes studentsarehiredby Frank Mitchell, Director of Cooperative Education

Continued from page 4 finished distributing a courtesy letter of ''yellow pages" informationtothefreshmen.

Panhellenic Council meets every first and third Tuesday nights.

meets every first and third Sundaynights.Pleasefeelfreeto cometothemeetings.

Remember to get involved with Greek Spirit Day, as it offers some true spirit and fun. Also remember the All Campus Zeta/Owls blast - it rounds out theweekend!!

Homecoming candidateswere selected from each sorority: EKT Tracy Buytendyke; Onyx - Lucinda Sigrest; Sigma Alpha Tau -CindySkunza;Tau Delta - Deb Geesey;TEM-Jill Pfancuff;andThetaNu-Nancy Ballog.Congratulationstoall!

September 30, 1977 Page8 TanandCardinal
Westerville's Only Natural Food Store featuring MOUNTAIN HIGH ICE CREAM contains no artifical colorings, flavorings or preservatives also available at the Genie's Pantry Yogurt• Fruit Juices• Honey• Raw Sugar Vitamins and Supplements• Nuts• Seeds Dried Fruit• Herbal Teas & Colas Natural Beauty Aids• PlusHealthful Munchies Natural Candies OPEN 10 AM- 7 PM MONDAY- SATURDAY CLOSED SUNDAY TELEPHONE (614) 890-4496 The Genie's Pantry 0 Zeta Phi Fraternity Administration Bldg. 0 Campus Center
Tom Donaldson is crowned King of the Cockolds in The Acting Company's production of "Camino Real"

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