Ounce Oklahoma Croptober 2019

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Finally, Croptober is here! After months of waiting and countless hours of work and care, outdoor crops are ready for harvest. We hope this issue will help you learn more about what to do this time of year (or anytime your plants are ready for harvest).

At the time of writing this, there have been 205,899 patients, 4,063 growers, 1,168 processors, 1,651 dispensary licenses issued in the state of Oklahoma. The number of physicians recommending cannabis in Oklahoma is higher than ever.

We’ve seen nearly 100 years of cannabis prohibition and now, thanks to SQ788, Oklahoma is righting this injustice. Oklahomans are growing their own medicine and getting well, oftentimes even dropping harmful pharmaceuticals in the meantime.

We hope you use Ounce as a resource to share cannabis education with your family, neighbors, lawmakers, and even your doctor. If you ever have an idea for a story or just want to say “Hi”, hit us up on Facebook or send us an email to info@ouncemag.com.

Co-Founders Corey Hunt Courtney Boze Guest Contributors Kayla Johnson Ellis Smith Dustin Sulak, DO Erika Gee, Esq. Advertising & Contact (918) 303-2552 Photos Staff • User Submitted Shutterstock.com • Alizada Studios Cover Teresa G - Ganjartestry.com

co-founder, Ounce Magazine

Email us for questions or comments info@ouncemag.com

Erika Ross Gee egee@wlj.com 501.212.1305 heartlandcannabislawyers.com

For 119 years we’ve helped clients prepare for growth, so when it comes to cannabis we know what to expect. Our multi-disciplinary team of attorneys, led by Erika Gee, helps clients navigate the diverse range of issues raised by the emerging cannabis industry. We focus on regulatory guidance, corporate and tax issues, legislative lobbying, application drafting and employment concerns. We offer experienced counsel and representation on every aspect of cannabis in Arkansas,Oklahoma, Missouri and other emerging markets.

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Cannabis Dosing Victory In The Garden 5 Questions For A Dispensary Owner Drying Cannabis At Home Thinking Like A Doc How to Properly Cure Pounds For Patients - feature Choosing The Right Strain Rules & Regulation Patient Pride Talk Terpy To Me: Guaiol

2XQFH LV WKH ÂżUVW PDJD]LQH LQ 2NODKRPD WR IRFXV RQ PHGLFDO FDQQDELV SDWLHQWV LQGXVWU\ DQG legislation. Printed in full color and delivered old school. Distributed in retail shops, medical clinics, and events throughout the state. For advertising information please visit www.ouncemag.com. The contents of this magazine, such as text, graphics, images, articles, and other material contained within the magazine (“Contentâ€?) are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice; the Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a physician or other TXDOLÂżHG KHDOWK SURYLGHU ZLWK DQ\ TXHVWLRQV \RX PD\ KDYH UHJDUGLQJ D PHGLFDO FRQGLWLRQ 1HYHU GLVUHJDUG SURIHVVLRQDO medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read within this magazine. In the event of a medical emergency, call a doctor or 911 immediately. The articles contained in the magazine are the opinions of the author. OunceMag.com FALL 2019


Cannabis is unlike any other medicine due to its wide range of effective GRVDJHV LQFUHGLEOH VDIHW\ SURÂżOH broad physiologic mechanisms of action, and versatility in treating a wide range of symptoms and diseases. Using the correct dose of cannabis is the single most important factor in having a successful therapeutic relationship with this powerful herb. Unlike most medications, cannabis cannot be prescribed at a certain quantity and frequency based on body weight, age, and medical condition. We all have a unique internal chemistry, and the

cannabinoid system is very complex, so vastly different dosages will be best for different people. Instead of depending on a medical provider (or anyone else) to tell you what your optimal dosage is, we’ve found a simple method that works much better for determining what’s best for you personally. At our three Integr8 Health clinics in 1HZ (QJODQG P\ FROOHDJXHV DQG , treat approximately 18,000 patients with medical cannabis as part of an integrative medicine approach to health. One of our most fascinating ¿QGLQJV KDV WR GR ZLWK RSWLPDO

dosage. When I started my practice, I was surprised to see that some patients were using very low dosages (e.g. 1 puff), while other patients require much higher dosages (e.g. an entire large joint or a potent HGLEOH WR DFKLHYH RSWLPDO EHQH¿WV Over time, I began to notice that most patients using small amounts of cannabis were getting better and more sustainable results than their high-dosage counterparts with similar conditions. Eventually, I discovered that most people have a certain threshold dosage of cannabis, below which they’ll actually experience a gradual LQFUHDVH LQ KHDOWK EHQH¿WV RYHU WLPH and above which they’ll start building tolerance, experiencing diminishing EHQH¿WV DQG PRUH VLGH HIIHFWV 7KLV dosing phenomenon is known as a biphasic dose-response curve. Preclinical research supports these observations, demonstrating that administration of cannabinoids can upregulate endocannabinoid system function at acute and lower doses via increased endocannabinoid production, cannabinoid receptor expression, and cannabinoid receptor DI¿QLW\ DV ZHOO DV GRZQUHJXODWH endocannabinoid system function upon persistent agonism (e.g. long-

term high doses) via membrane receptor endosome internalization – the cell literally pulls the cannabinoid receptor inside, where it is no longer available to be stimulated. Working with patients, I eventually developed a program to help new FDQQDELV XVHUV Âż QG WKHLU RSWLPDO dose in 4 days, and the “sensitization protocol,â€? which allows current users to reset the sensitivity of their endocannabinoid system and achieve much better results with a lower dosage in only 6 days. Afterward, 90% of patients who try

the sensitization protocol are able to decrease their dosage while LPSURYLQJ EHQH¿ WV DQG WKH DYHUDJH dosage reduction is 56%. This UHGXFWLRQ QRW RQO\ LPSURYHV EHQH¿ WV and reduces side effects – it saves patients a lot of money, and potentially makes more cannabis available for those with limited access. In general, patients with greater resilience and who are closer to balance in their physiology are more likely to succeed with lower dosages, while patients who have been sicker

for longer sometimes may require aggressive dosing to control the disease process, they are able to convert to low dosages later, after they too are closer to health and balance. Burstein, S, Hunter, S. 1995. “Stimulation of DQDQGDPLGH ELRV\QWKHVLV LQ 1 7* QHXUREODVWRPD FHOOV E\ ÄŻ WHWUDK\GURFDQQDELQRO 7+& ´ %LRFKHPLFDO Pharmacology 49, no. 6: 855-858. Carter, Gregory T., et al. “Medicinal cannabis: rational guidelines for dosing.â€? IDrugs 7.5 (2004): 464-470. Cichewicz, D, Haller, V, Welch, S. 2001. “Changes in opioid and cannabinoid receptor protein following VKRUW WHUP FRPELQDWLRQ WUHDWPHQW ZLWK Çť tetrahydrocannabinol and morphine.â€? Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 297, no. 1: 121-127. Hsieh, C, et al. 1999. “Internalization and recycling of the CB1 cannabinoid receptor.â€? Journal of neurochemistry 73, no. 2: 493-501. Oviedo, A, Glowa, J, Herkenham, M. 1993. “Chronic cannabinoid administration alters cannabinoid receptor binding in rat brain: a quantitative autoradiographic study.â€? Brain Research 616, no. 1: 293-302. 3RUWHQR\ 5XVVHOO . HW DO Âł1DEL[LPROV IRU RSLRLG WUHDWHG cancer patients with poorly-controlled chronic pain: a randomized, placebo-controlled, graded-dose trial.â€? The Journal of Pain 13.5 (2012): 438-449. SaĂąudo-PeĂąa, M. Clara, et al. “Activational role of cannabinoids on movement.â€? European journal of pharmacology 391.3 (2000): 269-274.

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In 2018, Oklahoma shocked the nation by legalizing medical marijuana, just a few years after our state had sued QHLJKERULQJ VWDWHV IRU WKHLU RZQ FDQQDELV ODZV 1RZ D OLWWOH RYHU D \HDU DIWHU RXU PHGLFDO SURJUDP RI¿FLDOO\ JRW RII WKH ground, we are still shocking the rest of the nation with our passion for the plant. Cannabis is Oklahoma’s new oil boom, and with thousands of additional patients receiving their cards each month, it’s a boom that is showing no signs of dying back just yet. Oklahomans are consuming cannabis as fast as the farms can produce it, and a growing portion of patients are venturing into the world of growing for themselves at home. There’s a laundry list of reasons that people are beginning to grow their own medicine at home. For many, the biggest factor is the cost. While prices here in the state are slowly becoming more leveled, for patients who require a higher dose for relief from their conditions, it can still be exceedingly expensive to buy what they need. Being able to grow for themselves at home dramatically reduces the cost; even if they’re still purchasing some, they’re not forced to rely on SRWHQWLDOO\ H[SHQVLYH ÀRZHU EHFDXVH WKH\œYH JRW WKHLU RZQ supply ready. For others, it’s about knowing exactly what’s JRLQJ LQWR WKH ÀRZHU WKDWœV JRLQJ LQWR WKHLU ERG\ :KLOH PRVW growers do focus on patient safety and wellbeing, having the ability to grow it yourself at home, and know for a fact 8

what is feeding that plant is well worth the effort, simply for your own health. Whatever the reason, home growers are becoming a substantial portion of the patient population in Oklahoma, and they’re making sure their fellow Oklahomans aren’t left behind. Brad D., known on Instagram as @medsbybrad, is from Shattuck, Oklahoma, and says that the cannabis community here is unique, especially the home growers. “It’s more welcoming than any other I’ve seen. It’s heartwarming to see, really.â€? That welcoming atmosphere plays a key role in how information about growing spreads, and Brad says it gives new growers a distinct advantage. “Everyone is so open to sharing techniques and advice, it’s easier WR OHDUQ DERXW PLVWDNHV EHIRUH WKH\ KDSSHQ DQG HDVLHU WR ÂżQG WKH answers you need.â€? /LNH PDQ\ JURZHUV %UDG VD\V RQH RI KLV ÂżUVW PLVWDNHV ZKHQ KH EHJDQ JURZLQJ KLV ÂżUVW SODQW 6SHFLDO .XVK ZDV VLPSO\ RYHUGRLQJ it all. “I was overwatering and over-watching my plants because I was so afraid to let them dry out at all. It’s okay to let them get a little thirsty, it’s easier to bounce back from some underwatering than major overwatering.â€? That over-watering plays a big role in the health of the plant’s roots, another area Brad admits he overlooked. “That’s been my toughest lesson in growing so far.. roots equals fruits, and if you don’t start right, you can’t end right.â€? OunceMag.com FALL 2019

Growing any kind of plant to harvest takes effort, and cannabis is no exception, though for growers at home, how much effort is entirely up to them, something that Brad, and many other growers, enjoy. “My favorite part about home growing is that you can make it your own. However hard or easy you want your grow to be, you can do that. If you don’t want to spend a ton of time or are too busy, there are ways to automate your tents for most things, and outdoor growing takes even less effort. Or, if you’d prefer, you can tend, love, and care for your plants all cycle. I really enjoy seeing the different methods different people prefer to use.� Very few growers use the exact same methods or nutrients as somebody else. Everybody has their own way of doing

things, but for those who have the same tendency to over-micro-manage their grow, Brad’s advice is that of the handsoff variety: “Growing should never be a chore. Please have fun with it, and never be afraid to botch a plant if it means that you will gain some knowledge that you can use to help in future grows.â€? As most gardeners of any kind will admit, it’s not all about the produce, or the Ă€ RZHU 7KHUHÂśV D VSHFLDO NLQG RI SHDFH WR be found in the garden and in the dirt, one WKDWÂśV DPSOLÂż HG ZKHQ WKH SODQWV \RXÂśUH JURZLQJ DUH EHQHÂż FLDO WR \RXU ZHOOEHLQJ Growing anything teaches lessons that you can’t often learn elsewhere in life, including the one learned by Brad and many others.

When did you open and where are you located? :H RIÂż FLDOO\ RSHQHG XS 8UEDQ /HDI 0DUFK WK DW 1( UG Street, Oklahoma City Have you always supported medical cannabis? I have been for the legalization of medical cannabis for many years and have several friends that have had to uproot their families in order to KDYH WKH EHQHÂż WV RI WKLV OLIH VDYLQJ PHGLFLQH What were your thoughts after SQ788 passed? The goal from the beginning was that we knew we would become a “brandâ€? for our industry. A one of a kind dispensary that people would feel comfortable from the moment they walked in and leave with the proper medication and full of knowledge. We wanted growers and processors to come to us, and want their product in our dispensary. We even have a classic truck in it.

“Slow down and breathe. If a problem arises, it’s not going to go away by SDQLFNLQJ ´ 7KDW PLQGVHW UHĂ€ HFWV LQ %UDGÂśV Âż QDO SLHFH RI DGYLFH IRU JURZHUV QHZ DQG experienced alike: “Relax and let the plant grow. It will tell you what it needs, you just have to spend the time to learn how it speaks.â€?

About the Author Kayla Johnson is a medical cannabis and veteran caregiver advocate, and a contributor for Herbage Magazine and The Oklahoma Chronic. Johnson works to share the stories of the everyday patients and industry, and educate the public on real patients versus stigma.

How long did it take to open your dispensary? The planning took several months to complete. We knew that it was important to do it just right and not quickly. We wanted to make it accessible to all, friendly, and unique without a pressured atmosphere. What’s your main goal at Urban Leaf? Our main goal is to have a knowledgeable staff. Many people know about medical cannabis. But, to really help people is different. Our budtenders have completed courses, and have been educated on many aspects of the plant. When you come in, you are not asked, “How high do you want to be,� you’re asked, “How can we make you more comfortable and help you with making your decisions.� Every day, I sit and listen behind the scenes. I wish everyone could experience it. It would change the way cannabis is viewed by many.

After spending over 100 days nurturing and growing your plants it is now harvest time! Drying your crop is an art form, as many SHRSOH ZLOO WHOO \RX LW LV 7KH ¿QDO VWHSV RI GU\LQJ DQG FXULQJ cannabis are crucial to making certain your buds are rich with ÀDYRU DQG UHWDLQ VWURQJ FDQQDELQRLG SUR¿OHV Although it may seem simple, drying is a stage where you can UXLQ \RXU FURS LI QRW GULHG SURSHUO\ <RX DUH SRLVHG WR EHQH¿W from the fruits of your labor, so don’t mess it up! When growing at home ensure you have a few things in place to guarantee success when drying your plants. <RXU GU\LQJ VSDFH ZLOO QHHG WR KDYH SOHQW\ RI DLUÀRZ KRZHYHU you do not want too much air movement as it can dry out \RXU EXGV WRR TXLFNO\ EXW QRW HQRXJK DLUÀRZ FRXOG DOORZ IRU WKH GHYHORSPHQW RI PROG DQG PLOGHZ 7KHUH LV D ¿QH OLQH EXW WKURXJK WULDO DQG HUURU \RX ZLOO ¿QG WKH VZHHW VSRW WKDW ZRUNV EHVW IRU DLUÀRZ LQ \RXU GU\LQJ URRP <RXU GU\LQJ URRP VKRXOG

also be dark during the process, so light does not degrade the THC. The ideal room temperature range is 68 to 75 degrees however you can run higher and lower temps but be sure to check moisture levels by touch to see how slow or fast the process LV ¿QLVKLQJ 1H[W WDNH \RXU KDUYHVWHG SODQWV DQG EUHDN WKHP GRZQ LQWR smaller branches to hang on clothes hangers. I like to leave the IDQ OHDYHV RQ WR KHOS FRYHU DQG SURWHFW WKH ÀRZHUV DV ZHOO DV help control the drying process. Place the hangers on a wire or rope where they can remain hanging in the darkened dry room IRU WKH QH[W WR GD\V $V WKH ÀRZHUV DSSURDFK WKHLU RSWLPDO moisture level, touch them to feel how dry the outside of the ÀRZHUV DUH DQG WKHQ VTXHH]H WKH ÀRZHU WR VHH KRZ WKDW H[WHULRU dryness consistency compares to that of the interior. Between day 7 to day 10, expect to have about 90% of the

moisture content removed so you can trim and begin the all-important curing process.... for more information on curing, see the article entitled How to Properly Cure Cannabis by Ellis Smith. 2QFH GULHG \RX DUH QRZ UHDG\ WR SXOO \RXU Ă€ RZHUV RII WKH KDQJHUV VR \RX FDQ VHW XS IRU hand trimming or machine dry trimming which is purely grower preference. I prefer curing in glass jars and although that is my personal preference, I have used plastic containers before which worked great as well. Regardless of the type of container used, once the Ă€ RZHUV DUH SODFHG LQ \RXU FXULQJ FRQWDLQHU FRQWLQXH WR NHHS LQ D GDUN SODFH DW WKH VDPH 68 to 75-degree temperature range. Open the container multiple times a day to “burpâ€? any remaining moisture out while monitoring how fast or slow the remaining moisture is being removed. For growers with a busy schedule, you can check once a day as well however you should do this for about 7 to 10 days or until you have reached the desired dryness. You can keep it jarred up and cure longer but that is all personal preference. Once cured, it is time to fully enjoy all of the work you put in. Insider Tip: Always check for the smell to see if there is a foul odor or mold developing throughout the drying process.

Chronic pain and opiate addiction have ruined countless lives and changed the landscape of medicine. Some patients feel let down by the medical system when they are denied effective treatment for chronic pain. Others feel njured by medical providers who have started them on opiate medications that have led to addiction and ruined their lives. Healthcare providers feel frustrated that they cannot do more to safely he patients with chronic pain, guilty for providing effective short-term treatments with harmful long-term effects, and depleted of compassion for patients who need help. Luckily, there is another solution that is safe, effective, and sustainable. Plus, patients can grow their own. The vast majority of medical cannabis patients use this herbal medicine to treat chronic pain. The providers at my medical practice are amazed by the results of medical cannabis in the treatment of chronic pain. Patient after patient tells a similar story, and it goes something like this: “I cut my opiate usage drastically, I’m sleeping better, feeling happy, and enjoying my life more, all with fewer side effects.�


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:H Âż QG WKDW ZKHQHYHU ZH VHH D SDWLHQW who has been using opiates to treat chronic pain, after starting medical cannabis the opiate dosage decreases E\ DW OHDVW LQ WKH Âż UVW ZHHN ,WÂśV often more like a 60-80% reduction. Many patients go on to completely discontinue opiate medications over the next several months. They often reduce or discontinue other pain medications as well, including anti-depressants and antiseizure drugs. 6FLHQWLÂż F UHVHDUFK WHOOV WKH VDPH VWRU\ $ review article published in Life Sciences (2004) concludes, “The administration of low doses THC in conjunction with low doses of morphine seems to be an alternative regimen that reduces the need to escalate opioid dose while increasing opioid potency.â€? An animal study found that adding a small amount of THC increased the effectiveness of morphine by four to twelve times. And while cannabinoids, like THC, can work together with opioids to increase potency in the pain centers of the brain, WKHUH LVQÂśW D VLJQLÂż FDQW HIIHFW RQ WKH brainstem, the area responsible for decreased heart rate, slower breathing, and ultimately death in the case of an opiate overdose. This means that using cannabis with opioids is safer than using opioids alone. 3DWLHQWV DUH VWDUWLQJ WR Âż JXUH WKLV RXW $ study published in the Harm Reduction Journal (2009) looked at 350 medical cannabis users and found that 65% of them were using cannabis as a

OunceMag.com FALL 2019

substitute for prescription drugs, 40% were using it as a substitute for alcohol, and 26% were using it as a substitute for illicit drugs. Three of the subjects used cannabis to help them quit smoking tobacco. The most common reasons for the substitution were less adverse side effects, better symptom management, and less withdrawal. So while we all were told that cannabis is dangerous because it is a “gateway drug,� scientists are now calling it an “exit drug� within the framework of harm reduction. The goal is to substitute a safer drug for one that’s more dangerous in patients who are unable to achieve total abstinence. And cannabis is certainly safer than most of our current options for treating chronic pain. In 1999, the Institute of Medicine published a report that stated, “Except for the harms associated with smoking, the adverse effects of cannabis use are within the range tolerated for other medications,� and “there is no conclusive evidence that marijuana causes cancer in humans.� Unlike opiate medications, cannabis can remain effective at a low dose for years or decades. While opiates can numb the pain and disconnect the mind from the body, increasing risk for inappropriate activity and re-injury, cannabis often does the opposite. Patients report that after using cannabis, the pain is still there but is less intense, less bothersome, and they no longer have to dwell on it. They often feel more connected to their

bodies because they no longer have to retreat from the pain. Patients feel able to reclaim their lives from the constant focus on pain. This does not mean that cannabis is a great medicine for everyone. It has been shown to cause addiction and withdrawal symptoms, such as a craving for cannabis, decreased appetite, sleep GLIÂż FXOW\ ZHLJKW ORVV DQG LUULWDELOLW\ A study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry found cannabis withdrawal symptoms to be, “similar in type and magnitude to those observed in studies of nicotine withdrawal.â€? Cannabis does not have to be smoked, as many patients are using tinctures (liquid extracts) and vaporizers (smokeIUHH LQKDODWLRQ &HUWLÂż HG SDWLHQWV DUH able to grow their own or purchase medicine from r dispensaries. Pain is a necessary part of life, helping us to know when to avoid danger, change, rest, or ask for help. Unfortunately, sometimes the pain continues after the threat is gone. Patients in chronic pain are often stressed-out, sleep-deprived, and hopeless. These people need our compassion, understanding, and safe treatment. While opiate prescriptions are increasing at an alarming rate, addiction is ruining families, causing crime, and creating an immense economic burden, and medical providers feel helpless and frustrated, a safe solution might be growing in your neighbor’s back yard.


From the moment your crop is harvested, it begins to degrade as enzymes and aerobic bacteria break down excess sugars and starches. Curing cannabis essentially forces the plant to use up those sugars, starches and excessive nutrients before they have had the chance to dry out and get stuck inside the plant. Curing is my favorite part of growing cannabis. This is the last mile of the race and you can practically VPHOO WKH ¿QLVK OLQH &XULQJ SURYLGHV SUHVHUYDWLRQ WR your harvested and dried cannabis. Proper curing stops the degradation process before terpenes and cannabinoids evaporate or transform into less favorable compounds. &XULQJ FDQ HQKDQFH DQG ¿QLVK \RXU ÀRZHUV IRU WKH perfect consistency to be burned for your smoking SOHDVXUH 7KLV LV WKH ¿QDO VWHS WR ¿QLVK ZKDW \RX started but do not grow complacent as this is just as LPSRUWDQW DV DQ\ RI WKH RWKHU FXOWLYDWLRQ RU ¿QLVKLQJ processes. The goal of the curing process is to slowly remove and evenly distribute the remaining moisture that is in the center of the plant. My personal preference is glass jars while others use plastic containers, rubber containers, ceramic, etc. Whatever your choice be sure to follow these easy steps to ensure you achieve \RXU GHVLUHG ¿QLVKHG SURGXFW


,GHDOO\ , OLNH WKH À RZHU WR EH DERXW GU\ ZLWK DERXW moisture left to slowly remove. Fill the curing container 50% full RI À RZHU VR \RX KDYH SOHQW\ RI DLU DQG VSDFH WR DOORZ IRU SURSHU burping/off-gassing.


Open container and burp the air built up 3 to 5 times per day depending on your access to the curing room. A good schedule WR IROORZ LV ¿ UVW WKLQJ LQ WKH PRUQLQJ OXQFKWLPH GLQQHU WLPH DQG just before bed. Let the container sit open for a few minutes or longer depending on moisture content. Repeat this process daily for 7 to 14 days however some growers will cure for 4 ZHHNV 7U\ D IHZ GLIIHUHQW GXUDWLRQV DQG ¿ QG RXW ZKDW ZRUNV best for you.

3. Allow your senses to help play a role in knowing the cure is

properly taking place as the terpenes are being accentuated. If you start to smell sour mold then try and speed up your cure process by leaving the container open to allow for more EUHDWKDELOLW\ IRU WKH À RZHU 'RQ¶W VORZ WKH FXUH GRZQ WRR PXFK as you will develop mold resulting in foul-smelling cannabis

4. At peak, enjoy --- you worked hard and deserve it!

Freeman Farms is a 20 acre family-owned and operated operation. Currently, Freeman Farms is growing on 4 acres. Tyler, founder of Freeman Farms and Freeman Farmaceuticals says, “We believe that the sunlight and the ground are the best for the plants to grow. I myself am a cannabis user, medical patient, as is one of our growers, Ben Sweet with Outlawed Genetics. His dad has cancer and he’s growing to make cannabis oil to help him during this time. I started cultivating cannabis in Oklahoma to be able to grow so I can process and make extracts to make non-smokables for the patients here in Oklahoma. Also to provide the Oklahoma industry with some unique medical cannabis varieties that I’ve collected over the years.â€? The cultivation of outdoor cannabis in Oklahoma is not without challenges. Freeman Farms says that growing in Oklahoma has been a unique experience. Âł7KH HDUO\ Ă€ RRGV LQ WKH VSULQJWLPH VHW XV back about six weeks. The humidity and the drastic change in weather had a little bit of impact on our grow as far as insects go. We had no mites. We had no infestation. Caterpillars were a little bit of a problem this year. Other than that, the beauty of the SODQWV DQG WKH SURÂż OH WKDW LW JHWV IURP WKH sun to pull the oils out has been great.â€? The Pounds for Patients program is an outlet for the patients that really need the alternative medication here in Oklahoma. The program was created for the cannabis patients of Oklahoma to help out those that can’t afford their medication, trying to mitigate western pharmaceuticals or those that need help getting a license. Freeman says, “A lot of our patients here in Oklahoma WKDW DUH RQ 0HGLFDUH DOVR DUH Âż [HG LQFRPH and can’t afford to either get their license OunceMag.com FALL 2019

or have affordable medication. We need to make affordable medication ready and available for those with terminal illnesses, such as cancer.â€? Currently, Freeman Farms is cultivating 64 varieties and breeding over a hundred different cultivars of medical cannabis. Included amongst these varieties are “highCBDâ€?, balanced CBD:THC, and unique varieties such as Durban Poison which is high in THCV, a cannabinoid shown to kill cancer cells and promotes bone growth. When asked what he hopes to see over the next few years in the Oklahoma cannabis community, Tyler says, “I would like to see a curriculum applied for educating those that are distributing the products, growing the products, and also an outlet for the patients taking the products. I’d like people to understand that the effectiveness of cannabis is not just based on a THC percentage. I’d also like to see CBD make a big comeback or at least a one to one to show people that THC is not just the dominant cannabinoid that helps peopleâ€? Freeman says he has is moved to help from stories he hears from people across Oklahoma. “There was a man that I had PHW WKURXJK JRLQJ Âż VKLQJ RXW RI )RUW Gibson. His wife was dying of stage two

cancer. I struck up a conversation and I ended up having a Durban Poison strain in a vape pen. His wife had been through two rounds of chemo and the cancer came back. I talked to the man and asked if they’d tried any cannabis or anything. I ended up giving him my vape pen. Several months of contact back and forth, she was now using cannabis.â€? Freeman continues, “My broker had me come out to Tulsa this past year and meet with the owner of a dispensary. I walked into the dispensary. This lady came up and wrapped her arms around me and just thanked me for what seemed OLNH D PLOOLRQ WLPHV &RPH WR Âż QG RXW LW ZDV this man’s wife. They were totally against cannabis. They weren’t going to try it. She WRRN PH EDFN WR KHU RIÂż FH DQG VKRZHG PH her Facebook page a year to the date that I walked in that she was planning her funeral, and now she is a cannabis advocate and owns a dispensary in Tulsa, Oklahoma.â€? To date, Freeman Farmaceuticals has GRQDWHG RYHU SRXQGV RI Ă€ RZHU WR processors in Oklahoma. Freeman Farms says they are available on Facebook or via email at familytrees2019@gmail.com for dispensaries looking to participate in the program.


There are hundreds of varieties and cultivars (i.e. strains) of medical cannabis, each with different medicinal effects. The unique properties of each variety arise from their synergy of the cannabinoids, terpenes, and other compounds. Finding the right medicine will likely require trying out a number of varieties, but the following guidelines can help direct your VHDUFK 0RVW SDWLHQWV HYHQWXDOO\ ¿ QG different strains that work well for different purposes, such as one for daytime and one for sleep. Medical cannabis strains fall into a few major categories: indica, sativa, hybrid indica/sativa, and high-CBD. While WKHVH WHUPV DUH QRW VFLHQWL¿ FDOO\ DFFX rate, they are widely used in the cannabis world. Furthermore, cannabis by one name from one producer may be vastly different than cannabis by the same name from a different producer. The best way to identify a strain that works or doesn’t work for you is to have it laboratory tested for cannabinoid and terpene content, and to remember the appearance and aroma if using fresh buds. CANNABIS SATIVA strains are tall plants with narrow leaves and buds ofWHQ KDYLQJ D VSLF\ RU À RZHU\ IUDJUDQFH

These varieties are generally more mentally stimulating, more energetic and euphoric. They tend to help more with nausea and other abdominal complaints, appetite stimulation, headaches, depression, and fatigue. Although side effects are uncommon and usually mild, sativa strains are more likely to cause or worsen anxiety or paranoia. CANNABIS INDICA strains are shorter and bushier plants and often having a sour or fruity fragrance. Indica varieties are typically relaxing and sedating. They tend to help more with pain, anxiety, muscle spasms, and insomnia. HYBRID INDICA/SATIVA strains are very common and have been bred to DFKLHYH VSHFLÂż F TXDOLWLHV 0DQ\ K\EULG strains are able to produce effects that provide the best of both worlds. CBD-RICH VWUDLQV KDYH VSHFLÂż FDO ly been bred to produce high levels of cannabidiol (CBD). CBD has several exciting medicinal properties, including DQWL DQ[LHW\ DQWL LQĂ€ DPPDWRU\ DQWL WX mor, anti-seizure, and pain relief. Strains with high levels of CBD have decreased or negligible psychoactivity, making them desirable for patients who want the medLFDO EHQHÂż WV ZLWKRXW JHWWLQJ ÂłKLJK´ RU LP paired. This can be ideal for patients who

need to drive, work, etc. We recommend that you consult with an experienced healthcare provider to receive personalized recommendations on cannabis varieties and cannabinoid ratios/dosages for your condition. If \RX FDQQRW Âż QG DQ H[SHUW \RX FDQ QHW work with other cannabis-using patients WKDW KDYH VLPLODU FRQGLWLRQV DQG Âż QG RXW which strains work the best for them, but remember, unless you purchase from the same producer, you may end up with a totally different product. Want to learn more? Be a trusted canQDELV DGYLVRU *HW +HDOHU &HUWLÂż HG 9LVLW Healer.com for more information.


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There is a lot of confusion about the new labeling and packaging requirements that went into effect in September. (You FDQ Âż QG WKHP KHUH ZZZ 2XQFH0DJ com/788). It doesn’t help matters that the relevant rules are scattered in severDO GLIIHUHQW SODFHV 1HYHU IHDU :H KDYH pulled these together in one spot for you, broken down into rules for everything and additional rules for edibles. Both wholesalers (growers and processors) and retailers (dispensaries) are responsible for making sure that any product you sell meets these standards, so let’s dive in. Let’s start with rules for everything. You should be packaging every type of product in child resistant, opaque, resealable containers at the point of sale, if it’s not already in a compliant container from the grower/processor. It can be any type of container or bag, so long as you can’t see the product inside, it’s resealable and the manufacturer states that it meets the standard for “child resistant.â€? You cannot satisfy this requirement with an exit bag – each individual product must be in this type of container at the point of sale. Make sure that each of your labels includes the “uniform symbolâ€? in color and that you have each of the required statements listed below. It should go without saying at this point that none of your packaging should be attractive to minors or use cartoon characters or similar images. An important new rule that you might have overlooked

is the ban on any images on your packaging except for your business logo and a picture of the product. OAC 310:681-71(d)(1) (p. 46 of the Emergency Rules). This means that those of you with a logo or image for particular products will need to rethink your packaging design. If you are producing edible products, the rules have not changed. You must still follow additional rules to include not only the ingredient list, allergen information and the other items listed below. If you are selling more than $50,000 per year in food to consumers, you may also be required to include FDA-compliant nutriWLRQ ODEHOLQJ <RX FDQ Âż QG PRUH LQIRUPD tion on nutrition labeling in the FDA Food Labeling Guide here: (www.OunceMag. com/FDA). If you have questions about any of these regulations or how to make sure your packaging and labeling complies with the law, reach out to us at egee@wlj.com or 501-680-4880 for a consultation.

About The Author: Erika Gee is the team leader of the Wright Lindsey Jennings Cannabis and IndustriDO +HPS SUDFWLFH D PHPEHU RI WKH Âż UPÂśV Government Relations Practice and a former Chief of Staff and Chief Deputy in WKH $UNDQVDV $WWRUQH\ *HQHUDOÂśV 2IÂż FH Since returning to Wright Lindsey Jennings in 2015, Gee has developed a regulatory and administrative law practice primarily focused on the pharmacy and medical cannabis industries. She has been actively involved in the implementation and licensure process for cannabis businesses in Arkansas and Oklahoma, including regulatory and legislative lobbying, drafting applications and regulatory compliance planning and representation for cultivation facilities, dispensaries, processing facilities, licensed transporters and other related businesses. She also represents clients seeking licensure to grow and process industrial hemp and who operate wholesale and retail CBD businesses.

All products labeling and packaging: • Labels, and packages, and containers may not be attractive to minors and shall not contain any content that reasonably appears to target children, including toys, cartoon characters, and similar images. They must not mimic any trademarked products. • Packages shall not depict images other than the business name logo of the medical marijuana producer and image of the product. • Packaging must be labeled with these statements: • “Keep out of reach of children.â€? • “Women should not use marijuana or medical marijuana products during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects.â€? • “This product has been tested for contaminants.â€? • The Oklahoma Uniform Symbol in color and .5 inch x .5 inch; • All products must be packaged in child-resistant, opaque outermost packages at the point of sale. ‡ 3DFNDJHV DQG ODEHOV VKDOO QRW PDNH DQ\ FODLPV WR SURYLGH KHDOWK RU SK\VLFDO EHQHÂżWV WR WKH SDWLHQW • The labeling must include the THC and terpenoid potency. The indications from OMMA are that terpenoid potency is the sum total of terpenoid content, not broken down by terpenes.

Edible products labeling and packaging: • Principal Display Panels (part of the label most likely to be seen) must include: ‡ 1DPH DQG DGGUHVV RI WKH EXVLQHVV ‡ 1DPH RI WKH IRRG ‡ 1HW TXDQWLW\ RU ZHLJKW RI FRQWHQWV • Ingredients list • Food allergen information ‡ 1XWULWLRQ ODEHOLQJ LI UHTXLUHG E\ )HGHUDO ODZ • Information Panels (part of the label immediately to the right of the Principal Display Panel) must also contain: • List of cannabis ingredients • The batch of marijuana • The strain of marijuana (optional) • THC dosage in milligrams per unit • The lot code • All edibles packaging must contain these additional statements: • “For accidental ingestion call 1-800-222-1222.â€? • “Women should not use marijuana or medical marijuana products during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects or while breastfeeding.â€?

One of the best parts of seeing medical cannabis legalized here in Oklahoma is undeQLDEO\ EHLQJ DEOH WR VHH SDWLHQWV ÂżQG WUXH life-changing relief, without worrying about the stigma or repercussions from their choice of medicine. Some of these Oklahoma patients are discovering that they were completely wrong about the plant and people who use it, and others are simply able to legally XVH LW WR FRQÂżUP ZKDW WKH\ÂśYH IHOW DOO DORQJ that cannabis can be life-saving, in more than one way. Toni Egerer falls into the latter category of patients. A resident of Perry most of her life, Toni was raised by a relatively pro-cannabis family, an especially rare occurrence in a small town. “I was raised to be pro-cannabis. My family never really talked much DERXW FDQQDELV VSHFLÂżFDOO\ but we were always taught that God provided everything in this world that we would need for food, medicine, and more.â€? That mindset was one ingrained in her family by her great-grandmother, D 1DWLYH $PHULFDQ PHGLFLQH ZRPan. “I was never able to meet her, unfortunately, but I have heard many, many stories about how she would use herbs for any kind of illness. That really stuck with me.â€? As she got older, she realized her family shared more than just a pro-natural-remedy thought process. “Degenerative back disorder runs in my family, and it started to become a real problem for me around the age of 27. I’ve been

on pain management for years and used all kinds of prescriptions through my doctor to try and relieve the pain. Cannabis takes away that pain, and provides great relief for me, without all of the horrible side effects that come with the pills.� That relief also extends to her mental well-being, where the anxiety disorder she’s struggled with since she was 21 often weighs on her. “At one point, I had been prescribed Xanax for my anxiety, and while it did help, I also had those awful side effects again, and with cannabis, I just don’t have that problem. It is now my go-to for both pain and panic attacks.� Once the movement for medical legalization really kicked into gear here in the state, Toni says that she was immediately on board, “I believe in the medicinal properties and uses so much that as soon as I heard they were trying to legalize it, I was for it.� Once it became law, she says that almost immediately, it became one of the most tightly-knit com-

munities she’s ever been a part of. “We have really come together as a cannabis community, and as a healing community. I love the support we all give and receive from one another.â€? Like many other patients, Toni is growLQJ IRU KHUVHOI IRU WKH Âż UVW WLPH DV ZHOO Âł, can legally grow my own medicine. I can control the things that go into my medicine. Knowing that your body is safe from toxins and chemicals is such a powerful feeling, and I’m grateful to be able to access so many groups about growing, just to get advice or encouragement when I need it.â€? Toni’s favorite part of having her medical card, however, is a simple one that many may be able to relate to “I seriously have a card that says I can legally possess marijuana. It’s crazy, and amazing, because my only drug charge is for marijuana, in 2010. I love that I can just have it now.â€? Like many other patients, though,

WKDW Âż UVW SXUFKDVH ZDV QHUYH ZUDFNLQJ “I was so nervous! I just wanted to hurry, make the purchase, and leave, but they made it feel like such an easy process. 1RZ" ,WÂśV MXVW VRPHWKLQJ , GR OLNH JRLQJ to the gas station. It’s no big deal.â€? Even for her loved ones, it’s no big deal and even an important piece of their life. “I’m married, and we have two children together. I know that my family can tell when mommy is in pain, and my children probably prefer me to have my medicine, because I’m not so edgy when I’m not hurting.â€? Gone are the days where pain and anxiety would keep her trapped in bed for the day, unable to participate, and instead, Toni says it’s opened a new FKDSWHU IRU KHU IDPLO\ Âł1RZ EHFDXVH of cannabis, I’m not in pain. I can clean the house, move around, play with my NLGV DJDLQ :HÂśYH WDNHQ RXU Âż UVW IDPLO\ vacations, we’ve spread our wings as a family, and I know all of us are better off.â€?

TWO LOCATIONS IN OKC: 2500 NW 23rd Street | 2410 Meridian Ave. OunceMag.com FALL 2019


There is a lot to be said about a plant that can be grown to accommodate such a large number of patients suffering from so many different ailments. This is not to say every cultivar of cannabis is right for every single patient, but a little insight into the components of cannabis can make selecting the perfect medicine much easier. Cannabinoids like THC and CBD are highly medicinal, but some of the true healing comes from the terpenes found within the cannabis buds. Terpenes are not unique to cannabis, they are found throughout the entire plant kingdom in À RZHUV YHJHWDEOHV KHUEV DQG WUHHV Guaiol (also known as champacol) is a sesquiterpenoid alcohol with many inter-


esting uses. Guaiol’s odor is described as woody, with hints of rose and violet. Its highest concentrations are found in Carribean guaiacum plants however, guaiol is also found in cypress trees, apples, sage, and many others, in addition to Cannabis Sativa. Guaiol may offer many different mediciQDO EHQH¿ WV WR PDQ\ SDWLHQWV LWV GLXUHWLF properties make it a great laxative. It has also been used to offer relief of menstrual symptoms. Guaiacum wood was used by early settlers as a treatment for syphilis. Even more notable, a 2018 research article suggests guaiol could cause DSRSWRVLV SURJUDP FHOO GHDWK LQ 1RQ Small Cell Lung Cancer cells. Guaiol may even slow down the growth of new cells. More research is needed but, we may have only scratched the

surface on the potential this robust terpene has to offer. In addition to providing wonderful smells DQG KHDOLQJ EHQHÂż WV KXPDQV HQMR\ WHU penes also serve as a natural deterrent to predators in the garden. Research from 2013 suggests Guaiol at concentrations of 70 mg/L or higher to be a powerful deterrent for aphids. One thing is for sure, there is sun on the horizon in terms of how we heal ourselves. Plant-based medicine has been serving humans since the beginning of WLPH 1RZ ZH DUH XQLTXHO\ SRVLWLRQHG ZLWK WKH KHOS RI WKH ,QWHUQHW WR Âż QG DOO the information we need and begin making informed choices about our health and wellbeing. References https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Guaiol#section=Odor https://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/sis/ search2/r?dbs+hsdb:@term+@rn+@ rel+8016-23-7 https://academic.oup.com/jhmas/article-abstract/IV/2/196/700712?redirectedFrom=fulltext https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/ PMC6067839/ https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/ abs/10.1177/1934578X1300801001

OunceMag.com FALL 2019

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