Our Cathedral – Issue 27

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The Newsletter of St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth, Western Australia Issue 27 - December 2023

Print Post Approved 100019724


A Christmas FROM THE ARCHBISHOP Most Rev Timothy Costelloe SDB Archbishop of Perth

My dear sisters and brothers,

Peace on earth and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled. These words, which we find in one of our popular Christmas Carols (Hark the Herald Angels Sing), express one of the deepest hopes we carry in our hearts – the hope for peace. This hope is one of the central themes of this year’s Christmas edition of the Our Cathedral magazine.

How could it be otherwise? The terrible violence seen in so many parts of the world which have been, and in many cases still are, torn apart by war, has horrified us all. How, we wonder, can people deliberately act in such cruel and vicious ways, tearing families apart and inflicting such unbearable suffering? How can human hearts harbour such mindless hatred? The reality of such atrocities, and the despair they bring, is captured very powerfully in a passage from one of the ancient Jewish prophets which forms part of our Christian prayer:

“We looked for peace but no good came; for a time of healing but, behold, terror” (Jer 8:15).

For people caught up in the conflict and violence in the Holy Land, for those enduring the horrors of war in Ukraine and so many other countries, and for refugees in so many places throughout the world who have had to flee in terror from destruction, persecution and unbearable poverty, talk of peace at Christmas might seem to be just empty words. And closer to home, of course, people subjected to domestic violence, home invasions, or the mindless violence which so often breaks out in our towns and cities, might similarly wonder if the promise of Christmas proclaimed in every Christian community, and here in our Cathedral, has any real substance to it. And yet, here we are at the end of another year still gathering as a people of faith to acknowledge that in the helpless baby lying in the manger, we see the fulfilment of God’s promise to be with His people and to bring them – to bring us healing, wholeness and hope. It is our conviction as Christians that the desire for peace has been planted in each one of us by God and that God seeks to make this desire a reality. But it is also our conviction that this Godly peace is a gift which God ceaselessly offers, and which God invites us to accept.

In the Gloria which we pray at Mass on feast days, we recall the words which the shepherds heard as they looked after their sheep in the cold of the night in the hills outside Bethlehem: Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to people of good will. The gift of peace is offered to all, but it is only those of “good will” who are able to accept it.

Message When the Risen Jesus appeared to his disciples on the night of the resurrection, the first words he said to them where these:

Peace be with you. The gospel tells us that the disciples were filled with joy and that Jesus repeated his greeting of peace, after which he said to them, As the Father sent me, so am I sending you.

The gift of peace, and the joy which accompanies it, is a gift which only grows in the hearts of those with good will, who know how to give themselves away in love for others. This is what Jesus did – this is what his Father sent Him to do – and it is a sure guide for those who want to experience the peace which only the Lord can give. When the father of John the Baptist spoke of the coming Messiah, he said this of Him:

“He will give light to those in darkness, those who dwell in the shadow of death, and guide our feet into the way of peace” (Luke 1:79).

Christmas Mass Times CHRISTMAS E VE Sunday, 24th December 2023

6:00pm Children’s and Families Nativity Mass 9:00pm Solemn Christmas Vigil Mass 10:30pm Lessons and Carols

As we celebrate Christmas this year in the midst of a world engulfed by discord, by violence and by the brutality of war, may we let our eyes linger for a while on the helpless child in the manger and recognise in Him the Prince of Peace who will indeed, if we let Him, guide our feet into the way of peace. I wish you all a very happy, Holy and peace-filled Christmas.

+Archbishop Tim Costelloe Archbishop of Perth

CHRISTMAS DAY Monday, 25th December 2023 12:00am Midnight Solemn Pontifical Mass 8:00am Dawn Mass of the Birth of Jesus 9:30am Christmas Day Mass 11:00am Solemn Pontifical Mass of Christmas Day 5:00pm Christmas Evening Mass Issue 27 - December 2023 ◆ 1

The Cathedral Diary Forthcoming activities and events at St Mary’s Cathedral. 2023 15 to 24 Dec 8pm

Simbang Gabi

24 & 25 Dec See Christmas Mass Schedule on p1 2024

CONTENTS A Christmas Message from the Archbishop

Inside Front

A Warm Welcome from The Dean

Pg 3

World Youth Day Commissioning Mass

Pg 4

Agencies Thanksgiving Mass

Pg 5

07 Jan


Divine Mercy

Orchestral Mass Fills Cathedral with Heavenly Melodies

Pg 6

14 Jan


Croatian Mass

Mary MacKillop Inspires Students in LifeLink Day Initiative

Pg 8

WASO Concert

Pg 10

Bishop Celebrates Annual Marriage Day Mass

Pg 11

Assumption of Mary: God’s promise that nothing of faith and service will be lost.

Pg 12

Mercedes College Opening Mass

Special Mass for Catholic Health Australia Members

Pg 14

Monthly Filipino Mass

Child Protection Week Morning Tea

Pg 16

Cathedral Celebrates ‘Our Lady’ with Ave Maria Recital

Pg 18

Hundreds Honour St John Bosco During Relics Tour

Pg 19

Mercedes College Mercy Day Mass

Pg 20

World Prayer Assembly

Pg 21

“Jesus walks with us to new beginning.” – Bishop Don Sproxton

Pg 22

Corpus Christi Graduation Mass

Pg 24

Mater Dei College Graduation Mass

Pg 25

Catechist Commissioning Mass

Pg 26

Bishop’s Liturgical Launch for 2023

Pg 28

With Grateful Thanks to You All

Pg 30

Mass for Deceased Priests

Pg 31

13 Jan 15 Jan 28 Jan 29 Jan

4pm 6:30pm 2pm


30 Jan


10 Feb


04 Feb 11 Feb

3pm 6pm

14 Feb 15 Feb


29 Feb


22 Feb 03 Mar 09 Mar 09 Mar 17 Mar 24 Mar

7:30pm 3pm

10am 4pm

2:30pm 11am

26 Mar


28 Mar


28 Mar 29 Mar 29 Mar 29 Mar 30 Mar 31 Mar



2:30pm 3pm 7pm


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Monthly Filipino Mass KCLA Graduation Mass for Class of 2023 Sto Nino Mass

CEWA Beginning of the School Year Archdiocese of Perth Mass Divine Mercy Parish BBQ

Ash Wednesday

Mercedes College Family Mass Rite of Election

Mercedes College Family Mass Divine Mercy

Day of the Unborn Child Mass Monthly Filipino Mass WASO Concert

Palm Sunday Mass with Blessing of Palms and Procession Chrism Mass

Mass of the Last Supper

Adoration at the Altar of Repose Stations of the Cross Seven Last Words

Celebration of the Passion of the Lord Holy Saturday – Vigil Mass of Easter

Easter Sunday – Solemn Sung Mass of Easter

A Warm Welcome FROM THE DEAN Very Rev Sean Fernandez Dean and Administrator St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth

Earlier this year I was approached by Damian Walsh, the Director of one the Archdiocese’s LifeLink agencies, The Shopfront. Damian was looking to collaborate with the Cathedral to support those living with financial stress and homelessness. He was keen to extend The Shopfront’s outreach with ‘pop-up’ service at the Cathedral. The result of Damian’s initiative has been a little Tuesday-evening community in the foyer of the Cathedral these past months. It feels like a natural extension of the help the Cathedral has sought to provide to the homeless these past few years with our food bags initiative. Chairs are set out in the foyer for people to sit around and have a chat. Volunteers prepare toasties, cups of soup which they hand out as our friends who are living with financial stress and homelessness come in. Doughnuts are also on offer; the Dean likes doughnuts. Volunteers and visitors sit down and chat for an hour. This is the heart of the evening; it is not just about food or drink, but a welcome, an open ear and a welcoming space. Our visitors are so interesting; each has a story; we have become a community. We get to know each other and share how our week has been.

I am inspired by the generosity of volunteers: every week a group from one of our Catholic schools – staff and students – are behind the tables preparing food and drink; every week a faithful group of parishioners turns up to serve and be with our friends. Every week Damian is there; everyone who comes in knows him, and he knows them. There are little hiccups on the way, but we learn from them. Visitors and volunteers bless the Cathedral with their presence. It is not hard to sense the Lord’s presence in our midst as we open the Church to those who come.

Last year, in another place, our Archbishop said that “there is probably no better description of the daily ministry of Jesus than to say He went about healing people’s wounds, be they physical, emotional or spiritual, and warming people’s hearts”. I feel that when they come to the Cathedral, our friends, have their hearts lifted a little and warmed a little by the warmth of the welcome. I know that the volunteers get so much from those who come. This is one more way that your Cathedral and its community is seeking to be a place and a people of welcome. Throughout the year thousands of people have come through the doors and experienced not only the beauty of the place, but the welcome of the Archbishop, the priests, the staff and our wonderful volunteers.

It is this kindness and generosity which glorifies God our Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Thank you for your support and your prayers.

May God bless you and yours this Christmas and New Year. Fr Sean Fernandez Dean, St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth.

Damian Walsh, Director, The Shopfront

The Archbishop’s Christmas Appeal for LifeLink 2023 is now on. Please donate generously: www.LifeLink.com.au Issue 27 - December 2023 ◆ 3

The Perth and Bunbury pilgrims at the World Youth Day Olive Tree at St Mary’s Cathedral with Archbishop Costelloe.

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World Youth Day (WYD) Commissioning Mass

Speaking at the WYD Commissioning Mass, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB Blessed and Commissioned more than 200 delegates from Perth and Bunbury who were travelling to World Youth Day in Portugal, which commenced on Wednesday 2 August and concluded on Sunday 6 August with a Closing Mass celebrated by Pope Francis. World Youth Day 2023 was the first in more than three years due to the impacts of the pandemic.

Archbishop Blesses and Commissions the pilgrims who travelled to Portugal for World Youth Day.

Among the delegates from Perth and Bunbury were 48 representatives from Catholic Youth Ministry, 15 representatives from Catholic Education Western Australia, more than 30 representatives from the University of Notre Dame Australia, 100 representatives from the Neocatechumenal Way, 25 representatives from the Disciples of Jesus and approximately 10 representatives from the Somascan Youth Ministry, as well as well those from numerous parishes and schools.

The Perth and Bunbury pilgrims were part of a 3000 strong contingent from Australia – the largest to ever attend an international World Youth Day. Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton travelled to Portugal for WYD 2023 joining 17 fellow Bishops from across Australia. Archbishop Costelloe concelebrated the Mass, which was concelebrated by Vicar General, the Very Rev Fr Peter Whitely VG, Episcopal Vicar Education and Faith Formation, the Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn, Redemptoris Mater Seminary Rector, Fr Michael Moore SM, Vice Rector, Fr Luis Tijerino, Spiritual Director For Noe NavaretteApaez, CYM Chaplain, Fr Joseph Laundy and assisted by Deacons Errol Lobo and Jason Yeap.

Catholic Youth Ministry Director, Adam Phillips, said it was encouraging to see the fantastic turnout from all the various groups and ministries at the Commissioning Mass. “We’ve had lots of faith formation leading up to World Youth Day. It was a great opportunity to walk with all the diverse range of people from across the Archdiocese and be witness to their faith experiences, it really has been very encouraging,” he said.

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Young pilgrims present the Offertory Gifts to Archbishop Costelloe.

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Agencies Thanksgiving Mass Archbishop Timothy Costelloe joined with Archdiocesan agency and organisation staff in praising God for sending so many good people, with such large hearts, to work across the Archdiocese.

Archbishop Tim was joined for the Mass by concelebrants Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, Vicar General, the Very Rev Fr Peter Whitely VG, Episcopal Vicar for Clergy, the Very Rev Fr Minh Thuy Nguyen, Episcopal Vicar for Education and Faith Formation, the Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn and assisted by Catholic Education Director of Religious Education, Deacon Mark Powell.

Also joining in the celebration was Cathedral Dean, Rev Dr Sean Fernandez, Co-ordinator, Parish Renewal, Fr Nino Vinciguerra, Tribunal Director, Fr Greg Carroll and South Perth Parish Priest, Fr Brian O’Loughlin. Addressing approximately 150 staff from Archdiocesan agencies, parishes and organisations, Archbishop Costelloe SDB spoke about Jesus as the model for all Christian leadership and service.

Deacon Mark Powell processes into the Cathedral carrying the Book of the Gospels.

Referring to Jesus as the one who so often turns everything upside down, Archbishop Costelloe said that one of the best and most accurate visual presentations of Christian leadership and authority is found in the image of Jesus on his hands and knees, performing the humble and even demeaning task of washing the feet of His disciples.

“…a perfect example of the way in which Jesus challenges our normal ways of thinking,” Archbishop Costelloe said.

Tracey Stevens from CFE, Grace Kurniawan from People and Culture and Ingka Iwansantoso from Safeguarding share a moment at the morning tea.

Dr Carmel Suart, Monsignor Michael Keating and OCI Board Member, Sally-Anne Cook.

Roma Mascarenhas from Personal Advocacy Service proclaims the Reading. Issue 27 - December 2023 ◆ 5

One particularly poignant moment of the 2023 Orchestral Mass was the return of Dr Nicholas Bannan, a prominent figure who enriched the musical landscape of Perth during his 13-year tenure at the University of Western Australia.

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Orchestral Mass Fills Cathedral More than 100 students from a record-breaking 25 schools participated in the 2023 Orchestral Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral. The Orchestral Mass has become a cherished tradition for music enthusiasts, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, across Perth. This grand occasion brought together students from various schools, their dedicated teachers, forming a symphony orchestra and massed choir to harmoniously merge with the Cathedral choir, creating an awe-inspiring musical experience within the sacred precincts of the Cathedral. Jacinta Jakovcevic, Director of Music at St Mary’s Cathedral, headed the organisation of the Mass. “The familiarity of familiar faces from previous Orchestral Masses was like a reunion, and it was equally gratifying to see new faces eagerly embracing this vibrant musical tradition. One particularly poignant moment was the return of Dr Nicholas Bannan, a prominent figure who had once enriched the musical landscape of Perth during his 13-year tenure at the University of Western Australia. Dr Bannan travelled from the UK to join this musical spectacle, underlining the significance and resonance of the Orchestral Mass in the global musical community,” said Jacinta.

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This grand occasion brought together students from various schools, their dedicated teachers, forming a symphony orchestra and massed choir to harmoniously merge with the Cathedral choir, creating an awe-inspiring musical experience within the sacred precincts of the Cathedral.

with Heavenly Melodies Ms Jakovcevic continued by saying the program curated for this year’s Orchestral Mass was,

“nothing short of sublime.”

“It artfully intertwined congregational hymns that united everyone in song, alongside favourites like Rutter’s timeless For the Beauty of the Earth. An especially exhilarating addition was Rutter’s resplendent Ps 150—a magnificent creation of exuberance and jubilation, originally composed for the Golden Jubilee of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II in 2002. Its rarity in Perth performances lent an air of exclusivity to the event,” she said. Participating in the Orchestral Mass isn’t merely a musical endeavour; it’s a journey into the tapestry of the Church’s heritage. The music that reverberated through the Cathedral had originally been crafted for liturgical purposes, and experiencing it in its intended setting creates an enriching spiritual connection that transcends time. For the young musicians involved, it’s a profound educational experience which nurtures their understanding of the interplay between music and faith.

Though over for another year, the resounding melodies and harmonious echoes of the 2023 Orchestral Mass lingered, leaving a lasting imprint on both performers and attendees. The event not only enriched the musical landscape of Perth but also fortified the bond between tradition, spirituality, and the unifying power of music. With each passing year, the Orchestral Mass continues to inspire, uniting hearts and souls in a symphony of divine harmony.

Dr Bannan travelled from the UK to join this musical spectacle, underlining the significance and resonance of the Orchestral Mass in the global musical community.

St Mary’s Cathedral Dean, Rev Dr Sean Fernandez, welcomes the congregation to the Orchestral Mass. Issue 27 - December 2023 ◆ 7

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Mary MacKillop Inspires Students Students from four selected Archdiocesan Catholic schools joined Archbishop Costelloe in launching a creative project on the grounds of St Mary’s Cathedral.

As part of Archbishop Costelloe’s 2023 LifeLink Day for Primary Schools Initiative, students were invited to create a collage that visually expressed their learning and educational experience resulting from LifeLink Day. Students were encouraged to identify the issues people in need face here in the Archdiocese of Perth, which the LifeLink agencies support, and then to search newspapers and magazines, thinking about the role newspapers and magazines play in creating or stopping the issues people in need face in our society today.

The creative, informative and inspiring artworks were then collected and incorporated into a significant art installation in the shape of a giant Cross at St Mary’s Cathedral. The project took inspiration from St Mary MacKillop, with the installation taking place Saturday 28 July in advance of the Feast Day of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, Tuesday 8 August 2023.

Archbishop Costelloe SDB with students and teachers from Newman College, St John’s Primary Scarborough and St Paul’s Primary Mt Lawley celebrate the installation of the Cross on the water feature lawn area of St Mary’s Cathedral.

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in LifeLink Day Initiative LifeLink Manager, Brett Mendez, said “The Cross symbolises three main points. Life - it points to overcoming of suffering through the resurrection of Christ.

Hope - it is a calling for us to decide to live as Christians and to trust in the promise that we will be given the strength to do so. It is a commitment to remain strong in our faith no matter how difficult life may become. Identity - a reminder of our religion and a representation to the world of who we are, It marks us as followers of Christ, the body of the Church”.

CEWA Director, Religious Education, Deacon Mark Powell, acknowledges the work of LifeLink and the support of Catholic schools across the Archdiocese.

Speaking about the important role of St Mary MacKillop, Archbishop Costelloe said she devoted her life to ensuring a holistic Catholic education for children from rural, poor families.

“What an amazing woman Mary was, guided by an unshakeable love of God and called to the service of the poor and the marginalised across Australia. She faced many challenges and experienced many hardships… and yet she endured. Her motto, ‘never see a need without doing something about it’ became the foundation for her response to need in the community – educating the poor, caring for the sick and providing shelter for women and children. Saint Mary MacKillop often said,

‘We must teach more by example, than by word.’ She tried hard every day to demonstrate respect for the dignity of every person she met, to help in any way she could, whether a friend or colleague, homeless or poor, aged or infirm.

Our LifeLink agencies reach out to help people in need in the community. Through your support of LifeLink Day, you are continuing the tradition of Saint Mary, demonstrating in a very real and practical way, your love and compassion for our brothers and sisters in need,” said Archbishop Tim. After all their hard work, Archbishop Timothy and Cathedral Dean, Fr Sean Fernandez, invited the students and teachers to join them for a delicious morning tea in the parish centre which was provided by LifeLink.

Students from St Paul’s Primary Mt Lawley work together to assist with the installation of the banners.

Students from St John’s Primary Scarborough installing banners on the gates of St Mary’s Cathedral. Issue 27 - December 2023 ◆ 9

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WA SO C ONC E RT St Mary’s Cathedral once again welcomed the Western Australian Symphony Orchestra (WASO) Chorus for its annual concert.

Jacinta Jakovcevic, Director of Music at St Mary’s Cathedral said: “Each time, we are treated to a wide variety of repertoire in the programmes which they bring, truly enriching our musical experiences overall. This year, the programme was titled ‘Serenity’ and featured a ‘winter’ theme since this concert was held during the winter. The pieces were reflective and introspective capturing the mood of nature experiencing its winter slumber. One particular highlight of the programme was a new piece: Murmuration - written for a large chorus by young local Perth composer, Olivia Davies. Olivia spoke to the capacity audience about her inspiration for this work - the textures that she elicited from the Chorus resonated hauntingly in the Cathedral’s opulent acoustic,” said Jacinta.

Jacinta added a personal note: "I was especially pleased to have Olivia's piece performed here at the Cathedral and to see her achieving great success in this are . Some years ago, Olivia was one of the students I helped prepare for her performance exams when she was still a very young high school music student.”

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The central message of Bishop Sproxton’s homily was ‘forgiveness’.

Director of Centre for Life Marriage and Family, Derek Boylen and his wife, Karen, address the full cathedral at the conclusion of the Mass.

The 2023 Annual Marriage Mass was celebrated by Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, Episcopal Vicar for Education and Faith Formation, the Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn, and Rev Fr Emil Ciecierega SDS.

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Bishop Celebrates

Annual Marriage Day Mass From across the Archdiocese, more than 180 married couples and their multigenerational families gathered at St Mary’s Cathedral for the annual Marriage Day Mass.

Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton was joined by concelebrants Episcopal Vicar for Education and Faith Formation, the Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn, and Balcatta Parish Priest, Father Emil Ciecierega SDS.

Speaking about the sacrament of marriage, Bishop Sproxton shared that, “Christian marriage is one of those wonderful things that we are able to offer to the world, as an example of how God’s love can bring about unity.” Reflecting on the Gospel’s imagery of branches being connected to the vine, Jesus’ love for the Father connects His followers intimately with God.

“As disciples of Christ, we receive “strength, graces and gifts” and through the vocation of marriage, couples become “witnesses of the love of God at work between us. God’s love is comprehensive and brings “about the possibility of unity, despite all those things in our lives and even in our society, that are attempting to pull people apart. We’re all imperfect people and the love that we experience in our families, is as good as it can be, but we need to remain connected to Christ and maintain that bond with Christ, who is the source of love and who is the source of us growing in love,” he said. At the conclusion of the Marriage Day Mass, 189 couples who celebrated milestone anniversaries, received a commemorative certificate, with 16 couples marking over 60 years of marriage and over 50 couples celebrating 50 or more years together.

The annual Marriage Day Mass reinforces that marriage is a journey worth celebrating and a commitment worth preserving.

Issue 27 - December 2023 ◆ 11

The Mass for the Feast of the Assumption of Mary was celebrated by Fr Sean and concelebrated by Deacon Greg Lowe.

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Assumption of Mary: Catholics congregate on 15 August each year to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of Mary.

Across the Archdiocese of Perth, parishes held Masses to honour the Immaculate Mother of God, whose body and soul was elevated to Heaven. At St Mary’s Cathedral’s mid-day Mass, people took time out of their workday and braved a very cold winter storm to remember the Virgin Mary. The Mass was celebrated by Cathedral Dean, the Very Rev Dr Sean Fernandez, assisted by Deacon Greg Lowe. In his homily for the occasion, Fr Sean described the Blessed Mother’s life of faith and service, as a role model for Catholics.

“In the Gospel, we hear the song of praise from the young woman, in whose body God took flesh. A young woman who voiced her yes to God with her mouth, and who lived her yes, in the service the child who came into her life. This one woman who goes in love to serve her cousin, to share in her cousin Elizabeth’s joy. This young woman who proclaims the mighty deeds of God in the Magnificat. She could not have known all the roles she was playing in God’s plan. But she still had faith to proclaim the marvellous mercies of God.

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People braved a cold winter storm to remember the Virgin Mary at St Mary’s Cathedral.

God’s promise that nothing of faith and service will be lost. This one woman who lived out this faith in service of God’s plan. Every day she fed her child, she nurtured the child, shared her faith with her child, and she stood eventually as a disciple by the cross of her Son." Fr Sean reflected that through the assumption of Mary’s body and soul, nothing of her was lost and she is assumed into Heaven to be a sign of hope that God is triumphant.

“Nothing of our lives and relationships, nothing of the faith and hope we live out every day, is lost with God.” He reminded the faithful that we are called as disciples, “to be shaped by faith, hope and love. And we’re called to put our bodies and everything of us at the service of our brothers and sisters.”

Fr Sean concluded that, “Mary’s assumption is the promise that God will triumph. His kingdom will come. And that nothing of our love and faith, our service and compassion, the words we speak of forgiveness and love, the hands which we reach out to serve our brothers and sisters, will be lost, but will be raised to glory.” Photo Credit: With thanks to Michelle Tan, Archdiocesan Communications Office

Cathedral Dean, the Very Rev Dr Sean Fernandez, delivers the Homily citing Mary’s example of faith and service to others.

Issue 27 - December 2023 ◆ 13

Members of the CHA Board were among those attending the mass at St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth

Archbishop Julian Porteous, Archbishop of Hobart and CHA Board Member

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Sr Ruth Durick OSU, CHA Board Member

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Special Mass for Catholic Health Australia Members Catholic Health Australia (CHA) is Australia's largest grouping of non-government health, aged care and community providers, representing more than 80 public and private hospitals and more than 350 aged care homes across Australia.

Its Members account for approximately 15 per cent of hospital-based healthcare in Australia, provide around 25 percent of private hospital care, five per cent of public hospital care, 12 per cent of aged care facilities, and 20 per cent of home care and support for the elderly. Catholic Health Australia hosted its National Conference in Perth in late August 2023, drawing 300 delegates from across its Mission, Health and Aged Care Membership to discuss a range of issues. The Conference Theme was appropriately titled “Encounter 2023”. Inspired by Pope Francis who refers to: "a culture of encounter... to meet each other, and in meeting to offer each other help. What is important... is not to see or help them from a distance. No, No!

It is to go and meet them... Just as Jesus did, always meeting people's needs; He went to meet them. It is to go to the encounter with the neediest." The Archdiocese of Perth was delighted to host a special Mass for CHA and its conference delegates the first morning of the Conference before plenary and presentations got underway at the nearby Westin Hotel, Perth. The Mass was an opportunity for the CHA community to come together in the name of Christ to reflect on their important work ahead across the health and aged care sector, which is facing enormous challenges in terms of sustainable long-term funding and an ageing population. The Mass was presided over by Auxiliary Bishop, Don Sproxton, with Concelebrants –

• Archbishop Julian Porteous, Archbishop of Hobart and CHA Board Member • Fr Silva Delmar, Board Member of Scalabrini Villages • Fr Daryl Mackie, Mission Integration Manager and Chaplain, St Vincents Private Hospital Sydney • Rev Dr Joe Parkinson, Deputy Trustee of St John of God Trustees, Director of Bioethics Perth • Readings were by Sr Ruth Durick OSU and Sr Clare Nolan RSC who are CHA Board Members.

Sr Clare Nolan RSC, CHA Board Member Issue 27 - December 2023 ◆ 15


Child Protection Week Morning Tea The Archdiocese of Perth in conjunction with its dedicated Safeguarding Office celebrated Child Protection Week which ran from 3 to 10 September 2023. The week-long commemoration aligned with the nationwide theme, “Every child, in every community, needs a fair go” reaffirming the Archdiocese’s unwavering commitment to ensuring the well-being of every child.

A Commitment to Safeguarding Children Safeguarding Office Acting Director, Barbara Blayney, said, “We all know that children thrive in safe and supported communities, but the reality is – as statistics tell us – one in four children in Australia experience more than one form of abuse every year. As a Church community, we can make a difference. We can continue to model in the best possible way, through who we are and what we do, that we are committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment to children and adults.

What that looks like in our everyday is by developing a strong understanding that where we start our lives, in terms of where we live and how we live – matters. It also means putting into action and being committed to the knowledge that where we start as a faith-filled community in providing a safe place for all – matters. Importantly, as leaders in our local Catholic community, we need to take on the responsibility that where we start as decision-makers in addressing the complex issue of child abuse – matters. It matters to the lives of children everywhere,” said Barbara.

Archbishop Costelloe SDB, Cathedral Dean, Fr Sean Fernandez, and guests participated in Kite Making and flying after a Morning Tea for 2023 Child Protection Week on Tuesday 6 September 2023.

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Barbara Blayney, Acting Director, Safeguarding Office, said Child Protection Week may have ended, but the commitment of the Archdiocese of Perth to safeguarding continues unabated.

Archbishop Costelloe addresses guests gathered for the Child Protection Week Morning Tea.

Child Protection Week 2023 Events in the Archdiocese of Perth Kite Making The kite symbolises our connection to self and community, whilst being guided by God, represented by the kite’s tail and guiding string, reminding us of the passage:

“We can do all things through Him, who strengthens us.” (Philippians 4:13).

This year’s decorated kites reflected this through the use of words and visual representations on ways Jesus helps us to stay connected to Him.

Safeguarding Morning Tea. Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, staff from various Archdiocesan offices, agencies, organisations, parishes, safeguarding officers, came together to reinforce the importance of Child Protection Week and strong support to always ensure that we advance our continued safeguarding commitment.

“Safeguarding is a collective responsibility and one we all play our part in. This is a time to acknowledge the immense hurt caused by abuse and to acknowledge we need to respond with compassion and integrity. Let us continue to use our gifts and skills to further the common good in safeguarding our church community,” said Archbishop Timothy. Safeguarding Sunday Masses On Sunday, 10 September, parishes across the Archdiocese hosted Safeguarding Sunday Masses. The Masses encouraged reflection on this year’s Child Protection Week 2023’s theme, highlighting the importance of children growing up safely and being supported by their family, church, and community. For more information on the Archdiocese of Perth’s Safeguarding commitment and work: safeguarding.perthcatholic.org.au

Attendees at the Child Protection Week Morning Tea shared their safeguarding journey. Issue 27 - December 2023 ◆ 17

Tutti company with the Chancel pipe organ


Cathedral Celebrates ‘Our Lady’ with Ave Maria Recital Each year, in celebration of her birthday, the Cathedral pays special tribute to its Patroness, Our Lady, by hosting a recital of vocal and organ music. The recital features the organists of the Cathedral. This year, all three Assistant Organists played (John Beaverstock, Alessio Loiacono and Pia Schelfhout) presenting works ranging from Bach to Debussy. Guests were also treated to vocal solos from sisters, Erin Bussanich and Sian Bussanich.

They took part in the stereophonic version of Schubert’s ‘Ave Maria’ performed from both ends of the Cathedral with both pipe organs accompanying - a wonderful surround-sound experience for the audience as the voices combine with the sounds of the pipe organs across the Cathedral’s resonant acoustic.

Assistant Organist John Beaverstock

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Salesian Provincial Australia and Oceania and Perth local, Fr Will Matthew SDB, speaks about the life and mission of St John Bosco


Hundreds Honour St John Bosco During Relics Tour The centenary of the arrival of the Salesians in Australia was celebrated by hundreds of Perth Catholics venerating the relics of St John Bosco. Touring the parishes of Kelmscott, St Mary’s Cathedral, Fremantle and Banksia Grove from 15 to 20 September 2023, the relics were encased within an intricately designed glass casket as a wax replica of the saint’s body. Speaking during his homily for the Mass on Sunday 17 September 2023, Archbishop Costelloe SDB explained the Salesians first came here to Western Australia in response to a request from the Holy See to establish a mission for young people in the Kimberley.

“They landed in Fremantle, were welcomed by the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, and very soon after made their way to the North-west. Expecting to find large numbers of indigenous young people with no one to care for them, these first Salesians was surprised to discover that the Pallotine Fathers were already there and doing a very fine job. After a few rather tense years, the Salesians decided to withdraw, and were ready to return to their home countries in Europe when Archbishop Mannix, the Archbishop of Melbourne at that time, invited them to establish a presence in his Archdiocese,” Archbishop Costelloe said.

Joining the Archbishop was Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, Cathedral Dean, Rev Dr Sean Fernandez, St Charles Seminary Rector, Fr Francis Nguyen, Monsignor Michael Keating and Salesian Provincial for Australia and Oceania, Fr William Matthews SBD, who hails from Perth, but is now based in Melbourne. It is very characteristic of our Catholic tradition that we honour the Saints, look to their lives and witness for inspiration and example, and rely on their prayers in times of need and distress, Archbishop Costelloe highlighted.

“Each canonised Saint brings something special to the Church. Their lives shed light on a particular dimension of the great mystery of Christ and remind us of some aspect of our faith which we might otherwise neglect. They become the source of the new spiritual energy in the Church, enabling us all to be more fully what we are called to be,” said His Grace.

In the case of St John Bosco, it was his realisation of the special role young people are called to play in the Church, and his recognition of their capacity for greatness, which represent his particular gift to the Church. “Jesus often encounters young people in the Gospel story. On one occasion, when he was surrounded by young people who were clamouring to be close to him, and the disciples were trying to shoo them away.

He said to those disciples, “Let the children come to me. Do not try to stop them. The kingdom of God belongs to them and those who are like them.” Jesus welcomed the young. He was not afraid of their energy or boisterousness. He wanted them around him, and most of all He wanted them to know that He loved them,” said Archbishop Timothy. Photo Credit: With thanks to Michelle Tan, Archdiocesan Communications Office

“The lives of Saints shed light on a particular dimension of the great mystery of Christ and remind us of some aspect of our faith which we might otherwise neglect.” – Archbishop Costelloe SDB

Issue 27 - December 2023 ◆ 19

Mercedes Special Choir


Mercedes College Mercy Day Mass Mercedes College celebrated its annual Mercy Day, a special anniversary which commemorates the founding of the College by the Sisters of Mercy. The festivities commenced with Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral with the whole of College community in attendance, including representatives from the Sisters.

Principal, Mrs Kerrie Fraser, addresses the College community and congregation

Students in congregation

20 ◆ Our Cathedral

“For students, Mercy Day provides an opportunity to have fun and celebrate with friends as they near the end of their school year. It is also a time for them to further appreciate our rich history, and the efforts of our founders in establishing the College 177 years ago.

“Mercy Day is a reminder of our humble beginnings and the legacy of the Sisters of Mercy, which lives on through our staff and students,” said Principal, Kerrie Fraser.

Students reading Prayers of the Faithful

Mercedes’ Eucharistic Ministers lead the final procession at the conclusion of the Mass


World Prayer Assembly

Unite in Prayer and Ignite Spiritual Renewal The World Prayer Assembly (WPA) 2023 commenced in Perth under the theme ‘Wave of Glory’ aiming to unite all in prayer and ignite a movement of spiritual renewal.

FMI Senior Director Cyrus D’Souza speaks during the World Prayer Assembly event.

The Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre welcomed people from all faiths and walks of life who gathered for the event ‘transcending boundaries to create a powerful tapestry of faith.’ In the lead up to international gatherings taking place, which encouraged people to ‘connect, pray and celebrate their shared faith while embracing the cultural diversity that enriches the body of Christ,’ breakout events were held within the Archdiocese of Perth. Flame Ministries International (FMI) responded to an invitation to lead a prayer segment in a pre-event at Kingdom City recently in Wangara.

“As a Catholic organisation, we also hosted a pre-event gathering to show our solidarity with this global prayer for unity. Entitled ‘We Are One’, it was held at St Mary’s Cathedral on the 24 September 2023. The Dean of the Cathedral, Rev Fr Sean Fernandez, has been very supportive and generously opened the doors of the Cathedral,” said FMI Senior Director Cyrus D’Souza. The event started with songs of praise and worship led by FMI worship leader, Carlos Moreira.

Mr D’Souza said, “One of the highlights was the lighting of the Unity candle by the people representing the different cultures, generations, and denominations. 'A procession with streams of cloth was carried down the aisle and interwoven as a symbol of unity. The event concluded with the congregation holding flags of various nations and singing along to the song Blessed be your name.'

The event was a great success with about 150 people from various Christian denominations attending. Many were touched, some with the experience of praying together with people from other denominations, others by the grandeur of the Cathedral. A gentleman shared with me, that this is the first time he knew of ‘Charismatics’ in the Catholic Church,” he said.

Issue 27 - December 2023 ◆ 21

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“Jesus walks with us to new beginning.”

– Bishop Don Sproxton

Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton called on Perth Catholics to engage in looking forward and contributing to the hoped-for new beginning in reconciliation and collaboration with our First Nations brothers and sisters. In his homily for the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander [Commission] Sunday Mass help at St Mary’s Cathedral, Bishop Sproxton said it was providential that the Mass and gathering was held on the day following the referendum.

“This will be the first day of prayer and reflection on the outcome of the referendum, so our hope is that this Mass will be the most significant prayer for all our people and the great sign that Jesus walks with us into a new beginning that is opening up for Aboriginal and Torres Strait people and every other Australian in our land,” he said.

Bishop Sproxton continued by saying that in light of the vote [the Voice Referendum] the Australian Bishops have committed themselves to looking forward and contributing to the hoped-for new beginning in reconciliation and collaboration with our First Nations brothers and sisters.

The Smoking Ceremony was led by Aboriginal Elder Kevin Fitzgerald

22 ◆ Our Cathedral

In his Homily, Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton called on Perth Catholics to engage in looking forward and contributing to the hoped-for new beginning in reconciliation and collaboration with our First Nations brothers and sisters.

Didgeridoo music helped lead the congregation in parts of the Mass. Pictured is young Aboriginal man, Brandon Jansen

Director of Aboriginal Catholic Ministry for the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth, Donella Brown, said the annual Mass was a collaborative preparation between the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry and the Centre for Liturgy and a sharing of gifts. She said the Smoking Ceremony, led by Aboriginal Elder Kevin Fitzgerald, was a chance to share story and is symbolic of cleansing the spirit, removing bad spirits and energy from places where we meet. “It is the opportunity to hear stories of the land we are being welcomed to,” she said.

Ms Brown said the annual Diocesan Mass was an opportunity to celebrate the many gifts of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait community. “The gift of hospitality was honoured in the sharing of a special celebration using the Missa Terra Spiritus Sancti Mass of the land of the Holy Spirit. This Mass originated from the Bidyadanga community in the Broome Diocese.

Aboriginal Catholic Ministry Pastoral Worker, Donna Ryder

We shared the gift of didgeridoo music which was provided by two young Aboriginal men Thairon and Brandon Jansen who accompanied Sister Margaret Scharf and Sr Frances Magure in leading the congregation in singing the parts of the Mass.

We also welcomed the participation of Clontarf Aboriginal College who brought up the Gifts of Holy Communion during the Mass,” she said

Ms Brown said the Mass was also an opportunity to offer the gift of presence and visibility and to raise the profile of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) Peoples in congregations. “It was a joyful and uplifting celebration and helped to take away the disappointment of Australia’s rejection of the 'Voice to Parliament',” she said.

Clontarf Aboriginal College boarding staffer, Donald Boddington, with the Gifts of Holy Communion.

A traditional coolamon carrier.

The gift of didgeridoo music was provided by two young Aboriginal men, Brandon (left) and Thairon (right) Jansen. Issue 27 - December 2023 ◆ 23

Staff and Student Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

1 9 O CTO B E R 2 0 2 3

Corpus Christi Graduation Mass Angelyne Varen, Gisela Zumpano and Taylor Kew

Corpus Christi College celebrated the Class of 2023 with over 200 graduands presented to family and friends at St Mary’s Cathedral. A beautiful evening highlighting the strong sense of community and tradition, with a number of the students second generation to graduate from the College.

Principal Mr Jeff Allen presenting Graduation Certificate to Year 12 student, Juliette Wilson

Reflecting on their time at Corpus Christi, Head Boy and Head Girl, Isaac Pavy and Stephanie De Luca, thanked their parents and teachers for the significant impact they had had on the lives of the Graduating Class, inspiring them to grow into committed, courageous and compassionate individuals. Zac Hampel, Jake Holling and Luke Laing

In farewelling the students, Principal Mr Jeff Allen encouraged them to continue to strive toward the College Vision of being 'Outstanding for Others' and reminded them to always be the Good Samaritan.

Prayers of the Faithful Readers: Tessa Paton, Jayden Fung, Lily Daniel, Matthew Radanovic, Jenna Harvey and Josh Laboudeuse

24 ◆ Our Cathedral

Father John Daly

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Mater Dei College Graduation Mass In a joyous celebration at St Mary's Cathedral the Mater Dei College community formally farewelled their graduating Class of 2023 during the College’s annual Thanksgiving Mass and Year 12 Graduation Ceremony. College Chaplain, Rev Fr John Daly, led the Mass with Addresses from Principal, Mrs Annette Morey and the Head Boy and Girl. The ceremony concluded with the graduates receiving their certificates.

During Mrs Morey's heartfelt Address, she expressed immense pride, saying, "Today marks a significant milestone in your life, and I am honoured to have been part of your education journey. I want to acknowledge the resilience and determination you have demonstrated throughout your years at Mater Dei. Your perseverance has brought you to this pivotal point; you should be very proud.

As you prepare to leave Mater Dei, I urge you to remember the lessons you've learned, not just in the classroom, but from the experiences and challenges you've faced. I pray that each of you leads incredible lives. Seek experiences to enrich your character, work hard, be curious, agile, yet sensitive, kind and socially conscious. Love yourself and others, and truly live our College Motto: Faith with Courage," said Mrs Morey.

Head of Year 12 Mr Christopher Longshaw

The celebratory spirit continued post-ceremony with a delightful soirée at the St Mary's Cathedral Parish Centre.

Class of 2023 receiving their certificates

Principal Mrs Annette Morey

Head Boy Nathan Proud

Mater Dei College graduates Issue 27 - December 2023 ◆ 25

The ceremony saw 73 new catechists commissioned, 4 receiving the Archbishop’s Award, and 33 receiving a Papal Blessing for dedicating ten or more years to serving as catechists.

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Catechist Commissioning Mass “Prayer is the means of us growing close to God”

– Bishop Don Sproxton

Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton supported by 20 parish priests celebrated the 2023 Catechist Commissioning Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral.

The Mass was a joint effort involving the Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) Catechist Service, Office of Christian Initiation, and Personal Advocacy Service and was attended by more than 400 people, including catechists, their families, and Archdiocesan agency staff.

This year, the Liturgy included a special quadrennial commissioning ceremony, acknowledging those who have achieved important milestones in their formation and service as catechists. The ceremony saw 73 new catechists commissioned, 4 receiving the Archbishop’s Award, and 33 receiving a Papal Blessing for dedicating ten or more years to serving as catechists and fulfilling ongoing formation requirements.

Bishop Sproxton presents new catechists with their certificates.

26 ◆ Our Cathedral

Catechists carry the bread and wine during the Offertory Procession.

Staff from Personal Advocacy Service communicate the Gospel scripture during the 2023 Catechist Commissioning Mass.

Catechists play a crucial role in the spiritual development of individuals, young and old, within the Archdiocese. They share their faith through providing religious education, and accompanying children and adults on their own faith journey. The Commissioning Mass serves as a public affirmation of the catechist’s ministry within the Church. This recognition assures catechists that they are not alone on their journey and offers an opportunity to reflect on their vital role in the mission of the Church.

In his homily, Bishop Sproxton recalled the life-long impact of one of his early teachers, a Religious Sister who as a true catechist reinforced her teaching with experiences.

In his homily for the Mass, Bishop Sproxton recalled the life-long impact of one of his early teachers, a religious sister who as a true catechist reinforced her teaching with experiences. There is, said Bishop Sproxton, no greater lesson for the catechist to teach and pass on to children, and to anyone at any stage of their lives, than to pray. Following the Mass, CEWA Catechist Service Team Leader, Dr Pina Ford, expressed her gratitude to the catechists for their inspiring commitment; she thanked all who value and support their work. Dr Ford especially recognised the support of parish priests, and the generosity of the families of catechists.

Catechist Services Team Leader, Dr Pina Ford.

Issue 27 - December 2023 ◆ 27


Bishop Sproxton Hosts Liturgical Service for Parish Priests and Appeal Auxiliary Bishop (and Chair of LifeLink) Donald Sproxton warmly welcomed 120 parish priests, parish representatives and invited guests to a special Liturgical Service at St Mary’s Cathedral on Thursday 2 November 2023. This annual Service is an opportunity for the Bishops to thank all those who support and assist the Archbishop’s Annual Christmas Appeal each year. Without the enthusiastic and generous support of parish priests and parishioners, this appeal would simply not be possible or as successful as it is. Bishop Don kindly hosted the launch this year as Archbishop Costelloe prepared to return to Australia from Rome following the conclusion of the First General Assembly of the Holy Father’s Synod on Synodality. The Archbishop was honoured to have been appointed by Pope Francis to assist him as one of the nine president-delegates for the Synod.

28 ◆ Our Cathedral

Representatives – Archbishop’s 2023 Christmas Appeal for LifeLink This important appeal provides more than 60% of the funding the Archdiocese delivers for welfare services each year. The Archbishop’s Christmas Appeal for LifeLink is also the only fundraising event conducted in parishes each year to help financially support the important work of the Church’s welfare agencies in this Archdiocese. Bishop Don said, “Last year, our appeal was a major success thanks to so many people digging deep and giving what they could to help our brothers and sisters in need. Together, we raised $ 686,288 which was above our appeal target. What a remarkable and generous outcome. This year, I know that many people are experiencing financial hardship. Every day, our LifeLink welfare agencies are responding to desperate calls from families unable to provide sufficient food or to pay electricity, water, or gas accounts, from single parents and victims of domestic violence unable to secure rental accommodation and forced to seek night-bynight accommodation or resort to living in their cars, from the elderly who are making choices between turning on heating, buying food, or filling a much-needed prescription. If we are to continue to answer these calls for help from the community, we must raise a minimum of $650,000 this Christmas. In his message for World Day of the Poor, Pope Francis reminds Catholics around the world:

“Do not turn your face away from anyone who is poor.” I ask each and every parishioner throughout this Archdiocese to continue in our shared mission of care to those who reach out to us for help. Let us turn our faces towards our brothers and sisters in need.” Photo Credit: With thanks to Michelle Tan, Archdiocesan Communications Office Issue 27 - December 2023 ◆ 29

18 NOVEMBER 2023

With Grateful Thanks to You All We are pleased to include photos from our Cathedral Volunteers Thank You Luncheon which was held at the Cathedral Presbytery on 18 November 2023. St Mary’s Cathedral would not be the beautiful, warm, inviting place it is without the generous support and assistance of our ‘family of volunteers’. For all that you have done and continue to do…

Thank you.

Photo Credit: With thanks to Michelle Tan, Archdiocesan Communications Office

30 ◆ Our Cathedral

Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB and Vicar General, the Very Rev Fr Peter Whitely VG.

24 NOVEMBER 2023

Mass for Deceased Priests and Clergy Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB called on Perth Catholics to reflect on the question of their own fidelity when celebrating the Mass for Deceased Priests and Clergy at St Mary’s Cathedral. Archbishop Costelloe was joined for the Mass by Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, Vicar General, the Very Rev Fr Peter Whitely VG, Episcopal Vicar for Clergy, the Very Rev Fr Minh-Thuy Nguyen, Cathedral Dean, Rev Dr Sean Fernandez and several other clergy from across the Archdiocese.

The Archbishop emphasised that as we reflect particularly on those priests who in the last 12 months have died, but also on the long, long story of bishops, priests and deacons in this Archdiocese, we are also invited to reflect on this quality of fidelity. “And to give thanks to God for all of those bishops and priests and deacons, who, in spite of their own frailties, and struggles and difficulties, were able to be faithful, and faithful to the end,” he said. Archbishop Costelloe invited those present to ask themselves, ‘What is it that God is asking of me, in my situation, at this particular moment, in my journey of life?’ and ‘How can I be faithful to what God is asking of me?’

“Even when we sometimes confront the reality of our own infidelity, it's important for us to remember that though we may at times be unfaithful, God is always faithful. That's why every time we gather to celebrate the Eucharist, we begin by acknowledging our sins and asking for the Lord's mercy. It's a prayer that we know we can always make with great confidence, because God never refuses His mercy and His pardon and His compassion for those who ask for it,” said Archbishop Timothy.

Vicar General, the Very Rev Fr Peter Whitely proclaims the Gospel.

Cathedral Sacristan Frances Dennis proclaims the first Reading at the Mass.

Archbishop Costelloe SDB delivers the homily at the Mass.

Parish Renewal Co-ordinator, Fr Nino Vinciguerra, Kalgoorlie Parish Priest Fr Brennan Sia, Episcopal Vicar for Clergy, the Very Rev Fr Minh-Thuy Nguyen, South Perth Parish Priest, Monsignor Brian O’Loughlin and Rockingham Parish Priest Fr Pierluigi Vajra CRS came together for the Mass for Deceased Priests and Clergy. Issue 27 - December 2023 ◆ 31

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32 ◆ Our Cathedral

Address: Griver House, 249 Adelaide Terrace, Perth WA 6000 | Telephone: (08) 6104 3638 | Email: admin@stmarysappeal.com.au National Trust of Australia (WA) | ABN: 83 697 381 616

Welcome to St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth Weekday Mass Times Monday to Friday

Weekend Masses Saturday Sunday


Monday to Friday Saturday

8.00am 12.10pm 8.00am 6.00pm (Vigil) 8.00am 9.30am 11.00am 5.00pm (Youth Mass)

MASS CENTRES St Francis Xavier

Windsor Street, Perth Sunday


All Saints Chapel

Allendale Square, Perth Monday to Friday


11.00am to 12.00pm 5.00pm to 6.00pm

Cathedral Office 25 Victoria Avenue, Perth WA 6000 Telephone: (08) 9223 1350 Email: cathedral@perthcatholic.org.au

Cathedral Appeal Office Griver House, 249 Adelaide Terrace, Perth WA 6000 Telephone: (08) 6104 3638 Facsimile: (08) 6162 0345 Email: admin@stmarysappeal.com.au

Parish Website: www.stmaryscathedralperth.com.au Archdiocesan Website: www.perthcatholic.org.au

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