PROJECT TIMELINE PROPOSALS In the summer of 2020, IQC worked with the communities to respond to proposals submitted through IQC’s Request for Proposals, and prepared a program for the spring that would be sponsored by the Oklahoma Municipal League.
PARKS DESIGN & MANAGEMENT WEBINAR On March 2, 2021, IQC organized a webinar for participating communities. During the webinar, guest experts Dr. Sarah Little and Dr. Jerel Cowan presented on best practices in park design and management, and community representatives offered their questions and comments.
COMMUNITY INPUT The IQC team developed an online survey for local representatives to distribute. The survey asked questions about existing uses of the park, as well as preferred activities and amenities for the local park. Due to COVID-19, community input was less than normal and the IQC team recommends additional input from residents when moving forward.
SITE VISITS The IQC team made visits to meet with local leaders and residents in Lone Wolf (March 9), Stroud (March 10), and Hollis (March 17). During each site visit, the team met on site at the park, observed the existing facilities, documented the location with photographs, and facilitated a conversation with participants about goals for the park.
PRELIMINARY CONCEPTS AND REVIEWS The IQC team developed preliminary concepts and held an interim review on April 9 with guest experts Dr. Little and Dr. Cowan. Reviewers made recommendations and offered guidance about how to improve the preliminary concepts.
PRESENTATION The IQC team presented concepts to community members during a virtual review on April 26, 2021. During the presentation, community members had the opportunity to ask questions and offer suggestions for the team.
FINAL REPORT Following the presentations, the IQC team developed this final report as a record of the findings of the parks workshop.