QCE Sciences Units 1–4
The formula for ATAR success

Units 1&2 coming for 2025 and Units 3&4 coming for 2026!
Queensland’s favourite QCE science resources have been revised for the 2025 General Senior Syllabuses. See our guide to the new science syllabuses at oup.com.au/qce-sciences
These new editions retain the best-in-market print Student Books, now featuring a new groundbreaking digital teaching and learning experience that takes lesson planning and in-class instruction to a new level.
Guide every student to achieve their best with clear learning intentions and success criteria mapped to the syllabus. Students are supported at every step with targeted resources to address gaps in understanding. Prior knowledge quizzes lay the foundation, while ongoing confidence checks against success criteria ensure students stay on track and succeed!
Bring scientific concepts to life with step-by-step worked examples, real-world scenarios, engaging illustrations, and student-friendly language that clicks!
Set your students up for success in both internal and external assessments with comprehensive science inquiry toolkits, loads of interactive practice questions, sample assessment tasks and more – all in the one resource!
We’ve analysed the new syllabuses inside and out, aligning each lesson to each dot point, giving you full confidence and support to focus on what matters most – your students!
“ “Oxford ... made our lives much easier with great resources like unit plans, plenty of questions, great layout! Visually appealing and easy to read.
– Science Head of Department, Mueller College
Designed with teachers from around Australia, our next-generation digital platform ushers in a new era of interactive teaching and personalised learning!
Features include:
Planning, marking and reporting with powerful analytics on student performance and engagement.
An accessible, web-based experience with thousands of integrated images, videos, quizzes and assessments.
Bite-sized content and personalised learning activities to support students of all abilities
Live Lesson mode, an Australian first that lets you say goodbye to print-based lesson plans in favour of fully integrated, perfectly sequenced interactive lessons complete with classroom activities that drive engagement.
... and so much more! Ready for take-off in Term 1, 2025!
Fourth edition
Carefully aligned to Biology 2025 General Senior Syllabus.
Teach with lesson plans, a correlation grid, and year and term planners, plus support for teaching the alternative sequence.
Real-world examples are embedded throughout the lessons, linking science understanding with life and making Biology more relevant for your students.
Carefully aligned to the Chemistry 2025 General Senior Syllabus. Now with a new team of authors, all experienced Queensland teachers with a combined four decades in teaching.
Videos for all key assessment tasks, practicals and worked examples. Watch in-class to introduce new concepts, support flipped classroom strategies and blended learning approaches. Assign to students for revision, catch-up, or homework support. The choice is yours!
Over 100 worked examples with a step-by-step guide to problem-solving, showing the thought process behind each decision in a simple Think/Do format with exemplar solutions. Now with a new ‘Your Turn’ feature for students to practise.
Look inside
Carefully aligned to the Physics 2025 General Senior Syllabus.
Teach with lesson plans, a correlation grid, and year and term planners, plus support for teaching the alternative sequence.
Look inside
Over 100 worked examples with a step-by-step guide to problem-solving, showing the thought process behind each decision in a simple Think/Do format with exemplar solutions. Now with a new ‘Your Turn’ feature for students to practise.
Carefully aligned to the Psychology 2025 General Senior Syllabus, with an author team of all Queensland teachers.
Comprehensive support for statistical analysis through the Psychology Toolkit and Data Drills for every module.
Now with student-friendly research summaries breaking down complex, landmark studies into clear, essential points.
Look inside