A guide to the Victorian Curriculum Mathematics Version 2.0

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A guide to the new Victorian Curriculum Mathematics Version 2.0 Levels 7–10

This guide has been produced by the expert team of mathematics teachers, authors, and learning designers at Oxford University Press Australia. It contains a clear, concise summary of the key changes to the Victorian Curriculum Mathematics Levels 7–10 (Version 2.0) and is designed to help you implement the new curriculum with confidence.

Why is the Victorian Curriculum Mathematics changing?

The Victorian Curriculum Mathematics (Version 1.0) was published in 2015. In September 2020, the Victorian government announced a major review and update of the curriculum across all learning areas, including mathematics.

A review of the Victorian Curriculum began in early 2021. The new Victorian Curriculum Mathematics (Version 2.0) was finalised in late 2023.

The new Mathematics Curriculum is based on comprehensive feedback from teachers, including formal curriculum monitoring conducted over the past 5 years. The goal was to streamline and refine the curriculum content to allow greater depth rather than overloaded breadth of learning, as many teachers felt that Version 1.0 tried to cover too much.

The review process also took in feedback from Curriculum Area Reference Panels and incorporated many of changes made to the Australian Curriculum (Version 9.0) released in 2022. The result was a Mathematics Curriculum that includes Victorian priorities, while providing greater consistency and alignment with the Australian Curriculum (Version 9.0) used in other states/territories (and some independent schools in Victoria).

Key results

c There is now a stronger focus on students mastering essential mathematical facts, skills, concepts and processes, and being introduced to these at the right time.

c The Australian Curriculum Mathematics continues to mandate that students study mathematics in each year of schooling from Foundation to Year 10.

c In summary, the transition to the Victorian Curriculum Mathematics (Version 2.0) is driven by a desire to provide students with a more engaging, relevant, and effective mathematics education that prepares them for the challenges and opportunities of the future.

How is the structure of the Victorian Curriculum Mathematics changing?

While the basic structure remains, there are some important structural changes to be aware of:

1. The strands have changed (and all sub-strands have been removed)

Old structure (Version 1.0)

c 3 paired strands

c 13 sub-strands

New structure (Version 2.0)

c 6 separate – but interrelated – strands

c All sub-strands have been removed

(5 sub-strands)

2. The proficiencies have changed

The four proficiencies of Understanding, Fluency, Reasoning, and Problem-solving in Version 1.0 have now been embedded into the content descriptions and achievement standards.

3. The achievement standards have changed

The achievement standard at each level has been refined and realigned to the revised Victorian Curriculum and now reflects the new six strand structure.

How is the content of the Victorian Curriculum Mathematics changing?

General changes across Levels 7–10

There are clearer connections between the content descriptions and the achievement standards.

There is greater emphasis on the processes of mathematical modelling, statistical investigation, probability simulations and estimation, while retaining key foundational knowledge and skills as students approach senior secondary pathways.

There is a continued focus on computational and algorithmic thinking, including provision for pseudocode to support teachers who do not have background familiarity with simple coding languages.

Specific changes to Levels 7–10

The following table provides a high-level summary of specific content changes at each Level across 7–10 (including 10A). Only content that has been added, moved between levels, or removed is included. Many other content descriptors have been refined and/or combined, so please visit the VCAA website for details.


Đ represent natural numbers in expanded notation using powers of 10, and as products of powers of prime numbers using exponent notation (VC2M7N02)


Đ manipulate formulas involving several variables using digital tools, and describe the effect of systematic variation in the values of the variables (VC2M7A06)


Đ solve problems involving the volume of right prisms including rectangular and triangular prisms, using established formulas and appropriate units (VC2M7M02)

Đ describe the relationship between π and the circumference, radius and diameter of a circle (VC2M7M03)


Đ design algorithms involving a sequence of steps and decisions that will sort and classify sets of shapes according to their attributes, and describe how the algorithms work (VC2M7SP04)


Đ plan and conduct statistical investigations for issues involving discrete and continuous numerical data, and data collected from primary and secondary sources; analyse and interpret distributions of data and report findings in terms of shape and summary statistics (VC2M7ST03)


Đ conduct repeated chance experiments and run simulations with a large number of trials using digital tools; compare predicted with observed results, explaining the differences and the effect of sample size on the outcomes (VC2M7P02)

Đ Design and implement mathematical algorithms using a simple general purpose programming language (VCMNA254)



Đ use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving rational numbers and percentages, including financial contexts involving profit and loss; formulate problems, choosing efficient mental and written calculation strategies and using digital tools where appropriate; interpret and communicate solutions in terms of the context, reviewing the appropriateness of the model (VC2M8N06)


Đ graph linear relations on the Cartesian plane using digital tools where appropriate; solve linear equations and one-variable inequalities using graphical and algebraic techniques; verify solutions by substitution (VC2M8A02)

Đ use mathematical modelling to solve applied problems involving linear relations, including financial contexts involving profit and loss; formulate problems with linear functions, and choose a representation; interpret and communicate solutions in terms of the context, and review the appropriateness of the model (VC2M8A03)

Đ experiment with linear functions and relations using digital tools, making and testing conjectures and generalising emerging patterns (VC2M8A05)


Đ solve problems involving the volume and capacity of right prisms using appropriate units (VC2M8M02)

Đ use Pythagoras’ theorem to solve problems involving the side lengths of right-angled triangles (VC2M8M06)

Đ use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving ratios and rates, including distance-time problems for travel at a constant speed and financial contexts; formulate problems; interpret and communicate solutions in terms of the situation, reviewing the appropriateness of the model (VC2M8M07)


Đ describe in different ways the position and location of threedimensional objects in 3 dimensions, including using a threedimensional Cartesian coordinate system with the use of dynamic geometry software or other digital tools (VC2M8SP03)

Đ design and test algorithms involving a sequence of steps and decisions that identify congruency or similarity of shapes, and describe how the algorithm works (VC2M8SP04)


Đ plan and conduct statistical investigations involving samples of a population; use ethical and fair methods to make inferences about the population and report findings, acknowledging uncertainty (VC2M8ST04)


Đ conduct repeated chance experiments and simulations, using digital tools to determine probabilities for compound events, and describe results (VC2M8P03)

Đ Solve a range of problems involving rates and ratios, including distance-time problems for travel at a constant speed, with and without digital technologies (VCMNA277)

Đ Plot graphs of non-linear real life data with and without the use of digital technologies, and interpret and analyse these graphs (VCMNA285)


Đ Apply set structures to solve real-world problems (VCMNA307)


Đ simplify algebraic expressions, apply the distributive law to expand algebraic expressions including binomial products, and factorise monic quadratic expressions (VC2M9A02)

Đ identify and graph quadratic functions, solve quadratic equations graphically and numerically, and use null factor law to solve monic quadratic equations with integer roots algebraically, using graphing software and digital tools as appropriate (VC2M9A05)

Đ use mathematical modelling to solve applied problems involving change, including financial contexts involving simple interest; formulate problems, choosing to use either linear or quadratic functions or other simple variations; interpret solutions in terms of the context; evaluate the model and report methods and findings (VC2M9A06)

Đ experiment with the effects of the variation of parameters on graphs of related functions, using digital tools, making connections between graphical and algebraic representations, and generalising emerging patterns (VC2M9A07)


Đ calculate and interpret absolute, relative and percentage errors in measurements (VC2M9M04)


Đ design, test and refine algorithms involving a sequence of steps and decisions based on geometric constructions and theorems; discuss and evaluate refinements (VC2M9SP03)


Đ analyse how different sampling methods, and different samples using the same method, can affect the results of surveys and how choice of representation can be used to support a particular point of view (VC2M9ST02)

Đ choose appropriate forms of display or visualisation for a given type of data; justify selections and interpret displays for a given context (VC2M9ST04)


Đ design and conduct repeated chance experiments and simulations using digital tools to estimate probabilities that cannot be determined exactly (VC2M9P03)


Đ recognise the effect of using approximations of real numbers in repeated calculations and compare the results when using exact representations (VC2M10N01)


Đ implement algorithms that use data structures using pseudocode or a general purpose programming language (VC2M10A06)

Đ explore the connection between algebraic and graphical representations of relations such as simple quadratic, reciprocal, circle and exponential, using digital tools as appropriate (VC2M10A11)


Đ interpret and use logarithmic scales in applied contexts involving small and large quantities and change (VC2M10M02)


Đ interpret networks and network diagrams used to represent relationships in practical situations and describe connectedness (VC2M10SP02)


Đ construct two-way tables and discuss possible relationship between categorical variables (VC2M10ST03)

Đ plan and conduct statistical investigations of situations that involve bivariate data, including where the independent variable is time; evaluate and report findings with consideration of limitations of any inferences (VC2M10ST05)


Đ use the language of ‘if … then …’, ‘given’, ‘of’ and ‘knowing that’ to investigate conditional statements and identify common mistakes in interpreting such language, and describe and interpret situations involving conditional probability; design and conduct simulations using digital tools to model conditional probability and interpret results (VC2M10P01)

Đ Solve simple problems involving inverse proportion (VCMNA327)

Đ Investigate and describe bivariate numerical data, including where the independent variable is time (VCMSP353)

© VCAA, licensed CC-BY-NC. The Victorian Curriculum F–10 and related content can be accessed directly at the VCAA website.


Đ perform operations on numbers involving fractional exponents and surds (VC2M10AN02)


Đ simplify combinations of linear expressions with rational coefficients and the solution of related equations (VC2M10AA03)

Đ explore the inverse relationship between exponential functions and logarithmic functions and the solution of related equations (VC2M10AA04)

Đ experiment with functions and relations using digital tools, making and testing conjectures and generalising emerging patterns (VC2M10AA10)


Đ explore the effect of increasingly small changes in the value of variables on the average rate of change and in relation to limiting values (VC2M10AM02)


Đ prove and apply relationships between angles and various lines associated with circles (radii, diameters, chords, tangents) (VC2M10ASP01)

Đ design, test and refine solutions to spatial problems using algorithms and digital tools; communicate and justify solutions (VC2M10ASP06)


Đ identify measures of spread, and understand their interpretation and usefulness with respect to different data distributions (VC2M10AST02)


Đ explore counting principles, and factorial notation as a representation that provides efficient counting in multiplicative contexts, including calculations of probabilities (VC2M10AP01)

When do I need to begin teaching the Victorian Curriculum Mathematics

(Version 2.0) at my school?

Mathematics Version 2.0 will have a phased familiarisation and implementation across 2023–2025 as follows:

c Government and Catholic schools in Victoria may choose to implement the revised curriculum from 2024, however, full implementation is mandatory from Term 1, 2025 (as shown below).

c Independent schools in Victoria may implement the revised curriculum at their own discretion and according to their own timelines.

Mathematics 7–10/10A Familiarisation

Familiarisation (continues) Full implementation is mandatory Schools may begin implementation

c This timeline prioritises mathematics and English so that schools and teachers can focus on the knowledge and skills that underpin numeracy and literacy. It also gives school leaders and teachers more time to become familiar with the other curriculum areas in 2024 and 2025.

Key changes at a glance

c Victorian Curriculum Mathematics 2.0 streamlines teaching, learning, assessment, and reporting processes.

c The total number of content descriptions from F–10 has been cut from 286 to 257

c Remaining content descriptions are clearer and easier to understand and elaborations have more examples.

c Three strands become six, but all sub-strands are removed!

c The six-strand approach aims to make it clearer for teachers to follow the progression of mathematical concepts through the curriculum and structure their teaching and learning programs.

c The achievement strands have been refined and clarified to help teachers assess student learning more effectively.

c Government and Catholic Secondary schools in Victoria must implement the revised 7–10 Mathematics Curriculum from Term 1, 2025.

c Independent schools may choose to implement the revised curriculum at their own discretion and according to their own timeline.



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