and Cardinal The Tan
Jill Phancuff is named Homecoming Queen
the Jill Pfancuff has been voted Joe Corbett, a Barberton,Ohio.
1977 Otterbein Dayton who is a member of junior from Pi Along with the Queen and KappaPhi. the Maid-of-Honor will be five senior from Jackson, Ohio. She Homecoming Queen. Jill is a The Maid-of-Honor for attendants. In alphabeticalorder is a member of Tau Epsilon Mu Homecoming is Tracey they are: Nancy Ballog (Theta sorority and is majoring in Buytendyke. Tracey is a senior Nu), Deb Geesey (Tau Delta), Elementary Education. Jill is from Wooster, Ohio. She is JudyMcl..aughlli}(Independent), presently student teaching at majoring in Sociology and will Lucinda Sigrist (Kappa Phi HuberRidgeElementary School. be escorted by Dave Pyles, a Omega) and Cindi Skunza. Her escort for Homecoming is senior Art major from (SigmaAlphaTau).
Applications sought
The Publications Board is now accepting letters of Ms.JillPfancuff, 1977 OtterbeinHomecomingQueen. application for the position of Business Manager and Managing Editor for the T&C. These are
paying positions and are open for the winter and spring terms.
Anyone interested in
applying should include past experience and other
background information.
Lynn Redgrave will
star in Otterbein
Artist Series
1 Applications may be given to be Actress Lynn Redgrave will appearing in the second co-host on the nationally Doug Maccallum or left inthe syndicated talk show, "Not for will T&C mailbox. All applications Otterbein Artist Series on WomenOnly." be reviewed by the November 1 at 8:15 in Cowan At Otterbein she will Ms.TraceyBuytendyke, 1977HomecomingMaid-of-Honor. PublicationsBoard. combine several roles from her Hall. Ms. Redgrave is the youngest favorite performances and member of England's famous reminisce about her famous
Development of Nursing
Program nearing completion
Managing Editor of the T&C
theatrical family. Noted for family.
severalfilmroles,shehadtogain Students may purchase
18pounds beforeherpartinthe tickets for the Artist Series by award-winning movie "Georgy presenting their I.D. at the
and upon successful_ Girl."
Cowan Hall BoxOfficefrom1-4
completion of those additional for the past two years and teacher at O.S.U. before that, a Her first appearance was as p.m. onweekdays.e and For several years Otterbein was recently hired as chairman the barmaid in "Tom Jones." R.A. C. to present Grant Hospital have two Bachelor of Science in Nursing years, graduate with a ofthenursingdepartment.Hired Some of her other film credits cooperatedinprovidingstudents to assist Chapman was Mary include,"GirlWithGreenEyes," "Baptism" a nursing education. The degree. The program will begin in Anne Bradford, also a former ''The Deadly Affair," students have always received a Septemberof 197 8. faculty member at Ohio State. "Everything You Always The Religious Activities diploma from the Grant School In order to offer these two So farthisyearChapmanand Wanted To Know About Sex," Councilwillpresentanotherfilm ofNursingthat enabled themto new degrees the college senate Bradford have worked on "The BigBus,"and"TheHappy intheirweeklyseriesonSunday. write the licensing examination and the BoardofTrustees,along developingthenursingprogram's Hooker."
The touching story of an to become a Registered Nurse. withthe Ohio Board ofRegents curriculum.
Ms. Redgrave was alsonamed Jrphan, named Alfredo.Scarrede
Now, however, plans are had to okay the proposals. The "This isaplanningyear," said as a founding member of, he wanders from placee underway that will eventually State of Ohio Board ofNursing Chapman. "We have yetto have England's National Theatre by to place until he discovers ane establisha2+2nursingprogram Education and Nursing thecurriculumapproved." none other than Sir Lawrence orphanage full of happy ande at Otterbein. Grant and Registration:- affirmed the The program's curriculum Olivier. She is known for her well-cared for children. He askse Otterbein are cooperating in development of the degrees last willhavetomeettheapprovalof broadrangeinthetheatre. the priest in charge if he can be.e developingtheprogram. the Otterbein Curriculum In Jules Feiffer's "Knock, accepted into this home.
The 2 + 2 programenables a year. Since that time two people Committee, the college senate, Knock" she played a comical Accepted or R�jected'? The student to receive an Associate have been hired toestablishthe and the State Board ofNursing. role. On other occasions she has answer <;omes from the childtene of Science in Nursing degree, nursingprogram'scurriculum. The Board's meeting will take played gripping dramatic roles. themselves.Whatdoesitfeellikee which allows him to take the Dr. Barbara Chapman, who placeinthespringof 1978. The deaf and dumb daughter in to be rejected'? Where does lovee licensing examination. He can for was the curriculum consultant the nursing program at Along with the curriculum "Mother Courage" is just one encounter hate? These are only then, if he wishes, attend two development, Chapman and example. two of the many .questions more years of schooling at Columbus Technical Institute Conllnued • pap I Presently Ms. Redgrave is the raised in thisstunngfilm.
Volume 59 Number 1 OtterbeinCollege,Westerville,Ohio October 21, 1977
Aletheial Letters to the editor
o longer is truth to be questione
Rainbows, teaching, Baskins-Robbins
are all part of Mccurdy
Have you ever seen a double rainbow? Have you ever fallen down at the Grand Canyon? Have you ever walked to breakfast in the dark (at 6:30 a.m.) and been cheered on the way back by a breathtaking sunrise? Have you ever been so exhaustedat 10:00,youactually wanted to gotosleep?Haveyou / ever worn shorts through October? Have you ever coped with a class full of bi-1,ingual students?Haveyoueverseenthe Colorado mountains from a
Have youever had HOT chilie 1,._______________________..,.pork chops? Have youeverbeene
keeps her eye on a lively group of third graders. The fourth grade and music classes are learning in harmony with Lee Ann Swaney, while the fifth gradersareallfallinginlovewith Amy�unser.
Through the week, many hours are spent preparing lessons, grading papers, and actual teaching in our classrooms. For our nightly entertainment, we make frequent visits to Pizza Hut, Baskin-Robbins, and the Laundromat.
Manna research materials. felt the thrill of seeing a child
The old sin nature
from ancientIndian ruinstothe traditional fiestas to playing in the dunes at White Sands to supporting several of the Mexican merchants. On our extra weekends we mark the yardage at the football games, while at the same time cheering theMcCurdy Bobcatson.
Even though we are kept busy at McCurdy, we're really looking forward to Winter term atOtterbein!
Hastalavista, KathyAshbaugh LeslieBennett
We devote four days a week LeeAnnHanaford to the classroom and spend the AmyRunser weekends traveling to gather LeeArinSwaney called a gringo? Have you ever
We have been every place P.S.Havea"beuno" homecoming! finally grasp the concept of
multiplication, reading, and music? Have you ever had to Make up
your mind!
nature; and it is set on fire of have four Mexican kids to carry hell (James 3:5,6e)." One match, As you may remember last your purchases across the DearEditor: You allude to Cap's paper oneash,andyoucanbumdown week we studied some of the border? Have you ever tried to Makeupyourmind! having had 17 letters! Well, aforest.That'sthetongue. facets of man's essence, ending pronounce names like Lopez, The October 14 editorials - shades ofMr.Guiness! Butdon't 3.eOvert sins. Overt sins as with the old sin nature. This Pompee, and Guetierezz? We first part on unity at feel that your paper (our papere wellassinsofthetongueinvolve week we will continue to study have! Homecoming time; second on has to bejudgedbythequantity other people. Overt sins are the old sin nature. and its
"We" are the five Otterbein the lack of "gripe"· ofgripelettersprinted. murder, adultery, drunkenness, production.The old sin nature girls spending this term at letters-to-the-editor - seem to Per chance if you should stealing andsoon.Thesearesins beself-destructive. has an area of weakness from McCurdy schools in Espanola, receive 16 other letters besides that the Bible calls sins. which all sins ori�ate.There New Mexico.In first grade, Lee On the one hand, you praise mine, don't print them! Just However, there arealotofovert the "sense of unity"atthistime arethreecategoriesofsins. Ann �ford answers to the choose one and print it loud 'n' acts which the Bible does not name of "Teacher!" Second of the year, and, on the other, 1.eMentalattitudesins.Whate clear call sins, so we will stick with are they? Pride, jealousy, graders are beingentertained by you berate the fact that "not a what the Bible says. Some JamesCarr single letter to the editor" had bitterness, hatred, envy,,guilt Leslie Bennett.Kathy Ashbaugh people have taboos from their beenreceivedin2weeks. Foreign LanguageDept. feelings,fear,worry,selfpityare religious backgrounds, but just all examples ofmental attutude because you think something sins. This is really the worst someone does is a sin, does not category of sins and are alsothe meanitisasin.
Give The Tan and Cardinal most devastating. Because he Wehave now seentheareaof possess an old sin nature, each weaknessintheoldsinnature.It Bloocl. member of the human racewill also has an area of strength, sooner orlaterhaveoneormore which we will study next week. of these.You may be a heavy mental attitude sinner. Don't feel alone.There is not aperson
in thehuman race,except Jesus Christ, who has not committed oneormorementalattitudesins
From the ghoti pond
What if:
Published WJlt'kly by the students of Otterbein College. The
opinions ex.pressed in the Tan and Cardinal are those of the s�f periodically.ThepointIwantto and do not necessarily reflect those of the school or its makeis thatwhatyouthinkcan administration. beasin!
2.eSins of the Tongue.Thise -TheLochNessMonsterwasspottedinOtterbeinPonde category includes maligning, -CelesteMillertransferredtotheUniversityofMars·e judging, bullying, goss1pmg, _Rocky&Bulwinklewerescheduledaspartofnextyear'sArt4ste DougMaccallum ..................
criticizing, lying1 etc. Notice Series
how the tongue is described in -Rachel Steeleworedog-tagse
the bookofJames:"Evensothe -Zeta'slionswereBen andWillardstatues·e
Manier .....................
DennyMohler Photography Editor tongue is a little member, and -PaulReddittsoldhisHardyBoycollectione
NancyBallog ....................... Feature Editor boasteth great thin�. Behold, -MarkKlinequitschooltobeacross-countryskiere
ScottBrockett ..................•.... Sports Editor how great a matter a little fire -OtterbeinCollegebecameWhiteyFord'sChurchCampe
ChrisKapostasy •••........... Entertainment Editor kindleth! And the tongue is a -Gordie McDonald's nose grew an inch every time he missede
DebbieThorn Copy Editor fire,aworldofiniquity;soisthe class
DonHines ............................... Advisor tongue among our members,
TimO'Flynn ........................ Poetry Editor that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on firethecourseof
2 TanandCadinal October 21, 1977
MickeyBurns ....................
Nessen: "press is short-sighted,
manipulative, under-informed"
BY CHRIS KAPOSTASY -EntertainmentEditor
After 20years as areporter, Ron Nessen went to the "other side" when he became former President Ford's press secretary.
Last Friday night a capacity crowd packed Grey Chapel on the campus of Ohio Wesleyan UniversitytohearNessen'sviews on "Turning the Table:What I ThinkofthePress".
In short, Nessen seems to think that the press is short-sighted, manipulative and
Alcoholism in Women discussed
The symptoms andtreatment of alcoholism are different for women than they are for men.
Susie Schnurr, Coordinator of Patient Care Servicesfor Talbot Hall of St. Anthony's hospital, willspeak ofthesedifferencesat theYWCAPublicAffairsInform on Wednesday, October 26 at the First Presbyterian Church, 41 W. College Ave., Westerville.
A reflection of the double standardis.evidentinalcoholism too, in that 9 out of 10women stay with an alcoholic husband, while9 outof10husbandsdrop an alcoholic wife.
Approximately one out of five alcoholic patients are women, but there are probably many morenotgettingtreatment.
Ms. Schnurr has trained in special programs at the Johnson Institute in Minneapolis and at Rutgers University. She has headed thenursesintheunitat
under-informed. And if that's not enough,they aremostofall misrepresenting and simplifying newsbeyondrecognition.
These points mighthavebeen well-taken all his examples hadn't been related to how the press was short-sighted, ill-informed mostly unfair, (and the rest ofthe above adjectives) to PresidentFord.Hedeniedthe accusation by a member of the audience during the question-answer period followingthe lecture, butitwas realy too obvious to deny: Nessen wasblamingthepressfor Ford'slossinthecampaign.
Those are poor speaking habits coming from someone who's pushing honesty and unbiasedness, especially when he's presenting the information as hewouldanewscast-"that's thewayitis..."
But in spite of his apologist attitude and a somewhat disconcerting disorganization, Nessen was able to give some vague insight intothe emotions, political strategies,and planning that goes into a presidential campaign.
Nessen conceded that while Ford was misrepresented as the bumbler he really is not, so was Jimmy Carter misrepresented. Carter, he said,is anintellectual who loves the arts, ran a multi-million dollar business, andisanuclearengineer.
The press managed to paint the picture of a down-to-earth, struggling peanut farmer, who just wants to bring government back to the people. I suppose that the unfairness comes in because the American people chose one misrepresentation over the other - or so Nessen wouldhaveusbelieve.
Though hisspeechlackedany notable points, two years as press secretary helped Nessen shine during the question and answer period when hemanaged to quit talking about the campaign and focusmoreonthe press andtheFordWhite House. There's little doubt that Ron Nessenis anexperienced(infact award-winning) journalist. Let's hope he retires from speaking and returnstothepresssoon,so he can remedy all the ills he so plainlypointsout.
Prizes available in history and Poli Sci
At Commencement the Scholarship is presented for•the Department of History and best paper in international PoliticalScienceoffersprizesfor affairs. Last year the prize the best essays in several areas. money was divided between Students are invited to find out Marian Hobgood and Kirk the details from Dr. Harold McVay.
Hancock, departmental In addition, the department chairman, or fromMrs. Cynthia awardstheClassof1904Prizein Godbey, instructor in political government for the best student science. in politicalscience.Lastyearthe
St. Anthony's for more than 3 The Lynn W.Turner Prize in prizewaswonbyKevinStumph. years and prior to that worked history, named in honor of a The department also calls for one year at Maryhaven, a former president and the attention of students to its halfway house for female well-known historian,isawarded interShiJ?, program, begun in alcoholicsinColumbus. for the best paper in American 1972, with municipal, state and
The Inform presentation will history. federal agencies as well as with consist of an informative, even The Pierre Frederick and organizations like the Ohio funny, film and a question and Louise Marquerite Rosselot HistoricalSociety. answer period. The Informs begin at 11:30a.m. with a pot luck or brown bag lunch and
continuestil1:00p.m.Childcare is available by reservation. For moreinformationcall882-6846.
SUPPORT the T & C_lf you visit a place of business that advertises in this newspaper, tell them you
Brownies Market
US.Choice Beef saw th eir ad in the Tan & FreshVeg9tobles & Fruit Daily
October21 -Friday 4:30p.m. -Alumni CouncilMeeting
6:30p.m. -CampusCrusadeforChrist(T-1) 6:30p.m.-8:00p.m. -ParentsCommitteeDinner
October22-Saturday 9:00a.m. 11:00a.m. 11:00a.m.-1:00p.m.
11:00a.m.-1:00p.m. 11:30a.m. 11:30a.m. 1:30p.m. 4:00p.m. 4:00p.m.
8:15 p.m: 10:30p.m.
October 23-Sunday 6:30p.m.-9:00p.m. 7:30p.m.
October 24-Monday 4:00p.m. 7:00p.m. 7:00p.m.
October2S-Tuesday 3:00p.m. 5:00p.m.(anytime) 5:00p.m. 7:00p.m. 8:00p.m.
October26-Wednesday 4:00p.m. 6:00p.m. 6:15p.m. 6:15p.m. 6:30p.m. 7:00p.m. 7:30p.m.
October 27-Thursday 4:00p.m. 5:00p.m.-6:30p.m. 7:00p.m.-8:30p.m. 7:30p.m.
October28-Friday 9:00a.m. 1:30p.m. 6:30p.m.
-Cross Country:Witt/Wooster/ Ken/MuskatWooster
-Sigma AlphaTauLuncheon
- Football:Denison-H
-EpsilonKappaTauHomecoming Tea
-Otterbein CollegeTheatre
- HomecomingDance
-R.A.C. Short Film & Discussion
-Agape/CampusChristianAssoc. (T-15)
-TauEpsilonMuHalloweenParty forFacultyChildren
-MeetingforSophomoreBusiness MajorsforContinuingEducation
-Women'sVolleyball:Urbana-H -Senior CareerWorkshop
-Circle K (Conf.Room2, CampusCenter)
-CampusServices & Regulations Committee
-Women's Volleyball:Capital-H -Soul(SoulShack,ClementsHall basement)
-FellowshipofChristianAthletes (RikeCenterLounge)
-CampusAffairsCommittee -HalloweenDinnerPartyatCampus Center -FreshmanTalentShow -PersonnelCommittee
-OAISWField HockeyToumarnent -Women's -BoardofTrusteesExecutive& Budget ControlCommittee
-CampusCrusadeforChrist(T-1) 7:30p.m.&10:00p.m. -CPBMovie:"BadNewsBears" 8:15p.m. -DaytonCivicBallet 8:30p.m. -EtaPhiMuCo-Ed
October 21, 1977 TanandCudiml In
14 NORTH STATE STREET WESTERVIUE, OHIO 43081 Mon. thru Sat. 10:00 - 5:30 614-882•9604 Fri eve 'tit 8:00 · 1
60th anniversary on Homecoming Epsilon Kappa Tau celebrates with alumnae
By Beckey Coleman
The luncheon will be held at campus,began meeting in1910. Westerville's Church of the Arbutus was organizedinlate Epsilon Kappa Tau, Arbutus Messiah. October1917 byfivegirls.They Sorority, will be celebrating its Arbutus grew out of an early met after study hours in 60th anniversary Saturday at a 1900's trend toward the Cochran Hall. The five charter homecoming sponsored by the organization of social clubs on memberswereRenaRayot,Vera sorority'salumnaechapter. Americancollegecampuses. Stair, Evelyn Darling, Bertha Tickets for the ·11 a.m. Otterbeinfollowedthistrend, HancockandLoisClark.Fourof luncheon are $5 and can be but since the college had the five were members of the purchased from Mrs. R.L(Mary forbidd�n social clubs, the literarysociety,Philophronea. Beth) Everhard, 1180 East groups met secretly. Sigma Evelyn Darling, later Mrs. CookeRd.,Columbus, Ohio. Alpha Tau, the first sorority on Ross A. Hill, recalls that the
Inform owners of weaknesses
Students advise small businesses
BY DOUGMACCALLUM Small Business Institute
Eduor of the T&C
This year Gail Miller is the
Program. advisor for the program. Other
Last yeara program began in business professors may be the business department under Otterbein participants consultantsfortheprogram. thedirection ofJim Heine. This worked on cases involving
To apply for this program, was an experimental program applications for loans from the one must be a business major that had 16 students SBA. These students would and should apply atMr.Miller's participating. Undertheauspices work with the businesses to office in Towers Faculty Suite of the Small Business determinewhether or notaloan 39-D. Administration was formed the shouldbegranted.
Circle K News
Division Rally highlights
Mr. Miller points out, "This program comes under B.A. 40
(Seminar). It is for upperclass majors that have a lot of initiative. Not over 40 students
will be encouraged to apply. A personwithworkexperiencecan
is set for cleaning up Delaware Four cases will be attempted State Park, and we will all get in winter term and five in the
The division rally this tenn together for dinner afterwards. spring. Only 18 applicants are will be held at Ohio State
Thanks go to everyone who needed, but Mr. Miller would University October 21 and 22.
The purpose of the rally is to helpedto make the Circle K car like to see 30 interested wash a success. Wereceivedhelp students. unite the clubs in the Capital from Ohio State Circle K'ers When a student is in this division which includes eight clubs,OhioUniversity(Athens), also. program they file a weekly
Next Tuesday, October 25, report. The other project is to Ohio University (Lancaster), Ohio University (Newark), Mike Young, a donor research write an 8-10 page paper with Otterbein College, Muskingum consultant from the Red Cross, recommendations for the owner AreaTechnical College(MATC), will be explaining how our club of the business. This is not an Capital University, Ohio State can sponsor the bloodmobile on academic exercise, but a University, andOhioDominican campus this fall. It is important practical one. The other College. that all members be present to requirement is attending a few Friday will includesometype understand their volunteer meetings to compare problems. of recreation and then out on responsibilities. There are no regular class High Street. Saturday, a project The bloodmobile will be meetings,"statedMr.Miller. coming November 14, and we Credit for the,program isone want this to be the largest unit.Probably themostvaluable
The Tan & Cardinal editorial volume of blood Otterbein has asset intheprogram isthework staff announced today plans to ever donated to the experience. It could be a factor .feature Otterbein student poets bloodmobile. in findingabetterjob.Anadded in the T&C newpaper.Students We meet at 8:00 in Campus experience such as this one can are encouraged to submit their Centerconferenceroom 2. lookimpressiveonaresume. poetry, typewritten to Tim O'Lynn, T&C Poetry Editor, care of the T&C office by Tuesday at noon of the week
whichthepoet wishes hisorher poemtoappearinthepaper.
Doug Maccallum, editor of
the T&C, announced that one poem would be featured each Hours: Everyday 10:00 - 6:00 Thurs. 10:00 - 9:00 week and that poems net 14 E. College Sat. 10:00 - 6:00 appe� in the week in which Closed Sunday they were submitted, would be "Quality Women'sclothingforless" considered for future weeks.
sorority's first meetingwasheld by candlelight, since all lights hadtobeoutby9:30p.m.
"At a late hour we crept down the stairs to our rooms, very happyaboutourplansfora sorority,"shesays.
After the group's establishment, Arbutus Club meetingswereheldinrooms310 and 311 of Cochran Hall. Symbols expressing the members' common tie of friendship were adopted during those early meetings. The trailingarbutusandthecolorsof pink and white were chosen, as well as the moto eros kai timi whichmeansloveandhonor.
The early members also decided theirgroup should have Greek letters like the other secret social groups, so they adopted the letters Epsilon KappaTau.
The college faculty and administration tried to disband the socialclubs,orsororitiesand fraternities, during the 1918-1919 year. Arbutus and the other groups fought for recognition.
One of the Arbutus Club's first initiates, Ida Marie Snelling (Mrs. Floyd C. Neeley), remembers an incident in this . fight. She and another member, Lois Clark, had beenselectedby the group to meet with Otterbein College President WalterG.Clippinger.
"I remember we saidwe had or should have an American name," she says, "but wewould never entirely abandon the Greekletters."
"It was a serious matter for us,"shemaintains.
Evelyn Darling recall� the same incident. She says
PresidentClippingerandhisstaff were suspicious about Greek letter fraternities and sororities on the campus and questioned differentmembersofthegroups.
President Clippinger asked Ida Snelling what the letters EKT stoodfor.
"Ida Marie immediately told him earnestness, kindness and truth,"Darlingsays.
"He did not question her further,"sheadds.
The "Tan and Cardinal" of October 10, 1921 informed students that a new college constitution had been adopted. The new constitution permitted students to form social clubs if the clubs obtained faculty approvalandfacultymembersto serveasadvisors.
The namesofmembersofthe social clubs were first published in the "Tan and Cardinal" of January 9, 1922. Arbutus is listed as having 14 members. Mrs.Delphine Dunn, director of the school of art, is listed as facultyadviser.
Manysororitytraditionswere started during the later 1920's. Arbutus girls were known -for theblackhose andmiddiesthey hadtowearduringpledging.The big spring formal was held in April or May and a scholarship charm was awarded to the girl withthehighestpointaverage.If a girl won the charm three semesters ' in a row it became herstokeep.
During the Depression, Otterbein's enrollment dropped. Greek groups becamesmaller.In 1932 Arbutus only took in two new members. As the financial situation cleared in thenextfew years, however, Greek groups grew tremendously, replacing theoldliterarysocieties.
Crafts and Gifts
24 North State Street W.urville, Ohio 43081
(614) 891-0938
OPEN MON_: FRI 9:30 a.m. -10 p.m.
SAT 9:30 a.m. -6 p.m.
SUN 12- 5 p.m.
I Tm and Cardinal October 21, 1977
Ring around Otterbein Program
Rodeway Inn provides excellent brunches
By Jim Wagner watermelon.
ravioli was available. It tasted Homecoming weekend is At different visits to the like Chef-Boy-R-Dee ravioli. The upon us. The theatre department Rodeway, my guests and I have multitude of accompanying has been presenting "The Streets enjoyed delicious blueberry salads are quite unique in the of New York" since Wednesday. muffins which tasted as if they absence of the old-aged stand-by Tomorrow, of course, is the were homemade. Unfortunately, tossed greens. "big'' day with the parade at they are not available every Potato, carrot and Waldorf 10:00 a.m., game at 1:30 and weekend and the substitute is are some of the very good salads the dance in the night. To cap not comparable. to choose from. Applesauce off the weekend for you (and The dinner oriented dishes lovers will enjoy the chunky, your guests which may be are not of the same high quality fresh tasting version offered. spending the night), allow me to as the breakfast dishes. On my Desserts are thawed versions su gge st the Sun day past two visits a very bland of eclairs, creme puffs and brunch-buffet at the nearby Rodeway Inn.
pastries. Although fresh desserts are more appetizing, these are good.
Even if you can't make ite this weekend, the Rodeway Sunday brunch is a good break any weekend.
The Rodeway is located at Busch Bivd. and Rt. 161 near the entrance to the French Market. Brunch is served every Sunday from 10:00 �.m. - 2:00 p.m.e
Pop-rock is Opus tradition
For one low price of $3.95, Opus Zero, Otterbe in's choreography. They performed feast on entrees rangip.g from contemporary pop-rock group, during May Day festivities and scrambled eggs for those wanting was originated in 1968. The other campus events. Later they breakfast, to roast beef for the group developed with the intent developed the idea of having a dinner eaters. Regular breakfast of doing madrigals of the ·e"pop" section during the choir dishes are complemented by Elizabethan period. concerts. juices, fresh muffins or biscuits
This group (eight members) Sho rtly after the and fresh strawberries, dressed in costume and danced establishment of the pop honeydew, cantelope and to Dean Va n Sant's section, the people involvede decided to form a group ande called it Opus Zero. Thus a spote
ATTENTION SENIORS - The Placement Office has received a on the 1970 calendar wase limited supply of College Placement Manuals free to 1978 provided.e graduating seniors. This manual contains nation-wide list of Opus Zero means "no work"e employers listed alphabetically, by occupation, and which is ironic considering thee geographically. There are also many articles concerning the job amount of hours the memberse search. Stop by the Placement Office and pick up your copy. put into rehearsal.e
The 1977-78 group ise
ATTENTION SENIORS - The_ second of four career-realted presently comprised of 12e programs of special interest to seniors will be held on Tuesday, vocalists, three alternates, ande October 25, 1977, in the Campus Center Conference Room 1 at three musicians. The group . ise 7:00 p.m. The sessions last approximately one hour and the run jointly by the Music ande subject for this week is "Getting Your Foot In The Door". It will Theatre Departments withe be to your advantage to attend these sessions. Dennis Dratzer as musicale director and Chuck Dodrill ase
The Placement Office has received information on GRE theatre consultant. The newe (Graduate Record Examinations), GMAT (Graduate Management choreographer is Eve Annee Admission Test), and GAPSFAS (Graduate and Professional Wilkes. She is a vocal teacher ine School Financial Aid Service). These bulletins are available in the the music department ate Placement Office. Otterbein.e
Through the combined
TERM: directors, Opus Zero is looking forward to one of the best
Opus Zero performed at High
November 4 - Georgia Institute of Technology, School of School Day and have concerts Management, 1 :00 - 2:00 p.m. scheduled for the remainder of
November 8 - Wendy's International, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00, the term in high schools and the interested in interviewing business administration majors and Dell Restaurant in Columbus. other agressive individuals who have an interest in a Plans for the rest of the year management career in the food industry. include the annual campus
November 9 - Bob Evans Restaurants, 9:00 a.m. -12:00 Noon, concert, performances at the interested in any major, should have strong interest in Carousel Im and a short tour management training opportunities in the food industry. during -spring terms.
November 14 - Bowling Green University, Graduate School of Business, 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. interested in any major wanting to pursue Master's in Business Administration. Accounting, or Statistics.
Sign-up sheets are available in the Placement Office. Appointments are necessary. :,e
carer information meeting in conjunction with the Businels and Math Departments on Tuesday, October 25 between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. in the Faculty Lounge of the Campus Center.
The purpose of this meeting is to provide information, academic counseling and po ssible applications for busines.welated co-op education jobs.
Zero is practicing for their po�rock concert
Phoned the college switchboard at dinnertime on Tuesday evening, ended up with the service departJnCnt each of three times.
Phoned the college switchboard Wednesday evening, let it ring 100 times at 12:01 a.m. Ended up with no one.
I (I) :t:: -· N C" -October JI, l 977 Pap5 T• aad Cardinal
1be Cooperative Education
Department is presenting a
JY� 30 EAST COLLEGE • GIFTS 'N" THI ESTER�I LLE, OHI043081 • •• PHONE 882-0 3 S1 jackets • belts • hats • sport coats • sweaters • • Harvest Sale • �AS· .s:: u, • u u, 0 C C «s en CD CD• • ··ARE C" en • 15 E. College ::::, u, • 20% Off Entire Stock Long dresses • dresses• pants• slacks• tops •
Mistakes cost Otters the big game; offense sputters throughout
Baldwin-Wallace to a 20-0 Brown took an inside reverse22 halftimeadvantage. yardsforascore,makingit27-0.
You cannot make mistakes Niether team was able to TheYellow-Jacketsseemingly against a team the caliber of score in the third quarterasrain thinking of national ranking ran Baldwin-Wallace and expect to made the offenses somewhat the score up to 33-0 against the win. Otterbein found out just ineffective. Otterbeinengineered Otters before Otterbein ruined how true that is,as B-W turned one drive, but fell inches short the 'Jacket's shutout with a three Otter miscues into 20 of a first down at the B-W drive that ended with tight-end first-half points last Saturday 21-yardline. Bob Bardelang taking a Hillier night in Berea and went on to Baldwin-Wallaceputthegame passinfromthe8-yardline. win33-7. out of reach early in the fourth The 33-7 loss put Otterbein's
The first quarter saw each uarter as win -back Mark recordat4-1-0. team fail to move the ball on their respective first possessions
and exchanged punts.
student at the Victories over Owens
forward to
99 70 17 98 50 34 3.4 55 57 Pap6 Tan and Cudiml October 21, 1977 Stinge rs still a jinx
On TEAMSTATISTICS OTT OPP Otterbein's second possession, PointsScored 88 they managed one first down, FirstDowns 76 then werefacedtopunt.Butthe 43 43 byrushing snap from center sailed over Picturedisaction fromlast week's gameagainstBaldwin-Wallace punter Rick Lainhart's headand bypassing 28 bypenalty 5 10 gave Baldwin-Wallace a first ball on the Otterbein 12. From RushingAttempts 265 233 down on the Otterbein there fullback Roger Andrachik Art is exhibited NetYardsRushing 668 608 seven-yardline. scored on a smashing run to pergame 133.6 121.6 It took the Yellow-Jackets make themarginstretchto14-0. in Columbus 2.5 2.6 perattempt two tries to find paydirt as Again the defenses hugged AttemptsPassing 100 halfbackPaulErnsttookaquick the limelight. With 35 seconds CompletionsPassing 49 Sophia Kerr, of Columbus, pitch around left end to give remaining in the first half percentage 49 51 NetYardsPassing 518 691 Ohio will exhibit her weaving, B-Wa7-0lead. Baldwin-Wallace punted to enamel,and jewelry in the Main Action continued to be Otterbein. However, in 103.6 138.2 Gallery and Main Gallery controlled by the defenses, but a.ttempting to slow B-W pergame 10.5 13.8 4 7 Showcase located in the Ohio perpass B-W gotcloseenoughtoattempt coverage, Otterbeintouched the PassesIntercepted a 52-yard field goal which went ball, and B-W recovered at the Union(second floor)throughout 24 YardsReturnedAgainst November. Her exhibit is out of bounds at the Cardinal Otternine. TotalOffensivePlays 365 331 TotalYarda�e 1191 1299. PASSING ATT COMP INT PCT TD YDS entitled, "Weaving Etcetra by 12-yard line,settingthestagefor Yellow-Jacket quarterback Sophia Kerr" and will run from mistakenumbertwo. Joe Surniakagainwent to Ernst November 1 to November 31. Otterbein fumbled on the and found him for a nine-yard BillHillier 99 49 3 49 6 518 TheGalleryisopentothepublic first play, giving theJackets
down pass, staking BobBoltz 1 1 0 0 0 and no admission will be 0 charged. The Ohio Union, Woman's Vollevball team RECEMNG NO YDS AVG TO LG REC/GAME located at 1739 N. High St., MarkBailey 9 101 11.2 0 11 1.8 Columbus, Ohio 43210 is open surging through season BobBardelang 13 132 10.1 1 22 2.6 dailyfrom8a.m.to11p.m. BobBoltz 14 170 12.1 4 31 2.8 The1977 OtterbeinWomen's theplayers. MikeEchols 9 86 9.5 0 19 1.8 Karen Taylor, of Columbus, Volleyball team is off to a 6-2 Cindy Maxhimer has been a WayneCumrnerlander 2 17 8.5 0 17 .4 Ohio will exhibit her prints - start, with one third of the very consistent server, while ChrisCapper 2 17 8.5 1 14 .4 intaglio, woodcuts, and season finished. Improved over spikers Bambi Wallace, Kathy lithographs - in the Terrace last seasons'teamwhichfinished Schuller, and Sandy Evanshave RUSIDNG ATT NET TD AVG Gallery, third floor, the Ohio with a dismal 3-11 record. A addedanexplosiveattack. Union, 1739 N. High St., warm-up tournament early in In Tuesday night's action, RUSHING AIT NET TD AVG Otterbein had little trouble WayneCummerlander 117 408 the season allowed second year 1 Columbus, Ohio 43210 from coach, Gwen Hoover to putting away Mt. Union 15-10, MikeEchols 158 2.8 November 1 to November 31. 4 experiment with her returning and15-7. BillHillier 50 1 The Gallery is open to .the playersandnewcomers. The Otters had a tougher MarkBailey 1 1 0 public, 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily time defeating the pesky RandyBressler 27 107 and no admission will be "I'm pleased with our play," 0 3.9 Dominican team, 15-12 and MarlonMathews 2 3 charged. 0 exclaimed Hoover. "We have played
very good games 15-10. BrianSpangler 1 1 0 Witten,
additional matches, the Ohio State University from Lowell, Ohio will exhibit hisoil Technical College, OSUNewark, Volley-Otterscouldeasilyaddto their six · victories and an Ole Barn Flowers& Marietta Colleg�, OhioWesleyan paintings in the Drake Gallery, University, Ohio Dominican outstanding finishattheOAISW secondfloor,DrakeUnion,1849 College, and Mt. Union College, N. Cannon Drive, Columbus, Ohio43210. Hisexhibitwillrun Small College Volleyball 34 West Main Street have shown good examples of Tournament in early November teamwork and balance between atOtterbein. Westerville, Ohio 43081 from November 1 to November CQmplete Floral Service 614/ 882-0606 31. The Gallery is open from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily and no Hours 9:0Q- 5:30 admissionischarged. Closed Sunday 0.8 1.0 1.5 1.0
the touch
an togetherasateam."
lph Lo
Otters meet the Denison
Homecoming clash
fifthvictory in the homecoming contest.
Soccer team trounces Josephinium
its Otterbein's soccerclubupped record to 2-1 with a 7-2 conquest of Josephium College Saturday.TheOttersquicklyfell behind 2-1 after the first seven minutes, but blitzed Josephium for six consecutive goals during theremainderofthecontest.
George Christodoulou scored the Cardinals' initial two goals and added two more later to
lead the attack.Twoofhisgoals came on head shots. Juan Kalb rammed home two power shots Farsi Al Ibrahim and contributedonegoal. team in goals scored with six in Christodoulou now leads·the
three games while Kalb ranks second with three goals to his credit.
Greek News
transformed into 20 Yellow Jacketpoints.
The Big Red lost to Marietta 10-7 last week in one of their better efforts.
During the first half of that game the Otters turned the ball Red fromDenisontomorrowat over threetimesinsidetheirown Otterbein will engage the Big 12. The miscues were have hopes of notching their 1:30atMemorialStadium.They encountered has
Luncheons highlight Greek
Homecoming weekend
Club's Homecomingluncheon Denison problems this season, having been unable to post a win. set for 11:30 a.m. The Feature Editor is brothers have a current S-0 to will Otterbein their 33-7 record for intramural football. from rebound attempt shellacking the hands of Baldwin-Wallace last Saturday. at
That contest terminated the Otters'four-gamewinstreakand severely hurt their chances of
• They have averaged nine points per game whilesurrendering30. .,.
Both teams stand at 0-1 in
Homecomingteas,luncheons, floats, open houses, and meetings are the big events for
After the game between Club and Sphinx, Gordie McDonald the Blue Division but Coach this week. AllwillendSaturday, Rich Seils warned that Denison and then the Greeks can rest!!! has played "some excellent Theta Nu is selling mums at football against some verygood the Campus Center duringlunch teams." and dinner hours. Be sure and get your special friend a special CLUB PLAYERS OF THE WEEK.
and Dan Starling were named
November 4th, 5th, and 6th. If capturingthe division title. Also anyone is interested in living in stopped was sophomore Wayne Cummerlander's notsufferanemotionalletdown,
Seils1shoping�heOtterswill gift with a Theta Nu mum!!! of streak the house over break, talk to a The sisters will deliver Friday 100-yardrushingefforts. asoccurredintheB-Wgame.
Zeta plans a fall Hayride -. . , nor be plagued by mishaps such night orthemumscanbepicked Zetamember. up at the house. Theta Nu's Jondaplanstheirsecondcoed
In the woods ... Alumni Luncheonisfrom11:00 on October 29th. The brothers or on the street, a.m.until1:00p.m. are alsohavingawoodcutonthe Help l<eep The sister's are planningtheir 29th, so that wood will be on America coed for November 4th -a saleagain! MockNewYear'sEveparty! Kings are continually TEM's luncheon begins at improving their house, as they 11: 30 a.m. The sisters plan a are having insolation put in for looking neat!
Halloween party for the faculty the winter. The brothers have
' St.
children Monday night. They their Alumni luncheon from had a successful time at their 10:00-1:00Saturday. Hayride coed last Friday night. Congratulations to Pi Sig Fraternity will hold Nitschke who became ContinuedonpageI a new
EKT willhavea Homecoming
Tea from 4 -6SaturdayatThe Church of the Master sponsored by their alumnae. The sisters receivedanewfurnaceandhada lun time at the Half-Gone Party Monday night! Sharon Williams
Otterbein Campus their alumni reception at 9:00 a.m.
Sunday thru Thursday
was named ARBUT OF THE WEEK,congratulations!
Onyx is having their Homecomingluncheon at11:00 at theChurchoftheMaster.The sisters are currently selling stationery! They also have obtained new curtains for the house.
Sphinx plans their Courtright dedication Saturday at 11:1S. Their alumni dinner follows at 11:30. The brothers will be having a party for the O.S.U./Michigan game on November 19th. Any one interested in gettingyourgroup ·or groupsshirts,shouldseeDave Zeuch!!!
. ·i . .-•; --- --~~.:. - .-, ·. ~ -. : �' ; ' . ; : . -----------------
• • • Hou,s Sun-Thurs 4:lOPM-UAM Fri-Sat 4:30PM-1AM where � � atgg eXtracost! '882-T110 l October 21, ,t, Tan ad Canlinall
Woodsy' spread
the ..,rc11 in
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:; .i
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Don't Lisa pollute!
PHONE 882-2392 Agency for Ruaell Stover Candies· Prescription, • PrecisionCuts • BlowDryStyles eadliner • CurlingIrons • HeatPerms HAIR DESIGN • Cosmetics 32 W College Ave • Manicures 890-1600 • CustomColoring Receive $1.00 off on $7.00 service $3.00 off on $15.00 services or products Expire October 8, 19n
At11:30a.m. on Friday October14, a five-inchpipelocated under thelibrary walk sprungaleak. Becauseoftheconstruction work needed to remedy the problem, all bathroom facilities in the library wereinoperable.Mr. Becker, thelibrarian,saidthatall the workersofthelibrarywereforcedtorevert tomoreprimitive meansoftakingcare of business - the outhouse. The waterwas turnedonagainataround2:30p.m.lastWednesday.
American Roulette set
American Roulette, a play written by Tom McKormack, willbeperformedinBarlowHall on October25,at4p.m.andon October28at7p.m.
The play, directed by Jeff Burnett, is set in an interview room of a large manufacturing firm. The year is 1969, and racial unrestisatitshighest.The streets are crowded with blacks and other minorities, demonstratingfortheirrights.
Changes of policy in hiring are being urged, demanded, enforced. And yet the games that people especially minorities - looking for a job must play, continue. The firms
Greek News
Continued frOIII page sister of Owls! The sisters have their Homecoming luncheon beginning at 11 :30 a.m. After a successful coed Friday, they are intheprocessofplanningaWine and FonduecoedforNovember 18th. As aserviceproject, Owls willbe makingpizzastoselland all money will be given to CONCORD.
Saturday there will be open houses from 4 -6 to anyone interested in seeing the sorority and fraternity houses.
Sam; playedbyGregKimbro, is the applicant while Charles, played by Troy West, and Hillary, played by Sharon Blair, aretheinterviewers.
Assisting Burnett with the directing are Kristal Wyon and JohnEbner.
"This play has everything," said Burnett.
Continued from page 1
Bradford have Iijet with clinics in order to set up aschedule of visits for next year's students. Nursing homes, hospitals, psychiatric centers and children'shospitalshave beenor willbecontacted.
Also underway is the designing of a nursing lab that will simulate a hospital setting. The facility will be located in theScienceBuilding.
During the nextfew months, Chapman will be involved in selecting library materialbooks, videotapes, audio equipment - and interviewing prospectivefacultymembers.
3 4 5
..------------------------------;,;:':--___________.Paae...,.s______________ _T;.;an;;,,;;and;;_Cardinal;;;,;,;·;;;,______________________o__c.21�21,197 1
17 23 26
Across 1.OCwasfounded --(seealso26across) 6.Knack 7.Degree 9.Michiganpros 11.NationalLeaguefoe(abbrev.) 1.2.Fountain(It.) 13.Born(Fr.) 14.Pack 17.Aids 22.Combiningformfor"blood" 23.Nottogether 24.AncientMid-Eastcountry 25.IndependentOrderof Americans(abbrev.) 26.lastpartof 1 across
crossword 2
myowngood (3words) 2.
4.Britishschool 5.Femalebusy-body (2words)
10.MatthewtoRevelation (abbrev.)
Pronoun 15.Man'sname 16.PerryC__
18.Prefixmeaning"above" 19.Animalhome 20. Combiningformmeaning "first" 21.