Number Describe the relationship between perfect square numbers and square roots, and use squares of numbers and square roots of perfect square numbers to solve problems (AC9M7N01) investigating squares of natural numbers from one to 20, and connecting them to visual representations such as dots arranged in a square pattern using the square and square root notation, and the distributive property and area diagrams to calculate the squares of two-digit numbers; for example, 43 2=( 40+ 3 )2=40 2+ 2× 40 ×3+3 2=1600+240+9=1849 determining between which 2 consecutive natural numbers the square root of a given number lies; for example, 43 is between the square numbers 36 and 49 so √43 is between √36 and √49 and therefore between 6 and 7 generating a list of perfect square numbers and describing any emerging patterns; for example, the last digit of perfect square numbers, or the difference between consecutive square numbers, and recognising the constant second difference Represent natural numbers as products of powers of prime numbers using exponent notation (AC9M7N02) developing familiarity with the sequence 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 and powers of 2; the sequence 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, 729 and powers of 3; and the sequence 1, 5, 25, 125, 625 and powers of 5 Represent natural numbers in expanded notation using place value and powers of 10 (AC9M7N03) investigating exponent notation for powers of 10 such as ‘one hundred thousand’ is 100 000=10 × 10× 10× 10 ×10=105 relating the sequences 10, 100, 1000, 100 000 … and 101, 102, 103, 104 ... Use the 4 operations with positive rational numbers including fractions, decimals and percentages to solve problems using efficient calculation strategies (AC9M7N06) developing efficient strategies with appropriate use of the commutative and associative properties, place value, patterning, and multiplication facts to solve multiplication and division problems involving fractions and decimals, for example, using the commutative property to 2 1 1 2 1 calculate of giving of = 3 2 2 3 3 Compare, order and solve problems involving addition and subtraction of integers (AC9M7N07) using less-than and greater-than notation in expressions when comparing and ordering integers; for example, negative 5 is less than positive 2 and can be represented as (−5) < (+2); (−3) > (−6) discussing language such as “addition”, “subtraction”, “magnitude”, “difference”, “sign” and synonyms of these terms © Oxford University Press 2023 Oxford Maths 7 Australian Curriculum Teacher obook pro ISBN 9780190332815 Permission has been granted for this page to be photocopied within the purchasing institution only.
Year 7 achievement standard
By the end of Year 7, students represent natural numbers in expanded form and as products of prime factors, using exponent notation. They solve problems involving squares of numbers and square roots of perfect square numbers. Students solve problems involving addition and subtraction of integers. They use all 4 operations in calculations involving positive fractions and decimals, choosing efficient calculation strategies.
© Oxford University Press 2023 Oxford Maths 7 Australian Curriculum Teacher obook pro ISBN 9780190332815 Permission has been granted for this page to be photocopied within the purchasing institution only.
Oxford Maths 7 Chapter 1 Whole numbers Section 1 Chapter opener
Inter-year links
1A Place value
Support: Place value Year 8: 1A Rounding and estimating Year 9: 1E Scientific notation Support: Adding whole numbers Year 8: 1B Adding and subtracting whole numbers Support: Subtracting whole numbers Year 8: 1B Adding and subtracting whole numbers Support: Multiplying whole numbers Year 8: 1C Multiplying and dividing whole numbers
1B Adding whole numbers 1C Subtracting whole numbers 1D Multiplying whole numbers 1 Checkpoint
Interactive skillsheets Counting in multiples Ordering and comparing large numbers Adding and subtracting two-digit numbers Times tables Number lines Place value Rounding integers
Adding and subtracting whole numbers
© Oxford University Press 2023 Oxford Maths 7 Australian Curriculum Teacher obook pro ISBN 9780190332815 Permission has been granted for this page to be photocopied within the purchasing institution only.
Online assessments Additional resources Chapter 1 pre-test
Roman numerals
1A topic quiz
Abracadabra with magic squares
1B topic quiz
Discoveries across the globe
1C topic quiz
Multiplying magic
1D topic quiz
Worksheet: Adding numbers
Worksheet: Multiplying by 10, 100 or 1000
1 Checkpoint quiz
1E Long multiplication 1F Dividing whole numbers 1G Exponents and square roots 1H Order of operations 1 Chapter review
Support: Multiplying whole numbers Year 8: 1C Multiplying and dividing whole numbers Support: Dividing whole numbers Year 8: 1C Multiplying and dividing whole numbers Year 8: 4A Exponents Year 9: 1A Exponents
Multiplying whole numbers
Support: Order of operations Year 8: 1H Order of operations
1E topic quiz
Dividing whole numbers Multiplying and dividing by powers of 10
Lolly bags
1F topic quiz
Exponents Squares and square roots
Patterns and squared numbers
1G topic quiz
Order of operations
Four 4s
1H topic quiz
© Oxford University Press 2023 Oxford Maths 7 Australian Curriculum Teacher obook pro ISBN 9780190332815 Permission has been granted for this page to be photocopied within the purchasing institution only.
1 Chapter review quiz
Quizlet Chapter 1 Class test A Chapter 1 Class test B