A Small Town Story: Grace CBD and Dispensary
n the movie Back to the Future, Doc !QNVM MDDCDC @ ƌ TW B@O@BHSNQ @MC gigawatts to go back in time. In Oklahoma all you need to do is travel outside of the big city and head down an old 2 K@MD GHFGV@X SHKK XNT Ƽ MC NMD NE SGD L@MX small towns and miles of beautiful scenDQX SG@S SGHR RS@SD G@R SN NƤ DQ +HJD -NQSG NƤ NE ( ITRS LHM VDRS NE .JK@
homa City, for example.
torical downtown. As I did, I could see the American Flag painted on the side of an old family hardware store with “Old Gloryâ€? herself waving in the Oklahoma wind NM @ ĆŚ @F ONKD MDWS SN SGD ATHKCHMF MC it is there across from that building that I found Grace.
When situations occur that some would deem “out of this worldâ€? some believe its phenomenons, miracles, mysteries, Five minutes into the drive on that high- J@QL@ @MC RNLD ITRS BG@KJ HS TO SN Ĺ™RSTƤ way you will see yourself staring at miles happensâ€?. Well for Melody Horton, the of farmland, cattle, and dirt roads with only thing she believes that saved her rolling hills that you can see until they husband Joe’s life from a horrible drug FN NUDQ NMD ĆĽ M@K GHKK HMSN SGD TMJMNVM addiction that cost him a welding busiYou will eventually pass through the very ness, was God’s Grace. So 9 years later, small town of Geary, OK which if you pass when they were open on a Saturday afthrough on a Saturday afternoon you are ternoon. likely to see a larger fellow in overalls with a mid-chest length beard sitting in a That was about the only positive thing chair in front of his little old house right he wanted to say about Grace when I NƤ SGD L@HM QN@C @R HE GDĹ—R V@SBGHMF @KK stopped in to ask him questions. He said who travels through his town. The next “He’s not pro cannabis, but it’s the law of thing you will notice on this drive shortly the landâ€? so he respects what they are do@ESDQ KD@UHMF &D@QX HR @ K@QFD GHKK NƤ HM SGD ing and hopes it does some good for the DBNMNLX ,DKNCX R@XR @S ĆĽ QRS SGD BHSX V@R distance. SQXHMF SN ĆĽ FGS A@BJ @F@HMRS SGD HMCTRSQX Living in most parts of Oklahoma all you but once they realized what the law was, RDD HR ĆŚ @SK@MC RN @ GHKKRHCD KHJD SGHR HR UDQX they accepted it and have actually been noticeable and awesome looking. You great to them. think you will never get to it and at times think the road will curve in the opposite Their store has even been featured in the direction but you eventually curve back local paper now twice. They said the peoaround to it. As you do, you notice a horse ple in the community have been great. KNNJHMF ĆĽ FTQD NM SNO NE SGD GHKKRHCD 3GDM Joe and Melody have since had a couple as you get closer you realize it’s a wooden patient drives and have helped almost creation of a Native American man sitting one hundred people in the community horseback next to three crosses as if to get their medical cannabis recommendaimplore you to remember all who trav- tions. eled this land before you. They themselves have been freed from Eventually you will come to the town of all of their former medications and have 6@SNMF@ .* ,X ĆĽ QRS SHLD HMSN SNVM ( never felt better according to Melody. swore I hit 88 MPH, got struck by lightning, They are like new people. The have expeand traveled back into time. After passing QHDMBDC SGD ONVDQ NE B@MM@AHR ĆĽ QRS G@MC a large mill, I turned onto Main Street and and now have their sites on sharing that went over some railroad tracks, passed a experience with the people of Watonga. rolling tumbleweed, and entered into his- If only more cannabis brands in the state cared about the people of Watonga as 10 OunceMag.com SUMMER 2019 much as they do.
When opening a dispensary in a city with many dispensaries within a 40 mile radius and not having any connections, it may RDDL CHƧ BTKS @MC RSQDRRETK @S SHLDR SN ĆĽ MC OQNCTBSR ENQ XNTQ RGNO %NQ SGD LNRS part though, once you put that “OPENâ€? RHFM TO XNT VHKK RNNM ĆĽ MC XNTQRDKE ADHMF NƤ DQDC @MC OHSBGDC OQNCTBSR RNLDSHLDR on the daily. From your cannabis infused products to cannabis merchandise, paraOGDQM@KH@ @MC DUDM @QS 8NT VHKK ĆĽ MC XNTQ
self having options. In small town dispensaries here in the state that are located far from the city limits, that is not the case. Unless a grower or processor is in their area, most of these dispensaries only see products leaving through the front doors of their shops and never entering. I started to get that feeling more and more on my Tokie Tee travels, but I saw this in Melody Horton’s face SGD Ƽ QRS SHLD ( LDS GDQ @S SGD &QDDM&QNV Expo at the beginning of March. She asked how many designs of ours she would have to order for us to mail her shop some to Watonga, Ok. I told her forget mail, if she ordered even one of our designs, I would personally deliver them so I could visit the shop my brand was being welcomed in. If her jaw was any KNNRDQ GDQ LNTSG L@X G@UD GHS SGD ƌ NNQ (SŗR KHJD RGD GD@QC SG@S SGD D@QSG V@R ƌ @S She was shocked. And I knew at that moment that the dispensaries, and in return, patients in these small towns are being forgotten about. -NS NMKX HR HS G@QC ENQ SGDL SN Ƽ MC OQNC
TBSR ATS HSŗR G@QC SN Ƽ MC OQNCTBSR SG@S don’t come attached with a minimum order requirement within the ideal purchase range for a small town dispensary. Joe Horton, like many of these small town dispensary owners, has to drive to the city 1 to 3 times a week to get products for his shop and for his local patients. They literally have to go the extra mile for those needing medical cannabis in small town,