A unique, fully decodable Australian reading series
Develop phonic and comprehension skills right from the start
Oxford Reading for Comprehension Decodables for F-2 supports students in developing key phonic and comprehension skills with 60 fully decodable fiction and non-fiction titles.
This unique program combines a proven, finely sequenced phonics framework (aligned to Letters and Sounds) with a research-based Comprehension Skills Framework. The series also incorporates the Oxford Wordlist with guidance on its use aligned to the phonic progression of the series.
Fully Decodable Texts
The 60 fully decodable texts are aligned to Letters and Sounds and the finely sequenced phonic texts support students in practising and embedding phonic knowledge. Each text is meticulously levelled to Oxford Reading Level criteria.
Phonics and Comprehension Coaching
Each of the 60 fully decodable texts is accompanied by Phonics and Comprehension coaching notes. The notes provide support before, during, and after reading and focus on the newly introduced GPCs (grapheme phoneme correspondences) and high frequency words prior to reading.
Comprehension questions are provided (linked to the Comprehension Skills Framework) along with guidance for explicitly teaching and modelling comprehension strategies.
Teacher Handbook
The Oxford Reading for Comprehension Decodables Teacher Handbook provides complete support for using the series in the classroom. It provides an overview of the phonics framework, and suggested phonic warm up activities - including tips on practising sounds and support for segmenting and blending.
The text also delivers support for teaching, modelling and developing comprehension strategies and skills, along with an overview and explanation of the Comprehension Skills Framework.
Digital Resources on Oxford Owl
Access a wide range of digital support resources on Oxford Owl, including: all 60 Phonics and Comprehension Coaching notes, 60 post-reading Activity Sheets, and extensive phonics and comprehension support materials. 12 month complimentary access to eBooks of all 60 titles is available to schools that adopt the full print series.
Talk to your Oxford Education Consultant today: oup.com.au/Contact Find more, including evaluation packs, series components, videos and more online. Customer service Free tel: 1300 650 616 Support: oup.com.au/help ORL* L&S Phase Focus GPCs Title ISBN List Price 1 Phase 1 The Giant Turnip (6-pack) 9780190327996 $49.95 A Trip to the Zoo (6-pack) 9780190328016 $49.95 Phase 2, Set 1: s, a, t, p What’s that Sound? (6-pack) 9780190328030 $49.95 A Year in the Garden (6-pack) 9780190328054 $49.95 1+ Phase 2, Set 2: m, i, d, n Pip the Kitten (6-pack) 9780190328078 $49.95 Tin, Pan, Cook! (6-pack) 9780190328092 $49.95 Phase 2, Set 3: g, o, c, k Nap Time! (6-pack) 9780190328115 $49.95 A Dog Can (6-pack) 9780190328139 $49.95 Phase 2, Set 4: ck, e, u, r Get Up, Sam! (6-pack) 9780190328153 $49.95 On the Farm (6-pack) 9780190328177 $49.95 Phase 2, Set 5: h, b, f, l, ff, ll, ss The Bug Bus (6-pack) 9780190328191 $49.95 Cricket (6-pack) 9780190328214 $49.95 2 Phase 3, Set 6: j, v, w, x A Big Mess (6-pack) 9780190328238 $49.95 Hot and Wet (6-pack) 9780190328252 $49.95 Phase 3, Set 7: y, z, zz, qu Buzz the Bot (6-pack) 9780190328276 $49.95 I Can (6-pack) 9780190328290 $49.95 Phase 3: ch, sh, th, ng Thud! (6-pack) 9780190328313 $49.95 Fun with Nan and Pop! (6-pack) 9780190328337 $49.95 3 Phase 3: ai, ee, igh, oa The Buzzing Bee (6-pack) 9780190328351 $49.95 I Can See a Sheep! (6-pack) 9780190328375 $49.95 Phase 3: oo, oo, ar, or, ur A Shark at the Pool (6-pack) 9780190328399 $49.95 A Week in the North (6-pack) 9780190328412 $49.95 Phase 3: ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er A Vet on the Farm (6-pack) 9780190328436 $49.95 Rain and Hail (6-pack) 9780190328450 $49.95 4 Phase 4: adjacent consonant words (CVCC) The Lost Lunchbox (6-pack) 9780190328474 $49.95 In the Summer (6-pack) 9780190328498 $49.95 Phase 4: adjacent consonant words (CCVC) A Good Spot (6-pack) 9780190328511 $49.95 Get Fit! (6-pack) 9780190328535 $49.95 Phase 4: adjacent consonant words (CCVCC) The Shelter (6-pack) 9780190328559 $49.95 Park Jobs (6-pack) 9780190328573 $49.95 5 Phase 5: ay, ou; ie, ea, oy, ir, ue, aw Layla and the Blue Bird (6-pack) 9780190328597 $49.95 Swoop, Creep and Cling (6-pack) 9780190328610 $49.95 ORL* L&S Phase Focus GPCs Title ISBN List Price Phase 5: wh, ph, ew, oe, au, ey, a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e A New Home (6-pack) 9780190328634 $49.95 Helping at Home (6-pack) 9780190328658 $49.95 Phase 5: Alternative pronunciations: a , e , i, o, u , c, ow, ie, ea, er, ou, ou Putting on a Show (6-pack) 9780190328672 $49.95 Grow, Tomato, Grow! (6-pack) 9780190328696 $49.95 6 Phase 5: Alternative Pronunciations: y, ch, g, ey Alternative Spellings: /c/, /f/, /v/, /w/, /e/, /ow/ The Biggest Pet (6-pack) 9780190328719 $56.95 The Night Sky (6-pack) 9780190328733 $56.95 Phase 5: Alternative Spellings: /ch/, /j/, /m/, /n/, /r/, /s/, /z/, /u/, /i/, /ear/, /o/ Five Holidays (6-pack) 9780190328757 $56.95 Welcome Spring (6-pack) 9780190328771 $56.95 Phase 5: Alternative Spellings: /ar/, /air/, /or/, /ur/, /oo/, /ai/, /ee/, /igh/, /oa/, /(y)oo/, /oo/, /sh/, /zh/ The Fishing Trip (6-pack) 9780190328795 $56.95 In My Town (6-pack) 9780190328818 $56.95 7 Phase 6: Words with alternative spellings for rare GPCs The Photo Box (6-pack) 9780190328832 $56.95 All About Instruments (6-pack) 9780190328856 $56.95 Best Friends (6-pack) 9780190328870 $56.95 Big Animals (6-pack) 9780190328894 $56.95 The Right Track (6-pack) 9780190328917 $56.95 Rock Art (6-pack) 9780190328931 $56.95 8 Words with alternative spellings for rare GPCs New Pen Pals (6-pack) 9780190328955 $56.95 Life Cycles (6-pack) 9780190328979 $56.95 The Trampoline Machine (6-pack) 9780190328993 $56.95 Superfoods (6-pack) 9780190329013 $56.95 The Great Castle Fair (6-pack) 9780190329037 $56.95 Team Players (6-pack) 9780190329051 $56.95 The Monster Under the Bed (6-pack) 9780190329075 $56.95 Get Active at the Beach (6-pack) 9780190329099 $56.95 A Weekend Off (6-pack) 9780190329112 $56.95 Measure the Weather (6-pack) 9780190329136 $56.95 Issun Boshi (6-pack) 9780190329150 $56.95 Shopping: Then and Now (6-pack) 9780190329174 $56.95 Teacher and Digital Resources ORFC Decodable Teacher’s Handbook 9780190333683 $49.95 ORFC Decodables eBook library Site Licence Total RRP $3,214.90 Discount - 10% $321.50 Sub total $2,893.45 Freight $12.50 Total incl. GST $2,905.95 Oxford University Press GPO Box 2784, MELBOURNE VIC 3001 ARBN: 007 510 125 ABN: 29 869 163 236 oup.com.au @OxfordAustralia blog.oup.com.au facebook.com/oupanz Fill out the form and give it to your local education consultant. Purchase the full series or in 6-packs listed below Oxford Reading for Comprehension Decodables Enter your school details below: Name Position School Address Suburb State Postcode Phone Email *ORL = Oxford Reading Level The list prices are correct at the time of printing and are subject to change. Postage and handling fees may apply. View our Private Policy at oup.com.au/privacy