Oxford MyEnglish Year 9 Australian Curriculum sample lesson plan

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Lesson plan Part B Organising words and ideas Unit 14 Types of clauses Pages 68–71

Learning intentions

Australian Curriculum links

In this lesson, students will: • review the differences between independent and dependent clauses • explore how dependent clauses can be combined with independent clauses to increase the complexity of a sentence.

Level: 9 Strand: Language Sub-strand: Language for expressing and developing ideas Content description: Identify how authors vary sentence structures creatively for effects, such as intentionally using a dependent clause on its own or a sentence fragment (AC9E9LA05)

Success criteria By the end of this lesson, students should be able to: • identify dependent and independent clauses within a sentence • write sentences that combine dependent and independent clauses, punctuating these appropriately.

© Oxford University Press 2023 Oxford MyEnglish 7–10 Australian Curriculum 3E Teacher obook pro ISBN 9780190342197 Permission has been granted for this page to be photocopied within the purchasing institution only.


Text extracts included in Unit 14 Short story ‘Theseus and the Minotaur’ by Richard Baines (Myths and Legends Two, Oxford University Press, 2009, pp. 12–13)

Things to know before you start teaching this lesson • Recommended total teaching time for Unit 14 is 30 minutes. Students may require an additional 15–20 minutes to complete homework tasks. • Sentences are composed of groups of words called phrases and clauses. • A clause is a group of words that contains both a noun and a verb. It can be combined with phrases or other clauses to create a more detailed sentence. • Clauses can be dependent or independent. Independent clauses stand on their own. Dependent clauses contain a subordinating conjunction and must be combined with another clause to make sense.

Lesson 14: Types of clauses STARTER ACTIVITY 10 mins

Introducing phrases and clauses • As a class, read the Unit 14 introduction box. • Ask students to write an independent clause (a simple sentence). • Have them swap their sentence with another student, adding an independent clause to create a compound sentence. • Then ask students to turn one of the independent clauses into a dependent one, turning the sentence from compound to complex. They can do this by rewriting the sentence and changing the coordinating conjunction to a subordinating

© Oxford University Press 2023 Oxford MyEnglish 7–10 Australian Curriculum 3E Teacher obook pro ISBN 9780190342197 Permission has been granted for this page to be photocopied within the purchasing institution only.

Support/ Extension Support Provide students with a list of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions to assist them when writing independent and dependent clauses.

Resources Workbook Unit 14 Types of clauses: In Focus, p. 68

Extend Challenge students to 2

one. • It is likely that some students may find this exercise challenging, so it may be beneficial to model the task on the board.


Activity 1: In Focus activity • Complete activities 14.1 to 14.2 in the student workbook and review answers as a class. • For activity 14.3, challenge the students to pick one of the sentences they’ve written in this exercise, and continue writing to produce a 50-word short story. They should aim to include at least two clauses in every sentence.

20 mins

OR Activity 2: Responding to myths • Read the text extract ‘Theseus and the Minotaur’ in Unit 14. • Ask the students to use the internet to briefly research the story of Theseus. • Have students write a short, four-sentence first-person account of the story of defeating the Minotaur from Theseus’s viewpoint. In the first instance, each of their

© Oxford University Press 2023 Oxford MyEnglish 7–10 Australian Curriculum 3E Teacher obook pro ISBN 9780190342197 Permission has been granted for this page to be photocopied within the purchasing institution only.

create a compound/complex sentence, consisting of two independent clauses and one dependent one, connected with appropriate conjunctions.

Support/ Extension

Resources Workbook Unit 14 Types of clauses: In Focus, pp. 68–69

Support Students who need additional support can initially aim to extend their paragraph by adding only additional independent clauses to form compound sentences. Once they

Workbook Unit 14 Types of clauses: In Context, p. 70 Computers with internet


sentences should be simple ones containing only a single clause. • Once they have completed this task, they need to rewrite their story, adding at least one additional clause to every sentence. They should aim to add a mix of dependent and independent clauses joined with appropriate conjunctions. • When students have completed the task, they can annotate their paragraph, identifying the independent and dependent clauses, compound and complex sentences, and coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.

have completed this, they can choose one of their sentences and attempt to rewrite it as a complex sentence. Extend Capable students can attempt to write the story from the perspective of the Minotaur rather than Theseus. They should be encouraged to craft their writing to position the audience to feel sympathy for the Minotaur.

TOTAL 30 mins

HOMEWORK 15 mins

Consolidate activity • Complete the Unit 14 quiz on the obook pro.

© Oxford University Press 2023 Oxford MyEnglish 7–10 Australian Curriculum 3E Teacher obook pro ISBN 9780190342197 Permission has been granted for this page to be photocopied within the purchasing institution only.

Support/ Extension Extend Complete the Test Yourself module in the Units 13 & 14 Review

Resources obook pro Unit 14 quiz Workbook 4

in the student workbook.

Units 13 & 14 Review, pp. 72–73

SUPPORT AND EXTENSION ACTIVITIES USING INTER-YEAR LINKS Oxford MyEnglish allows you to assign content and resources on any topic you are teaching from any year level. These are known as inter-year links. Inter-year links cater to mixed-ability classrooms by allowing you to assign work from any year level based on student need. For example: • if there are students in your Year 9 class who require additional scaffolding or support to understand types of clauses, you can assign them content and resources from the Support, Year 7 or 8 inter-year links • if there are students in your Year 9 class who would benefit from extending their knowledge and understanding of types of clauses, you can assign them content and resources from the Year 10 inter-year link. The graphic below shows all the linked units relating to clauses that you can choose from.

© Oxford University Press 2023 Oxford MyEnglish 7–10 Australian Curriculum 3E Teacher obook pro ISBN 9780190342197 Permission has been granted for this page to be photocopied within the purchasing institution only.


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