A guide to the new English 7–10 Syllabus for New South Wales

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A guide to the new English 7-10 Syllabus for New South Wales This guide contains a clear, concise overview of the key changes to the outcomes and content of the English K–10 Syllabus for New South Wales. It is designed to save you time and help you plan and implement the new syllabus with confidence.

How is the New South Wales Syllabus changing? The English K–10 Syllabus (2022) replaces the English K–10 Syllabus (2012). Schools are expected to start teaching the new syllabus for years 7–10 in 2024. The department recommends a staggered implementation, where the new syllabus is implemented in Year 7 and 9 in 2024, and in the following year Years 8 and 10. You can access the new syllabus online via the NSW Curriculum webpage: curriculum.nsw.edu.au School leaders can access information about implementation of the new syllabus for English in Year 7–10 via the NSW Government webpage here.

Key changes to syllabus outcomes There are new outcomes and content for Stages 4 and 5, and the number of outcomes has been reduced from nine to six. Content is no longer organised by the four key groups: c Engage personally with texts c Understand and apply contextual knowledge c Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features c Respond to and compose texts Content is now arranged into new content groups that group together related content. Content groups are different for each outcome, and within each group are a range of descriptions that detail how the outcomes are to be interpreted and achieved.

2012 syllabus ą responds to and composes texts for understanding, interpretation, critical analysis, imaginative expression and pleasure EN4-1A

2022 syllabus ą uses a range of personal, creative and critical strategies to read texts that are complex in their ideas and construction EN4-RVL-01

ą effectively uses a widening range of processes, skills, strategies and knowledge for responding to and composing texts in different media and technologies EN4-2A ą uses and describes language forms, features and structures of texts appropriate to a range of purposes, audiences and contexts EN4-3B


ą makes effective language choices to creatively shape meaning with accuracy, clarity and coherence EN4-4B

ą analyses how meaning is created through the use of and response to language forms, features and structures EN4-URA-01

ą examines and explains how texts represent ideas, experiences and values EN4-URB-01

ą thinks imaginatively, creatively, interpretively and critically about information, ideas and arguments to respond to and compose texts EN4-5C ą identifies and explains connections between and among texts EN4-6C ą demonstrates understanding of how texts can express aspects of their broadening world and their relationships within it EN4-7D

ą identifies and explains ways of valuing texts and the connections between them EN4-URC-01

ą creates personal, creative and critical texts for a range of audiences by using linguistic and stylistic conventions of language to express ideas EN4-ECA-01

ą identifies, considers and appreciates cultural expression in texts EN4-8D ą uses, reflects on and assesses their individual and collaborative skills for learning EN4-9E

2012 syllabus ą responds to and composes increasingly sophisticated and sustained texts for understanding, interpretation, critical analysis, imaginative expression and pleasure EN5-1A

ą uses processes of planning, monitoring, revising and reflecting to support and develop composition of texts EN4-ECB-01

2022 syllabus ą uses a range of personal, creative and critical strategies to interpret complex texts EN5-RVL-01

ą effectively uses and critically assesses a wide range of processes, skills, strategies and knowledge for responding to and composing a wide range of texts in different media and technologies EN5-2A


ą selects and uses language forms, features and structures of texts appropriate to a range of purposes, audiences and contexts, describing and explaining their effects on meaning EN5-3B ą effectively transfers knowledge, skills and understanding of language concepts into new and different contexts EN5-4B ą thinks imaginatively, creatively, interpretively and critically about information and increasingly complex ideas and arguments to respond to and compose texts in a range of contexts EN5-5C ą investigates the relationships between and among texts EN5-6C ą understands and evaluates the diverse ways texts can represent personal and public worlds EN5-7D ą questions, challenges and evaluates cultural assumptions in texts and their effects on meaning EN5-8D ą purposefully reflects on, assesses and adapts their individual and collaborative skills with increasing independence and effectiveness EN5-9E

ą analyses how meaning is created through the use and interpretation of increasingly complex language forms, features and structures EN5-URA-01

ą evaluates how texts represent ideas and experiences, and how they can affirm or challenge values and attitudes EN5-URB-01

ą investigates and explains ways of valuing texts and the relationships between them EN5-URC-01

ą crafts personal, creative and critical texts for a range of audiences by experimenting with and controlling language forms and features to shape meaning EN5-ECA-01

ą uses processes of planning, monitoring, revising and reflecting to purposefully develop and refine composition of texts EN5-ECB-01

The new English syllabus is here and Oxford has you covered Oxford MyEnglish 7–10 NSW Curriculum is an integrated print and digital resource designed to support your programming and implementation of the new English K–10 Syllabus.

Enjoy greater teaching flexibility with our integrated print and digital resource designed to suit every school and instruction model.

Experience full teaching support with 100 video tutorials, complete lesson plans, assessment reporting and more.

Oxford MyEnglish 7–10 NSW Curriculum focuses on the linguistic and stylistic conventions of language for expression and is particularly relevant to outcomes and content within two focus areas of the syllabus: c Understanding and responding to texts.

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c Expressing ideas and composing texts.

Personalise the learning experience for each student in your classroom with the flexibility to assign work at any year level, including additional digital-only content levelled at years 5/6.


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Oxford MyEnglish content Part A Using Unit 1 Types of nouns words Unit 2 Pronouns Unit 3 Types of verbs Unit 4 Tenses Unit 5 Adverbs of manner Unit 6 Adverbs of �me and place Unit 7 How adjec�ves work Unit 8 Adjec�ves and degrees of comparison Unit 9 What preposi�ons do Unit 10 How conjunc�ons work Part B Organising words and ideas

Unit 11 Punctua�ng sentences Unit 12 Using apostrophes Unit 13 Phrases and clauses Unit 14 Types of clauses Unit 15 Subjects and predicates Unit 16 Types of sentences

Part C Expressing and sharing ideas

Unit 17 Paragraphs Unit 18 Ellipsis and subs�tu�on Unit 19 Simile, metaphor and personifica�on Unit 20 Analysing literary devices

Syllabus outcomes and content EN4-URA-01 analyses how meaning is created through the use of and response to language forms, features and structures • Code and conven�on EN4-ECA-01 creates personal, crea�ve and cri�cal texts for a range of audiences by using linguis�c and stylis�c conven�ons of language to express ideas • Wri�ng • Represen�ng • Text features • Text features: imagina�ve • Sentence-level grammar and punctua�on • Word-level language EN4-URA-01 analyses how meaning is created through the use of and response to language forms, features and structures • Code and conven�on EN4-ECA-01 creates personal, crea�ve and cri�cal texts for a range of audiences by using linguis�c and stylis�c conven�ons of language to express ideas • Wri�ng • Represen�ng • Sentence-level grammar and punctua�on • Word-level language EN4-RVL-01 uses a range of personal, crea�ve and cri�cal strategies to read texts that are complex in their ideas and construc�on • Reading, viewing and listening for meaning EN4-URA-01 analyses how meaning is created through the use of and response to language forms, features and structures • Code and conven�on • Connota�on, imagery and symbol EN4-URC-01 iden�fies and explains ways of valuing texts and the connec�ons between them • Literary value • Genre EN4-ECA-01 creates personal, crea�ve and cri�cal texts for a range of audiences by using linguis�c and stylis�c conven�ons of language to express ideas • Wri�ng • Text features • Text features: imagina�ve • Text features: informa�ve and analy�cal • Sentence-level grammar and punctua�on

Oxford MyEnglish content Part A Using Unit 1 Concrete, abstract and words collec�ve nouns Unit 2 Nouns and nominalisa�on Unit 3 Types of verbs Unit 4 Tenses Unit 5 Adverbs and degrees of comparison Unit 6 Adverbs of �me and place Unit 7 How adjec�ves work Unit 8 Adjec�ves and degrees of comparison Unit 9 What preposi�ons do Unit 10 How conjunc�ons work Part B Unit 11 Colons and semicolons Organising Unit 12 Brackets and dashes words and Unit 13 Preposi�onal phrases ideas Unit 14 Combining clauses Unit 15 Subjects, objects and predicates Unit 16 Simple, compound and complex sentences

Part C Expressing and sharing ideas

Unit 17 Paragraphs Unit 18 Using text connec�ves Unit 19 Irony Unit 20 Analysing literary devices

Syllabus outcomes and content EN4-URA-01 analyses how meaning is created through the use of and response to language forms, features and structures • Code and conven�on EN4-ECA-01 creates personal, crea�ve and cri�cal texts for a range of audiences by using linguis�c and stylis�c conven�ons of language to express ideas • Wri�ng • Text features • Text features: imagina�ve • Sentence-level grammar and punctua�on • Word-level language EN4-URA-01 analyses how meaning is created through the use of and response to language forms, features and structures • Code and conven�on EN4-ECA-01 creates personal, crea�ve and cri�cal texts for a range of audiences by using linguis�c and stylis�c conven�ons of language to express ideas • Wri�ng • Represen�ng • Text features: imagina�ve • Sentence-level grammar and punctua�on • Word-level language EN4-URA-01 analyses how meaning is created through the use of and response to language forms, features and structures • Code and conven�on • Connota�on, imagery and symbol EN4-URB-01 examines and explains how texts represent ideas, experiences and values • Perspec�ve and context • Style EN4-URC-01 iden�fies and explains ways of valuing texts and the connec�ons between them • Literary value EN4-ECA-01 creates personal, crea�ve and cri�cal texts for a range of audiences by using linguis�c and stylis�c conven�ons of language to express ideas • Wri�ng • Text features • Text features: imagina�ve; informa�ve and analy�cal • Sentence-level grammar and punctua�on

Oxford MyEnglish content Part A Using Unit 1 Nouns and noun phrases words Unit 2 Nouns and nominalisa�on Unit 3 Verbs and tenses Unit 4 Ac�ve and passive voice Unit 5 Adverbs of manner Unit 6 Adverbs of �me and place Unit 7 How adjec�ves work Unit 8 Types of adjec�ves Unit 9 What preposi�ons do Unit 10 How conjunc�ons work

Part B Organising words and ideas

Unit 11 Punctua�on review Unit 12 Quota�on marks and direct speech Unit 13 Phrases and clauses Unit 14 Types of clauses Unit 15 Subjects, objects and predicates Unit 16 Errors in sentence construc�on

Part C Expressing and sharing ideas

Unit 17 Paragraphs Unit 18 Cohesive wri�ng Unit 19 Symbolism and imagery Unit 20 Analysing literary devices

Syllabus outcomes and content EN5-URA-01 analyses how meaning is created through the use and interpreta�on of increasingly complex language forms, features and structures • Code and conven�on EN5-ECA-01 cra�s personal, crea�ve and cri�cal texts for a range of audiences by experimen�ng with and controlling language forms and features to shape meaning • Wri�ng • Represen�ng • Text features • Sentence-level grammar and punctua�on • Word-level language EN5-URA-01 analyses how meaning is created through the use and interpreta�on of increasingly complex language forms, features and structures • Code and conven�on EN5-ECA-01 cra�s personal, crea�ve and cri�cal texts for a range of audiences by experimen�ng with and controlling language forms and features to shape meaning • Wri�ng • Represen�ng • Text features • Sentence-level grammar and punctua�on EN5-RVL-01 uses a range of personal, crea�ve and cri�cal strategies to interpret complex texts • Reading, viewing and listening for meaning EN5-URA-01 analyses how meaning is created through the use and interpreta�on of increasingly complex language forms, features and structures • Code and conven�on • Connota�on, imagery and symbol EN5-ECA-01 cra�s personal, crea�ve and cri�cal texts for a range of audiences by experimen�ng with and controlling language forms and features to shape meaning • Wri�ng • Text features

Oxford MyEnglish content Part A Using Unit 1 Using nouns effec�vely words Unit 2 Abstrac�on and nominalisa�on Unit 3 Modal verbs Unit 4 Tenses Unit 5 Adverbs of �me, place and manner Unit 6 Modal adverbs Unit 7 How adjec�ves work Unit 8 Modal adjec�ves Unit 9 what preposi�ons do Unit 10 How conjunc�ons work

Syllabus outcomes and content EN5-URA-01 analyses how meaning is created through the use and interpreta�on of increasingly complex language forms, features and structures • Code and conven�on EN5-ECA-01 cra�s personal, crea�ve and cri�cal texts for a range of audiences by experimen�ng with and controlling language forms and features to shape meaning • Wri�ng • Represen�ng • Text features • Sentence-level grammar and punctua�on • Word-level language

Part B Organising words and ideas

Unit 11 Punctua�on Unit 12 Punctua�ng quota�ons from texts Unit 13 Different types of phrases Unit 14 Combining clauses Unit 15 Ac�ve and passive voice Unit 16 Wri�ng more complex sentences

EN5-URA-01 analyses how meaning is created through the use and interpreta�on of increasingly complex language forms, features and structures • Code and conven�on EN5-ECA-01 cra�s personal, crea�ve and cri�cal texts for a range of audiences by experimen�ng with and controlling language forms and features to shape meaning • Wri�ng • Represen�ng • Speaking • Text features • Sentence-level grammar and punctua�on

Part C Expressing and sharing ideas

Unit 17 Wri�ng essays Unit 18 Cohesive wri�ng Unit 19 Using literary devices Unit 20 Analysing literary and poe�cs devices

EN5-RVL-01 uses a range of personal, crea�ve and cri�cal strategies to interpret complex texts • Reading, viewing and listening for meaning • Reflec�ng EN5-URA-01 analyses how meaning is created through the use and interpreta�on of increasingly complex language forms, features and structures • Code and conven�on • Point of view • Narra�ve EN5-URB-01 evaluates how texts represent ideas and experiences, and how they can affirm or challenge values and a�tudes • Perspec�ve and context • Theme • Style

EN5-URC-01 inves�gates and explains ways of valuing texts and the rela�onships between them • Genre • Literary value EN5-ECA-01 cra�s personal, crea�ve and cri�cal texts for a range of audiences by experimen�ng with and controlling language forms and features to shape meaning • Wri�ng • Text features • Sentence-level grammar and punctua�on

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