My dear sisters and brothers, Saint Mary’s Cathedral here in Perth is a remarkable place on so many levels.
It is, of course, an outstandingly beautiful building. Unlike many other Cathedral Churches, both here in Australia and around the world, Saint Mary's Cathedral is full of light. The extensive and impressive restoration undertaken by my predecessor, Archbishop Barry Hickey, transformed what had become, to some extent, a rather tired building into an inspiring place in which to sing the praises of God and gather together God’s Holy people.
The construction of the central part of the Cathedral, with its circular glass walls, tied together the 19th century entrance to the Cathedral with the early 20th century sanctuary. In this way the Cathedral tells in bricks and mortar the history of the Archdiocese.
Another wonderful feature of the Cathedral is its location here in Perth. We are privileged to occupy a place so close to Royal Perth Hospital. Hospitals are places of joy as new life is welcomed into the world. They are places of renewed hope as illness is overcome and people are restored to health. And, of course, they are places of sadness, of grief and of loss, as families gather around the beds of loved ones who are dying.
For many of these people, the ability to come into the Cathedral for a moment of quiet prayer and reflection is a great gift. Within the walls of the Cathedral tears of sorrow are shed, hopes and prayers are quietly whispered, and hearts overflowing with gratitude can give expression to their joy.
Just as hospitals are places of healing and hope so also are Churches. At a time when many claim that 'no one goes to confession anymore' it is inspiring to see so many people seeking forgiveness from God and the healing of God’s grace through the Sacrament of Reconciliation here at Saint Mary’s.
At a time when people lament the absence of young people from our churches, it is encouraging to see the Cathedral filled with young people, as we did so recently when we launched the Archdiocesan pilgrim journey to Portugal for the next World Youth Day. And at a time when we hear so much about the decline of religion, it is heartening to see so many adults coming to the Cathedral during Lent to declare their intention to enter into communion with the Catholic Church.
Beautiful Cathedrals, such as ours, are tangible symbols of the power and beauty of the Christian faith. But of course, the real beauty and the real wealth of the Church lies not so much in buildings, but in people. It is the people who are part of the life of our Cathedral who are our greatest treasure.
Saint Mary’s has a veritable army of people who, in many different ways, support the work of the Cathedral and make it such a vibrant community. There are those who are the more public face of the Cathedral including, of course, our dedicated clergy and all those who contribute to the worthy celebration of the Church’s liturgy.
There are, too, those who are perhaps seldom, if ever, seen: those who tidy up the Cathedral after each Mass; those who prepare the floral arrangements; those who make sure that we are well stocked with altar candles, altar breads and clean altar linen; and those who attend to so many other hidden needs, without which no Cathedral could function.
All of this, of course, is at the service of God and of God’s Holy people. As Catholics, we know that the Church’s liturgy is both the source and the summit of our Christian life. We know, too, that at the heart of the Church’s liturgy is the celebration of the Eucharist. It is in celebrating the Eucharist together as a community of faith and discipleship that we give full expression to who we really are. At the same time, it is in celebrating the Eucharist that we are strengthened to become more fully who we truly are.
When we celebrate Mass together, we are drawn into the great mystery of the Lord’s life, passion, death and resurrection. In receiving His body and blood in communion we become, in the words of Saint Paul, the body of Christ. The Lord unites himself with us so that, as we leave Mass, we go out into the world of our family, our friends, our colleagues, our neighbours and our wider society, as bearers of Christ to others.
This, of course, is exactly what Mary the mother of Jesus, to whom this Cathedral is dedicated, did in her own life. She bore Jesus in her womb and, through God’s grace, gave him to us. She became the first bearer of Christ to the world and because of her faith, and her openness to God’s will for her we can now receive Christ into our lives and carry Him out into the world.
It is my hope, and my prayer, that everyone who comes into Saint Mary’s Cathedral might be inspired to recognise the presence of the Lord in this place, welcome Him more fully into their lives, and bring Him joyfully and courageously to the world, which has so much need of Him.
Thank you to all those who are helping to make this hope, and this dream, possible.
May your Christmas this year be filled with the blessings of the Lord.
Archbishop's Christmas Message Pg 2
A Warm Welcome from The Dean Pg 5 Cathedral helps celebrate the 33rd Spirit of the Art Pg 6 Orchestral Mass a Wonderful Experience Pg 8
Joyous Ordination of Father Grzegorz Racpewicz Pg 10
Annual Archdiocesan Agencies Mass Pg 12
New Deacon called to bring Christ to the people of the world Pg 13
Annual Marriage Day Mass Pg 14
Cathedral Welcomes University of WA Choral Society Pg 15
Child Protection Week Morning Tea Pg 16
CYM World Youth Day 2023 Launch Pg 18
Queen Elizabeth II Commemorated for Commitment to Service Pg 20
Mercedes College Mercy Day Mass Pg 21
St Mary’s Cathedral Hosts Multifaith Service for Climate Justice Pg 22
EOHSJ Vigil and Investiture Service Pg 24
Perth Undergraduate Choral Society Pg 25
Mercedes College Graduation Mass Pg 26
Corpus Christi Graduation Mass Pg 27
Mater Dei Graduation Mass Pg 28
Candlelight Concert Shines at Cathedral Pg 29 Liturgical Service for Parish Priests and Appeal Representatives for the Archbishop’s 2022 Christmas Appeal for LifeLink Pg 30
Divine Mercy College Graduation Mass Pg 32
Cathedral Volunteers – Special Thanks! Pg 33
Forthcoming activities and events at St Mary’s Cathedral. 2022
7 Dec 7:30pm Solemn Novena 8 Dec 6pm Mass of Immaculate Conception 8 Dec 7pm Solemn Novena 10 Dec 4pm Monthly Filipino Mass 13 Dec 6pm University of Notre Dame Graduation Mass 15 to 24 Dec 8pm Simbang Gabi 24 & 25 Dec See Christmas Mass Schedule on p3 2023
1 Jan 3pm Divine Mercy 8 Jan 2pm Croatian Mass 14 Jan 4pm Monthly Filipino Mass 15 Jan 2pm Sto Nino Mass 31 Jan 4:30pm CEWA Annual Commencement Mass 5 Feb 3pm Divine Mercy 11 Feb 4pm Monthly Filipino Mass 2 Mar 7:30pm Rite of Election Mass 5 Mar 3pm Divine Mercy 11 Mar 4pm Monthly Filipino Mass 17 Mar 10am St Patrick's Day Mass
The Cathedral was buzzing with life on Sunday, 19 November 2022, as young people from across the Archdiocese gathered together around the Archbishop for the launch of the Archdiocesan World Youth Day 2023 journey. The enthusiasm of the young people was energizing for an old man like me. Pope Francis has called on young people to make noise - Hagan lio! Make yourselves heard! They certainly did that on Sunday.
After the Mass there was a concert, food and activities on the grounds of the Cathedral. Seeing all this joyous celebrating, I was reminded once more about the way the Cathedral is a gathering place for the people of the Archdiocese. Pope Francis has also said that 'young people are restless; they are seekers and idealists. ’The problem we adults have is that often, like know-it-alls, we say: “They think that way because they are young; they still have to grow up.” As if growing up means accepting injustice, believing that nothing can be done, that this is the way things have always been. The young people in our parish challenge us to look at the world in different ways. There is a group of university students who serve at Mass during the week. Their enthusiasm and generosity lift the spirits of all of us.
The World Youth Day launch was the latest of many celebrations which have been held at the Cathedral over this year. People, young and not so young, have gathered together in our beautiful Church in joy and sorrow. We appreciated anew the simple of joy of being able to celebrate together as a community after two years of disruptions. We celebrated the joy of new birth to eternal life at Baptisms - babies and adults washed in the water of the font; the joy of couples entering into the covenant of marriage, a hope-filled witness; the joy of significant sacramental celebrations - first communions, confirmations, first reconciliations; the achievements of graduating students from Notre Dame University Australia and our Catholic schools as they celebrated with family and friends.
It is a privilege to minister in this beautiful Church and this diverse community. We are in the season of Advent.
"The Gospel, radiant with the glory of Christ's Cross, constantly invites to rejoice." (Pope Francis)
The days of Advent are days of preparation for the joy of Christmas. We are readying ourselves for joy! God wants us to know joy; in the midst of a discourse to His disciples on love, Jesus says, 'I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete.' (Jn 15.11)
The Lord wants us to walk the way of love because it is the way of true joy. Jesus comes as a man for others, one whose life is mission to us. This is his joy and he wants to share this with us. We hope you will enter into the joy of Christmas with us or with your own parish community this year.
The priests and staff of St Mary's thank you for your support and wish you a joyful and blessed Christmas.
I remain, your brother in Christ, Fr Sean Fernandez Dean, St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth.
The 33rd Spirit of the Arts Performing Arts Festival for Catholic schools and colleges was celebrated at St Mary’s Cathedral in July. Speaking at the opening Praise and Worship Liturgy, the Episcopal Vicar for Education and Faith Formation, Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn, encouraged those in attendance to always “put on Christ” in all their undertakings.
Comprising of the Performing Arts Festival and Angelico Art Exhibition, the term-long festival celebrates artistic creativity and talent and this year included 15,000 students from 90 Catholic schools, including 11 regional schools performing in categories of drama/ music production, scripture reading, sacred choral music, big band/jazz combo and more.
Attendees included Catholic Arts staff including Chairperson, Mr Darryl Winsor, Members of the Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia, Notre Dame University School of Education, Prof Caroline Mansfield, Catholic staff and student representatives.
In his Homily at the opening liturgy, Fr Vincent reflected on the Readings of the Day, including the parable of the prodigal son, which speaks about the importance of love and forgiveness.
“As Christians we are called to put on Christ. Christian love is not about just being nice to people. Christian love is the love that God sends us through His Son, Jesus Christ – who gives His life on the cross, who suffered and died for us.
And so Christian love in the Gospel tells us that we must forgive those who hurt us and there are 77 instances that mention forgiveness in the Bible. Christian love is sacrificial, it’s about sacrificing ourselves, for the beauty of others” said Fr Glynn.
At the conclusion of the event, Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) Deputy Executive Director, Wayne Bull, thanked all involved in the making of the festival, including the choir from Corpus Christi who led in the Liturgical hymns.
“I would like to acknowledge the students who will be participating in this year’s festival and thank their teachers for their support and guidance, all the young people involved in the program of events to all participants. I hope that your hard work and dedication will be celebrated,” he said.
“As you participate in the festival, I hope you will have fun doing the best that you can do.”
Ms Jacinta Jakovcevic, Director of Music for St Mary’s Cathedral, was truly delighted with the success of this year’s Orchestral Mass. “The Orchestral Mass has become an annual event in the Perth music calendar with many teachers and their students taking part and looking forward to it each year,” she said.
“This year, preparations were affected by COVID once again. Many schools had to tackle various restrictions which meant music rehearsals and lessons could only take place in small groups or not at all. As we neared Easter, COVID took hold in our community and then we had the added element of many absences due to students and staff being ill and having to isolate.
Despite all these challenges and our short preparation time (which was six weeks as opposed the usual seven to eight months of solid preparation) more than 60 young students with their teachers took part. The line-up represented a good mix of experienced and brand-new participants and had representations from Catholic, Anglican, Uniting Church and public-school sectors,” said Jacinta.
“The repertoire includes elements which have now been firmly established as Orchestral Mass “traditions” including the very beautiful ‘Our Lady of the Southern Cross’ which was written for World Youth Day 2008 (Sydney) by Rev Geoffrey Abdullah. Each year we also feature excerpts from ‘Missa Benedictus Qui Venit’ written by George Palmer also for World Youth Day 2008.
I love welcoming back the participants each year and always delighted to see the progress of the young students. They bring to this special Mass more expertise and confidence each year and they approach their work in such a mature way.
It’s a pleasure to host them and work with them at St Mary’s Cathedral,” said Ms Jakovcevic.
Newly ordained priest Fr Grzegorz Racpewicz is called and sent to care for a chosen race and a royal priesthood, said Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB.
Speaking at the ordination of Fr Grzegorz, in August, Archbishop Costelloe highlighted that Fr Grzegorz will be at the service of a holy people. “A people endowed with great dignity through the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit within them, and through their growing conformity to the Christ who lives within them. And if it is true that sometimes this Holy people may be harassed and dejected, a little like sheep without a shepherd (cf Matthew 9:36), then at those times it will be especially important that it is the presence of the Good Shepherd that Grzegorz brings alive through his life and ministry,” said Archbishop Costelloe.
Hailing originally from Warsaw, Poland, Fr Grzegorz is the third of seven
birthday just a few days after his ordination. He spent the past year as a
Park, under the guidance of Parish Priest, Fr Wilson Donizetti Martins. Fr
together with their sons
Speaking at the ordination of Fr Grzegorz Archbishop Costelloe highlighted that Fr Grzegorz will be at the service of a Holy people.
Fr Grzegorz arrived in Perth in March 2011 and was trained at Perth’s Redemptoris Mater Seminary, which functions under the auspices of the Neocatechumenal Way, that have as their mission the formation of diocesan priests for the “New Evangelisation”. Seminarians in training are members of Neocatechumenal communities which exist in a parish; in Perth there are some 15 communities across Mirrabooka, Cathedral, Cottesloe, Osborne Park, Midland and Kelmscott parishes.
Archbishop Costelloe explained that it is important for Grzegorz, and for us, to understand what it means to be a priestly people. “This is at the heart of the common vocation we all share and for that very reason it is at the heart of the vocation to the ministerial priesthood through which Christ enables the Church to live this vocation fruitfully. And why? Because it is at the heart of the life and ministry of Jesus himself,” said Archbishop Costelloe. During his period of diaconate, Fr Grzegorz, who says he is a naturally shy person, highlights he has learnt much, particularly with regards to giving homilies. “God has really helped me to come out of myself, to be more open to people, to listen to them and their experiences. To be able to give meaning to someone’s suffering, to be with people who are sick, it has all been a tremendous experience,” Fr Grzegorz said.
Fr Grzegorz celebrated his first Mass at Osborne Park Parish, St Kieran’s Church on Sunday 14 August – his 33rd birthday.
“It is important for us both to rejoice in, and be rather overawed by, the trust God places in us,” Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB said to staff attending the Annual Archdiocesan Agencies Mass in August.
The Archbishop was joined by concelebrants Vicar for Clergy, Fr Brian McKenna, Vicar for Education and Faith Formation, Fr Vincent Glynn, Cathedral Dean Fr Sean Fernandez, Cathedral Assistant Priest, Fr Richard Rutkauskas, Aboriginal Catholic Ministry Chaplain, Fr Sebastian Fernando, Parish Renewal Co-ordinator, Fr Nino Vinciguerra and assisted by WA Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office Director, Deacon Greg Lowe.
“For it is we who are, in our various roles, called to be the ones who, in God’s name, offer the gift of life to others. God is calling us to do so generously, constantly and faithfully, for it is God’s gift we offer, and not our own. But first, of course, God is calling us to accept these gifts ourselves,” he said.
Archbishop Costelloe continued by saying there is a simple Latin saying that sums this up very well:
Nemo dat quod non habet… which translates as… You cannot give what you have not got. “If we really are to be at the service of those with whom and for whom we work, it is important that we ask ourselves often if we really are open to the gift God gives us so freely and so generously in so many ways.
“O God, who are you? “asks Saint Francis over and over again. Today it seems to me the Lord is saying this to us: I am the one who offers you the precious gift of life and love, and I do this not just for you but so that, through you, I can then offer these same gifts to others. Receive my gifts with joy, care for them, for they are precious and fragile, and keep them safe so that you can offer them to others in my name and in my love.
This is the task we share and the responsibility we carry. Let us help each other to carry it faithfully and well,” said Archbishop Costelloe.
“The Deacon is to be a servant who goes out to the wide fields of the world to bring Christ to the people,” said Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton, speaking at the Ordination to the Diaconate of Redemptoris Mater Seminarian, Andres Felipe Fernandez.
Bishop Sproxton continued, saying that the deacon serves both the people of the Church and reaches out to the people of the world. “There will be many lessons to be learnt in this time of diaconal ministry on the value and necessity of patient and loving service. Felipe, let the Spirit guide you to those moments, welcome or unwelcome, and believe that you will understand even more deeply the love of the Father for his people and for you,” said Bishop Don.
More than 300 people gathered for the Ordination Mass, celebrated by Bishop Sproxton and concelebrated by Redemptoris Mater Seminary Rector, Fr Michael Moore SM, Vice-Rector Fr Luis Tijerino, Spiritual Director Fr Noe NavaretteApaez, Fr Tony Trafford from the Neocatechumenal Way Australia National Catechist Team, with Deacon Nicholas Diedler assisting, and numerous priests from across the Archdiocese of Perth also in attendance.
In his homily, Bishop Sproxton addressed Felipe, saying the service for the Church, will be through his [Felipe’s] service at the Eucharist, the celebration of public prayer, administering Baptism, assisting and blessing Marriages, bringing Viaticum to the dying and conducting funerals.
“Your service to the people beyond the walls of our parishes and communities will be by being a sacrament or sign to them and in your careful proclamation of the Good News, and in your charity,” Bishop Sproxton said.
Originally from the town of Popayán, Colombia, 29-year-old Felipe was trained at Perth’s Redemptoris Mater Seminary, arriving in 2012 at the age of 19. His vocational journey to the priesthood commenced after he listed to a series of catechesis of the Neocatechumenal Way at the age of 13, in his parish church of Iglesia Espíritu Santo, Popayán.
As party of his seminary training, Felipe served in Broome for one year and, due to challenges caused by COVID, continued his itinerancy in parishes of Perth including Cottesloe, Mirrabooka and Baldivis.
Deacon Felipe said, “The Ordination was a great sign for me, particularly during the Litany of the Saints, when I could feel the prayers of the saints and the people around me. It has been a significant moment of communion; particularly knowing my family and friends were watching in Colombia who were also very moved by the occasion.”
Speaking about the Order of the Diaconate, Bishop Sproxton told Felipe that from today, he is to be an official representative of the community of Christ’s faithful. “People will be looking to you to be a living reminder of the Word that heals and transforms. You will be a sacrament for others whenever you teach through your actions and words. The Spirit chooses you to be an instrument of cohesion, one who, in your own person, works at becoming what you are meant to be, a Christian, and a sign of the possibility of conversion to others.”
Deacon Felipe will serve in a parish for the next 12 months in preparation for priesthood.
“You are great signs to your families, friends and fellow Christians of the possibility of love and unity,” said Bishop Sproxton.
More than 150 couples joined in celebration of their wedding anniversaries at the Annual Archdiocesan Marriage Mass in August. Celebrated by Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton, those celebrating their 20th, 25th, 30th, 40th or 50th anniversary received a special blessing and commemorative certificate.
“One part of my ministry that I have enjoyed so much has been the preparation of couples for marriage. Meeting the mostly young people and hearing about their lives so far, their dreams and hopes as they look ahead as couples, and of their love for one another is always a joy,” said Bishop Don.
Bishop Sproxton shared the story of an elderly couple he noticed while driving to the office one morning. “I was driving into the office one morning and was waiting at the traffic lights approaching the Causeway in Victoria Park. There was quite a line of cars around me waiting for the lights to change. Then I noticed that the other drivers were all looking over to the left at a couple walking along the pathway towards the bridge.
They were a very elderly couple, and they were shuffling along rather than striding out. But what had caught our attention was that they were walking hand in hand, making slow but steady progress, as they chatted. It was beautiful. They held one another, supported one another, steadied one another, were there for one another and enjoying each other.
Sproxton said the celebration of Marriage Day and the decades of marriage being celebrated were a marvellous testimony of the powerful presence of the Spirit who they continue to rely upon for guidance, wisdom and strength.
To me it was significant, that is, it was sign of grace. A sign that the Spirit that had brought them together had remained with them over the course of so many years and supported them, steadied them, enabled them to be there for one another and was still making them glad to be together.
How many years had it been since they took one another’s hands and created their Sacrament of Marriage? How much had they seen, rejoiced in, suffered together, grown through down those years? How much had they grown humanly, and spiritually; learned and changed to become the best they could be in partnership with a soulmate?” said Bishop Sproxton.
Director of the Centre for Life Marriage and Family, Derek Boylen, said the occasion was one of great pride, especially considering the significant trials so many families have faced caused by COVID during the past two years.
“The Annual Archdiocesan Marriage Mass has this year been a real testament to the fact that Jesus Christ has provided the strength and grace for so many couples here today to live the real meaning of marriage. The couples gathered in the Cathedral today represent over 6000 years of married life experience.
It really is a blessing to see so many people here to be witnesses to their marriage that is evidence of the free, faithful and fruitful love that Jesus Christ has for each of us,” said Mr Boylen.
Jacinta Jakovcevic, Director of Music, St Mary’s Cathedral, said “it was delightful to welcome the University of WA Choral Society to the Cathedral for the very first time – a West Australian choir which has a venerable history of over 90 years.
On a personal note, it is one of the choirs I was regular accompanist for several years ago, playing for their rehearsals and performing with them in concert.
By the time this concert took place, the COVID situation was thankfully beginning to subside in the community, so the chorus was able to prepare without too much disruption in the period immediately before the concert.
The main piece in this programme was Faure’s Requiem: a favourite work of choirs and audiences alike. It was wonderful to hear the sounds of this chorus for the first time in the Cathedral - we do hope they will all join us again” said Jacinta.
“The Safeguarding Project is one of the most important things that the Church in this Archdiocese, and more broadly across Western Australia, is involved in,” said Archbishop Costelloe SDB at a special morning tea held at St Mary’s Cathedral ahead of Safeguarding Sunday on 11 September.
Speaking in support of the National Child Protection Week, Archbishop Costelloe said “It is, of course, a response to the terrible failures of the past. But it is a response that’s designed to ensure that they are never repeated again.”
Continuing his speech to representatives from the Archdiocese at the morning tea, Archbishop Costelloe said he believed they – the people on the ground in the concrete realities of our local communities – are the ones who are there to help ensure that no child, no young person, and no vulnerable adult is ever hurt again, in any of our communities.
“You fulfil the ministry of the Lord who brought hope and healing to the broken, and it was the good shepherd, making sure that his flock was kept safe from harm. So, I’d like to invite you to think of yourselves as fulfilling in the ministry that you have, the call that we all have in our own particular vocations, to be good shepherds to each other. It’s a shepherding role that you have. And it’s very much a preventive role,” he said.
This year, the Archdiocese’s Safeguarding Office marked the occasion by holding a kite decorating activity, inviting Perth parishioners to be artistic. The theme for the occasion this year was:
‘Every child in every community needs a fair go.’
Acting Director of the Safeguarding Program Office, Barbara Blayney, said the Safeguarding Program works with the Church community to raise awareness and to provide guidance, protocols and practices for a safe and nurturing Church.
“Our logo, the kite, was this year the impetus for our Child Protection Week activity. And the kite symbolises their connection to self and community while being guided by God, which is our kite tail and the kite guiding string” Mrs Blayney said.
This year, parishes across the Archdiocese were encouraged to celebrate Mass in acknowledgement of Safeguarding Sunday, rather than just one main celebration at St Mary’s Cathedral.
“The secret power of World Youth Day is the fact that it always ends up putting the Lord Jesus back at the heart of our understanding of what it means to be a Christian, and especially a Christian in our Catholic tradition,” said Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB at Catholic Youth Ministry’s launch of World Youth Day 2023.
Speaking to more than 800 people on Sunday 20 November 2022 for the launch of World Youth Day 2023, which was held on the Feast of Christ the King at St Mary’s Cathedral, Archbishop Costelloe continued by saying many people fail to see is who lies at the heart of the Church.
“The answer to the question of who is at the heart of the Church is not Archbishop Tim or Pope Francis, or the Cardinals or anybody else. The answer is a name - Jesus Christ - and unless we begin to understand that and think deeply about what it means we will never understand the Church and we may even walk away from the Church, but in doing so, we run the risk of walking away from Jesus himself,” he said.
Archbishop Costelloe was joined by concelebrants, Episcopal Vicar for Education and Adult Faith Formation, Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn, Cathedral Dean, Very Rev Dr Sean Fernandez, St Charles Seminary Vice-Rector, Fr Francis Nguyen, Cathedral Assistant Priest Fr Israel Quirit, CYM Chaplain Fr Joseph Laundy as MC and assisted by transitional Deacon Nicholas Diedler. The launch of World Youth Day 2023 - to be held in Lisbon, Portugal - commenced with a Youth Rally at Langley Park where some 150 young people processed with a large wooden Cross to St Mary’s Cathedral. Following Mass which commenced at 5pm, more than 500 young people and their families gathered for a youth festival which included live music, food trucks, games and stalls from several Catholic Archdiocesan agencies and organisations.
During his homily, Archbishop Costelloe said that to belong to the Church is to be a part of Christ’s body and to be united to him in a relationship of friendship and love. than we are to each other. He is closer to us even than we are to ourselves. It is this that comes home so powerfully through World Youth Days. They are full of energy, full of excitement, full of passion and most of all they are full of faith,” he said.
The most powerful and life-changing moment in any World Youth Day, noted Archbishop Costelloe, is the evening before the final Mass when everybody, - sometimes millions of people - kneel in silent prayer and adoration before the Lord Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament.
included organisations.
“It is at that moment that the truth about the Church becomes clear. It is all about us together supporting each other, turning our eyes to Christ, recognising him as our friend, as our Lord, as the one we want to follow and the one who sends us out to others. It seems to me that until we understand this, we will never really understand the Church,” said Archbishop Costelloe.
At the Safeguarding Sunday Mass, Cathedral Dean, Fr Sean Fernandez, included a special celebration of the life of Queen Elizabeth II who passed away on Thursday 8 September at the age of 96.
The late Queen was remembered for her steadfast and unwavering Christian faith, and as someone who dedicated her life to the service of her people in the Commonwealth and promoting the common good.
A special Cathedral condolence book was signed by parishioners and visitors, with the Cathedral bells pealed to commemorate the proclamation of King Charles III.
At the conclusion of his homily for Safeguarding Sunday, Fr Sean encouraged those present to emulate Queen Elizabeth, who prayed at her 21st birthday speech:
“God help me to make good my vow. And God bless all of you who are willing to share in it.”
The annual Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral has become an integral part of celebrating Mercy Day at Mercedes College. Mercy Day celebrates the College’s heritage, cultural spirit and fosters relationships and participation among the students.
In September, the Cathedral was filled to capacity as it welcomed students, staff, teachers and representatives of the Sisters of Mercy from the College community. Those gathered enjoyed a reflective service which paid tribute to the founding Sisters and the enduring legacy which they have created. Students dressed in their respective House colours, added a vibrant aesthetic to the celebration.
In her Address to students, teachers and friends, Principal Mrs Kerrie Fraser, spoke of the significance of the Day and the opportunity for the community to come together. Mrs Fraser said it was also a Day where students could demonstrate the Mercy values while fostering a strong sense of
After the Mass, Mercy Day festivities continued in the College grounds with a range of fun activities and stalls for students in which to participate. The Day also provided an opportunity to farewell Year 12 students on their last day of school before they left to commence ATAR exams.
Religious Leaders from different Faiths gathered to call for stronger climate action.
On 13 October 2022, multifaith services were held across Australia to raise awareness of climate change and to seek greater commitment from the Australian government to stop new fossil fuel developments. St Mary’s Cathedral hosted the Perth service, where prominent Western Australian religious leaders from different faiths represented a united front to call for stronger climate action.
In attendance were:
• The Most Rev Bishop Donald Sproxton, Auxiliary Bishop, Catholic Archdiocese of Perth.
• Rev Dr Sean Fernandez, Dean of St Mary’s Cathedral.
• Rev Mitchell Garlett, Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress WA.
• Rev Dr Katalina Tahaafe-Williams, Trinity Uniting Church in the City.
• Venerable Ajahn Brahmali, Bodhinyana Theravada Buddhist Monastery.
• Rev Mujyo Williams, Head Priest at Kozanji Rinzai Zen Temple.
• Shri Damji bhai Koria, President of the Hindu Council of Australia Perth Chapter.
• Dr Rateb Jneid, President of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils.
• Dr Al Riebau, Chairperson of the Local Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Wanneroo.
• Susy Thomas, Moderator of the Uniting Church WA.
• Rev Dr Christy Capper, Deputy Warden Wollaston Theological College of the Anglican Diocese. Cathedral Dean Fr Sean Fernandez was the presiding Celebrant of the Service. Rev Mitchell Garlett offered the Welcome to Country.
Rev Dr Katalina Tahaafe-Williams shared during the service that amongst the Indigenous Peoples around the world, those living in the Pacific are among the hardest hit by the climate crisis. “Ocean acidification, overfishing, droughts, and super storms are devastating their food sources. Sea level rise is threatening their homes and, with them, their belonging to the land, their culture, and survival as nations,” she said.
Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton led the Christian Prayer for our earth, which was earlier published in Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si.
In an interview with ABC Radio Perth’s reporter Alicia Bridges, Fr Sean shared that “when first approached by the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC), he had a discussion with Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB and they decided that it was important to participate. He then shared that Pope Francis has strongly challenged everyone, stating that climate change is the cry of the Earth, our common home and it has to be heard and all communities have to respond.”
Fr Sean continued, “One of the important things this response is asking for is that we have an orderly transition. We want governments to start talking to communities now about the future, about the change to more sustainable energy sources, and a future that is better for all of us. Climate change is going to impact all communities we have. They say for the next 20 to 230 years, up to a billion people will be moving on the move because of climate change.
This is going to change the world for all of us unless we respond now.”
Senator Dorinda Cox, the first Indigenous woman to represent Western Australia in the Senate, was present and spoke with the leaders after the service. “I assure you that the Australian Greens take very seriously the issues that you have raised, and I feel like I was writing some of those speeches myself in the Senate during that time, particularly about climate finance and the issues that are in the Torres Strait Islands. We really welcome the support of multifaith institutions and groups, especially like these.”
Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton leads the Christian Prayer for our earth.The West Australian Lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem (EOHSJ) held it is Vigil and Investiture services at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Perth to welcome four new members on the 14th and 15th of October 2022
The Vigil service was conducted by Rev Fr Richard Smith, the Chaplain of the WA Lieutenancy, for the new and current members to listen, reflect on the word of God and to be vested with spirituality – love, hope and compassion - and to renew and fulfil their commitments.
St Mary’s Cathedral continued its musical tradition of welcoming new ensembles to perform during the year. In October, an invitation was extended to the Perth Undergraduate Choral Society.
This Choir has a history extending back several decades, however, this proved to be a special occasion for the group, as one of its first performances following the easing of the COVID restrictions in Perth.
The Cathedral Choir joined the Undergraduate Choral Society in singing some of the works including Britten’s “Rejoice in the Lamb” and a classic set of spirituals arranged by Michael Tippett.
An audience of around 150 people expressed their collective enjoyment of this eclectic programme.
In October, Mercedes College Year 12 students joyously celebrated their Graduation Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral. They were recognised in front of family, friends, teachers and fellow students for their achievements during the previous six years.
Student participation was integral to the Mass, with the College choir performing hymns and students assisting with serving Holy Communion to the congregation.
Principal, Mrs Kerrie Fraser, thanked parents and families for their support of students during their time at the College.
Mrs Fraser also thanked the students for their contributions and wished them well in whatever paths they choose to follow.
Following the official proceedings, which included students receiving their Graduation Certificates, students joined their families for the Graduation Dinner at The Westin Hotel.
Corpus Christi College formally farewelled their 2022 graduating cohort with the official Graduation Mass and Ceremony held at St Mary’s Cathedral on Thursday 21 October 2022.
The Graduation Mass, celebrated by Father Jean Noël, had over 800 guests in attendance which included students, staff, family and friends. The evening was a wonderful celebration of the journey that these students have undertaken during their time at Corpus Christi College and their outstanding contribution to the College community.
The Year 12 cohort have led with pride and have connected broadly with students across all years, which has been particularly significant in this first year of Corpus Christi College being a newly amalgamated Kindergarten – Year 12 College.
In Principal Jeff Allen’s graduation address he shared, “Corpus Christi is the Body of Christ. We are one school, one community, one body in Christ, with each part having a very special role to play. Each one of our graduating Class of 2022 is very well placed to play a very significant role in positively shaping the world around them.”
In farewelling the Corpus Christi College Class of 2022, Jeff encouraged the students to remember to celebrate who they are and the gifts that they bring to this world –“We hope that you always strive to be your best selves and live life to the full. We continue to challenge you to have the courage to step outside your comfort zone, to continue to learn, discover and grow, and to remember to always be God’s hands, eyes and feet in this world.”
We wish the Corpus Christi College Graduating Class of 2022 all the best and every success in their exciting future journey.
Principal Jeff Allen presenting a Year 12 student with his graduation certificate. Corpus Christi College graduatesFamily, friends and the Mater Dei College community gathered at St Mary's Cathedral in October to celebrate the Thanksgiving Mass and Year 12 Graduation Ceremony.
The evening marked the beginning of a new and exciting chapter for our Class of 2022.
College Chaplain, Fr John Daly, celebrated the Mass which was followed by formal addresses by Principal, Mrs Annette Morey, the Head Boy and Head Girl and also parents of the Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl
In Mrs Morey’s address on the night, she said “I thank all the staff at Mater Dei College who have worked to provide a diverse range of educational opportunities for our Year 12 Graduates. From personal experience, it is not the formal lessons in the classroom you remember when reminiscing about school days later in life, it is the people and how they made you feel.
I hope each of you has had a positive experience at Mater Dei and you have forged lifelong relationships. May God Bless each of you. I pray that you have happy and successful lives and that you live our College motto: Faith with Courage”.
The evening ended with a Soirée in the St Mary's Cathedral Parish Centre.
Deputy Principal Mr Ryan Coutts and Head of Year 12 Ms Danielle Hodgson College Chaplain Fr John DalySt Mary’s Cathedral annual candlelight concert resumed after an absence of three years. This special concert was jointly presented by the Cathedral’s Vocal Ensemble and the Winthrop Singers.
Jacinta Jakovcevic, Director of Music, St Mary’s Cathedral, said “We were delighted to continue our long association with the Winthrop Singers which now spans more than 11 years. We were especially excited because this recital also marked the first time our Cathedral Vocal Ensemble sang in concert.
The new ensemble includes university students, graduates and professional young singers who now sing regularly at the Cathedral sharing the roster with the Cathedral Choir.
An enthusiastic audience of close to 100 people enjoyed the ethereal atmosphere created by the two choirs: works included ancient chants sung in procession through the Cathedral and its chapels, Poulenc’s Salve Regina, Langlais’ Salve Regina for organ (played by Cathedral Organ Scholar Xavier Jarvis) and works by Henry Purcell and contemporary composer Sarah Quartel.”
This annual Service is an opportunity for the Archbishop and Bishop to thank those who support and assist the Archbishop’s
Appeal. Without the enthusiastic and generous support of parish priests and parishioners, this appeal would simply not be possible or as successful as it is.
The Archbishop’s Christmas Appeal for LifeLink is the only fundraising conducted in parishes each year to help financially support the important work of the Church’s welfare agencies in this Archdiocese.
More than 60% of the funding which the Archdiocese provides for welfare services each year is provided through the gifts made to this appeal. It is indeed fitting therefore that we jointly celebrate Pope Francis, “World Day of the Poor” on our appeal launch weekend.
Archbishop Costelloe SDB said, “With thanks to the generous support of parish priests and parishioners, last year my Christmas Appeal raised $688,869.26 – a record amount. Given the many financial and other challenges people faced during the year, this was a magnificent outcome.
I hope that despite the ongoing financial pressures Catholic families are facing, that this year they will once again join together to help our brothers and sisters in need who reach out to us for help.”
“Taking any step forward is a part of a journey and it is worth reflecting on how you have reached this point on your journey,” said Spearwood Parish Priest Fr Vijay (Johnson) D’Souza CRS at the recent Divine Mercy College Class of 2022 Mass.
The Graduation Mass for 25 students took place in November at St Mary’s Cathedral, with Fr Vijay D’Souza the principal celebrant. “Today is not just about look backwards with gratitude; it is about look ahead and exploring the various roads that are open to you. The future is not just about what you will do to earn; it is about who you will become and how you will use your gifts in the service of others” he said.
Fr Vijay continued saying this graduation is like standing at the crossroads and looking around you and picking the best way forward. “Speaking to more than two million young people in 2016 at World Youth Day in Krakow, Pope Francis said, ‘At times in our lives, we aim lower rather than higher. At those times, it is good to realise that God remains faithful, even obstinate, in His love for us. The fact is, He loves us even more than we love ourselves. He believes in us even more than we believe in ourselves. He is always cheering us on; He is our biggest fan,” Fr Vijay explained.
Principal, Adam Zydek, said Divine Mercy College strives to provide a well-balanced curriculum focusing on academic, spiritual, physical and moral values. “Over the life of their time at Divine Mercy College, our students have been encouraged to attain the beliefs, values, attitudes, knowledge, skills and practices which will enable them to achieve their full potential as human persons. Now it is up to them go out and achieve their full potential, to grow in realising the various gifts given to them by God,” he said.
Mr Zydek continued by saying that at Divine Mercy College, students have always been encouraged to be responsible for their learning and to respect the right of others to learn. “I hope and pray our students will continue to grow, particularly the focus areas of their choice, and to desire to be of service to others the same way DMC has been of service to them.”
Fr Vijay concluded his homily by explaining to the students that we have a great Saint from our soil, Mary MacKillop, who after leaving school was challenged by the poverty and helplessness of the poor of her time. “She brought about renewal and transformation in education. What we have today, is her effort and tireless hard work,” Fr Vijay said.
Volunteers of St Mary’s Cathedral were recently honoured at a special function in acknowledgement of their time and faithful service. More than 100 volunteers, including those who clean the sacred spaces within the Cathedral, operate the piety stall, act as guides for the public and private tours, and those who count the weekly and special collections.
Cathedral Dean, Very Rev Dr Sean Fernandez, said he is humbled by the generosity of the volunteers.
“I am always so very grateful to the energy, commitment and generosity the volunteers bring to the Cathedral. The volunteers make the Cathedral the welcoming place it is. Their differences enrich our community,” he said.
In honouring the service of the volunteers, Fr Sean noted that the Church in Australia employs more than 220,000 people, making the Church one of the biggest employers in the country.
“If you add to that number, that even greater number of people who volunteer in our parishes and in our agencies, and in fact, in many organisations, in our community at large, you can see what a mighty impact, our people have on the life of this country. This is a reminder to each of us, that we, as disciples of the Lord, are called, in our own way, with our own gifts, to make ourselves available for others,” he said.
Fr Sean was joined for the occasion by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, Cathedral Assistant priests, Fr Richard Rutkauskas, Fr Richard Smith and Fr Israel Quirit, as well as Cathedral Manager Victor Hoa. As part of the occasion, Fr Sean and Victor Hoa personally thanked all the volunteers for their tireless service.
“We pray that strengthened by that spirit of Christ that is given to each of us through his word, that many more may find the joy that comes in service of others. We thank God for those who volunteer, for those who offer so much of their time and energy to support the Church and we pray that the Lord will continue now to bless them and offer us then that witness of service that we so need to see,” said Fr Sean.
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