sion and purpose. Friends and family started coming to me for help developing their own customized medical cannabis regiments and I realized I had a knack for advising and teaching others. With the passage of Oklahoma SQ 788 and at a professional crossroads, I took another leap of faith. I created, Medical Marijuana Education for Healthy Living. I now serve patients and industry professionals in a way I couldn’t serve myself two years ago, through straightforward education that creates relief and revitalization. Today, I am a trusted advisor that crafts hands-on, unlimited support, 8-week medical cannabis therapy programs that target patient-specific cannabinoid/terpene profiles, consumption methods, production suggestions, dosing schedules, and symptom management tracking. To the patient-focused mediBy Tiffany Stuhr, WatchSong cal cannabis dispensary or medical professional, I teach CME-accreditpopularity as a tool to treat many ed certifications that create experconditions, including opioid with- tise, empowerment, and loyalty indrawal. I took the leap of faith and patient engagements. began the uncomfortable weaning Medical cannabis therapy is not a off period. It wasn’t easy, but I did one-size-fits-all solution. Effective it. Thrilled to be off opioids, CBD relief takes education, planning, alone did not effectively manage commitment, and time. Find your my pain and I turned to THC-based path and find your freedom today! < products. Navigating THC safely and comfortably was no easy task. I had many About the Author uncomfortable experiences exper- Tiffany Stuhr is a patient – turned imenting with cultivars, terpenes, medical cannabis educator and paconsumption methods, and dos- tient advisor at, Meding. Nothing was straightforward ical Marijuana Education for Healthy and I set out to fill my knowledge Living. For patients suffering from pain, depression, anxiety, insomnia, gap with every bit of information I etc. She creates relief and revitalcould find; studies, research, train- ization through safe and customized ing, certifications, conferences, etc. medical cannabis therapy planning. You name it, I studied it and even- Tiffany has a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Biology and holds a medical tually developed my own medical marijuana teaching certification for cannabis therapy plan. Train-the-Trainer Cannacian™ Level I took my life back and found pas- One.
or ten years, I was broken. Chronic back and pelvic pain kept me dependent on opioids. The only western medicine answer was to keep taking them for the rest of my life. I had no idea how dull, lifeless, and devoid life had become. I often questioned why I was alive. Life just didn’t seem worth living. Then, I discovered medical cannabis. My journey with medical cannabis was rocky, full of trial and error, yet ultimately transformed pain and misery into a passion for educating other medical cannabis patients and industry professionals. Two years ago my soul spoke to me, “it’s time to free yourself” from opioids and I had no idea how. Fortunately, CBD oil was gaining 6 MAY/JUNE 2019