Otway Life Magazine

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connecting communities across the ranges spring 2016 issue 12


Featuring Bambra – Boonah • Environment • Events • Arts & Books • Around the Houses

Images: Visions of Victoria

Otway living and visiting Winchelsea Y es HW Princ

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Lavers Hill Skenes Creek Apollo Bay Hordern Vale

Cape Otway

Otway Life Magazine Spring 2016


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Spring - into a new venture and show us the love You know the drill, go to pozible.com/project/otwaylife-magazine and put your hand in your pocket if you want this new venture to succeed and our little mag to continue. We would love your ideas too: otwaylifemagazine@gmail.com or our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ otwaylifemagazine/


Editor’s Note Spring! Both a metaphorical and actual expression for new beginnings. In the Otways it means wind, rain and gum trees glistening with sunshine through the wet leaves. Golden wattle and purple hardenburgia make an appearance. If you have European plants in your garden you may also be treated with daffodils and blossom. It is a time to prepare the beds for planting, hoping to avoid the killing frost. You begin to hear the baby kookaburras learning to laugh. It is a time to watch the grass take off and for you to get mowing in fire readiness. And it is also a time for change for this little magazine. In an effort to keep the print version of Otway Life Magazine we need to change the ‘business model’. From 1 September the magazine will no longer be auspiced by Forrest Neighbourhood House Inc as a social enterprise.

The Team Editor Nettie Hulme Design Gillian Brew Admin Helen Kurzman Published September 2016 by Forrest & District Neighbourhood House 14 Grant Street Forrest Victoria 3236 P 03 5236 6591 E otwaylifemagazine@gmail.com F www.facebook.com/otwaylifemagazine B otwaylifemagazine.wordpress.com T twitter.com/otwaylifemag View Online issuu.com/otwaylife.magazine Cover: Festival of Colours image Renee Wigley Next issue (Summer) deadline 31 November 2016 Otway Life Magazine acknowledges the Aboriginal traditional owners of Victoria - including its parks and reserves. Through their cultural traditions, aboriginal people maintain their connection to their ancestral lands and waters. Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this magazine and the advertisements supplied do not necessarily represent those of Forrest & District Neighbourhood House.

Printed by: Adcell Group on 100% recycled stock

Spring 2016 It will become a sole trader small business run on modest expectations. We still have the same aims of providing a quarterly magazine with information and stories of interest to both residents and visitors to the Otways with a particular view to promoting environmentally sustainable practices. We also endeavour to promote local artisans and fledging, innovative small businesses. What needs to change is the way we collect revenue. From the Summer Issue there will be a cover price of $7 for the print version. The online version can be accessed for $5. The moderate advertising rates remain the same. We hope in this way to keep the magazine financially viable and hope you can help with this by supporting our once off crowd funding campaign to ‘reboot’ the production. More information can be found here: https://pozible.com/project/otway-life-magazine Thank you for your support and we encourage any feedback, thoughts and ideas, anytime. Kindest regards Nettie & Gillian Contributors: Stephen Brookes, Merrill O’Donnell, Neal Drinnan, Suzanne Frydman, Ami Hilleage, Nettie Hulme.


Talk to us ����������������������������������� 4 Community Profile �������������������������� 5 History Note �������������������������������6-7 Bambra Agroforestry �����������������������8-10 Health and Wellbeing ������������������������ 11 Festival of Colours ������������������������12-13 Family Land - Lisa Jarvis ��������������������14-15 Bendigo Bank ����������������������������16-17 People of the Otways - Di Schulze ������������18-19 Artist profile - Louise Brown �����������������20-22 Sustainable after Death ��������������������24-25 Otway Book Review ������������������������� 26 The Good Life ������������������������������ 27 Sustainable Table �������������������������28-31 Around the Houses ������������������������� 32 Community Calendar ����������������������� 35

4 Talk to us A selection of correspondence from our readers – feel free to drop us a line anytime about anything :) From the blog: https://otwaylifemagazine. wordpress.com/2014/03/19/theotway-aboriginal-matriarch-auntyedna-arnold/ The indigenous stories on this site are moving and reveal a heritage we need to know more about. Thank you for writing it back into history. Lara Nicholls ____________________________ WOW. It was great to read. I can’t get my head around it but somehow we are related as Richard Sharpe, Queen Kitty and John Co Co Coine are also related to me. It was great to read Michelle Smith Social media Via email: Hello Nettie, Gillian and Helen, I have just read your Winter edition of the Otway Life magazine and loved the stories. As I have been staying in Anglesea for a few months it was even more interesting! I have attached a letter that my father (Bob Bell) wrote to my mother (Daisy Swayn) in 1933 after a horse ride from Apollo Bay to the

Cape Otway lighthouse. I find it fascinating of course, but I thought there might be enough detail to interest other local people. I have looked for photos in our family collection to accompany the story but have not found any. My sister typed as written from the original letter so some of the grammar and punctuation is missing. Mum and Dad lived most of their lives in and around Colac but often holidayed down at the coast, particularly Lorne where they eventually retired. I love a print magazine over an e-magazine but understand that costs may influence your decisions. Keep up the great work ladies, Kind regards Robyn Currie (nee Bell) OL: thanks Robyn – we are delighted with your father’s letter and excerpts will be printed in our Summer Issue which will cover the Gleannaire and Hordern Vale area. You can talk to us via email at otwaylifemagazine@gmail.com and post: c/o Post Office Forrest 3236 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/otwaylifemagazine Twitter: https://twitter.com/otwaylifemag Our Blog where you can comment on individual articles: https://otwaylifemagazine.wordpress.com/

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Otway Life Magazine Spring 2016

Community Profile

IMAGE: Ragamuffin Pet Photography

If you turn left off the Princes Highway just past Winchelsea you will enter the Otway Forest at Bambra, which is almost halfway to Deans Marsh. If feels almost like passing through a portal as the view changes suddenly from farmland to bush. The messmate and ironbark trees grow close to the road and the light darkens. You are entering the territory of the infamous Otways panther after all. You can turn left onto the unsealed Bambra-Aireys Inlet Road and if you drive all the way to the coast you will be rewarded with far reaching views north where on a clear day you can see Mt Macedon. The Boonah Hills are still thickly forested and teeming with wildlife. Tiger snakes with bodies as thick as your arm have been sighted. I read somewhere that the local Aboriginal tribes thought of this part of the forest as being haunted by small, gnarly and hostile beings. One can quite believe this as you turn left of Deans Marsh-Lorne Road onto Bambra-Boonah Road that winds its way up hill past farms that are remnants of the attempts of early Europeans to eke out a living from this most inhospitable land. Nowadays it forms a scenic drive with views across steep valleys. At the top you turn right to come back down onto Parker Road and meet the Deans Marsh- Lorne Road again. Here are some basic facts about this part of the Otways: • Bambra in the 2011 census, Bambra and surrounding areas (including Winchelsea South and a rural section of Birregurra) had a population of 278 people. • The locality was initially named “Retreat”, but was later renamed Bambra after an Aboriginal word for mushroom. The area was opened up for selection in the 1860s. • Bambra State School was opened on 20 September 1866.


Bambra Boonah Area • The Bambra Chapel, a Bible Christian Church, was opened in 1868, and became a Methodist church in 1903. A second church, the Holy Trinity Anglican Church, held its first service on 25 May 1902. • Bambra Post Office opened on 23 September 1892 and closed on 29 September 1973. • The school closed around the 1980s; the churches have also closed, although one survives as a private house. • The area has predominantly been used for agricultural, pastoral and dairying purposes; however, a coal mine in adjacent Winchelsea South, sometimes referred to as the Bambra mine, was active from 1921 until between 1928 and 1931, and from 1943 to 1957. • The locality still has a public hall, cemetery and a Hare Krishna retreat. Boonah in the 2011 census, the population of Boonah was too low to separately report; however in June 2014 the Victorian Electoral Commission recorded 12 enrolled voters in Boonah, living in 11 properties. The locality was the base for various sawmilling operations from the 1880s. Boonah Post Office opened on 24 November 1887, became a receiving office on 21 August 1919, became a post office again on 1 July 1927, and closed on 26 September 1929. The Boonah State School opened in the late 1800s; its date of closure is unknown. Today, most of the locality is protected forest contained in either the Great Otway National Park or the Otway Forest Park; the remainder, located in Boonah’s north, is private farmland. The BambraBoonah Road, which runs through the latter area, is the only mapped road in the locality. Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boonah,_Victoria https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bambra_Victoria

6 History

The Early Days of European Settlement in by Merrill O’Donnell and Stephen Brooks

The article appearing in the Geelong Advertiser on 11 August, 1862 read “SKENESBURN – to be open for selection on and after Wednesday, the 10th day of September, 1862”. The parish of Bambra was one of the areas listed and the selection took place in an office in Geelong. It is said that many of the selectors chose their land from a map, sight unseen. More land in the area became available throughout the 1860s and the communities of Boonah and Bambra steadily grew. In some cases, there were up to three generations living in close proximity. Religion was central to most people’s lives and before a church was built, children were baptised in private homes by the Bible Christians. As in all small settlements, there would have been minor disagreements between the neighbours, over the state of the roads or the location of a fence, but when hardship or tragedy occurred, the close-knit community would draw together. Ron Millard writes in his book “A History of Boonah and Bambra” about the Fabian family who were original settlers in the district. Alfred Fabian and Mary

Otway Life Magazine Spring 2016

Bambra Boonah

Giles were married at St Thomas Church, Winchelsea in 1859 when he was 25 years old and she was 18. At the time, they were both living at Wormbete Forest, where Alfred was a sawyer. The couple had selected two small blocks and were endeavouring to make a living for their growing family when Alfred became ill and died of heart disease in February 1871. At the time, Mary was pregnant and soon there were eight children under 12 years of age to raise on her own. Devastatingly, Mary died two years later, some say of a broken heart. Ron Millard wrote: “It must have been a very sad occasion that day in March 1873 at the funeral at the Bambra Cemetery. At the graveside the children were ‘split up’ and distributed among various people who were to become their foster parents.” Some of the Fabian family grew up and remained in the Bambra area, raising their own children near where their parents had first settled decades before, with so much hope and so many dreams. Another family supported in times of need was the wife and children of Stephen Houghton who was killed in 1885, having been struck by a limb of a tree while cutting firewood. Stephen was married to Alice

History 7

Bambra School - Courtesy Colac & District Family History Group Inc.

Welcome Home

Reynolds and they had three small children; a fourth child was born three months after his father’s death. Alice was surrounded by her parents, Stephen and Catherine Reynolds, her aunt Mary Bennett, and her grandfather John Snowdon, all who lived close by. The local community showed their support for the young widow and organised a benefit concert in Birregurra. Neighbours and local amateurs performed at the concert which was followed by a ball and dancing was kept up ‘until the train came’. More than £20 was raised, providing well-needed financial support for the family.

Various occupations and industries have seen the communities of Bambra and Boonah expand and diminish. When saw-milling and coal mining were at their peaks there were two schools operating; Boonah opened in 1882 with an enrolment of 60 students and a school built at Bambra in 1886. There were also two churches and a post office.

Alice raised her children on her own and her income was supplemented when she opened a post office at her home in late 1887 and she became the first post mistress in Boonah. Mail arrived at 4pm each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays from the GPO until 1900 when the post office was moved to the school. In 1902, Alice was a grandmother when she married again to Charles Trigg, a widower who had eight children aged 7 to 19 years. Their marriage lasted for more than 30 years until Charles and Alice died just eight months apart in 1933.

The schools, churches and post office are all closed now, yet there are still descendants of some of those original families living in the district.

The Houghton and Reynolds family From family collections Armistead Mill

Retreat later called Bambra


Bambra Agroforestry Farm Exploring a new way of doing forestry

Rowan measuring the diameter of his 28-year-old pruned Coastal Redwoods that he planted to control tunnel erosion and will harvest for durable timber

By Rowan Reid I’m a forester. Actually I’m a forest scientist but the distinction won’t mean much to many readers. If it helps, think of the difference between a fisherman and a marine scientist. As an academic I study trees and forests and explore their ecology and management options. But, I am also a farmer who plants trees for soil conservation, shelter and biodiversity, and cuts them down for timber. I also make my own furniture from trees I planted. My family own the Bambra Agroforestry Farm. I purchased the property in 1987 to explore and encourage the integration of trees into the agricultural landscape for conservation, supporting agriculture, improving aesthetics and generating profit. In essence, I wanted to make forestry – the

The creek on Bamba Agroforestry Farm as it was back in 1987 Otway Life Magazine Spring 2016

active management of trees and forests – attractive to the farming community. Everyone knows planting trees for timber is a long-term risky business, and most find large monoculture plantations and public native forest logging ugly. I tend to agree. But there is another way; an approach to forestry that is driven by the aspirations of the farming community. Take our creek for example. In 1987 it was a bare, eroded drain, bleeding sediment and nutrients downstream into the Barwon River. We planted a mix of indigenous and native trees, mostly eucalypts but also Blackwood and other native timbers. Over the years I worked the trees, pruning the best trees to improve their timber value and thinning others to give the best more space. This work reduced the time it takes to grow large diameter sawlogs and we

Bamba Agroforestry Farm as it was in 2001

Furniture made from 16-yr-old Shining Gum harvested from the creekside planting Bambra.

Bambra Agroforestry Farm 9

Chilean visitors inspect the creek planting in 2015. Note the eucalypt stump and 2-year-old Australian Red Cedar planted to replace it.

Sawing a eucalypt log harvested from the creek

have been harvesting eucalypts from the creek for more than ten years. The timber has been mostly used for furniture and for renovating our house. We did send 10 logs to China to be veneered and they were sold for office panelling in the new ATO office in Dandenong. In effect, we’ve been making or saving money from selectively harvesting a forest we planted that continues to provide soil conservation, biodoiversity and agricultural values. It’s a win-winwin-win! Instead of replacing the harvested trees with more eucalypts I am now enriching our riparian forest with shade tolerant native cabinet timbers from New South Wales such as Australian Red Cedar and Silky Oak. Because of climate change I include the interstate rainforest species because they are actually more drought tolerant than our Otway Blackwood and Myrtle Beech. Over time, all the eucalypts will

Black Walnut (1987) and Hybrid Poplar (1987) for timber

be removed and I’ll be left with a high-value subtropical/temperate rainforest that provides erosion control, biodiversity, shelter, fire protection and cabinet timbers. We are already starting to harvest some of the planted Blackwood and it continues to regenerate naturally. Forests, whether planted or natural, are dynamic systems. In our degraded farming landscape just planting trees and “letting nature take its course” will not necessarily result in a forest that is good for biodiversity or land protection. In fact, I believe that harvesting timber from our creek planting has enhanced wildlife habitat, soil conservation and water quality. I purposely fell some trees into the creek and leave the head to provide large wood debris for biodiversity and slow stream flows. Harvesting also provides light for the understorey and removes excess nutrients from the buffer strip.

10 Bambra Agroforestry Farm Across the rest of our farm we are growing many other specialty timbers including many other native timbers and even exotics such as Oaks, Black Walnuts, Poplars and Coast Redwoods. The deciduous trees provide fire protection for the house and I’ve been pleasantly surprised to see how the native wildlife use our exotic trees for shelter. The Southern BooBook Owl, for example, sleeps in the dense canopies of our Coast Redwoods in Winter and the Oaks in summer, then patrols the farm at night providing natural pest control. By grazing between the widely spaced trees we are able to generate a small income and reduce the fire risk. It’s more like a parkland than a plantation. I have a small sawmill and dry the timber for sale. We also sell seeds and cuttings to other farmers. But, most of our farm income comes from running tours; since 1987 I have shown more than 10,000 visitors around the farm. In 1993 a small group of us set up the Otway Agroforestry Network. We are a Landcare group that now has over 200 members spread from the Bellarine Peninsula to Warrnambool. Our approach is very different to most government funded groups. For a start, we don’t provide money for trees or fences. Instead our members receive a farm visit to help them explore their options and access to mentors for ongoing guidance. We also run field days and training courses including the Australian Master TreeGrower course that I developed when working at the University of Melbourne. We do get funding from government and philanthropic organisations which we use to pay more than 30 local landholders who help deliver the programs. No one works full time for the network. Take a look at www.oan.org.au. Farmers and professionals from around Australia and the world are coming to the Otways to see and

learn from what we do. There have been more than 100 Master TreeGrower courses delivered around Australia since 1996 and many landholder groups are now using our mentoring techniques to engage and support their own farmers. In 2013 a group of Otway tree growers paid their own way to help me deliver a course in Uganda. Since then there have been more 4 more courses in Africa, more than ten in Indonesia and one in East Timor. A well-known American forester and ecologist once said that growing trees is like writing a history on the landscape. Agroforestry is about farmers establishing and managing trees for the reasons that are important to them. There is no right species or right way to grow trees; every farm, and every family, is different so it follows that the trees they plant and how they are managed will also be different. You may have noticed the landscape changing. We are all just trying to explore new ways of growing trees on our farms. Some ideas will work and we’re always learning from each other. We have no idea where this will take us but I am excited because this is landscape change that is driven by our community, for our community. What story will write on your landscape, with trees? Rowan was an academic at The University of Melbourne for more than 20 years, developed the Eureka Award winning Australian Master TreeGrower Program, founded (with others) the Otway Agroforestry Network and continues to work with famers around the world. But most importantly he is also a tree grower on his Bambra Agroforestry Farm in the eastern Otways. website: www.agroforestry.net.au Mobile: 0409609939 Email: rowan.reid@agroforestry.net.au Otway Agroforestry Network: www.oan.org.au

Rowan selectively harvesting a 6m long Mountain Ash sawlog from the reek in 2015 using a PTO driven cable winch. In the foreground are Rowan’s young wattle seedlings growing in his wallaby/sheep guards. Otway Life Magazine Spring 2016

Health & Wellbeing 11

A Bird in the Bush Birds of different kinds are watched, ignored, feared, loved and even detested for various reasons by people. For residents and visitors to Bambra, they are certainly noticed. Colour, sound and movement are the main ways humans interact and reflect on bird life surrounding them. How we project our hopes and fears onto birds, as we do so often onto many other animal species, can reveal much about ourselves. Only the birds know if the grass is really greener wherever they venture. And while it looks romantic to be gliding through the air, birds on the move may or may not be enjoying changing elements of wind and rain. For us, the delights of having them stop-by, temporarily feed from our seed offerings, and then head off on a breeze at any moment show us ways to stay in the present and ways to let go. Or we can imagine taking off elsewhere in bids for freedom from current circumstances.

Flight without engines is something humans have always found marvellous. We are not the smartest species after all. Despite our understanding of the less romantic side of vulture-like birds of prey, and the fact that many bird species can decimate ripe for harvesting fruit and other crops, we bow to the colours, the delicacy, varied shapes, and fact that birds are not to be controlled or tamed. We are in their backyards, and not the other way around. Birds delight us with surprise; we often don’t know when they will appear, how long they will stay and when they will launch off again within a day’s routines. They remind us of the qualities of loyalty; the scene of flocks floating across the sky can give us comfort. The two lovebirds who understand monogamy can renew our faith. And most of all they provide us with their company. Suzanne Frydman: www.relaxcommunications.com.au

12 Section

Festival of Colours

The Festival of Colours is an annual celebration organised by the Hare Krishna* devotees who are based at the Hare Krishna Valley in Bambra.

Hare Krishna Valley is an organic farming community that provides a vegetarian and spiritual retreat centre. This year was the first time that the Festival was held off site at The Barwon Mansion in Winchelsea. The 2016 Festival was sponsored by the Victorian Multicultural Commission and the Surf Coast Shire. In India, the Festival of Colours is traditionally associated with the Hindu holiday known as Holi. Holi is celebrated at various times of the year such as the arrival of Spring and Holi is also associated with celebrating the enduring love between Krishna and his spiritual consort, Radha. Otway Life Magazine Spring 2016

A prominent feature of Holi involves throwing and applying brightly coloured powders hence the name the “Festival of Colours”. The festival aims to promote peace and happiness among participants. It was first practised 5,000 years ago in Vrindavan, India by Lord Krishna whom is well known for spreading bliss wherever His Holy names are sung “Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Hare, Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama, Rama, Hare, Hare”. This throwing of colours was observed at Barwon Mansion with hourly countdowns which alerted everyone when to commence throwing.

Section 13

The sky was filled with rainbows many times over as the powdered colours were thrown and joy spread far and wide across the ether. This very well organised family event also included a range of activities for the young at heart, including meditation, fortune-telling and henna body art sessions. There was also a kids’ zone with face painting, a jumping castle and various other forms of children’s entertainment. So there truly was something for everyone to enjoy. There was also a wonderful selection of delicious vegetarian food available at very affordable prices,

lovely hot chai and other thirst quenching drinks. Many people made new friends while laughing, dancing and singing along with the very melodious kirtan (group singing) and much fun was had by all as they wonderful healthy food, soaked up the festive atmosphere and enjoyed their day. For more information about the next Festival of Colours, please visit the Festival of Colours website. www.festivalofcolours.com.au By Sri Murti Devi Dasi (Sonia Godfrey) *Krishna is a name of God which means all-attractive.


In her own words…Lisa Jarvis

Family Land An unconfirmed story is that John Schram may have jumped ship in Australia to head for the goldfields. He came from the Isle of Texel in the Netherlands and his family were sailors as far back as records show. John married Ruth Challis and they moved to the Boonah Hills. About 1868 John Schram opened a store at Mackey’s Corner in Deans Marsh and he and Ruth raised their family of thirteen children and farmed throughout Boonah. Ruth Schram was a signatory on the Colac and District Monster Petition of 1891 claiming suffrage for women in Victoria. My great grandfather William Schram was their fifth child and he in turn married Betsy Howard, stayed in the area and had five children. . . My Pop, John Clarence better known as Clarrie being the fourth. When I was a kid growing up in Geelong West going to The Farm meant Pop. My grandmother Doris Matthews had passed away when I was very young. So holidays with Pop meant cows, fishing, finding frogs and tadpoles, watching and going to the footy and sitting by the fire cooking toast and having chats. Pop bought me my first tennis racket and was passionate about young people playing sport and being active. He could also yell especially if you didn’t like the congealed mushrooms he cooked up . . . But he did run behind me holding onto the back of Otway Life Magazine Spring 2016

my yellow dragster all the way down Swayn’s Lane so I didn’t fall off. I live on the last piece of Schram Family Land returning here to live full time in the late 90s. My mum Valerie has always been passionate about keeping The Farm in the family and remembering the legacy and telling the stories of our extended clan. That is probably what makes this little piece of land so important, the stories and the things we learn from the stories. My Mum has always been an extremely hard working woman and when I heard the story of how my grandmother, who had polio as a child and walked with the assistance of crutches, would get on her hands and knees in the gardens and drive the spade deep into the soil, to cut and turn the sod and work the dairy alongside Pop and work hard because that is what you had to do. . . I could see where my Mum’s ability to work and push through came from. It certainly inspires you to keep digging. . . Often stories are told at a timely time. People look at land with different eyes. Pop was a dairy farmer and also grew peas. He grew up learning a particular set of skills and way of working the land. I came here with a background of youth arts and community development and an 8-day permaculture course. Some things have worked well, some haven’t, blackberry has been the biggest challenge. Organic


garlic, plants and flowers have been good micro business and provided invaluable learning. Music has always been a big theme in my family. My great grandfather William Schram played the violin, Nan played the piano at local dances, Uncle Syd the mandolin, Ian Schram the piano accordion . . . So when I am having a play I like to think the family band is joining in. My daughter Miranda is musical and a few of my nephews have the music in them. William’s violin rests upon the mantle. Connection to a place also means connection to a community. It is pretty special to meet and speak with people who knew your grandparents and appreciate their legacy to the community. Miranda had the opportunity to grow up within the community of Deans Marsh and I am forever grateful to the village. There are still many descendants of the pioneering families here and it is great to have three and sometimes four generations at community events and gatherings. And then there is the family of the people you meet along the way. The tribe of Deans Marsh kids have a connection that continues as they go off into life. I reckon a few will be back.

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The biggest of the good banks Common sense dictates that you can’t have a healthy economy without a healthy environment. But sometimes common sense ain’t all that common. Now, more than ever, there is a reliance on individuals and businesses to change behaviours for the greater good. To drive a new, sustainable economy. As the first bank in Australia to offer ‘Green Loans’ loans with generous incentives for customers who are making sustainable purchases - Bendigo Bank has led the way. Known mainly for its unique Community Bank® model (the brainchild of former Bendigo Bank Managing Director and local resident, Rob Hunt) Bendigo Bank has delivered social and economic advantages to towns and suburbs across Australia. More on that later. What is perhaps less known, but no less impressive, is the Bank’s environmental record. Otway Life Magazine Spring 2016

In 2014, Bendigo Bank became a major sponsor of Earth Hour, the single largest mass participation event of its kind in the world. Earth Hour aims to focus attention on climate change by encouraging people, businesses, and even entire cities to switch off their lights. In 2014 alone over 7,000 cities and towns in 172 countries joined the fight against climate change by participating in Earth Hour. Many Surf Coast residents were also left in the dark, by their own volition of course. But lights have to come back on. So when they did, Bendigo Bank made sure the impact was lessened. Backing the ‘Ban the Bulb’ and ‘Switch to Save’ programs enabled community members to receive free Standby Power Controllers and LED down lights.

Bendigo Bank Supporting Communities 17 The Bank also gave $15 for every participating home to help fund neighbouring schools undertaking sustainable projects. Locally, The Apollo Bay, Anglesea and Winchelsea Community Bank® branches helped 88 households save $56,250 on energy bills, save nearly two tonnes of carbon emissions, and donated $2350 back to local schools. This is just one example of hundreds of environmental initiatives Community Bank® branches around the country are driving and funding. In 2008, in its central Victorian heartland, Bendigo Bank opened the doors to its new head office. It was regional Australia’s first 5 star green energy rated building, committing to energy efficiencies, natural light, and water saving technologies such as black water recycling.

architectural design incorporating natural materials, sourced locally where possible. When it comes to a fundamental shift from how things are done, to how things should be done, there can be few better examples than the Community Bank® model. Local shareholders investing in a local branch run by locals, employing locals, and generating profits for the local community. What this demonstrates is the willingness of people within a community to take control of their future. And it has been demonstrated in over 300 communities across Australia. It’s a growing movement of three quarters of a million people who are driving this new, sustainable economy.

Its modern, eye-catching design stands amongst the town’s iconic, gold rush-era buildings. And at $100 million, it was no small investment.

So, now there’s hope.

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Some might say it’s just common sense.

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18 People of the Otways

The exciting adventures of

Di Schulze I’m a Geelong girl, born and bred, next door to the School Camp, which, as growing up on a small chicken farm an Oberon student of the 70s I was always on the Torquay Road where my too shy to attend! I saw an ad parents ran a thriving shop supplying With a few weeks of travel still to be done eggs and poultry to an enthusiastic headed “Come before coming back to Australia, on my regular clientele. Following my accountant's insistence, I purchased nursing in the mother's footsteps into nursing as a the property sight unseen while still in very innocent 17 year old provided Arctic”. It had Nunavut. Luckily my first impressions of me with the spring board to a the place fitted the bill and it’s been an a picture of a fabulous and adventurous career. My adventure ever since! Twenty six acres, polar bear. experience in emergency nursing and sixteen of which is bushland and housing midwifery gave me the groundwork four holiday cottages. Having never No brainer. to spending eight fabulous years in lived on a property, I had NO idea of the Western Australia as a flight nurse amount of work it took to manage. with the RFDS. Thinking it would be It’s been over 11 years now, and I am still impossible to top such an amazing delighted with the change in my life – even more work experience, I saw an ad headed “Come nursing so to be able to work in the business full time now. in the Arctic”. It had a picture of a polar bear. No Running a business adds fabulous new challenges brainer. I spent the next five years working as a to life, and I have loved my time here thus far. There community nurse in the remote community of Pond is a huge sense of community in the area, lovely Inlet, Nunavut, way above the Arctic Circle on Baffin neighbours, I am close to family and have made Island. What an incredible experience of life lessons many great new friends. I love the connections and finding the beauty of silence in nature amongst with the tourism business community that has built the wonderfully welcoming Inuit. over the years of working with the Otway Harvest However, I knew that I couldn’t keep nursing Trail and have seen so much growth in the amazing forever, and it was coming time for me to return product available for tourists in the area since first in to the fold. I had long dreamt of starting a holiday the business. accommodation business and had spent some time Now, with my partner Stuart here full time, life is searching for the right spot. With impeccable timing, good! We both love the business and seeing the joy my lovely sister-in-law discovered that Countrywide it brings to our guests. I wouldn’t be anywhere else! Cottages in Bambra was on the market, just as I was And so far… no sightings of the infamous saying my goodbyes in Pond Inlet. Just half an hour Black Panther. from my family home and incredibly, immediately Otway Life Magazine Spring 2016

People of the Otways 19

Cosy log fires Pillowtop beds Electric blankets Dogs welcome inside Home made treats Free range eggs Huge fenced yards Off leash areas Wild birds Bushwalks from your door

holidays for humans and hounds

03 5288 7399 0419 114 786 stay@countrywidecottages.com.au www.countrywidecottages.com.au

20 Artist profile

Louise Brown What brought you to this part of the world? After living and working overseas in Italy and America and returning home to run a business in Melbourne, my husband Brendan and I wanted more time and freedom for our growing family. Not wanting to be locked into the exorbitant house prices in the city, we decided to look at areas within a 2hr drive from Melbourne which could also provide space to be creative, paint frescoes and build pots in beautiful, natural surroundings with access to a good surf beach. Bambra was affordable, naturally beautiful, and upon moving here 15 years ago, we discovered the fantastic community and school at Deans Marsh. We decided to build our own straw bale house in the country and having grown up in the inner city suburb of Middle Park, I was enthralled at the idea of living in a home-made house surrounded by hills and forests. It was important to create a life where we had the time and space to work on our creative endeavors, whether they be painting, sculpting, or music. Bambra was the perfect place with green pastures, wide open spaces, natural forests and access to a most magnificent coastline. What do you love best about living in Bambra? Looking out across the Otways is something that I will never tire of, watching the blue wrens, eagles, and kangaroos and hearing the kookaburras sing their songs.

Otway Life Magazine Spring 2016

Bambra offers sanctuary from a busy world. Its remoteness offers the peace and quiet that can’t be found living in the city. Bambra has a wonderful history steeped in Indigenous culture and has retained all of its raw, natural beauty and very diverse landscape. It is also situated in the middle of three wonderful communities being Deans Marsh, Birregurra and Winchelsea and for me is both at the centre of everything and yet is remote enough to allow me to withdraw from the outside world at any time and be at peace in the natural environment that surrounds me. What or who inspires you with your music and art? Musically, my six sisters were a huge inspiration. We harmonized at any opportunity, around the piano, the dinner table, or in the car. As a child, my mum also inspired me to persevere with cello which unbeknown to me would become a huge part of my adult life. My mother also spent many weekends driving me to orchestra practice and classical music recitals which is probably how I ended

Artist profile 21

up having the courage to be doing the Choirs and music that I do now. On a professional level, Andre Rieu is one of my favorite musicians as he has single-handedly managed to bring classical music to the masses with his talent, charisma, passion and sense of fun! I also love to paint and have always done so even as a child. I graduated with a bachelor of fine art/ painting from RMIT and have always loved Vincent Van Gogh’s painting style and his fantastic ability to capture the essence of any landscape through colour and texture. What is one thing remaining on your bucket list? That’s a difficult question! I’ve never really had a bucket list as the things that I dream of doing are the things that I do at present.

Otway Escapes Luxury Cottage Accommodation - Great Ocean Road

Mobile: 0411 721 163

Email: info@otwayescapes.com.au

Having witnessed first-hand the benefits of music and singing through our local ‘OMM Choir’, I realize that we as a community do have a voice and it is time to use this to promote harmony, unity and come together to take a stand and for those who have no voice. I am passionate about bringing positive change in our treatment of Asylum Seekers and our Indigenous people in Australia and my bucket list would be to facilitate greater acceptance, tolerance and understanding of these minority groups and to provide a platform for our community to join together and raise awareness through music. On a lighter note, I guess my ‘bucket list’ would also include finishing off our straw bale house and (when the kids have grown up), setting off with my husband on an extended driving adventure around Australia. Otway Escapes Luxury Cottage Accommodation Victoria offers you a choice of 3 private and exclusive holiday cottages, custom designed as romantic retreats for couples. Delightful country holiday rental accommodation, perfect as a base for touring the Otway Ranges, The Great Ocean Road or a romantic short break getaway from city life, in South West Victoria Australia. Your Hosts: Christine and Brett Smith

Web: www.otwayescapes.com.au


22 Artist profile How and where can people view your artworks? My greatest art patrons in this region are Brett and Christine Smith from “Otway Escapes” (luxury accommodation in Pennyroyal). Over the years, they have commissioned multiple murals and trompe l’oeils for their imaginative overnight packages including a pop-art themed vintage Airstream caravan, a Japanese teahouse, quirky ‘Love Shack’ and the amazing spa cottages complete with large scale artworks. (All of these are available for rent through their website. info@otwayescapes.com.au) Although most of my paintings are privately commissioned, some frescoes can be seen on signs

Otway Life Magazine Spring 2016

at Blakes Estate Winery, Deans Marsh Art Gallery, Bambra Wetlands and on local meter boxes and roadways throughout the area. Shipping containers, concrete water tanks are a preferred canvas for me as well as Melbourne restaurants and large-scale themed events. I also regard any ‘OMM Choir’ performances as a special collaborative artwork with the community. These shows are filled with sound, colour, movement and energy and can be seen annually at major local festivals including the next upcoming performance taking place on Sun October 9th 2016 at the Birregurra Festival.


Council elections are being held in October 2016

© David Simmonds Photographer

An effective Councillor who listens

VOTE 1 STEPHEN HART Please remember, for your vote to be counted you must number every square on the ballot paper.

Thank you for the opportunity to represent you on Colac Otway Shire Council.

Some recent achievements:  reduced energy use as a result of the 99 Kw solar array installed on the COPACC roof in Colac;  rezoning of rural land to ‘Rural Living’;  improved transparency with contracts and Audit Committee Minutes dealt with in open Council meetings;  extra green waste collections in the lead up to the summer months;  Colac Otway Shire becoming a refugee welcome zone. If re-elected, I look forward to working with the community on Council’s first Arts & Culture Strategy; installation of additional solar arrays to reduce emissions & costs; securing funding for trails & footpaths and improving public library services. I support a ban on unconventional gas mining. My partner, Chris, and I live near Lavers Hill in our owner built, solar powered mud brick house. I graduated in Economics at Monash University. Monitor Council’s solar http://bitly/Councilsolar Contact 03 5237 3196 E-mail lavershill7@gmail.com Facebook https://fb.me/Vote1StephenHart Twitter https://twitter.com/OtwaysVic Stephen is endorsed by the Greens. Authorised by David Capon, 39 Old Coach Road, Skenes Creek 3233


Sustainable after Death by Nettie Hulme

A bush burial, painting by Frederick McCubbin. 1890, oil on canvas, 122.5 x 224.5cm. Geelong Gallery Collection.

Kicking the bucket. Pushing up daisies. Join the choir invisible. Shuffle off this mortal coil. Six feet under. Or my current favourite: taking a dirt nap. Different ways of saying that one day we will all die. 100% guaranteed that no-one is getting out of this alive. If you have taken care to live your life in an environmentally sustainable way, chances are you will want to carry that principle to the very end. Dust to dust. There is a growing interest in eco-friendly funeral options which covers all aspects following death from the treatment of the body, disposal options and ceremony planning. In Victoria the management and operation of cemeteries and crematoria in Victoria is governed by the Cemeteries and Crematoria Act 2003 and Cemeteries and Crematoria Regulations 2015. You cannot be buried on your own land without permission from the Department of Health and Human Services which is rarely given. Government regulations stipulate that you must be buried in a designated cemetery. In the Otways there are many small cemeteries run by volunteer cemetery trusts. While not operated as natural burial sites they are often in a bush setting. While countries such as the United Kingdom, USA and Canada have embraced the concept of woodland cemeteries or natural burial grounds, the situation is slow to change in Australia. The recently formed Natural Death Advocacy Network is in indication of the growing level of Otway Life Magazine Spring 2016

interest in natural funeral alternatives and their aims as stated on their website include the following: While there are some natural burial options around Australia (ie: NB sections within traditional cemeteries), at present there are no dedicated Natural Burial Grounds in Victoria. It is one of NDAN’s core objectives to legislate for this increasingly popular method of interment. In Victoria, the closest we get to a woodland cemetery is Upright Burials in Derrinulum. Kurweeton Road Cemetery is located in the Corangamite Shire southwest of Mt. Elephant, an extinct volcano that is a prominent geographic feature of the western Victorian plains. The cemetery is a peaceful, pastoral setting that is purposefully left in a natural state to minimise the impact of burial activity on the environment. The name of the deceased person is recorded in perpetuity on a memorial wall, and the next of kin can receive an exact location of the individual grave site. For every person buried a tree is planted at Mt. Elephant. This planting program contributes to offsetting the carbon emissions produced in the holding, transportation, and burial process. You can read more about the actual process here: http://www.uprightburials.com.au/what-we-offer Did you know that anyone can conduct a funeral service and you can hold a funeral anywhere? Most people arrange for a funeral company to take care of the body and death registration procedures as at the time of death friends and relatives are busy with family matters and bereavement. There is an increasing trend for funerals to be held in the natural environment, most often a place of significance for

25 the deceased person. Beaches, parks, beauty spots, anywhere. Sometimes with the deceased in a casket, other times a scattering of the cremated remains. McCrindle was commissioned in 2014 by the Australian Funeral Directors Association (AFDA) to gain an understanding of Australian perceptions towards funerals and deliver a statistical snapshot of death in Australia. One interesting fact is that 2 in 3 Australians (66%) prefer cremation over burial when planning their own funeral. This choice may be due to costs as the report showed that cost is the biggest influencer when planning a funeral with 2 in 3 (66%) Australians stating it is extremely or significantly influential. Cost is considered more important than both religion or life philosophy (31%) and culture and family traditions (27%). There is a debate about which has the lesser environmental impact, burials or cremation, which involves many variables including greenhouse gas emissions, energy used in everything from the building of caskets to the number of cars used by attendees, flowers and food preparation. It remains a controversial discussion.

Wicker coffin

Further reading, useful links and references:

Burial at sea may seem like an easy, ecological solution. Feeding the fishes. In Australia burials at sea are regulated under the Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 1981, which is administered by the Department of the Environment and thus you are required to apply for a ‘sea dumping permit’ which comes with many restrictions making this a very expensive option. Whatever your preferences may be, it is important that you discuss your wishes with family and and/or friends and put it in writing. Knowing what options are available may make your final exit be more true to the values you live by… And in the meantime, carpe diem and live this precious life to the fullest!

Cape Otway Cemetry

www.lawhandbook.org.au/09_05_00_funerals/ www2.health.vic.gov.au/public-health/cemeteriesand-crematoria/funeral-directors-stonemasonsand-private-burials/private-cemeteries-and-burials www.mccrindle.com.au/ResearchSummaries/ Deaths-and-funerals-in-Australia_McCrindle.pdf www.theswitchreport.com.au/industry/theenvironmental-impact-of-death-and-decay-part-1/ www.spookmagazine.com/how-i-becameinterested-in-eco-friendly-funerals/ ndan.com.au/ (Natural Death Advocacy Network) www.naturaldeath.org.uk/ http://www.handwovencaskets.com.au/

Simple. Natural. Economical. Our approach to burial is environmentally friendly and ecologically sustainable. We invite you to enquire about our prepayment system. It’s simple, secure and straightforward.

Telephone 1300 466 860

www.uprightburials.com.au office@uprightburials.com.au

26 Book Review

Otway Book Review By Neal Drinnan from Cow Lick Bookshop Colac

Shivu and Other Stories By Garry Richardson $27.99 Garry Richardson has been a core member of the Colac Writers Guild for many years and is a keen saxophonist and clarinettist and in his recently published collection of stories Shivu he introduces readers to the many faces of his muse. His range of topics are eclectic and never without wit as he delves into the whys and wherefores of a long life and an often loaded dice. Sometimes he’s speculating about science, sometimes about art. He creates unusual worlds with strange religious orders or garrets occupied by strange Russian geneticists but sometimes his tales are just about love getting tired or murderous on the family farm. Eclectic? You bet and because he doesn’t like to waste a page he’ll slip in a little motto or rumination here and there for instance: It is written: fathers should be aware that at some stage their sons will cease to follow their advice and instead follow their example. And who can argue with that!







Hey Diddle Diddle

T 03 5232 1072 E sales@cowlick.com.au A 86 Murray Street, Colac www.cowlick.com.au Ï

Otways Accommodation

The Otways There simply is no better place on earth ...and simply no better way to find where to stay, what to do and how to get there

www.otwaysaccommodation.com.au Otway Life Magazine Spring 2016

otway businesses - contact us to be part of the buzz

Books 27

The Good Life by Ami Hillege

We are emerging from a very wet winter. However, local farmers who have lived in the Otways for years, tell me that this is what a ‘normal’ winter is like. Yes, we love the rain, and let’s face it, we need every drop. But there comes a certain point around mid August when we wish it would cease. Stepping out of the back door and into a pair of work boots requires careful balance and dexterity. The aim is to get cleansocked feet into the boots without touching muddy ground. This is not always a successful maneuver. The pools of water that lie along the driveway don’t get enough time to disperse before more rain falls. There is a constant stream running through the property. The cows squelch deep holes into the mud, leaving the soggy ground pugged and difficult to navigate by foot. We string electric tapes around the zones that are even wetter than the other sodden corners of the farm, in an attempt to keep the compacting cattle hooves off the fragile earth. And then all of a sudden, everything seems to change overnight. The garden seems to take a deep breath, hold it for a few weeks, and then slowly exhales, breathing new colour and perfume into a monochromatic green landscape. When did those vanilla coloured almond blossoms appear? Didn’t we just prune those apple trees a month ago? And now they are showing the first signs of delicate pink blossoms! The spring bulbs have all started blooming. The irises show off their purple and yellow beards while the self-sewn orange poppies pop up among the soon-to-flower roses. The bees are dancing from one bloom to another, carrying their yellow pollen burdens on fuzzy legs back to their hives. The sounds of spring are strident. The magpie and cockatoo hatchlings create a terrible din, the

cockatoo calls much like the cries of human babies. As the young birds feed and grow in their nests, the parents take to the skies in aerial combat to fend off the circling hawks. There is a new lamb next door, and it bleats for it’s mother’s attention. Now looking around of course I see hours of work ahead. The weeds are on the march, attacking any bare patch of ground. It’s a race to mulch the garden beds before these florae invade them completely. I’ve taken to pulling unwanted grass and weeds out of the ground, then simply letting them lie, roots up, right there where I removed them from the garden bed. They will break down and nourish the soil, at the same time providing a layer of mulch around the garden. Of course more mulch will be added to the beds, but this is for me a way of avoiding numerous trips with a heavy wheelbarrow to the compost pile! You might call me lazy, but I like to think of this shortcut as a sustainable and beneficial method of weed control. The herald of spring also signals a change in our eating pattern. Instead of slow cooked stews and soups, we now snip delicate broad bean shoots from the tips of the plants, toss them in a pan with a couple of scrambled duck eggs and serve up a delicate frittata along with a bowl of baby spinach and rocket. The asparagus spears have started to poke white tips from their patch and we savor their sweetness lightly pan-fried with garlic and herbs. A glass of chilled local white Dinny Goonan Riesling rounds off a perfect farm lunch. Gosh, we love spring! Follow Otway Fields on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram www.otwayfields.com


 Newly renovated cabin overlooking the Otways  Gourmet basket featuring organically grown farm & local produce

 Close to the Great Ocean Road & Birregurra YOUR ESCAPE TO THE COUNTRY

www.otwayfields.com Tel 0418 757 028


Sustainable Table The temperate climate and typography of the Otway Ranges provide an ideal setting for the sustainable production of food and other products for the local community. A ‘sustainable table’ is one that uses local food that has been grown using ecological and ethical practices that: Contributes to a thriving local economy and sustainable livelihoods; Protects theLETTERHEAD diversity of both plants and animals and the welfare of farmed and wild species; Avoids damaging or wasting natural resources or contributing to climate change; Provides social benefits, such as good quality food, safe and healthy products, and educational opportunities. Please support these local industries and be healthy at the same time!

_________________________________ LEAH BAKES Leah Wendt 0400 365 954 sales@leahbakes.com.au leahbakes.com.au

Leah Bakes is a new business in the Otway and Surf Coast area. After years of baking for other establishments and with the encouragement from others I finally took the step to do something for myself. My wonderful partner refurbished a Leah Wendt run down van with a brand new commercial kitchen p.0400 365 just954 so I could pursue my passion for baking. It sits e.sales@leahbakes.com.au in our garden looking out onto the foothills of the w.leahbakes.com.au Otways. I have always loved baking. The magic of blending just a few ingredients that come together to create an intense sensory experience of smells, taste and texture. I like to think I bake like our Grandmothers used to. A lot of what I make are old fashioned recipes brought back to life with a modern twist. I use real ingredients – home grown seasonal local produce as much as possible and always local free range eggs. I prefer to add the whole piece of fruit to a cake rather than only certain parts to create a wholesome and nourishing product. Everything is lovingly hand made in small batches by me. Major stockists of Leah Bakes products are The Store Deans Marsh, Forrest Brewing Company and Lorne Central. Cakes can also be made to order for visitors staying in the area.

Otway Life Magazine Spring 2016

Sustainable Table 29


Sustainable Table

Pasta Muster Otway Style By Neal Drinnan

Cacio e Pepe Pasta 400g Otway Pasta Company Fettuccine 1.5 cups (150g) grated pecorino 25g unsalted butter 1 tsp freshly ground black pepper Bring a large pot of water to a boil over high heat. Add fettuccine and cook for 3 minutes. Drain pasta, reserving 1 cup of the cooking water. In a large fry pan on medium heat add cracked pepper and toast for approximatley 1 minute, add 1 cup of the pasta cooking water, butter and cheese and gently bring to the boil, reduce heat gently simmer for 2-3 mins. Add pasta and gently toss until evenly coated. Season with salt, and serve with additional cheese if desired. _______________________________________ www.otwaypasta.com.au facebook/otwaypastacompany Steve Robinson Otway Pasta Company 6 Nankivell Street Colac Vic 3250

There is no pasta to beat fresh pasta and if it’s local pasta so much the better! We have in our region so many wholesome, wholefood producers and it’s hugely encouraging to see brands like Otway Pasta so widely available through independent providores from Portland to Portsea. This is now the reach of Steve Robinson’s boutique range of pastas. From a commercial kitchen in Colac, to the world! Steve is proving that small is both beautiful and profitable. For Robinson, pasta making started out as a hobby. He became a stay-at-home Dad with a new baby daughter while his partner worked in the city. After he bought a small commercial pasta maker , he started to see how plausible the venture could become, first by making pasta’s to sell through local Colac businesses, then further and further afield. Now there are retail outlets stocking the range in every town on the Princess Highway or the Great Ocean Road, not to mention sizeable outlets in Melbourne and Geelong. Perhaps the real strength and angle to the Otway Pasta venture is the authentic organic ingredients that go into it. These come mostly from near-by, occasionally from interstate. All the eggs are from Rayner’s Free Rang Eggs in Birregurra and Victorian Olive Oil is a key ingredient. He uses semolina, and durum wheat and an ancient grain wheat, Khorasan,

Sustainable Table 31

all of which are grown in New South Wales’ Golden Triangle. The Pink Lake Salt used to season the pasta is also a product of Victoria’s unique inland salt lakes. Currently the list of fresh pastas include spaghetti, regular and gluten free fettucine, torchio, rigatoni and lasagne plus a range of dry pastas that have a longer shelf life. ‘Our pastas are not cheap, they can’t be if we want to use the ingredients we use.’ Says Robinson ‘but as we’ve seen a loaf of bread can range in price from $1 in the supermarket to $7.50 from a fine grain baker like Irrewarra. The orders we are getting show there are a lot of people who will pay for quality fresh pasta.’

E AT | D R I N K | S TAY

The proof is always in the eating and for anyone keen to put Otway Pasta to the test, I suggest they go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ePqEYKFxG4 and follow Steve’s step-by-step guide to one of the simplest and most delicious pasta dishes available: Pasta with parsley and garlic. This recipe comes courtesy of Nick and Sue’s Gourmet Deli in Camberwell Market who stock the Otway Pasta range. It’s amazing how when the pasta is good, it becomes the dish and the sauce its crowning glory. For More info on Otway Pasta and for stockists visit. otwaypasta.com.au.

I N T H E H E A R T O F T H E O T WAY S At Forrest Guesthouse you can stop and relax. Enjoy the abundant nature and waterfall walks close by or if you like to move at a faster pace, ride the renowned mountain bike trails that wind through the Otways. Onsite restaurant Bespoke Harvest uses fresh produce from our garden & surrounding farms that capture the taste & flavour of the Otways. Featuring 80% local ingredients for lunch & dinner. Friday & Saturday dinner is a set menu where you relax and enjoy the local harvest. Our menu is continually changing as the produce provides.

| 1 6 G R A N T S T R E E T F O R R E S T 3 2 3 6 | T H E O T WAY R A N G E S V I C T O R I A | B O O K I N G S & E N Q U I R I E S T 0 3 5 2 3 6 6 4 4 6

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Around the Houses Spring Find us on Facebook

Colac Neighbourhood House 23 Miller Street, Colac Vic 3250 Phone: Sue 5232 5368 Email: nhouse@cah.vic.gov.au Opening Hours Monday to Friday 9am-4pm

Regular activites Just ring for details or to book a place. Everyone is Welcome! MONDAY Women on the Move. Monday Painters Do Care Mens Group Breast and Ovarian Cancer Support Group Palliative Care Volunteers Pathways Disability Support Services CERC Meeting TUESDAY Healthy Lifestyles Cancer Support Group Circle of Security Tuesday Painters Childbirth & Parenting Classes Colac Otway Sustainability Group

WEDNESDAY Wednesday Painters Informal Art Group Raphael Centre PND Counselling Colac Otway Ratepayers Association Australian Plants Society International Women’s Group Freeza Tinnitus and Menieres Support

FRIDAY Small Talk playgroup Epilepsy Support Walking Group

THURSDAY Craft and Social Group Garden Group Colac Neigbourhood House Playgroup CAH Choir Meditation Classes

Out of hours bookings must arrange to collect keys from Community Reception between 9am and 5pm. If the Coordinator is unavailable, enquiries should be directed to Community Services reception in Miller Street 5232 5100

Community Garden for all the green thumbs! Laminating and printing service available. Children’s Library iPad and Form Filling Sensory Garden

SATURDAY Cake Decorators Colac Performers (4th Saturday of the month performance day)

Free computer access with WiFi Registered Kitchen and meeting rooms for hire Free Tea and Coffee Volunteering Hub Information Centre Food share

Relax & Explore At King Parrot you can stay in a luxury cottage or camp beside our pristine creek. Explore the rainforest walks, swim in the pool or just totally relax and enjoy the birds and animals. Our cottages, lodge and hall are nestled on a valley hillside north facing overlooking the spectacular Pennyroyal Valley. Ideal for romantic getaways, family gatherings, conferences, retreats and weddings. Yours hosts are Robyn & Tony Hampton Phone (03) 5236 3372 195 Dunse Track, Pennyroyal, 3235 Email contact@kingparrot.com.au |

Otway Life Magazine Spring 2016


Around the Houses Spring 33 33 Find us on Facebook

Marrar Woorn Neighbourhood Centre 6 Pengilley Ave, Apollo Bay. Open Monday - Thursday Phone Jodii 5237 8590 Email: jaanderson@swarh.vic.gov.au

Introduction to Watercolour

Barista Course

Explore a variety of techniques and how to apply them to a range of subject maters including seascape and landscape. Beginners and those with some background in art will find this a valuable resource for further work or enjoyable for its own sake. Date: 11th October – 29th November Day: Tuesday Time: 1-4pm

This 3 hours barista course is and eye-opening introduction to world of coffee making. It’s a fun 3 hours class where you will learn the key variables for making expresso based coffee. You will get lots of hands on practice preparing a range of expresso coffees as well as texturing milk correctly, coffee machine operation, coffee presentation, using the coffee grinder, cleaning and maintenance or equipment. Date: 10th October Night: Monday Time: 6 -9pm Course Fee: $50

Otway Dolls This is hands of workshop which will teach you everything you need to know to bring out the natural beauty of a discarded glamour doll. Rescue a discarded doll by removing the paint and creating a fresh, healthy new look doll. BYO doll or one can be provide. Date: 20th & 27th September Day: Tuesday Time: 1-4pm Course Fee: $45

Biz Know How – Small Business Thinking of starting a small business or needing some assistance with your current business? This new program can help you identify your needs for small business, preparing a business plan, social media and marketing skills, financial management. If you are already in business and need some extra support, this program might be just what you need. Date: 5th October- 9th November Night : Wednesday Time: 6- 9pm Course Fee: $ 60

Develop you own Website Have you ever thought about creating your very own website? Perhaps you’re interested is starting a blog or showcasing a personal portfolio online? WordPress for Beginners introduces you to one of the most popular, powerful and free content management systems used by millions of individuals. Date: 4th October – 25th October Day: Tuesday Time: 1-4pm Course Fee: $50

Other programs offered are Responsible Servicing of Alcohol Frist Aid / CPR Basic Food Handlers Introduction to Computers Kids Zumba Art Therapy Program


Singing Spinning Group Games Group Quilting U3A Programs Tourist Guide to Physics Genealogy Interest Group Ipad Interest Group

TO BOOK : Phone: 5237 8500 Email: jaanderson@swarh.vic.gov.au In person @ Otway Health reception 4 Pengilley Ave, Apollo Bay

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Around the Houses Spring ho


34 34

Forrest House

Find us on Facebook

14 Grant Street, Forrest 3236 Phone: Gillian on 5236 6591 Email: forrest.nh@gmail.com Open Mon, Wed, Thurs10-5pm

Regular activities First Monday of the month BINGO 1-3pm Light afternoon tea provided. Cost $5 for 2 books. Tuesday COS Exercise and Weights class 11-12pm For all ages and abilities. Stay on for a light social lunch. $3.75 or $7.50 with lunch. Wednesday 2nd Wed of Each Month HOY Card game, prizes and afternoon tea. 1-3pm $5 Tai Chi 6.30-8pm $10/8conc Thursday Mind Games 11am-12noon. $2 Community Lunch 12.30-2pm $6

Friday Cert IV / Diploma Visual Art 10am-4pm. Forrest Youth Group (FYG) 5.30-7pm Supervised activity based group. Next activity TBA Last Sunday of every month Music Jam and Pizza afternoon From 3pm. Join in or just relax and enjoy the vibes. Woodfired pizza available to purchase @ $2 a slice. VOLUNTEERS,TUTORS & COMMITTEE MEMBERS WANTED Call Gillian to find out about opportunities to be involved or share your skills and earn income.

Coming up... MONDAY 5 SEPT 6PM Fermented Foods $10 SUNDAY 11 SEPT Amy Gran Fondo Road Closure www.amysgranfondo.org.au MONDAY 12 SEPT 5.30PM Biz Know How Info Session SUNDAY 18 SEPT 10-3PM Meditation Workshop $50 FRIDAY 23 SEPTEMBER 1PM Walk & Weave $20 SUNDAY OCT 30 10-4PM Township Garage Sale FRIDAY 18 NOV 6.30 Forrest House AGM

No space to study? Need to get out of the house to concentrate on that assignment? Drop in and utilise the Neighbourhood House Community IT. FREE WIFI and computer use with up to date programs, colour printing and scanning available. Got art homework to do? Need space to spread out? You can enjoy free tea and coffee or purchase a discount espresso and echidna bite (like hedgehog but better!) to keep you going when you have a tight deadline. Book a time during office hours or drop in when the flags are out.

Otway Life Magazine Spring 2016


l. Think well. Be l e we ew v ll i L

Join in a FREE opportunity to find out what is available in your community on 13 September, 10am-2pm at COPACC

The day will include: The launch of the Colac Otway Shire Dementia Friendly Communities Project and an overview of Dementia Friendly Communities Heart Moves - an interactive demonstration of exercises for older persons Worried About Your Memory - this session covers; How memory works, common memory changes with ageing, factors that can impact on your memory, medical conditions that can impact on memory, tips for improving memory, looking after the brain, where to get help An overview of local services and how to access them Information and displays

FREE entry and lunch will be provided To RSVP phone the OPASS unit on 5232 9420 or call into the Colac Otway Shire Council Customer Service Centre 2-6 Rae St, Colac If you are a member of a community group or organisation and would like to participate by having an information display please phone 5232 9420 to register your interest

of Events of Events COLAC OTWAY COLAC Calendar OTWAY Calendar SPRING SPRING 2016 2016 SAT 17 SEPTEMBER SAT–17 SEPTEMBER – WED 26 OCTOBER SUN 11 SEPTEMBER SUN 11 SEPTEMBER WED 26 OCTOBER SUN 2 OCTOBER SUN 2 OCTOBER Amy’s Gran Fondo Amy’s Gran Fondo Warrion Flower Warrion Show Flower Show Hunt for the Golden Hunt Gumboot for the Golden Gumboot GOR & the Otways GOR & the Otways Warrion HallWarrion Hall 8.30am-4.30pm 8.30am-4.30pmOld Beechy Rail TrailOld Beechy Rail Trail 1pm to 8pm1pm to 8pm Kawarren to BanoolKawarren to Banool www.amysgranfondo.org.au www.amysgranfondo.org.au SAT 29 OCTOBER SAT 29 OCTOBER oldbeechyrailtrail@gmail.com oldbeechyrailtrail@gmail.com SAT 17 SEPTEMBER SAT 17 SEPTEMBER Forrest Flicks Forrest Flicks SAT 8 – SUN SAT 8 – SUN 9 OCTOBER Colac Garden & Lifestyle Expo Colac Garden & Lifestyle Expo 9 OCTOBER Forrest Community Forrest Community Hall Hall Birregurra FestivalBirregurra & Art Show Festival & Art Show Colac Show Grounds Colac Show Grounds www.forrestvictoria.com www.forrestvictoria.com Birregurra 9am to 3pm 9am to 3pm Birregurra FRI 4 – SUN FRI 6 4NOVEMBER – SUN 6 NOVEMBER 10am to 5pm 10am to 5pm 153rd Colac153rd Show Colac Show www.birregurrafestival.com www.birregurrafestival.com Colac ShowColac Grounds Show Grounds SAT 8 – SUN 9 OCTOBER SAT 8 – SUN 9 OCTOBER www.colacshow.com.au www.colacshow.com.au Colac Orchid Club Annual Colac Orchid Show Club Annual Show Colac Show Grounds Colac Show Grounds WED 30 NOVEMBER WED 30 NOVEMBER – – 10am to 4pm 10am to 4pm FRI 2 DECEMBER FRI 2 DECEMBER SAT 22 OCTOBER SAT 22 OCTOBER Great Victorian Great Bike Victorian Ride Bike Ride Chase the Dog Chase the Dog Great Ocean Great Road Ocean Road Forrest Forrest www.bicyclenetwork.com.au www.bicyclenetwork.com.au 8am to 5pm 8am to 5pm www.chasethedog.com.au www.chasethedog.com.au

MARKETS MARKETS Apollo Apollo Bay Bay Community CommunityMarket Market Every Every Saturday Saturday Apollo Apollo Bay Bay Foreshore Foreshore Apollo Apollo Bay Bay Farmers’ Farmers’ Market Market Third Third Sunday Sundayof ofeach each month month Apollo Apollo Bay Bay Youth Youth Club Club Birregurra Birregurra Market Market Second Second Sunday Sundayof of each each month month (Nov-Apr) (Nov-Apr) Birregurra Birregurra Park Park Colac Colac Lions Lions Club ClubMarket Market Third Third Sunday Sundayof ofeach each month month Colac Colac Memorial MemorialSquare Square Gellibrand Gellibrand Market Market Quarterly Quarterly Markets Markets LastLast Sunday SundayofofNovember November Rex Rex Norman NormanPark Park

Promote your Promote event with your event us www.colacotway.vic.gov.au with us www.colacotway.vic.gov.au

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